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I opinion I 3
Is Pawlenty Plenty? The Republicans’ confused assortment of announced presidential candidates – as well as unannounced candidates and distant possibilities of candidates – seems to be clarifying somewhat. The withdrawal of Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee, as well as the withdrawal of much of Newt Gingrich’s staff, seems like a much-needed weeding-out process. Although Mitt Romney has been leading in the polls, his lead over other potential rivals has been slim. Being a “front-runner” this far ahead of next year’s nominating convention would not mean much, even if Governor Romney’s lead and his support were much bigger than they are. The albatross around Romney’s neck is the RomneyCare medical plan that he signed into law in Massachusetts. His refusal to repudiate RomneyCare means that, as a presidential candidate, he would forfeit one of the strongest arguments against Barack Obama, who has ObamaCare as his albatross. Nor is an about-face on RomneyCare a viable option for Mitt Romney. He has already done too many other about-faces for the voters to be likely to trust him after another. He has painted himself into a corner. Articulate Newt Gingrich might be the best Republican to go toe-to-toe with Obama in presidential debates – and a lack of effective articulation has been the Republicans’ big weakness for years. Try to name a Republican renowned for his articulation, besides Ronald Reagan, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. While Newt Gingrich is not at that level, he is definitely a cut above most Republican candidates in talking. He also represents a cherished moment in Republican history, when they took the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years, as a result of Gingrich’s “contract with America” election strategy. But that was back in the 1990s, and many younger voters today may have no idea what that was all about. Worse yet, former Speaker Gingrich has shown too many signs of opportunism – including his wholly unnecessary swipe at Republican Congressman Paul Ryan’s attempt to bring some fiscal sanity to Washington – to be trusted. His own staff should know him better than the rest of us. Their recent resignations should mark the end of a very prom
ising career that did not live up to all its promises. Even so, Gingrich performed a real service to the country as Speaker of the House of Representatives, which brought federal spending under control and produced what the media chose to call “the Clinton surplus.” Among the other announced Republican presidential candidates, former Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota talks the most sense and shows the most courage. When you tell people in a corn-producing state like Iowa that you want to cut back on Ethanol subsidies, that takes guts, because Iowa will also produce the first results in next year’s primary campaign season. And first results, like other first impressions, carry a lot of weight. But somebody has got to talk sense about our dire economic problems – and it is painfully clear that Barack Obama will not be that somebody. The fact that Pawlenty has put his neck on the line to do so is a big plus. Tim Pawlenty cites his track record to back up his statements. That includes reducing Ethanol subsidies when he was governor of Minnesota and cutting the growth of state government spending from just over 20 percent a year to under 2 percent a year. Governor Pawlenty fought Minnesota’s transit unions over runaway pensions and hung tough during a long strike. “Today,” he says, “we have a transit system that gives commuters a ride, without taking the taxpayers for a ride.” Some fear that Governor Pawlenty doesn’t have the charisma and fireworks rhetoric that they would like to see in a candidate. Charisma and rhetoric are what gave us the current disastrous administration in Washington. Charisma and rhetoric gave people in other countries even bigger disasters, up to and including Hitler. Politicians and the media may want a candidate with verbal fireworks but the people want jobs. As Tim Pawlenty put it: “Fluffy promises of hope and change don’t buy our groceries, make our mortgage payments, put gas in our cars, or pay for our children’s clothes.” © 2011
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letters to the editor Irresponsible journalism To the Editor: In regards to the scandal involving Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY), why was the job of investigative journalism left up to a blog operator, Andrew Breitbart, and why was the mainstream media so quick to label Mr. Breitbart a liar while blindly racing to protect the Democratic congressman? Historically, the press served an extremely important function of holding our elected officials accountable. However, the modern day mainstream media has, for the most part, abdicated this role in order to be unabashed apologists for all things liberal. Not only is this behavior irresponsible, but it also encourages and enables the type of inappropriate behavior demonstrated by Congressman Weiner. Fortunately, alternative sources for factbased news have been created by real journalists who are committed to honoring their profession’s role. Without these alternative sources, how could we expect to hold politicians to account when the majority of the press has become nothing more than sycophant lemmings of the left? Carl Schroeder Wildwood
Achievement ‘hype’
To the Editor: In regards to Mr. Gordon’s “Presidential achievement” letter (West Newsmagazine, June 8), I’d like to point out where those achievements don’t live up to the hype. First, the Frank-Dodd 2,319-page financial law all but guarantees bailouts forever and fails to address the real problem of Fannie and Freddie, who owe taxpayers billions and counting. It also failed to fix our outdated bankruptcy codes. Next, the credit card reform has given consumers more fees, the highest interest rates in history as well as new bank and loan fees. The children’s health program, S-CHIP, was expanded by Obama in 2009 after the study from the health secretary found six out of 10 children in the program at the time had access to or otherwise had insurance, leaving taxpayers to pay the price of 10 when only four children really needed the program. As far as the student loans, the CBO estimates the SAFRA Act will cost taxpayers $50 billion. Studies show over the past three decades, government student loan programs have caused tuition to increase by twice the inflation rate. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was not
about fair pay; we already have those laws in place. It is about statute of limitations an employee has to file suit over discrimination. The law is like a stimulus for lawyers to bring an avalanche of lawsuits from decades past. The Hate Crimes legislation punishes a “perceived” hate crime against a victim. It violates the 14th amendment and includes constitutional violations of double jeopardy. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as “Obamacare,” is the worst piece of legislation in history. The House has voted to repeal it. It is so bad that more than 1,200 businesses got exemptions from the law. There are 26 states fighting the law because of the burdens it will put on the states. The cost is $1 trillion to $3 trillion. It will add (an estimated) $500 billion to our debt in the first 10 years. Worst of all, the law blocks innovations and it takes away choice, freedom and human rights. It adds new tax burdens to all of us, but especially to low-income workers. The law cuts Medicare benefits and is bad for the young who will now pay much higher premiums to cover the old. The new mandates that may be good, like not denying insurance to the sick, could have been passed without spending one dime. Most important is 60 percent of American people do not like the law and would like to see it repealed. Last, did anyone think GM couldn’t make a short-run profit when taxpayers were forced to give them well over $70 billion (if you add the bailout money and tax breaks)? GM isn’t a success just yet. The last quarter profit of $3.2 billion was in part made by the $1.8 billion it made in the one-time sale of shares from Allied Financial and Delphi. From the release of the first shares into the market IPO of $33 we recovered $23 billion. The remaining 500 million shares when released would have to go for $53 per share for taxpayers to recover the bailout money. That isn’t going to happen any time soon, especially with gas prices and the economy tanking again. GM shares today are at $29. Even more of a worry is they still face $27 billion in pension shortfalls we the taxpayers are liable for as long as they are “government motors.” Terry Goldstein Wildwood
able.” Where to begin? First and foremost, his waxing nostalgic for the days when disagreements among board members were solved “in the backroom” before meeting in full view of the public sounds more like longing for the corruption and crony-ism of yesteryear. Clearly, those days must end. Mr. McDowell reminded the aldermen they are there “to work as one team” and as a “unified force” and that some issues raised for discussion are “not representing the city of Ballwin.” Really? Might I remind you, Mr. McDowell, that, like all public officials, each alderman is elected by the constituents of the ward they represent? And that the board of aldermen is elected to serve the citizens of Ballwin, not the city of Ballwin? Why have eight alderman, and why hold a monthly meeting open to public witness and comment (despite each citizen only being allowed three minutes to comment – did you get more time than that, sir?), if the goal is to make deals and forge decisions “in the backroom” before such public meetings? Why not just have a king of Ballwin appoint and re-appoint himself endlessly, let that one individual decide everything, and put an end to all public discourse? Perhaps it was such “backroom” meetings that led to the unanimous 8-0 board of aldermen vote a couple of years ago supporting the Schnucks development in a residentially-zoned area, despite the opposition of the city’s own Planning & Zoning Commission, the Rockwood Valley Board of Education, the mayors of neighboring Chesterfield and Clarkson Valley, and hundreds of Ballwin’s citizens. And if complete pre-agreement is the goal, why did you yourself not cut such “backroom” deals, Mr. McDowell, when it came to voting on the granting of liquor licenses to various Ballwin establishments, when you were often the sole voice on the board opposing such votes (based, you admitted publicly, on your religious beliefs)? Mr. McDowell also claims the aldermen should stop using the monthly board meeting to voice personal vendettas. Perhaps it is Mr. McDowell who has a vendetta to wage, since he himself singled out Alderman Markland for his reprimand, and it was Mr. McDowell and other aldermen who were voted out of office during the last two elections by the very citizens of the city he loves. These election results indicate Backroom board meetings that Ballwin’s citizens no longer wanted an To the Editor: artificial “unified voice” but rather, were The appeal by former Ballwin Alderman looking to vote for individuals willing to Press McDowell for more “unification” shake up the old guard and move Ballwin’s among the board is as laughable as Mr. government from “the backroom” to the McDowell saying such behavior is “deplor- front porch.
Mr. Markland ran his campaign on the themes of transparency and accountability, having uncovered – and brought to the attention of the board and the Ballwin citizenry month after month – many instances of waste and fiscal mismanagement on the part of the board at that time, and he was elected handily over a long-serving incumbent. Mr. Harder won election to the board more recently running on a similar platform. Clearly, the vast majority of our citizens would rather have a board that has no qualms about putting all the city’s transactions on record and available for public inspection, a board that is focused on saving taxpayer dollars wherever possible, and a board that requests job bids from more than just one friendly contractor or manufacturer, instead of more of the old status quo. Mr. McDowell’s broken-record response: Mr. Markland’s raising of these lapses and concerns is “unwarranted.” And regarding the issue of whether it is legal, let alone ethical and appropriate for the office they uphold, for two of the former alderman to be certified – based on affidavits they’ve attested to and signed – to run for the office of Ballwin alderman while in arrears on their property taxes: All Mr. McDowell could say was that this challenge was (yes, again) “unwarranted and unfair.” What parts of all of the documented evidence, and the involvement of the St. Louis County Board of Elections and the Missouri secretary of state, make raising such a concern about certification ‘unwarranted’ or ‘unfair,’ Mr. McDowell? You’re going to have to make a lot better case than that, sir, if you want to attack Alderman Markland’s exemplary record of service to Ballwin’s citizens. Let me close by saying that I do agree with you on one thing, Mr. McDowell: “Mutual respect” is indeed an important characteristic of an effective board of aldermen. But such respect is not mutually exclusive with honest discussion and sincere disagreement about the issues facing our great city. And despite the continued use of ‘closed sessions,’ consent agendas, and time limits that define Ballwin’s board of aldermen meetings, another kind of mutual respect – between the board and the very citizens of Ballwin – dictates that such conversations should actually be encouraged to take place in full view of the public. That’s the way a truly representative democracy works best. Dr. Jeff Gidday Ballwin
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Five critical questions for educators Consider this: A currently 50-year-old worker’s technology training while in school probably took place on an IBM Selectric typewriter. A currently 40-yearold worker saw the transition from “typing” to “keyboarding” but little else. A currently 30-year-old worker had access to basic web 1.0 technology. Even a currently 25-year-old worker only had about a one in 10 chance of being an active participant in social media or other web 2.0 improvements. The question this begs is fairly obvious: With future skills evolving at an exponential pace, what can the modern education system do to keep up, or merely come closer to catching up? The current structure of our education system was invented during the Industrial Age and structured to solve Industrial Age problems. A modern school would appear very familiar to a graduate of the class of 1900. Why? Why are we attacking 21st-century problems using a 19th-century system? The challenges facing our educators are nearly limitless, as are the consequences of their effectiveness. Following are five critical questions that need exceptional answers:
dardized tests thanks in some part to No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Considering the rapid innovation inherent in our culture today, the students of tomorrow would benefit the most from schools that train our children not to be learned, but to be learners – lifelong learners with the skills to adapt to an ever-changing environment. It is time to leave NCLB behind. What skills will 21st-century students require upon completion of school? According to a recent survey of 600 CEOs, the most required skills of 21st-century workers will be: critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration across networks and leading by influence, agility and adaptability, initiative and entrepreneurialism, effective oral and written communication, accessing and analyzing information, curiosity and imagination. Our education system is not currently designed to deliver these results or to build these critical skills. They are very difficult to measure with our standardized testing or A through F grade scale. In today’s schools, “collaborating” is called cheating, but in the workplace, it is an essential skill that is being lost as children’s social skills become more digital and less interpersonal.
What is the intended result of 21stcentury education? More than 100 years ago, secondary schools transitioned to the concept of being largely “college preparatory” schools. Today, schools are forced to teach to stan-
What parts of our school system exist solely due to legacy? Currently, our school systems separate children by age and then by subject matter. Tests are independent activities. Arts and athletics are considered second-tier priori-
ties. Why? The real answer to that is because that is the way it has always been done. That is no longer a sufficient answer. Children develop at very different paces and in very different ways regardless of age. Children thrive in different learning environments. Different subject matters gain relevance when integrated within multiple disciplines. Teamwork, creativity, and physical fitness are hugely important factors in the lifetime success of a person and need to be made front tier priorities. What should the role of the modern teacher be? The role of teacher as “professor” is antiquated and irrelevant to modern society. The modern teacher needs to act as a coach, a team leader, a guide. The 21st-century student requires interactivity. Our children are bombarded with more information in a single day than a 19th-century child was in a year, yet our teaching methods are still geared toward the 19th-century child. How do we test new educational theories? The single largest factor standing in the way of educational innovation is fear. What if we get it wrong? Could we ruin an entire generation of children, or step backwards? The response to that is simple. What if we already are?
The real world is not an assembly line. Solutions that worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. The world is iterative and solutions are a constantly moving target. Our education system needs to be just as innovative as our best companies and our best technologies.
In QUOTES “We own the economy.” - Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Democratic National Committee chairwoman.
“We’re starting with a blank slate.” - Karen Hargadine, Rockwood School District director of pre-kindergarten and elementary education, on the district’s D.A.R.E. program.
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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2011.
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News Br iefs BALLWIN New attorneys After receiving and accepting the resignation of former Ballwin Prosecuting Attorney Keith Cheung, appointing backto-back provisional interim attorneys and vetting candidates for the permanent position, Mayor Tim Pogue, with the guidance of the Ballwin Board of Aldermen, on June 13 welcomed newly-appointed Prosecuting Attorney Chris Graville and Provisional Prosecuting Attorney Stuart O’Brien. Both attorneys were sworn in by Municipal Judge Virginia Nye.
Early retirement The Ballwin Board of Aldermen at their June 13 meeting decided to use a portion of the city’s reserves for debt retirement. A budget amendment was passed to apply $2.7 million from reserves to cover the debt retirement expenditure, which will eradicate scheduled payments for the years 2014 through 2017. “Due to the weak economy, our current investments are only earning a small rate of return,” Ballwin Board of Aldermen President Frank Fleming (Ward 3) said. “By comparison, the interest rate we are paying is higher on the Certificates of Participation that were issued and used to build the
Rose of the Bridle Creek subdivision are the winners of a landscaping makeover in the city’s sixth annual Native Landscape Challenge. outdoor aquatic center.” The Roses win $1,000 worth of native The idea was to use the city’s reserves plants and labor provided by St. Louis to pay off its debt obligations as soon as Wild Ones, Shaw Nature Reserve, and possible. Grow Native. They will also get the help The board considered paying off the full of a professional native landscape designer amount, but according to Fleming, that and volunteers to do the planting on Sept. would have decreased the city’s reserves a 17. little more than that with what city officials The Roses will have to prepare the site, were comfortable. maintain it and allow images of the land“We were scheduled to make the last pay- scape makeover to be used by the project ment on this in 2017, but the board has now sponsors. voted to pay off the years of 2014 through 2017 because those represent the years in CREVE COEUR which the interest rate we are paying is the The Creve Coeur City Council on June highest,” Fleming said. “In 2012, we’ll 13 passed a resolution authorizing the city make the last payment on our old street to enter a “cooperation agreement” with St. debt, and now with the action we took (on Louis County to implement a residential June 12), 2013 will be the last payment on energy efficiency loan program. the outdoor aquatic center debt.” St. Louis County has developed the Beginning in 2014, the city will not have SAVES program to provide low-interest any scheduled debt payments, so available loans to residential property owners to funding in the annual budget for other proj- make energy efficient improvements in ects will increase. their homes. Creve Coeur City Adminis“I think it was a solid decision, and I am trator Mark Perkins said the loans will be very pleased and proud that the city was in available to anyone in the city who qualia strong financial position to be able to do fies. this,” Fleming said. The implementation of the program in Creve Coeur will serve the public purposes CHESTERFIELD of energy conservation and economic development by stimulating residents to Landscape makeover winners undertake residential energy efficiency Chesterfield residents Erica and Neil improvements, according to the resolution.
Good news, bad news Des Peres police officers on June 11 responded to the 100 block of Topping Lane in reference to a “suspicious vehicle” and upon a check of records learned it had been stolen from the Ballwin area. The vehicle was released to its owner, and at presstime, Des Peres and Manchester police are investigating the theft. Also on June 11, officers responded to the 900 block of Dontaos Drive to investigate three separate reports of stealing from motor vehicles. Police said miscellaneous amounts of change had been removed all three vehicles, which had been left unlocked. Three more victim vehicles were later located nearby in the 100 block of Topping Lane and the 800 block of Plymouth Rock, all of which were reported as having been left unlocked. A camera, iPod and multiple clothing items were reported as missing. On June 12, Des Peres police officers responded to a delayed burglary report in the 900 block of Des Peres Drive. The victim said he had returned home from vacation and discovered items were missing from the residence. Police said a person or persons unknown entered the home by forcing open a rear door. A Sony game system was reported missing, and evidence left at the scene is being used to investigate.
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Flag Day ceremony American Legion Post 208 in Manchester recently held a retirement ceremony for the proper disposal of donated flags that were past their prime. A drummer, bugle player and a full uniformed color guard were on hand In observance of Flag Day, American Legion Post 208 members to give the flags a took special care to make sure worn out flags were disposed of proper send-off. properly. Legion Commander Terry C. Bryant spoke about the flag being a “precious symbol of all that our comrades have lived, worked and died for.” He then presented flags for inspection before they were placed in a fire pit and set aflame. The ceremony was held in commemoration of Flag Day. It lasted about 10 minutes, but Bryant said to burn all of the torn flags collected by Legion members would take several hours. Several members of the Legion post were on hand to witness the ceremony, as were a number of Manchester city officials.
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WILDWOOD Council appointment The Wildwood City Council at its June 13 meeting voted unanimously to appoint Larry McGowen to fill the open Ward 1 city council seat. McGowen later was appointed and sworn in at the meeting.
Larry McGowen being sworn in as the Wildwood City Council’s newest member.
“The thing that attracted my wife and I to this area of course was the natural beauty, primarily,” McGowen said. “So I hope I can watch that be preserved for a long time.” McGowen, a CPA, serves as principal, vice president and secretary for Huber, Ring, Helm & Co., P.C. in Brentwood, specializing in tax planning, estate and trust administration and elder care services to individuals and their family members. He graduated from the University of MissouriSt. Louis with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. “I’ve talked with Larry and worked with him on issues that we’re going to be dealing with,” Councilmember David Geile (Ward 1) said. “He’s going to be a great asset to Ward 1 and to this council. … His financial prowess will be a good replacement for our resident CPA, who just left.” McGowen is a 16-year resident of Wildwood.
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After years of trying to find ways to curb the overpopulation of deer within Town & Country and citing at least 10 collisions between vehicles and deer in the first four months of 2011, Town & Country’s mayor and police chief have tasked Police Capt. Gary Hoelzer with coming up with a list of possible solutions. Hoelzer’s report is due on July 1 and will be presented to the board of aldermen next month. Hoelzer said he will not be publicly commenting on what is included on the list until it is presented to the board. Citizens and lawmakers in the community have expressed concern that the list will include legalizing hunting and bowhunting, two activities that are outlawed in Town & Country. “Allowing that to happen here would be a big change in our community,” Alderman Al Gerber (Ward 2) said. “This has come up in the past and we’ve rejected it. It is surprising that it has come up again.” Hoelzer said his report would be submitted on time and that the board of aldermen will have the ultimate say on which of his suggestions are adopted by the city.
Deer police
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Wildwood to investigate ethics violations Councilmember defends allegations
By SARAH WILSON Wildwood City Council at its June 13 meeting voted 11-2 to initiate an investigation regarding the alleged ethics violations revealed at a previous meeting. The violations are in regard to Don Kozlowski’s consideration for the open councilmember seat in Ward 1. Councilmember Holly Parks (Ward 2) had sent to seven councilmembers an email discouraging them to vote for Kozlowski, for which she was accused of violating the Sunshine Law and the city’s charter. “I would like to apologize to the city and the council for any confusion which my email has created,” Parks said. “It was not my intent to embarrass the city, staff, council or Mr. Kozlowski with this email.” Parks went on to defend her email, saying she sent it to seven people, and including herself, that made eight. She said that was not a majority of the council because at that point there were 16 people on the council, including Kozlowski; therefore, her email did not represent a violation of the Sunshine Law. In regard to the alleged charter violation, Parks cited Section 11.3, which states that
no councilmember use official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with the result of an election to city office. “I used my personal email account to express my personal opinion, which I believe I am entitled to under freedom of speech,” Parks said. “At no time did I use my title or position in the email to represent this as a council decision, nor did this opinion represent an election; it was directed at the vote.” But Councilmember Tammy Shea (Ward 3) said it was made clear that Kozlowski was not a member of the council at the time the email was sent, so it involved 15 councilmembers – not 16. “So therefore, that qualifies that your email meets the qualifications for the majority of council,” Shea said. “It sounded like an apology but really doesn’t meet the criteria because you haven’t recognized the meaning of the Sunshine Law violation, the code of ethical standard we are trying to achieve here at this council. It’s a perfect situation showing that it’s not what you do when you think people are watching that is important. It’s what you do when you think no one is watching.”
She said Parks’ email did not follow the necessary procedure of sending the email to the city’s custodian of records. “When you use your official position and you do so without informing everybody, you create a forum,” Shea said. “This is about appealing to transparency, which we are supposed to be all about.” Mayor Tim Woerther said he was asked to give his personal opinion on the violations. “The fact of the matter is that this email, being from somebody with such experience, shows a clear intent to avoid the Sunshine Law and puts the city at risk,” Woerther said. “There’s no question. It was already determined at that point that there were only 15 members of council. By sending it to eight people, you put the city at risk. “… Second of all, it wasn’t just ‘Oh, I hope you don’t do this.’ It was, ‘I don’t want you to do this.’ That’s a clear intent at influencing the other councilmembers here, which was successful. This came from somebody with a great deal of experience – who knew exactly what was going on. … This is something that should be
Holly Parks
dealt with, and dealt with harshly, because this is something that brings in the attorney general from the state of Missouri, should it go in that direction.” Councilmember David Geile (Ward 1) made a motion to remove Parks’ position as mayor pro-tempore, which failed with a 6-7 vote.
Chesterfield planning and public works director provides answers
Rising waters raise questions By SARAH WILSON Due to recent flooding to the north and rising Missouri River waters, Chesterfield officials have been monitoring river conditions and keeping the public informed of current and projected river levels on the city’s website. Asked what extra precautions the city and the Monarch Levee District would take should the flooding risk to Chesterfield Valley increase, Mike Geisel, Chesterfield director of planning and public works, said emergency responders were “prepared and aware.” Emergency responders have developed a response plan, called the Chesterfield Valley Watch Warning system, which calls for a measured response associated with each level of threat that arises. There are informational sources available through the city of Chesterfield’s river updates and automated email advisories that are useful in disseminating current river information. Should threat levels increase, such communications would become more regular and more detailed, according to Geisel. For more information on the flood threat to the area, West Newsmagazine turned to Geisel. Following are his responses.
What does “500-year levee” mean? It basically is a reference to a statistical level of protection. It indicates that the levee protects against an event that has a probability of occurrence of .002 at any given time. One-five hundredths equals .002.
County, confident in the city, confident are designed differently due to physical in the levee and drainage improvements limitations for space or similar constricthat have been constructed since 1993. I tions. am equally confident that the process and flow of information is much improved and How is this similar/different to the flood leads to a more informed and coordinated of ‘93? response than we have ever been able to I can’t describe similarities or differences forge previously. It would be foolish to yet. The Missouri River levels are currently What constitutes a full levee breach? dismiss any threat. As such, I am aware, at or below flood stage in Chesterfield. … A levee breach is a levee failure. It typi- concerned and prepared. I am not afraid This could very well be a non-issue. It is cally means that the levee has failed and nor am I inclined at this point to believe simply the preparedness and awareness “broken.” It could fail in a variety of ways, that there is any reason to be apprehensive of the various entities that are involved in but it generally means that the levee has about Chesterfield Valley. flood protection that have even identified broken and allowed water to flow in. That any issues of this date. Two months from is different from the term “overtopping,” If there is something to be concerned now, we will know whether or not this where the levee may remain intact, but about, how much warning do you expect event is significant. As of right now, there water may have risen to the point where people will have? is not an event to compare. it overtops the levee in specific locations, Information is our primary tool to protect allowing a limited amount of flow into the landowners, businesses and residents. We How will the recent Iowa flood affect protected area. are communicating through our automated us? email system and informational river Hydrology is a very complicated sciAre you confident the levees will hold? updates. ence. Every event and flood occurrence has At what level is there a concern? ripple consequences. The predictions and At this point, based upon the projec- Is there a difference between a levee and forecasts that we monitor take into account tions that are provided, the levees are not a floodwall? all of those known and reasonably predictexpected to be threatened. It would be Typically, the levee refers to the massive able events. Trying to isolate the impacts or completely inappropriate for me to predict earthen wall portion of the flood protection. effect of one location or event on the larger the future. As for now, I am confident in Floodwalls are typically concrete or steel system is not a good idea. We need to look our Levee District, confident in St. Louis structures that serve the same purpose but much more holistically.
Ballwin alderman takes issue with city’s politics, then resigns
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By BETSY ZATKULAK A Ballwin alderman at the June 13 board of aldermen meeting announced that he was resigning, but not before highlighting what he considered dubious political practices among Ballwin city officials. Alderman Ron Markland (Ward 2) told the board that he and his wife, who have enjoyed spending recent winters in Florida, recently sold their home and are relocating there permanently. But first, he addressed the board about several other issues. “There is a special reason that I find it necessary to bring up these items,” Markland said. “The first is to point them out as a matter of record, and secondly, to see if Ballwin can get them on their agenda to consider in the future. “… It’s been like 15 months since I was elected into the office of alderman, and since that time, there have been several issues that have come before the city of Ballwin, and I have been involved in some of, if not all of them. So I put together a list of what I thought were important issues.” Among those issues were what Markland called “Prosecuting Attorney Gate.” “That’s where the city administrator, mayor and the city attorney did not feel it was important to notify the board of aldermen of a situation involving our prosecuting attorney and his passing of a note to a judge,” Markland said, referring to Keith Cheung, who in January resigned from his post as the city’s prosecuting attorney. The board instead learned about the situation in the newspaper, Markland said. Another issue was what he called “Agenda Gate.” “While there is a mechanism to allow aldermen to place items on the agenda, there is no assurance that will be allowed by the mayor,” Markland said. “Instead of placing it on the agenda where the public can see items up for discussion, it is instead blindly placed under ‘aldermanic comments.’” Markland said that tactic serves to conceal issues and often means issues fall on deaf ears, because aldermanic comments come at the end of board meetings, after most citizens have left. Referring to “Schnucks Gate,” Markland accused City Attorney Robert Jones of failing to disclose a conflict of interest with the supermarket chain. He said that while Jones was representing the city during zoning disputes over a new location he was also representing Schnucks as a client with his private firm. Markland spoke also of “Insurance Gate” and “Purchase Gate,” pertaining to the city seeking competitive bids.
Ron Markland
“Then there is … ‘Gavel Gate.’ It’s very easy to get ruled out of order, especially when the holder of the gavel decides what will be on the agenda. Those who fail to comply are offered the opportunity to be escorted from the room by the chief of police, as I was,” Markland said, referring to an incident at the May 9 board of aldermen meeting, when Mayor Tim Pogue used his gavel and told Markland he would be asked to leave if he continued to interrupt the swearing in of Alderman Jimmy Terbrock (Ward 1). “It does begin to indicate a trend which I feel is intended to keep things concealed from most of the public and the board of aldermen,” he said. Next, Markland provided the board with a listing of items he would like considered for the future including: the $1 million funded for road improvement in 2011; putting in place a succession plan for city employees who have been working for the city for more than 20 years; the current method of certifying candidates; and being fiscally responsible when it comes to the city’s bond interest. Pogue asked if there were any other aldermanic comments. “I’d like to address what I consider to be unfortunate news that Alderman Markland is going to step down,” said Alderman Michael Finley (Ward 1).“I appreciate your service as a citizen and an alderman. I think you’ve made a positive impact on the board, and you’ve made a positive impact on me as an alderman. I wish you the best.” When asked if he would like to make a statement about what Markland had to say, Pogue in an email said he did not have any comments. “The Ward 2 seat becomes an appointment by me and will have to get the approval of the board,” Pogue said. “The spot will remain open until that is completed.”
The Ballwin Police Department released this photo of the individual suspected in a recent crime spree.
Ballwin police identify serial burglary suspect
Man suspected in more than 50 crimes By JIM ERICKSON Ballwin police announced late last week they have identified a suspect in the recent series of thefts and burglaries that have plagued the community during the past three months. At a June 16 meeting of a neighborhood watch group from the affected area, Ballwin Police Lt. Kevin Bushery said the suspect was being sought but declined to give additional details pending an arrest and charges being filed. Identification of the suspect came in the wake of a break received in the crime spree. The break occurred earlier this month, two weeks after a car was stolen during one of the burglaries in late May. A surveillance camera at a Clayton Road service station in Ballwin photographed a man who used a stolen credit card to buy gas for the vehicle. The credit card also had been taken in one of the earlier Ballwin-area thefts. The photo was released to news media with a plea for anyone recognizing the man to contact Ballwin police. Less than a day after the news release went out, Bushery said the department had received 15-20 calls from the public. More than 50 burglaries and thefts were logged between early March and mid June, Ballwin police said. Garages and cars were targeted late in the evening and in early morning hours, with the thief taking GPS devices, laptop computers and anything else of value, including purses, checkbooks and wallets. In three cases, vehicles in which the keys were left also were taken. According to police, it is likely more than one person was involved in the thefts but at presstime, they have no specific information on other suspects. While most of the burglaries occurred in residential areas around Clayton Road,
Lt. Kevin Bushery responds to one of many questions he and Sgt. Jim Heldmann fielded at a neighborhood watch meeting late last week. Bushery and Heldmann are members of the Ballwin Police Department.
Henry Avenue and Hwy. 141, break-ins in other nearby jurisdictions have been linked to those in Ballwin. That happened when another car stolen from a Ballwin residence was found in North St. Louis. The vehicle contained some items reported taken in thefts near Ballwin. Bushery said he could not provide additional details on those burglaries. Jeff Todd, a resident of the area hit by the rash of thefts and a member of the neighborhood watch group, noted that everyone he had talked to was very concerned about what has been happening. The police department’s announcement that they had identified a suspect and were looking for him was welcome news, Todd said. “We have a number of older, retired residents here and there was concern that what’s been happening might escalate,” Todd said. “The fact that a suspect has been identified definitely is a positive step.”
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Ellisville approves cold medicine legislation By TED DIXON JR. Ellisville became the latest city in the state of Missouri to pass legislation to require a doctor’s prescription to purchase over-the-counter cold and allergy medication containing pseudoephedrine. The final vote at the June 15 Ellisville City Council meeting was 4-3 in favor of the legislation. More than 30 Missouri municipalities have adopted ordinances requiring a doctor’s prescription to buy medications containing pseudoephedrine, a key ingredient used to make methamphetamine (meth) and the only ingredient that cannot be substituted in its manufacture. Proponents of the bill argued that it is not a ban on pseudoephedrine but a proactive approach to an ongoing epidemic – the widespread use of meth, which is a highly addictive drug. Opponents said the legislation would be costly and cause an inconvenience for patients. Before the final vote was taken, the council heard from local law enforcement officials who spoke in favor of the ordinance. “These people are career criminals,” FBI Agent Jim Shroba said of meth users and “cooks.” “I wonder as a citizen, do I want to rub shoulders with these people? We’re
not going to give them a stopping point.” Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Jason Grellner, who serves as president of the Missouri Narcotics Officers Association, said meth labs are gaining ground and running rampant in Missouri. Councilmember Michelle Murray (Dist. 2) said she felt uncomfortable with taking away the personal freedoms of law-abiding citizens who wish to purchase the medications and would be inconvenienced by the law. She said she thought it would be more effective if the state were to draft its own legislation. Councilmember Clark Compton (Dist. 1) agreed and voted against it also. “It’s a shame that it has come to legislation,” Councilmember Troy Pieper (Dist. 2) said. “If we don’t pass it, we’re going to become a destination point. I don’t want to become a destination point.” According to the ordinance, the city found the manufacture, transportation, possession and sale of meth inherently dangerous, and its chemical precursors and the by-products and wastes of its production “inherently dangerous and injurious” to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city.”
