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PLUS: Old missile silos stir cold war memories ■ Manchester Homecoming ■ Prep soccer preview

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Dismantling America “We the people” are the familiar opening words of the Constitution of the United States – the framework for a self-governing people, free from the arbitrary edicts of rulers. It was the blueprint for America, and the success of America made that blueprint something that other nations sought to follow. At the time when it was written, however, the Constitution was a radical departure from the autocratic governments of the 18th century. Since it was something so new and different, the reasons for the Constitution’s provisions were spelled out in “The Federalist,” a book written by three of the writers of the Constitution, as a sort of instruction guide to a new product. The Constitution was not only a challenge to the despotic governments of its time, it has been a continuing challenge – to this day – to all those who think that ordinary people should be ruled by their betters, whether an elite of blood, or of books or of whatever else gives people a puffed-up sense of importance. While the kings of old have faded into the mists of history, the principle of the divine rights of kings to impose whatever they wish on the masses lives on today in the rampaging presumptions of those who consider themselves anointed to impose their notions on others. The Constitution of the United States is the biggest single obstacle to the carrying out of such rampaging presumptions, so it is not surprising that those with such presumptions have led the way in denigrating, undermining and evading the Constitution. While various political leaders have, over the centuries, done things that violated either the spirit or the letter of the Constitution, few dared to openly say that the Constitution was wrong and that what they wanted was right. It was the Progressives of 100 years ago who began saying that the Constitution needed to be subordinated to whatever they chose to call “the needs of the times.” Nor were they content to say that the Constitution needed more Amendments, for that would have meant that the much disdained masses would have something to say about whether, or what kind, of Amendments were needed. The agenda then, as now, has been for our betters to decide among themselves which Constitutional safeguards against arbitrary

government power should be disregarded, in the name of meeting “the needs of the times” – as they choose to define those needs. The first open attack on the Constitution by a President of the United States was made by our only president with a Ph.D., Woodrow Wilson. Virtually all the arguments as to why judges should not take the Constitution as meaning what its words plainly say, but “interpret” it to mean whatever it ought to mean, in order to meet “the needs of the times,” were made by Woodrow Wilson. It is no coincidence that those who imagine themselves so much wiser and nobler than the rest of us should be in the forefront of those who seek to erode Constitutional restrictions on the arbitrary powers of government. How can our betters impose their superior wisdom and virtue on us, when the Constitution gets in the way at every turn, with all its provisions to safeguard a system based on a self-governing people? To get their way, the elites must erode or dismantle the Constitution, bit by bit, in one way or another. What that means is that they must dismantle America. This has been going on piecemeal over the years but now we have an administration in Washington that circumvents the Constitution wholesale, with its laws passed so fast that the public cannot know what is in them, its appointment of “czars” wielding greater power than Cabinet members, without having to be exposed to pubic scrutiny by going through the confirmation process prescribed by the Constitution for Cabinet members. Now there is leaked news of plans to change the immigration laws by administrative fiat, rather than Congressional legislation, presumably because Congress might be unduly influenced by those pesky voters – with their Constitutional rights – who have shown clearly that they do not want amnesty and open borders, despite however much our betters do. If the Obama administration gets away with this, and can add a few million illegals to the voting rolls in time for the 2012 elections, that can mean reelection, and with it a continuing and accelerating dismantling of America. © 2010 Creators.com







Sometimes the smallest room can make a big impact in your home. My client was ready to redecorate the powder room of h e r t a s t e f u l l y, traditional home. I suggested that you can afford to be more dramatic in this one room. She was game! Replacing the standard white, cultured marble top vanity was the first request. Fortunately, the existing hardwood floor was installed underneath so a furniturelike piece was the ideal choice. This hand painted beauty has a rich marble top and antique brass basin and faucet. Although wallpaper has not been a popular choice for many rooms, this faux finish style, overprinted in metallic paisley, worked perfectly with the new vanity to create a dramatic mood.

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letters to the editor Statute of limitations To the Editor: I have a question for our Democrat friends who read the West Newsmagazine. What is the statute of limitations on blaming the previous administration for the problems caused by the policies of the current administration? Since President Obama took office, he has continually blamed President Bush for all of his failings. Amazingly enough, even Maxine Waters is now blaming President Bush for her ethical lapses (like Flip Wilson’s “The devil made me do it.”). Carl Schroeder Wildwood

Takes offense

To the Editor: Unlike Richard and Dianna Fine of Creve Coeur who wrote that they were offended by the “Chelsea” cartoon West Newsmagazine printed in the Aug. 4 edition, please note that I was not offended in the least. Their comments on the cartoon as well as their comments on how President Bush ran up these huge “deficits” are what offended me. Please note that Congress decides and allocates expenditures and not the president. Our Congress has been controlled by the Democrats since the start of 2007. Also, as a father with a son in the Army who is returning from Afghanistan, their comments about how we should have had a “war tax” really raised my ire. How about collecting taxes on the 45 percent-plus people in this country who pay no income tax? Or how about eliminating or cutting back all the social programs that continue to expand to “help” someone or something more than they were helped yesterday? How about “bringing home” the troops in the War on Poverty or the War on Drugs? President Obama did not take his eye “off the ball,” but rather you choose not to look at the direction he was bouncing it in and is still doing so today. Bob Weinshenker Chesterfield

Freedom of the press

To the Editor: Your Aug. 4 editorial was superb on all points. A huge thank you for bringing us patriotic, family values views that are not printed in any other area publication. Yes, I’ve noticed those letters from read-

ers claiming the liberal view has been To summarize: You work 6.3 hours per ignored. It is odd that the liberal Post day, 180 days a year. If your lifetime averDispatch with multiple sections and many age pay is $35,000 annually, that is $33/ pages each day of the week is not enough hour plus approximately $2,500 per annum for liberals (and) that they must complain for health insurance. Not a bad gig for a about freedom of press for the few con- four-year, bachelor of arts degree. servative pages once a week in the West Talk about a system out of whack. Why Newsmagazine. should a man making $36,000 per year (the Marjie Saiter average income for a Missouri worker) be Chesterfield expected to supplement the retirement of a Parkway teacher making $55,000 per year? Our public employee pension system is out of control, underfunded, will one day colTeacher compensation lapse, and those like you continue jumping To the Editor: up and down and screaming, “I’m just not Kerry Brown took umbrage with the appreciated.” comments we made in our letter (published Rick and Ann Standal Aug. 4) where we used teachers as an Ballwin example of a runaway entitlement system. I wish to cite the following statistics that come from the NEA, the AFT and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The aver- Proof of citizenship age teacher in the U.S. earns $47,602. The To the Editor: Parkway School District average is $55,176 In all the hubbub of asking the common for teachers and $103,000 per annum for folks to provide proof of ID, we are failing the administrators. On a national basis, the to ask that of every single person that has market value for distribution of benefits, run and been elected for positions in our cumulative earnings are an additional 35.3 government. percent. The total time on school property We need to ask that each Congressperfor the average teacher nationally is 38 son, senator, governor and president be hours per week, while the average work- required to provide satisfactory forms of day in the U.S. is 6 hours, 20 minutes. ID. If they cannot do that or are unwilling The question I ask myself is not why to do that, they need to be dealt with with people become teachers, but why wouldn’t severe disciplinary action (impeachment, they when you work 6 hours a day for 180 prison time, and sent back to their homedays for 30 years and then retire at 85 per- land). cent of your pay with full health benefits If you look at job applications, you will for the rest of your life? see a question that asks: Are you able to In Missouri, if a person starts teaching provide proof of U.S. citizenship? right out of college, age 22, he/she can Think about this. If we have anyone in retire at age 55 with 84 percent of his/her a high elected position that claims their paycheck including annual increases for records have been destroyed or are sealed cost of living. The health insurance ben- from the public, they need to be taken to efits are worth approximately 7.1 percent court and put on trial. If we have a republic of annual pay. (run by the people for the people), why are So tell me, Kerry, when you factor in all we allowing certain, special elitists to be of your benefits, retirement and length of above the law that the average person must workday, are you really that underpaid? If abide by? you think my $60,000 is wrong, you do the I urge you to write to your elected offimath. cials and ask them to put pressure on all Using your numbers, Kerry, that means elected officials to provide their proof of over your 33-year tenure, you will have U.S. citizenship. If they are not willing or paid in approximately $120,000. You able to do that, they will suffer the consewill get back from the Missouri Teachers quences. Retirement Funds a check for $30,000 Linda Allison annually plus cost of living for the rest of Olathe, Kan. your life, which could well be a minimum of an additional 20 years. By the way, in case you are bad at math, by the end of the Busting postal myths first four years of retirement, you will have To the Editor: received 100 percent of what you paid in. The U.S. Postal Service has delivered

America’s mail in snow, rain and dark of night. However, tough market conditions are creating new challenges for our business. Skeptics say we’re not up to them. It’s time to dispel common myths and assure the American people that we will continue to deliver the mail: Myth: The Postal Service wastes taxpayer dollars. The Postal Service, an independent agency of the executive branch, operates as a commercial entity. We rely on the sale of postage, mailing and shipping products and services for revenue. We have not received taxpayer subsidies for operations since 1982. And we’re required by law to cover our costs. Myth: The Postal Service is inefficient. Ten years ago, it took 70 employees one hour to sort 35,000 letters. Today, in that same hour, two employees process that same volume of mail. Although our nation’s addresses have grown by nearly 18 million in the past decade, we’ve decreased the number of employees who handle the increased delivery load by more than 200,000. But driving costs out of our system is our greatest testament to efficiency. Since 2002, the Postal Service has cut its costs by $43 billion, including by $6 billion in 2009. These savings have come through reducing workforce and overtime, renegotiating more than 500 supplier contracts, consolidating facilities, closing administrative offices, and cutting travel expenses and supply budgets. We’ve also asked Congress to eliminate the statutory requirement that we deliver mail six days a week. Switching to fiveday delivery would help us save more than $3 billion a year while still delivering the mail. Myth: Mail is not reliable. Independent quarterly surveys confirm that the Postal Service has achieved record reliability. In the third quarter of 2010, ontime overnight delivery of single-piece, first-class mail was at 96 percent for the eighth straight quarter, an agency best. We’re not only punctual, we’re trusted and secure. According to the Federal Trade Commission, as little as 2 percent of identity crimes occur through the mail. Theft of a wallet or purse is responsible for 5 percent – meaning your documents are safer in the mail then they are in your pocket. Jacquelyn Greco Postmaster, Chesterfield Marianne Netscher Postmaster, Wildwood/Grover



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Say it ain’t Joe


Rose-colored glasses The economy stinks. Let’s just call it how it is. It stinks. Has the recession hit this area as badly as others? No, but it still stinks. It stinks because the bad news is in your face all the time. When you turn on the television or pick up the newspaper or browse the Internet, all the information out there just flat-out stinks. And if you are one of the 10-odd-percent of Americans who is unemployed, well, then “stinks” probably does not cover it. Luckily, we here at West Newsmagazine are optimistic, silver-lining kind of folks. Is there a silver-lining to a recession, er, post-recession, economy? There certainly is through our rose-colored glasses. Seriously, here are some important things that are happening in our current economic climate that might not otherwise have happened: Customer service matters again. It seems like every store we walk into these days has an increased focus on customer service. Why? Because customers are more important than ever. Gone are the days when a sign and a decent traffic count led to success in business. Business owners also cannot discount their way out of problems, because these days, it seems everything is on sale. So now when a customer walks in to nearly any kind of business, they are greeted with a hearty welcome and sent on their way with a sincere thanks. Job appreciation is a two-way street. A funny thing happens when 10 percent of the population is unemployed: Both employers and employees appreciate one another a little bit more. On the employee side, the reasons are fairly obvious. In the marketing world, people talk an awful lot about the demand that is created by scarcity. Since new jobs seem pretty scarce these days, people are more appreciative of the jobs they have. On the employer side, almost every business owner has asked his or her employees to work a

little harder to get through lean times, and many have stepped up to the plate. Families are doing more family stuff. One would think that in this environment, family vacations would have suffered. It seems that the opposite is true. Many people are talking about what a blessing it was that they chose to drive together to their vacation and how cherished that time together was. Others are saying how they have returned to real family dinners together at home, preparing the food together and sitting down with one another rather than in the middle of a busy restaurant. Then, when they do dine out, it is more of an occasion. Quality matters again. Why did the American automobile industry suffer for a number of years? Because many of them were not making very good cars. But they seem to have corrected that, people seem to have noticed, and people are happily buying their product again. The same can be said in any number of industries. Our advertisers have repeatedly mentioned to us how much smarter and better informed their current customers are, and what a positive impact that has made on their business. A wise man once said that “good business hides a multitude of sins.” Well, then maybe these times are making us all better people, and better families, and better companies. Maybe it is making us a better country. We are more in tune with the things happening around us, more appreciative of the good things and more reactive to the bad things. Yes, we believe that is the case. Call us optimists all you want, but we intend to come out better on the other side. ** What things do you believe have actually improved as a result of the recession? Send your stories to editor@westnewsmagazine.com and we will collect them on newsmagazinenetwork.com.

Question of the week: Is Missouri’s current puppy mill legislation adequate? Answer the question: editor@westnewsmagazine.com

Vice President Joe Biden makes a point while speaking to the Democratic National Committee during their summer meeting in St. Louis on Aug. 20, 2010. St. Louis is in the running for the 2012 Democratic Presidential Convention. UPI/Bill Greenblatt

Quotable: “We are turning this great ship of state around, that was wandering out to sea and it’s heading back to port. Now, look — now, it’s not happening as fast as any of us would like, and certainly not fast enough for the millions of folks who are still out of work. But there isn’t any doubt we’re moving in the right direction. – Vice President Joe Biden

“The White House has declared war on the business community, and then they wonder why the economy won’t recover.” - U.S. Congressman Todd Akin

Web site of the week: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIypFKBz4YI MoDOT’s YouTube video showing drivers how to navigate the new diverging diamond interchange scheduled to open this fall at Dorsett Road at Interstate 270.



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General Manager Tim Weber

Managing Editor Sue Hornof

Advertising Account Executives

Associate Editor Sarah Wilson

Marketing Director Sharon Huber

Please send Comments, Letters and Press Releases to: editor@westnewsmagazine.com A PUBLICATION OF

Publisher Doug Huber

Advertising Manager Vicky Czapla

355 Ozark Trail Drive, Suite 1 St. Louis, MO 63011 (636)591-0010 ■ (636)591-0022 Fax newsmagazinenetwork.com


Staff Writer Brian McDowell Business Manager Erica Ritter Sr. Graphic Designer Angela Carmody

Graphic Designers Chris Conley Chris Hedges Graphics/Layout Ellen Thomas

Technical Advisor/ Website Brian Miller Office Manager Janet Ruhmann

Nancy Anderson Sheila Bennett Hope Cohagan Dennis Coon Vivian Fortunato Linda Hauhe Sharon Huber

Mairian King Roger Koch Joe Ritter Jim Ross Fran Swigunski Michael Watson

Classified Advertising Sales Hope Cohagan

Writers Suzanne Corbett Ted Dixon Jr. Jonathan Duncan Casey Godwin Shannon F. Igney Warren Mayes

Julie Brown Patton Diane Plattner Sheila Frayne Rhoades Lisa Watson Betsy Zatkulak

West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2010.


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News Br iefs CHESTERFIELD Executive roundtable The city of Chesterfield’s Economic Development Department beginning in October will host a new program for executives of high-growth companies. Newsmagazine In partnership with the University of MisSalesperson: souri Extension Small Business and TechProof: nology Center, Chesterfield will launch the Edward Lowe Foundation’s PeerSpectives Roundtable, a peer learning-based program that helps second-stage entrepreneurs and business executives enhance leadership and decision-making abilities. The roundtable will include eight to 12 business executives from non-competing industries and will provide a confidential forum for participants to share and learn from one another’s challenges and experiences. A trained facilitator, who is an expert in peer learning, will maintain balanced discussions. Criteria for participating in the roundtable includes: • Participants must be for-profit business owners, CEOs or primary decisionmakers. • The participant’s business must have at least five employees and minimum revenue of $500,000. • The participant must be willing to

commit to the program for one year. • The business must be located in Chesterfield. The roundtable will hold monthly, fourhour sessions for 12 months, beginning Oct. 13, in Chesterfield. The fee is $79 per Date issue: month, with the total payment of of $948 due Client: at the first meeting. For more information,Size: or to fill out an online application, visit chesterfield. Colors: mo.us. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Pictures: Mon., Sept. 20. The selection committee will review applications, and selected Logos: participants will be notified prior to the first Copy:call 537meeting. For more information, 6720 or e-mail economicdevelopment@ chesterfield.mo.us.

CREVE COEUR Drunk driver crackdown Creve Coeur Police through Sept. 6 will be cracking down on impaired drivers as part of the statewide “You Drink & Drive, You Lose” campaign. Enforcement efforts will be increased and will focus on reducing deaths and serious injuries caused by impaired drivers. “If you are stopped and found to be intoxicated, you will be arrested,” Creve Coeur Police Chief Glenn Eidman said. Consequences for those arrested for driv-


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ing while intoxicated include: • For the first conviction, a 30-day driver’s license suspension followed by a 60-day suspension if a hardship license is not obtained. • A second conviction results in a $1,000 fine, a year-long driver’s license revocation and up to a year in jail. Repeat offenders will be required also to install an ignition interlock system on their vehicles, which prevents the vehicle from starting when the driver has alcohol on his/her breath. • Third and subsequent convictions can be penalized with a fine of up to $5,000, a 10-year license denial, and/or up to seven years in jail. Someone causing a fatal crash while intoxicated could be charged with Involuntary Manslaughter, a felony resulting in up to seven years of jail time, a $5,000 fine or both.

ELLISVILLE No tax increase The Ellisville City Council on Aug. 18 decided to keep property tax rates the same for fiscal year 2010. St. Louis County will collect all taxes generated next year. According to the ordinance, the rate for residential, agricultural and commercial taxes will be 15 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. No tax rate is applied to personal property within Ellisville.

Subdivision slowdown The Ellisville City Council on Aug. 18 approved an ordinance to lower the speed limit in Kerryton Place Subdivision. The speed limit will be reduced from 25 mph to 20 mph and applies to all motor vehicles on all streets within the subdivision.


Tree-planting program The city of Creve Coeur Public Works Department is offering on a first-come, first-served basis a tree-planting program for residents and subdivisions. The city, in a public/private partnership, will cover half of costs of planting trees in public rights of way. The residential share for each tree is $95, which is half of the cost. For details and an application, visit creve-coeur.org. The application deadline is 5 p.m. on Oct. 8.

