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The Immigration Ploy President Obama’s latest political ploy – granting new “rights” out of thin air, by executive order, to illegal immigrants who claim that they were brought into the country when they were children – is all too typical of his short-run approach to the country’s long-run problems. Whatever the merits or demerits of the Obama immigration policy, his executive order is good only as long as he remains president, which may be only a matter of months after this year’s election. People cannot plan their lives on the basis of laws that can suddenly appear, and then suddenly disappear, in less than a year. To come forward today and claim the protection of the Obama executive order is to declare publicly and officially that your parents entered the country illegally. How that may be viewed by some later administration is anybody’s guess. Employers likewise cannot rely on policies that may be here today and gone tomorrow, whether these are temporary tax rates designed to look good at election time or temporary immigration policies that can backfire later if employers get accused of hiring illegal immigrants. Why hire someone, and invest time and money in training them, if you may be forced to fire them before a year has passed? Kicking the can down the road is one of the favorite exercises in Washington. But neither in the economy nor in their personal lives can people make plans and commitments on the basis of government policies that suddenly appear and suddenly disappear. Like so many other Obama ploys, his immigration ploy is not meant to help the country, but to help Obama. This is all about getting the Hispanic vote this November. The principle involved – keeping children from being hurt by actions over which they had no control – is one already advanced by Sen. Marco Rubio, who may well end up as Gov. Romney’s vice-presidential running mate. The Obama executive order, which suddenly popped up like a rabbit out of a magician’s hat, steals some of Sen. Rubio’s thunder, so it is clever politics. But clever politics is what has gotten this country into so much trouble, not only as regards immigration but also as regards the economy and the dangerous international situation.
When the new, and perhaps short-lived, immigration policy is looked at in terms of how it can be administered, it makes even less sense. While this policy is rationalized in terms of children, those who invoke it are likely to do so as adults. How do you check someone’s claim that he was brought into the country illegally when he was a child? If Obama gets reelected, it is very unlikely that illegal immigrants will really have to prove anything. The administration can simply choose not to enforce that provision, as so many other immigration laws are unenforced in the Obama administration. If Obama does not get re-elected, then it may not matter anyway, when his executive order can be gone after he is gone. Ultimately, it does not matter what immigration policy this country has, if it cannot control its own borders. Whoever wants to come, and who has the chutzpah, will come. And the fact that they come across the Mexican border does not mean that they are all Mexicans. They can just as easily be terrorists from the Middle East. Only after the border is controlled can any immigration policy matter be seriously considered, and options weighed through the normal constitutional process of congressional hearings, debate and legislation, rather than by presidential short-cuts. Not only is border control fundamental, what is also fundamental is the principle that immigration policy does not exist to accommodate foreigners but to protect Americans – and the American culture that has made this the world’s richest, freest and most powerful nation for more than a century. No nation can absorb unlimited numbers of people from another culture without jeopardizing its own culture. In the 19th and early 20th century, America could absorb millions of immigrants who came here to become Americans. But the situation is entirely different today, when group separatism, resentment and polarization are being promoted by both the education system and politicians.
© 2012
I opinion I 3
letters to the editor An ode to newspapers To the Editor: I have just read the editorial dated June 6, 2012, and today is June 18, 2012. I love all newspapers, even from other cities. I love the smell of the ink, opening them, the feel of them. I enjoy reading all the news about my surrounding little cities that make up my world and my city. It saddens me to read about newspapers that are cutting back on publishing, or are closing. My husband and I travel a lot; I do put a hold on my newspaper to have them all delivered on our return (that’s why the delay in reading this edition.) Today I mentioned that I liked to have some of them backup for several days. My husband asked, “Why? It’s old news.” Even though some of the information has already been broadcast on local and national stations, you don’t get all of it, unless it is read. I am not into the computer age, iPad, iPod, etc. I spend enough time on the computer as it is, trying to catch up with my email buddies when I get home and checking out all the AOL notifications. I certainly don’t want to have to read all the news on a computer. I enjoy the articles West Newsmagazine provides, the information that is given about each city. It’s a “What’s Happening” around town edition that lets me plan in advance some of the activities. Keep this treasure coming. Thank you for providing this wonderful “free” local newspaper. Kudos to Warren Buffett! I’m sure I’m not the only person that feels this way. It is a pleasure for me to sit, relax and read all the happenings around the community and the world. By the way, my Christmas present from my sister every year is newspapers from her husbands travels. It’s great to read about what’s happening in little and big towns across the U.S.A., as well as the grocery prices. Our prices aren’t so bad when I see them from other towns. B. Loehr Ballwin
A critical challenge in Missouri manufacturing To the Editor: Sen. Claire McCaskill repeatedly brands herself as a “champion of Missouri industry.” While her words sound good, we are facing a critical challenge to the economic recovery of manufacturing in our state that
needs to be addressed. It is prime time for the senator to backup her rhetoric with action. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was proposing a strict standard on coal-fired electricity generation that would “effectively ban new coal-fired stations.” This new regulation, which is one in a long line of abuses by the agency, would place Missouri manufacturing at a distinct disadvantage in the global marketplace. Sen. McCaskill should oppose this regulation with the same energy that she trumpets the virtues of our industrial base. The New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) sets out to limit greenhouse gas emissions on new power plants. Aside from this regulation highlighting another example of an unelected Washington bureaucracy attempting to set national regulations, it also demonstrates another attempt by the EPA to backdoor a failed cap-and-trade program. In 2009, in the midst of the cap-andtrade legislative debate, Sen. McCaskill took the time to tweet to her followers, “I hope we can fix cap and trade so it doesn’t unfairly punish businesses and families in coal-dependent states like Missouri.” If she so vociferously opposed cap-andtrade, why would she not also oppose the new NSPS regulation? Missouri is a coal-dependent state receiving 85 percent of our electricity from coal, and we are home to one of the world’s largest coal companies. New regulations mean increased prices on coal electricity production and adversely impacting our state’s economy. If 85 percent of our electricity generation is subject to new regulations and fees, the bills paid by consumers are likely to skyrocket. This outcome is counter to everything that Sen. McCaskill claims to stand for when it comes to manufacturing. Earlier this year, the senator stated, “Missouri’s manufacturers continue to produce worldclass products. We must ensure they’re able to create jobs and grow their businesses by allowing them to more easily develop new products for national and global markets.” Why then would she now stand idly by while the EPA makes it harder for them to bring their products to market on the world stage? One year ago, Sen. McCaskill asserted, “When it comes to creating jobs, we don’t need a Washington solution in Missouri – we need a Missouri solution in Washington.” The NSPS rules are the ultimate Wash-
ington “solution.” We should call on Sen. industry, and the extension of unemployMcCaskill to backup her own word. The ment benefits, just to name a few of his solution is to oppose the NSPS rules and to successful programs. allow Missouri manufacturing to operate No one, least of all President Obama, is saton their own – to continue to produce those isfied with progress so far but to question his world class products – free of bureaucratic good intentions is utterly without grounds. interference. Mr. Martin cites gun control as an examGina Loudon, Ph.D. ple of one of the freedoms being stripped Chesterfield from Americans under President Obama’s administration. In actuality, President Obama has disappointingly not been very Challenging Mr. Martin vocal in calling for serious gun control. In To the Editor: spite of the senseless shootings that maim I am appalled by the comments made and kill thousands of people annually in by Jack Martin (West Newsmagazine, June the U.S., Congress is so beholden to the 13) concerning President Obama. NRA that no meaningful gun control can His contention that President Obama be passed, not even after the shooting of “has been wielding executive powers these one of its own members. past years as if he were already a dictator,” One of the few efforts made by the curhis belief that “the current administration rent administration concerning gun control is the most corrupt, incompetent, danger- is to increase penalties for “straw buyers,” ous tyrannical administration in American people who purchase guns in order to history,” as well as his prediction that, if secretly transfer them to someone else, a President Obama is elected for a second practice which contributes horribly to Mexterm, free America may be “replaced with ican border violence. Cracking down on this a regime that may parallel those of Stalin, illegal activity cannot realistically be conLenin, Mussolini, Chavez and Castro” are strued as restricting Americans’ freedom. statements that Mr. Martin is clearly within Astoundingly, Mr. Martin says: “The his rights to make precisely because we Supreme Court and many of the federal Americans do enjoy freedom of speech. courts have been seeded with socialistic If he lived in anything even remotely liberal judges that will rule in the Presiresembling a dictatorship, however, he dents (sic) favor on virtually anything, thus would risk his liberty and perhaps even ending constitutional rule and law.” more for expressing such sentiments. As Who could consider the Supreme Court’s it is, however, he is able to have his base- pernicious decision on Citizens United to less, fear-mongering published in our local be socialistic? Who would view Justice newspaper without reprisal, reason enough Scalia’s comparison of a health care manto refute his accusations. date to a broccoli mandate to be too liberal? I cannot allow Mr. Martin’s vilification The so-called “liberal” justices are actually of our President to go unchallenged. very middle-of-the-road; they only appear He claims that “the president has purposely liberal in contrast to the majority of the escalated the economy crisis by plunging the ultra-conservative justices. country into unprecedented debt,” a strategy It is not President Obama who is “at that will “cause the final economic collapse odds with American values and with of the country,” allowing the administration America itself and the core principles of to “declare martial law and assume dictato- this country,” as Mr. Martin claims. Rather, rial control of the nation.” the views expressed in his letter are at odds To accuse the President of deliberately with reality and steeped in paranoia. exacerbating economic suffering for If we are to make any progress as a Americans for some nefarious personal nation, we must find a way to have a more power-play requires a great deal of sup- rational discourse. porting evidence. It is sorely lacking. Patricia Sullivan Garcia Does intentionally tanking our economy Chesterfield seem like a brilliant campaign tactic for re-election? On the contrary, having inherited a recession, increasing job losses, and Do you want to express your opinion? rising national debt from his predecessor, President Obama has worked diligently, Submit your letter to: in the face of Republican opposition as well as a global economic crisis, to put our economy back on track through the stimulus plan, the rescue of the automobile
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What July 4th means to me For one who was born and grew up in the small towns of the Midwest, there is a special kind of nostalgia about the Fourth of July. I remember it as a day almost as long-anticipated as Christmas. This was helped along by the appearance in store windows of all kinds of fireworks and colorful posters advertising them with vivid pictures. No later than the third of July – sometimes earlier – Dad would bring home what he felt he could afford to see go up in smoke and flame. We’d count and recount the number of firecrackers, display pieces and other things and go to bed determined to be up with the sun so as to offer the first, thunderous notice of the Fourth of July. I’m afraid we didn’t give too much thought to the meaning of the day. And, yes, there were tragic accidents to mar it, resulting from careless handling of the fireworks. I’m sure we’re better off today with fireworks largely handled by professionals. Yet there was a thrill never to be forgotten in seeing a tin can blown 30 feet in the air by a giant “cracker” – giant meaning it was about four inches long. But enough of nostalgia. Somewhere in our growing up we began to be aware of the meaning of days and with that awareness came the birth of patriotism. July 4th is the birthday of our
nation. I believed as a boy, and believe even more today, that it is the birthday of the greatest nation on earth. There is a legend about the day of our nation’s birth in the little hall in Philadelphia, a day on which debate had raged for hours. The men gathered there were honorable men hard-pressed by a king who had flouted the very laws they were willing to obey. Even so, to sign the Declaration of Independence was such an irretrievable act that the walls resounded with the words “treason, the gallows, the headsman’s axe,” and the issue remained in doubt. The legend says that at that point a man rose and spoke. He is described as not a young man, but one who had to summon all his energy for an impassioned plea. He cited the grievances that had brought them to this moment and finally, his voice falling, he said, “They may turn every tree into a gallows, every hole into a grave, and yet the words of that parchment can never die. To the mechanic in the workshop, they will speak hope; to the slave in the mines, freedom. Sign that parchment. Sign if the next moment the noose is around your neck, for that parchment will be the textbook of freedom, the Bible of the rights of man forever.” He fell back exhausted. The 56 delegates, swept up by his eloquence, rushed forward and signed that document des-
Summer is officially here. Dig in!
tined to be as immortal as a work of man can be. When they turned to thank him for his timely oratory, he was not to be found, nor could any be found who knew who he was or how he had come in or gone out through the locked and guarded doors. Well, that is the legend. But we do know for certain that 56 men, a little band so unique we have never seen their like since, had pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Some gave their lives in the war that followed, most gave their fortunes, and all preserved their sacred honor. What manner of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists, 11 were merchants and tradesmen, and nine were farmers. They were soft-spoken men of means and education; they were not an unwashed rabble. They had achieved security but valued freedom more. Their stories have not been told nearly enough. John Hart was driven from the side of his desperately ill wife. For more than a year he lived in the forest and in caves before he returned to find his wife dead, his children vanished, his property destroyed. He died of exhaustion and a broken heart. Carter Braxton of Virginia lost all his ships, sold his home to pay his debts, and died in rags. And so it was with Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Rut-
ledge, Morris, Livingston and Middleton. Nelson personally urged Washington to fire on his home and destroy it when it became the headquarters for General Cornwallis. Nelson died bankrupt. But they sired a nation that grew from sea to shining sea. Five million farms, quiet villages, cities that never sleep, 3 million square miles of forest, field, mountain and desert, 227 million people with a pedigree that includes the bloodlines of all the world. In recent years, however, I’ve come to think of that day as more than just the birthday of a nation. It also commemorates the only true philosophical revolution in all history. Oh, there have been revolutions before and since ours. But those revolutions simply exchanged one set of rules for another. Ours was a revolution that changed the very concept of government. Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people. We sometimes forget that great truth, and we never should. Happy Fourth of July. - President Ronald Reagan, 1981
In QUOTES “Far be it for me to turn down money, but do we need it, I guess would be the question.” – Wildwood Councilmember David Geile, in regard to Wildwood’s quandary over excess block grants.
“Our son lost his life protecting this nation, and it is very disappointing that we are now faced with an administration that seems more concerned with protecting themselves rather than revealing the truth behind Operation Fast and Furious.” – Josephine Terry and Kent Terry Sr. said in a statement issued by the family’s attorney.
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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2012.
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On July 28, a charity golf tournament will be held to raise money for a scholarship fund at Vianney in Pfeiffer’s name. For information on the tournament, contact Dan Chinnici, at (314) 799-5540.
News Br iefs BALLWIN AARP Driver Safety course The Ballwin Police Department will be hosting an AARP Driver Safety seminar on Tuesday July 17 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The event will take place at the Ballwin Golf Club, located at 333 Holloway Road. This safety course is geared toward drivers age 50 and older and focuses on a review of driving skills, defensive driving techniques and accommodations for age-related physical changes. Attendance may qualify participants for lower insurance rates. The cost is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members. Payment in the form of cash or check can be made the morning of the meeting. A discounted price of $5 per person is being offered to current or past school district or university employees To register or learn more about the discount, call Michael Callahan at 394-5191.
