Camden Haven News Of The Area 17 JANUARY 2025

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q Charlise Dollery and Logan Bell demonstrate their skills.

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Kendall’s brilliant ballkids take the court

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Previous ballkids Elwood Dollery, Logan Bell, Elijah Livingston and Paige Hudson brought their experience to the court, while Charlise Dollery and Abbie Hudson joined the team for the first time.

To kick off the local involvement, Elwood, Logan, Elijah and Paige participated in flag-bearing duties during the Australia/Argentina match.

This was followed by Charlise and Abbie's first night on court, where they got to experience the talented Alex de Minaur up close.

Joining the ballkids in Sydney was a busload of supportive family members, attending the United Cup with the support of Rally as One, Tennis NSW, the Australian Tennis Foundation and Port Buses.

Logan’s mum Alena Bell attended the Cup for the first time, while Kay Dollery, grandmother to Elwood and Charlise, got to witness both of her grandchildren in

action together.

Neither Elwood or Charlise knew she was attending, making her presence even

more special.

Kendall Tennis Club President Wendy Hudson praised the commitment and dedication of the local ballkids and their families.

“This year six of the 48 ballkids at the United Cup came from Kendall Tennis Club,” said Wendy.

“Elwood Dollery and Elijah Livingston have both been ballkids for four years.

“This is an enormous commitment by both them and their families.”

Elwood was named ballkid of the tournament in 2022/23 and Elijah won the accolade in 2023/24.

Having turned 16, the pair must now retire from ballkid duties.

“Elwood intends to return in 2025/26 as a ballkid supervisor and will take on some of the training commitments of new ballkids here at Kendall from me,” Wendy said.

Thoroughly enjoying the experience, Logan said the Australian fan support was a highlight.

“The crowd was just amazing, especially when the Australians won a point,” he said.

He also relished the opportunity to engage with the stars.

“It was really good to be able to come up close and see the players, especially meeting Coco Gauff and Taylor Fritz.

“I even got to ask them both a couple of questions about how they played as well as their back story.”

First-time ballkid Charlise even had a brush with the man considered the nation’s best hope for a grand slam title.

“Being a ballkid was amazing,” she said, “especially when Alex de Minaur came up close to me,” said Charlise.

“I definitely will be doing it again.”

q Ballkids Paige Hudson, Abbie Hudson, Elijah Livingston, Elwood Dollery, Logan Bell and Charlise Dollery. Photo: supplied.
q A busload of supporters joined the ballkids in Sydney. Photo: supplied.
q Charlise and Logan keep their eyes on the ball.
q Brother and sister ballkids Elwood and Charlise Dollery in action together at the United Cup in Sydney. Photo: supplied.

Renewed calls for 24/7 police station

A CAR exploding in flames, trucks, bridges and playgrounds covered in graffiti in the middle of the night, cars broken into, e-scooters and e-bikes stolen and suspected prowlers caught on home security video - these have all happened in the past fortnight.

While it’s a story playing out in many coastal communities this Summer, and not necessarily a sign of an overall increase in crime in the Camden Haven, it has led to renewed calls for aroundthe-clock staffing of the Laurieton Police Station.

It has also prompted Lake Cathie community member Jenny Monroe to bring back a Neighbourhood Watch group.

Last Friday, residents of Aqua Crescent in Lake Cathie were jolted awake to find a burning car in their street, near the intersection with Ocean Drive.

Resident Terry Brown recorded video of the fully

engulfed green Toyota sedan around 5.30am.

Fire and Rescue NSW and Rural Fire Service crews from Lake Cathie and Bonny Hills extinguished the blaze, with concerns later raised about the oil and chemicals that had run into the stormwater drain and into Lake Cathie Lagoon. No one was injured.

Police established a crime scene and are investigating the fire but have not released if the car was stolen.

Members of the Lake Cathie community also turned to social media this week to warn fellow residents of antisocial behaviour and thefts.

Abbie Thomson said her car was broken into on Cathie Circuit and her wallet was taken.

Fortunately, some of her cards were recovered.

“The postman dropped all the cards off to our place [later],” she said.

“He said he found them this morning behind the bakery on that grass area and there were two hooded men hanging around.”

Meanwhile, Andrew Doney is appealing for the community’s help after the Bains Laundry truck he drives was covered in graffiti on both sides, as it was parked at Lakewood on 9 January.

“If anyone has any dashcam footage or [saw] people hanging around the truck normally parked at the front of Lakewood between 9pm and 6:30am this morning, the police or I would like to hear from you.”

Andrew told News Of The Area that he is hopeful of a conviction, but that removing the graffiti could cost as much as $1500.

Police are reminding the community that if an incident is not life-threatening or not a time-critical emergency, they should contact the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.

In response to local concerns about delayed follow-up, a police spokesperson provided the following advice.

“The Police Assistance Line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and allows someone to report a crime and make general police inquiries.

“That information is immediately available to local police and when a police response is required, the Police Assistance Line will arrange for a patrol to attend.

“When someone has seen, heard or knows something about a crime or suspicious activity that is no longer happening, they can contact Crime Stoppers by calling 1800 333 000.”

q This 7.5m long truck at Lakewood was covered in graffiti on 9 January. Photo: Andrew Doney.
q Before and after the fire that woke Lake Cathie residents. Photos: Terry Brown.

Laurieton Fishermen’s Co-op destroyed

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As of Thursday morning, an official cause for the fire had yet to be announced.

Nayah Palmer, the partner of Co-op operator Cody Weston, described the incident as “tragic and heartbreaking”.

“It’s a devastating blow to not

only a beautiful family business but to the whole community,” Nayah wrote on a local community Facebook page.

“If you know Cody, you know how dedicated he has been to this place and building a reputable, quality and extraordinary name for the business and himself.

“Also, the members of the Fishermen’s Co-operative have made their workplace what it is today and bring in incomparable product to supply the town and beyond.

“It’s been a team effort for many years which has resulted in chosen

family and benefited people all along the mid-north coast for decades.”

Customers and local residents were quick to offer support to the business.

“We will keep the community updated on the unfolding events,” Nayah said in response.

“If any kindhearted members of our community would like to reach out and help in whatever way possible in the near future, we will let you know the avenues to do so.

“With a team of support we can restore what once was a really special place.”



Find Jacob Partridge

q Despite their best efforts, firefighters were unable to save the building. Photos: Facebook.
q An official cause for the fire is yet to be announced.
Photo: supplied.

Juvenile dolphin at risk

REVIEWING images she had captured of a pod of dolphins from the breakwall at Pilot Beach, local photographer Ivanka Feher noticed a distressing sight.

One photograph appeared to show a juvenile dolphin with a ring-shaped object encircling its head/ upper body.

A concerned Ivanka then reached out to Leigh Mansfield, a personal friend and an experienced rescuer of marine animals.

With Leigh's guidance, Ivanka shared the image of the dolphin with the mysterious ring on several social media sites, hoping to draw support from the community in locating it.

Ivanka also contacted the rescue program of the Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary.

In response the Sanctuary, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service,

and the Organisation for the Rescue and Research of Cetaceans in Australia (ORRCA), released a public alert to raise awareness of the dolphin's situation.

The alert emphasised the importance of observing and monitoring the dolphin from a distance, without making attempts to approach or remove the ring.

Although the dolphin was sighted swimming in the Camden Haven River with its pod, local experts say it could be in a number of new locations, including the Hastings River.

Mr Mansfield, who has extensive experience working with ORRCA, stressed the importance of avoiding any actions that could startle the animal.

“If someone attempts to approach the dolphin they could actually scare the dolphin, resulting in more damage being done to it,” said Leigh.

“The ring also seems to be situated near the pectoral fins.

“If anyone from the public tries to remove the ring, it could result in either or both pectoral fins being damaged or broken, leading to dangerous consequences,

even possible death of the dolphin.

“What we are ultimately hoping for is for the dolphin to free itself.

“But this might not

happen and this is why we need the public to continue to keep a look out for the dolphin.

“Once we can develop a pattern of the movements



known Alison Penfold a

long time and I’m supporting her because I know she will listen, care and deliver like I have.

Alison will stand up for you when others won’t. She will fight for policies to get Australia back on track and bring down the cost of living.


for Lyne

of this particular dolphin, we can come up with a plan, leading to its rescue.”

Community members are encouraged to urgently ring 0411 587 728 or 0407

604 670 if they spot this particular dolphin, along with precise details of the location and time of the sighting.

Authorised by David Gillespie, Cnr Cameron St and Oxley Hwy, Wauchope NSW 2446
q The distressing image taken of the juvenile dolphin at Camden Haven with a ring encircling its head/upper body. Photo: Ivanka Feher.

Di Watkins: sharing the best of the Camden Haven

WHILE some of us are still in bed scrolling through our news feeds or playing Wordle, Di Watkins is out and about discovering and documenting the native residents of the Hastings and Camden Haven.

Freely sharing her images of birds, plants, marine life, snakes (eek) and more on the area’s online community noticeboards, Di brings a smile to those who struggle to find the time to press pause on their day.

