News of Sun City Center April 2013

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The News of April 2013 - ISSUE #57 official publication of the Community Association — Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011

April 3 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 10 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 10 Town Hall Meeting Central Campus Parking Area Community Hall - 7 p.m. 16 Community Leaders Florida Room - 9 a.m. 16 Town Hall Meeting Pebble Beach Medians Community Hall - 2 -4 p.m. 22 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. 24 Town Hall Meeting Pebble Beach Medians Caper Room - 7 -9 p.m. May 1 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 8 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 13 Coffee & Conversation Pebble Beach Medians Florida Room - 9 a.m. 20 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. 21 Community Leaders Florida Room - 9 a.m. Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association”). Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room at 1 p.m.

May Issue delivery

May 4

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CARE....................................... 9 Club Happenings.................. 14+ Consumer Affairs.................... 28 Crossword................................ 9 CryptoQuote............................. 7 Entertainment Corner............... 5 Expanding Horizons................. 7 Golf......................................... 30 Lifestyles................................ 12 Military Affairs.................... 24-25 Movies.................................... 35 Newcomers.............................. 2 Plants Happen........................ 23 President’s Report.................... 3 Sports..................................... 34 Sudoku................................... 11

Master Plan Implementation ...

Why Start with the Campus Parking Area?

CA Acknowledges the Contributions of the Wilsons to the Community



Bob and Janet Wilson received a proclamation from CA President Ed Barnes at the March 20 Membership meeting. north






Rendition of proposed increase in parking areas including revised access on North Course Lane and possible new buildings to be added in the future. By David Floyd, CA Corporate Secretary and Chair of the LRPIC The Board of Directors has heard this from a number of the members: “Why the campus parking area?” It is more than just a parking lot – it is a campus parking area, plus. In the recent member survey as in previous surveys – parking near the Atrium Building was mentioned as an issue, always noting the need for more parking. In our last survey the redesign and expansion of the parking area around the Atrium complex was in the top 10 improvements requested by the members. Landscaping and improved lighting around the Central Campus were also high on the requested improvements list. When the Long Range Planning Implementation Committee reviewed the input from the Blue Ribbon Committee report, the Community Survey, previous planning efforts, and the input from numerous sources realized the importance of parking to our members. The Projects Office (TPO) over a year ago had mapped our Central Campus and noted that the utilities servicing our campus lay under the campus parking areas. Future construction projects would result in tearing up and disrupting our parking. It did not make sense to do this piecemeal – constantly tearing it up and repaving it. We knew we would eventually need to redo this area for additional parking, better lighting, and for safety. We needed to also improve landscaping and lighting on our Central Campus. It just makes sense to combine and move this project forward to facilitate future construction and provide better

parking, aesthetics, and safety to our members. The campus parking area plan will not only make our campus easier to access, have better lighting, be aesthetically more pleasing, and be safer, it will add additional vehicle and golf cart parking (over 150 new spaces). This project will also allow the association to better irrigate and improve the landscaping around the buildings and allow us to run additional electric lines to better light the campus. It is the key first step in the Master Plan. Most of the major building projects take place either in or around the parking area. The parking area project includes improving and expanding the parking, redoing landscaping, removing the CERT Building and the cement brick stage in the Plaza for more golf cart parking, relocation of North Course Lane (the existing road), and utility expansion to support better lighting and improved irrigation and support the new construction projects. By doing it initially, it will facilitate the projects that follow, reduce disruptions to the campus and save money by not having to repave the lot as other projects start. To be clear, what we do initially will not need to be redone when the other construction projects are undertaken. The Board has scheduled a Town Hall Meeting on April 10 to discuss the project. Before we do anything, the campus parking and landscaping improvement will come up for a membership vote in mid to late May. Your Board of Directors is asking for your support and approval so we can move forward with our campus improvements.

Below is the text of Barnes’ recognition of the Wilsons’ contributions to the community: I would like to acknowledge two members of the Community Association who have been longtime residents and have been very active in the business end of the Community Association for many years: Bob and Janet Wilson, who are now moving to Illinois to be closer to relatives. Bob was on the Board from 1988 to 1992 and served as president of the CA from 1989 to 1991. This was a time when there was a great deal of turmoil with the Developer and a great deal of uncertainty with Hillsborough County. Many of the processes for zoning and land development were in turmoil — Bob and Janet were the leaders in implementing many of these processes in Sun City Center. It was a time of change from many aspects. See Wilsons on page 3.


Thanks to Debbie Caneen, Sun Towers’ Director of Admissions, we can easily access information on community happenings. She compiles submissions by area residents into a very comprehensive list that also includes items residents wish to buy or sell. These advertisements are free. You can access the information by going to the following website: www.suncitycenteradsandevents. com. If you wish to receive this information via a weekly email, send a request to sccfreeads@ Editor’s Note: If you have a suggestion about something that would be useful to others for this column, send it to hodgespress@


The News of Sun City Center

Where Will YOU Take the SCC Story?


HELPFUL HINTS for submitting articles/pictures to The NEWS of Sun City Center

We will publish your picture taken elsewhere in your SCC T-shirts or holding a copy of The News of Sun City Center. Email your photo with a caption to or deliver it to the CA office.

San Antonio, TX

Frances Myers took The NEWS to the Alamo when she and her daughter toured the historical site in southern Texas.

The Art Club in Sun City Center sponsored a seven-day Cruise aboard Holland America’s Ryndam from Tampa with stops in Key West; Mahogany Bay in Roatán, Honduras; Santo Tomás de Castilla, Guatemala; and Costa Maya, Mexico. Twenty-four members and friends of the Art Club made the voyage, which included art classes on board the ship taught by artists Diane Simon and Marsha Lucidi. The beaches, jungles and markets of Central America are a feast for an artist’s eye, and our group took in the sights, armed with cameras, sketch pads and paint brushes. We gathered in front of the Welcome Center in Guatemala for a group picture, proudly displaying copies of The News of Sun City Center that we carried with us.

February 2013

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Local street Hometown St Amesbury Cir Burnsville NC Amesbury Cir Marion NC Beach Blvd Hubbardston MA Bluewater Dr Nepean ON Bluewater Dr Ottawa ON Brockfield Dr Litchfield ME Caloosa Woods Ln Chevy Chase Dr Lansing MI Chevy Chase Dr Lansing MI Cloister Dr New York NY Columbine Pl Dayton OH Del Webb Blvd E Buckhorn ON Del Webb Blvd W Cartersville GA Del Webb Blvd W Fremont NH Desert Hills Dr Allendale MI Emerald Dunes Dr Sayville NY Emerald Lake Dr #114 Kearny NJ Fordham Dr Oregon OH Fort Duquesna Dr Fox Hills Dr Acushnet MA Grand Cypress Ln Bath ME Grand Cypress Ln Elm City NC Grand Cypress Ln Spring Lake MI Hartwick Dr Rehoboth MA Lively Ct Apt B Milwaukee WI Northway Dr Grosse Pte Woods MI Oakmont Ave Gig Harbor WA Pebble Beach Blvd S Terre Haute IN Prestancia Ln Dayton OH Siena Vista Pl Sterling CT Silverbell Ct Union Mills NC Via Toscana Wy Wolf Laurel Dr Tampa FL

1. When typing an article, please do not put returns in the middle of a sentence. Use only one space between sentences. 2. When submitting a photo, it should not be “reduced” from its original size. 3. To name a file, leave out characters such as punctuation marks (e.g. “ , . # ? / ( ) & ‘). 4. Submit via email whenever possible. If not possible, deliver your article/pictures to the CA office where The NEWS has a mailbox; or you can put it through the slot at the newsroom (next to the Palm Room in Old Town Hall). 5. When listing a time, please use the following format: 2 p.m. or 1-3 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. 6. Be sure to submit it by the 15th of the month prior to the delivery month (e.g. Nov 15 for the December issue). Thanks, and keep those articles coming! The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located in Old Town Hall)

NEWCOMERS Last First Num Canipe Kay 219 Whitson James 219 Pichierri Michael & Bonnie 1204 Alder Gordon 1338 Donnelly Trudy 1338 Hutchinson Donald & Berthe 316 Cohen Larry & Joan 310 Frye-Gotschall Marianna 1523 Gotschall Michael 1523 Miles Anthony & Patricia 1708 Ritchie Thomas & Ruth 1819 Del Grande Tino & Jackie 2455 Combs Robert & Addie 1254 Cyr Joanne 1612 Steele Kenneth & Mary 1506 De Vito Charles & Louise 1633 Zulauf Bertha 2425 Jenkins S. 1214 Corneal Maryanne 1804 Haskell Joanne 710 Irish Terrance 1933 Vickers-Irish Marian 1933 Goosen Vernon & Rebecca 1935 Silva Joseph & Carmen 1509 Goelz Robert & Linda 611 Bentley Marjory 304 Ramsey Shad & Alice 630 Anderson Jane & Jerry 224 Barnett Henry & Barbara 2009 Mercier Wilfred & Linda 307 Cook Jim & Tammy 108 Olivares Jose & Virginia 1316 Bates William & Joyce 1944

April 2013

Phone 828-925-4400 828-925-4400 508-751-9286 633-8028 633-8028 922-6310 517-896-2568 517-896-2568 600-5149 937-258-8347 941-721-4417 770-380-3042 603-770-8508 616-895-4290 922-4410 922-4488 419-345-1185 256-687-9066 634-3094 634-3094 633-2629 774-565-0114 828-713-0793 922-6342 625-5777 812-605-0478 922-6399 938-1264 828-980-0723 938-1362 416-0301

Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones newsofscc@gmailcom

Reporter Phyllis Hodges

Reporter Uta Kuhn

Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Agnes Baker, John & Linda Bowker, Art Erickson, Susan Muise, Ron Pelton, Judy Schings, LeRoy Skinner, Judy Stimson Photographer: Judy Stimson CA Board Liaison: Howie Griffin Ombudsperson: Ilona Merritt Advertising: John Wolf 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

April 2013

The News of Sun City Center

President’s Report By Ed Barnes

Parking at the Community Hall I want to remind everyone when you park next to the hedge that parallels South Pebble Beach Blvd. at Community Hall, you are parking in a Fire Lane that is a No Parking Zone. If you park there and the Sheriff comes by, he will give you a $250 ticket for illegally parking in a Fire Lane. When we have events at Community Hall like the Sunday Series or the Friday Series, please do not park in the Fire Lane. Master Plan Drawings of the overall Master Plan (page 6) found in this issue are located in the CA Office, Atrium and Community Hall along with a drawing of the reconfiguration of the Central Campus Parking Area (page 1). In addition, the Master Plan is located on the Community Association website – suncitycenter. org. This plan is based on a Pay As You go basis and the premise that all projects exceeding the Board of Directors Bylaw spending limitations will be approved by the membership. The first project requiring membership approval is the Central Campus Parking Area— this project entails much more than just re-paving a parking lot. There is an article in this newsletter that explains in detail what is involved with this project. We plan to have a Town Hall Meeting at 7 p.m. on April 10 at Community Hall to discuss this project in detail. We are planning to have a community-wide vote to approve the funding on this project in mid May. I encourage everyone to come to the Town Hall Meeting and learn more about this project. Membership Dues I have mentioned in the past that next year we will be implementing a new dues collection process whereby your dues will be paid directly to

the bank. Dues payments will not be collected at the CA Office. They have to be sent to the bank. So far this year we have collected about 98% of the membership dues— which is about normal for this time of the year. The 2% unpaid dues for this year is about $186,000. Around May 1, we will start to send out lien letters for members who have not paid. This year I plan to engage a very aggressive foreclosure process on those members with large amount of delinquent dues. Pebble Beach Blvd. Median Maintenance Task Force The Pebble Beach Blvd. Median Maintenance Task Force, led by Paul Wheat, has delivered its Interim report. This report is also posted on the Community Association website There are also several copies available in the CA office. This is an excellent report which I encourage all of you to read. At the Membership Meeting held on March 20, Paul Wheat gave the membership an overview of the Task Force approaches and findings. We as a community must decide what we want to do regarding the PBB medians on a go-forward basis. The Task Force is planning two Town Hall Meetings. They are scheduled for April 16 at Community Hall at 2 p.m. and April 24 in the Caper Room at 7 p.m. Additional meetings will be announced next month. In December, we will have a referendum vote on the Task Force’s recommendations. Over the next eight months I encourage every member to be familiar with this report and the Task Force recommendations.

CO-AP Needs You!

(CO-AP = Council of Owner Association Presidents) Are you a homeowners/property owners association president? The CA sponsors monthly informational meetings that should be attended by ALL of SCC’s 100+ presidents. If the president cannot attend, a representative should attend in his/her place. The next meeting is Monday, April 22, at 2 p.m. Bill O’Dell chairs the CO-AP meetings and Howie Griffin, CA director, is the CA liaison. If you as a president have a concern about your association or about the state codes affecting your group, please let one of them know so it can be addressed at one of the future meetings. See you on the 22nd in the Caper Room!


The Board of Directors will be voting on the following additions to Board Policy 3.01 – Refunds – at the April 10, 2013 Board Meeting: D. Upon the death of one member in a dwelling unit occupied by more than one member, the dues or assessments for that member may be refunded on a prorated basis from the date of death if a death certificate is provided to the Association within the first 60 days after the death. No refunds will be made for deaths after October 31st. E. When a unit is a rental, upon receipt of a signed annual lease stating there is only one occupant, the dues or assessments for the second occupant may be refunded on a prorated basis from the date of occupancy, if presented within the first 60 days. No refunds will be made after October 31st.


for the July 4, 2013 Celebration

By Director Al Alderman Put on your calendar the Fourth of July Celebration starting with a Pancake Breakfast at Community Hall. This will include the pancakes with strawberries, blueberries or just plain pancakes. There will be scrambled eggs, sausage links, toast, orange juice and coffee. There will be more service lines with additional cooks to provide a better and faster service. Serving will be from 7 a.m. to noon. The cost is $6 per person. The funds collected are used to pay for partial cost of the fireworks that are being provided by Garden State Fireworks. The support of Minto Communities and Brandon Honda is greatly appreciated for their sponsorships of the fireworks. Nick from Sandpiper Grille will be supplying food in the evening prior to the fireworks show which will include chicken, brats and hot dogs along with beverages. So, I hope the residents come out and celebrate our country’s birthday.

DONATIONS CLUB/ORGANIZATION AMOUNT APPLIED TO Tennis Association $10,000 Toward maintenance of the tennis courts Monday Movie Donations $499 To offset License Fees Low Impact Aerobics $50 FunFest Trimnastics Club $40 FunFest Interfaith Social Action Council $2,000 Library for large print books

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: Website:

Wilsons from page 1.


Bob was instrumental in creating the Greater Sun City Center Forum which provides the opportunity for various community groups to become better acquainted with each others’ problems, objectives and opportunities. Janet has been very active in every aspect of the Community Association business and has been one of the foremost leaders in every major effort undertaken in Sun City Center since she has been here. Janet served on the Board from January 1996 to January 1999 and as Corporate Secretary in 1996 and Treasurer in 1997. Some of her many efforts include: 1. She was one of the primary dissenters and leader of the dissenters when the developer tried to build timeshares here. 2. Was a major contributor in getting our age overlay approved by the county. 3. The bi-lateral membership agreement presently being used is the one she assisted legal counsel to develop and has not been substantially changed since. 4. Janet was one of the leaders in the effort to retain the South Bay Hospital. She helped organize the initial public hearing and contributed to this effort by traveling to Tallahassee and testifying before the Administrative Judge. Thanks to the efforts of Janet and others, the Administrative Judge agreed with our side. 5. In Sun City Center we have covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements which form the basis of the Community Association. The documents were originally executed in 1984 and are good for 30 years. For the past two years Janet has been fussing at me and the Board that we need to get these documents re-filed with the County. I am happy to report that we re-filed the documents last Friday and our governing documents are good until 2043. I hope that Janet can come back and harangue the CA president in 2042 to renew the documents once again.

Proclamation Presented to Dr. Robert Wilson Member of the Board of Directors January 6, 1988 to January 8, 1992 Served as President in 1989, 1990, and 1991 Mrs. Janet Wilson Member of the Board of Directors January 3, 1996 to January 6, 1999 Served as Corporate Secretary in 1996 and Treasurer in 1997 In recognition of their accomplishments and for the many programs they initiated during their 26 years of residency in Sun City Center, Florida that have distinguished us as a unique retirement community. Sun City Center Community Association March 20, 2013



The News of Sun City Center

April 2013


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2244 Greenwich $44,900

416 Gladstone $69,000

STUART model in Kingspoint JUST REDUCED! Clean unit ideally suited for Snowbirds or year round living. A/C replaced in 2009, Roof 2008 plus property has been re-plumbed.

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2467 Nantucket Harbor Loop $79,900

1414 N Pebble Beach $89,900

Wonderful Cape Cod model with 1335 sq ft of air conditioned space (Lanai leveled and incorporated into plan) Extra insulation, new windows, hurricane shutters and a Tankless water heater make living easy.

This delightful DW 51X is a single family home with 2 bedrooms 2 baths, living room/dining room combo plus an eat-in kitchen and enclosed lanai and a double garage.

236 Amesbury Circle $139,900

302 Cranston Place $129,000

St Andrews Estates living can also be yours in this LIMETREE 3/2 model on a private lot with a delightful Pergola accessible from lanai and bedroom. Privacy abounds in this newer light wood cabin kitchen with light countertops also.

St Andrews Estates location of this DESOTO model on a corner lot has lots of updates including new flooring, interior painting and kitchen appliances. Great economic living for seasonal or year round living.

For Sale in Sun City Center & Kings Point 102 22nd NW St



4.17 Acres..178 Ft on Little Manatee Rvr

1414 N Pebble Beach



DW51X Great Bones and Potential

1015 River Dr Sw



1.29 Ac 1950 home Near Manatee Rvr

1743 Council Dr



DW54 Garage, Tile PENDING

1834 Wolf Laurel



Exp Islander Updated Kitchen, Golf

2467 Nantucket Harbor



Cape Cod-Light & Modern, Laminate

832 Regal Manor



Cezanne- Shown By Appt Only $123.Mo

708 Reading Place



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2229 New Bedford Dr



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2404 New Haven



Concord Split Bed, Vaulted Ceiling

1501 Bentwood Dr



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Mod Monticello—Golf Crse PENDING

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2101 Hembury



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Strathaven Gorgeous!!! PENDING

416 Gladstone Place



Hampton- Expanded and Lovely

236 Amesbury Circle



Limetree Paradise Lost, Great Pergola

2240 Greenwich



Stuart-Nicely furn , large PENDING.