Ferris Park planning meeting The second of two public meetings to discuss plans for the re-development of Ferris Park will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 19 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons, located at #1 Ballwin Commons Circle. SWT Design will present several con-
ceptual plans to the public for review and comments. It is anticipated that a final conceptual master plan will be developed from the meeting to guide the city with future park improvements. For more information, contact the Ballwin Parks and Recreation Department at 227-8950.
CHESTERFIELD Driver in fatal accident had meth in his blood Court records, filed the week of June 18, indicate that Dale Kawamura, 35, a resident of Oakland, Calif., who was involved in a fatal accident on Olive Boulevard on Feb. 21, had methamphetamine in his blood at the time of the accident. On June 13, Kawamura was charged with first-degree involuntary manslaughter, a class-B felony, and second-degree DWI, a class-C felony in connection with the Feb. 21 accident that resulted in the death of Clayton A. Pfeiffer, a student Missouri Baptist University. As of presstime, Kawamura was believed to be in his home state of California. St. Louis County Police Fugitive Section will be responsible for his apprehension and arrest. Bail has been set at $75,000.
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DWI checkpoints planned for July Chesterfield Police will be conducting DWI checkpoints in July. Inconvenience to motorists will be minimal. Officers participating in the enforcement effort have had additional training in the recognition of motorists who have had too much to drink or are under the influence of illegal drugs. Officers will also issue citations for seat belt and other violations. Chesterfield Police Department officials stress that providing a safe community is a priority for the police department and removing intoxicated drivers through the use of checkpoints has proven to be an effective method to accomplish this goal.
ELLISVILLE Mother of abandoned baby indicted Kaitlin Norton, who has admitted to leaving her newborn child in the yard of
an Ellisville home last February has been named in an indictment handed up by the Grand Jury the week of June 18. Norton, 20, of north St. Louis County, is accused of first-degree child abandonment and child endangerment. The case will now proceed to trial. Norton reportedly gave birth in the home of her boyfriend before abandoning the child in the yard of a nearby home on Westridge Parc Lane. The child was discovered early on the morning of Feb. 16 by Betty Crowder, a neighbor.
MANCHESTER Creating ‘a stronger sense of the community’ Manchester is working on getting its creative juices flowing with the newly created Manchester Arts council, which is meant to inspire residents as well as non-residents with a bit of culture. Alderman Mike Clement (Ward 2) said the original idea came from Manchester resident Bill Vivrett, a former educator who came to the Board of Aldermen with a vision. “We decided to seek ideas from people and see whether there was any kind of interest,” Clement said. “What we were amazed to find is that there was a lot of
NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM interest. And since, we have continued to grow the size of our council.” The council has roughly 45 people who are interested in getting involved, but, according to Clement, it is looking for more. He said when the council first met, interested participants represented every type of art. “Theater, media, paintings, photography, chorus, symphony; there are a lot of very talented arts in this region, so we really are fortunate to able to start a great program like this,” he said. “I just think communities that offer opportunities like this for the residents benefit. “I think there’s a nice feel when you have a community that can offer these arts opportunities for people. A second benefit for the community is if an arts organization hosts an event, whether it be for art, photography or music, you often draw people into the community.” Clement said municipalities such as Chesterfield, Eureka, Webster Groves, Kirkwood and Clayton already have their own arts councils. “This will bring a stronger sense of the community when you have events that bring people together,” he said. “But we’re still pretty new in this and have a long way to go to get everything organized.” The group currently is drafting an art plan and contemplating upcoming events. Any resident or non-resident who is interested in volunteering their skills, knowledge or passion to the arts is encouraged to contact Clement at 394-5862 or email “You need to have some kind of passion or feeling for the arts, whether being an artist, musician, performer or just enjoying viewing the arts,” Clement said. “And almost all of us fall into that category.”
WILDWOOD MUNI award recipient The St. Louis County Municipal League recently nominated and awarded the city of Wildwood with a MUNI award in the category of parks and recreation for the contributions the city has made throughout the past year to the St. Louis region. “So congratulations to all of us for that,” Mayor Tim Woerther said at the June 11 City Council meeting. “It’s not just the city of Wildwood,” he said. “It’s not just city staffing. We put in a tremendous amount of effort to make trails and parks what they are in this city, and we’re fortunate to have a lot of partners as well.” He credited the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, St. Louis County, Open Space Council, Great Rivers Greenway, the Missouri Department of Transportation and other area municipalities for their contributions to Wildwood’s efforts.
This was the first inaugural award ceremony held by the Municipal League.
New appointments The Wildwood City Council on June 11 appointed three residents to its committees. Bill Garrett (Ward 3) was appointed for a three-year term to the Board of Public Safety. Rob Peasley (Ward 3) and Fran Gragnani (Ward 1) were appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission for four-year terms. When only
Potential boundary changes The city of Wildwood recently approved a resolution to file a map plan with St. Louis Boundary Commission to identify the limits of any potential boundary changes that could occur during the upcoming fiveyear planning cycle. City Administrator Dan Dubruiel said the city had received a “highly unusual” informal request from the city of Clarkson Valley to include it in Wildwood’s annexation map plan if the city were to lose its designation. Also up for consideration, he said, are the Kiefer Creek, Castlewood and Sherman areas. “The area has been designated in the previous map plan filed by the city, the one currently valid, as an area the city would entertain annexation proposals in,” Dubruiel said. “Staff reviewed it and gave careful consideration as to whether it would be advisable to entertain future annexations and came to the conclusion … that it seemed economically unwise to consider the future annexation of that entire area or major portions of it. “However, at the same time, staff did suggest that we may want to consider designating certain select properties uniquely adjacent to the existing city limits .…” The city is under no obligation to file an annexation plan, but if it does not make a decision, it would have to wait five years before considering any annexation with any unincorporated area. Dubruiel said designating an unincorporated area on an annexation map plan also in no way obligates the city to actually propose an annexation or series of annexations during the five-year validity period. The city determined that is in the best interests of the city to preserve the opportunity to at least be able to consider certain potential boundary changes during the five-year planning cycle.
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Chesterfield considers social host ordinance
By CAROL ENRIGHT The Chesterfield City Council on June 18 set the stage for approving an ordinance at its next meeting on July 16 that would make it easier for law enforcement to go after adults who allow underage drinking in their homes. Although the city already has laws on the books that allow it to charge adults who host parties where minors are found drinking or using drugs, city officials say the new ordinance will give police and the city prosecutor one place to point when pursuing violators. “As far as Chesterfield is concerned, we have been doing just that – holding parents and responsible persons accountable for large, loud, boisterous parties for over 20 years now,” said Chesterfield Police Chief Ray Johnson. “We’ve simply been doing it under some existing ordinances.”
Johnson said the new ordinance will “simplify matters for our officers and for our prosecuting attorney.” “It kind of pulls together some of the current ordinances that we’ve been using and places them under this one municipal ordinance that we can then charge people with and the prosecutor can refer to in prosecuting them,” Johnson said. When asked if he has seen an increase in unruly parties in Chesterfield in recent years, Johnson said, “No.” “In fact, over the years, we’ve seen a decline in the numbers in our city – and I attribute that to the fact that we’ve been tough on these types of parties and holding parents responsible,” Johnson said. Under existing laws, an adult who is found guilty of hosting a party for minors using alcohol or drugs can be assessed a maximum fine of $1,000 and/or be sentenced to 90 days in jail. Although the new ordinance won’t change how Chesterfield charges offenders, it could place an additional pinch on their wallets by making them pay for the costs of responding to the scene. Currently, the municipal court has the discretion to offset those response costs up to the maximum allowable $1,000 fine. The new ordinance more clearly stipulates that if response costs are excessive, the city could hold offenders responsible. “You’re holding the homeowner, the adult, responsible not only for the fines, but also for the cost of the responders,”
Renee Heney, director of the Rockwood Drug-Free Coalition, explained. “So if you send out a police car with two officers – if you send out a paramedic – (the city) can recoup those costs and the taxpayers pay less by having the parents in the household where the offense takes place cover those costs.” The Rockwood Drug-Free Coalition approached Chesterfield and eight other municipalities in the Rockwood School District last fall with the recommendation to strengthen their existing parent responsibility ordinances. If approved, Chesterfield will be the third city in the district – after Clarkson Valley and Wildwood – to adopt a social host ordinance. Councilmember Randy Logan (Ward 3) remarked that although Chesterfield’s ordinance is similar to those passed in the aforementioned cities, it will not allow a “free pass” for firsttime offenders. However, he added that Chesterfield police officers will continue to use discretion in charging offenders who are hosting a party where neighbors simply complain of noise versus a “huge, blowout of a party” where alcohol is served to minors. City officials noted that responsible parties will be charged whether or not they are home at the time of the gathering. The City Council will vote on approving the ordinance at its July 16 meeting.
Rockwood approves deficit budget, hires PR firm By MARCIA GUCKES Rockwood School District Board of Education approved two major plans for the upcoming school year. At its June 21 meeting the Board approved a $208 million operating budget for the 2012-2013 school year, and agreed to spend $45,750 to hire a public relations firm. The new budget is almost $4.4 million more than last year’s but revenue is about $3.1 million less, which means the district will be starting the school year with a deficit of more than $6.3 million. The district’s chief financial officer, Shirley Broz, said the income reduction comes from decreases in local tax income and a downward trend in student enrollment. Broz said there will be 225 fewer students next school year and 1,500 fewer over the next five years. According to Broz the largest increase in expenditures will be $4.7 million in salaries and benefits. Transportation is the next largest increase with $1.1 million more than last
year. The school buses transport students all across the district’s 150 square miles. Broz said the $1.1 million increase budgeted for bus service is a conservative figure. Rockwood’s operating budget for next year also includes other purchase services, supplies, utilities and energy, and capital outlay. It does not include building maintenance or construction because the district includes those expenses in its bond issue monies. A $43.2 million bond issue failed at the polls in April. That’s when Board members began discussing ways to communicate better with the district’s patrons. “We are at a crossroads,” Board President Janet Strate said. “We need to know from the public what kind of Rockwood (they) want in the future.” The Board hired UNICOM-ARC, a St. Louis firm that provides what it calls “integrated communication solutions” using research and public relations techniques. Rockwood has used the company at least twice before. One of UNICOM-
ARC’s executives is Dan Burns, Rockwood’s former communications chief. Board Director Keith Kinder said he heard that some people are concerned about Dan Burns because he used to work for the district. “I worked for the district at one time,” Kinder said. “I don’t want people saying, ‘You worked for the district so therefore you shouldn’t be making decisions for the district.’ Corporations put people to work after they retire because they worked for them.” Superintendent Bruce Borchers recommended UNICOM-ARC over the lower bidder. “I believe their approach provides an increased level of two-way communication as opposed to the other company,” he said. The other company bidding for the communications contract was Patron Insight with headquarters in Stillwell, Kan. Patron Insight’s bid was $26,350. One of its executives is Craig Larson, who was Rockwood’s superintendent for seven years before Borchers.
EPA releases final review of Wildwood property By SARAH WILSON The Environmental Protection Agency on June 21 at an open house provided the final portion of its Expanded Site Review that it conducted on three separate portions of the proposed Strecker Forest development site in Wildwood, including the Strecker Forest homesites, the Strecker Forest preservation area and the Callahan property. The EPA said it found that the southern portion of the 18-acre parcel, where the Strecker Forest homesites are proposed, is free of contaminates exceeding a level of concern, except for an isolated area where elevated dioxin levels remain. It said the material could be excavated and disposed of safely at an ordinary landfill. As for the Strecker Forest preservation area, the EPA said the two areas comprising approximately half an acre in the northeast corner and along the eastern side of the property need further assessment to characterize risks associated with soil dioxin levels originating from the adjacent Bliss-Ellisville site. Shallow groundwater in the area also warrants further investigation. The rest of the site is free of contamination. In regard to the Callahan property, the EPA said the area is free of contamination except for soils with elevated levels of chromium and lead in an area where drums were removed and disposed of in the early 1980s. The EPA said it has begun an assessment to prepare for the excavation and removal of the paint waste material. Gene Gunn, EPA Superfund branch chief for Region 7, said this is the final portion of the report, but the EPA is “not completely done.” Wildwood resident Carl Altman said overall he was pretty happy with the assessment but is still concerned about people getting exposed to toxic chemicals on the property. He said for the past 30 years, there has been “a severe lack of public education” regarding the site. “It just makes me nervous,” Altman said. “I think you did a great job here, but I think that people need to be made aware of the danger.” The Ellisville Superfund site remains on the EPA’s National Priority List. To view the final report, visit epa. gov/region7/cleanup/strecker_forest/ index.htm.
Ballwin approves trash contract through 2022
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By KATE UPTERGROVE After much debate, the Ballwin Board of Aldermen passed Ordinance 3752, authorizing the mayor to execute a refuse collection contract extension with Allied Waste Services. The 5-4 vote came after heated debate of issues related to potential declines in the cost of natural gas, the length of the proposed contract and the no-bid process. Alderman Shamed Dogan (Ward 2) pointed out that the trash contract had not been up for bid since 1995. He noted that if Ballwin approved the extension, “at the end of the contract it will be 27 years since we have bid out trash services.” he added. “You’ll never know what services other companies can provide unless you ask them.” However, Alderman Frank Fleming (Ward 3), echoed by Alderman James Terbrock (Ward 1), maintained that the Ballwin residents they spoke with were happy with Allied’s services and that the contract, in Fleming’s words, was “fair, reasonable and maybe aggressive” in terms of price and cost management. At the center of much of the evening’s debate was the length of the contract (the current seven year contract will be completed in 2015, the extension takes that contract to 2022); however, Republic representative Tim Trost stated that a 10-year contract provides the best savings and lowest increase overall. Republic is the parent company of Allied Waste Services. Early in the discussion, Terbrock claimed, “They’re giving us a cost increase that is historically half of what inflation has been.” When asked how Republic could offer such savings, Trost spoke about the “significant investment” the company is making in new semi-automated trucks fueled by natural gas as well as the company’s increased recycling efforts. “We’re counting on working very diligently with your staff on recycling,” Trost said. He
had earlier noted that the purchase of new trucks fueled by natural gas was an investment to protect Republic and its customers from rising gas prices. “We have a big investment this year including 72 trucks and 75 trucks or so over the next four years,” Trost said. But it was the cost of natural gas that concerned Alderman Richard Boerner (Ward 4), who questioned if the savings that could result with lower natural gas costs would be passed on to Ballwin residents. Boerner pointed out that the language of the contract indicated that fuel costs were based on diesel prices and stressed that natural gas had the potential to be less expensive resulting in a saving for Republic, but none for Ballwin. The contract, as originally written, contained a provision that offered Republic the opportunity to “meet and confer in good faith” if diesel gas prices rose above $5.50, but did not include similar language offering Ballwin the opportunity for price negotiation if gas prices fell. “I’m just a little uncomfortable with going out that far,” Boerner said. “Everything I’ve read, and I’ve studied this pretty substantially, indicates that your fuel costs (using natural gas) are going to down.” Trost indicated that Republic would be happy to address that concern in the contract, which is exactly what happened when the ordinance was read and the contract opened up to an amendment process. An amendment to “meet and confer in good faith” on the topic of rate adjustments if fuel costs fell below $2.50 per gallon or rose above $5.50 per gallon (or gallon equivalent for natural gas) was suggested and included in the contract’s final version. With the contract amended, the ordinance passed on a vote of 5-4 with Mayor Pogue casting the deciding vote. Aldermen Boerner, Dogan, Michael Finley (Ward 1) and Mark Harder (Ward 2) were opposed.
