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Failure or Success? Many people are lamenting the failure of the Congressional “Super Committee” to come up with an agreement on ways to reduce the runaway federal deficits. But you cannot judge success or failure without knowing what the goal was. If you think the goal was to solve the country’s fiscal crisis, then obviously the Super Committee was a complete failure. But, if you think the goal was to improve the chances of the Obama administration being re-elected in 2012, it was a complete success. Imagine that there had been no Super Committee in the first place. Who would be blamed for the country’s fiscal crisis? The overwhelmingly Democratic Congress that voted to spend the money which increased the deficits more during the Obama administration than in the eight years of George W. Bush. When the Obama administration’s massive spending spree was going on, Republicans were so hopelessly outnumbered in both houses of Congress that nothing that the Congressional Republicans could say or do would have the slightest effect. Even the cleverest political spin-master would have a hard time trying to keep blame from falling on the Obama administration, without the later shift of attention to the debt crisis. Two things got the blame shifted. The first was the national debt ceiling, which had to be raised, if politicians were not going to be forced to either cut existing programs or shut down the government – neither of which was politically attractive. By the time a vote on raising the national debt ceiling was required, Republicans had gotten control of the House of Representatives. This meant that the national debt issue was now a bipartisan issue, whereas the spending that drove the national debt up to that national debt ceiling had been a problem strictly for the Democrats. Splitting the blame with the Republicans for what Democrats alone had done was a political victory, in terms of making the Obama administration less vulnerable at the polls in 2012. With the help of the media, the big issue was no longer the big spending that drove the national debt up to the legal ceiling, but the failure of the Republicans to help solve the debt ceiling crisis. Many people lamented the failure of
President Obama to become engaged in the process of working out a solution to the fiscal crisis, and regarded that as a failing. But, again, success or failure depends on what goal you are trying to achieve. If the goal was to reach a bipartisan solution to the country’s fiscal crisis, then the president’s involvement might have increased the chances of doing that. But, if the goal was to outsource the blame, then the president’s fading away into the background was the perfect political ploy. Appointing a bipartisan Super Committee with dramatic powers, and apparently dramatic consequences if they failed to reach agreement, created another long distraction in the media that took the president further out of the picture. When it came to media coverage of the country’s financial crisis, it was almost a question of “Barack Who?” The draconian spending cuts that were supposed to hang over the heads of the members of the Super Committee, like a sword of Damocles, turned out to be a cardboard sword when the inevitable failure to reach an agreement occurred. A new Congress meets before these draconian cuts are supposed to happen – and no Congress can be forced to do anything by a previous Congress. So all this turned out to be a grand charade – and politicians are great at charades. This one was a complete political success, because we are now talking about who is to blame for not coming up with a way of solving the fiscal crisis, rather than who did the runaway spending that caused that crisis in the first place. An even longer-running charade is the budget-cutting charade, where big spenders promise to make spending cuts to match tax increases – or even to exceed tax increases. Of course the tax increases come first and the spending cuts are spread out into the future – and usually end up not taking place at all. This particular charade could be ended by making the spending cuts take place first. But that would spoil the political game.
Thank you,
West County, for another award-winning year! Happy Holidays! Nancy Barrett, ASID
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letters to the editor Red kettle call
for attention and bounce them out the door, someone whose large black Ford truck has they sit out there and whine and let you damage or has recently been repaired on To the Editor: know how unhappy they are. They don’t the front right quarter panel starting at the Having grown up in The Salvation Army, work or contribute anything to the good of headlight all the way back to the first pasI realize how common it is to see an appeal the household. You are simply expected senger door. All calls will be confidential from the Army this time of year, but I want to provide because they deign to be there, and I greatly appreciate any and all help in to extend an especially heartfelt petition to scratching your hand, licking your ear, resolving this matter. your readers, and our supporters in this, an making a pest of themselves. Scott Guthrie incredibly pivotal time of need. But, they’re so darn cute and cuddly that Kansas City, Mo. In 2011, we have responded to the call we can’t help but say yes. I’ve named the of hundreds of thousands of individuals kitten OWS after the other group of people in Missouri and Southern Illinois, both in who think like my wife’s kitten. But at Labadie landfill response to the enormous impact of natural least her kitten is clean, has no fleas and To the Editor: disasters, and continued economic turmoil. hasn’t destroyed anything. However, on I am having a difficult time comprehendAdditionally, we are seeing a tenfold occasion, he, too, defecates in the corner, ing that the Franklin County Planning and increase in need at some of our food pan- but we’re working on training him to use Zoning Department revealed May 25, 2011 tries over the same time last year, while we a Port-a Potty. that 93.7 percent of toxic chemicals (includare experiencing significant cuts in fundRick Standal ing lead, arsenic, mercury) comes from the ing and government support for our food Ballwin AmerenUE power plant in Labadie. banks. Franklin County is ranked No. 5 in the Individuals who once were our staunchstate “for total toxic chemicals disposed of est supporters and regular donors are now Ballwin hit-and-run or released.” All the county commissioners coming to The Salvation Army for aid. To the Editor: have this information, and yet on Oct. 25, As an organization, we pride ourselves On Sun., Oct. 16 I was visiting Cherry 2011, the majority voted to put a landfill on being good stewards of the donations Hill Estates from Kansas City. We were in a floodway and floodplain of the Misthat God and our donors entrust us with, finishing raking the leaves in the early souri River, further polluting the residents with 82 cents of every dollar being put evening when a large, black Ford Explorer and the environment of not only Franklin into programming that changes lives, but or Expedition truck with tan or gray trim, County but that of Jefferson, St. Louis, St. we have seen the need in our community heading east on Nantucket, ran full force Charles counties and the Missouri, Missisoutpace the support we are receiving from into the back of my gold 1996 Saturn, sippi and Meramec rivers. the community. which was parked at the southernmost The National Cancer Institute records We would ask that your readers prayer- intersection of Providence and Nantucket candidly state that Franklin County has fully consider donating to this year’s Tree facing east. among the highest incidence of cancer per of Lights campaign – either with their time I watched as the man started to drive 100,000 people in the state. So do the suror their money, so that we can raise the nec- away. After I yelled, he stopped and rounding counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, essary funds to continue doing this work appeared to stumble out of his truck and Crawford and Lincoln counties. All are in 2012. The donations you make change explain, “I’m your neighbor, I only live a showing rates in the 480-550 per 100,000 lives, and it is only through your support block away.” I told him I thought he was range. What sits in the middle of all these that we can help those who need it most. drunk and that I had called the police, at counties? The Labadie coal-fired power May God bless you and keep you in this which point he hopped back in his truck plant with its leaking ash ponds. The folholiday season, and sped off. While fleeing, he nearly ran lowing facts are what Franklin County Major Lonneal Richardson over a small boy on a bike with training reported on May 25, 2011: Divisional Commander, Salvation wheels. Franklin County ranked No. 5 in MisArmy-St. Louis Unfortunately, I could not get the license souri (2007) for total toxic chemicals displate number. However, I do believe it posed of or released, and 93.7 percent of contained a 1, L, M or W in the number. toxic chemicals came from the Ameren A kitten named OWS I’m writing for two reasons: first to let power plant in Labadie. (The) majority of To the Editor: you know there is someone driving errati- toxins is solid waste store onsite. My wife’s cat recently had kittens. I’ve cally in and around Cherry Hill Estates, One-third of waste comes from air emisnever been a cat person – prefer dogs – putting the lives of children in danger, and sions (hydrochloric acid, hydrogen fluoride, but kittens are cute and cuddly. When second, to appeal to your sense of decency sulfuric acid, metal compounds). you walk across the room, they tangle in and ask for your help in making this man Furthermore, Ameren’s coal ash ponds your feet and darn near knock you on the accountable for his actions. My car sus- have been leaking since 1992. The Departfloor. Whenever you sit down, they jump tained nearly $3,000 in damage, and replac- ment of Natural Resources (DNR), Frankinto your lap and want you to relieve the ing it represents a huge financial burden. lin County, nor the state have tested the boredom by playing with them. Whenever Officer Scott Stephens of the Ballwin groundwater around the site because there you open the refrigerator door, they expect Police Department said he would be happy is no state law requiring inspection. Ameren a saucer of milk, and whenever you walk to receive your confidential call at (636) does nothing about the three existing leaks by their dish, they expect you to drop in a 227-8580, (refer to case #2011-16871). of over 350 million gallons of heavy metal little food. You can ask for him in the Police Depart- toxins since 1992. They expect you to provide them with ment Traffic Division. You can also call me (On) Spet. 20, 2011, the DNR finds two a warm, comfortable place to sleep, and at (816) 674-8792. new leaks. One is near a discharge pipe of a when you get tired of this constant need We are looking for information about pond and its drainage pipe that dumps into
Labadie Creek and the Missouri River. The last thing we need in the region is to deposit more toxic waste in the form of coal ash into our floodplains. Get involved with LEO (Labadie Environmental Organization) by becoming a member to receive email updates to stop this insane poisoning of our air and water. The LEO website is Deborah Wiersma Pacific
Social Security and life expectancy To the Editor: It seems, recently, that there has been a lot of attention in various media to population, its growth and even promoting growth, (such) as your article in the Nov. 2 issue of West Newsmagazine on surrogacy, when a woman cannot conceive on her own. Two other recent articles, but in National Geographic (September and November) also spoke of population. If the information provided is correct, it would appear that over-population is or will not be a problem in the industrialized, or First World, countries from just two children on average being born from each woman. This rate only sustains the current population. The challenge comes from life expectancy getting longer. Information shows that in the United States alone, there were over 50,000 centenarians (100-year-olds) in 2010. Because of improving healthcare and living accommodations, it is calculated that by the year 2050 – only 38 more years from now – the number of centenarians will total over 600,000. A child born this year has better than a 50/50 chance of living to the age of 100. A large portion of the world is in the same position. I am not sure on this fact, but I heard the figure once before on the radio that if a person collects Social Security for just nine years, they have taken out all that they contributed to that fund through payroll deduction. When Social Security started, life expectancy was far shorter than it is today. Can we see that (the) bucket of Social Security dollars is emptying faster than dollars are going into it? Something must be done. We need to listen to people who have ideas of how to change the system to meet today’s and tomorrow’s needs, and not listen to the scare slogans of those who don’t want to deal with the problem or offer any solutions. Noel LaVanchy Wildwood
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Vandals defaced the entrance sign at Portland Estates, a Frontenac subdivision on Geyer Road just south of Clayton Road, sometime during the evening of Nov. 29. “Occupy” was scrawled in blue paint on one of the signs; the other was painted with the words, “Wake up.” Some have theorized that the Occupy St. Louis movement is moving westward. (West Newsmagazine photo)
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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2011.
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News Br iefs BALLWIN Florist fire Firefighters from the Metro West Fire Protection District recently managed to quickly extinguish an electrical fire at a Ballwin business. At approximately 7 p.m. on Nov. 22, Metro West crews responded to a fire at the Walter Knoll Florist, located at 14751 Manchester Road. Upon arrival, they found fire in the front portion of the store so made an aggressive interior attack to extinguish the fire and prevent it from extending throughout the building. “Our crews made excellent tactical decisions to bring this potentially devastating fire under control with minor damages,” Metro West Chief Vincent Loyal said. The fire was determined to be a result of an accidental electrical short in the front of the store.
Revisiting aldermanic candidacy requirements Ballwin Alderman Mark Harder (Ward 2) at the Nov. 28 Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting reintroduced talks concerning basic requirements for election to the city’s board of aldermen.
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Harder said the board needs to determine what the city wants its Declaration of Candidacy forms to say for the April 3, 2012 election and what should be the basic requirements for candidacy. Harder and other members of the board said they want to give Ballwin’s city clerk the ability to access the St. Louis County Department of Revenue website and other sources in order to verify if a candidate filing for office has paid his or her taxes, municipal fees and sewer lateral fees. Harder said he was asking the board to “decide how we want to conduct our elections in the future.” Because City Clerk Marie Clark was scheduled to attend a seminar concerning candidate filing and forms later in the week, the board agreed to table the item until its Dec. 12 meeting.
‘Click It or Ticket’ The Ballwin Police Department during its Nov. 18 “Click It or Ticket” mobilization stopped numerous motorists for not wearing seat belts. Law enforcement agencies throughout Missouri participated in the statewide effort to get more motorists to buckle up and ultimately, save more lives. During the enforcement effort, Ballwin officers issued 45 traffic citations,
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including eight seat belt tickets, 11 speeding tickets and 26 tickets for other traffic violations. Despite evidence proving the benefits of wearing a seat belt, nearly one in four Missouri motorists are still not making it click, and seven of 10 Missourians killed in traffic crashes are unbuckled.
CHESTERFIELD Baby boomers survey In light of the latest U.S. Census numbers, Chesterfield city officials are anticipating a change in the city’s residents’ demands for services and are seeking to measure residents’ changing needs. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, 36 percent of Chesterfield residents are older than 55, and 53 percent are older than 45. To gauge the needs of its residents, the city is asking that those who are 55 or older take a confidential, 30-question baby boomers survey. Results will be used to make decisions about future policies and programs. A link to the survey can be found at
Seeking Citizen of the Year nominees The city of Chesterfield is requesting nominations for its Citizen of the Year Award. This is an opportunity to nominate an individual who has brought honor upon themselves and the community as the result
of an outstanding accomplishment or by being actively involved in the community. Nominees should meet the following criteria: • Actions being recognized should benefit the overall community of the city of Chesterfield and its residents in some manner through volunteerism, work performed on community projects, and overall civic contributions to the community. • Individuals should preferably reside in Chesterfield. If not, the accomplishment for which the person is nominated should have taken place in the city. Nomination guidelines are as follows: • One nomination per person per household (spouses cannot be nominated jointly). • Previously nominated individuals can be re-nominated. • A nominee cannot serve on the Selection Committee. • The person nominating an individual cannot serve on the Selection Committee. • City employees will not be considered for the award. To nominate an individual, visit The deadline for nominations is Feb. 3, 2012.