3623 CR 579



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306B Fowling Ct



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302 Cranston Place



Desoto, St Andrew’s Estates Corner Lot

2244 Greenwich Dr



Stuart-Very Clean Snowbird retreat

1002 LaJolla Ave



DW41X Golf, Water PENDING

2313 Glenmore Circle



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1517 Ingram Drive



Sahara TV room, Screen Porch Plus

1801 Bedford Lane #33



Lovely economical living

2227 Mayfield Palms



Seabreeze Split Bedroom, PENDING

202 Bedford Trl. E111



Mansard I-Furnished & Ready for you.

For Rent in Sun City Center & Kings Point UNFURNISHED ANNUAL RENTALS


Dorchester B 33


Golf cart parking


2308 Glenmore


Happy home


509-B Foxglove


Attached carport


1912 Grand Cypress


Compact / scrn porch


1207 Fordham


South Lake Sharp


307 Knottwood


Knolls-private pool


104 Cactus Flower


Pet Friendly – WATER


1715 Atrium


Lite n Brite


534 Princeton


Water w conservation


2236 Greenwich


New kitchen


2022 Del Webb




FURNISHED RENTALS 1614 Council Drive


Compact / comfort


401 Gladstone


Screen porch


301 Andover Pl 187


Gable roof


1303 Beach Blvd


Swan Lake


2243 Grenadier


Sharp & comfortable


2211 Brookfield




305 B Friar Ct




912 Kings Blvd


+den sgl family


1357 New Bedford


NEW - central location


534 Princeton Grns


Fab WATER location


1903 Canterbury B3


Golf - Lovely


520 Rimini Vista





April 2013

The News of Sun City Center


By Uta Kuhn Pre s e nt ly, t h e e n h an c e d landscaping on the medians on Pebble Beach Blvd. from Platinum Drive north to Dedham Drive (north of the United Community Church), is paid for by the developer, Minto Communities. This includes part of the costs for the street lighting that Minto pays directly to TECO and much of the watering costs that Minto pays to Hillsborough County. Our community now faces a decision. Does Sun City Center want to retain the present enhanced landscaping on the medians located on Pebble Beach Boulevard, or will we make a decision that requires Minto to turn the maintenance of the medians back over to Hillsborough County? (Pebble Beach Blvd. is a county road). This is a problem facing all CA members to be resolved by referendum this coming December. The outcome of this vote will affect our life style and will have a definite impact on the future value of all our homes. Most Community Association members who visit the CA office, use any of the arts and crafts rooms, the dance studio, fitness center or swimming pool, attend club or social functions, organizational meetings, various CA meetings or all the other functions held on the CA central campus; travel on North Pebble Beach Blvd. Likewise, any member who visits the south Community Hall for the many functions that

take place there or use the outdoor sports complex for tennis, pickleball, horseshoe pitching and softball, or take the best family friend to the dog park, travel on South Pebble Beach Blvd. In both cases, one drives, either in a car or golf cart, rides a bicycle, or walks past aesthetically pleasing and well-maintained medians. It can be said that these medians, in addition to providing CA members a sense of well-being, make a great first impression for visitors and potential home buyers, and project an image of a community that cares about its lifestyle. A Task Force was established to study and determine the alternatives and their associated costs for median maintenance. This Task Force presented to the CA Board an Interim Report, which was accepted at its meeting on March 13. The Task Force subsequently made a summary presentation at the membership meeting held March 20. This is a very important and somewhat complex matter with which all CA members should be thoroughly familiar. There are two Town Hall meetings, the first of which is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16, at 2 p.m. in Community Hall. The other one will take place on Wednesday, April 24, at 7 p.m. in the Caper Room. Be sure to attend one, or both, of these meetings to learn more about this issue, when it will happen and what the costs will be to you as a CA member.

SPOTLIGHT ON ENTERTAINMENT The 2012-13 Entertainment Season has come to an end and was a HUGE success thanks to your support. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The last two shows coming up soon are.... ... April 7 (Sunday) (2:30-4:30) - Salute to the Big Bands by the Sarasota Jazz Project at the Community Hall. Reserved seats. Tickets are $12/ person and on sale at the C.A. office M-W-F and at door day of show. Open to public. ... May 19 (Sunday) (2-3:30) The St. Petersburg Opera Co. will present Highlights of Ariadne auf Naxos in the Rollins Theater. Reserved seats. Tickets are $12/person and on sale at the C.A. office M-W-F and at door day of show. The 2013-14 schedule of shows has been announced... Sundays: Tribute to Elton John-November 10; Streisand/Mathis Christmas Show-December 8; Red Neck Tenors-January 12; Showcase-January 29; Jay White as Neil Diamond-February 9; and Finis-March 30. Fridays: Sounds of Soul-November 15; Flashback-January 24; Phil Dirt & the Dozers-March 14; and Fabulons-March 14. The brochures will be out by Labor Day so stay tuned. Prices for each individual series will be $70/person. And then ... Other Performances to look forward to (more details later): ... September 28 (Saturday) and 29 (Sunday) - A Night at the Popera presented by Klassika. Saturday (7-9 p.m.) will be a nightclub setting, tables of 8, BYOB; Sunday (2:30-4:30) will be reserved theater seating. ... December 19 (Thursday) - A Christmas Concert- Performed by the South Shore Concert Band. Theater seating. ... February 27 , 2014(Thursday) - A Pop Concert - Performed by the South Shore Concert Band. Theater seating. ... March 28 (Friday) - Patrick & Matilda - A fabulous ventriloquist act performed in a nightclub setting; BYOB. Reserved tables of 8. Info: 813-642-2001



The Community Information Center recently updated its display of CA clubs.

Bylaws Passed at Membership Meeting

At the Membership Meeting held on March 20, all four Bylaw amendments were approved by the membership. The approved amendments are: • Bylaw III Section 3 (e) which requires the President to appoint Committee Chairpersons annually with approval by the Board; and a change to Bylaw III, Section 6, (i) which puts a formal fence around the Capital Fund and prevents spending of Capital Funds for any other purpose other than construction. • Bylaw IV Section 3 which involves appointing of Committee Chairpersons by the President or the Board on an annual basis. Very similar to the Bylaw III change. • Bylaw XII Section 1 which requires members and guests to display their membership card and guest card when accessing the CA facilities. • Bylaw XII Section 2 which requires House Guests and Guests of members to have a guest card which can be purchased from the CA Office. These bylaws become effective on July 1, 2013.

What’s New at the Library?

Pictured above is Aleksandra Zurko, president of the Sun City Center Lapidary Club, presenting a check for $1,000 to Librar y Administrator Elaine Birkinshaw. The Lapidary Club uses funds from its gift shop sales to support other activities in Sun City Center. The library will use the funds to purchase additional library materials to be enjoyed by the whole community. We are happy to be back online now due to assistance from our partners in the Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative who brought a new high speed Internet connection into the building that can support both of our library systems and the public Internet computers.

We also have a wireless connection for those of you who would like to bring in your own laptop or other device. Another long-awaited project should be completed by April—our library catalog will be available online. Our vendor is currently working on that connection, now that we have the proper Internet access and we hope it is up and running by the time you read this! Our class on reading resources in the computer lab filled up very quickly so we may repeat it later in the year. The next class will be “Online Travel Resources” on Tuesday, April 23, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Atrium Building computer lab. To register, please call the library at 634-1315. Registration is required due to limited seating. C o n g r at u l at i o n s t o f i v e volunteers who were recognized for 10 years of ser vice at the library’s annual volunteer luncheon: Eileen Bishop, Sally McLeish, Bill Pappmeier, Solange Rangel and Marilyn Valentine. We appreciate their dedication and that of all of our library volunteers.


The News of Sun City Center

2013-14 Directory Correction

Page 13 of your new directory needs to be replaced with the one below.

Government Agencies Senior Services Florida Abuse Registry…………………….. 1- 800-962-2873 Hillsborough Healthline………………………..813-844-4499

Elected Officials National Government President (4 years –Nov 2016) Barack Obama (D) The White House Washington, D.C. 20510

State Senators (4 years – Nov 2016) State Capitol, Tallahassee, FL 32301 District 24, Tom Lee (R) (represents SCC north of SR674) 915 Oakfield Drive, Suite “D” Brandon, FL 33511 813-653-33511 District 26, Bill Galvano (R) (represents SCC south of SR674) 1023 Manatee Ave. W, Suite 201 Bradenton, FL 34201 941-741-3401

Vice President (4 years –Nov 2016) Joe Biden (D) Executive Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510

State Representative (2 years – Nov 2014) District 57, Jake Raburn (R) 3618 Erindale Drive Valrico, FL 33596-6311 813-633-7097

U.S. Senators (6 years)

Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Bill Nelson (D) Nov 2018 Marco Rubio (R) Nov 2016

County Government Board of County Commissioners (4 years)

U.S. Representative (2 years)

PO Box 1110, Tampa FL 33601 The Board of County Commissioners meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m. Switchboard (will take message) 813-272-5660. District 1: Sandra Murman ( R) 2016….272-5470 District 2: Victor Crist (R) 2016…………..272-5452 District 3: Les Miller (D) 2016…………….272-5720 District 4: Al Higginbotham (R) 2014…..272-5740 District 5: Ken Hagan (R) 2014……………272-5725 District 6: Kevin Beckner (D) 2016.…….272-5730 District 7: Mark Sharpe (R) 2014………..272-5735


17 Congressional District Tom Rooney (R) Nov 2014 Summerfield Shoppes 11345 Big Bend Road Riverview, FL 33579 813-677-8646

State Government Governor (4 years – Nov 2014) Rick Scott (R) State Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-488-4441

April 2013

SUN CITY CENTER MEN’S CHORUS MOVES THE DATE FOR SPRING CONCERT Due to scheduling conflicts, it is necessary to move the date for our annual spring concert to Sunday, April 7 at 3 p.m. The location is St. Andrew Presbyterian Church located at 1239 Del Webb West. The chorus has been rehearsing every week under the direction of Paul Barrientos putting the finishing touches on a variety of entertaining numbers. The diverse program will range from the classic western, Cool Water, to the beloved Battle Hymn of the Republic. The concert is free of charge, however, a good will offering will be taken in order to help defray expenses. The members of the chorus, who are residents of Sun City Center and surrounding area, are looking forward to this opportunity to present their musical talents to the community.

IFC Donates to SCC Library

County Administrator (Appointed)

Lt. Governor (4 years – Nov 2014)

Mike Merrill……………………………………….272-5750

TBA State Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-488-4711

County Officials (4 years – Nov 2016)

Jay Sparkman, president of The Interfaith Social Action Council of Sun City Center, presents $2,000 to Elaine Birkenshaw, librarian of the Sun City Center Library, for the purchase of large print books. The Interfaith Council provides grants to 501(c)3 organizations in the South Shore area. Grant applications are accepted during January and September of each year.

Sheriff, David Gee (R) Property Appraiser, Bob Henriquez (D) Tax Collector, Doug Beldon (R) Supervisor of Elections, Craig Latimer (D) Clerk of Court, Pat Frank (D) Public Defender, Julie Holt (D)

Cabinet (4 years – Nov 2014)

Attorney General, Pam Bondi (R) Chief Financial Officer, Jeff Atwater (R) Commissioner of Agriculture, Adam Putnam (R)

Adogable Pets

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April 2013

The News of Sun City Center


North ... South ... East ... West ...

Expanding Our Horizons

Wat Tampa


By Judy Stimson

Thailand Spirit houses Solution on page 34. Call

813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary hearing screening





ry Happy Custome e V rs 0

“MEALS OF HOPE” BREAKS RECORD! This project could not have been done without The Men’s Club, The Women’s Club, The Lions Club, The Kiwanis Club, The Softball Club, The Shriner’s Club, The Emergency Squad, The Security Patrol, The Interfaith Council, Samaritan Services, South Bay Hospital, The Chamber of Commerce, Beth Israel and all the houses of worship and support services and clubs in the area. This was the sixth year for this event and plans are underway for next year’s event.

These meals are now stored at The Good Samaritan Mission in Balm and soon will be distributed to the food pantries at: Beth-El Mission, The Good Samaritan Mission, Calvary Lutheran Food Pantry, St. Anne’s Food Pantry and The Lord’s Lighthouse Mission. All the food The funding for this project was packaged here stays in our area. provided by The Sun City Center Volunteers came from as far Rotary, The Community Foundation away as 100 miles as well as numerous of Sun City Center, The Interfaith friends locally, including our primary Council as well as the many generous source of funding and volunteers, friends of “Meals of Hope”. The Sun City Center Rotary Club.

200 Off



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Coupons must be presented at time of contract.

Driveways / Pool Decks / Patios

Over 350 people turned out last Saturday, March 9, at the Kings Point Borini Theatre in Sun City Center to package food for the food pantries in the area. These enthusiastic volunteers packaged 65,000 meals, in just two hours!

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Travertine / Pool Tile Remodeling

known as the Thai New Year or Water Festival. Part of the Festival includes a ceremony of sprinkling the Buddha statues and Monks (and each other) with flower pedals and perfumed water for good luck, good health and a prosperous New Year. The festivities start at 10:20 a.m. at the Main Temple. Lunch is at 11 a.m. The parade to lead the Buddha statue starts at 1:30 p.m. At 2 p.m. the sprinkling of fresh flower petals and perfumed water begins. To get there take I-75 north, exit at Big Bend Road and go left (west) toward Apollo Beach. Turn right on US-41 north and drive for 10.4 miles. Turn right on Palm River Road, cross the railroad tracks and you will arrive at Wat Tampa. It is 22 miles and will take just over 30 minutes to get there. For more information visit: www.


If you have an interest in Thailand, Buddhism or a new Sunday experience, then Wat Tampa is for you. The grounds include a Temple, Monks’ quarters, a hall for special occasions, large trees and shaded picnic grounds along the Palm River. The highlight of the trip is the Sunday Market, which is open every Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is a wide variety of Thai food and, contrary to popular belief, it is not super spicy unless you ask for it that way! Some of the food available includes grilled pork, grilled chicken, egg rolls, noodle soup, Thai Papaya salad, fried bananas and a wide variety of Thai deserts. You may also visit the Temple and attend services from 1 to 2 p.m. Services include chanting, a sermon and some meditation. Some Temple etiquette is in order. For example, remove your shoes before you enter, do not point your feet at the Buddha images or Monks, women must never touch a Monk, wear appropriate clothing (no shorts, low-cut dresses or short skirts), turn off your cell phone and respect Buddha images – “do not touch, pose with or frolic about in front of Buddha images.” On April 14 the Songkarn Festival is taking place. It is also

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The News of Sun City Center

2013 FunFest Snapshots

April 2013

Photos by Bill Hodges, Phyllis Hodges and George Seeley

The Front Porch Pickers are always a hit. They had folks tapping their feet in the pool area.

The photo op tent was popular. FunFest Chair Susan Muise was among the first to pose with Frank Sinatra.

The wonderful aromas from the food vendors were enticing. (L to R) Sandee and Brad Braddy, Jinx and Frank Rives enjoyed the hot dogs from the Horseshoe Club.

FunFest attracted thousands again this year. Organizers estimate over 5,000.

The arts and crafts clubs weren’t short of browsers and buyers of their unique creations. (Shellcrafters pictured)

John Bowker had 38 volunteers manning four information stations.

The line dancers invited the audience to join them. Visitors who rode the shuttles from Community Hall avoided a parking hassle.

Vendors are essential to funding FunFest. Brandon Honda, a staunch SCC supporter, was one of seven auto suppliers who brought 31 cars. St. Joseph’s reps were in the Health Fair to answer questions about the new hospital being built in Riverview.

I help safe drivers save 45% or more. DEBBIE BATES, CIC, LUTCF, CLTC (813) 633-0006 837 Cypress Village Blvd Sun City Center Insurance and coverages subject to terms, qualifications and availability. Actual savings will vary. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, Illinois © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company.

Clean it UP! Power Washing

813 317 1725 Keith Fishpaw

Cleaning UP Hillsborough & Manatee Counties 1145 Oxbow Road Sundance, Florida 33598

Dottie/Joe Mugavero and David Maynard were happy to tell people about the Archery Club. A new archery range opens in April on the South Campus.

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April 2013

The News of Sun City Center



C. A. R. E.

Cleo Hope Hope is a gorgeous gal with a big personality. Her eyes sparkle and those ears…super cute! Hope had a home not long ago as she appeared well cared for upon her arrival. This gal is fun, smart and a real charmer. Her wiggle butt is happy to plop itself in your lap for some snuggle time. Hope seems to do well with humans of all ages. She also plays with the other dogs at the shelter and has been out and about in the community. Hope would prefer to be a single dog at home. She is sure to keep you entertained and on the move all by herself. Hope is spayed, microchipped and current on her shots. DOB: February 2, 2011.

Cleo is a big and beautiful gal who was found as a stray. She has gorgeous white fur and a loving personality. She purrs as soon as she sees a volunteer coming. She lives in our office since she is a tad bit overweight. We have this beauty on a diet so it won’t be long before she has her girly curves back. Cleo loves to boss around the dogs who live in, and pass through, the office. She likes to be queen bee. She is ready for her forever home. As part of the adoption Cleo has been spayed, brought up-to-date on shots and will be micro chipped. DOB: Nov. 2, 2005.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. For directions, visit or call 813-645-2273

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Cremation planning provided through the Florida Pre-Planning Alliances, and Page Theus Funeral Home and Cremation Service.


Call Debborah Nance Today For A Free Tour. Resident of Sun City Center

Skyway Memorial Gardens 5200 US Highway 19 North, Palmetto, FL 34221


Answer on page 34.

Advertisers: If you are interested in placing an ad in The NEWS of Sun City Center, please email or call John Wolf, our advertising salesperson. Email: Phone: 813-938-8721


The News of Sun City Center

April 2013

Meet Your Neighbor... By Agnes Baker I have the extraordinary honor of meeting and getting to know persons who have made an impact in our community. So, once again, it is my privilege to introduce you to another one your own ---

Dorothy Rich

Are you stressed with the caregiving experience? Do you need to talk to someone managing similar caregiving responsibilities? Join us at Homewood Residence® Freedom Plaza Sun City Center on the first and third Thursday of each month for our Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group. We’ll provide you with the education, information and resources you need in a caring, confidential environment. Anna Lively, MS, Registered Mental Health Counselor, will be available to guide the group and to answer your questions and concerns. Don’t miss this supportive event.

First and third Thursday of each month • 10 to 11 a.m. Light refreshments. For more information, please contact

Bev at (813) 633-4340 or Personalized Assisted Living Respect for Individual PreferencesSM Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Daily Moments of SuccessSM 3910 Galen Ct., Sun City Center, FL 33573

Your story continues here...

