The role of the Steering group
The development of the LN6 work is overseen by two groups. The Steering Group brings together leaders from key partner organisations to provide a steer and impetus to deliver growth in LN6. The Group seeks to facilitate discussions between key organisations to assist in seeking inward investment, promotion of the area as well as being a mechanism to assist in breaking down barriers to development. The partners present want to see LN6 reach its full potential. Alongside the Steering Group, the Officer Group undertakes the day to day work needed to bring development forward and establish the tools needed. The two Groups work together to secure development.
The LN6 area offers significant potential for economic growth which will benefit both Lincolnshire and the East Midlands as a whole. In our work to highlight the investment and growth potential that local economies in the East Midlands offer, it is the kind of opportunity which EMC is keen to see unlocked.” Cllr Collins, Leader, East Midlands Council
We decided Teal Park was the ideal location for us, allowing us to stay in the region and create the facilities we needed. We have taken 11 acres of the 85-acre site. Teal Park is an ideally placed location with good transport links and it provides us with plenty of parking opportunities. Once completed, the additional work being undertaken to improve the road and rail network in the surrounding area will provide further benefits. Neil Corner, Siemens
Long established as the leading business district in the area, the popularity of LN6 continues to grow. With new transport initiatives and business opportunities, the area is well placed for future growth. The establishment of our 85 acre development at Teal Park, working in conjunction with Lincolnshire County Council and North Kesteven District Council, has set new standards for business park development in the area and aims to compete on a regional basis. Siemens are the first occupiers, with their new 135,000 sq.ft. gas turbine service centre, which has been awarded a BREEAM excellent rating and we are now progressing a number of other promising Robin Taylor, Taylor Lindsey
Grow LN6
Useful Contacts Grow LN6 Jeffery Kenyon T: 01529 308135 Twitter: @grow_LN6 NKDC Council Offices Kesteven Street Sleaford NG34 7EF
ECS202125MR 10:03
Access LN6 T: 01522 782070 Twitter: @accessln6 Lincolnshire County Council County Offices Newland Lincoln, LN1 1YL
LN6 Business Group Twitter: @LN6Business City of Lincoln Council City Hall Beaumont Fee Lincoln, LN1 1DD
Planning for the future of LN6
Grow LN6
Welcome Following on from the work in 2013 we wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate what has been achieved so far and invite you to play a role in taking this forward. The Strategic Economic Plan produced by Genecon ‘LN6 – a Plan for the future’ clearly sets out the issues faced in ensuring that LN6 fulfils its’ potential as the leading economic area for Central Lincolnshire. The partners have been working to ensure that these issues are overcome and that the opportunities afforded by the strategic location of LN6 are fully realised. This is now more important than ever given the economic context in which
we are working. Local Enterprise Partnerships, Councils and the private sector must all be involved in bringing forward good quality locations for employment and economic growth. LN6 is one of these. The partners are now developing an action plan that will clearly set out how the partners will deliver on their growth objectives. The plan will address the key land issues facing the area, how to make LN6 competitive nationally and locally in a crowded market, and promoting the opportunities for large floorspace developments. There have been notable successes to date. The Teal Park concept was agreed in partnership by key
stakeholders in order to promote it as a location for businesses. The securing of Siemens to the site acts as a beacon to other potential occupiers. Finally, the successes achieved through Access LN6 in terms of provision of bus services and cycling opportunities has assisted in bringing the wider area together. The work is not yet over. More needs to be done to fully integrate LN6 into its wider context and to promote and market the area as a key business location for the East Midlands and Lincolnshire. The work has started but we want you to help us to make it happen.
> 87.2acres/35.3ha of
Three things we will do in 2014: > Write an action plan outlining what the key interventions need to be and who needs to be involved in order to drive forward LN6
> Create an identifiable LN6 brand and identity that will be used on all publications related to delivering the LN6 area
> Identify what our offer will be so that we are able to successfully market the area and encourage investors to consider LN6 as a location
> Largest new employment location in East Midlands
> High quality environment on
Access LN6 is a multi-million pound programme delivered by Lincolnshire County Council to improve sustainable transport options in the LN6 postcode area of Lincoln and Hykeham. It is increasing opportunities to walk, cycle, use public transport and car share, as well as making improvements to infrastructure. We welcome the opportunity to work with partners to promote the LN6 area which mutually supports the economic wellbeing of Lincoln and Central Lincolnshire as a whole.
edge of Lincoln
HYK Ian Fytche, Chief Executive N STATIO
Cllr Mrs Marion Brighton OBE, Leader
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Grow LN6
City of Lincoln Council
Recent successes for Access LN6 include: > Enhancement of five bus services, improvement to facilities at Hykeham Station and development of the LN6 Car Share scheme > Lincoln’s short-term hirebike scheme > Our work with businesses and schools to encourage sustainable travel to work and active travel for students Coming soon: > £1 million investment in walking and cycling infrastructure in LN6 including an extension of the hirebike scheme providing more stations and bikes > A scheme of residential Personalised Travel Planning with 10,000 households in Hykeham and Doddington Park > Two new members of staff working with businesses and schools to offer sustainable travel advice.
LN6 Business Group
> Well located on A46 and rail links
Cllr Mrs Brighton OBE, Council Leader, NKDC
Access LN6
employment land
The Grow LN6 area is ripe for development and key to furthering the economic status of Greater Lincolnshire. It is a key area for business growth assisted by its great location close to the road and rail networks.
The LN6 business group is about to celebrate its 5th birthday. Membership of the group is free to all businesses which have trading premises in the LN6 postcode, regardless of size, type of business and whether the business operates from home (so long as the home is in the LN6 postcode). The aim of LN6 is to reflect the views of the LN6 business community to all those who may influence the fortunes of and investment in the LN6 postcode, and to connect those businesses to each other with a view to increasing trading opportunities. We hold informal bi-monthly events, usually at lunchtimes, hosted by one of the members, which are
free to attend. These are good opportunities to learn what is happening and to network. We also have focus groups on trade, transport, resource efficiency and security. There are plenty of ways to get involved and they all involve no financial commitment. The level of time commitment is up to the individual member; if you are a busy sole trader you can register on our website – - which is our notice board and join the LN6 Linked Group and we can communicate with you that way. You can also follow us on Twitter. Do come and join us and have your say.