CREVE COEUR Picnic table donation The Creve Coeur City Council on Nov.
Your tree is trimmed. Your gifts are wrapped. Is your pet ready for the Holidays?
Home for the holidays
$20 oFF Pictured is the goose
A Canada goose that was shot with an arrow and shortly after it was treated for its injuries made it home to Des Peres Park rescued (right) and in time for Thanksgiving. returning to Des Peres Volunteers from the Wildlife Rescue Center in Ballwin Park. rescued the goose in early October after passersby saw it running around Des Peres Park with an arrow lodged in its chest. The goose was treated for its wound and a resulting infection, then released back into the park on Nov. 19, fully recovered after six weeks of rehab the the center.
28 accepted a donation of a picnic table for Laverne Collins Park, courtesy of the Creve Coeur Kiwanis. The Kiwanis approached city staff regarding the donation of a concrete picnic table for the park. The table is valued at $2,105. The city’s public works crew will build a concrete pad in the park on which to place the table and benches. According to city policy, any donations exceeding $1,000 must be approved by the city council. The park is named after longtime Creve Coeur City Clerk Laverne Collins, who retired from her post several years ago.
MANCHESTER Proposed 2012 budget The Manchester Board of Aldermen held a public hearing on Nov. 21 to discuss the 2012 fiscal year budget. A presentation by David Tuberty, Manchester’s director of finance, outlined the proposed budget. Tuberty said the city expects $16.9 million in revenues with expenditures of $16.5 million in 2012, leaving an excess of $410,280 in revenues. Total reserve is anticipated to be $13.5 million at the end of 2012. The city’s general fund is about $8.7 million. Estimated expenditures for 2012 are about $9.2 million, which is $145,000 more than last year’s budget, leaving the general fund reserve with $2.1 million at the end of 2012. Tuberty said the budget includes $1,123,147 for capital projects, $824,260 for park and stormwater projects and just less than $200,000 for sewer repairs.
WILDWOOD Public meeting regarding Route 109 widening The Missouri Department of Transportation and the city of Wildwood will hold an open house-style public meeting from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Thurs., Dec. 8 at Babler Elementary School, located at 1955 Shepard Road in Wildwood. The meeting is to discuss a joint plan to widen Route 109 between Route 100 and Clayton Road to two lanes in each direction with a modified two-lane roundabout at Route 109 and Pond-Grover Loop Road and a western extension of Pond-Grover Loop Road. The project is intended to improve safety and traffic flow. Engineers will work on designs for the next year, and construction should start in spring 2013. Construction is expected to be complete in summer 2014. Those attending the meeting can see preliminary construction plans and discuss the project’s impacts with MoDOT engineers. Participants can submit comments about the plans, the schedule and possible impacts during the public meeting.
Marking the trails The Wildwood City Council has approved a resolution to enter into a contract with Terraspec for signage of the city’s trail system. The city has been working on developing a themed signage package for its park facilities and corridors due to increased use and interest from residents and visitors. The signage package will be utilized in a variety of facilities, including Old Pond School Park, and within the system of multiple-use trail corridors.
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Filing for April elections opens Dec. 13
Creve Coeur Harold Dielmann
Des Peres Richard Lahr
Ellisville Matt Pirrello
Monarch FPD names interim chief officers
Manchester Dave Willson
Wildwood Tim Woerther
Five West County mayoral seats up for grabs The filing period for posts up for election on April 3, 2012 in West County municipalities, the Parkway and Rockwood School Districts and area fire districts opens on Tues., Dec. 13 and will remain open until 5 p.m. on Tues., Jan. 17. Here is a rundown of positions that will be on the April ballot:
Roze Acup (District 3) will be on the ballot.
by Karl Koeb (Ward 1) and Michael Schmidt (Ward 2) will be on the ballot.
Parkway School District
Board of aldermen seats now held by Michael Finley (Ward 1), Shamed Dogan (Ward 2), Frank Fleming (Ward 3) and Richard Boerner (Ward 4) will be on the April ballot for two-year terms, as well as the position of Kathy Kerlagon (Ward 4) for a one-year term.
Aldermanic seats now held by Bob Berry (Ward 1), Robert Kee, Jr. (Ward 2) and Don Beckerle (Ward 3) will be on the ballot.
City council seats currently held by Barry Flachsbart (Ward 1), Elliot Grissom (Ward 2), Mike Casey (Ward 3) and Connie Fults (Ward 4) will be on the ballot.
The mayoral post currently held by Dave Willson and three aldermanic Rockwood School seats will be up for election: those cur- District rently occupied by Hal Ross (Ward 1), Two positions on the Rockwood Marilyn Ottenad (Ward 2) and John Board of Education, which currently Diehl (Ward 3). are held by Peggy Devoy and Geoff Rigabar, will be on the ballot.
Clarkson Valley Board of aldermen positions currently held by Susan Shea (Ward 1), Wendell Sittser (Ward 2) and Lin Midyett (Ward 3) will be on the ballot.
Creve Coeur
Two director positions on the Parkway Board of Education, each for a three-year term and currently held by Helen Casteel and Beth Feldman, will be on the ballot.
Town & Country
Open seats on the Town & Coun- Eureka Fire try Board of Aldermen will be those Protection District occupied by Nancy Avioli (Ward 1), Al There will be no open positions on Gerber (Ward 2), Steve Fons (Ward 3) the April ballot. and Phil Behnen (Ward 4).
The mayoral post currently held by Harold Dielmann as well as coun- Twin Oaks cilmember seats currently held by Seats on the ballot for the board of David Kreuter (Ward 1), A. James trustees will be those held by Chairman Wang (Ward 2), Robert Hoffman (Ward Ray Slama and Jeff Graves. 3) and Jeanne Rhoades (Ward 4) will be on the ballot. Wildwood The mayoral post currently held by Des Peres Tim Woerther and councilmember seats The mayoral post currently held by currently occupied by Larry McGowen Richard Lahr, as well as board of alder- and David Geile (Ward 1), Holly Parks men seats now occupied by John Pound (Ward 2), Tammy Shea (Ward 3), Nick (Ward 1), Paul Raczkiewicz (Ward 2) Roppolo and Debra Smith McCutchen and Paul Fingerhut (Ward 3) will be on (Ward 5), David Sewell (Ward 6), Jim the ballot. Kranz (Ward 7) and Larry Goodson (Ward 8) will be on the ballot. There Ellisville also is a vacancy for a councilmember Mayor Matt Pirrello’s term expires seat in Ward 4, from which Aaron Luter in April, so Ellisville will elect another resigned. mayor. Also, city councilmember seats currently held by Clark Compton (Dis- Winchester trict 1), Linda Real (District 2) and Aldermanic posts currently held
Creve Coeur Fire Protection District
The board of directors seats currently held by Ron Olshwanger and Blanche Keeler will be on the ballot. One seat is for a four-year term and the other is for a six-year term.
Metro West Fire Protection District There will be no open positions on the April ballot.
Monarch Fire Protection District There will be no open positions on the April ballot.
West County EMS & Fire Protection District Information not available at press time.
By JIM ERICKSON The Monarch Fire Protection District has announced the names of persons assigned to fill interim leadership positions in the wake of recent firings of four of the district’s top officers. According to the announcement, all of those in the interim positions have considerable experience in command positions, with an average of more than 31 years of service with Monarch. At the district board’s Nov. 22 meeting, Kim Evans, chairperson of the Monarch board, said decisions on permanent replacements would not come until a new fire chief was named and that person had an opportunity to settle into the job and provide input and recommendations to the board on the positions. Interim appointments are: • Operations Chief – John Borgmann. Borgmann is a 30-year Monarch veteran who previously was a battalion chief. • EMS Chief – Nick Harper. Harper comes from the rank of captain/acting battalion chief and has been with Monarch for 32 years. • A-Shift Battalion Chief – Larry Beauchamp. Beauchamp, a 33-year member of the department who previously held the rank of captain/ acting battalion chief. • B-Shift Battalion Chief – Jim Wilcox. A 38-year Monarch veteran, Wilcox formerly was a captain/acting battalion chief. • C-Shift Battalion Chief – Bill Long. Long was a captain/acting battalion chief and has been with district for 23 years. Released officers were Assistant Chief Les Crews, Deputy Chief Cary Spiegel, and Battalion Chiefs Fred Goodson and Mike Davis. The four officers were dismissed in the wake of a discrimination lawsuit in which a jury last year awarded two female Monarch firefighters $200,000 each plus interest and legal fees. That verdict, upheld earlier this month by the Missouri Court of Appeals, was the reason cited by the board for the firings. In a news release issued after the dismissals, the Monarch board said the four officers were given an opportunity to resign but declined to do so. “While the accomplishments and years of service of the individuals cannot go unrecognized, the results of the decision … by the Court of Appeals also cannot go without strict consequences,” the release stated. Borgmann’s move from battalion chief to operations chief required a fifth interim appointment to fill his previous position. The Monarch Fire Protection District covers more than 62 square miles and includes all or parts of Chesterfield, Clarkson Valley, Creve Coeur, Maryland Heights, Wildwood, Ballwin and unincorporated West St. Louis County.
Developer of former Rothman site discloses need for TDD By BETSY ZATKULAK Developer Bill Biermann disclosed at the Nov. 28 Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting the need for supplemental funding for the three-lot commercial development at the former site of Rothman Furniture. Prior to the meeting, Biermann spoke about the issue with West Newsmagazine. “The (development) got very, very expensive,” said Biermann, of Chesterfield-based W.B. Biermann. “Basically, it was almost $.5 million of unanticipated costs. Now what we’re trying to do is … tell the city that we’d like to do a transportation development district (TDD) on that property. … We would still pay for all of the improvements, but this would give us a chance of recovering some of that money over time.” TDDs can impose a sales tax in increments of 1/8 percent up to 1 percent. Biermann said the goal is to keep the TDD at minimum, likely, .5 percent. When asked if the taxpayers would ultimately be paying off what Biermann called “extraordinary costs,” Biermann gave a yes and no answer. “We’ll pay up front,” Biermann said, “but you’re right – the end-user will pay that .5 percent on the different items over time. Ultimately, the taxpayers would reimburse the developer.” Biermann said TDDs are very commonplace and explained how they work. “Say you have $1 million worth of road work,” he said. “Let’s say the regular sales tax is 9 percent. For a set period of time –
20 years, 15 years, whatever it is – we’re going to impose a .5 percent sales tax on items that are subject to sales tax, excluding gas because it has its own level of taxation, which does not include sales tax. “(If) a guy buys a soda at the C-store that’s $1 – he’d actually pay like .5 cents extra. Over time, that .5 percent would go back to pay down the improvement costs.” Biermann attributed much of the unanticipated costs to leveling the site and roadwork along Seven Trails Drive. The developer and U-Gas, the principle buyer of the property, wanted to leave the site elevated as it is now, but Biermann said the road would be so steep that safety would be a major concern. “Eventually, we decided we’re going to have to drop the whole site down to Manchester to make the whole thing work,” he said. While Biermann does not have to seek the board’s approval to impose a TDD, he said he believes in being open and honest. “The city doesn’t approve it, per say. I just think it’s good practice to go in and give them a heads-up that this is what we’re thinking about doing,” Biermann said. “I just want to run it by them and make sure there’s no heartburn there.” Biermann faced little resistance from the board. He said he was confident construction on the site, which will be the home to U-Gas, a Wendy’s restaurant and an undetermined business, would start in the next couple of weeks.
Ballwin alderman questions cost of lighting city streets By BETSY ZATKULAK A Ballwin alderman is seeking to shed some light on the rising cost of streetlights throughout the city. Ballwin Alderman Jim Leahy (Ward 3) has scheduled a meeting with the Ballwin Public Health and Safety committee for 6 p.m. on Mon., Dec. 12, just prior to the city’s regular board of aldermen meeting, to discuss the rising cost of lighting city streets. According to Leahy, “There was an 11.4 percent increase that has taken Ballwin’s cost up to $477,000,” and many of the city’s streetlights “are old, inefficient and now cost us over $16 per month.” Noting that he will go into the meeting with an open mind, Leahy is particularly displeased that Ballwin residents pay Ameren every month for the use of the black light poles, and the city uses only $2
per month per light in electricity. “I would like Ameren to explain to the residents of Ballwin why we are charged $14 per month for black poles,” Leahy said, adding that perhaps the city would be better off buying and maintaining its own streetlight poles. Leahy is looking also at options to eliminate lights that are inefficient, such as the light that is positioned at the top of the street where he resides. He said the light is surrounded by a tree and provides very little light at night – something he views as a both a waste of taxpayer dollars and a safety concern. “I am looking at all options that will benefit the city of Ballwin,” Leahy said. The board of aldermen will invite an Ameren representative to its Dec. 12 meeting, which is open to the public.
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Creve Coeur is considering becoming an EPA Green Power Community, which would require the city to offset 10 percent of its electricity use with renewable energy. AmerenUE allows customers to buy renewable energy indirectly from its wind farms.