(813) 633-4340 Assisted Living Facility # AL9634

Respect for Individual Preferences is a Service Mark of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. ® Reg. U.S. Patent and TM Office. 52130-RES01-0112-VH

Dorothy was born in Madelia, Minnesota, into a family with three children. Orphaned at four, she was left to fend for herself and she traveled alone through various states while seeking a permanent home with a loving family. At an early age, her work ethic became her bible as she took whatever jobs were available —from housekeeping to clerking to hard labor on a turkey farm to high-profile modeling at a top store in Cleveland, Ohio. Recognizing organizational ability, she was offered a career-opening position with JCPenney and she, at 19, became manager and buyer for their readyto-wear section, responsible for everything but shoes. Widowed three times, but with no “lean back and relax” in her genes, Dorothy strived to succeed in every venture. She moved to Tampa in 1964 where she ran two shops. In 1984, she sold those shops and moved to Sun City Center. After settling into her new community, this active lady began seeking an outlet for her energy and charitable inclinations. She found a need in Wimauma and, with help from others, notably Dr. Lindsay Pratt, the “Nearly New” shop opened in 1992. This shop was essential in providing clothing and other items to needy residents, and Dorothy worked diligently performing any needed task for nineteen years, retiring when she celebrated her 90th birthday. The “Nearly New” shop is now located in Sun City Center and is still serving the many residents of this area. Her other volunteer duties included the Emergency Squad and

LifePath Hospice. In recognition of her charitable causes, Dorothy has received many awards and honors. Chief among these is the prestigious Jefferson Award, presented to her at a special dinner in Washington, D. C. by then State Senator Mel Martinez, recognizing her efforts with the “Nearly New” shop. Additionally, in 2009, along with three other women, she was honored at a “Women of Distinction” luncheon, presented by the Sun City Center Branch of the American Association of University Women. A “woman of substance”—this profiler’s description—Dorothy talked of her growing years when she learned self-reliance and frugality plus an appreciation for any act of kindness. Not allowed to read the comics she resorted to those “little numbers” listed on the stock market pages and learned a few things— such as how to save your money and purchase shares in The Standard Oil of New Jersey stock ... smiling, she says that “the market has been very good to me.” ... as she has been for our community.

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

702 Valley Forge Blvd, SCC • • 813.634.2328


Will you be one of the million 65 & older seniors who will need emergency assistance this year? The Men’s Club of Sun City Center & Philips Lifeline provide access to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Lifeline Medical Alert Who will help if you fall or need assistance – whether medical, fire or sheriff? One push of a small button is all you need to do. What happens if I fall in the shower? Philips personal help button is waterproof – DO wear in the shower. Monthly monitoring fee as low as $25.00. No equipment to purchase and no contract. Provided by your Men’s Club of Sun City Center, a non-profit organization who sponsors Philip Lifeline as a service to your community.

Call the Men’s Club at 813-633-7091

or stop by our office at 1002-A Cherry Hills Drive



Sun. 8am, 10am, 12n Sat. Vigil 4pm Daily 8:00 a.m.

Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.


April 2013

The News of Sun City Center


SouthShore Regional Library Programs for April Below is a list of FREE upcoming programs for adults at the SouthShore Regional Library. Thank you for all that you do for the SouthShore Regional Library and the community! WED. APR 3 MAH JONGG CLUB 6:30 - 8:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. Enjoy an evening of the popular table game, Mah Jongg. Participants are asked to bring their own Mah Jongg set or card. Registration required. Call 273-3652 to register. WED. APR 10 MASTER GARDENER: BACKYARD WILDLIFE 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. Learn how to create a backyard habitat to attract butterflies, birds and animals using native and local plants. Presented in partnership with Hillsborough County Extension Service. WED. APR 17 ELDER LAW SEMINAR 2:00 - 4:00 pm at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This program will provide information and education regarding legal issues for seniors including planning for incapacities and long term care with emphasis on public benefits. Medicaid, Medicare, and V.A programs will be discussed. WED. APR 17 MAH JONGG CLUB 6:30 - 8:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. Enjoy an evening of the popular table game, Mah Jongg. Participants are asked to bring their own Mah Jongg set or card. Registration required. Call 273-3652 to register. FRI. APR 19 AN AFTERNOON WITH ANDREW CARNEGIE 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. Andrew Carnegie will visit the SouthShore Library in celebration of National Library Week! Donald Thompson dressed in period costume as Andrew Carnegie will discuss the life and many accomplishments of this iconic figure. A number of visuals and artifacts will be displayed for the audience to peruse. A question and answer session will follow the lecture. Funded by the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library.

Solution on page 34.



•Family Medicine • Skin Rejuvenation • Wellness and Prevention

2:30 - 3:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. In observance of National Poetry Month, award winning poet John Foster will discuss the diversity of poetry with examples from his three collections. Discover more than 20 distinct forms of poetry from syllabic verse to poems with metric requirements, rhyme schemes and line repetition. Copies of his books will be available for sale.

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Pursuit of Physical and Mental Health By Phyllis Hodges

Staying fit has been a lifelong pursuit for some here in SCC; others now wish they should have treated their bodies better over the years. But it’s not too late. We are always being told that you’re never too old to improve your fitness level. As we strive to do that, we meet people along the way who inspire us.




Kathy Smith and Jim Miller work at staying fit—and it shows. something you have to work at—it isn’t something that just happens. He backs up that assertion by citing a study that concluded our brain has a tendency (a ratio of 5:1) to lean toward negativity. “It’s hard to be unhappy if you are physically fit, so the time you invest in activities that keep you moving is also contributing to your psychological health. It’s all part of a healthy living package,” he says. Note: Lifestyles is a monthly feature highlighting SCC’s active senior living. Each month we feature an activity, focusing on a recent accomplishment of the group or a member. Please send your suggestions to:

Jim Miller, 85, is also an inspiration. He works out almost every day, too, and says, “That’s my job now—to stay as healthy as I can.” Jim’s infectious smile reflects a positive attitude which he believes is


April 2013


Over the past year, we’ve been noticing Kathy Smith, 59, in the Fitness Center as she puts herself through a vigorous workout. “I’ve always been a gym rat and generally in good health,” she says. “I never had a weight problem but the pounds creeped on as I got older.” When she reached her all-time high of 190, she said, “That’s it!” and joined Weight Watchers. She also began working out harder and more often. Her perseverance on the WW plan and workouts about five days a week has paid off. She shed 40 pounds and whittled numerous inches.


The News of Sun City Center





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WeÊwereÊveryÊthankfulÊthatÊSouthernÊCoinÊ&ÊJewelryÊwasÊableÊtoÊ BUYING SHOW COMES TO TOWN comeÊtoÊourÊhouseÊasÊweÊdonÕtÊlikeÊtoÊtravelÊmuchÊanymore.ÊÊJohnÊwasÊ STAFF WRITER veryÊfriendlyÊandÊknowledgeable,ÊandÊweÊwereÊveryÊhappyÊwithÊtheÊ amountÊthatÊweÊwereÊpaid.ÊÊWeÊhaveÊtoldÊseveralÊpeopleÊaboutÊthisÊ Southern Coin & Jewelry works with professional companyÊandÊwillÊcontinueÊtoÊinÊtheÊfuture. ElaineÊandÊJohnÊ collectors from around the world to find all types of

IÊhadÊdoneÊmyÊresearchÊandÊknewÊwhatÊmyÊgoldÊandÊjewelryÊwasÊworth.ÊÊ SouthernÊCoinÊ&ÊJewelryÊwasÊwillingÊtoÊpayÊtheÊhighestÊpricesÊbyÊfar.ÊÊIÊplanÊ toÊreturnÊtoÊtheÊshowÊwhenÊtheyÊareÊbackÊinÊtheÊarea. Robin





gold, silver, jewelry, old coins and currency and much more! The event is free, and there is no obligation to sell. Most items that are brought in to the event are purchased, and customers leave happy with cash in hand. Don’t miss this opportunity to cash in your items.











April 2013

The News of Sun City Center

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JSA Medical Group - Sun City Center Activity Center is open to the community & offers a variety of FREE community & patient events! (Classes are subject to change)

April upcoMinG eVentS *Register Now! (813) 419-5020 01:


11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm



11 am to Noon


lINe DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1 pm


SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* SilverSneakers® (CC)* TAI CHI

9:30 to 10:30 am & 10:30 to 11:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm



10 to 11 am 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm



11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm


SilverSneakers® SpRING CRAFT: CuSTOM SOApS

11 am to Noon 2 to 3 pm


lINe DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1 pm


SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* SilverSneakers® (CC)* TAI CHI

9:30 to 10:30 am & 10:30 to 11:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm



10 to 11 am 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm



11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm



11 am to Noon


lINe DANCING : Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1 pm


SilverSneakers® (MSROM)* SilverSneakers® (CC)* TAI CHI

9:30 to 10:30 am & 10:30 to 11:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm



10 to 11 am 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm



11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4:15 pm



11 am to Noon


Dominoes are always available to play at the SCC Activity Center! Some classes have limited space and may be full, but waitlists are available! please call for more information (813) 419-5020 please check your insurance coverage for SIlverSNeAkerS class participation eligibility. *MSrOM: Muscular Strength & range of Movement Classes *CC: Cardio Circuit please call for class descriptions

Please call (813) 419-5020, or go online for the entire schedule of classes and events:


The News of Sun City Center

Dance Clubs

Foxy Seniors The Foxy Seniors Dance Club is having a pizza party and dance on April 20 from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Florida Room. Enjoy an evening of fun where you can dance and/or sing, hosted by ReAct Entertainment (Suzanne & Bruce). Open to Sun City Center, Kings Point and their guests. Couples & singles welcome. Members pay $3. Non-members pay $5. Coffee and cookies will be served. Reservations should be sent to Angelina by April 13. BYOB. Casual Attire. For information or to reserve a table for eight, phone Angelina at 813-6341865.

April 2013

Academy of Ballroom Dance Club

MOONGLOW DANCE CLUB Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club will feature the live music of “The Treble Clefs” at their monthly dance on Thursday, April 25, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Community Hall. The attire at Moonglow Dances is Dressy Casual. Members are FREE; Visitors/Guests pay $5 per person at the door. Singles table(s) are always available. BYOB and snacks; they will provide the ice, water, cups & napkins. At the February Dance, in addition to the fine talents of “Daniel Fugazzotto,” the dancers were provided with an additional treat. Daniel and his competitive ballroom dance partner Janis Merluzzo performed a wonderful dance exhibition. Al Hurlbrink, past president and chairman of the club’s nominating committee, announced that all of the current club officers were willing to continue their positions for the 2013 year. President Gail Bouverat is looking forward to the continuance of this great team: Vice Presidents Mary & Chet Grocki and Betty Hilliard, and Treasurer Julie Daubresse. She would also like to express her appreciation to all the club members who have helped with various tasks. The Moonglow 2013 schedule of year-round monthly dances has a great lineup of talented entertainers booked for your dancing and/ or listening pleasure. Visitors are always welcome, so why not get your friends & neighbors to join you at a Moonglow Dance? If you have fond memories of the SCC Big Band, you will find that the musicians at Moonglow Dances play some of the same great melodies. For more information, call 813-633-1297 OR 813-642-8845, or if you would like to receive Moonglow information by email, contact —Gail Bouverat

Come Dance With Us

Oldies But Goodies Dance Club Music from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s Sunday - April 21 Community Hall Dancing 7 – 10 p.m. Entertainment: “THE DUKES” BYOB OBG Members free, Non-members $5 For more info, call Barbara: 633-5649

Free Sunday Dance Practice Need a place to practice your dance skills to various types of music? The perfect opportunity is every Sunday afternoon (2 – 3:30 p.m.) in the Dance Studio in the Atrium (CA Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). This is not a lesson, just a time to practice with some good music. The session, sponsored by the SCC Dance Club, is open to all members of the SCC Community Association and to residents of Kings Point. —Frank Carl

SCC Dance Club WED, April 17 – SPRING DANCE PARTY, 7:30 to 9:30pm, presented by the SCC Dance Club in Community Hall, 1910 So. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center, FL 33573. Featuring our Exclusive SCC Dance Club Playlist spun by Gerardo. Selections will include: East & West Coast Swing, Slow and Line Dance, Fox Trot, Latin variations, Waltz, Country and Polka. Complimentary Coffee and Home Baked Cake will be served. BYOB and bring your friends. Members free. Visitors/ Guests $6.00 pp at the door. Singles welcome. For more info call 813-634-9074. —Frank M. Carl

Saturday, April 6, at Community Hall Dance is from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Members free; guests $6. Music by Bernice Dubro Attire: Dressy Casual. Everyone welcome, Singles tables available. BYOB For further information, call Lennie Crooks at 642-9975.

Dance Classes in April 2013

SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium. Open to all Sun City Center CA and Kings Point residents. Couples and singles welcome. $5 per class. For information, call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. TUESDAY EVENING CLASSES (April 2,9,16,23,30) Beginning - Swing 5:30 p.m. Intermediate -Rumba 6:45 p.m. Beginning -Quick Step 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY DAY CLASSES (April 3,10,17,24) Beginning - Waltz 12:45 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate -Night Club 2-step 2 p.m. Intermediate - Bolero 3:15 p.m.


This is a special dance session for FOR SINGLES ONLY. We will be teaching a few steps in the Salsa/Mambo. Open to all SCC and Kings Point residents: DATES: Mondays (April 1,8,15,22,29) TIME: 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. COST: $25 PER PERSON FOR ALL 5 CLASSES TAUGHT BY BERNICE DUBRO AND TOM GIANNINA CALL TO REGISTER: 634-3205 E-MAIL: DANCEWITHBERNICE@GMAIL.COM

“Spring Fling” Square Dance

As the old saying goes—“April Showers Bring May Flowers”— but also this month, April Showers are going to bring on Friday Night Apr i l 1 2 , 2013, the Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club’s “Spring Fling” Mainstream/Plus Square Dance. Club members are going to treat the dancers with a delicious array of finger food. Beverages will also be provided. Dancers: bring your umbrella just in case— and come join us for a wonderful April evening of dancing and great food. These Special Dances, along with the club’s regular Friday Night Mainstream/Plus Dances are held in Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. (except Nov. 15; the dance will be held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building). Pre-Rounds 7-7:30 p.m. Mainstream/Plus Dance 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Ron Reardon calls on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of the

month; Art Springer calls on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Bob Ellis or Marty Van Wart will fill in as caller as needed. Pat Hagen cues. A Beginners Square Dance Class is held ever y Tuesday night, 6:30–8 p.m., in Room 3 of Community Hall. A Plus workshop follows 8–9:30 p.m. Van Coble is the instructor. The Club also performed its Annual Square Dance demonstration at the SCC FunFest on March 16. It was well received by the FunFest attendees. Square Dancers: come join us every Friday Night for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments. AT TENTION: The SC C Swingers Square Dance Club dances ALL SUMMER. Beginning May 1, 2013, casual dress, if so desired, is acceptable. For further information call Geri at 633-9742 or Leah at 6333986 and/or visit our website at index. —Dick Shultz

April 2013

Club Happenings 1

The News of Sun City Center

Photo Club Classes in April

The Sun City Center Photo Club announces instructional classes for the month of April. Sign up is done in the photo lab Monday - Friday 9-noon along with payment at that time. All classes are for members first but non members may sign up if there is room available four days prior to the scheduled class. Any questions may be emailed to Rose Stack, Educational Chairperson at rstack3225@


The Computer Club “WINDOWS 8 PLUS”

At the April 3 meeting, The Computer Club will feature a presentation by Tait Wilson from Staples providing an update on Windows 8; plus Tablets vs Notebooks, RT vs Pro versions of Microsoft Tablet and security issues with Windows 8. Lots to learn about at this meeting. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Florida Room. All Sun City Center and Kings Point residents are invited. For membership and meeting information, contact Gary Smith at 480-2753.

April 2 9:30-11 :30 a.m. Palm Room $10 SPONSORED CLASS NO REFUNDS Min. 3, Max. 12

Introduction to Camera Settings. Gayle Fischer. This is a beginner level class designed to help you understand the most basic settings on your camera and learn how to set them (provided your camera has the capability). Settings such as image size, image compression (if shooting JPEG), focus modes, metering ... and more if time permits ... will be thoroughly explained. Bring your camera and manual if you wish. Lecture/demonstration.

April 11 9:30-11:30 a.m. Palm Room $10 Minimum 3

Better Composition. Robert Winch. The key to taking a photograph instead of a “snapshot” is understanding the elements of composition. In this class, we will examine the rules that work, the decisions you need to make, and the way to work with your camera to get the best composition. We will talk about turning a bad composition into a good one, using computer tools like cropping, contrast and brightness. Bring your cameras AND MANUALS for some hands-on help! In-house workshop.

April 23 9:30-11:30 a.m. Palm Room FREE Min. 3, Max. 7

Photoshop Elements: The Very Basics. Robert Spring Classes Forming Winch. We will not be doing any photo enhancing or editing in this class, but will explore the user controls, Come join us and learn to play your favorite songs. We meet for a find out where everything is, review how to navigate lesson every Thursday 9 -11 a.m. in the Florida Room. It is a group lesson, the hidden controls and make it less daunting for no instrument required, $3, music is provided and yours to keep. Beginners you to begin to use Elements. If you are new to through advanced players. Photoshop Elements or have tried it but found it to Call Barb Carlini for further details at 813-633-2022 be too complicated, come along and we will help you get startedl This class is good for someone who has Elements 7 or higher on either a PC or a MAC. Inhouse workshop.



WINDOWS 8 WORKSHOP Your choice of APRIL 4 or APRIL 18 GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH THE NEW OPERATING SYSTEM. 9 AM – NOON in the Computer Club Classroom Tuition $10 payable upon registration

SCC Organ/KeyBoard Club

April 25 and May 2 ProShow Gold Hands-on Beginning Workshop Instructor: Vicki Breaugh. ProShow Gold is a userPhoto Lab friendly program that allows you to create media 1-3:30 ish shows to save to a DVD, cd, Facebook, your smart $20 phone or other devices. April 25 and May 2 from 1-3:30ish. Limit of six students. This is a hands-on Min. 3, Max. 6 class. Students should have basic computer skills including the ability to locate, open and save files. Inhouse workshop.

Members of the club with teacher Tommy Johnson. center front.