Free disaster training The Town & Country and Creve Coeur Police Departments, Creve Coeur Fire Protection and West County EMS and Fire Districts are partnering to offer free, specialized training to assist the community in the event of a large-scale disaster. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training, designed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), trains citizen volunteers to assist their communities after disasters, such as an earthquake. Topics covered during the training

Public Hearing City of Ellisville, Mo. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Adjustment of the City of Ellisville will hold a public hearing at the Ellisville City Hall, #1 Weis Avenue, on Thursday, September 16, 2010, at 7:00 P.M. on the Petition of McDonald’s USA LLC. The Petitioner seeks a variance from Ellisville Municipal Code Section 400.290F, area requirements including front yard setbacks, relative to a fast-food restaurant with a drive-through to be located at 15901 Manchester Road (the former Shell Station site) on the northwest corner of Manchester and Clarkson Roads. This hearing is in compliance with Section 400.020 of the Municipal Code of the City of Ellisville. CATHERINE DEMETER, City Clerk The City of Ellisville is working to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act mandates. Individuals who require an accommodation to attend a meeting should contact City Hall, 636-227-9660 (Voice/TDD) at least 48 hours in advance.




Chesterfield amphitheater coming soon Chesterfield has announced that the grand opening of its new amphitheater in Central Park will be May 20-21, 2011. The venue will be capable of accommodating crowds of up to 2,000 and is expected to host events such as Artist’s rendering. movie nights, jazz and blues concerts, and large orchestral performances. The amphitheater will be built in a modern style, with a curved roof that will mirror the site’s curved shape, according to promotional materials. The performance platform will be approximately 4,200 square feet. There will be three levels of seating, including stadium-style seating and lawn seating. The rental rates and regulations for the amphitheater were approved at the city’s Aug. 16 city council meeting. Rental for a four-hour period starts at a base rate of $150 on weekdays and $225 on weekends for non-profit groups, and goes up in price for larger groups and business groups. Chesterfield residents will receive a discounted rate compared to non-residents. Those wishing to rent the amphitheater can contact the Chesterfield Parks and Recreation Department at 812-9500 during normal business hours. include disaster preparedness, fire suppression, medical operations, light search and rescue, disaster psychology, and terrorism. The training begins on Wed., Sept. 8 and is conducted from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on five consecutive Wednesdays. For more information, contact Town & Country Police Officer Chris Hunt at (314) 5872868 or at huntc@town-and-country.org.

Citizen Police Academy The St. Louis County Police, Fenton and West County Precincts, will sponsor a Citizen Police Academy from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. beginning Thurs., September 16 and running for eight consecutive Thursdays in the conference room of the West County Precinct (232 Vance Road, ½ mile west of Hwy. 141). Graduation will be held on Nov. 4. The Citizen Police Academy is an opportunity to gain personal knowledge and experience of how police officers patrol their beats, conduct traffic stops and investigate crime. Law enforcement professionals in the fields of homicide, robbery, burglary, drug enforcement, tactical operations, fraud and the Crime Scene Unit instruct classes. The Academy is open to all St. Louis County residents and is free of charge. Advance registration is required, and seating is limited. To obtain a registration form or more information, contact Officer Lou Major at lmajor@stlouisco.com or (314) 615-0707 or Officer Aaron Dilks at adilks@stlouisco.com 349-8120.

ST. LOUIS COUNTY Free household chemical collection The St. Louis County Health Department will hold a free household chemical collection from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 11 at Parkway Central High School, 369 N. Woods Mill Road in Chesterfield. The event is being held to provide a safe alternative to throwing away leftover chemicals, which can be hazardous to the environment and to public health. Materials that will be accepted include paints, stains, varnishes, pesticides, herbicides, poisons, gasoline and other fuels, solvents and strippers, aerosols, motor oil and filters, gas cylinders (barbecue pit-size or smaller), fluorescent tubes, rechargeable batteries, antifreeze, brake and transmission fluid, pool chemicals and other acids and bases, car batteries, wood preservatives, driveway sealant, and items containing mercury – such as thermometers, thermostats and mercuric salts. Explosives and ammunition, radioactive waste, smoke detectors, medical waste, household trash, tires, electronics and other items will not be accepted. Those dropping off items will be required to show proof of St. Louis County residency, such as a driver’s license or tax bill. Businesses are prohibited by law from participating. For more information, call the St. Louis County Department of Health Solid Waste Management Program at (314) 615-4130.



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Chesterfield mayor to leave office, head Metro “He has been a wonderful mayor not just for this community, but for the whole region.” Chesterfield City Administrator Michael Herring

By BRIAN McDOWELL Chesterfield Mayor John Nations was selected to succeed Robert Baer as the new president and CEO of Metro by the transportation agency’s Board of Commissioners. It was announced on Aug. 24 that Nations, a partner in the St. Louis office of Armstrong Teasdale and currently in his third term as mayor, will step down from his positions at both the law firm and the city of Chesterfield prior to assuming his new role at Metro in October. Chesterfield City Administrator Michael Herring was personally informed of Nations’ decision a day before it was announced to the general public. “He has been a wonderful mayor not just for this community, but for the whole region,” Herring said. “He has always had real drive and vision, a zest for life, and the knowledge that public service is a privilege.” According to Herring, Chesterfield Councilmember Barry Flachsbart (ward 1), president-pro tem of the city council, will act as an interim mayor from the day Nations resigns until a special election is held in April 2011 to find a suitable candidate to fill out the remaining two years of the mayor’s term. During that time, Flachsbart will retain his seat on the city council. Flachsbart was one of the initial members of the Chesterfield City Council and was first elected in 1989. Nations’ last Chesterfield City Council meeting will be on Oct. 18. In announcing his decision to accept the appointment with Metro, Nations said he was honored and privileged to have served as mayor of Chesterfield. “While I am incredibly proud of our many accomplishments, I am equally as confident that ActingMayor Flachsbart, our entire city council, City Administrator Michael Herring and the outstanding employees of the city will continue to take the city to even newer heights,” Nations said. Public transit has long been a favorite cause of Nations. In 2009, he rallied West County businesses to create a public/private partnership that raised money for MetroBus service to serve people working in West County and the Chesterfield Valley, as well as patrons of local retail, educational and medical facilities. Nations serves as a regional citizen to the EastWest Gateway Council of Governments, which is designated by state and federal agencies as the metro

Chesterfield Mayor John Nations

planning organization responsible for selecting the road, bridge and transit projects in the region that will receive federal funds. In that role, Nations has worked closely with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). He has been a member of the board of directors of the East-West Gateway Council since 2005, and was appointed to the position by St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley. Nations has served also on the Bi-State Development Agency/Metro Long Range Plan Advisory Committee; the Transportation Committee of the St. Louis County Municipal League; Chesterfield Valley Transportation Development District; and the board of Citizens for Modern Transit. “John Nations has a track record as a proven political leader,” Metro Board of Commissioners Chairman Vince Schoemehl said in a memo issued by Metro. “He is deeply committed to regional cooperation and understands the critical role that public transit plays in supporting economic activity and development in our region.” As the new top executive of Metro, Nations will seek to strengthen the link between public transit and economic development in the St. Louis region. “Public transit is the lifeblood of the St. Louis region, including the suburban communities,” Nations said in the Metro memo. “I see Metro as the catalyst for attracting and retaining jobs, and I am committed to working with local leaders in business, retail, government and education to make that vision a reality.”


Area school districts field inquiries about transfer students By DIANE PLATTNER A recent Missouri Supreme Court ruling forces school districts to accept transfer requests from students in unaccredited districts, which has forced several area school districts to fight back. Court officials are reconsidering a July 16 Missouri Supreme Court ruling that forces school districts to accept transfer requests, even if classrooms are at capacity. The ruling says all students in an unaccredited district could attend elsewhere. More than two dozen area school districts are asking the Missouri Supreme Court to reconsider the ruling, which also requires unaccredited school districts to pay the tuition costs of each student who transfers to another district. The ruling applies to all students within an unaccredited district, whether or not they attend public schools. The court ruling comes from a case involving a group of parents who had transferred their children to School District of Clayton schools from St. Louis Public Schools, which had lost its accreditation. They argued a few years ago that St. Louis Public Schools should pay the tuition as required by a state law. After the parents lost in lower court, they appealed to the state Supreme Court, which ruled in their favor but ordered the case back to the lower court. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the case, Riverview Gardens School District in North St. Louis County is circulating material stating that students in that unaccredited district have the right to transfer to better schools, which by law cannot turn them away. But several area St. Louis County school districts, including Clayton, Ladue, Parkway and Rockwood, are not enrolling students requesting transfers as the county districts await a final ruling. Parkway School District has received inquiries from about 30 families in St. Louis City and Riverview Gardens School Districts, Parkway officials said. “Right now, we’re taking their names and contact information and telling them we’ll get back to them once we get further clarification and guidance,” Parkway spokesperson Paul Tandy said. Rockwood School District officials said they have also received some inquiries to which they are responding with the following statements: • “There are several points that need to be clarified and questions that need to be answered.” • “Attorneys are looking into how this ruling impacts Rockwood.” • “We are happy to take your contact information so that we can get back to you once we have additional clarification on this matter.” The ruling could also impact St. Louis’ voluntary desegregation program, under which thousands of African-American students from the city attend suburban school districts, including Rockwood, which has just less than 2,000 students from that program. A total of more than 6,000 students participated last year in that program, which began in the early 1980s in the wake of a federal school desegregation lawsuit. If county districts must accept students from unaccredited districts, they may reduce or eliminate their participation in the desegregation program in the future.




Motion to consider St. Louis County policing fails in Ballwin By LISA WATSON A motion to obtain an estimate from St. Louis County for providing police service to the city of Ballwin died for lack of a second at the Aug. 24 meeting of the Board of Aldermen. The motion was made by Alderman Ron Markland (ward 2). Ballwin currently supports its own police department, though several other nearby cities contract with St. Louis County for protection. Markland suggested that overhead costs in the range of $1 million to $1.5 million might be eliminated by working with the county. The savings could be used to avoid other budget cutbacks that are being discussed. Markland based his savings estimate on a comparison between Ballwin and nearby Wildwood, which has a similar population and contracts with St. Louis County Police. He said there is no guarantee all of the savings would be realized, but the next step would be to get an estimate from the county. He added that he has no concerns with how Ballwin Police Chief Steven Schicker is running the department, but said perhaps there is a more efficient way. Schicker said he could run the department with less money, but it would likely cause the elimination of several programs,

such as Community Oriented Policing. “The other thing you have to consider, and I will not compromise that, is officer safety,” Schicker said. Schicker said he thinks it would cost more money to obtain the same level of service from the county as his department provides. He said 88 percent of the department’s budget goes toward personnel costs. Alderman Frank Fleming (ward 3) said it would be inappropriate to take a step toward getting a bid from the county unless all board members were present. Aldermen Frank Schmer (ward 2) and Jim Leahy (ward 3) were not at the meeting. “Taking that step is tire kicking with people’s livelihoods and the safety of the community.” Fleming said. Fleming said that although he does not want to disparage the St. Louis County Police, he thinks the police department is one of the things that make Ballwin exceptional. Alderman James Terbrock (ward 1) said there is an intangible community involvement that comes from the department being headquartered in Ballwin, and that could be lost if the county provided protection. He added that given the public reaction against the suggestion of cutting leaf col-

lection, he finds it unlikely that constituents would approve. Alderman Michael Finley (ward 1) said that when he was campaigning, he discussed the police department with many of his constituents. The feedback was unanimous that they want the police locally controlled, he said. “I am a lifelong resident of Ballwin,” said Mayor Tim Pogue after the meeting. “I think the police department is one of the city’s finest assets.” Pogue gave the example of two officers

credited in previous years with saving the lives of heart attack victims, because they arrived before the paramedics and used an automated external defibrillator. He said a slower response time would put residents at risk. Former Alderman Ray Kerlagon agreed. “Whatever the cost difference, I cannot put a value to a life,” he said. Former Ballwin Mayor Walt Young said a similar discussion took place in 2006. There was opposition among aldermen at that time, he said.

Scrambling for funds The Ballwin Police Department on June 14 held its fourth annual Charity Golf Scramble to benefit BackStoppers, Inc. The event was held at Ballwin Golf Course and netted $5,286.03 for The BackStoppers, an organization that provides assistance to the families of fallen police officers and firefighters. Pictured is Chief Ron Battelle, executive director of The BackStoppers, accepting a check from Chief Steven Schicker (right) and Officer Rob Rogers (left) of the Ballwin Police Department.

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New hearing to be held on Ferris Park cellular tower By LISA WATSON The city of Ballwin will hold a new public hearing on plans for a cellular tower in Ferris Park after residents voiced concerns at an Aug. 23 Board of Aldermen meeting. At least a dozen residents attended the meeting to voice their opposition. In the initial plans, the tower would have adjoined the restrooms in the north central part of the park, which is located at 500 New Ballwin Road. The petitioner, TowerCo II, LLC, after residents voiced concerns at a May 24 meeting chose an alternate location in the park. The board had planned to vote on a bill that would approve the tower in its new location, but chose instead to send it back to the Planning and Zoning Commission when several residents said they would like to have another public hearing on the matter. “Residents are for the most part laymen who must research these things with their own time and dollar,” resident William Fox said. Fox said residents of the nearby neighborhood had submitted a petition against the tower, citing a possible decline in property values, an adverse effect on the neighborhood character and controversy surrounding the health effects of cellular towers. He added that the financial ben-

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West Newsmagazine staff photo. Some homeowners living near Ferris Park are opposed to the construction of a cellular tower in the park.

efits the city might see from the tower’s construction would be outweighed by the impact on the neighborhood and the city’s green spaces. “We are telling you we don’t want this cellular tower, and we don’t need it,” Fox said. Ballwin resident Mary Margaret Meyers Walker also voiced opposition to the tower. “I have one question to ask you, because I feel this will result in my land property value going down,” she said. “Would you like it built in your own backyard?” The plans call for an 85-foot tall tower, which would be of monopole design with interior mounted antennas and groundmounted equipment in an enclosed area. In October, the Ballwin Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a new public hearing on the tower.

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Chesterfield, 1699 Clarkson Road Creve Coeur, 12275 Olive Street Eureka, 203 East Fifth Street Ellisville/Wildwood, 16303 Truman Road Manchester, 14317 Manchester Road Twin Oaks, 858 Meramec Station Road Town and Country, 1090 Schnucks Woods Mill Plaza

Fire destroys Ballwin home Emergency crews recently were called to According to Metro West officials, it put out yet another fire in West County. was determined that the fire started in the At approximately 2 a.m. on Sat., Aug. engine compartment of a vehicle that was 21, the Metro West Fire Protection District in the garage of the residence. was called for a reported house fire at 337 “The home is a complete loss due to the Meadowbrook Drive in Ballwin. extensive damage,” Metro West Fire Mar“Our first engine company on the scene shal Dave Phipps said. experienced heavy fire coming from the There were no injuries to occupants nor garage and extending into the living area of firefighters during the incident. the home,” said Metro West Chief of Fire Metro West officials said that such fires & EMS Services Vincent T. Loyal. are a good time to remind homeowners of Crews brought the fire under control the value of residential sprinklers. within about 30 minutes. The home had On Aug. 8, Metro West responded to a heavy fire, smoke and heat damage. fire in Chesterfield and described the home All members of the family residing in the as “a near total loss.” On Aug. 14, they were home evacuated the residence prior to the called to a burning home in Wildwood; that arrival of emergency crews. residence was a complete loss.

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Creve Coeur to place quarter-cent sales tax on ballot


Wildwood toxicologist hired

By TED DIXON JR. would defer the need for trash fees for three years. After mulling over a couple of sales tax options The council voted 5-3 in favor of the quarter-cent to place on the ballot for the Nov. 2 election, the sales tax. That option was chosen over another Creve Coeur City Council on Aug. 23 opted for the tax which was presented by Creve Coeur Counquarter-cent sales tax on all retail sales in the city. cilmember David Kassander (ward 3). Kassander Revenues from the sales tax would provide for proposed a half-cent parks and stormwater sales general city funding, Creve Coeur City Admin- tax and championed that tax mightily at the istrator Mark Perkins said. He said it would meeting. provide funds for city services such as leaf vacuKassander said he believed the money raised uming and police protection. Perkins said that if by the tax would be put to better and more spethe measure is passed, it will generate $800,000 cific use. He said it could be used to pay off the annually for the city. current debt of $5.6 million of Millenium Park, Looking to the future, Creve Coeur does cover annual park operating and maintenance not anticipate significant increases in rev- funds and help fund improvements to the city. enue, Perkins said. The city is expect- He said it could be used also to address serious ing its deficit to increase from $184,000 flooding issues the city faces. next year to more than $1 million in 2014. “There are many things this can be used for – Perkins said the city explored with its Finance life-changing types of projects,” Kassander said. Committee and the city council a variety of revFellow Creve Coeur City Councilmember enue enhancements and reduced spending. Beth Kistner (ward 1) disagreed. Another option that the city is looking at is the “The quarter-cent sales tax is much more implementation of a $10 monthly fee for trash and appropriate,” Kistner said. recycling service. Perkins said the trash expenses Kistner acknowledged the appreciation for the amount to a huge amount of the city’s expenses city’s parks but said she doubted the residents – roughly 10 percent – and the fees would cover would be willing to go to the polls and vote for 50 percent of the total cost for the rear-yard and that type of tax. curbside service. That proposed ordinance was “We have declining retail revenues,” Kistner deferred until the Sept. 13 meeting. If the sales said. “This forms tax does Register on-line, by mail. Registration are enable us to raise revenue the Ellisville Parks Administration Center. tax measure is approved by voters, available Perkinsatsaid, it from a large cross-section of people.”

Wildwood city officials decided at the Aug. 23 city council meeting to retain the services of toxicological Defur experts. A Richmond, Va., firm will be performing a human health risk assessment of formerly remediated Superfund land within the city’s boundary that currently is proposed to be a future residential development. Known as the Strecker Forest Subdivision, the land was the former Primm property located at 165 to 177 Strecker Road. It was the part of the Ellisville-Bliss National Priorities Listing (NPL) site that was cleaned up by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Peter deFur, president of Environmental Stewardship Concepts LLC in Virginia, was the professional chosen. He has been doing toxicology, risk assessment, and environmental remediation work

since 1996. He said he had been included in national ecological risk assessment regulations and policies, and had been involved with the EPA’s Dioxin Reassessment effort since May 1991. DeFur is an affiliate associate professor and graduate coordinator in the Center for Environmental Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. In his response to the city’s request for qualifications, DeFur stated he would partner with Diane Henshel, of Henshel EnviroComm Consulting of Bloomington, Ind., to boost the level of expertise in human health risk assessment for contaminated sites brought to Wildwood’s project. Wildwood City Administrator Dan Dubruiel said one outcome of the assessment completed earlier this year identified various locations of chemical contamination remaining on the property. Mundell engineers recommended further actions be taken to remediate the contaminated locations, he said.

