Bay news of the area 23 february 2017

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Of The Area BAY

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Nelson Bay ~ Salamander Bay ~ Shoal Bay ~ Anna Bay ~ Fingal Bay ~ Taylors Beach ~ Soldiers Point ~ Corlette ~ Boat Harbour

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75th Anniversary of Kokoda Track

Easy on the Eye

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Page 7 Whale Watching Path Opening

For the Love of Golf

Tinnies Easy Targets for thieves By Jewell DRURY RON Grover, a Soldiers Point resident, loves taking his two grandchildren out on the water in his tinnie. However in recent months, Mr Grover has had two tinnies stolen from the Port Stephens Council boat racks situated next to the Soldiers Point Boat Ramp. Each tinnie was chained with a thick metal chain and still thieves managed to cut the chain and steal the boats. “I engraved my name and phone number on the rail at the front of each boat for identification purposes,but still it didn’t stop them,” Ron Grover told Bay News Of The Area. “I still have not given up on finding them, and as I walk along the foreshore, I keep my eye out for them,” Mr Grover said. Mr Grover is currently looking for a replacement tinnie so he can


Ron Grover, disappointed that two of his tinnies have now been stolen. Photo by Jewell Drury

Yacaaba Street Win CONTINUED Page 2

By Jewell DRURY

THE long awaited Yacaaba Street extension, which has


been the focus of long-term Nelson Bay visionaries, has finally received the green light.

Thursday, 23 February, 2017

Funds for the project will be borrowed from Port Stephens Council with plans to commence in the coming

financial year. The new plans will connect the CBD of Nelson Bay from the north end

of Yacaaba Street to the roundabout on Victoria Parade. The extension will be one

TOMAREE PENINSULA NEWS - “It’s the People’s Paper”

way, heading north towards the waterfront, and will CONTINUED Page 3




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