Club Happenings 2

April 2013

GFWC SCC Woman’s Club Names Helen Zeiders Volunteer of the Year

Low-Impact Aerobics Club Celebrates Senior Member Birthday; Elect Officers



The News of Sun City Center

Patriots Club Selling Flags The Patriots Club of Sun City Center still has some U.S. Flags available that were flown on S.R. 674. Starting on Wednesday, April 3, you can pick up your flag/flags for a $5 donation at the COMMUNITY INFORMATION CENTER located at 1002 Cherry Hiils Drive. The Center is open M-F from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. PLEASE no checks or bills larger than $10. The FunFest raffle winners were Elizabeth Hendrick (Bob Evans Gift Card) and Al Schmidt (Winn Dixie Gift Card). Both winners are from Sun City Center. As one of the objectives to promote patriotism in the community, the Club has just recently donated a U.S. Flag to be flown at the Information Center, after it was determined that the old one had become tattered. The Club would like to thank everyone who supported our booth at FunFest.

GFWC SCC Woman’s Club president Jean Smith (left) presents Helen Zeiders with the club’s Volunteer of the Year award.


On Thursday, March 7, over 100 members of Florida Questers attended the Spring Council meeting at the Jacaranda West Country Club in Venice. Members came from all parts of Florida in response to “An Invitation to a Wedding” where members were encouraged to dress as if attending a wedding. Why? Simply because an exquisite array of 30 Vintage Wedding Gowns dating from the late 1800s to present times was on display. Guest speaker Leigh Anne Brown was extremely knowledgeable about the history of these gowns, describing how events such as wars and the depression affected styles from the use of bustles, corsets, lace, waistlines, necklines, sleeves and hemlines roughly every five years or so. Other activities included the installation of three officers (Treasurer Lynn Carr, 2nd V.P. Ann Mevers and Recording Secretary Joanne Read) as well as workshops to assist members with their offices. What is a Quester? The Questers is an international study organization of socially well-adjusted, intelligent people with curiosity, enthusiasm, imagination and a good memory. We educate by research and the study of antiques, donate funds for the preservation and restoration of artifacts, existing memorials, historic buildings, landmarks and educational purposes. We also fund two annual scholarships to graduate students earning a Master of Science degree in Preservation and Restoration and a three-year fellowship to a graduate student earning a Master of Science degree in Art Conservation. Our motto “It’s fun to search and a joy to find” explains how gratifying it is to find that special item we’ve been “Questing.” To us Questers, attics are museums filled with treasures. We roam antique shops, flea markets, garage sales, estate sales and second-hand shops with a measuring tape, magnet, magnifying glass and check book in hand. Spouses tolerate us ... antique dealers love us! We are the original recyclers! For further information, check out our website at

The Low-Impact Aerobics Club had cause for celebration recently. Their senior member, Martha Olson, was celebrating her 94th birthday. Martha began working out with the group last year; her caregiver, Rosie Noyola (kneeling), joins her for each session. The club meets for a one-hour workout at 8:20 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the Dance Studio. Drop in or call 6331538/641-0816 for information.

Recently elected 2013 officers of the Low-Impact Aerobics Club are: (L to R) Co-Presidents Nancy Metcalf and Phyllis Hodges; Co-Vice President Joan Juczak; Secretary/Treasurer Yvonne Mathews. (Not pictured: Co-V.P. Louisa Farrow)

Macintosh User Group to Meet April 23

The SCC Macintosh User Group will hold its April meeting on Tuesday, April 23, at 3 p.m. in the Caper Room in the Atrium Building. As usual an informal Q&A will be followed by a brief business meeting and Program. The main Program commences at 4 p.m. which will be based on the financial and money matters theme of “Where’s the Money?” We will look at how the apps on Mac OS X and mobile (iOS) devices can be used to keep track of personal money. Applications reviewed will include tracking budgets with apps such as iBank and services such as Stock tracking applications such as CNBC RT and StockTouch will be demonstrated. Banking apps such as those provided by Bank Of America will be shown. Discussions will consider protecting personal information and the safety of using banking apps. All area residents interested in learning more about the Macintosh and Apple products are invited to attend. Any questions can be directed to Dunham Swift at 633-7262 or by email at Please visit us at our website:

Doug Nelson

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GFWC SCC Woman’s Club President Jean Smith announced that Helen Zeiders has been selected as the club’s Volunteer of the Year. The award is given annually to a GFWC SCC Woman’s Club member who best exemplifies outstanding service through volunteerism. Helen has been a member of the SCC club for 10 years. During that time, she chaired the club’s Nomination Committee, the Home Life Committee and the Club’s Flea Market at Fun Fest. She also worked on the Arts and Crafts, Scholarship, Meals on Wheels, Audit, By-Laws, and Budget and Finance Committees. In 2012, she and Karen Messina co-chaired the Fund Raising Committee and raised over $6,000 for the Club’s service projects. As Chairman of the Home Life Committee, she was responsible for identifying charities to be supported by GFWC SCC members and distributing in-kind and cash donations to the various charitable organizations. She also continued to serve on the Audit, By-Laws, and Finance and Budget Committees. Helen was the first president of her Homeowners Association and has continued to work on many community projects. She has a long history of community service. Before she and her husband retired to Sun City Center, she was a member of a GFWC club in Pennsylvania. She also was involved in PTA, Brownies and Girl Scouts. She served as director of committees and conventions for a Pennsylvania State Association. —Roselyn Cruthis

Hearing Loss Association

The Sun City Center Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLA-SCC) will meet on Wed., April 3, 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West. How to Communicate in Noisy Situations will be discussed by Joan Haber, peer mentor for people with hearing loss. Everyone with hearing loss and hearing family members & friends are invited. Come early for refreshments. Captioning provided by Tess Crowder, Communication Access, Inc.; and the meeting room is equipped with an induction loop to benefit those with a telecoil in their hearing instrument. Contact information: Richard Herring at or Barbara Riley at 6341706.

CANADIAN SNOWBIRDS! Duplicate your Florida living experience during the summer months in Southern Ontario!

FREEHOLD HOMES Adult Lifestyle Community Contact Dave and Anne Cox:


April 2013

Club Happenings 3 On Friday, April 5, The Irish Connection will have their General Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room of the Atrium Building. Hillsborough Community Service Officer (CSO) Donna Budd will open our meeting speaking on the people slipping through the cracks in receiving assistance, i.e., a single mother working a low paying job which disqualifies her for any benefits. CSO Budd has first-hand knowledge of local situations of which most of us are not aware. We will also meet Jason Castillo, who grew up in Ruskin and has been assigned to be our new Community Resource Officer (CRO), beginning his duties on 02/18/2013. Deputy Castillo is replacing Deputy Chris Girard who is leaving for a new assignment with the Hillsborough County Sheriff ’s Office. To RSVP for the free program, which is open to the public, call Pat 634-7447 or Bonnie 642-8663.

Sun City Center Photo Club Meeting Tuesday, April 9 at 6:30 pm

Garlic and mushrooms and peppers! If you have ever admired those wonderfully delicious photos in food magazines, you will want to attend our April 9 meeting. Gloria Pearse, cook, food stylist and photographer, will share her knowledge about food photography. If you want to illustrate a family cookbook, take photos of those wonderful meals you eat on trips or just learn about lighting techniques that can be applied to many situations, you will want to attend. Gloria will talk about lighting, styling, props and the need to act quickly before that ice cream melts! You can see her photography at but you may come away hungry! Community members and guests are welcome to attend. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room with a tutorial. After a short business meeting at 7 p.m., the program will begin. Club meetings are open to all in the area. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at www. or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. Dues for the 2013 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

Terry Oster


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The News of Sun City Center


Artist Of The Month for April 2013, as selected by the SCC Art Club, is Mary Chabot. Originally from Queens, NY, Mary earned her Master’s degree in mathematics at Notre Dame, before moving to California to raise two daughters and teach college math for 40 years. While she always had a passion for art, her busy schedule never allowed her the time to pursue classes in watercolor, her preferred medium. Moving to SCC in 2010, Mary immediately began classes and workshops, becoming a member of both the SCC Art Club as well as Kings Point Art League, while taking classes with Tom Haverfield, Diane Simon and Joanna Coke, among others. Her award-wining works have been shown in Art Center Manatee, South Shore regional Library, the Florida Watercolor Society on-line show and are part of several private collections. Mary’s creative works will be on display during the month of April at at SCC Library, Sun Trust Bank, American Bank, A-1 Connection Realty, Welcome Center on Cherry Hills Dr., and in the showcase at the front of the Art Room.

Pat Jones Featured Photographer at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce

Pat Jones is the featured photographer for the SCC Photo Club’s monthly display at the SCC Chamber of Commerce in April. Pat has been an active member of the SCC Photo Club for several years. Pat is a professional photographer who had a studio in Clark Summit, PA. According to Pat, a good photographer needs to have a creative eye and be able to see the beauty in a particular shot. Her photos show her creativity. Pat has won many awards in state and local competitions. She is consistently in the “Top Ten” in the FunFest “Viewer’s Choice” competitions. Pat’s favorite subjects are animals. Her photos of Dr. Chi Chi, her adorable dog, have recently been featured in the Sun City News. She also loves portraits as you will see when viewing her exhibit entitled The Creative Eye of Photography. Please come to the opening of her display at the SCC Chamber of Commerce between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. on April 11 to meet her and enjoy some wine and cheese. Her photographs will be on display through May 15. For more information on the SCC Photo Club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the photo learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.


Sew ‘n Sews Club Membership Increases Dramatically!

Pam Davis (seated) welcomes some of the new members to the Sew n’ Sews Club. The Sew ‘n Sews Club is celebrating a major milestone. Membership in the club in the last two years has doubled the size of the club. At a recent reception, new members were welcomed to the club by President Pam Davis. It is easy to explain the growth when you talk to the current president of the club, Pam Davis. When Pam took on the role as president in 2010, membership was dwindling. Approximately 60 members struggled to get volunteers to participate as board members and volunteer for club activities. Pam organized a list of board members willing to work with her to make some needed changes to the club. “Increasing membership value was the first step,” Davis stated. “We worked to increase club hours that were available to the membership as well as offering more classes and education. Next, we held fundraising events and functions that brought members into the club. Sewing together was not only more fun, it provided opportunities to build loyalty and friendships within the membership. Sharing our sewing tips, learning from each other … that’s really the most significant change I have seen in the club,” Davis added. And, Davis is quick to acknowledge that she had plenty of help getting these amazing results. “Increased publicity certainly helped, but having members donate their time to make these changes was key to the amazing success we are enjoying,” she concluded. Sew ‘n Sews Information The Sew ‘n Sews Club provides a place and equipment for experienced and novice stitchers or quilters to learn new techniques, to share in the joy of creating something beautiful and to enjoy great fellowship. 
Membership is open to any Sun City Center Community Association member, and annual dues are $10. Meetings and classes are held Monday through Friday in the Arts and Crafts Building. The Sun City Center Sew ‘n Sews Club also has a long and interesting history of service to the community. Projects during the year include sewing items of need for “The Kids Place,” The VA Hospital, RCMA and other charitable organizations. For information on becoming a member, call Linda at 390-2377 or email

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Club Happenings 4

The News of Sun City Center



The Irish Connection will have its May General Meeting on May 3 at It’s time for a Spring Dance. 6:30 p.m. in the Florida Room of the And who better to organize such Atrium Building. Donna Moughty, an event but the Sun City Center professional genealogist German-American Club! Thursday, of Lakewood Mini Bus Club April 18 is the date, and the party Ranch, FL will The Mini Bus is planning trips will begin in Community Hall on S. speak on Irish to the baseball games again this year. Pebble Beach at 5 p.m., with music histor y and There are 12 games with two per provided by the talented couple how to learn month playing various teams. Check “Jess ‘N Joan.” These two musicians ab out your them out in the mini bus office at each play a number of instruments, past, having 1910 S Pebble Beach Blvd. providing a great party mood. The 20 years of Some of the other trips being rest of the mood is provided by the conducting research programs on offered are “Is He Dead” playing at attendees! Ireland studies. the Francis Wilson Playhouse 4/6, She attends and has been a The music will begin at 5 p.m. Bok Towers Concert Under the Stars speaker at the National Institute for 4/27, 35rd Annual “Siesta Fiesta” and the buffet will be at 6 p.m. The Genealogical Research at the National 4/13, Tampa Bay Downs Horse Track buffet will include a Jaegerschnitzel Archives of Salt Lake Institute and 4/26, Mothers Day at Maggianos (hunter’s cutlet) with mushroom Genealogical Congress in Ireland, 5/12, Tradewinds Casino Boat 6/28 sauce on the side, spaetzle, red has been an instructor of historical cabbage, bread & butter and carrot research at Samford University, and and many more. There are still openings on cake. Sounds mouth-watering! chair of the Professional Conference several April trips. Look online at A great BYOB party, all inclusive for the Association of Professional for those and is $16 for members and $19 for non- Genealogists. many more trips being offered to Sun members. Just mail in your check To RSVP for the free program City Center residents. to Mike Albanese at 1808 Granville which is open to the public, call Pat 634-7447 or Bonnie 642-9663. Lane, Sun City Center 33573. Anyone who is Irish, of Irish extraction or anyone who has an Macintosh User Group interest in Ireland, is welcome to join The SCC Macintosh User Group is proud to the Irish Connection Club which was formed with the objective to promote announce the 2013 slate of elected officers. all things Irish, including culture, The SCC Macintosh User Group is a vibrant history and music.

organization of computer users enthusiastic about virtually everything and anything Apple and Macintosh. We are recognized by Apple as a registered Macintosh User Group [MUG). The primary purpose of the Club is to provide a forum for the exchange of vital information about Macintosh Computers and to provide educational and technical support for Apple and Macintosh users. Interested persons should visit the web site at or call one of the Officers for information. SCC MACINTOSH USER GROUP OFFICERS (2013)

The Sun City Center Low Vision Club will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, April 15 at 1:30 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce building in SCC Plaza. There will be a brief meeting to vote on the future of the Low Vision Club. The guest speaker is DeeWynn Cox, a certified care manager, with Care Management Service Professionals. Her presentation will focus on ways to make the transition from independent living to other options, such as group independent living or assisted living, easier. For information contact Ben Green, president, at 385-5590.

Every bridge player dreams of getting a hand like that, but it seldom happens. Donna says it was a once in a lifetime experience for her. The Thursday Night Bridge Club starts play at 7 p.m. every Thursday night in the Horizon Room of the Atrium Bldg. located on the Central Campus of Sun City Center. All bridge players residing in Sun City Center and Kings Point are encouraged to grab a partner and come join us for an enjoyable pressure-free Thursday evening of progressive bridge. Who knows? Maybe you or your partner will beat the odds and become our club’s next celebrity bridge player. Any questions? Please call Pat Nolle at 813-642-9280.

Ask Pete your questions about

prostate cancer I asked my GP to do a PSA and he said since the government doesn’t recommend it anymore, he won’t do it. But I’m still worried. worried. Since the USPSTF (U.S. Preventative Services Task Force) recommended stopping PSA and DRE screening 12 months ago, the death rate from Prostate Cancer has increased by 17%.

Low Vision Club

Recently, at Thursday Night Partners Bridge Club, Donna Knepper was dealt a 7-Diamond Grand Slam hand. She bid seven Diamonds and then simply laid her unbeatable cards on the table.

- - - - - -ADVERTISEMENT - - - - - -

A— You have every right to be

Pictured (L to R): Dunham Swift, vice president and Apple ambassador; Richard Doty, director of system administration; Chet Rindfuss, president; Harry Hintz, director-at-large; Jim Coates, director-at-large; Jim Lucas; director of education; Nancy DeWilde, secretary; Daniel Uffner, treasurer.

April 2013

If your GP won’t order the test for you, try the area health department or change doctors! You may even have to pay for the test yourself, but the peace of mind may be worth it. There are organizations that offer FREE screenings, too—so watch the papers. Especially in September which is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

This information is provided by the Dattoli Cancer Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Submit your questions to: 800/915-1001 or

Donna Knepper displays her “Lay Down Grand Slam” hand, the hand all Bridge players hope to get!

Scandinavian Club

The S candinavian Club of Sun City Center will meet on Wednesday, April 24, at 2:30 p.m. in the Sandpiper Room. President Fritz Brinck will present a program about relationships between the Nordic countries, entitled “What Binds and What Separates the Five Nordic Countries—Past and Present?” Many Scandinavians have a general knowledge about the countries from which their ancestors came; this indepth oral and slide presentation will strengthen their understandings. Refreshments will be served and guests are welcome. —Patricia Johnson

April 2013

Club Happenings 5

The News of Sun City Center


Steve Jerve hits it out of the Park

SCC Clubs Helping Each Other

Men’s Club members Jim Rottman (L) and Don Murphy with Steve Jerve. Pictured (L to R) Frank Guffin, Don Martino, Dick Hopkins, Mira Beck, Linda Hawken, Al Larcher, Kathy Katz, Carl McLaughlin and Barb Carlini. Not pictured Ed Myers, Joe Hoffman and Mary Wirsing. The Organ/KeyBoard Club played 2 days of continuous music for the Stained Glass Show held on Feb. 22 and Feb. 23. It was soft easy listening music to enhance their beautiful stained glass art work. Our lesson is every Thursday 9-11 a.m. in Florida Room. Music is included with the $3. Call Barb Carlini 813-633-2022 more information.

At a recent meeting of the SCC Men’s Club, Steve Jerve, Chief Meteorologist for WFLA-TV Tampa scored with his audience. At a near record turnout for a luncheon meeting he was entertaining and informative. His candid and strictly personal observations on the current weather patterns and global climate change were well received. For more information on the Men’s Club contact John Armstrong, VP Membership at 634-6434. —Don Murphy, VP Programs


Sponsored by the Men’s Club of Sun City Center, the next meeting will be held on Monday, April 8, 2 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd., West. Our speaker will be Dr. Kevin Hornsby MD, Medical Director of the Florida Men’s Medical Clinic. His topic is “A Doctor’s View of Erectile Dysfunction.” He is an authority on the latest advancements in sexual medicine and dysfunction. Dr. Hornsby has successfully treated well in excess of 10,000 men for erectile dysfunction using various methodologies-some not well known to the general public. It is suggested that patients, partners and physicians attend. Refreshments will be served. —Harry Benter

Grand Opening & Sports Day

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Club Happenings 6

The News of Sun City Center

China Club Participated in FunFest

The SCC China Painters Club participated in FunFest held on March 16, 2013. It was a beautiful day and there was a large turnout. The China Club was all decked out with plenty of sparkle and “Glam,” this year’s theme. Mini quick breads were sold as well as a raffle held to raise funds for events in the upcoming year. The raffle piece was a beautiful porcelain table painted by award winning artist, Martha Klos. The lucky winner was Bonnie Janson of SCC. —Sandra Bianco

April 2013

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China Painters Club room displayed their many works for FunFest.

