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I opinion I 3


Deficit Reduction

Another deficit reduction commission has now made its recommendations. My own recommendation for dealing with deficits would include stopping the appointment of deficit reduction commissions. It is not the amount of money that these commissions cost that is the issue. It is the escape hatch that they provide for bigspending politicians. Do you go ahead and spend the rent money and the food money – and then ask somebody else to tell you how to escape the consequences? If President Obama or the Congress were serious about keeping the deficit down, they could have had this commission’s recommendations before they spent hundreds of billions of dollars, handing out goodies hither and yon to their pet constituencies. I don’t know why people agree to serve on these bipartisan commissions, which save the political hides of the big spenders after they have run up huge deficits. Back in the 1950s, there was a saying: “If you didn’t invite me to the take-off, don’t invite me to the crash landing.” Deficit commissions make it politically possible to spend money first and get somebody else to recommend raising taxes later. They are a virtual guarantee of never-ending increases in both spending and taxes. Why provide political cover? Leave the big spenders out there naked in front of the voters! Either the elected officials will change their ways or the voters can change the officials they elect. There is no special information or wisdom available to unelected deficit commissions that is not available to elected officials. Nor are they more far-seeing than politicians. Cutting defense spending to save money? That is one of the oldest moves in the liberal play book. Some soldiers may pay with their lives for this, but that could be years from now – and after the next election, which is as far as most politicians think. The biggest immediate tax issue is whether the Bush tax cuts will be extended for everyone. Here, as elsewhere in politics, sheer hogwash reigns supreme. Nancy Pelosi claims that the “tax cuts for the rich” cannot be continued because it would be “too costly.” Although former Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey says, “Demagoguery beats data” in politics,

here are some data anyway. The first big cut in income taxes came in the 1920s, at the urging of Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon. He argued that a reduction of the tax rates would increase the tax revenues. What actually happened? In 1920, when the top tax rate was 73 percent, for people making over $100,000 a year, the federal government collected just over $700 million in income taxes – and 30 percent of that was paid by people making over $100,000. After a series of tax cuts brought the top rate down to 24 percent, the federal government collected more than a billion dollars in income tax revenue – and people making over $100,000 a year now paid 65 percent of the taxes. How could that be? The answer is simple: People behave differently when tax rates are high as compared to when they are low. With low tax rates, they take their money out of tax shelters and put it to work in the economy, benefiting themselves, the economy and government, which collects more money in taxes because incomes rise. High tax rates which very few people are actually paying, because of tax shelters, do not bring in as much revenue as lower tax rates that people are paying. It was much the same story after tax cuts during the Kennedy administration, the Reagan administration and the Bush Administration. The New York Times reported in 2006: “An unexpectedly steep rise in tax revenues from corporations and the wealthy is driving down the projected budget deficit this year.” Expectations are in the eyes of the beholder – and in the rhetoric of the demagogues. If class warfare is more important to some politicians than collecting more revenue when there is a deficit, then let the voters know that. And spare us so-called “deficit reduction commissions.”

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letters to the editor Giving thanks for West County neighbors To the Editor: In this season of Thanksgiving, we have many reasons to give thanks. We can be thankful for a group of employees at the Jewish Community Center, who worked together to save the life of a man who collapsed on an indoor walking track. Our gratitude goes out to volunteers like Carl Moskowitz, of Creve Coeur, and Lisa Ball, of Chesterfield, who helped neighbors in North St. Louis County and City after severe storms caused damage this July. And we are proud of the thousands of students across St. Louis, like those at Parkway North High School, who helped raise money for emergency shelter, food and medical supplies for earthquake survivors in Haiti. These are just a few of the people in the West County community working to make a difference. Each and every day, the American Red Cross is buoyed by the spirit of volunteerism, compassion and generosity that is a hallmark of the St. Louis community. Whether it’s our hundreds of local emergency response volunteers who are always ready to assist in the case of fires, floods or other disasters, both here and across the country; or the thousands who seek training in First Aid, CPR or water safety; or the individuals and companies that provide much-needed financial assistance through the United Way or direct contributions to the Red Cross, we know we can rely on the support of everyone in the community. Please know that we are working hard at all times to deliver on our mission to prevent, prepare for, and respond to disasters and emergencies – and to remain worthy of your trust. On behalf of the American Red Cross, thank you for your ongoing support and commitment. Bob Ciapciak Chair, Board of Directors American Red Cross

Town & Country deer

To the Editor: There is no deer problem. There’s a people problem. Do not those poor, clueless people understand that to get rid of deer is to kill deer? Bob Boles Manchester To the Editor: (Mariette) Palmer and her beholding

buddies are good at PR and not so good at the truth. For many years, they had a lock on the (Town & Country) Board of Aldermen, blocking any overtly lethal deer control. Despite the fact that 80 percent of relocated deer died in a few years, they called it nonlethal. It is no longer approved by the Missouri Department of Conversation (MDC). They would have you believe Bambi birth control is the way to go, despite its failure in unconfined deer populations and despite the MDC’s refusal to allow introduction of unapproved drugs into the food chain. Over time, the truth became so self-evident that no amount of misdirection could make their case. The voters, not willing to have the problem persist, have let their aldermen know the truth. Like any politician, they want to appeal to us all, and thus we also have non-lethal deer control despite the excessive cost. Lethal is the most effective and the most cost-effective method, but death by auto is the No. 1 deer control in Town & Country. Out-of-date surveys are not the reason the aldermen have voted in lethal deer control. They have done so because it is the will of the people. Armand Hoffstetter Town & Country

article that has caught everybody’s atten- her name in for minority whip. They all are, tion. without exception, already putting their Brunilda Perez energy and resources into the next election Town & Country instead of focusing on the major problems this country faces. We have, unfortunately, Gridlock hired through our votes federal managers To the Editor: to run our country into the ground. Neither I have a suggestion for President side of the aisle is exempt from blame. Obama. Both sides are worthy of being fired. I think President Obama should work If you look at their performance over with the new Republican House as much the decades past, you have to come to the as they did him in the past two years. conclusion that as a body, they have at Gridlock, anyone? least mismanaged and at worst been less Larry Covington than patriotic with the responsibilities we Ballwin pay them to perform. This may sound harsh, but if you take into consideration Display the flag proudly that a non-functioning government that is To the Editor: only interested in their position of power, On Tues., Nov. 9, while coming from instead of their constituents and their couna doctor’s appointment, I observed a set try, you should be able to conclude that our of three flagpoles on display next to the national security is at risk – both economiLutheran Hour Ministries on North Outer cally and militarily. 40 between I-270 and Mason Road. The Why do the people of this great nation flags were in very poor condition; the U.S. have to make threats in the form of votes to flag was faded and in shreds. these Americans elected to these offices? I took the time to go to the Lutheran Don’t they understand that they have not Hour Ministries office to express my con- done what is right for this country? Don’t cern. I explained that I was a veteran and they understand that “Jeffersonian” prinfelt that they may not have been aware of ciples of compromise and true bipartisanthe poor condition of the flags they were ship are what make our nation strong? Find displaying. The lady said she would report “common ground” for the majority, as your it to the responsible person. article states. To the Editor: As of Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11, nothing Typically, both sides of any issue can be Many articles have been written on Town had been done. The least they could have hashed out through debate and brought to & Country deer. But what West Newsmaga- done is to pull the flags down. My feeling a resolution that results in success for all. zine did (Diane Plattner’s article on “Big is that if you can’t display the U.S. flag Now, if I allow that party to put the best bucks determine fate of Town & Country proudly, then don’t display it at all. The idea forward my party will suffer in the deer,” Nov. 10, 2010) was to write a well- flag did not get in that condition overnight, next election. Decisions based on accepthought-out article based not on animal and it appears to me that there is either no tance of the best idea and ideals is the very welfare but on a political maneuver that one assigned the responsibility of watch- essence of patriotism. allows residents to “buy” city policy. And ing over the condition of the flag, or they If this new Congress does not heed everyone is disturbed at the idea that just don’t care. Either way, it is very dis- what the citizens said in the last election, money can buy policy even in smaller tressing. I salivate to see what is going to happen local municipalities. John Klay in 2012. It is interesting to note that all this U.S. Navy veteran The most encouraging thing from this money the city collects decides a policy to Ballwin government’s incompetence is that they be implemented … on private property. have awakened the general populace to In 2009, the city of Town & Country Power to the people take back control of their own lives and developed a plan and used city funds to To the Editor: understand that the people have the power, equally implement a dual approach by Your editorial, “Points of Agreement” on not the politicians. which (an) equal number of deer were Nov. 10 states the facts about the mid-term Tom Ilges killed and sterilized. elections very clearly. However, I don’t Wildwood Now this year, the city did not have a think it goes far enough in its call to polispecific goal but allowed private money ticians to heed the message voters sent to to establish the plan plus created a double them. standard where one group had to pay more I have been voting for years for the “best Clarification: The Nov. 10 article, “Big than the other in order to be part of what of two evils.” Congress does not get it! Sen. bucks determine fate of Town & Country would become the city plan! Mitch McConnell (Ky.) has already said deer” stated that donations to the city’s The Missouri Constitution confers own- publicly we have to change leadership at lethal fund for deer control included ership of wildlife to all its residents. But in the top in 2012. Sen. Harry Reid (Nev.) has “nearly $4,000 from Peter Stevens…” The Town & Country, it appears that deer are said he will go back to Washington, D.C., story should have said donations to the owned by the big bucks. and continue to fight for the current agenda. lethal side included nearly $4,000 from Thanks for printing such a provocative House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has put The Principia private school.


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On Thanksgiving


That’s a winner

You have applauded us in our success, guided us in our decisions, held us accountable for our opinions and remained civil, thoughtful, and supportive through it all. We are thankful for our readers. With economic uncertainty swirling around, you have remained valued partners to us as a business and wonderful friends to us as human beings. We are thankful for our clients. You have toiled, crawled, walked and run with us. Most importantly this year, you have been unafraid to embrace change and assume the challenges that come with it. We are thankful for our staff. Despite the challenges facing us, we believe that we are living, working and raising our families in the greatest nation in the history of the world. We are thankful for America.

If it’s broke... This country’s economic problems, rather obviously, are widespread and real. Unemployment is too high, causing great hardship for many individuals and families – yet nine out of 10 people still have a job. Our Federal Reserve Bank has made the odd decision to print $600 billion worth of new money, devaluing the dollar, spooking the international markets and risking future inflation. The housing industry remains in a state of disarray, with falling home values, an almost-impossible-to-believe foreclosure document crisis, and massive government intrusion holding back the industry at the production and purchase levels. These are complex, frustrating, and sometimes devastating problems for American families and businesses. The bright spot is that these items all seem fixable, temporary. The much larger, and potentially hazardous, economic issue in this country is far simpler than the above list. Simpler, but much harder to fix every day it passes unchecked. The problem is this: For every $2 the federal government is bringing in, $3 is being spent.

That isn’t algebra or trigonometry, it is simple, second-grade arithmetic – but the implications of the equation are profound. This is no longer about the oft-used rhetoric of “passing problems on to our grandchildren” through a rising national debt. This is about solvency and our ability to remain a sovereign nation. This is a problem for today, not tomorrow. Our elected officials need to understand the very clear message that was sent in the mid-term elections. It was not a message of blind trust in the process nor a blank check for a new group of legislators. The message was that if the citizens do not like the results, no job is safe is Washington D.C. This tsunami was not a new and different wave of Republican support. The wave that just rolled the GOP into power is the same one that no so long ago rolled them out. The fiscal policy of our government is the greatest threat to this nation. The threat is immediate and pronounced. We do not have the time, the patience nor the money to listen to the same political posturing. The voters have spoken, and they have demanded solutions.

Question of the week:

Former St. Louis Cardinals slugger and member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame Stan Musial waves to fans during Stan Musial Day at Busch Stadium on Oct. 2, 2010, in St. Louis. Word came from the White House on Nov. 17, 2010 that Musial will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom in January 2011. UPI/Bill Greenblatt

Quotable: “The world does not respect our leader. I think he is totally over his head.” - Donald Trump, on Barack Obama

“I think really the unknown is what makes everybody nervous because right now, it’s a big, huge unknown.” - Insurance broker Edward “Ned” McLean, on the federal government’s health care plan.

Web site of the week:

Are you concerned about school bus safety?


Answer the question: editor@westnewsmagazine.com

Seriously, what other site would we pick for this week?



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355 Ozark Trail Drive, Suite 1 St. Louis, MO 63011 (636)591-0010 ■ (636)591-0022 Fax newsmagazinenetwork.com Please send Comments, Letters and Press Releases to: editor@westnewsmagazine.com A PUBLICATION OF



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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2010.



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News Br iefs BALLWIN

Kits for cars

Sound the sirens Ballwin city officials on Nov. 8 unanimously approved a bill authorizing the city to partner with St. Louis County to participate in a countywide emergency communications system, granting two easements to St. Louis County for the placement of emergency sirens. The system, if passed, will provide communication links authorizing governmental entities to communicate within the geographic boundaries of the city, county and possibly beyond the region. The system will include radio communication towers, emergency alert sirens, antennas and other facilities situated on property owned by participating government entities. In many cases, St. Louis County to complete the upgrade will relocate and replace existing sirens of the emergency alert component of the system, as well as install base stations, cabling and wiring, antennas, and other related equipment. All charges for work and materials completed in connection with the construction, removal, repair, relocation and maintenance of the facilities owned by participating governmental entities will be supported by St. Louis County.

The Ballwin Police Department received a grant from the Target Corporation to purchase 20 first-aid/trauma kits to be carried in their patrol and detective vehicles. The kits contain medical supplies and equipment that enable Ballwin officers to render assistance in most situations. The kits would be particularly critical in the event of a large-scale disaster when EMS services are depleted, police said.

Last call for leaves The Ballwin Public Works Department has announced that it will continue its free residential curbside leaf collection program until Dec. 3. Crews will begin each day where they ended the day before, and once leaves have been collected on all streets, they will begin another pickup cycle. There will be no pickup on Nov. 25 and 26 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Being a short week, not everyone’s leaves will be collected; however, leaves can be bagged or put in separate containers for Allied Waste pickup on yard waste collection day. To assure leaves are collected during the final week, residents should rake them to

the curb no later than Sun., Nov. 28. City officials are asking residents not to park on top of or in front of leaf piles, as leaves that are not accessible cannot be collected. For the safety of the workers and the equipment, sticks, plants, root balls, metal objects, bricks, logs, and animal waste must be kept out of the leaf pile. Piles of leaves with such debris will not be collected.

CHESTERFIELD No u-turn Whether a motorist is making a u-turn on roads maintained by the city of Chesterfield, St. Louis County, or Missouri the same rules now apply, as the u-turn law in Chesterfield now follows the same rules as those in St. Louis County and Missouri. The Chesterfield City Council at its Nov. 15 meeting approved the change. Chesterfield law now prohibits u-turns in the following situations: • At any intersection controlled by a police officer or an electric signal. • At a curve or approaching any hill. • At any place where the driver’s vehicle cannot be seen by other vehicles coming from any direction. • At any place where a u-turn would interfere with other traffic, creating a traffic hazard. Fines for breaking the u-turn law range from $5 to $1,000 or up to three months in jail, or both.

Working on water As crews from Missouri American Water replace an aging water line in Chesterfield, drivers may have to deal with some closures of the southbound lane of Santa Maria Drive. Crews are in the process of replacing about 860 feet of a water main on Santa Maria Drive between Wild Horse Creek Road and Old Chesterfield Road. The project replaces a water line that is roughly 52 years old and is at the end of its useful life. According to a Missouri American Water spokesperson, crews are attempting to minimize disruption by working around Ascension Catholic School’s schedule. The project is slated for completion by Nov. 30.

DES PERES Guilty as charged Former Des Peres Director of Finance Laura Beeler pleaded guilty in St. Louis County Circuit Court to charges of stealing more than $25,000 from the city. Beeler was sentenced to five years in prison with a suspended execution of sentence and five years probation. Unless she violates terms of her probation – including 90 days of shock incarceration to be served under house arrest with electronic monitoring – Beeler will not serve time in prison. Conditions of probation met at the time

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Honoring veterans The city of Ellisville on Nov. 11 hosted a Veterans Day ceremony at the Ellisville Administrative Park Office. The guest speaker was Donald Graham, who in 1967-1968 served with the U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam. Veterans in attendance were recognized for their service, received a 2010 Veterans Day framed poster and were honored with a reception after the Ellisville Chief of Police Tom Felgate (left) and City ceremony. According to Ellisville Chief of Manager Kevin Bookout recognize guest speaker Police Col. Tom Felgate, a Viet- Donald Graham, who served in Vietnam. nam veteran, the ceremony this year was the largest attended. Felgate said it was gratifying to see the support shown by the public for the men and women in uniform. of Beeler’s sentencing were full restitution of funds stolen from the city and full restitution of all costs associated with the city’s investigation of the theft. City Administrator Douglas Harms said city officials had been working with the city’s bankers, forensic auditors and new director of finance to learn how the thefts occurred and to craft appropriate changes to internal controls.

EUREKA Support your local coach Eureka High School Swimming Coach Sharon Wasson is very much in the running for the title of “Power Bar Coach of the Year,” an honor which would bring a $5,000 prize to Eureka High School’s Athletic Department. A top 20 finalist in the nationwide contest, Wasson at press time is in third place and is need of online votes to propel her to the No. 1 spot. To vote for Wasson and read about her best memory as a coach, visit http://apps. takkle.com/powerbar/vote. Individuals can vote once a day, every day, through Nov. 28.

LABADIE Landfill comments welcomed Ameren Missouri at a public meeting on Nov. 17 presented the results of a detailed site investigation on the coal ash landfill the power company plans on building adjacent to its power plant on the Missouri River in Labadie. The company presented a series of posters about the specifics of the project and the extensive studies conducted on the site. Ameren’s findings were published in a report that is available for public perusal

at Franklin County libraries and on the company’s Web site, ameren.com. The document essentially states that no active faults were found to exist within the property’s boundaries, that groundwater could be effectively monitored there and that subsurface conditions do not present a significant potential for catastrophic collapse. The public has until Dec. 20 to read the report, review the materials and submit comments about the proposed landfill to Ameren Missouri at labadielandfill@ ameren.com.

WILDWOOD New appointments Wildwood ward 3 resident Mark Perez was appointed to Wildwood Community Park Advisory Committee (CPAC). The Board of Adjustment re-appointed Bob Morris (ward 7) as an alternate board member for a two-year term.

Community Forum scheduled Wildwood city officials at the Nov. 8 City Council meeting decided to hold a Glencoe Area Community Forum at 7 p.m. on Wed., Jan. 12, 2011 at LaSalle Springs Middle School. The decision came in response to several requests relating to the Glencoe Station Project, property purchases in the area by the city of Wildwood, and the request of certain property owners to vacate public rights-of-way in the area of Washington Ave. and Old State Road (former Glencoe Station Project site). Wildwood’s Planning/Economic Development/Parks Committee will conduct the forum to hear the opinions, concerns, and/ or suggestions of all interested parties on the future of the area.

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Two Rockwood buses involved in accidents

West Newsmagazine staff photo. Despite years of legal wrangling and a brief jail sentence, Lewis Greenberg’s art piece remains intact at his Ballwin home.

Ballwin man jailed over yard art, but art remains By BRIAN MCDOWELL Ballwin resident Lewis Greenberg recently completed his sentence in the St. Louis County Jail, but his yard art, which led to his arrest, remains unchanged. “They’ve accomplished exactly nothing with this arrest except to injure and harass a mentally challenged man,” David Howard, Greenberg’s attorney, said. Greenberg’s time in jail came after refusing a judge’s order to alter a few of the elaborate wooden and metal sculptures that surround the home in the Whispering Oakwood subdivision where he has lived for more than 35 years. Even though there is no law regulating yard art in Ballwin or in Greenberg’s subdivision, his legal conflict with the city has dragged on for years. City officials have said the art could be dangerous to children and cited Greenberg with charges ranging from littering to possession of hazardous materials. Howard rejected those claims, stating that the art is no more of a threat than picket fences or Christmas decorations. Greenberg, a retired teacher, has said his art was created in remembrance of the Holocaust and that by asking him to remove it, the city is violating his First Amendment rights. Some neighbors have complained to city officials that the art is an eyesore and expressed concern that it will lower property values. “It’s a very social neighborhood, so people have gotten together and talked about what he was doing,” said a neighbor of Greenberg who spoke to West Newsmagazine on the condition of anonymity. “There’s a general overtone of discontent-

ment with him around here. What he does is very inconsiderate to other people and to their property values.” Other neighbors, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity, said they are not bothered by the art. “I don’t really care,” a neighbor who lives a few doors from Greenberg said. “It’s not in my yard, it’s in his. I am a little worried about kids that might get hurt if they play in his yard, but otherwise, I’d consider doing the same thing he does.” Howard alleged that Greenberg has been harassed by some neighbors because he has bipolar disorder. “His art is an outgrowth of his mental condition,” Howard said. “His neighbors haven’t understood this, so they’ve tried to call all sorts of state services on him and tried to have him institutionalized. And then the city of Ballwin came in and picked sides in what was essentially a neighborhood conflict.” Greenberg’s legal case is pending before the Missouri Supreme Court, and appeals of Greenberg’s sentence and claims of prosecutorial misconduct are being investigated, Howard said. According to Ballwin City Prosecutor Keith Cheung, Greenberg’s appeal was dismissed by the Court of Appeals, which issued a mandate to a St. Louis County judge to let Greenberg’s sentence be carried out. Howard said he visited Greenberg every day in jail and that his client was “not doing very well” during his incarceration. “His psychiatrist was extremely concerned,” Howard said. “Lewis was on

medication that allowed him to function as a gainful citizen, and he wasn’t allowed to have that in custody. We were worried he was going to have an emotional breakdown, and that this sentence would be a cataclysmic emotional hit. We tried to get a suitability hearing about this, but the judge was hell-bent to get him in jail.” Ralph Pfremmer, owner of Lone Wolf Coffee Company in Ballwin, said he visited Greenberg at the county jail also and shared Howard’s concerns about what would happen to the artist without his medication. “That’s originally why I reached out to him,” Pfremmer said. “I know that his reputation is based on the conflicts he’s had with his neighbors and with the city, but people don’t realize that he is a very lovely and caring human being.” Pfremmer said Greenberg essentially was jailed for having art in his yard. “He was in there with people who killed, who stole, who dealt crack – people who hurt others. Just think about that,” Pfremmer said. Asked whether jail time would likely cause Greenberg to modify his art, Howard said, “That is totally up to him. He may make some minor changes to it, but he has already demonstrated that he’s not likely to roll over in a conflict.” Howard said he hoped the Missouri Supreme Court would soon weigh in on the issue. Greenberg could not be reached for comment. Cheung said he was unsure of what the city would do next about the matter.

By BRIAN MCDOWELL Two Rockwood School District buses recently were involved in accidents in two days, but no students were seriously injured in either incident. On the afternoon of Wed., Nov. 17, the driver of a minivan rear-ended a bus full of students and chaperones from Green Pines Elementary School and shoved it forward into another vehicle. The accident occurred in the city of St. Louis while the students were on a field trip. Fourteen students and two adults were sent to local hospitals with minor injuries. All were released by the next morning. At about 8:15 a.m. the next day, a school bus headed to Geggie Elementary School was hit head-on by the driver of a 1999 Chevrolet Suburban on Route FF, about 2 miles from Hwy. 109 in Jefferson County, near Eureka. The collision caused the SUV to catch fire, and the driver was killed. According to the Missouri Highway Patrol, Kaela Archambault, 20, was driving the SUV, failed to negotiate a curve and crossed the c e n te r l i n e into the path of the school bus, hitting it head-on. The SUV was Kaela Archambault engulfed in flames. Archambault, a graduate of Eureka High, was pronounced dead at the scene. The five children on board, who range in age from 7 to 10, and the driver of the bus, Mary M. Fortner, 59, were taken to St. John’s Mercy Medical Center in Creve Coeur for treatment of minor injuries. Within three hours, all were released, according to Kim Cranston, Rockwood’s chief communications officer. School at Geggie Elementary on Thursday proceeded as normal, although Cranston said counselors would be available for any students who needed to speak with them. Rockwood contracts student transportation through First Student.




Jazz Vespers 

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Featuring the  

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West Newsmagazine staff photo.

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Sunday, December 5th, 6:00 p.m. 

Agostino’s Restaurant & Bar is among businesses relocating to accommodate construction of a levee wall in Chesterfield.

Kirkwood Baptist Church 211 North Woodlawn Ave., Kirkwood, MO For more information: 314-650-9320 www.kirkwoodbaptist.org


Businesses to relocate due to new levee

By SARAH WILSON Plans for a new levee wall along Long Road in Chesterfield are prompting some businesses to relocate. “The area is subject to flooding from Bonhomme Creek, and this will improve flood protection for all of Chesterfield Valley,” David Human, a counsel for the Monarch-Chesterfield Levee District, said. “There is a closure gate along Long Road that has to be manually closed at the event of high water to Bonhomme Creek. If we have a major rain event starting tonight, it could require closure of that gate as early as tomorrow morning and if people don’t get to it, you could have water coming into the Valley, which is the very thing that happened in September of 2008. Another person and myself wound up closing it manually back then. This project will eliminate the need for that manual closure.” Human said the Chesterfield Levee District was very upfront and informed businesses that there were going to be some inconveniences during construction, such as noise and loss of parking. Several of the businesses already have vacated, and the others have until January. The businesses are receiving relocation assistance to help find alternative locations. Tom Shaw Realtors and Agostino’s Restaurant & Bar are among the businesses that will relocate, but to where remains

unknown. Paul Gabriele, owner of Agostino’s, said they are looking for a new spot but have not decided on a set location yet. “We hope to have something in the next few weeks,” Gabriele said. “We signed a lease here in August of ’08 hoping to exercise our lease option for the next 25 years. Our dilemma is to find another location to operate our establishment. Although we have received a small settlement, we will incur a great deal of expense to relocate and start up at this time.” Human said the buyout was voluntary and that no stimulus money was used in the acquisition of the property. “All owners had to agree to it, and they did it voluntarily,” Human said. “We gave them an option and said we could go with another alternative and buy them out at basically the same overall project costs and leave them in. But this was their decision.” Chesterfield Director of Planning and Public Works Mike Giesel said the existing pavement off Long Road, from Chesterfield Airport Road to the railroad tracks north of the Walnut Grove development, will be widened to accommodate five lanes with shoulders, with the entire pavement overlaid. Construction for the levee project is expected to get underway in March and take up to 12 months to complete.

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West Newsmagazine staff photo. One of two ponds in the Chesterfield Hill subdivision that will be rehabilitated using Neighborhood Improvement District funds.

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By MARCIA GUCKES The Chesterfield City Council at its Nov. 15 meeting established its first Neighborhood Improvement District. The Chesterfield Hill subdivision, located between I-64 and Woods Mill Road and Schoettler Road, is the first neighborhood to get the designation. Setting up an improvement district means the city will be able to help the subdivision rehabilitate two retention ponds that have become filled with algae and duckweed. In 2008, the city cited the subdivision for obnoxious odors and mosquitoes coming from the ponds. Assistant City Administrator for Community Services and Economic Development Libbey Malberg-Tucker said establishing

the district allows the subdivision to use city credit or for the city to finance the subdivision improvements. In this case, the city will loan the subdivision about $170,000 to fix the ponds. The property owners will be assessed about $90 a year for 20 years to pay for the projects. St. Louis County will collect the money as part of its annual property tax assessment and then give the money to the city to pay off the loan to the subdivision. Malberg-Tucker said preliminary work is being done to establish more Neighborhood Improvement Districts. She said other projects range from fixing subdivision pools to adding curbs, gutters and sidewalks to streets and replacing septic systems with new sewers.

Mizzou student from Chesterfield in fair condition after dorm fall By SARAH WILSON in fair condition, according to a UniverUniversity of Missouri freshman and sity Hospital spokesperson. Chesterfield native Richard Mehan, 19, Mehan is a 2010 graduate of St. Louis was in critical condition after at around University High School (SLUH). 2 a.m. on Sat., Nov. 13 falling from the SLUH President David Laughlin said fifth floor of the Laws dormitory balcony he recently spoke to Mehan’s father, who in Columbia, Mo. said his son’s health was continuing to Missouri University Police Capt. Brian improve. Weimer said Mehan climbed a railing Laughlin described Mehan as a wonderoverlooking the fourth-floor commons ful young man and said he was involved area of the residence hall and was hanging in many school activities, including the on the railing when his hands slipped. school’s varsity lacrosse team. Weimer said Mehan was under the “Rich has a great sense of humor and influence of alcohol at the time of the had lot of good friends here,” Laughlin incident. said. “He is a very nice young man, and The student was taken to University we continue to keep his recovery in our Hospital, and at press time, he was listed prayers here at SLUH.”




“The Awakening” sculpture installed last year near Central Park is among Chesterfield’s $5 million sculpture collection.

Chesterfield wins Missouri’s Creative Community Award Presentation to be made in Jefferson City BY MARCIA GUCKES The Missouri Arts Council (MAC) has named the city of Chesterfield its Creative Community Award winner for 2011. “The award honors the community for putting effort into infusing the arts into its economic development,” MAC Arts Award Coordinator Virginia Sanders said. Stacey Morse, the executive director of Chesterfield Arts, nominated the city for the award. In the nomination she pointed out that although the flood of 1993 brought devastation to the city, it also created an opportunity for the community to rebuild. “It was at that time that the arts became a strong influence and factor in what we see as Chesterfield today,” Morse said. It was shortly after the flood, in 1995, that Chesterfield Arts was established as a non-profit agency to bring the arts to Chesterfield. The organization works closely with city leaders to make the arts a prominent feature and economic engine. Morse’s nomination lists a number of businesses as leaders in the effort. She named developer Louis Sachs of Sachs Properties for planning to build a city of art. “His sites and those of the city were set on quality and providing an environment which valued neighborhoods, businesses, parks, the arts and culture,” Morse said. Morse also named THF Realty and Bank Midwest as some of the first businesses to incorporate sculpture into their business properties. She said the city’s sculpture collection is now worth $5 million. Those sculptures help attract tourists to Chesterfield. Sanders said the installation of the “The Awakening” was a major event and one of

the things that put Chesterfield ahead of the competition. Morse cited “The Awakening,” a monumental sculpture by J. Seward Johnson installed last year adjacent to Chesterfield’s Central Park, and the studio and work of long-time Chesterfield resident and artist Don Wiegand, as examples of art that attract visitors to the region and bring international notoriety. Besides sculpture, Morse told the MAC award committee that city leaders are working to create a positive environment for the visual, performing and literary arts and for arts education. She told them about a number of local galleries, including Fine Art Ltd., a gallery and working foundry at 18350 Chesterfield Airport Road, which is the sole fine-art licensee for the U.S. Olympic Committee. She mentioned also Stages St. Louis and the Alexandra Ballet Company as two organizations that make their home in Chesterfield. Finally, Morse told the award committee that Chesterfield is looking toward the future with its Public Art Master Plan, the unveiling in the spring of 2011 of a community mural on the flood wall near the intersection of Baxter and Edison, and a new outdoor amphitheater that will seat 2,000 patrons. The MAC Creative Community award will be presented in a ceremony at 2 p.m. on Feb. 16 at the Capitol Rotunda in Jefferson City. Sanders said the governor and first lady are likely to be there as well as state legislators who will present the city a resolution and 12 street signs recognizing Chesterfield as Missouri’s 2011 Creative Community. Those signs likely will be installed near significant arts-related sites, Morse said.

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L i n d e n w o o d U n i v e r s i t y Ac c e l e r a t e d P r o g r a m s f o r Wo r k i n g Ad u l t s

Enhanced emergency communications to cover entire Wildwood area By SARAH WILSON Wildwood City Councilmembers at their Nov. 8 meeting approved an ordinance authorizing the installation of a countywide emergency communications system for the entire area. “This is significant for the city of Wildwood since there was only very limited coverage west of Route 109 previously,” Ryan Thomas, Wildwood director of public works, said. Thomas said currently, emergency towers cover only about half of the area. Additionally, the emergency communication towers will not only have siren capabilities for severe weather but will have a voice-messaging feature also to alert residents of any type of emergency or other situation. Messages can either be pre-recorded or sent out live. “Older towers just put off a siren noise when there’s a tornado warning,” Thomas said. “Now, the new towers will be equipped with features that St. Louis County will send out to broadcast mes-

Unlike older towers that sound only for tornadoes, new towers being installed in Wildwood will have a voice-messaging system to warn residents in any emergency situation.

sages to people to give specific warnings.” Wildwood Mayor Tim Woerther said that the Wildwood and Franklin County emergency systems could possibly overlap, meaning residents could hear both sirens, because the two cities are not necessarily synchronized. Thomas said some federal grant funding was provided to county officials for the project. St. Louis County is responsible for upkeep and maintenance of every tower. The manufacturer beginning this month is expected to deliver 10 sirens per week. Installation of the towers is expected be completed by April 2011. All existing towers will be replaced and possibly relocated as part of the program.

Wildwood house fire being investigated

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By SARAH WILSON A fire on the night of Sun., Nov. 7 that destroyed a house at 19202 Old Manchester Road in Wildwood is being investigated for suspicious activity. According to Metro-West Fire Protection District Assistant Chief Edward Beirne, the case has been turned over to the St. Louis County Bomb and Arson Unit. Beirne said the cause of the fire is “the thousand dollar question for everybody involved.” “We can’t determine it was accidental but can’t discount the fact that it looks suspicious in nature,” Beirne said shortly after the fire. According to Beirne, the next step to determining the cause of the fire would be to sift through the damage in attempt to find an area or point of origin. Once that is determined, he said, investigators will have “a better idea of what the actual cause was or wasn’t.” Beirne said that interviews with the homeowner, emergency personnel and any witnesses who saw or heard anything also would be helpful. The home was located in a rural setting where fire hydrants are not readily avail-

The home at 19292 Old Manchester Road was destroyed by fire on Nov. 7.

able, so water to douse the flames had be “drafted” in from other sources. Water was brought in from three different stations, including the Metro West Fire Station No. 5 in Wildwood. “It was a large house, which was in a very advanced stage when we first arrived,” Beirne said. “Couple that with it being on the top of the hill, and we definitely had ourselves a challenge.” There are no reports of injury as a result of the blaze.

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The Creve Coeur American Legion will be exempted from the smoking ban.

Creve Coeur passes smoking ban American Legion, Elks Club excluded

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By TED DIXON JR. The Creve Coeur City Council at its Nov. 8 meeting passed by a 5-0 vote a citywide ban on smoking in public places within the city, including any place of employment, public places such as casinos or nursing homes and any vehicle owned by the city. Also included in the bill is the law that no person can smoke on any sidewalk, driveway or other open area within 15 feet of the entry to any place of employment, public place or meeting. Creve Coeur Councilmember Beth Kistner (ward 3) said that private clubs such as The American Legion and Elks Club will be grandfathered, thus will not be impacted by the new regulations. Kistner, who sponsored the bill, said any private club opening after Jan. 2, 2011 would be subject to the ordinance. Kistner said she added the amendments reluctantly after listening to considerable “angst among some councilmembers and residents.” Members of the American Legion lobbied the council for leniency and were satisfied with the outcome. American Legion Manager Art Jordan said he was shocked by Kistner’s decision to grandfather his club, which serves veterans in the community. He said men and women in the armed forces fought in conflicts such as the Vietnam War for freedoms such as the right to smoke. He said it was imperative to protect veterans’ rights and their freedom to smoke at the Legion Post. Three high school seniors from Westminster Christian Academy came to the meeting armed with anti-smoking signs and cited statistics of smoking’s deadly impact. “Each day, 26 people die in Missouri due to tobacco,” one student said. “Our goal is to promote clean air.” The students said they have traveled to

Jefferson City to alert lawmakers there of tobacco’s harmful effects. Donald Young told the council he was a smoker for 34 years and as a youngster was exposed to his father’s secondhand smoke. His throat was ravaged by throat cancer and he was told some 18 years ago that he had just months left to live, he said. Young, who lost his vocal cords and communicates via a voice box, came in support of the bill and said he does not want children raised around smoke. Councilmember Tara Nealey (ward 2) said she read a report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that Missouri has the nation’s highest percentage of adult smoking. “It’s not the issue of personal choice,” Nealey said. “It’s the exposure of others that have limited choices.” Councilmember Jeanne Rhoades (ward 4) could not attend the meeting but sent a letter to be read aloud by City Clerk Deborah Ryan stating her preference would be for smoking bans to be included throughout St. Louis County, rather than “piecemeal restrictions by individual counties such as Creve Coeur.” “I believe this not only would help maintain a level playing field for small businesses owners (particularly bars and pubs) but it will also help avoid confusion among the public in understanding precisely where smoking is either banned or allowed,” Rhoades said in the letter. Rhoades did not support a ban on smoking in private clubs, emphasizing that club owners should maintain their own rights to maintain their own policies. Creve Coeur joins Brentwood, Clayton and Kirkwood as cities in St. Louis County that have their own smoking bans. The Creve Coeur ban will become effective on Jan. 2, 2011.

Oct. 27th ad version 1





Ballwin appoints new alderman By BESTY ZATKULAK The Ballwin Board of Aldermen on Nov. 8 held a special meeting, appointing Pat McDermott as alderman for the second ward. McDermott replaces Frank Schmer, who recently resigned from his post. In a written statement regarding his appointment, McDermott said: “As a lifelong resident of ward 2 in the city of Ballwin, I am proud to have the opportunity to serve the community in yet another way.” McDermott works for Metro West Fire Protection District as an engineer, firefighter and paramedic. He has worked with the St. Louis County Fair & Air Show and Rotary Club and for the past 10 years served as co-chair for the Ballwin Days festival. “Pat has always been a great public servant, and what better way to utilize his spirit than to serve the city as an alderman,” Mayor Tim Pogue said in a written statement. “After Frank’s resignation, I had conversations with him about a replacement and Frank had great things to say about Pat and thought he would do a terrific job in that role.” As alderman, McDermott hopes to bring to the board a different perspective. “Having worked in the public sector for many years, I believe my understanding of what it takes to be fiscally responsible will allow me to work together with the entire board as we challenge our city staff to continue to be responsible leaders,” McDermott said. An ardent advocate for “reasonable development,” McDermott said that while he strongly supports the Great Streets plan, he knows the road ahead may be long and tedious. “We must be reasonable in our approach to development in the next few years, or at least until the Great Streets plan has

been more refined,” he said. “Regardless of the outcome of Great Streets, the concepts and ideas can and should be put into place now. If we intend to influence positive change, we must Pat McDermott encourage collaboration among property owners as they consider redevelopment.” McDermott said that while an alderman represents a specific ward, it is important to understand the board represents the entire city, and when making any decision, its mission should be to do whatever is best for the entire city of Ballwin. “In fact, I believe we must work closely with the neighboring communities to assure we move in a direction that is best for everyone,” he said. The greatest challenge the board faces, McDermott said, is the economy and the city budget. He mentioned funding programs with limited sales tax revenue when the city of Ballwin does not collect any real estate tax or personal property tax and what additional cuts the city can sever without affecting service levels. McDermott indicated that he has confidence in the board. “I see a strong desire to work together to make decisions that ensure a productive and meaningful future for our city,” McDermott said. “We may not always agree on issues; however, each board member brings a unique perspective to the table – an aspect that is important in making the right decisions.” McDermott will hold the position until the next general election, which will be held in April 2011.

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Historic district proposed By BRIAN MCDOWELL Esley Hamilton, preservation historian for the St. Louis County Department of Parks and Recreation, at the Nov. 15 Manchester Board of Aldermen meeting urged city officials to consider the creation of a historic district. Manchester already has some homes listed on the National Register of Historic Places, a designation that makes properties eligible for state and national tax credits. A 20-percent tax credit is given to any owner of a property deemed to be of historic value, as long as the owner spends adequate money on rehabilitation of the building. Hamilton said owners of properties des-

ignated on the register are responsible only for the rehabilitation – not for completely accurate restoration – of buildings designated as historic. Property owners do not need to restore every room of a designated building but must keep the building in use, preserve its original appearance and, whenever possible, preserve materials used in the building’s construction, he said. According to Hamilton, a historic district in Manchester would not have to be contiguous, and such a designation would not require property owners to do any work to their buildings unless they applied for government tax credits and wanted to invest in the rehabilitation of the buildings.

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Revenues Property taxes Other local sources Intermediate sources State sources Federal sources Other sources Total revenues Expenditures Instruction Elementary Middle High TAG/title/special Early childhood special education Student act/athl/act/spons act Other instruction Total instruction Support services Attendance Guidance Health, psych, speech and audio Improvement of instruction Professional development Media services (library) Board of Education services Executive administration Building level administration Business central services Operation of plant Security services Pupil transportation Food services Central office support services Adult education Community services Capital outlay Capital outlay Debt service Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total support services Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses) Transfers Bond issuance Refunding bonds issued Payment to refunded bond escrow agent Premium on issuance of bonds Total other financing sources (uses) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE

Fund balance at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year

Teachers' Fund

Debt Service Fund

45,742,537 30,039,903 954,029 4,985,190 7,197,346 679,002 89,598,007

$ 63,640,541 30,032,970 1,607,947 24,409,310 4,910,094 124,600,862

$ 23,329,284 2,424,385 483,288 26,236,957

$ 4,803,169 1,327,398 72,735 64,757 122,044 36,216 6,426,319

$ 137,515,531 63,824,656 3,117,999 29,459,257 12,229,484 715,218 246,862,145

2,220,771 1,814,216 2,688,512 684,619 2,509,492 6,076,770 125,948 16,120,328

39,032,128 22,178,660 32,933,958 6,859,788 3,131,894 2,420,281 467,306 107,024,015


454,665 192,604 355,656 300,970 9,180 168,295 1,481,370

41,707,564 24,185,480 35,978,126 7,845,377 5,650,566 8,665,346 593,254 124,625,713

1,442,394 693,343 2,082,557 4,294,926 276,787 1,989,294 560,785 1,481,094 5,013,095 2,047,116 22,474,003 649,917 10,390,547 7,099,161 2,738,878 348,143 8,650,491

37,080 5,458,546 340,897 3,307,742 101,528 3,517,270 2,257,386 8,985,440 438 141,501 35,712


6,066 23,626 1,396,497 192,593 5,431 31,528 27,971 298,402 419,299 96,253 2,768 266,439

1,485,540 6,151,889 2,447,080 8,999,165 378,315 5,699,157 566,216 3,770,008 13,998,535 2,075,087 22,772,405 650,355 10,390,547 7,518,460 2,976,632 350,911 8,952,642






72,232,531 88,352,859

24,183,540 131,207,555

19,370,000 8,471,578 27,841,578 27,841,578

784,206 445,244 40,939,080 42,420,450

20,154,206 8,916,822 165,196,729 289,822,442






(6,606,693) 10,732,278 $ 4,125,585

24,465,000 1,980,761 26,445,761 24,841,140 25,258,210 $ 50,099,350

771,487 33,905,000 34,676,487 (1,317,644) 43,584,807 $ 42,267,163

33,905,000 24,465,000 1,980,761 60,350,761 17,390,464 125,239,638 $ 142,630,102

General Fund $


Total Governmental Funds 2010

Capital Projects Fund

(771,487) (771,487) 473,661 45,664,343 46,138,004

SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 2009-2010 Tax Rate Bonded indebtedness Capital lease obligations Energy Loans & Lease Obligations


$ $ $


228,680,000 660,000 2,078,848

Stephen Banton

Stephen Banton, President, Board of Education

Kathy Chitwood

Kathy Chitwood, Secretary, Board of Education

The above schedule represents a summary of revenues, expenditures and fund balances by major classification of each fund and all funds of the Rockwood R-VI School District as required by Missouri School Law Chapter 165 - 121(1). The schedule was prepared based upon the District's audit report prepared by Kerber, Eck & Braeckel LLP, and accepted by the Board on November 10, 2010. The complete audit report is available for inspection and examination at Rockwood R-VI School District Administration Center, 111 East North Street, Eureka, Missouri 63025-1229 and on Rockwood School District's website (http://www.rockwood.k12.mo.us/finance/Comprehensive%20Annual%20Financial%20Report/2010%20Report.pdf). The scope of the audit included examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the basic financial statements. The audit also included assessing the principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.

West Newsmagazine staff photo. The McDonald’s in Ellisville will move across the street, to the northwest corner of Manchester and Clarkson.

Ellisville approves McDonald’s move By TED DIXON, JR. The Ellisville City Council on Nov. 17 gave the official go-ahead for the McDonald’s fast food restaurant located at the southwest portion of Manchester and Clarkson Roads to move across the street to 15901 Manchester Road, which essentially is the northwest corner of that intersection. Speaking before the council on behalf of McDonald’s, Bob Polk, an engineer with Farnsworth Group, Inc., mentioned several benefits the new move would bring. He said the McDonald’s will replace the abandoned Shell gas station that sits on the site with a new and stable asset to the city, improve traffic safety and assist the city with its development plan at the Manchester/Clarkson intersection. Polk said the restaurant will contain a double-order station that converts into a drive-through pickup lane. “It improves (the restaurant’s) efficiency greatly and speeds up the transaction,” Polk said. Polk said the plan calls for 40 parking spaces on the site and several pedestrian features, including a sidewalk along the west side of the drive-through lane that would make it easier for customers to get to the parking lot. There will be pedestrian access on the north side of the facility also, Polk said. Regarding traffic safety, Polk said that currently, there are three entrances to the existing facility, two of which will be closed; the Manchester entrance will

remain open. There is one more obstacle to overcome in order for the project to take off. In the original proposal, the applicants asked for the use of one of two existing curb cuts onto Clarkson Road and the elimination of the other existing curb cut. However, the curb cut proposed for use by McDonald’s is less than 32 feet away from a curb cut serving a parcel of a property known as Ellis Ave. According to the ordinance that was passed, Ellis Ave. is used by the public as a means of ingress and egress to and from a nearby shopping center. Ellisville city staff and Missouri Department of Transportation officials said that the elimination of both Clarkson Road curb cuts and requiring access to the site of the new McDonald’s through Ellis would reduce the risk of accidents, traffic congestion and pollution. Ellis Ave. was platted as a privately owned parcel and as such never has been dedicated to, nor accepted by, the city of Ellisville as a public street, and its owner is no longer known. For that reason, the city passed a separate ordinance authorizing condemnation, which in this instance means the legal seizure of Ellis Ave. by governmental authority for public use. City leaders indicated that action would allow the council to approve the new McDonald’s project and allow the city to maintain the public’s access to the property and to resolve both the ownership and the future maintenance and repair of Ellis Ave.



Tea Party coloring book delights and enrages By BRIAN MCDOWELL from family and professional events. Local businessman Wayne Bell is at the A Los Angeles Times writer called the center of a storm of controversy because of book “kiddie propaganda,” left-wing bloghis attempt to find a novel way to explain gers featured altered images of the book’s the Tea Party movement to children. cover imprinted with a Nazi flag, and Bell, who for more than 20 years has been in the publishing business, found himself with many extra sheets of paper, which his grandmother suggested he use to make coloring books. In 1988, he started Really Big Coloring Books, a local company that has produced coloring books on topics ranging from the ABCs and agriculture to Bible stories and dinosaurs. In November 2008, Bell published “Yes We Did,” a book about President Barack Obama and the importance of the presidency. Many schools and individuals ordered it, and the book was generally well received. Noticing on his Web site that people were searching for conservative alternatives to the book, Bell produced a Tea Party coloring book containing modified material from the Obama book, including The owner of the local company that published “The Tea material about sites in Washing- Party Coloring Book for Kids” said he received hundreds ton, D.C., and other American of pages of hate mail. landmarks, and explanations of tax policy, the importance of having a moral compass, the history of the Boston Tea Party and the principles of limited government. Rachel Maddow and Steven Colbert made “I made sure that it didn’t mention Dem- fun of it on TV, Bell said. ocrats or Republicans,” Bell said. “It just seems like the tolerance level of Initial reaction to the book was positive. one group in this country is much greater “A lot of people thought it was the than the tolerance level of another group,” greatest thing they’d ever seen, because it he said. “It was amazing to me that people allowed these parents and grandparents to would have such a reaction to a 32-page, share American values with children,” Bell spiral-bound coloring book. People have said. their own agendas and their own turf But once the mainstream media gave it to protect, but most of them that called attention, Bell began hearing from people haven’t actually seen the book.” who disapproved of teaching kids about the Bell described his political beliefs as Tea Party. Bell said his company received centrist-socially liberal, but fiscally conhundreds of calls and heaps of hate mail servative. He said reaction to the Tea Party from individuals and liberal organizations book caused him to “take more notice of enraged by the book. He called the reaction media operations and how they operate.” “guttural, vindictive and personal.” Bell said the book helped him financially; “They were trying to do damage to the his company hired eight people to keep up company,” Bell said. “I guess people just with demands of answering phones and hate the Tea Party and what it stands for.” selling the book. According to Bell, many of the com“I’ve always had a theory that jobs were plaints contained a variation of the ques- created by risk, energy, time and cooption, “At what age is it appropriate to teach eration, and that was certainly true in our children to hate?” case,” he said. “The book was financially Bell said his employees had their lives successful. I wish we could duplicate it threatened and found themselves uninvited every month.”


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Bu llet i n Boa rd

space, a video production room for students to produce the school announcements, and a star dome. The original library was converted into science labs.

Top financial grades

Running toward a milestone

Both Parkway and Rockwood schools have received the highest financial marks from an outside auditor. Both boards on Nov. 10 at their regular meetings accepted and approved the audit results for 20092010. The school districts’ financial records undergo a comprehensive review every year. The auditors gave both districts an unqualified opinion on their financial statements. An unqualified opinion is the best result an auditor can give to a district.

More than 200 students, staff and community members on Sat., Nov. 6 celebrated the 10th anniversary of Wildwood Middle School with a run on Route 66. In addition to a 5K run, there was a 1K Kids Fun Run for children 12 and younger. The overall winner of the race was Zach Long, who finished in less than 18 minutes. “It was wonderful to connect with one another outside of the school event,” Wildwood Middle Assistant Principal Karen Hedrick said. “Wildwood Middle family members were met with cheers as they crossed the finish line and joined the ranks of supporters cheering on the next round of finishers.”

Parkway School Board filing to open The Parkway School Board announced that filing for three seats begins at 8 a.m. on Tues., Dec. 14 and ends at 5 p.m. on Tues., Jan. 18, 2011 at the administrative building located at 455 North Woods Mill Road. Terms are expiring for Board President Bruce Major, Vice President Chris Jacob, and Director Dee Mogerman. The election is set for April 5, 2011.

Smashing out drugs Crestview Middle School students on Oct. 26 showed their support for drug-free lifestyles by swinging sledgehammers at a

From left: Kelvin Westbrook, Valerie Bell, Angela Jones-Cuevas, and Daniel Cuevas.

Crestview Middle School student Smrithi Mani showed her support for healthy choices by smashing out drugs.

donated vehicle. The “Smash Out Drugs” event is designed to bring the school together and create awareness of the dangers of drugs and alcohol. “It’s important for students to understand that there are alternatives to drugs,” St. Louis County Police Officer Jacob Diener said. “This event is one way to encourage students to make healthy choices.”

‘Leadership in a Changing World’ Former Chesterfield Day School Board President Kevin Westbrook and his wife, Valerie Bell, on Oct. 28 took the stage at the school’s “Leadership in a Changing World.” The couple discussed their family’s legacy of success, made possible by a strong foundation of honest conversation, modeled behaviors and understanding.

The leadership dinner was the first in a series hosted by Chesterfield Day School’s Dr. Daniel Cuevas and his wife, Dr. Angela Jones Cuevas.

New library More than 100 students, staff, parents and community members on Oct. 26 celebrated the opening of a new library at Selvidge Middle School. The new addition replaces the school’s original library, which was built in 1968. “The new library is a welcoming place where students actually like to spend time reading,” Jim Miller, Selvidge school librarian, said. “Circulation has gone through the roof because students are excited to utilize this resource.” Features of the new addition include two SMART Board classrooms, wireless capabilities for 30 computers, increased shelf

Treats for troops First-grade students at Gateway Academy brought in some of their trick-or-treat candy to organize a candy drive for soldiers overseas. The entire student body was encouraged to contribute to the effort. At the end of the week, the candy was boxed and mailed to West Virginia, to Boatsie’s Boxes, which will assemble the MetLife Bank

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Shining star Becky Spease, thirdgrade teacher at Green Pines Elementary in the Rockwood School District, received the St. Louis Science Center’s Shining Star Award, which recognizes “individual educators who touch lives in a very special way.” One parent nominee wrote that Spease “should be recognized for her continued commitment to excellence in our schools.” Pictured is Becky Spease with her third-grade class. candy and ship it overseas.

Rossman board addition The Rossman School Board of Trustees recently announced the election of Steven A. Busch, president of Krey Distributing Company, to a four-year term on the board.

Thespian generosity Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School recently donated more than 3,000 pounds of food to area food pantries. Villa Duch-

esne’s Thespian Society collected the food as part of the annual TOTS-EAT (Trickor-Treat-So-Kids-Can-Eat) campaign, sponsored by the International Thespian Society.

New partnership Faith Community Christian High School and Southwest Christian Church celebrated their new partnership in October with a groundbreaking ceremony at Southwest Christian Church.

I schoolS I 25

Survey propels Parkway superintendent search forward By MARCIA GUCKES The Parkway School Board at its Nov. 10 meeting learned that its list of committees that will interview three finalists for superintendent is being finalized. Interviews are planned for midDecember. The board and its committees will be basing their interviews on comments gathered from various members of the Parkway community via surveys and focus groups. The board recently released results from its online survey, which not only includes traits to be considered in a superintendent but also current concerns about the school district. Parents were the largest group of respondents, making up about 61 percent of the 1,644 who took the survey. Other respondents included teachers, support staff, students, administrators, and community/business members. Those taking the survey said the top three things to look for in a superintendent are a strong vision that inspires, excellent communication skills, and

accountability. Survey respondents said also that the most important things on which the new superintendent should focus are student achievement, financial planning and accountability, technology integration for student learning, and program evaluation. The demands of No Child Left Behind, the achievement gap between different groups, and old and aging facilities were marked as the top three greatest challenges for the school district and its new superintendent. The survey respondents noted the greatest strengths of the school district, with quality teachers, high levels of student success, and financial stability taking the top three spots. The Parkway School Board plans to select its new superintendent by January and anticipates that he or she will begin work on July 1, 2011. The new superintendent will replace Robert Malito, who retired in June; Don Senti is serving as interim superintendent.


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Eleven-year-old Abigail Schlegl, of Wildwood, sells T-shirts and original music on CreationsByAbby.com. Half of the proceeds go to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital.

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Wildwood tween named international role model BY MARCIA GUCKES Discovery Girls magazine has named 11-year-old Abigail Schlegl, of Wildwood, as one of its 12 role model award winners. Several thousand girls from the U.S. and Canada entered the contest, and Schlegl, who is in the sixth grade at St. John Lutheran School in Ellisville, stood out. “Abigail really embodied all of the traits we were looking for,” Discovery Girls magazine spokesperson Tatiana Guertin said. “The answers in her questionnaire showed that she was not only confident but understood that when facing difficult situations, the key is to always stay true to yourself.” Schlegl has had to deal with a number of difficult situations. She wore leg braces from first through third grades for tight tendons that caused her to walk on her tiptoes. “Kids would make fun of her because she would run different because of those leg braces,” Stacey Lynn Schlegl, Abigail’s mother, said. After getting rid of the leg braces, Schlegl was bucked off a horse, fractured her back and had to wear a back brace for several months. “I still was happy. I never really got sad about that,” Schlegl said. “At recess, me and my friends would just do crafts because I couldn’t do running and jumping and playing kickball like some people do.” Those experiences led to one of the things that made her a winner in Discovery Girls’ role model contest: a Web site to raise money for Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. “I’ve been to the orthopedist and the doctor and it’s not that fun. I want to help other kids get out of there faster so they wouldn’t have to be there that long either,”

Schlegl said. On CreationsByAbby.com, Schlegl sells T-shirts illustrated with her art, and her original music. Half of proceeds go to the hospital. Recently, she was able to make her first contribution of $50. Schlegl also plays volleyball on a select team and basketball in two leagues; she has earned her second-degree black belt in tae kwon do, was in Rockwood’s gifted program at the Center for Creative Learning and is in a choir at her church. The role model contest required Schlegl to write essays, produce videos and blog on Discovery Girls’ Web site. In her essays and blog, she offered advice about facing bullies, keeping a positive attitude and developing an overhand volleyball serve. “It was important to us that the girls we picked showed self-confidence, perseverance, leadership and resiliency every day,” Guertin said. “We weren’t looking for the perfect girl; we were really looking for girls that could be real role models for their peers, girls who were passionate about achieving their dreams and really making the world a better place by inspiring others with their own confidence.” On Dec. 4, for the first time in her life Schlegl will board a plane and fly to San Francisco for a two-day photo shoot with other winners. A publication date for the issue featuring Schlegl has not yet been determined. Discovery Girls, by and about tween girls, is published bi-monthly and has 1 million readers. What does a young role model do when she grows up? Schlegl thinks she would like to become a robotics engineer or a country singer – or maybe both.



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High school boys’ soccer A 17-year drought came to end when the Parkway South boys’ soccer team won the Class 3, District 2 championship. Patriots Coach Al Trost said it was a tough district that was hosted by Lafayette. “All of the teams in the district knew that any of the six teams could win the district,” Trost said. “I think we were fortunate that we didn’t have to play Lafayette because I think it is always difficult to come back and play a team that you defeated earlier. Based on our previous results, I thought that we would have a chance at the No. 1or 2 seed, but I was still shocked when we got the No. 1 seed.” The Patriots played like the top seed. Parkway South defeated No. 5-seed Eureka 1-0 in the semifinals. Chris Roth scored from Nick Jones in the first half for the Patriots’ only goal. Austin Guffey saved five shots to earn the win. Eureka finished 18-6. That victory set up a match with No. 3-seed Marquette for the district title. The Patriots scored a 4-2 victory over the Explorers, who wound up 11-9-1. Sophomore forward Nick Jones scored Parkway South’s first three goals. Tim Victor scored the other goal. Guffey recorded eight saves. Sayed Haider and Conor Leach scored for Marquette. It was an exciting victory for the Patriots and their fans. “We had a tremendous fan turnout at Lafayette for the final,” Trost said. “It was great to see all the students come out of the stands and rush the players at the final whistle.” • • • Defending Class 3 state champion CBC and Class 1 state champion Whitfield each won their districts. Kennedy also won its district. CBC Coach Terry Michler pointed out

that every game in the Class 3, District 3 field was decided by one goal and that three of the four games were 1-0. As the defending state champs, the Cadets have been a marked team all season. “My expectations have been to do well this year – that has not changed,” Michler said. “We have been inconsistent, but we seem to play well in the big games. There has been a bulls-eye on us and we have not dealt very well with it.” In the semifinal, the Cadets got by Pattonville 1-0. Carson Leach scored CBC’s goal. Michler acknowledged he was not pleased with the play of his squad in the game. “We were very careless, fortunate to have won,” Michler said. “Pattonville played very inspired.” CBC played its archrival DeSmet for district title and won 1-0 in 2 overtimes. The lone goal came through Leach, who ran onto a chipped ball from A.J. Cochran. • • • Whitfield did not allow a goal in winning both of its games in the Class 1, District 4 event. Coach Bill Daues said the field was a good and his Warriors earned the crown. “I feel that there were three teams that could have won the district championship and we were fortunate enough to be the one that came out of the group,” Daues said. In the title game, Whitfield met John Burroughs and won 2-0. Nick Tobias and Nick Doherty scored for the Warriors. Joe Esrock picked up the win in goal. Kennedy won its second consecutive district championship and seventh in school history. Coach Tom Rapp said the Class 1, District 5 field was “easier than many, but tougher than I thought when they released the districts. The Fulton School at St. Albans is not a bad team at all. They have some very good players.” Kennedy got by The Fulton School at St. Albans 6-2 in the semifinals. The Celts faced Barat Academy for the title and won 4-0. Danny McCune scored

The Parkway South soccer team celebrates the Class 3, District 2 championship.

twice, including the game winner. Joey Culver also scored twice and had an assist. Jorge Ramos had two assists and Alex Postal had an assist. Nick Luedecke got the shutout.

High school boys’ swimming Lafayette 27 out of the last 28 years won the Suburban West/South Conference meet at Lindbergh. This year, Lafayette took first with 499 points. Marquette was second with 431. Other results were: Lindbergh 347, Parkway West 290, Kirkwood 264, Oakville 119, Clayton 87, and Mehlville 66. Junior Lucas Bruder took first in the 100 breast in 1 minute, 3.24 seconds and took second in the 50 free as well as being a member of the winning 200 medley relay and the record setting 400 free relay. The 400 relay time was 3:17.12. Freshman Patrick Vega won the 200 free in 1:42.83, which was a pool record and junior national spring cut. Vega also won the 500 free in 4:42.17. He also was on the 200 medley relay and the record setting 400 free relay. The other members of the record-setting 400 free relay were junior Alec Morgan and sophomore Jon Glaser. The other members of the 200 medley relay winning team were senior Alex Vavra and Morgan.

Senior Colman Siwsher won first place in diving with 384.80 points. Other winners were Marquette’s Kevin Poskin in the 200 IM in 1:58.36 and the 100 breast in 55.90 seconds. Parkway West’s Luke Schlueter won the 100 fly in 52.81. Parkway Central won the other half of the Suburban West/South Conference meet that was held at Summit. The Colts compiled 516.5 points to just get past Parkway South’s second-place total of 512 points. The other results were Eureka 271.5, Ladue 250, Summit 190, Parkway North 189, Webster Groves 107, and University City 66. Parkway Central captured the 200 free relay in 1:31.63. Members of the relay team were David Cruz, Zach Biggs, Drew Larkins, and Logan Emery. The Colts also had senior Todd Kane win the diving with 339.80 points. Sophomore Nick Orf took the 100 fly in 53.96. Larkins, a junior, won the 100 breast in 1:026.26. Other winners were the 200 medley relay team of Parkway South in 1:40.18. The Patriots’ Sean Fefer won the 200 in 1:45.45. Senior Andrew Kilkenny of Parkway South captured the 200 IM in 1:56.17 and the 500 free 4:46.09. The Patriots also won the 400 free relay in 3:16.61. Eureka’s Chris Ercoli captured the 100 back in 55.72 seconds.



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Time out with TJ Oshie By BRIAN MCDOWELL St. Louis Blues center TJ Oshie does not think too much about the past or the future. “I live in the moment, day to day. I don’t even know what I’m having for dinner tonight, much less what’s going to happen years down the line,” Oshie said on Nov. 1 in an interview with West Newsmagazine. “I just hope things are going to go well.” Oshie made those comments moments after stepping off the Blues’ practice rink at St. Louis Mills mall, nine days before suffering a broken ankle in his team’s loss to Columbus and landing indefinitely on injured reserve. As is typical of Oshie, he was the first player onto the ice and the last one to leave. That single-handed devotion to the sport and the legendary work ethic it has helped inspire has made the long-haired, baby-faced 24-year-old one of the most important – and certainly the most popular – player on St. Louis’ NHL team. When asked what Oshie contributed to the team, second-year Blues’ Coach Davis Payne replied, “He contributes just about everything to this team.” Davis cited a list of Oshie’s contributions to the Blues that included playmaking, assuming all skill roles, penalty killing, physical play and an unstoppable tenacity. Payne said he is not surprised by the fact that Oshie has won the affection of local fans. “People appreciate someone that always puts in a hard day’s work,” Payne said. Oshie said he came by his work ethic honestly, through having his father as an early coach. “I guess he had high expectations for me,” Oshie said of his dad. “And then, as I moved around and moved up, I had coaches that inspired me to be intense.” Unlike most professional hockey players, Oshie was born in the U.S., just north of Seattle. His family moved to Minnesota just before he entered high school in hopes that he would have higher competition and greater visibility. “My career really jumped off then,” Oshie said. “I went from skating a couple of times a week to … I know one winter there, I only took three days off. That kind of competition and that ice time really helped my skating and my skills.” Oshie’s versatility as a player helped him as he moved up through the professional hockey ranks. “I’m well rounded. That’s my strength. I can play both sides of the puck,” Oshie said. He played at the University of North Dakota for three years and in 2008 joined the Blues. During his time with the team,

Photo by Mark Buckner/St. Louis Blues

30 I sports I

Oshie has scored almost 100 career points and has proven to be one of the team’s strongest defensive assets. He indicated he had no idea what to expect from St. Louis, but, upon living here, has really learned to love it. “It’s a great place to play, and being here and spending time with all of these guys is fun,” Oshie said. Before being injured, Oshie was planning to use this year to increase his speed on the ice. “The faster I can skate, the harder it is for people to defend against me,” Oshie said. “That is always an area I feel like I could get better at.” He joked that the worst part of playing hockey is that it is a job in which he regularly gets hit by a puck flying at over 100 miles per hour. Otherwise, Oshie said he loves playing hockey for a living. “I’m having fun,” Oshie said. “I go to the rink every day with a smile on my face. Plenty of people hate their jobs or whatever, but I never have to worry about that. It’s fun to hang out with these guys and it’s fun to win.” As for his local celebrity status, Oshie said it has “its ups and downs.” “I have to watch myself a little more than most people, but it’s awesome to be recognized at the gas station and stuff like that,” he said. “People are always telling me, ‘Good game’ or being nice to me. It’s funny that I obviously wanted this ever since I was a kid, but I really don’t notice it too much.”



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I sportS I 33

Chaminade’s Bradley Beal signs to play basketball at the University of Florida.

Area college signings abound By WARREN MAYES Area athletes recently signed letters of intent for basketball, baseball, volleyball, swimming, tennis, lacrosse, gymnastics and Parkway West athletes signing letters of intent were (from left) Larry Toomey, Kim Birenbaum, Mary Beth others. Football signings are in Howard and Carter Smith. February. True to his word, Chaminade senior Bradley Beal officially signed his Here are other area college signings: letter to play basketball at the University CBC: David Schmidt, baseball, Stanof Florida. ford; Derek Cornell, baseball, University Beal, a 6-foot-3, 180-pound shooting of Central Missouri; Nick Winston, golf, guard, is rated the No. 2 player at his posi- Rockhurst; Tanner Bulejski, golf Rocktion and No. 7 player overall in the 2011 hurst. recruiting class, according to ESPN.com, DeSmet: Kyle Bouman, baseball, Wichita Scout.com and Rivals.com. State; Sean Bauer, gymnastics, Minnesota; “I’m very happy to be able to get the and Alex Glogoza, swimming, Missouri. signing over with because there were a Incarnate Word Academy: Emily Keaton, lot of rumors every day saying I was de- volleyball, Tennessee-Martin; Brianna committing,” Beal said. “So, being able to Puni, basketball, Illinois State; and Britsign early really releases the burden off my tany Carter, basketball, Ball State. back. Lafayette: Chelsea Coleman, tennis, “I decided on Florida last year Nov. 30 William Jewell; Abby Moser, volleyball, before the start of my (junior) season. I Truman State University; Jake Busiek, always stayed positive with them and kept baseball, University of Missouri; Shannon in contact with Coach and I just knew it Knobloch, field hockey, Saint Louis Uniwas the place for me. I want to thank God, versity; Taylor Paskoff, swimming, Towson because without Him, I know none of this University; Jordan Woolums, soccer, Indiwould be possible.” ana University. Also making big signing news was St. Marquette: Morgan Beil, volleyball, Joseph’s Academy, where five volleyball Valparaiso University; Kelsey Sidney, players from this year’s state champion- volleyball, University of North Carolinaship team signed letters, including three to Greensboro. Division I schools. Parkway South: Kyle Weldon, golf, Signing were: Helen Boyle, Louisi- Kansas State. ana State University; Taylor Masterson, Parkway West: Mary Beth Howard, University of Alabama; Krista Menghini, swimming, University of Illinois; Larry Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; Toomey, basketball, Army; Kim BirenEmily Jaeger, Missouri University Science baum, tennis, Truman State University; & Technology; and Cat McGrath, Emory Carter Smith, baseball, University of TenUniversity. nessee at Martin. Coach Karen Davis said she has had five St. Joseph’s Academy: Amanda Ames, girls from one team sign before. rowing, University of Tulsa; Meredith “All of the girls will be assets as players Wilson, softball, Southern Illinois Uniand people,” Davis said. “I am confident versity-Carbondale; Amanda Hoffmeyer, the players will make an easy transition. lacrosse, Fort Lewis College. College-level ball is much tougher, the Westminster: Jordan Weaver, equestrian, players are bigger, stronger, and the game Baylor University. is faster, but the St. Joe girls will adjust Whitfield: Kelly Ashmore, volleyball, well.” Providence College.

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St. Joe wins eighth state volleyball championship By WARREN MAYES The St. Joseph’s Academy Angels began the season dubbed the No. 1 preseason team in the nation by prepvolleyball.com. That is a lofty perch, but it did not bother the Angels. They stumbled a couple of times during the season playing top flight competition. Their first loss came to the Web site’s No. 2-ranked team, Assumption (Ky.), in the championship match of the Louisville Invitational. But the Angels always got up, dusted themselves off and kept playing. In the end, St. Joseph’s went on to win the Class 4 girls volleyball championship at Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City. The Angels defeated Lee’s Summit West 25-19, 31-29 to earn the eighth state title for the school. Earlier this season, the Angles defeated Lee’s Summit West 18-25, 25-20, 25-15. St. Joseph’s finished with a 31-7-2 record. “It felt absolutely awesome,” St. Joseph’s Coach Karen Davis said about winning state again. She took the preseason rankings and hype that went with it. However, Davis believed in the long run, it helped her girls. “Expectations were high, which is why the (state) title is so sweet,” said Davis, whose squad finished fourth in state a year ago. In the first day of play at state, the competition is round robin with the schools all playing each other. The two teams with the best record then play for the championship. St. Joseph’s split with Lee’s Summit West 25-22,16-25, and dispatched defending state champion Ozark 25-20, 25-19. Then came a match against archrival Incarnate Word Academy, the team that defeated the Angels in the third-place game at state last year. The Angels needed a split

in the match to advance to the championship game. St. Joseph’s got what it needed by winning the first game 25-19. The Red Knights won the second game 25-22, but St. Joseph’s moved on to the title tilt. “Everyone was relieved to get into the title match,” Davis said. “After we defeated Incarnate Word Academy in the first game, it was nice to be able to play everyone on the team in the second game.” With a split on Friday against Lee’s Summit West, the Angels knew it would be a tough test for the title. After winning the first game, the teams put on a donnybrook in the second game. “It was a hard fought second game by both teams,” Davis said. “I am very proud of our team’s mental toughness.” In the second game, there were nine lead changes and 15 ties. St. Joseph’s had four match-point opportunities and finally took advantage of the fifth chance. Davis recalled the winning point. “Taylor Masterson and Alyssa Jensen blocked for the final point,” Davis said. “The team and coaching staff went crazy.” It was a team effort to win the championship, Davis said. “Everyone played their roles well. Helen Boyle, Taylor Masterson, Alyssa Jensen and Cat McGrath have been named to the allstate team,” Davis said. Naturally, Davis is proud of the girls. “This is the best all-around team I have coached,” Davis said. “I am very proud of the team. Not only are they very good volleyball players, they are excellent players. We will miss our seniors.” Six seniors will be lost to gradation, but five starters will return as well as three players who enjoyed “considerable” playing time this season, Davis said. “We should be pretty darn good next season,” Davis said.





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This office is a General Dentistry Practice. Cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening are specialty areas not recognized by the ADA that require no specific educational training to advertise these services. The following dentists in this practice are not licensed in Missouri as specialists in the advertised dental specialties of Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Periodontics, or This office is a General Dentistry Practice. Cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening are specialty areas not recognized by the ADA that require no specific educational training to advertise these Orthodontics: Samson Liu, DDS, MAGD services. The following dentists in this practice are not licensed in Missouri as specialists inof thethe advertised dental specialties of Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, or A Proud Member Heartland Dental Care FamilyEndodontics, Periodontics, ADV9964 Orthodontics: Samson Liu, DDS, MAGD

A Proud Member of the Heartland Dental Care Family


By MEL PETERSON Summer has the blockbusters, but the holidays are truly the most wonderful time of the year. Saving the best for last means that between now and New Year’s Day, some of the year’s most anticipated films will flicker on the big screen. November 24 “Tangled” Mandy Moore is the fairy tale heroine Rapunzel, a young girl kept hidden away in a tower all her life, her royal heritage kept a secret as well. Flynn, the kingdom’s most wanted man voiced by Zachary Levi, finds the tower where he happens to find the girl with the long, golden hair as well. Ready to break out and live a little, Rapunzel sees Flynn as her way out. (PG) “Faster” Ex-con Driver, played by Dwayne Johnson, served 10 years in jail for a failed heist that left his brother dead. Now wanting answers about his brother’s murder, Driver has a list of people he’s after – but only if he can get to them before Billy Bob Thornton, a cop, and Oliver Jackson-Cohen, a hit man, get Driver first. (R) “Burlesque” Christina Aguilera plays Ali, a singer longing to make it in Los Angeles. She gets hired by Tess (Cher) to waitress at a failing lounge, but soon works her way up onto the stage. This restores life to the lounge, though not everything is certain as jealousy and bigger dreams come into play. (PG-13) December 17 “How Do You Know” The romantic comedy is about two strangers who meet on a blind date, even

From left: Rapunzel, Pascal, and Flynn, in “Tangled.” (Photo copyright Disney Enterprises)

though the timing is awful for both. The love triangle involves Reese Witherspoon, a professional softball player recently cut; her current boyfriend, Owen Wilson, a pitcher for the Nationals; and Paul Rudd, a businessman recently accused of whitecollar crime because of his father, Jack Nicholson, and poor bookkeeping. (Not yet rated).


NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM “Tron: Legacy” Jeff Bridges returns as Kevin Flynn alongside Garret Hedlund, who plays Flynn’s son, Sam. Sam finds his father after a 25-year absence when he, too, is sucked into the digital world of Tron, which his father created. Together, they try to escape from a cyberspace that has advanced beyond Flynn’s control. (Not yet rated)

2011 Spring Registration On Line Registration Begins December 3 thru February 28th


“Yogi Bear” It’s Yogi Bear’s big screen debut. Teaming up with Ranger Smith, Yogi and Boo Boo must stop the mayor from shutting down Jellystone Park and selling the land. Dan Aykroyd is Yogi, the picnic basketstealing bear, and Justin Timberlake plays Yogi’s pal Boo Boo. (PG)

December 22 “Little Fockers” For the third installment, the family is gathering for a birthday part as Greg and Pam Focker’s twins turn 5. Tight on money, Greg takes a side job for a drug company, only to raise suspicions of father-in-law, Jack. The mishaps begin, and Greg must prove he is capable of being man of the house. (Not yet rated) “Gulliver’s Travels” Loosely adapted from Swift’s classic novel, Jack Black is a mailroom clerk wanting a chance to show what he has. He is assigned to write a travel piece on the Bermuda Triangle, but he manages to wind up in Lilliput. The tiny people take a liking to the giant Black as he tries to make himself into the big shot he always wanted to be. (Not yet rated)


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Christina Aguilera stars in “Burlesque.” (Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures)

December 25 “True Grit” The Coen brothers take a stab at the John Wayne classic about a drunken U.S. marshal, played by Jeff Bridges, who is hired by a young girl wanting to find the man who killed her father. Both the girl and Texas Ranger Matt Damon against the marshal’s wishes join the search, and the worth of each is tested. (Not yet rated)

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nsecurity seems to underline every aspect of the business world these days – and then there is the health care issue. There are many unanswered questions as companies offering group health insurance face hard decisions without the benefit of hard facts. For months, public opinion indicated an average of 65 percent who either dislike what they have learned of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, or want it repealed out­right. People fear what they do not under­stand, and at this stage, there is much not to understand. So what is the state of our health insur­ance right now? Did anyone hope for this much change? Because Obamacare represents such a major overhaul in the health insurance industry, the number crunchers and some government mandates already are affect­ing change to an industry with which 85 percent of the country was happy prior to 2009. According to Wikipedia, of 10 polls conducted before the bill was passed, none found a majority in support of the health care reform act. From all outward appearances, no one is getting out of this without substantial changes either in new cost structures, fines, fees or higher taxes. Insurers are concerned on a broad range of the new changes, but the most pressing is the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR). “(The MLR) refers to the percentage of your premium dollars that an insurance company spends on providing you with health care and improving the quality of your care, versus how much is spent on administrative and overhead costs and, in many cases, high salaries or bonuses,” according to Richard Sorian, assistant secretary for public affairs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The MLR requires insur­ers to dedicate 85 cents out of every $1 of premium for payment on medical claims in large group insurance plans. Small groups and individual policies would require 80 cents be paid to medical claims. The remaining 15-20 cents of each pre­mium dollar can be used to pay expenses that do not directly benefit customers, such as advertising, overhead and company profits. That could be good news for consumers because the act requires most of the premium payment to go to medical

care, and insurers who spend more than 15-20 cents on overhead will have to issue rebates to policy holders. Sorian, writing at HealthCare.gov, stated that “if insurance companies do not meet these goals because their administrative costs or profits are too high, they must provide rebates to … consumers.” But the MLR is also why large employers like McDonald’s have threatened to drop health insurance for employees. They say it would be too difficult to meet the administrative cost requirements so are seeking special consideration. The Department of Health and Human Services has responded with special rules for certain employers and insurers, but those rules only apply to 2011. No one is sure what will happen after that. One of the area’s largest insurers, United Healthcare, has “a ton of people scrambling to comply with the regulation,” according to Steve Walli, chief executive officer for United Healthcare-Missouri and Central/Southern Illinois. Walli said MLR will not affect coverage but does mean the company has to change the way it does its accounting. “The provision will force us to account by small business and large business … and then by each license and each state, and that’s not how we’re set up today,” Walli said. According to Walli, one part of the administrative cost for insurers is the commission paid to insurance brokers. That makes the MLR a hot topic with Dennis Denny, a 35-year veteran insurance broker specializing in employee benefits and cur­rently serving as president of the St. Louis Association of Health Insurance Under­writers. “That’s another unknown,” Denny said. “I know Blue Cross/Blue Shield is cutting all renewal compensation by 20 percent on individual sales as of Jan. 1. We make 7 percent commission. That’s going to 5 percent Jan. 1.” Denny said employers are confused. “They’re unsure what’s going to happen as rate increases coming down to the employer are causing them to have to

look at making changes to the benefits to their employees to stay competitive,” he said. Edward “Ned” McLean, an insurance broker and partner with Hawthorne Financial, LLC, agrees that the changes are confusing. “The real weird thing about this whole thing is that nobody really knows what’s going to happen. Is it going to be tweaked? Is it going to be repealed? What’s going to end up being the real case?” McLean said. “I think really the unknown is what makes everybody nervous because right now, it’s a big, huge unknown.” But the confusion has not affected health insurance sales at McLean’s agency. McLean said one of his company’s specialties is selling coverage to small businesses with 30-50 employees. “People still want it, people need it,” McLean said. “What we see more than anything are small businesses, employers shifting costs over to employees, and changing plans, changing deductibles, changing prescription drug cards – things that dramatically affect their rates.” It is boiling down to three options for employees to consider: keep the same cov­erage at a higher premium, elect a higher deductible for lower premiums, or select a lowercost plan with fewer services cov­ered, higher co-pays and increased charges for office visits. In the private sector, Abbott Tool and Die, Inc. and North Central Stamping, Inc. owner Tom Abbott is not just concerned about “the financial burden on my com­pany” but the unintended consequences to his 30 employees.


NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM The Obama administration touts Abbott’s type of business as “the backbone of Amer­ ica.” The entrepreneur started small in St. Louis County in 1987 and expanded his opera­ tion in 1993 when he moved to O’Fallon. Employing workers ranging from highlyskilled craftsmen who earn $50 an hour to yeomen at $10 an hour, Abbott values his staff. The company picks up 80 percent of the health insurance tab. If he continues with that practice, Abbott said, “We’re going to have more cost, more financial burden. The cost of all the increased paperwork is significant.” Starting in 2012, employers will have to disclose the value of health insurance coverage on each employee’s W-2. That provision has added to the confusion about Obamacare by sparking rumors that employee health insurance benefits will be added to gross pay and then taxed. But FactCheck.org, a nonpartisan fact-finding project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, and PolitiFact.com checked the rumor against the health care act and found that the benefits are only to be reported – not taxed. But if consumers are not being taxed on employer-paid benefits, why include the value on W-2 forms? PolitiFact.com, the Pulitzer Prize-win­

ning nonpartisan project of the St. Petersburg Times, has the answer: “Beginning in 2014, people who do not get health insurance will be fined. The W-2 reporting requirement will help the Internal Revenue Service verify that people have coverage for themselves and their dependents. The requirement will also help the IRS more easily collect a tax on the so-called “Cadil­ lac” health insurance policies, those that cost significantly more than the national average. The Cadillac tax goes into effect in 2018.” According to The American Spectator and the Heritage Foundation, Congressio­ nal Democrats rushed the health care over­ haul through so quickly they did not bother working out key details about how the new law would be implemented. Instead, it has been left up to the Secre­ tary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to make more than 2,500 regulatory deci­ sions listed in the 2,300-plus-page legisla­ tion. The HHS secretary determines what type of insurance coverage every American is required to have. He/she can set up health insurance exchanges within states whether or not the states want it. HHS pilot pro­grams set up in an effort to control costs are in a posi­ tion to dole out billions of dol­lars in grant monies.

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But the full reach of the HHS secretary’s powers is unknown because of the ambi­ guity of the language in many parts of the health care legislation. “As of Sept. 23, six months after the law passed, any new policy can’t exempt any preexisting conditions for a child under the age of 19 and no waiting period is allowed. “Take day one,” Denny, the insur­ ance broker, said. “In St. Louis, the big three (insurance companies) Blue Cross/ Anthem, United Healthcare and United Insurance Group have all with­drawn sell­ ing any individual health care policy for a child at all unless it is on the same applica­ tion as parents. “So, you have a healthy child, age 10. You’re covered at work and just need cov­ erage on the child. There’s no policy avail­ able for you to buy. The choices are being systematically removed.” Walli, of United Healthcare, said insur­ ers were reacting to the rule in the health care act that requires them to insure all children, regardless of their pre-existing conditions. “So that means people could jump in and out of the system,” Walli said. “We want everybody covered and participating in the system, and that’s been our goal for years.” One way the health care act tries to get


everyone in the system is to impose an annual penalty on anyone who does not get health insurance. That fine goes into effect in 2014 and will range from $95 for an individual to $2,085 for a family. In 2016, the individual fine goes up to 2.5 percent of income or $695, whichever is greater. “You can’t have somebody buying insur­ ance only when they have a claim. It’s like buying auto insurance only after you’ve wrecked your car,” Walli said. What about the disabled, the elderly? Dr. Bob Onder, who has a practice in Creve Coeur and is a former state repre­ sentative, said he is one of many who simply cannot afford to take on more and more Medicaid patients for whom reim­ bursement is less and less. “You’ve heard from our president dozens of times that doctors support his health ­care scheme, based on the fact that the AMA (American Medical Assn.) endorsed it,” Onder said. “Fewer than 30 percent of doctors belong to the AMA, and even fewer supports Obamacare. The AMA no more speaks for doctors on this issue than the AARP does for seniors who also over­ whelmingly oppose Obamacare.” As the Patient Protection and Afford­able Care Act takes hold throughout the nation, it will be interesting to learn exactly how the medical community is permitted to work with patients.

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Giving thanks for Thanksgiving leftovers By SUZANNE CORBETT Ask anyone what their favorite thing about Thanksgiving is and chances are, they will say leftovers. Heading the leftover list is turkey, usually made into sandwiches, ideally served on leftover dinner rolls spread with Durkee Famous Sauce. Yet, while the venerable turkey sandwich is a treat, after a day or two, sandwich burnout sets in. “The turkey sandwich might be the perennial favorite, but there are exciting new ways to enjoy leftover turkey,” said Sherrie Rosenblatt, National Turkey Federation spokesperson. “Whole turkey offers an endless supply of entrée, appetizer, soup and salad choices.” But there is no need to stop with turkey, as traditional Thanksgiving sides can find new life in countless recipes. Leftover sweet potatoes make a mean cream of sweet potato soup, and mashed potatoes easily become potato pancakes. Cranberry sauce thinned with a touch of bourbon or orange juice makes a great topping for ice cream or cheesecake. To deal with the leftover dressing dilemma, here is a quick fix recipe for turkey croquettes: Mix two parts leftover dressing with one part turkey. Moisten with beaten egg and a little milk or broth. Shape into balls and roll in panko-style crumbs. Place on a baking pan, lightly spray with oil and bake at 375 degrees until browned and crisp. Serve with leftover gravy or cranberry sauce. According to the National Turkey Federation, leftover turkey should be carved from the bone and stored in shallow containers and refrigerated or frozen within two hours of cooking. Use the refrigerated turkey in a sandwich or on top of a salad within three to four days, or freeze to use in soups and stews for up to three months. The National Turkey Federation’s top 10 leftover recipe picks are online at eatturkey. com. The following recipes are the courtesy of the National Turkey Federation and a Leftover Turkey class offered by Dierbergs School of Cooking. Turkey Pot Pies 1 1-pound package frozen vegetables for stew, cooked according to package directions 1 cup frozen peas, cooked according to package directions 2 cups cooked turkey, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 1 1/2 cups leftover turkey gravy or 1 (12-

oz) jar non-fat turkey gravy 1 tablespoon dried parsley 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 refrigerated piecrust, at room temperature Drain any cooking liquid from stew vegetables and peas. Add turkey cubes, gravy, herbs, salt and pepper to vegetables in oven-safe, 2-quart cooking dish. Unfold piecrust dough and place on top of dish, trimming edges to approximately 1 inch larger than dish; secure dough edges to dish. Make several 1-inch slits on crust to allow steam to escape Bake in preheated 400-degree oven for 25-30 minutes or until crust is brown and mixture is hot and bubbly. Makes 4-5 servings. Turkey Mandarin and Poppy Seed Salad 1/4 cup orange juice 1 1/2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 1/2 teaspoons poppy seeds 1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil 1 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard 5 cups red leaf lettuce, washed, dried, chilled and torn into bite-sized pieces 2 cups baby spinach leaves, washed, dried, chilled and torn into bite-sized pieces 1/2 pound cooked turkey breast, cut into 1/2-inch julienne 1 can (10.5 ounces) mandarin oranges, drained 1 teaspoon orange zest To make dressing: In small bowl combine orange juice, vinegar, poppy seeds, oil, mustard and 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Set aside. Combine greens, turkey and oranges on two serving plates. Pour dressing over turkey mixture. Garnish with orange zest and serve immediately. Makes 2 servings.



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Bu si ness PEOPLE

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Brian Boyles has joined Creve Coeurbased Pulaski Financial Corp., parent company of Pulaski Bank, as president of the Mortgage Division. • • • Debbie Gray has joined Gershman Mortgage as a mortgage loan closer.



Stacey Klein has joined the Midland States Bank Chesterfield office as a mortgage banker in the St. Louis Region Mortgage Division. • • • Danny Solomon, of Chesterfield, has been named national sales manager for

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Logan College of Chiropractic has announced that it will build a 13,000-squarefoot, $4.9 million assessment center on its Chesterfield campus. Construction on the facility, designed to promote students’ clinical performance and provide enhanced focus on “bedside manner,” will begin in December. • • • Mediterranean Grill has opened at 703 Long Road Crossing Drive in Chesterfield Valley. The business is owned by Elie Harir, who also serves as chef.

AWARDS & HONORS Marsha Medley, an accomplished composer and musician who since 2001 has taught piano lessons at Milder Musical Arts in Chesterfield, has been included in the Marquis “Who’s Who of American Women 2010-2011,” a publication containing biographies of notable American women.

Drs. Samson and Karen Liu recently celebrated the grand opening of My Wildwood Dentist, located at 2751 Fountain Place in the Wildwood Town Center. My Wildwood Dentist specializes in comprehensive family dentistry, from routine cleanings to complete smile makeovers and the most advanced treatment options, including sedation dentistry to alleviate fear. register, call 532-3399 or visit chesterfieldmochamber.com by Nov. 28. • • • West County Chamber of Commerce holds a First Friday Coffee Club from

7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Fri., Dec. 3 at the Kensington West Apartment Clubhouse (220 Sweetcreek in Ballwin). To register, call 230-9900 or visit westcountychamber. com by Dec. 1.

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MEETINGS & NETWORKING Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce holds Business After Hours at 5 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 30 at PNC Bank (17389 Chesterfield Airport Road). Admission is free for members and $15 for non-members. To

Public Hearing City of Ellisville, Mo. Pursuant to Section 89.020, RSMo. and Title IV, Land Use, of the Municipal Code of the City of Ellisville, notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Ellisville will hold a public hearing at the Ellisville City Hall, #1 Weis Avenue, Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 7:00 P. M. to consider amendments to the Land Use regulations, specifically Chapter 410, Signs and Advertising Devices. This hearing will give Ellisville residents an opportunity to become familiar with the proposed amendments. Individuals wishing to review the proposed changes should contact City Planner Ada Hood at City Hall or by phone (636-227-9660). CATHERINE DEMETER, City Clerk The City of Ellisville is working to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act mandates. Individuals who require an accommodation to attend a meeting should contact City Hall, 636-227-9660 (V/TDD) at least 48 hours in advance.

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Proceeds from the Wildwood Holiday Balloon Glow on Fri., Dec. 3 will benefit the Wildwood YMCA Strong Community Campaign.

Holiday Balloon Glow to light up Wildwood By SARAH WILSON A special event next month will light up the Wildwood skies, the eyes of children and the lives of those in the community. From 6 to 8 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 3 at the Wildwood Town Center, the Wildwood Business Association (WBA) will host a Holiday Balloon Glow. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Wildwood YMCA Strong Community Campaign. The Balloon Glow will feature two 4-story hot air balloons, photo opportunities with Santa and his sleigh, a Christmas tree lighting, live holiday music provided by the choirs and bands of Living Word Church, hot chocolate and more. A Christmas tree dedication will be held around 7:30 p.m., with a special message delivered by Wildwood Mayor Tim Woerther. Sponsors for The Wildwood Balloon Glow include Living Word Church, the WBA and West Newsmagazine. Every dollar raised will help ensure that the YMCA is able to continue to make a difference in the lives of area kids, teens, adults, and families, regardless of their economic situation. “Our open door policy is based on people’s ability to pay,” Christie Greer, district marketing director for the Wildwood Family YMCA, said. “We use funds so children can go to camp and so people can get stronger if they have had problems in their life, such as an illness or job layoff. They can turn to the YMCA to improve their health and fitness and reduce stress and provide for their families as well. Also,

part of the fund goes to inclusion service activities for people with disabilities.” Greer said this year, the need for funds has increased, as more applications have been submitted, but she is optimistic about the success of the Balloon Glow. “I can just say from my experience that the whole night is just magical, and the community is astounding,” Greer said. “Kids love it, too. It is just a great, wholesome activity for the whole family.” This is the second year the WBA will be partnering with the YMCA. “Our continued partnership is a great idea, and it builds good character and fosters good community involvement,” WBA President David Coleman said. Last year, the event attracted 3,000 people, and this year that number is expected to grow. “The most exciting part of it is getting the community of Wildwood out to celebrate the holiday season together,” Coleman said. “Kids will be able to design and make ornaments and then place them up on the tree, and Santa will be there and is always exciting to see. Coleman compared the Holiday Balloon Glow to the balloon glow held in Forest Park. “The Wildwood Balloon Glow is on a much smaller scale, making it more interactive and absolutely community focused,” Coleman said. “If you love the city of Wildwood and love getting people together for events like this, you’ll love coming out to this year’s event.”

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I gift guide I 47

Fingerprint Jewelry Put your stamp on your loved one. Give a one-of-a-kind Necklace bearing your “stamp.” Available in many styles. Starting at $99 Diamond & Jewelry Brokers, Inc. 473 Lafayette Center • Manchester (636) 391-6622 • www.diamondaa.com

157 Lamp & Lantern Village Town & Country


Contemporary Maternity Clothing

Contemporary BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL Maternity Clothing

20% Off All Regularly Priced Maternity NOVEMBER 26 • 10am - 1pm Gift Certificates 314-835-9935 Finishing

Add that 11243 Manchester Rd. • Kirkwood, MO BLACK Touch to Your Home! FRIDAY • Accent SPECIAL Furniture

A A Finishing Finishing Touch Touch For For The The Holidays Holidays Custom floral arrangements for your Custom floral arrangements for your home home or or the perfect gift to say Happy Holidays. the perfect gift to say Happy Holidays. Starting Starting at at $25 $25 F.O.B. Saint Louis, F.O.B. Saint Louis, Inc. Inc. 157 Lamp & 157 Lamp & Lantern Lantern Village Village • • Town Town & & Country Country (636) 207-7131 (636) 207-7131


20% Off All Regularly Priced Maternity

• Paintings • Lamps

Contemporary Maternity Clothing

• Wall Decor

November 26

10 am - 1 pm BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL • Mirrors

20% Off All Regularly Priced Maternity • Pillows NOVEMBER 26 • 10am - 1pm Gift Certificates 314-835-9935

• Custom 11243 Manchester Rd. • Kirkwood, MO



Nurse Discreetly And In Style Nurse Discreetly And In Style Award-winning Bebe au Lait/Hooter Hider nursing Award-winning Bebe au Lait/Hooter Hider nursing covers are a true “mommy must have” and perfect covers are a true “mommy must have” and perfect holiday gifts. New assortment of prints in store, $35. holiday gifts. New assortment of prints in store, $35. 9 Months in Style 9 Months in Style 11243 Manchester Rd. • Kirkwood 11243 Manchester Rd. • Kirkwood (314) 835-9935 (314) 835-9935

Give The Gift Of Wine Something for everyone on your list...thousands of wines, accessories not found anywhere else in West County, gift baskets and gourmet snacks. Gifts starting at $10.95 Vineyards Wine and Spirits 17223 Chesterfield Airport Rd. • Chesterfield (636) 519-9463 • www.vineyardswine.com

• Garden Decor

314-835-9935 11243 Manchester Rd. Kirkwood, MO

• Jewelry and much more...




11243 Ma

33rd Annual December 3th, 4th, and 6th All Jewelry marked down 40% 33ndChristmas Annual Christmas Sales Sales EventEvent 33nd Annual Christmas Sales Event December 3rd, 3th, 4th, 4th, and and 6th December 5th All Jewelry marked downdown 30% to 40% All Jewelry marked 40%

33nd Annual Christmas Sales Event December 3th, 4th, and 6th

All Jewelry marked down 40%

• View $1.5 million of exclusive collections from the world’s top designers for three days only! • • See the coveted 81 facet Forever After Diamond exclusively at Diamond & Jewelry Brokers • • Loose Diamond Inventory from .25 carats to 5 carats...all shapes • • Enjoy Mediterranean Pastries, Cheeses, Wine, Champagne, etc. while you shop • • Get autographs from Hall of Famer Ozzie Smith and Olympian Jackie Joyner Kersee • (Please call or check www.diamondaa.com for times and details) diAmond & jewelry million of exclusive collections from thebrokers, world’s topinc designers for three

• View $1.5 • View $1.5 million of exclusive collections from the world’s top designers for three days only!days • only! • st. louis exclusive ijo mAster jeweler • See the coveted 81 facet Forever After Diamond exclusively at Diamond & Jewelry Brokers • www.diamondaa.com • 636-391-6622 • See the coveted 81 facet Forever After Diamond exclusively at Diamond & Jewelry Brokers • • Loose Diamond Inventory from .25 carats to 5 carats...all shapes • • Loose Diamond Inventory from .25 carats tofrom 5 carats...all shapes •top designers View $1.5 million of exclusive collections the world’s • Enjoy• Mediterranean Pastries, Cheeses, Wine, Champagne, etc. while you shop •for three “Price Quality ” • Enjoy Mediterranean Pastries, Cheeses, Wine, Champagne, etc. while you shop • Kersee Comfort • See the coveted 81Famer facet Forever After Diamond exclusively Diamond & Jewelr • Get autographs from Hall of Ozzie Smith and Olympian JackieatJoyner • • Get autographs from Hall of Famer Ozzie Smith and Olympian Jackie Joyner Kersee • Chesterfield Valley’s Full-Service Loose www.diamondaa.com Diamond Inventory from caratsand to 5details) carats...all shapes • (Please call or• check for.25 times (Please call or check www.diamondaa.com for times and details) • Enjoy Mediterranean Pastries, Cheeses, Wine, Champagne, etc. while you s diAmond & jewelry brokers, inc Wine, Beer & Spirit Shop • Get autographs from Hall of ijo Famer Ozzie Smith and Olympian Jackie Joyner st. louis exclusive mAster jeweler Holiday Hours 17223 Chesterfield Airport Road • VineyardsWine.com www.diamondaa.com • 636-391-6622 (Please call or check www.diamondaa.com 10-8 Monday -Friday • 10-6 Saturday • 1 2-5 Sunday for times and details) 636-519-WINE (9463) diAmond & jewelry brokers, inc

Vineyards Wine & Spirits

“Price Quality Comfort”

diaMond & jewelry brokers, inc

st. louis exclusive ijo mAster jeweler www.diamondaa.com • 636-391-6622 st. louis exclusive ijo master jeweler

473 lafayette ctr

“Price Quality Comfort”

(corner of manchester & Baxter/next to dierbergs)

www.diamondaa.com • 636-391-6622

48 I gift guide I



NuFACE NuFACE Lifts, tones and contours Lifts, tones and contours the the face face while while improving improving the the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Priced at $299 appearance of lines and wrinkles. Priced at $299 AA True True Spa Spa 116 Chesterfield Commons 116 Chesterfield Commons East East Rd. Rd. •• Chesterfield Chesterfield

10% OFF

Clock Tower Plaza (Chesterfield Valley) Clock Tower Plaza (Chesterfield Valley)

All Holiday Permanent Botanicals Nov. 24th Dec. 6th

(636) (636) 537-3227 537-3227

Holiday Gift Gift Cards Cards Holiday Buy a $100 gift card, get $100 gift gift cards. cards.* Buy a $100 gift card, get $100 On Black Black Friday Friday only only -- call call or or order order online. online. On

Holiday Shopping

* (four $25 single use cards; limit 5, no retail)

(four $25 single use cards; limit 5, no retail)

Come and see all of our beautiful custom made designs.

Synergi MedSpa MedSpa Synergi 17000 Baxter Rd., Ste. 100 • • Chesterfield Chesterfield 17000 Baxter Rd., Ste. 100 (636) 530-6100 • www.synergimedspa.com (636) 530-6100 • www.synergimedspa.com

14872 Clayton Rd. Chesterfield

Decorative Firelight The firelight produces a dramatic flame that crackles and dances as if to music. An unexpected addition to any party, inside or out. Burns safe and odorless. Prices start at $13.99 The Final Touch 14073 Manchester Road • Ballwin (636) 386-1300

Baxter Bend Shopping Center

636-394-6903 www.zengelflowersandgifts.com

Gift Certificates Available! Spa Services for Women & Men!

Holiday Centerpieces Centerpieces Holiday Beautiful fresh flower arrangements to to add add that that Beautiful fresh flower arrangements special holiday cheer to your home or the perfect gift special holiday cheer to your home or the perfect gift for family and friends. Starting at $30.00 for family and friends. Starting at $30.00 Zengel Flowers Flowers & & Gifts Gifts Zengel 14872 Clayton Rd. • Chesterfield 14872 Clayton Rd. • Chesterfield Baxter Bend Bend Shopping Shopping Center Center Baxter (636) 394-6903 • www.zengelflowersandgifts.com (636) 394-6903 • www.zengelflowersandgifts.com


Pamper Your Loved One This Holiday Season Facials

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create a custom floral arrangement for you this Holiday Season

Spa Packages www.atruespa.com 636-537-3227 116 Chesterfield Commons East Road Clock Tower Plaza Chesterfield, MO 63005




The Final Touch

14073 Manchester Road • Ballwin

Located at The Center at Manchester and Weidman • 636-386-1300



New Location


I gift guide I 49

Details Women’s Boutique


Elf On The Shelf - A Christmas Tradition A new holiday tradition the kids will love and bring many treasured memories for the entire family. Priced at $29.99 Dazzle Boutique 169 Lamp & Lantern Village • Town & Country

Gifts to Dazzle Everyone on your List ... Including You One of Oprah’s Favorites

(636) 220-7200 • www.dazzle-boutique.com

Kathy Ireland Handbags Classy style with modern functionality brings out the girly in you. Priced at $48 Details Boutique 161 Lamp & Lantern Village • Town & Country

Personalized Carved Candles OPEN: Sunday 12-4 Mon-Fri 10-8 Saturday 10-6

20% OFF

Womens Apparel November 24th - November 30th

(636) 527-1121 169 Lamp & Lantern Village Lower Level off Woods Mill

Let Let Us Us Be Be A A Part Part Of Of Your Your Holiday Holiday Party Party DiGregorio’s deli and antipasto trays DiGregorio’s deli and antipasto trays for for your your holiday holiday or or corporate corporate events. events. Starting at $49.50 Starting at $49.50 DiGregorio DiGregorio Foods Foods 5200 Daggett Avenue 5200 Daggett Avenue • • St St Louis Louis (314) 773-Link • digregoriofoods.com (314) 773-Link • digregoriofoods.com

Town & Country 636-220-7200 www.dazzle-boutiique.com

For The Well Dressed & Stylish Woman 636-527-1121

161 Lamp & Lantern Village Town & Country

DiGregorio’s Market We Can Create A Basket To Fit Any occasion or Holiday $45 basket

Study X X Study Study X X helps helps memorize memorize anything anything it it is is customizable customizable Study and easy to use! Priced at $39.99 and easy to use! Priced at $39.99 Jeff Computers Computers Jeff 14366 Manchester Rd. • • Manchester Manchester 14366 Manchester Rd. (636) 256-7901 256-7901 • • www.StudyX.com www.StudyX.com (636)

Voted #1 Computer Repair 2010!


• • • •

Computers Laptops Software Programming

• • • •

Repairs Custom-Built Computers Networking And More!

We Can Do Any Computer Repair 14366 Manchester Rd. www.JeffComputers.com

includes pasta, cheese, salami, salad dressing, pasta sauce, wine, and cookies. “ Italian Dinner Basket”


Hours: Mon- Fri. 9:30am - 5:30pm • Sat. 10am-4pm

DiGreGorio’s • 5200 DAGGeTT AVeNUe 314-776-1062 • MoNDAY-sATUrDAY: 8AM-5:30PM Larger, smaller, and custom baskets available. Shipping available.

50 I gift guide I



Pre-season sale on all gas logs! check store for details!

50 OFF


Any Gas Log Purchase with installation

BelleStyle Belle Style is a collection that embodies mind body & soul. Each piece is a one of a kind made with swarovski crystals, fresh water pearls and semi-precious stones. Starting at $40.00 Klutch 1126 Town & Country Crossing Dr. • Town & Country (636) 220-6110 • www.klutchstyle.com Ddrum DD1 DD1 Electronic Electronic Drum Drum Kit Kit With With Lessons! Lessons! Ddrum Includes sound module with 215 Voices; crash, ride, & & Includes sound module with 215 Voices; crash, ride, hi-hat cymbal pads, 4 drum pads including kick drum. hi-hat cymbal pads, 4 drum pads including kick drum. Aux input input and and headphone headphone jack, jack, 20 20 Preset Preset Kits! Kits! Aux month free free lessons! lessons! Holiday Holiday pricing pricing only only $599.99 $599.99 11 month Midwest Music Conservatory Midwest Music Conservatory 15977 Clayton Clayton Rd Rd •• Ellisville Ellisville 15977 (636) 527-5558 • www.midwestmusicstl.com (636) 527-5558 • www.midwestmusicstl.com

"West County's Barbeque & Fireplace Headquarters"

A HEARTH AND GRILL GALLERY 15053 Manchester Rd. • Ballwin

(636) 256-6564


Make Someone’s Christmas Unf

Player Grands starting at $ 9,997


Verticals starting at $ 2,599

The Fingerless Glove The newest accessory that’s fashionable and allows free fingers for texting. Available in an assortment of styles and colors. Starting at $15.50 Posh Unique Boutique 5343 Hwy N • Historic Cottleville (636) 939-3070 • www.poshuniqueboutique.com Holiday Gift Baskets Customized holiday gift baskets filled with mouth watering sauces, spices, rubs, BBQ accessories and much more! Starting at $39 St. Louis Home Fires - A Hearth And Grill Gallery

15053 Manchester Road • Ballwin (636) 256-6564 • www.stlouishomefires.com

NEW Grands starting at $ 5,977

Keyboards starting at $ 129

Acoustic Guitar Packs Starting At:

Electric Guitar Packs Starting At:

Includes: guitar, strap, picks, soft case and tuner

Includes: guitar, strap, amp, soft case, picks, and tuner



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10AM-12PM~20% OFF Your Entire Purchase

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636.220.6110 • www.klutchstyle.com

For Pianos & Keyboards Call 636.536.2889

17702 Chesterfield Airport Road • (2 Blk W. of Long Rd.) • Chesterfield Valley 15977 Clayton Rd (1 Block West of Clarkson) • Ellisville

1126 Town & Country Crossing Dr. Town & Country, MO 63017



High End Luxury Watches Luxury Time For Less® specializes in the acquisition and sale of men’s and ladies’ new and previously enjoyed and pampered fine watches at enticing prices. Luxury Watches Starting at $ 890 Luxury Time For Less (314) 965-TIME (8463) • www.luxurytimeforless.com

St. St. Louis Louis Themed Themed Gifts Gifts Treat yourself or someone Treat yourself or someone special special to to aa taste taste of of St. St. Louis. Louis. Our selections include tableware, glassware, aprons Our selections include tableware, glassware, aprons and and unique unique Destination Destination Art Art wall wall plaques. plaques. Pricing Pricing from from $19.99 $19.99 to to $125 $125 SummerWinds SummerWinds 54 Clarkson 54 Clarkson Rd Rd • • Ellisville Ellisville (636) 227-0095 • www.summerwindsmo.com (636) 227-0095 • www.summerwindsmo.com

Happy Holidays


I gift guide I 51

olidays are Here at SummerWinds...

Holiday Tablescape Class!

Join us Thursday, December 9th at 2pm or 7pm for Debi’s unique spin on holiday decorating ideas. Her creative approach will provide you with fabulous tables for the Holidays thru New Year’s. Due to popular demand, we have added an afternoon session and each session is limited to 40 people. Please contact the store early to reserve your place.

Christmas Trees and Fresh Cut Greens!

Decorate your Holiday home with a fresh cut tree and greenery. We carry beautiful Fraser and Balsam fir trees in sizes from 2 to 20 ft. tall. In addition to wreaths and garlands, we have decorative porch pots ready for you to take home to drop into existing pots. Don’t forget to check out our greenhouse for poinsettias, cyclamen and more to bring color to your Holiday home.

We also offer delivery, set-up and removal services for your tree. A Holiday Gift for you! $5.00 off purchases of $25.00-$49.99 $10.00 off purchases of $50.00-$99.99 $25.00 off purchases of $100.00 or greater

Must present coupon at time of purchase. May not be applied to prior purchases. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Limit one coupon per visit. Does not apply to delivery, set-up or installation services or purchase of a gift certificate. Coupon expires: December 24, 2010

LUXURYTIMEFORLESS.COM Elegant Timepieces... and more... for less

314-965-TIME (8463)

Watches Make Great Gifts

Sell Your Luxury High End Watch

• Respected local buyer, immediate payment

• Sell, consign, or trade your watch

• Confidential, deal with assurance

• Will meet at a safe convenient location

Ladies watches

Give a gift of gardening from SummerWinds

Mens watches

Free fine jewelry polishing cloth with every appointment. Call or email Rich Markow Today (314) 965-8463 ri c h @ l u x u r y t i m e f o r less.com LTFL is not an AD of any brands.

Follow us on facebook www.facebook.com/SummerWindsEllisville

www.summerwindsmo.com Open 7 Days a Week Ellisville - 636.227.0095 54 Clarkson Road - (One block north of Manchester Road)

52 I gift guide I



Thanksgiving Sale 25% Off Your Entire Purchase

The Perfect Gift For Everyone The Perfect Gift For Everyone Give the thrill of LIVE theatre with a Fabulous Fox Give the thrill of LIVE theatre with a Fabulous Fox Gift Certificate - denominations $5, $10, $20 & $25 Gift Certificate - denominations $5, $10, $20 & $25 Fox Theatre Box Office Fox Theatre Box Office 531 N. Grand Blvd. • St. Louis 531 N. Grand Blvd. • St. Louis Charge by phone at (314) 534-1111 Charge by phone at (314) 534-1111 or online at www.metrotix.com or online at www.metrotix.com

excludes sale items, special orders, not valid with any other offer.

Early Bird Specials from 9am-12pm 30% off new items

Sale: 11/26-11/28


Vintage Vintage Highway Highway T-Shirts T-Shirts The softest, most comfortable The softest, most comfortable shirt shirt you you will will ever ever wear. wear. Our Our #1 #1 gift gift item. item. Choose Choose from from over over 60 60 designs. designs. Vintage Vintage Highway Highway is is this this season’s season’s must must have have item. item. Starting Starting at at $78 $78 Pulse Pulse 1644 1644 Clarkson Clarkson Rd. Rd. • • Chesterfield Chesterfield (636) (636) 519-4022 519-4022 • • www.PulseStl.com www.PulseStl.com

1644 Clarkson Rd, Chesterfield, Mo 63017 636.519.4022

January 7-9

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Fox Tickets and Gift Certificates make Fabulous Gifts! 314-534-1111 • metrotix.com

Give a Fox Theatre Broadway Subscription for ONLY $99! Call 314-535-1700 for more information



Sizing up the e-readers By SARAH WILSON While it is way too soon to say that books are a thing of the past, traditional books increasingly are being shelved in favor of e-readers – electronic devices designed primarily for reading digital books. Even hardcore bibliophiles have to admit that e-readers have their advantages: They travel easily, save trips to the bookstore or library and enable readers to search through thousands of titles with the touch

of a button. Even newspapers, magazines and bloggers are beginning to offer e-reader editions, with auto-delivered, updated news coming directly to an e-reader. An e-reader surely will be tops on many gift lists this holiday season, and there are several options on the market. Here is a look at some of them. Prices listed are manufacturers’ suggested retail prices.

Amazon Kindle - $139 • Built-in Wi-Fi • No glare 6-inch high-contrast E Ink screen • Holds up to 3,500 e-Books • Download newspapers, magazines and blog e-reader editions • Text-to-Speech • Allows for e-Books to be read on iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, Android, and BlackBerry, and SmartPhones • Battery life: up to one month Also available: Kindle 3G, Kindle DX

Sony Pocket Edition Reader - $179.99 • 5-inch ink display • Touch screen • E Ink Vizplex electronic paper display • Holds up to 350 e-Books • Allows for e-Books to be read on PC and Mac • Choose from multiple colors • Battery life: up to two weeks Also available: Sony Touch Edition Reader, Sony Daily Edition Reader

Apple iPad - $499 • Built-in Wi-Fi Borders Kobo Wireless eReader • 9.7-inch LED$139.99 backlit IPS • Built-in Wi-Fi display • No-glare 6-inch E Ink screen • Multi-touch • 100 free e-Books color screen • Holds up to 1,000 e-Books • Holds photos • Allows for e-Books to be read on iPhone, • Watch HD iPad, PC, Mac, Android, and Smartphones movies, You• Download newspapers, magazine Tube and e-reader editions videos • Choose from multiple colors • Listen to music using iTunes • Battery life: up to two weeks • Download thousands of apps Also available: Kobo eReader • Download newspapers, magazine e-reader editions • Battery life: up to 10 hours Barnes and Noble Nook - $149 Also available: Apple iPhone, Apple • Built-in Wi-Fi iPod Touch • 3.5-inch color navigation touch screen Alex eReader - $399 • 6-inch mono• Built-in Wi-Fi chrome E Ink • 6-inch E Ink Vizplex display display and 3.5• Holds up to inch color touch 1,500 e-Books screen • Read e-books • Browse the free in Barnes entire Web and Noble stores • Listen to music • Allows for e-Books to be read on • Watch movies, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, Android, and news clips, Smartphones MP4 or Flash • LendMe feature allows for books to be videos shared • Battery life: up • Battery life: up to 10 days to two weeks


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Become a fan on Facebook & enter for a chance to win a free A/C or furnace. *On select #TUE1 Models only $999 price applicable when buying matching A/C system at the same time with the furnace. This offer cannot be combined with other offers or previous purchases. Offer expires 12/1/10. **Limited time offers while supply lasts. Consult with your utility companies to check on rebates available in your area or ask your consultant for details and available special offers at the time of your purchase. Free fi nancing available to qualifying buyers when buying qualifying select high effi ciency systems with approved credit only. Other restrictions may apply.

54 I health matterS I



Healing Hands Wellness Therapies

Give the Gift of Relaxation Say “Thank You’ with a Gift Certificate for a customized facial, therapeutic massage, reflexology, or ear candling service. Purchase a Gift Basket of specialty footcare products, herbal teas, handmade mugs, bath salts, CD’s and more. Eminence Organic Skin Care Products Prepaid Package Specials 110 Holloway • Ballwin

(corner of Manchester & Holloway)

• 636-230-7600 • www.healinghands-4u.com

Caring for an aging loved one? You are not alone. elderLink st. Louis can help. our caring and professional staff will connect you to programs and resources available to jewish seniors in the St. Louis area. elderLink St. Louis is here to help you make the best decisions our personal consultations for your family. are free and confidential: then, we check 314 / 812 -9300 back to make sure m – f 8 : 30 am – 5: 00 pm you’re “linked.” visit us online:


Throat cancer survivor scares smoke out of youth By SHEILA FRAYNE RHOADES Don Young, 66, is a man on a mission to direct teens and young adults to refrain from smoking. His methods are scary, but they work. “I’m compelled to tell my story and make young people afraid to smoke,” said Young, who lives in St. Charles. Young presents thought-provoking programs at area schools, colleges, churches, youth organizations, public forums, medical schools and corporations, sharing his cancer experience with more than 40,000 people per year. Young started smoking at age 14 and in 1992, at the age of 48, he was diagnosed with throat cancer, caused by 34 years of a two-pack-a-day smoking habit. A series of operations and treatments saved Young’s life but left him unable to speak. He is unable to breathe or talk normally through his nose or mouth; a hole in his throat that opens directly to his lungs (a tracheotomy) allows him to breathe. To speak, he must use an electronic voice box, which produces a robot-like speech pattern. To eat and drink, Young inserts a two-foot tube down his throat every morning to dilate the opening. It is said a picture is worth a 1,000 words, and Young’s photo presentations say it all, vividly illustrating his story in graphic detail, as Young documented the course of his illness by photographing his surgeries and treatments. His programs are intended to shock, and

Speaking through an electronic voice box, throat cancer survivor Don Young shares his anti-smoking message.

they do. Kathleen Graham, who teaches at St. Charles High School, connected with Young through her classes on peer facilitating in which students are trained to help their classmates solve teen problems. “It’s hard not to gush when talking about Don Young,” Graham said. “He is a wonderful human being who genuinely cares about people, both young and old. Don hopes his story will warn others not to make his mistakes. He has been through so much, and it’s a miracle that he’s still alive. Students seem to truly respect his honesty, and he always commands their respect when he addresses them.” Over the years, Graham said, she has seen many students attribute their decision to remain tobacco-free due to Young’s presentations. “I know not everyone will stop smoking, but some will, and that’s worth it,” Young said.

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Jack Seitz Licensed Anthem Agent Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name RightCHOICE® Managed Care, Inc. (RIT) and Healthy Alliance® Life Insurance Company (HALIC) use to do business in most of Missouri. RIT and certain affiliates administer non-HMO benefits underwritten by HALIC. RIT and HALIC are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield names and symbols are registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.



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56 I health matterS I


ON calendar



CPR for Family and Friends is from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Thurs., Dec. 2 at Missouri Baptist Medical Center (3015 N. Ballas Road in Town & Country). The program is for parents, grandparents, children (ages 10-15 if accompanied by an adult) and child care providers. The class includes instruction and hands-on practice for infant, child and adult CPR and first aid for choking and does not include certification. The fee is $25 per person. To register, call (314) 996-LIFE (5433). • • • “Holiday Baking with Healthier Choices” is from 10 a.m. to noon on Tues., Dec. 7 at The Wellness Community of Greater St. Louis (1058 Old Des Peres Road in Des Peres). Bake holiday cookies and treats with the healthiest of ingredients and natural sweeteners. Participants will make various baked goods. To RSVP (required), call (314) 238-2000 or visit wellnesscommunitystl.org. • • • A Grandparents Class is from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thurs., Dec. 9 at St. Luke’s Hospital (232 S. Woods Mill Road in Chesterfield). Expectant grandparents review current hospital care for mother and baby, infant safety information and tips on being helpful as grandparents. A tour of

birthing suites is included. The class fee is $15 per couple. To register, call (314) 205-6906 or visit stlukes-stl.com. • • • Standard First Aid with CPR/AED Training is from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 11 at Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital (12634 Olive Blvd. in Creve Coeur). Participants will train to recognize and respond to emergency situations and care for life-threatening respiratory or cardiac emergencies in adults ages 12 and older by providing care to help sustain life and minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until medical help arrives. The class fee is $55, and participants must pre-pay to reserve a space. To register, call (314) 516-2740 or visit redcrossstl. org. • • • St. Luke’s Mobile Mammography Unit performs screening mammograms from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Mon., Dec. 13 at St. Luke’s Urgent Care (233 Clarkson Road in Ellisville) and from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tues., Dec. 21 at Walgreens at Clayton and Baxter Roads. Screening mammograms are available by appointment. Walk-ins are welcome if space is available. Annual screening mammograms are recommended for women older than 40. St.

Luke’s submits patients’ claims to participating insurance companies. Bring an insurance card and a photo ID. To schedule an appointment, call (888) 357-3432 or visit stlukes-stl.com. • • • St. Luke’s HeartCaring Wellness Package is available from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Tues., Dec. 14 at Desloge Outpatient Center (121 St. Luke’s Center Drive in Chesterfield). Learn about heart health through a one-onone individualized risk analysis that includes screenings for blood pressure, weight and waist measurement, body mass index (BMI) and fasting lipid panel with glucose. Also, review screening results immediately and receive personal health coaching from a HeartCaring professional. Participants receive a personalized heart-health report. The package costs $30 per person. To register, call (314) 542-4848 or visit stlukes-stl.com. • • • A joint pain seminar is at 6:30 p.m. on Thurs., Dec. 16 at Des Peres Hospital (2345 Dougherty Ferry Road). Find out treatment options and surgery techniques for frequent joint pain. The seminar is free. To register, call (877) 22-TENET (228-3638) or visit despereshospital.com.



I health matterS I 57

HealtHy, Beautiful Skin Come into St. Louis Skin Solutions for your personalized skin care consultation to learn what products and services will be ideal for you. All of our SkinMedica products are buy 2 get 1 free. Join us for our SkinMedica Peel Days – Dec 2 & 3 All Procedures Medically Supervised. Call for an Appointment with Amy Miller. M.D.

How to have a healthy Thanksgiving ing day of the year for home fires involving cooking equipment. The NFPA offers these Thanksgiving safety tips: • Stay in the kitchen when cooking on the stovetop so you can keep an eye on the food. • Stay in the home when cooking a turkey, Treat the turkey right and check on it frequently. The U.S. Department of Agriculture • Make sure kids stay away from hot food offers these guidelines for safe handling of and liquids; steam or splash from vegetaThanksgiving turkey dinners. bles, gravy or coffee could cause serious • If dinner is picked up or delivered hot: burns. - Keep food at 140° F or hotter if eating • Keep the floor clear so no one trips over within two hours and at 90° F or hotter if anything. eating within an hour. • Keep knives, matches and lighters out - If holding food longer than two hours, of childrenís reach. remove all stuffing from the turkey cavity, • Be sure cords from an electric knife, divide turkey into smaller pieces and coffeemaker, plate warmer or mixer are not refrigerate everything in separate, shallow dangling off the counter within easy reach containers. Reheat to 165 °F. of a child. - If cooked and refrigerated, keep cold • Never leave children alone in a room food cold. Refrigerate within two hours of with a lit a candle. arrival at home, and serve within two days. • Make sure smoke alarms are working. Reheating a whole, cooked turkey is not recommended. Observe National Family History Day - Follow package directions for reheating The U.S. surgeon general is urging and storing cooked turkeys marked with families gathering on Thanksgiving to the USDA inspection seal. observe National Family History Day • If thawing a frozen turkey: by talking about the health problems - Thaw in the refrigerator, in cold water that run in their families. or in the microwave; never defrost on the A government survey showed that 96 countertop. percent of Americans believe that know- To thaw in a refrigerator, allow about ing their family history is important, yet one day for every four to five pounds of fewer than one-third of Americans have turkey. attempted to gather and record a family - To thaw in cold water, thaw in airtight health history. packaging or in a leak-proof bag. SubTo help families create a useful health merge the bird or cut-up parts in cold water, history, the surgeon general created changing water every 30 minutes. Cook the “My Family Health Portrait,” a Webturkey immediately after it thaws. based program that helps users organize - Cook turkey thawed in the microwave family health history information that immediately after thawing. can be printed to share with health care providers and can be saved and updated Don’t get burned over time. The program can be found at According to the National Fire Protec- familyhistory.hhs.gov/fhh-web/home. tion Association, Thanksgiving is the lead- action. By SUE HORNOF Any way you slice it, Thanksgiving is a day of indulgence, but one day off the diet won’t cause irreversible damage. These tips will help ensure a safer, healthier gathering.

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Local kids with cancer rule runway A local group of current and former cancer patients on Nov. 4 took to the runway at the 18th annual Friends of Kids with Cancer Fashion Show and Boutique, which raised $120,000 for the West County-based charity. The show, held at the Ritz-Carlton in Clayton, featured many stars, and among them were seven current patients from West County: Blake Adamson, 15, a student at MICDS; Andy Streiff, 18, a student at Priory; 9-year-old Jack Nimock, of Creve Coeur; 7-year-old Ben Hughes, of Wildwood; 7-year old Travis Netscher, of Eureka; 5-year-old Peyton Summerlot, of Creve Coeur; and 4-yearold Arianna Dougan, of Olivette. Chesterfield resident Emily Arneson, 27, was among the survivor models asked to return after previously participating as a patient in the show. The event featured a luncheon and dinner show with boutique shopping. Models received a full day of red carpet

treatment and received gifts suited to their personal preferences – from a Barbie-themed Power Wheels convertible to a full-sized, backyard basketball hoop. More than 1,000 attendees were on hand to celebrate the children’s courage and cheer them on. “This event really encompasses what we do here at Friends,” Friend of Kids with Cancer spokesperson Tom Mulvihill said. “Kids get the limelight, our supporters see firsthand the impact we have on the patients, and we can raise money for the numerous other programs we run. It doesn’t get any better.” Friends of Kids with Cancer was founded in 1992 by developmental specialists and some parents of children fighting cancer. The organization offers programs through St. Louis area pediatric cancer centers to fulfill the emotional, educational and recreational needs of children with cancer and their families.

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Cancer survivor Emily Arneson, of Chesterfield, helps show off patient Peyton Summerlot, of Creve Coeur, on the runway.

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I entertainment I 59

Enter t ai n ment Dec. 30, Scottrade Center New Year’s Eve Concert, Dec. 31, Powell Symphony Hall

CONVERSATION Aaron McGruder, Nov. 30, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center

FESTIVALS Usher brings his “OMG” tour to Scottrade Center on Nov. 26.


First Night – St. Louis New Year’s Eve Celebration, Dec. 31, Grand Center



CONCERTS Usher, Nov. 26, Scottrade Center Carrie Underwood, Dec. 1, Chaifetz Arena St. Louis Philharmonic Holiday Concert, Dec. 3, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center The Judds, Dec. 4, The Family Arena UMSL Jazz Holiday Concert, Dec. 5, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center Ambassadors of Harmony, Dec. 10-12, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center Michael W. Smith’s Christmas, Dec. 11, Powell Symphony Hall My Chemical Romance, Dec. 14, The Pageant Kenny G, Dec. 16, The Family Arena A Gospel Christmas, Dec. 16, Powell Symphony Hall Johnny Mathis, Dec. 17, The Fox Theatre Holiday Celebration, Dec. 17-19, Powell Symphony Hall “The Christmas Music of Mannheim Steamroller,” Dec. 18, The Fox Theatre Chaplin’s “City Lights,” Dec. 29-30, Powell Symphony Hall Trans-Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour,

Photo by Peter Coombs

“Wizard of Oz” plays from Nov. 26-28 at The Fox Theatre.

LIVE PERFORMANCES “The Wizard of Oz,” Nov. 26-28, The Fox Theatre

Five-time Grammy Award winner Carrie Underwood performs on Dec. 1 at the Chaifetz Arena.

“Hansel and Gretel,” Nov. 27, Black Cat Theatre Barb Jungr, Dec. 1-4, Kranzberg Arts Center “Over the Tavern,” Dec. 1-26, LorettoHilton Center The Joffrey Ballet’s “Nutcracker,” Dec. 2-5, The Fox Theatre “Snowman’s Revenge,” Dec. 2, 4, 9, 11, Black Cat Theatre “This Wonderful Life,” Dec. 2-19, Dramatic License Theatre “Slasher,” Dec. 3-18, Centene Center for Arts & Education “Barney Live in Concert – Birthday Bash!” Dec. 5, The Family Arena “A Christmas Carol,” Dec. 9-12, The Fox Theatre Saint Louis Ballet’s “The Nutcracker,” Dec. 17-23, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center “Cirque Dreams Holidaze,” Dec. 21-29, The Fox Theatre

tickets and information Black Cat Theatre: blackcattheatre. org, (314) 781-8300 Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center: touhill.org, (314) 516-4949 Centene Theatre for Arts & Education: hotcitytheatre.org, (314) 289-4060 Chaifetz Arena: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 Dramatic License Theatre: dramaticlicenseproductions.com, (636)

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“Santa vs. the Snowman,” through Dec. 16, Saint Louis Science Center

220-7012 The Family Arena: familyarena.com, 896-4205 The Fox Theatre: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 Grand Center: firstnightstl.org, (314) 289-8121 Kranzberg Arts Center: metrotix. com, (314) 534-1111 Loretto-Hilton Center: repstl.org, (314) 968-4925

The Pageant: ticketmaster.com, (866) 448-7849 Powell Symphony Hall: slso.org, (800) 232-1880 Scottrade Center: ticketmaster.com, (866) 448-7849 Saint Louis Science Center: slsc. org, (314) 289-4424

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Com mu n it y Event s ART “Countenances,” an exhibit by sculptor Adam Long, is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays through Sat., Jan. 8 at The Gallery at Chesterfield Arts. Long’s exhibit of “environmental art” explores the human face. For information, call 5191955 or visit chesterfieldarts.org. • • • Muddy River Arts holds its fourth annual Holiday Art Show and Sale from noon to 8 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 3 and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 4 at The Ethical Society of Saint Louis (9001 Clayton Road). Thirty area artists show and discuss their poetry, fused glass, jewelry, fiber arts, metalwork and photography. Visit muddyriverarts. org.

BENEFITS A “St. Louis Idol” karaoke contest to benefit two St. Louis homicide detectives is at 12 p.m. (doors open) on Thanksgiving, Thurs., Nov. 25, at Cotter’s Sports Bar (4610 S. Kingshighway in St. Louis). Visit saintlouisidol.com. • • • Parkway Early Childhood PTO hosts a holiday boutique from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 1 at 14605 Clayton Road. Vendors offer designer jewelry, handbags,

beauty products, gourmet food and more. Call (314) 415-6950. • • • A holiday boutique is from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Wed., Dec 1 at Fairway Elementary School. Each crafter offers an item to be raffled; proceeds benefit Relay for Life. There will be more than 50 vendors, a bake sale and raffles. Call Connie or Linda at 733-4175. • • • The annual “Taste of West County” Holiday Gala benefiting Friends of Kids with Cancer is from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Thurs., Dec. 9 at Wellbridge Athletic Club & Spa in Town & Country. Live music, a silent auction provided by Three French Hens, a guest survivor speaker, arts and crafts for kids, complimentary food and cocktails, a wine tasting, coffee bar and dessert room are featured. Admission is free; toys, food items and clothing are accepted. To RSVP, call 207-3000. • • • The Marquette Key Club hosts a Chili Cook-off at 1 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 18 at Marquette High. Admission is $10 per person, and proceeds will benefit the MHS Key Club and local charities. Tickets will not be sold at the door. For more information or tickets, e-mail Alex Nelle at nellealex@ rockwood.k12.mo.us.

visit our showrooM

HOLIDAY Santa’s Magical Kingdom, a drivethrough holiday light display with animated scenes, special effects and millions of shimmering lights, is open from 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. SundayThursday through Sun., Jan. 2 at Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Resort in Eureka. For details and admission fees, call 9385925. • • • The annual Anheuser-Busch holiday light display is from 6 p.m. to midnight through Sun., Jan. 2 at the brewery. Visitors view the display from their vehicles by accessing Busch Place from Arsenal Street and turning on Pestalozzi. Free brewery tours are from 6 p.m .to 9 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 3, 10 and 17 and include a scenic view of the lights. Visit anheuser-busch.com. • • • A Holiday Wreath Auction featuring unique creation by area floral designers is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (until 4 p.m. on Dec. 24 and Dec. 31) through Jan. 2 at the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Ridgway Visitor Center. The Garden is closed on Dec. 25. Call (314) 577-5100 or visit mobot.org. • • • “Gardenland Express,” a holiday flower and train show, is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily from Wed., Nov. 24 through Sun., Jan. 2 at the Missouri Botanical Garden. (The Garden closes at 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and is

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closed on Christmas Day.) Admission is $5 for those age 3 and older, in addition to regular Garden admission. Call (314) 5775100 or visit mobot.org. • • • “Make it and Take it: Gingerbread House” is from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Sat., Nov. 27 at The Lodge Des Peres. Chef Jim Wallace guides parents and children ages 4 and older in making a holiday gingerbread house. The cost is $38 for members, $40 for residents, $45 for non-residents and $15 for a second child. Call (314) 835-6150. • • • The Men’s Club at Living Word Church hold their annual Christmas tree lot from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. during the week and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends beginning Sat., Nov. 27 at the church (17315 Manchester Road in Wildwood). Visit livingwordumc.org. • • • The city of Eureka hosts a Holiday Tree Lighting at 6 p.m. on Sat., Nov. 27 on Central Ave. The event is held in conjunction with the city’s Candlelight Walk. An appearance by Santa Claus, free hot chocolate and cookies and free children’s activities are featured. Call 938-6775. • • • The Chesterfield Lions Club presents its 45th annual Christmas tree lot from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily from Sun., Nov. 28 through Sun., Dec. 19 at Four Seasons Shopping Center on Olive Blvd. in Chesterfield. Proceeds benefit various needy local organizations. Call Lion Elmer Wein-

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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM rich at (314) 389-4758. • • • A Hanukkah Celebration is from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 30 at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Schnucks Ladue Crossing shopping center (I-170 and Ladue Road). Students of the H.F. Epstein Hebrew Academy perform Hanukkah songs and an Epstein teacher leads youngsters in a telling of the Hanukkah story. Children receive traditional chocolate at the free event. Call (314) 205-0800. • • • An Elves Workshop is from 5 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 3 and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 18 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. Kids aged 4-9 have fun making and wrapping gifts for loved ones. The cost is $25 per person. Call 207-2357 or visit ballwin.mo.us. • • • The Wildwood Business Association hosts the second annual Holiday Hot Air Balloon Glow from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 3 in Wildwood Town Center. There will be hot air balloons, pictures with Santa in his sleigh, a Christmas tree lighting, live music, hot chocolate and more. Donations benefit the YMCA Strong Community Campaign. Visit wildwoodba.org. • • • Cookies with Claus is from 9 a.m. to noon on Sat., Dec. 4 at The Lodge Des Peres. Santa accepts wish lists and smiles for pictures. Attendees should bring a camera. Kids receive a holiday cookie. Admission is free. Call (314) 835-6150. • • • The annual UMW Cookie Walk is from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Sat., Dec. 4 at United Methodist Church of Green Trails (14237 Ladue Road in Chesterfield). Holiday cookies, candy and other treats are sold for $7 per pound with proceeds funding missions for women and children. Call (314) 469-6740. • • • A Christmas Cookie Walk & Craft Boutique is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 4 at Bethel United Methodist Church (17500 Manchester Road in Wildwood). Homemade Christmas cookies and candy are sold for $7 per pound, with sugar-free items also available. Handcrafted gifts, including Christmas ornaments and decorations, also are sold. A chili and hot dog lunch is served. Call 458-2255. • • • Breakfast with Santa is from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Sat., Dec. 4 at the Park Administration Center in Bluebird Park. The cost is $3 per person with children 1 and younger admitted free. Santa accepts wish lists from children and poses for pictures. Juice and donuts are provided. To register, call 227-7508. • • • Kristkindl Markt, a traditional German

Christmas market featuring crafters, Christmas goodies, carolers, hot soups and cider, is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 4 and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun., Dec. 5 at Stone Hill Winery in Hermann, Mo. Visit stonehillwinery.com. • • • Holiday House Tours are from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 4 at historic homes in Hermann, Mo. Tickets are $10 and are available at the Hermann Welcome Center. Call (800) 932-8687. • • • “Spirit of the Holidays” Christmas Concert is at 7:30 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 4 at Midwest Music Conservatory (15977 Clayton Road in Clarkson Valley). The Christmas music special features pianist Richard Carr & Friends, among other artists. Call 527-5558. • • • The Old Trails Historical Society hosts The Gingerbread House from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Dec 11 at the Bacon Log Cabin. The biannual homemade Christmas cookie and gift sale supports the maintenance of the Bacon Log Cabin. Call Cindy Pottroff at 227-8859. • • • The Ballwin Holiday Festival is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 11 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. Make gifts in the Elves Workshop, enjoy complimentary food and beverages, and shop at the vendor fair. Call Colleen Ahearn at 207-2357 or visit ballwin.mo.us. • • • The Rockwood Intermediate Honor Orchestra and the Rockwood Show Choir present “Hollidazzle” featuring singing and dancing performances at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 11 at Marquette High School Theater. Advance tickets are sold online for $10 per adult/$5 for children age 12 and younger and at the door (if available) for an additional $1. Visit rockwood. k12.mo.us.

I 61

Happy Thanksgiving!


The city of Chesterfield presents the 11th annual Turkey Trot 5K run/walk and 1K kids fun run at 8:30 a.m. (kids run is at 9:15) on Thurs., Nov. 25 at the West County YMCA. Awards are given to overall top finishers and to those in various age groups. Registrations are accepted through 7 p.m. on Nov. 24. To register online, visit fleetfeetstl.com/turkeytrot.htm or chesterfield.mo.us. Call 812-9500. • • • Balaban’s wine cellar & tapas bar unites with Bissinger’s Handcrafted Chocolatier to host a chocolate wine dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Sun., Dec. 5 (1772 Clarkson Road). Savory and sweet tastes pair with wines from Balaban’s cellar. The cost is $80 per person plus tax and gratuity. Call 449-6700 or visit balabanswine.com.

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I 65

Café Nicoletti is new concept from seasoned proprietors ladies’ lunch. The patio is a plus when the weather By BETSY ZATKULAK Opening a new restaurant can certainly be risky, a little is fair, and a convenient drive-up window accommodates those who are in a rush or picking up scary and definitely challenging. But when Mike and Cheryl Nicoletti are the proprietors, carry-outs. The menu at Café Nicoletti features specialty braving a new bistro is a welcome challenge. The Nicolettis, who for 25 years have owned Nicoletti’s sandwiches, salads, pizzas and pastas that were Steak and Pasta, aptly named their new venture, which carefully developed with speedier service in mind. “This is a different concept because Nicoletti’s opened in June, Café Nicoletti. “It’s a challenge because it’s new and it’s hard work, but Steak and Pasta specializes in steaks, pasta, veal it’s so rewarding,” said Cheryl Nicoletti, who divides her and chicken,” Mike Nicoletti said. “This is more time between the kitchen and talking with customers and specialty sandwiches, salads, shorter pasta – with a getting their feedback. “When the restaurant’s really busy drive-up window.” While the Nicolettis’ two restaurants’ concepts and all the customers are really happy, I look around and think, ‘Wow, these people are really here eating in our res- differ, the quality of food is the same. taurant.’” “Everything is made fresh to order – nothing is Situated on the northwest corner of Dougherty Ferry prepared ahead of time,” Cheryl said. Road and Big Bend, Café Nicoletti has all the charm and That includes her signature recipe spaghetti with warmth of an Italian bistro with an international flair. meatballs and homemade chicken salad served on The restaurant’s caramel-colored walls, perfect blend cranberry raisin bread. of natural and ambient lighting, well-placed plants and The Italian beef sandwich; the lightly battered canvas art, high ceiling with exposed beams, and sturdy, and fried grouper sandwich; the traditional gyro Café Nicoletti offers the charm of an Italian bistro. espresso-stained bistro tables create an ideal setting for sandwich; and the seafood pasta with baby shrimp, couples, families, a quick business lunch or dinner, or a mushrooms, spinach, and tomatoes ladled over angel hair pasta in an oil-butter-garlic sauce all make the to get the bar in,” Cheryl said. “We’re keeping it simple list of customer favorites. right now.” Café Nicoletti “People keep coming back just for our gyro, and our canDesserts come courtesy of The Hill neighborhood and 2951 Dougherty Ferry Road at Big Bend nelloni with our homemade sauce is really good,” Mike pair wonderfully with the specialty coffee drinks. Open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily said. “For 25 years, we have been successful with Nicoletti’s Wine, beer and limited (for now) cocktails are available, Steak and Pasta, and that success has given us the opportu(636) 825-1400 • Fax: (636) 825-1418 too. nity to expand,” Mike said. “Here we are with a café, and Catering available “We have a full liquor license and the space, but we have so far, we’re off to a really good start.”



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Affordable Plumbing Repairs and bathroom remodeling. Call Craig 636-458-1161 or 314614-4840

Prayer Novena To The Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideals. Give me the divine gift to forgive and forget them all who have done wrong to me. I, in short dialogue, want to thank you in everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my beloved one in our perpetual glory. Thanks for favors. Pray this prayer for three consecutive days without asking for wish. After third day, wish will be granted no matter how difficult. Promise to publish this dialogue as soon as your favor has been granted. S.E.

Public Notice NOTicE Of ElEcTiON dEclaRaTiON Of caNdidacY ciTY Of claRKSON VallEY A Municipal Election will be held in the City of Clarkson Valley, St. Louis County, Missouri, on Tuesday, April 5, 2011, to elect a Mayor to serve a four (4) year term, and one (1) Alderperson from Ward 1, Ward 2, and Ward 3, each to serve a two (2) year term. Declaration of Candidacy for said offices begins Tuesday, December 14, 2010 and must be received by the City Clerk, Monday through Friday, during regular business hours. The closing date for filing will be at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 18, 2011. A candidate for Mayor must be at least twenty-five (25) years of age, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the city at the time of election for at least one (1) year preceding the election. A candidate for Alderperson must be a resident of the ward from which elected, at least twenty-one (21) years of age, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the city at the time of election for at least one (1) year preceding the election.

Michele McMahon, city clerk

Tree Care

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Real estate showcase

Live in paradise!

Provided by West Newsmagazine’s Advertising Department


estled on three plus gorgeous lakefront acres, you can enjoy nature and all four seasons in their glory. Designed by J. Robert Green, this beautiful home is an architectural masterpiece. Expanded and updated by the original owners, this home has a very chic contemporary feel. If you are looking for a home that is truly extraordinary, this is it!!! Soaring ceilings, abundance of windows, wood and Bommanite tile flooring, great use of space with accents of stone and copper inside and out are just the beginning. Dramatic entry leads to a two story great room adjacent to library with floor to ceiling bookshelves and bar area. Formal dining room is adjacent to two working kitchen areas, one for food

The only thing missing...

preparation complete with all stainless appliances and Viking stove and gas cook top with vent hood. The other is a large butler’s pantry with prep sink and endless cabinet space. Perfect for entertaining! A large sunroom and huge hobby, office, laundry area with awesome storage leads to an attached three car garage complete with wine cellar. Upstairs there are two large suites with their own luxury private baths. A balcony overlooking the great room has an entertainment bar as well. The lower level has two additional bedrooms and a large bath with dual vanities and separate shower and tub. The best part is the wonderful outdoor space. A huge deck to the rear, with beautiful views of the lake, set the stage for a peaceful and beautiful lifestyle. 3 car attached garage, with storage room above along with a two story tree house complete the exterior. Located in a private gated community, yet this

home is just 25 minutes to the Arch. 13 Chesterfield Lakes Road is offered for sale by Prudential Alliance, REALTORS for $950,000. To arrange your private viewing, please call 636-537-0300 today or visit PrudentailAlliance.com for more details. – THIS PROPERTY OFFERED BY –

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Mike Leeker 314-435-4040

18558 Great Meadow Dr. Wildwood • $995,000 Hdwd flrs, moldings, granite kit & hearth rm on private 3 acre lvl culdesac lot.. Spacious bdrms w/walk-in closets, 6 bathrooms. 2 gas frpls. 4C side entry gar. Fin LL w/ full bath.

1121 Talbridge Way St. Charles • $334,900 STUNNING 3 Year Old, 4Bd Walk Out, Backing to Trees w/All the Upgrades! Huge Vaulted Master Suite! Hardwood & tile flooring, excellent neighborhood. Minutes to Hwy 70!

Call Mike Leeker 314-435-4040 www.MikeLeeker.com

Call Stephanie Thompson 314-479-4555 stephaniethompsonrealtor.com

2628 Rockwood Pointe Wildwood • $289,900 2sty with 4bd & 3.5 baths, walkout basement, t-stair & 3-car garage. Huge private rear deck with hot tub. Brand new carpet & paint. Close to Wildwood Towne Center! Call Robin Williams 314-401-0155 www.CallRobinWilliams.com

Stephanie Thompson 314-479-4555

2020 WAkefield fArMs rd. –WildWood Beautiful horse set up in the heart of Wildwood! 1 ½ story 5 bed, 4 ½ bath & A 36 x 48 framed barn w/ cement footings Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960

225+/- ACres- hWy 47- st. ClAir 225+/- acre farm just off of Hwy 44. 7+/- acre lake, A Frame house, Covered boat dock & 40x60 Pole Barn Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960

2041 desloGe estAtes- villA ridGe A must see! Beautiful southern style plantation, historic home on 14 +/- acres. 5 bed 3 1/2 bath with guest house. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960/Chip Dewitt (314)503-3619 neW PriCe

200 Wild horse rAnCh- Chesterfield 4 bed Ranch style w/ soaring ceilings, heated pool, custom kitchen on 9.7 +/- private acres. Additional 5.7 adjoining acre lot also avail. Cathy Shaw- Connely (636)346-4960

19076 Ben Alder • WildWood 14+/- equestrian acres with 36x48 4 stall barn, fenced pasture. 4 bed ranch style home, w/ Pebble Tec pool Scott Peterson / Karen Burns

605 MulBerry Grove Ct. --MAnChester Open Sunday 2-4. Stunning Custom built atrium ranch 4 bed, 4 bath. Chef’s dream kitchen, 12 ft ceilings & finished LL Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960

499 MelAnie MeAdoWs- BAllWin 4 bed, 4 ½ bath w/ finished LL w/2nd f/p in rec room & full bath. Huge level yard Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960

14077 BAyWood villAGe- Chesterfield 3 bed, 3 bath condo, approx. 2800 sq ft, dramatic vaulted ceilings, fin. LL Scott Peterson (314)503-6457

2190 rAy roAd- PACifiC Great room ranch, 22 useable acres, 2 acre pond, 7 stall barn & outdoor riding arena Scott Peterson (314)503-6457 Tom Shaw, Sr. (314) 540-6854

17665 orrville rd - 1.5 story, 4 bed 2.5 bath home in the heart of Wildwood on 3+/- park-like acres. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960 18312 Acorn ridge - Great horse property! 1 ½ story 4 bed 2.5 bath home on 5.6 +/- Acres Cathy ShawConnely (636) 346-4960 Chip Dewitt (314)503-3619 2523 Maple Crossing - Open Sunday 12-1:30 --Clean-as-a Whistle! Updated 2 story home. 3 bed, 4 bath home is a must see with finished lower level Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960 Chip Dewitt (314)503-3619 17841 orrville rd - 5+/- acres, ridge top, cabin style home $269,900 Scott Peterson (314)503-6457 $10, 000 per acre - 81 acres available in Wentzville/ New Melle area. Scott Peterson (314) 503-6457

Contact Your Home and Lot Specialist

200 Long Road • Suite 160 • Chesterfield, MO 63005 Robin Williams 314-401-0155

PROPERTIES WEST 636.532.5900 each office independently owned & operated

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Find Your Dream Home at


www.prudentialalliance.com Chesterfield/Wildwood


1116 SHEPARD OAKS DR WILDWOOD Exceptional 1.5 sty, 3.16 acre lot, gorgeous inground pool. Spectacular kitchen adjoins hearthroom . $1,825,000





Want more info on area open houses? Just click on STLOpens.com

639 WOOD FERN DRIVE MANCHESTER Dramatic 1.5 sty 4+BR, 4.5ba updated home on fabulous wded lot. Spacious GR & open DR. $549,000


105 Royal Gate Dr. - Creve Coeur - $435,000 Pristine ranch in great location! Almost an acre of level yard, possibly 4 BDs on main level, updated throughout! Must see!

M 520 QUAIL RIDGE LANE ST ALBANS Incredible price for 1.5 cust residence in The Bluffs of Saint Albans. Over 7200 sf living space. $849,900

1645 BENTSHIRE COURT WILDWOOD Wonderful 4BR 2sty on level cul-de-sac lot. Kit w/42 cabinets, stainless appls & center island. $465,000

340 MISSION BAY COURT WILDWOOD This yard is a private haven! Lake view!! Designer colors, 3 car garage, 6 burner gas cooktop. $320,000



New Homes Div

16764 Babler View Dr. - Ballwin - $179,900 Babler Park estates ranch with open floor plan, vaults, skylights. Finished LL makes this double the size!

t uS


12933 Autumn Fields Ct - Creve Coeur - $225,000 Luxuriously updated condo in Field Pointe! Wood flrs, new carpet, 2 fireplaces, finished L.L., granite counters/stainless appliances!


305 Remington Way Dr. - Ballwin $440,000 Pristine “like new” one owner 2sty in Remington Place! First class upgrades, huge mstr ste, bonus rm. Over 3600 sqft!

340 Towerwood Dr. – Ballwin $164,900 Updated hm in great location! Bright open flr plan, updated kit, fin. lower level with wet bar! Must see! 11715 Administration Dr, Ste. 103 St. Louis, MO 63146 Office: 314-291-8102 Fax: 314-291-8095

899 HOG HOLLOW ROAD CHESTERFIELD 6 acre lot with ranch home, out buildings & grain bins. 4BR, 3 full baths, stone FP, 2c gar. $399,000


t LiS

I 71

906 Palmer Ct – Lake St. Louis - $214,900 Carefree lifestyle ranch condo on beautiful 15th green of Lake Forest Country Club! Finished LL, updates everywhere.

712 Woodside Trails Dr. - Ballwin - $133,000 Large condo in great community of Woodside Trails! Must see this kitchen. Large beds and baths. Call today for your Financing Needs: Wendy Wallach (314) 374-0737: Cell Wendy.Wallach@wellsfargo.com

14960 WATER RIDGE COURT CHESTERFIELD Exceptional 4BR, 2.5ba 2 sty home. Newer carpet, fresh paint, built-ins, granite & stainless. $319,000

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636-728-1881 • www.SellingStLouis.com

16711 HICKORY CREST DRIVE WILDWOOD Wonderful 3BR atrium ranch, open floor plan w/vaulted ceilings, wood floors, stainless appliances. $259,900

14931 RUTLAND CIRCLE CHESTERFIELD WOW! 3BR, 2ba, updated kitchen w/newer cabinets, stainless appliances, updated baths. $244,900

1552 WALPOLE DRIVE CHESTERFIELD Lovely 2BR, 2ba villa close to shopping, YMCA, & restaurants. Open LR w/vaulted ceiling, FP.$198,000

1365 HAUTE LOIRE DR (BALLWIN) 1.5 sty home with master suite on first floor. 3 good size BR on second floor.$365,000 347 RIES RD (BALLWIN) Beautifully appointed 1.5 sty, 4BR on a spectacular level park-like lot. Lovely deck. $299,900 543 OAKTREE (BALLWIN) Charming 3BR/3bath ranch in Woodlyn Crossing. Updated, wood in kitchen. $224,900 190 BRAESHIRE DR (BALLWIN) Spacious 3BR, 2.5ba on beautiful wooded lot. Great rm w/stone FP. $219,000 825 WOODSIDE TRAILS DR (BALLWIN) Great ranch villa with 3BR and 3 full baths. Great rm w/FP. $196,900 814 WINDINGPATH LANE (BALLWIN) Updated 3BR, 2ba ranch with open floor plan. Kit opens to family room. $175,000 17119 SURREY VIEW DR (CHESTERFIELD) Pristine ranch, 4BR/3.5ba, 2 FP, 3 c gar, level lot. Beautiful kit. $549,900 2308 WELLINGTON ESTATES DR (CHESTERFIELD) Beautifully appointed 2 sty. Fabulous kitchen. $525,000 14685 AMBERLEIGH HILL CT (CHESTERFIELD) 1.5 sty villa with over 3000 sq ft of gracious living. $450,000 16523 BAXTER FOREST RIDGE DR (CHESTERFIELD) Pristine 2 sty in prime location, great rm w/FP. $434,900 14024 WOODS MILL COVER DR (CHESTERFIELD) Beautifully appointed villa, neutral decor, fabulous kit. $399,900 8 CONWAY SPRINGS DR (CHESTERFIELD) Classic, all-brick 2-sty, 4BR, 2.5ba, over 1 acre - level. $390,000 16860 CHESTERFIELD BLUFFS CIRCLE (CHESTERFIELD) Updated 1.5 Story in Chesterfield Bluffs. 1923 SUMTER RIDGE CT (CHESTERFIELD) Spacious ranch, open floorplan, neutral & move-in condition. Updated kit. $375,000 14130 CONWAY RD (CHESTERFIELD) Updated kitchen and baths, granite counters, wood flooring both levels. $372,000

14386 RAINY LAKE DR (CHESTERFIELD) . Remodeled 2-story. Backs to commonground, 4 BR, 3ba. $315,000 2062 WINTERHAVEN (CHESTERFIELD) A creative, whimsical, remarkably updated home, flexible floor plan. $264,900 184 RIDGECREST DR (CHESTERFIELD) 4BR, 2ba ranch with large LR w/bay window. Separate DR. $234,500 1574 WALPOLE DR (CHESTERFIELD) Vacation at home w/your own pool, sauna, 2 wb FP, sun porch. $209,900 15474 COUNTRY MILL CT (CHESTERFIELD) Lovely 3BR, 2.5ba ranch home. Wonderful lot, vaulted foyer. $204,900 1 MONARCH TRACE #308 (CHESTERFIELD) Beautifully appointed vaulted great rm, fabulous kitchen. $199,900 14308 CONWAY MEADOWS CT #303 (CHESTERFIELD) Wonderful open floorplan ranch condo! 2BR, 2ba. $179,500 16643 STERLING POINTE CT (CLARKSON VALLEY) Custom 1.5 sty, gorgeous inground pool, 2 sty great rm. $890,000 214 FOX CHAPEL (CLARKSON VALLEY) Wonderful 1.5 story, updated to perfecion. 5BR, 3 F/2H baths. $739,900 2019 KEHRS MILL RD (CLARKSON VALLEY) Custom 1.5 sty. 2 sty great rm, mn flr master ste, fabulous kit. $624,900 16499 HORSESHOE RIDGE RD (CLARKSON VALLEY) Peaceful cul-de-sac location w/lake views, 1.5 sty. $529,900 25 LADUE MEADOWS (CREVE COEUR) Spacious ranch home perfect for entertaining! Cheerful sunrm. $429,900 1575 TERRA VISTA (CREVE COEUR) New constn! 2BR, 2ba attchd villa waiting for your contractor to complete. $320,000 652 #201 EMERSON RD (CREVE COEUR) New construction. 1BR/1ba. Granite, stainless, wood flrs. $164,000 309 CLAYTON CROSSING #B (ELLISVILLE) Light and bright 2BR/2 ba first floor unit. Granite counters. $114,900

139 OAK TRAIL (LABADIE) Custom built log home on 13 ac. Private setting, nature abounds! 3BR, 2.5ba. $499,000 13212 WEATHERFIELD DR (ST LOUIS CO) Beautifully updated 4BR home with great views. Gourmet kitchen. $524,900 633 PINE RISE DR (TOWN & COUNTRY) Beautifull appointed 3BR ranch. Updated kitchen, study on main level. $449,900 2119 SADDLE CREEK RIDGE (WILDWOOD) Stunning 1.5 sty, private lot, gourmet kitchen, granite. $1,199,900 18128 DAWNS TRAIL (WILDWOOD) Exceptional custom 1.5 sty on 3 acre lot. 2 master suites, unique flr plan. $900,000 16624 WYCLIFFE PLACE DR (WILDWOOD) Charming Country French home in Wildwood. $599,000 1651 WILDHORSE PKWY DR (WILD-t backing to trees. Vaulted great rm with fireplace & wood flrs $525,00 3801 TAMARA (WILDWOOD) Gorgeous ranch home on 10 acres in Wildwood. Features an updated kitchen. $449,900 2208 DARTMOUTH GATE CIR (WILDWOOD) 1.5 Story on lovely level lot. 2 sty great rm, updated kitchen. $440,000 2127 MINT SPRING LN (WILDWOOD) Beautiful 2 sty 4BR, 4ba on 3 wooded acres. Updated kitchen. $439,900 1330 WELLINGTON VIEW PLC (WILDWOOD) 4BR, 3ba ranch on cul-de-sac in Westhampton Woods. Granite. $384,000 315 BEACON POINT (WILDWOOD) Fabulous neighborhood...Fabulous home! Over 5000 sq ft of living space. $350,000 2020 WOODMOOR RIDGE (WILDWOOD) Sunny and bright 2 sty home w/4BR, 2.5ba. Updated kitch. $329,900 1708 SHEPARD RD (WILDWOOD) Beautiful building site for your own plans. Gorgeous 4.6 acre lot! $325,000 17147 CAMBURY (WILDWOOD) Newer townhome with 2BR, 3.5ba, 2 c gar.Tall ceilings, wood flrs, SS appls. $224,900


1133 Pond Wildwood $1,999,999

1003 Dutch Mill Ballwin $189,500

806 Rotherham Ballwin $249,000

12875 Conway Creve Coeur $630,000

502 Iron Lantern Ballwin $210,000

7346 Richmond Maplewood $137,200

Prudential Select Properties

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