News of Kings Point February 2025

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Historically,theMasterAssociation BoardandtheFederationBoard havefacedchallengesinworking together effectively. Since at least 2019, these two governing bodieshavebeenatodds,often clashing publicly and rejecting ideas simply because they originatedfromtheotherboard. This discord culminated in two lawsuits, which, thankfully, have since been successfully settled. The turning point began with changes in leadership. Under the stewardship of Jim Gundry, President of the Federation, and Jim Haggerty, President of the Master Association, the boards started to bridge their differences, gradually improving their relationship. This positive momentum has continued and strengthened under the current leadership of Master Association President Chris Robinson and Federation President Diane Daniels. Together, they have made a commitment to foster collaboration, holding quarterly meetings to address community concerns and work towards solutionsthatbeneÞtallresidents.

Joint Efforts for the Community One of the most promising developments is the agreement to tackle key community projects collaboratively:

A New Era of Cooperation Between KP Governing Boards

•FrontGateVisitorLaneExpansion: Thisinitiativerequiresaneasement fromtheFederationtotheMaster Association,aspartofthenewlane wouldencroachontrustproperty.

•Back Gate Automation: Plans for an unmanned, automated gateatthebackentrancerequire an easement from the Master Association to the Federation.

•GolfCartTrafÞcRerouting:Efforts to improve safety by rerouting golf cart trafÞc away from the Kings and Clubhouse Drive intersection also depend on an easement from the Federation to the Master Association.

•DisasterPlanning:Bothboardsare workingtogetherwiththeDisaster Planning Committee to enhance preparedness and response efforts, ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.

These projectsexemplify the new spirit of cooperation between the boards, highlighting their shared commitment to making Kings Point a great place to live.


In a groundbreaking move, FederationPresidentDianeDaniels has invited Master President Chris Robinson to host monthly joint town hall meetings. These

Government Day Comes to Kings Point! The Hillsborough County Tax Collector’sOfÞce,incollaboration with the Master Association, is excitedtobringGovernmentDay to Kings Point! This special event isopentoallKingsPointandSun City Center residents and offers a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the many services available from the county.

When: March 12th, immediately following the Master Association Board Meeting, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM.

Where: Veterans Theater at the Kings Point North Clubhouse.

Representatives from various county departments will be available to speak with you one-on-one, share valuable information about their services, and answer any questions you may have. This is your chance to connect directly with local agencies and government services, all in one place.

Some of the featured services and departments include driver license and ID card assistance,

where you can change your address, renew your license, and even get your license onsite (pre-registration is required— registration info TBD). Vehicle registrationassistance willalsobe available, along with information from Public Works, Veterans Affairs,SeniorServices,Emergency Services, Parks and Recreation, AgingServices,SocialServices,UF/ IFAS Extension, and Cybersecurity Services, just to name a few.

In addition to these services, attendeescangatherinformation about wellness programs and resources offered by the county. Many residents are unaware of the wide array of services available to them—this event is a great opportunity to become informed and take full advantage of these offerings.

Government Day is a unique chance to engage directly with local government representatives and learn how their services can beneÞt you. Whether you need assistance with ofÞcial documents, want to learn about community resources, or simply

wishtostayinformedaboutwhat yourcountyhastooffer,thisevent has something for everyone.

The Master Association is proud to partner with Nancy Millan, Hillsborough County Tax

Radio Tower Installed: A Milestone for Disaster Preparedness

The long-awaited radio tower for the Radio Club has Þnally been installed, marking a signiÞcant step forward in our community’s disaster preparedness efforts. Originallyscheduledforinstallation the day Hurricane Milton struck, the process faced delays due to health issues with the installation team. Despite these challenges, thetowerisnow fullyoperational andreadytoenhancetherange ofourantennas.

This tower will play a critical role in disaster planning, providing

a dedicated communication channel for management and vendors if cell towers go down during emergencies. Plans are underway to establish protocols for utilizing the radios during disasters, as well as educational initiativestoinformresidentsabout theprogram’svalue.

