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I opinion I 3


Superman vs. Warm Body One of the problems in trying to select a leader for any large organization or institution is the tendency to start out looking for Superman, passing up many good people who fail to meet that standard, and eventually ending up settling for a warm body. Some Republicans seem to be longing for another Ronald Reagan. Good luck on that one, unless you are prepared to wait for several generations. Moreover, even Ronald Reagan himself did not always act like Ronald Reagan. The current outbreak of “gotcha” attacks on Texas Gov. Rick Perry show one of the other pitfalls for those who are trying to pick a national leader. The three big soundbite issues used against him during the TV “debates” have involved Social Security, immigration and a vaccine against cervical cancer. Where these three issues have been discussed at length, whether in a few media accounts or in Gov. Perry’s own, more extended discussions in an interview on Sean Hannity’s program, his position was far more reasonable than it appeared to be in either his opponents’ sound bites or even in his own abbreviated accounts during the limited time available in the TV “debate” format. On Social Security, Gov. Perry was not only right to call it a “Ponzi scheme,” but was also right to point out that this did not mean welshing on the government’s obligation to continue paying retirees what they had been promised. Even those of us who still disagree with particular decisions made by Gov. Perry can see some of those decisions as simply the errors of a decent man who realized that he was faced not with a theory but with a situation. For example, the ability to save young people from cervical cancer with a stroke of a pen was a temptation that any decent and humane individual would find hard to resist, even if Gov. Perry himself now admits to second thoughts about how it was done. Many of us can agree with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s contention that it should have been done differently. But it reflects no credit on her to have tried to scare people with claims about the dangers of vaccination. Such scares have already cost the lives of children who have died on both sides of the Atlantic from diseases that vaccination would have prevented.

The biggest mischaracterization of Gov. Perry’s position has been on immigration. The fact that he has more confidence in putting “boots on the ground” along the border, instead of relying on a fence that can be climbed over or tunneled under where there is no one around, is a logistical judgment, not a question of being against border control. Texas Rangers have already been put along the border to guard the border where the federal government has failed to guard it. Former Sen. Rick Santorum’s soundbite attempts to paint Gov. Perry as soft on border control have apparently been politically successful, judging by polls. But his repeated interrupting of Perry’s presentation of his case during the recent debate is the kind of cheap political trick that contributes nothing to public understanding and much to public misunderstanding. Those of us who disagree with Gov. Perry’s decision to allow the children of illegal immigrants to attend the state colleges and universities, under the same terms as Texas citizens, need at least to understand what his options were. These were children who were here only because of their parents’ decisions and who had graduated from a Texas high school. Gov. Perry saw the issue as whether these children should now be allowed to continue their education, and become selfsupporting taxpayers, or whether Texas would be better off with a higher risk of those young people becoming dependents or worse. I still see Gov. Perry’s decision as an error, but the kind of error that a decent and humane individual would be tempted to make. I have far more questions about those who would blow this error up into something that it is not. Error-free leaders don’t exist – and we don’t want to end up settling for a warm body. Ultimately, this is not about Gov. Perry. It is about a process that can destroy any potential leader, even when the country needs a new leader with a character that the “gotcha” attackers demonstrate they do not have. © 2011 Creators.com

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letters to the editor Prescription pseudoephedrine To the Editor: There have been a number of Missouri municipalities that have enacted new laws requiring citizens to obtain a prescription for basic cold and allergy medicines that contain pseudoephedrine, because pseudoephedrine (PSE) is an ingredient used in the production of methamphetamine, an illegal substance. There is also a push for a statewide law to do the same thing. Most people are aware that illegal drug use is a scourge on society and is destructive to the addict and his/her family. Nevertheless, you do not combat the meth problem by punishing law-abiding citizens. Speaking from experience as a former police officer with the St. Louis Police Department who made numerous arrests including (arrests for) drug violations, the way to combat the drug problem is to go after the drug dealers and producers. There are laws on the books to deal with illegal drug making, and those laws should be strenuously enforced. In 2006, Congress required retailers to store pseudoephedrine products behind the counter, keep a log of sales, and set limits on the amount that can be sold to any one customer. Many states have enacted blocking technology of pseudoephedrine sales, which is a system that alerts a store clerk in real time to stop the sale if the customer is over the legal purchase limit. Missouri is one of those states, and the system has stopped many such sales. Instead of creating more laws that punish or penalize law-abiding citizens and businesses to correct the illegal drug trade, the powers that be should enforce the laws that already are on the books using the existing tools available, such as blocking technology.

because he said … he would rein in the federal government. Over the years, we have voted for many men and women who made the same assertions. There used to be three kinds of Democrats: the garden variety, blue dog, and yellow dog, and the one thing they had in common is that every time they raised taxes by $1, they proposed and normally passed $1.50 in spending. Because of this we hoped and prayed for the day that the Republicans would take over the government and get our house in order. Well, we have now seen how well that worked out. In the 10 years Republicans controlled government, they spent your money and my money a hell of a lot faster than it came in. Perhaps you’re beginning to see a pattern here. The problem is not whether we are electing Democrats or Republicans, but we are electing politicians whose only goal is to be reelected and get rich. We don’t need more politicians; we need plumbers and small businessmen who have a life outside of Washington, D.C., and want to get out as fast as possible. Most of you are too young to remember the Sunday comics in your local newspaper, but I’m sure most of you remember Popeye and his cohort, Wimpy. Wimpy was a modern-day politician. If you will give me a hamburger today, I’ll gladly pay for it tomorrow. Only 50 percent of us in this country are taxpayers, and we had better stand up now and get politicians in there who protect the payers rather than those on the dole. Rick and Ann Standal Ballwin

They are actually advertising their own racism, choosing to agree with someone because of their race, rather than in spite of it. It is racist to not vote for someone, or to not agree with them, because they are black. It is just as racist to vote for him and agree with him because he is black. I am far from racist, and this letter writer has made far-reaching assumptions. I just pray that our next president, whatever his or her race, loves this country and wants to see it run fairly, justly and as a democracy.

ment and Budget, and The Washington Post (March 21, 2009). All three sources show real and projected, in graphics, budget deficits of Bush vs. Obama from 2001-2019. The highest deficit number under Bush was, as I stated, $410 billion, and Obama’s fiscal year 2009-2010 was $1.85 trillion. And if Mr. Doolittle would take a look at the 2019 year, it will show a projected $1.1 trillion deficit. And I would also add that Mr. Doolittle is projecting (Mr. Limbaugh’s) comments onto me and I vociferously resent his implication. As for Ms. Bumgarner (West NewsmagaDebra Cross zine “Letters to the editor,” Sept. 21), I Ballwin am surprised to see that she can read my thoughts and see what is truly in my heart an then analyze my racist thoughts so easily. You see, Ms. Bumgarner, when facts get in To the Editor: the way of your argument, it is easy to fall I was very annoyed by Ms. Bumgarner’s back on your position to paint me with a letter to the editor (West Newsmagazine, scarlet red letter “A.” Sept. 21) in which she accuses all West Remember, Mr. Doolittle, Mr. Gordon County conservatives of being racist. and Ms. Bumgarner, you are always welI was ready to respond with my own come in discussing the ideas of the day, but version of outrageous stereotyping, and please don’t get out your brush and paint then I read the editorial, “Putting in a good me with your large wide strokes because word.” That moment, I stopped thinking your arguments fall apart when you open nasty thoughts and started thinking about your mouth. how right now, all across America, people Also, I believe that you and I live in a help people every day without government free country that allows free speech, but intervention, without news cameras, with- I suppose you would like to suppress this out any other incentive but our fundamen- right. Sometimes, people just can’t take off tal love for our fellow man. their blinders and put down the paintbrush. Thank you for the reminder that, despite our differences, we are essentially good Bob Kerr people with good intentions. Ellisville God bless Americans. Lisa Schulte West County

Fed up

To the Editor: I’ve had it with bickering, finger-pointing politicians who tell me one thing and do another. ‘Put down the paintbrush’ Our government officials are not doing To the Editor: the job I elected them to, and I demand a Greg Zotta Revisiting racism I know that West Newsmagazine does not change. I found that change in an innovaFormer St. Louis police officer To the Editor: want to be the vehicle to have arguments tive plan developed by Tim Cox. This is in regards to the letter from aired constantly in the opinion pages, but Tim spent 25 years creating innovative Carmen Bumgarner in the Sept. 21 issue of I need to rebut Mr. Doolittle (West News- solutions in the tech industry and his plan West Newsmagazine. magazine “Letters to the editor,” Sept. 7). has restored my confidence that we the … I resent her accusations that those of us I would like to inform him that I did not people can return our country to greatness, who disagree with a Socialist president in make up the numbers between President devoid of special interest groups and career To the Editor: a supposedly democratic country are racist. Bush’s and President Obama’s deficits. politicians. (We) are old. On the plus side of that pre- Race has absolutely nothing to do with our I would like to inform him that I always I invite you to join me in getting behind dicament is an ability to remember how it dislike of this president. The man is a dic- stick to the facts. Since Mr. Doolittle does Tim and restore integrity to our governwas in the decades past. (We) have voted tator who is totally in over his head. The not believe the numbers I cited, I would ment. If you don’t do it, who will? Learn many, many times for the fiscal conserva- liberals in this country and the vast major- like to point him in the direction of where and make a commitment at goooh.com. tives in the hopes that Washington would ity of the media outlets never disagree with those that I cited came. finally wake up and get a handle on their him because they think it is so noble to be Please go to the Congressional Budget C.C. Rice spending. I voted for (President) Carter open-minded. Office, White House Office of ManageTexas

Wimpy economics




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Thoughts on Rockwood, baseball and more The Rockwood School District is a good district that is getting an awful lot of bad press lately – first, with substantial payments for consulting work, and now with a very cozy relationship with a construction partner. These things add up to paint a picture of a district that is a little too comfortable with getting comfortable with people to whom they are giving taxpayer dollars. The appearance of impropriety is not the same thing as impropriety itself, but it does make it much harder to get voters to pass a bond issue. Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011 may go down as the greatest all-around night of baseball in history. It was a four-part lesson on why the game is still America’s pastime. Football is great as a spectator sport. Football is an event, three hours of sound and fury. It’s a birthday party. Baseball, by contrast, is life. It is the day in, day out, unrelenting pulse of life. Baseball is the constant reminder that the greatest among us can

fail, and the least among us can rise to utterly unexpected heights. It is Nick Punto’s first home run in game 161, it is the bug flying in Matt Holliday’s ear, it is Albert Pujols coming up one run and one point short, and it is nine innings, two hits, 11 strikeouts worth of dominance by Chris Carpenter. Baseball is a season ending when Hunter Pence hits a ball off his fists to the exact 1 inch of the 100,000-squareinch infield where nobody can get a glove on the ball. Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011 was an awful lot of fun. The St. Louis County Board of Equalization stood by its controversial ruling that places the taxable value of Harrah’s Casino complex in Maryland Heights at $215 million. If the folks at Harrah’s would be willing to sell it for that price, we’re thinking they could find a buyer pretty easily. If you can find a more entertaining community event than The St. Louis Home Fires BBQ Bash in Wildwood in the entire

metro area, then we will eat ... well, we will eat even more ribs and pulled pork. Hat tip to organizer Frank Schmer for another great year. Unfortunately, the economic problems in this country and the world are not simple. There is no single factor driving the downturn. However, the fear inherent in consumers is an absolute instigating factor to these troubled times. A few weeks ago, derivations of the words “fear” and “economy” appeared in at least 18 major daily newspapers on the same day. Whether you agree or disagree with systemic solutions offered by President Obama, or whether you even believe the president can help fix the economy, the one thing he can be asked to do is to help alleviate the fear. This president, by all accounts an exceptionally gifted orator, has done nothing to boost the optimism of citizens. It is time for all of us to say that the only thing we have to fear ... is four more years.

It would appear that a number of large banks, including Bank of America, Chase, and Wells Fargo, will start charging customers a monthly fee for using their debit cards as debit cards. There will be no fee if the card is used at a bank-owned ATM. No news yet on what plans are in place to help teach an entire generation of retail associates how to make change if people actually start using cash again. Most baby boomers we have met seem like well-intentioned, generally good people. Not all, but most. That said, when they retire and start drawing Social Security and federal pensions, it is fairly likely they are going to bankrupt this country. We need a fix for Social Security, we need a fix for federal pensions, we need a fix for our health care system and we need them all right now – or better yet, about three decades ago. The warning signs have been flashing for far too long; now is the time for action.

‘Golden Brett’ in Chesterfield In QUOTES “President Obama now claims his new jobs bill will be more successful than his last jobs bill. Whoa-ho! Let’s not set that bar too high.” – Jay Leno

“It’s cozy … way too cozy.” - Eileen Tyrell, on Rockwood School District’s relationship with a local construction company.

Hockey Hall of Fame member Brett Hull checks out the strength of a hockey stick during the filming of a commercial on Sept. 28 in Hardee’s Iceplex Chesterfield. Hull was on hand to introduce the new one-piece carbon fiber hockey stick and talk about the new Miken-Brett Hull Achievement Award that will benefit scholarship funds and youth hockey. (UPI/Bill Greenblatt photo)



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754 Spirit 40 Park Dr. Chesterfield, MO 63005 (636)591-0010 ■ (636)778-9785 Fax newsmagazinenetwork.com



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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2011.




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News Br iefs BALLWIN Taking back drugs The Ballwin Police Department once again is teaming up to host a Prescription Drug Take Back Program. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 29 at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center, located at 300 Park Drive in Ballwin. The nationwide drug take back program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Drug Enforcement Administration Office of Diversion Control. The purpose of the program is to collect unwanted prescription medications so they cannot be diverted to uses for which they were not intended. “It’s simple,” Ballwin Police Sgt. Jim Heldmann said. “There are no forms to fill out. The only thing (people) need to do is bring in their medications. There’s really no questions asked. Bring them in, put them in the bins, and they’re done.”

