By Thomas O'KEEFE
STUDENTS and staff from Tea Gardens Public School (TGPS) attended the annual Youyoong Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) Deadly Awards on 3 December, held at the Murrook Culture Centre in Port Stephens.
The purpose of the Deadly Awards is to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children for their achievements in learning, sport and cultural leadership.
This year’s event saw an overwhelming amount of parents and families
supporting students from primary and high schools in the local area.
“We were so proud of the children and staff of Tea Gardens Public School,” TGPS Principal Mark Clemson told NOTA.
A highlight of the evening was TGPS School Learning Support Officer Ryan Saunders taking out the Overall Deadly Staff Member Award.
“Thank you… I would never be in this position if it wasn’t for (you guys) at Tea Gardens PS putting trust in me,” Ryan said.
“Honestly, the award blew me away. I appreciate you all, thank you.”
TGPS students shared that Ryan is “a great guy and really funny”.
Council releases annual
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FROM Page 1
“Since joining our school this year, Ryan has made a profound impact, particularly among our disengaged students,” Principal Clemson explained.
“His strong community connections and reputation as a respected and trusted member of our local community have played a crucial role in building meaningful relationships with students, fostering a sense of belonging and security.
“Ryan has actively collaborated with the teaching staff to integrate Aboriginal perspectives into the curriculum.
“His insights and resources have been invaluable in creating culturally responsive learning experiences that resonate with our students, and this collaborative approach not only benefits Aboriginal students but enriches the educational landscape for all.”
Here is what the student winners had to say about their achievements.
Pippa - Overall Deadly Award Year 6: “I love learning about and teaching culture to my family and students at my school.”
Ivy-Pearl - Sporting Achievement Year 6: “My advice to others is never give up and live for your dreams. My hope is to become a professional high-jumper. When I was younger, I didn’t feel I was good at sport until around Year 3 and my friends helped me, and today I am the Minister for Sport and Recreation.”
Jerome - Love of learning K-2: “I loved getting my award and it made me feel happy… when you learn you get to know more things.”
Koby - Love of Learning 3-5: “I really love hands-on learning, and I felt really, really
happy for my award.”
Archie - Significant Influence on Aboriginal Culture and Leadership 3-6: “I am really proud of Aboriginal art, dance and language. I felt really proud to stand up and receive my award particularly in front of my grandma and dad. I felt really excited for the other people being recognised from my school.”
Ebony - Love of Learning Year 6: “I like to learn interesting things that I enjoy, my culture is a connection to my ancestors and background.”
FROM Page 1
is undertaken across the MidCoast LGA’s six major catchments to report on ecological health and track progress on management actions.
“Each year we work with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to compare the changes in algae growth and water clarity, and
the results are presented as a Report Card with scores from A-F,” said Council’s Water Quality and Estuary Management Program Coordinator, Prue Tucker.
The results of the Report Card are significantly influenced by the activities undertaken in the catchments, as land use, urbanisation, agriculture, and industrial practices all interact with natural water
“As with previous years the Report Card grades continue to be influenced by the amount of runoff from the catchment,” said Dr Rebecca Swanson from the Department Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).
“During the 2024 sampling season, rainfall was slightly below average over the sampling season,
however, larger falls did occur in October and February which impacted results.”
In 2024, five sites including Coolongolook Estuary, Karuah Estuary, Bombah Broadwater and Charlotte Bay had improved ecological health when compared to last year's results.
These improvements were largely due to lower levels of algal growth.
Myall Lake was in
excellent condition for the sixth consecutive year while Bombah Broadwater returned to good condition due to improved water clarity and less algal growth.
Salinity in Myall Lake was close to freshwater and was lower than the salinity in Bombah Broadwater, which is typical for these waterbodies.
Lower Myall Estuary was in good condition, with excellent water clarity and low levels of algal growth for
most of this year. Karuah River and The Branch Estuaries improved to good condition this year due to less algal growth and good water clarity.
Moderate levels of algae persist resulting in a fair grade for algal growth. Four sites received worse grades for water quality than last year - Mid Wallamba Estuary, Wallamba Cove, Farquhar Inlet and Khappinghat Estuary.
THE Pindimar/Bundabah
Community Association’s (PBCA) Non-Urban Committee has expressed “serious concerns” at the lack of recognition within MidCoast Council’s Community Strategic Plan for fire protection of the communities of North Pindimar, South Pindimar and Bundabah.
“Our communities have not received any recognition nor any inclusion within Council’s Strategic Plan or its Fire Management Plans in the event of serious fire outbreaks,” said Allan Thorley, Chair, PBCA NonUrban Committee. “There is only one road in and one road out of these communities, and it has been identified within bushfire circles that there is potential for serious fires to be ‘catastrophic’.”