Residents will soon have the opportunity to learn more about affordable $15 handheld radios and how they can be used to stay informed and connected in emergencies.


sessions will provide residents with a platform to ask questions and address concerns without being redirected to separate board meetings. Representatives from both boards, along with their general managers, will be available to answer questions and provide support. This uniÞed approachaimstocreateamore transparent and resident-focused governancemodel. TheTownHall meetings are scheduled the Þrst Tuesdayofeachmonth,from10:00 -11:30amintheVeteransTheater.


Whilethisneweraofcollaboration is cause for celebration, both boardsrecognizetheimportance of sustaining this progress as leadership changes over time. Residents are encouraged to support candidates who prioritize cooperation and are willing to set aside personal agendas for the greater good of Kings Point. This newfound partnership marks aturningpointinthegovernance of our community. By working together, the Master Association and Federation Boards are creating a brighter future for all residents. Let’s continue to build on this momentum and make Kings Point an even better place tocallhome.

Collector, to bring this exciting and educational event to our community.Don’tmissoutonthis excellentopportunitytoconnect, engage, and stay informed. We lookforwardtoseeingyouthere!

Thismilestone was made possible through the collaboration and dedication of the Master Association, the Disaster Planning Committee, and the Radio Club. After a lengthy process involving funding acquisition, RFECapprovals,andovercoming installation challenges, we are thrilledtoseethisprojectcometo fruition.

Thank you to everyone involved for their commitment to making ourcommunitysafer!

Q What is an infectious (aka contagious) disease of dogs and cats?

A.Infectious(Contagious)diseases that spread from one animal to another,arecommonlycausedby viruses,bacteria,fungiorparasites thatcanspreadinair,food,water or by direct contact. Diagnosis is madebyspecialtests,bloodwork orsmearsandmicroscopicexam.

Common infectious diseases of pets include Parvo, Distemper, Bordetella (kennel cough), Feline Leukemia, and parasites. Prevention is accomplished by knowing how the organism is spread, how to avoid contact with the disease-causing agent, vaccination (when available) and the use of products that eliminate the disease-causing agent or its intermediate host. For example, dog tapeworms are spread when the pet eats a ßea, and heartworms are spread toadogorcatfromamosquito bite. Prevention can include avoiding exposure, vaccination, and cleaning and disinfecting in some situations. Treatments, such as parasite control, can limit the spread of worms, ßeas, ticks and mites.

There is a special category of infectious diseases called “ ZOONOTIC”, which is deÞned as any disease that can spread

Clearing Up Confusion on Water Shut-Off Notices

There has been some confusion regarding water shut-off notices, and we want to provide clariÞcation. These notices, which address potable water interruptions, are sent by FirstService. Typically, the shutoffs are requested because the countyneedstomakearepair,or aplumberhasrequestedtheshutofftofacilitateaprivaterepair. It is important to note that these noticesareonlyforpotablewater. FirstService holds the agreement withthecountyforpotablewater and sends these notiÞcations to theaffectedassociations.

Separately,theMasterAssociation sendsoutirrigationoutagenotices whenmainlinerepairsareneeded, pumps aredown, or similarissues arise. However, these irrigation notices are sent exclusively to associationpresidentsandboards, astheMasterAssociationdoesnot maintain contact information for allresidents.

If you have questions about potable water shut-offs, please direct them to FirstService. For irrigation-related inquiries, please reach out to your association boardorpresidentforupdates.

FROManimalstoPEOPLE. AwellknownzoonoticdiseaseisRABIES, whichisavirusthatisvirtually100% fatal with no known treatment. It is usually spread from animals to people in bite wounds, but also rarely by breathing air from bat infested caves. This virus infects most mammals, except for opossums, which seem to be naturally resistant. Vaccination preventsthespreadofthisdisease.