Creve Coeur considers Green Power Partnership By TED DIXON JR. The Creve Coeur City Council at its Nov. 14 meeting explored the idea of becoming as a Green Power Partner through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a partnership that would encourage residents and businesses to purchase wind power renewable energy credits. By purchasing energy from a renewable source like wind power, the city would be able to offset 10 percent of its electrical use. Creve Coeur has been proactive in becoming “green.” Last year, the city formed a Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission by 20 percent by 2015 and 50 percent by 2050. City leaders believe GHG emissions would reduce considerably through the purchase of power from renewable sources. As a part of the plan, a resolution was proposed to initiate the Green Power Community Challenge, an EPA-sponsored program that provides municipalities with an opportunity to become Green Power Partners by purchasing renewable energy credits (RECs), or by installing on-site renewable energy sources and then challenging local businesses and residents to likewise consume energy from renewable sources. To become an EPA Green Power Community, otherwise known as a GPC, the city would need to accomplish two goals: First, Creve Coeur would be required to offset 10 percent of its electricity use with renewable energy. AmerenUE allows its customers to buy renewable energy indirectly from its wind farms through the purchase of RECs. According to Jaysen Christensen, assistant to Creve Coeur City Administrator Mark Perkins, the RECs subsidize the cost
of producing wind-generated electricity. In Missouri, Christensen said, it costs more to generate electricity from wind than from traditional sources, such as coal. However, unlike coal, wind power is a renewable energy source and does not produce greenhouse gases. The cost for the city to purchase enough RECs to offset 10 percent of its electricity use and eventually qualify to become a GPC would be $330 per month, or $3,960 per year, Christensen said. Second, the city would need to conduct a GPC Challenge campaign to educate businesses and residents and encourage them to support renewable energy by buying RECs or by installing solar panels with the help of Microgrid Energy, a local firm. Ameren has hired a consulting firm, 3 Degrees, to help administer the program and aid cities with the GPC Challenge by coordinating publicity events and marketing materials for cities to distribute, Christensen said. Creve Coeur currently spends $273,000 annually in electric utility costs to power all of its buildings, parks and streetlights. Christensen estimated that if the city is successful in becoming a GPC, it could generate an additional $9,000 in utility tax revenues. Earlier this year, the city’s Climate Action Task Force voted in favor of recommending that the city pass a resolution on the issue. The city was to vote on the matter at the Nov. 14 meeting but chose to defer that vote until December. Some councilmembers expressed concern over the possibility of collecting tax revenue from the program, and the city is exploring the idea of removing the tax receipts from the program. If the resolution passes, Creve Coeur would become the second city in Missouri to adopt such a program, joining Clayton.
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Traffic patterns shift on Route 141 Missouri Department of Transportation crews recently reopened a portion of Ladue Road east of the new lanes of Route 141, resulting in the following traffic pattern changes: • All Route 141 traffic has been moved to the new Route 141 lanes between Conway Road and the Parkway Central High School campus north of Ladue Road. • Traffic on Ladue Road east of Route 141 now is able to access both northbound and southbound Route 141 at the new interchange at Ladue. • Traffic on Ladue Road west of Route 141 in the Green Trails subdivision now can travel north on Woods Mill Road to the traffic signal at Parkway Central to access Route 141. • Woods Mill Road south of Ladue Road is closed between Ladue and Conway roads to allow crews to construct the new Woods A MoDOT graphic of the new Woods Mill Road Mill Road and bridges for Ladue Road. detour route.
Chesterfield stores to get Black Friday fines Nine stores in Chesterfield Valley received tickets for opening early on Black Friday. Chesterfield Police Lt. Steve Lewis said Best Buy, Walmart and Target were among the stores cited for breaking the 6 a.m. to midnight restriction on operating hours. According to Chesterfield Court Administrator Nancy Morr, the summonses have
been sent to the city prosecutor’s office, and it will probably take a couple of weeks before fines are issued. She said there is no preset amount on the fines. Morr said that as far as she knows. this is the first time that Chesterfield has issued tickets to stores for opening early on Black Friday.
Most of us are guilty of neglecting our feet during the cold winter months. Bundling
Progress 64 West awards
up our feet with warm cozy socks in tight fitting shoes can contribute to problematic
A civic organization promoting economic growth in West St. Louis and St. Charles counties has awarded Louis S. Sachs scholarships totaling $10,000 to three high school seniors and honored five businesses for excellence in community development. Louis S. Sachs Scholarship winners (front row, from left): Ben Scholarship win- Walker, Brittany Cooley and Ryan Jones. In back are (from left) ners announced at Charlie Dooley, St. Louis County executive; Patrick Shaw and the recent awards Sharon Huber, of the scholarship committee; Steve and Suzy banquet held by Sachs, son and daughter of the late Mr. Louis Sachs; Steve Ehlmann, St. Charles County executive; and Michael Doster, Progress 64 West secretary of the Progress 64 West board. were: Ryan Jones, from Lafayette High School, who received a $5,000 award; and Ben Walker, from Parkway South, and Brittany Cooley, from Rockwood Summit, both of whom received $2,500. The awards were based on executive summaries the students wrote presenting a concept for a business operation. Businesses receiving honors were: Aegion Corp.; Bommarito Automotive Group; CenterPointe Hospital; Cotton Babies; and Ungerboeck Software International.
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New Wildlife Hotline answers calls 24/7 By CAROL ENRIGHT Anyone who has ever found an orphaned baby bunny outside of normal business hours and struggled to find help will want to jot down this number: 492-1610. It is a new hotline dedicated to answering calls about wildlife issues. While the St. Louis area is home to many wildlife rehab and rescue centers, the hotline offers something unique: 24/7 access to a real, live person. Angel Wintrode established the hotline in response to her own experience working at a wildlife rehab center and at the Humane Society. People would call the rehab center and leave messages after hours or call the Humane Society in desperation after finding no one else to answer their questions. “It’s frustrating not being able to reach someone with a wildlife issue,” Wintrode said, adding that she hopes the hotline “fills that need.” Currently, 12 volunteers answer the hotline. According to Wintrode, all have experience in the field and have been trained in the basics of wildlife rehab. Nancy Hunt is one of those volunteers. An animal control officer for the city of Crestwood, Hunt was a wildlife rehabber for more than 15 years. She said the hotline could help both the rehab facilities and city departments, such as the police and animal control. Spring is the busiest time for wildlife rehab centers, because “that’s when the babies come,” Wintrode said. “When I was at the rehab clinic, it was nothing to come in for your shift and have there be 30 phone calls you had to return,” said Hunt. Calls about baby bunnies are the most common. “Everybody wants to save bunnies,” said Hunt. “If they don’t know what to do and they can’t get a hold of anybody, their inclination is to scoop them up and take them inside – which is not necessarily what you want them to do. You want them to leave them there.”
Wintrode said the hotline would lighten the load for rehab centers and save animals’ lives. “The point of the hotline would be that … when you find the bunny, you can make a phone call and you actually talk to a real live person who tells you to put it back,” said Wintrode, adding that this would eliminate the need to bring the bunny to a rehab center. As an animal control officer, Hunt works “8 to 5, Monday through Friday. So, on the weekends, there’s nobody to take their calls other than the police – and the police are kind of limited in what they can do,” she said. Lt. Scott Melies of the Valley Park Police Department received a call in November from a driving range owner who said a large buck was stuck in the netting on his range. The call came in on Veteran’s Day. When Melies called animal control, nobody was there to take the call due to the holiday, so he called the Wildlife Hotline. Wintrode and her volunteers quickly arrived on the scene and the police were free to go. “It definitely was one more tool in the toolbox for us … and it didn’t tie us up,” Melies said. Wintrode called Dr. Caroline Gilje, a veterinarian with Barrett Station Veterinary Clinic, in Ballwin, to help sedate the animal so that volunteers could free him from the netting. Gilje said the hotline “will save animals’ lives because the police’s hands are tied.” “Let’s say this situation happened over the weekend, and the hotline wasn’t there. That animal was going to be put to sleep by the police,” Gilje said. Wintrode said that in addition to answering common questions, such as what do with a baby bunny, the hotline refers callers to the appropriate wildlife rehabilitation center. But, more times than not, “all that’s needed is just education,” she said. For more information, visit
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In November, Wildlife Hotline volunteers responded to a call from the Valley Park police that a buck was stuck in the netting of a driving range at the intersection of Big Bend and Dougherty Ferry Road. A Ballwin veterinarian was able to sedate the animal so it could be freed by volunteers.
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Chief (Ret.) Ron Battelle of the St. Louis County Police Department and Executive Director of the BackStoppers receives a check for $9,500 from Jennifer Rubin. Rubin, a 14-year-old student at Parkway Central High School, and 13 of her friends recently spent a day rocking in rocking chairs to raise money to help support the families of fallen and wounded first responders. (West Newsmagazine photo)
Teenage ‘rockers’ raise thousands for BackStoppers By MARCIA GUCKES With a little help from 13 friends, Jennifer Rubin was able to present The BackStoppers with a check for $9,500 from a recent fundraiser. The BackStoppers, a non-profit organization, provides financial and other kinds of assistance to families when a police officer, firefighter, publicly-funded paramedic or EMT dies. This is the third time Rubin, a 14-year-old student at Parkway Central High School, has raised money for The BackStoppers with her Rocking for Relief fundraiser. The first two times, she raised a total of $2,278 by rocking in a rocking chair in front of a Dierbergs store. Chesterfield Mayor Bruce Geiger earlier
this year proclaimed Aug. 1, 2011 as Jennifer Rubin Day in Chesterfield in honor of those fundraising efforts. This time, Rubin and 13 of her friends rocked away in front of seven Dierbergs stores and raised almost five times as much as before. Rubin and some of those friends presented the $9,500 check to The BackStoppers at the Nov. 7 Chesterfield City Council meeting. Geiger congratulated the young fundraisers, noting that they had raised $9,500 at seven stores. He asked Jennifer how many Dierbergs stores there are, and she told him there were 24 locations. Then, he issued a challenge of sorts. “So, $9,500 at just seven stores … that’s a start,” Geiger said.
‘Today in America’ with Terry Bradshaw approaches Creve Coeur for TV segment By TED DIXON JR. A national TV newsmagazine has contacted the city of Creve Coeur about producing a segment on the city. Producers of “Today in America,” which is hosted by National Football League Hall of Fame quarterback Terry Bradshaw, contacted Creve Coeur in mid-November and expressed interest in featuring the city on the show. Creve Coeur would be highlighted in a segment of the program’s “Discover America” series about the nation’s “Hidden Gems to Live, Work and Play.” “Today in America” airs on major cable networks such as CNN and Versus and is distributed to national and regional audiences. The show blends business news stories, lifestyle features and in-depth interviews with doctors, business owners,
scientists, philanthropists and inventors. The Creve Coeur City Council at its Nov. 28 meeting discussed participating in the segment. City Administrator Mark Perkins told the council a five-minute video would be produced that would highlight the city’s attributes. The city will approach local businesses to see if they would be willing to help offset production costs, which are estimated at $19,800. Recently, “Today in America” produced a similar segment about Fayetteville, Ark. Creve Coeur Mayor Harold Dielmann said he has spoken with the major of Fayetteville, who had positive things to say about that city’s experience with the show. The city on Dec. 12 could approve taping of the segment.
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Dr. Meg Brooks, principal of Chesterfield Elementary, described Pregler as an outstanding counselor. “She (Debbie) is a wonderful asset to our students, staff and parents,” Brooks said. “She has also played a critical role in Chesterfield Elementary being recognized as a National School of Character.”
Mission to Mars Fifth-grade students from the Rockwood School District’s Center for Creative Learning recently visited the Challenger Learning Center of St. Louis. Prior to the visit, which complemented their Mission to To enhance their understanding of space Mars unit, students com- exploration, fifth-grade students from the Rockwood pleted applications and School District’s Center for Creative Learning visited the Challenger Learning Center of St. Louis. engaged in face-to-face interviews for the crew positions they desired on the mission. “The preparation activities gave students the feeling of the real-world experience of having a career goal and then giving the effort needed to make their dreams a reality,” teacher Michelle Stellhorn said. Teams worked to navigate their spacecrafts into lunar orbit, constructed and launched probes to the lunar surface, and established permanent bases on the moon’s surface. From those bases, students used observation and problemsolving skills to test the feasibility of establishing various space settlements. The Challenger Center added meteor showers, chemical leaks and other serious situations to the mix to provide students with a “true” space exploration experience. “Systems thinking skills were utilized by every team member as the students assessed how their involvement impacted their own team, other teams and the mission as a whole,” Stellhorn said. “Individuals and group members worked responsibly to successfully interact with teammates in mission control, astronauts aboard the spacecraft and mission commanders to complete the teams’ jobs and achieve the goal of having a productive and safe mission.” The Boeing Education Scholarship supplemented the trip expenses.
From left: Assistant Principal Patrick Fisher, Pregler, and Brooks.
Elementary Counselor of the Year The St. Louis Suburban School Counselor Association has named Chesterfield Elementary School Counselor Debbie Pregler as Elementary Counselor of the Year. Pregler is in her 11th year as a counselor in the Rockwood School District. Formerly, she served as a school counselor at an alternative school and in the student counseling center at the college level. She is working on her dissertation to assist in identifying gifted students. Pregler is a licensed professional counselor, a national certified counselor and a national certified school counselor. She said she enjoys the challenge of her job because no two days are the same. “It’s exciting to build relationships with students and their families as they move from kindergarten through fifth grade,” Pregler said. “Working together with teachers and staff, I know we are making a difference in the lives of our students.”
