Cut out and keep guide to recycling right – page 7
Armed Forces Veterans’ Badge applications – page 14
Champion your Community volunteers – page 20
The newspaper for all North Kesteven residents
Investment of £4m in a new cinema for Sleaford is at the heart of an ambitious £220m plan to improve lives, opportunity and economic prospects in the District through to 2030.
Major investments planned for homes, jobs and priority action A record £220 million capital investment programme has been mapped out by the Council for enhancements across a range of initiatives, District-wide, through to 2030. The ambitious ten-year vision to carry North Kesteven forward throughout the coming decade is fully-funded and grounded in the aspirations of residents who have told us they want to see more housing, more job opportunities and further investment in the services we deliver daily. More than half of this, £120m, will be committed to increasing the availability of affordable housing and £50m spent on building up opportunity for business and jobs growth. Beyond these headline figures, the Council continues to deliver and develop its operational, day-to-
day functions and services for which residents and partners recently gave it a 90% satisfaction rating. A third of the entire £220m capital programme – £82m – is set to be rolled out over the coming four years, to deliver against the current NK Plan which is outlined on pages 8 and 13 of this NewsNK and was shaped by the input of around 2,500 people. The investment programme is focused around delivering against the Council’s ambitions under its five priorities, with concern for residents, communities and the environment at its core. “Such an ambitious and innovative plan of activity will ensure we pro-actively meet the challenges and maximise on the opportunities ahead, to ensure resilience and vibrancy,” said Council Leader Cllr Richard Wright.
£60m – to expand the
Council’s social housing portfolio by 300-plus homes
– to enable Lafford Homes to unlock more housing choice in the private rental sector, bringing forward 250+ homes
£40m – to invest in Council housing stock upgrades
£40m – to unlock 37 acres of
employment opportunity in Sleaford
– to bring forward more business start-up and expansion opportunities District-wide
£5m – to modernise refuse fleet £5m - to fulfil cultural and economic regeneration in Sleaford
More detail on the big vision:
Always far-sighted in building financial resilience to deliver what our residents need and deserve
Welcome to NewsNK – the newspaper for all North Kesteven District Council residents. Below is a quick guide to the sections inside your issue.
Our Environment
8 & 13
NK Plan
9, 10, 11 & 12
What’s On pull-out
14 – 15
Our Communities
16 – 17
Our Homes
18 – 19
Our Economy
Community Champion Awards nomination form
Cllr Richard Wright Council Leader This is the time of year when budgets, plans and strategies are finalised ready to get going in the delivery of a new years’ service from April. This is the culmination of a lot of preparation which starts years ahead, with a forward-looking financial strategy, insight into the needs of the District and bold ambitions set out in short, medium and longterm plans. At North Kesteven we’re far-sighted in our view that in order to build financial stability, deliver against our residents’ needs and develop robust partnerships for the good of our communities we need to be ambitious, proactive and focused on improvements. This is why, over time, we’ve made small progressive increases in Council Tax by just a few pounds per year; building our resilience against cuts in central funding, economic downturn and volatility. This year, to maintain the level of service residents have come to expect – and
clearly appreciate given recent satisfaction ratings – we are increasing our Council Tax charge by 3.01%, which is £4.95 more at Band D – 9.5pence per week. For 75% of people, in Bands A to C homes, this works out at £3.30 to £4.40 more a year, or as little as 6pence more per week for all that the District Council delivers currently and plans to improve upon. We don’t increase Council Tax lightly, but in our commitment to high quality and best value services, we do so modestly. For the £169.65 you will be paying us at Band D (£112.99, £131.82 and £150.78 at Bands A, B and C), I hope you feel this is good value for money – which is what 87% of respondents told us. Where I have spoken on the rise I’ve had nothing but approval, with residents seeing that a small, incremental increase is the way to continue to build our own and our communities’ resilience, with continued high satisfaction scores for the way the Council runs
things and what we do with the money we have. Decisions are taken for the long-view and a few more pence here and there adds up to a substantial resource, which will be invested prudently where it is needed most. Our tenant liaison panel’s response to a rent rise was equally positive, confident that it was the right thing to invest in future-proofing their homes and energy efficiency schemes, develop excellent housing services, fund service improvements and build more properties. It is in this spirit that we have brought forward our 10-year vision of £220m investment and a four-year plan for service development and daily delivery of excellence that responds to need, future challenges and developing opportunities, which can be seen on pages 8 and 13. I hope that on reading this you will agree with the 90% of 2,500 respondents who tell us that we are focused on the right things through the NK Plan.
Housing in numbers North Kesteven District Council, Kesteven Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7EF. Main telephone number: 01529 414155 This newspaper is edited by the Council’s Communications Team. Each copy costs 5.6p to print and 9.3p to deliver direct to your door. - making your three annual copies less than 45p per household. Email: Phone: 01529 308061 NewsNK is also available online at: NKDC has an Infolink at ONE NK, North Hykeham – open Monday , Tuesday and Friday at 9am. Closed 1pm to 1.45pm. Closes 5pm; 4.30pm on Friday. Page 2
Marking the Council’s 300th house built over a decade. Here are some big numbers
Council homes of which NKDC is landlord
New council homes added to stock since 2010
Council homes built from straw bales
Council houses meet Passivhaus standards for super-low energy use
Further homes built for Council’s Lafford Homes operation
For more information
Council homes owned by NKDC at the stock’s 1980 peak
Small Council Tax rise North Kesteven District Council has maintained a modest rise in its share of the Council Tax from April. With the total bill split across the county council, police, district and parish or town councils, the final amount will vary dependent on where you live. North Kesteven takes around nine per cent of the total, which at Band D will be £169.65 for 2020/21. This is a 3.01 per cent increase; £4.95 more at Band D across the full year. In reality three-quarters of District households are in Bands A to C, which gives increases of between £3.30 and £4.40 over the year. For this you will continue
to receive an excellent level of service across a broad range of areas, with scope for enhancement of services where need is identified. Lincolnshire County Council takes three-quarters of the total. Its share is going up by 3.5 per cent which includes a levy for adult social care. Their Band D Charge increases by £45 to £1,337.58 for 2020/21. The police take around 13 per cent of the total, with their share rising by 4.1 per cent to £251.37, which is an extra £9.99 over the year for a Band D property. Final charges, set after NewsNK was printed, are shown on the bills sent during March.
A number of mechanisms are in place to help those least able to pay their full Council Tax charge. These are summarised in the 2020/21 Council Tax leaflet posted online or call on 01522 414155 to discuss your eligibility. In some cases full or part exemption of Council Tax liability applies. Council Tax Support (CTS) is a discount scheme to support low income working age households, pensioners and vulnerable customers with the cost of Council Tax. The level applied will depend on factors including income, savings, the circumstances of members of the household and Council Tax banding. Last year in North Kesteven 5,602 people were helped this way, 3,224 of them pensioners. If recipients of CTS still have a sum to pay, the Council has a £20,000 exceptional hardship fund they can apply to, to meet the shortfall. It considers income and expenditure.
Changes have been made to the scale of the Council Tax that is required to be paid by owners of empty homes. Whilst there is a principle of additional charges for long-term empty properties, in some cases there are discounts that apply – for new owners, disabled adaptation or works being carried out to enhance energy efficiency, for example. Where a house has stood empty for two years or more an additional Council Tax levy is charged. Where a house has stood both unfurnished and unoccupied for two years or longer Council Tax is charged at twice the rate; rising to 300 per cent where the period is five or more years. If you own an empty property and are impacted by these charges you may want to explore ways to bring it back into use. See EmptyHomes or call the Empty Homes officer on 01529 414155.
See for more details / register-to-vote
You can’t vote Unless you’re registered 01529 414155 An election will be held on Thursday May 7 to elect the next Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Lincolnshire. The PCC is responsible for maintaining an effective and efficient police force for the area, holding the budget for the police, commissioning victim support services and holding the chief constable to account for delivering the Police and Crime Plan. A list of candidates will be posted at by 4pm on April 9. Learn more about them at www. too.
Unusually, if there are three or more candidates, voters will be able to cast a 1st and 2nd preference vote - this is called the Supplementary Vote System. Votes will be counted on Monday, May 11, because of the VE Day holiday on May 8. Votes will be tallied across the whole of the county to arrive at a winning candidate who will hold the office for the forthcoming four years. Where a candidate doesn’t win on the first count, second preference votes will be factored in.
For more information please visit
Deadline for registration to vote is midnight on Tuesday, April 21. If you were able to vote in last December’s general election and haven’t moved house since you will be registered. If not, or you have moved since then, you may need to register, at Deadline for new or changed postal vote applications is 5pm on Wednesday, April 22. Deadline for changes to existing proxy votes is 5pm on Wednesday, April 22. Deadline for new proxy voters is 5pm on Wednesday, April 29.
A delay in national funding reforms has resulted in an unexpected windfall of £2m, since the Council can retain more money than projected. Half of this has been put aside to assist in meeting any future financial volatility and the other £1m in accelerating capital projects which help to build financial resilience and delivery projects that meet Council priorities for its communities. As part of this investment the Council has identified £200,000 to support its ongoing Our Environment and health and wellbeing agendas; accelerating actions under its climate change response and bringing forward partnerships, infrastructure and strategies that respond to adult obesity, anxiety, winter deaths and nurturing children – all areas where there are identified challenges.