Mr Thorley believes Council has to date “abrogated its responsibilities” on fire protection of Pindimar and Bundabah.
“All new councillors should be aware that
Council has a responsibility under the Local Government Act to protect its constituents,” he said.
“In the event of a catastrophic fire, or heaven forbid a coronial enquiry, it is going to be very difficult for the elected representatives of MidCoast Council and staff to defend their position.”
Mr Thorley said the updated version of the Strategic Plan should include strategies to protect the communities of Bundabah and Pindimar.
He also argued that the issue was not a financial one, but one of priorities.
“We are aware that MidCoast Council has $381 million in cash and investments, which in turn earns $28 million per annum in interest,” he said.
“Yet it’s preferable for Council to cry poor, rather than to invest in infrastructure and strategies to provide ratepayer amenity, security and safety.”
MidCoast Council lists the need to “Support
individuals, families and communities to prepare, respond and recover from natural disasters or emergency events” as a strategy in the current Strategic Plan.
“We have interacted extensively with disasterimpacted communities and know that new priorities have emerged, such as preparedness and resilience,” the plan states.
A spokesperson for MidCoast Council told NOTA that fire protection for the region is the responsibility of a number of agencies, including Council.
“Council is not the lead agency in relation to bushfire risk,” the spokesperson said.
“Council is not specifically obligated to protect residents from bushfire, Council provide the infrastructure and services that the community requires and needs to do so within the limit of the funding and resources that are available.
“MidCoast Council contributes annually to
by Xander Gee
In the context of travelling overseas with children, section 65Y and 65Z make it an offence punishable by up to 3 years imprisonment to remove a child from Australia without permission if parenting Orders have been made (that don’t allow such travel), or if there are parenting proceedings before the Court. If you would like to undertake such travel, or the other parent wishes to travel with the children, you may try to reach agreement with the other parent to allow such travel, and it is not unusual to provide details in relation to the proposed destination/s, an itinerary, contact details for when travelling and when appropriate, copies of return tickets. You may also consider whether a restraint on travel to certain countries
is required, having regard to any government travel information and any other risk issues.
If agreement cannot be reached between you and the other party, the Court has the power to make Orders allowing the travel on an interim and final basis. The Court will consider the best interests of the children in making a decision, or allow or refuse travel, and this may include balancing the risk that a parent may not return a child to Australia.
In urgent cases, a child may be listed on the Australian Federal Police’s Family Law Watchlist to prevent international travel, pending an Order of the Court.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Rural Fire Service resources that are located in the area through the Emergency Services Levy.
“We participate in hazard reduction actions identified by the Bushfire Risk Management Committee.
“Council also actively manage risks for our operational facilities by maintaining fuel-free and fuel-reduced zones around the infrastructure.”
The spokesperson noted that a large number of communities in the MidCoast region have one road in and one road out.
“This is not a situation that will change as it is impractical and unaffordable,” they said.
Community members are reminded to always follow the direction of emergency services in times of bushfire and evacuate as early as possible.
Council encourages residents to use the resources on the RFS Website to assess their level of bushfire risk and prepare their own plan. Visit https://www.rfs. nsw.gov.au/resources/ bush-fire-survival-plan.
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FROM September to March residents and visitors are asked to be alert to endangered nesting shorebirds on local beaches.
“Whether you’re walking, driving, or taking a pet for a stroll, avoid going above the high-tide mark wherever possible and give the birds plenty of space,” MidCoast Council said in a statement last week.
“These birds nest right
out in the open, in the dry sand above the high-tide mark.
“They rely on camouflage to protect their eggs.
“The newly born chicks take refuge under logs and within the dune vegetation.”
Prime nesting areas for the endangered Beach Stonecurlews, Pied Oystercatchers and Little Terns include the beaches around Harrington, Farquhar/Manning Point
and the Winda Woppa area.
“Currently our nesting season is going quite well, with the majority of Pied Oyster Catchers having successfully fledged,” said MidCoast Council’s Manager of Natural Systems, Gerard Tuckerman.
“We estimate there are about 60 Little Tern eggs at the Harrington and Farquhar nesting sites, with more nesting behaviour being
recorded every day.
“There are also three eggs from one nest in Hawks Nest.
“Unfortunately, we have received some reports of 4WDs driving over vegetation and causing damage at Harrington Beach.
“We want to remind drivers that there are strict rules around driving on beaches and a permit is required.
“Failure to comply with the rules may result in eviction from the beach, cancellation of your beach access permit, and a fine.”
Drivers must stick to the
intertidal zone and avoid the area above the high-tide mark, including the dunes.
The public is encouraged to report any vehicles seen driving in nesting areas.
