
By Shannon BENTON
A YEAR jam-packed with events and fundraisers is on the horizon for the Dungog chapter of the Country Women’s Association (CWA).
In their first meeting of 2025, members shifted straight into high gear to organise activities in support of the community.
“We are so excited to be hosting these events during the year and our fundraising goes directly back into helping the Dungog community,” CWA Dungog President Helene Leane said.
For a start, National
Builders Program, Clarence Town Museum, and Clarence Town Senior Citizens Centre.
She is described as a oneof-a-kind community member and volunteer who is always willing to generously lend a helping hand to any local organisation in need.
Young Citizen of the Year was jointly awarded to Jack McBlane and James Ryan.
Jack and James work together as a team at the Clarence Town Courthouse Museum, and are excellent youth ambassadors for the facility.
The pair love all things historical, especially local history, and like nothing more than to share their knowledge with others.
When James is available, he is the nominated tour guide and (with the help of his volunteer colleague, Jack) competently organises visitors into manageable groups to maximise their enjoyment.
Jack’s enthusiasm for local
history is contagious.
He very much enjoys researching items of interest to the museum on the internet.
He is the ‘media guy’ at the museum and regularly makes useful suggestions and plans for their implementation.
The Volunteer Service to the Community Award went to Allen Shrimpton and Brad Lean.
Allen and Brad were equal winners of this award, impressing the committee with their enthusiasm and dedication to promoting and fulfilling outdoor recreational activities for visitors and residents.
Allen is one of those rare ‘local treasures’ who totally involves himself in the wider community as a volunteer.
The list of organisations of which he is a member, and a leader, includes Flat Tops Rural Fire Brigade, Dungog Common, Dungog Shire Community Centre, Dungog Common Land Care, Dungog Pedalfest, Dungog Dash and Dawdle (now Run Dungog),
Ride Dungog, and many more.
Allen is a significant contributor to the social, sporting, recreational, and welfare fabric of the shire.
Brad ran and organised the UCI Pump Track World Championship event which was staged on Dungog Common in August 2024.
In the years leading up to this, Brad has been a driving force behind the restoration and development of the mountain bike and walking tracks at the Common, securing government grants, working with local businesses, and laying much of the groundwork for the worldclass bike tracks we now enjoy.
This has also provided a significant boost to Dungog Tourism for which Brad’s efforts have been a major factor.
The Environmental Citizen of the Year gong was awarded to Samantha Bean.
Sam’s unwavering commitment to the environment, her community and sustainable practices makes her a truly deserving winner for this award.
She is a hallmark of the spirit of environmental care and leadership.
Sam’s enthusiasm for environmental conservation has driven her to take on the role of President of Sustaining the Williams Valley Inc, a local community group affiliated with Hunter Region Landcare Network.
Sam is a catalyst for bringing together likeminded volunteers to focus on controlling invasive weeds
and maintaining vital green spaces in the local area.
Sam also contributes significantly to sustainable living by volunteering at the Dungog Growers Markets every month.
Sam’s passion for the outdoors, nature and wildlife is infectious, and she readily facilitates the recruitment of new contributors to this vital cause.
The final major award, the Junior Sports Award, went to Tamryn Matheson, who was recognised for her dedication and excellence in the sport of gymnastics.
Tamryn started on her journey of gymnastic competition in kinder gym when she was three years old.
From the very first lesson, she loved gymnastics, and her passion and skill level continued to grow.
Tamryn started competition at level 2 and quickly moved to level 3 where she competed in Hunter Valley events, winning several gold and silver overall medals.
She competed in her first State Championships in 2022, coming home with overall gold.
In 2023 she moved to level 4, with another successful competition year, coming first overall in her division.
In 2024 she moved to level 5 and has gone from strength to strength.
This was the first year she was eligible to compete at the NSW Country Championships in Armidale where she won gold in her division at Level 5.
Tamryn recently competed at the National
Volunteers Week is from 19-25 May and the CWA is planning to host a day in which locals can learn about opportunities to join community groups around town.
The upcoming Dungog Knitter's Picnic will be held from 23-25 May and will feature the CWA’s Scone Café serving homemade food on Saturday and Sunday.
The Knitter's Picnic will be held at the Old Dungog Inn.
Another big event for the group is the Italian Movie Night on the 2 June.
This date is a significant day for the Italian people as it is Republic Day.
This event will be held at the James Theatre and comes off the back of a successful French Movie Night held last year on Bastille Day.
Later in the year, the annual Dungog Tea Party will be held from 10 to 14 September at the James Theatre. This event is focused on promoting the arts and will feature craft by talented locals.
The CWA will also be holding a stall at this event.
The CWA is enthusiastic about the upcoming year but is also inviting others to join. Potential new members, or anyone with new ideas, can email wasecdct@gmail.com.
Club’s Championship on the Gold Coast and again won the gold award in her division.
Each year on Australia Day, the Community Citizen of the Year Awards give local governments around the state the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution and celebrate community engagement of people within the community.
Mayor of Dungog Shire Council, Digby Rayward, said the Awards recognise and celebrate the contribution of individuals within the Shire who make a real difference to our community.
“In smaller communities, the efforts of dedicated locals often go unnoticed, but these awards allow us to shine a spotlight on their hard work,
passion, and commitment,” he said.
“We acknowledge and thank all of the 2025 nominees for their contributions and the vital role they have played to connect, strengthen, and support our community,” Mayor Rayward said.
The Australia Day Ceremony and Awards Presentation was held at the James Theatre on Sunday, 26 January.
It featured an address by Australia Day Ambassador Therese McIntyre, an Acknowledgement of Country, words from Mayor Rayward, a flag-raising ceremony, and performances by A Twist of Blue.
FROM Page 1
Shire Council, commended the local community and emergency services for their tireless efforts in the wake of the disaster.
“From the incredible work of council crews and the RFS clearing roads, to neighbours checking in on each other and
lending a hand where needed, our community has shown its resilience and compassion,” Campbell said. “But for our infrastructure and many residents, it’s still a long road to recovery.”
The DRFA funding includes emergency assistance for eligible residents, such as
accommodation and essential needs.
It also provides grants for uninsured, low-income households to replace lost items and undertake essential home repairs.
Concessional loans are available for small businesses, farmers, and non-profits, while primary producers can
access freight subsidies.
Additionally, the funding will support Dungog Shire Council in covering clean-up costs and repairing damaged public infrastructure.
“This result represents some of the best of what our three branches of government can accomplish when we work together in service of the people,”
Campbell said. “Families, farmers, and businesses across our shire have been devastated, and I hope this news provides comfort to those doing it tough.”
He also acknowledged the swift action of NSW Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib and Federal Minister for Emergency Management
Jenny McAllister, along with the advocacy efforts of Dungog Shire Council.
Residents are encouraged to stay informed and access assistance via www. disasterassist.gov.au.
The support is a vital step forward as the community begins the long process of recovery.