She does this while also holding down a “day job” at Coles Lighthouse Beach.

Di describes herself as an “amateur hobbyist photographer” who only got a “good camera” just before COVID-19.

Most locals are familiar with her photography, or have read about it elsewhere, but who is the woman behind the lens?

News Of The Area asked Di to tell us her story, in her own words, and to share some of her favourite pics from the Camden Haven this summer.

Q: What inspired you to share your work so freely?

A: I started sharing my photos during COVID. Some people didn't feel safe going out,

so I brought the outside to them. I also do it for people who can't venture out due to age or mobility. My friends also encouraged me to share with a wider audience.

Q: What have been your favourite (or least favourite) public responses?

A: I love how my photos make people happy. People are amazed how I see all these birds, bees and animals, as they never knew they were around. I've only ever had one negative person and I think he was just a troll and stirring the pot.

Q: What training have you had?

A: I'm self taught and use a Panasonic Lumix fz300, which is a point and shoot bridging camera. A lot of people have asked what I use and I’m happy to tell them. One day I'd love a DSLR and learn how to use it to take better quality photos and to enlarge some. But I’m happy doing what I am at the moment.

few steps so I can spot where they are. Then stop and wait. With things in the water I look for movement or colour. Then I stop and wait to see what it is.

Q: What's your top tip for those similarly interested in wildlife and nature photography?

A: For those wanting to photograph wildlife and nature you just need to go out and look and listen. Ask other photographers what they've seen. A lot comes down to luck, right place, right time and being patient. I get a lot of shots that are out of focus but these days we can just delete those. I've had birds follow me. If that happens I stop and walk backwards a

Q: Your photos are a celebration of the area's natural inhabitants, what do you love photographing the most?

A: I love photographing everything; subjects I think would make me and other people smile. I'm trying to start to expand my catalogue of subjects.

Q: Of the photos you've taken in the Camden Haven area in the past few weeks, what would be your top six and why?

My favourite photos taken in the Haven would be the family of five Osprey at Queens Lake, I’ve never seen that many together; the lorikeets, drongos, galahs and many other birds being fed at the kids playground at Pilot Beach; yellow tailed black cockatoos at Washhouse Beach; baby tawny frogmouth at Dunbogan Boatshed; octopus in one of the inlets off the breakwall and purple striped jellyfish along North Haven breakwall. I love seeing nests with baby birds, young animals being fed by parents and the fun antics the young get up to as they learn things. I love colour. Very obvious if you saw me.

Q: Is there anything that concerns you or any changes to the natural environment that you've noted on your daily walks? Positive or negative?

A: I've seen a lot of dumped bric-a-brac and sprayed noxious weeds that are left to decay. Although homes to some birds and reptiles, some are a real fire hazard. I understand it is not possible to do everything but I would hate a fire to go through the area. The area is amazing to walk through though. The waterways are so clean which shows in the abundance of life.

q Colourful photographer Di Watkins.
q Some of Di’s top picks from around the Camden Haven.

Changes to water use a win for farmers fighting bushfires

THE State Government is removing some of the red tape that has prevented farmers fighting fires on their property and adjacent land.

During a fire emergency, a landholder can now use surface water and groundwater sources without a water licence or water use approval.

This includes streams, creeks and rivers abutting the boundary.

“Rules to protect the state’s water security are important but the fact is, when there is a fire, no one should need to stop and think if they are allowed to access water to keep themselves and their property safe,” Acting Water Minister Jodie Harrison said in a statement.

“This is a common-sense decision, and it is great to see these amendments now

in place for summer.”

The exemption has been made via amendments to the Water Management (General) Regulation 2018.

The water can also be used for training and controlled burning, and for testing equipment, but only when it is carried out under the authority of a firefighting agency such as the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS).

Landholders can also prepare for the threat of bushfires by taking water to store in a tank or dam for future firefighting purposes.

The maximum volume for each property is 100,000 litres (0.1 ML) per year.

The NSW Government will carry out targeted periodic surveys of landholders to understand how the exemption is being used to identify the extent and scale of water use.

While landholders are not required to submit reports, they are encouraged to log the volume of water they take under the exemption, for their own records.

Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib, said

landholders play an important role in a bushfire response.

“[This] also includes a

q Farmers now have easier access to water to fight bushfires. Photo: NSW Government Water.

trial to make it easier for farmers to keep firefighting vehicles on their properties.”

Further information on

the exemptions can be found on the NSW Government’s Water website at water.

allocations-availability/ drought-and-floods/waterfor-fire-preparedness-andfirefighting.


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St Helens, Bay of Fires, Pyengana, Bridestowe Estate, Launceston

COACH DEPARTS: Kew - Harrington - Taree

Mental health patients thrown 'under the bus'

AUSTRALIA’S most populous state is accused of abandoning mental health patients by failing to meet pay demands to retain psychiatrists.

The NSW government has conceded some 200 psychiatrists have resigned - about half the workforce - due to pay negotiations stalling and the growing pressure of staff shortages.

Health Minister Ryan Park admitted the mass resignation will have an impact across the system, not just on mental health patients.

However, the government will not agree to the 25 percent pay increase demand which Mr Park says

adds up to an extra $90,000 on each salary.

Mr Park said the government simply cannot afford to pay the healthcare professionals so much.

"To have a wage increase of 25 percent on an individual who's earning multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars a year is substantial for any government of any political persuasion, and that is simply not possible," he said.

He has begged the state's psychiatrists to reconsider their resignations or any who are yet to hand in their notices to think again.

"Please don't do this, remain at the table, don't do this to patients, don't do this to the healthcare system that I know you love and support, don't do this to

your colleagues who I know you value and trust," he told reporters.

A health union said the government has refused to budge in pay negotiations that would help address the growing staff shortages, where one in three psychiatrist positions remains unfilled.

"Instead of dealing with the underlying problem of staff retention and attraction, the Minister for Health seems happy to throw mental health patients, the psychiatry workforce, and doctors in training in NSW under the bus," said Ian Lisser, acting executive director of the Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation (ASMOF) NSW, the doctors' union.

The union said

psychiatrists do not want to resign but have been left with little choice when the government cannot match a salary given in other states.

"(Psychiatrists) have been working in a crumbling system for months, they have been telling Ryan Park the situation is untenable, and now they have been backed into the corner," Mr Lisser said.

As negotiations falter, NSW Health secretary Susan Pearce said the department has been putting contingencies in place for the mass resignation.

This includes engaging with private providers, speaking with the Health Direct service, looking at the Mental Health Line capacity and adjusting workforce models across the state.

However, Ms Pearce remains concerned that 200 resignations will significantly impact the


"Despite the plans that we have in place it is very difficult to overnight replace 200 psychiatrists," she said.

Shadow Minister for Regional Health Gurmesh Singh said regional communities are being left behind once again, with the Minns Government

failing to secure the mental health services they desperately need.

“This mass resignation of psychiatrists will have devastating consequences for vulnerable people in the bush who rely on these critical services,” Mr Singh said.

Visitor records broken at Art Prize

“AMAZINGLY successful” is how coordinator John Drinan summed up the Bonny Hills Art Prize, which ran over five days at the Francis Retreat.

By the time the Bonny Hills Progress Association packed up after last Sunday’s showing, new records had been set.

The exhibition was “attended by 1200 visitors, and we sold 80 of the 390 works on show,” John told the News Of The Area.

On top of those numbers are the scores of children and teens who attended the hugely popular art workshops.

The success of the fourth annual event means one in five local artists and entrants from across the Mid North Coast, shared in around $31,000.

And that’s not including

the prize money that judge Gillean Shaw of Newcastle University’s Art Galleries awarded to category winners.

A regular highlight of the Prize is the Bonny Hills Pharmacy People’s Choice Award, which is announced after visitor votes are tallied.

This year’s favourite was Yvette Hugill’s “Saturday Stroll, Harrington”. Volunteers also had their say, choosing Holly Hartwell’s “Shenanigans at Flaggies” as the winner of the Packers’ Choice Award.

As reported in last week’s News Of The Area, the Adbri Award for Best Work in Exhibition went to Sharon Lees for “Promised Land”.

Other category winners and their sponsors are:

Junior 10-12. 1st Cienna Chapman, “Almost Sauce”. 2nd Naomi Beauchamp, “The Fox”. Highly Commended, Ashley

Baxter “Connecting our Planets”. Commended, Jensen Sontes “The Dreams”.

Youth 13-16. 1st Alyssa Barlin, “Light Reading”. 2nd Lana Cooper, “Black Throated Honeyeater”. Highly Commended, Maya Marshall “Forgotten Soles”. Commended, Squeegie Beckenheim “Bentley”.

Oil and Acrylic (Port Smiles Dental): 1st David Little, “Bendemeer”. 2nd Suzanne Li ,“It’s on the table”. Highly Commended, Kay McFarlane Smith “The Calm Before”. Commended, Tina Burke “Memories”.

Watercolour (Bonny Hills Medical Centre): 1st Stu Doherty, Plummers Lane

Hill, “The Girls”. Highly Commended, Terri Maddock “Logans Crossing”. Commended, Jacki Dean “Nobby’s Rooks”.