Neuropathy Resource Group to Meet April 11 The SCC Men’s Club sponsored Neuropathy Resource Group will meet on April 11 at 1 p.m. in the Caper Room which is in the North Atrium Building. Unfortunately we had to cancel the March meeting due to preparations for the FunFest but will continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month unless otherwise notified. As usual all Greater Sun City Center residents are welcome. The April program, arranged by Bre Medlock, Director of Sun Towers Retirement Outpatient Therapy, will be Dr. Chris M. Nussbaum who is a 25-year experienced clinician and diagnostician. His diverse and extensive background brings to you excellence and versatility in the healthcare arena. Amongst other achievements, Dr. Nussbaum founded and was the Chief Medical Officer of Synergy Medical Group, was Program Group Leader for IPC - The Hospitalist Company, and served as Associate Medical Director for Gulfside Regional Hospice. He is a Fellow of Hospital Medicine and former chief resident of Internal Medicine at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, N.J.. Dr. Nussbaum completed his third and fourth years of medical training in The United Kingdom. He is a former National Science Foundation scholar, Associate Clinical Instructor at local medical schools, medical director of a number of rehab and ancillary services, and is a trained Healthcare Mediator. He should be able to address our many concerns of peripheral neuropathy. For meeting questions, contact Ron Pelton, 633-0190.

Sean D. Shanahan, D.P.M., M.P.H. 1901 Haverford Ave ,Suite 109 Sun City Center

813-634-0664 Donald Thompson to Speak at April 13 AAUW Meeting

TUESDAY, April 9th

at Sun City Center Inn, Sun City Center

Egmont Key Co-Author

The Sun City Center/South Shore Branch of the American Association of University Women will host a meeting in the Atrium’s Florida Room on April 13 at 10:30 a.m. The speaker will be Donald Thompson, co-author of Egmont Key. For hundreds of years Egmont Key has been a lighthouse beacon for ships coming into Tampa Bay from the Gulf of Mexico. The island’s vast history reflects the major events that took place in Florida and the U.S. with the Seminole Wars, the Civil War, Spanish-American War, as well as WWI and WWII. In recent years, people have enjoyed the beaches, explored the ruins of Ft. Dade and walked on the red brick “roads to nowhere.” Authors Donald and Carol Thompson bring an appreciation of Egmont Key and an “understanding of its place in history.” Donald is a retired high school social studies teacher who performs first person interpretations of historical figures such as Florida RR Baron, Henry B. Plant. He has authored four books. He is a member of Egmont Key Alliance. If you would like to attend call Mary at 634-5483 by April 7.



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April 2013

Club Happenings 7

The News of Sun City Center


Art Club

Ceramic Classes Well-Attended

Thematic Painting and the Creative Process with Ruth Philipon

British Connection

The British Connection invites you to a Variety Show performed by the “Sounds of Time”, East Bay High School Chorus, on Tuesday, April 23, 2013, in the Florida Room of the Atrium Bldg., 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Choices of favorite gourmet pizzas will be prepared by Catering Specialties. BYOB. Soda, tea, coffee, setups, and dessert provided. Members $10. Non-Members $12. RSVP deadline is Thursday, April 18 to Kathy Howell – Tel: 567-3358. Checks payable to: The British Connection, 316 Green Manor Dr., Sun City Center, Fl. 33573.



Ruth Philipon will do a demonstration on April 15 on painting from within a creative process of self-discovery and expression. Her desire is to take you on a journey to a place you have never been before. She will share how she outwardly expresses that which lies within. She finds inspiration in other cultures, faith, books, travel, different periods of art and life. It is the art of expressing visually what she hears, sees, feels and experiences. She will show you her creative thought process, how she gathers and puts the materials together to tell her story. To miss this demo is to miss the (L to R): Nola Swain, Julie Hochgelder, standing Vicki Vascik, Pam McCorkle, rest of the story. Her classical training, print making and years of expression officer, Ed George, Elsie Diel, officer, Sandee Bernard, Hilda Karl, Sharon will captivate you on April 15 from 1:30-3 p.m. in the Rollins Theater. Kennedy, Carol Cook, officer, sitting, Mearl Roberts, Martha McTeague, Mary All are welcome. Admittance is free and Art Club membership is not Carroll. required for attendance. The Sun City Center Ceramic Club again offered free classes to the Ceramic Club Elects New Officers Community in the month of January. Pictured above are the participants who attended and worked on a hibiscus holder from cleaning to preparing it for firing in the kiln to painting. They all were pleased with the finished product. The instruction was given by the officers of the club. The club has had good response to offering these classes. Plans for another class are set for October 14, 21, 28, 2013. Call Carol Cook 633-0293 for further information.

The Sun City Center Ceramic Club recently elected new officers for the coming year. (L to R): Dolores Wiggins, 1st vice president; Pam McCorkle, treasurer; Carol Cook, president; Elsie Diel, purchasing agent (2nd vice president); Judy Hamilton, secretary. The Ceramic Club is open to any SCC CA member with dues of $20 and to Kings Point members with dues of $30. The Club is open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It provides an opportunity to learn the basics and advance to various techniques. For information on becoming a member, please call Carol Cook, 813633-0293. —Monica McPhillips

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the marriage Grace found she could read all day and then scurry around a half hour before her husband got home to clean house and prepare dinner. For years raising several chi ldren, ke eping hous e and volunteer work kept her busy. One year they rented a house on a farm and the owner said the kids had to stay out of the barn. They did, since children generally obeyed their parents in this era. The only strange thing they noticed was an occasional strange odor coming from the barn which they did not recognize. One night their house was stormed by FBI agents who arrested their father; he was released without charges and the incident made a good story picturing five frightened children being rousted out of bed by federal agents. The barn was emptied out and the still removed, but it still made a good story. When Grace moved to Sun City Center, she met several other writers and they formed a writers’ club which led to the publication of an anthology Over the Hill and Picking up Speed. Grace had so many delightful stories that she wanted her children to know and remember, so she decided to write a book Gramma Gets the Bird. She continues to write and also is an avid golfer, bowler and grandmother.

A S e rie


Au t h o r G r a c e H o u s t o n discovered her writing talent when she was in the 7th grade at her school in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The teacher in the class encouraged all students to submit a story to a regional contest so that the school would be recognized as active participants in the Kenosha County contest. Cash prizes were awarded, a great incentive in the early years after the Depression. Grace had not expected to win and was surprised and excited at winning two cash prizes. Over the years Grace wrote sporadically and entered several contests often winning prizes that led to publication. Grace enjoyed writing but never considered trying to make a career of what she thought to be an interesting and challenging hobby. She was a great reader and wrote “Confessions of a Bookaholic” and articles for the Milwaukee Journal magazine and for the Reader’s Digest. Her stories dealt with the lives of 50s’ housewives and changes that were taking place. When Grace graduated from high school she found a job about ten miles from home which gave her time to read on the way to work. She read at work, too, during her coffee break and was fired when her coffee break extended into lunch. But her life was changing as she fell in love with a man she met at a party. After

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Book Group April 1, 8, 22 and 29 starts at 1:00 p.m. in the Armstrong Room, Central Campus. The current metaphysical book is “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind” by Joan Borysenko. No homework and the group reads aloud and discusses as they go. April 15 starts at 1 p.m. in the Sandpiper Room, Central Campus. The Book Group is open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Admission: Free. For Information call: Alice at 634-9065. Drum Circle April 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Eberhardt Room, Central Campus next to the Exercise Bldg. Bring your drums, rattles, flutes, rain sticks, pots and/or pans and enjoy each other’s company in joyous revelry. The Drum Circle is open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Admission: Free. For Information call: Holli at 419-4704. The Metaphysical Society believes that we all are becoming aware that the thing most needed for the progression, even the very survival, of our world is for every one of us to discover our Universal Oneness and our infinite potential. Consciousness, such as this, is characterized by the intense desire to learn and grow. Please come and join us! For Information call: Mike McGoldrick, president, at 938-1252. For Membership Information call: Ludi at 938-5686 or send e-mail to: metaphysicalsocciety@gmail. com. —Holli Cantrell

(A continuing column by News staff writer Marie Wood.)


April 3 start at 10 a.m. in the Sandpiper Room, Central Campus. “The Spiritual Vegetarian.” Member speaker Don Smith, Ph.D., will speak on what led him to become a vegetarian and the “reverence for all life.” Questions and Answers to follow. April 10 start at 10 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. “What’s in a Dream”? Member speaker Carol Oschmann, says bring your dreams and questions. After studying many modalities under the term “metaphysics,” Carol’s dreams pushed to the forefront. She found answers to life’s questions in her dreams. Her dreams opened doors to what really mattered for her. April 17 start at 10 a.m. in the Florida Room, Central Campus. “Blooming Where I Am Planted.” From her roots in her church choir to professional theater productions, Marti Capodiferro is an exceptional songstress and stage performer, singing from her heart and soul. Join us for this inspirational event. April 24 start at 10 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. “Acupuncture and Nutrition.” Kenneth Kuchar-Haas (“Dr. Ken”), a local Acupuncture Physician, speaks to us on his use of the Meridian Response Technique to test for food sensitivities to see which energy meridians are imbalanced and on nutritional support for optimum health. Metaphysical Society Meetings and Presentations are open to SCC/ KP Members and Guests. Admission: Love Offering. For information call: Holli at 419-4704.

Published Authors Residing in SCC


Metaphysical Society Events Meetings and Presentations

April 2013



Club Happenings 8

The News of Sun City Center



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Friday, April 12 at 7:00 PM Saturday, April 13 at 1:30 and 7:00 PM Tickets are $12.00 at the Kings Point Box Office Cabaret or Bleacher Seating

April 2013

The News of Sun City Center




Asiatic jasmine, is also called “Dwarf Confederate Jasmine.” It is not a grass, but a multi-stem, vine-like woody plant and a true ground cover. Asiatic jasmine does not produce a noticeable flower, and cannot be grown from seed. It is propagated by rooting stem cuttings.


Comm. Hall - 2 PM Pebble Beach Medians

This is a low-growing mat about 10” with deeply lobed leaves. It blooms profusely with 1” yellow-orange flowers. This is also in my yard under two camphor trees where grass is impossible to grow. Although a very beautiful plant, its aggressive nature requires that it be strictly maintained to avoid getting out of control. For this reason, it is now listed on the IFAS (U of F Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences ) July 2007 Assessment of the Status of Non-Native Plants in Florida’s Natural Areas as invasive and is not recommended for landscape use.

April 24

Caper Room - 7 PM Pebble Beach Medians


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The perennial peanut has shown promise as an ornamental groundcover due to its high resistance to drought, nematodes, and pathogens and its minimal fertilizer needs. It is not only beneficial to the environment, is aesthetically pleasing, can be walked on, and has edible, peanut flavored flowers. Perennial peanut is propagated vegetatively using rhizomes (modified underground stems) that concentrate in a 1.5- to 3-inch-thick mat, just below the soil surface. It can also be purchased as cut sod, rolled mats of sod, or in nursery containers. It is cold sensitive in temperatures around freezing. Recommended cultivars are Ecoturf and Arblick. Asiatic Jasmine

There are several variegated varieties of Asiatic jasmine on the market. Above is one patented by Monrovia Nursery, namely Snow ‘N Summer™ Asiatic Jasmine. This woody evergreen climbing vine produces very fragrant, tubular, creamy white flowers that age to yellow. New foliage emerges striking pink turning to clear white, then to variegated white and emerald green on older foliage. Makes a wonderful colorful groundcover or container plant. Mondo Grass

Conclusion There are many groundcovers available. But, it should be noted that certain Home Owner Associations might have restrictions in their deeds and covenants that limit alternatives to turf grass. It would be wise to consult these first. Groundcovers are a viable alternative where it is virtually impossible to establish turf grass. They are a great part of a Florida Friendly yard. The following link is to a video Master Gardener Virginia Overstreet just did for the City of Tampa featuring the ground cover area of the Discovery Garden at the Hillsborough County Extension Service in Seffner: http:// The small, neat foliage of English 0oe_4&feature=share&list=UUx4ivy provides an excellent ground 4RHo_bhTMQJNh6Du0AA cover or it can be allowed to climb with its aerial roots firmly attaching to any rough-textured surface. The dark green or variegated leaves are Town Hall Meetings produced in abundance along the rapidly growing but rarely branching Put these dates on your stems. The mature leaves are simple, calendar! alternate, lobed and two to four inches in length. Juvenile leaves do not have April 10 lobes. White flowers in round clusters appear in the fall. The round fruit is Comm. Hall - 7 PM inconspicuous and is less than 1/2 inch Parking Plan in diameter. Wedelia April 16 A clumping, perennial, evergreen herb that forms dense, fine-textured grass like mats. Leaves are dark green, linear, to 15 inches long and 1/8 inch wide. They occur in tufts, and curve toward the ground. The few flowers are hidden in the leaves on short, loose racemes. They are lilac or white. English Ivy


Asiatic jasmine is cold tolerant, remaining green even after hard freezes. It is very shade-tolerant, growing in deep shade where grass will not grow. It grows in full sun as well, but prefers some shade. Asiatic jasmine is much more drought-tolerant than most turf grasses, and is cold tolerant, remaining green even after hard freezes. Asiatic jasmine has few pest or disease problems, and rarely, if ever, requires pesticides. Unlike other plants which also have “jasmine” as part of their common names, such as Confederate and Star jasmine, Asiatic jasmine is a true ground cover; its numerous prostrate stems and leaves eventually blanket the ground, forming a thick mat. If interested you can see actual installations of Asiatic Jasmine and others at my residence on 414 Blackhawk Circle, Sun City Center. Varigated Asiatic Jasmine


Homeowners typically want their home to have a great curb appeal with minimum maintenance of their yard. Groundcovers may be a great answer. A ground cover is any lowgrowing plant that can be used to cover an area in the landscape. Woody and herbaceous plants fulfill this role as well as turf grass. Many people find great aesthetic appeal in sweeping, well-manicured green lawns. On the practical side, no other plant can withstand as much foot traffic as turf. Maintaining a lawn in prime condition, however, requires energy-intensive mowing, at least 6 hours of full sun, regular fertilization, irrigation, and, at times, expensive pest and disease control. Alternative ground covers perform equally well or better at a fraction of the energy inputs required for a lawn. Once established, most ground covers need only an occasional trimming to keep them tidy and within their designated area. Following are just a few of many ground covers available. Perennial Peanut

Mondo grass is another popular border grass. It has deep green, variegated or black foliage and ranges from two to 24 inches in height. It’s sometimes planted as a groundcover, creating a shade-tolerant lawn alternative.

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The News of Sun City Center

April 2013

Military Affairs Military Order of the World Wars

DAR High Tea By Judy Stimson On March 20, the Sun City Center Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) held its high tea in the Florida Room. The program at this event was “Portrait of a Bride, the Evolving Silhouette” and was their biggest fundraiser of the year. The program was co-chaired by Bunny Blackstone and Jan Bassett. They were assisted by 12 Table Hostesses that provided their own place settings for eight people plus table decorations, and an able food committee. The approximately 100 people that attended included members, proposed members and prospective members.

Cathy Chiovitti Williams, Therapeutic Recreational Specialist at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, was the featured speaker at the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) meeting on March 6. Cathy, a full-time Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist for the past 22 years, discussed the extraordinary advances that have been made in rehabilitative therapy, which now allow disabled veterans to participate in nearly any activity that they may aspire to undertake. Her presentation was remarkably inspiring and gives new meaning to the phrase “where there is a will, there is a way.” Cathy has worked with spinal cord injury patients for 15 years prior to taking over as chief of recreation therapy. She has been involved with 100 newly injured athletes and her teams have won over 400 medals in disabled sports. She completed her education with a BS degree in therapeutic recreation from the University of Florida in 1989 and has further developed in her field by various training and seminars and hands on experience in rehabilitation. She has developed one of the largest recreational therapy programs in the country with 20 staff. —Frank Kepley



The guest speaker was Leigh Anne Brown of Tampa; she provided the 27 wedding gowns that were on display. According to Leigh, the wedding gowns are “a glimpse into the life of an average American woman, as seen through a bride’s eyes from 1890 to the present.” The gowns were arranged by date, so it was easy to see the progression of attire through the years. DAR member Becky O’Dell, also a Table Hostess, brought her daughter’s wedding gown bringing the display total to 28 gowns. The funds raised at this event will benefit wounded warriors and veterans at James A. Haley Veterans Hospital. If you are a woman who thinks you have an ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War and are interested in joining DAR, please contact Bunny Blackstone at 6346387 or

LTC Gary O. Engen, USA, (Ret) was the guest speaker at the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) luncheon at the Freedom Plaza Club on March 22. LTC Engen is the current Commanderin-Chief (CINC) of the national MOWW military organization. CINC Engen has a Bachelor of Science degree from North Georgia College and advanced degrees (education, computer science) from Northern Illinois University. He was commissioned from Army ROTC in the field artillery in 1965 and enjoyed artillery and joint assignments during his 28-year career. His last assignment was as professor of military science at the University of Mississippi. LTC Engen discussed the various strategies MOWW chapters around the country are using to maintain and increase their membership. He also stressed the importance of meeting the MOWW national goals, which he said the SCC chapter is clearly achieving as indicated by the extraordinary number of awards they have garnered in the past few years. He also inducted Companion James Haney (see photo) into the organization as a Perpetual Member (life) and congratulated the chapter for their overall outstanding activity and achievements during the past year. The SCC chapter won four out of five of the available national awards for mid-sized chapters for 2012. —B. Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, (Ret)

The SCC Community Hall has been reserved on Sunday, May 5, at 2:30 p.m., for a benefit show to honor a triple amputee, Marine Corps Sgt. Michael Nicholson. In 2011, while serving in Afghanistan, Sgt. Nicholson was on foot patrol when he was injured by an explosive device, causing him to lose both legs, and his left arm, and also suffers from a brain injury. ALL PROCEEDS from this event will go toward the funds needed to build, this year, a specially adapted “Smart Home” for Sgt. Nicholson in South Tampa. Similar homes for other severely wounded veterans have been built under the sponsorship of Building for America’s Bravest – a partnership between the Stephan Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation and the Gary Sinise Foundation. All homes are designed specifically for the designated veteran and costs approximately $500,000. A $10 donation is requested for each ticket. Seating will be open. Tickets can be obtained at the CA Kiosk in the Atrium on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9 a.m. to noon, starting April 8. Tickets can also be obtained from the Sun City Chamber of Commerce, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Checks should be made payable to “Tunnel to Towers Foundation”, or if preferred, “TOT” with “Sgt M. Nicholson” placed in the “For” or “Memo Note” line. For additional event information or tickets please contact Jim Glass at 633-4298.