News Focus
Don’t forget that the early May Bank Holiday has been switched from the usual first Monday to Friday, May 8. This is because it is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, marking the end of the Second World War in Europe. There is a range of community events and celebrations taking place, including a garden party at the Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum detailed in the central pull-out What’s On Guide. On May 8, the International Bomber Command Centre has a public ceremony and wreath laying at 2.55pm. This will include the reading of a specially written poem. A free event. Initial consultation on the size and number of the Council’s wards is now closed. The Local Government Boundary Commission for England will design a proposed outcome to even out councillor representation and consult again from June 30, through to September 7.
Community Champions
Who deserves recognition for the work they do, quietly, unpaid and unsung in your community? Nominate them at: Page 3
News Focus
Severe weather can cause disruption to Council services and the wellbeing of people. While wintry conditions have hopefully passed, wet and windy weather can occur at any time, causing all sorts of additional considerations and uncertainties. Bringing information together in one handy place, the Council has a special page on its website which covers these and other matters. uk/current-servicedisruptions – helps you prepare. Take a look and bookmark it for easy reference. Here’s a quick guide: School closures – on Lincolnshire County Council’s website and local radio; Road closures – County Council website, local radio and webpage; Flooding –Environment Agency and county council; Bin collections – delays and service suspensions will be notified on our webpage; Report fallen trees on roads and paths - 01522 782070; Local flooding - 01522 782082 Powercuts – just call 105.
Community Champions
Does someone stand out in your community for their hard work, dedication and commitment?
funded by donations – without any government support - and the Ambucopter relies wholly on the public to keep flying, a grant of £1.8m was made by the Department of Health and Social Care to help fund the building of the new base. The Air Ambulance is current Council Chairman Cllr Susan Waring’s nominated charity. To find out more about the life-saving work of the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance, and donate to its operations, visit
As work continues on the Lincoln Eastern Bypass, the A15 Sleaford Road at Bracebridge Heath will be closed over a series of weekends. Weather dependent, it will be closed on these dates to allow for surfacing, road markings, signage installation and landscaping • 5am on Saturday, March 21 to 9pm on Sunday, March 22 • 5am on Saturday, March 28 to 9pm on Sunday, March 29 • 7pm on Friday, April 24 to 6am on Monday, April 27 • 7pm on Friday, May 1 to 6am on Monday, May 4 • 7pm on Friday, May 15 to 6am on Monday, May 18 Diversions via A607 Lincoln Road and B1178 White Lane/Tower Lane. The 7.5km Lincoln Eastern Bypass project aims to improve Lincoln’s infrastructure, encourage growth, minimise traffic congestion and enhance the inter-city environment. More detail at www.lincolnshire
Garden waste collection charges in North Kesteven are going up to avoid the service running at a loss. It is important that the costs of operating the opt-in service are fully met through the subscription fee, so that only people using the service pay for it. After four years of holding the charge of the year-round collection at £30, it was facing a £100,000 deficit in the year ahead because
of increased operational costs. At £35 for a year, the charge still represents the best value for money of all Lincolnshire councils, with 24 collection opportunities throughout the year, saving the hassle, time, mess and inconvenience of taking garden waste to the tip, composting or arranging for it to be taken away. To subscribe, renew or add bins see alongside.
New Ambucopter base set for takeoff Building will begin shortly on the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance’s new headquarters close to Bracebridge Heath. Built off the A15 opposite its current location at RAF Waddington, it is due for completion by the end of this year. The facility will bring the charity’s staff, crew and helicopter under one roof, for the first time, allowing for closer working between them whilst also providing a facility for visitors. Future-proofing the 25-year-old charity it will
A metal detectorist’s find in a field near Sleaford, which he thought was a piece of litter, has turned out to be very rare Roman brooch. Dating to around 43 AD, at the dawn of the Roman conquest, it s only the second of its kind unearthed in Britain. Pictured right, it was found eight inches deep in a ploughed field. Showing incredible detail and with its pin still attached, it is only around 3cm by 5cm and would have been richly coloured. Known as the Leasingham Horse, it will go on display at The Collection Museum later in the year.
also include a helicopter pad for both day and night operations as the charity extends to full 24/7 coverage. A purpose-built hangar will enable on-site engineering and house the Ambucopter’s Critical Care Car with direct access onto the A15 for faster response. Enhanced crew training facilities will be available at the new airbase, which will help clinicians to develop their skills further and prepare them for the incidents they respond to. Although day to day operations are solely
Nominate them at: Page 4
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Crafting a new NCCD The Design-Nation talent development and marketing programme operated for member artists under the Council’s arts contract has been awarded £300,000 by Arts Council England. With other match-funding, it will enable a new expanded 30-month programme of initiatives and partnership projects to support its growing membership of 220 highly skilled and talented designers/makers across the UK, many of which are showcased at the National Centre for Craft & Design.
Save yourself the hassle Sign up and let us collect your garden waste
A full year’s collection of garden waste from your home, starting April 1 for £35. 01529 414155
Construction of a North Hykeham Relief Road to complete Lincoln’s ring road features within a blueprint for the future of transport in Lincoln. Improvements to the A46 to the west of the city within the District, enhancing walking and cycling infrastructure and high quality traffic-free routes for pedestrians and cyclists also feature in the draft Lincoln Transport Strategy through to 2036. Following consultation, and in partnership with the Central Lincolnshire councils, including North Kesteven, the county council drew up its new vision to improve transport and support future development to 2036 and beyond. A key aim is to widen the range of affordable, reliable and environmentallyfriendly travel options.
Preparatory work is underway on-site in advance of a £1.2 million refurbishment of the National Centre for Craft and Design in Sleaford. As part of the Council’s extensive programme of investment in its facilities, the popular arts venue is being reconfigured and extended to enhance the cafe area, develop more ground floor studio and exhibition space and generally open it up to be more accessible The initiative responds to considerable public input. Physical works will begin on the new extension in April, to be followed by a jetty over the River Slea and then refurbishment of the footbridge into the summer. Lindum has the contract for the work, which is scheduled to be completed by early 2021. The building will remain open throughout, with a full programme of events and activities, but some internal changes to safely accommodate the work. Further changes will develop conference
capacity, a children’s zone, dance studio and large outdoor terrace. When complete, the top two floors of the building will be let to a leading global software company, retaining 60 jobs in the town. The scheme was enthusiastically supported by councillors, helping to strengthen the building’s status as one of Arts Council England’s national portfolio organisations and attract even more visitors to Sleaford. This will be achieved by broadening the variety and presentation of the arts, enhancing its functionality as a local hub whilst still maintaining and developing the Centre’s national significance. Latest attendance figures show that there are 125,000 visits a year, up by 56% over eight years since the last refurbishment. Year on year engagement grew 2.7% over 2018. The scheme will spearhead renewed investment in Sleaford and bring broader economic benefits.
Starting in April, a four-month highways improvement project will result in changes at the A17/ A153 Sleaford Rugby Club junction. Making use of £250,000 in funding provided directly by the District Council and £2m secured by North Kesteven for a broader £8.25m programme of works to open up the town’s economic growth potential, the scheme will ease congestion where the A17 slip road meets the A153 close to Sleaford Enterprise Park. There will be traffic light controls, new approach lanes and a right-turn ban from the A153 onto the A17 slip road. This will significantly reduce delays and help keep people on both roads moving. From April 6, drivers can expect a combination of lane closures, temporary
traffic signals and night-time road closures. The eastbound A17 ‘exit’ slip lane will be closed, with a diversion via the Kirkby la Thorpe exit and back onto the A17, and a right-turn ban off the A153 onto the A17, with a diversion via the Parkway Roundabout. A six-month scheme to improve traffic flow at Holdingham Roundabout will start in the summer. As with any major improvements, there will inevitably be some disruption during both projects, but efforts will be made to keep this to a minimum. Once both schemes are complete, people can expect reduced congestion and improved journey times when travelling in and around Sleaford and the groundwork will be in place for the forthcoming Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park.
News Focus
2020 will be a landmark year for Mrs Smith’s Cottage as it opens its doors again, marking the end of four years of vital improvements that have restored the building to its former glory. Through the hard work of everyone involved, the support of the local community and the funding and expertise of the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Mrs Smith’s Cottage will open its doors to the public in late June, kicking off with a garden party. Even though the cottage has been closed during the restoration, our team has been busy hosting a diverse programme of events. This will continue with an exploration of Mrs Smith’s wallpaper for Discover Lincolnshire weekend - detailed on page 8. The opening of the cottage marks the start of a full events programme with talks, craft events and exhibitions that will have something of interest for everyone including summer holiday Crafternoons. To keep up to date with the latest news visit www.
Community Champions
Whether through music, art, theatre or dance – do you know of a group or individual that has inspired others? Nominate them at: Page 5
Our Environment To meet the challenges of climate change; delivering ambitions and creating opportunity across all our priorities
Climate-conscious building excellence
1,781 homes in North Kesteven recycling their paper and card separately in purple bins
This month receiving a sixth monthly collection of their purple bins, households in the ten areas involved in the separate paper and card trial have engaged really positively in the programme. From the very first collection in October, the 12.56 tonnes of paper and card collected had a 98.5% quality rate at the paper mill which was terrific. Over the first four purple pickups, 47.22 tonnes of card and paper was collected in total. This is around 7kg per household. The aim is for this to be loose, dry and clean for best quality.
