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GreenFX, a pioneer in IT innovations
Green FX Team has been in their IT innovations Since 2007 in the Kingdom of Bahrain. During this period, the company has served with their solutions to 2000+ small, medium a n d l a rg e o rg a n i z at i o n s i n t h e Kingdom, which is the highest by any technology company in records. Green FX develop simple, reliable, flexible and cost-effective solutions which are adaptable to the client’s environment. Our team are always equipped with the global technology updates; we evaluate and review our processes and knowledge base to implement the best available s o l u t i o n s t h a t c a n b r i n g va l u e addition to our customers. Green FX approach focuses on novel methods of business combining IT innovation and adoption, keeping in purview an organization’s current IT assets. Green FX provides the solutions on Microsoft .NET, PHP, Java, Angular, Android and Tally Platforms that are reliable, robust and scalable for a dynamic environment where people, process & technology blend seamlessly. Green FX is serving on Cloud infrastructure development, Payment Gateway, Web Solutions, E - c o m m e rc e , M o b i l e A p p s , I T Security, and Encrypted Server Backup Solutions, by partnering with the Global Products, Eset, Xopero , Safetica , Calvister etc.
The company gradually built and formed multiple joint ventures, Partnerships and Client base across GCC, India, Africa and US. Our diverse and highly skilled global workforce consists of shared resources. As a company and as individuals, we take great pride in contributing to the growth of our clients, employees, and communities where we live and work. Our persistent efforts to improve on our employee skills in a good work environment continue to pay off. We have always been recruiting with great employment o p p o r t u n i t i e s w i t h v e r y h i g h potential to learn, work and earn.
It’s our opportunity to show our gratitude for the great Investment atmosphere and support of the Authorities and the Royal Family of this Great Kingdom.
Businessman, philanthropist
Dr Varghese Kurian, a prominent businessman in the Kingdom, contributes to various charity causes in Bahrain and India
VKL Holdings and Al Namal Group of Companies is extremely popular for its real estate, property development and management, construction, health and hospitality divisions. By making use of the most advanced techniques in all of its numerous divisions, VKL Holdings have carved its own niche in and around the Kingdom. Dr Varghese Kurian is the chairman of the VKL Holdings and Al Namal Group of Companies whose business include real estate, property development and management, construction, health and hospitality divisions. Dr Kurian has been involved in real estate development for t h e l a st 2 0 ye a r s , h av i n g s u cce ss f u l l y developed, managed, marketed and sold ove r 2 0 0 co m m e rc i a l a n d re s i d e n t i a l buildings across the Kingdom with property values in excess of BD 100 million.
T h r o u g h t h e i r i n t r i c a t e n e t w o r k o f suppliers, service providers and industry professionals, the clients of VKL Holdings e n j oy exce l l e n ce a n d co nve n i e n ce a t c o m p e t i t i ve p r i c e s , t a k i n g c o m p l e t e a d va n t a g e o f o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d t h e economy and provides a timely delivery —the simple reason why VKL Holdings are consistently preferred by several leading consultants as their main developer. The company has expanded across the Middle E a st a n d I n d i a , e m p l oy i n g ove r 7,0 0 0 workers and has recently initiated a new project in Tbilisi, Georgia. D r Ku r i a n , a q u a l i f i e d c i v i l e n g i n e e r, c o n t i n u e s t o s t e e r t h e g ro u p t o t h e forefront of its businesses in the Gulf and abroad, with his vision and understanding
His Majesty receives Dr Varghese Kurian of the needs of his clients. His hard work, determination, and quest for perfection are the other qualities that make these groups pioneers in their respective fields. The Group includes VK Universal Property Management Co, VK Universal Hotels and Restaurant Management, Al Namal Contracting and Trading Co WLL, Middle East Hospital and Middle East Medical Centres, SAACH Interior Designers, New Horizon School and VKL Hotel and Resorts.
The Middle East Hospital, one of the prominent healthcare institutions in the Kingdom, provides trusted healthcare for life. The hospital is an 85-bed acute general facility, and addresses the major medical problems facing the population in Bahrain and the Gulf. The hospital is considered among the most advanced in equipment, and staffed with the best qualified in the area, to generate a service that is highly demanded by the populous in Bahrain and beyond. Moreover, while it is the most equipped and staffed, it provides its services at affordable cost to individuals, corporates and insurance companies alike – thanks to modern management systems that emphasize efficiency and quality of care. Th i s h o s p i t a l co n s t i t u te s a n i n te g ra l component of a health services group under the umbrella of Middle East Medical facilities, which include the Middle East Medical Centers in Al Hidd, and Salmabad, with more facilities on the way to provide the needed medical care to the people. The Middle East Hospital provides trusted healthcare for life.
VKL Group’s foray into the education sector was quite accidental. Opening as a kindergarten catering to value based schooling for children in the age group three-six located in Salmaniya in the year 2000, the institution expanded its services in the year 2003 to educate children in the age group three-12, obtaining the official approval of the Ministry of Education with the new name, the New Horizon School.