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GOP debate on June 11 highlights more similarities than differences By JEANNIE SEIBERT To make the case as to who is the most conservative GOP candidates vying to face U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill in November, U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, former Mo. Treasurer Sarah Steelman and businessman John Brunner squared off on the debate stage. Some 1,200 people packed the Scheidegger Center at Lindenwood University on June 11, enthusiastically approving particularly well-delivered responses or stances on those topics concerning Republicans and conservatives – mostly concerning the
nation’s flailing economy. On policy issues there’s little daylight between the three candidates. All agreed the country is facing dire economic circumstances. All agreed to head-off impending financial, social and foreign policy disaster the 113th Congress must begin by streamlining the federal government. All agreed the first step would have to be a roll-back of ObamaCare, scaling back or eliminating altogether over-regulating federal agencies and balancing the federal budget.
Wildwood in ‘a pleasant disadvantage’ By SARAH WILSON Each year, the city of Wildwood, along with other area municipalities, is eligible to receive a portion of the St. Louis County Community Development Block Grant funds. For 2013, the city is eligible for $25,500. However, given the limitations of how the funds can be allocated, City Administrator Dan Dubruiel said the city is “in somewhat of a pleasant disadvantage.” Community Development Block Grant funds provide annual grants on a formula basis to entitlement cities and counties. The purpose of the program is to assist in developing viable urban communities, which are responsible for carrying out community development activities that include: acquisition of real property, relocation and demolition, rehabilitation of residential and non-residential structures, construction of public facilities and improvements, activities relating to energy conservation and renewable energy resources, economic development and job creation/retention, demolition and historic preservation. However, as in 2012, Wildwood is having trouble finding an appropriate project because, so far, the city does not have any houses with low or moderate incomes that would qualify for the purpose of the funds. “So we’re having a hard time coming up with other qualified purposes to use these funds,” Dubruiel said. “We did look into possibly utilizing the funds for deteriorated or blighted houses, but we do not have any areas that would qualify for that purpose.” He said to qualify, an entire area has to be blighted, not just a single building.
After discussing the matter further, the City Council decided to use the funding to construct handicapped curb ramps on public sidewalks at various locations throughout the community, one of the few options it would have to utilize the funds. Dubruiel said the city identified 14 locations where retrofitting the sidewalk curbs would benefit the community. Councilmember David Geile (Ward 1) asked whether the city should even take the money because it could not find a strong need for it. “Could it be put to better use somewhere else?” Geile said. “Far be it for me to turn down money, but do we need it, I guess would be the question.” He suggested giving the funds to another municipality that might need it more, and Councilmember Tammy Shea (Ward 3) agreed. “If we are having trouble year after year coming up with ways to spend this money, then maybe we should forego it,” Shea said. “I’m not saying that it isn’t a good use to put it into curb replacements, but we’re anticipating that it’s not going to go to lesser income households, then maybe it would be worthwhile to a community that needs it.” Dubruiel said that option had been discussed previously, but then it was decided to make the recommendation to accept the money. “I did not feel particularly comfortable passing by a $25,000 grant,” Dubruiel said. “However, it does become a problem as far as our ability to utilize the funds for the purposes that they were assigned.”
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Assisting those in need Assistance League St. Louis hosted its seventh annual Authors Brunch at the Missouri Athletic Club on April 28. Over 300 guests enjoyed the company of Richard Paul Evans, author of 18 bestsellers, including “The Christmas Box,” “The Walk,” and “Michael Vey;” and St. Louis native Carol Ferring Shepley, author of “Movers and Shakers,” and “Scalawags and Suffragettes: Tales from Bellefontaine Cemetery,” which tells the stories of the notable people buried in the city’s famous cemetery. Both authors delighted guests with personal stories of their work, their lives as writ- Event co-chairs Jane Harbron (left) ers, and highlights of their newest books. and Rosie Shadwick (center), both Over $27,000 was raised at this event. The of Chesterfield, pose with local money will be used in the St. Louis community author Carol Ferring Shepley and help support the philanthropic programs of Richard Paul Evans. Assistance League, including programs to provide school uniforms and athletic shoes to children, support to abused women, teddy bears to comfort children in emergency situations, activity kits for children and adults in hospital settings, and other unmet needs on a short-term basis.
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Children aren’t the only ones finding delight and activity at their local libraries. Programs aplenty offer opportunities for all ages. (St. Louis County Library photo)
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This old library isn’t what it used to be By MARCIA GUCKES Look down the street! It’s a community center! It’s a high tech media organization! No … it’s a library! If you have not been to a branch of the St. Louis County Library (SCLC) lately, then you might not recognize it. Remember dropping off your books in a return slot on the outside of some library buildings? Now they are automated return deposit systems complete with animated instructions. Inside the building the “Shhh!” of the librarian has turned into, “May I help you find an activity or a group to join?” Preschoolers at story time laugh out loud at the funny parts. Older children build with a huge supply of Lego blocks. Students doing homework gather together in the teen center. There are plenty of community activities for adults, too. Grown-ups of all ages gather for book club meetings, or meet in classes to learn everything from Asian cooking to computer basics to yoga, or they get together just for the fun of watching a movie or playing board games. If you don’t find what you want in your neighborhood, check out another library branch. Each one offers different activities, clubs and programs. “I think people are constantly being surprised,” Marsha Ramey, manager of the Sachs branch in Chesterfield, said. “They don’t realize all of the options and the fact that now you can have access to many of them from your computer at home or an app on your phone.”
Ramey suggested one of the options might be used when a friend recommends a good book. Pull out your phone, open the library app, request the item, and it can be delivered either as an e-book or hardbound edition waiting at your local library. If you pick up your media choice at the library, you’ll find that checkout is also automated. Just run your library card (the full-size one in your wallet or the mini one on your key ring) through the red line of the barcode reader; then plop your books, movies, video games, and audiobooks altogether on the checkout machine. Almost magically, it knows exactly what you are taking and gives you a printed reminder of the items and their due dates. When the due date draws near, you can get an email or text message from the library “Elf system” to remind you to return those items on time. Want to know more? Visit to see all that’s new at the library.
Reading Clubs St. Louis County Library’s summer reading clubs kicked off on June 1, but it’s not too late to get in on the fun! Clubs run through Aug. 4 with great prizes at every age group – babies, kids, teens and adults. Participation is free. Register in person at any library branch.
Stephen Sachs appointed to St. Louis County Library Board of Trustees spective. Personally I’ve always used the library a lot so I certainly have that going for me. I have an MBA so I have a business background. Maybe some of that and some of my work experience could be helpful. Just hopefully with my unique experience I’ll bring a good perspective to the organization. The bottom line is I hope I can help improve things. Q: What do you see as the future for libraries? A: Libraries will go into whatever business there is to offer. They’ll embrace every new
method to bring information to people. Q: Some people also question the need for the buildings. Do you see a need for library buildings in the future? A: I think all the people out there (in the library) do. This place is crowded! I saw more people lined up at that counter than there were people to help them and there were eight to 10 people helping. I know when I walked in here it looked packed so I think there must be a reason from the consumer side to have the facility. I think Google is great for what it offers, but I’ll tell you what, I’ll bet you there
are kids studying and looking for stuff they don’t know how to find. They can come here and get somebody to help them. The one thing I would stress is that the library is the kind of thing that could become fossilized over time, but if the library stays agile – as I believe our library has – it can offer things in the new ways people are beginning to use. I think the more the library can stay current then there’s going to be more and more access and hopefully more and more utilization and that’s what they (the library) should be after
Stephen Sachs at the St. Louis County Library Sachs Branch. (West Newsmagazine photo)
By MARCIA GUCKES Stephen Sachs, president of Sachs Properties in Chesterfield, is the newest member of the St. Louis County Library (SLCL) Board of Trustees. Sachs was appointed to the Board by the St. Louis County Council effective May 1 for a four-year term. He replaces Ken Stricker whose term expires June 30. Sachs is following in the footsteps of his father, Louis Sachs, who was instrumental in developing many of the cultural facilities in Chesterfield including Chesterfield Arts, the YMCA, and the Sachs branch of St. Louis County Library. Louis Sachs also donated the land for the library’s new 57,000-square-foot Center for Family History to be built on six acres at Baxter and Wild Horse Creek roads. The St. Louis County Library Foundation is mid-way through an $18 million campaign to build the center, which will house the library’s collection of more than 80,000 genealogical resources. In addition, the Center will feature a space for special events, a family garden funded by Monsanto, and a “Hall of Families,” showcasing some of St. Louis’ most prominent families and businesses. Stephen Sachs recently met with West Newsmagazine at the Sachs branch of the library to talk about his new role on the Library Board. Q: How did your appointment to the Library Board come to be? A: It started by Kathy Higgins (former president of Sachs Properties), who worked for our company for 35 years, being asked by Charlie Dooley (St. Louis county executive) to consider joining the Board. Knowing that she was going to retire soon, she didn’t want to do it, so she came and talked to me about it. She thought it was something I might be interested in and I might enjoy and that I could be helpful. So I called and told them I would be interested. Q: What important role can you play for the Board and the library? A: I hope that I can bring a certain per-
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St. Louis Green for Green Golf Tournament turns to gold Hot Tub Warehouse By BETSY ZATKULAK Wilson served as the tournament’s co- paralyzed after responding to a burglary on 12 Months Interest Free Financing!
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Every color has meaning. Red is connected to power, war and passion. Yellow brings energy, happiness and intellect to the forefront. Green embodies great healing power; is commonly associated with money and has a strong emotional connection to safety; and in all of its radiance, green is the color of nature. And sometimes green turns to gold as it did for many at the Town & Country and Creve Coeur Green for Green Golf Tournament at Annbriar Golf Course in Waterloo, Ill, on May 25 – including Kirkwood resident Dan McGinnis, who won the holein-one contest and soon will be handed the keys to a brand new $59,000 Audi A5 convertible. The hole-in-one tournament was sponsored by Plaza Motors. This marks the seventh year for the Green for Green Golf Tournament, and the third year that the Creve Coeur and Town & Country police departments have teamed up to host the event in an effort to raise money for local nonprofit organizations and to help officers injured, or the families of officers killed, in the line of duty. Creve Coeur Police Officer Neal Kohrs and Town & Country Police Officer Paul
chairs. “(The tournament) is a way for both of our police departments to give back to the community – especially local charities in need of aid or assistance financially,” Kohrs said. Approximately $125,000 has been raised since the tournament’s inception. This year’s tournament grossed $35,000. While it has not been determined which charities will benefit from this year’s tournament, last year’s recipients included: Backstoppers, Responder Rescue, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, Ronald McDonald House and Missouri Special Olympics. The tournament also serves as an avenue to assist police officers who have been injured in the line of duty. One such officer is Matt Crosby of the Rock Hill Police Department who was shot and paralyzed after responding to a domestic assault call on April 8, 2010. Officer Crosby attended the tournament this year with his family and was presented with a $500 check. Another $500 check was presented one week after the golf tournament at a fundraiser in honor of Florissant Police Officer Mike Vernon, who was shot and remains
May 28, 2012. “That’s why we do this – to help them in their time of need,” said Wilson. “To help them not worry as much about their financial situation.” As for McGinnis who shot his first holein-one and won the much-coveted Audi A5 luxury convertible, he said the moment was unforgettable and “kind of surreal.” “It looked good and we were kind of giving that body language, left and right, and then I saw it hit the green and then it rolled over a little hill …,” said McGinnis. But he could not see where it had landed. Then the roar came and people started going crazy. “It kind of reminded me of when the Cardinals won game six of the World Series. They just kept cheering and never stopped. So we knew it wasn’t just a good shot but that it must have gone in,” McGinnis said. He praised local businesses and citizens throughout Creve Coeur, Town & Country and the Greater St. Louis area who gave their time and resources to make this year’s tournament a success. For more information on how to help support the tournament next year, contact Kohrs at
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20 I schools I
Bu llet i n Boa rd Excellence in finance
Artwork on display
The Parkway School District recently was awarded a Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Association of School Business Officials. Parkway received the award for excellence in the preparation and issuance of the fiscal yearend 2011 school system report. This is the 10th consecutive year Parkway received the distinction. The award is ASBO’s highest recognition for school district financial operations. By preparing and presenting a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Parkway validated the credibility of the school system’s operations, measured the integrity and technical competence of the business staff, assisted in strengthening district presentations for bond issuance statements and provided professional recognition.
Artwork that fifth-grade students at the Center for Creative Learning created is on display at the Landmarks Association of St. Louis’ gallery this summer. Students created the artwork in Melissa Hill’s architecture class. Using Landmarks’ list of endangered buildings, students explained what would be lost if the buildings were torn down and how community and economic needs could be met by reusing existing buildings. Students also researched the history of their chosen building and communicated their ideas with local experts, government officials and preservationists. Groups of students nominated the building they studied for the Historic State Register and proposed a reuse plan for the buildings. “The overarching goal of this project was for students to implement creative problem-solving and group work skills while impacting their community,” Hill said. “Several local sustainability experts visited our class to introduce foundational sustainable building practices. Then, to observe these concepts in action, students visited new sustainable buildings around St. Louis.”
New principal Bryan Howse was named the principal of Wild Horse Elementary. For the past three years, Howse has served as an assistant principal at Crossroads Elementary Howse in the Wentzville School District. Prior to that, he served one year as an administrative intern at Duello Elementary, also in the Wentzville School District. Howse began his career in education as a paraprofessional at Francis Howell Central High, and his first year teaching assignment was as a business education teacher at Riverview Gardens High. He also served for two years as a business education teacher at Crestview Middle. Howse earned a bachelor’s degree in parks and recreation with a minor in general business from Missouri State University. He also holds master’s degrees in education and educational administration from Lindenwood University. Howse replaces Karen Kieffer, who was promoted to serve as the executive director of learning and support services in Rockwood.