Community Champions
Cleaning up a village, creating local green spaces for all to enjoy or educating others – does this sound like someone you know? Nominate them at: Page 6
In championing building excellence across North Kesteven, it was striking how environmentally-focused the winners and finalists proved to be in the completion of their development projects. At an awards event celebrating the work of clients who engaged the Council’s Building Control Unit in 2019, a great number of the winning projects exhibited strong eco-credentials in terms of high levels of insulation, air-tightness, materials use and re-use and highly energy-efficient heating systems. In this respect, they are advocates of more sustainable building standards and echo the Council’s own emphasis on a more-climate-conscious response. They are an inspiration, pioneering a new approach to building. Extended in keeping with its listed status, the techniques employed in alterations at Skellingthorpe Hall were developed to suit the sensitivity of the building whilst still achieving technical compliance in respect of thermal insulation and heating. Building-in innovative products and new ideas at St Modwen, Witham St Hughs has ensured top energy performance ratings energy efficiency, value for money and environmental protection. Excelling above all expectations, the development at Witham Prospect School, Norton Disney meets a high level of thermal efficiency and achieves a sustainable development with low running costs.
The Council’s own regeneration of council housing at Newfield Road included 18 new-build properties built to a high fabric-first standard, exceeding building regulations for thermal performance, air tightness and triple glazing, with heat recovery ventilation and biggerthan-standard living spaces.
Winners • Best extension or alteration to an existing home Skellingthorpe Hall, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe • Best commercial project St Modwen Park (Network 46) Witham St Hughs Highly Commended Kirks Yard, Mere Road, Branston • Best individual new home Orchard Toft, 10 School Lane, North Scarle
A special award was made to Bruce and Karen Coram who built their own new home at North Scarle to Passivhaus standard and with minimal carbon and environmental footprint. They went to great lengths to achieve and deliver a home with as little environmental impact as possible; seeing their house as a way to contribute to an ecologically-sound future and repair some of the damage resulting from past lifestyles. Through ground source heating, rainwater harvesting, solar PV, high-level insulation and extremely low air leakage, the house has performed exceptionally well, in line with Passivhaus expectations. As they observe: “Individual efforts by themselves cannot solve climate change, but they are a vital and important part of the changes needed to secure the world, as we know it, for our grandchildren.”
To contact the Council’s Building Control Unit Call: 01529 414155 Email: Web:
• Best new housing development Land rear 465 Brant Road, Waddington Highly commended Torgate Lane, Bassingham • Best educational building Witham Prospect School, Old Harbour Farm, Norton Disney • Best change of use of an existing building or conversion Witham Prospect School, Old Harbour Farm, Norton Disney • Best social or affordable new housing development Phase 4, Newfield Road, Sleaford Highly commended The Former Quarrington School, London Road, Sleaford • Best local builder or traditional craftsperson Simon Challoner – Challoner Building Services Ltd Highly commended Ben Wotton – Wotton Construction • Construction Professional of the Year Malcolm Cousins – Lindum Group Highly commended Roger Leighton – RGL Homes Liam Jenkinson – Lindum Group • Special award – Contribution to sustainability Orchard Toft, 10 Scarle Lane, North Scarle Highly Commended St Modwen Park (Network 46) Witham St Hughs for information about the environment
Our Environment
£100k accelerates climate action A sum of £100,000 has been allocated by the Council to accelerate and bring forward aspects of its climate response. Ahead of declaring a Climate Emergency position last July, significant work was already progressing on 15 identified work strands across the Council’s operations through which positive action can be taken, such as emissions, travel, trees, open spaces and procurement – as outlined in the last NewsNK. Since being the first Lincolnshire council to make the declaration and commit to zero carbon emissions as soon as possible,
the Council has reviewed its corporate plan to ensure all of its work strands run throughout its five priorities and an action plan is being drawn up. Meanwhile, through the budget process £100,000 was identified to support the development of a revised strategy for environmental action and advance early progress. It will assist in developing and implementing necessary actions within communities and influencing them towards positive change; establishing the potential for climate change mitigation in the way open spaces are managed; encouraging more trees
to be planted, of the right species, on Council land and elsewhere, and responding to high rainfall and the threat that poses to the Council and its communities. As changes to our climate become increasingly clear, the Council is escalating its direct action to reduce its own impact on the environment and seeking to influence the wider community and partners to adopt similar aspirations. This action is in response to the emphasis the Council has given to its Our Environment priority as the most pressing issues currently facing the country.
Sign up at for environmental news updates for what can and can’t be recycled
Community Champions
Our neighbours are often more than just that, they go above and beyond to help us. Tell us if you couldn’t do without yours.
For the first time, all households across Lincolnshire are being asked to recycle exactly the same things, regardless of where they live. The cut out and keep guide alongside shows that we only want these things to be placed into your green-lidded recycling bin: glass, metals, specific plastics and paper and card (unless you have a purple trial bin for this). Items not listed here should be put into the black bin from where it is used to create electricity to power homes or alternative ways found for recycling or disposal. For example we can’t take carrier bags or crisp packets, but these can be returned to most supermarkets or collected in certain locations. There’s no place in recycling bins for soft, thin plastics such as bread bags, fruit and salad bags, the plastic film from the top of food trays, Pringle tubes, tissues/kitchen roll, bubble wrap, textiles and black and brown food trays – all things which often crop up. Everything should be placed into the green-lidded bin loose, clean, dry and empty, with lids off. This makes it easier to recycle and ensures the Council - and therefore you - get best value for all your hard work in getting your recycling right, without anything going to waste. Most people have adjusted really well to this new guidance.
Councillors have unanimously backed a move to lobby the Government to bring forward measures which would open up opportunities for the local generation and supply of green energy. While there are no current plans for a scheme, the move to promote a bill becoming law would establish a Right to Local Supply by allowing the setup and running costs of selling renewable electricity to local people to be proportionate. Members agreed to ask the area’s two MP’s Caroline Johnson and Karl McCartney to push for the reintroduction of the national Local Electricity Bill, which didn’t progress through the previous parliament. The Motion also acknowledged the efforts the Council has already made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (by 67%) and promote renewable electricity and recognised that local authorities can play a central role in creating sustainable communities. The aim is to get government to balance up the large set up and running costs involved in selling locally-generated renewable electricity to local customers. This would create significant opportunities for councils to provide green power to local people, businesses and organisations. Income would be used to help further local greenhouse gas emission reduction measures and improve local services.
Nominate them at: Page 7
The NK Plan 2020-23 The NK Plan is our strategic vision for the delivery of our priorities, purpose and services, as we seek to develop and enrich our District of Flourishing Communities. This current plan, for 2020 to 2023, builds on its predecessors in establishing the foundations on which we build our ambitions and actions for North Kesteven’s communities.
To aspire to be a high-performing, value-formoney Council that embraces the challenges and opportunities of the future
To enhance the wellbeing, safety and health of all our communities; inspiring and supporting a sustainable and flourishing future
► Deliver high quality, value-for-money services
► Promote healthy lifestyles by providing a range of leisure and cultural opportunities
► Ensure sound finances and a balanced budget are maintained
► Deliver a planned £1.2m reinvigoration of the National Centre for Craft and Design
It also sets the scene for a broader ten-year vision, where our aspirations are fully-funded and grounded in consensus for the realisation of a £220m capital investment across our priorities over the decade. In line with our established priorities, the headline 10year plan is for:
to unlock 37 acres of strategic growth land at Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park.
£10m to bring forward further opportunities for
start-up and growing businesses in Sleaford, North Hykeham, within the wider LN6 and across the District.
£5m to fulfil cultural and environmental
► Begin delivery of the re-focused Transformation Programme to enhance efficiencies and effectiveness ► Successfully deliver the May 2020 Police and Crime Commissioner election ► Bring vehicle maintenance functionality in-house from 2020 ► Develop and strengthen strategic partnerships.
regeneration at the Heart of Sleaford and the National Centre for Craft & Design.
£5m to modernise the refuse fleet to serve growing
► Conducted the 2019 Local Elections, European Parliamentary Elections and a bi-election over a period of six weeks, plus the December General Election
communities and respond to the joint county waste strategy.
£60m to significantly expand the Council’s social housing portfolio by 300-plus homes, including extra care provision.
£60m to enable Lafford Homes to unlock more housing choice in the private rental sector, bringing forward 250 units in the next five years alone.
£40m to invest in the Council’s housing stock. And the measures outlined here over four years account for some £82m of that £220m alone. Although bold in scale, such ambition is costed, entirely within our capacity and capabilities and consistent within our vision to ensure our communities are resilient, safe and flourishing.
► Supported 20 new Councillors and 23 returning Members through the training and processes required for good governance ► Launched a new digital news alert to further extend opportunities for resident engagement ► Further developed financial resilience through growth to directly offset reduced central grant funding ► Developed digital hubs to help build customers’ confidence in using computers to access services, work and finances.
