West Newsmagazine 041410

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Race and politics Few combinations are more poisonous than race and politics. That combination has torn whole nations apart and led to the slaughters of millions in countries around the world. You might think we would have learned a lesson from that and stay away from injecting race into political issues. Yet playing the race card has become an increasingly common response to growing public anger at the policies of the Obama administration and the way those policies have been imposed. When the triumphant Democrats made their widely televised walk up Capitol Hill after passing the health care bill, led by a smirking and strutting Nancy Pelosi, holding her oversized gavel, some of the crowd of citizens expressed their anger. According to some Democrats, these expressions of anger included racial slurs directed at black members of Congress. This is a serious charge - and one deserving of some serious evidence. But, despite all the media recording devices on the scene, not to mention recording devices among the crowd gathered there, nobody can come up with a single recorded sound to back up that incendiary charge. Worse yet, some people have claimed that even doubting the charge suggests that you are a racist. Among the people who are likely to be most disappointed with the Obama administration are those who thought it would usher in a post-racial society. That they wished for such a society is a credit to their values. But that they actually expected a move in that direction suggests that they ignored both Barack Obama’s history and the heavy vested interest that too many people have in race hustling. This is just one of many areas in which this country is likely to pay a very high price for the fact that too many voters paid attention to Obama’s rhetoric while ignoring his actual track record. However soothing the Obama rhetoric, and however lofty his statements about being a uniter rather than a divider - both racially and in terms of bipartisanship - everything in his past fairly shouts the opposite, but only to those who follow facts. Has he been allied with uniters or dividers in the past? Do Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Father Pfleger sound like unit-

ers? What has his administration done - as distinguished from what the president has said - since taking office? It has dropped the prosecution of black thugs caught on camera stationed outside a polling place intimidating voters. Obama has promoted to the Supreme Court a circuit judge who dismissed a discrimination lawsuit by white firefighters, whose case the Supreme Court later accepted and ruled in their favor. He preceded this appointment by talking about needing people on the court with “empathy.” That is a pretty word but the ugly reality is that it is just another euphemism for bias. For generations, white Southern judges had all kinds of empathy for other white Southerners, which is to say, bias against blacks. The question is whether you want equal treatment or you want payback. Cycles of revenge and counter-revenge have been at the heart of racial and ethnic strife throughout history, in countries around the world. It is a history written in blood. It is history we do not need to repeat in the United States of America. Political demagoguery and political favoritism have turned groups violently against each other, even in countries where they have lived peacefully side-by-side for generations. Ceylon was one of those countries in the first half of the 20th century, before the politics of group favoritism so polarized the country - now called Sri Lanka - that it produced a decadeslong civil war with mass slaughters and unspeakable atrocities. The world has been shocked by the mass slaughters of the Tutsis by the Hutus in Rwanda but, half a century ago, there had been no such systematic slaughters there. Political demagoguery whipped up ethnic polarization, among people who had coexisted, who spoke the same language and had even intermarried. We know - or should know - what lies at the end of the road of racial polarization. A “race card” is not something to play, because race is a very dangerous political plaything. © 2010 Creators.com

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letters to the editor Government controls To The Editor: More and more today we are reminded of certain people in government who have gotten credit for some things, or have been blamed for some things that should not have. In the letter, “True Leadership” by Larry Covington, he quoted that President Ronald Reagan was famous for saying ,“Government is the problem.” President Reagan said “Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.” I think what Reagan said has been proven over and over again. The private sector in a capitalistic system can solve its own problems, without government interference. In Covington’s view, it would seem that the president, whoever he is, should get total blame, or total credit for what goes on. We all need to go back and take eighthgrade government classes, and actually listen this time. There are three equally important branches of government: legislative, judicial and executive. All are important and each has its duties. Covington seems to want to blame Reagan for increased spending and additional government employment. All spending bills originate in the House of Representatives. The president cannot introduce a bill. He can suggest it but Congress must do that. For six of President Reagan’s eight years, Congress was controlled by the Democrats. During that time, Reagan convinced Congress to roll back the capital gains tax. Tax cuts do work, as proven by Presidents John Kennedy, Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Reagan’s cut produced two-and-one-half times more revenue, by people being able to do what they wanted with their own money, than the confiscatory policies of heavy taxation. However, even with two-and-one-half times more revenue, Congress then spent even more than what came into the coffers. Many want to blame Reagan for the debt going up because of his capital gains tax cuts, but it was the Democrats who controlled Congress at that time and knowing that more revenue would come in, they spent more than they had. Covington also was eager to give President Clinton credit for slashing government jobs/payroll. For six of the eight years that Clinton was in office, the Republicans controlled Congress. Again, this is where spending bills originate. The Republi-

cans cut spending, or in some cases, they decreased the amount of increase in spending. This involved some things like eliminating unnecessary government jobs. Through the various downsizing of government expenditures, the U.S. government needed to borrow less money, resulting in more money available for a lower interest rate to John Q. Public. Simple supply and demand. Who should get credit for that? The Republicans who controlled Congress at that time, and conservative Democrats, had to be the ones to introduce that legislation to the president, and Clinton knew he needed to sign that legislation as it would make him look real good. Finally, Covington wants to liken “leadership” to advancing certain agendas and that Republican presidents have not been good leaders because they did not pass any “health care reform.” I am positive that President Bush II would like to have ignored other problems outside our borders and focused on tort reform, overhauling the tax system, downsizing government, partially privatizing Social Security, cutting corporate income tax to strengthen the job base, and increasing national security to keep illegal entry to our country from Mexico, to name just a few items. But, leader that he was, he worked at keeping the citizens of the United States safe from another attack by the cowards from the Middle East. How many people worry about driving down Manchester Road, or any road in the United States, and wonder whether a car bomb is going to go off and eliminate you or other members of your family? How many of you worry about having your door kicked in during the middle of the night, the head of the house shot in the head, the women raped, and the kids taken off to slavery somewhere? Thank those in the past and the present for their focus on things that you have no idea about, for your safety. That is far more important for this president or any past president, than promoting a bad health care bill that will leave us all (except our politicians) with less health care than we currently have. A bad bill is not better than no bill. Even though it is apparent that I am not in agreement with the present leadership of this country, I think the legislative branch (Congress) is where we need to focus our attention on what they are doing. These are

the people who many appear to be so far removed from “our world” and are looking at their own interests and working against us. It is easy to ask ourselves, am I better off now than I was a year ago, or two years ago? Watch what Congress is doing constantly and get your facts from several sources. Thomas Jefferson said, “A government large enough to supply all of your needs, is large enough to take all you have.” Like I said, watch Congress! Noel LaVanchy Wildwood

Congressional contempt

To The Editor: The Obama Health Care Reform Bill has just been shoved down the throats of America’s taxpayers. We the People witnessed bribery, arm-twisting of the Democrats’ own party for “yes” votes and closed-door meetings of Democrats to write up the bill, with no input from Republicans who represented millions of citizens. In other words, this bill was passed with deceit and dishonesty. On March 20, at the Capitol, a huge Tea Party assembled, shouting “Kill the Bill!” During this protest rally, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow conspirators linked arms while she carried a large gavel. They were quite sure they would achieve victory. They marched through the crowd of thousands (with plenty of security) smiling with an “inyour-face” arrogance. For months, the majority of Americans disapproved of this bill, primarily at the beginning, because of its over-the-top costs. Congress was besieged with e-mails, telephone calls and letters to stop the bill, to stop the spending and start over. Congress, adamantly and arrogantly, refused to listen to taxpayers, refused to change its force tactics and refused participation of the Republican Party. Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid persisted for months in pushing, pushing, pushing their agenda to pass the health care bill. Pelosi said it was “for the good of the American people.” Who are those American people as we were not given an explanation? In fact, there were never specific explanations of all items in this bill and no one had the hours to read, nor could they understand this 2,000-plus-page bill when they attempted to read it because of its construction plus referral numbers throughout that were not included in all those pages.

In other words, impossible to comprehend. And Obama spent almost all of his time traveling and campaigning to push, push, push his health care bill. There will be lawsuits from many states for appeal, to opt out of the federal health care program and to challenge the constitutionality and legality of this bill. Actually, I believe this is an overthrow of our democratic government that is against the law, as this law destroys the Republic. A vote that affects one-sixth of our economy should require a two-thirds vote or American taxpayers who give the money should get to vote. The government has no money, only what the taxpayers contribute. Yet our voices were ignored and we suffered arrogance from the people we elected. If this costly, incompetent, unfair health care bill is allowed to stand, government will dictate our personal lives and freedom is gone. Our grandchildren and their children will be burdened by our incomprehensible debt. Watching stimulus money being wasted on many pork projects should have taught us a lesson. Obama supporters still did not get it. While so many Americans have lost their jobs and fear for their futures, Obama insisted his health care bill have priority over jobs and the economy. In the near future, he plans to tackle illegal aliens and amnesty. Then cap and trade? And on and on. More spending with high taxes in the offing. This breaks the backs of our people. No other president in history has had the gall and arrogance to override the desires of its majority of people. We cannot allow these changes to take place. We must make Congress listen. Then we cannot allow this incompetent Congress to make life-changing decisions for us. Do Pelosi and Reid believe they are smarter than we are and should make our choices for our own good? Sure they do. It will take patience to wait for November, but hopefully everyone against socialism will vote every “yes” vote out of office. We need representatives who are honest and listen to their constituents and love their country first and foremost. Joann Hopkins Town & Country



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Changing of the guard

Good Americans They have been called ignorant, white, racist and violent – and those are some of the nicer things that Democrats and the mainstream media have said about members of the Tea Party. They have been referred to also as Astroturf, Nazis, tea-baggers and extreme right-wingers. But that is not exactly the case. A recent USA Today/Gallup poll found a group very different than those derided by the Democrats and their friends in the liberal media. While Tea Party supporters skew right politically, they are demographically generally representative of the public at large. Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their leanings. And, in several other respects, including their age, educational background, employment status and race, members of the Tea Party are quite representative of Americans in general. When compared with average citizens, members are slightly more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income. In that same poll, 28 percent of U.S. adults call themselves supporters of the Tea Party movement. At a recent local Tea Party event, these poll findings were confirmed by observation and interaction. The folks in attendance were friendly, fun and representative of a broad cross-section of hard-working Americans and retirees sharing a common frustration with the government, the current administration, Congress and the current direction of our country. Government control of their lives and out-of-control government spending seemed to be top of mind and top on their list of concerns. Worried for the future and the future of their children and grandchildren, these folks are attempting – many for the first time – to get involved and make a difference. Are they angry and frustrated? You bet. They are trying to do something to make a difference and return to the values and policies that they legitimately believe made us a great nation. The tea partiers are not extremists, they are not violent and they are not racist. The liberals, Democrats and the mainstream media badly misread and misrepresent this group. They not only misread these people – they misread the scope of the dissatisfaction of many, many Americans. The tea partiers are good Americans exercising their rights granted under the Constitution to express their frustration with the policies of this government – policies and laws passed by this Congress and signed by this President. They are in the process of changing the country that they love. West Newsmagazine respects the efforts of the Tea Party movement and the good folks who support it. Maybe the Democrats and the mainstream media should look at these folks for what they are and stop branding them as extremists. See our story about local members of the Tea Party on page 34.

Question of the week:

After 15 years as managing editor of West Newsmagazine, Susan Sagarra (right) is moving on. Sue Hornof (left) has been appointed as managing editor.

Quotable: Pedophiles are more popular than members of Congress right now. -Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee

“We just want a candidate who is genuine, who owns up to their mistakes, who is for individual liberties and is willing to embrace the Constitution.” - Dana Loesch, a local blogger, talk radio host, mother of two and one of the organizers of the Tea Party movement.

Web site of the week:

Were you rooting for Tiger?


Answer the question: editor@westnewsmagazine.com

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News Br iefs Compiled by Ted Dixon Jr., Casey Godwin, julie brown patton, and Susan E. Sagarra.

BALLWIN Police collect old cell phones The Ballwin Police Department is assisting the members of Troop C Missouri State Highway Patrol with an “Old Cell Phone Drive” to raise awareness and show support for victims of lung cancer. Tammy Miller, a lung cancer survivor and wife of Troop C Sgt. Kevin Miller, asked the members of the Highway Patrol to assist her with an “Old Cell Phone Drive.” This is a drive to collect old cell phones which will be refurbished and provided to shelters for cost-free 9-1-1 services. A donation to Lung Cancer Connection will be made for each cell phone collected, regardless of the age or condition of the phone. Obsolete phones will be destroyed in an environmentally safe and responsible manner. Lung Cancer Connection is a grass roots non-profit advocacy group established by two current lung cancer survivors to improve patient knowledge, care and life expectancy of lung cancer victims in the St. Louis area.

The “Old Cell Phone Drive” runs until May 1. Old cell phones may be dropped off in the lobby of the Ballwin Police Station (300 Park Drive); at Troop C Headquarters (891 Technology Drive in Weldon Spring); or at the nearest Missouri State Highway Patrol Driver Examination Station. For more information on Lung Cancer Connection, visit LungCancerConnectionInc.org.

CREVE COEUR Greenhouse gases reduction Continuing in its efforts as a leader in the region to reduce greenhouse gases, the Creve Coeur City Council recently heard from an appointed task force formed to help accomplish such a goal. In April 2008, the city passed a resolution committing it to the process of reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. In doing so, Creve Coeur joined a group of more than 950 local governments across the nation that have formally committed to take action to address those problems. Also in April 2008, Creve Coeur Mayor Harold Dielmann signed the U.S. Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement in an effort to reduce gases. The city also established

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the Creve Coeur Action Task Force shortly thereafter. To accomplish these goals, the city began a multi-layered process, including conducting a gas emissions inventory, setting an emissions reduction target, developing a climate action plan and implementing that plan. Creve Coeur conducted an inventory in 2005 while John May, chair of the Climate Action Task Force, reported that the commercial sector of the city accounted for 42 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and the transportation sector accounted for 33 percent, with approximately 75 percent of the greenhouse gases emitted coming from those two sources. May recommended to the City Council that 2015 be a target year to meet goals in terms of reducing greenhouse gases by 20 percent in the area. May suggested the City Council use three phases in accomplishing this goal. Phase 1 would involve awareness and commitment for reduction in energy use and greenhouse gases. It would also encompass high-profile initiatives that promote those goals. Jaysen Christensen, assistant city administrator and member of the task force, said Phase 1 focuses on city operations. “It’s to get our own house in order,” Christensen said. “We can set an example and encourage the community to follow our lead. We are trying to do things that are simple and practical and save on lighting. The goals are achievable.” In the first phase, the task force lists 12

strategies that should be implemented in order for it to succeed. Among them are incentive reductions authorizing Creve Coeur City Administrator Mark Perkins to develop a program for energy and greenhouse gas reductions and training and educating city staff in green municipal operations. May suggested that the city conduct a municipal energy product of the city’s main government buildings at a cost of $18,000. Christensen said the city would be expected to have a return on that investment. “The city spends a great deal on energy bills,” Christensen said. “Eighteen thousand dollars is a tiny fraction of what we spend on heating and lighting bills.” May said the city has a tremendous opportunity to build an energy-smart economy. In doing so, it will result in substantial benefits to Creve Coeur, such as reduced congestion, new businesses and healthier citizens. A resolution to adopt the plan is expected to be considered at the April 8 City Council meeting.

MANCHESTER Permits not required for children’s groups The Manchester Board of Aldermen at its April 5 meeting approved an amendment to the solicitation ordinance that would make charitable door-to-door sales simpler for children. Groups of 10 or more children all

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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM under the age of 17 no longer have to carry individual charitable solicitation campaign permits. A supervising adult can carry one permit for the entire group. Manchester Alderman Marilyn Ottenad (ward 2) introduced the bill earlier this year, but had held it over pending a work session for further development. At the meeting, Ottenad urged the board to vote on it despite not discussing it beforehand. “If we don’t do something (now), what would happen is if Boy Scouts decided they wanted to go out and sell popcorn, every single scout would have to carry a card,” Ottenad said. Manchester City Attorney Patrick Gunn said the ordinance originally was put in place to protect residents against criminals posing as charitable solicitors who visited door-to-door in order to gain information about a home or vehicle. Individual permits still are required for youth groups smaller than 10 as well as adults. Permits can be obtained online at manchestermo.gov or at City Hall for a $10 fee.

Skateboarders will be prohibited on parking lots Skateboarders may find a pending amendment to Manchester’s Code of Ordinances to be a real bummer. At the April 5 Manchester Board of Alderman meeting, the board held a first reading of an amendment to add parking lots to the list of places skateboarding, roller skating and other recreational equipment is prohibited. Currently, those activities are not allowed on sidewalks, highways and roadways. Manchester acting Police Chief Tim Walsh said property owners have made recent complaints to the department about skating taking place in parking lots. The board is expected to vote on the issue at its April 19 meeting.

ST. LOUIS COUNTY Spring safety event The West County EMS and Fire Protection District’s Spring Safety Event, a Bike Rodeo Extravaganza, is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sat., April 17 at the Walgreens located at Weidman and Manchester Roads in Manchester. The event includes: • Bike safety check - bring your bike. • Bike maintenance clinic • Bike helmet fitting by Missouri Baptist Children’s Hospital - bring your helmet or purchase one for $10. • Safety house • Food and drinks. The event is sponsored in partnership with Missouri Baptist Children’s Hospital, The Travelers’ Protective Association, St.

Louis County Police Department, The Trek Store and Walgreens. Visit www.wescofire.org

Child car seat check The Metro West Fire Protection District and St. Louis County Police Department’s Wildwood Precinct have teamed up to sponsor a car seat safety checkpoint event from 9 a.m. to noon on Sat., April 24 at Metro West Station 3 (17065 Manchester Road at the corner of Hwy. 109 and Manchester Road). Certified child passenger safety technicians will be on hand to evaluate child car seats at the free event. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that properly installed child car seats reduce the risk of death in an automobile accident by 71 percent for infants and 54 percent for toddlers. According to the most recent data available from NHTSA, the economic impact of motor vehicle accidents in the state of Missouri for one year was $4.7 million. The costs include property damage, medical, legal, insurance and others. Missouri law requires children to ride in car seats or to be properly restrained in car seats, booster seats or seat belts. Consumers in the market for a child car seat are encouraged to do their homework and purchase a quality seat and make sure the seat is properly installed. To help, Metro West Fire Protection District and the St. Louis County Police Department endorse these recommendations for child car seats, which NHTSA has provided: • All children ages 12 and younger should ride properly restrained in the back seat. Never place a child safety seat in the front seat where a front-mounted passenger air bag is present. • Always read the child seat use and installation instruction manual. • Read your vehicle owner’s manual seat belt and child seat installation section. “Consumers should be aware that proper installation is very important for a car seat to properly protect your child,” Metro West Chief Vincent T. Loyal said. “Even the most expensive car seat when improperly installed can contribute to unnecessary and costly injuries.” “St. Louis County Police encourages consumers to make sure their car seats are properly installed to help save lives and to avoid the unwanted costs and trauma of injuries” said Cpt. Kenneth Williams, of the St. Louis County Police DepartmentWildwood Precinct. Call Officer Brad Wood or Officer Tracy Gailis of the St. Louis County Police Department-Wildwood Precinct at 458-9194 or Firefighter/Paramedic Andy Hieken at the Metro West Fire Protection District at 458-2100.

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no 2 txting? Lawmakers seek to expand state’s texting ban to all drivers By Casey Godwin Missouri lawmakers once again are debating a texting while driving ban for the state. Last August, a state law went into effect that made texting while driving illegal for drivers ages 21 and younger. Missouri Sen. Ryan McKenna (D-Dist. 22) had pushed for an all-ages ban, but the Missouri House of Representatives scaled back the ban to those younger drivers. This year, McKenna said hopes the House will approve the full ban. He said enforcing the ban on younger drivers has been challenging. “I’ve never pretended this would be an easy bill to enforce, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have something on our statute books addressing it,” McKenna said. As of mid-March, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reported that it has only issued 20 tickets statewide for texting and driving. In 2008, cell phone usage contributed to approximately 1,800 crashes, according to the Highway Patrol. Of those crashes, 13 involved fatalities and 524 involved injuries.

Highway Patrol Lt. John Hotz said that texting while driving tickets have been issued after a vehicle was stopped for a separate reason or after a traffic crash already has occurred. “There have been some challenges in enforcing (the ban),” Hotz said. “Determining if a person is actually texting or regularly using a cell phone is one challenge. Of course, determining how old a person is can be a challenge also.” McKenna said despite problems with enforcing a texting ban, he feels it is state legislators’ responsibility to protect motorists from drivers who text while behind the wheel. “Should we not do anything with drunk drivers out on the road?” McKenna said. “We know from numerous studies that it’s three times more dangerous to text and drive than to drive at a .08 (blood alcohol level).” McKenna said that regardless of how well the law is enforced, it has provided an opportunity to educate the public on the dangers of texting and driving. Hotz said the Highway Patrol has been working to educate people since the passage of the

Currently, Missouri bans drivers under the age of 21 from sending text messages. Lawmakers may try to expand that law to include all drivers.