Leadership excellence Jo Wanda Bozeman, Parkway National Education Association president, has received the Shirley Cromer Leadership Award from the Missouri National Education Association (MNEA) for her leadership and integrity. Each year, the award is presented to a Missouri NEA member who demonstrates outstanding leadership and exemplifies the characteristics Cromer valued. A former MNEA president, Cromer believed true leadership extends beyond local and state participation and includes support of national goals and programs that preserve the association’s ongoing continuity and integrity. The winner of the award receives a monetary grant to attend the National Education Association Conference or the NEA Midwest Regional Leadership Conference.
Real women in real estate The Parkway School District recently partnered with Commercial Real Estate Women St. Louis (CREW-St. Louis) to
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Students used what they learned during a workshop by dividing into teams through a design competition. Team Unity was chosen for its design and included (from left) Parkway South seniors Bianca Fitzpatrick and Javia Gilliam, Parkway North senior Clare Bassi, and Parkway North junior Jacqueline Sotraidis.
advance the success of female high school students interested in commercial real estate opportunities. The program, which involves networking and educational training at Washington University in St. Louis, is available for up to 50 junior and senior female high school students attending one of Parkway’s four main high schools. The all-day workshop focuses on the wide range of career opportunities available to females in commercial real estate. Members of CREW-St. Louis spoke about the opportunities available in commercial real estate – from legal and leasing to accounting and architecture.
Lending a hand Students and staff at Eureka High in the Rockwood School District during the school’s recent annual food drive collected 36,274 food items. The food will be distributed to local food pantries, including the Eureka Food Pantry, Circle Of Concern, Agape House, and the Demetrius Johnson Holiday Food Drive. According to Jim Schulz, teacher and student council sponsor, the school has held a food drive for nearly 20 years. “Eureka High’s canned food drive is a successful event because the students always come through to help out the community,” Schulz said. “It is wonderful to see our teenagers respond so positively to help those in need.” The event is one of several organized by students and staff at Eureka High to support the community.
Rockwood Rocks Students from Rockwood School District high schools planned and hosted a
“Rockwood Rocks!” band night in November. The purpose of the event was to steer students away from alcohol and drug use by engaging them in prevention messaging and involving them in planning social events for peers. “Despite alarming statistics on alcohol consumption and drug use among teens, the fact remains that more students don’t drink alcohol or use drugs than those who do,” Renee Heney, Rockwood Drug-Free Coalition director, said. “We want these students to play a greater role in their schools and the community. They have the means of raising awareness and influencing community-wide change. They are the majority, not the minority.” The Coalition’s project coordinator, Kristin Bengtson, works with youth on prevention initiatives and leadership development. Additionally, Rockwood School District and St. Louis County Police support various school sponsors who, in turn, support youth engagement and peer-to-peer mentoring activities.
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The Parkway Alumni Association (PAA) inducted Chesterfield resident Jenny (Skinner) Hosch, a 1978 graduate of Parkway West, onto its Honorary Board. Hosch has been a dedicated member of the Parkway Alumni Board of Directors as well as an involved parent and citizen of the Parkway School District for many years. She served as a member of the executive board of the PAA for close to 10 years and in 2006 and 2008 co-chaired successful tax and bond campaigns for the Parkway School District. In recognition of her extraordinary service, she received the Pillar of Parkway award in May 2007.
Chairs for charity Westminster Christian Academy students recently redesigned old chairs and donated them to sell at the Hope Unlimited Auction in November. Hope Unlimited is a ministry that reaches out to underprivileged youth through tutoring, sports and Bible studies.
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From left, PAA President Nichole Wren with Hosch and Parkway School District Superintendent Dr. Keith Marty.
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Rockwood appoints new board member By MARCIA GUCKES A Wildwood resident with three children in Rockwood schools is the newest member of the Rockwood school board. The board voted unanimously to choose 48-year-old Geoffrey S. Rigabar from six candidates interviewed at an open session Nov. 28. Rigabar replaces Matthew Fitzpatrick, who resigned from the board in October. Rigabar is appointed to serve until elections in April, but he told the board that he does plan to run for election to the board at that time. Rigabar and his wife, Barb, live in the Garden Valley subdivision. Their three children attend Babler Elementary, Rockwood Valley Middle School, and Lafayette High School. Rigabar since 2007 has been employed as a financial advisor with Edward Jones. His resume lists previous positions as an owner and officer of Ventus Capital Services, an accounts receivable firm; a senior executive at another accounts receivable company, Outsourcing Solutions Inc.; a manager at Ernst & Young; and three years of reserve duty plus eight years of active duty in the U.S. Army as an officer in the Special Operations Command serving in Central and South America. Rigabar’s earned a master’s degree in
The Rockwood School Board interviewed Geoffrey S. Rigabar (center) as one of six candidates to fill the position vacated by Matthew Fitzpatrick, who resigned in October. The board unanimously approved Rigabar to serve until the April elections. (West Newsmagazine photo)
business from Washington University in 1996, a bachelor’s degree from Bridgewater College in Virginia in 1986, and an associate’s degree from the Marion Military Institute in Alabama in 1983. During the interview, Rigabar was asked what he saw as the strengths and the challenges of the Rockwood School District. “I think the strengths are the good work that goes on every day between the students, parents, and teachers,” Rigabar said. He listed two challenges for the district. The first was a need for clear and proactive
communication with the public. “The perception of board actions in the past may not have been positioned favorably,” Rigabar said. “I’m not sure that both sides of the debate were clearly heard.” The second challenge listed by Rigabar was the district’s financial position. “To the extent that the strategic plan allows for a clear focus so that we can understand the trade-offs in where money will be spent and where resources will be allocated, those would be very much on the top of my mind,” Rigabar said.
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Rockwood watchdog organization has mixed reaction to school board interviews By MARCIA GUCKES A co-founder of Rockwood Stakeholders for Real Solutions (RS for RS), a grassroots watchdog organization, said she was both pleased and disappointed by the process of filling the seat on the Rockwood Board of Education that recently was vacated by Matthew Fitzpatrick. The board in an open session on Nov. 28 interviewed the candidates and voted to appoint Geoffrey S. Rigabar, of Wildwood, to serve on the board until the April elections. “We have often said there is a lack of open discussion at school board meetings,” Eileen Tyrell, RS for RS co-founder, said after the board’s vote. “I found the open discussion tonight refreshing.” She noted that board members Steve Banton, Matthew Doell, and Janet Strate had set up their own scales for scoring the candidates’ applications and interviews. “Now we know who does their homework,” Tyrell said. But Tyrell was disappointed that the district did not release any information about the candidates until the morning after the vote. A blog post on the RS for RS web site stated: “Prior to the meeting, the names of the candidates were neither made public nor were copies of their bios and/or resumes available at the meeting. In addition, Board President Steve Smith failed to (formally) introduce each candidate. Despite lack of prior knowledge of the applicants, the interviews were very informative.” Rockwood’s Chief Information Officer Kim Cranston said that the candidates’ applications were held until the
school board’s secretary, Kathy Chitwood, received legal counsel concerning their release. “The board secretary, who is our custodian of records, provided the information after verifying the applications as public information,” Cranston said. She said Chitwood gave no reason why the information was not verified and released before the interviews were held on Nov. 28. Seven people applied to fill the vacant position on the Rockwood School Board, and the board interviewed six of them in the open session at Crestview Middle School. According to Smith, Bill Brooks, a substitute teacher in the Rockwood School District, applied for the position but withdrew his name when he found out that he would have to resign from his teaching job if he were appointed to the school board. In addition to Rigabar, candidates for the school board position were: • William L. Brown, of Eureka. Brown in 2010 retired from 30 years of public school teaching. • Judy Dungan, of Wildwood. Dungan was elected twice to the Rockwood Board of Education and was vice president of the board from 2000 to 2001 and president in 2002. • Victor Hieken, of Ellisville. Hieken is a certified public accountant. • Daniel Hohm, of Eureka. Hohm since 2005 has been in medical sales. • Nancy Ann Waller, of Fenton. Waller is a longtime volunteer for Bowles Elementary School and Rockwood Summit.
West County Boy Scout Olympics Cub Scout Pack 883, chartered from Most Sacred Heart in Eureka, recently participated in its own Olympics in Berry Park, with the help of volunteers from Eureka-Wildwood Boy Scout Troop 456. The Cub Scouts competed in six stations: obstacle course, rain gutter regatta, turkey shoot, hop ball race, kick ball bowling, noodle javelin and disc and shot put. Medals were awarded to the Cub Scout Will James competes to the finish in the three top-performing three Cub ball race as Boy Scouts cheer him on. Scouts. Twelve Boy Scouts, including Kyle and Jordan Shirley, Luke and Jacob Detering, Hunter Smith, Ian Bailey, Drew Stockell, Austin Bret, Jacob Dahm, Cade Stephens, Ashwin Garlapaty and Wil Brown, volunteered during the event. The volunteer service hours counted toward each Boy Scouts’ rank advancement.
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High school all-conference teams The high school fall sports season is over. Here is a look at some of the all-conference teams in the various sports.
Football Suburban West Conference The Suburban West Conference’s Offensive Player of Year was senior running back Spencer Stein, of Eureka. The Defensive Player of Year was senior defensive back Grant Krueger, of Lindbergh. The Coach of the Year was Boyd Manne, of Lafayette. Members of the first team offense are: OL Rob Cidlik, senior, Eureka; OL Michael Mueller, senior, Lafayette; OL Sam Rohr, senior, Lindbergh; OL Jimmy Sellers, junior, Mehlville; OL Donnell Walker, senior, Parkway South; TE Brock Behrndt, senior, Lafayette; RB Deonte Robinson, senior, Lafayette; WR Jaron Henderson, senior, Oakville; WR Aaron Schnurbusch,
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senior, Eureka; QB Eric Laurent, senior, Parkway South; ATH Javon Henderson, senior, Oakville; RET Markuice Savage, senior, Lafayette; K Nick Bartalotta, senior, Fox. Members of the first team defense are: DL Brett Judkins, junior, Eureka; DL Zach Reid, junior, Lafayette; DL John Voit, junior, Lafayette; DL Corey Marquard, senior, Parkway South; LB Kellen Ash, junior, Parkway South; LB Chris Kew, senior, Lindbergh; LB Nick Messer, senior, Lafayette; LB Ben Southards, senior, Eureka; DB Terrell Bland, junior, Parkway South; DB Markuice Savage, senior, Lafayette; DB Aaron Schnurbusch, senior, Eureka; P Aaron Schnurbusch, senior, Eureka. •••
Suburban South Conference The Offensive Player of the Year was receiver Brandon Sheperd, of Parkway Central. The Defensive Player of the Year was Marquis Terry, of Kirkwood. The Coach of the Year was Matt Irvin, of Kirkwood. Members of the first team offense are:
Two seats on the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Board of Trustees will open up in March, 2012. Robert Berry’s term expires March 14 and David Visintainer’s term expires March 15. Mr. Berry is a St. Louis County trustee and Mr. Visintainer is a St. Louis City trustee. The District must publicize the openings because of a change in the Charter that voters approved in November 2000. People interested in becoming a Trustee can apply to St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay or St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley by February 17, 2012. Each official appoints Trustees to the sewer district board in his jurisdiction. Trustees serve four-year terms. They must be registered voters and residents of their jurisdiction for three years and must continue to live in their jurisdiction in their term of office. Nominations may be sent to the St. Louis Mayor at 1200 Market Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63103 or to the St. Louis County Executive at 41 South Central Avenue, Clayton, Missouri 63105.
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QB Rayshawn Simmons, Webster Groves; RB Alan Gasanli, Parkway Central; RB Ramon Alton, Kirkwood; RB Ian MacIntosh, Summit; WR Demetrius Robinson, Webster Groves; WR Mike McHugh, Kirkwood; TE Ben Arnold, Webster Groves; OL Alex Roberts, Webster Groves; OL Akbar Usmanov, Parkway Central; OL Matt Sealy, Kirkwood; OL Matt Barry, Kirkwood; OL Justin Liescheidt, Seckman; K Michael Bozarth, Parkway North; ATH B.J. Buckner, Kirkwood. Members of the first team defense are: DB Ed Richie, Kirkwood; DB Andre Harris, Kirkwood; DB Brandon Sheperd, Parkway Central; DB Mike Cole, Webster Groves; LB D.J. Johnson, Webster Groves; LB Logan Boyher, Parkway Central; LB Eric Beisel, Summit; DL Phil Posley, Parkway North; DL Spencer Matthews, Summit; DL Spencer Horwitz, Parkway Central; DL Max Kramer, Kirkwood; ATH Donavin Newsom, Parkway North; P Cody Edwards, Summit.