Dr Kurian contributes to various charity c a u s e s i n B a h ra i n a n d I n d i a . H e h a s helped with the repatriation of stranded Indian workers and provided educational assistance to Indian students, medical aid to the poor, as well as housing to the homeless in India. He has also provided financial support for the marriage expenses of children of Indian expats. He has also established a charitable fund in the name of his parents aimed at pursuing welfare programmes for the poor. Amidst the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, he has provided eight multistorey buildings around Hidd and the four-star deluxe Park Regis Lotus Hotel in Juffair to Bahrain’s Ministry of Health to accommodate COVID-19 patients free of charge. Dr Kurian is married to Lizhy Varghese and the couple has three children named Sija, Jeeban, and Vishakh. He was awarded Pravasi Bharatiya Samman by the Indian government in the year 2014. Dr Varghese Kurian is the chairman of the VKL Holdings and Al Namal Group of Companies whose business include real estate, property development and management, construction, health and hospitality divisions
The complete entrepreneur
A leading commercial organisation in the Kingdom, the Dadabhai Group is present in key sectors in Bahrain’s economy, providing quality products and impeccable service
Mr Dadabhai
Adjectives would often fall short t o d e s c r i b e t h e s u c c e s s s a g a o f M o h a m m e d D a d a b h a i , t h e Chairman of Dadabhai Group, as he keeps on widening his horizons both in business and social life. Mr Dadabhai now heads a diversified set of companies offering commercial construction services, and travel and hotel management services. He is also the former president of BahrainIndia society, a social grouping to enhance understanding between the both nations. A leading commercial organisation in the Kingdom, the Dadabhai Group is present i n key s e c to r s i n B a h ra i n ’s e co n o my, providing quality products and impeccable service. Having achieved many accolades a n d re co g n i t i o n s towa rd s m a i n t a i n i n g business excellence, the group continues its growth in newer areas and opportune s e c to r s . J o i n i n g h a n d s i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h m a ny o rg a n i s at i o n s , e n t i t i e s a n d individuals across the globe, the group always maintains its proficient standards of operation benefitting all entities involved. Back in the 1940s, Mr Dadabhai was the eldest of six children, and so was expected to work alongside his father, Ahmed Ali Dadabhai, who owned a small toy shop in the heart of Manama’s old souk. He finished his secondary schooling but rather than going to the university, decided he was ready to work full time. And so, at 16, he started running the shop, gradually taking control of all the operations. A few years later he bought his first house, gaining his first taste of the construction
business and developing a new interest in real estate development and management. He began with apartment buildings and graduated into hotels: today the Dadabhai Group’s assets include some of Bahrain’s best-known hotels and resorts.
“Dadabhai Group began its journey as a modest trading house more than fifty years ago in the Kingdom. With a firm belief in our ability to achieve higher we started to venture into unknown territories. New business opportunities opened up and inspired us to diversify. Bahrain’s economic environment turned vibrant and compelled us to capitalise on the changing market d y n a m i c w h i l e s a t i s f y i n g o u r ra p i d l y
increasing customer base became the motivating factor for all our efforts.” Dadabhai Construction, established in 1 97 7, i s o n e o f t h e K i n g d o m ’s o l d e st a n d m o s t we l l - k n ow n c o m p a n i e s i n t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y. D a d a b h a i Construction is an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certified company for Construction of Buildings, Project Management, Infrastructure Works, Interior and Electro-Mechanical Works. The success story of Dadabhai Constructions include the classic projects such as Abraj Al LuLu, Dana Mall, Elite Crystal, Elite Resort and Spa, Juffair Heights and Office Building Dubai. It has been categorized as Grade AA Construction Company by the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning and as Grade A Construction Company by Military Works Directorate and the Ministry of Housing. Dadabhai Construction has an impressive list of landmark projects behind its name. “We have earned an enviable reputation within the industry for excellence in the quality of our planning and implementation. Each project is meticulously executed with the same uncompromising standards that have become our trademark in the commercial sector,” says Mr Dadabhai. Infrastructure works and services works predominantly related to the building works were forming part of the operations of Dadabhai Construction. With the project sizes and number increasing day by day, the Dadabhai Group has recently decided to administer the infrastructure works as a new distinct division under Dadabhai Construction and has set up a team of experienced engineers and highly skilled workforce.
With its unrivalled service levels, stateof-the-art technology, formidable buying power and a global reach through a wide range of affiliated travel partners, Dadabhai Travel has become an agency of choice for so many people across the GCC Region. It has expanded from a single office location in 1981 to its current network of 13 branches, 15 implant locations and 5 GSA offices encompassing Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The Company’s Vision of becoming the epitome of success in the travel and tourism industry through a customercentric approach built around unparalleled service coupled with innovative concepts is underpinned by its Core Values – integrity, customer care, teamwork and reliability. Elite Hospitality Group, the hospitality wing of Dadabhai Group, has maintained an excellent reputation as the most preferred destination for short and long-term guests. Having developed a large segment of loyal customers from across the world, it continues to cater to all requirements of travellers, and offer modern hospitality concepts. Elite Hospitality Group operates four hotels and three service apartments positioned in various vital locations in the Kingdom such as Muharraq, Seef District and Juffair to meet all requirements and special needs. All five hotels offer an array of specialty restaurants, as well as a range of executive lounges, state-of-the-art health clubs, wellness spas, conferencing and banquets facilities and nightclubs. The group has also set up a $2.2 million institute to train Bahrainis for hotel and catering jobs. WE HAVE EARNED AN ENVIABLE REPUTATION WITHIN THE INDUSTRY FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE QUALITY OF OUR PLANNING AND EXECUTION. EACH PROJECT IS METICULOUSLY EXECUTED WITH THE SAME HIGHEST STANDARDS THAT HAVE BECOME OUR TRADEMARK IN THE COMMERCIAL SECTOR