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Of The Area BAY
Thursday, 26 January 2017
Nelson Bay ~ Salamander Bay ~ Shoal Bay ~ Anna Bay ~ Fingal Bay ~ Taylors Beach ~ Soldiers Point ~ Corlette ~ Boat Harbour
Page 4 Happy Little Vegemites
Page 8 The Dominey Family
Page 16
Page 12
Calling for Netball Registrations
Bommies in Fine Form
What does Aussie Day mean to you? “LIVING overseas for many years, amongst many nationalities, makes you realise how laid back Australians are. We are a unique and wonderful people. Australia is stunningly beautiful and we are so lucky to live here. Australia Day is a day to celebrate the uniqueness of our people and the beauty of our nation.” Sally-Anne Bowen, Hamilton q Sally-Anne Bowen, Sharon Bowen, Ross Bowen and Christine Major think Australia is the best country in the world.
Funding Yacaaba CONTINUED Page 2
THE Yacaaba Centre is pleased to announce that their funding has been
extended to June 2020. In 2014 a restructuring of the distribution of FaCS
Thursday, 26 January, 2017
funding for homeless services resulted in a period
of instability for the Yacaaba Centre and closure was a real possibility.
Local community outrage was such that funding was offered, for a restricted
TOMAREE PENINSULA NEWS - “It’s the People’s Paper”
period, to Yacaaba Centre, CONTINUED Page 3