Somepathogens--likerabies,can infect more than one species. SOME PATHOGENS ARE HOST OR SPECIES SPECIFIC. Some pathogens do not live long in non-hostspeciesbutcancausea problemshort term. Forexample, themitethatcausesDOGSCABIES CAN BE TRANSFERRED TO PEOPLE bydirectcontactwithaninfested dog, and although it cannot survive in people long enough to reproduce and cannot be transmittedfrompersontoperson, it can survive long enough to causeintenseitchingandmakea personmiserable.

Knowing which diseases are zoonotic and what can be done to treat and prevent these diseases is important. Most pets receive at least some vaccines and parasite prevention, which can also prevent ZOONOTIC diseases from spreading to people and THAT PROTECTS THE PET AND THE PET FAMILY.

Coping with Post-Holiday Blues

The holiday season is Þlled with joyandexcitement,butonceit’s over, many people experience the “post-holiday blues.” This temporary low mood often follows weeks of celebration, socializing,andhighexpectations. Fortunately, there are ways to cope and regain balance.


The post-holiday blues can stem from emotional highs and lows, Þnancial stress, unmet holiday expectations, exhaustion, or the shorter, colder days. Recognizing these triggers is the Þrststeptowardmanagingthem.


•EaseBackIntoRoutine: Gradually returntoyourschedulebysetting small, achievable goals. Prioritize self-care with regular sleep.

•Plan Ahead: Create events or milestones to look forward to. Having something exciting on thehorizoncanhelpcombatlow spirits.

•Stay Active: Physical activity is a natural mood booster. Even a shortwalkoutdoorsorfunactivities canmakeabigdifference.

•Connect with Others: Reaching out to friends or family or volunteering can reduce feelings ofisolationandprovideasenseof purpose.

•Focus on Financial Health: If holiday spending has you stressed, create a budget and tackle debts step by step.

Iffeelingspersistorintensify,consult a mental health professional. Takingcareofyourselfnowcanset the tone for a healthier, happier yearahead.

Be a Responsible Pet Owner in Kings Point

As a pet-friendly community, KingsPointwelcomesfurryfriends of all shapes and sizes. However, with pet ownership comes responsibility,notjustfor thecare and well-being of your animals, butalsofortherespectandsafety of your neighbors and shared spaces. To maintain a clean and harmonious environment, it is essential that all pet owners adhere to both community guidelinesandcountyordinances.

Per county regulations, all pets mustbeonaleashnolongerthan six feet when off their owner’s propertyorinpublicspaces,suchas neighborhood sidewalks, outdoor cafés, or recreational areas. Pet owners must maintain control of their animals at all times. Failure todosomayresultinÞnesstarting at$100andescalatingto$500for repeatedviolations.Ensuringyour pet is leashed and under control is not just the law—it’s a critical measure to ensure the safety of your pet and those around you.

Anyfecesleftbyapetonpublic property, sidewalks, recreation areas,oranotherperson’sprivate property must be immediately removedbythepersonresponsible for the animal. This includes our beautiful community sidewalks and greenspaces. Neglectingto cleanupafteryourpetisnotonly inconsiderate to your neighbors butalsoaviolationofthelaw.Fines may result upto$500peranimal per infraction. Fine amounts increase for subsequent offenses and may require a mandatory court appearance. Let’s all do ourparttokeepKingsPointclean

We often underestimate the power of a simple act of kindness. A thoughtful gesture, a smile, or even a small token of appreciation can ripple out, creating a wave of positivity in ourcommunity. That’s why we’re launchingtheKindnessChallenge, an initiative to encourage everyone to spread goodwill and brighten someone’s day.

Your mission is simple: perform at least one random act of kindness this week. It doesn’t havetobegrandorexpensive— kindness often shines brightest in the little things. Here are some examples to inspire you:

• Payforthepersonbehind youinlineatthecoffeeshop.

• Leaveapositivenoteona neighbor’sdoororcarwindshield.

• Volunteer an hour of your time to help a local charity or a neighborinneed.

• Compliment a stranger or thank someone who often goes unnoticed, like a grocery

and enjoyable for everyone. Wehaveobservedanincreasing number of incidents where dogs arebeingallowedtorunoff-leash ontheclosedgolfcourses.Letus remind all residents that off-leash pets arenotpermittedonthegolf coursesunderanycircumstances. This includes situations where ownersridegolfcartswhileletting their pets run freely or walk dogs on a leash while driving a golf cart. Such practices are not only a violation of community rules butcanalsobehighlydangerous for both the pet and the owner.

Allowing pets to roam freely or walking a dog while driving a golf cart poses signiÞcant safety risks. Accidents can happen quickly, and the consequences could be severe for both pets and their owners. We urge all residents to prioritize safety and abide by the rules. If you observe anyone engaging in such practices on the closed golf courses, please report the incidenttotheMasterAssociation.

As a reminder, while Kings Point is generally pet-friendly, some associationswithinourcommunity are not. Please be respectful of these pet-free areas and avoid walking your dogs through these neighborhoods. Being mindful of suchrestrictionsensuresapeaceful coexistenceforallresidents.

We all share the responsibility of maintaining a clean, safe, and respectful environment in Kings Point. As pet owners, you play a vital role in ensuring that our community remains a pleasant place for everyone. By following theseguidelines,youcontributeto the well-being of your neighbors, the safety of your pets, and the integrityofourcommunityspaces. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to responsible pet ownership. Together, we canmakeKingsPointasafeand enjoyablehomeforall.

store cashier or a janitor.

• Surprise someone with ßowers, baked goods, or even a handwrittennote. The best part of kindness? It’s contagious. Your thoughtful gesture might inspire someone elsetopayitforward,creatinga chainreactionofgooddeeds. We’d love to see how you’re making a difference! Share your act of kindness on your social media or Facebook page and use the hashtag #KPKindnessChallengetoconnect with others who are spreading positivity.Youcanalsosharestories of kindness you’ve witnessed— it’s all about encouraging more good in the world.

Together, we can make our community a kinder, more compassionateplace.So,let’sget started!Whetherit’ssomethingas smallasholdingthedooropenfor someoneorasbigasorganizinga fooddrive,everyactcounts. Let’sprovethatkindnessisn’tjusta gesture;it’samovement.Imagine howmuchbrighterourdayscanbe when kindness becomes a habit.

Are you up for the challenge? Let’s create a ripple effect of kindness that starts with you. Don’tforgettotagyourpostswith #KPKindnessChallenge, and who knows? Your story might inspire someoneelsetojoinin.

Vegatative Buffer Zones Around Ponds

reducethevolumeandspeedof water entering the pond, which can decrease therisk of ßooding downstream.

Winter Landscape Maintenance, Getting Past the Winter Blues

and/or point, aim, and squeeze with an environmentally-friendly weedkillerspray.

Plant buffer zones around stormwater ponds are important for several reasons related to environmental protection, safety, andaesthetics.Herearesomekey reasonsfortheirimplementation:

1. Water Quality

Improvement: Buffer zones help Þlter pollutants from runoff before they enter the stormwater pond. Vegetation in these areas can trap sediments, absorb nutrients, and break down contaminants, improving the overall water quality.

2. ErosionControl:Vegetation in buffer zones stabilizes the soil, reducing erosion and preventing sediment from washing into the pond. This helps maintain the pond’scapacityandeffectiveness in managing stormwater. It preventsshorelineerosion.

3. Habitat Creation: Buffer zones provide habitat for various wildlife species, including birds, amphibians, and insects. This enhances biodiversity and supportslocalecosystems.

4. Flood Management: By slowing down and absorbing runoff, buffer zones can help

Due to the devastation that Hurricanes Helene and Milton causedinourarea,theMichigan Club Board Members voted for MyWarrior’sPlaceinRuskintobe the recipient of the Care/Share held at our December dance, a local charity that was hard hit. Needless to say there were hundreds that were devastated and they still need help – so please don’t forget about volunteering to help the many getbackontheirfeet. Presenting the check for $700 to Dalton Wells, MWP’s Treasurer is Norma Ebner, Michigan Club’s Care/ Share Chairperson and Karen Begg, Publicity/Communications/ Membership Chair. Six Hundred Dollars was collected through theCare/ShareandaVetatthe dance donated $100. We have amazing members in our Club! MWP had six cottages destroyed by water and one of them had a tree land on it which resulted in the cottage being completely knocked down. Their ofÞces also had water damage.

To honor her son Corey, and the

5. AestheticandRecreational BeneÞts: Well-maintained buffer zones can enhance the visual appealofstormwaterpondsand providerecreationalopportunities for communities, such as walking trails and wildlife observation areas.

6. Safety:Bufferzonescreate a physical barrier that can deter people, especially children, from approaching the water’s edge, reducing the risk of accidents or drowning.

7. Temperature Regulation: Vegetation in buffer zones can provide shade, helping to regulatewatertemperatureinthe pond.Coolerwatertemperatures can be beneÞcial for aquatic life and can help reduce the growth of harmful algae.

Implementing and maintaining buffer zones around stormwater ponds is a best management practicethatsupportssustainable urban development and environmental conservation. Furthermore it is supported by Florida’s Florida Friendly Planting legislationunderhealthyponds.


Army values that he stood for— Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selßess Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage, Kelly Kowell was compelled to Þnd a way to assist those who were mentally and emotionally affected by some of the complex grief issues that arise when the one who died served in the military.

Thus My Warrior’s Pace, Inc. (a 501(c)(3)wasfoundedinCorey’s memory. Corey had a love for servinghiscountrysincealittleboy andevenÞnishedhighschoolearly sohecouldenlistwhenhewas17 with his parents’ signed consent. Tragically he died on September 20,2009inZabulProvincewhenhe andamedicwereontheirwayto helpaconvoythathadcomein contactwithanIED.Coreywas20.

My Warrior’s Pace is located in Ruskin, FL on the Manatee River. Theyarealocalcharitydesigned to honor, support, and promote the healing of mind and spirit by providing a relaxed setting, special programs and a relaxed resource for any Military Service Member, Veteran, Fire Fighter, Law Enforcement OfÞcer (active or retired) Blue Star, Silver Star or Gold Star family member whose lifehasbeentouchedandforever changed due to a tragic event and/or death of a Fallen Warrior while in service to our country. GuestscomefromallovertheUS to stay here long term or for just a day. Additional information

Winter,suchasitisinFlorida,can last for several months. In westCentralFlorida,however,we,are very fortunate, compared with other areas in the country. Now isagreattimetogetoutsideand garden. It may be chilly in the morning, but the afternoons are wonderful.

The Central Florida Gardening Calendar is a great resource that will help you make timely landscape maintenance decisions. Access this publication at“AskIFAS”followedbythetitle.

Gardeninggreentipsforthenext fewmonths:

Plant vegetables: January: Plant peppers and potatoes; February: Plant beans, corn, cantaloupe andtomatoes;andMarch:Same asFebruarypluscucumber,okra, sweetpotatoandwatermelon.

Mulch: Cool weather is always a great time to add mulch to your landscape bedsif it islessthan 3 inchesdeep.Mulchregulatessoil temperature,addsorganicvalue, inhibits weeds and retains soil moisture. Pine bark, pine straw/ needles, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca andleavesaregoodoptions.

ManageWeeds:Usingmulch(2-3 inchesdeepafteritsettles)helps. If you chose to Þght the weed war, you can cover weeds with newspapers to smother them

Prune? Checkthe“Calendar”for what plants can be pruned and when.Prunetotrainplantstogrow in a certain direction, improve health by removing diseased stems, increase ßowering, and moreabundantfoliage.

Pests: Biting, Sucking and Chewing. Yes, we have pests: aphids, caterpillars, slugs, snails, scale and spider mites. Less than 1%ofallbugsare“badbugs”.The Þrststepistoproperlyidentifythe insecttobesureitisapestversus abeneÞcialinsect.Ifyoumust,use theleasttoxicproduct.Spottreat plants as needed, not the entire landscape.