If you choose to register on-line, please go to GetMeRegistered.com.


Market Thursdays at Bluebird Park 4pm - 7pm

Enjoy your community and support your local food producers.


Pooch Plunge Wednesday, September 8 5pm - 8pm Cost: $7/dog; $3/person

Ellisville and West County Dog Owners Group Initiative (D.O.G.I.) is hosting a Pooch Plunge at the Ellisville EDGE Aquatic Center.


Ellisville Parks & Recreation Ellisville Community Farmer’s

Glee Club Ultimate Fitness Program Tuesdays September 14 - November 2, 4:30pm - 5:30pm Cost: $100/person Ages: 5-12 yrs.

Come join us for an evening hayride followed by a hotdog and marshmallow roast over an open fire.

Baby Sitting Class Friday, October 29, 1pm - 4pm Cost: $25/child Ages: 12-15 yrs.

Learn essentials of baby sitting from caring to entertaining kids, safety, preparing for emergencies and first aid. Please bring a regular size baby doll or stuffed animal to practice baby care skills. Program taught by educators from Safety Basics LLC.

The Ellisville Park Board is coordinating a honeysuckle removal day in Bluebird Park. If you are 14 years of age or older and interested in gaining service hours or want to help preserve Bluebird Park, please call the Park Office to sign-up.

Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 4, 9:30 - 10:30am Cost: $3/person Children under 1 are free!

Children of all ages, come join Santa at the Park Administration Center for a morning of holiday cheer! Santa will be accepting wish lists from children and posing for pictures, so Mom’s and Dad’s don’t forget your camera! Juice and donuts will be provided. Come out and enjoy all the holiday festivities.


Outdoor Movie Night Friday, September 24 Cost: FREE

Fall Hayrides 6:30 - 8pm Thursday, October 7 (rain date Oct. 8) Thursday, October 21 (rain date Oct. 22) Thursday, October 28 (rain date Oct. 29) Cost: Res: $7/person; Non-Res: $9/person

Please join us for our second annual 5K Run/Walk in Bluebird Park. Proceeds from the run will go to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation charity. Enjoy a leisurely 5K walk through Ellisville’s famed parks or push yourself to the limit in a rigorous 5K run. FREE Kids Fun Run is for ages 11 and under and will be held immediately after the 5K event.

Bluebird Park Honeysuckle Removal Day Saturday, November 6, 9am - Noon

Love to dance, act and sing like your favorite GLEE and High School Musical stars? No experience necessary, kids, YOU are invited to become the star of the show! Explore the exciting world of musical theater through a mock casting call, dramatic character development, dance choreography, and vocal technique, led by experienced instructors Rehearse routines songs and scripts with your company to create a musical masterpiece. Showcase your talent to family and friends during a final performance on the last day of class. Watch out Broadway, here you come!

The Ellisville Parks and Recreation Department will be showing “Shrek The Third” on the amphitheater stage located in Bluebird Park beginning at dark, approximately 7:30 p.m.

5K Run/Walk & Kid’s Fun Run Saturday, October 9, 4pm - 6pm Ages 14+

Join our Facebook fan page. Search Ellisville Parks and Recreation. Visit www.ellisville.mo.us for more information and to download registration forms for ALL events

225 Kiefer Creek Road Ellisville, MO 63021 636-227.7508 www.ellisville.mo.us



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What if there was a medication to treat your cold, not just your cold symptoms? • Are you between 18 – 70 years of age? • Have you been diagnosed with asthma for at least 2 years? Susie Edelstein, JF&CS volunteer, sorting goods donated to Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry. Organizers of the High Holiday food drive, the most important of the year, hope to increase last year’s donations by 20 percent to serve ever-increasing community needs.

Jewish community observes High Holidays with major food drive By SARAH WILSON Jewish Family & Children’s Service’s (JF&CS) annual High Holiday food drive, the largest food drive of the year to benefit the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry, will be held between Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot this year (Sept. 8 – Oct. 1). Synagogues and temples throughout the area will participate by asking their congregants to pick up an empty bag at Rosh Hashanah services and return them filled withShelter food or personal when they makes care lifeitems insurance arrive for Yom Kippur (Sept. 18) Sukkot a walk in theorpark services (Oct. 1). The holidays remind people that there are always people going through hard times. This year, the food pantry has had a 20 percent client increase from January to June. Items most needed are peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, canned pasta with meat, rice, beef stew, tuna, fruit and personal care items, which include toilet paper, paper towels, bar soap, shampoo and toothpaste. The food pantry will also accept cleaning supplies and is always looking for healthy food options. Kosher food and

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special needs items such as sugar-free and low-salt products also are welcome. “The Jewish community has always responded with such generosity over the years,” Program Coordinator of Community Outreach for the Harvey Kornblum Pantry Sue Rundblad said. “With the increase in need this year, we are hoping to exceed the 40,000 items donated last year. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful total to announce when the drive is complete?” Staff from the pantry will pick up donations from each synagogue. Donors can also bring their items to any of the temples or synagogues or directly to the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry, located in the JF&CS Allan R. Hoffman building at 10950 Schuetz Road in Creve Coeur. Regular business hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, or by special appointment. For more information, contact Sue Rundblad at (314) 812-9307 or by e-mail at srundblad@jfcs-stl.org. The Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry will be closed for the holidays on Sept. 9-10, 23-24, 30 and Oct. 1.

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By TED DIXON JR. Amid great excitement, officials of Creve Coeur-based St. John’s Mercy Medical Center on Aug. 25 during an open house displayed their new physician services building at 15945 Clayton Road in Clarkson Valley. The new, 125,000-square-foot facility consolidates many services under one roof. Hospital officials see it as an additional outpatient location to make services more convenient to patients in West County. The first floor of the building, which will house the St. Louis Cancer and Breast Institute, radiation oncology, a wellness retail shop and pharmacy and lab services, opened in late August. The second floor, which includes pathology, ambulatory surgery, chiropractic services and the St. John’s Mercy Heart and Vascular office, will open on Sept. 7. The third floor, which will include oncology research and physician offices, will open in phases from Sept. 10 through Oct. 11.

Approximately 150 employees will work in the building. Laura Sease, administrator of the building, said an advantage the center will afford is that patients can utilize it for lab and pharmacy services, as opposed to driving to the main hospital in Creve Coeur. “We’re trying to create an environment for patients that does not have a hospital feel,” Sease said. Building hours are from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday-Friday. Officials from the city of Clarkson Valley expressed their satisfaction with the building. “It’s a lovely asset to the city,” Clarkson Valley City Clerk Michele McMahon said. “We’re looking forward to a great relationship.” Clarkson Valley Mayor Scott Douglass said another event honoring the facility’s opening will take place on Oct. 30. That event will coincide with the city’s Clarkson Valley Celebration Days, he said.


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Subdivisions get go-ahead in Ballwin; another to be reconsidered By LISA WATSON The city of Ballwin at its Aug. 23 Board of Aldermen meeting approved two new subdivisions and declined a third. The approved subdivisions are a 10-lot neighborhood called Sunset Grove Estates that will be built at 755 Henry Avenue, and a two-lot subdivision called Kehrs Mill Enclave at 660 Kehrs Mill Road. The board turned down rezoning for a subdivision what would be called the Estates at Hallmark Place. That neighborhood was a development planned for 243 New Ballwin Road and would include nine single-family homes on a 3-acre plot of land. Access to the neighborhood would be through Stoney Creek Drive. The rezoning failed in a 4-2 vote. Five votes were needed for a majority, but two board members were missing from the meeting. Voting against the bill were Aldermen James Terbrock (ward 1) and Michael Finley (ward 1). After hearing from an attorney for the developer, the board agreed to reconsider the bill at its next meeting, which will take place on Mon., Sept. 13. Terbrock said he was concerned that the plans for the Estates at Hallmark Place call for only 18 feet between some of the houses. He suggested a minimum of 20 feet. “If one house catches on fire, they’re all going to go,” Terbrock said. Ballwin City Planner Thomas Aiken said that the plans meet all of the require-

ments of city ordinances. Alderman Richard Boerner (ward 4) said he would not feel right turning down the plans when all of the requirements have been met and the Planning and Zoning Commission had approved the project. Terbrock suggested that the board should look at the relevant ordinances again. “I don’t want to see these half-million dollar houses piled up on top of one another,” Terbrock said. The attorney for the developer, Rowles Co., said that the average lot size for the subdivision is larger than the average size of lots at adjoining Hallmark Place. He added that the plans comply with all of Ballwin’s ordinances and fire codes. He also addressed a resident’s comment that a planned detention basin on Selvidge Middle School’s property would be a hazard, saying the maximum depth would be three feet. He said also that the school needs the detention basin because of its expansion. “We think what we’re proposing is in harmony with what’s around us,” he said. The Sunset Groves Estates subdivision is being planned by WB Properties Henry LLC and Benton Homebuilders Inc. There will be a minimum of 20 feet between the buildings in that neighborhood, and the 10 homes will be built on a five-acre site. The Kehrs Mill Enclave subdivision is being planned by Benton Homebuilders Inc. The two homes will be built on a 1.16acre site.




Homes for Our Troops aids injured soldiers By SHEILA FRAYNE RHOADES U.S. Army SSG Robert Canine in May 2009 was a truck commander returning from a patrol in Baghdad when an Explosively Formed Projectile (EFP) blasted into his vehicle. The incident left him with injuries so severe that both of his legs required amputation. At press time, Canine is at Walter Reed Hospital and is due to be discharged within a week. Thanks to a non-profit organization known as Homes for Our Troops (homesforourtroops.org), Canine is looking forward to joining his wife, Jennifer, and his young son in Columbia, Mo., at a new home that was custom built to accommodate his needs. Founded in 2004, Homes for Our Troops (HFOT) is a national non-profit, non-partisan based in Taunton, Mass. The organization assists severely injured servicemen and servicewomen and their immediate families by raising money, building materials and professional labors, and coordinating the building of a new home or adapting an existing home for handicapped accessibility. All services provided by HFOT are at no cost to the veterans they serve.

The need for the adapted homes is great, because there are seriously injured soldiers, like Canine, arriving weekly at Walter Reed. An eligible veteran or service member may receive a Veterans Administration Specially Adapted Housing Grant of up to $63,780; HFOT assistance covers all costs over and above that grant. “Starting up HFOT has been a learning experience, and tremendously rewarding,” said John Gonsalves, HFOT’s founder and president. “The outpouring of generosity from our citizens at times is overwhelming. The veterans I have met along the way have touched my heart, and I’m honored to have them as my friends.” Canine was so moved by the generosity of HFOT that he raised more than $100,000 for the charity so it can build a handicapaccessible house for another veteran. “When I learned that Homes for Our Troops was building me a home, I was astonished that someone cared so much to do this for me,” Canine said. “My second thought was that I had to somehow pass this gift on to another severely injured soldier. I asked for support from my family and friends, and they came through in a big

HFOT workers on the home built for the Canine family in Columbia, Mo.

way – not just for me, but for an injured soldier they may never meet. That’s truly amazing.” To further benefit HFOT, Electro Savings Credit Union in Wildwood and West Newsmagazine are sponsoring a kids’ coloring contest in conjunction with the St. Louis Home Fires BBQ Bash taking place Sept. 25-26. A coloring page and contest details appear on page 12 of this issue of West Newsmagazine. “We feel an obligation to give back to

the community by supporting people who have fought for this country,” Electro Savings Branch Manager Kathryn Chillson Strinic said. “We’ve sponsored HFOT in the past, but we’re especially excited about this forthcoming event. The coloring contest is a first.” “These types of events build character in our children,” Gonsalves said. “The fact that the bank and the paper are engaging in this great fundraiser speaks to the heart of the American people.”

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Bu llet i n Boa rd More veggies, please In an effort to celebrate National School Lunch Week from Oct. 11-15 and bring moms and schools together to learn about the unhealthy foods children are eating in school, Raintree Learning Community, in Ballwin, is showing “Two Angry Moms” from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 5 at the West County Family YMCA, 16464 Burkhardt Place in Chesterfield. The movie chronicles what happens when fed-up moms start a grassroots revolution aimed at establishing programs to safeguard the health of kids. The film also offers strategies for overcoming roadblocks and getting healthier food into school cafeterias. The screening is free to the public. RSVP is required. Call 396-0900 or visit angrymoms.org.

Parkway’s 2010 Hall of Fame Inductees The Parkway School District and the Parkway Alumni Association (PAA) recently announced 21 individuals who this fall will be inducted into the fourth PAA Hall of Fame class. The individuals represent a broad spectrum of professions, locations and areas of success. “These individuals each share a drive to

Teacher of the Year finalist

not only fulfill their potential, but a commitment to share their talents with their communities and the world,” PAA Executive Director Jan Misuraca said. “They are truly inspiring individuals who are making a difference.” The inductees will be honored at a celebration and dinner at the Sheraton Westport Lakeside Chalet at 6 p.m. on Sat., Nov. 13. Tickets are available for $60. For reservations, call the PAA at (314) 415-8074 for reservations by Nov. 1. Inductees include: • Norm Bafunno - North ’79 • Hayes Barnard - Central ’91 • Samantha (Elliott) Briggs - South ’91 • Robert Bunton - North ’78 • Brad Cohen - Central ’92 • Rear Admiral Phil Davidson - West ’78 • Terry Donnelly - North ’76 • Dr. Victoria Dorr - West ’83 • Cindy Erickson - West ’85 • Sarah Haskins - South ’99 • Jason James - West ’96 • Mark E. Johnson - Central ’78 • Jason Laramie - North ’93 • Dr. Jeffrey Levy - North ’76 • Pam (Jones) Nicholson - Central ’77 • Denise (Appelbaum) Pupillo - North ’78 • Erin (Garrity) Rank - Central ’82

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Summer scholar Chesterfield resident Phillip Hsu is one of 22 students who recently participated in the Summer Scholars Program in biology and biomedical research at Washington University. Hsu started as a freshman at the university this fall.

First Class yearbook Whitfield’s 2009-2010 yearbook, “Departure from the Ordinary,” recently earned a First Class honor rating from the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA). All NSPA yearbook members are eligible to compete in their respective national Pacemaker competitions, which are judged based upon writing/editing, design, content, concept, photography, art and graphics. Jonathan Rothman (’09) and Drew Skrainka (’09) were co-editors-inchief of the yearbook.

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Lori Mathys, a fourth-grade teacher at Chesterfield Elementary, has been selected as a state finalist in the 20102011 Missouri State Teacher of the Year program. Mathys has been with Rockwood since 2006. She completed her National Board Teacher Certification, as well as advanced degrees in curriculum and instruction. “She differentiates her instruction and goes the extra mile to help each student on their level,” Chesterfield Elementary Principal Jodi Davidson said. “Student voice is heard and represented throughout the different lessons, which helps them feel part of the learning process.” Rockwood administrators surprised Mathys in her classroom with flowers, balloons and congratulations. Pictured with Mathys is Rockwood Superintendent Bruce Borchers.

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Rockwood to charge facility usage fees to Scouts Fairness considered as factor in decision By DIANE PLATTNER Rockwood officials have decided to start charging Scouts groups for use of district facilities, which has sparked some concerns. The Rockwood Board of Education on Aug. 19 voted 5-2 to approve the implementation of facility usage fees for Boy and Girl Scout activities taking place within district facilities, effective July 1, 2011. Board members Janet Strate and Matt Fitzpatrick voted in opposition. Several citizens have expressed concerns about charging Scouts to use Rockwood buildings. “This takes money directly from sending young men to camp and leadership training,” said Jonathon Mueller. “The weekly meetings have helped me develop as a person and a Scout.” Resident Jeffrey Pack said scouting provides benefits to Rockwood and would be negatively impacted by charging a fee for scouting groups to use district facilities. Mike Seppi, Rockwood’s director of community education, had presented the board with an update about the issue. The school board had asked for an update about a committee that has been studying the district’s overall facility usage. The school board in October 2009 approved a series of revisions intended to ensure that the district moves toward the goal of implementing a regulation that allows district officials to manage the facility usage for groups in a fair and consistent manner. Currently, more than 220 nondistrict administered groups utilize Rockwood schools and fields for approximately 10,000 activities each year, Seppi said. “We recognized last fall that overall fairness and consistency would take time to

define and achieve, given the different situations that exist with various groups that utilize Rockwood facilities,” Seppi wrote to the Rockwood superintendent in July. District officials in the spring formed a facility usage committee, consisting of internal and external stakeholders, to review remaining issues and make recommendations on how to proceed with the non-district administered groups that have not yet been addressed, Seppi said. He said that while some groups already are being treated appropriately, the committee’s discussion came down to the district’s current treatment of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts versus all other similar nonprofit organizations. The committee evaluated the pros and cons of whether or not to charge the Scouts for usage of Rockwood facilities. Seppi said the committee considered feedback from Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and elementary principals as well as the legal opinion of Lashly & Baer. The legal opinion stated, in part, that Rockwood must treat the Scouts the same as it treats other, similarly situated groups. To exempt the Scouts from paying usage fees while charging fees to other similar groups may subject Rockwood to liability, the legal opinion stated. Resident Anne Hanson previously asked the school board how it could consider treating an after-school club sponsored by the school, such as a sewing club, differently than Scouts groups, which are chartered also through the school and meet during the same time frame. “Are we charging the Scouts for the custodian while exempting the clubs?” Hanson asked. “I don’t see how that is protecting the district from fairness lawsuits.”

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Gabbert wants team on his shoulders By WARREN MAYES The Missouri Tigers and the Fighting Illini open the season on Saturday morning at the Edward Jones Dome. The two teams are meeting for the fourth consecutive year and for the sixth time since 2002. This year’s contest kicks off at 11:30 a.m. and is the final meeting in the schools’ current four-year series. Missouri is counting on a nimble Blaine Gabbert, a Parkway West graduate, leading the climb back into Big 12 prominence. The quarterback will be a junior. Last year was a letdown for the Tigers, who stumbled in their bid to win a third straight Big 12 North title after Gabbert sprained his left ankle early in the conference season during a loss to Nebraska. “Our team definitely had its highs and lows,” Gabbert said about last year. The Tigers are looking to put it behind them. “What we worked on this off-season was just keeping an even keel throughout the whole season, not getting too up or too down,” Gabbert said. “That’s really going to help us in the long run, just the maturation process we’re going through.” Coach Gary Pinkel liked what he saw from Gabbert last season. “Well, I think he did a tremendous job last year. We all know he had an injury,” Pinkel said. “With the decision and the input of our medical staff, he said he could play, and he played, and he battled through that. That said an awful lot about him. I thought he did a lot of good things. I expect him to up his game with the experience factor.” The Tigers, who graduated only five seniors, are projected in the league’s media poll for a second straight runner-up finish in the North, behind Nebraska. But with a healthy Gabbert taking snaps from preseason, All-Big 12 center Tim Barnes and stretching defenses with a style more athletic than predecessor Chase Daniel, there are hopes for a return to the top. It is something Gabbert wants to do. “I want the team on my shoulders,” Gabbert said. “I want to win games. I’m not here to hand the ball off 40 times and try not to lose a game. I’m here to throw the ball and put up points and try to win games.” Missouri was No. 24, one win away from a fourth straight 5-0 start, before fading out of contention last season with the Nebraska loss. The Tigers hope to continue their dominance of Illinois. Last year, Missouri romped to a 37–9 victory. In the previous

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two meetings at the Dome, Missouri won 52-42 and 40-34. In 2003, Missouri won 22–15 and in 2002, the Tigers won 33-20. Pinkel said he expects Gabbert to step up, even without a certain replacement for prolific receiver Danario Alexander, who just signed with the St. Louis Rams. Gabbert does not seem too concerned about replacing Alexander, the go-to wide receiver who starred with 113 catches for 1,781 yards and 13 touchdowns. We’re just plugging in new guys,” Pinkel said. “It was a huge spring for a bunch of receivers. They showed me they can play at a high level consistently.” Missouri is looking for more from slimmed-down running back Derrick Washington, too. “He’s much quicker,” Pinkel said. “It’s all about quickness and movement.” The defense lost linebacker Sean Weatherspoon to the Atlanta Falcons, who drafted him in the first round. There’s a headliner remaining in sophomore end Aldon Smith, last year’s Big 12 newcomer of the year after recording a school-record 11.5 sacks. Pinkel has produced five straight bowl bids and six in seven years, matching Dan Devine for most in school history. Last year’s bowl game was something to forget, though. Missouri had appeared in line for a more prestigious slot than the Texas Bowl. The game was another disappointment, a 35-13 blowout loss to Navy in which the defense had no answers for an option attack and the offense couldn’t keep pace. “It leaves a sour taste in your mouth,” Gabbert said. “Definitely a big, big chip on your shoulder, just to come out this season and prove something.”

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Spor t s Two defending state champions – CBC in Class 3 and Whitfield in Class 1 – will take to the field this fall to try and defend their titles. Kennedy finished third in Class 1 last fall and wants to try and go further this season. Westminster won the first district title in the school’s history and will try to build this fall on that momentum. DeSmet’s Greg Vitello begins his 44th season with the Spartans, while at the other end of the coaching spectrum, Eureka has a new coach in Gary Schneider. Here’s a look at area teams, in alphabetical order:

Newcomers expected to contribute: Michler said whoever provides depth, and it will be a mix of juniors and a few sophomores. Goal: Michler said: “Our goal is always the same – win the state championship. Everything we do is geared to that end.” Metro Catholic Conference favorite: Michler said it could be any of the five teams, because every team will have their key players and each game will be very meaningful. Class 3, District 3 teams: CBC, De Smet, Parkway Central, Parkway North, Pattonville. Quote: “Our theme for the year is ‘Don’t Stop Believing.’ There is something special about the year after you win a championship – you want to win it again,” Michler said.

CBC 2009 record: 26-4-3; won Class 3 state championship. Coach: Terry Michler, starting his 40th season with an overall record of 809-19996. Returning players: 5 starters. Players to watch: Matt Clarkin, A.J. Cochran, Kyle Malle, Mike Lee, Justin Bilyeu, Dylan Hundelt, Jake Bond, Mike Pavlisin, Joe Caruso, Nick Lenkman, Corey Nolte.

Chaminade 2009 record: 20-4-3; lost in district final to SLUH. Coach: Mike Gauvin, entering 23rd year with a 427-146-55 record. Returing players: 5 starters. Players to watch: Liam Stapleton, Eric Heet, Alex Zuerlein, Billy Donovan, Clay Dowd, Brendan Westerfield, Tim Fannara. Goals: Hopefully win conference; win district. Class 3, District 4 teams: Chaminade,


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Ladue, Ritenour, Roosevelt, SLUH, Webster Groves. Quote: “We’re all very excited about the 2010 season,” Gauvin said. “It’s the first time in a long time we will have a number of sophomores and a freshman on the varsity.” De Smet 2009 record: 9-12; lost in the district semifinal to Parkway Central in overtime. Coach: Greg Vitello, entering his 44th year. Returning players: 13 returning players; 8 starters. Players to watch: Jack Mathis, Andrew Struttman, Louis Berra,Pat Conroy, Trip Rolfes, Scott Russo, Prince Kabadeh. Newcomers expected to contribute: A.J. Klages, Jake Yankowitz, Brian Hail, Jake Koenig. Goals: For the team to play at its best at district time. Metro Catholic Conference favorite: All of them. Class 3, District 3 teams: CBC, De Smet, Parkway Central, Parkway North, Pattonville. Quote: “We want to be the best that we can be,” Vitello said. “There are no tricks or gimmicks with this team. I’m looking for dedication, hard work, respect all opponents, and to be responsible for all our actions.” Eureka 2009 record: 16-7, including 7-0 in Sub-

CBC celebrates. urban South Conference. Won district.; lost in sectionals 4-2 to CBC. Coach: Gary Schneider, beginning his first year after nine years as an assistant coach. Returning lettermen and starters: 8 lettermen; 2 starters. Players to watch: Jeff Wallner, Joe Iannazzone, Ryan Gardner, Nolan Manning, Henry Tellini, Brian Woodward. Newcomers expected to contribute: Ryan Whanger, Jacob Schoch, Garrett Fowler, Parker Levy, Jake Jackson.

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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM PREP SOCCER, from prior page Goals: Be the most disciplined, hardest working team on the field; improve every game and peak as a team at districts. Suburban West Conference favorites: This will be Eureka’s first year in the West. Schneider said Lafayette, Marquette and Parkway South would be the frontrunners. Class 3, District 2 teams: Eureka, Lafayette, Marquette, Parkway South, Parkway West, Rockwood Summit. Quote: “I am really excited about this upcoming year,” Schneider said. “I have some very big shoes to fill but I know if we can work hard and play together as a team, the wins will take care of themselves.” Kennedy 2009 record: 20-9; Finished third in state in Class 1. Coach: Tom Rapp, beginning his 26th year with a record of 259-316-53. Returning lettermen and starters: 12 lettermen; 5 starters. Players to watch: Jorge Ramos, Trent Husak, Andrew Thorn, Dan McCune, Ben Nord. Newcomers expected to contribute: Alex Postal. Goals: Win state. AAA favorites: St. Dominic, St. Mary’s. Class 1, District 5 teams: Barat Academy, John F. Kennedy, The Fulton School at St. Albans, Valley Park. Quote: “We have great expectations to build upon the past two very successful years,” Rapp said. Lafayette 2009 record: 11-6-1. Coach: Tim Walters, entering 16th season with a 255-96-32 record. Returning players: 17 returning; 7 starters. Players to watch: Drew Garronem, Jon Luc Panchot, Ryan Mansfield, Ryan Tegethhoff, Paul Mcghee, Sam Enright, Lucas Hake, Nick Tolmais, Blake Hoover, Cole Reynold, Connor Reynolds, Zac Walters, Justin Smith. Goal: Walters said the Lancers had a down year last year and hope to become competitive again and win some of the close games. Suburban West Conference favorites: Mehlville, Eureka. The conference should be very competitive. Class 3, District 2 teams: Eureka, Lafayette, Marquette, Parkway South, Parkway West, Rockwood Summit. Quote: “We will try to have fun and hope to enjoy the season to the fullest, as it is also the last season that I will coach with one of my own children playing,” Walters said.

Marquette 2009 record: 14-5, lost to Eureka in the district final. Coach: Chris Kenny, entering second year as boys’ head coach. Returning players: 11 returning; 3 starters. Players to watch: A.J. Morgan, Mitch Stewart, Reed Peck, Keith Grieshaber, Joe Dienstbach, Syed Haider, Jordan Singer. Goals: Play strong defense; be very organized in our play. Suburban West Conference favorites: Lafayette, Eureka. Class 3, District 2 teams: Eureka, Lafayette, Marquette, Parkway South, Parkway West, Rockwood Summit. Quote: “We are fairly young in terms of varsity experience, trying to put things together,” Kenny said. MICDS 2009 record: 16-6-1 overall; 10-0 in the ABC League; lost in district semifinal to Clayton in overtime. Coach: Terence Murray, entering his ninth year at MCIDS. Returning lettermen and starters: 9 returning; 4 starters. Players to watch: Carson Pryor, Nick Rizzo, Greg Wilhelm. Newcomers expected to contribute: Joe Strege, Will Johnston, Christopher Yount. Goals: Play quality soccer, win conference games and get to the district final. ABC League favorites: Priory, John Burroughs. Class 2, District 5 teams: Clayton, MICDS, Priory, University City, Westminster Christian Academy. Quote: “I’m always excited about the start of a new season,” Murray said. Parkway Central 2009 record: 9-10-4; lost to CBC in the district finals. Coach: John Theobald. Returning players and starters: 7 players; 4 starters. Players to watch: Clark Conlisk, Andy Crockwell, Brian Crockwell, Alex Willenbrink. Newcomers expected to contribute: Alex Whalen, Nick Barcellona, Kiril Maznikov, Matt Hresko, Louis Wang, Andrew Chekadanov. Goals: Only real goals right now are to improve from Day 1 throughout the season and compete for a conference championship. Suburban South Conference favorites: Summit, Webster Groves. Class 3, District 3 teams: CBC, DeSmet, Parkway Central, Parkway North,

See PREP SOCCER, page 29

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I sportS I 29

PREP SOCCER, from page 27 Pattonville. Quote: “We are a very young team with seven sophomores and lack experience, but we are all extremely excited to see how this group grows and matures as a team throughout the season,” Theobald said. Parkway North 2009 record: 11-8-2; lost to Kirkwood in districts. Coach: David Beck, entering his second year of coaching at Parkway North. Returning lettermen and starters: 18 letterman; 5 starters. Players to watch: Robbie Kristo, Joe Brinckwirth, Jeremy St. Amand, Josh Joyce. Newcomers expected to contribute: Alex Deblaze, Marc Hansel, Tim Brinkwirth. Goals: Win conference and make a run in districts. Suburban South Conference favorite: Fox. Class 3, District 3 teams: CBC, De Smet, Parkway Central, Parkway North, Pattonville. Quote: “We have a young team that is hungry to prove itself. Our preseason has been extremely intense and the kids have responded well,” Beck said. Parkway West 2009 record: 5-13-2; lost in the districts to district champ Eureka. Coach: Michael Skordos, starting his third year at Parkway West with a record of 26-19-3. Overall record is 111-67-5. Returning lettermen and starters: 10 lettermen; 6 starters. Players to watch: Nick Franta, Dane Post, Harrison Wright, Mark Krebs, Kevin Doherty. Goals: To make a run at the Suburban South title and be ready for districts. Suburban South Conference favorites: Summit, Parkway Central, Webster Groves. Class 3, District 2 teams: Eureka, Lafayette, Marquette, Parkway South, Parkway West, Rockwood Summit. Quote: “We will be young team but have a lot of players in our program with outside soccer club experience,” Skordos said. Priory 2009 record: 14-9; lost in overtime to district champion Westminster. Coach: John Mohrmann; 25 years coaching, 19 at Priory. Returning players and starters: 18 returning; 9 starters. Players to watch: Jack Wegmann, Doug Brooking, Andrew Rhodes, Kyle Martin, Jacob Mohrmann, Jeff Hopson, Andy Kopfensteiner, Nico Stillman.

Goals: Hope to compete for ABC League and district titles. ABC League favorites: MICDS, Lutheran South, John Burroughs. Class 2, District 5 teams: Clayton, MICDS, Priory, University City, Westminster Christian Academy. Quote: “It will take a while to iron out the most effective combinations, but we should be competitive in 2010,” Mohrmann said. Westminster 2009 record: 16-5-2; won first soccer district in school’s history; reached state quarterfinals and lost in overtime to St. Dominic. Coach: Dan Letgers, entering his 11th year at school with a 125-80-17 record. Returning lettermen and starters: 9 lettermen; 5 starters. Players to watch: Tim Miller, Jake Appelbaum, Anthony Pritchett. Goals: Would like to repeat as district champions; advance further in state tournament than last year. Class 2, District 5 teams: Clayton, MICDS, Priory, University City, Westminster Christian Academy. Quote: “We lost tremendous attacking force from last year, but our defensive unit that only gave up 23 goals is back almost intact,” Letgers said. “Our younger guys are eager to prove something on offense.” Whitfield 2009 record: 15-7-2; Won district and the Class 1 state championship. Coach: Bill Daues, entering his 22nd year at Whitfield; overall team record is 312-186-48. Returning lettermen and starters: 13 lettermen; 4 starters. Players to watch: Nick Doherty, David Genovese, Curran Hammack, Nick Tobias, Matt Jordan, Jos Esrock. Newcomers expected to contribute: Hariz Hasanovic, Omar Karadaghy, Christian Cizek, Alex Sarr. Goals: Daus said the short-term goal is to improve in the component of soccer with consistency from the time they step onto the training field. Class 1, District 4 teams: Brentwood, John Burroughs, Principia, Whitfield. Quote: “As with all high school and college teams, players graduate and new players come into the team,” Daus said. “As a coaching staff, we are always looking forward to working alongside the returning players, and it is always exciting to anticipate the new players that will be joining us. At this early stage of training, this team demonstrates a great work ethic and positive attitude toward learning and improving.”

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Prep football: Week 2 By WARREN MAYES It is Week 2 of the high school football season and the big game of the week features CBC traveling to play at Francis Howell Central at 7 p.m. It is the home opener for the Spartans, who opened the season at Troy. It is the first road trip this fall for the Cadets, who opened at home against Fort Zumwalt West. It is the first meeting between the two schools, but the schools are not unfamiliar with each other. Francis Howell Central has been at the CBC jamboree for the past six years. “We’ve never played them in an actual game. We were looking to fill Week 2, and they were looking to fill, and our ADs made it happen,” CBC Coach Scott Pingel said. “We’re looking forward to playing them.” Spartans Coach Todd Berck said his club is anticipating playing at home against a quality opponent. “As we do reschedule every year, we look for teams that will not only challenge us on our schedule and help prepare us for the future playoffs, we want teams that are competitive,” Berck said. “We want teams in our size and class, and we both had an open week, so we made it happen.” Berck said playing in the CBC jamboree will help his squad. “We’ve actually competed against them at the jamboree level for the last six years at their place although we did not play each other this year,” Berck said. “We’re familiar with them in that regard. It’s always been an intense scrimmage against them. They have some great athletes over there. They do a good job at what they do.” At the jamboree, held the week before the season begins, each school plays three other schools and gets 12 plays on offense. “I know Todd some and know he has good teams,” Pingel said. The Spartans like to run an option offense. Not many teams use that style of play. “We’ve got to be disciplined,” Pingel said. “It’s always hard to play an option team in just one week. We don’t see it very often. We’ve seen it in our jamboree when we played St. Charles West, but it’s nothing like the speed we’ll see in the game. It’s the hardest thing to simulate in practice. “On defense, we’ve got to be able to match up with them. We’ve got to get a good game plan going in. Our defensive

coordinator (Butch Dimovitz) knows how to defend against the option. He’s been on option teams so he knows it. I turn the reins over to him and tell him to make it up. The key is you’ve got to do your assignment and trust the guy next to you to do his.” Berck acknowledged the offense can be difficult to get ready for if you do not often see it. “That’s why we do it,” Berck said. “We run the option because it fits our personnel best. Lots of teams don’t do an option offense right now. It’s a challenge for a team who doesn’t see that. It can be difficult.” Defensively, the Spartans run a 4-3. “They have some big boys up front,” Pingel said. “We’ll try to run the ball and do some play action off that. Their front four are pretty big.” Pingel said he is eager to take his Cadets on the road for a game. “To be honest, I like playing on the road. I know where all my guys are,” Pingel said, laughing. “I feel like our focus is better on the road. There (are) other things to do at home and be distracted. As long as the bus is on time, we’ll be fine.” Berck said he is looking forward to the home opener for his boys. “We’re looking for a spirited atmosphere,” Berck said. “I’m sure they’ll bring along a lot of fans. It should be real fun. I’m anxious to see how much progress we make between the first game and this one. We have to be prepared to play. It’s going to be a challenge, and it’s fun to have those challenges.” Here are the other Friday night games: Hazelwood East at De Smet, 7 p.m. Kennedy at Lutheran St. Charles, 7 p.m. Lindbergh at Lafayette, 7 p.m. Marquette at Oakville, 7 p.m. Seckman at Parkway Central, 7 p.m. Summit at Parkway North, 7 p.m. Parkway South at Jackson, 7 p.m. Fayetteville at Parkway West, 7 p.m. Priory at Affton, 7 p.m. Here are the Saturday games: Principia at John Burroughs, 1 p.m. Westminster at Lutheran North, 1 p.m. Lutheran South at MICDS, 1 p.m. Chaminade at Roosevelt, 1:30 p.m.

“Family, Friends, Fun!”

Manchester SEPTEMBER 10-12, 2010 2010 Manchester Homecoming Committee



the Mayor The 24th Annual Manchester Homecoming Celebration, taking place on Sept. 10-12, is aptly themed “Family, Friends, Fun!” This celebration features a parade, a special children’s area with many activities, Cute Kids & Cute Pets contests, beverages, live entertainment, games, and carnival rides. We will also, again, host Dog Swims on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1-4 p.m. for dogs and their parents to enjoy our Aquatic Center. The contests benefit Friends of Kids of Cancer, and the dog swims benefit BARC, an organization that spays and neuters dogs at no charge. I hope you will join my wife, Mary, and me in enjoying the many family-oriented activities offered as part of this annual festival. More information on this year’s Homecoming Festival is available in this publication, as well as on the city’s Web site at manchestermo. gov. I enjoy volunteering on the Homecoming Committee, and I want to express my thanks to the many volunteers whose assistance make this event possible every year. Mayor David L. Willson

Eileen Collins, co-chair •

Patty Fox, co-chair

Kim Bacon, Charlotte Behle, Jackie Biggs, Mike Clement, Eileen Collins, Denise Cunningham, Dorothy Decker, Jerry Fabrizio, Patty, Dave Fox & Kids, Jett Francis, Judy Grund, Stephanie Hardester, Paula Hartman, Ruth Hille, Terrie Jacks, Ray Klein, Jack & Nancy Lauer, Jennifer Lyons, Duane Marquart, Juanita McKee, Betty McCormick, Jean Muehlendyck, Andrew Noles, Jan O’Shea, Marilyn Ottendad, Alice Overby, Sharon Owens, Kari Pratt, Barb Reuter, Lillian & Tom Riley, Fred & Pat Sexauer, Ed & Doris Shearin, Kent & Sue Simons, Ralph Starck, Timothy Walsh, Paula Walters, Ed Warhol, Sr., Ed Warhol, Jr., Carol Wheeler, Sarah Willis, Mayor David Willson, Janie & Dave Ziegler, Taylor Tomlin.

Manchester Homecoming 2010 Sponsors Allen Roofing Allied Waste Allstate – Bill Steinlage Agency American Legion Post #208 Autos of Europe Inc. BARC Callier’s Catering Mr. & Mrs. Mike Clement Commerce Bank Costco Dierberg’s Dobb’s Tire & Auto-Big Bend Dobb’s Tire & AutoManchester

Duenke Cabinet Co. Eagle Bank Firestone Complete Auto Care First Bank Hair Saloon for Men Huffman Jewelry Jeff Computers Kidsplay Lazy River Grill Little Caesar’s Pizza Manchester Parks & Recreation Massage Envy SpaManchester Medicine Shoppe #1492

Metropolitan Glass Co. Midwest Marble & Granite More Than Coffee Jean Muehlendyck Nicoletti’s Office Depot Okinawan Martial Arts Academy Pace Properties Petco Primary Care Chiropractic/ Dwayne Marquart Romaine Creek Veterinary Clinic St. Louis Post-Dispatch/

Suburban Journals Schrader Funeral Home Strothkamp’s Paint Center Studio West Salon & Spa Tucker’s Place Uncle Sam’s Walmart West Newsmagazine World Wide Auto Yellowstone Café Yon Cleaners Yucko’s




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Manchester Homecoming - “Family, Friends, Fun!”

11 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. COMMITTEE BOOTH attendance prizes, donation tickets, questions answered. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. OLD TRAILS HISTORICAL SOCIETY demonstrations include: quilting, braided rug making and spinning wheel at the Baxter Log Cabin. 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. CUSTOM, ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CAR SHOW vehicles on display with trophies to be awarded. 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. SPARKY’S FIRE SAFETY HOUSE open for tours on the Midway. West County EMS & Fire District. 11 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. CUTE KIDS & CUTE PETS sponsored by Primary Care Chiropractic and PETCO Manchester. Vote for your favorites and benefit “Friends of Kids with Cancer.” 12 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. JACKS’ KIDS CORNER (memorial to Gary Jacks, Homecoming Committee co-chair 2002-2007).

FRI., SEPT. 10 6 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. LUEHR’S CARNIVAL games and rides for all ages. Discount coupons available at luehrs.com. 6 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. COMMITTEE BOOTH attendance prizes, donation tickets, questions answered. 6 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. CUTE KIDS & CUTE PETS sponsored by Primary Care Chiropractic and PETCO Manchester. Vote for your favorites and benefit “Friends of Kids with Cancer.” 7:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. OPENING CEREMONY Mayor David Willson with Boy Scout Troop #328 on the Main Stage. 7:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. CRUZEN Main Stage.

Free activities for children 8 years and younger.

SAT., SEPT. 11 9 a.m. 2010 Parade GRAND MARSHAL: American Legion Post 208 and Ladies Auxiliary. 11 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. LUEHR’S CARNIVAL games and rides for all ages. Discount coupons available at luehrs.com.

12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Hobby Horse Races and other running games Kids Corner. 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Checkers, Craft Activities & Coloring Contest Kids Corner. 12 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Pony Rides Kids Corner. 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Firemen Visit Kids Corner. 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. Story Hour Kids Corner. 3 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Kids’ Parade. Get ready at Kids Corner and then parade past the band.

Manchester Homecoming Parade Route

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NEW PARADE ROUTE on the north side of Manchester. Start at the Kohl’s parking lot and proceed west on Andersohn Drive to Baxter Road, Spring Meadows, Baxter Acres Drive, Glan Tai Drive, Royal Village Drive and Henry Road. The parade will end at the Boardwalk parking lot.

1 p.m. - 4 p.m. DOGGIE PADDLE Party in association with BARC. A doggone good time guaranteed at the Aquatic Center. Sponsored by YUCKO’S & PETCO Manchester. 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. BABALOO Main Stage. 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. THE REPTILE EXPERIENCE Main Stage. 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. BRISCUSO DANCE STUDIO Main Stage. 7:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 2010 HOMECOMING AWARDS Mayor Dave Willson Main Stage. Manchester Citizen of the Year: Barb Brown. Manchester Business of the Year: Metropolitan Glass. Homecoming Parade Grand Marshal: American Legion Post 208 and Ladies Auxiliary. 7:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. POWER PLAY Main Stage. SUN., SEPT. 12 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. LUEHR’S CARNIVAL reduced rates for rides on Sunday. Discount coupons available at luehrs.com. 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. COMMITTEE BOOTH attendance prizes, donation tickets, questions answered. 12 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. JACKS’ KIDS CORNER (memorial to Gary Jacks, Homecoming Committee co-chair 2002-2007). Free activities for children 8 years and younger.

12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Hobby Horse Races and other running games Kids Corner. 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Checkers, Craft Activities & Coloring Contest Kids Corner. 12 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Pony Rides Kids Corner. 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Firemen Visit Kids Corner. 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. Story Hour Kids Corner. 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Superman visits Kids Corner and leads the parade. 3 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Kids’ Parade. Get ready at Kids Corner and then parade past the band. 12 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. CUTE KIDS & CUTE PETS

sponsored by Primary Care Chiropractic and PETCO Manchester. Vote for your favorites and benefit “Friends of Kids with Cancer.” 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. SPARKY’S FIRE SAFETY HOUSE open for tours on the Midway. West County EMS & Fire District. 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. OLD TRAILS HISTORICAL SOCIETY demonstrations include: quilting, braided rug making and spinning wheel at the Baxter Log Cabin. 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. CLARKSON SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCE Main Stage. 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. DOGGIE PADDLE PARTY in association with BARC. A doggone good time guaranteed at the Aquatic Center. Sponsored by YUCKO’S & PETCO Manchester. 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FANFARE BAND Main Stage. 4:45 p.m. – 5 p.m. CLOSING donation Prize Drawing. Winners of the Cute Kids & Cute Pets Contest. Main Stage.

SCHEDULE UPDATES & OTHER INFORMATION Go to: www.manchestermo.gov – click - City Services – click - Parks & Recreation – click – Homecoming Celebration

SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE During event hours between Community Christian Church parking lot at 623 Meramec Station Road & the park entrance on Hanna Road. Subject to change.

West Newsmagazine would like to thank Barb Reuter for her assistance in compiling information for this section.

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The Manchester Homecoming Committee is proud to announce that it has selected Metropolitan Glass Co., Inc. as its 2010 Homecoming Business of the Year. Metropolitan Glass was started in 1960 by Bob and Norma Houghland, beginning with a store in Richmond Heights. The Houghlands moved to Manchester in 1964, and they bought the land and built the present store in 1971. The Manchester business is now owned and operated by siblings Robert Houghland, Jr. and Ann Lindenbusch. Metropolitan Glass specializes in all types of residential and commercial glass, including mirrors and shower walls. Ann Lindenbusch was instrumental in getting Callan Street, which runs behind their business, paved and maintained by the city. Ann is also actively involved in the East-West Gateway Coordinating Commission’s Great Streets Initiative, which commissioned a study of the Manchester Road corridor through five cities from Hwys. 141 to 109. These cities are working together through the initiative to formulate a longterm master plan for bringing businesses in along the Manchester corridor by giving the Historic Districts an identity through signage and better access.

Robert Houghland, Jr., Ann Lindenbusch (right), and Norma Houghland, of Metropolitan Glass Co., Inc.

Norma Houghland is an active member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Manchester. She attends regularly and started a bridge group there for both men and women.

2010 Parade Grand Marshal

American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary Post 208 The Manchester Homecoming Committee is proud to announce that it has selected as its 2010 Parade Grand Marshal the American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary Post 208. The American Legion was chartered in Manchester in 1919. It is the oldest post west of the Mississippi. The Ladies Auxiliary was organized and became members in 1921, and is the largest women’s veteran

organization. Both the American Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary are open for Legion Hall anyone who has served, or has family members who have served, in the military. Both organi-

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2010 Citizen of the Year Barbara Brown The Manchester Homecoming Committee is proud to announce that it has chosen Barbara Brown as its 2010 Citizen of the Year. Barbara moved to Manchester from Indiana 50 years ago with her late husband, Johnny, who was an engineer with Chrysler. They chose to build their home and live in Manchester in order to put their children, Greg, Lisa and Vicki, through the new Parkway School District. Barbara has seven grandchildren: Claudia, Ridge, Jayden, Sage, Laurie, Johnny and Tori. A retired bookkeeper/office manager, Barbara has a long history of involvement with the Manchester Methodist Church, serving in various capacities, including: Staff Parish Relations Committee, Nominations Committee, worship planning, Stephens Ministries, Missions Fund Committee, and, currently, the Church Council. In addition, Barbara is part of the West County Interfaith Dialogue Group. Barbara was a coordinator for Room at the Inn, which runs a shelter program for homeless families. They coordinate with GRAND MARSHAL, from prior page zations work tirelessly to assist veterans of war to find work, health care, and financial assistance. The American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary are actively involved in Manchester with “Shop with a Cop,” and they host “Breakfast with Santa.” The organizations’ annual fundraisers include taking donations for poppies the first weekend of May and selling food at the Homecoming celebration. They host fish fries and bingo games at the Legion Hall, which help to cover expenses and fund their charity work. The organizations allow local nonprofit groups, as well as any veterans organization group,

Barbara Brown

local churches to provide overnight accommodations, meals, laundry services, transportation to schools and job interviews, parenting classes, and help generally with accessing food stamps, Medicaid and transitional housing. Barbara has been actively involved with Circle Of Concern for more than 20 years and is involved with providing referral assistance to clients for acquiring housing and providing assistance with gas vouchers, prescriptions, rent and utilities. Barbara loves to travel and has been all over the world, including Kenya, Tanzania, Tibet, China, South America, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. to meet at the Legion Hall free of charge. They will also host, without charge, any family wishing to use the Legion Hall to pay tribute to a fallen comrade. The American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary support Fisher House, which will host families of comrades being treated at Jefferson Barracks. They host a BBQ for the St. James Veterans Retirement Home, through the “Sons of the American Legion,” which are sons and grandsons of veterans. These organizations welcome all military personnel who would like to join and would appreciate donations, which can be sent to Cmdr. Terry C. Bryant, 225 Old Sulphur Springs Road, Manchester, MO 63021.

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West Newsmagazine staff photo. Doors to three Nike Hercules missile silos remain on the grounds of Clark Elementary School in Pacific.

Former missile silos give glimpse of Cold War fears By BRIAN MCDOWELL Ever since using atomic firepower to end World War II, the U.S. has maintained a collection of missiles for use in its defense. Today, however, America’s supply of nuclear arms is not as big as it used to be; the end of the Cold War put a dent in the need for that kind of defense. Certainly the U.S. still has dangerous enemies, but the prospect of the world ending in an exchange of nuclear arms is becoming increasingly less likely. Today, some sites where dangerous weapons once sat at the ready can be visited and explored, giving visitors fascinating insight into America’s past conflicts with Communism and the fear it instilled in the nation. Although most missile activity in Missouri took place in the western part of the state – around Whiteman Air Force Base near Kansas City – the grounds of Nike Elementary School, on Highway AP just outside of Pacific, host a unique piece of Missouri missile lore. A modern brick building currently houses the school, and walking the grounds or driving by the school, one never would guess that the land where the building sits once was a vital part of U.S. defense strategy. But just inside the school’s glass doors, a painted mural shows what the site looked like when it was home to a bevy of military troops and three armed Nike Hercules missiles. Put together in the 1950s, the Nike Air Defense system was composed of anti-aircraft missiles designed to combat emerging jet aircraft technology. The program included radar systems meant to detect the presence of enemy planes over America and eventually expanded to design weap-

ons that could destroy incoming missiles from hostile countries. The expansion was called the Nike-Hercules program, and warheads and the equipment necessary to make it work were strategically placed at locations around the country, including at the then-secluded spot near Pacific, where three missiles were placed in June 1959. The armed warheads and the accompanying soldiers that dutifully served as support staff remained there until 1965, when the program was deactivated. The land was donated to the school district, and the elementary school was opened in 1970. The school originally was housed in buildings that the federal government built to hold offices and barracks for the soldiers charged with cleaning, protecting, and, if necessary, launching the missiles. Upon construction of the current elementary school, those buildings remain standing and host offices and storage space for the district. Among the most memorable sights on the school grounds is an outdoor basketball court where soldiers played; it stands as a reminder of what soldiers did to pass time while guarding warheads that never had to be used. Further up a hill and through a chain-link gate are a couple of garages, which Randy George, superintendent of Meramec Valley R-III School District, said are used to clean and repair the school district’s vehicles. Originally, George explained, the buildings were built for cleaning and repairing the missiles. At one time, they were surrounded by a big wall of dirt – a precaution taken so that if one of the weapons acciSee MISSILE SILOS, page 40





A conversation with Todd Akin

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By BRIAN MCDOWELL Washington, D.C., for the last year and a half has been a lonely place for conservatives, with Democrats in firm control of every branch of the government. No one knows that better than 10-year Republican U.S. Congressman Todd Akin, the 63-yearold Chesterfield resident who represents the second district of Missouri, which includes most of West County. Akin is focused on finding ways to pursue his conservative agenda in an increasingly liberal Capitol, with a mainstream media that is generally hostile to his cause. “Things that we think are important, the media ignores,” Akin said. “So we have to take on much of this fight ourselves.” Akin said that what he is fighting includes government spending, the lack of basic checks and balances, and a presidential administration that seems hostile to everything for which America stands. “There is this idea around that we should try to push conservative legislation through this liberal system, but we don’t need to do that at all,” Akin said. “We need to take on the committee system in the House and change it. That will not be an easy fight.” Akin said most of the Republicans whom he knows have been helping with that cause and refused to discuss the members of his party who have not. “I don’t want to tear down my own team,” Akin said. “I won’t say anything bad about Republicans in the media or in public. I think real leadership happens behind the scenes. If I have criticism to give or feedback to offer, I do it in private, and the person can listen to me or not listen to me.” He did give an example of the kinds of deceptive legislative practices that he has witnessed. “There was a recent farm bill that was passed by a coalition between farmers and people in the inner cities,” Akin said. “Eighty percent of it was food stamps, and 20 percent was farm subsidies. I think that’s deceptive. These should be separate and stand on their own and each put to a fair vote.” Akin is used to dealing with challenges. Before he was in Congress, he earned a master’s degree in divinity. He was employed in a steel mill, and he once worked at IBM, where he was in the same training class as the CEO. “I am more of a businessman than a politician,” Akin said. Akin did a stint also in the Missouri Legislature, and, for the last 10 years, he has been one of Congress’ most influential conservative voices. That colorful employment/educational background gives Akin a unique insight into the issues with which he deals in his duties as a lawmaker.

“I have an engineering background that comes in handy when we are debating matters of science or new arms proposals,” he said. Experience in the private sector has also given U.S. Congressman Akin insight into Todd Akin some of the economic issues of the current administration. “The White House has declared war on the business community, and then they wonder why the economy won’t recover,” he said. According to Akin, when Congress is in session, for him, there is no typical day. He sits on several key Congressional committees, including the Armed Services Committee, the Committee on Small Business, and the Committee of Science and Technology. He indicated that he tends to have meetings in half-hour or one-hour increments, and that much of his time is spent walking around the Capitol building headed to those meetings, his committees and voting for legislation on the House floor. “One thing that has always worked for me is that I evaluate legislation on its merits and not on its politics,” Akin said. “Everything I vote on, I draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper, and I write out all of the pluses and minuses. That is what determines how I vote.” Every Wednesday evening on C-Span, Akin said, he and other like-minded, conservative lawmakers get together and talk to average Americans about issues being dealt with in Congress. Akin heads home to his district most every weekend to see his wife, and he spends time also with his kids, including two sons serving in the Marines in North Carolina. Another of his sons recently served in Iraq. When asked if having children in the military gave him pause when voting on legislation affecting the military, Akin replied, “I already have serious pause in any issue involving our military. I come from the Vietnam era, so I want to make sure that we support all of our troops and that we respect them when they get home.” One frequently leveled criticism Akin faces is that he brings home more earmarks, or government “pork,” for his district than other area Congressmen. To many critics,

See TODD AKIN, page 40

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TODD AKIN, from page 38 that conflicts with his message of smallgovernment conservatism. In response to that criticism, Akin said, “I have studied the beginnings of our country and where those ideas come from. It is in the Constitution that the job of the Congress is to spend money. That’s what earmarks are. Now, do I want us to spend less of it and spend it wisely? Yes. But we do have to at least spend some of it.” Akin said most attempts to put federal money into the district he represents were in the area of defense spending. “I don’t consider it ‘pork,’” Akin said. “To me, this is just a way to solve problems. I am on the Armed Services Committee, and Missouri is the fifth biggest state for the defense industry. One of the few things that is absolutely essential for the federal government to do is to defend our country. I have tried to put us in the best position to do that. So, I don’t agree that I’m some big pork guy. I just care about our defense.” Akin said he believes federal government spending should be limited to things that are outlined in the Constitution. “I aim to fight the assertion that the federal government can be all things to all people,” Akin said. “The federal government should be limited to doing things that can’t be taken care of by states and the private sector. I support the federalist model of limited government powers. I think we

should close the Department of Education. The government should not be in the business of insurance or college loans.” On Aug. 3, Akin survived a primary challenge from Bill Haas, who ran as a Republican this year, a couple of years after losing the general election to the Congressman while running as a Democrat. “Haas is a nice guy – maybe a little overeducated,” Akin said. “Switching parties – well, it is a free country. Bill is in love with ideas. He is a very gracious fellow. We are just polar opposites politically.” Akin indicated that typically, he can get along with those on the opposite side of the political aisle. “Socially, I get along with the Democrats in Congress,” Akin said. “I just think they’re destroying the country.” On Nov. 2, Akin most likely will be elected to serve West County in his sixth term in Congress. To Akin, his electoral success has come from his general character and the way that he talks to voters more than from specific policy positions he has taken. “My sense of Americans is that, most of all, they want honesty,” Akin said. “If they ask a question, and I answer honestly and logically, they will cut me some slack no matter what position I take. They’re not evaluating me on some ideological spectrum. They just know I’m straight with people.”