Council rangers are working with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and NSW Police to enforce these rules.
Dog walkers are also reminded that where dogs are permissible on a beach, they must remain under the control of the owner at all times.
This means a dog must not be allowed to wander above the high-tide
mark where endangered shorebirds may nest.
Walk your dogs on dogfriendly beaches only and always keep them on a leash, unless you’re in a designated off-leash area.
If you’re lucky enough to see one of these birds or their nests, please do not approach.
Their chicks and eggs can be difficult to spot, and you may accidentally trample on them.
Since these birds are migratory, there may also be a risk of bird flu to a person or animal which interacts with them.
Freycinet, Bicheno, St Helens, Bay of Fires, Pyengana, Bridestowe Estate, Launceston
For assistance to register with My Aged Care or to make an appointment please call US.
Australians are living longer and healthier lives and more likely to remain living independently in their homes for as long as possible.
The current Home Care Package program will be transitioning to Support at Home for new applications after 1 July 2025 as the Government has implemented reforms
The aim of this approach is planning and managing care and services to give care recipients choice and flexibility based, on their age related needs of service.
Services and support for daily living include, but are not limited to domestic assistance, home maintenance, transport, recreational and social activities underpinned by Clinical and allied health services.
The service programs are designed primarily to support complex ageing related needs, the program may also support the disability related needs of older people, if they are not eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme(NDIS)
The current Government has claimed the release of 300,000 Support at Home Packages some time post 1 July 2025-2034.
President Gary Gooch OAM was recognised for 40 years of service at this year's Bulahdelah show.
After a 20-year gap, the Bulahdelah Show recommenced in 1983 with Royce Dorney the inaugural president.
Mr Gooch took on the presidency the following year, in 1984, overseeing significant changes and improvements to the showground over the following 40 years.
These numerous improvements now see the Bulahdelah Showground facilities amongst some of the best in NSW.
Gary Gooch said on the day “it’s been an honour to hold this role for the last 40 years and it has only been possible because of the committed volunteers and the support of the community”.
In addition, Mr Gooch’s wife Kerrie was awarded life membership of the show society for her long serving commitment and for being the driving force from behind
the scenes.
An official lunch was held at the recent show where both Mr and Mrs Gooch were honoured for their years of dedicated service.
Co-Show Vice President Dr Andrew Smith said, “Today,
By Thomas O’KEEFE
FAMILY recipes were brought out from longcherished cookbooks this holiday season, and NOTA has heard and tasted one that was too good not to share.
Hawks Nest local and pelican protector Bev Struik, an active and artistic member of the Myall U3A Art Group, kindly shared her family traditional recipe for British Trifle.
“You can't do Christmas without this trifle,” Bev affirmed.
“This is a family recipe,” she said.
“My grandmother from England made it, my mother made it when I was young, and now I am sharing it with family and friends.”
The recipe for an unforgettable British Christmas Trifle (no trifling matter at all) is as follows:
The base is cut up Swiss roll, drained and cut up canned peaches and pears, all laid in a large dish, then sprinkled with sherry or port, dealer’s choice.
Atop that one lays fruit pieces, and a jelly mix – any flavour you like, but Bev prefers raspberry.
Do not let the jelly set before you add it, as it will set in situ once the whole thing, at this point, is sent into the fridge.
“This trifle can be made over a few days, and you should have it ready the day before you intend to serve it,” Bev added.
Next, make your own custard.
“Don’t use a ‘pre-made’
custard, they always lack something,” Bev said.
“Follow the instructions on the box, and add a bit more vanilla for flavour, then whisk it until it’s nice and thick.”
The topper is a sweet crown of whipped cream, chocolate and nuts – Bev says pecans are best because they are soft and flavourful.
The secret ingredient, of course, is lots of love... precisely three and four sevenths cups of it.
“You can add your own variations, and it will last at least a week,” Deb confirmed.
The artists at Myall U3A Art Group can attest to the dignified sweetness of this family classic, as can Bev’s entire family, to be sure.
we are taking the opportunity to stop and reflect and show our appreciation for something very special that has happened quietly, over a long period of time, and mostly gone unnoticed.”
“Today we stop to acknowledge the commitment and service of two people and, really, a whole family, to a small community and a humble but hardworking show society.”
Mr Gooch was also presented with an award by former President of the Agricultural Societies Council (ASC) of NSW Tim Capp (now AgShows NSW) which reads “40 years of inspiring service to Bulahdelah Show and thirteen years to the ASC of NSW”.
THE FESTIVE season brings with it an assortment of activities; from presents to prawns, singing and getting a bit of sleep on a full stomach.
Myall Coast NOTA invited residents to share what they were doing over the coming weeks.