CHESTERFIELD Seeking citizen volunteers The city of Chesterfield has combined its historic committee with its landmark committee to create the Chesterfield Historic and Landmark Preservation Committee

(CHLPC) and is seeking 30 volunteers to serve three-year terms on the committee. Chesterfield Mayor Bruce Geiger said the landmark commission was required by city ordinance to have some of its members also be members of the historic committee. According to a Chesterfield publication, the mission of the CHLPC is to “promote interest in and foster education of the history of the Chesterfield region and facilitate an understanding of how this past influences the present and future of the city.” Geiger said one of the committee’s jobs would be to manage the thousands of archaeological artifacts that have been dug up in the area. Recently, thousand-year-old artifacts were found during the construction of a levee in Chesterfield Valley. The CHLPC is charged with coordinating and managing the documentation of such historical finds. In addition, the committee will produce publications and design activities “to bring local history alive,” according to the citizen committees brochure. The committee will identify, promote, and encourage the preservation of historic properties and landmarks as well. Each of the city’s four wards will have six members on the committee, and there will be six at-large members. Geiger will appoint members with the approval of the

councilmembers from the ward where the committee member resides. At press time, no appointments have been made and no meetings have been scheduled. For more information, visit chesterfield.mo.us/chesterfield-historicand-landmark-preservation-committee or call Shawn Seymour at 537-4741.

Chesterfield Family Day The Chesterfield Parks & Recreation Department has partnered with Camp Wyman to plan a Chesterfield Family Day. The event will be held on Sat., Oct. 22 and will feature a day of outdoor activities at Camp Wyman, located on 250 wooded acres just off of I-44 in Eureka. Highlighted activities include an aquatic ecology experience, a high ropes course and a zipline course. Other activities and overnight camping also are available. For pricing and registration information, visit chesterfield.mo.us or call 537-4000. For information on overnight camping, call Camp Wyman at 938-3245.

CREVE COEUR No tax increase After listening to the concerns of a couple

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Citizen of the Year nominations The city of Creve Coeur is accepting nominations for its Citizen of the Year 2011 award, which recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the city. The Citizen of the Year must be either a resident of Creve Coeur, owner or employee of a business in Creve Coeur, or someone who has made a considerable contribution to the city and its residents. Nominations may be submitted until

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of residents, the Creve Coeur City Council at its meeting Sept. 26 voted to keep the property tax rates the same for 2011. Based on the vote, the rate will remain at 8.6 cents per $100 of assessed valuation on residential property, 7.9 cents per $100 of assessed valuation on commercial property and 10 cents per $100 of assessed valuation on agricultural property. Resident David Caldwell was an ardent opponent of raising the rates, which he said was not the right the thing to do given the current economy. Creve Coeur Councilmember Jeanne Rhoades (Ward 4) said she was unable to support the original proposal of raising the rates, which the council was prepared to do.

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Detour ahead The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) will close Ladue Road east of Rte. 141 after morning rush on Mon., Oct. 10, and Ladue Road will remain closed for as many as 40 days. Drivers will be able to use Mason and Conway roads as a detour. The closure will occur so crews can connect Ladue Road with the new Rte. 141 interchange. The West Newsmagazine photo work is part of a $44.5 million project to relocate Rte. 141 slightly to the east of its current location and is being done to reduce the possibility of flooding on the road, reduce congestion and improve safety. The project includes new bridges and interchanges at Ladue Road and Olive Blvd., as well as several miles of new pavement. 5 p.m. on Mon., Nov. 7 online at crevecoeur.org/citizenoftheyear or by email to City Clerk Deborah Ryan at dryan@ ci.creve-coeur.mo.us. Nominations should include the nominator’s contact information; background information on the nominee, including an explanation of why he or she deserves to be recognized as Citizen of the Year 2011; and the nominee’s contact information.

ELLISVILLE Speeding problem The Ellisville City Council on Sept. 21 held a work session to discuss resident complaints about motorists speeding on city streets, mainly on Marsh Ave. Councilmember Michelle Murray (Dist. 3) said a resident had contacted her about residents “barreling” down Marsh Ave. and wanted the council’s input on the matter. Councilmember Rose Acup (Dist. 3) said she had seen drivers flying down other city streets, such as Froesel Drive. Ellisville resident Brian Adamssaid when his family first moved to near by Maple Lane three years ago, there was a police presence. “People are going 30 to 40 miles-perhour over the speed limit,” Adams said. “It’s like a drag strip.” Adams said the city should do something proactive before a bad accident happens. Ellisville Mayor Matt Pirrello has asked Ellisville police to step up patrols in the area, and according to City Manager Kevin Bookout, police have increased patrol along Marsh Ave. and recently wrote three speeding summonses in a two-hour period. Pirrello asked city staff to further investigate a double-fine policy that neighboring municipality Ballwin has employed, as well as the possibility of lowering the speed limit.

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WILDWOOD Growing the community garden Wildwood City Council at its Sept. 26 meeting approved an ordinance to partner with Greenberg Development Co. to lease an area in the Wildwood Town Center, located at 16700 Main Street, to expand the city’s community garden site. The city has been seeking additional ways to create activities that encourage others to experience Wildwood and stay there, which is how the city came up with the idea for its community garden. The original agreement was to allow the city 6,000 square feet at the southwest corner of Taylor Road and Main Street for the garden. However, with the high level of interest in the garden, the city agreed to expand the area to accommodate its future growth to more than 15,000 square feet, which will allow more residents to participate in the upcoming growing season.

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After call for state audit, Rockwood revises bid process

Construction is underway on additions at Crestview Middle School. A grassroots group has called for a state audit of Rockwood’s construction bid process. (West Newsmagazine photo)

By MARCIA GUCKES Following a call from a grassroots group known as Rockwood Stakeholders for Real Solutions (RS for RS) for Missouri’s state auditor to investigate the relationship between the Rockwood district and Glenn Construction Company, Rockwood Superintendent Bruce Borchers emailed district staff notifying them of changes to the process for choosing construction program managers. RS for RS has raised concerns because Rockwood Board of Education President Steve Smith is employed by Glenn

Construction, a company that for 14 years has overseen the school district’s bond-issue related construction projects. In June, the school board approved Smith to serve on the Rockwood School District Educational Facilities Authority (RSDEFA). According to RSDEFA bylaws, the non-profit corporation has the power to “execute all bonds, notes, debentures, mortgages, and other contracts requiring a seal.” Rockwood Director of Finance Scott Tate in an email to RS for RS said the RSDEFA currently is responsible for issuing $8.2 million in bond issue monies for several district construction projects. Eileen Tyrell, RS for RS co-founder, said, “What we’re asking is for (the state auditor) to look into the impropriety of this coziness that’s going on up there. Our opinion is that we feel as though Rockwood doesn’t have a clear separation of power. It’s too cozy…way too cozy.” Tyrell said RS for RS asked for an investigation also “to inform the public that we aren’t as poor as we think we are. … The supposed financial crisis that Rockwood is in, we believe, is really not as big as a crisis as they’re claiming to be.” She said another reason for an investigation is that “we believe that we’re spending a lot of money on bond issues with Glenn Construction.” “The bigger picture is to get the real solution in Rockwood so we can put the kids first again because we’re not putting them first,” Tyrell said. “We’re cutting right where it hurts at the very beginning instead of at the top.” Borchers’ email, sent Sept. 28, cited changes to the way

the district will handle Requests for Proposal (RFP). The district has admitted to news organizations that sometimes only one proposal envelope, Glenn Construction’s proposal, was opened and the others were destroyed unopened. According to Borchers, the new process will require bidding companies to submit two envelopes. Envelope No. 1 will include the company’s professional resume, and Envelope No. 2 will hold the cost/pricing proposal with separate pricing for consulting services before a bond issue vote and program management after a bond issue passes. A committee will open and read all the No. 1 envelopes and then invite three of the bidders to an interview with district officials. They will then open those companies’ Number 2 envelopes with their cost/pricing proposals. The district’s new RFP states that the contract will be awarded to the company with “the best overall proposal.” Borchers said the amended RFP currently is going out to construction management companies that are already bidding on a possible bond issue. “At this time, the Board has not voted to place a bond issue on the April 2012 ballot,” Borchers stated in his email. “We are doing this work because of our historical practice of placing an initiative on the ballot every two years. This is preparing us to be in the position for a bond issue if the Board votes to do so.” Construction managers have until Oct. 5 to submit bids on the possible $30 million bond issue. Borchers said the board will get school officials’ recommendation in late October and “the recommendation will include information about vendor qualifications and fees.”

Monarch FPD board approves tax increase By JIM ERICKSON Property owners in the Monarch Fire Protection District will pay more for fire and medical emergency services in the coming year. On a 2-1 vote, the district’s board of directors approved new tax levies for the coming year that will set the rate on residential property at 89.8 cents per $100 assessed valuation. The new rate represents an increase of 3.3 cents over last year’s initial levy, which dropped 2.3 cents during the year as earlier indebtedness was paid off and the need for debt service funds lessened. Residential real estate accounts for some 62 percent of the district’s tax revenue. The district covers more than 62 square miles and includes all or parts of Chesterfield, Clarkson Valley, Creve Coeur, Maryland Heights, Wildwood, Ballwin and unincorporated West St. Louis County. Robin Harris, Monarch director and board treasurer, argued that maintaining current tax rates was a better option in light of current economic conditions. The board looked at three tax rate schedules. One showed revenues generated by maintaining current levies. Another showed revenues from tax rates set at the

maximum allowed. A third was identical to the second except tax rates for the district’s general fund were a half-cent below the maximum. However, the general fund tax rate was still more than three cents above the current levy. Kim Evans, director and board chairperson, said the lower general fund tax rate would mean a 1 percent decrease in that fund. That drop was calculated on the basis of potential revenue generated by the maximum levy. Compared with the current year’s general fund revenues, that fund next year is expected to show a 5.6 percent increase. After approving a resolution establishing the new tax rates – a step required no later than Oct. 1 – the board deferred action on a 2012 budget until later in the year when spending totals could be better estimated. Larry Hoffman, a Chesterfield resident, opposed the increase also, noting that many people in the district have lost jobs or are working for less pay. He also questioned setting tax rates before establishing a budget. Although no action was taken on a 2012 budget, Harris hinted at some anticipated spending while opposing the tax rate increases. The district’s firefighters and

emergency medical personnel are among the highest paid in the area and nationally, he said. Foregoing a proposed 2.5 percent pay raise and finding a way to erase an anticipated $300,000 jump in healthcare insurance costs would help rein in projected spending for next year. In addition to residential real estate levies

for the district’s general fund, debt service, and pension, dispatch and ambulance funds, the Monarch board also established tax rates on commercial and agricultural real estate and personal property. (See accompanying table.) While the overall rates are higher, they generate less revenue because total assessed values are lower in those categories.

Initial 2010 Tax Rates (per $100 assessed valuation) and Revenue Residential Agricultural Commercial Personal Property Revenue Gen’l Fund $0.433 $0.405 $0.524 $ 0.530 $10,041,600 Debt Service 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 1,025,300 Pension 0.081 0.076 0.096 0.100 1,903,000 Dispatch 0.043 0.038 0.048 0.048 988,300 Ambulance 0.272 0.252 0.315 0.330 6,232,100 TOTAL LEVY $0.865 $0.807 $1.019 $1.044 *Rate reduced to 0.013 as debt was retired. New Tax Rates (per $100 assessed valuation) and Revenue Residential Agricultural Commercial Personal Property Gen’l Fund $0.466 $0.525 $0.525 $0.525 Debt Service 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 Pension 0.081 0.100 0.100 0.010 Dispatch 0.046 0.048 0.048 0.048 Ambulance 0.292 0.330 0.330 0.330 TOTAL LEVY $0.898 $1.016 $1.016 $1.106

Revenue $10,604,596 283,363 1,909,559 1,017,825 6,652,745




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St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch introduces an expert panel at a town hall meeting at Marquette High School to discuss heroin use in the county. (West Newsmagazine photo)

Town hall meeting addresses heroin in suburbs By CAROL ENRIGHT The data is disturbing. Sixty people died from heroin overdose in St. Louis County in 2010, up from 10 in 2001. And 2011 is on track to surpass last year’s toll, with 55 heroin deaths to date. Most of the deaths are among 18- to 24-year-olds. But what really made an impact on the approximately 175 people who attended “A Community Response to Heroin,” a town hall meeting at Marquette High School on Sept. 21, was the story of Tom Heard, who lost his 25-year-old son, Michael Heard, a 2004 graduate of Rockwood Summit High, to a heroin overdose on Oct. 1, 2010. “Heroin is in our suburbs, and it’s in our nice neighborhoods,” Heard said. “It’s deadly and you need to know it – and your children need to know it.” When Heard asked if anyone in the audience had lost a child to heroin, about nine individuals raised their hands. Heard said that his is one of three families in his Fenton subdivision that had buried a child due to heroin overdose in the past threeand-a-half years. Dan Duncan, director of community services for the National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse (NCADA), St. Louis area, said the biggest barrier to addressing heroin in the suburbs is ignoring “Job No. 1 is to raise awareness,” he said. Last year, the NCADA received 317 calls related to heroin abuse in St. Louis County, and the majority came from two areas. “South and West County is where we’re seeing more kids using heroin. Who would’ve thought?” Duncan said. Most heroin addicts start with “gateway” drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol, and half begin with prescription drugs, Duncan said. He added that when heroin users are asked why they began taking the drug, they

almost always say, “I was curious.” Parental vigilance is key to preventing drug use, he said. “If we get accused of being a helicopter parent, so be it,” he said. Kate Tansey, executive director of the St. Louis County Children’s Service Fund, advised parents to take seriously those feelings that something’s not quite right with their children. “Parents, trust your guts,” she said. “Trust yourself and get some help.” St. Louis County Police Capt. Chuck Boschert said the most common heroin in St. Louis County is a tan powder that often is packaged in capsules called “buttons” or “beans.” One capsule sells for about $10. Along with its relatively low cost, heroin has gained popularity in the suburbs because the drug no longer requires injection, he said. “People who would never dream of putting a needle into their arm will snort it,” he said. Tansey acknowledged that treating heroin addiction – which she called “the granddaddy of all addictions” – is extremely difficult. Michael Heard was actively seeking to beat his addiction for three-and-a-half years, “but it was stronger than him and it took his life,” his father said. Heard showed pictures of his son with the family at Christmas, looking healthy during a stay at a rehabilitation facility and on his new motorcycle, a passion he shared with his father. The last picture showed his son’s coffin. “That vibrant young man that we saw – it ended here,” Heard said. The next town hall meeting about heroin use is at 7 p.m. on Wed., Oct. 19 at Rockwood Summit High School. For more information on heroin addiction, visit noteven-once.com or call (314) 962-3456.