21-and-under texting ban, and the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) recently began a public service campaign to bring awareness to the dangers of texting and driving. “To think that it’s a good public policy in the state to not address this issue would be a mistake on our part,” McKenna said. The Missouri Senate voted 34-0 to approve an all-age texting and driving ban in March. The Missouri House of Representatives now is considering the measure.

Missouri drivers who are 21 and younger face a fine of up to $200 and a possible two points against their driver’s license if caught reading, writing or sending text messages while operating a vehicle. It is a primary offense, which means drivers can be pulled over for texting alone. The bill also has a provision to allow Missouri to issue only one license plate for most motor vehicles. The all-ages texting ban legislation is Senate Bill 781.

Federal government takes over long-time education loan program MOHELA hopes to secure new program, add jobs By Jeannie Seibert While the country focuses on how changes in health care and health insurance will affect corporations, small business and individuals following Congress’ passage of the health care reform bill, Raymond H. Bayer, Jr. was on the scene in Washington, D.C., focusing on another aspect of that legislation. Bayer, the executive director and CEO of Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority (MOHELA), based in Chesterfield, became aware that the higher education student loan program was folded into the health care reform bill during the reconciliation process. He personally lobbied congressmen and U.S. senators to keep the private, not-forprofit student loan company’s foot in the door. Because that occurred about the same time Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon floated the idea to change the way state-funded scholarships and grants are distributed between

federal government take-over of the student loan industry. Again, he is ahead of the game. “The reconciliation bill (health care reform legislation signed by President Barack Obama on March 23) effectively ends the federal education loan program MOHELA has administered for 38 years,” Bayer said. But the 240 MOHELA employees at the Chesterfield office building will not be receiving pink slips if Bayer has anything to say about it. “We still have many billions in loans we’ll continue servicing for years to come,” Mohela Executive Director & CEO Raymond H. Bayer, Jr. Bayer said. Through attrition, however, MOHELA plans to allow some scale-back in its work private and public colleges and universities, force while it adjusts to a new landscape. Bayer said there had been some confusion That new future includes one toehold in the that one political event was connected to student loan business. “The reconciliation bill requires the fedthe other. Not so. Bayer stipulated that Nixon’s eral Secretary of Education to contract with recommendation “will have no impact on private, non-profit student loan providers,” Bayer said. MOHELA.” In Missouri, that would be MOHELA. The challenge before Bayer and his administrative staff is how to adjust to the So, while MOHELA cannot continue

as a direct lender, Bayer said that within the next six to eight months, he hopes to secure his organization’s position as a federal “servicer” of the federal education loan program. “We’re in a transitional period,” Bayer said. “We currently own $4.3 billion in loans we service with an additional $1.5 billion we service on behalf of other lenders.” All hopes are hinged on the Education Secretary appointing MOHELA as a student loan service provider. Once that is secured, it would take up to a year to make the administrative changes to meet the demands of that role, Bayer said. “So, while we’ll allow some attrition to occur, we may in the next 10 to 12 months require an additional 100 employees to be added in the following 24 to 36 months,” Bayer said. Bayer continues to be optimistic, working closely with federal officials to turn that “if” into a reality. “If it all comes to pass, our target is an additional $2 billion in loans through the new program,” Bayer said.




Glencoe Station project still being weighed by various Wildwood groups

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By Julie Brown Patton The Wildwood Planning/Economic Development/Parks (PEP) Committee at its March 25 meeting did not support giving a proposed lifestyle development project for the Glencoe area in Wildwood an official designation on the city’s historic registry. The committee and area residents discussed various views about the Glencoe Station project as a precursor to the Wildwood City Council addressing the issue in April. In February, the City Council sent the project back to the committee to allow more research. This came after they had voted in December to not review an ordinance that would have placed the targeted area on the registry. While the project did not receive a unanimous thumbs-up for historic designation from the PEP Committee, the city’s director of Planning and Parks as well as the Historic Preservation Committee gave it a positive recommendation. The area is near Hwy. 109 and Old State Road. Glencoe resident Barry Gunther and his partners purchased the property, which is comprised of 14 land parcels. One polarizing point is whether the development group would receive financial incentives tied to an official historic designation. Some residents who live in the area recently voiced concerns about increased traffic, noise pollution and neighborhood safety. During March, they surveyed people who use the nearby Al Foster Trailhead and started a petition against the development, which reportedly has more than 100 signatures. Rick Wise, PEP committee chair and ward 4 City Councilmember, reminded attendees of the March meeting that the goal of that evening was only to discuss whether the targeted area should be designated as historic, per the city’s Master Plan. “This is all about its historic relevance,” Wise said. “To talk about anything else is really getting a couple of carts before the horse.” Joe Vujnich, Wildwood’s director of Planning and Parks, said there are a number of steps to follow if the parcels are deemed appropriate for being placed on the registry. Vujnich said the Historic Preservation Committee spent years reviewing options and then months doing a thorough, final assessment of the project. “They found it worthy of historic designation as allowed by the city’s fifth land use category in the Master Plan,” Vujnich said. “As part of their recommendation, they even adopted a list of 10 requirements.” Vujnich recommended that the develop-

ers include a conceptual site plan to aid people in envisioning the project. “But the preliminary plan seems to have caused confusion,” Vujnich said. “This confusion wasn’t intentional, and we’re trying to find a balance between Glencoe already being designated as an historic area under the Master Plan versus new ideas being presented for it.” Glencoe resident Paul Westcot said he recently was identified as a vocal minority who opposed the development. But based on the number of residents attending the meeting to ask city officials not to support the project, he said “not anymore.” Westcot, who has lived in the Glencoe community for 10 years, said he and his neighbors believe the area is historic, but “not for what the developers are going to possibly do with it through spot zoning.” “It’s historic because of the trains, not because of a Jeffersonian (city layout) grid,” Westcot said. He said residents originally were uninformed about the magnitude of the project. Another Glencoe resident, Jeff Ruffino, said he agreed. “Strip malls were not to be the norm in Wildwood,” Ruffino said. “And there’s nothing historic about 350 parking places.” Having only lived in Glencoe since 1997, Bill Erdel said he fancies himself as a “newcomer.” He said this project seemed to jump out of nowhere. “We were accustomed to the peace and quiet,” Erdel said. “I think many of us have that ‘leave me alone’ pioneer spirit. This is supposed to be a non-urban residential area, so I had a hard time understanding how a high-density, mixed-use development would be coming.” Erdel said he could not find other Wild-





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Playground equipment already is being used at the new Glencoe Park in Wildwood, although the final landscaping and finishing work remains to be completed.

wood residents who would want this type of development near their homes. “I also think it would be a disruption to the residents and visitors who use the Foster trail and railroad,” Erdel said. Steve Imrie said he lives up the hill from the proposed project site. “I’m a little frightened,” Imrie said. “I moved here for the nature and quiet. I won’t be able to allow my son to ride his bike with this here. The construction and traffic scares me. I have a 1, 3 and 9-yearold. I’d like to live here a long time and enjoy it safely.” Wildwood resident Bill Kennedy said there is only one place within the city that should accommodate high density uses: Town Center. Gunther said he agrees that the current site plan needs revisions. “We’ve heard from citizens that they welcome improvement to the area, but only low-intensity uses,” Gunther said. “We’ve been searching for agreement regarding what type of improvements everyone could agree upon for Glencoe. We hope that Planning and Zoning commissioners can be approached so it can be determined what’s appropriate or not for the area.” John Schocklee, a resident who lives off Old State Road, said he knows Barry Gunther is ethical. “He’s not a developer in the typical sense,” Shocklee said. “He’s not a tycoon. But he’s got a vision. If we all can agree on how it gets done, I think it would be a wonderful thing.” Wildwood resident Doug Slattery said the project is worth pursuing. “Do what the regulations say to do, follow the guidelines and allow the discussions to continue,” Slattery said.

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Another Wildwood resident, Joyce Merrill, said the requirements are a good idea. “The public’s already in the Glencoe area J O I N U S FO R A S P E C I A L T R U N K S H OW E V E N T because of the trail,” Merrill said. “Condos FRI 4/23: CLAYTON 11-5 featuring SAT 4/24: TOWN & COUNTRY 10-6 are not transient. I’ve lived there for five years, and I think it could be a nifty little CLAYTON • 8228 FORSYTH • 63105 | TOWN & COUNTRY • 1176 TOWN & COUNTRY CROSSING • 636.527.4139 area.” Still, resident Joe Braunor questioned the historic element of the project. He said he was part of a group who lived in and tried to incorporate Grover, which eventually became part of the group that incorporated Wildwood. “What are we really doing here?” Braunor said. “It has implications of trying to build taxes. We wanted to keep our areas clean and beautiful, with some light building. It’s “” “” about preserving what’s green and pristine.  That whole concept should put things into  perspective. We’d be taking tranquility and Don’t Miss May turning it into movement.” Don’t MissOut Out Register Register byby May 3 3 Todd Streiler, planner for the Glencoe Station project, said they were disappointed To register please contact (636) 227-7508 227-7508 or or for for more information To register please contact (636) more information and surprised to see that the committee did please website at at www.ellisville.mo.us. please visitvisit ourour website www.ellisville.mo.us. not follow the process as outlined in the Master Plan. “Based on its historic merits and the guidelines in place for the fifth land use category, this project is a legitimate petition,” Streiler said. “Councilmembers don’t generally approve site plans. Glencoe has always been an activity center and authentic passage place. In the spirit of enhancing Wildwood and the quality of life that would come from complementing what the city has invested in rebuilding the Glencoe area, we could be providing public utilities and amenities to the area, such as water and sewer management. We’d just like To register, please contact 636-227-7508 the opportunity to balance the preliminary or for more information, please visit our website at concept plan by co-authoring a real site www.ellisville.mo.us plan with the community.”



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By Casey Godwin Almost as soon as the election results came in on April 6, Metro, the area’s public transportation agency, was back to work rebuilding a transit system that recently was crippled by cutbacks. St. Louis County voters passed Proposition A, a 1/2-cent transit sales tax, with 62 percent in favor and 37 percent against. It was a victory for the entire region, said St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley. “This measure passed because you took the outcome personally,” Dooley said in a statement. Metro President Bob Baer said a reality check was key to the passage of the transit tax, an issue that has appeared on the ballot three times now. “The cutbacks made people aware of the importance of public transit,” Baer said. “Employers woke up and found that their workers couldn’t get to their jobs, many disabled people couldn’t get to their jobs, kids couldn’t get to school, seniors couldn’t get to medical facilities – so I think that community awareness was important.” The 1/2-cent transit sales tax appeared on the ballot for St. Louis County voters in 1997 and in November 2008, failing both times. In March 2009, Metro reduced bus service by 44 percent, MetroLink by 32 percent and Call-A-Ride by 15 percent due to a $50 million budget deficit. Had Proposition A not passed, Metro officials said they were facing additional cuts this summer. Now, Metro will begin restoring service in June. Baer said Metro plans to use this as an opportunity to go back to the drawing

board in some areas to improve service. Metro plans to hold several public hearings in the next couple of months to engage the public on how better to shape service in the areas that were cut. “We will take into account all the things that we’ve learned in the last several years – ridership patterns, economic development, and movement of job centers,” Baer said. “We would like to bring back service to essentially the same areas, but it may take a little bit different configuration.” While elements of the long-range plan now may become a reality due to the passage of Proposition A, state and federal funding remains an issue. “Nationwide, states contribute 23 percent to public transit,” Baer said. “Missouri contributes 1 percent. We’ve got to get the federal government back in the operating business, too. They’re good to us on capital projects, but very stingy on operating money and our problem is operating money.” In fact, St. Louis County has an ordinance that states that MetroLink extensions cannot be built without federal funding in place, and Baer said Metro will not expand MetroLink without funds in place to operate it. The county 1/2-cent transit sales tax is split evenly to provide 1/4 cent towards operations and 1/4 cent towards expansion. It is anticipated to generate about $75 million annually. In 1997, St. Louis City passed a 1/4 cent transit sales tax that would go into effect if St. Louis County passed a similar measure. That tax is anticipated to generate $8 million annually.

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Creve Coeur considers options regarding adult-oriented businesses By Ted Dixon Jr. The Creve Coeur City Council is examining the negative secondary effects that sexually-oriented businesses would impose on the community and is looking at legislation aimed at changing the code that would minimize any negative effects. The City Council as well as the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission both have determined that there is a substantial governmental interest in minimizing the negative secondary effects. The effects include increases in crime and threats to public safety and health, lewdness, public indecency, detrimental exposure of children to adult situations, illicit sexual activity and drug use. At a public hearing, Creve Coeur City Attorney Carl Lumley said the intent is to have very specific and clear definitions because that is certainly an area where this kind of regulation could be plagued by legal challenge, ambiguity and vagueness. If the proposed legislation is passed, no sexually-oriented business would be permitted within 1,000 feet of any place of religious worship or institution, public or private school, hospital, nursing home or child care center. Also, no adult business would be allowed to locate or expand within 1,000 feet of any other sexually-oriented business or of any business licensed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages. “Separation between these types of uses would prevent them from being clustered together,” Lumley said. Kathy Meath, president of St. Louis Arc, which serves and helps children with disabilities, said perhaps the bill should include organizations that serve children

with disabilities. “I think people with developmental disabilities are the most vulnerable that we need to protect,” Meath said. St. Louis Arc will soon move in to a building on Warson Road, which is in the light industrial district - where an adult-oriented business could possibly set up shop.

St. Louis County Police Chief Timothy Fitch announced that federal grant money was used to purchase 312 additional Taser guns for the department. The Tasers have been delivered and are being issued to all uniformed St. Louis County Police Officers assigned to the street and those in specialized units. Overall, nearly 600 Tasers will be standard issue and available as part of each officer’s tools to enforce the law and ensure the safety of themselves and the citizens they serve. Fitch described the purchase of the Tasers as a monumental step towards increasing the safety and security of St. Louis County residents and police officers. “The purchase of 312 Tasers was with money acquired through the 2009 Recovery Act grant,” Fitch said. “The device is another less lethal tool we have at our disposal.”


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I NEWS I 19 Municipalities fight back against AmerenUE over street light program costs APRIL 14, 2010 WEST NEWSMAGAZINE


By Casey Godwin When the St. Louis County Municipal League began contesting a rate case that AmerenUE filed with the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC), they did not expect to discover a disturbing and longstanding practice. Late last year, the Municipal League joined forces with about 15 cities in St. Louis and St. Charles Counties to file an amicus to oppose a proposed 18 percent rate hike that the utility sought. Officials from several cities began approaching the League when they learned the rate hike could significantly impact their residential street lighting bills. Many municipalities were researching ways to cut back on energy costs associated with the street lights. AmerenUE officials told them that switching to more energyefficient light bulbs would not make a dent in the street light bills. That was because the energy usage only made up a small portion of the bill and usually was a fixed rate. Currently, cities pay about $19 a month for each light fixture with $3 to $5 of that as actual energy usage. It was what calculated the remainder of the bill that left cities and the League scratching their heads. “Ameren said in many cases most of the bill pays for the poles and the wires,” Municipal League Executive Director Tim Fischesser said. “That seemed strange. We thought that after the wires and poles are installed, we’d pay for them for a while and that portion of the bill should begin to be reduced. Ameren said no, that’s a permanent part of it.” For many months, Ameren officials refused to provide any justification of those costs. It was not until the League was deep into the opposition of the rate case that Ameren finally confessed - they had no justification at all. “They told us that maybe there was some justification years ago, but they don’t have anything in the last 15 to 20 years that could provide a basis for those charges,” Fischesser said. It was this lack of justification of charges that AmerenUE intended to raise rates on that now is fueling a fire throughout the St. Louis area. The League recently contacted every municipality that is part of the residential street lighting program to become part of the opposition. The League has requested 1.4 percent of each city’s street lighting budget as a contribution to taking on the utility. There have been some small victories, including an agreement with AmerenUE to conduct a study on the costs of the street lights. The study would examine what AmerenUE’s costs are and what is justifiable to be passed on to municipalities. “We don’t even have an accurate list of

the street lights themselves,” Fischesser said. “So part of the study is to find out if they’re billing Ballwin, for example, for 1,200 lights, are they really in Ballwin? We found a lot of errors like that.” However, the study would not prevent a rate increase as it would not be conducted until after the PSC reaches a decision on the rate case. That decision is expected in June. That leaves the Municipal League in a bind. AmerenUE has offered opposing parties in the rate case different pieces of the

pie, said Fischesser, but the league is not meter every house.” satisfied with how large their piece would AmerenUE agreed that that those parbe. ticipating in the residential street lighting “Normally utilities don’t get everything program should pay about average on this they ask for,” Fischesser said. “Let’s say scale, despite not receiving a justification the PSC gives them 12 percent, and six of charges in advance. groups got together with AmerenUE and “They’ve inserted a share for us that we they discussed that one group would pay will not accept without a fight,” Fischesser 10.5 percent and another pays 12 percent. said. So we readjust based on whether you’re a Officials for AmerenUE were contacted big user, meaning AmerenUE can charge several times for comment, but had not a lesser rate, or you’re a small user and responded to questions as of West Newscan pay a higher rate because they have to magazine press time.

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GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION RESULTS April 6, 2010 CANDIDATES BALLWIN BOARD OF ALDERMEN Ward 1 Michael Finley 437 Shirley A. Green 123 Press D. McDowell 237 Ward 2 Jane Suozzi 524 Ronald E. Markland 852 Ward 3 Frank Fleming 1,063 Ward 4 Richard Boerner 778

CHESTERFIELD CITY COUNCIL Ward 1 Barry Flachsbart 1,389 Ward 2 Bruce Geiger 1,231 Ward 3 Mike Casey 1,391 Ward 4 Connie Fults 1,357

Ward 4 Jeanne Rhoades 498

ELLISVILLE CITY COUNCIL Dist. 1 Dawn Anglin 402 Dist. 2 Troy Pieper 218 Richard Lacaille 166 Dist. 3 Michelle Murray 350


CITY COUNCIL Ward 1 David Geile 566

Ward 3 Tammy Shea 551

Ward 2 Steven Lieser 97 Robert Kee 260

Ward 4 Jean Vedvig 333 Aaron Luter 417

Ward 3 Donald Beckerle 407

Ward 5 Nick Roppolo 321


Ward 6 David M. Sewell 656

Bob Tullock 1,362 David L. Willson 1,913

Ward 2 Wendell Sittser 87

Ward 1 Hal Roth 501 Paul C. Hamill 480 Michelle E. Valentine 73


Ward 2 Marilyn L. Ottenad 910


Ward 3 Dale Schmid 568 John J. Diehl Sr. 585 James “Greek” Peltekis 35

Ward 1 David Kreuter 958


Ward 2 A.J. Wang 701


Ward 1 Robert A. Berry 436



Ward 4 Phil Behnen 232

Ward 2 Holly Parks 551

BOARD OF ALDERMEN Ward 1 Susan Shea 90

Ward 3 Stephen R. Fons 204 Laura Chaney 201




Ward 2 Al Gerber 343 John Hoffmann 299


Ward 7 Jim Kranz 434 John McCulloch 221 Ward 8 Holly Ferris 587

WINCHESTER BOARD OF ALDERMEN Ward 1 Karl W. Koeb 67 Thomas P. Hennessy 28 Ward 2 Stephanie L. Keane 43 Kevin S. Johnson 8 Michael Schmidt 49


Ward 1 Ward 3 David Kassander 470

Nancy Marshall Avioli 393

Maria Perron 194

DIRECTOR Tom Appelbaum and Sam

stimulus_april_ad_west_mag_Layout 1 4/8/10 8:16 PM APRIL Page14, 1 2010 WEST NEWSMAGAZINE

NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM Sciortino. According to state law, if the number of candidates who have filed for an office is equal to the number of positions to be filled, no election is required. Therefore, the candidates were not listed on the ballot.