Volleyball Suburban West Conference Members of the first team all-conference volleyball team are: Sarah Makowski, Oakville; Danielle Breeher, Oakville;
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Sarah Stepp, Oakville; Jill Harmon, Lindbergh; Allison Krus, Lindbergh; Alyssa Arnold, Northwest; Caroline Finnell, Marquette; Marilyn Dick, Lafayette; Stephanie Campbell, Lafayette. •••
Suburban South Conference The Player of the Year is OH Jordan Berry, of Kirkwood. Members of the 2011 all-conference volleyball team are: OH/MB Monica Bollinger, Summit; L Rachel Alizadeh, Parkway West; OH Emilie Willingham, Kirkwood; OH Sara Hunt, Parkway West; MB Amber Alexander, Parkway North; S Jordan Harding, Kirkwood; OH Maddie Reale, Parkway West. •••
Metro Women’s Athletics Association Members of the all-conference volleyball team are: Kristen Besselgen, senior, Incarnate Word; Claire Carr, senior, Cor Jesu; Brennan Delsing, senior, Nerinx Hall; Alyssa Jensen, junior, St. Joseph’s; Caroline Kellogg, senior, Nerinx Hall; Carly Ochs, senior, St. Joseph’s; Maggie Sorensen, sophomore, Ursuline; Mallory Warrington, junior, Incarnate Word. •••
NOTICE OF ELECTION DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY CITY OF WINCHESTER A Municipal Election will be held in the City of Winchester, St. Louis County, Missouri, on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, to elect one Alderman from Ward I and one Alderman from Ward II, each to serve a two (2) year term. Declaration of Candidacy for said offices must be received by the City Clerk, Monday thru Friday, during regular business hours. Filing begins on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at 8:00 A.M. The closing date will be at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, January 17, 2012. A candidate must be a qualified voter properly registered under the laws and the Constitution of the State of Missouri. A Candidate must not be in arrears in any unpaid City of Winchester taxes and must have been a resident of the City of Winchester for at least one year preceding the election. The City of Winchester is divided into two Wards known as Ward I and Ward II. The dividing line between Ward I and Ward II shall be a line beginning at the intersection of the center line of Sulphur Springs Road and the eastern prolongation of the south rear property line of Hillcrest Boulevard; thence westwardly along the south rear property line of Hillcrest Boulevard to its intersection with the center line of Lindy Boulevard, thence northwardly along the center line of Lindy Boulevard to its intersection with the center line of Hillcrest Boulevard thence westward along the center line of Hillcrest Boulevard, to its intersection with the southern prolongation of the west rear property line of Lindy Boulevard, thence northwardly along said west rear property line to its intersection with the north rear property line of Hillcrest Boulevard, thence westwardly along said north rear property line to its intersection with the west city limits of the City of Winchester. Ward I shall constitute all of the area with the boundaries of the City of Winchester that lies South of the above described line dividing Ward I and Ward II. Ward II shall constitute all of the area within the boundaries of the City of Winchester that lies North of the above described line dividing Ward I and Ward II. Barbara Beckett, CMC City Administrator/Clerk
NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM Metro Women’s Athletics Association, Blue Division Members of the 2011 all-conference volleyball team are: Sarah Ashmore, junior, Whitfield; Nafisa Bangura, junior, St. Elizabeth; Jennifer Duffie, senior, Notre Dame; Emily Narre, sophomore, Notre Dame; Danielle Fulizerson, senior, Barat; Megan Scanlan, senior, Barat; Kadee Scholten, sophomore, Visitation.
Softball Suburban West Conference The Player of the Year is Sheridon Sprague, of Parkway South. The Coach of the Year is Mark Mosley, of Eureka. Members of the all-conference team are: IF Linsey Button, senior, Lafayette; IF Jamie Doggendorf, junior, Northwest; IF Jamie Fowle, sophomore, Eureka; IF Alyssa Francis, senior, Parkway South; IF Amanda Lerbs, junior, Mehlville; IF Megan Medcalf, senior, Parkway South; IF Taylor Poole, freshman, Lindbergh; IF Katie Reed, freshman, Oakville; OF Allie Craft, sophomore, Eureka; OF Brittany Fortner, senior, Northwest; OF Alana Hester, senior, Eureka; OF Rachel McNamara, junior, Oakville; OF Kelsey Tepen, sophomore, Eureka; OF Mara Worley, junior, Lafayette; P Maddie Krumrey, sophomore, Eureka; P Sheridon Sprague, junior, Parkway South; C Brittany Miller, senior, Lindbergh; UT Savannah Fedorchak, junior, Oakville; UT Brittany Stevens, freshman, Lindbergh. •••
Suburban South Conference The Player of the Year is catcher Alison Szydlowski, of Seckman. Members of the all-conference team are: P Emma Buckles, Webster Groves; P Maddie Leonard, Seckman; C Molly Dougan, Webster Groves; C Caroline Gatti, Parkway North; IF Hanna Branch, Kirkwood; IF Sam Brown, Webster Groves; IF Anna Chisholm, Parkway North; IF Ellie Cooper, Summit; IF Lindsay Schaefer, Seckman; IF Alyssa Waitz, Parkway Central; OF Megan Bedenikovic, Summit; OF Kara Montgomery, Parkway North; OF Kate Wylie, Webster Groves. •••
Metro League The Player of the Year was Brynn McKie, of Westminster Christian Academy, Members of the all-conference team are: Peyton Downey, Lutheran South; Danielle Hercules, Villa Duchesne; Ellie Huffman, Westminster; Yulia Marquardt, Principia; Brynn McKie, Westminster; Courtney Mellanby, Villa Duchesne; Jenny Schaper, Lutheran South; Sydney Seabaugh, Westminster; Jocelyn Sheffield, Westminster; Brooke Tiehes, Lutheran South; Claire
Saint Vincent de Paul
Wernig, Lutheran South; Rachel Perea, Principia. •••
Archdiocesan Athletics Association The Player of the Year is senior infielder Jessie Wilmes, of St. Dominic. Members of the all-conference team are: P Brooke Miller, senior, Kennedy; P Ashley Lutz, senior, St. Dominic; C Katie Kasubke, freshman, St. Dominic; IF Becca Powers, senior, Kennedy; IF Adele Linderman, sophomore, St. Dominic; IF Katie Kessler, junior, Rosati-Kain; IF Kayla Jarrett, sophomore, DuBourg; IF Lexi Jackson, senior, Trinity; OF Brittany Schollar, junior, Rosati-Kain; OF Sam Coleman, sophomore, Trinity; OF Sam Liefer, junior, Lutheran St. Charles; OF Berkeley Ward, junior, DuBourg; UT Taylor Miller, sophomore, Kennedy.
I sports I 27
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Field hockey Suburban Conference The Player of the Year is junior Kate Barber, of Lafayette. The Goalkeeper of the Year is junior Angelina Kelly, of Marquette. Members of the all-conference team are: G Ellie McCray, senior, University City; G Thaila Sass, senior, Clayton; G Libby Schiff, senior, Parkway West; F Danielle Biernacci, senior, Lafayette; F Valerie Iannazzo, junior, Summit; F Julia Mullendore, senior, Kirkwood; F Elise Pellett, junior, Ladue; M Caroline Caciano, senior, Kirkwood; M Martha Kenyon, senior, Parkway South; M Elena Gresick, senior, Ladue; M Annelise Lulow, sophomore, Marquette; M Corrinne Murphy, senior, Lafayette; D Lauren Bordeaux, senior, Kirkwood; D Kelsey Clayman, senior, Lafayette; D Kelly Dunlap, junior, Marquette; D Isabel Perman, senior, Webster Groves. •••
Metro League The co-Players of the Year are Demi Wideman, of Villa Duchesne, and Charlotte Martin, of John Burroughs. Members of the all-conference team are: Bentley Boldt, Villa Duchesne; Ellie Condie, MICDS; Molly Flood, Villa Duchesne; Ali Frederick, Lutheran South; Maddi Hicks, Burroughs; Grace Leeker, Villa Duchesne; Abby Martone, Burroughs; Catherine Ross, MICDS; Mackenzie Sullivan, Villa Duchesne; Sydney Tomaso, Villa Duchesne; Claire Townsley, MICDS. For Metro Women’s Athletics Association honorees, visit
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Nick Orf (center, in red cap) set two school records at the state swim meet, won one individual event and was on the Parkway Central state championship 200 medley relay team.
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Parkway Central’s Orf makes a splash at state meet By WARREN MAYES For Parkway Central junior Nick Orf, the state swimming meet went according to plans. Orf set two schools records in the 200 IM and the 100 butterfly. He won state in the 200 IM and picked up a medal in the 200 medley relay. “I really hoped I would be able to pull off a win in one of my two individual events, and my teammates and I were really pushing for that school record in the 200 medley relay,” Orf said. “We had been thinking about that one since last year.” Orf won the 200 IM in 1 minute, 51.06 seconds. That’s breaks the Colts’ record set by Jared Lender in 2006. “It was an amazing swim by Nick,” Parkway Central Coach Kevin Mabie said. “He just won the event by two-hundredths of a second over Tyler Nichols, of Marshall. Tyler is a great swimmer, too. “Nick was the No. 1 seed going into state, however, Nichols had the faster time in his life. Nichols was second last year at state, so it was a great job by Nick to win the event.” Orf knew he was in a tight race with Nichols. “On that last turn going into the final 25 of freestyle, I saw him right next to me,” Orf said. “I couldn’t really block that out. I needed that to push me into the final lap. I didn’t see him the rest of the race; I just knew he was right next to me, so I put my head down and raced into the wall.” Winning his first event at state left Orf overjoyed. “I was really happy that I had won,” Orf said. “It felt good to see all the effort I had put into the season turn into a state cham-
pionship.” Setting the school record means a lot to Orf, who noted how Lender got in touch with him last year after he broke one his records. “I knew going into this year that it was going to be tough to get that record because it was about 4 seconds faster than my previous years time,” Orf said. “I knew Jared somewhat because we both swam for Parkway Swim Club and occasionally the national kids would swim with the younger groups. He actually sent me a Facebook message last year when I broke his record in the 100 fly.” Orf also finished second in the 100 butterfly. His time of 49.20 broke his own school record and is the third fastest time in state history, Mabie said. Parkway Central captured the 200medley relay with a sizzling time of 1:36.09. Orf swam the third leg of the relay. Other relay members were junior Brandon Weissman, senior Drew Larkins and senior Zachary Biggs. Winning the relay was important to the Colts after coming in second last year. “We had our eyes on that record since last year, because we had all the relay members from last year return,” Orf said. “It meant so much that my teammates and I were able to work hard all season to come together and not only win the event, but break the school record. People say that swimming is an individual sport, so it’s really great to do something like this to show that really it’s a team sport as much as any other sport is.” In his fourth event at state, Orf was a member of the 400 free relay team that came in fourth in 3:14.22.
I sports I 29
Parkway South cross country coach qualifies for U.S. Olympic Trials By WARREN MAYES It has been quite a year for Adam MacDowell, Parkway South’s cross country head coach and assistant track and field coach. MacDowell, 32, qualified for the Olympic trials in 2012. A math teacher and coach at Parkway South since 2005, MacDowell recently competed in the Chicago Marathon and finished 16th overall in an elite international field of nearly 45,000 racers, 36,000 of whom finished. MacDowell was the fifth U.S. finisher, running a time of 2 hours, 18.47 minutes. That qualifies him for the U.S. Olympic Trials. “I am crazy excited,” MacDowell said. “I cannot wait to get on that starting line next to all the professional athletes and represent St. Louis the best way I know how. I have always dreamed of qualifying for the Olympic Trials. “I was unsuccessful in the 3000-meter steeplechase and the 10000-meters on the track in college. I didn’t think I was going to get another opportunity after college. I have been running competitively ever since I can remember. I ran cross country and track and field for Mizzou.” MacDowell ran his first marathon in January. “I placed eighth overall in the 2011 Houston Marathon,” said MacDowell, who finished in 2:22.16. Some of his buddies got MacDowell into running marathons. “Two of my best friends are marathon runners,” MacDowell said. “My friend and coach, Ben Rosario, is a two-time Olympic Trials marathon qualifier and co-owner of Big River Running Company. My other friend, Brian Lyons, is the race director for the Go! St. Louis Marathon and also my training partner.” In the Chicago Marathon, he planned to hit the U.S. Olympic Trials qualifying time.
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“The plan was to run 5:17 per mile,” MacDowell said. “If I could do that, then that would put me in right under the Olympic Trials qualifying mark. So, the plan was definitely to qualify for the trials.” His time of 2:18.47 is his personal best. The Olympic Trials will be held Jan. 14 in Houston. The normal Houston Marathon will be held the next day. “We will be running a different course that is more spectator-friendly,” MacDowell said. “Of the 160 guys that have qualified so far, only the top three that have met the world marathon standard of 2:14 will be able to compete for the USA in the Olympics.” MacDowell said putting in the time to chase his dream is possible because of his wife, Sara. “I want to tell my wife, Sara, thank you for putting up with all the training hours,” MacDowell said. “She has been super supportive, and I owe a ton of my success to her. She is the best cook I know and feeds me very well. She also has her doctorate in physical therapy, which has come in handy pretty much every day throughout training for this marathon business.”
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Bu si ness
New in the neighborhood
Grand opening Smashburger recently celebrated its grand opening at 1671 Clarkson Road in Chesterfield. The restaurant features its signature smashed-toorder burgers, HäagenDazs shakes, sides and regional menu items. The restaurant is the second of 12 Smashburger locations slated to open in the St. Louis area over the next four years. The first opened in July at 1981 Zumbehl Road in St. Charles.
Donn E. Sorensen, chief operating officer with Mercy Clinic, has been named to the executive committee of the American Medi- Sorensen cal Group Association’s (AMGA) board of directors beginning in January 2012. AMGA’s Board of Directors is composed of five officers and 11 at-large directors who serve three-year terms representing leadership of some of AMGA’s most prominent member medical groups.
Abradel In-Home Care Solutions recently celebrated its grand opening at 300 Ozark Trail Drive in Ellisville. The business is owned and operated by Abraham and DeLois Weekes. ••• MassageLuxe FaceLuxe has opened at 921 Brittany Parkway in Manchester. ••• Circle Of Concern in Valley Park is seeking West County businesses and organizations to help collect toys, athletic equipment, board games, warm mittens,
Merry Christmas!
etc. to share at its Toy Day on Dec. 17 with area children in struggling families. Businesses can help by collecting items and/ or hosting collection boxes where others can drop donated goods. The boxes, which measure about 2 feet-by-2 feet, come with laminated Circle Of Concern signs. Circle volunteers will pick up the boxes. To host a box, call 861-2623.