Rockwood School District officials listen to discussions before they vote on a tax rate for 2011. Pictured (from left) are School Board Vice President Janet Strate, Superintendent Bruce Borchers, and School Board President Steve Smith. (West Newsmagazine photo)

Slide in property value leads to increase in Rockwood tax rate By MARCIA GUCKES Sliding property values have resulted in an almost 19-cents increase in the 2011 tax rate for Rockwood School District residents. The Rockwood Board of Education at a tax hearing on Sept. 26 approved a tax levy rate of $4.4630 for the 2011-2012 school year. The 2010 rate was $4.2752. Rockwood Chief Financial Officer Shirley Broz told the board that the average homeowner will see an increase of about $49 in their real estate tax bill. She said that a house that was assessed at $250,000 has dropped in value by 1.9 percent so its value is now $245,309. Broz told the board that the tax rate

increase would net the school district about the same amount of tax revenue that it received in 2010. So a school district can maintain the same revenue income it had the previous year, Missouri state law allows a district to raise its tax levy when the district’s property values drop. About 50 people attended the tax rate hearing. One board member commented that they had not had such a large crowd at tax hearing for the last 15 years. Three people addressed the board. All of them urged the board to set a tax rate that would maintain what one person called “the world class education” that the district provides for its students.

Wildwood Mayor Tim Woerther and city councilmembers break ground at the site of the new Wildwood City Hall and Police facility. (West Newsmagazine photo)

Wildwood breaks ground on City Hall By SARAH WILSON The Wildwood City Council has broken ground on the new Wildwood City Hall and police facility. City leaders on Sept. 26 hosted a groundbreaking ceremony at the new site of the development, which is located on cityowned property along Main Street, just west of the B&B Theatres in the Wildwood Town Center. K & S Associates, Inc. was awarded the construction contract. Construction of the new facility is expected to take approxi-

mately 18 months, with occupancy planned for the first quarter of 2013. The building will be designed and constructed to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) “Green Building” standards. Wildwood voters authorized the construction of a new city hall and police facility in April 2010, with the overall cost for the project not to exceed $8 million. Funding for the city hall project will come from $3 million in capital lease financing notes issued this past fall, and up to $5 million in cash contributed from city reserves. RIV_1172_BestVIP_WNM_AD.indd 1

9/28/11 9:22:11 AM




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Creve Coeur considers bow-hunting, no-feed ordinance for deer control Final vote set for Oct. 10

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By TED DIXON JR. The city of Creve Coeur is considering two ordinances as means to address its deer population problem: One involves establishing a “no-feeding” policy, and another would permit archery hunting in the city. The ordinances were given first reading at the Sept. 26 city council meeting, and a final vote on both is scheduled for Oct. 10. At the Sept. 26 meeting, Jaysen Christensen, assistant to the Creve Coeur city administrator, said the city had explored the issue for quite some time and considered input from residents, including those who attended and voiced opinions at a recent public forum. With regard to the supplemental feeding of deer, the proposed ordinance states that attracting and feeding of white-tailed deer within the city limits results in the deposit of refuse, debris, fecal matter and other offensive substances. By attracting wildlife, the feeding of deer creates traffic hazards, property damage and nuisance, the ordinance says. If the ordinance is approved, no person would be allowed to deposit, place or distribute any fruit, grain, hay, mineral, salt or any other food on city property with the intent to attract deer. Christensen detailed the following key provisions that would be put into place if

the city allows archery hunting as a means of reducing its deer population: • The hunter would have to undergo safety training from the Missouri Department of Conservation. • Hunting would have to be done on 1 acre of land, and the hunter would have to obtain written permission from the property owner before a hunt. • Hunting would have to take place during deer hunting season, which runs from September to January. • Prior to a hunt, the property owner would have to provide to the city a certificate of insurance providing evidence of liability insurance in the amount of $2 million. • Archery hunting would have to be done from a tree approximately 15 feet from a deer with the shooter pointing downward and shooting at its target with a bow. Residents in attendance expressed relief at the council’s actions in taking action on the issue, which has proven to be sensitive and controversial. Tom Evans, who has had issue with the deer, told the council that he and his wife strongly supported both ordinances. A local psychotherapist told the council she was appalled at the thought of the city “murdering deer in our backyards.” She said the thought of that could bring psychological harm to children in the area.

Developer drops Creve Coeur drive-thru request By TED DIXON JR. After receiving a negative recommendation from the Creve Coeur Planning and Zoning Commission and stiff opposition from many residents, a developer has withdrawn his proposal to change from 3 acres to 1 acre the minimum lot size for fast food restaurants with drive-thru lanes. Developer Bill Biermann dropped his request for a text amendment shortly before it was going to be heard by the Creve Coeur City Council at its Sept. 26 meeting. The request would have called also for a halfmile separation between the restaurants. Biermann, who was not available for comment, said earlier at the commission meeting that the lowering of the acreage requirement for drive-thru establishments would be more economically feasible. At the heart of his proposal was a plan to develop a Chick-fil-A restaurant on the site of a former Walgreens drug store on Olive Blvd. at Graeser Road and Dautel Lane.

Even though Biermann’s request was taken off the table, those in attendance had plenty to say about the issue. Most of those who were opposed to the text amendment said it would have created additional traffic congestion in the area. “I’m relieved it has been withdrawn,” resident Linda Rezny said, adding that Creve Coeur residents were not interested in additional fast food restaurants in their municipality. Resident Debbie Cole said she presented a petition with 100 signatures of Creve Coeur residents who were opposed to the text amendment. She said when she informed those residents of the proposed text amendment, most were not aware of the issue. If Biermann wishes to revisit the issue, he would need to start all over again and bring a proposal before the planning and zoning commission and then before the city council.




Town & Country

Latest legislation would authorize sharpshooting of 300 deer Vote scheduled for Oct. 10

Residents said they wanted the city to consider cost as a factor before making any By CASEY GODWIN decision. A deer management plan that has been “I want the cheapest method,” Town & shunned by some Town & Country resi- County resident Dennis Fitzgerald said at dents received little fireworks at the Sept. the meeting. “It’s clear to me in the long 26 Town & Country Board of Aldermen run, Aldermen Gerber’s mathemathimeeting. cal model is far cheaper than a just lethal Aldermen held a first reading of a bill method.” that would contract White Buffalo Inc. to Gerber said his proposed plan would euthanize up to 300 unmarked deer. After cost the city roughly $162,500 over two the reading, there was no further discussion. Residents again raised concerns that the proposed deer management plan did not contain sterilization and stated that safety was a concern. In the proposed bill, sharpshooting can only occur from elevated stands and no less than 50 yards from inhabited buildings or livestock. According to a report prepared by Town & Country Police Capt. Gary Hoelzer, the deer population within the city limits was found to be about 650. The ultimate goal is to bring the population down to 300 in the next two years in hopes that the reduction will significantly reduce the number of deer-vehicle crashes that occur each year. The proposed plan, developed by Hoelzer, was one of two options recently presented at a board of aldermen work session. Alderman Al Gerber (Ward 2) had presented an alternative plan that included sterilization preceeding any lethal control methods.

years, based on 2010 cost estimates. After the first two years, sharpshooting would no longer be required and the only costs the city would incur would be to sterilize a small number of deer each year. The proposed bill would allocate $138,000 from the general fund to be used toward 2012 deer population control. Hoelzer said that contracting with White Buffalo for two years would cost about $130,000. The city would also have to pay about $31,000

each year in processing fees to Share the Harvest, a program administered by the Missouri Department of Conservation that provides a way to donate venison to the needy. “Sharpshooting will cost less in the short run,” Gerber said in an email. “My argument has always been that sterilization is a long-term investment.” The board plans to hold a final vote on the proposal at its next meeting on Oct. 10.

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Priory student dies after being struck by SUV By TED DIXON JR. A 13-year-old boy who was struck by a vehicle while jogging on Conway Road died two days later as the result of injuries sustained in the accident. Creve Coeur Police Sgt. Jeff Chellis said that around 2:30 p.m. on Sept. 28, Brandon Hsueh, a member of the St. Louis Priory School cross country team, was jogging eastbound with his team on Conway when he may have stumbled and lost his footing and was struck by an oncoming SUV. Police responded to the scene, and Hsueh, of Ladue, was transported to Mercy Hospital in Creve Coeur. Chellis said Hsueh later was airlifted to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis because of the seriousness of his injuries. He succumbed to those injuries at 12:50 a.m. Fri., Sept. 30. Chellis said a preliminary investigation indicated that the driver of the car that struck Hsueh was not at fault in the accident. The accident at press time remains under investigation.

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18 I NEWS I  Chesterfield approves plans for American Girl store at former Wapango site

Public hearing will address new Daniel Boone Bridge

By MARCIA GUCKES Get ready for the store that calls itself “more than just a store.” The American Girl “experience” is making plans to move into Chesterfield Mall. The Chesterfield Planning Commission at its meeting on Sept. 26 approved plans for the store. “We approved their documents to get their building permits,” Chesterfield Planning & Development Services Director Aimee Nassif said. “Now it’s really up to them when they start construction.” Plans are to build the store in the location that used to be the Wapango restaurant. The American Girl store will occupy 10,850 square feet. American Girl calls its stores more than just stores because they offer more than just shopping for the American Girl dolls. All of the company’s 10 stores offer shopping, a doll hair salon, special events and workshops. Most of them also have a restaurant, photo studio and party rooms. At an American Girl store, a girl can share a number of activities with her doll including story times, scavenger hunts, crafts, learning hair styling tips, decorating desserts, and learning some ballroom dance steps or the hula. American Girl officials have not yet said when they plan to start construction. The Chesterfield store would be the company’s 11th store. Other stores are in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.

Residents, businesses and commuters interested in the new I-64/US Route 40/61 Missouri River bridge are invited to attend a public hearing from 4-7 p.m. on Wed., Oct. 12 at Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop C Headquarters, 891 Technology Drive in Weldon Spring. Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) staff will be at the hearing to discuss the property needs, economic and social effects and environmental issues being addressed with the new bridge, known as the Daniel A public hearing to discuss the new I-64 bridge over the Missouri Boone Bridge. The meeting will be an River will be held Oct. 12. open house, so the public is welcome to drop in at any point during the event. The $125 million project will replace the existing westbound Daniel Boone Bridge, which was built in 1935. The project is funded to begin in the summer of 2012. MoDOT’s preliminary plans for the new bridge will be available at the public hearing and are available for inspection and copying at MoDOT’s regional office, 1590 Woodlake Drive in Chesterfield. To reach Troop C Headquarters from West County, take I-64 westbound to the Missouri Research Park exit and follow the north outer road (Technology Drive) until it ends. Written statements from the public provided at the meeting and online at modot.org/boonebridge will be accepted until Mon., Oct. 31. Written statements and the public hearing exhibits will be made a part of the public hearing transcript to be presented to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for final approval of the preliminary plans for the bridge. For more information, visit modot.org/boonebridge or call MoDOT at (314) 275-1500.







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Australian tourists give thumbs-up to BBQ Bash

Route 66 tour bus makes stop in Wildwood By CAROL ENRIGHT The smoky smell of barbecue attracted more than a local crowd to the St. Louis Home Fires BBQ Bash held Sept. 24 and 25 at the Wildwood Town Center. Among those enjoying the ribs, chili and pork steak were a few Aussies making a stop on their Route 66 bus tour that originated in Chicago. “We decided to take a holiday to see Route 66,” Australian tourist Angela Torcaso said. The tour guide suggested the BBQ Bash as a good choice for dinner. “We thought it was fantastic,” Torcaso said. “The food was absolutely beautiful. It was just so tender and nice. The whole atmosphere of the barbecue was just really good.” The food at the Bash also was a welcome break from the “lots of hamburgers” that the group had eaten along the route so far, Torcaso said. When asked about the difference between the barbecue at the Bash and barbecue at home in Australia, Torcaso laughed: “Our barbecues are a lot smaller. They’re in the backyard.” Torcaso and her husband, Gabriele, were traveling with another couple from Australia as part of a group of about 50 tourists



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Gabriele and Angela Torcaso (front row) and (back row, from left) Tony and Josey Gabriele and Wildwood Mayor Tim Woerther.

from around the world, including Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the U.S. and Canada. She said that the best part of the Bash for the foursome was “the beer.” “We’re beer drinkers, so the beer stood out,” she said. The group toured the Anheuser-Busch brewery in St. Louis before heading off to Branson for a showboat cruise. The 13-day tour wraps up on Oct. 5 in Los Angeles.

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Best of the Bash By all accounts, the St. Louis Home Fires BBQ Bash held Sept. 24 and 25 at the Wildwood Town Center was a smashing success. Fabulous food, exceptional entertainment, an enthusiastic crowd, expert planning and wonderful weather combined for a world-class barbecue event. More than 100 barbecue teams turned out to compete for awards in various categories, and top honors went to Soak it Stroke it Smoke it, a team from Pacific, Mo. The complete list of winners includes: Chef’s Choice - ASAP Pork Steak - Baby G’s Chicken - Wholly Smoke Dessert - Soak it Stroke it Smoke it Ribs - Two Bros and a Brit Pulled Pork - Oink-a-Doodle-Moo Chili - Last Place BBQ Brisket - Charlotte’s Rib Overall (Grand Champion) - Soak it Stroke it Smoke it


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Sponsors. The St. Louis Home Fires BBQ Bash is organized by Frank Schmer, who held the first BBQ Bash in 2005 as a small, seven-team competition in front of St. Louis Home Fires in Ballwin. This year’s Bash was presented by West Newsmagazine, Dean Team Automotive of St. Louis, Budweiser, and the city of Wildwood.

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20 I schools I


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Students parade around a 20-foot peace dove they created for International Day of Peace.

Celebrating peace

Teaching with technology

Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School on Sept. 21 celebrated International Day of Peace. Approximately 300 students, ages 3 through sixth grade, walked with colorful pinwheels, prayer flags and banners that promote peace in a variety of languages and cultures. A 20-foot peace dove the schools’ students designed led the procession. Students also performed music and dance from around the globe to commemorate the day the United Nations has recognized since 1982.

Rockwood students are using technology to take advanced courses through a virtual learning environment. The experience is made possible with online meeting software or videoconferencing equipment that allows students to attend class and ask questions using an online chat feature. At Eureka High and Lafayette High, students are using the technology to take Calculus II through St. Louis Community College-Wildwood. Next semester, they will have the opportunity to enroll in Calculus III.


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Cost: $90 per pet (cash or charge only) Eureka High Counselor Molly Smith said the experience has been well received by students. “These students are high achievers, and they want to be challenged,” Smith said. “With this model, they are able to use technology that they think is cool while also receiving college credit for a course taken in high school.” At the middle school level, students also are using the technology to take high school- level classes, including Algebra II and Geometry. According to teacher Rebecca Dillon, students are embracing the technology and succeeding with the model. “I teach math courses to students at five of the district’s six middle schools, and even though we are interacting in a virtual learning environment, students are participating in class just like the students physically in the room,” Dillon said. “Overall, parent and student feedback has been positive as students gain exposure to high school math concepts at the middle school level.”