Janet Strate 6,085 Linda D. Francois 2,395 Stephen Banton 8,531 Tina M. Stinnett 3,428 Vincent R. Shorter 2,962

Tina A. Odo 15,266 Robert Johns 4,688 Robert C. Nelson 10,406 Craig H. Larson 20,175




DIRECTOR Rick A. Keeler 3,850 Samuel B. Goodman 1,089


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PROPOSITION A Simple majority required “Shall the County of St. Louis impose a countywide sales tax of one-half of one percent for the purpose of providing a source of funds for public transportation purposes including the restoration, operation and expansion of MetroLink, MetroBus, disabled and senior transportation, in addition to an existing sales tax of one-quarter of one percent for the same purpose?” Yes: 94,294 No: 55,595

ROCKWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL BOND - PROPOSITION 5 Four-sevenths majority required “Shall the Rockwood R-6 School District, St. Louis County, Missouri, issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of Fifty-five Million Dollars ($55,000,000) for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, renovating, repairing, improving, furnishing and equipping school sites, buildings and related facilities in the District, including (1) safety measures and infrastructure, (2) maintenance of current facilities by continuing to fund major capital repairs and improvements, (3) additions for classrooms, (4) renovations for instructional areas, and (5) technology infrastructure and classroom technology, resulting in no estimated increase in the debt service property tax levy? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the school district is estimated to remain unchanged at sixty-eight cents ($0.68) per one hundred dollars assessed valuation of real and personal property.” Yes: 10,806 No: 6,081

WILDWOOD PROPOSITION 1 Simple majority required “Shall the Wildwood City Council, with no new or increased taxes levied, be authorized to expend City funds to construct, furnish and equip a new City Hall, including Wildwood County Police precinct facilities, on land in Town Center owned by the City for an amount not to exceed Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000.00)?” Yes: 2,997 No: 2,846

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22 I school I



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Project Parkway to present TIRED OF UNWANTED findings on April 19 constitutes a “rigorous” curriculum. BEHAVIOR Year-long process has “We haven’t decided what to do about evaluated every aspect these findings yet,” Tandy said. “The speFROM YOUR DOG? of school district cific recommendations will come forward Time to Take Action! Obedience Training in the comfort of your own home.

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By Diane Plattner The public is invited to a meeting to hear about Project Parkway’s key findings from its work over the past year. Project Parkway participants will present their findings at 7 p.m. on April 17 at Parkway South High School. Launched in the spring of 2009 under the school board’s direction, Project Parkway is divided into three long-range planning committees and goals: • Academic Achievement and Student Engagement • Student Safety, Healthy Behaviors and Positive Relationships • High Quality Learning Environments Comprised of Parkway residents and employees, these committees review the district’s progress toward meeting existing goals and help develop the district’s fiveyear strategic plan. Parkway Director of Communications Paul Tandy said officials are very grateful to all of the Project Parkway volunteers. “This past year, more than 300 people and 30 sub-committees have been reviewing everything from the length of the school day and bus routes, to computers in the classrooms, bullying and how the curriculum is taught,” Tandy said. Tandy said Project Parkway participants basically have been conducting an audit of Parkway. “This year’s work has served as a good reality check for everyone,” Tandy said. “We know Parkway is a good school district, but we have things that need to be fixed just like any other organization.” Tandy cited some key findings, including: • Small classrooms, many of which were built before computers/technology were added. • Inconsistent use of technology in classrooms district-wide. • Inconsistent implementation of the curriculum district-wide. • Uneven use of enrollment capacity at various schools. • Consideration of full-day kindergarten for all families at no charge. • Consideration of lengthening the elementary school day to accommodate more time for curriculum, lunch and other needs. • Differing opinions among students, teachers and parents regarding what

in the fall. Right now, we’re just identifying the things that may need to be addressed. The plan we develop will run from 20112015.” Parent Nan Johnson said she was eager to accept an invitation to serve on a steering committee that has been writing drafts which will guide Parkway’s work for the future. “I knew I would be working with extremely dedicated people who have the success of

“We know Parkway is a good school district, but we have things that need to be fixed just like any other organization.” -Paul Tandy Parkway students at the heart of everything they do,” Johnson said. “Parkway has passionate educators working to keep our school district at the forefront in education; they are an inspiration to work with.” Johnson said she believes they have created a strong, clear statement of purpose and goals for Parkway students. “I think we’ve shifted from a mindset which focused on the actions of adults to a more appropriate way of looking at education, which is, ‘What do we want our students to know and be able to do?’” Johnson said. “There’s a subtle difference, but really important in reviewing our work.” Johnson said that as a parent, she wants the lessons kids learn at home to transfer to new situations they encounter when they live on their own. “It isn’t about me; it’s about them,” Johnson said. “Likewise, Parkway wants students to gain the knowledge and skills they will need to move ahead, whether to the next grade or out into the world. The new mission makes that clear.” Tandy said that once the long-range plan is developed, the work of Project Parkway will not end. “Our volunteers will then monitor the implementation of the plan and make continuous recommendations for improvement,” Tandy said. “So it will be an ongoing process involving a broad cross-section of our community.”



Rockwood School District graduate killed in accident By Diane Plattner A Rockwood School District graduate recently was killed in a car crash on I-44 in Eureka. Merrill J. Woods, 18, was killed on April 6 when the vehicle in which he was a passenger was involved in a major accident. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2003 Ford F-150 was traveling westbound on I-44 near Lewis Road at around 12:15 p.m. on April 6 when the driver, Matthew Haley, 20, of Eureka, lost control and traveled off of the right side of the highway. The Highway Patrol report said the vehicle then struck a tree and came to a rest. Neither man was wearing a seat belt, the report stated. Woods was pronounced dead at the scene. Haley, who was seriously injured, was airlifted by ARCH helicopter to St. John’s Mercy Medical Center in Creve Coeur. The vehicle was totaled. Friends say they will miss Woods, who was a good snowboarder. He attended Rockwood’s Eureka High School, Lafay-

Merrill Woods

ette High School as well as the district’s Individualized Learning Center (ILC). Rockwood officials also expressed condolences for Woods’ family. “Our hearts go out to Merrill’s family,” said Michael Hylen, Rockwood’s ILC director. “We enjoyed working with him. Merrill was a pleasant young man.”

Pediatric paramedic training Officials with the Metro West Fire Protection District have announced that the district recently was awarded the “Emergency Medical Services for Children” certification. This certification is awarded to agencies that go “above and beyond” state regulations for pediatric equipment and protocols in the state. Metro West was the first to achieve this certification in St. Louis County. Paramedic/firefighters at Metro West not only have extensive training in treating children, but the district also has all of the equipment needed to treat patients from newborns to adolescents. Every para-

medic unit in the district is equipped with age-appropriate devices from safety seats, to spinal immobilization devices, to cuffed endotracheal tubes. “One thing you don’t have to worry about is your children will be well taken care of here,” Metro West Battalion Chief and Chief Medical Officer Bud Mantle said. Mantle also serves as the pediatric coordinator for Metro West. “We saw a need and did whatever it took to meet the requirements,” Mantle said. “We have a responsibility to the public to keep us (Metro West) on the cutting edge. Pediatric care is just a part of it.”

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I news I 23

24 I school I



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Bu llet i n Boa rd Seventh grader earns exceptional score on ACT Lauren Meisel, a seventh-grade student at the Parkway School District’s Southwest Middle School, has been accepted into the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP). To qualify for the program, Meisel scored a 27 on the ACT, the standardized college admission exam. The average Parkway, Missouri, and U.S. scores are 24.1, 21.6 and 21.1 respectively. The exam, typically administered to high school juniors and seniors, covers English, mathematics, reading and science. “In Parkway we strive to meet each child’s needs and offer appropriate educational challenges,” said Denise M. Pupillo, curriculum coordinator for gifted services and district grants and funding at Parkway. “Through a personalized plan, Lauren has been accelerated and is being exposed to the advanced curriculum that she needs.” Meisel’s exceptional score qualified her for not only the Duke TIP Missouri level award, but also the elite Grand Recognition (national) level award. Meisel is invited to ceremonies at Duke University in North Carolina as well as Drury University in Springfield, Mo., for the state award ceremony. The Grand Recognition ceremony honors seventh graders from across the country who have earned scores equal to

or better than 90 percent of college-bound seniors who took the same test. The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is a non-profit educational organization that is recognized as a leader in identifying and serving the educational needs of academically-gifted youth.

Parkway South student earns perfect ACT score Meghan Scanlon, from Parkway South High School, scored a 36 – the highest possible score - on the ACT college admissions and placement exam. Nationally, while the actual number of students earning a composite score of 36 varies from year to year, roughly one-tenth of 1 percent receive a top score. Among test takers in the high school graduating class of 2009, only 638 of nearly 1.5 million students earned a composite score of 36. Parkway students achieve an average ACT score of 24.1, which is the fourthhighest of 524 Missouri school districts. The state and U.S. averages are 21.6 and

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21.1 respectively. The ACT consists of tests in English, mathematics, reading and science. Each test is scored on a scale of 1-36, and a student’s composite score is the average of four test scores. ACT test scores are accepted by all major U.S. colleges, and exceptional scores of 36 provide colleges with evidence of student readiness for the academic rigors that lie ahead.

Parkway North named ‘Green School of the Month’ Parkway North High School has been named the “Green School of the Month” by EcoLifeSTL.com. North High has a “green ethic” that persists among the people who inhabit the school and this green spirit has been growing over the years and continues today. A few examples of North’s green efforts include: • School-wide recycling of paper, cardboard, aluminum and plastics. • Use of compact florescent lighting in open areas. • Use of a “building automation system” to reduce energy use by the HVAC system. • Monthly aluminum can collections as a fundraiser by the science department. • Nature-scaping of the campus, including a peace garden, a rain garden, a native plant garden and treescaping for wildlife and thermal conservation.

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• The Parkway North Recycling Club, an extracurricular group dedicated to enhancing school recycling efforts. The recycling program at North High is lead by science teacher Andrew Duggan. Support and participation for sustainable resource use and education at North occurs at all levels. From the superintendent to the board of education, district facilities department, the North High administrative team, the faculty, student body and the custodial staff (the unsung heroes), North High employs the concept of “it takes a village.” Visit EcoLifeSTL.com to read more.

New director of Parkway’s Early Childhood Center Jean Manning has been selected as the new director of the Parkway School District’s Early Childhood Education, effective July 1, 2010. Manning has served as the preschool coordinator in Parkway from 1999 to the present. Prior to joining Parkway, she was the coordinator of Early Childhood Education, coordinator of Parents as Teachers and a parent educator for the FergusonFlorissant School District. Manning replaces Pat Teich, who is retiring at the end of the school year.

Rockwood hires new director of Early Childhood The Rockwood School District Board

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I school I 25

Salsa and swing time

Fifth graders at Claymont Elementary School in the Parkway School District did a unit on ballroom dancing this semester. The students learned to do the mambo, swing, salsa and waltz.

of Education approved the appointment of Michael Barla as the new director of Early Childhood, effective July 1. Barla, who has been the process coordinator for the Early Childhood Special Education program for the past eight years, replaces Marie Wohlert, who is retiring at the end of the year. “The Early Childhood Department is recognized as a model program across St. Louis County and the state of Missouri,” Barla said. “I’m looking forward to continuing this tradition of excellence by providing appropriate services and educational experiences for Rockwood’s youngest learners.” “Michael Barla is highly respected and has encouraged an environment at the Early Childhood Center that is nurturing, caring, and supportive of young children, families and staff,” said Roger Stock, Rockwood’s executive director of elementary schools.

Parkway announces new administrative positions The Parkway Board of Education approved the following new administrators, effective July 1: • Michael Patrick Shelton (Patrick) will be the new principal of Hanna Woods Elementary School, beginning with the 2010-11 school year. Shelton is serving as principal and curriculum director for the Wood River-Hartford School District in Wood River, Ill., and has served in that capacity for eight years. From 1994 to 2002, he was the director of vocal music for the Staunton Community School District in Staunton, Ill. Shelton has also been an adjunct professor at Greenville College in Greenville, Ill., since 2009. Shelton

replaces Jackie Frisbee, who is retiring. • Jennifer E. Stanfill was appointed as Parkway’s coordinator of career and technical education, beginning with the 2010-11 school year. Stanfill is an assistant principal for the Ritenour School District and has held this position since June. Prior to that, she served as Ritenour’s coordinator of career technical prep since August 2007. She taught business and marketing education from 2003 to 2007. Stanfill replaces Pam Krodinger, who is retiring. • Rene Sommers has been named the new principal of Green Trails Elementary School, beginning with the 2010-11 school year. Sommers has been the certified administrative assistant at Green Trails since 2006. Prior to this position, she was a reading specialist at Highcroft Ridge Elementary in the Parkway School District. She also served as an elementary classroom teacher in Naperville, Ill., before joining Parkway. • Corey Sink has been appointed assistant principal at South High School. Sink is presently a high school assistant principal for the city of St. Charles School District. Prior to this position, Sink served as a marketing/business education teacher at St. Charles High School. Sink earned two bachelor of science degrees, one in business administration from the University of Missouri-Columbia and one in business education from Southeast Missouri State University. He earned his master of arts, with an emphasis in secondary education administration, from Lindenwood University. Sink has completed his coursework toward his doctorate in educational administration from Lindenwood University and expects to finish in 2010.

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We are not Corporate Designers Our design team was part of a nationwide furniture company but we were owned by an independent licensee. The West County location set national selling records using the skill and expertise of the design staff. Because of challenging times and the lack of success of the Illinois store, Corporate took over the stores from the licensed owner. And the fun came to a screeching halt. Gone were the selling contests for designer handbags, the parties to celebrate a good month, even the “Win A Room” makeover contests. Instead, along came the “Time is Money Sale,” the “Custom Furniture Sale,” the “Cheetah fast ads,” we never did get that one, “30% off in 30 days sale,” every sale imaginable, selling on the price instead of the value, the ole “mark up the price” to “mark down the price.” Our design team thought YUCK!!! What’s a girl to do? Opening our own design company seemed to be the only answer to the Corporate takeover. Lexington owner, Cate Riebold says, “I knew I could find better furniture. I also knew I couldn’t find better people. My design team and I wanted a little company built on integrity and fun. We went to the Pink Sisters at the Chapel of Holy Grace located in North City and asked for a miracle. By synchronicity, I met Mike Pettit of the Sansone group and he found us a wonderful little shop, if we’re feeling pretentious we call it a ‘shoppe’ and if you know us, you know that’s a joke. We’ve partnered with Lexington Home Brands, Simply Amish, Thuka Kids Furniture, Woodcraft and our own private label of fun accent pieces, The Gilded Lily, Paris. We can design order our clients realistically just about anything they want. Best of all, our design team cares - we’re degreed, we’re experienced, we love creating beautiful spaces. We can help you with furniture, window treatments, accessories - you have a design dilemma, we will solve it for you. We believe good design can also be affordable design - our quality service is complimentary with purchase. We’re opening May 1, 2010 but if you’re in a hurry to start a project, please call Cate at 314.324.1165 and she’ll have a happy, knowledgeable designer come to your home with all her samples and her decorating magic. Once we’re open, please visit us. We’re having fun again, we’re even having a drawing for a designer handbag AND a beautiful accent chest. We believe we can have it all and so can our clients.

Quality furniture, happy designers and You. TOGETHER WE CREATE BEAUTIFUL HOMES.


Ballwin, Manchester to share energy-efficient grant By Casey Godwin The cities of Manchester and Ballwin have been awarded an energy efficiency retrofits grant to install needed systems that would provide savings on energy costs. The $56,262 grant comes from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and will be divided evenly between the cities. Each city will get a total of $28,131 to be used towards the purchase and installation of 5 kilowatt solar array panels. “(The department) stated that if two cities work together, there would be more of a chance for both cities to get the amount funded,” said Charles Welegala, a consultant that both cities hired to work on the grant process. Welegala’s firm, Heartland Alternative Energy LLC, will oversee the total design project and administration of construction and installation for Manchester. Ballwin has a proposal for the same service that its Board of Aldermen is scheduled to consider at its April 12 meeting, after West Newsmagazine press time. The solar array panels will be installed at Manchester City Hall and the Ballwin Government Center. Welegala previously estimated that Ballwin would save 22,000 kW hours annually. The Manchester Board of Aldermen postponed approval of the energy grant until its April 19 meeting to give Welegala an opportunity to create a breakdown of energy savings the panels would give the city. Manchester Alderman Marilyn Ottenad (ward 2) said she is concerned that the city

would be responsible for about $10,000 for the solar panels, despite receiving grant money. However, due to the passage of Proposition C in 2008, AmerenUE will give each city an additional $10,000 towards the solar panels. The total expected cost for the panels would be about $48,000 for Manchester. However, for Ballwin, the solar panels are only a small portion of a list of energyefficiency projects. The department also awarded Ballwin $121,650 for new energy-efficient lighting at the Ballwin Police Station, and new HVAC equipment and insulation for the Government Center and Banquet Center. Jerry Klein, community services coordinator for Ballwin, said heating and air conditioning systems in the Government Center are 30 years old and have become a patchwork of repairs and replacements over the years. “If we can go to more efficient equipment, we can save energy dollars,” Klein said. Ballwin had proposed a match of $55,095 for the energy grant, but that amount may be less depending on how much can be done in-house. “I’m not sure how much the match will actually be in our own labor and how much funds the city will have to come up with on their own in the end,” Klein said. “We’re trying to work out those details right now.” A timeframe for projects in both Ballwin and Manchester has not been established, but Ballwin officials said they hope the work can be contracted and completed by the end of the year.

WWII re-enactors honor veterans during WWII weekend event More than 350 World War II re-enactors will entertain the community at WWII weekend, an annual event that honors military veterans and educates people through living history. WWII Weekend, which has been conducted for more than 25 years, is the biggest WWII re-enacting event in the St. Louis area. This year’s event is April 23-25 at Jefferson Barracks County Park. The U.S. 2nd Ranger Infantry Battalion of St. Louis, Inc. hosts the annual event that includes re-enactors with units representing U.S. Rangers, U.S. Airborne, U.S. Armored Forces, U.S. Infantry, Russian Infantry, British Airborne, Canadian YMCA, Canadian RCME, Italian Infantry, German Heer, German SS, German Paratroopers and German SS Panzer forces. The weekend also has displays of opera-

tional WWII vehicles. “If you like action movies and war movies, you will love WWII Weekend,” said Kevin Owens, president of the 2nd Rangers in St. Louis. The battlefield and the encampment are the main areas of attraction. There are two battles on Saturday (10 a.m. and 3 p.m.), a dance Saturday night, and a battle on Sunday (noon). Owens said visitors will be able to see normal activities that would have been conducted in a WWII camp. There is a nominal charge for the dance on Saturday night and tickets can be purchased through the Friends of Jefferson Barracks at (314) 544-5714. For more information, including maps, vendors, parking and a detailed schedule of events, visit 2ndrangers.org.



Bus drivers need place to park cars so they can drive buses By Julie Brown Patton Overcrowding issues behind Pond Elementary School from a district’s worth of school buses led to a meeting of officials from the Rockwood School District, the city of Wildwood and the St. Louis Community College-Wildwood campus. More parking spaces, or even a garage, could be built in the future on property jointly located between the two educational facilities. Problems with the lot, which is located off of Old Manchester Road in Wildwood, began more than a year ago when overcrowding resulted in bus drivers parking at Wildwood Middle School. City codes were violated with overflow parking at a public facility for First Student, a private, commercial bus service that contracts with Rockwood. Wildwood Director of Planning and Parks Joe Vujnich said the issue finally was temporarily alleviated when additional parking spots were created at Pond Elementary. But the need for even more parking led to exploring what can be done with unused land that St. Louis Community College owns; it has frontage on Old Manchester Road and abuts the school district’s access area as well. Vujnich said this neck of property is intended to provide a future roadway for the community college, as part of a next growth phase to be undertaken in the future. He said the college has a multiple-phased program planned for the 66-acre site that includes at least four other buildings. A considerable amount of planning had gone into how to eventually link Wildwood’s streets located in the vicinity of the college. The need to rearrange the timing

of possible construction of those streets prompted a meeting of the minds. College officials identified three items to be addressed: development of a parking area could not cause the placement of the planned roadway to be eliminated or otherwise so difficult that it would be costprohibitive; the district must obtain all necessary permits from all service providers and review authorities, including the Metropolitan Sewer District; and the location of the proposed lot must take into account the utility locations within the neck of the property. Because there are several future timing factors to consider, such as extending Generations Drive, Vujnich described the plan for the targeted acreage as like a game of chess. Original plans related to a composite of roads in the area were about relieving potential congestion at the new traffic signal located at Hwy. 109 and New College Ave. Vujnich said subsequent to the original plan, a 7-acre development known as Glaser Commons was proposed at the southwest corner of Old Manchester Road and Hwy. 109. The project has not been executed but is important because the zoning of it enabled a north and south roadway to be extended to connect into Generations Drive. He said the only area of easement not set aside is land that the college owns. “Representatives of the college have agreed, in principle, to dedicate the remaining area for this roadway extension, when the need exists,” Vujnich said. Vujnich said that by taking current action, the city risks losing control of when Turkey Tract Road is closed.

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Spor t s By Warren Mayes

High school water polo Parkway North won the season-opening Parkway Quad with a spotless 3-0 record. The Vikings dispatched Parkway West 7-2, Parkway South 10-3 and Parkway Central 15-3 in water polo action. It marked the squad’s second consecutive triumph in the Parkway Quad. Parkway North Coach David Morey said his team set a goal to win the event. “We were hoping to win the Quad going into it,” Morey said. “We lost to West last year in the first game but ended up winning the tournament anyway. Our goal this year was to win all games. I know that we won the tournament last year, but this was the first year that we won in such a strong fashion.” The difference was in defense for Parkway North. The unit thwarted its foes in all three contests. “Our defense is very strong this year, and our offense started coming together,” Morey said. “We have a very talented group of athletes, and they played hard the whole time.” Nick Keao was the leading scorer with nine goals over the three games for Parkway North. Bret Lundstrom came up huge in deep-end goal, while Jack Buelter made

many solid defensive plays. Morey said it was a great way to open the season. “This is exactly the start to our season that we were looking for,” Morey said. “It gives us the confidence that we need while showing us the areas that we need to tighten up before playing some of the top teams in the area.” It was a good team effort for Parkway North. “Our starting seven were great all weekend, but our top three subs also played extremely well,” Morey said. “We look to them primarily for defense, and they played very well whenever they were in the pool. It’s nice to have a rotation of 10 to 11 solid players that we can count on as a team.” Parkway North impressed Parkway West Coach Charlie Cutelli. “They were awesome,” Cutelli said about the Vikings. “They played high in the water and were stellar defensively.”

High school baseball The Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School (MICDS) baseball team opened the season with its annual trip to Florida over spring break. The Rams have gone south for 13 of the last 15 years. “This trip gives us an opportunity to work on baseball and baseball only as a

group without any distractions,” MICDS Coach Peter Gans said. “We can use tremendous fields and excellent weather to get numerous repetitions and work through a lot of scenarios. Plus, this trip gives us a chance to spend time with goals, player roles and the like. We took down 25 players this spring with a nice mix of varsity and JV kids.” MICDS split the four games played in Florida. “We let a couple of leads get away; otherwise, we played well enough to win all four games,” Gans said. “The kids competed hard, played some good baseball at times and did a lot of real nice things while we were down there.” Now they are back home and settling into the schedule. “We are looking forward to getting started up here,” Gans said. “Our schedule has a lot of challenges on it, so we will see how we do.”

High school girls’ soccer St. Joseph’s Academy started the season with victories in its first games. The Angels defeated Eureka 3-1, Notre Dame 3-0 and St James Academy (Lenexa, Kan.), the 2008 and 2009 Kansas state champions, 5-0. Defending state champ Incarnate Word Academy also started off the season with a perfect slate by winning its first games, including a 5-1 win over St. James Academy of Lenexa, Kan., and 3-2 over Francis

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Youth swimming Patrick Vega has broken a 31-year-old record in the 200-meter freestyle. A total of 10 swimmers from Rockwood Swim Club (RSCA) traveled to Orlando, Fla., to participate in the National Club Swimming Association (NCSA) Junior Nationals over spring break. Swimmers included Garin Marlow, Vega, Dan Ruckman, Matt Davis, Laura Bilsborrow, Taylor Paskoff, Liza Poskin, Laura Paskoff, Lauren Votava and Sean Feher. Coach Mary Liston and Assistant Coach Kelley Morrison lead the RSCA National Team. Among the highlights was Vega setting a new record. He broke the old Ozark 13-14 boys’ short course record in the 200 freestyle with a time of 1 minute, 44.46 seconds (1:44.46). The former record was 1:44.76. Tom Jager set it in 1979. Votava also swam well. She finished fourth in the 50 freestyle, sixth in the 100 freestyle, 17th in the 200 freestyle and 17th in 100 fly.

Major league baseball The Detroit Tigers recently optioned Jacob Turner, the ninth overall pick in last year’s First-Year Player Draft, to Class A West Michigan. The 6-foot-4, 205-pound Turner, 18, was the Tigers’ top draft pick last June out of

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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM Westminster Christian Academy. During his four years at Westminster Christian, Turner compiled a record of 20-4 as well as two saves and 187 strikeouts. His high school pitching coach was Turner former major league pitcher Todd Worrell. Turner’s tremendous high school career is evidenced in the statistics. In his freshman season, he compiled a 1.11 earned run average (ERA) coming out of the bullpen. His sophomore season he started nine games (with one complete game) and earned a 1.21 ERA. As a junior he started nine games (four complete games) with a 1.45 ERA. He also played first base for Westminster Christian Academy under Head Coach Rich Van Gilst. Turner had committed to playing baseball at the University of North Carolina before deciding to turn professional. He signed a major league contract with the Tigers for a guaranteed $5.5 million with the potential to reach $7 million. Sports agent Scott Boras represents Turner. He was put on the Detroit Tigers 40-man roster in November 2009. Prior to the 2010 season, Turner was named the 26th best prospect in baseball according to Baseball America The same publication lists Turner as the No. 1 prospect in the Tigers’ system.

Youth skiing Courtney “Coco” Palm, a 2010 Junior Olympian, recently went to Winter Park, Colo., to compete with the best in the Rocky and Central Division. Palm, 12, is a seventh-grade student at Rockwood Valley Middle School. She skis at Hidden Valley. Palm skied in slalom, giant slalom and super G at Winter Park. She had two days of super G training and three days of racing. “Courtney’s goal at the beginning of the year was to make it to the Junior J4 11- to 12-year-olds Junior Olympics,” said Brett Borgard, of Hidden Valley. “This was her first full year of racing in United States Ski Association. Many of the girls who have been skiing with her have been racing for a minimum of two to three years. She had the attitude of having fun at Junior Olympics since her goal was to just make it. She was looking forward to it since her best friend and schoolmate Abigail Murer was going to be there. Abigail had made it to Junior Olympics now that she moved to Colorado and is with Ski Club Vail.” Borgard said Palm “is an all-or-nothing racer.” In Super G, Palm had a couple of crashes after taking a pretty aggressive line on one

of the hardest turns of the course. In Giant Slalom (GS), she also had two falls, one at the top of the course in which she hiked up to the gate and then finished the course. In the other GS, she had a spectacular crash, lost her ski and ended up with a swollen face and cut on her nose. “Courtney is a very strong and determined racer,” Borgard said. “I never heard her complain or get upset with her crashes or injury. She never gives up.” On the last day, she raced Slalom. “I am very proud of her making it to Junior Olympics and am glad she skied her heart out,” Borgard said. “In ski racing, we teach the kids to ski hard and be aggressive. You can’t win by being cautious and holding back. I believe she learned a lot from her first Junior Olympics. She now has the experience she never had. She is already planning a summer ski race camp and looking forward to next year.”

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Minor league hockey Marquette graduate Sean Muncy recently was named to the allrookie team in the Central Hockey Association. Muncy plays for the Rio Grande Valley Killer Bees. The 6-foot, 185pound Muncy led all Muncy rookies with 32 assists. The forward ranks fourth on the Killer Bees in scoring with 45 points, which places him second among all rookies. The Chesterfield native’s 33 assists lead all first-year players and in January he was named the Central Hockey League (CHL) All-Star Game Most Valuable Player (MVP) for scoring two goals with two assists in South Texas’ 9-4 win over the CHL All-Stars in Laredo, Texas. Other highlights for the Brown University graduate this season included a four-point effort and hat trick against Mississippi and a pair of three-assist games. The 25-year-old Muncy played four years at Brown in the Ivy League. Muncy played four years of varsity hockey at Marquette from 1999 to 2003. He participated in two All-Star games. Muncy also earned a scoring title with 20-30-50 numbers. After high school, he played for the Cedar Rapids RoughRiders of the United States Hockey League (USHL) in 2003, helping to lead the team to a first-place finish. He was named Most Improved Player with the RoughRiders in 2004. Muncy was the team captain for the Des Moines Buccaneers in 2005 before getting traded to the Waterloo Blackhawks for the end of the season. He played at Brown from 2005-09 and majored in sociology.

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Water polo binds Emde family, even when playing against each other

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Public Hearing City of Ballwin, Missouri May 3, 2010 A public hearing is scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ballwin on May 3, 2010 at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center, 300 Park Dr, Ballwin, MO, 63011, at 7:00 P. M. upon the following: 1. A petition from the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ballwin, 14811 Manchester Rd., Ballwin, MO to amend the provisions of Chapter 22, the Sign Code to allow more versatility in the character and periods of display for temporary signs, to clarify responsibility for the removal of unlawful signs and to make other minor changes that make the code internally consistent. 2. A petition from Mr. Steve Ward, 15 Park Place Professional Circle, Swansea, IL representing Clearwire Communications and T-Mobile to amend the site development plan approved as a part of ordinance 00-22, which approved the construction and operation of an 85’ tall cellular communications tower at the location commonly known as 870 Reinke Rd., Ballwin, MO, to allow the attachment of additional antennas on the existing tower. The height of the tower will not be changed nor will the area of the enclosed equipment compound associated with the tower 3. A petition from Tabitha Riggle of SSC, 701 Emerson Rd., Suite 333, Creve Coeur, MO, representing Tower Co, and Clearwire Communications requesting the issuance of a special use exception to erect an 85’ tall cellular tower and associated enclosed equipment compound at the location commonly known as the Ballwin Municipal Golf Course Clubhouse, 333 Holloway Rd., Ballwin, MO. The tower is proposed to be located adjacent to the first tee near the golf cart storage shed. 4. A petition from Tabitha Riggle of SSC, 701 Emerson Rd., Suite 333, Creve Coeur, MO, representing Tower Co, and Clearwire Communications requesting the issuance of a special use exception to erect an 85’ tall cellular tower and associated enclosed equipment compound at the location commonly known as Ferris Park, 500 New Ballwin Rd., Ballwin, MO. The tower is proposed to be located near the comfort station in the north portion of the park. For more information call: The Ballwin Zoning Hot Line at (636) 207-2326 or the Ballwin Government Center at (636) 2278580 (Voice), (636) 527-9200 (TDD), 1-800-735-2466 RELAY MISSOURI. Residents of Ballwin are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs and services of the City of Ballwin regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status, national origin or political affiliation. If you are a person requiring an accommodation, please call the above numbers no later than 5:00 P.M. on the third business day preceding the hearing. Offices are open between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Thomas H. Aiken, AICP City Planner/Deputy City Clerk

By Warren Mayes There have been several times when a coach has a child on his team, but it does not often happen that the child is on another squad. The Emde family now is dealing with that. Gregg Emde coaches the Marquette High School water polo team while son Steven plays for Parkway West. Steven is a 2 Meter, which is like a center forward. The teams faced each other in an earlyseason match-up and both came out of it well. Marquette won 11-10, but Steven played well for the Longhorns, scoring three goals and two assists. Emde’s father said he tries to put aside his thoughts about playing against his son. “I try very hard to stay focused on my own team and help them correct what they are doing wrong or to help them make adjustments during the game,” Emde said. “We do not worry about the other team or what they do. The day of the game we talk about players that we need to know as a team where they are at at all times.” Most of the Mustangs know Emde anyway. Some still play with him on the Midwest Olympic Development Program Zone Team. “I never give my team any information that I know as Dad about Parkway West,” Emde said. “I also tell Steven that he has my blessing to tell his team everything that we do. It is very hard to watch him play as Dad and not coach.” Steven enjoys the match-up. “It is fun because I know that even though he is coaching to win, he is cheering me on either way,” Steven said. “Most of the time I don’t realize that he is coaching the other team until I hear his whistle and then see him give me a thumbs up.” And where does Sheila, wife and mother, stand? “Sheila is definitely rooting for Steven,” Emde said. The match-up was a family gathering as Emde’s parents, Dick and Dottie, came in to visit from Hilton Head, S.C. “They also were rooting for Steven,” Emde said. However, Marquette earned the win. “We were lucky,” Emde said. “(And) I slept in the garage.” Leading up to the game means tough nights for Emde. “I do not sleep for days before the game,” Emde said. “There is no way for me to come out of the game feeling happy. If Steven does great and their team wins, that means that Marquette loses. If we win, that means that Steven loses. Steven handles it much better than I do, and he has to deal with the teammates and outside pressure. (Parkway

From left: Joshua, Gregg and Steven Emde.

West Coach Charlie) Cutelli does a nice job of keeping it light and does a good job with his team, teaching good, clean polo. I am very happy that Steven has a good coach in high school. Cutelli has a tough job because it would be hard to deal with the added pressure of the game and to try to keep Steven doing his normal things in that game and not by doing too much.” There are good feelings between Emde and Cutelli. “He has also been very gracious allowing me to sit in on practices (waiting to pick up my son), and I have assured him that I am just there as Dad,” Emde said. Steven has been playing water polo since he was 6 years old. Emde started Mad Dog Water Polo in 1999 and Steven and his brother, Joshua, who is an eighth grader, have been playing ever since. Steven now plays for Daisy Water Polo (coached by Don Casey) in the off-season. Steven and his brother also play on the Midwest Zone Olympic Development Program Team. Steven played on the Speedo Cup Team and was selected for the Olympic Training Center Winter Camp. Playing the sport is a family tradition. Emde started playing water polo in high school at Parkway West. “My junior year we were second at state, and my senior year we went undefeated and won state for the only time in Parkway West history,” said Emde, who played in college at Denison University and Ohio University. Both Emdes would like water polo to grow. “Water polo is a small sport in the area and really all over the country,” Emde said. “It is like a big family everywhere you go. People know each other and look out for each other. It has been a wonderful experience for both of my boys and a lot of fun for me to see their passion build over the years.”



Marquette girls’ soccer team starts season with tournament title By Warren Mayes The Marquette Mustangs opened the girls’ high school soccer season by winning the Fort Zumwalt East/Zumwalt South girls’ soccer tournament. The Mustangs won all three games, including a 1-0 victory over Rockwood Summit in the championship contest. “The expectations were to play well and try to improve each game,” said Marquette Coach Chris Kinney, whose club went 18-4 last year and was 7-1 in the Suburban West Conference. Marquette opened tournament play with a 7-0 victory over Fort Zumwalt East and then followed that with a 1-0 win over Francis Howell Central. Last year, Summit defeated Marquette in the championship game. Marquette sophomore Sarah Berry scored the game’s lone goal in the second half. Junior Maddie Bush set up the goal at midfield and then passed it to Berry. “Sarah was able to get a nice touch passed (to) the keeper,” Kinney said. Senior goalie Chelsea Smith made that goal enough for the Mustangs. Smith recorded eight saves to earn the shutout victory. “Both the Summit and Francis Howell Central game we knew would be tough games and we hoped to compete against them,” Kinney said. “Both games were pretty even, but we played well and were fortunate to convert at critical times of the game and defend well.” The Mustangs are without junior forward Nicole Warren, who is hurt. Warren, who scored 14 goals last year, tore her ACL over the winter. Kinney said she might be back for Marquette later this spring. Meanwhile, the girls are carrying on without her. “We are just trying to concentrate on what we have on the field at any particular time,” Kinney said. “Hopefully, Nicole will be back at the end of the year, and that will give us another threat.” The Mustangs have good senior leadership. Three of the girls have signed to play in college next year. Smith signed to play at the University of Tulsa. Maddie Torretta signed to play at Quincy University. Sarah Wieder signed to play at the University of Illinois. “All three signees are doing well,” Kinney said. “They are playing with confidence and leadership.” Smith has been a four-year starter at Marquette as a goalkeeper. She was Suburban West All-Conference as a junior (first team) and as a sophomore (second team). She was the team’s Defensive Player of the Year as a sophomore and won the Missouri

Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) 2009 Save of the Year. Torretta has been a four-year starter as a forward. She was Suburban West AllConference as a junior and as a sophomore (first team). She was a Suburban West CoPlayer of the Year as a junior. She also was a co-Most Valuable Player (MVP) of her team and named the team’s Best Offensive Player as a junior and sophomore. Wieder has been a four-year starter as a midfielder. She was Suburban West AllConference as a junior (first team) and as a sophomore (second team). She was the team’s co-MVP and captain as a junior and won the 110 Percent Award as a freshman. Kinney said Berry, Sam Vaughn, Taylor Sutton and Jessica Cook also are playing well. Fresh off winning the tournament title, Marquette did battle with rival Lafayette. There was no storybook ending here for the Mustangs as the Lancers prevailed 2-1. Jordan Woolums scored the game-winning goal for the Lancers. Mary Jehling also scored for Lafayette. Netminder CeCe Hessler had seven saves. Berry scored the lone goal for Marquette and Smith notched 10 saves in the game. “After the game against Lafayette, we have some work to do,” Kinney said. “They and Eureka might be the teams to beat. We will have to improve in some areas to beat them.” It is always festive when Marquette and Lafayette get together. “Lafayette is always a big game,” Kinney said. “In part because they are really the class of public school girls’ soccer. (Coach) Tim Walters’ record speaks for itself.” However, it seemed like the game was played too early this spring. “It is difficult because both teams are still trying to figure out their strengths and weaknesses, with limited amount of games to test what we have,” Kinney said. “We thought we had a little momentum going into the game, but it is always a tough battle, physically and mentally.” Marquette actually started with a 1-0 lead. The goal came off a shot from Ali Cox that moved quite a bit, and Hessler could not hold on to it. Berry scored the rebound about 20 minutes into the first half. Then Lafayette pretty much dominated the second half. “We struggled in the second half to get any kind of rhythm to our play,” Kinney said. Naturally, the loss left Marquette deflated. “The team was pretty disappointed because we could have played better,” Kinney said.

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‘Broomball’ sweeps over West County


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By Brian McDowell The two teams charge onto the chilly rink, helmets and pads firmly affixed, ready to use the sticks in their hands to manipulate objects across the ice into the net. Each team has five players and a goalie on the ice at one time. However, this is not hockey. Players are wearing tennis shoes, not ice skates. The sticks they hold are small plastic brooms, and the object that they try to put into the net is a rubber ball. Broomball is one of the newest sports to enter the area. A six-week league meets at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the Creve Coeur Ice Arena. Statistics are carefully kept and put online and a championship game will be played next month. The ice is divided in half, so two games can occur at once, which allows every team to play every week. The league is sponsored by the Chicago-based company


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Sports Monster, which organizes adult co-ed leagues in various sports. During the winter, the game is played on an outdoor rink at Forest Park. The springtime league is the first time that the St. Louis incarnation of broomball has been played at an indoor rink and is Sports Monster’s first foray into West County. “I think it’s just a way for people who work all the time to let out aggression and get to know each other socially,” said Nick Lake, who puts together the league and serves as a referee during the games. One of the rules of broomball dictates that two of the players on the ice at any given time must be female. Lake said this definitely helps with the social aspect of the game. He said that many of the teams socialize and go to bars and parties together after the games. The prominence of women in the sport also means it is considerably less violent than the traditional hockey game. While there is some inevitable body contact, rules are strictly enforced and hard checking and fighting are absolutely

forbidden. To afford the expensive ice time that the sport requires, every player pays about $60 to participate. The equipment that the game requires is included in the price. Spectators can watch the games for free. Four teams are in the league, including last year’s league champions, the Bare Bodkins. That is a Shakespearean term that means “naked dagger.” The Bodkins are comprised of bio-medical engineering graduate students from Washington University, including Paul Wanda. “I sit in front of a computer all day, so it’s nice to come out here to crush some skulls,” Wanda said jokingly. Wanda and his teammates also play on a Sports Monster kickball team. Elisha Marongelli, another Bodkins player, is a rookie in the league. “I was a sub last year,” Marongelli said. “When I was an undergraduate, I had friends who would rent a rink and play, so I know how it works. I wouldn’t consider myself real athletic, so I just go out and try to have fun.” Matt Rudin plays for the Bodkins as a way to keep in touch with his old classmates. He played hockey in high school, and sees broomball as a way to keep playing without fear of injury. “We’re all technically-minded on this team,” Rudin said. “We all like science and solving problems. We probably overanalyze the game way too much. You know, we do saber-metrics for it.” The Bodkins’ main rival is the China Shop Bulls, a team that was thrown together in the first year of Sports Monster’s broomball league in Forest Park and has been playing ever since. Ron Blanton said he tries to keep the Bulls’ lineup intact every year, sending out e-mails to all of his teammates to make sure they are available to come back whenever a new league comes together. “It’s just a great sport,” Blanton said. “It’s very physical and it’s just entertaining to be out there and watch everybody slipping and sliding.” For more information on broomball, visit sportsmonster.net.

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34 I cover story I



Inside the grass-roots movement that very nearly changed the world- and still might.

Tea Time By Brian McDowell

Photos by Doug Edelman


wenty-six garishly-decorated cars, trucks and vans snaked through the streets of St. Charles County on a recent sunny, springtime Saturday morning. Following a circuitous route that only included right turns, they were covered with flags and political signs. The drivers of the cars honked and waved and tried to attract as much attention as possible. The whole spectacle resembled a hyperactive small town Fourth of July parade. A yellow pickup truck, with flags and a podium in back, led the pack, with the affable Brian Bollinger in the driver’s seat. “I’m just here because I got tired of yelling at talk radio,” Bollinger said. All of the large and varied group of politically-minded drivers met early that morning at Bollinger’s behest. This was the third time that Bollinger organized this creative form of political evangelism. He admitted that the first time he did this, it ruined his car horn. Still, the drivers who waved and gave him thumbs up when they read the collection of signs on his car made him feel that what he was engaging in was worthwhile. This is called the Rolling Tea Party, the latest incarnation of the grass-roots conservative protest movement that has made plenty of political waves around the country this year. The group recently caused a firestorm of controversy in the wake of their protesting the passing of President Barack Obama’s sweeping health care legislation. Democratic legislators have accused tea party attendees of yelling threats and racial slurs. The same left-wing groups that a few years ago were saying, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism” now have gone to great lengths to discredit the popularity of the movement. Much of the mainstream media has labeled them as “racists” or “extremists.” However, after spending time speaking with members of this group or observing their rallies in person, these claims seem to have no merit. Even though the group’s membership is overwhelmingly white, no racist sentiments are expressed. This just seems to be a group of Americans that are concerned about the recent direction that this country has taken. “We’re just here doing what we can to get our government back to fiscal responsibility,” Bollinger said. The Tea Party movement borrows much of its imagery and rhetoric from the American Revolutionary War. At its numerous protest events, participants often dress in colonial costumes and wave American or “Don’t Tread on Me” flags, or signs adorned with anti-government slogans. They listen to speeches from local conser-

vative activists, and the gatherings often end with tea bags symbolically dumped into water. The loosely-connected network of groups that sponsor these rallies now exist in every major American city. Much of their methodology seems to come from what groups did in the 1960s to fight for civil rights and against the Vietnam War. Essentially, the Tea Party takes the tactics that radicals and progressives have used for years, and turns them against the left. An unassuming 46-year-old Wildwood resident, Bill Hennessy, started the St. Louis group. A Navy veteran, Hennessy had not been involved in politics since the ‘90s, when he wrote a book called “The Conservative Manifesto.” He managed to spin that into a low-paying job writing about conservative issues for Compu-serve. “Really, I was blogging before there was such a thing as blogging,” Hennessy said. However, he grew disillusioned with politics in 1996, when Bob Dole earned the Republican nomination, which he viewed as a sign that the party had no real commitment to conservative principles and no desire to try to win elections. “I had a blog after that,” Hennessy said. “But I only updated it every couple of months or so.” Eventually, he landed a marketing job with a major St. Louis corporation, and devoted his free time to raising his two sons and playing hockey. Hennessy’s political passions were stirred again after the election of Obama. “Obama isn’t the classic liberal,” Hennessy said. “It’s clear from anyone who dealt with Marxist professors in college that he is, in fact, a Marxist.” As evidence, Hennessy cites an Obama lecture from 2001, in which Obama called the Constitution a “fundamentally flawed document” and talked about the redistribution of wealth as a form of “economic justice.” In a heightened concern about the future of America, Hennessy’s teenage son sent him an online link to the now famous rant by CNBC personality Rick Santelli. On the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade, Santelli railed against the passing of Obama’s stimulus package, saying that the government was promoting bad behavior. Based loosely on Santelli’s suggestion that the taxpayers should revolt, conservatives around the country started organizing “tea parties” to protest what they considered to be taxation without true representation. Hennessy did some further research on this and read about it on a blog, and decided that the St. Louis area needed to be a part of this burgeoning movement. He decided to put together a Tea Party gathering on the steps between the Arch



Dana Loesch enjoys a rare quiet moment.

and the riverfront on Feb. 27, 2009. “I wrote about it on Facebook and sent e-mails to a conservative blog, and to Dana Loesch,” Hennessy said. A local blogger, talk radio host and mother of two, Loesch was preparing to discuss Santelli’s rant on her Sunday night show when Hennessy’s e-mail proposing a local tea party showed up in her inbox. Loesch admits that she is a born rabblerouser. She was raised by southern Baptist Democrats, and always was politically involved in various Democratic campaigns. She slowly became disillusioned with the party and realized that she did not agree with too many of their core principles. “If you remove all of the emotions from their argument, the left has no real issues to focus on,” Loesch said. “Essentially, their argument is that the government can take care of you and your family better than you can. That doesn’t work. Just look at the problems in the places where it’s been tried, like China, Russia or Cuba.” The events of 9/11 prompted her to examine her views of America’s place in the world, and inspired her to adopt a different outlook, and she has been publicly espousing her conservative views ever since. She shares many of Hennessy’s views of the new President. “Obama is one of the most under-qualified people to ever assume the office,” Loesch said. “He campaigned as a uniter, but he has proven to be the opposite.” So, when Loesch read Hennessy’s e-mail proposing a St. Louis Tea Party, she loved the idea, and invited Hennessy, whom she had never met, to talk about it on her show that night. “Suddenly, I was the guy in charge of this movement,” Hennessy said. Loesch remembered being afraid that she

and Hennessy would be the only people who showed up to the first rally. “I actually brought a female friend with me, because I was thinking that it would probably be just me and Bill there, and I was a little worried that he might be creepy,” Loesch said. “But he was great, and all these people showed up with their Gadsden ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ flags and their American flags and their signs. At that point, I knew that this movement would be an ongoing one.” She explained why Hennessy is such an effective leader for the local movement. “He is an excellent strategist, and a walking encyclopedia of historical information,” Loesch said. “He is able to see a situation, deconstruct it, and quickly come up with another plan.” The original goal of the Tea Party movement was to attract 50 people to each of 50 American cities. With such a minuscule crowd expected, Hennessy did not bother obtaining a sound system or a podium or do a lot of preparation. The list of speakers at the event was thrown together at the last minute. Gina Loudon was asked to speak after she contacted Hennessy on Facebook and offered to help him get the Tea Party movement off the ground. Loudon is another local blogger and talk show host who lives in Chesterfield with her husband, a former Republican state senator, and five kids. She has been volunteering for the local Republican party for 14 years, working for her husband’s campaigns, her own campaigns and others. She is the only member of the local Tea Party leadership that actually claims to be a Republican.

See TEA PARTY, page 36

I cover story I 35

36 I cover story I



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TEA PARTY, from page 35 “I was experiencing dissatisfaction with watching the Republican party not be either conservative or aggressive,” Loudon said. “Republicans are supposed to be genteel, and not respond when attacked, but, with this movement, we get right back at ‘em. We are in fight mode, because the security of our republic is at stake.” Hennessy said he was surprised that somebody with Loudon’s political clout contacted him. “She was a politician who didn’t know me from Adam,” Hennessy said. “Politicians are usually very careful about who they surround themselves with. Let’s face it: if I was some crazy skinhead or something, being at a rally with me could ruin someone’s political career. But Gina, she was willing to come out and meet with us and risk her entire career to try to save the country.” “I remember he called me to speak at that first rally with less than a day’s notice,” Loudon said. “We didn’t have a sound system there though, so, even though I’d prepared a speech, I think I just yelled into their megaphone.” All three of the early event organizers were shocked when 1,200 people showed up at the rally, which culminated with the dumping of tea into the Mississippi River. “It was a cold day, and a day when most of our supporters had to work,” Hennessy said. “For us to attract that many people to downtown in circumstances like that, I knew we were on to something.” Still, he attests that the founding of this local movement was largely the result of good timing and good luck. “I live in St. Louis, which is a centrallylocated area,” Hennessy said. “I was just stupid enough to write a blog post and to get a permit to have a protest.”

Gina Loudon makes herself heard.

Based upon the unexpected success of his first event, Hennessy started to organize other rallies. This included a rally in Kiener Plaza on Tax Day in downtown St. Louis that attracted thousands of people, which was the second biggest Tea Party crowd in the whole country on that day. “Other rallies had celebrities like Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck or Ted Nugent,” Hennessy said. “Ours didn’t. We just had us. I think Dana was the biggest celebrity there.” Hennessy said the size of the crowd that day in a city like St. Louis caused observers of the movement to take notice of the movement and the seismic political shift that it could cause. The group continues to hold well-attended rallies around the area. “There are no imperial candidates in this,” Loudon said. “We generally don’t have


NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM politicians speaking at our rallies. Activists are the one that speak, and the elected officials that show up have to listen to the people, instead of the people just listening to them.” The Tea Party organizers now hope that their efforts actually make an impact at the ballot box this year. “The end goal hasn’t changed since day one,” Hennessy said. “Our message to politicians is ‘Repeal the pork or retire’.” Hennessy said he believes that the country is headed towards economic collapse. With such dire circumstances, the Tea Party’s goal is to turn over 100 seats in Congress this year. They aim to destroy the political careers of people who they feel have no business being in Congress, that go along with whatever the president or the majority leader tells them to do. Still, the group’s members are careful to say that the Tea Party is not a traditional third party, and they do not officially run any candidates under their banner. Members of the Tea Party think they can use their influence to push the Republican Party in a more conservative direction or the GOP will risk losing a good chunk of support. “We just want a candidate who is genuine, who owns up to their mistakes, who is for individual liberties and is willing to embrace the Constitution.” Loesch said.

“We’re going to take over the Republican shows and has guest hosted several nationParty, the Republican Party isn’t going to ally-syndicated radio talk shows. take over us,” Hennessy said. She admitted that her newfound fame is As someone who is familiar with the fun. political machinery that runs the Republi“I enjoy a good battle of the wits,” Loesch can Party, Loudon said she does not really said. “I even watch UFC a lot. I’m a capiknow how much substantive difference the talist. I like competition. That is the true movement is making. catalyst for change.” “I do think the Republicans are trying to Still, the hours she devotes to this politilisten, but there is still work to do,” Loudon cal cause and the time she spends away said. “But they are trying and that does from her children are difficult. matter to me.” “I sort of feel like Paul Revere,” Loesch Loesch said she is not surprised that said. “I’m knocking on doors at midnight, there are so many women involved in leadtrying to warn everybody.” ing the Tea Party cause. Loesch’s goals for the Tea Party’s future “Women are fed up,” Loesch said. “There are simple. are many mothers involved in this move“I want us to take back Congress and the ment, and I have two boys who could one White House,” Loesch said. “I want people day grow up to serve this country. I think in this country to experience the true we want to give our children a country that empowerment that comes from personal is worth serving and sacrificing for. Women liberty. ” are nurturers. We have this ‘mother bear’Despite the lows of the recent year, like type instinct. You know when they say, the time and the energy Hennessy has ‘the most dangerous place to be is between devoted to the Tea Parties and the constant a mother bear and her cubs.’ Well, we don’t criticism from certain quarters that he has want the government between our children received for doing so, Hennessy said that and their future. I do like that this movehe will not rest until he has climbed to the ment sticks a finger in the face of shallow metaphorical “shining city on the hill,” of and self-involved feminists who define Dana Loesch rallies the troops. which President Ronald Reagan spoke. themselves by masculine terms and seem “We may not get there in my lifetime, to have a problem with women who stay at but, as a country, I know we can get there,” home with their children.” vaulted Loesch into the national spotlight. Hennessy said. “That is why I won’t ever Her participation in the movement has She has appeared on several cable news quit.”


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38 I business I



Bu si ness PEOPLE Bill Lane, retired vice president of sales for AT&T, has been appointed executive director of the St. Louis Community College Lane Foundation. •••




St. John Lutheran Church in Ellisville has announced the appointments of Tracy Dunn as human resources generalist, Julie Lorenz as growth and relational ministry leader, and Becky Pagel as director of development. ••• Loralie Mohler has joined Creve Coeurbased Marketing Direct Inc. (MDI) as an account executive. ••• Judy Sepac, a Realtor with RE/MAX Midwest Group’s Creve Coeur office, has received the Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation. •••

Two reasons to celebrate Seth Gordon has been named associate artistic director of the Repertory Theatre of St. Louis.

PLACES Charro Mexican Restaurant & Bar recently celebrated its grand opening at 14839 Baxter Road in Chesterfield. ••• The Final Touch, a home décor, small home furnishings and gift store at 14073 Manchester Road in Ballwin, recently celebrated the grand opening of its expanded retail space. The business is owned by Sue Wickenhauser.

AWARDS & HONORS Edward G. Lott, vice president of sales and marketing for Payne Family Homes, for the second consecutive year was honored by the Home Builders Association of St. Louis with the Lott Hugh L. Pettus Award, presented to the HBA Sales & Marketing Council builder member who does the most to further the Council’s goals.

MEETINGS & NETWORKING The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce Office Staff Appreciation Lun-

Kay Wallace, owner of F.O.B. Saint Louis in Town & Country, has joined forces with Philip Clark and Wade Cadle, owners of Details, a new women’s clothing and accessories boutique adjoining Wallace’s home décor shop. The opening of Details coincides with the first anniversary of F.O.B. Saint Louis’ location at 157 Lamp & Lantern Village. Pictured (from left) at the grand opening celebration of Details are Clark, Wallace and Cadle. cheon is at 11:30 a.m. on Wed., April 21 at Doubletree Hotel & Conference Center. Networking, lunch, prizes and a “Chamber’s Got Talent” show are featured. Admission is $25 for members and $30 for non-members. To register, call 532-3399 or visit chesterfieldmochamber.com by April 19. ••• The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce holds Speed Networking at 5:30 p.m. on Thurs., April 22 at Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center. Admission is $15 for members and $20 for non-members. To register, call 532-3399 or visit chesterfieldmochamber.com by April 20. ••• The West County Chamber of Commerce holds a general membership meeting at 11 a.m. on Wed., April 28 at Forest Hills Country Club. Capt. Jim Silvernail from Metro West Fire Protection District is

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please be advised that on April 19, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ellisville City Hall, 1 Weis Avenue, Ellisville, Missouri 63011, the City Council will hold a public hearing to consider a Petition for the Creation of a Community Improvement District (the “Petition”) pursuant to the Community Improvement District Act, Sections 67.1401 to 67.1571 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended. Petitioners seek formation of the Fountain Plaza Community Improvement District (the “District”). All interested persons may attend and be heard. Appearing below is a legal description and a map of the boundaries of the proposed District. The proposed District is generally located east of Clarkson Road, south of the city limits of the City of Ellisville, Missouri; and north of Clayton Road, all within the city limits of Ellisville, Missouri. The proposed District is shown on the map below. The Petition has been filed with the Ellisville City Clerk and is available for review at the office of the Ellisville City Clerk during regular business hours on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Legal Description of Community Improvement District A tract of land being part of Fountain Plaza at Clarkson, a subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 355, pages 287-288 of the St. Louis County, Missouri recorder’s office, and located in U.S. Survey 2716 and Fractional Section 28, Township 45 north, range 4 east, of the Fifth Principal Meridian, City of Ellisville, St. Louis County, Missouri, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the south line of Clarkson Farm Estates (formerly Kingsfield), a subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 197, page 88 and 89 of said recorder’s office with the west line of Coppersmith Place, a subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 228, page 97 of said recorder’s office; Thence along said west line of Coppersmith Place, south 00 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds west, a distance of 1244.63 feet the north right of way line of Clayton (variable width) Road (State Route HH), as widened per dedication to the City of Ellisville by Plat Book 352, page 689 of said recorder’s office; Thence along said north right of way line (as widened), north 89 degrees 49 minutes 39 seconds west, a distance of 420.20 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence continuing along said north right of way line the following courses and distances: north 89 degrees 49 minutes 39 seconds west, a distance of 446.85 feet; north 00 degrees 10 minutes 21 seconds east, a distance of 10.00 feet; north 89 degrees 49 minutes 39 seconds west, a distance of 398.71 feet; and north 43 degrees 22 minutes 55 seconds west, a distance of 40.96 feet to the east right of way line of Clarkson (variable width) Road, a.k.a. State Rte 340; Thence along said east right of way line, north 01 degrees 05 minutes 25 seconds west, a distance of 60.30 feet to the south line of land now or formerly of Southwest Bank of St. Louis, as recorded by deed in Book 16115, page 1389 of said recorder’s office; Thence along said land of Southwest Bank the following courses and distances: south 89 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds east, a distance of 90.00 feet; north 43 degrees 49 minutes 43 seconds east, a distance of 351.80 feet; along a curve to the right, having a radius of 236.43 feet, with a central angle of 24 degrees 25 minutes 11 seconds (which chord bears north 33 degrees 57 minutes 41 seconds west, a chord distance of 100.01 feet) through an arc distance of 100.77 feet and south 68 degrees 14 minutes 54 seconds west, a distance of 303.63 feet to the east right of way line of the aforementioned Clarkson Road; Thence along said east right of way line the following courses and distances: north 01 degrees 05 minutes 25 seconds west, a distance of 72.61 feet; and north 00 degrees 29 minutes 31 seconds east, a distance of 213.56 feet to the south line of land now or formerly of Twenty Seven Forty Five Realty Co. as recorded by deed in Book 17136, page 1257 of said recorder’s office; Thence along said land of Twenty Seven Forty Five Realty Co. and land now or formerly of Twenty Seven Forty Five Realty Co. as recorded by deed in Book 16182, page 1579 of said recorder’s office the following courses and distances: south 89 degrees 49 minutes 43 seconds east, a distance of 239.31 feet; north 00 degrees 10 minutes 17 seconds east, a distance of 36.12 feet; along a curve to the left, having a radius of 169.00 feet, with a central angle of 35 degrees 07 minutes 22 seconds (which chord bears north 17 degrees Boundary Map of Community Improvement District 23 minutes 24 seconds west, a chord distance of 101.98 feet) through an arc distance of 103.60 feet; along a curve to the right, having a radius of 231.00 feet, with a central angle of 35 degrees 07 minutes 22 seconds (which chord bears north 17 degrees 23 minutes 24 seconds west, a chord distance of 139.40 feet) through an arc distance of 141.60 feet; north 00 degrees 10 minutes 17 seconds east, a distance of 62.73 feet; and north 89 degrees 32 minutes 43 seconds west, a distance of 164.64 feet to the east right of way line of the aforementioned Clarkson Road; Thence along said east right of way line the following courses and distances: north 00 degrees 29 minutes 31 seconds east, a distance of 276.12 feet; and north 24 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds west, a distance of 35.36 feet to the south line of the aforementioned Clarkson Farm Estates; Thence along said south line, south 89 degrees 40 minutes 05 seconds east, a distance of 891.63 feet to the west line of Lot 2 of the aforementioned Fountain Plaza at Clarkson; Thence along said west line, south 00 degrees 10 minutes 27 seconds west, a distance of 1,245.76 feet to the true point of beginning. The above described tract containing 22.089 acres is based upon a subdivision plat prepared by Cole and Associates, Inc. and subject to all easements, restrictions, reservations and conditions of record, if any. The City is working to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act mandates. Individuals who require an accommodation to attend a meeting should contact City Hall, 636-227-9660 (V/TDD) at least 48 hours in advance.

40 I



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Good times will roll this season at Six Flags in Eureka By Brian McDowell Despite the parent company declaring bankruptcy last year, the good times will continue to roll at Six Flags in Eureka. The local theme park’s public relations manager, Elizabeth Gotway, said the precarious financial position of its parent company has had no discernible effect on the operation of the venerable Eureka tourist attraction, or the upbeat mood of its employees. “The only thing we’ve heard about it has been what’s in the media,” Gotway said. “No one here has said anything to us. It hasn’t come into play here in the park at all. We actually hired more seasonal employees this year than we’ve ever had.” Despite the questionable shape of both the company’s and the country’s economy, Six Flags visitors should expect to have as much fun as they have in the past. No new entries are being added to the park’s roster of thrill rides, but several buildings have been refurbished to make the park more convenient and aesthetically pleasing. “We’ve only been open a week but I’ve already heard guests raving about how good the park looks,” Gotway said. The popular “Glow In The Dark” nighttime parade returns this year, along with several special events, including: • May 1 - “The “Karate Kid Challenge” gives young martial artists the chance to show their skills and compete to win a trip to the Hollywood premiere of the upcoming Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan remake

of the 1984 classic. • June 13 - The Bamboozled Festival features 13 popular alternative rock bands playing on two stages. • July 4 - Salute To Heroes is a special tribute to those who serve in the military. The park’s amphitheater hosts a soonto-be-scheduled summer concert series, which will feature several popular Christian acts among other musical performers. There is also a Walk In The Park charity event planned for late in the summer that will raise money for several local charities. Six Flags, of course, will continue to offer an assortment of thrill rides, like the Evel Knievel and Batman roller coasters, as well as old favorites like Thunder River and the Screamin’ Eagle, plus several shows, games and family attractions. Guests also can visit the Hurricane Harbor water park, which is included in the price of admission. That attraction opens on Memorial Day weekend. This year, for the first time, local residents can buy discounted adult one-day tickets and regularly-priced season passes to Six Flags at Dierbergs. The adult tickets are $31, the usual cost of a child’s admission, and the season passes cost $59.99, less than the price of two visits. The nationwide theme park chain will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year. “We really don’t know what’s been planned for that yet but I’m sure it will be spectacular,” Gotway said.

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A granite fountain stone brings the soothing sound of trickling water to the garden and can be installed with lighting for added enjoyment during hours of darkness. The “Iris” design (pictured) and others made by NVA Creative Garden Granite of Scandinavia are sold at Sherwood’s Forest Nursery and Garden Center in Ballwin.