► Deliver key strategies concerning arts, cycling, sport and physical activity ► Support delivery of the Lincolnshire Joint Waste Strategy ► Continue to work successfully with partners to tackle both childhood and adult obesity ► Work with partners to ensure North Kesteven remains the / one of the safest local authority areas in England
WHAT WE’VE DONE RECENTLY ► Developed in partnership a strategy for increased physical activity - driving increased attendance by 11% over 3 years ► Continued to invest in leisure and arts provision; £1.7m at the NCCD and Better Gym Sleaford ► Developed a new waste depot, future-proofing waste services for 25 years ► Initiated trial of separate paper and card recycling ► Launched in partnership the countywide Wellbeing Service.
► Ensure our Council is financially resilient
► Create a clear vision of place; celebrating all that the District has to offer
► Be open and accountable ► Maintain a strong focus on our customers
► Provide effective and efficient support services for our residents ► Work with our communities towards a clean, safe and inclusive District ► Promote participation and engagement within our communities to address local challenges
2020 ► Refurbish National Centre for Craft & Design ► Restore and re-open Mrs Smith's Cottage ► Break ground on £40m Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park
2021 ► Realise the £4m Heart of Sleaford cinema project ► Aim for Gold Investors in People standard
► Improve habitat and public access along the River Slea
► Anticipate population growth of 6% over 2011 census
► Build £2.2m additional workshop units in North Hykeham
► Restoration and refurbishment project programmed for Cogglesford Watermill
Get the full Roy Orbison feeling – Page 10
Try your hand at a creative skill – Page 11
Saddle up for cycling events – Page 12
Discover Lincolnshire Weekend is a perfect opportunity to get out and about and see the range of local visitor attractions ahead of the crowds. The Council operates Navigation House and Cogglesford Watermill in Sleaford, Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum at North Rauceby and Mrs Smith’s Cottage in Navenby. On Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 March, they will all be putting on:
Behind The Scenes at Mrs Smith’s Cottage – Get a sneak peak of the restoration as University of Lincoln conservation students and their lecturer Paul Croft detail their work on the conservation of decorative surfaces and items in the cottage. See an exhibition of their work, make wallpaper with Artist in Residence Nicki Jarvis and view parts of the newly-restored cottage. 11am to 3pm both days, entry is
free and refreshments available. Lincolnshire flags and plum bread at Cogglesford Watermill and Navigation House - Pick up a fun family trail to venture along the River Slea between the two. 11am to 3pm both days. Free. Red Arrow making at Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum - Team up with family and friends and put on your own display of Lincolnshire’s famous aerobatic team. 10am until 4pm, both days, Free.
Boom! There’s fun for all the family across our four locations BOOM! – 100 years on Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum From April 1, 10am - 3.30pm Celebrate the 100th anniversary of RAF College Cranwell. Boom was the nickname of Hugh Trenchard who set up Cranwell. Explore his influence and the college’s growth.
Meet the county’s distinct breed of sheep as milling takes place.
Sunday, May 10, 11am - 4pm Browse craft stalls for a unique gift.
Plant Sale Mrs Smith’s Cottage Saturday, May 2, 10am - 2pm Come and meet the team and spruce up your garden with an array of annuals and perennials.
Heritage Skills Open Day Cogglesford Watermill Sunday, June 14, 11am- 4pm Trying your hand at heritage skills. Milling throughout the day.
Children’s Easter Craft Event Mrs Smith’s Cottage Saturday, April 11, 12 - 4pm Artist in Resident Nicki Jarvis hosts an afternoon of craft activities at the cottage - suitable for all.
VE Garden Party Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum Friday, May 8, 10am - 3.30pm A 1940s style garden party in the grounds to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
Milling Day with Longwools Cogglesford Watermill Sunday, April 12, 11am - 4pm
Crafts at the Mill Cogglesford Watermill
1940’s Day Navigation House Saturday, June 20, 11am – 4pm Navigation House will be part of the town’s 1940’s festivities. Father’s Day Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum Sunday, June 21, 10am - 3.30pm Let dad loose on a flight simulator.
See for more details of all events and activities
Terry O’Toole Theatre ONE NK, North Hykeham
Washingborough Sunday, May 17, 2pm to 5pm. VE Day Celebration An afternoon of music. Bring your own picnic. No entry fee. Details: 01522 790109
Saturday, March 28 7.30pm Oh! Look at Me Now! An all-female, fun and talented vocal harmony group, performing A-cappella and barbershop. Tickets £12.50 & £10.
Skellingthorpe Friday, May 8, 12pm to 5pm VE Day Family Picnic in the Park Sunday, June 14, 2pm 50/61 Squadron Memorial Service. Sunday, June 28 12pm to 5pm. Village Gala July 11 and 12 Open Gardens and Scarecrow Festival.
Saturday, April 18, 3pm Woodland Tales with Grandad Children’s theatre featuring a cast of extraordinary puppets, with an environmental message to share. Tickets £8.50 & £30 for family of four. Age Guide: 3+ Saturday, April 25, 7.30pm Hold Back the Night! A fantastic, feel-good tribute to the greatest hits of Motown, Disco and Soul. Dancing encouraged, or sit back, relax and enjoy the music. Tickets £14, £12 & £9.
Leadenham Saturday, June 13, 12pm to 5.30pm Open Gardens & Artisan Market View the village’s lovely gardens. Parking and starting point at Village Hall. £4, free for under 16s and dogs on leads. Details: email Leasingham Sunday, July 26 Open Gardens Ten gardens open to visitors, fundraising for LIVES. Details: Pamela on 01526 306427. North Hykeham Second Sunday monthly, from 2pm Summer Sundays on the Village Green Selection of bands. Free. Bring chairs, blanket and picnic. Branston April 23 to 26 James Richards Circus at Lincoln Road Recreation Ground. Thursday and Friday 6pm; Saturday 2pm & 5pm; Sunday 2pm. Ticket office on site from 21st. £9 adults; £7 children. Heighington Saturday, July 4, 12pm to 4pm. Picnic in the Park A fun-filled afternoon for all the family, with live music, dance and lots of activities for children. Stalls to browse and food & drink. Free entry.
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Thursday, April 30, 7.30pm Eduardo Niebla Duo Niebla is one of the most potent forces in flamencojazz fusion, exploring Indian, Arabic and classical music with Matthew Robinson. Tickets £14 & £7.50. Saturday, May 2, 7.30pm Zoe Gilbert Quartet Delivering an engaging repertoire, from Kate Bush to Pink Floyd, and the sensitive treatment of classic Jazz standards. A Lincoln Jazz Festival event. Tickets £14, £12 & £10. Jazzpac concession. Saturday, May 9, 10am to 4pm Antiques, Collectables & Jewellery Roadshow Meet the experts from Unique Auctions and get a free valuation. Free entry. Saturday, May 16, 7.30pm North Hykeham & District Choral Society The Music of the Pirates
Friday night is film night with community cinema screenings, featuring a selection of popular, recent and classic films. All shows at 7.30pm. Tickets: £7, £6 and £5. Friday April 17, 7.30pm Blinded by the Light [12A] - Set in 1987, during the austere days of Thatcher’s Britain, a joyful story of courage, love, hope, family and the unique ability of Springsteen’s music to lift the human spirit. Friday, May 22, 7.30pm Judy [12A] - Winter 1968 and showbiz legend Judy Garland arrives in London. The film celebrates the voice, the love, and the sheer pizazz of this iconic singer. Renée Zellweger stars as Garland. of Penzance, staged as a narrated, costumed concert with audience, sing-a-long with the sea shanty singing! Tickets £10 & £7.
01522 883311
Friday, June 19, 7.30pm Knives Out [12A] - An entertaining homage to classic Agatha Christie whodunnits, with a stellar cast led by Daniel Craig. Family Film Programme First Saturday of the month and selected dates during school holidays, for fantastic films on their own, or coupled with a swim afterwards. • 10.30am Film; 12.30pm Swim • Film: £3.50 each Family [4] Film: £12.00 • Swim: £2.50 each Family Film & Swim offer[4]: £22.00 Saturday, April 4 - Frozen 2 [U] Wednesday, April 15 - Lego Movie 2 [U] Saturday, May 2 - Jungle Book [PG] Saturday, June 6 - Aladdin [PG]
celebrates the recruitment of many thousands of women to the Land Army during WW2. Tickets £10 & £8.
Saturday, May 23, 7.30pm The Voice of Roy Orbison Darren Page flawlessly performs the best of his music hero. Tickets £17.50 & £16.50.
Saturday, June 20, 7.30pm An Evening of Movie Music The City of Lincoln Male Voice Choir are back with a fantastic evening. Tickets £12.50 & £8.
Friday & Saturday, May 29 & 30, 7.30pm ACTion Community Theatre presents.. Lilies on the Land A charming drama which
Saturday, June 27, 3pm & 7pm Sunday, June 28, 6pm Dance Fever 14 The Lyndsey Ellis School of Dance presents a fantastic, high energy,
ACTion Community Theatre is the Terry O’Toole’s vibrant, friendly, amateur theatre company in residence. New members are always welcome; you don’t need any previous experience, just enthusiasm and a willingness to get involved with all aspects of staging a production by the community for the community! For adults and 11+. • Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm and Sundays 3pm to 5pm • Email: • Web:
variety dance show. Tickets £9.50, £8.50 & £8. Friday, July 10, 7.30pm artsNK Dance Showcase Celebrating the past year’s achievements by students. Tickets £6, & £5. Saturday, July 11, 7.30pm Waddington Military Wives Choir Music of stage and screen. Join in singing favourites old and new on a sparkling musical journey from Waddington to the West End. Tickets £10 & £8.