Additional information can be found on Council’s website and Facebook
DESTINY Haven is a women’s refuge in Brookfield, between Clarence Town and Dungog.
The shelter helps women recover from life-controlling issues through counselling and skills training. “Domestic Violence is
something that most women who reach out to Destiny Haven have experienced in some form or another,” said Tiffany Graham, a volunteer
and plan some activities.
The meeting will be at 6pm on Thursday 6 February, at Dungog Arts Society, 266 Dowling Street, Dungog.
It is free to attend, and everyone is welcome.
There probably won’t be any dancing at this meeting, it is intended to explore what is needed to get the ball rolling.
Pauline has suggested running some Country and Bush Dance workshops, followed by an actual dance.
First, people who are interested can learn about and practice dancing at the workshops.
Participants do not need to know anything about dancing.
Then a dance would take place later this year.
The venues are yet to be decided, but there are a number of local options.
Just one of the reasons for holding this meeting is to establish numbers so that the right size venue can be used.
Country and Bush dancing is not just about
the steps, the skills, or perhaps the fitness or coordination benefits.
“Dancing is a good way to get to know people, and meet people you might not otherwise meet,” Pauline said.
“That’s how it was done 100 years ago, before mobile phones and TV.”
Providing local musicians with opportunities to play for the dancers is another positive aspect of the proposal.
This allows the music to be easily stopped and started, or slowed down to let the dancers practice their steps.
While dancers can learn a lot at the workshops, they are meant to be an enjoyable introduction to a traditional pastime, and a chance to meet up, and have fun.
To find out more about the meeting, or to express interest, call Pauline on 0429629014.
staff member who runs the program.
Ms Graham was commenting on recent figures from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics (BOSCAR), which show that the Hunter Valley region recorded 2025 domestic violence incidents between September 2023 and September 2024.
“While initially the number seems high, I would
say it is minor in comparison to those incidents that go unreported,” she said.
According to BOSCAR, the majority of NSW regional areas had a domestic violence rate that was 50 percent to 300 percent higher than the NSW average.
And it could be even higher in isolated communities where incidents often go unreported or
“The number of women who access our services has no direct correlation to the climbing number of women experiencing violence,” Ms Graham said, “however almost all are, in fact, trauma survivors.”
In April last year, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese declared that violence against women is a “national crisis”.
By Shannon BENTON
THE Reconciliation Dungog Book Club returns on Saturday, 1 March, offering an opportunity to explore the works of Aboriginal authors in a warm, welcoming setting.
Convened by Jenny Akers and Libby Doolan, the book club aims to foster lively discussions and shared insights over a cuppa.
“The books are contemporary, compelling reads, with the richness of Aboriginal language woven into the narratives,” says Jenny.
The club’s first meeting will delve into Dirrayawadha, the latest novel by acclaimed author Dr Anita Heiss.
The book club typically discusses works such as Tara June Winch’s The Yield
and Heiss’s previous book The River of Dreams.
Everyone is welcome to join the event, even if they have not read the book.
Meetings will take place every two months on a Saturday morning at the Common Room of Ironwood Village Community Hall, Mackay Street, Dungog.
With the Newcastle Writers Festival
highlighting Anita Heiss and other First Nations authors in April 2025, the group plans to attend her session as part of their literary exploration.
New members are encouraged to join and can contact Jenny Akers or Libby Doolan for more information at: reconciliationdungog@ gmail.com.
AN injection of funding
But as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese faces an election campaign in which housing affordability is set to be a key issue, his government's record has
Housing Accord target of 1.2 million new homes by 2029 is looking increasingly unlikely to be realised, with dwelling completions still well short of the required rates. While they have hit the right rhetoric in identifying
the need to increase supply, the delivery has been lacking, says Peter Tulip, chief economist at think tank the Centre for Independent Studies.
With the next federal election due to be held by May 17, Mr Albanese defended his government's record at the National Press Club on Friday, where he also announced new incentives to bolster the construction workforce.
Eligible apprentices in housing construction or clean energy will be given $10,000 in payments, delivered in $2000 instalments at the six, 12, 24 and 36-month milestones, and upon completion, to support retention throughout the training process.
The Housing Industry Association and Master Builders Australia, who both provide training programs for aspiring builders that will be able to access the funding, welcomed the announcement.
But more has to be done to attract the 83,000 additional tradies needed to meet the
Housing Accord targets, said the association's managing director Jocelyn Martin.
Retention is also an issue, as one in two apprentices fail to complete their studies.
Many young people are being discouraged by the arduous nature of working in construction, says Ante Susic, a builder at Chapman Constructions in Canberra.
He oversees one apprentice undertaking an industry-based mentoring program with the HIA, which he feels provides a better level of support.
"If you go through TAFE you're not getting the same experience," he told AAP.
Dr Tulip believes the 1.2 million new homes target is still achievable, but not under the government's existing policies.
NSW and Victoria were leading the country in this regard, with ambitious housing targets and rezonings to encourage more development, but have had little support from the federal government.
"In fact, federal Labor MPs are opposing new building in their electorates," Dr Tulip said, citing antidevelopment campaigns by Michele Rowland and
Andrew Charlton.
Meanwhile, Housing Minister Clare O'Neil has openly admitted in an interview with ABC's Triple J she wants house prices to keep rising "sustainably" instead of coming down.
"That's exactly the wrong message from what needs to be sent and that communication, to be credible, needs to be backed with money," Dr Tulip said.
The opposition's promise to spend $5 billion on housing-friendly infrastructure, which the industry says will deliver half a million homes, is a more efficient way of delivering housing supply, he argued.
The government's $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund, promises to deliver 40,000 new homes.
That's not a whole lot more than the 25,000 new homes promised by the government for a $182 million investment in enabling infrastructure unveiled last Wednesday.
"Often council approval is not forthcoming because of an absence of infrastructure," Dr Tulip said.
"So for relatively modest sums, you can unlock very large amount of housing."
FRESH warnings Australia's coal generation fleet is ageing and becoming less reliable come as the federal government dials up its clean energy commitment with a $2 billion top-up for the national green bank.
More than 60 percent of Australia's coal power stations are over four decades old, an advanced age Climate Councillor and energy expert Greg Bourne says increases the chance of unplanned outages.
"Clapped-out coal clunkers are making it harder to keep the lights on," Mr
The release of the Climate Councilcommissioned research, produced by consulting firm Baringa, follows Labor's announcement to provide an additional $2 billion for the government-owned green bank.
Federal ministers believe
the top-up for the Clean Energy Finance Corporation should unlock $6 billion of private investment in renewables and clean technology, and help lower household energy prices.
"The world is shifting to net zero… there are big opportunities and big benefits for Australia, so long
I’ve known Alison Penfold a long time and I’m supporting her because I know she will listen, care and deliver like I have.
Alison will stand up for you when others won’t. She will fight for policies to get Australia back on track and bring down the cost of living.
for Lyne
as it acts now to make the most of demand for clean energy and inputs globally," Energy Minister Chris Bowen said.