Mixed Media (ADBRI and Rayners Lawyers) 1st Bernice Daher, “Unleashed”. 2nd Judy Jelsma. “Flinders Vista”. Highly Commended,

Suzanne Edwards “Snowy Back Country”. Commended, Myffie Coady “What?” Pastel and Drawing ((Bonny Hills Beach Hotel, Bonny Hills Post Office, Bonny View Store & J & S Real Estate). 1st Sarah Spencer, “Koala”. 2nd Cheyne Flanagan, “Extinction is forever, The Koala”. Highly Commended, Beric Henderson “Tsunami.18 (2024)”. Commended, Yvette Hugill “Saturday Stroll, Harrington” Small Paintings (Bonny Hills Garden Centre). 1st Stu Doherty, “Fernbank Creek”. 2nd Debbie Sarkoezy, “Highland Calf”. Highly Commended, Cheryl Blacklock “Pot #1”. Commended, Stewart Hambrett “Nobby’s”.


q NSW Minister for Health Ryan Park. Photo: AAP Image/Mick Tsikas.
Authorised by Dr David Gillespie MP, National Party of Australia, Cnr Hastings and High Streets, Wauchope NSW 2443.
q People’s Choice Award winner ‘Saturday stroll, Harrington’ by Yvette Hugill.
q A future winner and their masterpiece at one of the children’s workshops.
Photo: BHPA.
q Bea and Mirrilee note the number of their pick for People’s Choice. Photo: Sue Stephenson.
q Coordinator John Drinan (centre), among some of the 1200 visitors to the Bonny Hills Art Prize. Photo: Sue Stephenson.
q Packers’ Choice Winner ‘Shenanigans at Flaggies’ by Holly Hartwell.

Hooked on the Camden Haven

THE offshore fishing scene continues to dominate conversations, with the Port Macquarie Garmin Golden Lure Tournament remaining a central focus.

While tag and release catches of black marlin have been reported off South West Rocks, Port Macquarie, and Lake Cathie, the action has been a close one for competitors.

Further offshore, anglers have encountered small blue marlin and wahoo, adding some variety to the catches.

This weekend, anglers are advised to exercise extreme caution, as significant swell and dangerous conditions are forecast for the coastline.

Safety should be paramount; wearing a lifejacket, informing someone of your intended fishing location, and constantly assessing the conditions are crucial.

Down south in the Camden Haven River, bream fishing has been exceptional, with the breakwalls and the area around Henry Kendall proving to be the most productive spots. Offshore, a strong southerly current has pushed warm water towards the Laurieton and Crowdy FADs, resulting in excellent mahi mahi and black marlin fishing opportunities.

In Lake Cathie, flathead and whiting have been abundant, with yabbies proving to be an effective bait.

Notably, a few local anglers successfully landed school mulloway on the beach around Middle Rock using lures.

New patients continue struggle to find bulk-billing GPs

FEWER GP clinics than ever will take new bulkbilled customers and out-of-pocket charges continue to rise, in data labelled concerning but not surprising.

Healthcare directory Cleanbill's annual survey of nearly 7000 GP clinics found Australia's bulk-billing rate had plummeted

to 20.7 percent at the start of 2025, down from 35.7 per cent two years earlier.

Nationally, the average out-of-pocket cost for patients increased four per cent year-on-year, with the average charge $43.38 in 2025.

Remarkably, the study found no Tasmanian clinics that would bulk bill a new adult patient without concessions, with that state also having the largest average out-ofpocket cost at $54.26.

Over Cleanbill's three annual surveys, every state has seen an annual decrease to its bulk-billing rate combined with an increase to the average out-of-pocket cost.

Cleanbill founder James Gillespie said the data made it easy to see why Australians with health complaints were increasingly opting out of seeing a doctor.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics' patient experiences survey released in November found about 1.5 million people did not attend a GP with a health complaint due to cost.

"The data is absolutely concerning, but it's not particularly surprising… anyone who's gone to see a GP in recent years knows how few bulk-billing clinics remain and how high out-of-pocket costs can be,"


The Hastings River continues to be a prime location for flathead fishing, with anglers reporting catches of larger specimens.

Live bait, such as yakkas and poddy mullet, has been particularly effective.

Interestingly, a few yakkas have also been caught within the river using bait jigs around birds working the moorings near the Lady Nelson Wharf.

Offshore, the Port Macquarie Golden Lure competitors have encountered challenges in locating inshore black marlin, leading to reports of best catches in thirty to forty metres off the Lighthouse down to Lake Cathie.

However, hopes to remain high for an increase in inshore pelagic activity as we head towards Easter.

For spearfishing enthusiasts, this time of year offers excellent opportunities to target mahi mahi offshore, provided the water clarity remains clear.

Further north in the Macleay River region, this past week plenty of boats have been fishing off Trial Bay Gaol and many were rewarded with black marlin and mahi mahi.

Within the Macleay River itself, the breakwalls have produced excellent catches of mangrove jack, and a few mulloway have been landed using live bait.

On the beaches, consistent catches of bream, dart, and whiting have been reported, with Smoky Beach and Horseshoe Bay offering promising fishing spots in sheltered areas.

Mr Gillespie told AAP.

"As bulk-billing rates continue to slide and out-of-pocket costs continue to increase, it's unsurprising that more Australians than ever before are delaying or avoiding seeing a GP because of concerns surrounding cost."

Health Minister Mark Butler disputed Cleanbill's figures, which are considerably lower than the government's official bulkbilling rate of 77.2 percent in November.

Government figures show the ratio of all individual GP visits that were bulk-billed, compared with Cleanbill's study of clinics that would bulk-bill a new adult patient without concessions.

"Official data shows our record investment to strengthen Medicare has stopped the free-fall in bulk billing that was created under the Liberal and Nationals government," Mr Butler said.

"Every state and territory now has more bulk billing, with the largest rise in some states which have historically struggled with

lower rates of bulk billing (but) we know there's more to do to keep strengthening Medicare after a decade of cuts and neglect."

The federal government tripled bulkbilling incentives in 2023 for pensioners, concession card holders and children, meaning GPs received a $21 bonus in cities and almost $40 in regional areas.

Given that lifted rates, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners president Michael Wright said an increase in Medicare funding should be front-of-mind heading to this year's federal election.

"Medicare has been underfunded for decades… today's patient rebates don't come close to the cost of care, so people are paying more out-of-pocket, it's harder for GPs to bulk bill," he told AAP.

"When people can't see their GP or delay care due to costs, their health gets worse and they are more likely to end up in hospitals… that's bad for their health, and costs taxpayers more."

q Amanda Lamond, with the support of her dad Steve and brother Phil, landed her first Blue Marlin off Port Macquarie. The fish was successfully released.
q People are paying more to see the doctor as the bilk-billing rate for new patients plummets. Photo: Dan Himbrechts/AAP PHOTOS.

Taking a Legal Look

Dorin’s Draws By Paul DORIN

Balancing the needs of a blended family

DAVID passes-away aged 65, leaving his second wife, Mary and his only daughter, Donna.

David did not have a will.

David and Mary owned a home jointly, worth $1.5 million and held joint bank accounts totalling $600,000.

These joint assets passed to Mary by way of “survivorship”.

David’s only other asset of significant value was an interest in a self-managed superannuation fund, worth $500,000.

Mary also has an interest in the fund and under the superannuation trust deed can control the distribution of David’s superannuation, which she intends to distribute to herself.

In the circumstances, Donna stands to receive nothing from her father’s estate.

She makes a claim and after a failed mediation, the matter proceeds to a two day hearing.

Donna’s lawyers ask the Court to “claw-back” the joint bank accounts and David’s superannuation into the “notional estate”, seeking an order that she receive a lump sum of $500,000.

Mary’s lawyers say that Donna should receive no provision from David’s estate on the basis that Donna received substantial gifts during David’s lifetime and she stands to receive a further inheritance from her grandmother.

The evidence reveals that David’s mother gave Donna $150,000 a few years ago and that at the time of the hearing, she was suffering from advanced dementia and unable to change her will, which gifts Donna an additional $100,000.

In assessing the parties’ financial needs, the Court hears that Mary and Donna both save relatively little on a monthly basis and that Donna, aged 35, has net assets of $100,000.

The Court accepts that Mary and Donna generally had good relationships with David, despite “ugly” elements of Donna’s behaviour after her father re-partnered, although the Court did not consider this to be “disentitling conduct”.

The Court states that it would not be appropriate to make orders regarding David’s superannuation but in “balancing” the parties’ respective needs, awards Donna $300,000 from the joint bank accounts and orders Mary to pay her an additional $100,000 within 12 months.

Email Manny Wood, Principal Solicitor and Accredited Specialist in Wills and Estates at TB Law at or call him on (02) 66 487 487.

This fictional column is not legal advice.

Congratulations Council

DEAR News Of The Area,

THIS morning I inspected the work our Council has been engaged in to repair the Norrie Park Reserve in Kendall. The last flood extensively damaged the river embankment and a series of floods have left the walkway underneath the Kendall Bridge in a hazardous condition.

I am happy to report the entrance to the historical wharf alongside the bridge has had its surface beautifully repaired and smoothed, together with its broken fencing.

There is now planting beneath that

fence of an attractive native grass.

The reserve itself is fenced right along the riverbank with a well thought out rock embankment to protect the area from further flood damage.

With the well tended toilet facility and the available barbecue, covered picnic seating and playground equipment, the Norrie Park Reserve is a wonderful amenity for our community.

Thank you, Port Macquarie Hastings Council, our reserve is back in action again.

Regards, Betty BOYD, Camden Haven.

The Big Screen

WE Live in Time heads the lineup of new releases this week, as well as testing to see whether summer audiences will favour a romantic comedy/tear-jerker.

Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh star in this tale of love and loss in which the conceit of the film is that the story unfolds in non-linear fashion.

Jumping from one time period to another and then back again can be a frustrating editing choice, and it is one that does not really benefit this movie.

The stars, however, do have great chemistry and screen presence, and their charm elevates an otherwise middle-of-theroad script from playwright Nick Payne.

If you’re interested in the next big scare, Wolfman comes to screens from Universal and Blumhouse Productions, with Aussie Leigh Whannel directing.

Following in the formula that made 2020’s The Invisible Man such a hit, this new version of one of the classic Universal Monster films re-contextualises the titular monster as a family man who threatens his loved ones when he falls victim to a terrible curse.

As The Invisible Man served as a metaphor for toxic masculinity and abusive relationships, Wolfman seems to be doing the same for domestic violence amongst families.

None of this makes it too high-brow for good, old-fashioned scares though, as there’s plenty of opportunities to jump out of your seat.

If you’re in the mood for the kind of film that causes real arguments, Emelia Pérez

On theCouch

DEAR Jasminda,

TWICE now during the holidays I have been beeped while waiting at the roundabout.

I have been driving for decades but I am always wary of roundabouts and sometimes completely change my travel route to avoid them. I think in both cases I was in the right.

Can you clear up the rules for me?


THERE are pages and diagrams on the NSW government website devoted to roundabout rules, but I find none of these as useful as the advice my dad gave me which was: 'treat everyone like a bloody moron, because half of them are; unless you can see the whites of their eyes, don't trust their blinker'.

In the holiday season, many people are still coming down off their rum ball/ espresso martini high and don't have their wits about them.

|Some use their indicator in a very casual way and others don't use it at all. You just can't trust that drivers are going to exit the roundabout before you enter it, and you could be in danger of being t-boned.

The main rule is to give way to traffic already on the roundabout, and this is all very well and good when motorists are driving in a calm and considerate manner, but it's not worth risking an accident entering a roundabout when cars are about to enter to your right and are driving at a speed that would cause a collision.

might interest you.

A Spanish-language film from a French production company, it is adapted from an operetta which was based on a book and comes to screens as a “musical crime comedy”- that sentence has made me dizzy.

In short, the premise finds a Mexican crime lord recruiting a lawyer to help him disappear so he can transition to become a woman.

That’s just the beginning of a film that really swings for the fences in terms of style, atmosphere and emotion.

It is aesthetically similar to films like Moulin Rouge, with elaborate musical set pieces and big performances.

Does it work? That is the matter of much debate, as for every award nomination there has been a critic of some aspect of the film.

It is, however, a film that is designed for the big screen, and that will be the best chance you have at deciding whether it’s a film for you.

Sing Sing is the real gem from this week’s slate of releases.

A prison drama inspired by the real life Rehabilitation Through the Arts program, the film follows inmates of the titular correctional facility who find meaning and purpose in their efforts to produce a play.

Divine G (Colman Domingo) is a wrongfully imprisoned man seeking to create something special while he works to prove his innocence, but clashes with Divine Eye (Clarence Maclin), a hardened inmate who is slow to see the point of the art they are trying to create.

What has made this a remarkable production is that a number of the

What should be a seamless and graceful glide around the roundabout morphs into a fist-shaking, horn-honking mosh pit in the Christmas holidays and extra caution is advised.

Whatever you do, don't get agitated with the cars behind you and definitely don't exit your vehicle, stomp up to their car and administer the wind-down-yourwindow-and-let's-see-how-brave-youare-then-you-clown gesture, as tempting as that may be.

It's not worth the stress of an altercation and you really will be holding up the flow of traffic.

Carpe diem, Jasminda.

performers, including Maclin, are themselves former inmates of the prison and participants in the program - so Divine Eye’s journey of transformation draws on his real-life experiences.

A story of hope with no real villains, this is one that will linger in the heart.

Finally a film that is very hard to describe but I hope everyone will give a chance is Magic Beach, an adaptation of the children's book by Alison Lester.

With no real narrative the film blends several styles of animation and footage to create the fantastical adventures of children who spend their days at the Magic Beach.

Director Robert Connolly has crafted a film that is all about the experience of joy and delight that is unique to childhood.

If you have the book on your kids shelf, take them to see this.

If you don’t… take them anyway.

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Keith Cramp | 0418 633 098


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Spacious Villa!

villa in central Laurieton

maintenance living.

Positioned diagonally opposite the main shopping complex, this property is within easy walking distance of all the town’s essential facilities, including shops, cafes, and medical services.

For those who love the outdoors, the river and local sporting facilities are just a short and virtually level stroll away.

Being Torrens Title, this villa has no ongoing strata levies, making it an appealing option for downsizers, investors, or first-home buyers.

Offered for sale on behalf of the original lady owner, this property exudes care and pride of ownership.

The villa features two generously sized bedrooms.

The master suite is equipped with a walk-in robe and a private ensuite, offering comfort and practicality.

The second bedroom is also spacious and wellsuited for guests, family, or use as a home office.

The heart of the home is the open-plan living

and dining area, which is bathed in natural light and thoughtfully designed for modern living.

This space flows seamlessly to a private courtyard, perfect for outdoor relaxation or entertaining friends and family. The villa is equipped with split-system reversecycle air conditioning, ensuring year-round comfort.

The well-appointed kitchen features ample bench space and storage, making meal preparation a breeze.

A dedicated computer nook adds versatility to the layout, catering to those who work from home or need a quiet study space.

The single garage offers internal access and is fitted with a power-operated door for added convenience.

This secure parking solution enhances the practicality of the property, providing easy entry and additional storage options.

With a building size of 127m², this villa is spacious yet manageable, offering the

perfect balance for those seeking a low-maintenance lifestyle without compromising on comfort.

Whether you’re looking to downsize, invest, or settle into a central location, 2/93 Bold Street is a must-see.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to secure a Torrens Title villa in the heart of Laurieton. Contact Professionals Laurieton today to arrange an inspection and experience all that this wonderful property has to offer.

Whiz-kid Cruz turning heads in the football world

CAMDEN Haven football

prodigy Cruz Tate-Whalley, 15, has secured selection in the Central Coast Mariners Under 16 Academy for 2025.

His footballing journey began with the Camden Haven Redbacks at just five years of age, inspired by his father Gaven Whalley, who was involved in coaching at the time.

Cruz’s natural flair quickly caught the attention of scouts, leading to his involvement in representative football by the age of eight.

Cruz was later selected for the Talent Support Program (TSP) organised through Mid Coast Football.

In 2023, the rising star was chosen to represent Northern New South Wales Football (NNSWF) at the Tokyo International Youth Cup, where he faced top-tier competition from across Asia.

He faces a new challenge this year as he laces up his boots to train with a top A-League academy.

Due to the academy's residency requirements, Cruz made the bold decision to relocate to the Central Coast

to pursue his professional football dreams.

Gaven hopes his son will take the opportunity with both hands.

“Apart from the progressive training techniques used at the academy, kids like Cruz who relocate are extremely aware of how unique this opportunity truly is, not taking it for granted, but using it as a driving force,” said Gaven.

Cruz said playing on the Central Coast has been a “totally different experience”.

“The game is so much

faster because of the facilities which makes the matches much more enjoyable,” he said.

“It has also great to be able to play in the older age groups, including the U16s and U18s.”

Beyond technical skills gained on the field, Cruz recognises the broader lessons that football has instilled in him.

“I feel that soccer has given me a lot of discipline as well as strengthening my resilience,” said Cruz.

“It has taught me that if something isn't going my way, how to refocus my thinking so I can get my head out of that situation and move forward.”

Juniors impress at top tournament

CAMDEN Haven rugby league

juniors made their mark at The Final Whistle (TFW) Rugby League 9s tournament in Tuggerah in January.

The event features eightplus days of action-packed nines football and more than 4000 young athletes.

Among those competing were four up-and-coming rugby league stars from Camden Haven - Jack Wilson, Nash Knight, Cam Risely and Zeke Fahina.

The local players represented the Port Mac Sharks, one of eleven teams in the U15 category.

Also hailing from Camden Haven was the team’s

dedicated coach, Luke Garel, a respected golf pro at Kew Country Club, while the Laurieton Hotel supported the team as sponsor.