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A willow branch trellis found at Three French Hens in Wildwood is a natural backdrop for plants and flowers, garden lanterns or a whimsical bug or two.

The 2-story Tuscany concrete birdhouse is one of several charming, Old World cottage collectible birdhouses sold at SummerWinds Nursery in Ellisville.


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I decor I 43

Home Decor, Gifts & Jewelry “All Birds Welcome” is inscribed in the basin of a graceful, handcrafted stone birdbath found at Passiglia’s Nursery & Garden Center in Wildwood.

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A multi-vessel, terra cotta fountain with carvings from Mansfield Nursery in Ellisville evokes a Spanish flair.

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A “boy with cart” planter from Ballwin Nursery adds character to a porch, patio, deck or garden bed.

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DÉCOR ART, from page 43

From F.O.B. Saint Louis in Town & Country, a wooden birdhouse with a shake roof gives feathered friends a pretty place to perch.

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The “Europa” bench from Henri Studio, sold at Chesterfield Valley Nursery, is as practical as it is pretty.


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A submersible, decorative fish from Blodgett Lighthouse in St. Charles casts a soft light from its tail fin, in or near a pond or water feature. The piece is pump-ready to create a gentle stream of water.



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DÉCOR Chesterfield garden tour By SHEILA FRAYNE RHOADES Those looking for gardening inspiration can find it on Sat., June 12 in Chesterfield. That is the date that the city of Chesterfield and its Beautification Committee have selected for the 2010 Chesterfield Garden Tour – a tour of several area gardens taking place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine. “This is our fourth garden tour, and we are featuring six beautiful and unique gardens, each illustrating a different area of gardening, such as dealing with drainage issues, slopes, full sun and neighboring homes and gardens,” said Kay Folsom, event chairperson. “All of our homeowners have successfully dealt with problems that arise in everyone’s landscape plans. The creativity with which they have tackled their separate gardens is truly an illustration of ingenuity, patience and hard work.” Showcased gardens will include three that are visually connected and enhance an entire neighborhood. Two gardens will highlight creative ways to deal with uneven slopes and water drainage issues, and another belongs to a once-reluctant gardener. When Kathy Murray was first approached about opening her garden for the tour, she declined. A first-time participant in the tour, Murray said that she had seen other gardens featured on the tour and did not consider hers to be “in their league.” Murray (the once-reluctant gardener) grew up on a farm, and she hated the chore of picking vegetables. “My dad would say, ‘Just you wait – someday, you’ll love it,’” Murray said, adding that tending a garden in her own

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A Chesterfield shade garden that will be featured on the 2010 Chesterfield Garden Tour.

Kathy Murray’s garden is the result of hard work and plenty of advice from friends.

backyard was the last thing that she ever wanted to do. Eventually, though, Murray and her husband began to tackle the poison ivyinfested overgrowth in their backyard, and to her surprise, she fell in love with gardening. “I was just sucked in and fell hook, line and sinker,” Murray said. Murray worked tirelessly, constantly asking her friends for advice. The results of her labors include a garden containing a waterfall, a woodland area, an abundant vegetable garden, lush borders and a mini pond, all of which, she said, are the product of gardening friendships. “Kathy’s garden makes me more excited for the upcoming tour because she hit on the very reason people like to garden – the friendships, relationships and advice that gardeners share freely,” Folsom said. Gardening advice will be a feature of the Chesterfield Garden Tour, which will be staffed by volunteers. There will be Master Gardeners on hand to answer questions, and some homeowners will be present to give advice as well. Tickets to the Chesterfield Garden Tour are $15 and can be purchased by calling Chesterfield City Hall at 537-4000 and online at chesterfield.mo.us. A map of the featured garden locations will be provided with ticket purchase.



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Visitors to the Builders St. Charles Home Show on April 23-25 can glean gardening tips from one of the nation’s best-known gardening authorities. Don Engebretson, aka “The Renegade Gardener,” is a regular on HGTV gardening shows and has to his credit six Garden Globe Awards for excellence in garden writing. Engebretson’s fans are humored by his witty, insightful take on the state of gardening in America and appreciate his tips and techniques for creating gorgeous gardens and landscapes. Engebretson operates on the philosophy that gardeners should employ caution when perusing products and plants sold by the commercial gardening industry and should buy first from local growers. He preaches that the joy of gardening comes from experimentation and that a passion for the hobby comes from failing, laughing, succeeding and learning. “The Renegade Gardener” will present seminars on three topics at the Builders St. Charles Home Show: • “Crafting Cool & Creative Containers” (1 p.m. on Friday and Sunday, 7 p.m. on Saturday) is a hands-on presentation that teaches homeowners all they need to know to create great container arrangements. Engebretson calls containers “the throw pillows of exterior design” and encourages thinking outside the box regarding materials used in arrangements, their placement and use. He will demonstrate how to use containers alone and in groups; share design tricks and secrets used by professionals; explain how to plant containers for maximum, season-long impact; and offer creative ways to use containers throughout a landscape. • “Yes You Can! Landscape Design for Homeowners” (7 p.m. on Friday, 4 p.m. on Saturday) is a new presentation that Engebretson created in response to consumer demand. Because planting a shrub is one thing and creating a professional landscape design is another, he will walk the audience through the design process, giving them the knowledge and confidence to succeed. • “Grow Your Own: Successful Home Vegetable Gardening” (4 p.m. on Friday, 1 p.m. on Saturday, 3 p.m. on Sunday) is a timely topic, as growing vegetables at home is the fastest-growing gardening trend in America. Engebretson will cover

Celebrity gardener Don Engebretson, aka “The Renegade Gardener,” will share gardening and landscape tips at the Builders St. Charles Home Show, April 23-25. Admission to the show is free.

site selection, design, soil preparation, plant selection, growing, fertilizing and harvesting vegetables. Also presenting at the show is “The Mole Hunter” Jeff Holper, a local pest management expert. Holper will present “Taking Your Lawn Back from Moles and Voles” (12 p.m., 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday, 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday, 2 p.m. on Sunday) and invites homeowners to bring their questions and their bugs. The Builders St. Charles Home Show runs from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Fri., April 23 and Sat., April 24 and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sun., April 25 at the St. Charles Convention Center, just off I-70 at Fifth Street in St. Charles. Approximately 350 exhibits of products and services for the home will be featured. Both admission and parking are free, and show visitors can register to win one of three $250 shopping sprees valid with any exhibitor at the show. For more information, visit stlhomeshow. com.




I decor I 49

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Grow your own groceries


Edible gardens are in. That is the word from the garden experts at Garden Media Group, who report that growing one’s own groceries is hotter than ever before. Even gardeners with very little space are managing to grow fresh herbs and vegetables to bring to their tables, and in some parts of the country, entire front lawns are being transformed into edible gardens. Not surprisingly, the growth of vegetable and herb gardening has prompted a new crop of books on the topic. Here is a look at several: “Starter Vegetable Gardens: 24 No-Fail Plans for Small Organic Gardens,” by Barbara Pleasant (Storey Publishing, 2010). Written for those who want to start growing their own produce but do not know how to begin, “Starter Vegetable Gardens” gives 24 plans for all types of spaces. Each garden starts small and gradually expands to double its initial size over a three-year period. “‘Starter Vegetable Gardens’ should be your choice if you don’t know where or how to begin to grow a veggie garden. All you know is that you want to do it, and you want it to be fun.” Pleasant said. Pleasant’s work has been honored by the Garden Writers Association and the American Nursery and Landscape Association. She is a contributing editor at Mother Earth News. “Small-Plot, High-Yield Gardening: How to Grow Like a Pro, Save Money, and Eat Well by Turning Your Back (or Front or Side) Yard Into An Organic Produce Garden,” by Sal Gilbertie and Larry Sheehan (Random House, 2010). The authors invite anyone with an interest in feeding their family in a more healthful way without paying organic produce prices at the grocery store to get down and dirty and grow their own. Readers learn about the most effective natural fertilizers, drought-resistant cultivation methods, pest-repellent companion plantings, trends in heirloom herb and vegetable varieties, and raised-bed techniques for getting maximum productivity in a limited space. They even learn how to incorporate into the mix a cutting garden so they can bring fresh flowers to the table, too. Gilbertie is the proprietor of the largest herb grower in the nation.

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“The All You Can Eat Gardening Handbook: Easy Organic Vegetables and More Money in Your Pocket,” by Cam Mather (Aztext Press, 2010). Based on the belief that vegetable gardening should not intimidate people, “The All You Can Eat Gardening Handbook” assures the reader that it really is quite simple to turn the backyard into a cost-saving produce department. Basic growing tips and techniques are provided, and as an added bonus, the author includes information on the nutritional value and health benefits of each vegetable discussed. Mather has been gardening organically for 35 years and grows most of his own food, so he writes from experience.

See GROCERIES, page 52



I decor I 51

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DÉCOR GROCERIES, from page 50 “The Beginner’s Guide to Edible Herbs: 26 Herbs Everyone Should Grow and Enjoy,” by Charles W.G. Smith (Storey Publishing, 2010). Tomatoes with basil, cucumbers or carrots with dill … Homegrown vegetables are great, and they taste even better when flavored with fresh-from-the-garden herbs. Simple instructions for growing, harvesting, preserving and cooking with some of the most popular culinary herbs are offered here. Tempting recipes and full-color photographs are included. Smith is a seasoned gardening writer, agriculture instructor and former professional horticulturalist.

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“All New Square Foot Gardening Cookbook: Taking the Harvest to the Table,” by Mel Bartholomew (Cool Springs Press, 2009). A companion to the best-selling “All New Square Foot Gardening,” this book is more about cooking and enjoying homegrown vegetables, fruits and herbs than growing them. Along with his recipes, the author includes helpful harvesting techniques, yield information and a kid’s corner for each of the 17 vegetables featured. A retired engineer and former weekend gardener, Bartholomew is well known for developing a gardening system that yields 100 percent of the harvest in 20 percent of the space. His “Square Foot Gardening” titles have sold more than 2 million copies.

“Grocery Gardening: Planting, Preparing and Preserving Fresh Food,” by Jean Ann Van Krevelen (Cool Springs Press, 2010). Targeted for readers who will be starting a vegetable garden for the first time, “Grocery Gardening” provides more than 25 fruit, vegetable and herb recommendations with garden planning, planting and harvesting information. Also included are healthy recipes aimed at including fresh produce at every meal. The author offers advice on how to select the freshest produce at the grocery store to combine with homegrown foods; 40 percent of the book covers fresh recipes and information on preserving fresh foods. Van Krevelen’s gardening blog is nationally syndicated on a variety of popular Web sites, and she was named among the “50 Most Powerful and Influential Women in Social Media.” She and her co-authors communicate with more than 80,000 gardeners month via their Web sites, blogs, Twitter feeds, gardening articles, etc.



I decor I 53

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Just in time for spring planting, the Missouri Botanical Garden has announced its 2010 Plants of Merit. That means that Midwesterners have another 18 annuals, perennials, shrubs, vines, trees and edible ornamentals that they can plant with confidence. The Plants of Merit program began in 1998 and is a partnership of Missouri Botanical Garden, Powell Gardens, Mizzou Botanic Garden, the University of Missouri Extension, Missouri Landscape & Nursery Association, and Illinois Green Industry Association that aims to promote diversity in home gardening and emphasizes hardy, trouble-free plants. To be nominated as a Plant of Merit, a plant must be easy to grow and maintain, grow consistently well in the region, be resistant to or tolerant of disease and insects, have outstanding ornamental value and be reasonably available for purchase. Following are some of the newest Plants of Merit for the Midwest. For the complete list, visit plantsofmerit.org. • Hardy begonia (Begonia grandis). The only species of begonia that is winter-hardy to the St. Louis area is a perennial that typically forms a bushy mound of foliage up to 2 feet tall. • Bulls blood beet (Beta vulgaris ‘Bulls Blood’). An heirloom beet grown today primarily for its dark, purplish-red leaves that make excellent additions to salads, its tasty beetroots can be enjoyed, too. Culinary value aside, it often is planted in beds, borders and containers simply for its ornamental value. • Feather celosia (Celosia argentea ‘New Look’). Bright red flower plumes and purple-bronze leaves are featured on plants that grow to 14 inches tall. Flowers bloom into fall, and sometimes until frost. • Yellow wood (Cladrastis kentukea). The Missouri native, medium-sized shade tree grows 30-50 feet tall in full sun and features a late spring bloom of fragrant white flowers. Leaves turn bright yellow in the fall. • Daylily (Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’). The easy-to-grow daylily will thrive in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. The plant is tolerant of St. Louis heat and humidity, but should be deeply watered in dry spells to keep foliage looking nice. • Panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea panicu-

Egyptian star flower (Penta lanceolata) is among the newest Plants of Merit for the Midwest.

lata ‘Interhydia’ Pink Diamond). The flowers of this compact hydrangea emerge white and mature to a rich pink, and strong stems hold the flowers upright. Panicles bloom from July through September and may be cut for use in fresh arrangements or for drying and enjoying long-term. • Lantana (Lantana camara ‘Landmark’). A sun-loving annual, this lantana features tiny flowers that grow in clusters and bloom non-stop throughout the season. Colors include white, yellow, orange, red, pink and purple, with some varieties featuring multiple colors. • Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Becky’). Larger than most Shasta daisies, this cultivar of the perennial grows 3-4 feet tall and produces flowers 3-4 inches in diameter from July through September. Flowers are white with yellow centers and make an excellent, long-lasting cut flower. • Egyptian star flower (Penta lanceolata). Rounded clusters of pink, magenta, lilac or white star-shaped flowers bloom from summer to frost, and elliptic green leaves are attractive throughout the growing season. In St. Louis, it should be grown in the ground as an annual that is replaced each spring or in pots that are brought indoors during winter months.

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By SHEILA FRAYNE RHOADES Creve Coeur resident Marjorie Cook recently was honored with a celebration of her 100th birthday. Her three children, their spouses, all seven of her grandchildren – one of whom traveled from Barcelona, Spain – and two of her six great-grandchildren were in attendance. “Our main goal was to honor our mother and have a family reunion,” said George Cook, one of Marjorie’s sons. “We tried not to overwhelm her with too much activity. It was a wonderful weekend for us all.” Born Marjorie R. Champney on Feb. 19, 1910, in Lynn, Mass., Cook grew up in Nashua, N.H., where she became a renowned thespian, singer, pianist and the vice president of her high school class of 1927. In 1933, she married William Cook, and the couple raised three children in Dayton, Ohio. William passed away in 1990, and in 2008, Marjorie moved to St. Louis to live with her son, George, and his wife, Pamela, who reside in Creve Coeur. Marjorie remains in good health and takes no medications. She uses a walker, refusing a wheelchair unless going outside the house. George Cook said that one day he remarked to his mother that she never had been hospitalized, and her response was, “Oh yes I have. I had the three of you in the hospital.” George said that his mother always has watched her diet, eating fish, vegetables, fruit and very little red meat. She stayed busy, working as an executive assistant, on various church activities and with the literary society. Until 1999, Marjorie worked as a volunteer and guide at the Dayton Historical Society.

Marjorie Cook celebrates her 100th birthday.

Today, George said, his mother sometimes is frustrated that she no longer is able to do things that once came easily, but even at the age of 100, her memory is good. Marjorie remembers when her home in Nashua was wired for electricity and when her family got their first telephone. She remembers how frightened she was the first time she saw and heard an airplane flying overhead, and she remembers Charles Lindbergh’s flyover of Nashua during his historic tour. Asked if she knew the secret to living to be 100, Marjorie said, “Not really – just don’t drink, don’t smoke, and eat well.” George said that he cannot count the number of times over the years that he has heard his mother say, “Take one day at a time and do the best you can, and everything will work out fine.”

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I mature focus I 57

An adult bridge club meets at 2 p.m. on Tues., April 27 and the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at the St. Louis County Library Thornhill Branch. Registration is required. Call (314) 994-3300 or visit sclc.org. ••• “Best Kept Secrets to Minimize Estate A “Happy Easter” Senior Social is keep tee times open from 5-6 p.m. and Taxes and Ensure Fair Distributions” is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thurs., April 15 couples book at least four days in advance. at 5 p.m. on Wed., April 28 at Lindstrom & McKenney, Inc. (14159 Clayton Road in at Eureka Community Center. Admission For details, e-mail slcg1@sbcglobal.net. Town & Country). Debra Arlen Williams, ••• is $5 and includes lunch. To register, call A trivia night is at 7 p.m. (doors open a member of the United States Supreme 938-6775. at 6:30 p.m.) on Fri., April 23 at Bethesda Court Bar and the American Bar Associa••• “Bingo at the Library” is at 7 p.m. on Meadow (322 Old State Road in Ellisville). tion, is the featured speaker. Admission is Mon., April 19 at the St. Louis County Admission is $20 per person with eight $125 per couple/$75 per individual. SeatLibrary Thornhill Branch. Snacks, prizes people per table and includes 10 rounds of ing is limited. For reservations, call Joyce and free bingo are featured; no money is trivia, snacks and beverages. Cash prizes at 728-1575. ••• involved. To register, call (314) 994-3300 and a 50/50 drawing are featured. A portion The city of Eureka holds “An Evening of proceeds benefit the Bethesda Health or visit slcl.org. Group Foundation. For reservations, call with the Stars Senior (Citizen) Prom” ••• from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sat., May 1 at Lunch & Bingo is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Erica at (314) 449-1651. Eureka Community Center. Admission is ••• on Wed., April 21 at The Pointe at Ballwin The Lafayette Older Adults Program $12 per person. Registration by April 26 is Commons. Six rounds of bingo are followed by lunch, dessert and six more rounds of (L.O.A.P.S.) meets from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. required. Call 938-6775. on Mon., April 26 at Ballwin Golf Club ••• bingo. To register, call 227-8950. (333 Holloway Road). Guests bring a sack The St. Louis Genealogical Society pres••• St. Louis Couples Golf Friday night lunch; coffee, tea, soda and dessert are ents “Gems of Genealogical Wisdom,” an scrambles are on April 23, May 7 and 21, provided. The Missouri Botanical Garden all-day workshop, at 7:30 a.m. (doors open) June 4 and 25, July 9 and 23, Aug. 6 and presents a program before lunch, and bingo on Sat., May 15 at the Maryland Heights 20 and Sept. 3 and 17 at various area golf and card games follow lunch. Admission is Centre (2344 McKelvey Road). Presentations by national and local genealogy courses including Tapawingo, Ballwin, $1. To register, call 227-7508. experts, vendors and prizes are featured. ••• Aberdeen, and Crescent Farm. The courses

Admission is $40 for Society members/$60 for non-members registering before April 30. Lunch is available for $10. Call (314) 647-8547 or visit stlgs.org. ••• “The Joy of Grandparenting” meets from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday or Wednesday evenings at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center in Creve Coeur. Expectant grandparents visit the labor and delivery area, learn up-to-date information on birth and baby care and discuss ways to promote bonding with their grandchild. The course fee is $30. For more information, call (314) 961-2229. ••• “Today’s Grandparents” is offered from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday evenings at Missouri Baptist Medical Center in Town & Country. The course is designed to highlight the joys of grandparenting along with current trends in infant care and feeding. The course fee is $15. For more information, call (314) 996-5433. ••• “Grandparent’s Class” is offered from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday evenings at St. Luke’s Hospital in Chesterfield. The class for expectant grandparents reviews current hospital care for mother and baby, infant safety information and tips on being helpful as grandparents. The class fee is $15. Call (314) 205-6906.


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58 I mature focus I



The games seniors play St. Charles County Golden Games draw hundreds of participants By SHEILA FRAYNE RHOADES The St. Charles County Golden Games – the second largest senior games program in Missouri – are set for May 3-8. More than 600 men and women over the age of 50 will be participating, including visitors from Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas and California. The games are hosted at various locations in St. Charles County. The St. Charles County Golden Games, which originally included 30 athletic and 11 non-athletic events, were organized in 1987 to promote healthy lifestyles for those 55 and older. In 1996, the Golden Games joined the U.S. National Senior Organization (Senior Olympics), and eligibility opened up to anyone over the age of 50. Participants compete by age bracket, with brackets for those aged 50-54 to 95 and older. Today, the St. Charles County Golden Games are classified as a Senior Olympics “open event” and take place over a six-day period. Games include dozens of athletic and non-athletic events, ranging from bowling, tennis, cycling, track and field, volleyball and swimming to horseshoes, nail pounding, archery, electronic darts, casting, miniature golf and Wii bowling. Not all games are National Senior

Games events. The St. Charles County Golden Games Association remains an all-volunteer organization and is run by a board of directors and Planning Committee who are assisted by additional volunteers during the events. Jennifer Galantowicz, publicity director for the St. Charles County Golden Games and administrator for Oak Tree Village Retirement Community in St. Peters – this year’s host site for Golden Games contract bridge, shuffleboard, pinochle and euchre – said she is proud to be a board member. “I believe the games are a wonderful way to encourage those 50 and over to remain active,” Galantowicz said. “The games allow you to participate in so many events, either competitively or for the sheer enjoyment of playing a game.” The Golden Games remain affordable, requiring an entry fee of $25 that covers the costs of a participant T-shirt, a dinner at Stegton Banquet Center for the participant and a guest, plus all the games an individual can manage to schedule. The exception is golf, which requires an additional fee. “Dinner for two at a nice restaurant will cost most people at least $25, and when you put the $25 towards the games, you get so much in return - maybe even a gold, silver or bronze medal,” Galantowicz said.