The announcement comes days after US President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the Paris climate agreement, vowed to halt new offshore wind farm approvals and signed orders speeding up drilling for fossil fuels.
Mr Bowen used the announcement to distance his government's energy strategy from the opposition's nuclear-focused agenda.
"Meanwhile, (Opposition Leader) Peter Dutton's only answer to how he'd make things better is to throw this opportunity away, cancel the programs and the projects that are working to make Australia better right now, and wait 20 years to build the world's most expensive form of power," Mr Bowen said.
Mr Dutton has been defending the $330 billion nuclear energy blueprint he announced to build seven reactors across five states, costing each of Australia's 13.6 million taxpayers more than $24,200.
Analysis by the national science agency CSIRO and the Australian Energy Market Operator agreed nuclear energy generation would be up to twice as expensive as large-scale solar.
But the opposition leader maintains as the federal government's "renewablesonly" policy is leading to high power prices for households and businesses.
Baringa Partners' Peter Sherry said his firm's analysis of the coal power fleet suggests most of the nation's generation will be replaced by renewables and firming technologies like storage within the next 10 years, given the advanced age of the fleet.
"Our analysis finds that coal generators in the National Electricity Market become less available with age, particularly beyond 40 years of age," he said.
Coal generators' availability to produce electricity drops off after the 40-year mark, according to the analysis, from 81 percent to 65 percent, on average.
Coal outages were also linked to broader blackout risks.
At times when the Australian Energy Market Operator has flagged the risk of power demand exceeding supply - signalling a higher threat of power outages - coal was typically "significantly less available".
NSW and Victoria were particularly prone to reliability mishaps with the oldest coal stations in the country.
NBN, 7.30pm
Baz Luhrmann’s kaleidoscopic biopic about the king of rock’n’roll, played brilliantly by Austin Butler (pictured), is seen through the eyes of Elvis Presley’s duplicitous manager, Colonel Tom Parker (Tom Hanks). Parker narrates the story of Presley’s life, from early days growing up obsessed with gospel music to his meteoric rise as a singing and acting megastar, right through to his tumultuous marriage to Priscilla (Olivia DeJonge) and his troubled later years. Luhrmann’s trademark frenetic directing style is on full display here, but the most memorable sequence is a less showy one which depicts the filming of Presley’s 1968 comeback special.
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.
7.30 Monty Don’s History Of The British Garden: The 20th Century. (Final, R) Monty Don concludes his journey. 8.30 Silent Witness. (Masv) The team works on a suspected suicide. 10.15 Optics. (Ml, R)
10.45 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 11.20 ABC Late News.
11.35 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (PG, R) 12.20 Grand Designs. (R) 1.10 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 Rage. (PG)
Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Teen Titans Go! 8.00 Scooby-Doo And Guess Who? 8.25 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 8.50 Robot Wars. 9.50 Doctor Who. 10.40 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22)
SEVEN, 7pm
Singing sensations from around the country take notice: this season, it’s not just a standout voice that superstar judges Marcia Hines, Kyle Sandilands and Amy Shark (pictured) are in the market for. In the third edition of this reality reboot, only a singer with a distinct sound, style and star quality will do. Long gone are the days when karaoke heroes or delusional hopefuls who can’t carry a tune merited airtime – nowadays, Idol is all killer, no filler. A new round of auditions begins tonight, with just 30 “golden tickets” – the only route to the next stage – up for grabs. Mild-mannered student and checkout chick Iilysh from Culcairn, NSW, kicks things off with a powerhouse performance of “You Oughta Know”. Definitely one to watch.
ABC TV, 8.30pm
From wardrobe to set design, this awardwinning Aussie drama set in a 1980s TV newsroom has always done an exceptional job of recreating the glitzy period. But the production team really ups the ante for this season three premiere that takes viewers back to the 1989 Logies, with stretch limousines and shoulder pads for days. News at star Dale Jennings (Sam Reid) has well and truly cemented his position as a media personality and is up for the coveted Gold Logie. Meanwhile, his former lover and colleague Helen (Anna Torv, pictured) has secured her very own current affairs program and finds herself in direct competition with her ex and old crew.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 MOVIE: Argo. (2012, Mlv, R) 9.55 Rock Legends: David Bowie. (PG, R)
10.25 SBS World News Late.
10.55 Bonn. (Premiere, Mav)
11.50 Kin. (MA15+lv, R)
1.45 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R)
2.35 22 Kids And Counting. (PGa, R)
3.30 Death On The Common: My Mother’s Murder. (Ma, R)
4.25 Bamay. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 3. Afternoon session. 8.10 Sri Lanka Vs Australia: Tea Break. Takes a look at the day of play so far in the First Test between Sri Lanka and Australia.
8.30 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 3. Late afternoon session. From Galle International Stadium, Sri Lanka. 11.00 Ambulance: Code Red. (Ma, R)
12.00 Dr Harry’s Animal Encounters. (PG, R)
1.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 5.00 NBC Today.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo. (PG)
8.30 MOVIE: The Intern. (2015, Mal, R) Robert De Niro. 11.00 My Life As A Rolling Stone. (Mad, R)
12.10 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.00 Explore TV: Trade Routes Of The Middle Ages. (R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R)
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.30 The Garden Gurus. (R)
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Contestants compete in a high-stakes game where they must beat The Banker to win a cash prize. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 MOVIE: Bumblebee. (2018, Mlv, R) After the fall of Cybertron, the Autobot Bumblebee befriends a teenage girl in California in the ’80s. Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena. 9.50 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 10.15 The Project. (R) A look at the
Children’s Programs. Noon Hart Of Dixie. 1.00 Bewitched. 1.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 2.00 The Golden Girls. 2.30 The Nanny.
6.00 Dr Karl’s How Things Work: Cricket Balls. (R) Dr Karl learns how cricket balls are made.
6.30 Back Roads: Kandos, NSW. (PG, R) Presented by Heather Ewart.
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.
7.30 Beyond Paradise. (PGa) An arsonist targets three businesses.
8.30 Vera. (Ma, R) After a local teacher is found dead at the bottom of a cliff-side coastal walkway in what appears to be a terrible accident, Vera uncovers evidence that the body may have been tampered with. 11.35 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Good Game Spawn Point. 7.50 MOVIE: Gangsta Granny Strikes Again! (2022) 8.50 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.30 Speechless. 9.55 Officially Amazing. 10.20 Dragon Ball Super. 10.45 Late Programs.
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Magical Train Journeys In Switzerland. (Mn)
8.30 Cotswolds And Beyond With Pam Ayres. (PGa, R)
9.20 Great Australian Walks With Julia Zemiro. (PG, R)
10.15 Ruby Wax: Castaway. (Final, Mal, R)
11.10 Everything You Love. (Mals, R)
2.35 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R)
3.25 Love Your Garden. (PGa, R)
4.20 Peer To Peer. (PG, R)
4.50 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 4. Afternoon session.