Excellence in teaching Kim Hackman, thirdgrade teacher at Living Water Academy, recently received the Rotary Club of West St. Louis County’s Excellence in Teaching Award. The award Hackman recognizes excellence in the teaching profession and informs the public of the exceptional quality of instruction in the West St. Louis County area. “We are thrilled that Kim has received this prestigious award,” Tom Keller, LWA head of school, said. “We have long recognized Kim’s extraordinary gift for teaching, and we are so pleased that she is earning accolades beyond our school for her talent and leadership in the field of education.”
Artwork created by fifth-grade students at the Center for Creative Learning is on display at the Landmarks Association of St. Louis’ gallery this summer.
Parents, students and school administrators nominated Hackman, who has been a faculty member at LWA since 2006, for the award. Beyond her role as a third-grade teacher, Hackman also serves as program director for LWA, conceptualizing and organizing special events for the school.
Rossman high achievers Rossman School recently presented awards for special achievements to three graduating sixth-graders. Hunter Sigmund earned the Pauline Marshall Award for Scholarship. Named for the longtime Rossman headmistress, the award has been presented annually since 1965 to the sixth-grader with the highest GPA. Berkeley Bearden received the Mary B. Rossman Award for Citizenship. Named for the educator who, with Helen Schwaner, founded Rossman School in 1917, the award is presented to a sixth-grader who displayed outstanding citizenship at Rossman. August Ball received the Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement in a Specialty Subject for his accomplishments in social studies.
School blood drive Whitfield School’s Community Service Club is sponsoring a blood drive for the Red Cross on Tuesday, July 31 from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The blood drive will be held at the Red Cross Donation Center,
located at 13369 Olive Blvd. The goal is to collect at least 35 units of blood. To set up an appointment, call (800) REDCROSS. Donors must be 17 years or older to donate. Students who are 16 years old may donate with a parental consent form. Visit to learn more. To help promote the drive or volunteer, email community.service@whitfieldschool. org. Volunteers of any age are welcome, and shifts are one or two hours in length. Responsibilities include staffing the checkin table and recovery station.
Honorable design mention Whitfield student Sarah Whelan recently had one of her yearbook layout designs selected as an honorable mention winner in the 2012 Jostens/Adobe Yearbook Whelan Design Contest. Whelan submitted a spread highlighting the volleyball team for this year’s Iliad, “React.” Judges studied hundreds of entries in the 2011 Yearbook Design Contest before recognizing 17 middle and high school students for their creativity. The winning entries displayed an awareness of accepted design standards while effectively presenting visual and verbal content in a creative, reader-friendly way. Whelan’s design will be featured in the fall
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issue of Jostens Adviser & Staff magazine and the “2013 Gotcha Covered Look Book.”
Cappie honorees Five MICDS students recently received Cappies Awards. In total, MICDS students received 18 Cappies nominations. The Cappies (Critics and Awards Program) is an international program through which high school theater and journalism students are trained as critics, attend shows at other schools, write reviews and publish those reviews in local newspapers. At the end of the year, the student critics vote for awards that are presented at a formal Cappies Gala. The winning students include: • John Dunagan – Best Creativity • Lily Reed – Best Supporting Actress • Alex Schroeder – Best Male Dancer • Zoe Virant – Best Female Dancer • Edward Wroten – Best Comic Actor
Outstanding students Eureka High School seniors Savya Hingorani and Nathan Vorel have been selected
to serve on the inaugural Student Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. In addition to receiving letters of recommendations, applicants Hingorani were required to write an essay stating why they should be chosen. Hingorani and Vorel are among 12 students from the area selected to serve on this board. By participating in this Vorel program, students will have the opportunity to collaborate with peers while enhancing their understanding of the central banking system and monetary policy. CJ Herbert, an advanced placement economics teacher at Eureka High, described Hingorani and Vorel as outstanding students. “Their ability to communicate effectively and their commitment to responsibility will allow them to add value to Student Board of Directors,” said Herbert.
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Rossman fourth graders (from left) Janie Shanahan, Sriya Bandi, Josie Bournstein, Evan Hofer and Zachary Mella react to the news that their team won the national championship in the National Geography Challenge.
Rossman School’s annual awards ceremony on the last day of school turned into a celebration of three impressive finishes in an academic competition, including two national title performances. Rossman School earned first place in the country in the 2011-2012 National Geography Challenge in the fourth- and fifth-grade divisions. The sixth-grade team earned third place in the nation. In the challenge, the scores of the top 10 students are combined to determine the team score. The fourth -grade class crushed the competition, recording five perfect scores and a team average of 98 percent. Sriya Bandi, Josie Bournstein, Zachary Mella, Evan Hofer and Janie Shanahan recorded perfect scores. Also counting toward the team score were Will Bohlmann, J.D. Blaylock, Patrick Deemer, Stanley Ding, Christopher Olsen and Ayesha Siddiqi. Because of ties, 11 students were recognized as team members. Members of the fifth-grade national championship team were Lindsay Ball, Matthew Brooks, Allison Dahl, Will Dreesen, Avi Dundoo, Nico Feldman, Samer Hajji, Drew Hardwick, Catherine Holt, Sarah Niesen and Nikki Sewall. The National Geography Challenge is administered by the National Social Studies League and is sponsored by the National Council for Geographic Education. The challenge provides standardized testing for children in second through 12th grade. The written exam tests general knowledge of geography, map skills, interpreting charts and graphs and reading comprehension. These were the second and third national championships for Rossman School in this competition.
I schools I 21
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This solar installation on Rockhurst High School in Kansas City is very similar to the installations planned in the Parkway School District. (Brightergy photo)
Parkway to install solar panels on 33 district buildings
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m i s s o u r i b a p t i s t .o r g / b r e a s t h e a l t h
By CAROL ENRIGHT Talking about the weather will likely take on a new significance in Parkway schools as plans are underway to install 3,267 solar panels on the rooftops of 33 district buildings this summer. The 825-kilowatt system, comprised of 33 25-kilowatt solar arrays, will be the state’s largest solar rooftop project. The district is leasing the solar systems from solar-development firm Brightergy and – thanks to federal and state grants, including an Ameren Missouri renewable energy rebate – will incur no upfront installation costs. Parkway expects the solar system to offset 2.2 percent of the district’s total annual electric use, saving over $14,000 in the first year and $1.4 million over the life of the 20-year lease. In addition to its cost-saving benefits, the district is touting the system as a powerful teaching tool. Each building’s solar array will be equipped with an online monitoring program that will allow students and teachers to view real-time data on the solar panels’ energy production. “We’ll have a flat-panel screen within the lobby or a common area within each school that’s going to display this information,” said Erik Lueders, sustainability and purchasing manager for the district, “but then also this is going to be on a website that will be able to be accessed anywhere that there’s Internet.” Lueders said that students will be able to view and analyze the daily, monthly and yearly power output of the solar systems via Smart Boards in their classrooms.
“So that if there’s one day that’s cloudy versus not, you can actually see what the dip in electricity generation is,” he said. Parkway North High School science teacher, Russ Barton, recently led a group of students in a failed effort to secure a $250,000 grant from Pepsi to fund a much smaller solar project. Barton said that although the students did not win the grant, they brought a lot of awareness to the case for solar power and gave “a lot of leash and a lot of legs” to the push that ultimately led to Parkway’s lease agreement with Brightergy. Barton said he sees “a cool potential” for teaching opportunities that could apply not only in science, but also in math and business classes. He also said that the data students glean from the system could help “undermine some of the misconceptions people have about solar, like how much sun does it take to make it feasible?” Beyond its classroom uses, Barton said the solar project “makes a statement to the kids that we are invested in their future. Part of it’s just the kids going to a school that actually represents what they say they represent, which is the students’ future.” Both Lueders and Barton acknowledged that getting teachers up to speed on how to use the new software and integrate it into their curriculum will require some doing. Once teachers jump that initial hurdle, however, Barton said the teaching applications for the solar project are “up to the imagination.” The district anticipates the installation to be complete by October of this year.
I schools I 23
New course will expose medically minded Parkway students to clinical experience By CAROL ENRIGHT Parkway students who think they may want to become a doctor, nurse or otherwise work in health care will soon be able to test the waters before signing up for a pre-med curriculum in college. On June 13, the Parkway Board of Education approved an agreement between the district, BJC HealthCare and the Special School District to launch a course, the Pre-Professional Health Sciences Academy, that will expose high school seniors interested in health and biomedical careers to professionals working in the field. The one-year, elective course will combine classroom learning with clinical experience at Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital in Creve Coeur. Because the class is open to students throughout the district, it will meet at the St. Louis Community College Corporate Center off McKelvey Road in West County. A vocationally certified registered nurse employed by the Special School District will teach the class. “What’s interesting about this course is that not only are they (students) learning the skills and knowledge, but then they’re also able to go out into the field and observe – through job shadowing … those kinds of things – in almost mentoring relationships with certain medical personnel,” said Jenni-
fer Stanfill, Parkway’s coordinator of career education and partnerships. “They’re able to see what they’re learning in action.” Some of that firsthand observation could include watching a surgery or seeing a physical therapist or dietician at work. The Pattonville School District offers a similar course in partnership with the Special School District and DePaul Health Center. But Stanfill was quick to point out that Parkway’s course would not be a copy of the neighboring district’s program. “When the Special School District came to us, we wanted to ensure that we weren’t adopting their curriculum, but that we were able to develop our own curriculum – not only in alignment with the health and medical standards, but also with our mission, vision and the learning principles of our district,” said Stanfill. BJC HealthCare also had input into how its resources could best be used to strengthen the curriculum. “For example, in a unit where they’re talking about infectious diseases, the kids may take a field trip down to Washington University and talk with some of the researchers that are within that BJC HealthCare system,” Stanfill said. Right now, 13 Parkway seniors are registered to take the inaugural course in the
2012-2013 school year. To ensure a spot in the class, students had to complete an application that included an essay and two teacher recommendations. “With it being a new program, the placement wasn’t as competitive because not as many kids know about it. It’s something new. They kind of want to have other people be the guinea pigs first,” said Stanfill. “I’m sure the application process, over time, will become a little bit more rigorous to determine how we
really get the right kids in those seats.” Stanfill said the greatest benefit to those students who think they might want to pursue a career in medicine is the opportunity to take what they’ve learned – not only in the classroom component of the course, but also in their math and science classes – and see it at work in the field. “They’re able to see that knowledge and those skills transferred in a real-world, authentic environment,” said Stanfill.
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All-Conference Recap The spring high school sports season is over. Here’s a last look at some of the Players and Coaches of the Year. (
Girls Basketball Camp July 16-20 St. Louis Community College is offering a basketball camp for girls, ages 9-13, July 16-20 at the college’s Meramec campus, 11333 Big Bend Road. The camp, which runs 9 a.m.-4 p.m., will be conducted by Melanie Marcy, the Archer women’s assistant coach. In her three seasons as an assistant coach, STLCC teams have captured back-to-back Region XVI championships and earned trips to the 2011 and ’12 National Junior College Athletic Association Women’s Division II Basketball Tournament. Participants will learn the fundamental skills of the game such as agility, foot-
High school baseball Suburban West All-conference Player of the year: OF Danny Holst, Parkway South; Coach of the year: Scott Denoyer, Lafayette ••• Suburban South All-conference Player of the year: OF Michael Bozarth, Parkway North; Coach of the year: Joe Beckman, Webster Groves ••• Metro Catholic All-conference Pitcher of the year: Teddy Rule, Vianney; Player of the year: C Austin Allen, Chaminade; Coach of the year: Mason Horne, CBC. ••• Metro League All-conference Player of the year: OF Tate Matheny, Westminster
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High school boys water polo Suburban West All-conference Player of the year: Steven Emde, Parkway West; Coaches of the year: Reza Behnam, Kirkwood; Charlie Cutelli, Parkway West ••• Suburban South All-conference Player of the year: Peter Buelter, 12, Parkway North ••• Suburban Central All-conference Player of the year: Sam Erlinger, SLUH; Coach of the year: Don Casey, MICDS
Will Kirksey to play for McKendree McKendree University men’s basketball coach Harry Statham has announced the addition of three players to the Bearcat roster for the 2012-13 season, including Lafayette graduate Will Kirksey. The newest recruits for the McKendree program include forwards Kirksey of St. Louis, and Arthur Williams, of Cairo; and guard Mike Digregorio, of Morton Grove. All three will attend McKendree University in the fall and join the Bearcat squad for the upcoming campaign. Kirksey transfers to McKendree after spending his junior season at the University of Central Missouri. In 25 games, the 6-foot-8, 250-pound Kirksey averaged 4.6 points and rebounds per contest while shooting 50 percent from the floor. Before his time at Central Missouri, Kirksey spent two seasons playing at
Lafayette graduate Will Kirksey
nearby Southwestern Illinois College. As a sophomore for the Blue Storm, he averaged 13.2 points and six rebounds per game and connected on 52 percent of his field goal tries. As a senior at Lafayette High School, Kirksey posted 15 points and nine rebounds per outing and was a McDonald’s AllAmerica nominee. “Will is a tremendous low-post player,” said Statham. “We believe he will provide outstanding scoring and rebounding. Will is also a solid defender. He should be an immediate help to our program.”
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In first trip to Class 1 Final Four, Principia Panthers made history
The Principia Panthers celebrate the best finish in school history.
By WARREN MAYES In their first trip to the Class 1 Final Four, the Principia Panthers fell 3-1 to St. Pius X, but their second-place finish is the best in school history for the girls soccer program. Principia wound up 18-4. It was a season of firsts for Principia. Before this spring, the Panthers had not won a district championship. Coach Travis Brantingham said his girls have no reason to be depressed about coming in second. “Fortunately the girls were grounded the whole season so they were very clear (that) their success was not dependent on one victory,” Brantingham said. It was the second season for Brantingham, who said he thought he had a good team when practice began in March. However, he admitted he did not have a crystal ball to peer into and see what would happen. “I knew if they played up to their potential they could be dangerous in the playoffs,” Brantingham said. “I had no idea they would take it to the state finals.” Making it that far said plenty about the Panthers’ desire, skill and determination to succeed this season. “This is a special group of girls who had a great deal of humility and were willing to arrive at training every day and work hard,” Brantingham said. “It was fun to see them progress as the season went on and see them steadily get better.” To reach the championship game, Principia had to best two-time defending champion Springfield Catholic. The Panthers did so with a 1-0 victory over the Lady Irish. “I think the girls were very well prepared for Springfield Catholic,” Brantingham said. “Our strength of schedule really prepared us for them and got us into the right mindset going in. I was able to point out during the pre-game talk (that) they (Lady
Irish) were similar to a Villa Duchesne – technical and well coached – so our girls knew speed-wise what to expect. “Fortunately, we were able to execute and play a very solid game against a very good team.” Freshman Merran Waller scored the lone goal. Courtney Woodley made an “outstanding defensive stop” on the right side to begin the goal, Brantingham said. Woodley immediately started a counterattack from midfield after making the stop. “Woodley penetrated to the touchline and served a perfect cross into the box that Tanya Marquardt dumped through and Waller was there to finish,” Brantingham said. “It was a very nice finish and buildup.” Brantingham said it did not surprise him that the young Waller would be able to step up big in the clutch for the Panthers. “Merran is a good young player that really made nice strides this season,” Brantingham said. “We are looking forward to seeing how much farther she can take her game.” The victory sent Principia into the championship game. The Panthers also owned a victory in April against St. Pius X. “We knew going into the final that the game we won earlier in the season was long over and not even relevant,” Brantingham said. “We knew that we had to think about them differently and prepare for them from an entirely different perspective. We also had lost our starting center back the day before, so that really forced us to prepare differently.” Principia had to play the title game without junior defender Rachel Perea. She sustained a freak injury following the semifinal win over Springfield Catholic. Brantingham said she knocked knees at the end of the game celebrating with her teammates. In the process, she suffered a deep bone bruise. The Panthers did not let the loss bother them. The teams were tied 1-1 at the half. Woodley scored Principia’s goal. “I felt we had played an OK first half,” Brantingham said. “The first 10 minutes were not our best. We gave up an early goal and then scored a soft goal. Overall, we were very competitive for about 20 minutes and put pressure on them but were not able to score. “The last 10 minutes really shifted to Pius and then they dominated the second half.” What happened in the second half was that “Pius played really well and did not allow us to play the way we wanted.” The Panthers handled the defeat with class and dignity, Brantingham said. “They were great and knew they had lost to a good team, so they were able to keep it all in perspective,” Brantingham said.