Oak Tree Village Retirement Community residents Fay Masters, left, and Geri Lammert enjoy participating in the St. Charles County Golden Games.

Oak Tree Village resident Fay Masters, 83, joined in the games playing pinochle when she moved five years ago to the retirement community. “I love meeting folks from town and playing card games,” Masters said. “It’s just a lot of fun.” While registration for this year’s Golden Games is closed, there still are opportunities for volunteers to assist at the various venues, and spectators always are welcome. Those interested in volunteering should contact Volunteer Director Sara Denother at 240-1143. More information on the Golden Games is online at sccgoldengames.org.


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prime. Your guide to the area’s finest new homes

New Home Guide

60 I prime. Your guide to new homes



2003 prices at Whittaker’s New Town at St. Charles

Back in 2003 gas prices hit a thenrecord high of $1.79 a gallon. These days that’s a bargain. But a better bargain is right now at Whittaker Homes’ The New Town at St. Charles, where Whittaker recently lowered its prices to the level they were in 2003 when New Town opened. This unusual price rollback on singlefamily and cottage homes means a savings of from $50,000 to $80,000. “It’s for a limited time only,” noted Whittaker Homes President Greg Whittaker. Buyers are taking advantage of lower prices, low mortgage rates and the federal tax credit which expires April 30, he said. “If you wish you had bought in New Town at the beginning when prices were at their lowest,” Whittaker said, “here’s your chance.” For example, a four-bedroom, twobath ranch with two-car garage normally priced from $242,500 is now priced from $164,500. As part of the program, Whittaker also lowered the prices on New Town’s popular Tarn Street lakefront homes to the $180’s. “We have contracts on nine of them,” he said. In 2003, New Town was established as the first true New Urbanism development in Missouri and one of the premier Traditional neighborhoods in the country, designed in the mold of Seaside, Florida. Seven years later, New Town has eclipsed Seaside in growth and amenities. New Town is designed to accommodate a wide price range of homes and small businesses

in a setting that combines old with new, creating a town reminiscent of the past where children can ride their bikes to the corner market or ice cream shop and residents can walk to restaurants and bars like the new Padavan’s, a New York-style eatery. Residents can enjoy shopping at Marsala’s Market, the new Haute Cakes Bakery, fun under the sun at Shire Lane Pool, sand volleyball, an ice-skating rink and a full yearly schedule of music festivals, all of which contribute to the stimulating atmosphere. “There are so many things to do at New Town,” said Whittaker. “It’s just an unbelievable place.” More than half of the residents in New Town live, work and play within the comfort of their own neighborhood, which is what helped make New Town the bestselling development out of 18,600 communities in 16 states in the past three years and one of the top 100 places in America to raise a family. Last year more than 180 families moved to New Town, Whittaker said. “I don’t think there’s any other development that even comes close to that!” “We had 55 sales in the first quarter,” crowed Greg Whittaker, president of Whittaker Homes and developer of The New Town at St. Charles. “That’s the best sales we’ve had in those months since 2007.” To visit New Town take Highway 364 to north on New Town Boulevard 1.5 miles to the entrance on the right. Call 636-9492700 or visit www.newtownatstcharles. com.

Your guide to new homes prime. I 61

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62 I prime. Your guide to new homes



News and notes on new home builders


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Last week the average national average for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages increased to 5.21 percent, the highest it has been since August 2009. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has said in no uncertain terms that he wants to keep short-term interest rates low for an extended period of time. But that won’t stop mortgage rates from rising. Take it from a man who knows: “Rates aren’t going any lower,” advised Al Will, president of Gershman Mortgage in Clayton. “Now is the best time to buy or refinance.” Clayton-based Gershman Mortgage financed over $250 million in singlefamily and multi-family loans in its fiscal first quarter and is the oldest independent mortgage company in St. Louis. The National Association of Realtors, which not surprisingly takes a optimistic view of the real estate business, predicts a surge in sales in April, May and June, but then a subsequent sales decline in the thirdquarter. This tracks with the new-home selling season in St. Louis, which usually sees a pickup in sales in the early part of the fourth quarter. The Realtors also are projecting that 30-year fixed rates could climb to 5.86% by year’s end, reinforcing Gershman President Al Will’s caveat. Even more compelling, Uncle Sam’s $8,000 first-timer and $6,500 move-up buyer tax credit incentive is set to expire April 30. Homes must be closed on by June 30 to qualify. Nationally, the jury is still out on whether the expansion of the federal homebuyer tax credit last fall produced the expected surge of home purchases. One loan officer in San Francisco reported that the tax credit’s lure has waned since last fall. However in St. Louis, at least, it seems to have worked well. “The market has improved dramatically from what it was a year ago,” McKelvey Homes President Jim Brennan said recently. “We’re planning on doing 60 homes this year, which is almost double what we did in 2009.” Brennan gives props to the tax credit and low interest rates for driving sales in the last quarter of 2009 and first quarter of 2010. Greg Whittaker, president of Whittaker Homes, had a similar experience. “We had

55 sales in the first quarter. Those are the best sales we’ve had in those months since 2007.” What happens to the market after the federal tax incentive goes away? Check back here next month and I’ll let you know. Here’s what else is going on: Fischer & Frichtel is now offering more affordable price points at its 16 communities, while still maintaining the firm’s enduring reputation for top-quality homes, according to CEO John Fischer. “Faced with financial uncertainty and increasingly strict mortgage qualifications, pricing has become the homebuyer’s paramount concern,” Fischer said. “We want people who thought they could never afford a Fischer & Frichtel home to realize that they now have that opportunity.” Fischer & Frichtel has introduced a company-wide program to meet the needs of today’s consumers that includes working closely with homebuyers to build the home of their dreams at a price they can afford. “The ability and willingness to customize have always been a Fischer & Frichtel hallmark,” noted Sales Manager Linda Linden. For information visit any Fischer & Frichtel community. Thomas & Suit Homes has broken ground on a new inventory home, the Sassafras II, on a wooded homesite in Wyndgate Forest near Highway N and Highway 40 in St. Charles County. Based on the current Sassafras display, the new Sassafras II ranch has more than 2,600 square feet and will feature three bedrooms, two baths (the bedrooms are “split” with the master on the opposite side of the home from the other bedrooms), plus a study, open kitchen, breakfast room and hearth room; a covered porch; dining room; and great room with fireplace. All of the living areas, with the exception of the bedrooms and study, will have 11-foot ceilings. Hardwood floors will be in the foyer, kitchen, breakfast room and hearth room. This inventory home marks the debut of the Sassafras II plan, and will be priced at $365,000. For information, call Community Sales Manager Christy Brandt at 636-561-2120, or visit www.tshomes.net.


Your guide to new homes prime. I 63


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Enter t ai n ment

I 67

City of Ellisville and Trailnet

BikeaBle WalkaBle Community Plan First PuBliC WorkshoP

Tickets are on sale for Michael Buble’s June 25 performance at Scottrade Center.

BENEFITS Bob Costas Benefit with Jennifer Hudson and Jimmy Fallon, April 17, The Fox Theatre

CONCERTS The Guess Who, April 15, Ameristar Casino Ben Folds, April 16, Chaifetz Arena Trans-Siberian Orchestra, April 18, The Fox Theatre Mark Knopfler, April 22, The Fox Theatre Amy Grant, April 25, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band, April 29, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Jeff Beck, April 29, The Fox Theatre Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra’s “Classical Mystery Tour: A Tribute to the Beatles,” April 30, Powell Symphony Hall Mama’s Pride, April 30-May 1, Wildwood Springs Lodge Pearl Jam, May 4, Scottrade Center Poco with Richie Furay, May 7-8, Wildwood Springs Lodge Brad Paisley with Darius Rucker, May 29, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Styx/Foreigner with special guest Cirque du Soleil showcases acrobatics in its production of “Alegria,” May 5-9 at Chaifetz Arena. (“Manipulation” photo by Camirand; costume by Dominique Lemieux.)

Kansas, June 4, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Liza Minnelli with the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra, June 5, Powell Symphony Hall Diana Ross, June 6, Fox Theatre Dave Matthews Band, June 16, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Tim McGraw with Lady Antebellum and Love and Theft, June 19, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Sting with The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, June 23, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater The Eagles with Dixie Chicks, June 24, Busch Stadium Michael Buble, June 25, Scottrade Center

Legendary rock guitarist Jeff Beck plays on April 29 at The Fox Theatre.

Ellisville Park Administration Building 225 Kiefer Creek Road • Ellisville, MO 63021

Join us to learn about the plan and share your ideas to make Ellisville a better place to walk and bike. Call (636)227-7508 for information or visit: www.ellisville.mo.us.com

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FAMILY & KIDS Harlem Globetrotters 2010 World Tour, April 17, Chaifetz Arena Smucker’s Stars on Ice, May 7, Scottrade Center

LIVE PERFORMANCES “Menopause the Musical,” through May 8, The Playhouse at Westport Plaza “Madea’s Big Happy Family,” April 23-24, Chaifetz Arena “Tartuffe,” April 23-May 9, Fontbonne University Black Box Theatre “Avenue Q,” April 30-May 2, The Fox Theatre “High Society,” April 30-May 8, Robert G. Reim Theatre Cirque du Soleil’s “Alegria,” May 5-9, Chaifetz Arena

tickets and information Ameristar Casino: tickets.com, 940-4965 Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center: touhill.org, (314) 516-4949 Busch Stadium: livenation.com, cardinals.com, (314) 345-9000 Chaifetz Arena: thechaifetzarena.com, (314) 977-5000

Tuesday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m.

Fox Theatre: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 The Playhouse at Westport Plaza: theplayhouseatwestport. com, (314) 469-7529 Powell Symphony Hall: slso. org, (314) 534-1700 Robert G. Reim Theatre: ktgonstage.org, (314) 821-9956

Scottrade Center: ticketmaster. com, (314) 241-1888 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater: livenation.com, (877) 5988703 Wildwood Springs Lodge: wildwoodspringslodge.com, (573) 775-2400

Lindenwood University is Coming to Wildwood! Your Degree is Closer Than Ever Check out our new campus Wildwood Town Center • Wildwood, MO • 16747 Main Street One mile east of Hwy. 109

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Com mu n it y Event s ART


“The Sorcerer & The Apprentice,” an exhibit of works of more than 30 faculty and student artists enrolled in educational programming at Chesterfield Arts, opens with a free public reception from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Fri., April 16 at The Gallery at Chesterfield Arts. The exhibit features a variety of media and runs through June 9. Call 519-1955 or visit chesterfieldarts.org. ••• The Rockwood Art Show is from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., April 24 and Sun., April 25 at Wildwood Middle School (17401 Manchester Road in Wildwood). More than 6,900 students artists from throughout the Rockwood School District display their works. Call Matt Frederickson at 938-2331 or visit rockwood.k12. mo.us/curriculum/finearts.

••• The West St. Louis County Eureka Lions Barbecue is from 10:30 a.m. until sundown every Friday and Saturday through Sat., May 1 at Hwy. 109 and Central Ave. in Eureka. Ribs, pork steaks, chicken, bratwurst, sandwiches and dinners are served with proceeds benefiting charitable causes, including Missouri School for the Blind, Lions Eye Research and Eye Clinic, college scholarships to Eureka High School seniors, care packages to troops overseas, and a summer youth swimming program for area children. To order Friday lunch delivery, call (314) 807-1348. ••• The Parkway Central High School/ Project Graduation Indoor Rummage Sale is from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sat., April 17 at the high school (369 N. Woods Mill Road in Chesterfield). Household items, toys, books, baby items, clothing, furniture, sports equipment, small electronics and prom and party dresses are featured. Payment is by cash only. Call Tammy Crawford at (314) 542-9882 or visit pchprojectgraduation.org. ••• The Salon Escape Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation fundraiser is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sat., April 17 at the salon (50 Clarkson Wilson Centre in Ches-

BENEFITS The St. Louis Idol Karaoke Contest benefiting BackStoppers holds qualifying rounds at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays through April 27 at Helen Fitzgerald’s (3650 S. Lindbergh Blvd.), at 8 p.m. on Fri., April 16 at Bommar’s Sports Bar (4621 Beck Ave.), at 8 p.m. on Fri., April 23 at Keeton’s Double Play (4944 Christy Blvd.), and at 7 p.m. on Sun., April 25 at Ivory Coast (7637 Ivory Ave.). The “Grand Finale” is at 7 p.m. on Sat., May 8 at Keeton’s Double Play. Visit

terfield). Guests pay $25 and choose three services from a menu of several options, and 100 percent of proceeds are donated to JDRF. For details and reservations, call 220-8000. ••• Jeff Computers holds a Circle Of Concern Food Drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat., April 17 at its new location at 14366 Manchester Road in Manchester. Those donating a non-perishable food item receive a free computer dusting; Study X Learning Software, regularly $39.99, is $10 with a donation to Circle. Free hot dogs, soda and chips also are featured. Visit jeffcomputers.com. ••• The Makeshift Gentlemen helps Rebuilding Together-St. Louis kick off its Rebuilding Day at 9 p.m. on Fri., April 23 at the VooDoo Lounge at Harrah’s (777 Casino Center Drive in Maryland Heights). Four bands perform, and The Makeshift Gentlemen will donate advance concert tickets, 20 percent of CD and merchandise sales from the evening and other donations collected on behalf of Rebuilding Together-St. Louis, an organization that repairs homes and creates safe living environments for those in the area needing assistance. For more information and tickets for The Makeshift Gentlemen, The Matt Rowland Band, The Goodtime Engineers and Rooster Funk, visit tinyurl.com/ yzxf2a9 or call (314) 918-9918, ext. 21. ••• The Give Kids A Smile “Great Minds

and Hearts” Trivia Night is at 6:30 p.m. on Fri., April 30 at the Maryland Heights Center Auditorium. A silent auction also is featured. Tables for 10 can be reserved for $20 per person, with sponsorships also available. Call 397-6453 or visit gkas.org. ••• The West St. Louis County Eureka Lions “Bowling for Sight” is at 6:30 p.m. on Wed., May 5 at West County Lanes in Ellisville. Bowling, 50/50 drawings and attendance prizes are featured. Proceeds benefit charitable causes, such as the Missouri School for the Blind, Lions Eye Research and Eye Clinic, college scholarships to local high school seniors, care packages to troops overseas and the Lions summer youth swimming program. To register (required), pick up a registration form at West County Lanes or call Steve Downs at 391-9111. ••• The American Cancer Society hosts “Winearoo” from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thurs., May 6 at Dave Mungenast Lexus of St. Louis in Manchester. Guests enjoy wine tasting from wineries across the bistate region. An art show, jewelry, hors d’oeuvres, cooking demonstrations and live entertainment also are featured. Admission is $20. For tickets, call (314) 286-8157 or visit celebaroo.org. ••• The West County Walk, a 5k walk benefiting the St. Louis Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, is at 8:30 a.m. on Sun., May 9, starting at Lafayette High

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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM School and concluding at the Wildwood Town Center. Shuttle busses return participants to the high school. The registration fee is $25, $20 of which is donated directly to the Komen St. Louis affiliate. For more information and to register, visit thewestcountywalk.com. ••• Friends of St. Luke’s hosts “Heart & Soul,” a gala benefit for the St. Luke’s Hospital Robert Paine, M.D. Heart Institute, at 6 p.m. on Sat., May 15 at The Sheldon Concert Hall. A cocktail reception, performance by Dionne Warwick and dessert with the performer are featured. For ticket information, call (314) 576-2345 or visit stlukes-stl.com/gala. ••• The annual Ballwin Police Department Charity Golf Scramble to benefit The Backstoppers, Inc. is at 12:15 p.m. on Mon., June 14 at Ballwin Community Golf Course. Lunch is provided by McAlister’s Deli and a barbecue dinner follows the tournament. Prizes and an appearance by Rams Cheerleaders also are featured. The cost is $75 per golfer/$300 per team with hole sponsorships available. Call Rob Rogers at 227-2650 or Dan Hawk at 2072318.

FAMILY & KIDS The city of Eureka hosts a Pepsi Pitch,

Hit & Run Competition from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thurs., April 22 (rain date is April 27) at Legion Park Field #7. To register, call 938-6775. ••• Chesterfield Earth Day is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., April 24 at Central City Park (16365 Lydia Hill Drive). Free confidential document shredding, used athletic shoe recycling, household electronics “e-cycling,” book and phone book recycling and medication take-back; native tree giveaways; collection of compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), battery packs for power tools and plastic pot containers; and more than 50 exhibitors showcasing and selling eco-friendly products are featured. Call 537-4000 or visit chesterfield.mo.us. ••• The Ballwin, Chesterfield and Ellisville Parks and Recreation Departments host a Pitch, Hit, and Run program for children aged 7-14 at 10 a.m. on Sat., April 24 (rain date is at 6 p.m. on Mon., May 3) at the Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex. Participants compete in baseball and softball divisions and have the opportunity to advance through multiple levels of competition, including the National Finals at the 2010 All-Star Game. Participation is free; a copy of the child’s birth certificate must be presented at the time of registration. To register, call 227-7508.

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••• The Spring Into Fitness Family Festival is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., April 24 at Wellbridge Athletic Club (998 Woods Mill Road). A 1-mile fun run, outdoor family fitness classes, demonstrations, refreshments, giveaways and more are featured. Call 207-3000 or visit wellbridgeathleticclubandspa.com/townandcountry. ••• The city of Eureka holds a MotherSon Prom from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fri., April 30 at the Eureka Community Center. Admission is $18 for a mother and one son and an additional $2 for each additional son. To register, call 938-6775. ••• The Ellisville Elks hold their annual Youth Day from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun., May 2 at the Ellisville Elks Lodge (1007 New Ballwin Road in Ballwin). Games, attendance prizes, youth awareness information, a bounce house, race cars, food are more are featured. Admission is free. Call 227-0404.

LIVE PERFORMANCES The city of Eureka presents Concerts on Central featuring Bobby and the Big Wheels at 6:30 p.m. on Fri., April 16 on Central Avenue between Dreyer and Frisco Avenues in Eureka. Call 938-6775. •••

Marquette High School Theatre Company presents “Thoroughly Modern Millie” at 7 p.m. on Fri., April 16 and Sat., April 17 at Marquette High School (2351 Clarkson Road). Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Call 891-6000. ••• Y-Rep Troupers presents “Goldilocks? and the Three? Bears” at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on Fri., April 23, at 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Sat., April 24 and at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Sun., April 25 at West County Family YMCA (16464 Burkhardt Place in Chesterfield). Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students, seniors and children. Call 532-6515. ••• West County Fellowship presents “Blue Like Jazz//Live,” a solo theatrical, multi-media performance starring Jason Hildebrand, at 8 p.m. on Sat., April 24 at West County Family YMCA Community Theatre. Call (314) 854-0163 or visit westcountyfellowship.org. ••• Chesterfield Arts presents “So You Know You Can Dance,” a showcase of local dance talent, at 7 p.m. on Fri., April 30 at The Purser Center at Logan College of Chiropractic (1851 Schoettler Road in Chesterfield). Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children aged 12 and younger. Call 519-1955 or visit chesterfieldarts.org.