The Lincoln Mystery Plays will perform in Heckington for the first time on July 22, 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Church. Also on a county tour before settling at Lincoln Cathedral from July 27 to August 1. Tickets £16 & £14 from:
The National Centre for Craft and Design Navigation Wharf, Sleaford
01529 308710
What’s on
Exhibitions Sleaford Embroiders: All Stitched Up March 28 – April 14 The biennial exhibition of work by members of Sleaford Embroiders, a group of 24 enthusiastic stitchers who meet regularly at the NCCD. Staging Places: UK Design for Performance May 2 – July 5 Main Gallery Discover the creative processes behind designing for contemporary performance. In partnership with the Society of British Theatre Designers, this exhibition celebrates the diversity of performance designs made locally, nationally and internationally across a wide range of spaces and genres. The exhibition draws on set models, costumes, props, photos, drawings and videos. artsNK Public Showcase: Ridges & Furrows April 18 – May 17 Exchange Space Artworks created as part of the Ridges & Furrows arts & heritage trail that links the NCCD in Sleaford with Whisby Nature Park. Work inspired by the farmland views and agricultural practices in and around Welbourn and objects selected from the ‘Moveable Museum of Curious Objects’ staged in Sleaford. Craft in Motion July 18 – September 13 Main Gallery Following the success of the Hatch ’19 art school for all, the main gallery becomes a space for visitors to become the artists and designers, with opportunities to take part and to try out new creative activities. With drop-in creative experiences for all age groups it will be a chance to experiment with materials and movement, have fun and create something new.
Workshops & Events Slow Art Day Saturday, April 4, 10am–5pm When people look slowly at a piece of art they make discoveries. Stop, sit and contemplate specific art pieces in the Body & Mind exhibition, using a selfled guide. Free, everyone welcome.
Tuesday, May 26, 10am-2pm Learn new skills and explore creativity designing and making a table-top puppet. £3 per child, drop-in session.
Tuesdays, April 7 & 14, 10am–2pm A fun craft workshop inspired by Body & Mind exhibition. £2 per child. Drop-in session.
Sleaford Climate Action Event Saturday, June 13, 10am-3pm Join Sleaford Climate Action Network for a day of family friendly activities looking at ways to keep the planet safe and habitable for all the children of the future. Free, everyone welcome.
Pottery Throwing Taster Monday, April 13 10am–3pm Try your hand at throwing on the potter’s wheel in this one to one 15 minute session to make a simple pot to take home once fired. £5 per person, please book
Get Creative Week May 9-18, 10am-5pm Self-led creative activities throughout the week. Free, everyone welcome.
May Half Term Family Puppet making Workshop
Pottery Club Fortnightly on Wednesdays, 1.30pm -3.30pm Learn a range of hand crafted ceramic techniques, designing and creating. Suitable for beginners as
We’ve Got This: Ethics Public Service and Art April 18 – May 17 Roof Gallery An innovative mixedmedia art exhibition that explores the seven principles of public life which apply to everyone who works in the public sector; Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty and Leadership.
Including a piece commissioned by NKDC, the engaging artworks range from reconstructed metal road signs and handmade ceramic coffee cups to fabric, embroidered sculptural works and a punk rock song. Linked is The Glass Bead Game inspired by the Hermann Hesse novel of the same name which you are welcome to play.
well as experienced ceramic enthusiasts. £5 per person, all materials provided. Reflections Fridays, April 3, May 1, May 29, June 26, July 24 Learn glass cutting and a range of glass fusing and decorative techniques to design and create glass fused pieces. £10, 18+. MosArt Fortnightly on Saturdays Learn or develop skills in mosaic art which are applied on various public art projects in and around Sleaford. 18+. Craft Club Fortnightly from Thursday, April 9, 1-3pm A national campaign to bring people together to share craft skills. Refreshments provided, suitable for all abilities. £1 per person, drop-in.
Dance for Parkinson’s at the NCCD Mondays 11am-12pm This relaxed class focuses on posture, strength, coordination and balance for people living with Parkinson’s, their family and carers. £3, £1 for carers. Dance for Parkinson’s sessions in Heighington Second and fourth Wednesdays, 1.30-3pm Thomas Garrett Heritage Rooms. Heighington. Tots Tuesday! Every Tuesday during term time, 10am–12pm Toddler activities without worrying about how much noise and mess is made! £1 per child, 18months – 5yrs, drop-in session. And don’t forget the cafe and shop are open seven days a week too!
Let’s stay connected There’s so much going on over the coming months, and we don’t want you to miss out. Sign up to our e-newsletter to receive the latest on news and events from us, and we will do the rest.
Just head to to sign up today. Page 11
What’s on
Parkrun events The parkrun phenomenon has hit North Kesteven with two weekly events. The Doddington Hall run is a free, weekly, communityled, 5km tarmac-ed route to walk, jog, run or spectate, starting at 9am on Saturdays. It draws around 300 runners weekly. Details: doddingtonhall@parkrun. com In Sleaford, the Boston Road Rec junior parkrun is for four to 14-year-olds over a grass 2km course on Sundays, at 9am. It draws up to 100 runners weekly. Details: Parkruns are free to attend; registration essential at
Spires and Steeples Are you up for a challenge of marathon proportions? The date is set for this year’s Spires and Steeples Challenge. The 26 or 13 mile point to point trail challenge will be held on Sunday, October 4. It follows the waymarked path from Lincoln to Sleaford via artworks and architecture and tests stamina and determination along the way. Walk it, run it, take the dog for a walk on it. Any which way, you’ll love it! spires-and-steepleschallenge-2020 Follow on Instagram Spiresandsteepleschallenge, Twitter @Spires_Steeples or Facebook Spires and Steeples Challenge
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Cycling in North Kesteven Cycle Fest will return to Doddington Hall on Sunday 21 June, from 8am to 4pm. Organised by the Council with Access Lincoln and Giant, the free, fun, family event celebrates all things cycling. Last year’s first event drew more than 800 people for cycling activities, including bike trails, led-rides, simulators, taster sessions and even a saddle-based treasure hunt. This year, the event coincides with The Giant Lincoln Sportive at Doddington Hall, with four set distances between 33 and 100 miles taking in some of the area’s finest scenery. Attracting family enthusiasts, professional and semi-pro riders there will be a great deal of fun to be had on two wheels. Details at www. and event/lincoln-cycle-sportive. The Lincoln Cycle Grand Prix and Sportive will return to the city on May 9 and 10, bringing some of the country’s most inspiring sportsmen and women in the saddle close to home. See:
Wheels for All From May, ONE NK will be a new Wheels for All Centre. Individuals or groups can attend a specially designed and supervised cycling session using a range of adapted cycles. Free to attend, initially on Mondays, 11am to 12.30pm. Places limited by cycle availability. Contact NKactivites@gll. org or call 01522 883311 Health Rides Cycle around our beautiful District guided by a trained Sustrans ride leader, to give you a new lease of
physical activity, as well as exploring new areas of the countryside. Cycling is a great low impact route into low level exercise. The team can check your own bike if you have one, or loan you one of our stock bikes. There will be a bi-weekly short led cycle ride in a few areas on Fridays from April, at 11am. If you are interested, or if you are already a volunteer cycle leader and would like to get involved, contact the Community Sport team on 01522 701309 or email
In partnership with Active Lincolnshire and Better, a wide range of cycling routes has been made available on the ‘Go Explore Lincolnshire’ App. There are routes for beginners through to advanced cyclists throughout North Kesteven A free App, it can be downloaded through the App Store or Google Play. Local cycle clubs, resources and support available locally can help you find routes suited to your levels of fitness, confidence and comfort.
Walking in North Kesteven The countless walking opportunities available within the District are being brought together and celebrated through the North Kesteven Walking Festival from July 11 to July 25. Co-ordinated and run by Hill Holt Wood, the Council’s countryside services contractor, it is bigger, better and greener than ever before. Over two weeks, there will be dozens of walking options across the District’s 365 square miles of paths and bridleways, ranging in length, terrain, intensity and matters of interest. Last year hundreds of walkers tied their laces and joined in over 200 miles of walking. From short
saunters to long hikes; all ages, abilities and fitness levels enjoyed the social walking experience only a festival can provide. The festival thrives on the enthusiasm and knowledge of volunteer walk leaders. This year Hill Holt Wood are looking to add to their walk leader roster so if you’ve got a walk that you’d like to share in the District, or are already a walk leader and want to get involved to boost your walk numbers, get in touch. A brochure will detail the walks and there will be updates on social media and online at and See also the Council’s Stepping Out Walks network.