National Merit Semifinalists Seniors from the Parkway and Rockwood School Districts were named semifinalists in the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program. Semifinalists include: Central High students Dylan J. Adams, Thomas L. Hack, Shawn Z. He, David Huang, Katherine S. Ihnat, Meagan A. McKinstry, Joshua H. Mo, Lee Remi, Carl A. Wallach and Dennis X. Zhu; Eureka High

students Christopher P. Dieckhaus, James S. Huang, Brandon Sprenger and Connor Tinen; Lafayette High students Elizabeth R. Denn, Danielle M. Lamar, Richard J. Lu, Christopher J. Moody, Dallin M. Robinson, Eric J. Moser, Tyler A. Romero, Jay A. Shapiro, Brandon K. Sinanan, Deck M. Slone, Jessica A. Zadoks, Paroma M. Zaman and Jacob R. Zerr; Marquette High students Krista N. Brooks, Michael A. Bruno, Ravali Gummi, David A. Huguelet, Anna H. Ji, Seth S. Shields and Rebecca Shih; Parkway North High students Manali P. Gokhale, Adrienne M. Hunt and Timothy R. Tai; Parkway South High students Dushyant Bhatnagar, Stefanie T. Shahan, Connie X. Shen, Heather D. Wilson and Jeffrey Zhao; Parkway West High students Keerthi Bandi, Will S. Gant, Andrew D. Kuehnle, Kimberly L. Lister, Adam B. Manders and James Wang. To become a finalist, a semifinalist must have an outstanding academic record, be endorsed and recommended by a school official, and earn SAT scores that confirm their qualifying test performance.

Positive behavior Westridge Elementary earned the highest recognition from the state for its schoolwide implementation of positive behavior support. The Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Award of Excellence recognizes the school’s proactive approach to structuring the learning environment to support the academic and social success of

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Kickin’ for a Cure The Marquette Mystique dance team hosted the second annual “Kickin’ for a Cure” during halftime of a Marquette High varsity football game. Anyone who had purchased a T-shirt for $10 was able to join and kick 50 kicks with Mystique. The girls on the team wanted to make a difference in Pictured is Lexie Scribner (left) with Mookie the their community, raise awareness Mascot and Lauren Vincent. about cancer and involve students in a good cause. Thirty-three local businesses sponsored the event, and more than 450 T-shirts were sold. The team raised $5,000 for the Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. all students. “This award is a reflection of Westridge Elementary School’s ongoing commitment to teach and model appropriate social and behavior skills for students,” Westridge Elementary Principal Dr. Katherine Kimsey said. Rockwood Early Childhood earned Bronze Level recognition for its work to promote positive behavior support.

Honoring Rockwood alumni The Rockwood Alumni Hall of Fame recognizes and honors accomplishments Rockwood alumni make. The Hall of Fame was established in conjunction with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first Rockwood graduating class. The Rockwood Alumni Association is accepting nominations for the inaugural Rockwood Hall of Fame induction ceremony, to be held on Jan. 28, 2012, at the Magic House. Nomination forms must be submitted by Oct. 30 for a graduate to be considered for the award. Each nominee must have graduated from Rockwood a minimum of 10 years prior to nomination and meet one or more of the following criteria: distinction in service to a recognized profession; exceptional success in trade, business or

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Children’s author visits Rossman Best-selling children’s author Patrick Carman recently visited Rossman School. Carman spoke at an assembly and told students in third through sixth grades about his childhood, described the writing process and answered questions. After the assembly, he signed books in the school’s library. Carman recently released the book “Floors” and is the bestselling author of the “Skeleton Creek” series, the “Atherton” series, “The Land of Elyon” series, the “Elliot’s Park” series and “Trackers.”

I schools I 21



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industry; high achievement in recognized field of cultural endeavor; outstanding performance in athletics; considerable contributions to the community. Posthumous nominations will be considered. To nominate a teacher, visit rockwood. k12.mo.us.

Student films Four films created by students at the Rockwood Center for Creative Learning recently were showcased at The Mound City Film Festival at the Missouri History Museum. The films highlighted archeology topics and were written to help educate the public about archeology locally and globally. Topics featured in the films included Cahokia Mounds, Stonehenge and the job of archeologists. According to teacher Samantha Miller, students spent eight weeks working with professional archaeologists to produce the short documentaries. Of the 14-16 films, four advanced to the festival. “The goal of the class is to build awareness of past cultures so we, as a society, are able to make informed decisions about the future,” Miller said. Watch the films at rockwood.k12.mo.us.

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22 I schools I



This map shows the proposed changes to Parkway School District’s attendance boundaries.

Parkway holds meetings to discuss boundary changes By MARCIA GUCKES Parkway school officials have been holding neighborhood meetings to discuss proposed changes to attendance boundaries in the north area of the district that would move some students into central area schools. The changes would be effective for the 2012-13 school year. District officials said the changes are needed because some north area elementary schools have exceeded their capacity while other nearby schools have room for more students. They gave as an example McKelvey Elementary, which currently has about 610 students, while River Bend Elementary only has 230. Officials estimate that about 475 kindergarten to 12thgrade students would have to make a move to a different school. The Parkway School Board reviewed the proposal at its Sept. 21 meeting and

gave the go-ahead for district officials to continue gathering feedback concerning the plan. The last neighborhood hearing to discuss the proposal will be held from 7-8:30 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 11 at River Bend Elementary, 224 River Valley Road. The proposed changes also affect middle and high school students. District officials said students who attend Northeast Middle or North and are re-assigned to Central schools may continue at their north area school as long as there is space and they provide their own transportation. Parkway administrators developed the plan with a 33-member volunteer task force, a survey sent in May to nearly 1,400 north area families, and consultation with a computer firm. The school board is expected to vote on a final recommendation on Nov. 2. Details of the plan can be found at parkwayschools.net/boundaries.

Future leader The West County Rotary Club recently selected Lafayette High junior Ali D’Antonio to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy, held at William Woods University in Fulton, Mo. The goal of the academy is to teach students how to develop and administer quality service projects, following the Rotarian service value of service above self. The club plans to sponsor a student from Parkway South High in Pictured is Harry LeMay, of the Rotary Club of West St. Louis 2012. County, with Lafayette High junior Ali D’Antonio.



I schools I 23

Parkway students learn psychology is more than a class By MARCIA GUCKES What do an Army sergeant, an advertising executive, a police officer, and a social worker have in common? That was the question posed at a career panel held Sept. 8 at Parkway North High School. About 200 students in the Advanced Placement (AP) psychology classes at Parkway North, Central, and South high schools found out that the answer to that question is that they all use psychology in their jobs. The unique career panel was organized

Paul Boston, a graphic artist who opened by Melody Barger, social studies teacher at his own advertising company 11 years ago, Parkway North. Barger gathered 10 professionals to told students he decided to open his own speak to students. Each one told how they firm because he got tired of never knowing got into their current job and how they use why a client had rejected his ideas. “I wanted to know what would ultimately psychology on a daily basis. Rob Bates, a crisis negotiator with the St. convince the client,” Boston said. “I Louis County Police Department, said he learned early that understanding my audioften gets called out to situations involving ence played a role in selling my ideas.” Sgt. Douglas Khron works in psychosomeone who has been drinking, taking logical operations (PSYOPS) for the U.S. drugs or is suicidal. “My job is to talk them out,” Bates said. Army. He told students that he engages the “I look for patterns of behavior that we emotions also, but instead of selling prodknow people do.” ucts, he said, he is selling freedom.

“My job is to influence foreign audiences – to win their hearts and minds,” said Khron. One leaflet from World War II encouraged Germans to “get rid of Hitler and be free.” Amanda Eaton, a social worker with the Missouri Division of Family Services, said she often had to use psychology in her previous job as a child abuse investigator. “I had to remove children from their home,” Eaton said. “But the goal was always to get the kids reunited with their family.”

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High school girls’ tennis The Lafayette girls’ tennis team won the “A” flight of the Suburban West/South Conference Tournament played at Ladue. It was their third title in the past five years. The Lancers finished first with a total of 14.5 points. Flight winners for Lafayette were Haleigh Chobanian, who won at state last year in doubles play, at upper singles, Abby Carpenter at lower singles, and the doubles team of Theresa Brands and Anne Perry at lower doubles. Third-place finishers were Arianna Demos at upper singles and Kayla Neskar at lower singles. The doubles team of Chelsea Weise and Megan Mange won fourth at upper doubles. Morgan Schaper and Sarah Goodman captured fifth at upper doubles, and Kiara Sanchez and Emily Weinhold took sixth at lower doubles. At press time, Lafayette is undefeated in regular season conference play. Chobanian’s victory came over Ladue’s Cam Newton 7-5, 6-3 in the top singles flight. “Cam is an outstanding player and the level of play was exceptional,” Lafayette Coach Donna Stauffer said. “Both players showed their skills and their sportsmanship

throughout the match.” Winning the tournament is important to Lafayette, Stauffer said. “It’s important because they are playing for themselves as well as for their team,” Stauffer said. “We want them to succeed as individuals and we want the team to do as well as we can. Everyone on the team contributed to our winning the conference tournament. We played some very tough players from Ladue, Clayton and Parkway West. “The matches were physically and mentally demanding. Playing this level of competition gives us more confidence as we complete our regular season and move into post-season play.” The girls have team and individual districts and sectionals to get to earn a berth in the team state tournament Oct. 20 in Springfield. The individual state tournament is Oct. 21-22 in Springfield. “This is a very special group of young women. They strive for excellence in school and they strive for excellence on the court,” Stauffer said. “To be so successful in both is rare and exciting.”

The Lancers placed first in the “A” flight of the Suburban West/South Conference Tennis Tournament.

at the meet. Other team scores were: Parkway Central 99, Lindbergh 100, Webster Groves 103, Kirkwood 130, DeSmet 134, Lafayette 162, SLUH 164, Oakville 192, Holt 201, Parkway North 257, Eureka 379.

Parkway Central’s Eric Sivill won the race in 16 minutes, 31.6 seconds to just beat Parkway West junior Chris Carter, who finished in 16:39.8. Sivill also won the earlier Parkway Quad. “We did not know how we would fare

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High school boys’ cross country Parkway West won the annual Parkway Central Invitational with 88 points. It was the Longhorns’ fourth consecutive victory



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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM with our top senior (Steven Shearman) who was not racing because of an injury,” Parkway West Coach Dale Shepherd said. “Parkway Central is very good but Marquette and Eureka did not run their varsity racers.” The other Longhorns’ times were: junior Kevin Koboldt was sixth in 16:59; junior Brett Dubuque was 18th in 17:25; senior Cody Moore was 24th in 17:29; and senior Andrew Kuehnle was 38th in 17:50. “Carter and Koboldt have been our most consistent thus far,” Shepherd said. “As a result of his summer running, senior Cody Moore has been our most improved thus far. For us to be a better team, we need to develop a closer pack from No. 1 to No. 7.” Earlier this fall, the Longhorns won the Parkway Quad for the fifth straight year. Parkway West finished second in the Hancock Invitational behind the alwaysstrong team from West Plains.

Kennedy softball teammates Becca Powers (left) and Lexi Ehrlich.

High school girls’ cross country The Eureka Wildcats finished second in the Green Division of the Forest Park Cross Country Festival with 136 points. Rock Bridge won with 86 points. “Our expectations were fulfilled,” Eureka Coach Kally Fischer said. “Each girl had a race plan and executed the plan to the best of their ability this early in the season. We were satisfied with a second-place finish.” Freshman Hannah Long set the meet record in her first race. She won the race in 18:00.3. “Hannah did set a huge meet record. It was perfect racing conditions that day,” Fischer said. “It was her first race of the season. We did know of her from the middle school meets in our district. She ran for the Blazers when she was younger and she did the Festival of Miles this past June with some big finishing times. “She is an outstanding young girl with unlimited possibilities in this sport. She is very talented and a hard worker. In the short time she has been with us, she has embraced our team and shows such dedication and enthusiasm to perform her best week after week.” Fischer said Long is a natural runner. “Hannah is a very gifted in this sport. She has tons of talent and unlimited potential,” Fischer said. “It will be an exciting ride to see as the season unfolds and years to come

how she continues to develop as a runner.” Other Wildcats’ results were junior Megan Cunningham in 19:36; junior Angie Sumner in 19:55; senior Taylor Schulz in 20:26; and freshman Rachel Yergensen in 20:42.

High school girls’ softball The Kennedy Celts are playing well this season for Coach Troy Ufert. “The coaching staff has been very pleased with the girls’ performance so far this fall,” Ufert said. “The girls have the mentality that they need to improve each day and we as a team need to be playing our best softball in October. They are a hard working group of young ladies and we couldn’t be more proud of them.s” The Lady Celts won their first 11 games before falling to Westminster Christian Academy and Fort Zumwalt North in the Kennedy tournament. Kennedy shook off the losses and won its next two games, including a 3-0 shutout over St. Joseph’s Academy. “We have had production from just about everyone,” Ufert said. “We have eight starters hitting .290 or better. Brooke Miller has performed extremely well in the circle and that’s where softball starts. If you have a good pitcher, you can compete every day. “I think we are a better defensive team this year than the past few years. A big part of that is Becca Powers moving from third base to her natural position at first. She makes the entire infield stronger with her at first base. It also helps to have an all-state catcher in Lexi Ehrlich.” Powers started her first varsity game pitching in the 10-9 loss to Westminster. “She pitched well enough to win, but we made a few mistakes defensively early and that led to five unearned runs,” Ufert said. “If we would have played defense like we have been, the end result could have been different. I give credit to Westminster for taking advantage of our mistakes.” Fort Zumwalt North clipped Kennedy 3-2 in the Celts’ other loss. “That was a very well-played game,” Ufert said. “We actually out-hit them 8-5 but we just couldn’t get the timely big hit when we needed it, and Zumwalt North made some really nice defensive plays to keep us from scoring. We also left 10 runners on base and you can’t do that against really strong teams.” Kennedy made a nice run in the postseason last year, and Ufert would like to see it happen again. “If we keep improving and working hard, I like our chances in the playoffs. When we are on our game we can play with anybody. Pitching, defense and timely hitting wins championships, and we have been strong in all three of those areas most of the season,” he said.