8.10 Sri Lanka Vs Australia: Tea Break. Takes a look at the day of play so far in the First Test between Sri Lanka and Australia.
8.30 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 4. Late afternoon session. From Galle International Stadium, Sri Lanka.
11.00 MOVIE: Morbius. (2022, Malv, R) Jared Leto.
1.00 Dr Harry’s Animal Encounters. (PG, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 It’s Academic. (R)
5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 MOVIE: Elvis. (2022, Mal) The life of Elvis Presley. Austin Butler, Tom Hanks.
10.35 Becoming Madonna. (MA15+als, R) A retelling of Madonna’s journey.
12.25 Australia’s Top Ten Of Everything. (PGa, R)
1.20 Destination WA. (R)
1.45 My Way. (R)
2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG)
2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R)
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Helping Hands. (PG)
6.30 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Dr Chris Brown. 8.30 The Dog House. (PGa, R) Follows a team of matchmakers as they pair homeless dogs with hopeful companions. A frisky French bulldog gets attached to a couple. Wood Green’s unluckiest dog, Peaches, has not just one, but two dates. 9.30 Ambulance Australia. (Mad, R) NSW Ambulance crews race to a call for a slashed throat and perform life-saving CPR on teens. 10.30 Ambulance UK. (M, R) First responders attend to elderly patients. 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.
6am The Man
6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Muster Dogs: Collies And Kelpies. (Return, PG)
8.30 The Newsreader. (Return, Ml) In 1989, Helen and Dale are forced into direct competition as they fight to become number one.
9.25 Love Me. (Return, MA15+s)
10.10 MOVIE: Sirens. (1994, MA15+ans, R) Hugh Grant.
11.45 You Can’t Ask That. (Mal, R)
12.15 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
3.05 Australia Remastered. (R)
4.00 Gardening Australia. (R)
5.00 The Great Acceleration. (PG, R)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.35pm
Duggee. 5.55 Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja
6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And
Kingdom. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Moominvalley. 8.00 Horrible Histories. 8.30 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.10 Speechless. 9.55
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Mysteries Of Stonehenge. (Mav)
9.20 Legends Of The Pharaohs: Birth Of The Tutankhamun Dynasty. (Mav, R)
10.20 Great British Landmark Fixers. (PGa, R)
11.15 Signed, Theo Schoon.
1.10 MOVIE: Radioactive. (2019, Mavw, R)
3.05 Love Your Garden. (PGa, R)
4.00 Peer To Peer. (R)
4.30 Bamay. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.15 France 24 Feature.
5.30 Al Jazeera News.
4.25 PBS Washington Week. 4.50 Queer Sports. 5.45 Domino Masters. 6.40 Abandoned Engineering. 8.30 The UnXplained With William Shatner. 10.10 Deadly Funny 2023. 11.15 Hoarders. 12.55am The X-Files. 3.40 NHK World English News. 5.00 Al Jazeera. 6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Escape To The Country. Noon Horse Racing. Southern Cross Stakes Day, Caulfield Members Day and Doomben Raceday. 5.30 The Lunch Break. 6.10 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 4. Afternoon session. 7.00 Dog Patrol. 7.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 I Escaped To The Country. 10.30 Australia’s Amazing Homes.
Who Invented Christmas. Continued. (2017, PG) 7.50 Flash Of Genius. (2008, PG) 10.00 I’m Not There. (2007, M) 12.30pm The Space Between The Lines. (2019, M, German) 2.45 Kung Fu Yoga. (2017, PG) 4.45 An Ideal Husband. (1999, PG) 6.35 Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael. (1990, PG) 8.30 The Royal Hotel. (2023, MA15+) 10.10 Lonesome. (2022, MA15+) Midnight Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 7.10 Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael. (1990, PG) 9.05 Shaolin Soccer. (2001, PG, Cantonese) 11.10 Miss Marx. (2020, M) 1.10pm Grand Piano. (2013, M) 2.50 Riding Alone For Thousands Of Miles. (2005, PG, Japanese) 4.50 Courted. (2015, PG, French) 6.40 Toast. (2010, PG) 8.30 Close. (2022, M, Dutch) 10.30 Miracle. (2021, M, Romanian) 12.40am Late Programs.
(64) SBS MOVIES (32) SBS MOVIES (32)
6.00 Morning Programs. 2.00 The Women’s Ashes Pre-Game Show. 2.30 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. Test Match. Australia v England. Day 4. Afternoon session. (Please note: alternative schedule may be shown due to changes to cricket coverage). 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer. (R) 5.00 News. 5.30 Weekender.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Australian Idol. (Return, PGl)
8.50 Billy Joel Live At Madison Square Garden. (PGl) A concert celebrating Billy Joel’s 100th consecutive performance at New York’s Madison Square Garden.
10.50 April Jones: The Interrogation Tapes. (MA15+a, R)
12.20 Friday Night Lights. (Madsv, R)
1.20 Travel Oz. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
NBC Today.
Sunrise Early News.
6am Morning Programs. 1pm Bathurst 12 Hour. Qualification and support races. 3.00 Bathurst 12 Hour. Qualification and support races. 3.30 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. Test Match. Aust v England. Afternoon. (Alt schedule may be shown). 4.30 Tea Break. 5.00 The Women’s Ashes. Test Match. Aust v England. Late arvo. 7.00 Dinner Break. 7.30 The Women’s Ashes. Aust v England. Evening session. 10.00 Late Programs. 6am Motor Racing. Bathurst 12 Hour. Continued. Noon Motor Racing. Bathurst
Children’s Programs.
Tsunami. 4.00 Rugby
5.10 MOVIE: The Flintstones. (1994) 7.00 MOVIE: Trolls World Tour. (2020) 8.45 MOVIE: Zookeeper. (2011, PG) 10.50 MOVIE: Locked Down. (2021, M) 1.10am The Originals. 3.00
Go! 3.30 Beyblade
4.30 Pokémon:
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 Married At First Sight. (PGls) 8.40 60 Minutes. Current affairs program, investigating, analysing and uncovering the issues affecting all Australians.
9.40 9News Late. 10.10 See No Evil: Nowhere Girl. (Mav) A look at the murder of Dioneth Lopez. 11.10 The Brokenwood Mysteries. (Mav) 1.00 Destination WA. (PG, R)
TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 Fishing Australia. (R)
Today Early News.
4.50 Late Programs. 6am Children’s Programs. 12.30pm Basketball. WNBL. Bendigo Spirit v Southside Flyers. 2.30 Young Sheldon. 3.00 MOVIE: Flight Of The Navigator. (1986) 5.00 MOVIE: Short Circuit. (1986, PG) 7.00 MOVIE: Three Amigos! (1986, PG) 9.05 MOVIE: Lethal Weapon 4. (1998, MA15+) 11.35 Gotham. 12.35am Arrow. 2.30 Teen Titans Go! 3.30 Beyblade X. 4.00 Bakugan: Legends. 4.30 Late Programs.
6.00 The Sunday Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PGals) The celebrities continue to compete in a test of survival in the jungle for the chance to claim the title. 8.30 MOVIE: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. (2014, Mlv, R) A young, covert
6am Children’s Programs. 6.05pm Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35
7.35 Madrid With Michael Portillo. (Premiere, PG)
8.25 Wilderness With Simon Reeve. (Premiere, PGa)
9.35 Inside Sydney Airport. (PGad, R)
10.35 SBS World News Late.
11.05 Clean Sweep. (Malsv)
12.05 Wisting. (MA15+v, R) 1.00 You Shall Not Lie. (MA15+als, R) 2.45 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 3.35 22 Kids And Counting. (PGal, R) 4.25 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (PG, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGa) Eden wants answers from Cash.
7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) It is day two of the auditions.
9.15 St. Denis Medical. (Premiere, PGals) Matt’s first day as a nurse is not going as planned.
10.15 First Dates UK. (M) Singles experience the thrills of dating.
11.15 Lopez Vs. Lopez. (Return, PG)
12.15 Friday Night Lights. (Madsv, R) 2.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls)
9.00 Australian Crime Stories. (Return, Mlv) 10.00 9News Late.
10.30 Forensics: Murder Scene. (Premiere, MA15+av)
11.30 First On Scene. (Maln, R) 12.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 12.50 Hello SA. (PG) 1.20 Talking Honey. (PGa) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop. (R) 4.00
6am Toast.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PGa, R)
8.35 Irresistible: Why We Can’t Stop Eating. (PG)
10.05 The Artist’s View. (Mls, R)
10.35 SBS World News Late.
11.05 Beyond Signs. (MA15+a)
12.05 Fargo. (Mlv, R)
2.00 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 2.50 Inside The Modelling Agency. (R) 3.45 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.15 Bamay. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
(64) 7MATE (64) SBS MOVIES (32) SBS MOVIES (32)
Continued. (2010, PG) 7.15 An Ideal Husband. (1999, PG) 9.05 Courted. (2015, PG, French) 10.55 Miracle. (2021, M, Romanian) 1.05pm From The Vine. (2019, M) 2.50 The Movie Show. 3.25 Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael. (1990, PG) 5.20 Goal! (2005, PG) 7.30 One Night In Miami… (2020, M) 9.35 Saint Omer. (2022, M, Wolof) 11.50 Late Programs. 5.50am Goal! (2005, PG) 6am Goal! Continued. (2005, PG) 8.00 Riding Alone For Thousands Of Miles. (2005, PG, Japanese) 10.00 Close. (2022, M, Dutch) 11.55 One Night In Miami… (2020, M) 2pm Toast. (2010, PG) 3.50 Binti. (2019, PG, Dutch) 5.30 Goal! 2: Living The Dream. (2007, PG) 7.40 The Tracker. (2002, M) 9.30 Full Time. (2021, M, French) 11.05 Annie’s Fire. (2022, M, French) 1.20am Late Programs.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Leah is a fully fledged activist.
7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee and Scott Tweedie.
9.15 The Hunting Party. (Premiere, Mav) When a serial killer escapes custody, a disgraced FBI agent is called back into action to hunt him down.
10.15 The Irrational. (Return, Mav)
12.15 Friday Night Lights. (Madsv, R) 1.15 Travel Oz. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
WEDNESDAY, February 5
6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Four Corners. (R) 10.55 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.35 Media Watch. (PG, R) 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Forever Summer With Nigella. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
6.00 Morning Programs. 11.05 Great Canal Journeys. (R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 2.05 History Of Britain. (PGan, R) 2.55 Railway Journeys UK. (PG, R) 3.30 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.10 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum. (PG, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 The Real Crown: Inside The House Of Windsor. (PG, R)
8.30 Wonders Of The Moon With Dara Ó Briain.
9.25 Miniseries: Playing Nice. (Mal)
10.20 SBS World News Late.
10.50 Pagan Peak. (MA15+av) 11.40 Rogue Heroes. (MA15+lsv, R) 12.50 Agent Hamilton. (MA15+v, R) 2.30 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 3.20 Inside The Modelling Agency. (Ml, R) 4.15 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.45 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6am Children’s Programs. 5.45pm Hey Duggee. 5.55 Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 Doctor Who. 10.55 Late Programs.
6am The Movie Show. 6.10 Goal! 2: Living The Dream. (2007, PG) 8.20 Binti. (2019, PG, Dutch) 10.00 Under The Stars Of Paris. (2020, M, French) 11.35 Saint Omer. (2022, M, Wolof) 1.50pm Goal! (2005, PG) 4.00 Spitfire. (2018, PG) 5.50 Skating To New York. (2013, PG) 7.35 Rob The Mob. (2014, M) 9.30 The Sitting Duck. (2022, M, Hungarian) 11.45 Late Programs.
THURSDAY, February 6
6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Back Roads. (PG, R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 1.00 The Newsreader. (Ml, R) 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Forever Summer With Nigella. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
6.00 Morning Programs. 11.05 Great Canal Journeys. (PGa, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 2.05 History Of Britain. (PGav, R) 2.55 Railway Journeys UK. (R) 3.30 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (R) 4.10 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Finding Your Roots.
8.30 Scotland’s Poshest Train: Alan Cumming. (Premiere, PG)
9.30 The Darkness. (Malsv)
10.20 SBS World News Late.
10.50 Divided We Stand. (Ml)
12.40 Blanca. (Malv, R)
2.40 Barkley Manor. (PG, R) 3.05 Inside The Modelling Agency. (Ml, R) 4.05 Peer To Peer. (a, R)
4.35 Bamay. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch!
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven Noon News. 1.00 To Be Advised. 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. Hosted by Larry Emdur.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG)
7.30 The 1% Club UK. (Return, PG)
8.30 Ludwig. (Premiere, Ma) The life of puzzle setter John “Ludwig” Taylor is upended when his identical twin disappears.
11.00 The Suspects: True Australian Thrillers. (Mlv, R)
12.00 Black-ish. (PGa, R)
1.00 Harry’s Practice. (R)
1.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
7TWO (62)
10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 The Flight Attendant Murders. 10.20 Homicide: Life On The Street. 1.05am Criminal Planet. 2.55 NHK World English News. 5.00 Al Jazeera. 6am Shopping. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30
6am Binti. Continued. (2019, PG, Dutch) 6.40 Spitfire. (2018, PG) 8.30 Whisky Galore. (2016, PG) 10.25 The Tracker. (2002, M) 12.15pm Full Time. (2021, M, French) 1.50 Goal! 2: Living The Dream. (2007, PG) 4.00 Hacker. (2019, PG, Danish) 5.50 Whina. (2022, PG, Maori) 7.50 We Are Still Here. (2022, M) 9.30 Kompromat. (2022, M, French) 11.50 Late Programs.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven Noon News. 1.00 MOVIE: Farmer Seeking Love. (2022, PGa) 3.00 Sri Lanka Vs Australia: Pre-Game Show. 3.30 Cricket. Second Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 1. Morning session. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGav) Harper puts on a brave face. Eden comes clean. Levi challenges Cash to step up.
8.30 MOVIE: Bridget Jones’s Diary. (2001, Mlv, R) A British woman, struggling with various romantic entanglements, documents a year of her life through her diary. Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant.
10.45 To Be Advised.
12.45 Damnation. (Premiere, MA15+asv)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
7TWO (62)
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls)
9.00 Big Miracles. (Return, Mam)
10.00 9News Late.
10.30 Casualty 24/7. (Mm, R)
11.30 The Equalizer. (Mv, R)
12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.05 Cybershack. (PG, R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PGals) Hosted by Julia Morris and Robert Irwin. 9.00 Elsbeth. (Mnv) Elsbeth and Kaya investigate when a reality TV star is found dead in her bathtub. 10.00 NCIS: Hawai’i. (Mv) Thieves rob a Navy Federal Credit Union. 10.55 10’s Late News.
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 RBT. (Return, Mdl) 8.30 Emergency. (Return, Mlm) 9.30 A+E After Dark.
Send News Of The Area your sports club’s results each week by Sunday evening for publication on a Wednesday. Bowls, golf, tennis, kayaking, cycling, cross country, athletics, fishing etc - you name it, we can publish it in our dedicated weekly Sports Results section. Email your results, relevant photos and captions to media@newsofthearea.com.au.
MidCoast Council will be carrying out a range of herbicide spraying activities in various waterways, open drains, and retention ponds; on roadsides and reserves; and on sporting fields, parks, pools surrounds, cemeteries and Council building surrounds within the entire MidCoast region during February, March and April 2025.
These activities will be targeting general vegetation, grasses, reeds, bindii, broadleaf and annual and perennial environmental weeds and each program is subject to weather conditions. Only qualified operators will be undertaking works.
On the roadsides and reserves, subject to availability and need, registered herbicides Weedmaster Duo, Sixgun 360, Biochoice 360, Glymac 360 (360g/L glyphosate), and/or Metsun 600, Lynx WG, metmac 600, Kenzon and/or Grazon extra will be used as per the requirements of the label and APVMA off label permit 9907 where applicable.
In various waterways and retention ponds Herbicides Weedmaster Duo, Sixgun 360, Biochoice 360 and/or Glymac 360 (360g/L glyphosate) will be used as per the requirements of the label and APVMA off label permit 9907 where applicable and as a precaution residents are advised to refrain from using, drinking or swimming in the water for two weeks following treatments.
Registered herbicides, chemicals Spearhead, Kamba M and Broadside will be used as per label directions on sporting fields, parks, pools surrounds, cemeteries, reserves and Council building surrounds.
Scheduled areas will be assessed individually and treated as required. Individual areas will be sign-posted at the times of treatment in commonly accessed areas. A list of areas to be treated is available by calling MidCoast Council on 7955 7777.
Email Jasminda: media@newsofthearea.com.au
DEAR Jasminda,
Why can't the other members in my family replace the toilet roll with a new one?
Invariably there is an empty roll sitting on the windowsill or the floor. How hard can it be?
Betina M.
Dear Betina,
It was a relief to receive your message because I'd been reading about the effect of arctic glaciers on sea levels and female hostages being freed from armed forces and the confounding
situation of Trump's return to office, when I was brought back to the pressing impact of toilet paper etiquette. Thank you.
I'd never really thought too much about toilet paper until people started panic buying it during the pandemic.
It seems confounding now that some members of the community were racing past supplies of pantry staples like rice and flour to stock up on an item that has feasible alternatives including newspaper, gum leaves and the garden hose.
I was quite glad during this experience that I'd been involved in many extreme camping adventures as a child.
Nothing creates life skills better than a week stuck in the bush with some two-minute noodles, an axe, a litre of water and a flimsy tent.
Toilet paper was the last thing on our family's mind.
Now, to your issue.
Perhaps your less resilient family members don't recall the desperation of a toilet paper shortage.
Maybe they lack an appreciation of the convenience of a plentiful supply of four-ply toilet paper.
They may need to experience a shortage to reinvigorate the value they place on this household item.
May I suggest you put your toilet roll supplies under lock and key?
Soon you will hear the plaintive mid-ablution cries of, 'Mum, can you chuck me a roll of toilet paper?' to which you will be able to reply: 'Last time I looked, we'd run out."
Soon toilet paper will be reinstated as an essential item in your home and you will never again have to worry about being the sole toilet paper replacement officer. It is a duty best shared.
THE holidays can be a very busy time for businesses in any area; people are buying presents and travelling, putting much-needed money back into the local economy.
This was no different for Dungog.
Business boomed for some as the holiday period brought in tourists and Hunter Valley locals.
Some local business owners were surprised by the turnout.
Therese McIntyre, owner of the Dungog Trading Post said, “I knew it was going to be busy but it did exceed all my expectations.
“I had great customers, visitors, and feedback.”
A number of the business
owners along Dowling Street expressed gratitude; grateful that consumers were choosing Dungog as their destination.
“Dungog is somewhere you’ve got to intentionally go to. [There are] so many attractions and people want to return to nature.”
Several businesses expressed similar results.
Some were more surprised than others as a “consistent” stream of travellers came through town on their way to visit the various attractions in the area.
Other business owners however were slightly disappointed by their sales and the amount of customers coming into their shops.
Some like Maree Garland from Hidden Valley Clothing suggested that tourism numbers “would be better if there was a camping facility in town.”
The cost of living crisis and high interest rates have been a concern of many consumers over the past few years and some business owners felt this was reflected in the holiday business trends of Dungog.
Michael Dowling, owner of the Dowling General Store said, “I think it’s a struggle for every business at the moment.
“The cost of living crisis has lowered rural tourism.
“People don’t have money so it’s hard to encourage them to visit small rural towns.”
By Jack GRAMENZ and Stephanie GARDINER, AAP
AUSTRALIA needs to prevent the introduction of more "forever chemicals" amid warnings it is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with the contaminants already in the environment.
A federal senate inquiry is examining the extent of contaminations from the PFAS family of chemicals, which do not naturally break down and have been linked to health problems like cancer.
Water Services Association of Australia executive director Adam Lovell recommended severe restrictions and labelling on PFAS in non-essential consumer products so consumers have a choice to limit their exposure.
The presence of the chemicals is becoming increasingly difficult to manage, he told a hearing last Wednesday.
"We're finding (PFAS) literally everywhere," he said.
Sydney Water executive general manager Paul Plowman agreed the chemicals were "absolutely ubiquitous".
"So we do need to manage it within the urban water cycle," he said.
The agency is designing a thermal treatment facility to treat wastewater at high temperatures to destroy the chemical, leaving behind a reusable biochar.
"It's extremely energy intensive and very, very expensive," he said.
Utility costs are passed on to customers, and it would be cheaper and easier to avoid the presence of the chemicals than to treat them, he added.
NSW Environment Protection Authority chief executive Tony Chappel said more than 1100 sites in the state had been triaged, with significant contamination detected at 51 since legacy firefighting chemicals were found at Williamtown air force base and Newcastle Airport.
Rivers, lakes, a park and a school are among the NSW sites likely to have had significant exposure.
But the state agency has only so much power over sites that include Defence bases and federally-owned airports.
"Without legal powers to regulate or compel the
commonwealth government this has created significant issues," Mr Chappel said.
For many of the listed sites, the environmental watchdog says the discovery of PFAS in the environment does not mean there is a human health risk.
While drinking water in Sydney and the Hunter region is regularly monitored, NSW Health is supporting an expanded screening test for water utilities managed by regional councils.
PFAS chemicals are known for their heat, water and stain resistance and have been commercially produced for decades for use in firefighting foam, aviation, carpets, fabric and cosmetics.
The federal inquiry is examining sources of contamination and the effectiveness of current regulations, along with the social, economic, health and environmental effects.
Stop PFAS Blue Mountains convenor Jon Dee criticised health authorities for not offering blood tests in communities where chemicals have been detected and said drinking water guidelines were inadequate.
The United States'
NSW POLICE have commended the conduct of crowds participating in Australia Day events across the state.
A high-visibility policing operation saw general duties officers supported by specialist units including the Traffic and Highway Patrol
Command, Police Transport Command, Operations Support Group, Public Order and Riot Squad, Mounted Unit, Dog Unit, Water Police and PolAir. On Sunday, just five charges were laid for a range of offences including knife, assault and offensive conduct offences.
Operation Commander, Assistant Commissioner Gavin Wood, said he was “happy with the way everyone conducted themselves”.
“The vast majority of people that came out to enjoy the festivities, celebrated safely and responsibly, which made for a good day.”
Environmental Protection Agency agency has set an enforceable target of four nanograms per litre, but it also has a health-based goal of zero.
University of Sydney professor Stuart Khan said it was a purely aspirational statement by an agency that
had "effectively plucked a number out of the air" and Australia's less-strict guidelines were aligned with the rest of the world.
By Lindsay HALL
THIS week’s slate of releases seem decidedly “18+”, with adult thrillers, a Chinese epic and an inscrutable comic-book adaptation from Japan.
Babygirl is a grownup drama/thriller from Dutch actor and filmmaker Halina Reijn, starring Nicole Kidman, Antonio Banderas and Harris Dickinson with a supporting turn from Australian Sophie Wilde.
Romy (Kidman) is a high-achieving CEO who is dissatisfied with her humdrum husband (Banderas).
When a confident, bold and ambitious intern (Dickinson) makes advances towards her, Romy begins an affair that may cost her more than she is prepared to lose.
These steamy, adulterybased thrillers have made a real comeback in the past year, after having long been thought a dead genre at the box office.
Everyone puts in a committed performance and it’s another film that makes New York City look pretty appealing, but what’s surprising is that such a familiar kind of premise still has room for… well, surprises.
Companion follows a string of small scale, limited cast, horror-thrillers revolving around the
“awakening” of an AI robot to the dismay of the people around them.
Starring a cast of young and pretty faces as friends enjoying a weekend getaway at a remote cabin, the fun begins when it is revealed that one of their “new girlfriends” is actually a “Companion Robot”.
Many of the elements are predictable - the robot malfunctions in such a way that makes it smarter and self-aware and questions why it must remain subservient.
What is pleasing to report is that the film has a lot of fun with the premise, and the potential for cliche is offset by some overthe-top sequences and performances.
Maria is a biopic of renowned Greek-American opera singer, Maria Callas.
Angelina Jolie stars in the title role as the film chronicles the final week of Callas’ life and examines her conflicted relationships with family, lovers and friends, along with the circumstances that led to her death.
Jolie shows that she still has what it takes to take over and light up a screen, though the script itself doesn’t give her enough real drama to work with.
Did you happen to see Creation of the Gods last year? If not, then you may find yourself a bit lost if you
check out Creation of the Gods 2: Demon Force
The second entry in what will eventually be a Chinese epic-fantasy trilogy, this film carries on the story involving immortal warriors, vengeful gods, animal spirits and kingdoms at war during the Shang dynasty of 2000 B.C.
Drawing upon the rich, but somewhat impenetrable Chinese mythology (at least to Western audiences), the film is appropriately largescale and looks like it sits comfortably next to Lord of the Rings.
Finally an adaptation of Japanese manga (comicbook) Oshi no Ko: The Final Act comes to screens.
One of the interesting features of many Japanese anime or manga series is that while there may be a significant supernatural “hook” to the premise, the stories often veer towards surprising genres.
In this case, a doctor is murdered at the moment he is delivering the babies of a famous pop-star, only to be immediately reincarnated as one of the children, retaining all his past life’s memories.
Growing to adolescence, the young man and his twin sister now attempt to build careers in the entertainment industry in order to investigate and solve his murder, and others connected to it.
Digby Wilson has been endorsed as the Australian Labor Party (ALP) candidate for Lyne in the upcoming federal election.
Mr Wilson cites Labor’s commitment to “progress, nation-building and delivering for regional areas” as central to his candidacy.
"Communities and families need support in health, aged care, education and living costs," he said.
"I’m seeking better policy for all of us.
“This electorate deserves a stronger advocate who truly understands and values our community.
“We need to continue to ease the cost of living.
“Under Labor, every taxpayer in Lyne received a tax cut and had their takehome pay increased.
“Energy bill relief is helping all households, as will additional cheaper renewable energy supply.
“The price of prescriptions has dropped, and bulk-billed GP appointments have increased.”
“Lyne has the secondoldest age demographic of any NSW electorate, and I’m proud of Labor’s aged care reforms that deliver on fifty-eight of the royal commission’s recommendations.
“Labor has ensured that across Lyne more students in critical areas such as nursing, healthcare, trades, and construction are being supported.
“That includes feefree TAFE, HECs relief and $10,000 for building trades apprentices in the Key Apprentices Program.
“These, and support for childcare, are a big part of what I will be fighting for in this election.”
Now retired, Mr Wilson’s career began as an apprentice technician, before moving into leadership roles in the telecommunications sector.
He believes these roles show his “commitment to people”.
“For example as Telstra’s Chair of the Emergency Council for NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania, I led a company-wide effort to
Mr Wilson also pointed to Labor’s aged care reforms and support for students as examples of strong policy.
swiftly restore critical communications to those in need during emergencies,”
Mr Wilson said.
Mr Wilson has been a volunteer for the Rural Fire Service, Sydney Children’s Hospital, St Vincent de Paul, and local sports clubs.
He believes his recent election to MidCoast Council has provided him a broader perspective on local governance and community needs.
Mr Wilson’s campaign is being supported by ALP Senator Deborah O’Neill,
who said in a media statement, “Digby’s integrity and dedication to community service are evident.
“His approach to politics is about bringing people together, and collaborating to create a stronger, more equitable community.
“He understands the unique needs of regional electorates like Lyne, and his professional experience, including emergency management, gives him the skills necessary to respond to some of the community’s most complex problems.”
By Thomas O’KEEFE
RESIDENTS are being urged to keep an eye out for signs of tree disease such as the large, dark fungus that often grows upon diseased eucalypts and gums.
“By the time you can actually see that fungus, it's already done the damage on the tree inside,” explained Jake from Jake’s Tree Lopping Services.
“We all love trees, but sometimes they can become an incredible hazard.
“I have seen inside fungusbearing trees before, they are all rotted and decayed.
“Trees with visible fungi are likely to fail, fall over, snapping near the fungus.”
Recent weather caused trees around properties and arterial roads across the Hunter to fall over, more often than not being eucalypts or other sclerophyll trees.
The Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney identifies several common tree diseases, a fungus called Ganoderma among them, which is often known by its more common name ‘brackets disease’.
“Ganoderma is an important decomposer of logs and stumps but it also colonises wounds, and can cause decay of sapwood and heartwood in roots, butts and trunks of trees,” explains the Gardens’ website.
“It affects native tree species such as acacias, eucalypts, figs and beech, as well as many introduced
species such as oaks, elms, ash and some conifers, and produces distinctive, shelf-like fruiting structures or brackets.” They are most commonly found on stumps or near the base of living trees, often at the
site of an old wound.
Residents are cautioned by experts to inspect trees in and around their properties, especially those that sit near or overhang driveways, emergency evacuation paths or power lines.
By Jasper BRUCE, AAP
USMAN Khawaja will be ready to pull the pin on his own Test career if he ever feels that's what Australia needs, but he has no active retirement plans as he prepares to face Sri Lanka.
The 38-year-old's future received renewed interest when he managed
only one score above 20 across the first three India Tests of the home summer, before new opening partner Sam Konstas seemingly reinvigorated him at the top.
Khawaja posted a halfcentury in an enthrallingly tight MCG Test win, followed by a gutsy 41 in the SCG run chase that helped Australia reclaim the Border-Gavaskar
With 15 overs remaining however he flicked a switch.
His next 50 runs came from about 30 balls as he ended on 105 not out, a performance described by onlookers as an “absolute pleasure to watch”.
Eli Staines also made a run-a-ball 22 toward the end of the innings to help Maitland’s total to 209.
Going into bat, Brisbane made an attacking start, reaching 107 by the halfway mark.
Max Mcewan and Lachie Berry picked up two wickets each, with Xavier Bower getting one.
Thanks to great catches from Leo Field and Max Vesper the runs through the middle started to slow, but with Brisbane requiring 60 runs from ten overs it was anyone's game.
Kade Bailey's bowling at the death, and his team’s excellent fielding, made the difference.
Bailey took three wickets, while his team mates managed two run outs to give their side a 31 run win.
Trophy for the first time in a decade.
The veteran arrives at the team's luxurious hotel in Galle with a positive mindset, but aware he is nevertheless the elder statesman of an ageing squad.
Of the XI who won Australia the India series in Sydney, only Konstas was younger than 30.
The inclusions of Konstas, Cooper Connolly and Nathan McSweeney in the squad for the two matches in Galle signal Australia's need to start planning for a transition period.
As that time approaches, Khawaja cringes at the thought of being the guy who hangs around too long.
"Over the next three to four years, there's going to be a lot of transition going on," Khawaja said.
"I'm quite attuned to that and I still want to play and I want to keep playing for as long as I can.
"But I also know there might be a right time to slip out. If I'm still playing and the selectors are like, 'We feel like the time's come', it's, 'You let me know and I can slide out'."
Khawaja is reticent to put a timeline for when he would like to sail off into the sunset.
His childhood mate and former Test opening partner David Warner inadvertently put his own form further under the microscope when he declared he wanted to bow out at the SCG in the summer of 2023/24.
At the very least Khawaja wants to be there when England next visits Australia over the 2025/26 summer.
In a perfect world, he would hope to bow out at the SCG - his home ground as well - but that may not be in 12 months' time against England.
"There's definitely those thoughts (bowing out in Sydney) in my head, I'm not afraid to talk about that. I'm human," he said.
"I'd still like to play the Ashes at a bare minimum. I try not to think too far ahead, that's as far ahead as I'll
SATURDAY 25th January,
Individual Stableford, Skins Qualifiers 1st Round & 2BBB FIELD | 33 members & 2 visitors.
DIVISION 1 (<15) | Winner
Ramsey Vane-Wood (8) 37 Points, Runner Up Wayne Stedman (8) 36 Points, 3rd Place
John Walker (10) 34 Points
DIVISION 2 (16-36) | Winner Greg Sainsbury (19) 37 Points, Runner Up Greg Kellner (17) 36 Points, 3rd Place Brian Wright (21) 35 Points
| Winners Brodie Thackeray (11) & Ramsey Vane-Wood (8) 44 Points, Runners Up Darren Mathers (18) & John Walker (10) 43 Points
"As long as we're winning, I'm still contributing, my body's still feeling good, I'll play. For me it always feels more like one summer at a time (rather than retiring after the Ashes)."
Khawaja's most recent knock at the SCG carried considerable weight in the eyes of Australia's higherups; captain Pat Cummins intimated as much when play had early finished on day three.
He is a lock to open the batting for the two Tests against Sri Lanka in Galle, especially given he led all run-scorers on either side when Australia last toured the subcontinent to India in 2023.
It's a far cry from the Khawaja who had been derided for his track record in Asia before an emotional 141 runs against Pakistan in Dubai in 2018.
His rise back to Australia's most reliable batter in India two summers ago has convinced him not to pay heed to questions of his form.
"(Playing on the subcontinent) has been a love-hate relationship," he said.
"(But) there's going to be times when you score runs, times you don't score runs. You respect that the older you get.
"Cricket always ebbs and flows. I'm very attuned to that now."
(5) 34 Points, Simon Dunn (9) 33 Points, Brodie Thackeray (11) 32 Points, James Cowled (10) 31 Points, Paul Monaghan (5) 31 Points, Greg Scott (3) 31 Points, Darren Mathers (18) 31 Points.
NEAREST THE PIN | 1st/10th - Paul Monaghan (5), 5th/14th - Simon Dunn (9), 6th/15th - Stephen Watson (13)
MEMBERS DRAW | No.44, Greg Kellner (4th/35), $231.12
MEMBERS EAGLES NEST | Unclaimed - 7 Balls
UPCOMING EVENTS | 1-Feb Stroke & Monthly Medal, 8-Feb Stableford & Skins Qualifiers 2nd Round, 15-Feb Stableford & Skins Qualifiers 3rd Round, 22-Feb Stableford, 2BBB & Skins Qualifiers 4th Round. Schedule subject to change loose deliveries.
BALL COMP | Glenn Davies
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