Sunday, April 12, 10am – Hill Holt Wood bush-craft walk. A 1.5 mile walk in ancient woodland with survival shelter building and the art of firelighting. At Hill Holt Wood. What3Words: branching. oval.upwardly. Friday, May 1 – International Dawn Chorus Day - 5.15am, from Norton Big Wood car park. An early start and walk with knowledgeable rangers to experience something truly special, followed by breakfast at Hill Holt. What3Words: likewise. showering.victory. Saturday, June 6, 10am – Lollycocks and The Nettles, Sleaford. Meet the people who make the reserve so
special and get involved in volunteering. What3Words: steamed.whirlwind.blushes. Sunday, June 14 , 10.30am registration for 11am walk. A guided walk with dogs around Skellingthorpe Old Wood, returning for a day of dog-themed activity to 4pm. What3Words: happy. barstool.rush. Book via to receive a treat bag. Saturday, July 11 to 25 – NK Walking Festival, bigger and greener programme. Look out for social media updates and the brochure. No booking required. Walks are subject to change. Use the What3Words app for walk start location
Check out the walking and volunteer opportunities at
Making a difference for people and communities in North Kesteven
To meet the challenges of climate change; delivering ambitions and creating opportunity across all our priorities
To enable all of our communities to flourish from high quality employment growth and the opportunities of the Green Economy
To deliver sustainable housing growth and pursue energy efficient development to meet the current and emerging needs of all our communities
► Champion greenhouse gas reduction, both within the Council and across the District
► Attract investment to improve physical infrastructure, digital connectivity and the creation of new jobs
► Facilitate the provision of community infrastructure to align with housing growth
► Maintain vigilant monitoring of air quality and remedial action
► Invest £2.2m in 15 additional new business grow-on workshops at North Hykeham
► Work with developers to deliver more homes in the District, including at least 100 more affordable homes
► Progress initial phasing of the £45m investment in the Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park
► Continue to invest in line with the Lafford Homes’ business plan to deliver more affordable rental choice locally
► Deliver on the £4m investment for the Heart of Sleaford regeneration
► Begin construction of at least 20 new Council properties
► Enhancement of habitat and public access along the River Slea in Sleaford ► Review the efficiency of our refuse fleet and explore what alternative fuel options are viable ► Deliver the Open Spaces Strategy ► Further develop projects informed by priority working groups focused on the built environment, property standards, procurement and resource use.
WHAT WE’VE DONE RECENTLY ► Declared and developed a Climate Emergency position ► Engaged partners in scoping our environment action plan ► Installed some of District’s first electric car charging points ► Engaged visitors, around 4,000 per year, at the Council’s Heckington Show stand over reduced plastics, responsible recycling and litter picking ► Promoted reduced reliance on plastics through various schemes, including restoration of a historic water fountain.
► Contribute to the delivery of highway improvements for Sleaford, using GLLEP funding; opening up new opportunities for investment, jobs and housing growth.
WHAT WE’VE DONE RECENTLY ► Expanded to 111 our portfolio of business grow-on units at 11 locations district-wide ► Facilitated 33 new investments for new growth schemes ► Supported progressive growth of the visitor economy to 3.3m days and nights spent in the District ► Provided direct business support and advice to 203 businesses ► Initiated a number of projects to enhance the vibrancy of Sleaford’s shopping area.
► With partners explore the delivery of further Extra Care Housing provision in Sleaford ► Bring back into use at least 20 more empty homes annually
WHAT WE’VE DONE RECENTLY ► Completed the £8.9m regeneration of Newfield Road in Sleaford; building 18 new homes and regenerating, extending and future-proofing 63 more ► Maintained high tenant satisfaction ratings up to 95% ► Refreshed the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan in partnership with Lincoln and West Lindsey councils to ensure its relevance and suitability ► Lafford Homes brought forward 72 homes to satisfy unmet private rental demand.
► Increase resilience to climate change
► Support business development in the District and improvement in productivity
► Provide high quality housing services
► Promote and protect environmental health ► Conserve and enhance North Kesteven's heritage assets and natural and built environments
► Market and regenerate North Kesteven ► Promote the economic opportunities from tackling climate change
► Maintain, improve and future-proof housing ► Deliver the Local Plan, increasing the supply of sustainable housing
► Fulfilment of £4m investment to enhance roads capacity and facilitate housing and jobs growth in Sleaford
► Delivery of 300+ new council homes over 5 years
► Fulfilment of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, inc 8,750 additional affordable homes
► Relocate Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum to new building
► Completion of 5,000 new homes in total, since 2018
► Unlock 250+ new homes through Lafford Homes
A more detailed version of the NK Plan 2020-23 can be found at
Our Communities To enhance the wellbeing, safety and health of all our communities; inspiring and supporting a sustainable and flourishing future
1,025 people took part in last July’s NK Walking Festival - 18% up on the previous year
These are among the 121,379 people who accessed the Council’s CountrysideNK networks, activities and events between last April and October. Counters tracked 32,271 people on the Stepping Out Walks – Blankney and Culverthorpe Walks being most popular – and 26,000 enjoyed open space at Lollycocks Field in Sleaford and Millennium Green in North Hykeham. Indoor leisure facilities and sports outreach services were used by 486,494 people over the same six month period, with a 15.1% rise in community activity.
Community Champions
Our health and wellbeing is extremely important, and often supported by others – is this the case for someone you know?
Veterans honoured Armed Forces Day will be marked in the traditional way in North Kesteven, with a flag raising ceremony and the presentation of Veterans’ Badges. Anyone - of any age - who has served in the British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force or Merchant Navy in a regular, reservist or National Service capacity and who hasn’t already received one is eligible to apply to have a Veterans’ Badge awarded at a special lunch on Monday June 22. Application deadline is April 30. The presentation of badges is a highlight of the Council’s long-established Armed Forces Day tradition. The recipients are honoured guests and additional tickets can be bought by their friends and family or by other veterans who want to participate. Armed Forces Day is a national celebration of the contribution made to our communities by forces personnel, past, present and future. A flag raising ceremony will Page 14
take place at St Denys’ Church at 10.30am on Monday June 22, to which the public and school parties are encouraged to attend. Shops are also encouraged to dress their windows on a theme of VE Day for the week and to promote discounts offered to Armed Forces personnel and veterans either during the week or consistently.
A significant strand in the Council’s priority action towards the safety and wellbeing of its communities is a robust approach to tackling the causes and impacts of anti-social behaviour. Over the three months to February they received and investigated 212 reports of antisocial behaviour; around 1,000 complaints over any year. Behind every one there are numerous enquiries and actions which result in sanctions, warnings court penalties and orders. If you are affected by anti-social behaviour you can call the police on 101, or 999 if it is in progress, or contact the team on 01529 414155 or email
To apply for a Veterans’ Badge email:
BE THE BETTER Y U Health Matters, be happy, be healthy, stay strong, live long.
Do you want to make a positive Are you over 45? If you are, and lasting to yournow! health? join ourchange free programme REGISTER BY 26th of APRIL 2019 Be The Better You is our 12 month healthy lifestyle programme for the over 45’s. It’s ideal for anyone looking for long-term support to lose weight, further information increase activity levels and improve general wellbeing. The programme is free and sessions take place once a The programme will:
Help you improve your health and wellbeing, by supporting you to make easy, manageable lifestyle changes. This is a 12 week programme with an option to continue for up to 12 months, to encourage continual improvement.
01529 308196 or email
Nominate them at:
A schools challenge to design a poster for this year’s events closes on April 2. On a theme of VE Day, there are seven age categories, with a winner for each and one overall winner. Details by emailing or call 01529 414155.
Councillors in North Kesteven have sent a crystal clear message to communities in the District that that they will not tolerate religious hatred in any form. Members were agreed that they needed to ‘take a stand’ after hearing of a worrying national upward trend in anti-Semitic hatred and the growth in wideranging measures of intolerance. They unanimously backed a motion that sees the Council adopt and build into its Equality and Diversity Policy the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism. Additionally, the Council places great emphasis on community cohesion through its extensive Community Safety work in partnership with other agencies. If you are affected by community tension or any type of hatred, contact the team on 01529 414155.
month on a Saturday, 10am-12pm at Carres Grammar School in Sleaford - beginning in April. Each session includes a topic – such as food groups, portion sizes, understanding labels, mindfulness, stress management – followed by an activity; which could include gym, Tai Chi, relaxation and seated Health Matters, be happy, be healthy, stay strong, live long. exercises, dependent on capacity. Are you over 45? If you are, Before starting, group members join our free programme now! REGISTER BY 26th of APRIL 2019 receive a health check to include: height, weight, BMI, body fat %, muscle mass, bone mass, waist measurement, body water %. These figures are checked again further information during the 12 months. The sessions are part of the Council’s established programme of healthy lifestyle support.
BE THE BETTER Y U The programme will:
Help you improve your health and wellbeing, by supporting you to make easy, manageable lifestyle changes. This is a 12 week programme with an option to continue for up to 12 months, to encourage continual improvement.
01529 308196 or email
The Council is investing £100,000 in progressing partnership responses to improve residents’ long-term health and wellbeing. Generally speaking the health of residents in North Kesteven is good, with life expectancy in the top 70 per cent of councils nationally, however there are some areas for improvement – in particular adult obesity, winter deaths, anxiety and breastfeeding. The Health and Wellbeing Strategy that co-ordinates Council services will be updated to reflect fresh dynamics across partners; a project instigated to support investment in health infrastructure; and support given to new activities inked to physical activity and art provision.