I sports I 25

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26 I sports I


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Prep football

Week 7

By WARREN MAYES It will be a Thursday match-up between Suburban South Conference schools when Parkway North plays at Parkway West. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. It will be one of four Thursday night games this week among area high schools. The schools are playing Thursday because of Yom Kippur. Parkway North Coach Bob Bunton has been around for many battles with fellow district schools. He knows that gives the competition a boost. “Parkway school rivalries are always good,” Bunton said. “The kids pretty much know each other, as do the coaches.” There is not added pressure playing another Parkway school, Bunton said. “The pressure is no more than any other game,” Bunton said. “We try to go into every game in need of a victory, but this year even more so.” Parkway West Coach Jeff Duncan agreed. “The pressure to win is always there,” Duncan said. “I don’t think that it’s any greater than normal. We are pushing to be playing our best football in Week 8 (when district play begins).” Playing Thursday changes how the teams will get ready. “I think playing on a Thursday can be fun,” Bunton said. “We move everything up a day in terms of preparation, and that means bringing the kids in on Sunday evening.” Bunton is expecting the Longhorns to defend their home turf. “West is well-coached and will be prepared,” Bunton said. Duncan returned the compliment. “Parkway North has a great football program, and Coach Bunton does a great job of putting together a solid team each year,” Duncan said. “North is always tough and physical. They do not make mistakes and beat themselves. I don’t expect anything different this year. “Each time you compete against another team within the same district, you want to go out and prove that you are a good football team as well.” For the Vikings to leave with a win, several things must happen. “Parkway North must not allow the big play on defense, and we cannot turn the ball over on offense,” Bunton said. “We need to make more plays on offense as well.” Parkway West must good in all phases of the game against the Vikings, Duncan said. “We will have to play a great football game,” Duncan said. “We have been strug-

gling on offense over the past few weeks. We need to be able to finish out drives with a score. We have to play disciplined, hardnosed Longhorn football to be successful against a good North team.” Running back/linebacker Donavin Newsom was hurt in the second week of the season. The senior who has committed to Missouri won’t be ready for play against the Longhorns. “Donavin is still out with a knee injury and we will not know until next week if he is a possibility to return for the Parkway Central game,” Bunton said. It has not been storybook season for either the Vikings or the Longhorns. Still, the players keep working to get better. “I am proud of our kids for sticking to the task of winning and preparing each week,” Bunton said. “I think it is sometimes very difficult to maintain that focus and confidence when you struggle like we have this season. We will keep pushing to get this season straightened out and it can only be done with work – there’s no other way to turn things around. We play too tough of a schedule to have it just happen. We must make it happen.”

GAME SCHEDULE Thursday: 6:30 p.m. :

Miller Career vs. DeSmet at Gateway Tech

7 p.m. : MICDS vs. Lutheran South at SLUH Parkway North at Parkway West Summit at Parkway Central Westminster Christian Academy vs. Clayton at Gay Field


7 p.m. : CBC at Chaminade, Saint Louis University High at Eureka Kennedy at Cardinal Ritter Oakville at Lafayette Marquette at Fox

Saturday: 2 p.m. :

Priory at Principia



I sports I 27

Parkway Central Colts are ‘right on track’ Looking for first state championship since 1979 By WARREN MAYES Parkway Central Coach Kevin Mabie can see how well his Colts are swimming this fall. There is more confidence, more maturity. Last season, Parkway Central won the conference championship and finished third at state. The boys have not missed a beat this fall. “We’re right on track with where we want to be right now,” Mabie said. “With state being the big picture, we’ve had our share of successes early in the season and we’ve had them while we’re training hard.” The experience his swimmers gained last season is helping this year. The Colts know what’s ahead and will be even better prepared. “I do think it makes a difference to have kids have that state experience,” Mabie said. “Going into this year, they’re that much hungrier to get another state trophy. No. 1, they realize it can be done. No. 2, I can tell them all year long that they have that potential, but they know that because they’ve done it before.” Parkway Central last won the state meet in 1979 and has had multiple second-place

finishes. Last year was the school’s best finish since 1996. Several Colts already have achieved state times in multiple events. At state, a swimmer can swim in two individual events and two relays or one individual event and three relays. Junior Brandon Weissman at press time has the area’s top time in the 100 back at 54:08, is among the leaders in the 200 IM in 1:59.98, among the leaders in the 500 free at 4:48.10, and near the top in the 100 breast at 1:03.43. “He’s very talented in that he can swim any stroke,” Mabie said. “We’ll have to figure what to put him in at state.” Senior Drew Larkins is leading area swimmers in the 100 breast at 1:01.28 and is among the leaders in the 100 free at 49.57. “Our school record is 58.36 in the 100 breast and Drew’s goal is to break the school record and win the state race, and I think he can do that,” Mabie said. Junior Nick Orf is having a tremendous season, leading in the 50 butterfly at 50.80, the 200 IM at 1:56.37 and the 500 free at 4:44.77. He is among the leaders in the 50 free at 22.67 and is 49.99 in the 100 free.

The Parkway Central swim team celebrates their 2011 COMO Invitational championship in Columbia, Mo.

“He may be the best swimmer in the state,” Mabie said about Orf. “It will be a tough choice at state what to put him in.” The 200 IM Relay leads the area with a time of 1:40.27. Weissman swims the backstroke while Larkins swims breastroke, Orf swims butterfly and senior Zach Biggs swims the last stroke. Sophomore Riley Brown is among the leaders in the 100 back at 55.69 and the 200 free at 1:48.88, and Mabie said he has “learned how to race and how to make an impact. … He’s going to score some points at state for us.” Biggs is ranked among the 100 fly leaders at 55.24.

“Zach is also the captain of our basketball team and he swims to stay in shape for basketball,” Mabie said. “He’s ended up being a major contributor to our success.” The state meet will be in November, but Mabie has begun thinking about it. “I think it’s realistic for our team to make the state meet and have success,” he said. The Suburban South Conference meet is set for Nov. 2-3 at Ladue. Parkway Central has an interesting dual match coming up Oct. 14 against Lafayette, who finished fourth at state last year. “That should be a good match,” Mabie said. “There will be two top teams from state swimming.”

WARD 2 ALDERMEN Mark Harder 207-2386 x 3350 Shamed Dogan 207-2386 x 3340

WARD 3 ALDERMEN Frank Fleming 207-2386 x 3370 Jim Leahy 207-2386 x 3360

WARD 4 ALDERMEN Richard Boerner 207-2386 x 3380 Kathy Kerlagon 207-2386 x 3390

The book sale will be held in The Pointe’s meeting room. Those interested in donating gently used books may do so beginning Monday, October 31, 2011. Proceeds will benefit the renovation of the Old Ballwin School House.

November 3 from 4 – 7 p.m. Pre-Sale $5/Admission November 4 from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. November 5 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

The Ballwin Fall Fest is scheduled for Saturday, October 29 at the Ballwin Athletic Association Ballpark, located on Ballpark Drive, one-half mile south of Manchester Road. The city and the athletic association have teamed up for a day of fall family fun including Wiffle Ball and washer tournaments, a Hole-in-One golf competition, haunted hayride, games and entertainment for kids and adults, informational booths, as well as a variety of food and beverages. Trick or treating will be available for youngsters from 5-6:30pm with a costume contest at 6:30pm, “Babaloo” will perform from 5:30-6:30pm and “Hillbilly Authority” will perform from 6:30-8:30pm on the main stage. For more information, visit the Ballwin website at www.ballwin.mo.us.

Ballwin Fall Fest Saturday, october 29

Basic Training at The Pointe

$1 per meeting Ages: 55 and up (LOAP)

Attention! There are no ‘at ease’ moments in this six week, 24-class boot camp style class. Each class features 25-40 minutes of calisthenics/drills followed by a class run/jog. Open to all fitness levels, this class is sure to get your day kick-started!

VIP $129 Reg $149 6-7 am • Age 14 and up November 7 thru December 15

october 15

Join us on Wednesday for lunch, dessert, coffee, Bingo and prizes.

lafayette older Adults Program

Are you interested in making new friends, day trips, playing Bingo or cards? This is a great group for you to become involved in! Meetings take place September through May on the second and fourth Mondays of the month starting at 10 am at The Ballwin Golf Club, 333 Holloway Rd. Free coffee, tea, soda and dessert; we just ask you to bring a sack lunch.

health and Wellness Fair

Red cross lifeguard class

December 9

Midnight howl 5KRun/Walk

November 11

Used Book and Bake Sale

November 3 - November 5

Family hayride

october 10

VIP/Reg $6 $8 after Sunday Prior Wednesdays, 11-1pm October 19, November 2, and 16, December 7, and 21

Go to www.ballwin.mo.us. and click on the yellow online starburst. The city offers a wide variety of athletic, youth and adult programs such as Lunch and Bingos, fitness programs, swim lessons and other “fun” programming.

SAVe The DATe & Register online:

lunch & Bingo at The Pointe

Parks & Recreation

Snow plowed from roads could end up blocking private driveways for some time. Ballwin Public Works recognizes the inconvenience this causes. To reduce the amount of snow that might block your driveway, shovel an open area along the shoulder at the entrance (see illustration below). Plow blades will then push snow into the area just before your driveway, leaving a much smaller amount in front of it. For those homeowners who have a sidewalk along their street, please remember to be considerate to your neighbors and not block the sidewalk with shoveled snow.

how to Keep your Driveway clear

To minimize leaves washing into the sewers or becoming saturated during rainfall, do not put them in the gutter. For safety reasons, leaves will only be vacuumed from the passenger side of the truck. Drivers are prohibited from driving in the wrong direction towards oncoming traffic; therefore, leaves cannot be vacuumed from cul-de-sac islands or median islands. Also, leaves cannot be vacuumed if vehicles are parked on or in front of the leaf pile. As a reminder, this service is only provided to customers of the City’s contracted waste hauler. Properties that have a separate contract are excluded from the City’s curbside leaf collection. Residents are also reminded that leaves will be picked up by the trash hauler as part of their yard waste collection provided they are put in yard waste bags or separate containers. For the safety of the workers and the equipment, sticks, plants, root balls, metal objects, bricks, logs, and animal waste must be kept out of the leaf pile. Piles of leaves with such debris will NOT be collected to avoid injuries and equipment damage which will cause delays. Also, do not block fire hydrants, storm drains, or mailboxes.

online Activity Registration

We all must prepare for the coming winter storms. The Ballwin Public Works Department equipment is ready and the salt dome has been refilled. Residents should prepare their vehicles for the cold weather and be aware of the City’s parking ordinance. Section 15-280 prohibits parking on any street when snow accumulates to two inches or more or during ice or freezing rain until the street has been cleared to such extent as to permit the movement on the streets of emergency vehicles. Residents are advised to remove their vehicle from the streets before going to bed to avoid being awakened by the police.

Be Prepared for Winter Snow Removal

The Ballwin Public Works Department will begin its free residential curbside leaf collection program on October 24. Unlike trash collection, we cannot guarantee which day of the week your leaves will be collected. This year crews will be collecting leaves Monday through Friday, on both sides of Manchester Road. Crews will begin each day where they ended the day before. Once leaves have been collected on all streets they will begin another pickup cycle. There will be NO pickup on November 24 and 25 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Due to weather conditions and sheer volume your leaves may NOT be collected on a weekly basis or the same day of the week. This service may be curtailed due to adverse winter weather conditions. The final week will begin November 28. However, to assure your leaves are collected during the final week, you should rake the leaves to the curb no later than Sunday, November 27. Please do not park on top of or in front of leaf piles. Leaves that are not accessible cannot be collected until the next cycle through the City. Crews cannot return to missed piles.

leaf collection Program

On October 3, 2011, the pick-up schedule for trash, recycling and yard waste changed in Ballwin. In addition, yard waste pick up will no longer be on the same day as trash and recycling. Prior to this change, residents should have received a postcard from Allied Republic Services informing them of the new schedule. A map will be posted on the Ballwin website showing the four designated areas and indicating the days for pick-up in those areas. The yard waste day will be the day before the trash and recycling pick-up day. Residents with any questions about the change can call Allied Republic at 636-947-5959.

TRASh, Recycle & yARD WASTe PicK UP ScheDUle To chANge

The Ballwin Historical Commission is hosting an open house for the Old Ballwin School House on Sunday, October 23, from 1 – 4 p.m., with a dedication scheduled for 2 p.m. The Old Ballwin School House, now located at 308 Jefferson, was relocated from Elm Street before the construction of the Olde Towne Plaza development. The public is welcome to attend this free event and tour the restored building. Light refreshments will be served.

Alderman Dogan was appointed for Ward 2 after Alderman Ron Markland resigned in June. Alderman Kerlagon will replace Alderman Ken Mellow who passed away in August.

Ballwin historical commission Used Book and Bake Sale

Residents Shamed Dogan (Ward 2) and Kathy Kerlagon (Ward 4) were sworn in as Aldermen on Monday, September 12, 2011 at the regularly scheduled Board of Aldermen meeting.

Shamed Dogan and Kathy Kerlagon Appointed to Fill Vacant Board Seats

WARD 1 ALDERMEN Jimmy Terbrock 207-2386 x 3330 Michael Finley 207-2386 x 3310

old Ballwin School – open house

MAYOR Tim Pogue 207-2386 x 3320 (Voice Mail) 636-391-3591 (Home)

30 I going Green I  501 N. Eatherton Rd In Chesterfield Valley Just West of Spirit of St. Louis Airport Runways

We will Accept: Brush Leaves Logs Tree Trimmings



Phone# 636-532-4978

We Don’t Accept: Dirt Rock Stumps Green Grass clippings Waste of any kind Computers are among the items accepted at several upcoming recycling events.