(L to R) Roberta Schofield, Mary Culliton, Vice Regent

Chief of Recreation Therapy at Haley VA addresses MOAA

National MOWW Commander Addresses Local Chapter



The Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter of DAR in Sun City Center held their 37th annual Invitational Luncheon at Renaissance Club on February 20. The program was presented by Roberta Schofield on “Haley House”. Roberta is the VA Representative for James A Haley VA Medical Center. Also attending was Donna Cullen, Florida State Regent. —Jo Prater

From left: Maj James Haney, USMC (Ret); SCC Commander Shiela Greason and LTC Gary O. Engen, USA (Ret)

MFST Honors Donors at Luncheon

The Military Family Support Trust (MFST) held a Donor Recognition Luncheon at the Freedom Plaza Club on Thursday, March 3. The luncheon was held to honor those individuals who have generously increased their level of giving in 2012. MFST has received a total of $3,000,000 from its contributors and earned income during the past nineteen (19) years. Those honored at the luncheon have been major contributors to the corporation and military families. MFST is a 501(c)3 organization and as of August 24, has completed 19 years of operation. Starting with the awarding of one $2,000 scholarship grant in 1994, the corporation will award sixteen more grants in May. A total of 155 students will have entered the program. JROTC programs are also supported in four local high schools. Additionally, the “Homeless Woman Veteran Program,” which assists in providing vocational training to women in need in order to enhance employment opportunities, is also supported by MFST. The “Paws for Patriots Program” is also funded by MFST. A disabled veteran requiring a guide dog must spend 26 days in training with their new dog. Continued funding of this program is anticipated. —B. Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, (Ret)

April 2013

The News of Sun City Center

Former Vice Chief of Staff, US Air Force, speaks to the Association of Naval Aviation Monroe Hatch, Jr.

General USAF (Ret.) was the guest speaker for Silver Osprey Squadron #64 of the Association of Naval Aviation. The March 8 luncheon meeting was held at The Freedom Plaza Club, Sun City Center. General Hatch began his 39 year military career as a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. Upon graduation in 1955, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force. This occurred for about 20 per cent of both Annapolis and West Point graduates until the new Air Force Academy’s first class graduated. The title of General Hatch’s talk was “Looking Back and Looking Ahead.” In looking back, work with nuclear weapons started with his first assignment as a nuclear missile control officer and continued as he logged more than 6,000 pilot hours in B-47 and B-52 bombers. Some of his longest B-52 flights occurred during the time of the Cuban missile crisis (October 15-28, 1962). He flew 22-hour missions east of the North Pole, far enough to be seen on Soviet radar, before turning back to Limestone AFB in northern Maine. These flights continued daily until the crisis ended. The cold war didn’t start to thaw until Mikhail Gorbachev arrived on the scene in 1985. During the early

Speaker USAF General Monroe Hatch (L) with Silver Osprey Commanding Officer Rear Admiral Larry Chambers stages of this thaw, there were several Soviet-US military exchange trips in the late ‘80s. General Hatch was selected as one of the officers that participated in these joint activities. He enjoyed both the formal and informal meetings of Soviet officers, some becoming top leaders in the early ’90s. In the “Looking Ahead” part of his talk, General Hatch shared his thoughts about the status of nuclear weapons throughout the world and about where he thought most of the dangers were. A lively question and answer session followed. General Hatch had not planned to talk about his post-retirement activities. When encouraged to talk

Hillsborough County Water Restrictions Changed to Once-A-Week Lawn Watering Water use is always a concern in central Florida; there isn’t enough of it for everyone who wants to live here! At various times restrictions on the use of water were necessary; that seems to be the rule now more than the exception. The governing body for Hillsborough county is the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD - pronounced by many swiftmud). Florida is divided into five water management districts and that one is ours. We have been under a twice a week watering plan for some time but that just changed. SWFWMD recently issued a one day a week watering restriction. The restrictions began on March 13 and expire on July 31. Allowable watering hours are before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. These restrictions apply whether you hand water or use a sprinkler system. These limits also apply to washing your car.

about them, he did admit that he had become the executive director of the 150,000-member Air Force Association for three years in the early 90’s. He worked with veterans from the American Legion, VFW and others to make sure that the Smithsonian Enola Gay exhibit was changed from being controversial to being one of the most successful they ever held! S i l v e r O s pre y S q u a d ro n meetings are normally held the second Friday of each month ending with the May meeting and restarting in September. The luncheon meetings are scheduled from 11:30 to 1:30 at the Freedom Plaza Club, 3932 Upper Creek Drive. You do not have to be former military to attend; all that is required is an interest in military aviation. Please note that the next meeting open to the public will take place on May 10. The Squadron will be taking a members-only trip to visit Fantasy of Flight on April 5, 2013 which will be our April event. For further information, e-mail to, or visit our website at www.suncitycenter. org, select “Activities” and use the drop down menu to select “Veterans.”



On Saturday, November 9, 2013 the Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) will host a formal Military Ball, starting with a social hour at 5:30 p.m., at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. The Ball will feature a patriotic program, hors d‘oeuvres before a served dinner, entertainment, and dancing. Dining and dancing configuration at the Community Hall will be limited to 40 tables of eight. Formal dress is encouraged (military, black tie, dark business suit) – wearing military decorations is encouraged. Dinner, featuring a combined entrée of chicken breast marsala and roast pork loin, will be catered by Orange Blossom. Music and dancing will be provided by Bob Boyd and the 42nd Street Orchestra. This is a BYOB event; however, wine for toasting will be provided. Cost is $50 per person. Checks should be made payable to MOWW. Attendance is open to all - prior military service is not a requirement. Individual tickets, for singles or couples, can be reserved now with payment due first week in September. A self-appointed table captain can reserve a table of eight with $100 deposit due by June 1. Tickets can be obtained from Charlie Conover at 260-3257.


EMERGENCY SQUAD SUPPORTS FUN FEST Over 500 “Vials of Life” were There is a general misconception explained and distributed and 216 “Homeowners associations in town that confuses the Emergency Blood Pressures were taken in what and other entities must suspend Squad and the Security Patrol. proved to be a wonderfully successful any requirement to replace lawns, day at the annual community Fun pressure wash or engage in other Who are we? We are the Sun ac t ivity t hat incre as es water City Center Emergency Squad. Fest. In addition, 20 potential recruits were signed up. use during this water shortage We are the largest all-volunteer declaration,” is stated on the county Basic Life Support unit in the State and SWFWMD web pages. of Florida. We have served our For several years now, we have community for almost 50 years with not had what was considered a emergency medical services at no “normal” rain pattern—dry winters, charge. Last year we responded to wet summers. We must adapt 6800 emergency calls in the greater ourselves to the new weather reality Sun City Center area. Our wheelchair because the number of residents is vans transported almost 3,000 patients only increasing. to various medical appointments. For more information on the Our volunteers are highly trained. (L to R): Lois Lynch, Shirley Ziemer, restrictions call 272-6680 or visit the Our EMT ’S attend Hillsborough Julie Schneider, Noreen Schramm, websites below. To report restriction Community College and are nationally Chief, Toria Smith, Aileen Engel, violations, call 224-8993. certified. Our Drivers and Responders and Mike Zwissler

Hillsborough county watering restrictions announcement: Addresses with “house numbers” ... may only irrigate on … aspx?NID=1339. Ending in 0 or 1.... Monday SWFWMD watering restriction Ending in 2 or 3.... Tuesday announcement: www.swfwmd.state. Ending in 4 or 5.... Wednesday Ending in 6 or 7.... Thursday TBpase3.php. Ending in 8 or 9.... Friday More on SWFWMD: www. Rights-of-way, common areas and other “no address” locations) ................................ Friday —Art Erickson

are trained in-house by our certified instructors.

We are on the go constantly and the services we provide to the community are far different from the type of services provided by the Security Patrol. We are totally dependent on community donations and our community has supported us each and every year.


(L to R)Back row: Noreen Schramm, Chief, Bob Green Wade, Jan Jozefak, Barry Bogart, Melissa Schuler, Donna Fredrickson, Garry Gose, James Nguyen, Nora Merriam, Director of Education. Front row: Char Cable, Monnie Shoemaker, Lane Shoemaker, Marnie Calvillo, Howard Decker. —Jan Huber, Asst. Chief, PR Not pictured is Russ Foti.

We are affectionately known throughout greater Sun City Center as “THE SQUAD.” The other organization which patrols the streets, but only in Sun City Center, is “The Patrol.” We hope this will help you to distinguish between the two organizations.


The News of Sun City Center

Quack-tacular Lucky Duck Day ­T he SCC Core Group for the Campaign Against Human Trafficking has just completed its first fundraiser called “Quack-tacular Lucky Duck Day” held on Sat., March 2, at the SCC Atrium Outdoor Pool. The Core Group is proud to announce that approximately $5,000 will go to Bridging Freedom, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed to help children and young adults who have been trapped in Child Sex Slavery. Most importantly, Bridging Freedom is working to build what will be Florida’s first therapeutic safe home to provide long-term comprehensive care to these victims in a secure environment. The winners of the prizes are: first prize is Patty Ore; second prize is Joanne Baskinger; third prize is Diane Reardon; fourth prize is Terry McNamarra and the fifth prize is Terry Brubaker. Those who attended the SCC Outdoor Atrium Pool festivities had an afternoon of fun! The Front Porch Pickers entertained us along with the Swim Dancers who performed a synchronized program. Lunch was served by the Diamondettes and the SCC Softball League. A great afternoon was had by all! Our wonderful sponsors were: Diane Ladzinski-Century 21 Beggins; Call EZ Storage-U-Haul - Wimauma; Charlotte Clark – American Momentum Bank; State Farm Insurance – Mark Rossmiller; Anonymous; The Home Depot – Ruskin; South Shore Signs; Barbara & Bruce Kanoza and Sarah & Dick Hardy. Bridging Freedom’s mission is to combat minor sex-trafficking by bringing restoration to those rescued. The SCC Core Group is working to increase awareness of this tragedy and to create social change in the South Hillsborough County Area. In 2011, the Middle Judicial District of Florida, which included the Tampa Bay Area, was second

in the number of child sexualexploitation and slavery cases in the United States. Our neighboring towns of Wimauma and Ruskin are also at risk. Thank you for supporting the SCC Core Group for the Campaign Against Human Trafficking.

Laura Hamilton, founder of Bridging Freedom, Lucky Duck, Sarah Hardy, Chr. and June Wallace, facilitator.

April 2013

The Hope Fund for Children’s Breakfast & Bingo at Community Hall on April 20

It’s time again for The Hope Fund’s Breakfast & Bingo (B&B)! On Sat., April 20, from 8:30 to 11 a.m., come to Community Hall on South Pebble Beach Boulevard in SCC to enjoy another B&B. The admission price is still only $6for a large omelet of your choice, a bagel with cream cheese or a Danish, orange juice, coffee or tea. Bingo begins at 9:30 a.m. Bingo cards cost $1. Play for cash prizes! Tickets are available at the door. Everyone is welcome.

The Hope Fund is a 501(c)3 organization made up entirely of volunteers who are dedicated to improving the lives of at-risk children who live in Wimauma and attend the after-school and summer programs at Bethune Park. The Hope Fund now partners with RCMA to maintain the buildings and keep the programs going so that these children will have a safe place to go after school and during the summer while their parents work. Currently, the main focus of the Hope Fund is to provide scholarships to those families who cannot afford the full cost of sending their children to Bethune Park. Along with a volunteer board, The Hope Fund consists of people

from SCC, including Kings Point and other nearby communities who volunteer as tutors, mentors, readers and reading instructors, runners who help with a running program to promote good exercise habits and artists who encourage the children’s creative side. The Fund also runs a Kids’ Cafe which provides healthy snacks after school. There is a sex and drug education program for older children. There are some wonderful things going on for the children at Bethune Park. The children are thriving and look forward to the visits from the senior community of SCC and other communities. Come to Breakfast & Bingo on Sat., April 20, from 8:30 to 11 a.m. at Community Hall in SCC and help the programs continue. For further information about The Hope Fund and Breakfast & Bingo, to volunteer to work with the kids for one hour a week or to give a tax-deductible contribution, call Carla Miles at 6344268. More information may be found at the Fund’s website at We hope to see you on April 20!! Bring your friends and neighbors.

Digital Mammography is now available at South Bay Hospital’s Outpatient Diagnostic Center. Benefits of Digital Mammography:  Produces high resolution, digital images that can be enhanced and manipulated

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 Patients spend less time in the exam room  Patients are able to get results sooner

To schedule your digital mammogram appointment, please call 1-866-463-7002.

The SCC Core Group for the Community Campaign Against Human Trafficking is grateful for the outstanding community support received for two March fundraisers. The Bridging for Freedom organization, dedicated to help chldren and young adults trapped in sex slavery, received generous donations from Quacktacular ($5,000) and the Golf Tournament ($3,570). Officers of the newly-formed group are (left to right): Janet Cardulla, vice president; Joan Kramer treasurer and golf tournament chair; June Wallace, director and founder; Sarah Hardy, Quacktacular chair; Rosemary CollinsRiley, president; and Gail Littlefield, secretary. SBH06109

April 2013

The News of Sun City Center

Health Group Sun City At veriMED Health Group, Sun City, you get more than just medical attention; you get our undivided attention. With complete health care services, we offer everything from routine checkups to treatment of minor emergencies. Above all, we offer patients the kind of old-fashioned, personalized service that’s hard to find these days. Dr. Geetha Krishnan, M.D.

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A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ...

The News of Sun City Center

Energy Savings Workshop ... Follow-up! By Susan Muise Consumer Affairs Committee

Dale Potter, Consumer Affairs chairman, welcomes Willie Escalante and Nicole Townsand from TECO to the Energy Savings Workshop on February 14.

Residents take advantage of takeaway info pamphlets at the Energy Savings Workshop sponsored by the SCC Consumer Affairs Committee.

The February 14 Energy Savings Workshop presented by TECO was attended by almost 40 residents who learned many ways to save energy in their homes. TECO strongly suggests that we all have a free Energy Audit which can be done online at by answering some simple questions about who lives and how you live in your home. Or better yet, schedule an appointment online or by phone to have one of their reps come out to inspect your home (813-275-3909). The audit will take about an hour and will include an inspection of your attic to check the duct work and insulation. They gave us lots of great tips, unfortunately too many for this article. Here are a few of the tips we feel would be most advantageous to our residents: A/C thermometer fan controls should be set on “auto” to save wear and tear and cost usage on the fan. By leaving the fan set to “on,” you could create a moisture problem in the house. “Auto” allows the room to breathe better. If you do not use your unit for several months in the winter, there should not be mold accumulation as the outside temperature is not that high. (This could be a scare tactic from some A/C contactors.) But TECO also notes that some type of air flow is recommended inside your home such as fan to help prevent mold growth. Snowbirds should have a humidistat set at 60 percent. It will keep the humidity down no matter how hot it is outside. TECO recommends that you have your A/C unit serviced at least once per year. If your compressor goes, your contractor should be able to replace it within 24 hours from a

local representative. You should not need one custom ordered or necessarily need a whole new unit. Get a second opinion if you doubt what the contractor is telling you. Many A/C contractors will try to sell ultraviolet lights for your A/C telling you that you have mold in your unit. Once again, only a lab can determine that it is actually mold. TECO advises us that these lights do work, but how well they work is unknown. They are very expensive to install, and bulbs wear out and are expensive to replace. If a new unit is needed, ask for a “load calculation” to make sure you get the correct size. Bigger is not better! It should be at least a 15SEER unit to qualify for the TECO rebate. Make sure you know what will be covered in the warranty. TECO does recommend heat pumps for cost efficiency. To save a lot of energy and money on your bill, raise your A/C temperature setting two or three degrees. Ceiling fans should only be on in the room you are using. It is a waste of energy to leave them running when you are not in the room. Regarding attic insulation, thermo radiant foil barriers do not take the place of insulation. They should not be put on the floor of your attic but should be put up against the joists to reflect heat from the sun and keep the attic cooler. Some people report that it does affect the shingles. The space between the foil and the roof should have a ridge vent to release the hot air in that space. Spray-in foam insulation works very well but is pretty expensive. It should not affect the shingles. Insulation does lose its value as it settles over time. The value can be detected in the Energy Audit. TECO does not

The Consumer Affairs Register is available at - Click on the SCC logo, Slide across the top to “Resources” and down to “Consumer Affairs.” The link to the Register is at the bottom of the page under the Disclaimer and Information sections.

April 2013

recommend any particular type of insulation, just the “R” value of each kind. A solar attic fan works well, but it depends on your attic as to whether it would be cost effective. Water heaters are another big user of energy in our homes. TECO does not recommend a timer on your water heater. Electric tankless water heaters are very expensive to operate and may not be cost effective. For one or two people a standard water heater is your best bet. If your water heater is outside your house, the hot water lead pipe should be insulated. A recirculating pump for hot water heaters allows heated water to reach the farthest parts of your house faster. It won’t make any difference in your electric bill but you won’t waste water waiting for heated water to reach you. If you are running out of hot water more quickly than you used to, you may want to check the bottom thermostat on water heater tank; it’s probably faulty. Your

tank temperature should be kept between 120 and 140 degrees so that Legionnaires Disease does not form in the water. Besides the free Energy Audit, TECO has many rebate programs to help us save energy. They have a $75 rebate for a regular HVAC Maintenance Program, rebates up to $350 for insulation upgrades depending on the square footage of your home, a Solar Rebate Program, and for $50 they will do a duct work inspection and seal all joints and seams on the ductwork. A ZAP CAP System (surge protection unit) is available for major appliances in case of power surge including replace / repair warranties to a major appliance damaged by a surge. To find out more about how these and other energy-efficient programs can pay off for you, contact TECO at (813)275-3909 or visit

TOWN HALL MEETINGS Concerning the PEBBLE BEACH MEDIANS Tuesday, APRIL 16, 2013 COMMUNITY HALL, 2 P.M. and Wednesday, APRIL 24, 2013 CAPER ROOM, 7 P.M.

April 2013

See Spot.

The News of Sun City Center

See Spot Change.


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Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Healthcare System, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Healthcare System. The hospitals shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.