Interested? Call 01529 308196 or email:
The 28 eligible parish areas are: • Anwick • Asgarby & Howell • Ashby de la Launde • Aunsby & Dembleby • Aswarby & Swarby • Burton Pedwardine • Cranwell • Culverthorpe & Kelby • Dorrington • Ewerby & Evedon • Great Hale • Heckington
Community funding power A new Community Fund set up to support projects in and around Sleaford is open to applications. In an extension and expansion of a previous scheme limited to just Kirkby la Thorpe and Sleaford, Glennmont Partners, owners of the Sleaford Renewable Energy Plant, has set up a new fund for local groups and organisations to bid into.
A total of £125,000 is available over five years with an aim of distributing £25,000 each year. The previous fund initiated by Glennmont saw £120,000 invested in more than 60 community projects over three years as the money was split equally between Kirkby la Thorpe and Sleaford. There are now 28 parish areas eligible to apply as its remit has
• Helpringham • Kirkby la Thorpe • Leasingham & Roxholm • Little Hale • North Kyme • North Rauceby • Osbournby • Ruskington • Scredington • Silk Willoughby • Sleaford • South Kyme • South Rauceby • Swaton • Threekingham • Wilsford
expanded to a five-mile radius of Sleaford. These are listed above. The Sleaford REP Community Power Fund is aimed at supporting projects which cover the environment, sport, wellbeing and education, with grants of up to £5,000 available to ‘improve the lives and wellbeing of people living within the area, and bring benefit to the community/group’.
Apply at Schools, youth clubs, Scouting and Guiding groups are being encouraged to design a poster to help keep our streets clean from dog fouling. It will be used to deter dog owners from leaving their dog faeces behind; picking it up and disposing of it properly instead. Can you encourage your school or youth group to get involved ahead of the April 30 deadline. For entry criteria email
With school prom season looming, the Council’s Licensing Team is warning parents to be cautious when booking transport. It is essential to ensure the vehicle, driver and operator are properly licensed. For any private hire vehicle which can carry up to eight passengers, their drivers and booking agents are all legally required to have a licence issued by the local council. The main reason for this is safety.
Email: or call 01529 414155 for detail Two new Digital Hubs are opening in April to help people with their devices and to develop digital know-how. • Sleaford Digital Hub – Tuesdays at Sleaford Town Hall, 10.30am to 12pm from Tuesday, April 21. • Waddington Digital Hub – Thursdays at Waddington Community Hub, 11.15am to 12.45pm, from Thursday, April 23. These weekly sessions are in addition to the ongoing operation of Digital Hubs in Osbournby, Ruskington and Heckington. For further information please contact Rachael, the Digital Hub Co-ordinator, on 01529 414155 or via email at
Our Communities
North Kesteven’s contribution to a better understanding of the ways in which public services can work together to promote a healthier weight for people has been published in a guide for tackling obesity. The Council was selected to join in with a three-year partnership to develop a whole systems approach to tackling obesity. Working with partners, North Kesteven District Council made a significant contribution to the guide. This includes guidance on programmes to encourage healthier lifestyles, supporting the provision of healthier food options in schools and high streets, and making more of green space for leisure and physical activity. Locally we explored promotion of healthy options and smaller portions with takeaways, explored barriers to exercise and ways to be more active, more often and brought services and partners together with a shared aim. We also provided clear messages about obesity and how to tackle it, published tips on eating well at home and supported communities to shape their neighbourhoods. Obesity is a complex problem with no single solution but a whole systems approach such as this provides an overarching strategy to bring different organisations – including the local authority and the NHS – together to co-ordinate supportive measures and solutions.
Community Champions A Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan are being drawn up for Waddington. Forty five years after the village’s Conservation Area was designated, this added level of detail is now being applied for the first time. Consultation over changes to the area’s boundaries and description of characteristics closes on March 23.
For more news and information please visit
This year’s fourth Snowdrop Event at Whisby Nature Park raised more than £200 to support the work of Child Bereavement UK. With welcome assistance from Pennells, Lincs Inspire and the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, the event drew almost 150 people to plant snowdrops to remember those children that are no longer with us. See:
Keeping our communities safe is often aided by those who live in it – do you know someone who has made a difference locally? Nominate them at: Page 15
Our Homes To deliver sustainable housing growth and pursue energy efficient development to meet the current and emerging needs of all our communities
additional homes for rent to be developed by Lafford Homes
Lafford Homes, the Council’s arm-length company set up to respond to local need for more market-price and affordable rental choice in North Kesteven, currently has a portfolio of 72 properties. With the purpose of ‘unlocking more choice’ its aim is to bring forward quality, well-priced rental options over and above the Council’s social housing provision. Later this year it will begin work on 42 new properties at Waddington, with 21 more to follow at Metheringham in 2021 Follow Lafford Homes’ latest at
Community Champions
There are hundreds of sporting volunteers in our district – has someone made a difference in your physical activity for the better? Nominate them at: Page 16
Redevelopment plan for older homes Plans are being drawn up for the redevelopment of a 55-year old former sheltered housing scheme in North Hykeham. Grinter House and Grinter Close make up 27 units of aging council housing stock for the elderly. Built in 1965, Grinter House has 14 one-bedroom bungalows but suffers from low occupancy due to its dated design and layout with all homes accessed from one communal walkway. The plan is to completely remodel it as affordable flats for general use, each with its own entrance, internal reconfiguration and increased floor space. There will be scope to add either two or four further homes too. Grinter Close is a collection of 12 one-bedroom flats in blocks. These would be demolished along with an adjoining detached bungalow and replaced with a range of homes from two to four-beds. Overall, the proposals would increase the number of council homes on site from 27 to 34, delivering a wider range of options to help meet local housing need, now and in the future. Through consultation, most of the current tenants were broadly in support of the proposals, which would involve them moving to another home during the work. Having been supported by the Council’s Executive Board as a welcome investment in upgrading dated accommodation, the scheme was recommended to be approved at Full Council on March 3, the day after NewsNK was printed. If approved, the proposals will be advanced as a planning application.
Council housing services get top rating The housing services provided by North Kesteven District Council have been judged to be top of the tree, particularly in matters of tenant satisfaction. When aspects of NKDC’s housing service – ranging from management costs and rent arrears to repair times and complaints response – were assessed alongside those of 92 other housing providers of a similar size, it was placed in the top sector across 18 of the 29 areas reviewed. NKDC was highly rated for its operations as landlord of 3,880, council homes in 2018/19. The Housemark peer group consisted of 93 councils, housing associations and other social housing providers with between 2,500 and 5,000 houses. The Council was: • Best performer for satisfaction with the overall service provided (94.6%); repairs and maintenance (91.7%); the value for money of rents (94.9%); and the quality of neighbourhoods as a place to live; • and second-placed of the 93 organisations within the group for the overall quality of homes and listening and acting upon tenant views. Other high points include timely response to complaints, cost-effective management, low levels of rent arrears and the speed and quality of repairs carried out first time (99.3%). In only 11 criteria North
Kesteven didn’t score within the top 23 of the peer group; taking fractionally longer than average to complete repairs, to re-let properties and too much rent is lost through voids. This assessment of the quality of the Council’s housing is a credit to everyone involved in building and maintaining excellence within the service, not least the tenants themselves. Homes matter to everyone, and ensuring good homes is a key priority of the Council, which prides itself on providing a responsive, resilient and wellrespected service where our tenants are treated with respect and invited to actively participate in the management of their homes. Housemark’s summary of the Council’s excellence and consideration as a landlord vindicates the many millions of pounds invested annually in building and improving evermore homes and the care and attention of officers and contract partners in ensuring quality, comfortable and affordable homes. The Council was actually marked down for spending so much on major works and cyclical maintenance, £500 above the average, and needed to do more in reducing the length of vacancies between lettings and in rent arrears. But tenant experience is where it matters most and we are number one for that.
Are you a tenant? Did you know there’s a dedicated Facebook page for you
3,850 council houses
Our Homes
228 delivered since 2010 1st
new council house - built of straw in 2010 at Brumby Crescent, Waddington
new house completed in 2015 - at Princess Margaret Avenue, Metheringham
200th new councill
300th home meets need The Council’s commitment to deliver high-quality homes for residents has reached an important milestone with its 300th home. From pioneering a new era of council house building ahead of others and setting up an armslength company to respond to demand for private rental homes, the Council has directly delivered 300 houses over a decade. The newest is a bungalow in Scopwick built with the specific needs of the Musgrove family in mind, especially six-year-old Georgie who lives with autism. Mum Rhea said: “We couldn’t
72 additional homes built
be any more grateful. Due to Georgie’s mobility issues we were in need of some extra space with a wetroom, and with her autism she also needed her own room. I also have a degenerative back condition and carrying her up and down stairs and to the bath is incredibly painful.” Having successfully applied for a Disabled Facilities Grant to extend and adapt their previous council house, the Council felt it was better for them to take up the bungalow it was looking to build in Scopwick, tailoring it to their needs and releasing their former home for someone else to access.