Right Plant, Wrong Place: After the last chance of frost, which is generally mid-February, consider theopportunitytomovetheright plant to the right place in your landscape if it is not there now. Consideration should be given to light (sun/shade), soil pH and texture, water, wind and other conditions. An invasive plant is nevertherightplantinanyplace. Not sure if it’s invasive, go to UF/ IFAS Assessment of Non-Native PlantsinFlorida’sNaturalAreas.

Rewards of winter landscape maintenance: You are outside, productive, enjoying nature, speakingwithneighborsyoumay nothaveseeninawhile.

For more information on environmental horticulture, contact your local UF/IFAS Extension ofÞce. In Hillsborough County, call (813) 744-5519, visit our ofÞce at 5339 County Road 579, Seffner, FL 33584, website, calendarofeventsandFacebook pages.

Membership in COA

Many Associations include their Owners’ annual $5.00 Membershipduesintheirregular Associationfeeseachyear–itis 42 Cents per Unit per Month. If yourAssociationdoesnotinclude your dues, you are welcome to stop in, pay your annual $5.00, join the COA, and take advantageofthemanyservices offered by the COA. Stop in andpickupalistoftheservices offered for your convenience right here in Kings Point, either free or at signiÞcant savings.

2025COAMonthlyMembership and Board Meetings

February 4, 2025 COA Business Meetingwillbeheldat2:00PM in the Banquet Room of the NorthClubhouse.

Upcoming Business Meeting Schedule: all are at 2:00 PM in the Banquet Room of the NorthClubhouseonFebruary4, March4,April1,andMay6.We lookforwardtoseeingourCOA Members.

TaxTimeIsUponUs – we have had many questions regarding 2025 tax assistance. COA is no longer involved in any tax preparation programs.

HoweverVITAVolunteerIncome Tax Assistance (United Way Suncoast) is offering Free Tax Preparation by appointment at the Ruskin Branch Library, 26 DickmanDr.SE,Ruskin.Goonline atuwsvita.orgorcall1-833-8978482 for appointments. Pick up a brochure in the COA OfÞce.

Shredding Day is April 29, 2025 from 9:00 AM – Noon. Sign-Ups for Appointments will begin in early April 2025. KPCOAMembershipDirectory will go to print in early 2025. KP COA Volunteers Needed

If you would like to become a VolunteerintheKingsPointCOA OfÞce,pleasestopintheofÞce at 1902 Clubhouse Drive, Suite B between 9:00 AM – Noon to meettheVolunteersandÞllout anapplication.

Lynn Barber, UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County
Kp Michigan Club Makes Doantion to My Warriors

February Volunteer of the Month

This February, we are proud to honor Susan Bailyn as Kings Point’s Volunteer of the Month. Susan’s unwavering dedication to our communityistrulyremarkable,assheactively contributes through various roles, including beingthemoderatorandfoundingmemberof NextDoorinKingsPoint,DirectorandTreasurer oftheTomiakFoundation,PresidentofBedford C,andownerofMakeMeNewAgain.

Susan devotes over 30 hours each week to answering questions, welcoming new residents, and assisting those in need through the NextDoorplatform.HereffortshavemadeNextDooravitalresource forfosteringconnectionandsupportinourcommunity.

AsDirectoroftheTomiakFoundation,Susanhasplayedakeyrole insecuringgrantsthatbeneÞtKingsPoint.Thankstoherleadership, the foundation funded the creation of our beloved dog park and providedgrantstotheSunCityCenterEmergencySquadtosupport theirlife-savingwork.

Susanalsovolunteersherexpertiseandtimethroughherremodeling company,MakeMeNewAgain,oftenassistingresidentsinupdating andimprovingtheirhomes.Inaddition,sheservesasPresidentofher condominium association, Bedford C, where she works tirelessly to enhanceherneighborhood.

OriginallyfromtheBronx,NewYork,SusanlatermovedtoChicago, Illinois,wheresheachievednotablesuccessinpageantry.Shewas crownedMrs.Illinoisin1982andearnedthetitleofÞrstrunner-upinthe Mrs.AmericaPageant.SusanmovedtoKingsPointin2014,bringing withherawealthofexperience,compassion,andacommitmentto makingadifference.