SEMINARS & OPPORTUNITIES Dot Foods, the nation’s largest food redistributor, is currently is accepting applications for 16 paid summer internships for the summer of 2012. Internships are offered at several of its distribution centers around the U.S., and a sales internship is offered at the company’s Chesterfield-based corporate sales office, located
Re model
at 17050 Baxter Road. Students can apply for a specific internship on the company’s website, Applications will remain open until December 16. ••• “All You Need to Know to Get a Job,” an unemployment seminar by John Meyer, is from 9 a.m. to noon on Mon., Dec. 12, Wed., Dec. 14, and Fri., Dec. 16 at St. John Lutheran Church in Ellisville. The seminar offers resume writing, networking and interview tips, along with individual training from human resources personnel in how to put your best food forward during an interview. Vocational testing and guidance in a context of Christian support are offered. The seminar is free. To register, call Linda at 779-2309 or email lbrady@
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Merrily We Sew Along, a factory-authorized sales and service dealer for the full Bernina line of sewing and embroidery machines and an authorized sales and service dealer for Gammill Longarm quilting machines, has opened at 262 Lamp & Lantern Village in Town & Country. The store is the second location for owner Merrily Parker, who has a location also in Springfield, Mo. Steve Parker, general manager and repair technician, is on site to assist customers with sales and service, and staff members Sherry (pictured with Hanspeter Ueltschi, chairman of the board and fourth-generation owner of Bernina International), Vickie and Pat are available to help with sewing, embroidery or quilting needs.
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I 37
City of Ballwin, Missouri puBliC notiCe CandidaCy filing for april 3, 2012 eleCtion The City of Ballwin will begin accepting Declarations of Candidacy for Aldermen on December 13, 2011 at 8:00 a.m., at the Ballwin Government Center, 14811 Manchester Road, for the April 3, 2012 election. The closing date for filing is January 17, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. One Aldermanic position (two-year term) in Wards 1, 2, and 3 will be voted upon. In Ward 4, there will be two aldermanic positions. One aldermanic position will be for a 2-year term, and another for a 1-year term, to fill the remainder of the term of office of former Alderman Ken Mellow.
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38 I cover story I
Just The Facts
The truth about vehicle history reports By MARY ANN O’TOOLE HOLLEY Buying a used car is always a gamble, whether the seller claims it was driven by a little old lady only to church on Sundays or admits it was driven by a fast-track teen who hardly knows there is a brake pedal on the floor. Various vehicle history tracking businesses have sprung up in the past several years, and despite car dealers and others who push vehicle history reports to savvy buyers, a report is only as good as those who provide the information. CarFax and AutoCheck, the most well-known motor vehicle history services, both sell vehicle background reports that are meant to put buyers at ease. However, recently, after area resident Marissa Keene traded in her once massively mangled car, she saw it being advertised as a “real gem,” a clean car with a squeaky clean CarFax report. “I was shocked to see my old car listed with such esteem,” Keene said. “That car was in a serious accident, repaired and then totally mangled in another accident. How can CarFax report that it was clear of any accidents?” Keene called the local repair shop where the body work was done and found that the shop never calls CarFax or AutoCheck. It just takes up too much time, they said. Another area resident, John McCarthy, said he has relied on vehicle reports from CarFax or AutoCheck to get more information on a vehicle, but says the reports are just a help, not the Bible.
“You have to use common sense and look cars over very closely before buying,” McCarthy said. “A CarFax or AutoCheck can only tell you what’s in public records or what’s voluntarily been reported. I don’t believe they have any specific agreement with insurance companies to get reports.” In checking with auto body shops and repair services, West Newsmagazine found that few report accidents or even major repairs to car history services. They say vehicle history reports can help a customer to some point but obviously do not have complete information on a vehicle’s history. The good news for vehicle buyers is that on Aug. 30, 2010, the Missouri Department of Revenue began using the federally regulated National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS), a database of motor vehicle title and vehicle history information compiled by participating state motor vehicle agencies. It also includes information from insurance companies, auto recyclers, junk and salvage yards that are required by federal law to report to the system. The U.S. Department of Justice oversees the system, and the Department of Justice contracts with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) to operate the NMVTIS system. According to the NMVTIS website, the association recommends that consumers rely on vehicle history information from one of four approved vehicle history report vendors that have agreed to provide NMVTIS reports to the public consistent with federal legal requirements. Those companies are:, CheckT h a t Vi n . c o m , and CarFax a n d
AutoCheck are not among the companies recommended by the federally regulated system. So, when a CarFax or AutoCheck report says, “No Issues Reported,” they are correct, said McCarthy. “Unfortunately, most people don’t take that as a lack of information; they take it as having no issues.” Although the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System-recommended car history providers are the best sources, even they cannot tell you everything. The NMVTIS posts a disclaimer that it does not collect detailed information regarding a vehicle’s repair history. Out of several local repair shops called by West Newsmagazine, none said they reported repairs or body work to any agencies. All states, insurance companies, junk and salvage yards are required by federal law to regularly report information to NMVTIS. However, NMVTIS does not contain information on all motor vehicles in the U.S. because some states are not yet providing their vehicle data to the system. Currently, the data provided to NMVTIS by states is provided in a variety of time frames; while some states report and update NMVTIS data in “real-time” (as title transactions occur), other states send updates less frequently, such as once every 24 hours or within a period of days. “The best way to make sure a car you are considering is solid (is to have) an independent, ASE-certified master technician or body shop physically inspect the vehicle,” McCarthy said. “A physical professional inspection can tell you more about a car than a CarFax or AutoCheck (vehicle history) report.” A physical car inspection should answer the following questions: How are the vehicle’s mechanical and electrical systems operating? Has the vehicle ever been wrecked? What is the extent of the previous damage? Were the repairs done correctly? Is the vehicle’s wear and tear consistent with the odometer reading? Following a class action lawsuit filed in 2006 against CarFax saying the company misled consumers into thinking their reports were complete, Deepak Gupta, an attorney for the consumer group Public Citizen said, “We are not saying CarFax is worthless – far from it. But people need to know what information they have and what information they don’t have and whether they need to supplement CarFax with actual inspections by mechanics.” John Hanna, used car manager at Jim Trenary in O’Fallon, Mo., said they use AutoCheck to help give customers a “guide” to help them make a good decision. Even if a person liked a particular car but is not ready to buy, the dealership gives them an AutoCheck report, he said. “Sometimes I’ll give reports on two or three cars,” Hanna said. “The report is a guide; it helps you. If an individual had a car in a body shop for some touch-up work, that wouldn’t show, but both CarFax and AutoCheck get as much information as they can to help buyers formulate an opinion. We also advise those buyers to take the car to their mechanic if they’d like.” That seems to be the case at most dealerships in the St. Louis area. Patrick DePaepe, body shop manager at Autohaus BMW, said they, too, do not report mechanical or collision issues.
NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM “I wouldn’t even know who to report to if I did,” DePaepe said. “If we work on a customer’s own personal vehicle, I wouldn’t report anything on them. I like to keep our customer’s information as confidential as possible between us and them.” DePaepe said he thinks motor vehicle reports are valuable if something has been reported by an insurance company. Bill Walsh, assistant body shop manager at Bo Beuckman Ford in Ellisville, said his shop never reports to vehicle history companies like CarFax or AutoCheck. “The only ones that do report are insurance companies, as far as I know,” Walsh said. “If someone pays out of pocket, we don’t report anything to vehicle history companies. However, if insurance pays a claim, the insurance company reports.” Walsh said he still thinks vehicle reports are important because they provide information on most major accidents settled through insurance companies. “It doesn’t have everything, but it’s likely that the big accidents have been reported,” Walsh said. Dave Hughes, Collision Center manager for Frank Bommarito Automotive Group, said they do not report to any vehicle history report organizations. “I’m often asked where they get their information, but I have always assumed it’s something generated by insurance companies,” Hughes said. “We don’t fill out a form and send it, and we don’t honestly tell anyone the car’s been in for repairs.” Hughes said it’s nice for customers to know the history of a car when they are buying a used car to use it as a negotiating tool, but he said he would not use a history report as the be-all, end-all of information. “The few vehicle reports I’ve seen aren’t explicit to the exact damage incurred on the vehicle,” Hughes said. “It doesn’t say it has had extensive damage; it just says front-end damage or whatever.” Mike Yaworski, general manager of Straatmann Toyota in Washington, Mo., said that dealership does not report to CarFax or any other motor vehicle history company primarily because they do not have the type of computer system that can accommodate those needs. “A rep comes out every couple of months to ask if we have any issues or questions,” Yaworski said. “We get CarFax service histories, and I do see some local dealerships listed.” He said a dealer does not actually report to CarFax. He said he believes those who do report have to have computer systems that allow CarFax to extract information once permission is given. “We don’t, because we’re just not in a position to take advantage of it,” Yaworski said. Overall, most collision and repair centers said an inspection by a certified mechanic
is best when buying a used car, regardless of whether there is a vehicle report. Hanna said that at Jim Trenary, used cars are put through a 117-point inspection, and to be a certified vehicle, they are put through a 172-point inspection. “That would tell you what was really going on with the car,” Hanna said. “An inspection is much more comprehensive. … My opinion is that AutoCheck (or other vehicle report companies) are more of a guide that helps you make a good decision.” Do insurance companies report the accidents? If they do, they aren’t talking. West Newsmagazine was unable to locate the person filing the reports and could not confirm they were being filed. AutoCheck could not be reached for comment. According to Consumer Reports, CarFax only answers customer service questions by e-mail. In an email, “Chris B.” from CarFax said: “CarFax has more than 34,000 sources and 9 billion pieces of information in its database. There are a growing number of enforcement agencies, including police and fire, that report information to CarFax. Some insurance companies also report their information to CarFax.” A recently-filed class-action lawsuit against CarFax states the company does not have access to police accident data in 23 states – and therefore does not live up to its promise of disclosing hidden problems in used vehicles. CarFax claims its search service is “your best protection against buying a used car with costly, hidden problems.” But in the suit, Tennessee attorneys Frank Watson and David McLaughlin charge that CarFax’s ads promise more than the company can deliver. They claim CarFax fails to tell the limitations of its database. McLaughlin and Watson charged that a Tennessee auto dealer bought a 1995 BMW 525i from another wholesaler in 2002 after buying a CarFax report that showed no salvage and no police, accident or hurt disclosure records. A subsequent check of a database maintained by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) revealed that the BMW had been declared a total loss three separate times after accidents in New York, Florida and Georgia that were reflected in police accident records, according to court documents. Similar incidents have been reported to ConsumerAffairs.Com. Consumers who want to correct inaccurate CarFax reports about their vehicles must submit a form located at cfm/consumerdcf.cfm. Those completed forms and any supporting data can be faxed to CarFax at 866-728-6455. Other questions or concerns can be faxed to CarFax at (703) 218-2853.
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40 I mature focus I
West County seniors turn to L.O.A.P. for fun and friendship By CAROL ENRIGHT The temperature outside hovered in the 30s as dozens poured into the Ballwin Golf Club to attend the Nov. 28 meeting of the Lafayette Older Adults Program (L.O.A.P.), but as old and new friends exchanged warm greetings before the start of the program, the atmosphere was anything but chilly. L.O.A.P., a program for men and women aged 55 and older, meets on the second and fourth Mondays of every month between September and May. Participants typically start arriving 45 minutes before the entertainment begins at 10:30 a.m. After the entertainment, the group breaks for lunch, which is followed by an hour of bingo or a game of cards. Stephanie Hardesty, of the Manchester Parks and Recreation Department, said upwards of 100 seniors attend most meetings. The majority are regulars such as John (73) and Linda (72) Kudla, of Ballwin. John Kudla, who joked that he comes for the bingo, said of the L.O.A.P. meetings, “We don’t miss them.” Across from the Kudlas sat Mary Frances and Bob Tokar, both 70, also of Ballwin.
The couple has been coming to L.O.A.P. meetings for five years and befriended the Kudlas four years ago when they attended their first meeting. “They sat down at our table, and, ever since, we’ve been sitting together,” said Mary Frances Tokar, adding that she and her husband attend L.O.A.P. meetings to socialize and get out of the house. “When he retired – and, I had retired, too – our daughter said, ‘You need to find something to do,’” she said. Carol Meyer, 65, of Chesterfield, was one of the few newcomers. Recently laid off, she was attending her third L.O.A.P. meeting. “I enjoy it,” Meyer said. “It gives me something to do with my time. There’s a lot of hours in the day, and my husband’s still working.” Gerri Valentine, 77, of Ellisville, a L.O.A.P. regular for six years, praised the program for the variety and quality of its entertainment. “You meet a lot of new people here,” Valentine said, “but the entertainment – how they find all these people to do these differ-
Mary Frances and Bob Tokar (left) have been meeting Linda and John Kudla (right) at L.O.A.P. events for the past four years. More than 100 West County seniors attend most meetings. (West Newsmagazine photo)
ent things – I love it!” In addition to its regular meetings, L.O.A.P. organizes catered meals to coincide with holidays. This year, the group also has made two trips to local wineries and was planning a tour of area holiday light shows. L.O.A.P. is a partnership between Manchester, Ballwin, Chesterfield, Ellisville,
“Open-heart valve surgery wasn’t an option for me.