Despite facing tough competition, the Sharks managed to dominate their pool and reach the semifinals, where they faced the Central Coast Steelers.

Although the Sharks put up a valiant effort, they fell short by just two points,

with the Steelers ultimately emerging as age-division champions.

Coach Garel expressed his immense pride in the team's performance.

“The 9s event is a great competition featuring teams from across NSW,” said Luke.

“It is a fantastic opportunity for the boys to come down and test out their skillset against other teams which are not normally part

of their competition.

“In this team there are some very skillful and powerful kids, who have played rugby league and other sporting codes at an extremely high representative level, and I am extremely proud of how they have come together, combining their effort and working as a united team.”

Zeke and Jack told NOTA that valuable lessons were learned competing against top-tier teams.

“Playing at this level has definitely helped to strengthen my skills,” said Jack.

“I have been really happy with how I have handled playing at this level and feel that I have been able to contribute to the team positively," said Zeke. Nash and Cam emphasised the group’s teamwork and passion.

“All the boys are working as a team and this has made the difference during our games,” said Nash.

“Each game has been tough,” said Cam, “but we all showed up and with our size and our passion we were able to show them who was boss.”

q Cruz Tate-Whalley wearing the yellow and blue of the Central Coast Mariners. Photo: supplied.
q The Port Mac Sharks with coach Luke Garel.
q Jack Wilson pulls away from the opposition.
q Zeke Fahina on his way to the tryline.
q Nash Knight wraps up the opposition.
q Cam Risely on the attack.

Kew Country Club

Men’s Veterans Golf

RESULTS 06/01/2025

Monthly Medal/Putting

Sponsored by Allum Property Group.

88 Starters

A Grade winner – Danny Lloyd 68 Net.

2nd – Garry Forster 69 Net. C/B. 3rd – Dean Myers 69 Net.

LUSC Thursday Mixed Bowls

AFTER a three week break away from bowls, it was wonderful to get back onto the green at the beautiful Kew Country Club for our Thursday mixed bowls morning. There is no doubt that this is a simply glorious part of Australia

Laurieton Swimming Club

NOVEMBER /December

Monthly Point Score 2024

Overall Point Score :

Georgie Cass/ Harry Santman

A Grade Freestyle : Georgie Cass

B Grade Freestyle : Maya Hardy / Hendy Mccarron

C Grade Freestyle : Laura Eccleston

D Grade Freestyle : Jasper Maxwell

A Grade Backstroke : Georgie Cass

B Grade Backstroke : Larni Hardy / Noni Hardes

Kew Bowling Club

12th JANUARY, 2025

Hopefully everyone had a great Christmas and returns fully rested, ready for an exciting year of bowls. There are lots of events on the horizon, so stay tuned for all the details.

The Wednesday Social Bowls was washed out after approximately one hour,

B Grade winner- Rod Barnett 69 Net.

2nd – Mick Bevan 72 Net. 3rd – Kevin Brennan73 Net. C/B.

C Grade winner – Kevin Anderson 66 Net. 2nd – Dave Raeburn 67 Net

3rd – Trevor Lewis 70 Net.

Ball Winners –Greg Lee 70, Gavan Grayston 71, Steve Grimes (Caloundra) 71, Roger

with very pleasant yearround weather which is so conducive to enjoyable outdoors activities.

On our first bowls day of 2025 we welcomed a new member into our club, John Hilton, which is a good way to start our year but sadly we received the news that one of our members, Gary Ashley, passed away over the break after a dreadful illness. Gary was affectionately known as

C Grade Backstroke : Tayler Cass

D Grade Backstroke : Ashton Ross

A Grade Breaststroke : Georgie Cass

B Grade Breaststroke : Michael Tinker

C Grade Breaststroke : Larni Hardy

D Grade Breaststroke : Emily Gale

A Grade Butterfly : Claire Mcintosh

B Grade Butterfly : Poppy Ross

C Grade Butterfly : Ara Fuller

D Grade Butterfly : Samantha Maxwell

but it gave time for Barrie Isaac to bowl a wrong bias. Voucher winners were Lyndsay Moran, Ray Allan, Ian Hodgkinson and Viv “McGregor” Gunter.

In the Friday Jackpot Triples, the half jackpot was won by Frosty Charters, Ian Orr and Brett Irwin. Voucher Winners were Adrian Hilton, Dave Napper, Steve McGregor and Viv Gunter.

The Travelling Bowlers AGM will be held on 2

Rep squads named

the Laurieton Stingrays, and Talisha Goolagong from the Kendall Blues.

Logan Bes, 16, will be playing up an age division for the Bulldogs.

“I was stoked when I found out that I had been selected, especially as my Raiders teammate Tim was also named in the team,” said Logan.

“I actually didn’t expect to be selected as I wont be turning 17 until next month.

“Because I am playing

Catchpole 71, Bob Goodison

71, Geoff Mascord 71, Peter Johnson 72, Keith Loney 72, Vince Jamieson 72 & Rod Folkes 72.

Nearest to the Pin, 9th Hole A Grade Peter Hammer, B Grade Phil Mc Carthy, C Grade Tim Sherwin, 10th Hole A Grade Jacob Westerhuis, B Grade Murray Godden, C Grade Mike Donaldson

12th Hole A Grade Steve Grimes, B Grade Ron Rolfe, C

‘rowdy’ and served our club as President for a number of years before becoming ill. In other news our club treasurer, William Blake, has decided to rest his abacus and retire from our club committee. Thank you to both Gary and William for their past service. The use of bowling arms is becoming more prevalent in our sport with some bowlers adapting quickly to their use but others maybe

KCC Men's Golf Report

LAST Thursday a stableford medley was in play at KCC sponsored by Local Lawyer and Conveyancer. Some local showers disrupted the field but most players managed to finish their rounds.

Brett Webber won A grade (36) from Greg Lee on countback.

B grade went to Ian Stokes-Blake (38) also on countback from Bob Nix.

A three-way countback decided C grade with Ron

February 2025.

The Presidents Shield against North Haven will be played at Kew on 1 Feb 2025, with play commencing at 9am. Teams of 24 players will represent each club, with snacks afterwards. The Nomination Sheet is on our Notice Board, closing on 29th January 2025.

Monday Monthly Pairs returns on 3 February 2025.

Open Gender Pennants

“This was my first trial for the Bulldogs, so it meant a lot to be named.

Grade Dave Raeburn.

A Grade Putting Greg Lee & Garry Forster 27 Putts, B Grade Mick Bevan 27 Putts, C Grade Dave Raeburn 26. PRESIDENTS AWARD –Jim Henry 18th HOLE EGGS. A Grade Greg Armstrong, B Grade Dennis Hurst C Grade Gavan Grayston. RESULTS 13/01/2025 IRISH 4 BALL

Sponsored by Camden Haven Tyre & Brake

not so quickly. If you have a bowls arm and are in need of proper instruction you are recommended to contact Keith O’Connor at North Haven Bowls Club. Keith holds regular free tuition classes on their use and is very generous with his time and infinite knowledge as is the generosity of North Haven BC with the use of their fabulous facilities.

Once again, this column has been taken up with

Rolfe (34) shading Keith Jackson and Ted Davis. Adam Heslop was closest on the 9th for the Garel’s Voucher ($87).

On Saturday KCC men again played Stableford with a 2BBB in conjunction sponsored by Camden Haven Tyre & Brake.

Grade winners were: A - Terry Case (40), B - John Smith (41) and C - Adam Hall (42).

The 2BBB was won by Adam Hall and Ben Morgan with 51 points.

NTP on the 9th went to Rod Gooey taking out the $90 Garel’s Voucher.

commences on 8th February, and we will be fielding sides in Grade 4, 6 and 7. Nominations are open until 24 January 2025, so get your name down on the Nomination Sheet on our Notice Board.

Bowls this week include Wednesday Social and Saturday Cashpot Triples, names in by 11.30 for a 12.30 start (mufti dress). Well, thats the news for this week. Enjoy your bowls. Cheers, Scoop

selection of Deion Cafe, who he described as a “great asset for our club who is destined

86 Starters

Winners – Zeljko Milakovic, Theo Vandermeer, Bruce Forbes & Phil Long 87 C/B.

2nd – Ian Johnston, Warren Dyer, Craig Keen & John Foster 87 C/B. 3rd – Neville Mc Carthy, Bruce Johnson, Craig Lobegeier & Ted Fargas 87 Ball Winners – Bill Styles 38, Geoff Mascord 37, Peter House 36, Rod Fokes 36, Peter Ragen 36, Geoff

weekly bowls news so space doesn’t allow for publication of all individual weekly winners but there were the usual 3 x $15 rink winners; 3 x $10 rink runners up; 1 x $30 and 1 x $15 nomination sheet winner along with 3 x $25 raffle winners and 1 x $10 Taste Bakehouse voucher winner. Outstanding bowlers on the day were Bob Nixon and Peter Raschke along with many other eye-catching

Lake Cathie Bowling Club


TUESDAY 7th of Jan Ladies social bowls results.

LUCKY RINKS Rink 19 Shauna Proctor, Noelyn Holt, Lynne Watson - winner Rink 17 Olwen Hulland, Chris Baldwin, Lynne Lawson - R/U

Thursday the 9th of Jan Mens Triples and Fours.

Rink 17 Mark Foss, John McCartney, Dick Pierce, Keith Pender.

North Haven Bowls Golf Club

8.1.25 STABLEFORD Winner Keith Loney 33

Runner up Laurie Hamilton 32 NTP 7th A Grade Rod Barnett NTP 10TH A Grade Geoff Warford Putting Bob Russell 23

to go far”. “He gives 110 percent every time he takes the

McMurray 35.

Nearest to the pin 9th Hole A Grade Peter Ragen, B Grade Peter House, C Grade Jim Cunnington

10th Hole A Grade Wayne Fuller, B Grade Charlie Hartshorne, C Grade Bob Goodison.

12th Hole, A Grade Geoff Mascord, B Grade Bob Myers, C Grade Mike Donaldson. Geoff Mascord shot his age yesterday for the second week running – Well done

performances around the green.

Next Thursday is meat tray raffle day offering 8 x $25 delicious Wiggly Tails prizes along with all the other regular prizes. Be there for a great morning of bowls with a better than even chance to take home something nice. Keep bowling to stay healthy and happy – you know it makes sense!

Rink 15 Steve Philp, Brett Meyer, Doug Porter. Saturday the 11th of Jan two annual events being LCBC vs North Haven. Muldoon Cup played at North Haven - winner North Haven. Presidents Cup played at LCBC - winner LCBC. Both games were close and played in good spirit.

Mens Social Pairs rink 8 Gary Beves, Geoff Buggie

Rink 9 Ross Tinmouth, Danny Murray.

Kew Ladies Bowlers

TUESDAY 14th January. Well here we are our first day back at bowls and the start of a New Year. So I hope everyone had a nice break and celebrated Christmas with family or friends. Friendly Friday also started back up on the 10th January so go along to that on Fridays and meet new people and have some fun.

field and never takes a backwards step.”

up in age I only trialled just to get my name out there in the system, so to get the call up was such a good feeling.”

Logan’s dad, Jake, said he was extremely proud of his son’s selection.

“Logan always puts in 100 percent,” said Jake.

“It is great to see his dedication and hard work paid off, earning him a welldeserved spot in the squad.”

Chloe Gaskin-Hogan was equally excited when she learned of her selection.

“When my Mum told me I was accepted I was pretty excited,” said Chloe.

“I feel as though my confidence has already grown and I can’t wait for the representative matches.”

Chloe’s dad, Camden Haven Eagles President Jarryd "Kiwi" Gaskin, said she is a “great role model” for young female players.

“Her behaviour and attitude is helping to develop a winning culture within our club,” he said.

“By stepping out of her comfort zone and committing to the process, she is demonstrating just what can be achieved.”

Gaskin also celebrated the

q Chloe Gaskin-Hogan is paving the way for younger female players.
q Chloe with proud dad and Camden Haven Eagles president Jarryd ‘Kiwi’ Gaskin.
q Logan with his dad Jake Bes.


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7310mm (24 Foot) length, Rock and roll suspension off road with electric brakes and shock absorbers to all wheels, 2 x single beds with 3 x doonas for each bed, covers and sheets, Large Ensuite with shower/Ceramic toilet and vanity/washing machine/Hoover vacuum –shower doubles as a bath, 4 burner gas cooktop/oven/grill, 3 way fridge/freezer, Gas/240V hot water system, Microwave, Slide out food pantry – two basket drawers for food storage + wine glass storage + plate storage, Portable table located in wardrobe for eating inside the van on overnight trips, Lounge converts to another single bed, 2 x wine storage lockers + fresh water pump under the lounge, 40″ flat screen TV with DVD/radio, Slide out computer desk with 12/240v connections, Explorer plug to computer desk for aerial connections + printer drawer under desk, Dometic B3000 air conditioner, 20 KVA diesel heater under lounge with electronic controls, All windows have fly screens and block out blinds, 4.5KVA remote start generator which will run the air conditioning and other services where 240v power is not available, ¾ Tunnel containing: full annex together with plastic windows and 3meter BBQ annex extending out to the tow ball, Sunshade awning and awning struts, Front Boot Locker containing 2 new 160 AH long life Gel batteries with 5-year warranty, bag of steel stakes, bag of tension ropes, tools and hose fittings and Caravan Jack, A Frame mesh containing fresh water hoses, Under Chassis tool box containing wood blocks, caravan ramps and chocks, 8-meter sullage hose in pipe container under the caravan access from the rear, 3 x fresh water tanks, with independent valve system to enable pumping from specific water tanks, 2 x 100L and 1 x 60L tanks, 2 x external LED lights and BBQ light and LED handle at entrance, Lifestyle picnic table - folds out from side of the van, External speakers and TV connections for running a portable TV outside in the annex area, Gas bayonet at the front of the van for the BBQ, Reversing camera, New caravan cover, New awning Note: Landcruiser also available as a package deal. POA. Phone 0412 081 950

Caravans Funeral Notices





TEN, 7pm

Robert Irwin wasn’t in the running to be named “King of the Jungle” last year, but season 10 of this celebrity reality staple was certainly the young presenter’s crowning glory, netting him a Gold Logie nomination. Back for another instalment of jungle hijinks with co-host Julia Morris (pictured, with Irwin), the wildlife warrior continues to breathe fresh air into the franchise in 2025, along with a new cast of stars entering the Kruger National Park camp tonight.

FRIDAY, January 17

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Rulla’s Cooking On Country. (R) 10.30 Take 5. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 1.00 The Newsreader. (Mdl, R) 2.00 The Split: Barcelona. (Final, Ml, R) 3.00 Back Roads. (PG, R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Monty Don’s History Of The British Garden: The 18th Century. (R) Monty Don visits Rousham House.

8.30 Murder In Provence. (Final, Mav, R) A love affair seems to be at the heart of a young woman’s death in a nearby town.

10.00 Joanna Lumley’s Great Cities Of The World: Berlin. (Final, PG, R) Joanna Lumley concludes her journey.

10.50 ABC Late News.

11.05 Grand Designs: Norwich. (R)

11.55 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)

12.40 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv)

5.00 Rage. (PG)



TEN, 9pm

In a change from the usual gritty detective fare, this quirky comedy drama is not only a colourful cupcake of a crime procedural but strays from the “whodunnit” format, instead telling viewers who the baddie is from the beginning of an episode and then working out how to catch them. It all revolves around Elsbeth Tascioni (Carrie Preston, pictured), formerly a cartoonish defence lawyer occasionally seen in

who has just been appointed as an “outside observer” working alongside the NYPD. Elsbeth’s astute observational skills and unconventional approach bring a lot of fun to crime-solving in a series that is all its own. In tonight’s premiere, Elsbeth ruffles feathers while investigating the death of a drama student.

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.10 Paddington Station 24/7. (PGa, R) 11.05 Great Canal Journeys. (PGa, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Great Australian Railway Journeys. (PGa, R) 3.05 Destination Flavour China. (R) 3.35 The Cook Up. (R) 4.05 Jeopardy! (R) 4.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.00 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. Stage 11. H’lights.

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) Presented by Marc Fennell.

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 MOVIE: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. (2008, R) A man ages in reverse. Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett.

10.30 SBS World News Late.

11.00 De Gaulle. (Ma)

12.00 Kin. (MA15+lv, R)

2.40 Make Me A Dealer. (R)

3.30 Peer To Peer. (PG, R)

4.00 Bamay. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning.

5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.


SBS, 9.30pm

It’s no shock this grim but engrossing Nordic noir series is essential

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show Summer Series. (PG) 10.00 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. One Day International. Australia v England. Game 3. 2.00 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. One Day International. Australia v England. Game 3. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 37. Sydney Sixers v Sydney Thunder.

10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game between the Sydney Sixers and Sydney Thunder. 11.00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer. (R) Dr Harry Cooper helps clingy cavaliers.

12.30 Cycling. Santos Tour Down Under. Women’s. Stage 1. Highlights.

1.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Presented by Greg Grainger.

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)

5.00 NBC Today.


What’s Eating Gilbert ) behind the camera and his real-life wife, the always-wonderful pictured) in the lead role. Set in Iceland and with the backdrop of a refugee crisis taking place in the country, DI Hulda Hermannsdóttir (Olin) and partner Lukas (Jack Bannon) must investigate a kidnapping, with only a vague description from the kidnapped woman’s son to go on. However, it’s not long before they realise this crime is inextricably linked to another recent case they’ve worked on, as a sordid web of intrigue in Reykjavík grows ever deeper.

6.00 Today. 10.00 Australian Open Tennis Pre-Show. Hosted by Tony Jones. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Day 6. From Melbourne Park. 4.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Afternoon 6. From Melbourne Park. Hosted by Roz Kelly and James Bracey. 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Bold. (PGa, R) 8.30 Deal

6.00 NBN News.

7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 6. From Melbourne Park. Hosted by James Bracey. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late night 6. From Melbourne Park.