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dentally discharged, the explosion would go upward instead of outward into the surrounding community. That wall of dirt was taken down 10 years ago, George said. About 50 yards from the garage is a lot where the district parks its school buses and other vehicles. In the cement floor of the lot are three sets of massive, metal doors that once housed the silos where the Nike missiles were stored. The doors now are welded shut, so the silos beneath them are inaccessible to visitors. There once were elevators that transported

troops down to the site where the missiles stood, but those, too have been removed, George said. Just across the highway from the school campus and former missile site is Central Avenue, built using the runway that was used to land planes containing equipment and personnel who worked at the site. Even though it is no longer used for its former purpose, the area around Nike Elementary School stands as an eerie reminder of the power of fear and the price of freedom.




Doggies take a dip Dogs need a little exercise and fun in the sun, too. Before the end of the summer, West County municipalities invite the public to bring their dogs for a dip and watch them paddle and play in the water. No sunscreen is required (for dogs at least). Upcoming dog swims include: Ballwin – North Pointe Dog Swim • 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tues., Sept. 7 Photo courtesy of Ballwin Parks • North Pointe Family Aquatic & Recreation Dept. Center • $10 per dog • All dogs and children must be accom- Ellisville – Pooch Plunge panied by an adult at least 18 years old. • 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wed., Sept. 8 • No aggressive dogs • EDGE Aquatic Center • Swim is for dogs only; no owners. • $7 per dog, $3 per person (children 2 • A portion of the proceeds will be and younger are free); guests must be donated to the Wildlife Center of Misat least 18 years old souri. • Maximum of two dogs per handler; no • Call 227-2981. puppies younger than 5 months old • Dog’s most recent vaccination record Chesterfield – K-9 Splash and waiver of liability required • 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tues., Sept. 7 • Proceeds will go toward the develop• Family Aquatic Center ment of dog parks in West St. Louis • $7 per dog, $3 per person (children County. younger than 2 are free) • Call 227-7508. • Maximum of two dogs per family; no puppies under 5 months old Manchester – Doggie Paddle Party • Dog’s most recent vaccination record • 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 11 and required Sun., Sept. 12 • Call 812-9500. • The Aquatic Center in Paul A. Schroeder Park Des Peres – Dog Days of Summer • $10 includes dog and owner (limit 2 • 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tues., Sept. 7 dogs); $3 for each additional person • The Lodge Des Peres • Dog’s most recent vaccination record, • $10 per dog waiver of liability required; owner must • Swim is for dogs only; no owners pick up after pet • Dog’s most recent vaccination record • Proceeds will benefit local animal charrequired ities and the Manchester Homecoming • Call 835-6150. Committee. • Call 391-6326.

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Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act Some say it is first step in ending ownership of domestic pets By BRIAN McDOWELL

Photo courtesy of Humane Society of the U.S. B & B Kennel, owned by a Missouri puppy mill operator.

A clean Missouri kennel operated by Mark Santo.

NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM Shocking media reports of the deplorable living conditions of dogs born in a few large-scale, improperly managed Missouri breeding facilities have generated the sympathy of animal lovers nationwide. The resulting publicity has bestowed upon Missouri the unfortunate reputation as the “puppy mill capital of the United States.” Taking advantage of the visceral emotional response that some televised images have generated, several organizations have collected enough signatures to place on the November ballot an initiative that would subject all licensed dog breeders to new regulations, and, supporters claim, significantly improve the lives of dogs statewide. But those efforts are proving to be controversial. The proposed “Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act” says any person owning 10 or more female dogs used for breeding must follow a list of government regulations to ensure the animals have sufficient food and clean water; necessary veterinary care; sufficient housing, including protection from the elements; sufficient space to turn and stretch freely, lie down, and fully extend limbs; regular exercise; and adequate rest between breeding cycles. Several groups devoted to animal protection, including the American Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Humane Society of Missouri (HSMO), and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) are sponsors of the measure. The Humane Society groups are separate entities with separate boards. The HSMO runs dog shelters and programs to directly impact animal welfare; the HSUS exists mainly to lobby lawmakers and increase public awareness of animal issues. Representatives of both say that while they are run separately, they have similar agendas. “We are on the front lines of Missouri’s puppy mill problem,” said Jeane Jae, HSMO spokesperson. “We deal with substandard puppy mills every day. We just want to improve conditions for the dogs in these operations.” Barb Schmitz, campaign director for the measure and Missouri HSUS representative, said there are 3,000 puppy mills in Missouri. “I have personally spoken with many heartbroken people who have bought sick or dying puppies from one of these breeders,” Schmitz said. Schmitz said her group gathered petition signatures to get the proposition on Missouri’s ballot because the Missouri Legislature was not receptive to their concerns. Watching TV news coverage of a raided Missouri puppy mill 18 years ago inspired her to get involved, she said. “I saw dogs pulled out of there in just

horrible condition,” Schmitz said. “I did not want to live in a state where that was allowed to go on.” Schmitz said her organization has worked on a statewide level to speak out against cruelty to animals, strengthen laws and improve the way animals are treated. She said she thinks the proposed Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act will help accomplish those goals. “With this law, we want to see thousands of dogs that no longer live in misery,” Schmitz said. “Right now, there are dogs in Missouri that live in small cages, without veterinary care, clean water, exercise or love from humans. Their whole purpose is just to pump out puppies to make money for people. I feel we can affect their lives for the better. “The new law (if approved, would) also protect consumers who purchase these puppies. It will prevent the large veterinary bills that puppies bought from these facilities often incur for their owners, and, in many cases, it would prevent the dogs’ deaths.” Schmitz said current dog breeding laws are inadequate. “Under current Missouri law, it is legal to have an animal the size of a beagle live in a container the size of the average dishwasher, and never leave, never go outside, never exercise,” she said. “These laws are outdated and vague. What we are proposing only affects places that have 10 or more breeding females. It leaves existing law intact while strengthening enforcement of such regulations. Violations are currently punished strictly through revocation of licenses. This law creates a criminal penalty for breaking its provisions and just says that breeders that sell dogs for profit should meet government regulations.” A copy of the statute can be found at sos. mo.gov/elections/2010petitions/2010-085 .asp. The other side What Schmitz described seems like a reasonable way to protect puppies from abuse. However, the looming passage of the act has alarmed licensed dog breeders and owners of agricultural animals around the state, who contend there already are laws regulating the industry. According to them, Passage of the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act would prevent honest breeders from making a living. They believe also that the effort is part of a larger animal rights agenda. Karen Strange, a former dog breeder, is filing a lawsuit to block the measure from appearing on the ballot. Strange became involved with issues like this when several years ago she accompaSee PUPPY, next page


NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM PUPPY, from page 42 nied her prized chow chows to an American Kennel Club (AKC) dog show in Tulsa, Okla. Signs in the venue indicated that animal rights activists had threatened to put anti-freeze in the dogs’ drinking water to save the pets from being “exploited.” The alleged threats were not acted upon, but Strange said she was alerted to the desperate tactics some have threatened to use to accomplish their agenda. “To someone who put their love, time and energy toward showing these beautiful dogs – that people would do that was such a scary thought,” Strange said. Strange said she studied animal rights movement efforts for 20 years. She currently spends most of her time in Jefferson City, blocking the legislative efforts of groups like the HSUS. Strange’s current lawsuit challenges several facets of the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act. According to Strange, the title is very deceptive, because nothing in the act would prevent any form of cruelty. She said “puppy mill” is not defined, and all breeders seem to fit the term. “They put the words ‘puppy’ and ‘cruelty’ in the title on purpose, because who could be opposed to that?” Strange said. Strange said the summary of the initiative that would appear on the ballot does not accurately portray the body of the measure. It does not tell voters that recommended requirements for food, water, shelter and exercise already are state law, and, actually, would weaken the law, she said. The proposition recommends dogs receive that care once a day, whereas Missouri law now requires it twice a day. Strange said the summary does not mention numerical limits of dogs, regardless of conditions in which the dogs live. Strange’s lawsuit alleges also that the proposed measure would interfere with relationships between breeders and veterinarians. She said nothing in the measure would give the state the authority to remove animals that have been abused, which is the whole issue the measure is supposed to address. Strange and other opponents of the proposed measure admitted there are some substandard facilities in Missouri, and Strange said she wants those places out of business. However, there are strict laws already on the books that deal with the issue, she said. “Most dog (breeding facilities) that are licensed in Missouri are in tip-top shape,” Strange said. “Anyone subject to current laws has to be. Right now, we have heard examples of them being cited by USDA and Missouri Department of Agriculture inspectors for things like having a cobweb above the door of the room where the dogs are. We support these standards and strict laws that are already in place.”

Under current law, any dog breeder failing any part of a government inspection is given the opportunity to correct the violation and be rechecked at a later date. If animals belonging to the breeder are determined to be in immediate danger, they can be removed by the Department of Agriculture. If evidence of animal abuse is uncovered, the individual could be criminally charged. But, Strange said, that rarely happens. Passage of the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act would turn every rules violation uncovered in an inspection into a misdemeanor, Strange said. That could lead to many licensed dog breeders being jailed and having their animals seized for relatively minor discrepancies, like cobwebs or a dog dropping a piece of food into its water, Strange said. “This (bill) has many unforeseen ramifications that haven’t been thought about,” Strange said. Strange said the proposed new measure would be impossible for a professional breeder to follow. “Under this (proposed) law, a mediumsized dog is going to require roughly the size of the average child’s bedroom,” Strange said. “Those space requirements would be impossible to follow, especially for show breeders that live in urban areas. This measure is part of an organized effort to limit all domestic dog breeding.” Strange said, groups like the HSUS do not want to enhance care of puppies; they want to eliminate a whole industry. “That is why this (proposition) only applies to breeding dogs,” Strange said. “Anyone who just has 100 hunting dogs or hundreds of stray dogs on their property won’t be subject to this law at all. Why doesn’t the Humane Society want to go after them? They are opposed to the breeding and selling of companion animals.” Down on the farm Kelly Smith, director of marketing and commodities for the Missouri Farm Bureau, has studied the effects if HSUS-sponsored legislation on the agricultural economies of other states. “Groups like this are trying to eliminate all forms of animal agriculture,” Smith said. “Just think about what that will do to our food supply. Forty percent of corn grown in this country gets fed to livestock. So, laws like this one will have a drastic effect on grain farmers and also meat eaters.” Smith cited a recent law that a coalition of animal rights groups sponsored in California regulating the state’s egg industry. A study by UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine concluded that passage of the bill would destroy the state’s egg industry See PUPPY, page 45

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PUPPY, from page 43 by making it too economically difficult for California chicken farmers to compete with other farmers nationwide. According to several media reports, that law, which does not go into effect until 2015, already is causing some farmers to sell their land and move to other, less restrictive states. Smith worries that if Missouri voters pass the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act, the same thing will happen to the state’s dog breeding industry. “In 1992, Missouri passed tough statutes regulating the dog breeding industry,” Smith said. “So, these puppy mills you see on TV are already regulated by the Missouri Department of Agriculture, and they are against the law. Unfortunately, the Department’s budget has been slashed by the state, so they can’t do timely inspections, but if you look at the regulations, they’re impressive. “This new bill – some of it actually degrades these regulations – and the rest of it will make these rules so tight that no one will be able to make a living breeding dogs.” Smith echoed concerns of dog breeders who said the bill only will make the profitable selling of puppies more difficult for licensed breeders following current laws. “There are bad apples in every industry, but 99 percent of breeders are good and treat their animals well, yet they’re the ones getting penalized,” Smith said. Smith is particularly troubled by the provision in the bill that says it applies those with more than 10 breeding female dogs. “If voters give the government the power to limit the number of animals that people can have and that they can sell, they are limiting Americans’ right to earn a living, and they will destroy agriculture in this country,” Smith said. Smith said this has long been a goal of radicals in the animal rights movement. “For a quarter century, these animal activists have been telling us their agenda,” Smith said. “Their eventual goal is to eliminate all forms of selective breeding and eventually end all ownership of domestic animals. Voting for this law will be a first step in that direction. Activists like this are not happy with the inch that they are given; they’ll take three feet next time.” Smith theorized that groups behind the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act eventually want to abolish animal agriculture, hunting and fishing. “They want to take these rights away from all of us,” Smith said. The HSUS particularly draws Smith’s ire. “They have very deceptive commercials, with all of the cute puppies and all that,” Smith said. “Only a nickel of every dollar goes to animal care. Twenty-two percent of

their money goes to fundraising efforts, and the rest of their money goes to lobbying, when the law says that charitable organizations should not do that. Two charity watchdog groups have recently downgraded the status of the Humane Society of the United States. If their proposition winds up on the ballot, some of their money will go to political commercials, and that is another inappropriate use of charitable funds.” The bill’s opponents know they have an uphill battle. “We know, for voters, this is a tricky issue,” said Mindy Patterson, a member of the group Missourians for Animal Care. “We all love puppies. No one wants to see cruelty, but a lot of the stories that you see on the news of these raids of puppy mills is old footage that has been molded and shaped to provoke an emotional response. It is propaganda. And ‘puppy mill’ is a very prejudicial term and cannot be applied to most breeders. This is a ballot measure that plays on the emotion of voters.” Patterson used to be a volunteer dog walker at a local Humane Society dog shelter. “Then I found out about the Humane Society of the United States, which is a separate group that spends most of their donated money on lawyers, fundraising and lobbying efforts,” Patterson said. “There is a hidden agenda at work here. This Humane Society is a corrupt organization of radical activists, and their goal is to promote vegetarianism and end pet ownership, and that should be a huge concern to everyone that eats meat, raises animals for a living or who loves their pets.” Patterson and other opponents of the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act recently held a symposium in West County to inform the public about what was in the bill. Patterson said an animal rights activist showed up, interrupted speakers, rabbleroused, and tried to make a scene. “She was typical of the people at the Humane Society of the U.S.,” Patterson said. “They are trying to make eating meat a moral issue. I don’t mind vegetarians, but they shouldn’t impose their lifestyle choice on everyone else.” But representatives from the HSMO and the HSUS denied having a radical agenda, or trying to turn everyone into vegetarians. They said the language of their proposed bill, available to the public, applied only to dogs. “We take no position on the farming of animals or on vegetarianism,” Jae said. “We do run a ranch for abused horses and farm animals, but, otherwise, our shelters and our organization aim to improve the treatment and conditions for our pets.” Jae said the HSMO earned a four-star rating on the Charity Navigator Web site.


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Kevin Byler, of Chesterfield, has joined Elleard Heffern Fine Jewelers in Clayton as director. • • • Robert Holthaus, president of Chesterfield-based Holthaus Realty Development, Inc., has been appointed to the Midwest BankCentre West County Regional Board. • • •

Barnes-Jewish Hospital is a 2010 recipient of the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines Gold Performance Achievement Award. The award recognizes the success of Barnes-Jewish and their physician partners at Washington University School of Medicine in using evidence-based guidelines to provide the best possible care to coronary artery disease, stroke and/or heart failure patients. • • • Maryville University for the eighth consecutive year was recognized for excellence by U.S. News & World Report. In the magazine’s “Best Colleges 2011” review, Maryville retains its ranking among the top 30 universities in the Regional Universities - Midwest category.



Jeff Ogden has joined Gershman Mortgage as a mortgage loan specialist. • • • Brian Schuler has joined the Chesterfield office of Midland States Bank as a mortgage banker in St. Louis Region Mort-

The Missouri Career Centers-St. Louis County Fall Career Fair is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wed., Sept. 8 at the Jewish Community Center Staenberg Family Complex (2 Millstone Campus Drive in Creve Coeur). Sixty area employers are expected to attend. Attendees should bring multiple copies of their resumes; professional dress is required. Employers interested in participating are asked to call Adam Brown at

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1St tImE CUStomERS onLy ExpIRES SEptEmbER 30th, 2010

Kim Lanham recently relocated her Nationwide Insurance office to 15005 Manchester Road, at Holloway Road. Lanham (with scissors) held a ribbon cutting at the new location, which was attended by representatives of the West St. Louis County Chamber of Commerce and Nationwide Insurance clients.

ing the Odds.” The fee is $170 per person. For more information and to register, call 537-6720 or visit chesterfield.mo.us.

(314) 615-4682.

EDUCATION Peter Benoist, CEO of Enterprise Financial Services Corp., presents “Managing in Turbulent Times” from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Tues., Sept. 14 at Enterprise Bank & Trust (1281 N. Warson Road). . To enroll, visit enterprisebank.com/eu. • • • The city of Chesterfield and the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce present the Fundamentals of Small Business Program from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday nights for 10 weeks, beginning Wed., Sept. 22 at the city of Chesterfield Parks and Recreation Building (17891 N. Outer 40 in the Chesterfield Valley). The course is taught by Richard Sacks and is based on his book, “The Twelve Commandments for Small Business: A Practical Guide to Beat-

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MEETINGS & NETWORKING The West County Chamber of Commerce holds Business After Hours from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 9 at Genghis Grill in Ellisville. Admission is free for members and $15 for guests. To register, call 230-9900 or visit westcountychamber.com by Sept. 7. • • • An e-Women Network Accelerated Networking Luncheon is from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 10 at Doubletree Hotel in Chesterfield. Admission is $35 for members and $45 for non-members registering before Sept. 7 and $55 for all those registering after that date. Call (314) 968-9664.

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Front Row (from left): Holt Priest, Eric Hill and back row (from left): Jamie Fuller, Kellen Fanning and Taree Robinson.

Parkway Middle students share social stories By DIANE PLATTNER Students in a special education classroom at Parkway South Middle School have written a book that, in an effort to help each other and other middle school kids, describes their struggles. Students of Jamie Fuller, a special education teacher in an autism classroom, prepared a collection of social stories to share with other middle school students. The stories involve everyday problems the students encountered, such as homework, making friends and moving, Fuller said. “In these stories, they talked about how these problems made them feel and what solutions were available to them to make these problems go away,” Fuller said. The students worked the entire last year on the unique project, which included writing, illustrating and pod-casting their stories, Fuller said. “We talked a lot about social interactions and communication, and I thought this was the best way to bring it all together – a book of social stories explaining everyday problems of middle school students, written by middle school students, for middle school students,” Fuller said. “I think the students have benefited from this project because it took an otherwise quasi-boring subject – social stories – and made it new and fun.” Fuller said the project also allowed her students to make their own social stories instead of just reading ones that someone else wrote.

“Plus, because each student was able to pick their own topic, the stories were extremely personal and this helped them work through some of the issues they faced being in middle school,” Fuller said. “The great thing about this book is that it is filled with social issues that all middleschoolers might face and gives them strategies to overcome them,” Kim Priest, parent of Holt Priest, said. Priest said the book helped her son acknowledge and work through the issues he was facing socially. “Preparing the stories allowed him to think through the problem and develop a solution that would help him overcome his obstacle,” Priest said. “The illustrations he did also helped reinforce to him what the situation looks like or where in his school day it could happen.” Student Eric Hill said he believed the book project helped the new kids with middle school challenges. “I think the book is important because it expresses the middle school challenges from the kids’ viewpoint and demonstrates their ability to cope and problem solve their own issues,” Leta Dippel, Eric’s parent, said. Fuller said the group celebrated the project’s completion by reading some of their stories to friends and family. “I have never seen them so proud and happy with themselves,” Fuller said. “They loved that they produced a book that other people could read.”

I 47

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By SARAH WILSON All children dream about what they want to be when they grow up, and whether they want to be a firefighter, doctor or rocket scientist, with a little hard work and determination, almost anything is possible. Before choosing a career path, it is a good idea for kids to consider what they most enjoy doing and what skills they have. They can find help at Kids.gov, a trusted Web site that provides helpful resources and tips for careers in every field. From the Kids.gov home page, kids click on their grade level, then click on “Careers” and follow the links for information about various careers. Following is a sampling of what they will find. • People who like animals and science: Veterinarians take care of sick and injured animals. They perform surgery and give medicine. They also prevent problems by providing vaccinations and check-ups. Schooling required: All veterinarians must have four years of college. They study biology, chemistry, physics, nutrition, and animal science. Later, they go to veterinary college for four more years. What kids can do now: Students can get vet experience by working or volunteering at animal hospitals or shelters. • People who are creative and love to write: Writers make up stories or write about things that really happened. They write books, and they write articles for magazines or journals. News writers work for newspapers or news broadcasts. Columnists write about people, places and things. Editorial writers write how they feel about something. Schooling required: A writer must have a college degree in most cases. Relevant subjects to study are communications, journalism, and English. What kids can do now: A good way to start preparing for a career in writing is to get a job on a yearbook committee or

school newspaper. • People who like managing money: Accountants keep track of a person’s or company’s money. There are four main kinds of accountants: public accountants, management accountants, internal auditors and government accountants. Schooling required: Most accountants have a college degree in accounting. Public accountants have to take a special test as well to get certified. What kids can do now: People who want to be accountants should be good at math and have good analytical skills. Shadowing an accountant is also a good option. • People who like building and fixing things: Architects design houses and buildings. They plan offices and apartments. They design schools, churches and airport terminals. They must also ensure that buildings are safe and strong. Schooling required: Architects must be licensed before they can practice, which requires a degree in architecture. An internship can also be a big help. Finally, they must pass all sections of a license exam. What kids can do now: Architects must be able to visualize things and communicate well. Arts classes can be very helpful to prepare for a job in architecture. • People who like helping people: Social workers help people overcome problems and make their lives better. They might work with people who are homeless, sick or having family problems. They also help by finding resources for people, such as parenting classes or support groups. Schooling required: Social workers must go to a four-year college, and many need additional schooling to get the jobs they want. Some people stay in school longer to earn a doctorate degree. What kids can do now: Students can start getting ready for social work career by joining peer mentoring programs or volunteering.



Girls in the Know strengthens mother-daughter bond By LISA WATSON An area nonprofit is providing mothers and their preteen daughters with an opportunity to strengthen the mother-daughter bond and learn about healthy habits at the same time. The Girls in the Know speaker series is a four-week program led by women professionals. The topics discussed include empowerment, healthy body image, safety while using cell phones and the Internet, and the “birds and the bees.” Lori Lander, founder of Girls in the Know, said she got the idea for the program shortly after her eldest daughter turned 10, which was about two years ago. Lander said she did not know how to approach subjects such as bulimia, anorexia, the birds and the bees, and self-esteem with her daughter, and she could not find a program that could provide the help she needed. “When my daughter turned 10, I felt she didn’t really know that much, but when I started to ask her, she had learned a lot already from talking to friends and their older siblings,” Lander said. “So they’re getting a lot of information early on, but it’s not necessarily the correct information. They need to hear that from their moms, definitely, but also from professionals.” Lander sought out women professionals who could provide helpful information – a therapist, police officer, nutritionist and an OB/GYN. The Girls in the Know program has been in existence for more than a year, and several women in each field are involved, Lander said. The program is designed primarily for fifth- and sixth-grade girls. It includes interactive presentations that are designed to promote healthy self-esteem and strengthen the mother-daughter bond.

Lander said there is a lot of need for such a program at this age group, when girls are just about to reach puberty. All of the information, including what is presented about sexuality, is factual and not grounded in any particular religious beliefs, she said. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, Lander said. “We actually do surveys each week, because I like continual feedback to better the program,” she said. “They give all of the speakers a grade. We’ve had 14 this year and (the speakers have all gotten) As and Bs.” The next speaker series begins on Sept. 13 at Green Trails Elementary School, 170 Portico Drive in Chesterfield. Additional series will be held at Shenandoah Valley Elementary School, starting Oct. 4, and at Solomon Schechter Day School, starting Oct. 12. The registration deadline generally is two weeks before the first session in the series. The fee is $75 per mother/daughter pair, with $20 for each additional daughter. The fee includes a T-shirt, and all of the funds go toward materials and keeping the program running. More information can be found at girlsintheknow.org. Girls in the Know will sponsor the Savvy Chic Dress Boutique from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun., Sept. 12, at Codi the Boutique, 1066 Town and Country Crossing Drive. With the help of Living Well By Design, gently used homecoming, prom and cocktail dresses will be sold for $35 each. The proceeds will benefit the Girls in the Know Scholarship Fund, which provides girls and mothers who cannot afford the speaker series with the opportunity to attend.





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Local man’s legacy lives on Bone marrow drive to be held at Zick’s Great Outdoors By JULIE BROWN PATTON Six months after Todd Zick lost his battle with leukemiarelated pneumonia, Zick’s legacy of promoting bone marrow registrations lives on from its West St. Louis County roots. At age 23, Zick, who died in February, started a charitable organization called “Leukemia 24-7” to promote marrow registration through the worldwide marrow donor database. That charity has registered nearly 5,000 The late Todd Zick, founder of Leukemia 24-7 (center and marrow donors since 2007 pictured on poster) during a 2007 bone marrow drive with and is credited with 20 life- DKMS Americas Executive Vice President Katharina Harf saving stem cell transplants. (right) and DKMS Registry Organizer Alina Suprunova. In addition, the charity has raised more than $40,000 that was dis- changed in recent years. “Some people hear bone marrow, and tributed to Friends of Kids with Cancer, Siteman Cancer Center, Missouri Baptist think ‘yikes, they’re going to take bone Cancer Center and DKMS Americas. With from me.’ But actually, it’s just about more than 2 million registered donors, taking a cotton swabbing from inside your DKMS is the largest bone marrow donor cheek,” he said. Registering takes about 6 to 10 minutes, center in the world. Erich Stroh, Zick’s father, said the fourth Stroh said. “Most of the process is about filling out annual Bandana-Bash marrow registration drive and fundraising event will be held on paperwork with multiple contact details Sept. 10 and 11 at Zick’s Great Outdoors, because everyone can be a donor until 16498 Clayton Road in Wildwood. they are 55 years old. So if you’re regisStroh said events include a barbecue of tering at a very young age, the donor databurgers, brats and hotdogs; bingo under base program may not contact you with a a tent; and live music from a band called potential match until decades later.” Cheerful Robots. He said Sept. 11 activiStroh said swabs are placed inside a ties start with a pancake breakfast at 8 sealed envelope and coded to each applia.m.; another barbecue featuring pulled cation. pork, chicken and turkey; and live music “Each donor’s DNA goes anonymously by Nonstop from 8-11 p.m. into the database,” he said. “If a type “We are hoping for donations for all these match is discovered, donors could then be events, with hundreds of silent auction reached for prescreening.” items available throughout the weekend,” Stroh said there are no expenses for Stroh said. “That Friday night is deemed donors; the recipients’ insurance pays for TTIF (Thank Todd It’s Friday).” the procedure. Silent auction items include original art “Then there are two ways to contribute from nationally recognized artists, sports (haematopoietic) stem cells: through tickets, sports memorabilia and donated aphaeresis, which is similar to having an items from local businesses. IV … or through an extraction at a hip Bone marrow donor testing will be hosted bone,” he said. from Sept. 8 through Sept. 12 at the nursEighty percent of donors go through the ery. In addition to the 20 actual transplants aphaeresis method, according to industry associated with Leukemia 24-7, another statistics. Stroh said the hip extraction is 100 potential donor matches resulted from about an hour-long procedure, with donors Zick’s drives. feeling a soreness. “A life-saving bone marrow transplant is “We hope everyone will look at bone the last recovery option for many people marrow donations as giving someone a who fight blood cancers like leukemia,” second chance to live,” Stroh said. “It’s Stroh said. “Todd himself received two really hard to find a match, but it’s like bone marrow transplants from an anony- finding your genetic twin. All the stars mous European donor in 2007 and 2008 have to be aligned. It’s a very unique while fighting leukemia.” experience.” Stroh said several important notaMore details can be found at bandanations about bone marrow donations have bash.com.



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Com mu n it y Event s ART The Greater St. Louis Art Association Art Fair is from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 3, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 4, and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun., Sept. 5 in the Greensfelder Recreation Center in Queeny Park (550 Weidman Road in Manchester). More than 100 juried artists from across the country exhibit fine art, including digital art, fabric, fiber, glass, jewelry, mixed media, acrylic/oil/watercolor painting, photography, pottery, sculpture, and wood. Drawings for $100 to be spent on artwork, a wine tasting, live music and children’s activities are featured at various times throughout the weekend. Admission is $5 and is good for all three days. Call Vic Barr at (314) 997-1181 or Maggie McCarthy at 724-5968.

BENEFITS Ballwin VFW Post 6274 hosts a barbecue from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 3 and Sat., Sept. 4 at 115 Mimosa Lane in Ballwin. Call 527-9555. • • • “Classes for a Cause” is from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 10 at The Club at Chesterfield. The public is invited to attend a class for a $5 donation to “Helping the Soldiers Sleep,” a program providing special CDs that help soldiers and veterans

suffering from Post Traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD) sleep. Members may bring a guest for free all day. For more information, visit clubatchesterfield.com. • • • The “Run To Remember” 5K race will be held at 8 a.m. on Sat., Sept. 11, starting and ending in Wildwood Town Center. The event commemorates the 3,031 lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001, and is limited to 500 runners. The entry fee is $30 before Sept. 10 and $35 on race day. Performance shirts, medals, race bibs and category awards are included. Proceeds benefit Backstoppers Inc., a fund for firefighters and police officers, and the Pujols Family Foundation. Pick up a packet at Wildwood City Hall, or e-mail bradsh@metrowest-fire.org. Call (314) 616-6080. • • • An Antique Appraisal Fair and Community Market Place is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 11 at Gambrill Gardens Retirement Community (#1 Strecker Road, one-half mile west of Clarkson Road off Manchester Road). Antique appraisals are $10 for the first item and $5 for additional items (up to five); handmade arts and crafts items, jewelry and a farmers’ market are featured. Proceeds are designated for the purchase of a bus for Gambrill Gardens’ residents. Call 394-2992.


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• • • Ranken Jordan-A Pediatric Specialty Hospital holds its annual Kids’ Walk, an event organized by the hospital’s Junior Board members, at 10:20 a.m. (registration is at 9:30 a.m.) on Sat., Sept. 11 at Ranken Jordan in Maryland Heights. Participants are encouraged to walk with their dogs and participate in the Doggie Dress-up and the dog race. The cost is $15 and includes a T-shirt, lunch and doggie gift. Visit rankenjordan.org/kidswalk. • • • The 13th annual St. Louis Fall Festival to benefit the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) is from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 11 at the Saint Louis Science Center. Admission is $40 for adults, $30 for children aged 3-18 and free for younger children and for brain tumor survivors and includes admission to the Science Center, a dinner buffet, dessert, beer, wine and non-alcoholic drinks, a silent auction, raffles and more. For tickets and sponsorship information, visit abta. org/stlouisfallfestival or call Barb Dunn at 230-0353 or Joanna Wagner at 537-8576. • • • The annual St. Luke’s Hospital Life & Hope Golf Tournament is at 11 a.m. (registration and lunch begin) on Mon., Sept. 13 at Glen Echo Country Club (3401 Lucas and Hunt Road in St. Louis). Dinner and prizes follow 18 holes. Proceeds benefit the Life & Hope Fund, serving patients with cancer. To register, call (314) 576-2345 or (314) 205-6231; for more information, call

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(314) 576-8140. • • • Coldwell Banker Gundaker Chesterfield West holds the Ronald McDonald/Stray Rescue Charity Golf Tournament at 1:30 p.m. (registration and lunch are at 12 p.m.) on Mon., Sept. 13 at Landings at Spirit Golf Club in Chesterfield. Eighteen holes of golf, a post-tournament happy hour and silent auction are featured. The fee is $400 per foursome or $100 per player, hole sponsor and beverage sponsor. To register, call Jeanne Hunsaker at (314) 210-0702. • • • Amazing Taste is from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sun., Sept. 19 at Wildwood Town Center. Guests taste more than 500 different wines, spirits and foods. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door; $20 tickets are available for groups of 10 or more. Proceeds benefit Angels Arms. Call (314) 726-6899 or visit angelsarms.org.

FAMILY & KIDS Family Fun Night is from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 10 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. The evening focuses on family fitness and unity and the spirit of competition comes alive as families team-up against other families in numerous games. Admission is $5. Call Matt Struemph at 227-8950 or visit ballwin. mo.us. • • • An open house is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 11 at The Pointe at Ballwin

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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM Commons. Free admission all day, giveaways, free classes, entertainment, massages and more are featured. Visit ballwin. mo.us. • • • “Good Grief for Kids” is at 7 p.m. on Mondays beginning Mon., Sept. 13 at St. John Lutheran Church (15800 Manchester Road in Ellisville). Children aged 4-12 learn to express themselves, feel better, and cope with loss. A $25 fee covers the cost of materials; scholarships are available. Call Linda at 779-2309 or visit stjstl.net. • • • The St. Louis Home Fires BBQ Bash is on Sat., Sept. 25 and Sun., Sept. 26 at the Town Center of Wildwood. Amateurs and professionals compete for the grand prize in several categories, including ribs, brisket, chicken, chili, pork steak, People’s Choice, chicken wing eating, Best Decorated Booth, and more. Call Frank Schmer at 256-6564.

LIVE MUSIC The Ellisville Farmer’s Market features the music of Rough Shop from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 2 at Bluebird Park. Wack-A-Doo performs on Sept. 9 and Sept. 30, Buckhannon Brothers perform on Sept. 16, and Salt of the Earth performs on Oct. 6. Visit ellisvillefarmersmarket.org. • • • “Second Friday Notes,” a poetry and music series, debuts from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 10 at Whole Foods Market in Town & Country. St. Louis area poets featured in “Flood Stage: An Anthology of St. Louis Poets,” and Ro Anderson, a singer/songwriter, are featured. Call (314) 973-0616. • • • St. Louis Southern Gospel Gathering 2010 is at 2 p.m. on Sun., Sept. 19 at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church (17126 Manchester Road in Wildwood). The Davis Family and 2008 International Female Vocalist of the Year Kathy Atkins perform. A free-will offering will be taken to help cover expenses. Call Kathy at (618) 550-5777.

MEETINGS An American Heritage Girls registration and parent meeting is at 7 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 2 at St. John Lutheran Church in Ellisville. The troop will meet from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month, beginning Sept. 16, at St. John Lutheran and will focus on service projects, badges and will feature a father/daughter event, hiking and camping. Call Jody at (314) 479-9388 or Ann at (314) 304-2978. • • •

The West County Republicans Organization resumes its monthly meetings at 7:30 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 9 at Chesterfield City Hall (690 Chesterfield Parkway West). Missouri Supreme Court Justice Zel Fisher and Charlie Brennan, KMOX Radio and “Donnybrook” personality, are the featured speakers. Admission is free. Call 227-7161 or 225-9105.

SPECIAL INTEREST A “Light Up Shabbat” service is at 7 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 3 at United Hebrew Congregation (13788 Conway Road). A dessert reception follows the service. Call (314) 469-0700 or visit unitedhebrew.org. • • • Four Winds Garden Club presents a Standard Flower Show from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Wed., Sept. 8 at Longview Farm House (13525 Clayton Road in Town & Country). Creative flower designs, horticultural specimens and educational exhibits are featured. Admission is free and open to the public. Call Roni Pidgeon at 2274693. • • • “Passages in Caregiving” is from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month except December through February, beginning Sept. 8 at St. John Lutheran Church (15800 Manchester Road in Ellisville). Dr. Jack Radke leads the study/support group, discussing “Passages in Caregiving,” by Gail Sheehy. E-mail Linda at lbrady@stjstl.net or visit stjstl.net. • • • GriefShare, a grief recovery support group, meets from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday evenings from Sept. 9 through Dec. 9 at Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church (12928 Ladue Road in Creve Coeur). Each session includes a video seminar and group discussion. For information and to register, call Rev. Mike Kennison at (314) 434-0753. • • • Westward Hoe Garden Club holds a plant exchange at 7 p.m. on Tues., Sept. 14 at 2160 Willow Forest Court in Chesterfield. Plants suitable for fall planting, accompanied by names and planting directions, are shared. Call 391-6469. • • • The West County Spinners Square Dance Club offers square dance lessons from 7:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. on Tuesday nights, beginning Tues., Sept. 14. The first class is free; additional classes are $5. Call Daryl or Lisa Budd at (314) 878-5043 or visit westcounty.squaredancemissouri.com. • • • A Carmine Appice Drum Clinic is from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wed., Sept. 22 at Midwest Music Conservatory (15977 Clayton Road in Clarkson Valley). Call 527-5558.


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Photo credit Chapman Baehler. Vampire Weekend performs on Oct. 3 at Chaifetz Arena.

COMEDY Damon Wayans, Sept. 9, Ameristar Casino Lisa Lampanelli, Sept. 10, The Pageant Rob Schneider, Oct. 14, Ameristar Casino

CONCERTS NewsmagazineNetwork.com is updated daily with the local news, events and information that impact your world.


Heart, Sept. 4, The Family Arena Arianna String Quartet’s “Death and the Maiden,” Sept. 10, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center Kings of Leon, Sept. 25, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Lady Antebellum, Sept. 30, The Fox Theatre Stone Temple Pilots, Sept. 30, The Family Arena Vampire Weekend, Oct. 3, Chaifetz Arena Drake with Clipse, Oct. 12, The Fox Theatre Je’ Caryous Johnson with Brian McKnight and Vivica A. Fox, Oct. 23, Chaifetz Arena

FAIRS & FESTIVALS Japanese Festival, Sept. 4-5, Missouri

Stone Temple Pilots performs on Sept. 30 at The Family Arena.

“Crumbs from the Table of Joy,” through Sept. 12, Mustard Seed Theatre Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “State Fair,” Sept. 3-Oct. 3, Robert G. Reim Theatre “Come Rain or Come Shine,” Sept. 8-11, Kranzberg Arts Center “You Can’t Take It With You,” Sept. 8-Oct. 3, Loretto-Hilton Center “Hot! Hot! Hot! A Night at the Copa,” Sept. 10, Powell Symphony Hall Arianna String Quartet’s “Death and the Maiden,” Sept. 10, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center “Equus,” Sept. 10-25, Kranzberg Arts Center

“Equus” plays from Sept. 10-25 at the Kranzberg Arts Center.

“The Music of ABBA,” Sept. 11, Powell Symphony Hall “Shrek: The Musical,” Sept. 11-26, The Fox Theatre Disney on Ice’s “Princess Classics,” Sept. 16-19, Chaifetz Arena “Chinese Dance: Classical, Modern and Folk,” Sept. 18, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center “So You Think You Can Dance,” Sept. 25, Chaifetz Arena “The Screwtape Letters,” Sept. 25, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center “Proof,” Sept. 29-Oct. 10, Heagney Theatre at Nerinx Hall

tickets and information


2 WEEKS ONLY - SEPTEMBER 11-26 Fox Theatre • metrotix.com

Ameristar Casino: tickets.com, (877) 444-2637 Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center: touhill.org, (314) 516-4949 Chaifetz Arena: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 The Family Arena: familyarena. com, 896-4205 Fox Theatre: metrotix.com, (314)

534-1111 Heagney Theatre: insighttheatrecompany.com, (314) 239-9040 Kranzberg Arts Center: brownpapertickets.com, (800) 838-3006 Loretto-Hilton Center: repstl.org, (314) 968-4925 Missouri Botanical Garden: mobot.org, (314) 577-5100 Mustard Seed Theatre: brownpap-

ertickets.com, (800) 838-3006 The Pageant: ticketmaster.com, (314) 241-1888 Powell Symphony Hall: slso.org, (800) 232-1880 Robert G. Reim Theatre: ktgonstage.org, (314) 821-9956 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater: livenation.com, (314) 298-9944

F =Free Admission



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56 I  Ya Ya’s drops the ‘i,’ keeps the goodness SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 WEST NEWSMAGAZINE

By SUZANNE CORBETT When Ya Ya’s Euro Bistro Executive Chef Rob Uyemura combined the influences of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, North African, French and Greek cuisines, a new dining concept was created. “There’s nothing else like it. Ya Ya’s is the only Euro bistro in St. Louis,” said the restaurant’s general manager, John Miller, who described Euro bistro dining as “something between a casual and a fine dining experience with a menu that’s varied and served in a relaxed atmosphere.” Ya Ya’s has successfully combined a relaxed atmosphere with an innovative menu that, since the restaurant opened 11 years ago, has continued to garner rave reviews from critics. Over the years, the only thing that has changed beyond the occasional menu item is the spelling of the bistro’s name. “When the owners first opened Ya Ya’s, they had to spell it with an ‘i,’ making it Yia Yia’s, because Ya Ya’s was already a reserved name,” Miller said. He noted that “ya ya” is Greek for “grandmother,” and said the owner chose the name to honor his Greek grandmother.

Ya Ya’s Euro Bistro 15601 Olive Blvd. • Chesterfield (636) 537-9991 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Mon.-Thurs.; 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Fri.-Sat.; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sun. brunch, with dinner served until 9 p.m. www.yiayias.com


“Recently, the Ya Ya’s name (without the ‘i’) came available for use, so at the moment, we’re in the middle of making the change-over to the new spelling,” Miller said. “But don’t worry; nothing else has changed, especially the quality of the menu.” The menu is designed to utilize the best products available in the area. The chef sources the majority of his ingredients within a 100-mile radius of the restaurant. A list of local farmers and producers is displayed on the menu. Several dishes, including Benne’s Natural Chicken, and Collins Spring Rainbow Trout, are named in honor of their source. “The Benne Farm is where we source Ya Ya’s Euro Bistro. our chicken and is the location where Chef Rob grows some of his heirloom vegetables for use in the restaurant,” Miller said. “In fact, own bacon) and Ozark mushrooms; and the Wood Grilled Chef grows herbs right outside the door – it doesn’t get Atlantic Salmon, which is grilled on a custom-made, any fresher than that.” wood-fired grill. Ya Ya’s bountiful, seven-page menu brings diners an “We use real hickory, oak and cherry for use in our eclectic mix of dishes that are sophisticated, yet uncom- smoker, pizza oven and wood-fired grill,” Miller said. “As plicated. The emphasis is on flavor combinations, which the wood burns, its aroma permeates the dining room. You results in amazing dishes designed to tempt. Selections can smell it when you first step through the door.” range from Euro bites (appetizers) and wood-fired pizza Ya Ya’s promises to deliver more than creative cuisine to salads, pastas and the Bistro Specials. and friendly service; it promises to deliver a total sensory Two standout Bistro Specials are the Berkshire Cross dining experience with continental flair and farm-fresh Pork, a 14-ounce chop partnered with potato turnip pave, goodness. It is a combination, Miller said, “that is unbeatsautéed greens, house-made bacon (yes, Chef makes his able and an experience you’ll want to share.”


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Watch For Our Next Edition September 15th, 2010!

To place a classified ad, call Hope


60 I



W E S T c l a ss i f i e d s Lawn & Landscaping

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Lawn & Landscape


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To place a classifed ad, call Hope


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Trust your locally owned services!




I 61


Fischer Opens New Detached Luxury Villa Display at Kendall Bluffs Provided by West Newsmagazine’s Advertising Department


henever there’s a significant shift in the new-home market, St. Louisans can count on Fischer & Frichtel to be well ahead of the curve. The most recent example of the firm’s quick response to changing trends can be found at Kendall Bluffs, a prestigious allvilla community on the wooded bluffs high above the Missouri River in Chesterfield. In late June, Fischer & Frichtel’s brand new detached Luxury Villa display opened for touring, adding another dimension to the homebuilder’s offering in the development. Community sales manager John Fister

explained the decision to introduce the new detached product line. “When Kendall Bluffs first opened, the vast majority of our customers were affluent West County downsizers and professionals, looking for a spacious, high-fashion residence with freedom from the responsibilities of yardcare and exterior maintenance,” he stated. “Since then, the buyer demographic has changed somewhat, and we’re seeing more villa buyers who own second – or even third – homes elsewhere in the country. During the few months they may spend here in St. Louis, they want a more manageably-sized home, but one that’s still beautifully appointed and roomy enough for occasional dinner parties and houseguests.” At 2,000-plus square feet, the “Auburn” and “Auburn II” were specifically designed to meet these objectives. Both are extremely open floorplans, with a 2-car garage and the option of two bedrooms or a master suite and study. Lower levels can be finished with a great room,

third bedroom, and full bath, providing approximately 1,000 square feet of additional living space. Based from $474,900, the Auburn positions the main entrance at the front of the home. On display is an Auburn II, which features a side entrance and a starting price of $484,900. The Auburn elevations were designed to blend seamlessly with the aesthetics of Kendall Bluffs’ existing Luxury Villas and include James Hardie fiber cement siding, generous applications of brick and stone, steep roof pitches, and 30-year architectural shingles. Nine homesites have been reserved for the new detached models. For those customers in the market for a more expansive Luxury Villa, three Showcase versions of Kendall Bluffs’ most popular attached ranch plan, the “Campton,” are currently available for prompt occupancy. All encompass approximately 3,500 square feet and have

3-car garages and finished lower levels. Loaded with custom upgrades, one Campton is move-in-ready and offered at a reduced price of $685,317. Two have been halted at the framing stage, allowing purchasers to complete their homes to specification. Both are listed at $649,000 and can be finished in 60 to 90 days. The new Auburn II display model is open daily. Kendall Bluffs (314-5799458) is accessible from Olive Boulevard, 2 miles north of the Highway 40/Olive intersection. For more information, visit www.FandFHomes.com



W E S T c l a ss i f i e d s Prayers ST. JUDE NOVENA May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine times a day; by the 8th day prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. Then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Thank you St. Ju de. E.T.

To Publish your prayer, call HOPE 636.591.0010

Novena To The Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideals. Give me the divine gift to forgive and forget them all who have done wrong to me. I, in short dialogue, want to thank you in everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my beloved one in our perpetual glory. Thanks for favors. Pray this prayer for three consecutive days without asking for wish. After third day, wish will be granted no matter how difficult. Promise to publish this dialogue as soon as your favor has been granted. P.M.F.


City of Clarkson Valley, Missouri Notice is hereby given: A Public Hearing will be held at 8:00 p.m., on Tuesday, September 7, 2010, at the Fru-Con Center, 15933 Clayton Road, at which time citizens may be heard regarding the property tax rate proposed by the City of Clarkson Valley, Missouri. The tax rate is set annually to produce revenue as per the approved budget -- fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010. The tax rate outline herein is merely proposed and is subject to increase or decrease. The final tax levy to be set by the City shall be established in accordance with the provisions of Section 137.073 and 137.115.2 R.S.Mo. 1986 and Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri Constitution, and said determination shall be made in accordance with the most current information as to the 2010 assessed valuation for the City as is now known and provided by St. Louis County. Information and records concerning the City’s rollback calculations will be available at the Public Hearing.

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Buying 1 to 2,000lbs. of copper, aluminum, brass, stainless steel, lead and car batteries. FREE drop-off for steel, vinyl and cardboard. 25 Truitt Dr., Eureka, MO 63025 Open M-Sat 9-5.

Window Cleaning Let us take the

Roofing Services


2137 Hickory Summit Court ~ Ballwin This meticulous 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 2 story home is beautifully situated on a private lot backing to open common ground with a treed backdrop! For a free 24 hour recorded message regarding this property, please call 1-800-628-1775 ext 1506!

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Collector buying old jazz, blues, soul and rock LP records and 45s. Please call Mike at (314) 413-091810-8


EarthboundRecycling.com 19029 St. Albans Road ~ Wildwood This 3 bedroom home will knock your socks off AND it sits on 2.3 acres of land in Wildwood backing to trees! For a free 24 hour recorded message regarding this property, please call 1-800-628-1775 ext 1016!



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62 I











1248 Marsh Ave. - Ellisville - $163,000 Updated ranch on half acre park setting! Gorgeous kitchen with custom cabinets, stainless appliances, and tile floor. Huge deck!

1734 Blue Oak Dr. - Chesterfield - $184,900 2BD/3.5 BA Condo in premium location. Fin.basement with full bath,gas fireplace,end unit,complex pool.



15991 Woodlet Way Ct.—Chesterfield $310,000 Wow! Ideal ranch in Clarkson Woods. Covered front porch, bay windows, custom hearth, new rear deck. Pathway to lake!




44 W. Oak Hill Dr.- Ellisville- $290,000 Completely remodeled, over half acre land! Updated kit, new carpet, flr to ceiling brick frpl in FR, 3 updated FULL baths! Whlchr accessible.






305 Remington Way Dr. – Ballwin $440,000 Pristine “like new” one owner 2sty in Remington Place! First class upgrades, huge mstr ste, bonus rm. Over 3600 sqft!


684 Rustic Valley Dr. - Ballwin - $169,900 Great ranch with lots of potential! Finished lower level, large master bedroom, 2 full baths.


154 Brightfield Dr. - Ballwin - $198,000 Marvelously maintained in Pkwy S.! Updtd kit, baths, bds. Pvt bkyd w/ deck & patio. FinWO LL w/rec/room, wetbar, full bath. Finished LL! oN Tc ea




338 Bellestri Dr. – Ballwin - $210,000 5 bds & 3 baths! Updated kit, bay window, sunroom, wet bar, patio & lrg fenced bkyd! Grt nbrhd & Pkwy schools.

1133 Pond Rd Wildwood $1,999,999

28 Upper Conway Ct Chesterfield $859,900

17360 Cougar Trails Wildwood $597,822

24 Forest Club Chesterfield $550,000

748 Cedar Field Ct Town and Country $475,000

11984 Moorland Manor Ct West County $464,900

855 McCauley Way St. Charles $334,900

554 McBride Pointe Dr Ballwin $329,000

813 Payson Dr Olivette $230,000

325 Baxter Rd Ballwin $229,900

36 Providence Ballwin $199,000

12425 Hickory Grove Lane Creve Coeur $185,500

1734 Schuetz Rd Creve Coeur $175,000

2932 Rexford Creek Ct Florissant $172,900

7611 Suffolk Shrewsbury $164,900

249 Vistaoak Ct. – Ballwin - $190,000 Pottery Barn Decor, Awesome Updates, Finished LL, Private, Fenced yard.





855 Woodside Trails Dr. - Ballwin - $220,000 End unit villa! Almost 1600 sq ft main lvl, fin LL w/bdrm & full bath! Built in bookcases, frplc, deck, patio. Comm pool & tennis crts.

12529 Robinview Ct. – Creve Coeur $315,000 4BD/2.5 BA on Creve Coeur cul-de-sac! Vaulted ceilings, updated kitchen, large grt rm and rear deck!.



340 Towerwood Dr. – Ballwin $169,900 Updated hm in great location! Bright open flr plan, updated kit, fin. lower level with wet bar! Must see!

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18715 Babler Meadows Dr. Wildwood • $569,000 Gorgeous granite kitchen highlights this professionally decorated atrium ranch. 3 Acre Wooded Lot. 2 frpl, 3c gar Fin LL. Bay windows, Hdwd Flrs, New HAVAC, Spectacular Home!! Call Mike Leeker 314-435-4040 www.MikeLeeker.com

4214 North Fork Rd. Wildwood • $469,900 Remodeled granite kitchen and master bath highlight this beautiful ranch. Vaulted great room with knotty pine ceilings Finished lower level. Very private wooded 4 acre lot! Call Mike Leeker 314-435-4040 www.MikeLeeker.com

1121 Talbridge Way St. Chalrles • $339,900 STUNNING 3 Year Old, 4 Bedroom Walk-Out Backing to Trees w/All the Upgrades! HUGE Vaulted Master Suite! Hardwood and tile flooring, excellent neighborhood. Minutes to Hwy 70! Call Stephanie Thompson 314-479-4555 stephaniethompsonrealtor.com




12905 Mason Manor Rd. Creve Coeur • $394,000 Lovely brick front home has lush gardens/beautiful sunroom/newer kitchen-baths-carpet-paint-custom office in finished lower level/rear garage entrance. Cust patio/plantings. Call Barb Woodham 314-346-2272 www.barbwoodham.com

Barb Woodham 314-346-2272

2628 Rockwood Pointe Wildwood • $269,900 2sty with 4bd & 3.5 baths, walkout basement, t-stair & 3-car garage. Huge private rear deck with hot tub. Brand new carpet & paint. Close to Wildwood Towne Center! Call Robin Williams 314-401-0155 www.CallRobinWilliams.com

Robin Williams 314-401-0155

Mike Leeker 314-435-4040

431 Parkview Place Dr. Ellisville • $159,900 Beautifully decorated & maintained. Upgrades galore, 2ba, 2.5ba, end unit, gorgeous hardwood floors, fin LL w/extra sleeping. Easy acces to 1 car garage off delightful kitchen. Call Chris Ronberg 314-922-4358 ChrisRonberg.com

Chris Ronberg 314-922-4358

Stephanie Thompson 314-479-4555

$2,000,000 - $400,000 • 10 Fieldstone Ladue 7 Ladue Manor Ladue 1233 Takara Ct Town & Country 525 Conway Village Town & Country 12900 Thornhill Dr Town & Country 3 Valley Park Rd Valley Park $399,000 - $200,000 • 14630 Hunters Point Chesterfield 1092 Dougherty Lake Est Dr Valley Park 501 Audubon Village Spur Wildwood 1541 Palisades Rd Wildwood 1541 La Dina Ellisville 420 Lennox Drive Ballwin 63 Willow Brook Dr Creve Coeur

$1,995,000 $1,650,000 $825,000 $749,000 $475,000 $400,000 $349,000 $275,000 $250,000 $249,900 $249,900 $233,000 $204,900

$199,999 - $50,000 • 3234 Cottonwood St.Charles 1232 McKinley Rock Hill 9604 Greenview Crestwood 5 Monarch Trace Ct #103 Chesterfield 1152 Toreador Chesterfield 976 Claygate Ct Manchester 8536 Old Bonhomme University City 7 Bellerosa Des Peres 5218 Bonita Ave St. Louis City 9946 Westwise Ct Overland 591 Summer Winds Ln St Peters 20 Lee Avenue Ferguson 19 Patricia Ave Ferguson 8734 Pine Ave Brentwood

$189,900 $179,900 $164,500 $159,900 $159,900 $140,500 $124,000 $119,800 $99,000 $95,000 $94,500 $84,900 $79,900 $1100/mo

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1164 Shepard Oaks Drive Wildwood $1,999,999

2131 Saddle Creek Ridge Ct Chesterfield $1,575,000

21 Ballas Ct Town and Country $1,050,000

2 Glaizeview Road Town and Country $865,000

14806 Annasarra Ct Chesterfield $694,806

27 Old Belle Monte Rd Chesterfield $599,999

5403 Guinevere Drive Weldon Spring $575,000

14669 Amberleigh Hill Ct Chesterfield $569,900

15968 Trowbridge Rd Chesterfield $499,900

601 Grand View Ridge Ct Eureka $474,000

16602 Chesterfield Farms Dr. Chesterfield $385,000

15993 Quiet Oak Road Chesterfield $385,000

792 Arblay Drive Manchester $349,500

670 Shadowridge Drive Wildwood $340,000

14057 Baywood Villages Drive Chesterfield $319,900

12121 Royal Valley Drive Creve Coeur $319,900

1280 Brownell Ave Glendale $319,000

16640 Chesterfield Manor Dr. Town and Country $309,000

19 Marymount Court Valley Park $269,000

233 Letham Ct Saint Charles $265,000

1504 Wild Berry Ct Ballwin $245,000

1037 Summer Tree Drive Ballwin $229,900

2569 Grover Ridge Drive Wildwood $225,000

12121 Lake Como Drive St Louis $220,000

6 Lippizan Road Saint Peters $217,000

4440 Lindell Blvd #901 St Louis $209,000

104 Wynstay Ave Valley Park $186,000

1530 Bedford Forge Ct #4 Chesterfield $139,900

167 Cumberland Park Ct #H Ballwin $89,900

New Price!

587 Fieldstone Lane $214,900 Ballwin

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