Their BREAKTHROUGH gave me a second chance.” Earl Goodin, Heart Valve Patient
Wildwood and Winchester, as well as the Parkway and Rockwood school districts. The group meets at the Ballwin Golf Club at 333 Holloway Road. Meetings start at 10 a.m. and typically last until 1 or 2 p.m. Meetings cost $1 to attend, which includes entertainment, coffee, soda and dessert. Participants may bring a sack lunch. For more information, call 391-6326, ext. 401.
At age 87, Earl Goodin was diagnosed with a lifethreatening heart condition. Due to complications, open-heart surgery wasn’t an option. He was given only two years to live. A clinical trial exploring a minimally invasive valve replacement procedure was available at a select number of hospitals in the nation, and in the region exclusively at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Washington University physicians were able to replace Earl’s damaged valve through a tiny incision in his leg. Before long, Earl was back at home and feeling like his younger self again. Now FDA-approved, this new procedure – transcatheter aortic valve replacement – offers an alternative to openheart surgery for select patients who have limited options. Our Heart & Vascular Center is pioneering medical breakthroughs that save lives and offer hope. That’s why we’re national leaders in medicine.
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I mature focus I 41
2:37 PM
The Solana® West County Welcome Center
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42 I mature focus I
St. Louis Strutters are still tapping after all these years
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By CAROL ENRIGHT When Jan Boehle says the St. Louis Strutters are a “pretty active” bunch, she is not kidding. Every week, the group of tap-dancing women meets for a daylong rehearsal, practicing for the 80 to 100 performances they put on each year. Each show features 10 to 12 dance numbers that are five to nine minutes long and require multiple costume changes. This regimen would be a workout for anyone, but the Strutters range in age from their mid-50s to 80. The Strutters began 26 years ago when two neighbors who were professional dancers started talking about getting together to dance the style of tap – embodied by the likes of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers – that was so much a part of their past. What began as a few friends meeting to practice dance steps has grown into a group of 13 dancers who put on two to three shows a week. Pat Bruder, one of the group’s founders, said it is not uncommon for women to ask if they can dance with the Strutters, then change their minds once they realize how much work is involved. “We’ve had a lot of people … who thought they would like to dance with us until they see us rehearsing, and then they decide they don’t want to do it,” Bruder said. At 78, Bruder acknowledges that the rehearsal and performance schedule is physically demanding, but she called dancing “the greatest escape that you could ever have.” In addition to the physical benefits, rehearsing and memorizing all those dance steps keeps the women mentally sharp.
“Not only do you have to be a good dancer, but you have to have a mind on you that you can learn these dances and remember them,” Bruder said. Dancing is the glue that holds the women together, but the bonds extend beyond the studio. The group is “just like a whole bunch of sisters,” Boehle said. “I don’t know what I would have done without (the group), especially because I lost my husband in 1988,” added Boehle, who joined the group 20 years ago. “It’s kept me busy and out of trouble for a lot of years.” Although most of the group’s performances are at retirement centers and nursing homes, the Strutters have been invited to dance in Russia, Australia and at an East Coast resort. Four of the women hold Ms. Senior Missouri crowns, and some have competed at the Ms. Senior America Pageant, an event at which the group performs every year. In 2010, the Strutters auditioned for “America’s Got Talent.” But Bruder said she is most proud of being invited to perform at the Muny Opera. Bruder said that although the roster is currently full, she expects that in the next couple of years, a few of the senior members will retire and the group will be looking for new dancers. Only advanced dancers over the age of 50 need apply. Boehle, who is the eldest Strutter at 80, admits that she probably should have retired by now. “I just keep hanging around because I love it,” she said. For more information on the St. Louis Strutters and their upcoming performances, visit
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11/15/11 4:22 PM
I 45
Enter t ai n ment
Ambassadors of Harmony’s “Sounds of the Season” comes to The Touhill Dec. 9-11.
COMEDY St. Louis New Year’s Eve Homecoming Comedy Jam with Cedric the Entertainer, Dec. 31, Peabody Opera House Lewis Black “In God We Rust,” Feb. 3, Peabody Opera House
Mickey Hart Band, Dec. 13, Old Rock House JingleFest2011, Dec. 14, The Family Arena Trampled by Turtles, Dec. 17, Old Rock House Christine Brewer Sings Strauss, Jan. 13-14, Powell Symphony Hall “The Magic Flute,” Jan. 15, Powell Symphony Hall The Saint Louis Symphony’s Holiday Celebration, Dec. 16-18, Powell Symphony Hall Trampled by Turtles, Dec. 17, Old Rock House
“Michael W. Smith’s Christmas” plays from Dec. 9-10 at Powell Symphony Hall.
CONCERTS “Christmas with the Rat Pack,” through Dec. 18, The Fox Theatre “A Gospel Christmas,” Dec. 8, Powell Symphony Hall Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band, Dec. 9, Scottrade Center “Michael W. Smith’s Christmas,” Dec. 9-10, Powell Symphony Hall Ambassadors of Harmony’s “Sounds of the Season,” Dec. 9-11, The Touhill St. Louis Civic Orchestra’s Prokofiev “Peter and the Wolf,” Dec. 10, Logan College 4 and 20: A Tribute to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Dec. 10, The Family Arena
Rockwood residents may file as candidates for the Board of Education from Dec. 13 to Jan. 17. Candidates may file Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Offices will be open until 5 p.m. on Jan. 17. Filing will not occur on days that the school district’s offices are closed due to holidays or inclement weather. Candidates may file at Rockwood’s Administrative Offices located at 111 E. North Street in Eureka, MO. Two board directors will be elected on April 3, 2012.
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When filing, the applicant should submit a written statement of candidacy addressed to the secretary of the board of education. Candidates must be citizens of the United States, residents of the Rockwood School District, residents of Missouri for at least one year preceding the election and at least 24 years of age.
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flexible & afforDable
“Whammy!” through Dec. 10, Kranzberg Arts Center 930 Kehrs Mill Rd. • Ballwin “Godspell,” through Dec. 11, Mustard Seed Theatre “Holiday Cabaret,” through Dec. 18, Dramatic License Theatre “My Three Angels,” through Dec. 18, Fencing & Decks To Go The Gaslight Theatre 12 Styles in Stock “How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical,” through Dec. 18, Peabody Wood • Vinyl • Ornamental Opera House Ready for Fences • Decks • Pergolas • Screen Rooms “The Adventures of TomFencing: Sawyer,” We carry a full line of fencing and decking through Dec. 23, Loretto-Hilton Center Pick-up or Ornamental Saint Louis Ballet’s “The Nutcracker,” QUALITY • SERVICE • TRUST • INTEGR E TRUST Dec. 16-23, The Touhill Vinyl Fences • Decks ••Pergolas • Screen Rooms• INTEGR FREE Fencing: EREVICTR I S QUALITY SERVICE • TRUST N UST T G “Beauty and the Beast,” Wood Dec. 20-24, The RVIC IETY WeInterest carry a full line of fencing andDelivery decking INT ENo or 36 Months We Als Y ASL Ornamental EG T Fox Theatre I with (equal payments w/approved credit on orders over $3,000) L Chain Link Al Sell minimum We Jus First Night – St. Louis, Dec. 31, Grand A Vinyl Not valid w/other offers. Must be presented order Materia Sell Ju at the time of order. Some restrictions apply. Aluminum Expires 12/31/11 “Christmas with Rat Pack” plays through Dec. Center Wood
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Chaifetz Arena:, (314) 534-1111 Dramatic License Theatre:, (636) 220-7012 The Family Arena:, 896-4205 The Fox Theatre:, (314) 534-1111 The Gaslight Theatre:, (800) 838-3006 Grand Center:, (314) 289-1500 Kranzberg Arts Center:, (314) 289-4060 Loretto-Hilton Center:, (314) 968-4925 Lumiere Place:, (866) 4487849
tickets and information
18 at The Fox Theatre.
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46 I events I
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Com mu n it y Event s ART An Artist Trunk Show is from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 10, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 16 and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 17 at The Gallery at Chesterfield Arts. Visitors shop for unique artwork by more than 20 local professional artists, with prices starting at $5. Visit
Elementary. For more information and to register, visit ssgreentrails2012/.
Snow in the Tropics runs 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays through Sundays through Dec. 31 (except on Christmas Day) at the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House (15193 Olive Blvd. in Chesterfield). More than 1,000 Paper Kite butterflies are on view. BENEFITS The showy butterflies are native to SouthRoyal Banks of Missouri and West east Asia and are white with black markNewsmagazine present the annual Boo ings. Admission is $6 for adults, $4 for Bear Drive at any of the five Royal Banks children ages 3 to 12, and free for ages 2 of Missouri, through Tues., Dec. 20. Drop and under. Call 530-0076 or visit butterflyoff a new or gently used stuffed animal and for details. help a child smile. All animals collected ••• will be donated to St. Louis area children’s Rabbi David hosts a Family Shabbat charities. Call (314) 212-1650. Dinner at 4:30 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 23, at the ••• Aish Firehouse (457 N. Woods Mill Road Green Trails Elementary School PTO in Chesterfield). The inspiring learners’ serhosts a cruise-themed trivia night at vice in English is followed by a dinner with 6:15 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 28 at the Maryland homemade challah and an enlightening Heights Community Center. The evening discussion. The cost is $15 for adults, $8 will include exciting auction items, cash for children ages 5-11 and free for younger prizes and complimentary soda and water. children. For details, call (314) 862-2474. ••• Todd Violette of 100.3 GEN X RADIO A Girls in the Know speaker series will be emceeing the event. Admission is $20 per person or $150 for a table of begins at 6:30 p.m. on Tues., Jan 10 at eight. All proceeds benefit programs for Claymont Elementary in the Parkway students, teachers and staff at Green Trails School District and continues throughout
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the month.The non-profit organization educates and empowers mothers and their preteen daughters. The series is led by women professionals, and discusses self-esteem, friendships, bullying, body image, nutrition, exercise, safety and sex education. The cost is $90 for each mother/daughter pair, plus $25 for each additional daughter. Visit for details. ••• The Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House hosts Hot! Hot! Hot! from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 28, and Sun., Jan. 29 at the Butterfly House’s Lopata Learning Lab. The event offers an opportunity to leave the winter blues behind and enjoy tropicalthemed, kid-friendly activities, games and crafts. Steel drum music, a toddler sandbox and face painting are available. The event is open to children ages 2 to 10 with their families. Visit or call (314) 5775140 for details.
HEALTH A grandparents’ class is from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thurs., Dec. 8, at St. Luke’s Hospital, on the third floor across from the Medical Library. The class is for expectant grandparents and reviews current hospital care for mother and baby, along with infant safety and tips on being helpful grandparents. A tour of the birthing suites is included. The cost is $15. Call (314) 2056906 to register. •••
An Alzheimer’s Association Support Group meeting, hosted by Parc Provence, meets from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thurs., Dec. 15 at 605 Coeur De Ville Drive in Creve Coeur. Supervision is available for those needing assistance for loved ones with dementia. Call (314) 542-2500 to RSVP or for more information.
SPECIAL INTEREST West County Swing Dance Club meets from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday at the Moolah Shrine Center (12545 Fee Fee Road). The not-for-profit social group hosts more than 350 dancers each week, offering basic to advanced swing dance lessons before the dance at 7 p.m. For details, visit ••• Divorce Care is from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays through Dec. 21 in the board room on the third floor of the Ministry Center at St. John Lutheran Church in Ellisville. Divorce Care for Kids is at the same time in 156-K of the Ministry Center. The programs are designed to help families through the pain of divorce. Divorce Care is $15 and Divorce Care for Kids is $25. Register online at or contact Linda at or 779-2331 for details.