Golf League Results, Pictures and More

Caloosa Greens Men’s Golf

The News of Sun City Center

Caloosa CC Women (18) February 27, 2013: Best Ball Net of Twosome: 1st Jana Roberts & Ellie Duncanson 57; 2nd Joan LaMar & Dolores Phelps 58. March 13: Member-Guest Low Gross-Low Net: Flight 1: Aileen Engel/Jan Huber 1st Low gross (L/G) score 74; Pearl Ashe/Sue Jackovich 1st Low net (L/N) 56; Joan Macholl/ Jean Mooney 2nd L/N 57. Flt2: Jan Hobbs/Karen Banister 1st L/G 79. Jan Harding/Ilene Hemingway 1st L/N 54; Anita Chiota/Paula Jimaki tie 2nd L/N 58; Alica Friedlein/ Nancy Saunders 58. Flt3: Lucille Lenese/Shirley Coniglio 1st L/G 85; Ruth Ann Phelan/Susan Wyckoff 1st L/N 56; Sandy Gaither/Pam Davis tie L/N 57; Val Pelkowski/Mary Henry 2nd 57. Flt4: Jackie Wrigley/ Jay Pearson 1st L/G 91; Marion McCoy/ Karen Tomie 1st L/N 56; Joan LaMar/Phyllis Lee 2nd L/N 57.

Feb. 6&13: CGGC Match Play Championship: Flight A: Fran Hendrickson, Flight B: Jim Fischer, Flight C: Bucky Devling. Feb20:Individual Low Net: 1st Place (56): Jack Libby: 2nd Place (58) Jim Hoyt. Feb. 27:Individual Best Nine ½ Handicap: Flight A- Tie Floyd Harris & Dave Wilkie: Flight B- Tie Jim Wagner/Jim Fischer: Flight C: Tie Ed Annen/Bill Waters. Mar. 6: Chicago: Low Score: Caloosa CC Men -28 Fran Hendrickson, : -26 Fred Schrieber. 2/28/13: 2 best ball at least: First Place Tie 38: Dick Lanese/John Burns/ Caloosa Greens Ladies Max Ellingson/ Harold Wismann February 21: All Woods: A FLIGHT and Woody Nelson/Ron Kemmeling/ 1st Mary Miller 51; 2nd Gloria Don Tarantino/Chuck Reeve. Nunn 55. B FLIGHT 1st Eleanor 3/5/13: Annual Flat Frog Golf TourSchrieber 49; 2nd Carol Slaughter nament results 51. C FLIGHT 1st Elfie Nolden 48; Overall team winners: Oesterle, 2nd Monica Schofield 53. Bohlmann, Dudek and Butts (guest) score 61. White Flt:tied for 1st Caloosa CC Women’s 9-hole team of Skowronski,Butler Klitsky (guest), Bennet (guest) and team March 1: Low net: Flight 1 Akemi of Griggs, Solito,West and Brower. Schindler. Flight 2 Shirley Brubaker. 3rd tie team of Morgan/Morgan/ Flight 3 Beth Morrison. Morgan(guest) and Morgan also team March 8: Mutt & Jeff: Flight 1 Shari of Lanese/Lanese/Lanese(guest) Reeve. Flight 2 Kay Dudek. Flight 3 and Lanese (guest). Gold #1Flt Oesterle,Bohlmann, Dudek and Beth Morrison. March 15: Tee to Green: Flight 1 Butts (guest). 2nd team of Coty, Vorin Johnston. Flight 2 Shirley Valentine, Fields / Fields.Gold #2 Flt: 1st team Struble/ Struble Hofer/ Brubaker. Flight 3 Iris Davies. Hofer. 2nd team Dotson/Dotson/ Dotson and Dotson. Gold #3 Flt;1st team Dufresne/Dufresne,Dagenais /Dagenais 2nd team Noyes/Noyes Stonefield / Stonefield. “The Flat Frog Open participants are all applauded for having endured extremely cold temperatures for this fun filled fund raising event for Caloosa” as commented by Steve St. Pierre, Chairperson and Originator. Hogans League 3/7/13: Bill Devine Group Winners April Schedule of Game: “54”: First Place: Dale Pitts, Jose Rodriguez, Ron Jewell, Harold Date Day Course Wismann; Second Place: +24 John 4/1 Mon Imperial Lakewoods Burns, Max Jessup, Jack Morton, 4/3 Wed Cypress Creek Noel Kohn. 4/5 Fri Summerfield Bill Devine Golf Tournament. 4/6 Sat Freedom Fairways 3/14/13: One best ball at least: 1st Sat Sandpiper Bruce Conley/Al Duncanson/Bob 4/8 Mon Imperial Lakewoods Brown-33; 2nd Max Jessup/Jose 4/10 Wed Cypress Creek Rodriguez/Wally De Armount-25. 4/12 Fri Summerfield Hogans League of Sun City 4/13 Sat Freedom Fairways Center and Kings Point Sat Sandpiper 4/15 Mon Imperial Lakewoods February 16, 2013: Sandpiper 4/17 Wed Cypress Creek Lakes>>Palms, H-Skins: 1st Place: Bill 4/19 Fri Summerfield Konopasek - 2 Skins; 2nd Place: Norm 4/20 Sat Freedom Fairways Taylor, Rex Gibbons, Bill Cundy, and Mike Arghittu - Tied at 1 Skin. Low Sat Sandpiper net: Bill Cundy – 65; Low-gross: Bill 4/22 Mon Imperial Lakewoods Cundy – 88. Birds: Bill Cundy - #18 4/24 Wed Cypress Creek Par 4 and Bill Konopasek #8 Par 3. 4/26 Fri Summerfield Febr u ar y 16, 2013: Fre e dom 4/27 Sat Freedom Fairways Fairways, H-Skins: 1st Place: Andy Sat Sandpiper Betz - 4 Skins; 2nd Place: Ron Windsor 4/29 Mon Imperial Lakewoods

April 2013

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point and Bob Hull - Tied at 2 Skins. Lownet: Ron Windsor and Bob Hull Tied at 59; Low-gross: Bob Hull – 77. Birds: Charlie Brown - #4 Par 3; Ron Windsor - #4 Par 3; Andy Betz - #9 Par 4. Febr u ar y 18, 2013: Imp er i a l Lakewoods. A-Skins: 1st Place: John Westinghouse, Syl Amos and Joe DeFelice - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Tom Rosata – 64; Low-gross: Walt Weldon – 83. Birds: Walt Weldon #13 Par 4 and #15 Par 4; Syl Amos - #9 Par 5; Bill Barron - #15 Par 4; Charlie Brown - #15 Par 3; Russ Turell #6 Par 5; Tom Rosata - #6 Par 5; and #10 Par 5.

Back Row Left to Right: John Westinghouse, Walt Weldon, Syl Amos, Charlie Brown, Russ Turell, and Bill Barron. Front Row Left to Right: Rex Gibbons, Tom Rosata, Joe DeFelice, and Bob Jacobs. February 20, 2013: Cypress Creek, A-Skins: Flight #1 1 st Place: Walt Weldon - 3 Skins; 2nd Place: Steve Parks, Russ Turell, Bill Barron, and Doc Lamiano - Tied at 1 Skin. Lownet: Walt Weldon – 67; Low-gross: Walt Weldon – 79. Birds: Walt Weldon = #1 Par 4, #4 Par 5, and #14 Par 5; Steve Parks - #13 Par 3; Russ Turell - #7 Par 5; Doc Lamiano - #8 Par 3.

Left to Right: Walt Weldon, Russ Turell, Steve Parks, and Bill Barron Flight #2 1 st Place: Joe Danielson and Ray Curry - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Emmy Broschek – 69; Low-gross: Jerry Stemas – 89. Birds: Colleen Caplette - #7 Par 5 and Norm Caplette - #14 Par 5.

Left to Right - Joe Danielson, Jerry Stemas, Rich Lucidi, Doc Lamiano, Ray Curry, Emmy Broschek, Norm Caplette, and Colleen Caplette. February 22, 2013: Summerfield Crossing, A-Skins: Flight #1 1stPlace: Colleen Caplette - 3 Skins; 2ndPlace: Jenice Taylor and Emmy Broschek. Low-net: Emmy Broschek – 63; Low-gross: Jenice Taylor – 90. Birds: Colleen Caplette - #2 Par 3. Flight #2 1stPlace: Reggie Ryan - 4 Skins; 2ndPlace: Doug Banning - 2

Skins. Low-net: Jerry Stemas – 66; Low-gross: Walt Weldon, Jerry Stemas, and Russ Turell - Tied at 83. Birds: Walt Weldon - #13 Par 4. February 23, 2013: Sandpiper Palms to Oaks, H-Skins: 1 stPlace: Jerry Matela and Bill Konopasei - Tied at 2 Skins, Low-net: Jerry Matela – 64; Low-gross: Jerry Matela – 91. Birds: Burt Easter - #18 Par 4, Bill Konopasek - #5 Par 4. Febr u ar y 23, 2013: Fre e dom Fairways, H-SkinsL 1 stPlace: Bill Giblin and Andy Betz - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Andy Betz – 54; Low-gross: Bob Hull – 73. Birds: Bill Giblin - #9 Par 4; Andy Betz - #6 Par 4; Charlie Brown - #15 Par 3; Ron Windsor - #1 Par 4 and #12 Par 4. Febr u ar y 25, 2013: Imp er i a l L a k e w o o d s , A- S k i n s : F l i g ht #11stPlace: Hank Smythe - 3 Skins; 2ndPlace: John Westinghouse, Dick Ihrke, and Syl Amos - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Hank Smythe – 61; Lowgross: Russ Turell – 86. Birds: Russ Turell - #6 Par 5. Flight #2 1stPlace: Bill Barron - 3 Skins; 2ndPlace: Jerry Stemas and Bill Cundy - 2 Skins. Low-net: Jerry Stemas – 61; Low-gross: Jerry Stemas – 77. Birds: Jerry Stemas - #2 Par 4, #4 Par 4, and #18 Par 5; Bill Cundy - #16 Par 3 and #17 Par 4; and Bob Jacobs - #5 Par 5. February 27, 2013 : Cypress Creek, A-Skins: Flight 1 1 stPlace: Tom Rosata and Emmy Broschek - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Emmy Broschek – 64; Low-gross: Walt Weldon – 86. Birds: Wilf Pennell - #14 Par 5; Tom Rosata - #13 Par 3; Brian Dinon - #18 Par 5; and Doc Lamiano - #4 Par 5. Flight 2 1stPlace: Rex Gibbons - 2 Skins; 2ndPlace: Hank Smythe, Dan King, Dan Stephens, Bill Konopasek, and Chuck Feldschau - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Dan Stephens – 65; Low-gross: Dan Stephens – 84. Birds: Bill Konopasek - #11 Par 4 and Rex Gibbons - #8 Par 3. March 1, 2013: Summerf ield Crossings,A-Skins: 1stPlace: Jerry Matela, Tom Rosata, and Walt Wdon - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Chuck Feldschau – 65; Low-gross: Walt Weldon – 82. Birds: Jerry Matela #6 Par 4.. March 2, 2013: Sandpiper LakesPalms, H-Skins: 1stPlace: Syl Amos - 5 Skins; 2ndPlace: Joe DeFelice - 2 Skins. Low-net: Syl Amos – 64; Lowgross: Syl Amos – 93. Birds: Ron Doncouse - #13 Par 5.

L to R: Rex Gibbons, Syl Amos, Ron Doncouse, Dan King, and Joe DeFelice. March 4, 2013: Imperial Lakewoods, A-Skins: 1stPlace: Rex Gibbons - 3 Skins; 2ndPlace: John Colgren and Doug Banning - 2 Skins. Low-net: Rex Gibbons – 64; Low-gross: Walt

April 2013

The News of Sun City Center

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point Weldon – 82. Birds: Rex Gibbons - #3 Par 3 and #15 Par 4; Doug Banning - #12 Par 4 and #15 Par 4; and Dan Stephens - #10 Par 5. March 6, 2013: Cypress Creek, A-Skins: Flight #1 1stPlace: Ruben Jones and Wilf Pennell - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Ruben Jones – 69; Low-gross: Wilf Pennell – 88. Birds: Russ Turell - #1 Par 4; Wilf Pennell - #7 Par 5; Brandon Michaels - #18 Par 5. Flight #2 1stPlace: Brian Mitchell and Doug Banning - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Doug Banning – 70; Lowgross: Walt Weldon – 86. Birds: Dan Stephens - #11 Par 4. March 8, 2013: Summerf ield Crossings, A-Skins: Flight #1 1stPlace: Dan Stephens and Mike Brock - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Walt Weldon and Dan Stephens - Tied at 1 Skin; Lowgross: Walt Weldon – 79. Birds: Mike Brock - #13 Par 4 and #14 Par 4; Dan Stephens - #9 Par 5; Walt Weldon #12 Par 3; and Hannes Broschek - #2 Par 3.

Flight #2 1 Place: Russ Turell - 3 Skins; 2ndPlace: Colleen Caplette - 2 Skins. Low-net: Brian Mitchell – 71; Low-gross: Russ Turell – 88. Birds: Brian Mitchell - #1 Par 4.

Russ Turell, Brandon Michaels, Bill Konopasek, and Brian Mitchell. Lownet: Russ Turell – 62; Low-gross: Russ Turell – 85. Birds: Bill Barron - #6 Par 3; Terry Seipelt - #3 Par 4; Russ Turell - #1 Par 4; Wilf Pennell - #14 Par 5; Brandon Michaels - #3 Par 4; and Bill Konopasek - #18 Par 5. March 15, 2013: Summerfield Crossings, A-Skins: 1 stPlace: Joe DeFelice, Tom Rosata, Ruben Jones, Rog Toussaint, Hannes Broschek, Travis Lansberry, and John Apostolou - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Doc Lamiano and Jerry Stemas - Tied at (L to R)Back Row: Rog Toussaint. 67; Low-gross: Jerry Stemas and Walt Front Row: Colleen Caplette, Norm Weldon - Tied at 82. Birds: Travis Caplette, Brian Mitchell, and Russ Lansberry - #1 Par 4 and #6 Par 4; Art Turell. Swallow - #4 Par 4; John Apostolou March 11, 2013: Imperial Lakewoods, - #8 Par 3; Jerry Stemas - #6 Par 4; A-Skins: 1stPlace: John Schachte - 3 Ruben Jones - #15 Par 3; and Walt Skins; 2ndPlace: Rex Gibbons, Walt Weldon - #3 Par 5. Weldon, Bob Jacobs, Bill Barron, Jenice Taylor, Hannes Broschek, and Brandon Michaels. Low-net: John Schachte – 62; Low-gross: Dan Stephens – 83. Birds: Hannes Broschek - #6 Par 5; Bill Barron #18 Par 5; Walt Weldon - #1 Par 4; Bob Jacobs - #13 Par 4; John Schachte - #6 Par 5; Rex Gibbons - #14 Par 4. March 13, 2013: Cypress Creek: A-Skins: Flight #1 1stPlace: Chuck Feldschau - 3 Skins; 2ndPlace: Joe Back Row Left to Right: Joe DeFelice, DeFelice - 2 Skins. Low-net: Jenice Ruben Jones, Walt Weldon, Jerry Taylor – 69; Low-gross: Jenice Taylor Stemas, and Travis Lansberry. Front (L to R) Back Row: Jenice Taylor, – 91. Birds: Chuck Feldschau - #6 Par Row Left to Right: Rog Toussaint, Tom Rosata, Hannes Broschek, Art Ruben Jones, Steve Parks, Walt 3 and Tom Rosata - #18 Par 4. Weldon. Front Row: Dan Stephens, Flight #2 1stPlace: Wilf Pennell, Walt Swallow, John Apostolou, and Doc Hannes Broschek, Mike Brock, and Weldon, Bill Barron, Terry Seipelt, Lamiano. Emmy Broschek. st


FREEDOM PLAZA SPORTS EVENTS THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2013 Hosting the local Shuffleboard League, Freedom Plaza members are expecting a good turnout on Thursday, April 4. Players from Sun City Center, Rice Creek and Hawaiian Isles are invited (spouses included). The event, to honor the current winner of the League, will be held in the auditorium at 10 a.m. Following the awards, the Freedom Plaza drama club, The Plaza Players, will provide entertainment. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2013 GRAND OPENING OF TENNIS COURTS AND SPORTS DAY Freedom Plaza residents are eagerly anticipating the opening of the new blue Plexicushioned courts. The Grand Opening, scheduled for April 17, will include a ribbon-cutting ceremony and exhibition tennis put on by local pros. Also planned for that day is “Sports Day” to showcase the many sports available at Freedom Plaza. Everyone is invited. Please call 888-402-6998 for more information. See you there! —MJ Rice

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The News of Sun City Center

ClubLink Cont’d.

Scepter Scramble: 2/16: 1st Place Gross tie: Flight 1 Dave Brown/Gene Newby/ Mike Almaguer/Roy Caudill and Larry Lutz/Gary Hookstra/Bob Ruffell/Ray Walker. 1st Place Net Flight 1 Jim Betts/Steve Perkins/Phil LeMasters/Paul McGrath. 1st Place Gross Flight 2 Jeff Clark/Al Magdic/ Joel Erickson/Don Freed. 1st Place Net Flight 2 Mike Magalski/Jerry Johns/Gary Martin/Terry Morris. 1st Place Gross Flight 3 Dick Jackson/ Kris Wells/Chris Sparks/Ray Sparks. 1st Place Net Flight 3 Bob Sanicola/ Bob Walker/Nick Spagnuolo/Joe Pardo. 1st Place Gross Flight 4 Don Edwards/Ken Schernekau/Jim Parkinson/Doug Outhwaite. 1 st Place Net Flight 4 Harvey Hoth/ Sue Hoth/Frank Lewis/Liz Lewis. 1st Place Gross Flight 5 Bob Belanger/ Nippy Nolan/Jim McDermott/Bill McNamara. 1 st Place Net Flight 5 Jim Smith/Anne Smith/John Sprainitis/Sue Barker. 1st Place Gross tie Flight 6 Bob Beck/Barbara Beck/ Ray Parisen/Ann Parisen and Roger Sell/Sue Sell/Al Tomle/Karen Tomle. 1st Place Net Flight 6 John Worthen/ Hiroko Vetsch/Gunther Ulbrich/ Bobbie Ulbrich. 1 st Place Gross Flight 7 Judy Frank/Betty Hill/Linda Belanger/Judy Fenwick. 1st Place Net Flight 7 Pat Eytcheson/Donna Johns/ Carolyn Clark/Ken Kirwin. Men 2/18-20: Member-Member, White Tees: 1st Place Flight 1 Dick Jackson/ Ray Sparks; 1st Place Flight 2 Bill Carpenter/Bo Schulte; 1 st Place Flight 3 Fletcher Wason/Jerry Johns. Green Tees: 1st Place Flight 1 Bob Caceci/Dick Dalby. 1st Place Flight 2 Jerry Roberge/Bill Barker. 1st Place Flight 3 Jim Betts/John Lyons. 1st Place Flight 4 Paul McGrath/Tom Mallak. 1st Place Flight 5 Bill Yost/ Harry Devoti. 1st Place Flight 6 Ken Kirwin/Jerry Cluthe. 1st Place Flight 7 Jerry Buteau/Joel Marquis. 2/25: Low Gross/Low Net: 1st Place Gross Flight 1 Bill Bell; 1st Place Net Flight 1 Brian Adams.1st Place Gross Flight 2 Bob Caceci; 1st Place Net Flight 2 Fletcher Wason.1st Place Gross Flight 3 Jerry Cluthe; 1st Place Net Flight 3 Paul Gorney.1st Place Gross Flight 4 Monroe Hatch; 1st Place Net Flight 4 Nippy Nolan.1st Place Gross Flight 5 Jim Hill; 1st Place Net Flight 5 Bert Nast.1st Place Gross Flight 6 Ian Gordon; 1st Place Net Flight 6 Vince Sortino. Mar.4: 1 on 3’s, 2 on 4’s, 3 on 5’s: 1st Place Bob Sanicola/Jim Hill/Doug Outhwaite/John Sargent. Mar.11: 1-2-3 Best Ball: 1st Place Bill Savas/Jim Hill/Bob Nevin. Ladies 2/12: Individual Low Net (9 Hole Ladies): 1 st Place Flight 1 Lesley Green. 1 st Place Flight 2 Alice DeSchryver.