To apply for a council house, visit: Additional funding has been awarded to the District Council to extend its response to rough sleeping. In partnership with South Holland, South Kesteven and West Lindsey councils, the £600,000 Rough Sleeping Initiative funding, will increase the number of outreach workers and mechanisms for supporting individuals across the four areas over a year. The aim is to reduce the number of rough sleepers by increasing levels of preventative intervention for people at risk, reducing the number of ‘repeat’ rough sleepers, improving physical and mental wellbeing as well as providing greater levels of support in settled accommodation. The initiative will build on an established partnership and help some of the most vulnerable people access help, support and accommodation to feel safe again.
house - built at Newfield Road, Sleaford in 2016
and bought up by Lafford Homes - unlocking more choice in the private rentals market. The first 33 were flats at Steam Court, North Hykeham
house delivered by the Council in March 2020 - Springfield, Scopwick. Currently working on around 60 more
£120m earmarked in
capital programme for 330+ council houses and 250+ for Lafford Homes by 2030
With 102 vermin sightings reported to the Council last year, try these tips before calling in a pest control specialist. • Block any holes they may be using with newspaper and after a few days see if any have been re-opened. Then permanently seal all holes. • Remove food sources, such as bird feeders, before dusk daily. • Remove or clear out any refuge / breeding spaces. • Keep gardens tidy – don’t allow grass to become overgrown or rubbish to accumulate or overspill out of bins.
Check out our website for more housing information
Council tenants have backed a 2.74 per cent increase in their rents, in order to fund service improvements, invest in energy efficiency and build new homes. The move comes after wide ranging consultation including road shows and face-to-face discussions. The Tenant Liaison Panel supported a small increase on council house rents, agreeing that it would allow the Council to continue to deliver excellent services and investment and minimise impact on tenants. The change will be shown in rent letters.
As more people take-up poultry keeping as a pastime, it is worth knowing about covenants, consequences and aspects of good practice. Poultry includes cockerels, ducks, geese, chickens, turkeys, pheasants and partridges and while there are no national or local restrictions preventing the keeping of poultry, some individual properties do have covenants which provide an obstacle. So check the deeds of your property – or your tenancy agreement – to ensure this does not apply to you. You should also consider the full extent of what is involved in keeping poultry, including housing, vermin, culling and the suitability of your location. Take all steps to ensure they do not create smell, dust or noise nuisance to neighbours or attract vermin or pests. Last year NKDC received 14 complaints regarding noise from poultry. It is not illegal for a cockerel to crow but you need to make sure that the crowing does not cause a Statutory Nuisance to others. • Locate poultry away from neighbouring homes. • Shut birds away at dusk and do not let them out until a reasonable hour. • If you live in a built up area or have close neighbours, it’s best not to keep cockerels. • If you must, block out light and limit the cockerels’ ability to crow as best you can.
Community Champions
We’ve seen young people show amazing bravery, begin community projects and inspire others over the years, and we know there are more! Nominate them at: Page 17
Our Economy To enable all of our communities to flourish from high quality employment growth and the opportunities of the Green Economy
visitors to North Kesteven, spending £151 million
This is a continued rise as more people discover the delights at the Heart of Lincs. As more people visit, and for longer, the spending power of visitors rose 11 per cent to more than £151m. These are the findings of a nationally-recognised assessment, which shows a healthy increase over several years, highlighting the continued commitment to tourism shown by North Kesteven District Council. This summer Mrs Smith’s Cottage at Navenby will re-open, adding further to the vibrancy.
Community Champions
Has a business local to you made a difference to your community – maybe they’ve supported a project or contributed to a community group? Nominate them at: Page 18
Opening up growth opportunities A commercial partnership is in place to help bring the Council’s planned 37 acre strategic business park in Sleaford to fruition. As the Council shapes its masterplan for the Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park (SMEP) – an extension to the existing business park to the east of the town – property development, design and project management firm biT Group is providing expertise. The ambitious 15-year scheme is an integral part of North Kesteven District Council’s vision for the district and could deliver 500 jobs by creating around 485,000sq ft of
business space across a number of units. The Council bought the site alongside the A17 to unleash its potential after the private sector was slow to act in bringing this strategic employment land forward. Using experience from its proven track-record of development projects, biT Group will help the District Council to fine-tune its scheme. A planning application and masterplan will be submitted this summer, and if approved, construction begin later this year. Council Leader Cllr Richard Wright said: “This scheme
has the potential to unlock so much for Sleaford and the wider District through the creation of a range of spaces for businesses, including larger units that allow for significant growth and development. The land is one of three key strategic employment sites identified in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. “There are clear synergies with biT Group, in the expertise it holds and its ethos as an arm of Telford and Wrekin Council, and through this partnership we’re confident that SMEP can deliver what our District needs.”
Interested in following developments? See
Look out for the new 2020 Leisure Guide From Car parking charges in Sleaford have been frozen. Following the introduction of new machines which accept cash and card payments last spring, coupled with a new charging regime, the decision was taken to hold off a further review until there is a full year of operations to reflect on. Similarly, local planning application fees have remained static after there was an unanticipated 20% increase nationally in fees for planning applications introduced in January 2018. And so the Council agreed in its fees and charges schedule that there should be no further increase in the forthcoming year.
Sleaford’s shopping area continues to flourish, with twice the rate of independent retailers than the national average. This adds to the town’s distinctive character and creates a vibrant shopping environment. Of all the ground floor shops and service industry units within Sleaford 78.4 per cent are independent businesses, more than twice the 36.6 per cent national rate and significantly higher than the East Midlands’ 40.3 per cent. Shop vacancies within the town have risen for the first time in 30 months; in line with the national average of 9.8%, which is an improvement on recent trends.
If you’re looking for more business news follow
Discovering business potential
Planning permission has been granted for the District Council’s £2.2m investment in more business workshop units in North Hykeham. Following the successful planning application for 15 units at Discovery Park, off Whisby Road, the joint venture between the Council and Lindum Group will provide 21,000 square feet of start-up and grow-on space. Known as Discovery Court, the units’ size will range from 750 to 2,750 square feet, totalling 21,000 square feet in all. The development falls within the thriving LN6 enterprise area, identified in the Local Plan as Central Lincolnshire’s largest and most strategic established employment area – and at the heart of the thriving LN6 business community. Focused on creating space and opportunity for new and growing businesses to expand, develop and flourish, Discovery Court will add to the existing 111 workshops across 11 sites. This further investment in another workshop scheme, the fourth in around six years demonstrates the District Council’s continued commitment to providing support to growing businesses. Work is anticipated to begin on site in early April with lettings from the autumn.
Interested in relocating to Discovery Park? Email
Businesses can show that they are welcoming to breastfeeding mothers through a new initiative promoted by Partnership NK, the Council’s network of communitybased partners. Simply by displaying a ‘Breastfeeding Friendly’ sticker in their window and accommodating those in need of time and space for breastfeeding, shops, cafes, pubs, restaurants and the like will be offering significant support. If your business is supportive of breastfeeding and wants to highlight this discreetly, email partnershipsteam@n-kesteven. and ask for a sticker for your front doors or windows.
Do you know – or even run – a business that goes to extraordinary lengths to help the local community? If so we want you to nominate them for the NK Community Champion Community Business Award, which seeks to celebrate a company or sole-trader whose business initiatives have made a real difference to their local communities. Nominations are welcomed from grateful recipients of good service but also self-nomination expressing how charitable concern extends beyond the bottom line. Nominate today – or any day up to May 29 – at
Our Economy news and information is available online
Businesses can also show their support for the Armed Forces or promote any discounts by getting into the spirit of Armed Forces Day. In the run up to national Armed Forces Day on June 28, and covering North Kesteven’s Armed Forces activity on June 22 Sleaford traders are encouraged to enter a window decorating competition and consider what offers they can promote to veterans and serving personnel. Deadline for entries is June 8, with judging to take place on June 17 and the winner invited to the Veterans Lunch on June 22. Email
Our Economy
Small businesses bring life and variety to our District’s economy with fresh ideas, new jobs and exciting services – but running a small enterprise can be tough. That’s where Business Support Adviser Phil Means comes in. Whether it’s help on futureproofing a business plan, advice on applying for grants and funding or developing sales and marketing to help your business gather speed, he can advise on a wide range of things. Previously he was the Business Link Skills Coordinator for Lincolnshire and Rutland and worked in retail management with Sainsbury’s and Homebase. “I always tell the business owners I meet in North Kesteven that they are our economy, so as a Council we want to see them succeed and grow,” Phil said. “When someone asks for help to start or grow their business, the possibilities are endless. We can talk about their ideas whatever they might be, give sound business advice and mentoring, and are always just a phone call away with ongoing support. A further help is the connections I can make across other parts of the Council such as Planning and Environmental Health.” Last year 203 businesses were supported through helpful advice and business leads. Call Phil on 07920 472671 or visit support
Community Champions
Groups and organisations such as Scouts, St Johns etc.. that have been running for a long time, have done so through the support of others. Nominate them at: Page 19
Do you know someone who has helped your community? Nominate them today! Award Nomination Form
Please tick the most suitable Award Category
Community Spirit
Contribution to Sport
Community Business
Contribution to Health & Wellbeing
Contribution to a Better Environment
Longstanding contribution to an organisation or group
Contribution to Community Safety
Young Achiever
Contribution to Arts & Culture
Good Neighbour Award
Name of nominee: Address of nominee: (their address) Contact number: (if known) Email address: Referee: (you) Address of referee: (your address) Contact number: Email address: Reason for nomination: (attach follow-on sheet if necessary)
Nominations close on Friday, 29th May 2020 at noon. Return completed forms to: NK Community Champions, Communications Team, NKDC, PO Box 3, Kesteven Street, Sleaford, NG34 7EF or email: Alternatively you can submit your nomination electronically at: