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Thursday, 22 December, 2016
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Medowie ~ Williamtown ~ Salt Ash ~ Campvale ~ Ferodale ~ Twelve Mile Creek
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Farmer of the year
Dance celebration
Word on the street
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Tel: (02) 4982 6166
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News Of The Area
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$FREE Sports
National champs
Sounds of Silence for Grandparents Day By Heather SHARP THE GRANDPARENTS of excited Wirreanda Public School children were welcomed into the school last Thursday for the annual ‘Grandparents Day’ celebrations. Wirreanda Public School students welcomed over 200 grandparents into the school for a grandparents’ gala performance, classroom visits, a special luncheon and then a surprise ‘Silent Disco’ with their grandchildren. The ‘Silent Disco’ was a technological marvel to those who participated. Headphones playing music are worn, all synced up
together, enabling everyone to hear the music and dance together, while onlookers can only see an audience grooving along in silence. The day was highly successful, with one Wirreanda teacher telling News Of The Area, “We’re not sure who had the most fun, the students or the grandparents.” Wirreanda has been running the successful event for a number of years, and will continue to honour and recognise the very important relationship that grandparents play in the lives of our young ones. Wirreanda Public School Principal Mrs Philippa Young told News Of The Area, “We wanted to take
q Jordyn Booth and Grandma.
Tragic death A TRAGIC accident occurred at around 4.15pm on Sunday afternoon, where a 14-month old girl has drowned in a swimming pool at Medowie.
The town of Medowie is deeply saddened by the news and the community’s hearts have broken at this
normally joyous time. Thoughts and prayer are with the family of the toddler. The little girl was found
by a relative in the backyard pool of the Medowie home. Police are investigating the drowning and officers from Port Stephens Local
Area Command have prepared a brief for the Coroner. The toddler was pulled from water unconscious.
CENTRAL PORT STEPHENS - “It’s the People’s Paper”
For all your
Both family members, and also police, were trying desperately to revive the child, performing CPR before the arrival of NSW Ambulance paramedics. The girl was taken to John Hunter Hospital but could not be revived.
passenger & 4WD tyres Find us at the BP Service station on Medowie Road
Ph: (02) 4982 8304 c
Thursday, 22 December, 2016
News Of The Area Graphics - Ref: MT&A_020616