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Developer may acquire property through eminent domain stood, according to the agreement, that Ellisville is not obligated to approve any tax increment financing. Once the payment is made, Ellisville officials are authorized to deposit any and all funds into a special escrow account and disburse them for any expenses incurred. It is understood also that the redevelopment project would include the construction of the Walmart Supercenter, which would be 120,000 square feet. According to the agreement, the Sansone Group may require the use of eminent domain in order to assemble property within the proposed redevelopment area – a prospect that did not sit well with Ellisville City Councilmember Clark Compton (Dist. 3). Because of the current economy, any redevelopment agreement will provide up to three years for the Sansone Group to complete the project. At West Newsmagazine presstime, no formal plans for redevelopment have been sent to the city. Doug Sansone, of the Sansone Group, could not be reached for comment.
Issued by
* Subject to availability. Yield to Maturity (YTM) represents the annual investment yield over the duration of the investment, including the interest payments and payment of the $1000 par value per bond. The investment information is accurate as June 16, 2011. The minimum investment to purchase the bond issue is $10,000. Purchase price is exclusive of any accrued interest that is payable upon settlement. There is no interest penalty for selling the bonds before the maturity date. The price you receive on a sale, prior to maturity date, depends on prevailing interest rates and the claims paying ability of the issuer. The sale price may be more or less than the purchase price. At maturity, the price received will be $1000 per bond. Interest payouts are mandatory. This investment is not FDIC insured.
Ellisville to explore TIF for Walmart development By TED DIXON JR. In the ongoing discussions on developing the intersection of Manchester and Clarkson roads, the Ellisville City Council on June 15 passed a resolution authorizing a preliminary funding agreement with the main developer of the intersection, The Sansone Group. Sansone Group officials have met with the city of Ellisville and have expressed an interest in bringing a Walmart Supercenter to the intersection of Clarkson and Manchester roads. According to the resolution, the Sansone Group has requested that Ellisville explore the feasibility of financing a portion of the costs of redeveloping the area in question through the use of tax increment financing (TIF) and/or other economic development programs. The Sansone Group has indicated a willingness to provide funds to defray expenses expected to be incurred by Ellisville in connection with its request. According to the agreement, within 10 days, Sansone will advance Ellisville $40,000. It is under-
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By MARCIA GUCKES D.A.R.E. (Drug Awareness Resistance Education) will be taught to Rockwood School District fifth graders for at least one more year. The recommendation to continue the program was announced at the school board meeting on June 16. Rockwood administrators had recently decided to drop the program, to the surprise of some area police departments and communities. The D.A.R.E. program is funded by local police departments and taught by specially trained police officers. That decision quickly became controversial, leading to unusually large crowds – some of about 75 people – at several school board meetings and many comments in favor of D.A.R.E. from police, local government officials, a national executive of D.A.R.E., grandparents, parents, and students. Karen Hargadine, Rockwood’s new director of pre-kindergarten and elementary education, said she met with area police the day before the school board meeting and gave them a preview of the committee’s recommendation to continue D.A.R.E. for another year. “We took that first step of making sure that we were all on the same page and knowing where we wanted to go,” Hargadine said. The committee led by Hargadine and charged with evaluating the district’s elementary school drug abuse prevention
curriculum recommended to the board that a new committee be formed to develop a plan for continued drug education for all elementary grades, not just fifth grade. The new committee will include not only educators and administrators but also police, community agencies, and parents. The committee is not the only thing that is expanding. The recommendation made to the board states, “Topics should include drug and alcohol prevention, citizenship, safety, personal health and wellness, fitness, cyber bullying, peer pressure and community service.” Hargadine said the committee will be looking at D.A.R.E.’s newly revised curriculum, which includes kindergarten to eighth-grade material. There is a possibility the program could be expanded into the middle schools, or a completely new curriculum could be developed. “There is no preconceived notion of what’s going to be here,” Hargadine said. “We’re starting with a blank slate.” Jennifer Werges, a Eureka police officer and D.A.R.E. instructor, said she was thrilled with the committee’s recommendation to continue the program for another year. “I just hope this is a bridge we can build on,” Werges said. “I am hoping that D.A.R.E. America’s information can be brought in and used to help keep D.A.R.E. If we’re going to make a difference, it’s got to be with our kids.”
Creve Coeur presents budget
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By TED DIXON JR. The June 13 Creve Coeur City Council meeting included a presentation of the city’s official budget for the 2012 fiscal year, which begins on July 1. Creve Coeur’s revenues are expected to increase slightly in the coming year, with the city’s overall general fund for 2012 anticipated at $11.2 million. City Administrator Mark Perkins reported that overall sales tax revenue increased by 2.7 percent in 2011 and that building permits were up by 4.7 percent but down significantly from two years prior. Perkins said the city was aggressive in terms of reducing staff and cutting costs, with nine full-time employees having been let go. He said the city had been struggling somewhat with revenues, which have been flat. The funds from the recently passed quarter-cent sales tax have yet to be collected, he said. Perkins said the city for the next several years will see surplus budgets – something that has not been seen for quite some time.
“Operating revenues can meet operating expenditures over the next five years,” Perkins said. For 2012, the city expects to see a 7 percent increase in revenues. Anticipated revenues, according to the budget, will be $16.9 million. Perkins said the city will see $4.45 million in sales tax receipts, up from the $3.7 million generated in 2011. He said the city has projected roughly $6 million from public utility taxes, up from $5.8 million last year. Regarding expenditures, the budget indicates the city will sped a little more next year than in 2011, with total expenditures anticipated at $14.9 million. Much of the city’s costs are devoted to city salaries, with roughly $9.9 million budgeted to pay personnel. Perkins said the Creve Coeur Police Department comprises a significant portion of the budget. That includes money for items such as patrol cars. The city council plans to vote on the budget at its meeting on June 27.
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20 I schools I
Bu llet i n Boa rd Classroom excellence The Missouri Community College Association (MCCA) recently recognized two students from St. Louis Community College-Wildwood for classroom excellence. The students were chosen to join the annual MCCA/Phi Theta Kappa 2011 AllMissouri Academic teams. Rachel Wood, of Wildwood, and Tracy Shelmire, of Ballwin, were among the 35 students chosen from nominees out of Missouri’s 24 Phi Theta Kappa honor society chapters. The 10 highest scoring students were on the All-Missouri First Team and received a $500 scholarship. The next 10 students were named to the All-Missouri Second Team and receive a $300 scholarship. Wood began attending classes at the Wildwood campus as a home-schooled student and a high school junior. Shelmire transferred from STLCC-Wildwood to Southeast Missouri State University in January where she will pursue a nursing degree. Since 1994, the MCCA/Phi Theta Kappa All-Missouri Academic teams have recognized scholarly achievements of students enrolled in community colleges. Students must excel in the classroom, have the intellectual curiosity to pursue academic, career and cultural enrichment outside the traditional classroom, show evidence of
substantial talents in academic and technical education and demonstrate the ability to share it with others.
Remembering Westminster Westminster Christian Academy recently held a service of remembrance and praise at the school’s current campus in Creve Coeur. In attendance were parents, teachers, students and alumni who gathered together to reflect upon Westminster’s 35-year history and to anticipate the next chapter in the life of the school in Town & Country. The service, which was followed by a school community reception, was comprised of a time of worship led by the school’s chapel band, performances by the band and choir, and stories and positive words from several speakers, each of whom have had a significant impact in the school’s history and in furthering its vision.
Parkway human resources director Dr. Joy Torgerson was hired as Parkway Board of Education’s new director of human resources. Torgerson Torgerson
Westminster Christian Academy’s choir performs at the remembrance service.
began her career as an elementary classroom teacher in the North Kansas City School District. She later served for 13 years as an elementary and intermediate principal in the school districts of Kearney and Shawnee Mission in Kansas. For the past 10 years, she has served Shawnee Mission as the district classified personnel administrator and human resources manager. Torgerson holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education, as well as an education specialist’s degree, all from Northwest Missouri State University. She also holds a doctorate in education from the University of Kansas. She replaces Connie Paul, who has been serving as interim director of human resources since December 2010.
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Selvidge Middle assistant principal
Kelly Mignerone was hired as the new assistant principal at Selvidge Middle in the Rockwood School District, effec- Mignerone tive July 1. Mignerone has served as a guidance counselor at Selvidge since 2006. Prior to that, she served as a Family and Consumer Science (FACS) classroom teacher for the Ladue School District. Mignerone earned her bachelor’s degree in education and master’s degrees in education-school counseling from the University of Missouri and in arts-educational administration from Lindenwood University.
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Science cair champs Four eighth-grade students at Parkway Central Middle competed in an online science fair, Ecybermission, sponsored by the U.S. Army. They won first place in the state and competed at the regional level. They were each awarded a $1,000 Eighth graders (from left) are Roland Fanega, Maggie Mueller, savings bond, STEM Marissa Turkin and Joanna Disch. kit and certificate. Their project was based on the idea that people in general do not eat healthy food because they think it tastes bad. They hypothesized that the reason is psychological rather than actual taste.
Power of Plants winners The Missouri Botanical Garden recently announced the winners of its third annual “Power of Plants” student contest, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund. The contest challenged groups of two to five students in kindergarten through 12th grade to pick a plant and tell its tale through a physical or digital creation. This year’s entries were judged on how creatively, effectively and broadly they were shared with wider audiences, in addition to their botanical accuracy and quality. Eight winning and eight honorable mention entries were awarded in a private ceremony at the Missouri Botanical Garden. “We continue to be amazed at the creativity and complexity of the entries in our Power of Plants contest,” Sharon Anibal, supervisor of school programs at the Missouri Botanical Garden, said. In the upper elementary age bracket,Alesha Meadows, Emily Leon and Amelia Goretti, of Twin Oaks Christian School, received honorable mention for their aloe vera entry. In the middle school bracket (sixth through eighth grades), homeschoolers Gianna Sparks, Lauren Ashley Sparks, Regina Doty and Reuben Doty, of Creve Coeur, won the physical category for their coffea arabica entry. Their coffee bag burlap-bound scrapbook featured a removable coffee cup containing “coffee bags” of facts about the plant and details of its medicinal value and beneficial environmental impact. Laura Maniet, Isabel Mosley, Klarissa Sheffield, Greg Cordover and Cole Edelstein, of Parkway Central Middle, won the digital category for their interactive website exploring the dogwood tree through graphics, slide shows, online polls and a blog. Sharanya Kumar, Michelle Augustine and Vincent A. Cristiana III, also from Parkway Central Middle, received honorable mention for their aloe vera project.
For a complete list of winners, visit mobot. org/power.
Missouri Legion selection Landon Burke, of Chesterfield, was selected to attend the Missouri Legion Boy’s State of Missouri from Burke June 11-18 at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg. Burke was sponsored by American Legion post 101. Burke completed his junior year at Westminster Christian Academy and was selected based on his leadership and citizenship skills. His accomplishments include being vice-president of student council, football captain, junior high student leader and worship band bass player at First Free Church, newspaper sportswriter for the school paper, and lifeguard at the Jewish Community Center (JCC) in Chesterfield. Boy’s State is designed to educate and train Missouri’s young leaders in functional citizenship, leadership and government. Nearly 1,000 student leaders attended from all across Missouri.
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By BRIAN MCDOWELL A Missouri Supreme Court decision stating students from unaccredited school districts have the right to attend schools of their choice in accredited neighboring districts sparked debate at an open meeting on June 16 at Chesterfield City Hall. The only two districts in the state currently lacking accreditation are St. Louis City and Riverview Gardens. Under the decision in the Turner v. Clayton case, students in those districts would have the right to attend school in the St. Louis County district of their choice, with costs falling to the unaccredited districts. The decision sets no limit on how many students county schools would have to accept. Among those in attendance at the meeting were Sen. Jane Cunningham (R-Chesterfield), Rep. Don Gosen (R-Chesterfield) and various other state officials, who met with a vocal audience that included parents and school district officials. According to a study done by statisticians, Cunningham said, at least 6,000 students from the unaccredited districts would try to attend schools in St. Louis County, if the decision stands. All standards regulating teacher-student ratio, she said, would likely have to be gone. Cunningham outlined a compromise she called “The Turner Fix,” which was forged with input from two local superintendents, Don Senti, of the Parkway School District, and John Cary, of the Special School District of St. Louis County. Under the compromise, students in unaccredited districts would be provided scholarships to attend non-public and non-sectarian schools in their cities. The Missouri Constitution outlaws the use of state money to send stu-
dents to religious schools. School districts in the county would be allowed to open charter schools in the unaccredited districts. The compromise also would allow county school districts to have a say in how many students from unaccredited districts they would accept, according to their current enrollment. Cunningham said she had been exploring alternatives, such as virtual schools that could use technology to meet the educational needs of those who live in the unaccredited districts. She and her fellow lawmakers explained why they would not be able to push the compromise through the legislature and pointed out that education has more lobbyists in Jefferson City than any other industry. They said lawmakers elsewhere in Missouri are not directly engaged by the issue in the same way as regional lawmakers. Gosen, who has three children in the Rockwood School District, said he was at the meeting to support the efforts of his colleagues to try to bring all parties together to peacefully solve the issue. “I see all sides of this issue,” Gosen said. “If more students left city schools to come to the county, that would take some of the burden off city schools and allow them to better educate the students that are still there.” He said the unaccredited St. Louis City district spends about $16,000 per student, while schools in Parkway and Rockwood spend $10,000 per student. The Supreme Court decision was remanded back to St. Louis County Circuit Court for “resolution of all issues.” A tentative trial date has been set for Sept. 26.
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By MARCIA GUCKES The Parkway Board of Education surprised long-time administrator Don Senti with a plan to make in his honor a generous donation to the Al Burr Make-A-Difference fund. The board made the announcement at its meeting on June 15, Senti’s last Parkway board meeting as interim superintendent. The fund was established by the Parkway Alumni Association in honor of Al Burr, a retired principal and teacher who was Senti’s mentor when he started with Parkway more than 40 years ago. The fund recognizes inspiring young teachers with the annual “Albert Awards” that include a $1,000 check for each winner. Parkway Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning, and Accountability Kathy Blackmore said they hoped to col-
lect $5,000 from the Parkway community to donate to the MakeA-Difference fund in Senti’s name. She said the gift would award teachSenti ers who follow Senti’s “kid check” philosophy, which states that a school district is “responsible for student learning by knowing students well, valuing every child, and placing students at the center of every decision.” Senti, 65, is leaving the district after a total of 26 years of service as superintendent, principal and teacher. Contributions can be made to the fund in Senti’s name at
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High school girls’ track and field Coach Jim Lohr has been coaching track and field at MICDS for 16 years. Now, he can say he has coached a team to the state championship. The girls’ team won the Class 3 championship in Jefferson City with 71 points. Festus was a distant second with 45 points. “We’ve been second and third and fourth, but we’ve never walked off with the big piece of wood,” Lohr said. “Now, we have. It feels great. I didn’t realize how big that trophy would be.” The Rams were 24 points down after the first day of competition, but Lohr said the
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High school boys’ track and field
girls thought they would be able to come back. “We thought it would be one heck of a track meet,” Lohr said. “Our girls went through every event that was up on the second day and we felt good about our chances. We ended coming out on top. We were fortunate. Festus is a very good team.” The 800 relay team won in 1 minute, 42.94 seconds, which set a school record. Girls on the team were junior Heather Cousins, sophomore Ce Ce Moore, sophomore Cameron Jackson and senior Lauren Waterbury, who also won three individual events. The 1600 relay team won in 3:58.73, which set a school record. The girls on the
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team were sophomore Julia Olsen, junior Madison Mann, Cousins and Moore. Junior Haley Pryor was fourth in the pole vault, going 10 feet. Senior Grace Birdwell, who is going to Washington University to run track, came in fourth in the 3200 with a time of 11:34.92. Senior Rin Palmer got the baton in 12th place and “ran it outstanding anchor leg to get us to eighth place to score in 4x800 relay,” Lohr said. The future looks good for the program. “We lose four girls who qualified for state and a sectional qualifier,” Lohr said. “We had some girls who didn’t make it to state and hopefully they’ll step up and take the place of those graduating. I think the expectation is there for next year.”
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Westminster Christian Academy’s Daniel Everett competed in the recent Addidas Dream Mile race in New York. All the high school runners needed to eclipse 4:09.5 to be eligible. Everett, who will attend Columbia University this fall and run there, finished 10th with a time of 4:08.14, just slightly off his personal best. Everett won the 1600-meter run in the recent Class 3 state championship with a time of 4:08.43, his previous best. Last fall, Everett won the Class 3 state cross country championship. ••• The MICDS boys finished fourth at the state meet. The Rams came in fourth in
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Class 3A with 29 points. Sophomore Amos Bartlesmeyer earned fourth in the 1600 with a time of 4:17.11 and third in the 800 with a time of 1:56. Both times are school records. The 4x800 meter relay team took second, losing to Westminster after winning the event in the sectional. The time was 8:02.50. The boys on the team were senior Jordan Mann, who is going to Brown for track, junior Chris Noda, junior Chris Brown and Bartlesmeyer. Senior John Valentine was fourth in shot put with a toss of 50 feet, 1 inch, a personal record. Valentine is going to Illinois to play football. Mann was fifth in 3200 with a time of 9:35.91.
Wrestling Olympian Spenser Mango, a CBC graduate, won his 121-pound Greco-Roman Championship Series during the U.S. Wrestling World Team Trials held recently at Oklahoma City. Mango, who competed in the 2008 Olympics, qualifies for U.S. World Team and will compete in September in the World Championships in Turkey. He has made the last two World Teams. Mango, 24, recently joined the U.S. Army’s World Class Athlete Program and looked strong in a dominant performance at the recent U.S. Open. Mango is looking for his first World-level medal this year. He is a past World University champion.
Public Hearing City of Ellisville, Mo. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Ellisville will hold a public hearing at the Ellisville City Hall, #1 Weis Avenue, on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the Petition of Missouri Jack, LLC for a conditional use permit to allow the operation of the existing Jack in the Box restaurant with a drive-through, 15354 Manchester, within the C-3 Commercial Zoning District. This public hearing is in compliance with Title IV, Land Use, of the Municipal Code of the City of Ellisville. CATHERINE DEMETER, City Clerk The City of Ellisville is working to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act mandates. Individuals who require an accommodation to attend a meeting should contact City Hall, 636-227-9660 (V/TDD) at least 48 hours in advance.
NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM In Bout One, Mango, who wrestles out of Colorado Springs, Colo., decisioned Paul Tellgren, of Anoka, Minn., 6-0, 0-2, 2-0. In Bout Two, Mango, Mango topped Tellgren 2-0, 4-0. Mango qualified for the U.S. World Team, and U.S. National Coach Steve Fraser said Mango is on a mission “Spenser is wrestling really well,” Fraser said. “He’s a tough kid and he just has to keep getting matches in because he hasn’t wrestled a lot this season. I think he totally has the talent and the skills to win a World medal this year. He is a great athlete and he has the right attitude. He’s ready for a breakthrough this year, for sure.” Mango knows this is a pivotal year with the 2012 Olympics in London just over a year away. “At the Olympic Training Center, you see the sign every day with the countdown to the Olympics,” Mango said. “The Olympics are right around the corner. I’m trying to make myself better so I can get to that level again. And when you get there, you want to bring home some medals for the U.S.” Mango has put an extra emphasis on one area of his wrestling: defense. “Defense wins titles,” he said. “You may not be able to take everybody down, but you can stop everybody. That plays a huge factor. I know I need to get better in that area.”
High school girls’ soccer Incarnate Word Academy finished fourth in the recent Class 4 state tournament. The Red Knights finished 16-6-1. Springfield Glendale (22-2) scored a 2-0 victory in the third-place place at the victory against St. Louis Incarnate Word. It was Incarnate Word’s 18th Final Four appearance. The Lady Falcons had never beaten Incarnate Word coming into the match. “They were always the team to beat us in quarterfinals or even in the Final Four (in 2009),” Glendale Coach Jeff Rogers said. “They just came out here and played with a lot of pride.” Sophomore defender Allison Yoakam opened the scoring in the 13th minute. Then, Emily Cline scored her 43rd goal of the season after halftime, capitalizing on a bad pass by the Incarnate Word defense. Freshman goalkeeper Kindra Lierz made the advantage stand. Incarnate Word lost 2-1 in the semifinals to eventual champion Ursuline. ••• Several Kennedy athletes made the
Archdiocesan Athletic Association allconference girls soccer team. Junior goalie Alyssa Mangan earned first-team honors along with sophomore defender Hannah Wisnewski and junior midfielder Sami Hessler. Earning honorable mention status were senior forward Erin Brennan and sophomore forward Maddie Marchetto.
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High school baseball Parkway South Coach Adam Stahl was voted as the Suburban West Conference’s Coach of the Year. There were co-Players of the Year in Lafayette junior William DuPont and Parkway South junior Danny Holst. The Pitcher of the Year was Oakville’s Chad Gendron. Here is the Suburban West all-conference baseball first team: senior pitcher Drue Bravo, Lafayette; junior pitcher Mike Patterson, Parkway South; junior pitcher Aaron Schnurbusch, Eureka; senior pitcher Will Spitzfaden, Lindbergh; junior infielder Tim Chambliss, Oakville; junior infielder Matt Feldt, Lindbergh; freshman infielder Keith Grieshaber, Marquette; senior infielder Ryan Mansfield, Lafayette; senior infielder Tanner McKay, Eureka; senior outfielder John Calloway, Parkway South; senior outfielder Drew Gress, Lafayette; senior outfielder Khalfani Mar’Na, Lafayette; junior outfielder Sean Murphy, Lindbergh; senior outfielder Ryan Roth, Northwest; junior outfielder Aaron Schnurbusch, Eureka; junior outfielder Josh Stevens, Eureka; junior catcher Brendan Grelle, Fox; junior catcher Mark Hencken, Eureka; junior designated hitter Jessie Maness, Lindbergh; junior utility Anthony Duke, Parkway South; senior utility Chad Gendron, Oakville. The Suburban South all-conference first team includes: pitcher Griffin Goodrich, Kirkwood; pitcher Otto Schmidt, Seckman; pitcher Logan Hershenow, Parkway West; catcher Kevin Phillips, University City; first baseman Zach Rutter, Seckman; second baseman Brian Quasebart, Summit; third baseman Jake Mavropolous, University City; shortstop Darius Small, University City; outfielder Collin Edwards, Seckman; outfielder Clayton Edwards, Summit; outfielder Griffin Goodrich, Kirkwood; designated hitter Sam Tramel, Seckman; utility Danny Heim, Parkway North. The Archdiocesan Athletics Association all-conference team had several Kennedy athletes make the grade. First team: senior utility Andrew Durington. Second team: junior infielder Peter Lawrence, sophomore outfielder Joe Lawrence. Honorable mention: junior pitcher Steven Proctor, sophomore infielder Will Dacus, senior outfielder Ryan Lesinski, junior outfielder Steve Proctor.
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By WARREN MAYES Parkway West junior Steven Emde knew whom to credit after he was named the Player of the Year in high school water polo. “I would like to thank my coaches for a great season and thank my teammates for making it all possible,” Emde said. “I was very excited and honored because there were a lot of good players this year.” In addition, Emde was the only unanimous all-state selection. “It is an honor, and I would like to thanks all of the coaches for their votes,” Emde said. Emde plays both 2 Meter (center forward) and center defender for the Longhorns. He finished the recent spring season with 112 goals, 56 assists for 280 points. “I worked hard and tried to make things happen this year,” Emde said. “My team helped me to put up the numbers that I did.” The Longhorns won the Suburban West Conference with a 5-1 record. Overall, Parkway West went 25-7 and finished third at state by beating Parkway South 10-7. The season provided Emde with several highlights. “Beating my club coach, Don Casey, was fun,” Emde said about Parkway West’s victory over MICDS. He also listed among the highlights “placing third at state by beating a team that we had lost to earlier and going undefeated in Chicago.” While he amassed some eye-popping numbers, Emde said he is not hung up about statistics. “Honestly, I don’t worry about the numbers that much,” Emde said. “It is more
Parkway West Coach Charlie Cutelli and Steven Emde with his Doug Hall Missouri Water Polo Player of the Year trophy.
exciting to draw a double team and help a teammate score.” He enjoys playing the 2 Meter and center defender. “Having an awareness of what is going on in the pool is important,” Emde said. “Being willing to take a lot punishment to enable another to score is important.” Emde knows he is not a one-man band for Parkway West. “Every teammate had an impact,” he said. “We can only succeed when everyone is working hard and doing what they know to do. If they all didn’t step up, it would be tough to do what I did.” His offseason plans will find him staying in the pool as much as possible. He will play club waterpolo for the Daisy Water Polo squad. He will play Junior Olympic and play in the men’s league. In addition, he again will train with the Olympic Development Program.
Water Polo 2011 Recognition
( in fl at ables , clo w n s & s t ilt wa lker)
City of Chesterfield
Parkway West’s Emde named water polo Player of the Year
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Doug Hall Player of the Year: Steven Emde, Parkway West Coach of the Year: Paul Baudendistel, SLUH Dick “Hoot” Newman Offensive Player of the Year: Andrew Diemer, DeSmet Wil Edens Defensive Player of the Year: Max Wahl, Ladue Female Player of the Year: Jessie Lustman, Ladue First Team: Emde, Parkway West; Sam Erlinger, SLUH; Bret Lundstrom, Parkway North; Andrew Diemer, DeSmet; Ted Condie, MICDS; Forrest Donnell, Ladue. Deep goal: Michael Nydegger, Lindbergh. Shallow goal: Sean Sullivan, SLUH. Second Team: Joe Kabance, SLUH; Scott Steinhouse, John Burroughs; Max Wahl, Ladue; Jake Miller, Marquette; Zach Smith, Kirkwood; Daniel Maloney, Parkway South. Deep goal: Sean Sullivan, SLUH. Shallow goal: Matt Brethorst, DeSmet. Third Team: Peter Buelter, Parkway North; Andrew Shelton, Oakville; Michael Hagerty, SLUH; Keith Fabick, Lindbergh; Brian Kaestner, Oakville; Thomas Lyonfields, Parkway West. Deep goal and shallow goal: Denis Galie, Oakville. Honorable Mention: Brett Virgin-Downey, Clayton; Aaron Adcock, DeSmet; Patrick Shrewsbury, DeSmet; Mitch Meyer, Parkway South. Deep goal: Matt Brethorst, DeSmet. Shallow goal: Joe Allen, Parkway West.
I sports I 27
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Westminster’s Mitchell pitches for the prize
Wildcats take first in state By WARREN MAYES Superman may be the man of steel, but Westminster senior Alec Mitchell displayed nerves of steel in the Class 3 state baseball championship game. Westminster Coach Rich Van Gilst brought in Mitchell in the fifth inning of the game at Meador Park in Springfield, Mo. Savannah had the bases loaded with one out. Westminster held a slim 4-3 lead. Mitchell did not flinch. He escaped the jam with aplomb. “It was very tough,” Mitchell said. “But I went out there with an attitude knowing I was going to get out of it without any damage. There was no way I was going to let a little adversity stop me from helping my team get the prize.” He said his stomach was knotted, however. “It’s only human to be nervous about a situation like that,” Mitchell said. “But I once saw a great quote that said, ‘Being nervous is just wanting to win.’ When I got out there, I told that to myself.” In the final two innings, Mitchell retired all six batters he faced and the Wildcats walked away with their first championship,
scoring a 6-3 victory over the Savages. The last out of the game will be a lasting memory for Mitchell. “I was getting pretty excited and lost a bit of focus and got behind 2-0 in the count,” Mitchell said. “I figured they were going to take one strike because they were down, especially on 2-0, so I put a fastball down the middle. He got underneath and hit a high fly ball to center field. “At first I was like, ‘Please catch the ball.’ I knew Tate (Matheny) would catch it, but that’s what was going through my head. Then about halfway through the fly ball, I tried to figure out what I was going to do to celebrate. I turned around and Ryan (Allee), our catcher, was sprinting at me so I just picked him up.” Mitchell said he knew he and his teammates would leave Springfield with the state championship plaque. “We had our eyes on the prize the whole time,” Mitchell said. “We went into state knowing we were the best team and knowing that we could win. There was no doubt that we were going to win and we were not going to let anyone stand in our way.”
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28 I Ellisville Celebration I
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Accessible parking will be in Bluebird Park. Shuttle bus service to and from Bluebird Park will run every 15 minutes from 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m., departing from Cooper Bussmann (114 Old State Road) and Fru-Con (northwest corner of Clarkson and Clayton Roads). Limited seating will be available. No glass bottles or pets will be allowed in the park.
Gold Sponsor: Beuckman Ford, Inc. • First Baptist Church of Ellisville • Kids Int’l Silver Sponsor: West Newsmagazine Bronze Sponsor: Bethesda Health Group • Cherre Orthodontics M&I Bank • The Fountains of West County
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Fourth of July fireworks to light West County skies Most West County municipalities will observe Independence Day with fireworks displays. All of the following cities – except for Town & Country, which holds its Fire & Ice Festival on June 25 – will host celebrations on July 4. • Chesterfield A 4th of July Fireworks Celebration will feature children’s entertainment at 7 p.m.;
a concert from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.; and fireworks at 9:30 p.m. on Mon., July 4 on the parking lot between Dillard’s and Macy’s at Chesterfield Mall. Refreshments will be for sale. Call 537-4000 or visit chesterfield. • Ellisville A 4th of July Celebration will be from
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6 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. on Mon., July 4 at Bluebird Park (225 Kiefer Creek Road). Sh-Boom will perform at 7 p.m. and break at 9:30 p.m. for an Independence Day ceremony on the amphitheater stage. The band will resume play until 9:25 p.m.; fireworks will begin at 9:30 p.m.; and after fireworks, Sh-Boom will resume play until 10:45 p.m. There will be drinks and interactive games. Shuttle service will run to and from Bluebird Park every 15 minutes from 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Call 227-7508 or visit ellisville. • Eureka A July 4th Celebration dedicated to military veterans will be at 7 p.m. on Mon., July 4 at Lions Park (located on the east side of Bald Hill Road). There will be free activities for children; a concert by Hollywood 5 at 7:30 pm.; and a fireworks display at 9:30 p.m. Hot dogs, soda and ice cream will be • Town & Country available for purchase. Call 938-6775 or The Fire & Ice Festival will be at 6:30 visit p.m. on Sat., June 25 at Town & Country Crossing (corner of Clayton Road and • Manchester Woods Mill Road), in the grassy area west The July 4th Party in the Park will be of the center. There will be performances from 6 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. on Mon., July 4 at by the Featherstone Drive Band and the Paul A. Schroeder Park (359 Old Meramec Town & Country Symphony Orchestra; Station Road). A concert by Sundance a “Taste of Town & Country” food, beer & Brass will be followed by fireworks. and wine tasting; a bounce house, clowns Refreshments will be available. Call 227- and ice cream. Call (314) 434-1215 or visit 1385 or visit
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NBC’s Biggest Loser contestants have been criticized for their extreme weight loss results not being safe or realistic. They put their lives on hold, live on a ranch full time with around-the-clock support. Results are rumored to be “forced” to ensure high TV ratings. St. Louisan Becky Staerk didn’t necessarily have a television-worthy story, but one that hits closer to home for most men and women. “I joined Fitness Together in July and I was almost 200 lbs and had a body fat of 47%! I was disgusted with how I had let myself go. I was depressed.” Fitness Together is a private personal training studio located in Creve Coeur and Des Peres. They customize each program to each individual. The secret to their clients’ success is a three-pronged approach which includes strength training, cardio training, and nutrition. “After calling Fitness Together and hearing about their holistic approach to Fitness & Nutrition, I knew I had come to the
By BRIAN MCDOWELL Huge, melting snowpacks in Montana and record rainfall in areas of the upper portions of the Missouri River are causing flooding in Northwestern states, causing many localities along the river to be concerned about possible flooding in their communities. The city of Chesterfield and the Monarch Levee District already have held meetings with those who own land and do business in the Chesterfield Valley to downplay the fear, and on June 14, Franklin County officials met with emergency planners and residents from communities along the river to address their concerns about flooding. Some residents showed up to the meeting to voice concerns about Ameren Missouri’s proposed construction of a coal ash waste landfill on a flood plain adjacent to its Labadie power plant. They wanted to know how the river flooding would affect Ameren’s plans, which have yet to be approved by the Franklin County Board of Commissioners. The Missouri River is a source of drinking water – including water for much of West County – and the coal
ash that would be stored in the landfill is potentially toxic. However, speakers at the meeting did not address the landfill issue. Ameren officials said only that under current conditions, their power plant would be able to remain operational and warned boaters in the area to be careful around power lines that might go over flooded areas. Wes Browning, the meteorologist in charge at the St. Louis branch of the National Weather Service, said the river was expected to reach flood stage in parts of Franklin County but that flooding was not expected to be catastrophic unless the area gets more rain than expected this summer. Unlike Chesterfield, most of Franklin County’s riverside communities are not protected by a unified levee system, and many communities in the county are stockpiling sandbags in case conditions worsen. But according to Ameren officials, the company’s proposed landfill would be protected by a levee system that would protect the area from waters significantly higher than those that covered the area in 1993.
Hometown “BIGGEST LOSER” Achieves Real Weight Loss Results By: BARB KLEIN
Franklin County commissioners meet to address flooding concerns
Franklin County Commission to hold public meeting on Labadie landfill
Although not on TV, Becky Staerk was a hometown “Biggest Loser”!
right place to start my transformation. Within the first 8 weeks I lost 18 pounds and dropped my body fat by 12%. I was feeling great for the first time in a long time!” In just 5 months time Becky lost 35 pounds. Her body fat dropped to an all time low of 23%. “I felt great, and my friends and family could not believe the results I had achieved.” Better yet, there were no cameras, no primetime TV appearances, and no fitness compound in the desert. “I did all of this while working full time and managing my family.” Just real life results. And that’s enough to make her smile. “If I can do this, anyone can!” Men, women, and teens who need to lose weight and get in shape are encouraged to call Fitness Together for a free F.I.T. consultation. They can either visit or call the Creve Coeur studio at 314.985.6718 or Des Peres at 314.909.9565.
By BRIAN MCDOWELL The Franklin County Commission on July 6 will hold a public meeting regarding their deliberations on proposed changes in landfill regulations. The issue has become contentious in Franklin County ever since Ameren Missouri announced plans to build a coal ash waste landfill on a flood plain adjacent to its power plant in Labadie. Members of the Labadie Environmental Organization, a grassroots citizen group that opposes the project, have expressed concerns that potentially toxic coal byproducts that would be stored in the landfill could contaminate dirt, air, groundwater and the Missouri River, which supplies tap water to parts of West County and St. Charles County. The plant and the site of the proposed landfill are adjacent to the Missouri River in an area that was underwater during the 1993 floods. Ameren representatives have insisted the facility would cause no harm to the public and have highlighted safety features the plant would contain, including a levee system and a protective berm. Although the Franklin County Commission has specified that there will be no
opportunity for public comment at the July meeting, members of the Labadie Environmental Organization are planning on a large turnout. “They could decide the form of the regulations and move it forward at this meeting,” Labadie Environmental Organization spokesperson Patricia Schuba said. According to Schuba, Ameren needs a change in code in order to move forward on state permits, and company officials are not happy that the county process is taking so long. She said Ameren was trying to pressure the county and sent an attorney to a meeting to ask when the decision about proposed changes in landfill regulations would be made. Ameren spokesperson Lisa Manzo-Preston confirmed that representatives from the utility company attended a regular Franklin County Commission meeting to inquire about the project. “During that meeting, our representative stood up and inquired as to the status of the ordinance,” Manzo-Preston said. The public meeting is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Wed., July 6 at the Franklin County Government Center, 400 E. Locust, in Union.
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Health matters
Rabbi Mordecai Miller of Brith Sholom Kneseth Israel Congregation (BSKI), Dr. Stephen Lefrak, professor of medicine at Washington University, and Dr. Harvey Solomon, professor of surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, will present Organ Donation and Jewish Law from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sun., June 26 at BSKI (1107 E. Linden in Richmond Heights). There will be discussions on Jewish perspectives on organ donation, the Jewish definition of death, what do we mean by death, and the organ transplant process in the region. Dr. Ralph Graff, professor of surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, will serve as moderator as questions are taken after the program. For details, call (314) 725-6230 or visit ••• GriefShare will be offered from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays from June 26-Sept. 18 at Bonhomme Presbyterian Church (14820 Conway Road in Chesterfield). The weekly seminar/support group is Biblically-based and Christ-centered and is for people grieving the death of someone close. Each session includes a video seminar and group discussion. There is a workbook that assists with note-taking, journaling, and grief study. Videos feature top experts on grief recovery and real life stories of people that have gone through loss. Each session is self-contained, so participants may start at any time. Sessions are open to all and are free. For more information and to register, call Sandra McKay at 227-1109 or Clair Allyn at 537-3658. Visit ••• The National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) will feature Caitlain Angold, assistant program manager of Stryker Orthopedics, speaking on knee and hip replacement techniques from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Thurs., July 7 at Young’s Ice Cream Parlor and Grill (206 Meramec Station Road in Valley Park). Call 391-5781. ••• St. Luke’s Mobile Mammography Unit is open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Mon., July 11 at St. Luke’s Urgent Care (233 Clarkson Road in Ellisville), from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Thurs., July 14 at Creve Coeur Center (701 Emerson Road), from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wed., July 20 at Daniel Boone Library (300 Clarkson Road in Ellisville) and from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tues., July 26 at Walgreens (12006 Manchester Road in Des Peres). Annual screening mammograms are recommended for women older than age 40. Mammograms are done by appoint-
ment, but walk-ins are welcome if space is available. Bring insurance card and a photo ID. To schedule an appointment, call (314) 205-6565. ••• “Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine” is at 6:30 p.m. on Tues., July 12 at Prevention and Healing, Inc. (10908 Schuetz Road in Overland). Attendees will learn how to build their immune systems and take charge of their health. Topics include: cancer, heart disease/stroke, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, ADD/ADHD, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, food allergies, nutrition and more. Seminars are held monthly and are free. Call to reserve a spot at (314) 432-7802. ••• A joint pain class is at 6:30 p.m. on Wed., July 13 at Des Peres Hospital (2345 Dougherty Ferry Road). Find out about treatment options and surgery techniques. The class is free. To register, visit ••• The St. Louis Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support Group is from 10 a.m. to noon on Sat., July 16 at Missouri Baptist Medical Center (3015 N. Ballas Road in Town & Country). July’s featured speaker is Gary Mitchell speaking on “Scruplosity: Treatment and Issues.” Meetings are open to people with OCD, their families and friends. Refreshments are provided, and meetings are free and confidential. For more information, call (314) 291-7556 or visit ••• The HeartCaring Wellness Package is from 7:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Tues., July 19 at Desloge Outpatient Center (121 St. Luke’s Center Drive in Chesterfield). Learn about heart health through one-on-one individualized risk analysis that includes screenings for blood pressure, waist and weight measurements, BMI and fasting lipid panel with glucose. Review screening results immediately and receive personal health coaching from a HeartCaring professional to set goals to help achieve the best health ever. The cost is $30. To register, call (314) 542-4848. ••• Dr. Michael Rehme will present his monthly seminar, “Connecting Your Health Between Your Teeth and Body,” at 6:30 pm. on Tues., July 19 at Holistic Dentistry (2821 N. Ballas Road, Suite 245, in Town & Country). Understand how biological dentistry focuses on overall health and how certain dental procedures can influence the body. The seminar is free. Call to reserve a spot at (314) 997-2550.
please join us on
Ten percent of women who have mammograms get called back regarding an area of concern, and 10 percent of those who get called back have something that necessitates a biopsy. westnewsmagazine
Breast changes could mean benign breast disease By LYNETTE NORFLEET Downtown St. Louis on June 11 was awash in pink for the Susan G. Komen St. Louis Race for the Cure. The organization and its ubiquitous ribbons are part of an effective campaign to generate funds for breast cancer research and create awareness of the disease. Breast cancer awareness has increased recognition for a less familiar, but even more frequently diagnosed, breast condition: benign breast disease, which despite its name is not really a disease. “Benign breast disease is actually an umbrella term for the changes most women experience in their breasts throughout their lifetimes,” Dr. Cara Hahs, a breast surgeon with the St. Louis Cancer and Breast Institute, said. “Just as our skin changes as we age, so do our breasts. Most people develop freckles and moles on their skin through the years, and most are non-cancerous, but we watch for abnormalities that can signal cancer. “In breasts, tenderness and lumps may develop throughout a woman’s life, and most of these do not develop into cancer, but we look for changes in density and lumps that are not normal.” Benign breast disease encompasses a variety of changes in the breasts, including – but not limited to – pain and tenderness, nipple discharge, and lumps. The most common type of lump is a fibroadenoma, which is a small, round, soft growth that moves freely around the breast tissue. Some women may have them their entire lives; others see them develop during pregnancy or at other times. Hahs said they are most common among women in their teens and 20s. “The younger you are, the more likely you are to have benign fibroadenomas,” Hahs said. “But unfortunately, I have seen patients in their 20s with breast cancer, too. So it is extremely important to know what
is normal for your breasts and to be aware of any changes.” In general, benign breast disease does not necessarily increase a woman’s risk for developing breast cancer. Breast pain and tenderness rarely are associated with cancer but rather with hormonal changes and usually appear before or with a woman’s menstrual period. There is no cure, but there are ways to treat symptoms. The same is true for nipple discharge in various colors. The only exception is bloody discharge, which often is a cancer indicator. Fibroadenomas, cysts (small sacs of fluid) and other types of lumps are the biggest cause for concern in screening for breast cancer, but again, most are non-cancerous. They can be monitored over time or taken out for biopsy. Along with self-examination, mammography is the most effective diagnostic tool for breast cancer. With mammograms, physicians look for lumps, nodules, calcifications and asymmetric issues. “Ten percent of women who have mammograms get called back to rescan areas of concern, and only 10 percent of those who get called back have lumps or areas that are determined necessary to have biopsied,” Hahs said. While those statistics are somewhat encouraging, Hahs was quick to point out that breast cancer is still the No. 1 cancer in women, and the No. 1 risk factor for developing breast cancer is being female, so being familiar with one’s body and aware of changes are critical to remaining cancer-free. “I am a fan of being proactive in your health care,” Hahs said. “The most important piece of advice I can give to women is to know what is normal for you. If you notice a change in your breasts that persists through your menstrual cycle and doesn’t return to normal, have it evaluated.”
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36 I business I
Bu si ness PEOPLE Peggy Lauer has been named director of Maryville University’s new Center for Sustainability. Programs initiated through the Center will help advance sus- Lauer tainability on campus and throughout the region. Lauer is a longtime advocate of environmental practices on Maryville’s campus. ••• Krista N. Miesner, of Chesterfield, has obtained her Missouri license as a certified public accountant (CPA). Miesner is an associate at Abeles and Hoffman, P.C.
PLACES After calling Plaza Frontenac home for 15 years, St. Louis Sippery & Café has moved to the Chesterfield Valley. The business now is open at 161 Long Road. ••• Pulte Homes has opened a new section at The Reserve at Chesterfield Village, located off of Baxter Road and Wild Horse Creek Road. The new section of homes, called The Bluffs, features new homes from the $370,000s. •••
Money for ‘miracles’ Five credit unions active in the St. Coldwell Banker Gundaker reported Louis Chapter that it ranked first in sales volume and of Credit Unions transaction side among St. Louis’ real during the month estate companies in 2011, as listed in of April opened the REAL Trends 500 report, an annual 281 new youth research report that identifies the country’s accounts and made largest and most successful residential real a combined donaDate of issue: estate brokerage firms as ranked by closed tion of $2,030 to Newsmagazine Client: transaction sides and separately by closed Children’s Miracle Salesperson: sales volume. Network of Greater Size: Proof: Client: ••• St. Louis. As a way Colors: Employees of the Creve Coeur West to provide literacy Pictured are Maria Langston, of Children’s Miracle Network of Greater St. Louis; Lori Crutchley, of ArsenalPictures: Credit Union; branch of M&I Bank on June 9 during during Credit Union Christopher Armstrong, a Children’s Miracle Network ambassador; st a barbecue fundraiser raised more than Youth Month, 1 Lisa Farnen, of Electro Savings Credit Union;Logos: and Michelle $500 for the Humane Society of St. Louis. Financial, Alliance, Rossner, of 1st Financial Credit Union. Copy: Employees at all 17 M&I Bank branches Arsenal, Electro in the St. Louis metropolitan area particiSavings, and Vantage credit unions committed to donate $5 for each new youth pated, collectively raising more than $3,300 account opened in April. Electro Savings also committed to donating $5 for each for local charities and organizations. M&I deposit of $50 or more made into existing youth accounts during April. Bank is supporting the effort by matching the total amount raised. “This award places Mercy in prestigious ••• company,” said Lynn Britton, president GI Jobs, a magazine published for vetAWARDS & HONORS and CEO of the Sisters of Mercy Health erans, has named Manchester-based Fish St. Louis-based Sisters of Mercy Health System.“When other award winners Window Cleaning to its list of “Military System was one of 48 U.S. employers include the likes of IBM, Campbell Soup Friendly Franchises.” The list honors receiving the 2011 Best Employers for and Target, you feel confident you’re doing the top 7 percent of franchises doing the Healthy Lifestyles award. The National a lot of things right as an organization.” most to recruit America’s veterans as franBusiness Group on Health – the nation’s Mercy was honored for its innovative chisees and was designed to help veteronly non-profit organization of large Healthification initiative, which promotes ans learn which franchises give them the employers devoted to health care related a fit workplace and encourages co-work- best financial incentives and training, and issues – presented the honor May 24 at a ers and families to support and maintain which franchises have the highest number leadership summit in Washington, D.C. healthy lifestyles. of veteran franchisees.
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Gigantic maple seeds buttress the tree house structure. Poplar bark siding represents the tree trunk, and enormous leaves grow above.
West County siblings, cousins win ‘Extreme Tree Houses’ contest By CAROL ENRIGHT It’s a kid’s dream: $5,000 to build the coolest tree house you can think of with some of your favorite people in the world. Only this was no childhood fantasy; it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for some very grown-up cousins and siblings living in West County. Last fall, Carol Pearlstone, of Ballwin, saw an article announcing the Missouri Botanical Garden’s “Extreme Tree Houses” competition as part of its efforts to support the United Nation’s International Year of the Forests. The contest placed special emphasis on designs that incorporated sustainability into playful, imaginative structures. Pearlstone had been reading about the St. Louis Zoo’s 100th anniversary and Phil the Gorilla when she saw the contest announcement. “My grandfather was a zookeeper at the St. Louis Zoo and raised Phil, so we’ve always had this connection to St. Louis,” Pearlstone said. The family has deep roots also in the construction business. Pearlstone’s father owned Villinger Construction Company, which her brother, Milt Villinger, runs. Her cousin Ann Florsek, of Ballwin, is an architect whose husband, Dean Teiber, owns Teiber Construction Company. Her sister and brother-in-law, Fran and Dave Thies, of Creve Coeur, own Thies Farm and Greenhouses in Maryland Heights. Pearlstone thought she could pool her family’s talents and resources to make a piece of St. Louis history and asked her siblings and cousins if they were interested in entering, and they agreed to do it. In January, the family found out that their entry, “Inside the Tree House,” was one of seven winners of the juried competition. They would receive $5,000, which they used to pay for materials, and would have
to install their winning structure by the end of April. Over the next two months, various team members constructed much of the tree house off site. As the April deadline neared, the team members, plus other family and friends, assembled the pieces and built the tree house on site at the Garden. “It was a huge effort,” Florsek said. “Twenty or more people helped construct the tree house, and we received a lot of donations.” The main structure sprouts from a giant replica of a seedpod, or “helicopter,” of a maple tree. “It becomes a lesson in how the seed falls and supports the growth of the new tree,” Florsek explained. The tree house incorporates several sustainable features, including: real poplartree bark siding and panels; flooring made from reclaimed cedar decking; and screens made of reeds, a readily renewable resource. Fran and Dave Thies built a living roof that absorbs water runoff and a rainwater collection system with a rain barrel to irrigate the tree house’s flower boxes. “Hopefully, people can walk through and … see that a lot of it is reusable and sustainable and they can easily use these ideas in their own homes,” said Florsek. Team members agreed that time spent together designing and building the house was the project’s greatest reward. The Extreme Tree Houses Exhibit runs through Aug. 21. When it closes, the tree house will be moved to Thies Farm’s newest location in St. Charles, which is slated to open in the spring of 2012. “We hope that millions of kids will be able to enjoy it here,” Fran Thies said. But the sisters concurred that tree houses are not only for the young. “We’re all living out our childhood dream of having a tree house,” Pearlstone said.
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38 I cover story I
What’s on our plates? USDA serves up new nutritional tool By JIM ERICKSON It is not a panacea for the obesity and diabetes epidemics or a guarantee for improved fitness. But the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s new MyPlate icon is a simple, easy-to-understand tool that should help remind consumers to adopt healthy eating habits, say local nutrition experts. “I like it (the MyPlate icon),” Mary Ellen Beindorff, a registered and licensed dietitian at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, said. “There’s still a need for more consumer education on what constitutes a healthy diet, but the new icon definitely helps communicate the basics.” Julie Pozzoli, a registered and licensed dietitian and certified diabetes educator at St. Luke’s Hospital, agrees. “Having a plate as the main symbol provides a good tool,” Pozzoli said. “The message that fruits and vegetables are important parts of the diet is clear.” “Simplicity is the key and the new approach is a good step in that direction,” Beth McChesney, a registered and licensed dietitian on the staff of community dietitians at St. John’s Mercy Hospital, said. Launched early this month, the MyPlate icon replaces the USDA’s food pyramid as the government’s primary food group symbol. As its name suggests, the new graphic includes a round plate with wedges labeled vegetables and fruits occupying half of the plate. On the other half of the plate are two wedges labeled grains and protein, respectively. The varying sizes of the wedges represent the greater or lesser number of daily servings that should be included in a healthy diet. A small circle outside the plate’s upper right portion is labeled dairy. The food pyramid was introduced in 1992, then altered in 2005. In its original form, the f o o d
pyramid displayed the basic food groups arranged in a pyramid shape with the bread, cereal, rice and pasta group serving as the base. On top of that were the fruit and vegetable groups followed by the milk, yogurt and cheese group and the meat, eggs, fish dry beans, eggs and nuts group. The small peak of the pyramid included fats, oils and sweets with the admonishment that these should be consumed sparingly. In the 2005 revision, the food group blocks were replaced by bands of varying widths running from the pyramid’s base to its peak. To emphasize the need for physical activity, a person drawn as a glorified stick figure climbing the side of the pyramid was included. “The plate icon is much less confusing than the pyramid,” Beindorff said. “I’ve often run into people who have found it difficult to understand what that symbol was saying.” Pozzoli said she thinks the plate icon provides a simplified visual for the meal planning process. “It’s much clearer in that regard than the pyramid,” she said, adding that she already had been using a plate graphic, albeit not the same style as the new USDA symbol, in the diet and nutrition information given to her clients. McChesney also has employed a plate illustration in nutrition-related conversations with her clients. Accompanying the icon at the new website is a wealth of supplemental information. Included are resources and tools for individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators and the food industry, all designed to provide more details on diet and achieving a healthier lifestyle. “ I t ’ s good to have all that infor-
mation online,” McChesney said. “Younger generations are used to going online to find information, so it helps spread the word when such a source is available.” In announcing the new effort, USDA leaders candidly emphasized the program’s role in combating “epidemic rates” of overweight and obesity. “The online resources and tools can empower people to make healthier food choices for themselves, their families and their children,” a USDA news release stated. “People have lots of excuses for not having a healthy diet,” Biendorff said. “The new icon should help address the problem of people simply not knowing what constitutes a good diet, because anyone looking at the symbol can easily see that half the plate is filled with fruits and vegetables.” “Good nutrition really comes down to the issue of moderation in our eating habits,” McChesney said. “Unfortunately, a lot of people have lost sight of what moderation means.” Changing poor eating habits is a longterm process, Pozolli said, but the new icon is a good starting point. “Beyond the basic message are many other points that people need to be aware of, such as the importance of whole grains versus grains in general and what constitutes better protein and dairy choices,” Pozolli said. “Portion control also is an issue. In the long run, education is still essential.” Beindorff praised the new icon’s simplicity as a potential tool for educating the younger generation. “Whether they realize it or not, parents are an important role model for their children when it comes to having a healthy diet,” Biend o r ff notes.
Should government play a role in what we eat? U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack thinks it should, and he strongly defends his agency’s actions. But he is not alone in his views. The dietitians contacted for comment about the recently introduced MyPlate icon agree the federal government can and should have a role in the issue of what constitutes a healthy diet. “I don’t see any reason for concern about the federal government’s position,” Barnes-Jewish Hospital’s Mary Ellen Beindorff said. “We know the research that’s behind it and appreciate the validity of that information. It’s really not controversial.” Julie Pozzoli from St. Luke’s Hospital echoed that view, adding that the new symbol is only the latest step in a USDA nutrition education effort that dates back many decades. “MyPlate simply reinforces what those in the healthcare field already have been saying,” Beth McChesney, of St. John’s Mercy Hospital, said. “What I’d also like to see is more government financial support for healthier meals at schools and for nutrition education. Requiring insurance to cover nutrition consultation as part of preventive healthcare measures would be beneficial, too.” As for Vilsack, he noted at a news conference after the MyPlate icon was unveiled that the program is a guide, not a mandate. “We’re suggesting that there is a healthy, balanced opportunity here and this is what a healthy, balanced opportunity looks like,” Vilsack said. “We’re not suggesting that (people) should not ever have a cookie or a treat or a dessert or whatever. This is not what this is about and it’s unfortunate that people want to make it about that. “What this is about is a nation that has an obesity issue. A third of our kids are obese or at risk of being obese. The percentages of adults who face chronic disease as a result of obesity are significant. The costs associated with obesity are enormous.”
I cover story I 39
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The USDA’s new MyPlate icon replaces the agency’s food pyramid.
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Steps to healthier eating
“With the new symbol being so easy to understand, we now may have situations where kids bring home from school the message of what’s needed for good nutrition.” In announcing the new MyPlate icon and the additional information available in the overall program, the USDA pulled out all the stops. News releases announcing the new effort went out to the media in advance of the official unveiling to drum up interest and coverage. First Lady Michelle Obama joined Agriculture Secretary and former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack and Surgeon General Regina Benjamin at the announcement news conference. To promote the MyPlate initiative and gauge its use and acceptance, the USDA is encouraging consumers to photograph their plates for sharing on Twitter with the hashtag #MyPlate. MyPlate photos also can be sent to the USDA Flickr photo group at
The U.S. Department of Agriculture makes available a wealth of information on healthy eating habits. But the federal agency also has condensed that advice into three general areas with a small number of specific steps in each. Balancing Calories • Enjoy your food, but eat less. • Avoid oversize portions. Foods to Increase • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. • Make at least half your grains whole grains. • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1 percent) milk. Foods to Reduce • Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread and frozen meals and choose the foods with lower numbers. • Drink water instead of sugary drinks. In summary, USDA advises, “Choose steps that work for you and start today.”
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40 I Mature Focus I
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Come See for Yourself... With no plans to retire, many baby boomers are returning to school to remain competitive in the job market.
National program encourages baby boomers to return to school
St. Louis Community College participates By SHANNON F. IGNEY It is never too late to go back to school. The St. Louis Community College (STLCC) system recently was selected to participate in a nationwide program to provide educational options for the baby boomer population. The Plus 50 Completion Strategy, sponsored by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) and funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies, seeks to enhance programming in learning, training and volunteer services for mature students at community colleges across the nation. STLCC currently is one of 20 institutions taking part. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 30 percent of the nation’s fastestgrowing occupations will, if they do not already, require post-secondary educational credentials. Demographically, 78 million American baby boomers are approaching retirement age with 62 percent having no plans to retire. To remain vital, companies and educational institutions must provide the necessary tools and training to allow the age group continued success. “As we continue to rebound from a deep economic downturn, mature workers will have increased opportunities to bring their many assets – work ethic, leadership and experience, to name a few – back into the workplace,” Rod Nunn, STLCC’s vice chancellor for workforce and community development, said. The Plus 50 Completion Strategy provides a venue for mature students to earn credentials to remain competitive in an increasingly challenging job market at an affordable cost. Baby boomer students can
sharpen old skills or learn new ones. “We hope to expand the number of students that we serve, helping them to finish a degree or training program,” Heather Ellison, Plus 50 initiative completion coordinator for STLCC, said. “Participating in the initiative will provide designated service to our mature students on all campuses toward a degree or certificate program as well as produce 50 percent more students aged over 50 with high-quality degrees and certificates by 2020, as challenged by the Plus 50 Completion Strategy goals.” Heading back to the classroom can help a mature student bridge the cultural and communication gaps between other generations as well as sharpen and retool existing skills necessary to succeed in an ever-dependent technological world. Program courses currently offered at STLCC include Plus 50 Re-Inspired, a transitional planning workshop; Plus 50 Re-Wired Employment Seminar, which discusses current methods in networking, the online application process, resume writing and interviewing training; and Plus 50 Entrepreneur. In addition, short-term job training programs also are available. Other options include Home Health Caregiver, Computer Training for the re-entry professional, Personal Trainer certification and the Bookkeeping & Accounting Specialist certificate classes. A webinar series also is available on topics such as workforce development, communications and marketing, program operations and community development. For more information or course schedules, contact Heather Ellison at (314) 9847842.
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42 I mature focus I
West County women to compete for Ms. Missouri Senior America By SARAH WILSON Nine women will compete in the 2011 Ms. Missouri Senior America Pageant at 2 p.m. on Sun., July 10 at the Florissant Civic Center Theatre. Contestants in the pageant must be at least 60 years old, be a Missouri resident and be able to present a competitive, quality talent. Categories of the competition include modeling an evening gown, reciting one’s philosophy of life and having a personal interview with judges. Each year, the Missouri Cameo Club, made up of former contestants, presents the members. The former contestants perform in variety shows throughout the St. Louis area, with the funds raised from the shows used to pay for the pageant. The winner will compete in October at the Ms. Senior America Pageant in Atlantic City, N.J. Two West County residents are among
those competing in this year’s pageant: Carol Moldafsky, of Town & Country, and Merrily Woodford, of Manchester. Moldafsky and her husband, Neil, have two children and one grandson. She attended the University of Missouri and studied social work and worked for several years as a medical assistant for clinics and doctors. She has volunteered at her children’s school and for 15 years was a preschool teacher at United Hebrew Congregation. Currently, she volunteers as a receptionist at Congregation Shaare Emeth. Moldafsky keeps busy performing as a member of the production staff for the charitable musical group Broadway Fantasies in its annual show and its mini-shows at senior residences. She has performed also for the St. Louis Showstoppers. At the pageant, Moldafsky will sing “When You’re Good to Mama,” from the Broadway musical and movie, “Chicago.” Woodford and her husband, Gene, are
the parents of two daughters and have four grandchildren. Woodford earned her Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees and holds seven certifications, which were implemented in teaching handicapped children for 13 years. She has volunteered as a Campfire Girls troop leader, day camp director, and as an aide at Good Shepherd School for Children. She is a member of the Pi Lambda Theta National Education Honor Society, Kappa Delta Sorority, United States Figure Skating Association and Bit’s ‘N’ Pieces Quilt Guild.
Woodford is fulfilling her lifelong dream of being a dancer by taking classes, performing at retirement/nursing homes and participating for the past five years in the annual tap Senior Olympics. At the pageant, she will perform a tap dance to “Spreadin’ the Rhythm Around.” Ms. Missouri Senior America Pageant tickets cost $15 in advance and $17 at the door. To purchase ahead of time, call (314) 921-5678 or visit the Florissant Center Civic Theatre box office, located at #1 James J. Eagan Drive.
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I mature focus I 43
WildWood internal Medicine On the Calendar The Eureka Parks and Recreation Department hosts a Coffee Club for active older adults at 9 a.m. on Thurs., June 23 and Thurs., June 30 at the Eureka Community Center. For $2, guests get coffee, tea, pastries, chair exercise and blood pressure checks, sponsored by Comprehensive Chiropractic. For details, call 938-6775 or email ••• Baue Funeral Homes, Crematory and Cemetery offers help and guidance for grieving families at the second annual Seeds of Hope Remembrance Program at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Sat., June 25, at the Baue Cave Springs location (3950 West Clay in St. Charles). The complimentary program includes education and information on coping after the loss of a loved one, and a memorial balloon release service. For information or to register, call 940-1000 or visit ••• Covenant House Apartments hosts a Senior Health Fair from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tues., June 28 at the Covenant House (10 Millstone Campus Drive in Creve Coeur). The health fair brings together a variety of providers to share
the latest resources, provide literature and promotional items, to discuss concerns and answer questions. Topics include where to turn to for help after returning home from a hospital stay, finding out what is covered by Medicare or Medicaid and finding a cost-effective way to ensure elderly parents are on top of their daily medication needs. For details, call Jenny Gilsinn at (314) 432-1610, ext. 1111, or email jgilsinn@ ••• “Taking Care of Your Parents … and You” support groups are from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. beginning on Wed., June 29 and continuing on Wed., July 6, July 13 and July 27, at Central Reform Congregation (5020 Waterman Blvd. in St. Louis). Taking care of an aging relative can be a joy but also can be very stressful. Participants will get the chance to connect with others who are dealing with similar issues or situations. They also will learn the best practices in care-giving, resources available to help as well as how to maintain one’s own sense of balance and well-being. Reservations are required. For more information or to RSVP, call (314) 812-9300 or email info@
‘Senior’ prom
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Pictured are seniors and servicemen dancing at the “prom.”
St. Clare of Assisi in Ellisville on June 10 hosted a fun–filled trip down memory lane with a “senior” prom for people ages 55 and older. The evening included music, food and servicemen from the Navy and Marines, who danced with some of the women. Charlotte Tassallo, who attended the event, said that she had so much fun, she was “off the wall with delight.” The dance was sponsored by the Boy Scouts and Clarion Club from St. Clare’s Parish.
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Radio talk show host and local Tea Party activist Dana Loesch is among the speakers scheduled for the Smart Girls Politics convention to be held next month in St. Louis. By MARCIA GUCKES An organization of conservative women has chosen St. Louis as the site of its third annual convention, which will be held this summer. Smart Girls Politics (SGP) co-founder Teri Christoph said the group expects about 300 to attend the annual summit at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Downtown St. Louis on July 29 and July 30. Previous summits were held in Nashville, Tenn., and Washington, D.C. Christoph said although the organization’s name implies it is for women only, men are welcome too. “Despite our name, it’s not just for women,” Christoph said. “We’re not really in identity politics. We’re about advancing conservatism in politics as a whole, so men are welcome to our summit absolutely.” Speakers include 2012 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain; North Carolina Republican Congresswoman Renee Ellmers; conservative pundit Deneen Borelli; and Executive Director of the Independent Women’s Forum Nicole Kurokawa Neily. Speakers also include well-known regional conservatives Phyllis Schlafly, founder of the Eagle Forum; Missouri Lieutenant-Governor Peter Kinder; and Dana Loesch, local radio talk show host
and co-founder of the St. Louis Tea Party. The SGP convention will also include a women’s presidential straw poll, which will ask women about the issues that are important to them and what solutions they would like to see. The results will be announced at the end of the convention. There will be movie screenings of “Fire from the Heartland” and Sarah Palin’s new documentary, “The Undefeated.” Palin’s candidacy during the 2008 election was one of the factors that led to the formation of SGP, according to Christoph. She said that co-founder Stacy Mott was blogging from her home in New Jersey about her emotions concerning Palin’s candidacy and how hard it is to be a conservative. Christoph was blogging from her home in Virginia. The women connected and Mott suggested that they start “something” for conservative women. “It was about the time, right after the election, when a lot of conservatives were bemoaning that they weren’t as good with the new media,” Christoph said. “So we hit on Twitter, and Facebook and other platforms at the right time to connect with a lot of people.”
“The ultimate goal is to train them up on the latest and greatest tools that activists are using ahead of 2012, the big presidential election.” -Teri Christoph Christoph said one of the goals of the summit this summer is to connect people to the conservative speakers and other activists. “The ultimate goal is to train them up on the latest and greatest tools that activists are using ahead of 2012, the big presidential election,” Christoph said. Tickets to the two-day summit this summer are priced at $125, which includes two meals, the movie screenings, and a Smart Girl Summit swag bag. Christoph said they may come up with a less expensive option without the meals and that would be announced on their website. Special hotel rates are available. Tickets can be purchased on the website by clicking on “How do I register?” at
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Keith Urban’s “Get Closer” World Tour comes to Scottrade Center on June 29.
CONCERTS Lynyrd Skynyrd, June 24, The Family Arena Rascal Flatts with Sara Evans, Justin Moore and Easton Corbin, June 26, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater “Yesterday Once More: Music of the Carpenters,” June 26, Powell Symphony Hall Keith Urban, June 29, Scottrade Center Eddie Vedder, July 1, The Fox Theatre 311 and Sublime with Rome, July 9, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Natasha Bedingfield, July 9, Old Rock House Kid Rock, July 16, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater NKOTBSB with Matthew Morrison, July 19, Scottrade Center Journey with Foreigner and Night Ranger, July 27, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Kenny Chesney with Billy Currington
and Uncle Kracker, July 28, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Sade with John Legend, July 28, Scottrade Center “American Idols Live!” July 31, Scottrade Center Vans Warped Tour, Aug. 3, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Def Leppard with Heart, Aug. 10, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Taylor Swift, Aug. 13-14, Scottrade Center Blink 182 and My Chemical Romance, Aug. 19, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Katy Perry, Aug. 20, Scottrade Center Incubus, Aug. 20, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Return to Forever, Aug. 25, The Fox Theatre Selena Gomez, Aug. 29, The Fox Theatre
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311 performs on June 26 at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater.
FESTIVALS The Jenny Kavanaugh Band – Whitaker Music Festival, June 22, Missouri Botanical Garden – F Nigel Mooney – Whitaker Music Festival, June 29, Missouri Botanical Garden –F “Legally Blonde: The Musical,” through June 26, The Muny “Romeo and Juliet,” June 24-26, The Touhill “A Year With Frog & Toad,” June 30-July 3, Heagney Theater “Kiss Me, Kate,” June 27-July 3, The Muny “The Little Mermaid,” July 6-14, The Muny
tickets and information The Family Arena:, (314) 534-1111 The Fox Theatre:, (314) 534-1111 Heagney Theater:, (314) 556-1293 Missouri Botanical Garden:, (800) 6428842 The Muny:, (314) 361-1900, ext. 550
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Eddie Vedder performs on July 1 at The Fox Theatre.
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46 I events I
Quilt & Hooked Rug Exhibit Saturday, July 9th 12-4pm Private Collection of Pat & Earl O’Rourke
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Com mu n it y Event s ART “Chrsytal Jackson’s Big Birthday Party Show” is at 7 p.m. on Sat., June 25 and Sun., June 26 at the clubhouse of Madison at Seven Trails (Holloway Road at Seven Trails Drive in Ballwin). Jackson, a local artist, celebrates her birthday with a showing of her watercolors, original bboks and prints. Live music and food also are featured. ••• Kodner Gallery hosts an exhibit titled “Our Great Waterways: The Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois Rivers,” with an opening reception from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fri., July 8, and closing Aug. 1 at the gallery (9650 Clayton Road). A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the works benefits the St. Louis Confluence Riverkeeper organization. Selected artists include Billyo O’Donnell, Bryan Haynes, Joseph Orr, James Godwin Scott and Catherine Mahoney. Starting early in the year and continuing through the summer, the artists capture the rivers in plein air, in a variety of settings. For details, visit
BENEFITS The ALS Association St. Louis Regional Chapter hosts the annual St. Louis Walk to Defeat ALS at 10 a.m. (registration at 9 a.m.) on Sat., June 25 in Forest Park.
There are 1- and 3-mile routes, music by the Lightnin’ Bottle Band, and participants receive a T-shirt for raising at least $25. The event raises funds for local patient programs and national research to fight ALS. To register, visit or call (314) 432-7257. ••• Labadie Environmental Organization hosts a BBQ fundraiser from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sun., June 26 at The Genovese Farm (1436 Grand Army Road in Labadie.) The organization seeks to preserve the Missouri River bottomland and protect clean water resources. Barbecue, drinks and live music are available for $35 per person. Call 544-1014. ••• The ninth annual Monarch Firefighters Golf Tournament to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is at 12:30 p.m. on Mon., July 11 at Landings at Spirit Golf Club (180 N. Eatherton Road in Chesterfield). Lunch and dinner are served; beer and refreshments are provided. The fourperson scramble is $95 per person or $380 per team if received by June 27. Cash prizes are featured. Contact Chris Gelven at or Jef Burle at ••• Life Skills hosts the 26th annual Tee It Up Golf Tournament and dinner auction,
Jefferson Barracks Concert series Veterans Memorial Amphitheater Weekends 8pm to 11pm / Gates open at 7pm
Blues he Mississippi
on t Friday, June 24
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beginning with a 6:30 a.m. early-bird registration on Mon., July 25 at Meadowbrook Country Club. A $425 per-player entry fee includes lunch, golf cart rental, greens fees, gifts and tickets to the dinner auction for the player and guest. Proceeds help people with developmental disabilities. Call (314) 567-7705 or visit ••• The second annual Wings of Hope Hope Floats Cardboard Boat Race starts at 10 a.m. on Sat., July 30 at Grand Basin in Forest Park. The proceeds benefit the Chesterfield-based Medical Relief and Air Transport program for children. The race is open to anyone age 10 or older. Visit or call 537-1302. ••• “Bring On Tomorrow,” Arch City Theater Troupe’s seventh annual musical revue, is at 7:30 p.m. on Fri., Aug. 19 and 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Sat., Aug. 20 at Nerinx Hall’s Heagney Theater (530 E. Lockwood Ave.). Students from 23 area school perform pieces from “Fame,” “Damn Yankees,” “Annie” and more. The event also includes a bake sale, blind bid auction, raffle and flwoer sale. Admission is free and donations to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation are accepted. For information call (314) 570-2598.
FAMILY AND KIDS Mad Science for preschoolers is at 10:30 a.m. each Thursday through Aug. 4 at the St. Louis Carousel in Faust Park. The fee is $10 per child per class and includes a car-
ousel ride for child and adult. The program is designed for children ages 3-5. To register or for information, call (314) 615-8383 or visit the carousel gift shop or stlouisco. com/parks. ••• The Ellisville Community Farmer’s Market is from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Bluebird Park. Locally prepared food by PM BBQ, ChaCha Chow Truck, Chef Timothy Grandinetti of Clarksville Station, Sarah’s Cupcakes and more are available. Community concerts follow the market. For details contact Rene Sackett at (314) 435-9445. ••• The Eureka Parks and Recreation Department hosts a free showing of “Where the Wild Things Are” at 8:45 p.m. on Fri., June 24 on the lawn of City Hall. Call 9386775. ••• The city of Wildwood hosts a movie night at 8:45 p.m. on Fri., June 24 at the Town Center Plaza. There is a free showing of “The Karate Kid” with complimentary kettle corn, Kona Ice, soda and water. Visit ••• The Chesterfield Department of Parks and Recreation hosts a showing of “Eat, Pray, Love” at dusk on Fri., July 8 at the Chesterfield Amphitheater. Visit ••• The Eureka Parks and Recreation Department hosts a showing of “Alpha &
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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM Omega” at 8:45 p.m. on Fri., July 8 on the lawn of City Hall. The event is free. For details, call 938-6775 or email parks@ ••• There is free stargazing from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Mon., July 11; Mon., Aug. 8; Fri., Sept. 9; and Fri., Oct. 14 on the grounds of the Gateway Arch. Free telescope viewing is led by National Park Service rangers and volunteers from the St. Louis Astronomical Society. Visit for details. ••• The city of Wildwood hosts a movie night featuring a free showing of “Rudy” at 8:45 p.m. on Fri., July 15 at the Town Center Plaza. Complimentary kettle corn, Kona Ice, soda and water are featured. Visit ••• The Eureka Parks and Recreation Department hosts a showing of “Despicable Me” at 8:45 p.m. on Fri., July 22 on the lawn of City Hall. Admission is free. For details, call 938-6775.
LIVE PERFORMANCES The city of Ellisville presents a free concert featuring the music of Hudson and The Hoo Doo Cats from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thurs., June 23 at Bluebird Park. Visit ••• First Run Theatre presents “Behind the Chair” by Jason Slavik at 8 p.m. on Fridays June 24 and July 1, and Saturdays June 25 and July 2, at the Thomas Hunter Theater at DeSmet Jesuit High School. Matinees are at 2 p.m. on Sundays June 26 and July 3. Tickets are $8-$12 in advance or $12-$15 at the door. Call (314) 352-5114 or visit ••• St. Louis County Department of Parks and Recreation and Friends of Jefferson Barracks sponsor the Blues on the Mississippi Concert Series, with Soulard Blues Band performing at 8 p.m. (gates open at 7 p.m.) on Fri., June 24 and Fabulous Motown Revue playing at 8 p.m. on Sat., June 25 at Veteran’s Memorial Amphitheater at Jefferson Barracks Park. Concessions free parking and lawn seating are available. Admission each night is $7 for those ages 12 and older, with tickets available at the gate. Visit or call (314) 615-5572 or (314) 615-7840 TTY. ••• The city of Chesterfield hosts The Phins in concert at 7 p.m. on Sat., June 25 at the Chesterfield Amphitheater. Visit ••• The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce presents a concert featuring Spectrum
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tues., June 28 at Faust Park. The concert is free and concessions are available for purchase. Call 5323399 or visit ••• The city of Ballwin Sunset Concert Series features the music of The Decades from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wed., June 29 at New Ballwin Park. Admission is free, and additional parking is available at Woerther Elementary. Visit ••• The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce presents a free concert featuring Non-Stop Band from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tues., July 12 at Faust Park. Concessions are available for purchase. Call 532-3399 or visit
SPECIAL INTEREST The Fourth of July is celebrated as St. Louis residents would have in 1861 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun., July 3, and Mon., July 4 downtown at the Old Courthouse. The free event includes authentic music, costumes, a special reading of the Declaration of Independence and firing demonstrations. For details, visit CoreofDiscovery. com. ••• Westward Hoe Garden Club hosts “Creating a Fairy Garden” at its 7 p.m., Tues., July 12, meeting. For more information, call 391-6469. ••• Chesterfield Arts presents the 2011 Jade G. Bute Adult Writing Contest with entries due by 5 p.m. on Wed., Aug. 24, sent by email to nancy@chesterfieldarts. org. The contest is open to Missouri and Illinois residents aged 18 and older. The genre is non-fiction, and the topic is “A Beginning” – any beginning that transformed the writer’s life and touched him/ her on an emotional level. The entry fee is $10 per entry, and there will be cash awards of $150 for first place, $100 for second and $50 for third place, plus honorable mention certificates. For rules and specific guidelines, email Bud Hirsch at hirschwrites@ ••• The St. Louis Home Fires BBQ Bash is Sat., Sept. 24, and Sun., Sept. 25 at the Town Center of Wildwood. Amateurs and professionals compete for the grand prize in several categories, including ribs, brisket, chicken, chili, pork steak, People’s Choice, chicken wing eating, best-decorated booth and more. Call Frank Schmer at 256-6564 for details.
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Lumiére Place’s diverse restaurant list proves a winning bet By SUZANNE CORBETT When translated to English, the French word “lumiére” is defined as glow, luminary and spotlight, which also defines Lumiére Casino’s award-winning culinary team and restaurants and makes Lumiére a glittering addition to St. Louis’ downtown dining scene. “Our value proposition is about providing the best gaming experience with the best food experience with the best customer service in the market,” Senior Vice President and General Manager Neil Walkoff said. “We do this by providing a variety of food experiences, catering to what customers want.” Stadium Sports Bar and Grill is the latest Lumiére culinary destination, where Chef Andreas Baecker oversees a menu packed with hickory-smoked meats, grilled steaks, heartily stuffed sandwiches and the “Man Vs. Reuben Stadium Challenge,” the six-pound combo of a deluxe-grilled Reuben, pickles and fries that must be conquered in only 45 minutes for a guest to be added to the honor board. So far, only one winner has conquered the challenge, with a finish of 13.5 minutes.
Lumiére Place 999 N. 2nd • St. Louis (314) 881-7777
A short walk from Stadium is where a yen for Asian flavors is satisfied. Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai and Korean specialties are offered with an impressive list of sushi and sashimi. Executive Chef John Johnson recommended the Kumo Roll, which includes soft-shell crab, tempura shrimp, cream cheese, avocado, fried asparagus topped with spicy mayo, ell sauce and tobiko. Those with a wide-range palate should check out Burger Bar or The Kitchen Buffet and Bistro. Celebrity Chef Hubert Keller is Lumiére’s creator of Burger Bar, which has 3,720 burger combinations. Top burger picks include the Black Angus Beef American Classic, a deluxe cheeseburger with bacon, and the Hubert Keller Buf- The award-winning Cielo serves contemporary Italian fare. Lumiére falo Burger, crowned with caramelized onions, Place also offers an extensive selection of food, ranging from Italian to spinach, blue cheese and served on a ciabatta American to Asian, at its other restaurants. bun drizzled with a red wine shallot sauce. At The Kitchen Buffet and Bistro, Chef Jeff Olveri, a prosciutto, sage and served in a white wine butter sauce.” former Disney chef and newest addition to the culinary An additional indulging Italian choice is AAA Five Diateam, makes his own magic. Buffet stations include anti- mond and Michelin 4 Star award-winning Cielo, where pasti, an on-site stone hearth oven producing artisan pizza Chef Fabrizio Schenardi produces a menu based on locally and a baked potato station. sourced products. Lumiére has two distinctive Italian operations, the first “Right now we’re using locally grown tomatoes and a one being The Savoy, Chef Paola Bugli’s recreation of a Missouri-made mozzarella to make a wonderful salad that Tuscan-style grill that uses authentic Italian recipes. has haricots vert (green beans) and a roasted tomato vinai“Many of the dishes I cook here are those we cooked in grette,” Schenardi said. “Cooking everything fresh makes Italy,” Bugli said. “Classic foods like the Saltimbocca alla everything taste the best and that’s what we do here. It’s Romana – it’s a beautiful dish – veal pounded thin with the Italian way.”
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Roofing & gutteRs
1 Room Or Entire Basement FREE Design Service Finish What You Started As Low As $15 sq. ft. Professional Painters, Drywall Hangers & Tapers
Tuckpointing • Leafgard • Repairs
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WEST claSSifiEdS Assisted Care
Business Opportunity
A preferred home care choice since 1987. College degreed professionals provide care/ companionship. Why accept less? Competitively priced options. Care managers and clinical staff available. Bonded & insured. AAA screened. Call Gretchen at StaffLink (314) 477-3434 www.
FLORAL SHOP FOR SALE - Serving central upscale business/residential corridor of Ladue, Frontenac, U. City, Clayton & W. County. Everything in place to step in and operate an ongoing stream of business in a great location. Qualified parties please respond to Terms discussed w/confidentiality statement.
Business Services
CONTRACTORS Home Helpers is your #1 source affordable, dependable care by compassionate caregivers. ♥ Senior Adults ♥ Recuperative Care ♥ Alzheimer’s / Dementia Care ♥ Bathing/Personal Care ♥ Transportation ♥ Meal Preparation ♥ Housekeeping ♥ On Call 24/7 Insured/Bonded & Carefully Screened West County 636-391-0000
Next DeaDlINe: JUNe 30
Affordable Workers Comp *Pay As You Go * No Audits
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We cut costs, not corners! Flexible cleaning schedules, move-in/ move-out cleaning, residential & commercial cleans. Bonded, insured, screened employees. petfriendly. Discounts for seniors and new customers! FREE Personalized estimates.
Call 314-852-9787
Lori's Cleaning Service - Choose a cleaner who takes PRIDE in serving you and is grateful for the opportunity. Call Lori at 636221-2357.
636.591.0010 CLEAN AS A WHISTLE
*Free Quotes
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Your Satisfaction is Our Goal Insured & Bonded
XTREME CARPET CLEAN Special Offer: Free Mattress Cleaning, $49 value with Deep Scrub Deluxe Carpet cleaning. Most thorough 11- step cleaning process avail. Offer ends 7-3111. Call Steve 314-680-6860.
for JUly 6 ISSUe
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Call 314-426-3838
Computer Services COMPLETE COMPUTER SERVICES FREE Pick-up & Delivery. Only $59 Per Hour. Chambers Computers 15274 Manchester Road, Ste 275 (New Ballwin & Manchester Rds.) Call Mike today at (636) 220-2395
Specializing in Home Offices and Small Businesses. County Computer Consulting LLC, can support your computers and networks. Call Ray for more information at 636-391-3853 or www. CCC-LLC.BIZ.
Serving St. louis & St. charles co
call Mike at 636-675-7641 Service at your home or office for: • PC problems or set-up • PC won't start or connect
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$30 diagnostic charge only for first ½ hour Day, evening and weekend appointments available.
For Rent
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Luxury/Executive Apt. 900+ sq. ft. 2BR/2BA, w/walk-in shower. 4 yr. new construction. Very private. Great for person with home-based business. Call for details, 636-391-5678.
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(314) 892-1003
Destin Florida Area. Beautiful 3 bed, 3 bath condo or home, Gated Gulf Front community. Includes beach front cabana, 3 pools, tennis courts & more. Call for Special Spring/summer rates and availability. To view pictures please go to /127089 or /148365. For Additional info Call 314-922-8344.
52 I
WEST claSSifiEdS Garage/Yard Sale Subdivision Yard Sale: Three Sisters Farm - Saturday, June 25 - 8 am to 1 pm. Hwy. 109 to BA south of Babler Park. Look for sign at Pond Road and BA. For JOPLIN Tornado Victims BIG Yard Sale: July 6 & 9, 8am1pm. Clear out spring cleaning stuff! Accepting donations & items to sell. 16707 Kingsowne Estates Dr. in Kingstowne Sub. near Pond/Grover Loop & Hwy. 109. All proceeds and donations go directly to Joplin residents. 636-273-5883.
Garage Services WEST COUNTY GARAGE DOOR SERVICE Proudly serv-
CAREGIVERS! Flexible Shifts Available M-F 8am-5pm Experienced, please
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between 3-5pm
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Handyman PDQ
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Help Wanted PART TIME Employment for Terra's Kitchen located inside the Rick's ACE Hardware store located at 221 Lamp & Lantern Village, Town & County 63017. Please e-mail to chriso3@acestl. com or call 636-386-7733.
Lawn Maintenance, Fertilizing, Mulch, Retaining Walls Landscape Design, and Installation Call for a FREE Estimate.
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Family Owned & Operated. 10+ years experience. Fully Insured.
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Moving & Storage ABC Moving & Storage, Inc in Chesterfield. Residential, commercial, corporate Relocations. Local/Long Distance moving from a simple piece or multiple truckloads. We do it all! Custom packaging & crating. Call today for a FREE ESTIMATE (636) 532-1300.
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Interior and Exterior Painting Power Washing
Gary Smith
Painting & RePaiR
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25 years experience Fully Insured • Owner/Operator
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Karen's Painting Looking for a job done right the first time? On time? Neat & organized? Someone who respects your home like her own? Interior & exterior painting. Free estimates. Discounts on empty properties. Call KAREN 636352-0129
Painting Services A & B Painting - Residential painting services. Quality work - Reasonable Rates. Free Estimates. Call 314-540-7303.
I LOVE TO PAINT!! Professional Painting Wall & Ceiling Combo Special! • Paints, Glazes and More • • Cabinetry & Furniture Too • • Affordable Quality •
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David (314) 732-FAUX (3289)
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KEViN'S PaiNT SERVicE Expert & Professional. New & old house interior/ exterior painting, drywall & acoustical ceiling repair. 25 years painting experience. Low rates/ Free Estimates. call Kevin 636-322-9784
I 53
WEST claSSifiEdS Painting Services
Pet Services
We Use Environmentally Friendly - NO VOC Paints
ANYTHING IN PLUMBING Good Prices! Basement bathrooms, small repairs & code violations repaired. Fast Service. Call anytime: 314-409-5051
PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail) O, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, show me herein you are my mother. Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse for thee (3X). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances in my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for mercy toward me and mine. Must say this prayer 3 consecutive days. After 3 days, the request will be granted. This prayer must be published after the favor is granted! Thank you! JS
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Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Eagle Bank and Trust Company o f Missouri has made application to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for consent to establish a facility located at 7068 S Outer Road 364 O’Fallon, MO 63368-7757. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at its regional office located at 23445 Grand Boulevard, Suite 1200, Kansas City, Missouri 64108. Comments by interested parties must be received by the appropriate Regional Director within 15 days after the date of this publication. The non-confidential portions of the application are on file in the regional office and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the non-confidential portion of the application file will be made available upon request. This Notice is published pursuant to Section 303.6(f )(1) of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Michael W. Walsh Chief Executive Officer
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Waterproofing Top Notch Waterproofing & Foundation Repair LLC. Foundation cracks, sub-pump systems, structural & concrete repairs. Serving Missouri for 15 yrs. Call for free estimate 636-281-6982. Finally, a contractor who is honest and leaves the job site clean. We offer Lifetime Warranties.
54 I
Real estate showcase
Photos: Steven B Smith Photography
2325 Crimson View Court, Ellisville $389,900
Provided by West Newsmagazine’s Advertising Department
heck this one - “A MUST SEE” on your list to view! This home adds a plus to the sluggish housing market. The instant you pull up to this expansive home with its three car driveway and garage, you know you’re home! Not just another listing to stop by and visit, but a home that will take away your breath at every turn once inside. The wonder of this 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath, two story home begins the moment you enter through the Pella dual side light entry door to the large entrance foyer with its arched palladium window. Gleaming Hickory wood flooring, featured throughout most of the main level, will command your attention with its overflow of warmth and beauty. Four and a half inch baseboard and wood blinds are also included on main level as well. To the right, step into the living
room with its glass French doors - it could also be your home office. The spacious family room shows bright with the large bay window. For those cooler nights, just sit back and enjoy the warmth from the beautiful wood burning fireplace. Next, enter the breakfast room with its own wet bar separating it from the family room. From the breakfast room you may exit through the Pella French doors to the oversized deck with its second story stairs down to the walk-out level. What a beautiful view of the private treed lot! Adjoining the breakfast room is a “chef ’s delight” kitchen with GE Stainless steel dishwasher and Kenmore Elite “dual ovens”. Newer light fixtures, including can lights, give beauty to points of interest throughout. Just off the kitchen you will find the laundry room. Finally, complete your main level jour-
17924 Pond bridge - WildWood Wow! One of a kind 1.5 story, 4 bed, 3 bath on 6.7+/- acres. Magnificent horse property & top of the line quality home! Great equestrian property Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960 oPen sun. 2-4
1018 savonne Ct- CHesterfield Stunning 1.5 story home w/ 5 bed, 5 bath w/ Chef’s dream kitchen. Finished LL walks out to beautiful pool and large yard! Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960 oPen sat. 1-3
18211 Wild Horse Creek- CHesterfield Wow! One of a Kind Equestrian estate on Executive style home w/ 6 stall barn & infinity pool in the heart of Chesterfield Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960 Tom Shaw, Jr (314) 283-5064
706 WyCliffe- CHesterfield A 1.5 story in the heart ofWildwood! 4 bed, 4 bath & dream kitchen. 2 story great room w/ fantastic view, bookcases, wetbar, sunroom w/ gas f/p, & more! Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960
208 Cedar Hill - labadie Beautiful horse property! 1 ½ story, 3 bed, 4 bath w/ 20+/- acres, 6 stall barn w/ 120x80 indoor arena & 200x100 outdoor arena- Beautiful equestrian property Cathy Shaw-Connely / Karen Burns (636)346-4960 (314)920-3131
17915 Pond bridge - WildWood 1 1/2 story updated home on 3+/- acres, 5 bed, 4 bath, open kitchen & breakfast room are perfect for entertaining! Private pool and beautiful patio & great equestrian property! Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960
15969 doWnall green dr - CHesterfield Stunning 2 story home in the heart of Chesterfield, 5 bed, 4 ½ bath w/ walk out LL with rec room & wet bar, & truly a must see! Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960
4325 fox Creek rd - WildWood One of a Kind Executive Equestrian property. 1 1/2 story home on approx. 20+/- acres, 5 bed, 7 bath, 8 car garage Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960 Tom Shaw, Jr (314) 283-5064
1009 savonne Ct - CHesterfield WOW! 1 1/2 story on 1 acre, 5 bed, 5 1/2 bath, media room, heated pool and beautiful stone patio Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960
oPen House July 10, 1-3
PriCe reduCed
oPen sun. 1-3
1504 Wolf trail rd. – WildWood Private cedar ranch story home on 3 acres w/ 4 bed, 2 bath w/ updated kitchen & bathrooms. LL w/ rec room & fireplaces on both levels. Matt Shaw (314) 503-4872
18060 babler Woods – WildWood 4 bed, 5 bath multi level home on 8.89 acres is a stones throw away from Babler State Park Open house Sunday, 1-3 Matt Shaw (314) 503-4872
679 rustiC valley - ballWin Remodeled 1.5 story home w/ 3 bed, 2 1/2 bath Dining rm w/ gas fireplace, new carpet throughout home. Private yard & subdivision pool! Chip Dewitt (314)503-3619
oPen sun. 12-1:30
17813 Edison Avenue, Suite 200 Chesterfield, MO 63005
Office:(636) 532-1922 Fax: (636) 532-0222
ney in the dining room, a room as inviting as the rest of the main level. Although each room has its boundaries they all flow together as if an open floor plan was the original intent. A half bath is also located on this level. The second level will offer a master bedroom and a luxury master bath with double bowl vanity, separate tub and shower, and a ceramic tile floor. Three additional bedrooms and a second full bath
complete the upper level. The finished walk-out lower level offers additional living space with the rec room, third full bath and a 5th bedroom. Both the second floor and the lower level are as beautiful as the main level. Call for an appointment today and do not miss out on this opportunity! – THIS PROPERTY OFFERED BY –
Prudential Alliance, REALTORS 17050 Baxter Dr, Suite 200 Chesterfield, MO 63005
Find Your Dream Home at 636-537-0300
1401 HAARMAN OAK DRIVE WILDWOOD Stunning 2 sty, updated kitch w/granite, stainless apppliances & wood flrs adjoins vaulted hearth rm. $650,000
Want more info on area open houses? Just click on
Chesterfield West ~ Your Neighborhood Realtor! 111 Chesterfield Towne Ctr. • Chesterfield 63005 • 636-532-0200
New Homes Div
Spacious 5 Bdr. Home, Wood floors, nice Sq. Ft., Great deck & yard. Good access to 40/64. Candy Citrin -314-518-0675
Candy Citrin
1261 Bluffview Ridge Drive Chesterfield • $529,000
17306 BRIDLE TRAIL WEST WILDWOOD Exceptional custom built ranch on 3.85 acres. 3BR, 2.5ba with over 3800 sq ft of living area. $627,900
Gorgeous 1.5 story, many updates, wonderful finished walk-out LL. Huge deck! Suzi Heller
Lori Williams ~ 314-580-3942 Suzi Heller ~ 314-973-7575
18455 WESTWOOD DRIVE WILDWOOD 1.5 sty home, 4BR, 3.5ba on 3 ac lot, suitable for horses. Fin W/O LL, 2 stone FP, master on main. $550,000
Lori Williams
12451 MONTSOURIS DRIVE CREVE COEUR Experience peace and tranquility on this tree-lined level .933 acre lot. No detail overlooked. $575,000
1439 Chesterfield Estates Drive Chesterfield • $454,900
New New Price! Price!
I 55
24 Forest Club Drive Clarkson Valley • $475,000
Charming custom 4 Bdr, 3.5 Bath Home in Forest Hills. Backs to trees! Candy Citrin -314-518-0675
Candy Citrin
NOW HIRING NEW AND EXPERIENCED AGENTS 801 HONEYRIDGE ROAD CATAWISSA 1.5 sty beauty! Wrap around deck. 9+ landscaped acres with newer 30x50 out building. 4BR, 4ba. $530,000
1610 GARDEN VALLEY DRIVE WILDWOOD Stately 1.5 sty, 4BR, 3 car gar, gorgeous landscaped lot backs to trees. 2 sty great rm w/FP. $519,900
1923 SUMTER RIDGE COURT CHESTERFIELD Spacious ranch, open & vaulted. Updated kitchen w/hard surface counters & appliances. $357,900
219 RIVER BEND DR CHESTERFIELD Two story, 4BR, 2.5ba in River Bend Estates. Remodeled in past 3 years from top to bottom. $357,000
14926 LAKE MANOR CT CHESTERFIELD Spacious updated 2 story 3+BR, 2F/2H ba. Formal LR & DR. MFL. Newer kitchen w/brkfst rm. $349,900
1316 WESTBROOKE TERRACE DR BALLWIN Open floor ranch, vaulted ceilings, bamboo wood floors, wood burning fireplace, formal dining room. $249,000
16349 FULLERTON MEADOWS DR (BALLWIN) Open flr plan 2 sty in Rockwood Schl Dist. Updtd kitchen. $243,900 190 BRAESHIRE DR (BALLWIN) Spacious 3BR/2.5ba on beautiful wooded lot. Great rm w/stone fireplace. $189,900 721 WINDY RIDGE DR (BALLWIN) Vaulted, open flr plan on this townhome. 3BR, 2.5ba and 2 car garage. $169,000 1443 FOX HILL FARMS CIRC (CHESTERFIELD) Exceptional 1.5 sty, 5BR, custom staircase, wood flrs. $1,549,900 1418 WINDGATE WAY LN (CHESTERFIELD) Custom 1.5 sty, gorgeous 1.6 acre lot, inground pool. $1,125,000 13 CHESTERFIELD LAKES RD (CHESTERFIELD) A one of a kind, lakefront, contemporary estate. $950,000 18000 TARA WOODS CT (CHESTERFIELD) Exquisite 1.5sty w/classical details! Wood flrs, granite countertops. $799,900 2130 ENGLEWOOD (CHESTERFIELD) Magnificient atrium ranch is a must see! 5BR, 3ba. Soaring caf ceiling. $449,900 1506 TIMBER POINT CT (CHESTERFIELD) Spacious ranch, lovely lot backs to trees, vaulted great rm, FP. $419,500 14024 WOODS MILL COVE DR (CHESTERFIELD) Beautifully appointed villa, neutral decor, fabulous kitchen. $379,900 15124 BAXTON CT (CHESTERFIELD) Expanded villa, main flr master suite, large kitchen, main flr laundry. $339,900 1825 ORCHARD HILL DR (CHESTERFIELD) Updated 2sty, freshly painted. Maple cabinets, ss appliances. $289,900 2156 FEDERAL WAY (CHESTERFIELD) Lovely 2 sty, large living rm, gracious dining rm, great rm with fireplace. $275,000 1709 WILSON AVE (CHESTERFIELD) 1 ac lot site terraced for home to be on a nice level area backing to trees. $239,900
1574 WALPOLE DR (CHESTERFIELD) Vacation at home with your own private pool ,sauna, 2 wb FP, sun porch.$209,900 1231 CREVE COEUR CROSSING #B (CHESTERFIELD) Nicely updated 2BR, 2ba condo. LL W/O to patio. $109,900 214 FOX CHAPEL (CLARKSON VALLEY) Wonderful 1.5 story, updated to perfecion. 5BR, 3 F/2H baths. $725,000 1579 TERRA VISTA (CREVE COEUR) Attached villa waiting for you to complete. Upgraded fixtures, wood flrs. $320,000 1704 PINEBERRY CT (CREVE COEUR) Spacious 2BR+loft, finished LL condo. Eat-in kitchn, LR/DR, 2.5ba. $154,900 11920 OLD BALLAS RD, #203 (CREVE COEUR) Open spacious floorplan, wood flrs in entry, living, dining rms. $139,900 2325 CRIMSON VIEW CT (ELLISVILLE) Sharp 2sty home with 4BR, 3.5ba, 3 car garage. Updated throughout. $389,900 1329 PARKVIEW ESTATES DR (ELLISVILLE) NEW price. Motivated Seller. 7 yr old townhouse w/attached gar. $132,900 134 CARMEL WOODS DR (ELLISVILLE) Beautiful updated 2BR townhome. Finished W/O LL. Patio. $117,000 6116 THORNTREE LN (EUREKA) 1.5 sty backing to golf course, 2 sty entry & great rm, kitchen w/granite. $434,900 17305 HIDDEN VALLEY DR (EUREKA) Beautiful 4.25 ac. Build your dream home in Hidden Valley Forest Subd. $145,000 850 PHEASANT WOODS DR (MANCHESTER) Updated 4BR, 3.5ba 2 story. Open flr plan, 42 Maple cabs. $307,900 712 VALLEY VIEW (MANCHESTER) Spacious, neutral and large yard backing to trees. Fin W/O lower level. $189,750 194 BROOK VALLEY LN (PACIFIC) 2 sty home sitting on almost one acrea lot. 2BR, 1.5ba, 2 c detchd garage. $139,900
14116 NORTHMILL CT (TOWN & COUNTRY) Lovely 2-sty home on private lot.Open kitchen w/maple cabs. $650,000 1614 RENOIR LN (UNINCORP) 3BR, 2ba ranch with many updated systems. Beautiful wood flooring. $179,000 205 VISTAOAK (UNINCORP) Wonderful 3BR, 2ba split foyer, combined living rm & dining rm,newer vinyl siding. $175,000 12550 WESTPORT DR (UNINC) Ranch3 bedroom/2bath-great neighborhood & locat. Parkway North schools. $149,900 18128 DAWNS TRAIL (WILDWOOD) Exceptional custom 1.5 sty on 3 acre lot. 2 master suites, unique flr plan. $849,000 17702 GARDENVIEW PLACE CT (WILDWOOD) Custom 1.5 sty on cul-de-sac lot. Wood floors, stunning kitchen. $639,900 17700 BIRCH LEAF CT (WILDWOOD) Stunning 2 sty, lush landscaping, wood flrs, wonderful great rm, FP. $549,900 3801 TAMARA (WILDWOOD) Gorgeous ranch home on 10 acres in Wildwood. Features an updated kitchen. $399,900 1500 WINDWOOD HILLS (WILDWOOD) Nesteled on 3+ acre lot. Numerous updates, newer carpet thru-out. $350,000 3345 JOHNS CABIN RD (WILDWOOD) Architectural gem on 4+ picturesque ac, 3 large BR, updated throughout.$325,000 1708 SHEPARD RD (WILDWOOD) Beautiful building site for your own plans. Gorgeous 4.6 acre lot! $325,000 17504 THUNDER MOUNTAIN (WILDWOOD) Nestled in 3 secluded acres of towering trees.4BR GR ranch. $279,900 16336 NANTUCKET SOUND CT (WILDWOOD) Cul-de-sac in Nantucket Subdivision! Finished, W/O LL. $279,900 2434 MAPLE CROSSING (WILDWOOD) Updated 1.5 sty, 4BR/2.5ba, 2car. Updated kit & baths, main flr MBR. $259,000
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Jason Pashia - Manager 314-780-1774
445 Honey Valley Drive Villa Ridge- $385,000 4 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath Custom Home. Over 2,700 sq. ft. on main level , 4.46 Acres. Barn, private. MLS # 11027508
721 Silver Fox Lane - Labadie - $259,900 4 BR, 3 BA, 5 Acres, Barn MLS # 11022046
2239 Pine Lake Loop - Gray Summit - $195,000 3 BR, 2.5 BA, Lake, pool. MLS # 11028996
200 Timber Trace - St. Albans - $419,900 Fabulous 3bd , mstr on main, bonus rm over gar, corner lot. 3C garage. You won’t do better than this in St. Albans. MLS # 11028995
2658 Hwy. 100, Gray Summit
276 Shenandoah Dr. Labadie - $465,000 4 BR, 3 BA, 5 Ac., 50 x 80 garage, 32 x 80 barn add., 3 stalls MLS # 11028105
Jason Pashia
1541 Highway 100 - Pacific - $449,000 15+ Acre Farm, West of Wildwood MLS # 11027056
632 Tucker Hill Ln. - Gray Summit - $225,000 3BR, 3BA on 2 Acres MLS # 11013003
311 Hayfield - Robertsville - $154,900 10 Min. off I-44. 3bd, 2ba, 1/2 acre lot. Like New! MLS 11023498
1 Acre nice level cleared land in Gray Summit just a hop off I-44 zoned CD. Would make a great eatery location. MLS # 11025358 $145,000
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