WearedelightedtorecognizeSusanBailynasourFebruaryVolunteer oftheMonth.Hercountlesscontributions,leadership,anddedication tohelpingothershavemadeKingsPointabetterplaceforall.Thank you,Susan,foryourexceptionalservicetoourcommunity!

Master Maintenance Updates

and Maintenance Repairs January 2025












1BadgerMeterReplaced 1AntennasReplaced

The Kings Point Vehicle Storage Club is opening the waitlist for a parking spot in the club to permanent residents of Kings Point. The waitlist will be open for a period of 60 days beginning February 1, 2025. At the conclusion of the 60 days it willcloseandalotterywillbeheld to conÞrm your position on the waitlist.Allnewwaitlistapplicants will be placed on the list after the current waitlist members. Any interested permanent resident may Þll out a waitlist application. The application can be downloaded from the Master Association site under clubs and KP Vehicle Storage Club.Therearerequirementsthat mustbemet.First,youmustbea permanentresidentofKingsPoint. Secondyoumusthave aFlorida drivers license that conÞrms residence. Third, you must be prepared to identify the vehicle you would like to store in the club’slotand youmustownthe vehicle.Fourthyoumustsupplya currentphonenumberandemail address. The applicant will then supply a completed application andanonrefundable$25check which will be credited towards the $100 entry fee. Make check payabletoKPVSC,theclubdoes notacceptcashorcreditcards.

Dog Lovers Club at KP and Fido’s Future

Bubbles, Baubles and Bags on February 7th from 5-8pm. It will take place in the Waterside Room at Kings Point in Sun City. It’sopentothe public,ticketsat thedoorareonly$5.00.Manyof the several hundred necklaces, rings, and bracelets pieces that willbe availableforsalearefrom Taxco Mexico and handmade. Wealsowillhavesomematching setswithnecklacesandearrings. Along with that we’ll have a few new and like new designer bags like Coach, Vera Bradley, Michael Kors, and Kate Spade. Proceeds from the event will supporttheDogLoversCluband Fido’s Future, so come sip some Champagne and treat yourself forValentinesDay!!!













KPCARES is volunteer-based

501(c)(3) organization focused on providing support and services to the neighbors in the Kingspoint community.

The services offered include:

•Tuesday Chit-Chats: Friendly conversation to foster meaningful connections.

•Event Companionship: Assistanceattendinglocalevents tohelpstayconnected.

•PetWalking:Helpwithwalking petswhenneeded.

•PetFoodAssistance:Supportfor petownersneedingfoodfortheir pets.

•TrashRemoval:Aidintakingthe garbagetothedumpsterorcurb.



•MealTrain:Short-termmeal supportthroughpreparedmeals.

•MealsonWheels:Accessto mealdeliveryforthoseinneed.

•Transportation Resources

KPCARES strives to make life a littleeasierforthoseinneedwithin the community! Would you like to VOLUNTEER or know more about any of these services?

Email or ContactLisa203-606-6926orCat 248-722-8922

KP Lawn Bowling Battle of the

The Kings Point Lawn bowling club held a Battle of the Sexes fun tournament, January 18th. Elevenmen’sandwomen’steams competedforthechampionship. The Men came out on top defeating the Ladies 7 to 4. It turnedouttobeagreatdaywith theweathercooperatingaswell

To Honor our Veterans, the KP Michigan Club chose Bikes for Christ as the recipient of the proceeds from their November danceCare/Share. Lastyearthis organization provided over 100 bikes to homeless Veterans as wellasadditionalbikestopeople in need to get to work and school. Presentingthecheckfor $500toKPresidentMikeFreidler, a volunteer for Bikes for Christ, is Norma Ebner, Michigan Club’s Care/ShareChairperson.

KP Vehicle Storage Club Wait List Opening
KP Cares
KP MI Club Bikes for Christ
Congratulations Susan Bailyn!!!!

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