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HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS Santa’s Magical Kingdom is open from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. nightly through Sun., Jan. 8 at Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park next to Six Flags in Eureka. The 35-acre holiday fantasyland features millions of lights set among hundreds of fanciful scenes featuring state-of-the-art lighting animation. Guests may browse Kringle’s General Store & Gift Emporium for gifts, toys, apparel and holiday décor and visit Santa’s Workshop to visit with Santa (photos with Santa are $14.95). A Snack Shack with light meals/snacks is new this year. Admission is $19 per vehicle; train and wagon rides are $12 per person and include vehicle admission. Call 938-5925 or visit ••• “Acoustic Family Christmas” is at 11:15 a.m. on Sundays in December at Trinity Lutheran Church (14088 Clayton Road in Chesterfield). Visit ••• The Midwest Institute for Neurological Development (MIND) hosts a holiday toy drive to benefit Circle Of Concern during regular business hours through Thurs., Dec. 15, at 144 Chesterfield Commons East Road in Chesterfield. New and unwrapped toys are accepted, and MIND raffles a free Neurological Evaluation and Academic Assessment, for which the winner is drawn on Fri., Dec. 16. Call 537-9800. ••• Manchester United Methodist Church hosts a family-friendly Christmas event featuring a picture with Santa, ornament, crafts and a Christmas story drama from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 9 and from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sun., Dec. 10 at the church (Hwy. 141 and Manchester Road). On Friday, families enjoy cookies and cocoa; on Saturday, a hot breakfast is served. Admission is $4 per child through fifth grade. For tickets, call 394-7506. ••• St. Louis Community College at Wildwood presents “It’s a Wonderful Life,” a live radio play by Joe Landry, at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) on Fri., Dec. 9 in the college’s multipurpose room. Admission is free, but donations of canned goods for the Circle Of Concern food pantry or new toys for Santa’s Helpers are appreciated. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Call 422-2000. ••• Old Trails Historical Society hosts a Gingerbread House/Cookie Sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 10 at Bacon Log Cabin (687 Henry Ave. in Ballwin). Homemade cookies are sold by the pound; jams, jellies, other foods and holiday gifts
also are available. Chances for “A Year of Cookies” are $1 per chance, $5 for six chances. Proceeds help support the maintenance of Bacon Log Cabin. Call Cindy at 227-8859 or Sue at 227-3062. ••• The Ballwin Holiday Festival is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 10 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. The free event features holiday craft-making, photos with Santa, complimentary breakfast refreshments, shopping at a vendor fair, and more. Toys for Tots collects donated toys and games. Visit ••• Breakfast with Santa is from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Sat., Dec. 10 at the West County Family YMCA. A hot breakfast with St. Nick and holiday crafts are featured. Admission is $10, with members admitted for $5 and kids younger than age 2 admitted free of charge. Space is limited. For reservations, call 532-6515, ext. 236. ••• St. Mark Presbyterian Church hosts a Holiday House Tour at 10 a.m. (brunch) and 11 a.m. (tour) on Sat., Dec. 10 beginning at the church (601 Claymont Drive in Ballwin). The tour includes five West County homes decorated for the Christmas season. Proceeds benefit Lydia’s House for abused and battered women and children. The cost is $5 for brunch and $10 for the tour. Call 227-9116. ••• Rockwood Community Education presents “Holidazzle,” an annual holiday performance for the entire family, at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 10 at Lafayette High. The play features all new performances by the Rockwood Show Choir and Intermediate Honor Orchestra. Children can wear their best holiday attire to the 3 p.m. matinee and receive a free gift. Advance tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 and younger. Tickets at the door are $11 for adults and $6 for children 12 and younger. Call 733-2170 or visit rockwood.k12. ••• The Manchester Department of Parks & Recreation hosts a free Senior Citizens’ Holiday Luncheon for Manchester residents ages 65 and older at 12 p.m. on Thurs., Dec. 15 at First Evangelical Free Church (1375 Carman Road). Reservations are limited to the first 300 respondents. Call 391-6326, ext. 400. For more Holiday Happenings, visit
I events I 47
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Glendale Saint Louis Hills 9990 Manchester Rd. 3534 Watson Rd. St. Louis, MO 63122 St. Louis, MO 63139
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48 I
DiGregorio’s defines holiday tradition “He knows just how to cut it so it’s the right By SUZANNE CORBETT At DiGregorio’s, holiday tradition begins with its cus- thickness,” Ribaudo said. Spedini is a specialty often served during the holtomers. “It’s exciting to watch the people come in to shop,” said idays. The recipe calls for thinly sliced beef rolled Toni Ribaudo, who, with her siblings, operates her family’s around a stuffing of seasoned breadcrumbs, cheese, grocery that has specialized in Italian foods and specialty egg, onions and salami. Those who make their speimports since 1971. “So many of our customers have made dini from scratch know it is never too early to stock up on the authentic ingredients, such as imported our store a must-shop tradition during the holidays.” Shopping for holiday foods is one of the joys of the Parmesan and Genoa, both ingredients used in the season, especially at DiGregorio’s, where Italian Christ- spedini stuffing. However, for non-cooks or those mas treats, such as Panetonne (yeast-raised sweet bread) too busy to cook, DiGregorio’s’ freezer case is stuffed with ready-to-cook entrees, including speand taffy-like almond candy Torrone, are found. “It wouldn’t be Christmas without Panetonne and Tor- dini, braciole, meatballs, lasagna and tortellini – all made from DiGregorio family recipes. rone,” Ribaudo said. Panetonne, packaged in bell-shaped boxes, are displayed “I’m stocking up,” said Shelburn, Ind., resident throughout the store along with seasonal items, such as Rose Metheny, whose cart was filled with overcandies and cookies. Cookware and culinary tools, such sized bags of tortellini and cheese. “We come to St. as espresso pots and ravioli rolling pins, become hot gift Louis every few months, and each time we come, From left, DiGregorio’s co-owner Toni Ribaudo with Rose Metheny, who items during December. Also, in anticipation for the sea- I have to come here to shop. I love the food and traveled to St. Louis to stock up on DiGregorio’s foods. sonal demand, ropes of salsiccia and trays of thinly sliced the variety, and it’s fun to shop, especially now at spedini meats fill DiGregorio’s’ meat case. According to the holidays.” After shopping the rows of products, one can share Ribaudo, no one cuts spedini meat like the DiGregorio’s “One of our more unusual pastas is mafaldine,” Ribaudo Metheny’s enthusiasm with hundreds of items, from olive said. “It looks like a thin lasagna-like noodle.” meat cutter, Pasquale. oils, sauces and olives to fresh meats, cheeses and wines. With countless pastas and imported foods, one could be Also, make sure to remember the pasta. Dozens of dif- at a loss on how to use them in a recipe. But no one is ferent pasta styles and cuts to suit any taste can be found to worry because DiGregorio’s has an in-store recipe rack DiGregorio’s Market among the pasta stacks. Those hoping to make homemade filled with recipes ranging from sweet to savory. 5200 Daggett Ave. • St. Louis pasta, 00 Flour, Italian semolina wheat flour, makes the “The recipe rack is so popular,” Ribaudo said. “But if (314) 776-1062 best pasta dough. you can’t find a recipe, just ask one of us girls working, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Mon. – Sat. DiGregorio’s also stocks many pastas not often seen and we can help you find a recipe and the ingredients outside Italy, such as real Italian orzo. you’ll need.”
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for Dec. 14 issue
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on this beautiful 3.25 acre partially improved private, wooded lot. Centrally located in Wildwood. You will be surrounded by a total of 7 acres once your home is built. No need to live out past Hwy. 109. Property is 3 minutes from shopping and restaurants at Chesterfield Commons in Chesterfield Valley. Near Strecker & Valley Roads. $100,000. Call 314-544-1624.
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Real estate showcase
Exceptional Estate Style Setting Atop 14 Acres in a Close-In Wildwood Location Provided by West Newsmagazine’s Advertising Department
rom the beautiful and welcoming leaded glass door entry to the finished walkout lower level, all amenities are top quality in this custom built 1 ½ story with an ideal floor plan Weat Are690 An Official Drop-Off Location For is Thea four located Eatherton Road. There “ Circle Of Concern” car garage. The upper level has a loft/office and three spacious bedroom suites. The walkout lower level includes a fifth bedroom, full bath, recreation room with fireplace and wet bar, billard, game and exercise areas. Some
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Z|ä|Çz Utv~ gÉ g{x VÉÅÅâÇ|àç We Are An Official Drop-Off Location For The
“Circle Of Concern”
Please stop by Coldwell Banker Gundaker—Town & Country Office Located in Town & Country Crossing (corner of 141 & Clayton) To drop off non-perishable food and personal care items (no glass)
Now Through December 16th The “Circle Of Concern” provides for those in need in the Parkway, Rockwood & Valley Park areas.
special features include marble and hardwood floors, Palladian and bay windows, special ceiling effects, wired for sound and intercom, faux painting, two story great room, two first floor half baths, nine foot ceilings, irrigation and security systems, two decks plus a patio, workshop, Dacor appliances, custom maple cabinetry, butler’s pantry, three fireplaces, three HVAC systems with 92% efficiency and much more. Lots of privacy and still convenient! All this on a lush and private 14 acres. Please contact Mary Gettinger, 314-378-3173 for a private showing.
Town & Country Office The #1 office in the state of Missouri
Come & Enjoy The Town & Country Crossing
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Stop boarding your horses!
Please stop by Coldwell Banker Gundaker—Town & Country Office Saturday December 3, 2011 Located in Town & Country Crossing (corner of 141 & Clayton) Dining Refreshments, Door Prizes & personal special Offers & items Holiday(no Cheer To drop off&non-perishable food and care glass)
Now Through December 16th The “Circle Of Concern” provides for those in need in the Parkway, Rockwood & Valley Park areas.
[ÉÄ|wtç f{ÉÑÑ|Çz bÑxÇ [Éâáx MSaturday E R R y December 3, 2011 CHRiSTMAS!
Dining & Refreshments, Door Prizes & special Offers & Holiday Cheer
Come join Tom Shaw Realtors for their west County Holiday Homes Tour! Get in the holiday spirit and turn your Santa tracker on and follow his path from home to home! Don’t worry all of our home owners will have milk and cookies to ensure Santa’s visit! Make sure to leave your name and number at each home for your chance to win a gift from Santa’s Bag! Hold on tight because this is going to be a fun night! Join us any time on
Sunday December 11, from 1:00 - 4:00.
2658 Highway 100, Gray Summit, MO
Come & Enjoy The Town & Country Crossing
West County Holiday Homes Tour
1354 Christmas Valley Rd. Wildwood - $599,900 5+ acre Mini-Farm in the heart of Wildwood’s popular equestrian area. 4 Stall Barn, Wash Rack, Nelson waterers, Tack Room, 3 Pastures, Outdoor Arena MLS # 11048346
Can’t wait to see you then! Happy Holidays!
15969 Downall Green Dr. Chesterfield - $389,000 Wow! Beautiful 5 bd, 4.5 ba home. Wood burning frpl in family rm and mstr. bd. Family rm has custom millwork, built-in book cases, and wet bar! Finish LL. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960 1936 Forest Lane - $214,900 Newer 3BR, 3BA, Fin. Walk-out LL, Lg. Lot, RV hook-up. MLS # 11055017
1514 Pacland 18211 Old Wild Horse Creek Rd. Chesterfield - $2,900,000 Chesterfield - $2,499,900 Gorgeous 5bd, 4.5ba, stone & stucco One of a kind Equestrian Estate w/5bd, 6 French Chateau designed by Dick Busch. full & 3 half baths. Executive style hm w/6 On 8.25 +/- acres w/private lake & resort stall brn & infinity pool! Owner will divide. pool! 3c attached gar & 2c detached gar! Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960 Cathy Shaw-Connely (636) 346-4960 Tom Shaw, Jr. (314) 283-5064
2578 Sugar Lake Road - $359,900 200 Timber Trace - St. Albans - $419,900 Gorgeous, 3 BR, 3 BA, 3 car gar. Bonus room, Brick atrium, over 5,000 sq. ft., Hdwd flrs, remodel improved floor plan. MLS 11028995 huge kit, 4bd, 4ba, 9’ ceilings, 2 frpls, many extras, 5.5 acres suitable for horses MLS # 11044227
361 Oakview Ests. Ct. - Labadie - $229,000 16915 Crestview Drive - Wildwood - $474,900 6bd home on 3 acres, open floor plan, 3ba, Future Wildwood Town Center 4 miles west of Wildwood 2.16 Ac. Level Lot Fronts Hwy. 100 MLS # 11048062 MLS # 11008435
516 Spring Glen Dr. - Ballwin - $125,900 Darling 2 bedroom Condo with so many updates it feels like NEW! MLS # 11049071
Search the MLS like an Agent at:
200 Wild Horse Ranch 19300 Deer Pointe Estate Dr. 1555 Pond Road Chesterfield - $465,000 Chesterfield - $685,000 Wildwood - $1,299,000 Hidden Gem off Wild Horse Creek Rd! Gorgeous! 5bd, 4.5ba. One of a kind gated Wow! Wildwood Equestrian property at its 4bd, 3.5ba on 5+/- acres w/8 additional equestrian community! Custom millwork best! 3bd, 3ba custom updated Ranch, acres to purchase. Don’t miss out on this in master bed & office. Chef’s delight 3+/- acres, 3 stall horse brn, tack rm & spectacular home! kitchen with granite counter tops. Fin LL. wash rack w/hot & cold water. Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960 Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960 Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960
17813 Edison Avenue, Suite 200 Chesterfield, MO 63005
Office:(636) 532-1922 Fax: (636) 532-0222
#1 Office in the State of Missouri! 175+Professional Sales Associates To Serve You!
Town Country
1100 Town & Country Crossing | Town & Country, Missouri 63017 |
54 Thornhill Dr Eureka $1,999,999
12775 Ladue Road Creve Coeur $1,489,000
2231 Todforth Way Town and Country $1,199,000
55 Chesterfield Lakes Road Chesterfield $995,500
29 Roclare Lane Town and Country $989,000
16216 Bear Valley Road Wildwood $769,000
731 Stonebluff Ct. Chesterfield $725,000
8 Bellerosa Place Des Peres $699,000
208 Cedar Trace Dr. St. Albans $689,000
2405 Oak Springs Lane Town and Country $668,000
1064 Woodfield Estates Dr. Town and Country $615,000
507 Inverrary Ct. Eureka $599,900
19327 Dogwood Valley Ct. Wildwood $599,000
12 Woodbridge Manor Rd. Creve Coeur $597,500
856 Heatherhaven Dr. Ballwin $519,900
708 Dartmouth Bend Ct. Wildwood $460,000
1910 Chesterfield Ridge Circle Chesterfield $450,000
14616 Timberlake Manor Ct. Chesterfield $449,500
14604 Amberleigh Hill Ct. Chesterfield $439,000
14661 Amberleigh Hill Ct. Chesterfield $419,000
Open Sunday 1-3pm
Villas at Hanna Bend Manchester Starting at $396,000
514 Keswick Dr. Lake St. Louis $395,000
632 Eaglesridge Dr. Ballwin $374,900
2233 Sentier Dr. Wildwood $349,900
Tuscan Chase St. Louis Starting at $339,000
15559 Valley Branch Dr. Chesterfield $299,900
1008 Mallow Dr. Ellisville $204,900
511 Golfwood Dr. Ballwin $164,900
312 Clayton Crossing Dr #307 Ellisville $115,000
13579 Coliseum Dr B Chesterfield $102,500