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Drunken Fish keeps innovation on the roll said. “It’s our version of home fries. These are made with By SUZANNE CORBETT Innovation is the force driving the success of The Japanese sweet potatoes and are caramelized and sprinkled Drunken Fish Sushi Restaurant & Lounge. Since opening with black sesame seeds.” Another sushi variation is a selection of rolls using thinly in 2003, its chefs have presented Japanese sushi classics alongside new, creative combinations that even the sushi- sliced cucumber and/or daikon radish as the sushi wrapper instead of nori, the traditional seaweed sheets. shy embrace. “Nori can be salty, so this interpretation allows for a “There’s an endless assortment of sushi combinations, and our chefs work hard to create new and different things totally different flavor,” Schiller siad. “I really like the all the time,” said Allison Schiller, Drunken Fish market- cucumber wrapper because it’s so refreshing. We’re the only place in St. Louis making sushi like this.” ing director. Drunken Fish serves makimono, too. To that end, the restaurant recently rolled out about 30 “Makimono has fish and other ingredients and rice while new menu items, including the Big Easy Roll, which is filled with spicy shrimp, lettuce and asparagus and topped sushi is just one item over or wrapped with rice,” Schiller said. with seared blackened tuna and Cajun spices. Among the signature makimono items is the Drunken The Starburst Roll – crab, Japanese mayo, shrimp Thinking outside the bento box – and a great take on the mini “sammy” craze – is Drunken Fish’s take on the Fish Roll, a tightly wrapped roll with shrimp tempura, tempura, avocado, tarnago and masago wrapped in soy paper and topped with honey-wasabi mayo and spicy slider, an excellent example of Asian fusion. The Japanese asparagus and Japanese mayo crowned with tuna, sprouts, sauce – is a Drunken Fish signature makimono selection. slider is built on a fluffy, steamed bun that is stuffed with masago, tempura crumbs, and eel sauce. The Philly Roll, perfect for sushi neophytes, is filled with salmon, avocado, a seasoned tuna or pork mixture. “You’ll want to try the sticky fries with those,” Schiller and cream cheese. like the Sake Waterfall, the Saketini, and the Sake Peach For non-sushi-eating patrons, there are beef, chicken Ball. Japanese brews such as Sapporo Reserve, Asahi and and pork options. Grilled and dressed with Asian spices Kirin Ichiban are good before or paired with dinner. Drunken Fish are Chicken or Filet Mignon Teriyaki and the Judo Chop The Drunken Fish hosts happy hours along with menu 639 Westport Plaza Drive • (314) 275-8300 – a marinated pork chop seared and basted in a soy sauce specials from 5-7 p.m. and again from 10:30 p.m. until Lunch: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday – Friday glaze. Fried chicken lovers appreciate the Chicken Katsu, close. Dinner: 5 to10 p.m., Sunday and Monday; 5 to 11 p.m., a Japanese breaded and deep fried chicken breast. Tempura Drunken Fish’s exotic fare and sleek design combine Tuesday and Wednesday; 5 to midnight, Thursdayis a must have on any Japanese menu and Drunken Fish to deliver a dining experience unlike any other in the St. Saturday has three: vegetable, shrimp or lobster, each fried light and Louis area. www.drunkenfish.com crispy and served with miso soup and a house salad. “It’s our goal to provide the ultimate dining experience Cockatils are as varied as the food with an impressive while showcasing world-class Japanese cuisine,” Schiller selection of premium sakes – the catalyst for unique drinks said.

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I 75

W E S T c l a ss i f i e d s Computer Services


City of Clarkson Valley, Missouri

Notice is hereby given: That the Clarkson Valley Board of Aldermen, will at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at the Fru-Con Center, 15933 Clayton Road, hold a public hearing to consider amending Section 405.095.E.5.n; when applying for new construction in the “PC” district, this change in language would make it necessary to include plans for both attached or unattached signs to the structures; and a change to Section 405.120: Special Use Regulations allowing buildings, structures or uses within a “PC” district more than one freestanding or attached business sign as limited by 505.090.A, informational sign as limited by 505.090.B or business sign per building as limited by 505.090.D. Scott Douglass, Mayor City of Clarkson Valley

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Hauling Services


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76 I



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W E S T r e a l est a te


Residents who raise bison find it challenging to meet demand for meat By Julie Brown Patton When Janice and Steve Smyth sing “Home on the Range,” their lyrics become “where the deer and the buffalo play.” The Wildwood residents live and work in the city, but chose to raise buffalo to balance their children’s exposure to different lifestyles. Their 23 buffaloes, simultaneously called bison, stay on a farm that the Smyths own in central Missouri. “Buffalo are one of the few animals people can raise with such independence,” Janice said. “They can withstand cold temperatures, and typically don’t need human input. However, neighbors do keep watch on them, and we spend many weekends with them.” Janice said their jobs were still in the St. Louis area, but they really wanted to farm as well. She works as a consultant to a physicians’ group, and Steve is a computer analyst. They have had buffaloes since 2002. They said these native animals are good for land, with their hoof action providing percolation for better water management. In their first years of meat production at Seven Thunder Bison, they sold directly to customers at local St. Louis farmers’ markets. “Meat was going for a premium,” Janice said. “But we couldn’t keep up with the demand.” Industry statistics indicate that buffalo meat has 70 to 90 percent less fat compared to beef, and on average, has 50 percent less cholesterol. It is higher in protein, iron and all the omega and amino acids. The Smyths’ bison meat is sold at Anthony’s Produce Inc. in St. Peters; Schlafly’s Bottleworks in Maplewood; and through Fair Shares, a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program, which is run similarly to a co-op through which members receive weekly deliveries of meats, vegetables, breads, pastas, fruit and eggs. As a non-profit organization, CSA members share the risks and benefits of producers, including poor harvests due to pests or weather conditions. “We really like and support ‘buy local’ initiatives,” Janice said. She said buffaloes grow slower than cattle, and are slaughtered when they reach about 1,000 pounds at 24 to 30 months old. Their herd is grass-fed, with no antibiotics or hormones used. Seven Thunder Bison provides ground buffalo meat, steaks, roasts, summer sausage, bratwurst, snack sticks, fajita meat and stew meat. The Smyths tried planting native grasses

I 77

The key to success. 295 Cove Landing Drive - Wildwood This stunning meticulously maintained 1.5 story home is situated on a gorgeous lot with a treed backdrop and a view of the lake! For a free 24 hour re corded message regarding this property, please call 1-800-628-1775 ext 1306!

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Condo w/ Great Access to Hwy 44 & 64/40! 2B /2B, 1st fl, bonus room, Parkway South, washer/dryer, refrig, microwave, stove/oven, disposal, carport (1car) Lease w/ Option to Buy or Rental Rate $1,050 Owner / Broker


for the herd when they first got them, but said Missouri’s fescue grass crowded out the other species. The herd is held behind a 5-and-a-half feet tall fence. “If buffalo are happy, they won’t roam,” Janice said. “They did get out one time when we left a gate open. But overnight, they came back to their own field.” Handling buffaloes can be a little tricky, the Smyths admit, but said that as long as people work with their natural instincts, everything usually turns out fine. “They are very curious creatures,” Janice said. “Once buffalo realize they are enclosed, however, their personalities change 180 degrees. They get upset and on-guard. And people should simply stay completely away from a momma buffalo with her calf.” The Smyths made the deliberate decision not to try to make pets of their buffaloes. She said they are just so strong, they could truly hurt someone inadvertently if they forgot and treated humans like another buffalo. She said the most frequent question she is asked is about the difference between the terms bison and buffalo. “There is no difference,” Janice said. “Technically, we believe bison was the first term used. But it seems Americans started calling them buffaloes by confusing them with water buffaloes.” The Smyths said their goal is to retire to the farm. “Buffaloes sure make a beautiful outline on the horizon at sunset,” Janice said.

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Offered at $304,900 Located less than two miles from St. Albans Country Club. Choose between two master suites - upper level or main level. Unique home with over 3300 square foot of living area on over six acres of privately situated ground. Includes two substancially sized outbuildings in addition to the two car garage at the lower level of the home. Features decking, gazebo, walk-out lower level, hardwood floors, remodeled kitchen and more! Priced $30,000 BELOW Franklin County assessed value. Warranted Home. $304,900 MLS # 90052862.

3672 Bassett Woods Dr.

Offered at $219,000 Get much more than you’ll pay for with this four bedroom, three bath, all electric, two story home! Features include zoned HVAC, hardwood floors, full masonry fireplace, master bedroom and bath suite, three car garage, decking, main floor laundry room, walk-out lower level with rough in for fireplace and bath. Includes two acres of ground in restricted subdivision. Warranted Home. $219,000 MLS # 10017256.

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1248 Marsh Ave. - Ellisville - $173,000 Updated ranch on half acre park setting! Gorgeous kitchen with custom cabinets, stainless appliances, and tile floor. Family room with brick fireplace, large picture window overlooking backyard, and rear double doors leading outside. Huge deck! w Ne



259 Falling Leaves Ct. - Creve Coeur - $593,000 Fabulous home in Ladue Lake Estates! This stunning 1.5 story greets you with large pillars and circle driveway. Over 4,400 sq. ft. of finished living space. Almost an acre of land overlooking a beautiful lake. Very private!

1532 Candish Ln. - Chesterfield - $395,000 First Class 2- Story. Meticulous care & attention to detail is evident throughout. Lots of space incl. formal dining and 4-season rooms! Professionally finished lower level and great neighborhood.





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855 Woodside Trails Dr. - Ballwin - $225,000 Fabulous end unit villa! Almost 1600 sq ft on main level, plus finished lower level with bedroom and full bath! Built in bookcases, fireplace, rear deck, rear patio. Community has pool and tennis courts.

1282 White Rd. - Chesterfield - $290,000 Beautiful 2-story with circular driveway! Grand entry through leaded glass door, formal dining room, separate living room and family room with cozy brick fireplace. HUGE bedrooms all with either double or walk in closets! New deck, updated kitchen, must see!

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503 Arbor Meadow Dr. - Ballwin - $329,000 Spacious family home with bedroom on main level and 4 more bedrooms upstairs! Family room boasts fireplace and built in bookshelves. Updated kitchen and breakfast room with glass doors to large deck in rear. Your family will love the finished basement with full bath and huge rec room.

2119 SADDLE CREEK RIDGE WILDWOOD Stunning 1.5 sty, private lot, gourmet kitchen, granite, custom island, hearth rm, 2 fireplaces, luxury master suite, 4 additional BRs, numerous custom amenities, 3 car garage. $1,250,000



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CHESTERFIELD Beautifully appointed 2

6932 Ravenscroft Dr. - St. Louis - $185,000 Classic beauty with modern touches throughout. Hardwood floors, custom cabinets, stainless appliances. Bonus Sun Room off rear, 4 bedrooms, new carpet, new windows, new A/C and roof!

705 Cliffside Dr. - St. Clair - $230,000 Lakeside living! Enjoy the good life in this one of a kind ranch on a 15 acre fishing-only lake which adjoins to a 35 acre lake! Vaulted ceilings, custom cabinets, French doors and many more first class touches. Enjoy sunsets on your TimberTech deck under a Sunsetter awning!

603 Charbray Dr. - Ballwin - $270,000 Stately 2-story in great neighborhood. Side entry garage, formal living room and separate dining room. Families will love level backyard, screened sun room, and swimming at nearby Ballwin Water Park. Tons of space and new carpeting.

sty w/inground pool. Lovely wood floors on main level, gourmet kitchen, large master suite, finished w/o LL, rec rm, bdr & full bath. 3 car side entry gar.$699,900


CHESTERFIELD Beautiful 1.5 sty in the

popular Stonebriar Subd. Over 3800 sq ft, 4BR, 4.5ba, fin LL w/full bath, sleeping rm, family rm, office. 3 car garage, security and sprinkler system. $599,000

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CHESTERFIELD Stunning three bedroom

attached home. Surrounded by private courtyards. Completeley updated. Centrally located. $399,900

18715 Babler Meadows Dr. Wildwood • $579,000 Gorgeous granite kitchen highlights this professionally decorated atrium ranch. 3 Acre Wooded Lot. 2 frpl, 3c gar Fin LL. Bay windows, Hdwd Flrs, New HAVAC, Spectacular Home!! Call Mike Leeker 314-435-4040 www.MikeLeeker.com

331 Runnymede Creve Coeur • $499,900 Classic Creve Coeur ranch with amazing updates from top to bottom! High end kitchen, roof, windows, built-ins, and a MURPHY bed! Call Robin Williams 314-401-0155

2005 Shep Ct Chesterfield • $379,000 Remodeled Granite kitchen, 42” Cabs, Gas Island Stove, Dbl Oven. Newer Roof, & Siding 07. Huge 1/3 Ac Fenced Lot! New 2006 Zoned H&C!! Fabulous Updates! Call Mike Leeker 314-435-4040 www.MikeLeeker.com




2308 Coventry Farm Court Chesterfield • $340,000 LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT...3bdms w/4th& ba in prof. fin. LL. Park-like fenced yd, gorgeous kitchen/special master suite w/His & Her’s cherry closets & gorgeous bath. Skylight/ vaults/cul-de-sac. Call Barb Woodham 314-346-2272 www.RELadyProperties.com

1948 Still Creek Pass Wildwood • $334,900 BEAUTIFUL SPACIOUS 5BR 3BA 2STY on lovely pro-landscaped wooded lot! Much new, upgrades galore! Knockout Kit! Fab Fin LL! Deck, patio w/terrific views! Call Chris Ronberg 314-922-4358 ChrisRonberg.com

16806 Enderbush Eureka • $295,900 WONDERFUL 4 Bd. 3.5 Bath w/ HUGE Fin W/Out Lower! Hardwd & Tile Floors, Arch Doorways, Open Flow for Entertaining, Loft/Office Level Yard & More! Call Stephanie Thompson 314-479-4555 stephaniethompsonrealtor.com

983 WELLINGTON WOODS COURT EUREKA Better than new - granite, window treatments, private yard/woods, FR, LR and den, bonus room upstairs, fireplace, 4BR, 2.5 ba. $299,900


MANCHESTER Spectacular updates- 3-

4BR, 2ba, bamboo wood flrs, neutral paint, crown molding, adult-height custom vanity, unbelievable landscaping! 2 blinds, updated lighting fixtures. $195,000





601 CASTLE RIDGE DR (BALLWIN) Great price on this ranch home with 4BR, 3ba and a 3 car garage. Flr-to-ceiling fireplace, wood flrs, updated kit, main flr laundry, fin walkout LL. $379,900 713 VILLAGE WOOD CT (BALLWIN) Updated 1.5 sty with 3BR, 2.5ba and a 2 car garage. Updated kitchen, SS appliances, mn flr laundry, master with full bath & 2 walk-in $224,900 412 GREAT HILL (BALLWIN) Charming, updated 1.5 sty. Maple cabinets, bay window, skylights, fabulous patio and fenced yard. Community pool and Parkway Schools. $160,000 1584 DEXTER WOODS DR (CHESTERFIELD) Beautifully updated and maintenance free 2 story home in Chesterfield with 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Walk to Parkway West schools! $325,000 15620 HIGHCROFT (CHESTERFIELD) Outstanding large 3BR, 2.5ba ranch w/updates galore. 42 kitch cabs w/granite counter & wd flr. Upscale mstr bath. Shows like a model! $299,900 207 AMBRIDGE CT #203 (CHESTERFIELD) Spacious 3BR, 2ba condo in secure bldg. FR rm W/FP open to porch. Luxurey MBR suite w/Jacuzzi. SW pool, tennis & club. $229,900 1590 TERRA VISTA (CREVE COEUR) Fabulous former display attached villa w/upgrades everywhere. Granite, custom cab, wood flrs, stainless appliances, fin LL, W/O, wet bar, 3BR/3ba. $390,000 12917 PORTULACA, #129 (CREVE COEUR) Main level 2BR, 2bh condo with garage. Newer windows, carpet, ceramic, paint, vanities and more. $118,500 1331 PARKVIEW EST DR (ELLISVILLE) Like new townhouse w/attached garage, 2BR/2.5ba. Newer wood floors main level, eat-in kitchen w/42 cabinets; laundry rm 2nd floor. Loft area. $159,900 315 WHITEHALL (MANCHESTER) Updated split level home on quiet street.Fenced yard. 4BR, 2 full bath, spacious kitchen & breakfast rm. LL family rm, 2 car garage. Great home. $179,900 1338 ROTH HILL (MARYLAND HTS) Charming split located in Maryland Heights close major hwys. Shopping, 3BR, 2ba, large fenced yard, 2 car garage. Home Protection Plan. $149,900 11991-F VILLA DORADO (UNINC STL CO) Wonderful 2BR, 1ba upper level condo facing trees. Updated kitchen with neutral cabinets, living/dining rm combo, tilt-in windows, deck. $79,000 16347 WYNNCREST FALLS WAY (WILDWOOD) 1.5 sty. Gorgeous lot backs to trees. 2sty great rm, fabulous kitchen, granite, wood flrs, adjoins hearth rm, 2FP, luxury master suite. $824,900 1631 WILDHORSE PKWY (WILDWOOD) Gorgeous atrium ranch with open floor plan, wood floors, great room overlooking atrium, gourmet kitchen with 42 cabinets, 5BR, 3.5ba. $564,900 1622 HIGHLAND VALLEY CIRCLE (WILDWOOD) WOW! Check out the 2001 Red Corvette in the 3 car garage included in the sale of this beautiful 4BR/3.5b home. Fin LL. $469,900 507 PROSPECTOR RIDGE DR (WILDWOOD) Awsome 2 sty loaded w/updates! Hardie Board siding, updated kit cab, granite, appliances, wood flrs, updated baths, newer roof. $400,000 160 JUBILEE HILL DR #1 (WILDWOOD) STUNNING Former Display! 2BR, 2ba. Vaulted ceilings, newer windows, gorgeous design! Close to Wildwood Town Center. $119,000

New Homes Div


1506 QUAIL HOLLOW COURT WILDWOOD Stunning 1.5 story 5 years new. Private French Country house sits on 1 acre lot & backs to trees. 2 tiered composite deck, oversized stamp concete patio. W/O LL w/ tall pour. $769,000


WILDWOOD Stunning custom ranch on 3

acres 3c garage. 4BR/3.5ba, open flr pln, high ceilings, btlr pntry. Circle drive, plenty of storage/closets. Rockwood Schools Priced better than right! $650,000


CHESTERFIELD One of the largest 2 sty

on premium private lot! Huge fam rm open to gourmet kitch w/granite, ss appl & tile flr. Wood flrs on ML. Luxury mstr bath. Updates galore! $419,900

16112 SAMUEL STUART DRIVE Beautiful 2sty on a secluded wooded acre lot with fantastic view & open floor plan, Feat: 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 3car garage, screened porch, FP. $329,000



UNINC ST LOUIS Open floorplan ranch

with 3BR, 2.5ba on main. Low maintenance siding, newer windows, flooring throughout. Extensive fin LL. Backs to trees! $243,990


UNINC Wonderfully updated 3BR/1.5ba

on quiet street in a great location. Wood floors, granite countertops, w/b fireplace. Poss 4th BR & bath in LL $185,770

Don’t be a Fence-Sitter... Call for details on the

$8,000 and $6,500

11802 JONESDALE HTS One-of-a-kind. Fantastic ranch with a fabulous kitchen, vaulted ceilings, designer colors, updated baths and windows, fin LL and much more! $185,000


Chris Ronberg 314-922-4358

Stephanie Thompson 314-479-4555

Barb Woodham 314-346-2272

Robin Williams 314-401-0155

Mike Leeker 314-435-4040

Federal Tax Credits & MHDC State Funds available to Qualified Buyers!

2313 CHARLEMAGNE MARYLAND HTS Nice townhouse offers 2BR,1.5ba, living room, kitchen/dining, lower level family room and utility room. 2 car garage, large private covered patio. Pool/tennis. Close to hwys $127,000

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Town Country


1100 Town & Country Crossing | Town & Country, Missouri 63017 | cbgundakerhomes.com


Open Sunday 1-3

1213 Marsh Ave Ellisville $244,900

8 Topping Lane Des Peres $284,900

537 Prospector Ridge Wildwood $339,000

222 Hillsdale Drive Ballwin $159,999

1708 Whispering Creek Dr #C Ballwin $124,900

2425 Oak Springs Lane Town and Country $1,799,900

630 Quail Creek Trail Wentzville $325,000

256 Glandore Drive #D West County $114,900

1657 Ansonborough Drive Chesterfield $429,000

Open Sunday 12-2

Open Sunday 2:30-4:30

Open Sunday 2-4

976 Woodland Hills Drive Robertsville $197,000

6 Topping Lane Des Peres $1,299,000

1428 Whispering Creek Drive Ballwin $149,900

Open Sunday 2-4

Open Sunday 1-3

Open Sunday 1-3

463 Mark Wesley Lane Ballwin $365,000

275 Merlot Lane Saint Albans $699,900

738 Thunder Hill Drive O’Fallon $321,900

Open Sunday 1-3

Open Sunday 2-4

15549 Country Ridge Drive Chesterfield $264,900

195 Spring Oaks Drive Ballwin $265,000

17177 Windsor Crest Blvd Wildwood $274,777

804 Kiefer Trails Drive Ballwin $409,900

7 Greenbank Drive Clarkson Valley $589,900

1025 Wellington Terrace Town and Country $795,000

540 Dietrich Road Manchester $829,900

710 The Hamptons Lane Town and Country $1,498,500

106 Frontenac Forest Frontenac $729,900

Open Sunday 2-4

14 N. Kingshighway Blvd #11 St Louis City $365,000

Open Sunday 1-3

620 Willow Lake Ct St Charles $689,000

16463 Centerpointe Drive Wildwood $305,000

Open Sunday 2-4

2010 Brook Hill Ct Chesterfield $769,900

14877 Straub Hill Lane Chesterfield $649,900

305 Clayheath Ct Ballwin $269,900

save 4550



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