12.00 New Amsterdam. (Mam, R) Iggy helps a family come to terms with their deaf child’s inability to communicate.

1.00 First On Scene. (Maln) Documents stories behind the headlines.

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) A dog goes missing in the park.

4.30 Global Shop. (R) Home shopping.

5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

5.30 Drive TV. (R)

9GO! (83) 6am December Boys. (2007, PG) 8.00 The Last Wave. (1977, PG) 10.00 Tracker. (2010, M) 11.55 A Bronx Tale. (1993, M) 2.10pm Petite Maman. (2021,

The Nanny. 3.30 Seinfeld. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 Tennis. Austn Open. Afternoon 6. 7.00 The Nanny. 7.30 MOVIE: DC League

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer.

6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 MOVIE: Cast Away. (2000, Ma, R) A workaholic executive becomes stranded on a deserted tropical island after a plane crash. Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, Nick Searcy. 10.20 10’s Late News. Comprehensive coverage of local, national and international news, as well as the latest sport and weather. 10.45 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 11.50 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert. 1.00 Home Shopping. (R)

5.30 American Pickers. 6.30 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Surveillance Oz. 8.30 MOVIE: In The Line Of Fire. (1993, M) 11.10 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 1.40pm Carpool Koorioke. 2.00

SATURDAY, January 18

6.00 Brian Cox: Life Of A Universe: End Of Days. (Final, R) Brian Cox looks at how the universe will end.

6.30 Back Roads: Camperdown, Victoria. (PG, R) Presented by Kerry Staight.

7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.

7.30 Beyond Paradise. A painting disappears.

8.30 Vera. (Mad, R) Vera and the team investigate the murder of an addiction support worker.

10.05 Miniseries: Until I Kill You. (Mal, R) Charts the story of Delia Balmer. 11.35 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Good Game Spawn Point. 7.55

6.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Rivers. (PG)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Magical Train Journeys In Switzerland.

8.30 Cotswolds And Beyond With Pam Ayres. (PG, R)

9.20 Great Australian Walks With Julia Zemiro. (PGa, R)

10.15 Great Australian Railway Journeys. (R)

11.25 MOVIE: Radioactive. (2019, Mavw, R)

1.25 MOVIE: Subjects Of Desire. (2021, MA15+av, R) 3.20 Love Your Garden. (R) 4.15 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.45 Singapore Bitesize. (R) 4.50 Destination Flavour. (R) 5.00 WorldWatch.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Border Security: International. (PGadl) An American citizen returns from Russia.

7.30 MOVIE: Kindergarten Cop. (1990, Mv, R) A detective goes undercover as a teacher. Arnold Schwarzenegger. 9.50 MOVIE: True Lies. (1994, Mlsv, R) A secret agent’s wife is caught up in his latest mission. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. 12.50 Cycling. Santos Tour Down Under. Women’s. Stage 2. Highlights. 2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 It’s Academic. (R) 5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)

6.00 NBN News. 7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 7. From Melbourne Park.

11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late night 7. From Melbourne Park.

12.00 New Amsterdam. (MA15+am, R) The staff grapples with the aftermath of the Supreme Court abortion rights decision.

1.00 Casualty 24/7. (Mm, R)

2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG) Religious program.

2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.30 Global Shop. (R)

5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

5.30 Helping Hands Summer Series. (PG)

6.30 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Follows the staff at the Animal Welfare League as they try to find the right fit for a father and son duo. 8.30 The Dog House. (PGa, R) A dog goes on a charm offensive. Determined to prove that it is young at heart, a pooch enjoys a game of tennis with a possible new family. A lovable goofball sends a couple into a spin. 9.30 Ambulance Australia. (Mlm, R) Ambulance NSW responds to calls about an 88-year-old with a severe head wound. 10.30 Ambulance UK. (Mm, R) A collision stretches resources to the limit. 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.


SUNDAY, January 19

6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.

7.30 Miriam Margolyes In New Zealand. (Final, Ml) Miriam Margolyes journey ends.

8.30 Miniseries: Until I Kill You. (Malv) Having escaped with her life, Delia lies in a critical condition in hospital as police search for Sweeney.

10.05 MOVIE: Mystery Road. (2013, Malv, R) An Indigenous detective investigates a murder. Aaron Pedersen. 12.05 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

4.05 Gardening Australia. (R)

5.05 The Great Acceleration. (PG, R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.35 Fortress Britain With Alice Roberts. (Final, PG, R)

8.30 One Mind, One Heart. (PG)

10.05 Stopping The Steal. (Mal, R)

11.45 The Choice 2024: Harris Vs Trump. (PGa, R)

1.45 The VP Choice: Vance Vs Walz. (Ml, R)

2.45 Love Your Garden. (R)

3.40 Make Me A Dealer. (R)

4.30 Peer To Peer. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning.

5.15 France 24 Feature.

5.30 Al Jazeera News.

6am Petite Maman. (2021, PG, French) 7.25 The Crossing. (2020, PG, Norwegian) 9.15 U-96, The True Story Of Das Boot. 10.20 A Beautiful Mind. (2001, M) 12.50pm Odd Thomas. (2013, M) 2.40 December Boys. (2007, PG) 4.40 Breaker Morant. (1980, PG) 6.40 Weekend At Bernie’s. (1989, PG) 8.30 Beau Is Afraid. (2023) 11.45 Piercing. (2018, MA15+) 1.15am High Ground. (2020, MA15+) 3.10 Late Programs. 6.40am Weekend At Bernie’s. (1989, PG) 8.30 Bright Star. (2009, PG) 10.40 Proof Of Life. (2000, M) 1.10pm The Two Faces Of January. (2014, M) 3.00 Dancing At Lughnasa. (1998, PG) 4.45 Cheerful Weather For The Wedding. (2012, PG) 6.35 Leap Year. (2010, PG) 8.30 The Voyeurs. (2021, MA15+) 10.40 Luzzu. (2021, M, Maltese) 12.30am The Orphanage. (2019, M, Dari) 2.10 Late Programs.


6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 40. Melbourne Stars v Hobart Hurricanes. 10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game.

11.00 7NEWS Spotlight. (R) Interview with James Packer and Robbie Williams. 12.00 Cycling. Santos Tour Down Under. Women’s. Stage 3. Highlights.

1.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Hosted by Greg Grainger.

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R)

4.00 NBC Today.

5.00 Sunrise 5am News.

5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 NBN News.

7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 8. From Melbourne Park. Hosted by James Bracey. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late night 8. From Melbourne Park.

12.00 New Amsterdam. (Mdm, R) Max learns about the bequest office.

1.00 First On Scene. (MA15+av) Documents stories behind the headlines. 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) Religious program. 4.30 GolfBarons. (PGl, R) A panel of experts discusses golf. 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 The Sunday Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (Return, PGals) Hosted by Julia Morris and Robert Irwin. 9.00 The Graham Norton Show. (Mhs) Graham Norton is joined on the couch by Sigourney Weaver, Nicholas Hoult, Jamie Oliver, Lolly Adefope and Coldplay. 10.10

MONDAY, January 20

6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Dr Karl’s How Things Work. 8.35 Hard Quiz Kids. 9.05 The Wonderful World Of Puppies. 9.50 Doctor Who. 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (PG, R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Hunt For Truth: Tasmanian Tiger. (Ml, R)

8.30 Jimmy Carr’s I Literally Just Told You. (M)

9.30 Inside Sydney Airport. (PGal, R)

10.25 SBS World News Late.

10.55 Clean Sweep. (Mals)

12.00 Wisting. (MA15+als, R)

12.55 Faking Hitler. (Ml, R) 2.45 Grayson Perry’s Rites Of Passage. (Mas, R) 3.40 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.30 Peer To Peer. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Cash experiences a flashback. 7.30 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. Twenty20 International Series. Australia v England. Game 1. 10.30 Motorway Patrol. (PGa) A driver decides to off-road it.

11.00 Highway Cops. (PG)

11.30 Born To Kill? Peter Moore – The Man In Black. (Mav, R)

12.30 Wild Tokyo. (PGa, R)

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

3.00 US Presidential Inauguration.

5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 NBN News.

7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 9. From Melbourne Park. Hosted by James Bracey. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late night 9. From Melbourne Park.

12.00 New Amsterdam. (Mam, R) Max takes a chance with Wilder.

1.00 Casualty 24/7. (Mm, R) A 76-year-old who is a full-time carer for his wife is in agony after an accident at home.

2.00 Family Law. (Mas, R) Abby fights for her client’s right to know her biological child, who was switched at birth.

3.00 US Presidential Inauguration. Coverage of Donald Trump’s inauguration. 5.00 Today.

6.00 Deal Or No Deal.

6.30 The Project. 7.30 I’m

6am Cheerful

Weather For The Wedding. (2012, PG) 6.50 Breaker Morant. (1980, PG) 8.50 Dancing At Lughnasa. (1998, PG) 10.35 Murder By Decree. (1979, M) 12.50pm The Orphanage. (2019, M, Dari) 2.30 Weekend At Bernie’s. (1989, PG) 4.20 White Lion. (2010, PG) 6.00 Rabbit-Proof Fence. (2002, PG) 7.40 Arctic. (2018, M) 9.30 Stay. (2005) 11.30 Late Programs.

TUESDAY, January 21

9.50 Miriam Margolyes In New Zealand. (Final, Ml, R)

ABC Late News.

Murder In Provence. (Final, Mav, R)

Grand Designs. (R)

Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 2.15 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.30 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

6am Children’s

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (PG, R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PGa, R)

8.35 Stock Aitken Waterman: Legends Of Pop. (PG, R)

9.55 The Artist’s View. (PGal, R)

10.25 SBS World News Late.

10.55 Beyond Signs. (MA15+a)

11.55 Christian. (MA15+v, R)

2.55 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 3.45 Make Me A Dealer. (R)

4.35 Bamay. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

(32) SBS MOVIES (32)

6am RabbitProof Fence. (2002, PG) 6.40 Walking On Sunshine. (2014, PG) 8.30 Leap Year. (2010, PG) 10.25 Luzzu. (2021, M, Maltese) 12.15pm The Bribe Of Heaven. (2016, M, Spanish) 1.55 Cheerful Weather For The Wedding. (2012, PG) 3.45 The 400 Blows. (1959, PG, French) 5.40 The Wild Duck. (1983, PG) 7.30 The Furnace. (2020, M) 9.40 Son Of A Gun. (2014, MA15+) 11.40 Late Programs.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Summer Bay celebrates the opening of the new Bait Shop. Eden waits at Tim’s side.

7.30 Cricket. Big Bash League. The Qualifier. 11.00 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of The Qualifier. 11.30 Lockerbie. (Final, PGalv, R)

The court awaits the verdict tensely.

12.35 Cycling. Santos Tour Down Under. Men’s. Stage 1. Highlights.

1.35 Travel Oz. (PG, R)

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 NBC Today.

5.00 Sunrise 5am News.

5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 NBN News. 7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 10. From Melbourne Park. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late night 10. From Melbourne Park. 12.00 New Amsterdam. (Mam, R) Max helps an ICU intern.

1.00 First On Scene. (Mv) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Our State On A Plate. (PG, R) Sophie Budd explores a brewery.

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 GolfBarons. (PG, R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.


WEDNESDAY, January 22

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.10


6am Children’s Programs. 5.45pm Hey Duggee. 5.55 Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 Doctor Who. 10.40 Late Programs.

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

SBS World News.

The Real Crown: Inside The House Of Windsor. (PG, R) 8.30 Michael Palin: Into Iraq. (Ms, R) 9.25 The Night Manager. (Masv)

SBS World News Late.

Pagan Peak. (Mav)

Rogue Heroes. (Malv, R)

Soldiers. (Malv, R)

2.50 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R)

3.40 Make Me A Dealer. (R)

4.30 Peer To Peer. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.



Front Up. 11.35 Front Up. 12.10pm WorldWatch. 12.40 Hudson & Rex. 2.20 Unknown Amazon. 3.15 Cook Up Bitesize. 3.20 The Weekly Football Wrap. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.50 Alone. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 1982: The Greatest Geek Year Ever. 9.15 MOVIE: Attack Force Z. (1981) 11.00 MOVIE: Son Of A Gun. (2014, MA15+) 12.45am Late Programs.


6am The 400

Blows. (1959, PG, French) 7.40 Oliver! (1968, PG)

10.20 Arctic. (2018, M) 12.10pm Stay. (2005) 2.10

Rabbit-Proof Fence. (2002, PG) 3.50 Walking On Sunshine. (2014, PG) 5.40 The Importance Of Being Earnest. (1952) 7.30 The Glorias. (2020, M) 10.10 Down With Love. (2003, M) 12.10am I’m Gilda. (2016, M, Spanish) 2.20 Son Of A Gun. (2014, MA15+) 4.20 The Movie Show. 4.55 Late Programs.


January 23

Back Roads. (PG, R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

Australia. (R)

7.30. (R)


6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 Secrets Of The Zoo. 9.20 72 Cutest Animals. 9.45 Doctor Who. 10.45 Late Programs.

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.35 Outback Adventures In Western Australia.

8.30 Silk Road From Above. (R)

9.30 The Darkness. (Malv)

10.25 SBS World News Late.

10.55 Divided We Stand. (Premiere, Mal)

12.45 Blanca. (Madlv, R)

2.45 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R)

3.35 Make Me A Dealer. (R)

4.25 Peer To Peer. (PG, R)

4.55 Destination Flavour Down Under Bitesize. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.


6am WorldWatch. 10.00 Front Up. 12.15pm WorldWatch. 12.45 The Gig Is Up. 2.20 Overlooked. (Final) 2.50 Insight. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.50 Alone. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 The Curse Of Oak Island. 10.10 Homicide: Life On The Street. 12.55am MOVIE: All The Beauty And The Bloodshed. (2022, MA15+) 3.10 NHK World English News. 5.00 Al Jazeera.


6am The Importance Of Being Earnest. (1952) 6.45 The Wild Duck. (1983, PG) 8.35 I Capture The Castle. (2003, PG) 10.40 The Furnace. (2020, M) 12.50pm I’m

Gilda. (2016, M, Spanish) 3.00 Oliver! (1968, PG) 5.40 The Man Who Knew Infinity. (2015, PG) 7.40 Infinite Storm. (2022, M) 9.30 Haywire. (2011, M) 11.10 The Adopters. (2019, MA15+, Spanish) 1.10am Sound Of Metal. (2019, M) 3.25 Late Programs.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Rose is overruled. 7.30 Cricket. Big Bash League. The Knockout. 11.00 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of The Knockout. 11.30 Unbelievable Moments Caught On Camera. (PGa, R) 12.30 Cycling. Santos Tour Down Under. Men’s. Stage 2. Highlights. 1.30 Black-ish. (PGa, R)

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6am Shopping. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Animal Rescue. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 TBA. 2.30 Air Crash Inv. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Animal Rescue. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat.


6am Morning Programs. 10.00 American Pickers. 11.00 Pawn Stars. 11.30 Cycling. Santos

6.00 NBN News.

7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 11. From Melbourne Park. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late night 11. From Melbourne Park. 12.00 New Amsterdam. (MA15+am, R) Helen Sharpe returns to New York.

1.00 Hello SA. (PG, R) The team pays a visit to a very special farm.

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

2.30 Global Shop. (R) Home shopping.

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa)

4.30 GolfBarons. (PG)

5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. Twenty20 International Series. Australia v England. Game 2. 10.30 Seven’s Cricket: The Spin. A deep dive into the world of cricket. 11.15 Pam & Tommy. (MA15+adls) Tommy confronts Rand.

12.15 Cycling. Santos Tour Down Under. Men’s. Stage 3. Highlights. 1.15 Black-ish. (PGa, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 NBC Today.

5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.

Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 The Golden Girls. 6.30 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: The Matrix Revolutions. (2003, M) 11.00 Seinfeld. Midnight The Nanny. 1.00

Elsbeth. (Premiere, Mav) An unconventional attorney must balance her role with the NYPD and her own methods to uncover a killer. 10.00 NCIS: Hawai’i. (Return, Mav) 10.55 10’s Late


6.00 NBN News.

7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 12. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late night 12. 12.00 New Amsterdam. (MA15+am, R) Max and Wilder face a dilemma.

1.00 First On Scene. (MA15+) Documents stories behind the headlines.

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

(PG, R) A panel of experts

3.30 Seinfeld. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 The Golden Girls. 6.30 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: Shallow Hal. (2001, M) 11.00 Seinfeld. Midnight The Nanny. 1.00 Love After Lockup. 2.30 Surfing Aust. 3.00 Late Programs.

We rely on support from people like you to create sustainable change in the Mid North Coast area. The financial aid we receive makes a big difference in how we conduct our programs here at AUSSIE BATTLERS. We have very small overheads we recover from the raffles we do. Which means 100% of our Donations are passed directly to the Community.

THE North Coast Bulldogs are gearing up for the representative season with an impressive lineup of talented rugby league players from across Group 2 and 3.

Fourteen standout Camden Haven players are set to don the blue and white Bulldogs jersey in 2025.

Among those chosen in the Boys U16s Andrew Johns Cup squad are Angus Bowen and Aiden Hardy from

the Lake Cathie-Bonny Hill Raiders, and Deion Cafe from the Camden Haven Eagles.

Also from the Eagles, Chloe Gaskin-Hogan has been selected in the Girls U17s Lisa Fiaola Cup team, while Logan Bes and Tim Broderick from the Raiders will join the Boys U18s Laurie Daley Cup team.

The Women's Open Team boasts a talented lineup of Camden Haven talent featuring Alleena Sloan-Harris, JaymeLee Averillo, Jess Palmer, Nakita Binge, Naomi George, Natalie Smith and Tiley Hunter from


q Logan Bes proudly wears the blue and white of the North Coast Bulldogs.

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