Going Green calendar The Missouri Botanical Garden’s Plastic Pot Recycling program is open from 9 p.m. to 5 p.m. through Mon., Oct. 31 at the Monsanto Center (4500 Shaw Blvd. in St. Louis). Help reduce the amount of horticulture waste in landfills by recycling your plastic garden pots, hanging baskets and polystyrene cell packs and trays. Household plastic, food plastic, clay pots, soil, metal hangers and plastic bags are not accepted. For more information, call (314) 577-9441. ••• The St. Louis HELP equipment donation drive is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 8 at various locations, including Dierberg’s (421 Lafayette Center in Manchester). Accepted donations include manual and power wheelchairs, scooters, canes/ crutches/walkers, shower chairs, grab bars, elevated toilet seats, portable commodes, lift chairs, seat cushions, back supports and folding ramps. St. Louis HELP receives donations of new or previously owned medical devices from the community. The items are cleaned, refurbished and loaned at no cost to individuals in need. For more information or additional locations, call (314) 567-4700 or visit stlhelp.org. ••• St. Louis Community College is teaming with the Midwest Recycling Center to sponsor an electronics recycling event from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 15 on its Wildwood campus (2645 Generations Drive). Electronics and anything with a cord are collected free of charge. Items include computer peripherals, office equipment, cordless and cellular phones, batteries, household appliances, gaming devices and TVs. There is a limit of two TVs per car. Call (314) 539-5013. ••• Web Innovations & Technology Services’ (WITS) recycling events are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 22 and Sat., Nov. 26 at Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex

(17925 N. Outer 40 Road). WITS recycles computers and surplus equipment, keeping them out of landfills, and putting them back into the community for educational use. Call (314) 382-1650 or visit witsinc.org. ••• The Jewish Environmental Initiative is hosting “How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient” at 7 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 23 at The Green Center (8025 Blackberry Ave. in University City). Learn big and small ways to make your home more energy efficient. Help the environment and lower your utility bills. The event is free, but space is limited. To RSVP, call Gail at (314) 442-3894 ••• The city of Manchester is asking residents to put their junk electronics and appliances to good use by recycling them. The city has invited RNA Worldwide to host an electronics recycling event from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 29 at Paul A. Schroeder Park. A large variety of items will be accepted, including computers, batteries, TVs of all types, phones, cellular phones, printers, large appliances and scrap metal. No chemicals, paint non-metal furniture, hazardous waste or wood will be accepted. There is no charge, and all items are refurbished locally. Any hard drives received will be thoroughly wiped clean, leaving no trace of information stored on them. ••• The Sustainability and the Built Environment of the St. Louis Region exhibit is open from Fri., Nov. 11 through Fri., Jan 6, 2012 at the St. Louis Artists’ Guild and Galleries (2 Oak Knoll Park in Clayton). The exhibit explores where we stand as a culture of consumption and where we are headed in the future. Several different approaches to the themes of consumption, conservation and sustainable living are included in the exhibition. The exhibit is free. For questions and hours, call (314) 727-6266.



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Ballwin 10-year-old on mission to aid Haitian orphans Since then, Olivia has donated $2,000 to the orphans. Last fall, she raised $1,500 by organizing an eight-mile walk for the cause. And, for her 10th birthday party in November, she asked for donations to the orphanage in lieu of gifts, raising another $500. If she reaches her current goal of enlisting 100 families to donate $100, she will be able to send $10,000 to the orphanage. The recipient of Olivia’s fundraising efforts is House of the Children of God, an orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, supported by For His Glory Adoption Outreach, a Christian organization based out of Kingsland, Texas. The organization received extensive media coverage for its efforts to expedite the process of uniting 80 Haitian orphans with their American adoptive parents in the aftermath of the 2010 quake. Olivia Gravetter, 10, of Ballwin. Today, Olivia’s fundraising is part of a larger effort by five West County families, including the Gravettes, to raise money By CAROL ENRIGHT The service bug bit Olivia Gravette at a to build an orphanage outside of Port-auvery young age. When she heard about Hur- Prince that will be better suited to house ricane Katrina at the age of 4, Olivia told the orphans. Gravette said the orphanage been given her mother she wanted to “collect money for people with water by their house.” So land for the project. “So we’d like to build a new orphanage she walked around her Ballwin neighborhood with a little green bucket and, over on that new land,” she said. the course of a weekend, raised $287. “She’s just always had a heart for service – from when she was a small, small child,” said Olivia’s mother, Ann Gravette. Today, the 10-year-old, who is in the fifth grade at St. John Lutheran School in Ellisville, is campaigning to raise money to help Haitian orphans live a better life. By Oct. 31, Olivia hopes to find 100 families willing to donate $100 to the orphans. So far, 16 families have pledged their support. Olivia’s interest in helping the orphans began when a former St. John Lutheran -Olivia Gravette teacher went on a mission trip to help the Haitian orphans and decided to stay on for the long term. “Olivia started being really interested in While the larger group is organizing a how do … all 80 of them live in this tiny, tiny, little place. And how do they get water, bigger fundraising campaign, Olivia is and how do they get food,” Gravette said. “not waiting for everyone to get on board,” But the catastrophic earthquake that hit said her mother. Gravette said that her daughter underthe impoverished country in January 2010 and seeing the media coverage – includ- stands that “you can make a difference in ing pictures of the same orphanage Olivia your own little neighborhood, across the had been following – really “drove home” ocean, wherever.” For more information on the orphanage, for Olivia the dire straits of the Haitian visit forhisgloryoutreach.org. To pledge to orphans, her mother said. “I saw what their life looks like,” Olivia Olivia’s campaign to find 100 families to said. “I said, ‘My life is pretty easy com- raise $100, go to the Friends of For His pared to theirs.’ So that’s why I started Glory Adoption Outreach Facebook page at helping them, and I want to make their life facebook.com/groups/199511346753234/ or email anngravette@charter.net. better.”

“I saw what their life looks like. I said, ‘My life is pretty easy compared to theirs.’ So that’s why I started helping them, and I want to make their life better.”




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Artist Everett Johnson created hats with screen wire, flowers and pearls.

Fashion goes green in ‘Rogue 2 Vogue’ exhibit at Chesterfield Arts By SARAH WILSON Chesterfield Arts is presenting a unique spin on fashion with its “Rogue 2 Vogue” exhibit. Artists were asked to push boundaries and turn materials from the environment into wearable pieces of art. Items on display include a dress made of coffee filters, a wedding dress made of ceramic and a dress made of sewing materials. Artist Sandra Davis received the “Best in Show” award for her runway-worthy outfit – a skirt made of colored woodchips and a shrug made of burlap. “Everything is just reinvented,” Chesterfield Arts spokesperson Jennifer Petrowsky said. This is fashion going green by reusing and reinventing with recycled materials.” Artist Everett Johnson started making his own jewelry about two years ago. “So basically I was kind of right on track for what the exhibit called for, which was taking unconventional materials and turning them into something wearable,” said Johnson, who molded screen wire into hats and added special touches with various other materials. Johnson has been a hairdresser for 22 years but through his newfound appetite for art, he created his own jewelry collection, the Liza B Collection, named after his two grandmothers. “The whole aesthetic behind this jewelry line is for me to marry the extreme masculine and the extreme feminine together,” Johnson said. “I’ll go from using stainless steel hardware, which is what I would imagine to be masculine, and marry it with pearls, which is extreme feminism.” Johnson said creating art has turned into a form of meditation and prayer for him. “It’s beneficial on both ends because spiritually, I’m fed, and creatively, I’m

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inspired,” Johnson said. “And at the end of an art-making session, I have this wonderful piece as an example of this spiritual journey that I’ve been on.” Johnson’s wearable art is included in the “Rogue 2 Vogue” exhibit, which runs through Sat., Nov. 5 at The Gallery at Chesterfield Arts. “This exhibit pushes the boundaries of fashion into a sculptural expression for the human body,” Petrowsky said. “From tires and zippers to coffee filters, you’ll be amazed at how the ordinary becomes beautiful. We’re just helping people to think outside the box.”

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Chesterfield Arts Director of Education and Outreach Annie Spiller created a dress with coffee filters, complete with shoes to match.

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Metallics shine bright this fall By SARAH WILSON Blending in is so last season. This fall, stand out with tops, bottoms, jewelry, shoes and accessories that shimmer. Silver, bronze, copper, gold, gunmetal, pewter, sequins, glitter and diamonds take over to make an outfit glisten.

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Strips of metallic gold add pizzazz to a sheer top with attached tank by Hazel, found at Meka Boutique in Chesterfield.


Susana Monaco SAFIA Step out in style that shimmers in Seychelles’ “Whodunit” gold, open-toe boot, also available in pewter at Heels Boutique in Wildwood.

Gold sequins add a touch of sparkle to a plain gray top, available at The Final Touch in Ballwin.

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The embossed, multi-media cocktail dress in platinum is from the Alberto Makali collection, found at Marta’s in Ellisville.

This office is a General Dentistry Practice. Cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening are specialty areas not recognized by the ADA that require no specific educational training to advertise these services. The following dentists in this practice are not licensed in Missouri as specialists in the advertised dental specialties of Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Periodontics, or Orthodontics: Emily Elster, DMD A Proud Member of the Heartland Dental Care Family

The 213 Industry metallic sleeveless, v-neck dress will take you through the holidays. Found at Klutch Boutique in Town & Country.

The goes-with-everything hobo handbag in metallic pewter croc is from ViaNova, offered at Marta’s in Ellisville

A simple gray clutch with diamond studs, from Marta’s in Ellisville.

New Fall Styles Arriving Daily

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36 I Business I



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Bu si ness PEOPLE Mercy Clinic, a multispecialty physician group affiliated with Mercy Hospital, recently welcomed several new physicians. They include Dr. Matthew C. Hosler, a pediatrician practicing in Creve Coeur; Dr. Agusta Olafsdottir, an internal medicine hospitalist at Mercy Hospital St. Louis; Angela Capps, a neuropsychologist at Mercy Hospital St. Louis; Obstetrician/ Gynecologists Christina Byron, Gretchen Levey, and Margaretta Mendenhall, who started a new Mercy Clinic practice with offices in Ballwin and O’Fallon, Mo.; and Dr. Jonathan Welden, an endocrinologist with Mercy Endocrinology & Diabetes Management in Creve Coeur. ••• The Missouri Organization of Defense


New in the neighborhood Lawyers (MODL) has elected Jeffrey J. Brinker, of West County, to serve as its president. Brinker is a partner with the law firm of Brinker & Doyen, L.L.P., where he concentrates his practice in the areas of medical malpractice, product liability, professional liability, and insurance defense. MODL membership is open to Missouri lawyers who devote a substantial amount of their time to the representation of defendants and potential defendants in civil litigation.




Albert Castignetti, vice president and general manager of Nissan Division of Nissan North America, will be on hand on Nov. 10 for the grand opening of the West County Nissan dealership at 14717 Manchester Road in Ballwin. The new 50,000-square-foot facility is the largest Nissan dealership and service center in the Midwest and is among the largest Nissan dealerships in the country. West County Nissan has been operating for two years in Ellisville and is owned by Bill Haegele, Jeff Garlich, Craig Schmitz and Chris Garlich. The new facility is housed in the former Plunkett Furniture building and features a customer lounge with an attached café serving continental breakfast, a children’s game room, and a

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Batteries Plus recently celebrated the grand opening of its store at 17406 Chesterfield Airport Road with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Batteries Plus offers batteries for cellular phones, laptop computers, digital cameras, flashlights, cars, tractors, motorcycles, boats, watches, hearing aids and more. The store stocks more than 800 kinds of batteries and more than 650 types of light bulbs. Technicians working in their on-site tech center build batteries a variety of battery-powered devices.

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“quiet” room with free WiFi andpark privacy a walk in the separators. ••• MetLife Midwest Associates has relocated to 635 Maryville Centre Drive, Suite 200, in Creve Coeur. The firm will host a grand opening celebration from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Wed., Oct.12 that is open to the public.

AWARDS & HONORS The Melting Pot of Town & Country, 294 Lamp & Lantern Village, is a recipi-

ent of the 2011 Wine Spectator Award of Excellence, which recognizes restaurants with wine lists that offer interesting selections, are appropriate to their cuisine and appeal to a wide range of wine lovers.

NETWORKING The West County Chamber of Commerce Creating Connections Business Expo is from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thurs., Oct. 13 at Life Time Fitness (3058 Clarkson Road in Ellisville). For details, call 230-9900 or visit westcountychamber.com.

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38 I cover story I



Public Hearing City of Ellisville, Mo. Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ellisville will hold a public hearing at the Ellisville City Hall, #1 Weis Avenue, Wednesday, October 12, 2011, at 7:00 PM to consider a City initiated petition regarding changes to the Zoning Code, including revisions to the parking regulations. This public hearing is in compliance with Title IV, Land Use, of the Municipal Code of the City of Ellisville CATHERINE DEMETER, City Clerk The City of Ellisville is working to comply with the American With Disabilities Act mandates. Individuals who require an accommodation to attend a meeting should contact City Hall, 636-227-9660 (V/TDD) at least 48 hours in advance.

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Crunch Time for high school seniors

By CAROL ENRIGHT When asked how she was feeling about the college application process, Marquette High School senior Danielle Tevlin said, “Overwhelmed. I definitely wish I would have done this stuff in the summer.” Tevlin’s response is typical of high school seniors this time of year. While underclassmen are talking about Friday night’s football game or tomorrow’s algebra test, seniors are scrambling to get all their ducks in a row as they apply to colleges, take the ACT test one more time and seek out scholarships. If there is comfort in numbers, seniors can take heart: According to the U.S. Department of Education, a record 19.7 million students are expected to attend American colleges and universities this fall. How can today’s seniors make it onto the campuses of their dreams in the fall of 2012 without experiencing stress overload along the way? Keep on top of deadlines “Be conscious of deadlines. That’s a huge thing, because if they’re looking at more than one school … all of us are going to have deadlines for admission and … scholarships,” said Tiara Wair, Saint Louis University (SLU) admission counselor. “If an amazing student comes on the radar after that priority scholarship date, that is really terrible.” Wair advises students to keep a calendar on the wall where they can write down – and easily see – upcoming deadlines. “There’s deadlines for scholarships. There’s deadlines for admissions applications. There’s deadlines for financial aid. There’s deadlines for honors programs,” said Chad Sisk, college admission specialist for Marquette High School. “As long as a student can be organized, I think they’re going to be successful through the process.” Maggie, a senior at St. Joseph’s Academy, already was feeling the pressure of deadlines in early September. “It’s kind of stressful,” she said. Even though the earliest deadlines were two months away, a lot of the teen’s schoolmates were telling her that

they already had applied to colleges. “And I haven’t even started,” Maggie said. According to Sisk, the St. Joe senior may be more ahead of the game than she thinks. He said that’s it is typical for seniors to start off the year with every intention of staying on top of the dates until the first deadlines hit in November and December – and they “go into panic mode.” Chaminade senior Jack Terschluse may be atypical of most teens in that he started getting organized as a sophomore year. “Right now, I have a file for each college, with its application deadlines, checklists and contact information,” Terschluse said. He said that having the information in one place helps “tremendously when going to college counselor meetings, and especially when application deadlines roll around.” Taking the test When it comes to standardized tests, most area high schools focus on the ACT. By senior year, most students have taken the ACT at least once, and most will take it about three times, on average, Sisk said. “I always say to take the ACT early and often,” said Alicia Karle, regional admission counselor for Missouri State University. “Sometimes, you have to get … the highest ACT score possible that you want by October or December of your senior year to be eligible for some of those higher awarded scholarships.” Beth Brasel, college counselor at Chaminade College Preparatory School, said she views standardized tests as “just one more component that colleges are going to consider.” She said she thinks test prep classes can be helpful. “A lot of times, the prep courses, in addition to teaching curriculum, they can also give them hints and helpful ways to be more successful on the test,” Brasel said. Tevlin took the ACT


NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM twice during her junior year and plans on taking it again this fall. Even though she took an ACT prep class before one test and used a tutor to help prepare for another, she said taking the test was still “a little overwhelming.” Sisk said that most students improve their scores with each test. “The first time will be the lowest of the scores, because they go in with a lot of anxiety and not really knowing what to expect,” he said. “And then they’ll start doing test prep, and generally, it will go up as they start to progress with the testing.” GPA vs. rigorous course load A hot topic among high school students and their parents is: What’s more important to colleges – a high GPA (grade point average), or a challenging course load? “A student should take the most rigorous course load they can and be successful,” Brasel said. “Generally, I think curriculum is probably one of the more important things that colleges look at. “Has the student challenged themselves and taken the courses that are going to help them be successful on a college campus setting?” “We’re looking for a student with a strong academic curriculum,” said SLU’s Wair. When asked if she would prefer that a student take standard courses in high school and get all As or Advanced Placement (AP) and honors courses and get a few Bs, Wair said, “Definitely, challenge themselves with the APs and get a B.” “I would much rather have a student who had all honors courses and a 3.7 than a student who had fluff courses and a 3.8,” said Drew Griffin, associate director of recruitment for the University of MissouriSt. Louis (UMSL). “I think if a student’s … taking honors courses, then we’re going to see it in the ACT score as well.” Missouri State’s Karle agreed. “If there’s anything that I recommend to potential Missouri State students, it’s to take those harder classes, to take those AP classes, because that will really help you out when you get to college,” she said. What are colleges looking for? “Some schools will focus a lot more on the numbers and then some schools will say … we also want to find students that bring something unique to our campus, students that are leaders, students that they see have potential to be successful at their institution,” Sisk said. Griffin said that for admission, UMSL focuses on a student’s ACT score, GPA and class rank. A student’s accomplishments outside of school become more important when competing for scholarships. Wair said that while strong academics are an important consideration for admission to SLU, the school is looking for students who have shown leadership by being involved in high school, particularly

in “community service and social justice … because that is a mission of the Jesuits, to serve the community.” Karle said when it comes to extracurricular activities, “It’s not always important to be a part of 100 organizations in your school.” “Sometimes, it’s more important to be involved in one or two, but take a really big role in that organization,” she said. “Leadership is very important,” Brasel said. “Community service is something that they’re looking for more and more these days.” When should students start thinking about college? Students should start thinking about college their freshman year in high school, Griffin said. “A lot of students, they apply and they don’t quite have the GPA, and they realize that as a freshman, they didn’t take it seriously,” Griffin said. “They should start building their resume as soon as they enter those doors of high school,” said Karle. “It really starts from the freshman year – taking those classes, building your GPA, really studying hard to get all the information that you’ll actually need when taking the ACT, and getting involved in things early.” Many students begin making campus visits during their junior year. “The campus visit is so important,” said Karle, “because as much as I love Missouri State, it might not be the right fit for all students.” Karle said students should come to a campus visit with a list of questions that include: What is the average class size? What types of clubs and activities does the college offer? What do students do on the weekends? What academic programs does the school offer? “I think that the more up close and personal a student can get with the university that they’re considering, the better,” Wair said. No helicopter parents, please While parents often play an enormous role in financing their children’s college education, college admissions professionals would like them to play more of a supporting role in the college application process. Wair advises parents to “become educated about the process.” “But in the same breath, I want to say to parents to allow students … to have their college admissions experience. This is really that first adult act, that first major decision that a young adult is making,” she said. “I’ve seen a lot of parents that really … take over in the college search process, and that’s really a disservice to them and to the student,” Griffin said. “Walk along with them in the journey, but let the students drive or control the journey.”

I cover story I 39

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40 I health I



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By CAROL ENRIGHT No one wants to receive chemotherapy, but cancer patients at St. Luke’s Center for Cancer Care in Chesterfield are finding that the experience has become more comfortable of late. The center, which treated 1,330 cancer patients in 2010, is almost a year into a two-year, $6.2 million renovation that began last November. The heart of the treatment facility, the new infusion center where patients receive intravenous chemotherapy treatments, opened two months ago. Sandy Coffelt, 59, of O’Fallon, Mo., has been coming to St. Luke’s for treatment of ovarian cancer for almost three years. She said the main difference between the new infusion center and the old is “comfort.” With the old set-up, patients had their backs to the windows and the area was “much more cramped,” Coffelt said. The new infusion center accommodates up to 21 patients in large reclining chairs equipped with individual TV monitors and Wi-Fi access. The new center also is more spacious than the old, allowing for more seating for family and friends and more privacy for patients and their visitors. But according to Coffelt, the best part of the new facility is the view. “Now the chairs are facing the windows, and you can look out,” she said. “It’s just more tranquil.” Eventually, that view will include a healing garden that currently is under construction and should be finished this fall. “It will provide a nice stress-reliever and distraction for patients as they receive their chemo,” said Don Miller, vice president of operations for St. Luke’s. Miller said the garden will be accessible

to all hospital patients and their families, not only those receiving treatment for cancer. Comfort is a big deal to cancer patients, who often spend hours at a time receiving intravenous chemotherapy treatment. Coffelt, who currently is on her third cancer drug, spends about an hour a week at the center. When she first began receiving treatment, each chemotherapy session took about five hours. In addition to the new infusion center, the 30,000-square-foot facility will contain new examination rooms, a family consult area and conference center where patients and their families can discuss treatment options with physicians, a cancer resource library, new space for support groups and other activities, and remodeled dressing and waiting areas in the radiation oncology department. An on-site laboratory and pharmacy will allow patients to complete all of their lab work and get their prescriptions filled without leaving the center. “We’re always trying to improve their (patients’) care, and this renovation and expansion will do that by offering patients the latest advancements in cancer care as well as a comfortable environment for them and their families,” Miller said. “It was all developed with our physicians and the input they’ve received from their patients about what they really wanted in a treatment experience.” Coffelt said she could tell that planners of the facility “put a lot of thought into the comfort of the patients.” “It’s a lot more pleasant atmosphere,” she said. The renovation is on track to be complete by October 2012.






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Brains make a comeback By SUZANNE CORBETT What would you do with a brain if you had one? Bread it, fry it and serve it up on rye. It is something Oz’s scarecrow would not have known, unless he grew up in St. Louis where for more than 100 years the venerable brain sandwich has been considered tavern haute cuisine. “It’s hard to find a good brains anymore,” said Norm Schultheis, speaking of the sandwich and not one’s intellect. “My dad use to sell brain sandwiches at our gas station on Saturday nights when I was a kid. We had a regular clientele. Mother would fry the brains and serve them with onions on fresh rye bread my dad would pick up at the bakery.” Fifty years ago, decent brains were easily found at taverns and restaurants throughout the city. The best, according to cranium connoisseurs, were the brains fried by Bud and Lorraine Dieckmeyer, owners of the legendary South Broadway restaurant that shuttered in 2004. Before his death in 1995, Bud reported serving more than 100 pounds of brains a week. With the closing of Dieckmeyer’s came a fading popularity and scarcity of the culinary wonder, and the city suffered a substantial brain drain, driving grey matter gourmands underground. But there still are a number of brain-iacs among us. “Anyone who loves a good brain will go almost anywhere to get one,” said Jay Traxel, a self-proclaimed brain sandwich expert who reported eating the delicacy for the past 40 years. “There’s a bunch of us guys in the (Masonic) Lodge that love them. Once the word gets out where you can find a brain, you’ll see us come out.”

That mentality was evident on a recent evening when heads turned as a plate of brain sandwiches was carried through the dining room at River City Casino’s The Beerhouse. One could hear the remarks rise from tables as the sandwich passed by: “Wow, that looks like a brain sandwich. We gotta order one.” “I heard about the brain sandwich when I first came to town and knew Dieckmeyer’s wasn’t far from here and where I live,” said River City Chef John Johnson, who decided to bring the famous brain sandwich to The Beerhouse menu as a special for October in honor of Halloween. “My neighbors always talked about the brain sandwich, so I got inspired and decided to add them to the menu. We’ve been having fun with them and can see why they were a favorite – they’re really good.” Johnson’s recipe is a classic: he parboils veal brains, breads them and fries them crisp. They come out fluffy and creamy on the inside and crunchy on the outside. The chef said he considered making a Brain Reuben or a Philly Cheese Brain but decided instead to keep it simple, staying true to tradition. The result is a generous sandwich piled high on a Kaiser bun or rye (the preferred bread) with onions and mustard. According to some brain fans, a taste for brains is an acquired taste. Others say it is inherited, since the ranks of brain sandwich eaters grew up in families who ate them or River City Casino Chef John Johnson is bringing out the brain frequented the corner saloons or mom-and-pop restaurants sandwich this month, in honor of Halloween. that served them. No matter how one learned to appreciate brains, accord- get a burger anywhere, but if you can get brain – order it. ing to Schultheis and Traxel, they can’t be beat. You can You can never get enough good brains.



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Thies Farms hosts Pumpkinland during the entire month of October at its Maryland Heights and North Hanley locations. A play area offers cable gliders, slides, tunnels, obstacle courses, suspended bridges, petting zoos and a cornfield maze. Wagon rides, face painting, pony rides, concessions and children’s art activity areas are featured also on weekends. Visit thiesfarm. com for details. • The Corn Maze at Brookdale Farms is open throughout October at 8004 Twin Rivers Road in Eureka. Hayrides, a pumpkin patch and a corn maze for kids are featured by day; a haunted corn maze is featured on Friday and Saturday nights. Daytime admission is $9 for adults, $6 for children ages 4 to 11 and free for younger children. Admission to the haunted maze is $13. Call 938-1005 or visit eurekacornmaze.com. • The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Pumpkin Patch is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday from Oct. 8-31 at 327 Woods Mill Road in Manchester. Pumpkins and gourds are available. The Fall Festival is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 22, where there will be games, crafts, story time, snacks, face painting, a bake sale and pumpkins. Visit goodshepherdlutheran.com. • Friday Night Live Halloween Edition is from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 14 at The Lodge Des Peres. Middle school students ages 10-14 are invited to enjoy a night of music, spooky swim, games and

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For more Halloween Happenings, visit newsmagazinenetwork.com

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I 45

Enter t ai n ment Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck visit The Family Arena on Oct. 7.


Oct. 29, The Fox Theatre Ben Folds at the Symphony, Nov. 6, Powell Symphony Hall The Jayhawks, Nov. 10, The Pageant Paul Simon, Nov. 15, The Fox Theatre Tony Bennett, Nov. 16, The Fox Theatre Jim Gaffigan, Nov. 19, The Fox Theatre Further featuring Phil Lesh & Bob Weir, Nov. 20, The Fox Theatre


Chris Tucker, Oct. 28, The Fox Theatre George Lopez, Nov. 5, Peabody Opera House

“The Addams “God of Carnage” plays from Oct. 12-Nov. 6 at the LorettoHilton Center.

CONCERTS Michael Bolton, Oct. 6, The Family Arena Sugarland with Sara Bareilles, Oct. 7, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Bobby Long, Oct. 8, Old Rock House The Bangles, Oct. 8, The Pageant Gavin DeGraw and David Cook, Oct. 11, The Pageant “So You Think You Can Dance” Tour, Oct. 15, Chaifetz Arena Better than Ezra, Oct. 15, Lumiere Place Celtic Thunder, Oct. 20, The Fox Theatre The Australian Pink Floyd Show, Oct. 21, The Fox Theatre Straight No Chaser, Oct. 22, The Fox Theatre Gin Blossoms, Oct. 22, Lumiere Place Hawthorne Heights, Oct. 25, Old Rock House Reba McEntire, Oct. 28, Chaifetz Arena Frankie Vallie & The Four Seasons,

(Photo courtesy of Repertory Theatre of St. Louis)

Family,” through Oct. 9, The Fox Theatre St. Louis Shakespeare’s “Henry V,” through Oct. 9, Grandel Theatre MADCO: “Pulse!” Oct. 7-8, The Touhill “God of Carnage,” Oct. 12-Nov. 6, Loretto-Hilton Center Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s “Fully Charged,” Oct. 13-16, Scottrade Center Martha Graham Dance Company, Oct. 14-15, The Touhill “The House of the Spirits,” Oct. 14-22, The Touhill “A La Carte,” Oct. 21-22, Black Cat Theatre “Wizard of Oz,” Oct. 21-23, The Touhill “What My Husband Doesn’t Know,” Oct. 23, The Fox Theatre “Circle Mirror Transformation,” Oct. 26-Nov. 13, Loretto-Hilton Center “Phantom of the Opera,” Oct. 28-29, Powell Symphony Hall

POLITICS The men’s a cappella singing group Straight No Chaser performs Oct. 22 at The Fox.

Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, Oct. 7, The Family Arena

tickets and information Black Cat Theatre: blackcattheatre.org, (314) 781-8300 Chaifetz Arena: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 The Family Arena: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 The Fox Theatre: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 Grandel Theatre: brownpapertickets.com, (800) 838-3006 Heagney Theater: insighttheatrecompany.com, (314) 556-1293 Kranzberg Arts Center: repstl.org, (314) 289 4060

Loretto-Hilton Center: repstl.org, (314) 968-4925 Lumiere Place: ticketmaster.com, (866) 4487849 Old Rock House: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 The Pageant: ticketmaster.com, (866) 448-7849 Peabody Opera House: ticketmaster.com (866) 448-7849 Powell Symphony Hall: slso.org, (800) 232-1880 Scottrade Center: ticketmaster.com, (866) 4487849 The Touhill: touhill.org, (314) 516-4949

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46 I events I


Com mu n it y Event s BENEFITS

appetizers, is from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 8 at Fine Art Ltd. (18350 Chesterfield Airport Road). Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children; families of four are admitted for $20. Proceeds benefit Howard Park Center in Ellisville and Action for Autism. Call Dan Messmer at 449-0352 or visit afastl.org. ••• The Parkway South Theatre Parents Association hosts the “That’s Entertainment” Trivia Night to benefit the arts at 7:15 p.m. (doors open at 6:45 p.m.) on Sat., Oct. 8, at The Lodge Des Peres (1050 Des Peres Road). The association provides additional funding to support student theatre performances and provides scholarships for graduating seniors. Tickets are $20 per person or $160 for a table of eight. Contact Debbie McEnry at (314) 540-4970. ••• Therapeutic Horsemanship hosts Bowlers for Riders, a bowling tournament, at noon on Sun., Oct. 9, at West County Lanes in Ellisville. Prize money is awarded each game and series for scratch and handicap. Raffles, brackets, 50/50 drawings and other games are included. Registration is

required and is $40 for three games. Visit thstl.org. ••• Parkway Central High School’s Project Graduation hosts Taste of the Town from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Mon., Oct. 10 at the school (369 N. Woods Mill Road). More than 25 food booths feature a variety of samples. Entry is $10 per person. Call Tammy Crawford at (314) 542-9882. ••• The United Way Battle of the Corporate Bands 6 is from 7:30 p.m. to midnight on Fri., Oct. 14 at Old Rock House (1200 S. Seventh Street in St. Louis). Featured bands are the Expressions, from Express Scripts; Pro Bono & the Non-Billables, from Fleishman-Hillard; the Original Green Groove, from Laclede Gas; and Driven to Excess, from Safety National. Tickets are

a minimum donation of $8 at the door, or in advance from United Way or any of the four bands for a minimum donation of $5. Proceeds benefit United Way of Greater St. Louis. Call (314) 421-0700 . ••• Friends of Rural Parish Workers hosts a luncheon and fashion show at 10 a.m. on Fri., Oct. 21 at The Ritz-Carlton in Clayton. Cocktails are served at 11 a.m. and luncheon begins at 11:45 a.m. Mistress and Master of Ceremonies Kathy Ferrara and Guy Phillips present fashions by Chesterfield Mall and West County Center. Tickets are $60 per person/$600 for a table of 10. A St. Michael’s Club ticket is $120 per person/$1,200 for a table of 10. Call (314) 845-9472. ••• Manchester United Methodist Church


Fall Special Granite Countertops Starting at:


St. Clare of Assisi hosts Oktoberfest from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 7 at 15642 Clayton Road. Chef Jack Mac Murray, who has cooked for President Gerald Ford, John Glenn and Ross Perot, prepares a new menu. The event includes games, a 50/50, second prize flat-screen TV, photo booth, silent auction, beer/wine garden, live music and more. Visit saintclareofassisi.org. ••• St. John Lutheran Mothers of Preschoolers holds its eighth semi-annual Baby & Kid Consignment Sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 8 at St. John Commons (15800 Manchester Road in Ellisville). A variety of baby and children’s clothing, strollers, cribs, bedding, toys, books and more are for sale. Entry is free, and proceeds benefit St. John Mothers of Preschoolers. Visit stjMOPS.googlepages. com or call 376-9975. ••• “Inspiring Art for Autism,” an event featuring sculptor Harry Weber, a showcase of great art, tour of Fine Art Ltd., kids’ activities, a silent auction, raffle prizes and



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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM hosts a children’s garage sale from 7 a.m. to noon (early bird shopping for $5 entry starts at 6:30 a.m.) on Sat., Nov. 5 at 129 Woods Mill Road in Manchester. Shop for gently-worn, like-new children’s clothing, toys, furniture and games. Proceeds benefit the church preschool. Call Circle of Friends Preschool at 394-6867.

FAMILY & KIDS Operation Wild Lands is from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays this fall on the following dates: Oct. 8 at Wild Cherry Ridge Conservation Area, Oct. 15 at Queeny Park, Oct. 29 at Central Park in Chesterfield and Nov. 5 at Roger Klamberg Woods Conservation Area. The program prepares volunteers of all ages to restore and maintain public open space, improving wildlife habitat and nature-related outdoor recreation. Register at 2011owls.eventbrite.com. ••• The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce hosts the 10th annual Gumbo Flats Pumpkin Run/Walk at 8 a.m. (late registration at 6:30 a.m.) on Sat., Oct. 29 at the corner of Long Road and Edison Ave. in Chesterfield Valley. There are 10K and 5K courses and a half-mile children’s fun-run. Costumes are encouraged for kids and adults. A postrace brunch buffet is included. Early registration is $20 and race-day registration is $25. The children’s run is $10 for kids age 8 and younger. Register at the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce or online at chesterfieldmochamber.com.

HEALTH Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital provides free seasonal flu shots to individuals in the community ages 6 months and older from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 9 at Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital, Medical Office Building Two (10 Barnes West Drive in Creve Coeur). Visit barnesjewishwestcounty.org. ••• Parc Provence hosts an Alzheimer’s Association Support Group meeting from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thurs., Oct. 20 at 605 Coeur De Ville Drive in Creve Coeur. Supervision is available for those needing assistance for loved ones with dementia. Call (314) 542-2500 to RSVP or for more information. ••• The Friends of St. Luke’s and West Newsmagazine present “Are You Baffled by Cancer?” from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 25 at St. Luke’s Hospital (232 S. Woods Mill Road in Chesterfield). The interactive symposium featuring physicians, nurses, therapists, social workers and dietitians focuses on the risks, treatment options and care management alternatives available for different types of cancers. To

register or for details, visit stlukes-stl.com or (314) 542-4848.

LIVE PERFORMANCES The city of Wildwood hosts a performance of Best of Stovall’s, a countryWestern band, at 6:45 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 7 in the Town Center Plaza. Bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy the free concert with complimentary hot dogs, chips, kettle corn, Kona Ice, soda and water. Visit cityofwildwood.com. ••• St. Louis Osuwa Taiko presents a Taiko Drumming Showcase at 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) on Sat., Oct. 8 at the William D. Purser Center at Logan College of Chiropractic (1851 Schoettler Road in Chesterfield). Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children in advance, or $20 for adults and $13 for children at the door. VIP tickets are available. Visit stltaiko.com/ showcase.php. ••• St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres hosts a Festival of Sacred Music at 4 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 23 at the church. Composer and organst Dr. Walter L. Pelz is the guest artist. Visit stpaulsdesperes.org or call (314) 822-0447.

SPECIAL INTEREST Tappmeyer Homestead Foundation hosts a morning of bird watching at 9 a.m. on Sat., Oct. 8 at Millenium Park (2 Barnes West Drive in Creve Coeur). Bring your binoculars and learn about Missouri birds from Connie Alwood, co-author of “Birds of the St. Louis Area: Where and When to Find Them.” Afterwards, guests can take a free tour of the historical Tappmeyer House. Contact Claire Chosid at (314) 579-9876 or ckc@conversource.com. ••• Westward Hoe Garden Club meets at 7 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 11 on the topic of pumpkins and squashes. Call 391-6469. ••• Andrew F. Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants Inc., presents “Job Creation: How it Really Works and Why the Government Doesn’t Understand It” at 6 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 18 at Saint Louis University John Cook School of Business (AnheuserBusch Auditorium, 3674 Lindell Blvd. at Spring Ave.). This is the eighth lecture in the Economic Policy Speaker Series presented by John Cook School of Business, the Show-Me Institute and Sinquefield Charitable Foundation. Valet parking is provided. The event is free but seating is limited. RSVP by Thurs., Oct. 13 at slu. edu/x53298.xml.

I events I 47

48 I



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I 49

‘New menu, new memories’ at The Press Box By SHEILA FRAYNE RHOADES The Press Box Bar & Grill is a sports-themed restaurant that caters to families and sports fans. Photos of athletes, coaches and sportscasters cover the walls, and the diverse menu is sports-inspired with listings, such as On Deck (appetizers), On The Green (salads) and The Main Event (entrees). “‘New menu, new memories.’ That’s our slogan,” Kitchen Manager Robby Meyer said. “We’ve updated the menu with more variety and remodeled the bar. We’re a family- friendly sports pub full of fun, a warm atmosphere and of course fantastic food.” The spacious restaurant features 12 flat-panel TVs in a comfortable, glassed-in bar area for fans of all ages. Customers can enjoy a variety of sports games, along with all-star classics, such as wings, burgers and beer. Booths encompass the entire outer wall, and the restaurant also features an outdoor dining area. Fans and families constantly cheer for the Ballpark Nachos, Pig Skins (potato boats) and beloved Slammers The Press Box Bar & Grill 1095 Chesterfield Parkway • Chesterfield (636) 536-9440 11 a.m. to midnight, Mon. – Thurs.; 11 a.m. to 1 a.m., Fri. – Sat.; 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sun. www.thepressboxstl.com

– those smaller classic burgers – with the Buffalo Bill Bison worthy of the Hall of Fame. Other best sellers are the thick and hearty Blue Ribbon Chili and St. Louis-style brick oven pizzas. Pizza Margharita proves to be a delectable surprise – a light and delicate blend of fresh tomatoes, basil and melted cheese on a thin, crispy crust. Another must-try is The Press Box Reuben, with thinly sliced corned beef, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese and Thousand Island dressing on fresh rye bread. Wraps and panini selections provide more choices for everyone’s taste, and full dinner entrees include Blackened The Press Box has a comfortable outdoor dining area, in addition to its Chicken Linguini, Lemon Pepper Tilapia and sports-themed indoor seating, designed to please guests of all ages. Raspberry Chipotle Pork Chops. The current special, served Tuesdays and Saturdays through Novem- and food: First Down – stadium hot dog and pitcher of ber, is the Angus Griller – an 8-oz. sirloin steak with fries Bud product for $6; Second Down – 8-inch one-topping and coleslaw. pizza and pitcher of Bud product for $6; Third Down – Weekly Press Box events include: All You Can Eat Fried eight wings and pitcher of Bud product for $8, Field Goal Chicken on Sunday, Monday Night Football, Industry – stadium nachos and bucket of Bud product for $10; and Night on Tuesday with 10 percent off with proof of res- Touchdown –appetizer sampler and pitcher of Bud prodtaurant employment, Wednesday Trivia with prizes every uct for $12. The large party room is the perfect place to host events round, Buy One Get One Free House Drinks on Thursday, Live Music with Rob Boyle on Friday and College Foot- for groups of up to 40 guests, and catering is available for ball on Saturday. any occasion, with a special menu for 10 to 500 guests. Happy Hour is from 3-7 p.m. and from 9 p.m. to close, The entire menu also is available for convenient Car-Side with $2 Draughts, $3 Rail Liquor and $4 House Wine Pickup. At The Press Box, great food, great service and great (Vendage). The early Happy Hour offers $2 off most appetimes can be found, and is where every call is a good call tizers. Football Game specials include special pairings of beer and every seat is the best in the house.







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I 53

WEST claSSifiEdS Call EllEn 636.591.0010


Email: ClassifiEds@nEwsmagazinEnEtwork.Com


Cleaning Service


Garage Door

Help Wanted

Home Improvement

accounting, Payroll, Tax services - Full-service accounting firm dedicated to providing small and medium sized clients with professional, personalized services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. CPA – licensed in Miissouri & QuickBooks ProAdvisor. Cambridge Accounting and Tax. Call Rita at 314-438-5576 or contact@chesterfielcpa.com.


The FaN Guy - Trained & experienced tradesman available for light electrical services: new outlets/switches, attic fans/ lighting/fan installation & repairs. Fair, dependable & honest. Call Paul 636-734-8402


ing West County since 1980. Springs, cables, electric openers. Door replacement. Evening & weekend service available. Call 636-388-9774


Garage Sale

Ever thought about becoming an insurance agent, but did not know where to start? Are you great at sales, and goals oriented? If you are, I have a full time sales team member position open. Not only does this position offer you a job opportunity, but could lead to obtaining your own agency. Please email your resume to troy@troypieper.com or fax to 636-391-9829.

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Call Ellen ClassifiEds 636.591.0010 Computer Services Need your computer fixed? Only $45 per hour. I fix slow, crashing computers, remove/prevent viruses. Specialize in home offices and small businesses. Call Arif at 636-675-6562.

Serving the Bi-State Area including St. Charles County. Appliances, furniture, debris, construction/ rubble, yard waste, excavating & demolition! 10, 15 and 20 cubic yard rolloff dumpsters. All type clean outs & hauling! Affordable, dependable and available! No conditions! 20 yrs. service.


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Saturday, Oct. 8, 7am–Noon The Dawn and Mike Krause Team Keller Williams Realty

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54 I



WEST claSSifiEdS Call EllEn 636.591.0010 Landscaping Mike's Lawn Service Dependable, Responsible Mowing, shrub trimming, mulch, spring yard clean-up Seeding/ Fertilzation References

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Email: ClassifiEds@nEwsmagazinEnEtwork.Com Masonry

Aeration $49.95, Dethatching $95.00 (pickup extra). Seeding, Mulching, Tree and Brush Trimming and Removal. Complete Landscape Makeovers. Lawn Cutting and Leaf Removal. Free Estimates. 636-466-0711. D & S LAWN SERVICE... Landscape design, retaining walls, paver patios, mulching, property maintenance & drainage solutions! Proud Member of the BBB, Call us today at 314968-4300 www.mowstl.com. •Retaining Walls •Driveways •Walks •Concrete & Pavers •Sod •Hauling •Mulch •Topsoil •Rock •Decorative Rock •Bobcat Work •Grading •Drainage •Erosion •Pool Fill-Ins Specializing in Retaining Walls and Paver Patios


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Autullo Masonry inc. Brick & stone contractor. 36 yrs in business in St. Louis. Our reputation is built on quality and service for all your masonry needs. Paving, sidewalks, patios, walls, fireplaces - indoor & outdoor, fire pits, tuck pointing and brick exteriors. Free Estimates. Insured. 636-394-5543.

Moving & Storage ABC Moving & Storage, Inc in Chesterfield. Residential, commercial, corporate Relocations. Local/Long Distance moving from a simple piece or multiple truckloads. We do it all! Custom packaging & crating. Call today for a FREE ESTIMATE (636) 532-1300.

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Jim's Paint & Trim Service Interior & Exterior painting, crown and decorative moulding, wallpaper removal, texturing, drywall and rotten wood repair. Call 636-778-9013



$75 Per Average Room Size (12'x12' Walls 3 Room Minimum)


PIANO LESSONS: Masters Degree in Composition w/ Piano major, 5 yrs. in Europe, 30 yrs. teaching experience, all ages. Taught music theory and piano at college level. Manchester & Strecker. Call Arthur 636-458-0095

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May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine times a day; by the 8th day prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. Then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Thank you, St. Jude. RM

Novena to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideals. Give me the divine gift to forgive and forget them all who have done wrong to me. I, in short dialogue, want to thank you in everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my beloved one in our perpetual glory. Thanks for favors. Pray this prayer for three consecutive days without asking for wish. After third day, wish will be granted no matter how difficult. Promise to publish this dialogue as soon as your favor has been granted. VB

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