2/12-19: Match Play (18 Hole Ladies): 1st Flight Judy Fenwick def. Lata Raby. 2nd Flight Fern Duval def. Ernie Stone. 3rd Flight Carolyn Clark def. Sue Holder. 4th Flight Sue Barker def. Pat Head. 5th Flight Ann Clark def. Mary Smith.

April 2013

ClubLink Cont’d.

ClubLink Cont’d.

Ladies 2/12: 2 Best Ball: 1st Place Annetta Pucci/Gene Perry/Judy Gillman. 2/19: Individual :1 st Place Flight 1Cecil Young. 1st Place Flight 2 Jean Mooney.

2/12: Scramble (9 Hole Ladies) 1st 3/5: 2 Best Ball: 1st Place Annetta Place Flight 1 Mary Jane Dickson/ Pucci/Lois Pelow/Gene Perry. Judy Huss/Barb Laino. 2/26: Scramble (18 Hole Ladies):1st Ladies 9-Hole

Place Debbie Lester/Carol Salowitz/ 2/22: 1st Place S. Braddy. Ann Clark. 3/1: 1st Place Carolyn Schwehr . 2/26: Individual Low Net (9 Hole Ladies): 1st Place Flight 1 Barb Laino, 3/8: 1st Place Sandra Hurwitz Mitzi Walsh (tie) Club Renaissance 3/5: 1 Best Ball of 2 (18 Hole Ladies): 1st Place Flight 1 Kathy McNamara/ Club Championship Delores Stieper. 1st Place Flight 2 February, 27, 2013: 18-Hole Stroke Paula Jimaki/Jan Thumberg. Play: Ladies Championship Flight 3/5: Individual Low Net (9 Hole Anne Skinner 79. Ladies 1st Flight Ladies):1 st Place Flight 1 Nancy Joanne Brennan 65. Ladies 2nd Wason. 1 st Place Flight 2 Patty Flight Betty Rollins 59. Ladies 3rd Flight Maggie Jaccoi 62. Ladies George. 4th Flight Nadi Bennett 65. Men’s Falcon Watch Championship Flight Barry Bernicke 77. Men’s 1st Flight Fred Kunkel 66. Men Men’s 2nd Flight John Durm 69. 2/25: Low Gross/ Low Net: T-1 st Men’s 3rd Flight Ken Friesz 68. Men’s Place Flight 1- Place George Fenwick, 4th Flight Rick Johnson 63. Men’s 5th Bill Fitzhigh, Vid Valiusaitis. Low Flight Herman Weston 68. Men’s 6th Gross Flight 2- Vince Pirone Low Flight Frank Zahrobsky 69. Men’s 7th Net- David Gerow. Low Gross Flight Flight Robert Lowell 66. Men’s 8th 3- Dave Brady Low Net- Ron Junze, Flight Cliff Brainard 69. Ron Doncouse. Low Gross Flight 4- Prize Fund Results Lee Johnson Low Net- Mike Sekol. February 20, 2012: 2 Net Best 18 Hole Ladies Balls: Flight 1 Jerry Auger/Tim 2/22: Even Holes: 1st Place- Linda Cunningham/Gary Morris/Terry McCarty 113. Flight 2 Greg Herr/ Suh. Norbert Miller/Carl Medlin/Robert st Lowell 117. Flight 3 Clyde Schaefer/ 3/1: Best 9: 1 Place- Linda Suh. Tommy Wardlow/Bill Warjenski/ 3/8: Low Net: 1st Place- Ollie Keller. Gerry Weaver 115. Flight 4 1st Place Sam Thompson/Jim Stevens/Ken 9 Hole Ladies Lightle/Jerry Gibson 110. Flight 5 1 st Place Gene Shively/Chuck 2/22: 2 Best Balls:1 st Place Flight Roth/Gene Scoppettuolo/Lois Carolyn Schultes, Mary Keller, Terry Wynne, Marilyn McCormick. 3/1/13: Throw Out Worst Hole: 1st Place Flight 1- Rosalie Killian. 1st Place Flight 2 Janine Johnson. 1st Place Flight 3 Mary McClafferty, Mary Arpaia. 3/8/13: Mystery Hole: 1st Place Flight Wally McIntosh. T-1st Place- Margie Ditch, Judy Delaney. 1st Place- Nancy Stevens. Sandpiper Men 2/21: Home and Home: 1st Place Flight 1Jerry Kelleher/Fred Mayes/ David Ransbury/Roger Wyckoff. 1st Place Flight 2 Harold Blosser/ Harold Geldbach/Carl Lingerlot/ David Gerow. 2/28: Chicago minus one: 1st Place Chul Kim/Kenny Defreeuw/Dieter Quitsch/Don Marlborough. 3/7: 2 Man Best Ball: 1st Place T Chul Kim/Michael Prach (blind draw)/ Kenny Defreeuw/Don Marlborough and Kenneth Wagner/Michael Sharp/ George Nelson.

Scoppettuolo 116. Flight 6 Bobby Hall/Bill Hudson/Don Cundiff 109. Flight 7 1st Place Diane Doto/ Priscilla Haney/Erma Faron/Kiyoko Ashendorf 112. Flight 8 (tie) Jim Mavel/Rita Mavel/Dave Herriges/ Nancy Herriges and Connie Murray/ Sue Yoo/Star Glock/Ute Kurz 114, Ladies League Results February 19, 2013: Individual Play – Revert One Hole to Par each Nine: Flight 1 1st Linda Scarbrough 58. Flight 2 1st Karen Goldwater 59. Flight 3 1st Ann Coffee 60. March 5, 2013: Texas Scramble – 2 Net Best Balls of 4: 1st Anne Skinner/ Maggie Jaccoi/Kathy O’Connell/ Nancy Herriges 105. Men’s League Results February 25. 2013: Individual Play – Red, White and Blue Tees: Flight 1 1st Ross Kauffman 65. Flight 2 1st Ken Deragon 67. Flight 3 T1st Gordon Cummings, Larry Kintz 66. March 4, 2013: 2 Net Best Balls: 1st Place 3 Player Team Gaylen Wallace/ Ross Kauffman/Jim Murphy 119. 1st Place 4 Player Team (Tie) Dave Liehr/Chuck Lutz/Dave Bartku/Carl Burroughs and Don Faron/Tony Flynn/Larry Kintz 126. March 11, 2013: 2-Man Gross/Net Scramble: 1st Gross Dave Liehr/Don Cundiff 64. 1st Net Terry Collom/Bob Noelte 60.1. Friday 9-Hole Couples February 22, 2013:4 Person Scramble – Best Gross & Best Net: First Gross Erma & Don Faron/Adele & Bill Quinlan 33; First Net (Tie) Linda & Bob Winters/Henri & Frank Zahrobsky and Anne & John Skinner/Barbara & John Gaines 28.9.

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April 2013

The News of Sun City Center


Shuffleboard Club Holds “Day at the Courts” On Friday, February 22, the Sun City Center Shuffleboard Club held its first quarterly “Day at the Courts” event. The day was kicked off by President George Bowen with a short business meeting of the membership which has grown to a current total of 113 members this year. The club held a 50/50 raffle, won by Dave and Chris Botting, followed by a raffle of several prizes donated by local merchants. A special thanks go to the Hungry Howie’s Pizza who donated a big batch of Hot Wings to go along with the great pizza the club ordered. Other donors include Classic Cuts, Suzie Vong’s Beauty shops and PNC Bank. Thanks to Patti White, club treasurer, who did most of the leg work on getting local business participation. After dessert, donated by Ursula Joyal, nearly 50 harty soles braved the heat and met at the courts for a spirited competition consisting of several special games that required each player to exercise their skills in making specific types of shots, including one court set up to do a “bank” shot, another with several obstacles to shoot between, one court had a bungee at the mid-point and the player had to bounce the disc back to make a score. One that I liked was a bowling pin set on top of a stack of discs where the player was required to shoot the discs from beneath to bowling pin while leaving it standing up-right. The highlight, however, was the shot between the Easter Bunny’s legs to score. Prizes for this event were donated by Sonny’s BBQ, The Sun

Shine Cafe and The Old Castle Restaurant, all fine establishments right here in Sun City Center. Prizes went to Dave Botting (1st), Chris Botting (2nd), Roger Kennicutt (3rd) with Deanna and Travis Landsberry in a dead heat for a special 10th place prize. Thanks go to Jerry Healy and his team for setting up the games. All who participated had a great time and an unofficial poll indicates that we will have several more, at least one a quarter. The Sun City Center Shuffleboard Club is open to all members of the SCC CA. Dues are $10 per year. We also allow residents of Kings Point to become members, although their membership only allows play during official SCC Shuffleboard playing times. For more information, email: —Roger Kennicutt

Lawn Bowling Major National Tournaments

Men’s Lawn Bowls Singles Champion

The South East Open Men’s Section, a major tournament in the National Lawn Bowling calendar, was held at Sun City Center from March 2-7. The women’s section was played in Clearwater. Teams from across America, the UK and Canada entered. Sun City Center men finished rd in 3 and 5th place in the triples, a very creditable achievement. Third place went to Ron O’Sullivan, Gerry Higgins and Garry Butineau, and 5th place, went to Jim Byrne, Phil Griffin and Mike Perkins. The ladies fared very well in Clearwater. Linda Mc Dougall was runner up in the singles, Linda McDougall and Cindy Higgins were third in the pairs, and in the fours, Linda McDougall, Cindy Higgins, Barb Mignogna and Cassie Kroll finished in 4th place.


Be Proud of Your Sun City Center Lawn Bowlers Lawn Bowling is a way of life in many countries, especially Canada and the UK. Here in America it is a minority sport, and most people who move to Sun City Center have never heard of the game. They attend the monthly classes and aspire to compete against the snowbirds who are in Florida to enjoy the wonderful weather and the excellent Lawn Bowling facilities. The membership at Sun City Center comprises mostly Americans, with a few Canadians and just two who live in England during the summer—my wife Christine and me. Membership at clubs like Sarasota, Sun ‘n Fun (Sarasota), Lakeland and Maple Leaf (Port C h ar l ott e ) c ompr i s e a l arge proportion of Canadians and British and a small percentage of Americans. These Clubs have monopolized the various invitational competitions in our area for the past decade, snatching up the prize money and feeling pretty smug. Not any more—the worm is turning, home-grown Lawn Bowlers are beginning to assert themselves, and with new members joining the ranks each month, the future for Sun City Center is bright. We must not overlook the way many of our Canadian members have passed on their knowledge of the game to their American friends,

who are keen to learn the finer points of the game. So what evidence do I have of this upsurge? First, you only have to talk to the players and you will see how keen they are to succeed. Second, look at the result in just two major competitions last week: On Saturday, February 23, our Lawn Bowlers from Sun City Center, Joe Mignogna, Mike Perkins and Barb Mignogna, won first prize in an Invitational Triples Tournament in Sarasota. Quite an achievement considering the high quality of the players they were drawn against and beat comprehensively. On Sunday, February 24, the annual Del Webb Invitational Triples Tournament was played at Sun City Center, organized by Jack and Bev Phillips. We had a record turnout with 28 teams from clubs as far away as Mount Dora and Port Charlotte. Prizes were awarded to a total of eight winning teams, of which five were from Sun City Center. We are proud of this, and hope that this upsurge continues next season. —David Burbery See pics of winners on page 34.

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From Februar y 18 to 26, members of Sun City Pebble Beach Lawn Bowling Club competed for the title of Pebble Beach Club Singles Champion. The final was played on Monday, February 26, between David Burbery, and Joe Mignogna. Jo e i s t h e c u r re nt C lu b Champion and David, although a member of the club for the past 13 years, had not entered this competition before. The winner and Club Champion was Joe Mignogna. The match was skillfully played in front of a large number of appreciative spectators. —David Burbery

Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

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The News of Sun City Center

Winners at Various Lawn Bowlers Events

Saturday winners at Sarasota: Joe Mignogna, Barb Mignogna, Mike Perkins

Three-game winners: Joe Mignogna, Barb Mignogna, Dave Clarke

Three-game winners: Cassie Krowl, Phil Lascola, Nancy Spencer

April 2013

Lawn Bowlers Unsung Heroes You may have noticed a great amount of activity on the Lawn Bowling Greens this past week. From Saturday 2 nd March – Thursday 7th March, the South East Open was played and Lawn Bowlers descended upon Sun City Center from across America, including Florida plus New York, Chicago and Williamsburg, and also, just for this tournament, from England and Canada. I’m sure you get the picture; it was Lawn Bowling big time on the Sun City Center Bowling Greens. The players competed, and won acclaim for their endeavors, but it would not have been possible without the tremendous back ground support from a few unsung heroes. Rather than eulogize about the Lawn Bowlers and their success, let’s say thanks to those who, without their efforts, the tournament could not have taken place. It is always difficult to single out individual people without leaving someone out, but here goes— Tournament Organizer - Jack Phillips, assisted by his wife Beverly. This is the 5th time Jack had run this tournament, and for many years his wife Beverly organized and served the food. Catering – coffee and snacks on arrival, hot food, filled rolls, etc., with fruit and salad at lunch time, cakes,

tea and coffee during the afternoon. Cold drinks all day long. What a feast, served with a smile by two lovely ladies, who recently joined the Club, Phyllis Kashella and Jackie Potts. A comment I heard from one of the Lawn Bowlers – I’m here for the food, rather than the Bowls! They were assisted by other club members, thanks also to those who baked cakes for everyone’s enjoyment. Tending the Greens -Every morning Bob Ferguson and his helpers worked on the greens from the crack of dawn. They rolled the Greens, put out the rakes, mats and jacks, and made sure that everything was ready for the Lawn Bowlers who commenced play at 9 a.m. Tournament Umpire - Marge Lange, who was there every day in temperatures that varied from very cold, to comfortable, and always windy She was equipped with her measure, calipers, wedges and steady hand, ready, when asked, to determine who had the shot—the nearest bowl or whether the jack was the correct length. So there you have it, well done Sun City Center for organizing a successful tournament in difficult weather conditions and thanks to all of those unsung heroes. —David Burbery

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April 2013

The News of Sun City Center


MOVIES at the Rollins Theater One showing only @ 1 p.m.

The Monday Movies will normally show two movies each month in the Rollins Theater at 1 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays. Dates and times may change as required. Seating is limited to 200 per showing and is reserved for current Sun City Center Community Association members and guests who present an up-to-date member/guest card. NOTE April movies will be shown on the 1st, 8th, 22nd and 29th. In May we will return to our normal two movies a month.

April 1


112 min.

Rating: R

April 22

“Playing for Keeps”

When a millionaire is paralyzed in a paragliding accident, he takes on a street-smart young black man instead of a trained professional to be his aide. Their unexpected friendship helps both men realize their true potential. This film has won many International Awards and will inspire and move you. Genres: Drama Actors: François Cluzet, Omar Sy, Anne Le Ny, Audrey Fleurot, Clotilde Mollet Language: French Subtitles: English Rating: R for language and some drug use Runtime: 1:52

April 8


120 min.

Rating: PG-13

Gerard Butler is a charming down-onhis luck former soccer star returns home to put his life back together. Looking for a way to rebuild his relationship with his son, he gets roped into coaching the boy’s soccer team. But his attempts to finally become an “adult” are met with challenges from the attractive “soccer moms” who pursue him at every turn. Genres: Comedy, Romance Actors: Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Noah Lomax, Dennis Quaid, Uma Thurman Language: English Subtitles: English Rating: PG-13 Runtime: 1:48

Rating: R

During the Iran hostage crisis, the CIA and Hollywood collaborated in a life-or-death covert operation to rescue six Americans. Their role in these events was little known until information was declassified many years later. On November 4, 1979, as the Iranian revolution reaches its boiling point, militants storm the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 52 Americans hostage. In the midst of the chaos, six Americans manage to slip away and find refuge in the home of Canadian Ambassador Ken Taylor. Knowing it is only a matter of time before the six are discovered and likely killed, the Canadian and American governments ask the CIA to intervene. The CIA turns to their top “exfiltration” specialist, Tony Mendez, to come up with a plan to move the six Americans safely out of the country. What they concoct is a plan so incredible, it could only happen in the movies. Genres: Drama, Suspense Actors: Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston, Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Victor Garber Language: English Subtitles: English Rating: R for some language Runtime: 2:00

108 min.

April 29


138 min.

Rating: PG-13

When James Bond’s latest assignment goes gravely wrong, and several undercover agents around the world are exposed, MI6 is attacked, forcing M to relocate the agency. These events cause her authority and position to be challenged by Mallory, the new Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee. With MI6 now compromised from both inside and out, M is left with one ally she can trust: Bond. 007 takes to the shadows – aided only by field agent, Eve – following a trail to the mysterious Silva, whose lethal, hidden motives have yet to reveal themselves. Genres: Action Actors: Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris Language: English Subtitles: English Rating: PG-13 Runtime: 2:18

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The News of Sun City Center

April 2013

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