I sports I 25
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The Westminster Wildcats repeated as state champions.
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By WARREN MAYES Westminster Christian Academy coach Rich Van Gilst did not term this season a rebuilding year for his baseball Wildcats despite losing seven seniors from last year’s Class 3 state championship squad. The Wildcats finished 27-4 in 2011 and lost talented starters in catcher Ryan Allee along with pitchers Alec Mitchell and Collin Henry. But with returners like senior outfielders Tate Matheny and Connor Einertson, senior third baseman Luke Turner and sophomore shortstop Shane Benes, the cupboard was not bare. In 2012, the Wildcats had a historic year – winning 26 games in a row to finish 29-3 and winning another state title, defeating Lutheran South 10-4 to repeat as state champions. “Yeah it was a lot of fun this year,” Van Gilst said. “We were under a lot of pressure, too. We had a talented team and we wanted them to accomplish what they could. It was a rebuilding in the sense that early on we had to fill the spots of the guys who graduated. Once we got into midseason, things started falling into place.” When practice started in March, Van Gilst said he did not know for sure if these boys would be playing for a state title. “I didn’t really think so until midseason,” Van Gilst said. “That’s when I knew we had a chance. The new guys who filled in really came together. “The seniors who were back knew what it took. They were determined and they wanted to go back to state. They all worked hard to improve their game and ... led the younger players.” In the semifinal game, the Wildcats beat Marshall 8-2. This game was unusual for Westminster. The Wildcats found themselves behind 2-1 in the sixth inning. “We were taking good at-bats,” Van Gilst said. “We just couldn’t put a lot of hits together. It was a little frustrating. We had guys on base every inning. We felt like one of those times we would come through
with some runs.” The Wildcats did in the sixth. Westminster scored seven runs to get by upsetminded Marshall. Jordan Smith hit a single to tie the game. Designated hitter Bryce Bell hit a bases-loaded triple. Two balks added two more runs, and Brett Bond hit a run-scoring single for the final run. “Jordan Smith got a big hit there to drive in the tying run,” Van Gilst said. “We got another single to fill the bases and then Bryce got the big hit.” Davis Vanderslice (8-0) threw a fourhitter. He struck out five and walked two in pitching a complete game. “He just tried to keep the count in his favor and work the hitters,” Van Gilst said. In the title game, Westminster played Lutheran South. There was no need to warn the squad about being overconfident. “I told them pretty much nothing different than what we tell them all the time,” Van Gilst said. “Go out and play the game.” Southpaw Ben Lovell (10-0) beat Lutheran South for third time this year. He allowed four runs in five innings. Reliever Ben Mitchell pitched two scoreless innings to finish up. Westminster scored seven runs in the first inning. In the game, the Wildcats banged out 15 hits. Matheny had a two-run triple in the big inning. Benes, Bond, Smith and Jacob Buffa each had run-scoring singles. Connor Larson drove in two runs with a single. “It was huge for us,” Van Gilst said. “Sometimes, it just happens that way. Big innings like that win a lot of games.” After the final out, the Wildcats had the big dogpile on the field to celebrate the championship. But now comes reality. Van Gilst lost seven players to gradation this year. “We’ll see what next year brings,” Van Gilst said. “We have all of our pitching back. We have some huge holes to fill there’s no doubt. (We’ll have to) find some bats.”
I sports I 27
Parkway North Vikings coach recalls ‘how great it was’ By WARREN MAYES It was season to be remembered for the Parkway North Vikings baseball team. The Vikings finished second in Class 4 with a 22-10-2 record. From a fourth seed in the district, Parkway North played its way into the championship game at Meador Park in Springfield. The fairy-tale ending, however, was not to be. Summit rallied in the bottom of the seventh to defeat Parkway North 4-3 for the championship. The Vikings led 3-1 going into the bottom of the sixth. Still, Vikings coach Fred Friedman said it was quite a year. “No, I don’t think it’s sunk in yet where we were,” Friedman said. “Even if we would have won, I don’t think any of us would realize it yet. We were so focused on playing each game, now that it’s over there’s an empty feeling of not having any more baseball. Of course, that’s probably more so for me than the players because they’ve already moved on to summer ball.” Friedman said he had no idea in March these Vikings could be playing for state title. “We were worried about starting the season 0-8 due to the difficulty of our schedule,” Friedman said. “Once we beat CBC, we had a feeling that we could do something special.” That feeling came from the players. Friedman said they had the desire, skill and determination to succeed this season. “I can’t give enough credit to our players, but especially our seniors,” Friedman said. “They played with such poise and focus that it helped all of our young guys see that it doesn’t take extraordinary play, just confident play.” A big win the semifinal sent the Vikings into the title game, beatingWillard 1-0. “We didn’t know much about Willard but we found out in the first inning how good their pitcher (right-hander Anthony Caenepeel) was when he struck out the side,” Friedman said. “We didn’t get frustrated or feel any pressure. We just kept doing the things we were capable of and (Mike) Bozarth broke through getting us the one run we needed. Our defense was exceptional as well.” Bozarth hit an RBI double in the third for the only run. Daniel Brodsky walked with two outs. He worked the count full and fouled off a couple of pitches before walking. He stole second and then scored on Bozarth’s clutch hit down the left-field line. Sophomore right-hander Joe Hope threw a no-hitter to secure the victory for the Vikings. He struck out seven batters and walked two. The no-hitter was just the 13th in the history of the Missouri State High School Activities Association championship series
and first since 2002. “There’s no other way to describe Joe on that night other than nasty,” Friedman said. “He was throwing pitches that had such great movement we couldn’t tell what pitch it was half the time. His changeup was impossible to hit. “The no-hitter was an awesome accomplishment, but I was proud of our team, and Joe especially, that we were more excited about the win than anything else. The nohitter was just icing on the cake.” The title game, Friedman said, was well played by each team. “It was a great game. Both teams came through in clutch situations and were able to score a run here or there,” Friedman said. “The pitching was so gutsy on both sides.” The home team came about from the toss of a coin. Right away, Friedman said he had an ill feeling. “When we lost the coin flip for home team before the game, immediately I thought, ‘Man, those are going to be three tough outs to get in the bottom of the seventh.’ I truly believe if we were the home team, we would’ve won,” Friedman said. “That’s how close both teams were.” In the seventh, Summit’s leadoff batter walked and when they sacrificed, Michael (Bozarth) made an aggressive play trying to get the out at second base and the ball went into centerfield. Once that happened, Summit had so much momentum, that it was almost an impossible situation to get out of. “I’ve watched the play a bunch of times on and can’t complain with what Michael did. A good throw and he’s out and we probably win. Our best player made a play trying to win the game. He fielded it and turned the proper way, the throw simply got away from him. I’m proud of him for going after it.” After an intentional walk to load the bases, a walk forced in the tying run. Eric Biesel followed with a single to right to drive in the winning run. Naturally, the Vikings were stunned. “It was tough, no doubt. You don’t prepare for losing so you go numb for a little while,” Friedman said. “All the coaches told them how proud we were of them. We told them to take a moment and regroup, but when they walk out to where all the parents and fans were waiting for them to make sure they accept all the support and praise they were about to receive. I didn’t want them to diminish their final experiences at the state tournament by being mad or upset. “Now that it is over, I want them to take a deep breath and soak in how awesome it was.”
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A new app from the American Red Cross puts first aid information in the hands of smartphone users.
Fingertip first aid The American Red Cross has launched the first in a series of first aid applications for smartphones. The only first aid application created or endorsed by the American Red Cross for use on both Android and iPhone platforms, the app gives instant access to information
on how to handle the most common first aid situations. Features include: • simple, step-by-step instructions for everyday first aid scenarios • prioritized steps to take during an emergency, with a 9-1-1 call button • sharable badges to be unlocked through interactive quizzes • videos and animations to make learning first aid fun and easy • safety and preparedness tips for a range of conditions, including severe winter weather, hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes • preloaded content that gives instant access to safety information “Everyone should load this onto their smartphone as an important first step in learning what to do for medical emergencies and in creating a family preparedness plan,” said Dr. David Markenson, Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council chairman. To download the free app, visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for Android and search for American Red Cross. Lose weight and wake up Three studies presented this month at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society concurred that obesity and depression are the two main culprits making people excessively sleepy while awake. “The epidemic of sleepiness parallels
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an epidemic of obesity and psychosocial stress,” said Dr. Alexandros Vgontzas, principal investigator for the three studies. “Weight loss, depression and sleep disorders should be our priorities in terms of preventing the medical complications and public safety hazards associated with this excessive sleepiness.” In one of the sleep studies presented, 222 adults who reported excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) were followed up about seven years later. For those whose EDS persisted, weight gain was the strongest predicting factor, and for people who lost weight, excessive sleepiness improved. “The primary finding connecting our three studies are that depression and obesity are the main risk factors for both new-onset and persistent excessive sleepiness,” Vgontzas said. Like insufficient sleep and obstructive sleep apnea, EDS is associated with significant health risks and on-the-job accidents. Hand, foot and mouth disease Livestock can get hoof and mouth disease, and kids sometimes come down with an ailment with a similar name. Hand, foot and mouth disease is a viral condition that is most common among kids age 5 and younger. It typically occurs in the spring and summer months. According to Eileen Schneider, spokes-
person for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, kids with hand, foot and mouth disease will have a fever; a rash on the palms of their hands, soles of their feet and perhaps on the rest of the body; and they may have blister-like lesions on the skin and in the mouth. There is no specific treatment for the virus, but over-the-counter medications can be used for relief of pain and fever, and numbing mouthwashes or sprays can be used to relieve sore mouths. Aspirin should not be given to children, however. Cancer survivors by the numbers A report by the American Cancer Society prepared in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute states that about 13.7 million Americans are cancer survivors, and that number will grow to nearly 18 million by 2022. The three most common cancers among males living with a history of cancer in 2012 are prostate cancer (43 percent), colorectal cancer (9 percent) and melanoma (7 percent), according to the American Cancer Society. Among women in 2012 with a history of cancer, the most common cancers are breast cancer (41 percent), uterine cancer (8 percent) and colorectal cancer (8 percent). Those proportions are expected to be largely unchanged in 10 years.
PUBLIC HEARING City of Ellisville, Mo. Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ellisville will hold a public hearing at the Ellisville City Hall, #1 Weis Avenue, on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the Petition of the Sansone Group and Walmart, Inc. for a conditional use permit to allow the operation of a general merchandise department store over 50,000 square feet with multiple tenant space, a structure over 30 feet in height with a drive-through, and the sale of every class of liquors by the package and Sunday sales at a location numbered15970-16012 Manchester Road, including all Cathcart and Pretoria addresses, within the C-3 Commercial Zoning District.
Notice is hereby also given that the Council of the City of Ellisville will hold a public hearing at the Ellisville City Hall, #1 Weis Avenue, on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the same Petition of Sansone Group and Walmart, Inc. for a conditional use permit. These public hearings are in compliance with Title IV, Land Use, of the Municipal Code of the City of Ellisville. CATHERINE DEMETER City Clerk The City of Ellisville is working to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act mandates. Individuals who require an accommodation to attend a meeting should contact City Hall, 636-227-9660 (V/TDD) at least 48 hours in advance.
Shanon A. Forseter, MD
The study also found that: • Nearly half (45 percent) of cancer survivors are age 70 or older; only 5 percent are younger than 40. • There are 58,510 survivors of childhood cancer living in the U.S., and an additional 12,060 children will be diagnosed this year. • Most cancer survivors (64 percent) were diagnosed more than five years ago; 15 percent were diagnosed 20 or more years ago. Bad fads Many people fall for dangerous fad diets and bogus weight loss products, which often promise – but fail to deliver – great results. According to Melissa Joy Dobbins, a registered dietician with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association), there are several warning signs of a bad fad diet. “A guarantee of rapid weight loss is a red flag. For long-term success, aim to lose about one pound per week,” Dobbins said. “Never follow a diet that bans an entire food group or one that allows you to eat from only one group. Finally, there is no proof that eating specific foods at certain times of day will help with weight loss.” Self-injury among youth A study published this month in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, reported disturbing data about young children intentionally hurting themselves. The study, “Rates of Nonsuicidal SelfInjury in Youth: Ages, Sex, and Behavioral Methods in a Community Sample,” involved 665 youngsters ages 7-16 who were interviewed about the practice of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI). Researchers learned that 53 children in third, sixth and ninth grades had engaged in NSSI by cutting, burning or hitting themselves. Ninth-grade girls were three times more likely to self-injure than ninth-grade boys. Girls reported cutting or carving their skin, while boys were more apt to hit themselves. According to study authors, children who engage in NSSI tend to feel depressed, angry and consumed with negative thoughts. Stuttering, in kids’ own words A DVD from the nonprofit Stuttering Foundation offers to children who stutter advice from other kids who are dealing with a stuttering problem. In “Stuttering: For Kids By Kids,” firstgraders through high school students who have struggled with stuttering explain how they handle challenges such as teasing, speaking out in class and educating others about their disability. The DVD is narrated by Swish, an animated basketball character designed by Purdue University students. “All those interested in helping kids learn more about stuttering will want to see
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Three recent scientific studies showed that obesity and depression are the main causes of excessive daytime sleepiness.
this tape,” said Bill Murphy, speech-language pathologist at Purdue. “The children featured are a perfect example of how to openly and honestly handle stuttering.” Jane Fraser, Stuttering Foundation president, said the DVD serves as a good tool also for families and teachers of children who stutter. The DVD is available at the St. Louis County Library. For more information, call (800) 992-9392, email or visit Childhood obesity and math skills A researcher at the University of Missouri has found a connection between children’s weight and performance on math tests. Sara Gable, associate professor in the MU Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, looked at a nationally representative sample of more than 6,250 children from the Early Childhood Longitudinal StudyKindergarten Cohort, following them from kindergarten entry through fifth grade. On five occasions, the children were weighed and measured; they also took academic tests. Parents provided information about the students’ families, and teachers provided information about the children’s social skills and emotional well-being. Beginning in first grade, children who were obese for the duration of the study performed worse on math tests than children who never were obese, and their inferior performance continued through fifth grade. However, for boys who did not become obese until third or fifth grade, no such differences were found; for girls whose obesity emerged later, poorer math performance was only temporary. For all children who were persistently obese, feeling sadder, lonelier and more anxious explained some of their poorer math performance, researchers said. “Our study suggests that childhood obesity, especially obesity that persists throughout elementary grades, can harm children’s social and emotional well-being and academic performance,” Gable said. The study, “Boys’ and Girls’ Weight Status and Math Performance from Kindergarten Entry through Fifth Grade: A Mediated Analysis,” was published in Child Development.
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The 2012 window for property assessment challenges closes July 9
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to do it right by carefully examining sales information of comparable properties. So why is it that the value placed on one residential property goes up while others nearby are going down? One possible explanation is that some properties have not been hit as hard as others in today’s market. A one-story home, for example, of comparable size and building materials as two-story dwellings often has a higher value. And while building materials used for a home do make a difference in the property’s value, that difference can vary depending on how much of a higher value material is used, the spokeswoman said. Brick on just one side of a home isn’t taken into account if the other three sides are vinyl or aluminum siding. A home with brick on two sides would be considered as masonry and frame. Only if brick is the predominant finish is a home described as masonry. Interested in filing an appeal? • Paper appeal forms are available at the Board of Equalization office on the second floor at 41 S. Central Ave. in Clayton and at all St. Louis County Department of Revenue satellite offices. • Appeal forms also are online at stlouisco. com/YourGovernmentCountyDepartments/Revenue/BoardofEqualization.
New half-mile segment of Al Foster Trail to open with celebration in Wildwood June 29
Dr. Liu is oral and I.V. sedation certified.
By JIM ERICKSON The St. Louis County assessor’s office doesn’t claim perfection in establishing the value of some 389,000 parcels of real property but there are ways to challenge your valuation if you believe it’s not accurate. Missouri law requires the assessor to determine the fair market value of property as of Jan. 1 in every odd-numbered year. So even though 2012 is a non-reassessment year, property owners still have the right to appeal the valuation of their real estate to the St. Louis County Board of Equalization. However, if you appealed in 2011, you can’t do so again this year. For those who want to file an appeal, the deadline is the second Monday in July (July 9 this year). The deadline is set by state law and cannot be changed. Property Owner Advocates, a group of independent real estate professionals, again is offering advice and guidance to residential property owners interested in filing an appeal. There’s no charge for the organization’s services. The Advocates’ hotline number is (314) 615-4611. Determining the fair market value of real estate, especially in today’s down market, may appear to be mission impossible at best or arbitrary at worst. But, a spokeswoman in County Assessor Jake Zimmerman’s office said staff members make every effort
The Great Rivers Greenway District, in partnership with the city of Wildwood, is inviting residents to attend a ribbon cutting event for a completed extension to the Al Foster Memorial Trail on Friday, June 29, at 2 p.m. The ribbon cutting will be held at the Glencoe Trailhead, located at 225 Grand Ave. in Wildwood. The new half-mile trail extension is the latest addition to Great Rivers Greenway’s planned Meramec Greenway and adds to the existing five-mile trail between Castlewood State Park and the Glencoe Trailhead in Wildwood. The trail also passes through Sherman Beach County Park and connects to the Rock Hollow Trail and the Hamilton-Carr Trail. From Sherman Beach County Park to the terminus of the new trail extension, the Al Foster Memorial Trail retraces the original route of the Missouri Pacific Railroad that expanded west from St. Louis in 1851. To play off the trail’s historic roots, the event will be themed as an old-fashioned ice cream social, with a modern twist.
Attendees will be able to enjoy free regular and kiddie-size shaved ice and a variety of ice cream treats from Kona Ice and listen to old-time music sung by the Rivertown Sound Quartet, a local barbershop quartet. Wabash Frisco and Pacific Steam Railway, which operates a 12-inch gauge, small-scale steam passenger train that runs along the Meramec River, will also be at the event and will offer free rides to those in attendance. Brief remarks will be made by Great Rivers Greenway representatives and local officials, and attendees are invited to walk or bike the trail. A few four-person golf carts will also be on-hand for those who need assistance or wish to get a quick view of the new trail extension. Have a say: The city of Wildwood is seeking input from users, neighbors, or partners of the Al Foster Memorial Trailhead, prior to undertaking a new project at the site. To participate in a brief survey regarding the trailhead’s assets and needs, log on to and search for “Al Foster Survey.”
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2012 Wednesday
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Accessible parking will be in Bluebird Park. Shuttle bus service to and from Bluebird Park will be available at Cooper Bussmann (located at 114 Old State Road) and FCC Corporation (formally known as Fru-Con, located at the northwest corner of Clarkson and Clayton Road), starting at 5:30 p.m. and going until 11 p.m.
For more information call (636) 227-7508 or visit Gold Sponsors: Allen Roofing and Bo Beuckman Ford Silver Sponsors: Ameren, Bethesda Health Group, Manchester West Veterinary Hospital, The Fountains of West County and Metro West Fire Fighters Bronze Sponsors: Gold’s Gym, West County Honda, and West Newsmagazine
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Saturday, July 14: The Music Box Band
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Friday, August 31: Rocky Mantia
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Saturday, September 1: Hudson & the Hoodoo Cats
Friday, June 15: Joe Fry
Friday, July 27: Rhythm of the Nite
Friday, September 7: Brian Clarke
Saturday, June 16: Hudson & the Hoodoo Cats
Saturday, July 28: CeeJazz Soul
Saturday, September 8: The Music Box Band
Friday, June 22: Rocky Mantia
Friday, August 3: Brian Clarke
Friday, September 14: Joe Fry Guitar Guy
Saturday, June 23: Bryan Foggs & Friends
Saturday, August 4: Hudson & the Hoodoo Cats
Saturday, September 15: Pennsylvania Slim
Friday, June 29: Rhythm of the Nite
Friday, August 10: Joe Fry Guitar Guy
Friday, September 21: Rhythm of the Nite
Saturday, June 30: CeeJazz Soul
Saturday, August 11: The Music Box Band
Saturday, September 22: Rocky Mantia
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West County to celebrate July 4th with festivities, fireworks • Chesterfield The city of Chesterfield will host its annual Fourth of July Celebration and Fireworks Display beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4 on the Chesterfield Mall parking lot between Macy’s and Dillards. The main stage will feature the youth winners of the West County Talent Bash performing at 6 p.m. At 7:15 p.m., Platinum Rock Legends Band will present exaggerated impersonations of many iconic rocks stars. Free children’s entertainment from 6:309:30 p.m. will include bounce houses, a giant slide, Tropical Toddler Town and obstacle courses. Midway games with prizes and airbrush tattoos also will be featured. A stilt walker/juggler will perform at 8 p.m., and fireworks will begin at 9:30 p.m. Local food vendors will offer “The Best of St. Louis” foods, including pork steaks, toasted ravioli, hamburgers, cotton candy, kettle corn and more. Guests may bring their own seating and their own food and beverages. For more information, call 537-4000 or visit
• Eureka The Eureka July 4th Celebration, a free event dedicated to military veterans throughout the community, will be held from 7-10:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4 at Lions Park, 400 Bald Hill Road. Following a presentation by Mayor Kevin Coffey and the playing of the National Anthem, Hollywood 5 will perform in concert. There will be free activities for children, a car show and a vintage baseball exhibition. Fireworks will begin at 9:30 p.m., and at 10 p.m., Hollywood 5 will resume play. The West St. Louis County Lions will sell hot dogs, soda and ice cream for a nominal cost. There will be no on-site parking available; for information regarding handicapped parking, call 938-6775. For more information, visit
• Manchester The city of Manchester will host a July 4th Party in the Park from 6-9:45 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4 at Paul A. Schroeder Park, 359 Old Meramec Station Road. The event will feature a concert by the • Ellisville Ralph Butler Band followed by fireworks, The Ellisville Independence Day Celebra- which will begin at 9:15 p.m. tion will begin at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, July For more information, call 227-1385 or 4 at Bluebird Park, 225 Kiefer Creek Road. visit There will be a variety of interactive games, including a giant dual slide, fast pitch, USA • St. John Lutheran Church July 4th at St. John will be held from Rocket Bounce and a rock climbing wall. Sh-Boom will take the stage for a live 6-10 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4 at St. John concert from 7-10:45 p.m. with breaks at Lutheran Church, 15800 Manchester Road 8 p.m. for an Independence Day ceremony in Ellisville. The church will provide hot dogs, bottled and at 9:30 p.m. for fireworks. Food and beverage vendors will offer homemade water, soda, sno-cones and popcorn to the pies, brisket, wings, kettle corn, funnel community, free of charge. There will be cakes, hot dogs, shaved ice, ice cream, bounce houses, live music and a great view of the city of Ellisville’s fireworks display nachos, beverages and more. Shuttle bus service to and from the at Bluebird Park. Guests should bring a lawn chair or park will run from 5:30-11 p.m. at Cooper Bussmann, 114 Old State Road, and at FCC blanket and are invited also to bring peanut Corporation, located at the northwest corner butter, jelly and canned pastas, which will of Clarkson and Clayton roads. Accessible be donated to Circle Of Concern. Admission and parking are free. parking will be available at Bluebird Park. For more information, call 394-4100 or For more information, call 227-7508 or visit visit
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Food choices – how do you count the cost? By JIM ERICKSON Are healthy foods really more expensive? That’s the question a team at the U.S. Department of Agriculture has studied in depth, and the results of that research may be surprising. The overall conclusion about whether healthy foods are more expensive: It depends on how you measure the price. According to the USDA report, there are a number of ways to measure and compare the price of various foods. Probably the oldest looks at the number of calories received for the money spent. That method was developed more than 100 years ago, before the presence and importance of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements were known and understood. With information about America’s obesity epidemic now appearing more often in the media, it’s no secret that most Americans consume diets that fall short of sound nutritional guidelines. According to the USDA study, a common perception is that food choices consistent with those dietary guidelines may not be affordable. That perception may be influenced by earlier studies reporting that many healthy foods cost more per calorie than less healthy items. The new USDA study, which looked at more than 4,400 food items, measured and compared prices using two additional methods – the cost per edible weight and cost per average portion size. Key findings in the USDA report included: • Foods low in calories for a given weight appear to cost more when the price is measured per calorie. Vegetables and fruits, which are low in calories, tend to be a relatively expensive way to purchase food energy but they provide better nutrition. • Less healthy foods, which the study refers to as “moderation foods,” tend to be high in calories – usually due to higher levels of saturated fat and added sugar – and to have a low price per calorie. Higher levels of sodium also are found in many such foods. • When measured on the basis of edible weight or average portion size, grains, vegetables, fruit and dairy foods are less expensive than most protein foods, as well as foods high in saturated fat, added sugars and/or sodium. • In following the food group recommendations found on USDA’s ChooseMyPlate. gov website that debuted about a year ago, it generally is less costly to meet the grains, dairy and fruit recommendations than those for vegetables or protein foods. Three local nutrition experts applaud the
report and its findings. Beth McChesney, a registered and licensed dietician at Mercy Hospital, said in her work she often has heard the argument that healthy foods are more expensive. However, she has countered that view with points of her own. “How much does a medium or large bag of potato chips cost – $3.99 or so? Well, most of the time you can get a nice bag of oranges for $2.99,” she said. “And for a nutritious snack, one of those oranges is a whole lot better for you than potato chips,
longer to change, but I’m seeing a more positive attitude to making those changes,” Joyner said. “More people are aware of nutritional issues and seem willing to make changes in their food choices, and I think the food industry is picking up on that,” Sandfort added. “Unfortunately, there still are some people resigned to being overweight because they always have been. But that may be because they didn’t have the right kind of information they needed to make a change.”
especially when you consider that most people eat more than one serving of chips when they snack. “The same is true for eggs. They are a great source of protein and cheaper than most fast food burgers these days. There’s also oatmeal, which is much cheaper per serving than your processed, sugar-coated cereals.” Jessica Sandfort, a registered dietician at Barnes Jewish Christian Hospital, said she suggests to her clients and patients, who tend to look only at price, that they consider the nutritional aspects as well. That benefit becomes even more of a bargain when fruits and vegetables are purchased in season and when they are on sale at other times, she noted. “Frozen fruits and vegetables are a good option, too,” she observed. The good news, says Jamie Joyner, a dietician at St. Luke’s Hospital, is that many of the people she works with are more aware of problems associated with obesity and poor diet choices. “The people I’m seeing are more open to what I have to say and more open-minded to making changes. Eating habits take
McChesney noted, “People are becoming more savvy and they have more questions about food choices. People also are gardening more, and that’s a good sign even if it’s the economy that’s driving that.” It’s about more than price While some observers believe many Americans have become more or less addicted to foods that result in added calories and weight gain, the local dieticians were unanimous in rejecting that idea. “I don’t think it’s a question of addiction,” said Sandfort. “But I do think the convenience of some foods that are available and the desire to get everyone together for a meal combine to make running to a fast food place or picking up a pizza a lot easier. It’s the same situation when it comes to selecting a sugary fruit juice instead of the actual fruit.” Joyner added, “I wouldn’t say people are addicted, but they probably do have some foods they are used to. “Making small, consistent changes is the way to alter that. It may take four to six weeks for any change to become part of
someone’s lifestyle.” McChesney said the reality is that many households today are squeezed by demands of both parents holding jobs and the need to prepare meals for their families. In those situations, they may rely on processed or pre-packaged meals, even if they eschew fast food establishments. Fortunately, there are good processed and pre-packaged meal choices available, McChesney noted. But she warned, “Don’t go by the pictures on the front (of prepackaged, processed and frozen foods and meals). Check the labels on the back to see what’s in there. There are good items that provide the protein, fiber and other nutrients you want without an excess of sodium, fat and sugars.” Exercise unquestionably goes hand-inhand with a good diet when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, the nutritionists said. And they noted that while the rigors of exercise may seem out of reach for anyone dealing with a severe weight problem, the approach shouldn’t be rejected as unrealistic. “Start small with whatever you can do and go from there,” said Joyner. “Water exercises may be a good starting point for some people. There are other exercises you can do while sitting in a chair.” “Any trained athlete will tell you that what and when you eat make a big difference,” Sandfort asserted. “The point is that whatever exercise you’re able to do, do it.” Personal choice vs. government mandates When it comes to government-mandated solutions to alter eating habits – such as the recent proposal in New York City to curtail the sale of large, sugar-filled beverages – the dieticians prefer other approaches. All three agree there should be an emphasis on awareness of nutrition basics and good diet choices. “I’m seeing more and earlier programs in schools dealing with good nutrition and food choices,” said McChesney. “That has to be a good thing.” “Prevention (of health problems related to poor diet choices) is the key,” Joyner adds. “We need to be proactive if our society is to value healthy eating as a preventive measure for potential problems down the road. “Intervention through education in the schools is a better alternative than government mandates,” Sandfort said. “A good sign on a related front is that insurance programs are starting to pay for nutrition counseling if someone they cover needs it. “I personally don’t want anyone telling me I can’t have an occasional candy bar or soft drink if I want one.”
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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on July 16, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police & Court Center, 300 Park Drive, Ballwin, Missouri, 63011, the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ballwin, Missouri, (the “Municipality”) will hold a five-year public hearing regarding the Ballwin Town Center TIF (the “Redevelopment Plan”) and the project related thereto (the “Redevelopment Project”) created pursuant to the Real Property Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, Revised Statutes of Missouri Sections 99.800 through 99.865, as amended (the “TIF Act”). The purpose of the hearing shall be to determine if the Redevelopment Project is making satisfactory progress under the proposed time schedule contained within the Redevelopment Plan for completion of such Redevelopment Project pursuant to the TIF Act. The Redevelopment Plan is available for inspection and review by any interested party during regular business hours at the office of the Finance Officer, Ballwin Government Center, 14811 Manchester Road, Ballwin, Missouri, 63011. The public and representatives of all taxing districts affected by the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Project are invited to submit comments to the attention of the Board of Aldermen prior to the date of the hearing at the Ballwin Government Center, 14811 Manchester Road, Ballwin, Missouri, 63011. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing.
40 I news I
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Don’t get caught wrestling with a bear – and other things that are illegal in Missouri By MARCIA GUCKES Missouri legislators, led by West County Rep. Cole McNary (R-Chesterfield), have been working to clean out the state statute book of its obsolete and redundant laws, yet there are still some on the books that seem out-of-date or unnecessary. For example, it is illegal to: • Let an unaltered male mule run wild. The owner is subject to a $3 fine for the first offense and $10 for every subsequent offense. • Let a large animal that is deformed, blind, infirm or old run wild because anyone who catches it would not be able to find a buyer. The fine for this offense is $5 to $20 or up to 10 days in county jail. • Have anything to do with bear wrestling. Offenders can be charged with a Class A misdemeanor or a Class D felony. • Use obscene, profane or vulgar language on a bus. The bus driver can stop the bus and require the offender to get off. • Pretend to be blind in order to get something valuable. • Sell cars on Sunday. But this only
“Every law that we have is basically government telling you what you can do and can’t do. They chip away bit by bit at your freedoms.” -Rep. Cole McNary applies to auto dealers. It’s OK for recreational vehicle and manufactured home dealers to sell their wares on Sunday. • Throw, drop or expel an object from an amusement park ride. • Get off an amusement park ride in the wrong spot. • Keep as a pet any lion, tiger, leopard, ocelot, jaguar, cheetah, margay, mountain lion, Canada lynx, bobcat, jaguarundi, hyena, wolf, bear, nonhuman primate, coyote, any deadly, dangerous, or poisonous reptile, or any deadly or dangerous reptile over eight feet long. On the other hand, Missouri House Bill 1965 which was sponsored by McNary and signed into law July 1, 2010, repealed about 300 laws that were either redundant or obsolete. Some of them dated back to 1909. For example, there were laws in that cleanup that: • Allowed local authorities to set business hours for barbers and beauty shops. • Dictated the yellowness of imitation butter. • Allowed county officials to require a license for any table “upon which balls or
cues are used.” • Required steam locomotives to stop operation from October to April unless the engine was equipped to protect the engineer from the weather. Locomotives were required to have heat and curtains or windows that could stop the snow, wind and rain. • Made it unlawful, effective as of August 1913, to operate a steam railroad that did not have a very specific seating arrangement. Missouri statute 389.890 required that a locomotive must be “equipped with a seat on each side of the cab thereof, which seats shall consist of a series of spiral, coil or elastic springs, on the top of which shall be constructed a padding or cushion consisting of leather or a suitable substitute thereof, stuffed or packed with hair, moss or other suitable material commonly used for such purpose, which said seat, including the springs thereof, shall not be greater than six nor less than four inches in thickness.” McNary said HB 1965 also eliminated about 35 boards and commissions, which either were duplicated by other state government agencies, had already served their purposes, or never met. In addition, the new law eliminated the mandates requiring printed copies of the Official Missouri Manual – often called the Blue Book – and free printed copies of the Revised Statutes of Missouri. According to a news release from Gov. Jay Nixon’s office, that change saved state taxpayers almost $2 million. Both the Blue Book and Missouri’s statutes now can be found online at McNary said he got the idea to rid the state of its old laws when he was campaigning door-to-door. “People had the sense that government was too big,” McNary said. “So we wanted to do something that was trying to get rid of laws.” According to McNary there were four volumes of Missouri statutes in the 1980s and now there are about 25 volumes. “Every law that we have is basically government telling you what you can do and can’t do. They chip away bit by bit at your freedoms,” McNary said. “My sense is that here in America people want to comply. They want to do things legally and they get along pretty well even without government.” McNary said he would like to create a culture of government efficiency that goes beyond his term in the legislature. “We’re trying to create a government that’s more efficient, and we’re also trying to reverse the dominant trend of government just expanding,” McNary said. “If 50 years from now I come back with my walker and tour the capitol and they still have the Committee on Downsizing State Government, I’ll be rather proud of that.”
42 I business I
Bu si ness New in the neighborhood Mary Cates Salon recently celebrated its grand opening at 1354 Clarkson/Clayton Center Date of issue: in Ellisville. The fullNewsmagazine Client: service salon offers hairSalesperson: Size: cuts and styles Proof: for men, women and children; hair Colors: coloring; facials, peels Pictures: and make-up application Logos: and make-up lessons; waxing; manicures, pedi- Mary Cates Salon owner Mary Cates (fifth Copy: from left) and cures and more. members of her staff.
PEOPLE Dan Denner has been named director of music ministries at Living Word Church in Wildwood. ••• United Hebrew Congregation in Creve Coeur Denner has named Corrine Lagoy as director of early childhood engagement. The appointment comes as United Hebrew expands services offered at its Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center, which beginning in August will offer full-time hours and will be open year-round,
closing only for national and Jewish holidays. ••• Robert Fish, of Ballwin, has joined Murphy Company as a refrigeration project manager. ••• Barb Whiteaker has retired from her position as Kids Day Out director at Bonhomme Presbyterian Church in Chesterfield. Whiteaker served in the church’s early childhood ministries for 30 years. ••• Chesterfield-based St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf has announced the following
executive appointments: Day S. Mullings, as director of education for its St. Louis campus; Dawn Gettemeier, as principal of its St. Louis school; and Chris Martinez, as director of development. ••• Dr. Shayani Pieris, of Creve Coeur, has joined West County-based Missouri Baptist University as assistant professor of plant sciences.
PLACES The Belle Center and the St. Louis Arc are combining to form an organization that will offer support services spanning all life stages for individuals with Woessner developmental and intellectual disabilities and delays. The announcement was made jointly by Jodi Woessner, executive director of The Belle Center, a nonprofit serving children with developmental and dis- Meath abilities and their families, and Kathy Meath, president and CEO of St. Louis Arc, a nonprofit providing support and services to adults and children with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families. Effective July 1, The Belle Center will operate as a part of the St. Louis Arc, a
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AWARDS & HONORS The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants recently named James G. Castellano, CPA, chairman of RubinBrown and a resident of West County, to Castellano its list of “125 People of Impact in Accounting.”
EDUCATION & NETWORKING The Rotary Club hosts a presentation on Transportation Management in St. Louis at 7 a.m. on Thursday, June 28 at the Missouri Athletic Club West, 1777 Des Peres Road in Town & Country. Owen Hasson, MoDOT incident coordinator, discusses MoDOT building activities at Hwy. 141 and I-64. Breakfast is offered for $15. To RSVP, email ••• The West County Chamber of Commerce holds a First Friday Coffee networking event at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, July 6 at 212 Degrees of Wellness, 16753 Main Street in Wildwood. To register, call 230-9900 or visit by July 4.
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United Way agency, and will be recognized as Belle Children’s Services of St. Louis Arc. The Belle Center will move from its Creve Coeur office on Schuetz Road to the St. Louis Arc’s recently renovated location at 1177 N. Warson Road.
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on the parking lot of Chesterfield Mall, between Macy’s and Dillard’s.
main Stage Entertainment:
6:00 pm West County Talent Bash Youth Participants 7:15 pm features exaggerated impersonations of many iconic 70s, 80s, and 90s rock stars such as Journey, Bon-Jovi, Queen, and Joan Jett.
Local food vendors will be on site featuring
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8:00 pm Stilt Walker/Juggler
Fireworks at 9:30 p.m. - presented by J & M Displays PARKING & SHUTTLES
Parking is provided on the lots surrounding Chesterfield Mall. Handicap parking is available in the lot on the west side of Macy’s adjacent to the Viewing Area. Shuttle busses will be traveling on Chesterfield Center Dr. and there will be six shuttle stops where people can board the shuttle to be dropped off at the Viewing Area. There will also be one shuttle bus that will be equipped to handle wheelchairs. After the fireworks display, shuttles will be taking people from the viewing area back to the shuttle stops.
This event has been made possible through a collaborative effort between the City of Chesterfield, Sachs Properties, Chesterfield Mall & West Newsmagazine. The following items will not be permitted at the event: glass bottles, aerosol cans, laser pens/pointers, weapons of any kind, illegal substances, barbeque grills, tents, fireworks, or pets (except for service animals).
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Enter t ai n ment COMEDY Steve Harvey, July 27, Chaifetz Arena Tracy Morgan, Aug. 3, Lumiere Place
Il Divo, Aug. 15, Peabody Opera House Lyle Lovett & His Large Band, Aug. 25, Peabody Opera House
Greensky Bluegrass, June 27, Old Rock House Rusted Root, June 28, Old Rock House Lady Antebellum, June 29, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Sam Bush, July 7, Old Rock House 311 and Slightly Stoopid, July 10, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater “American Idol Live,” July 11, Scottrade Center Dave Matthews Band, July 11, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Fiona Apple, July 14, Peabody Opera House Ingrid Michaelson, July 16, The Pageant O.A.R., July 19, The Fox Theatre James Taylor, July 20, The Fox Theatre Mindless Behavior, July 22, The Fox Theatre Tenacious D, July 23, The Pageant Train, July 29, Peabody Opera House Nicki Manaj, July 31, Peabody Opera House Crosby, Stills & Nash, Aug. 2, The Fox Theatre Javina Magness, Aug. 3, Old Rock House My Morning Jacket, Aug. 8, Peabody Opera House Summerland Tour, Aug. 7, The Family Arena Il Volo, Aug. 14, Peabody Opera House
Hamiet Bluiett, Whitaker Music Festival, June 27, Missouri Botanical Garden – F Air National Guard Band of the Central United States, Whitaker Music Festival, July 4, Missouri Botanical Garden – F Ryan Spearman Band, Whitaker Music Festival, July 11, Missouri Botanical Garden – FF
“The Jungle Book” plays through July 1 at Stages St. Louis. (Photo credit Peter Wochniak)
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tickets and information Chaifetz Arena:, (314) 534-1111 The Family Arena:, (314) 534-1111 The Fox Theatre:, (314) 534-1111 Heagney Theater:, (314) 556-1293 Lumiere Place:, (866) 448-7849 Missouri Botanical Garden:, (800) 642-8842 The Muny:, (314) 361-1900, ext. 550 Old Rock House:, (314) 534-1111
The Pageant:, (866) 448-7849 Peabody Opera House: (866) 448-7849 Powell Symphony Hall:, (800) 232-1880 Scottrade Center:, (866) 448-7849 Stages St. Louis:, (314) 821-2407 The Touhill:, (314) 516-4949 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater:, (877) 598-8703 F =Free Admission
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Com mu n it y Event s ART The “Take a Seat in Chesterfield” public art project is on display through Friday, Aug. 24 at various locations throughout Chesterfield. Chesterfield Arts and PNC Arts Alive, along with the city of Chesterfield, present the event in which school art teachers worked with kindergarten through college-age students to create designs on life-sized, fiberglass, Chesterfield-style chairs. For locations and other information, visit or call 519-1955. ••• The Lantern Festival: Art by Day, Magic By Night, runs through Sunday, Aug. 19 at the Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Blvd. Elaborate, illuminated works of art showcase Chinese culture and traditions. Visit or call (314) 577-5100.
BENEFITS The seventh annual Purses & Pumps for Pooches & Pals to benefit the Animal Cruelty Fund is from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, June 28 at Humane Society of Missouri Headquarters, 1201 Macklind Ave.
Working professionals enjoy a mix of food and drink from the area’s finest restaurants, with designer purses and shoes for raffle, and the opportunity to network and meet the Humane Society’s loveable animals. Attendees are encouraged to bring their gently used purses to donate to Connections to Success. Registration starts at $40; raffle tickets are $35. Visit to register in advance. ••• The city of Ballwin holds a Twilight Swim and Duck Race from 8-10 p.m. on Saturday, July 7 at North Pointe Aquatic Center. An evening of swimming under the stars and fundraising for the Ballwin Historical Society are featured. Admission is $4 for residents with a current ID, $5 for non-residents, and free for Point+ and pool pass holders. Call 227-8950 or visit ••• St. Mark Presbyterian Church hosts its annual ABC Sale from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. (early bird sale for $5 admission at 7 a.m.) on Friday, July 13 and from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, July 14 at the church, 601 Claymont Drive in Ballwin. Furniture, clothing, housewares and more are offered. Call 394-2233.
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••• Life Skills hosts its 27th annual Golf Tournament and Dinner Auction at 5 p.m. on Sunday, July 22 (dinner auction) and at 6:30 a.m. on Monday, July 23 at Meadowbrook Country Club. Morning and afternoon shotgun starts are featured. Entry is $450 per player, or $125 for the dinner only, and proceeds help Life Skills provide training to people with developmental disabilities. Call (314) 567-7705 or visit ••• Giving is a Family Tradition (GiFT) hosts “Not Your Momma’s Trivia Night” at 7 p.m. on Friday, July 27 at Kirkwood Community Center. A kids’ night out staffed by certified child care professionals is offered in conjunction with the event. Ten rounds of interactive games, a silent auction, raffles and more are featured. The cost is $150 per table for as many as 10 people. Proceeds help families facing hardships due to having an infant with a prolonged stay in a St. Louis area Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Visit to register. ••• Chesterfield-based Wings of Hope hosts its third annual Hope Floats Cardboard Boat Race at 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 28 at the Grand Basin in Forest Park. Participants build cardboard boats and race them through a marked course. There are oppor-
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tunities to sponsor a race team, build a boat and race. Proceeds benefit the St. Louis Medical Relief and Air Transport Program, which delivers health care to children with birth defects and adults with rare illnesses. Visit or call Anne at 537-1302.
FAMILY AND KIDS The city of Ballwin hosts a concert by The Illusions from 7-9 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27 at New Ballwin Park. Admission is free. Call 227-8950 or visit ••• The city of Ellisville presents a concert by Air National Guard Band of the Central States with Sidewinder from 7-9 p.m. on Thursday, June 28 on the amphitheater stage at Bluebird Park. Admission is free. Visit ••• Bestselling novelist Jodi Picoult and her daughter, Samantha van Leer, discuss “Between the Lines,” their first novel for teen readers, at 7 p.m. on Friday, June 29 at St. Louis County Library Headquarters, 1640 S. Lindbergh Blvd. in Frontenac. Call 994-3300 or visit ••• A Hoops Shoot Out Contest is at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 30 at The Fulton Issued by
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Jeffrey S. Patterson, Managing Partner Patterson Wealth Management LLC 400 Chesterfield Center, Ste. 400 • Chesterfield, MO 63017 636-537-7839 • 866-405-9596 Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., Member FINRA / SIPC and advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Patterson Wealth Management LLC, the Securities America Companies, and First State Bank are unaffiliated.
NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM School at St. Albans. The contest is open to those age 7 and older. Prizes are awarded in different age categories. The registration fee is $7. Register at fultonschoolstalbans. org or call 458-6688. ••• “Operation Overboard: Dare to Go Deep with God!” Vacation Bible School is from 8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. from Monday, July 9 through Friday, July 13 at Living Word Church, 17315 Manchester Road in Wildwood. Children age 3 through those entering fifth grade sing, play games, make crafts and learn stories of God’s love. The fee is $35 per child. To register, contact Brenda Stobbe at or 821-2800. ••• The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce hosts a concert by Abbey Road Warriors from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, July 10 at Faust Park, 15185 Olive Blvd. Visit ••• The city of Ballwin hosts a concert by Gary Sluhan & The Strange Birds from 7-9 p.m. on Wednesday, July 11 at New Ballwin Park. Admission is free. Call 2278950 or visit ••• There will be a free showing of the movie “Happy Feet Two” from 7-10 p.m. on Friday, July 13 at the Chesterfield Amphitheater. Visit ••• The Ballwin Triathlon, a 300-yard swim, 9-mile bike and 3.4-mile run, opens at 6:45 a.m. on Sunday, July 15 at North Pointe Aquatic Center. The annual race is popular and fills to its capacity of 300 participants. Registration closes on July 11. Call 227-8950 or visit ••• Evening Vacation Bible School is from 6-8 p.m. on Sunday, July 15 through Thursday, July 19 at Manchester United Methodist Church. Kids from age 3 through those entering sixth grade enjoy experiments, games, music and more. The cost is $20 per child, with a $40-per-family maximum, with scholarships available. Families are invited to a free meal each evening. Register at or call 394-7506. ••• Lord of Life Lutheran Church hosts the Amazing Desert Journey Vacation Bible School from 9 a.m.-noon on Monday, July 16 through Friday, July 20 at the church, 15750 Baxter Road in Chesterfield. Kids go on a faith journey, explore Bible stories, take challenges, make crafts, sing songs and more. Kids age 3 through the completion of fifth grade are invited. Registration is $5 per child and includes a T-shirt. To register, call 532-0400. ••• The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce hosts a concert by Mirage from 7-9 p.m. on
Tuesday, July 17 at Faust Park, 15185 Olive Blvd. Visit ••• The St. Louis Home Fires BBQ Bash is on Saturday, Sept. 29, and Sunday Sept. 30 at the Town Center of Wildwood. Amateurs and professionals compete for the grand prize in several categories including ribs, brisket, chicken, chili, pork steak, People’s Choice, chicken wing eating, best-decorated booth and more. Great sponsorship opportunities for local businesses are available. Call Frank Schmer at 256-6564 for details.
SPECIAL INTEREST GriefShare is offered from 5-7 p.m. on Sundays through July 15 at King of Kings Lutheran Church, 13765 Olive Blvd. in Chesterfield. The weekly seminar and support group is biblically-based and Christcentered, and is meant for people grieving the death of someone close. Sessions include video seminars, group discussions and a workbook. Participants can start at any time, and sessions are open to all. For details or to register, call Pastor Douglas Chinberg or Lori Georg at (314) 369-2224. ••• Westview at Ellisville Assisted Living sneak-peek open houses are from 4:306:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27 and from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. on Thursday, June 28 at 27 Reinke Road in Ellisville. To RSVP, call 527-5554. ••• St. Louis County Library and Pudd’nHead Books present Ridley Pearson, local suspense author, who will discuss and sign “The Risk Agent” at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 2 at Library Headquarters, 1640 S. Lindbergh Blvd. in Frontenac. Call 9943300 or visit ••• Eureka Outreach Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired is open from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 7 at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church gymnasium, 500 Meramec Ave. in Eureka. The event offers time for blind and visually impaired persons to gather for a free meal and socialization. Transportation is furnished for those not in wheelchairs, but those in wheelchairs are welcome as well. For reservations, contact Bob Wardenburg at 394-3422.
Check out of new, interactive events calendar online – and be sure to send event notices to
I events I 47
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Clancy’s stays true to tradition, grows with the times By Suzanne Corbett For generations, a Clancy always could be found at the Ellisville intersection of Old State and Manchester roads. Nick Clancy’s great-grandparents were the original owners of the land that stretched up the hill along Old State Road, and at the bottom of the hill was the old Clancy Meat Market, which operated from the 1960s-1990s. Up the hill was the family’s old summerhouse, now Clancy’s Irish Pub & Grill. “The pub opened in 1982 in what was my grandfather’s old summerhouse,” said Nick Clancy, fifth-generation restaurateur and owner of Clancy’s Irish Pub and Grill. “The pub was started by my grandfather with my Aunt Liz selling sandwiches. Back then, they just had three sandwiches on the menu and one beer on draft.” Today, Clancy’s offers a five-page menu and has 10 beers on tap. Over the years, Clancy’s’ famous hamburgers have topped the menu. “Burgers are now the new steak,” said Clancy, explaining how burger popularity has skyrocketed. “Besides our dollar burger nights on Monday and Thursday, we have a lot of different burgers that you don’t find everywhere.” Different indeed. The one-pound Dubliner, a bodacious
Clancy’s Irish Pub & Grill 40 Old State Road • Ellisville 636-391-6154 11 a.m.-1 a.m., Monday-Saturday Closed on Sundays
burger designed for the hungry; the Hill-themed Papa Joe’s Burger topped with marinara, pepperoni and provel; and the cheddar, salsa, sour cream and lettuce-topped Taco Burger are just a few examples of the 15 types of burgers Clancy’s grill-masters create daily. Burgers counted among “Clancy’s Family Favorites” (items tagged on the menu with a shamrock) are the Fried Pickle Burger and the Bleu Crush Burger. “Bleu cheese is making a comeback,” Clancy said. “It’s become so big that we now offer bleu cheese as one of the extra toppings you can order on our dollar burgers.” Clancy refers to his burger list as “O’Burgers,” and the menu is highlighted with an Irish-American staple – corned beef. Reuben sandwiches and the Corned Beef and Cabbage plates are made using home-cured corned beef from the Clancy family’s meat market in Rosebud, Mo. “The Reuben was one of the original three sandwiches, along with the fried bologna sandwich that my greatgrandma insisted on having on the menu – and it’s stayed,” Nick and Meghan Clancy with future sixth-generation restaurateur, Nicholas. Clancy said. Added over the years are one-of-a-kind appetizers, such as Irish Bites (corned beef-stuffed pretzels); Reuben Pizza; dition started by Nick Clancy’s’ grandfather, who used to and entrees such as bacon-wrapped beef filets and today’s tell customers to “sign a buck and stick it up and all the ever-popular wraps. day you’ll have good luck.” “(We) didn’t do wraps back then, but we do now,” Clancy When experiencing Clancy’s, however, no extra luck is said. “They’re a light alternative to the burgers, with the needed, because family members always are on site guarSouthwest and Buffalo wraps being the top sellers.” anteeing good food and good service. All menu items are available on Clancy’s’ comfortable When asked how Ellisville’s only Irish pub has remained garden patio, but those who opt to dine outside should take successful through the decades, the current owner replied, a moment to step inside for a look at the vintage bar where “You just have to remember your tradition. Stay old-school, the ceiling is covered with dangling dollar bills. It is a tra- and grow with the times.”
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Prayer Thank you, Sacred Heart and St. Jude for answering my prayers. AV, JV. ST. JUDE NOVENA May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine times a day; by the 8th day prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. Then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Thank you, St. Jude. SF
Novena to the Holy Spirit
E t w o r k
tree service Trimmed &
Holy Spirit, you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideals. Give me the divine gift to forgive and forget them all who have done wrong to me. I, in short dialogue, want to thank you in everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my beloved one in our perpetual glory. Thanks for favors. Pray this prayer for three consecutive days without asking for wish. After third day, wish will be granted no matter how difficult. Promise to publish this dialogue as soon as your favor has been granted. VF
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1555 Pond Road - Glencoe Wow! Wildwood Equestrian property at its best! 3bd, 3ba custom updated Ranch on 3 +/- ac w/3 stall horse barn, tack rm & wash rack w/hot & cold water. Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960
1327 Countryside Manor Pl. - Chesterfield Beautiful 4bd, 3’1/2ba,3,847 sqft, 2sty open flr plan, lg lvl yard in Countryside at Chesterfield Subdivision Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960 Barb Lawless 314-662-2554
1610 Shepard Rd. - Wildwood Horse lover's paradise! Updated all brick ranch style home 3bd,2a 5+/-ac. in Rockwood School District. Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960 Kathleen Loehr 314-330-7378
1514 Pacland Pl. - Chesterfiled 1.5 Story, 5 bed, 4’1/2 bath, stay-cation home! On 5 +/- ac, resort style pool, lake right off Kehrs Mill Rd. Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960 Tom Shaw Jr. 314-283-5064
16702 Wills Trace - Wildwood Exquisite one of a kind custom home. 7 bed, 6 ba. Private wooded oasis with inground pool featuring a cascading waterfall. Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960 Michelle Scarato 636-236-5397
19324 Deer Pointe Estates Dr. - Wildwood Gated Community w/common equestrian facilities! 1.5 story 5bd/3.5bath, 3 car garage sits on top of a hill of 10+/- acres. Cathy Shaw Connely 636-346-4960
I 55
Your Next Home Is Right Here! 17924 Pond Bridge Rd. - Wildwood Amazing Equestrian 1.5Sty 4bd , 2.5ba, 3C Gar, 6.7 +/- acres w/4 stall horse brn. Permanent horse riding easement to all trails in Babler State Park. Cathy Shaw Connely 636-346-4960
4325 Fox Creek Rd. - Wildwood Amazing 5bd/7ba on 21 +/- ac. Horse paradise, access to Rockwood & Greensfelder Park. Breath taking views. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960
17915 Pond Bridge Rd. - Chesterfield Beautiful 5BR/4BA Equestrian Property in Rockwood School District. Minutes from Babler State Park, shopping, etc. Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960
18823 Cliffview Ln - Chesterfield Wow custom 4bed, 3’1/2bath Atrium Ranch on 7 +/- acres in Wildwood right off Wild Horse Creek Rd. Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960
new price
19300 Deer Pointe Estates Dr. - Wildwood Gated Community w/common equestrian facilities! Stunning 1.5 sty home offers 4bd/6ba, 3 car garage. Cathy Shaw Connely 636-346-4960 Tom Shaw, Jr. (314) 283-5064
Just listed
17813 Edison Avenue, Suite 200 Chesterfield, MO 63005
224 Larimore Valley Dr. - Wildwood Beautiful Updated 4bed 3bath Ranch on 3+ acres with private inground pool. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960
Office:(636) 532-1922 Fax: (636) 532-0222
This appealing cul-de-sac home captures immediate attention with its covered front porch, patio, and fenced back yard. Neutral Pottery Barn decor adds freshness to the open kitchen, living room, and dining room with hardwood floors. Large room on the lower level can be used as a family room, office or fourth bedroom. Over-sized two-car garage accompanies this not-to-be-missed listing! Price reduced to $179,900!
437 Harvest Hill Court - Ballwin 3 bedrooms, 2 baths
Jane Devereux
314.569.1177, x421
Search the MLS like an Agent at:
636.394.2424 2658 Highway 100, Gray Summit, MO
608 Morel Ct St Albans $1,195,000
219 Palisades Ridge Ct Eureka $375,000
14222 Reelfoot Lake Dr Chesterfield $329,000
15868 Country Ridge Dr Chesterfield $319,800
1317 Parkview Valley Ballwin $319,000
830 Green Lantern Ln Ballwin $250,000
15069 Green Circle Dr Chesterfield $235,000
5262 Sunflower Dr Eureka $235,000
1227 Wissmann Dr Ballwin $169,900
516 Spring Glen Dr. Ballwin • $123,000 2 BR Condo with garage and recent updates include kitchen, baths, windows, flooring, more. MLS 1109071
122 Lock Dr. Ballwin • $169,000 3 BR, 2.5 BA very roomy well maintained and updated ranch w/ finished walk-out LL on large level lot. MLS 12028820
1936 Forest Ln. Pacific • $209,000 3 BR, 3 Full BA w/finished walkout LL. Like New on large level lot. RV Parking. MLS 11055017
721 Silver Fox Ln. Labadie • $234,900 4 BR, 3 BA brick home on 5 acres, no restrictions, 30 x 50 outbldng, fencing. Beautiful setting. MLS 12024923
750 Lost Cedar Dr. Sullivan • $339,000 5 BR, 3 full BA on 10 Acres. Finished walk-out LL. 30 x 30 outbldg. Close to I-44 and shopping, yet very quiet. MLS 12020403
2578 Sugar Lake Rd. Pacific • $359,900 Unmatched quality in this brick atrium ranch on 5.5 acres. 5 BR, 4 BA, over 5,000 sq. ft. finished living area. Close to I-44. MLS 11044227
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