St Joesph’s Public
School Bulahdelah Principal Amanda Pomplin: “This year we are flying out on Boxing Day to Lapland with my two girls and they’re very excited.”
Bulahdelah RSL subbranch President Dennis Coulter: “We had a nice rollup with the members and we are having a quiet Christmas with the kids away doing their own thing.
Merry Christmas everyone.”
Bulahdelah Fishing Club’s Steven Newman: “I will be visiting over the Christmas break and then we’ll be heading to the lake to do a bit of prawning. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.”
Myall Coast Radio
Presenter Greg Hayes: ”We are staying in Bulahdelah as why would you want to be
anywhere else? Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to you tuning in in 2025.”
Bulahdelah Garden Club member Meryl Reinhardt: “We are having a quiet one and thinking we will just sit on the beach on Christmas Day.”
Maureen Matheson: “I’m going to have my family for breakfast on Christmas
morning. There'll be 22 of them. I hope that everyone has a happy Christmas.”
Bulahdelah Bowling Club
President Ken Southern: “We’re going to our daughter’s place and having Christmas in Merriwa. Wishing all the members a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.”
Bulahdelah CWA
President Belinda Moore:
“We are having a bit of time off and we’ll be back in February.”
Bulahdelah and District
Men’s Shed President David Flynn: “I’m having a quiet one with my wife as we caught up with the family a couple of weeks ago.”
Santa Claus: “It is a very busy time for me and my helpers so stay safe and merry Christmas.”
MARINE Rescue volunteers at Port Stephens and Lemon Tree Passage are ready for a season of peak demand after equalling their busiest month on record.
November saw crews from the Hunter Central Coast, which covers units from Terrigal to Port Stephens, conduct a combined 125 search and rescue missions.
This included 31 emergency responses, with
252 people safely returned to shore.
Lake Macquarie was the area of highest demand with 54 search and rescue missions, followed by the Central Coast with 26 and Port Stephens with seventeen.
“The large number of search and rescue missions performed by our volunteers across the state in November indicates that Marine Rescue NSW is anticipating an extremely busy holiday season ahead,” Marine
“”Our units in the Hunter Central Coast and Monaro regions equalled their busiest-ever November.
“I can’t thank all of our volunteers enough for their round-the-clock response to assist boaters on the state’s waterways.”
Additionally, Marine
NSW radio operators managed 17,818 radio calls last month and kept watch over 19,367 people on board 5352 logged-on vessels.
Commissioner Barrell reminded boaters and paddlers to Log On and Off with Marine Rescue NSW.
“Marine Rescue NSW has the capability to assist those in need on enclosed, inland
and offshore waters, with more than 120 rescue vessels able to be rapidly deployed.
“A sudden change in conditions, combined with engine failure or running out of fuel in the wrong location, can lead to life-threatening incidents, such as capsizing or running aground.
“Our message to boaters this holiday season is ‘prep
now, boat later’.
“Make sure your vessel is in good working order, you have the correct safety equipment, always wear a lifejacket, have plenty of clean fuel, monitor the weather, and always log on with Marine Rescue NSW either via the free Marine Rescue NSW app or VHF channel 16.”
ONE of only nine officers to graduate from a new police program has been assigned to the Port Stephens-Hunter Police District.
The Probationary Constable was sworn-in on Friday 13 December, and started working in the region the following Monday, 16 December.
Their appointment is through the inaugural Professional Mobility Program, which allows police officers from other jurisdictions within Australia and New Zealand to train and work in NSW.
Commissioner Karen Webb said the seven male and two female graduates represented a significant milestone for the force.
“Each officer’s past service brings diverse experience, skills and knowledge that will prove invaluable to not only the officers they serve alongside but also the people of NSW.”
The officers range in age from 21-years to over 40-years-old.
They completed a twelveweek course consisting of theory, fitness, driving, and defence and tactical training, and will serve as Probationary Constables during a minimum six months’ on-the-job training.
After that, they will
command to be assigned a graduate.
The other eight have been deployed to Sutherland, Ryde, Parramatta, the
and a more diverse range of recruits.
“Becoming a police officer in NSW is the most attractive it has been in decades.”
NESTLED in the picturesque seaside town of Hawks Nest, Hawks Nest Golf Club is more than just a destination for golf enthusiasts - it’s a hub for family fun, relaxation, and coastal dining.
Make a day trip and catch the scenic ferry across the water from Nelson Bay for a truly memorable experience.
Hawks Nest Golf Club features a stunning 18-hole championship course surrounded by lush greenery and native wildlife.
Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting out, the course offers a challenging yet enjoyable game for players of all skill levels.
Social golf is available every day during the summer holidays, making it easy to plan a casual game with friends or family.
After a day on the course or exploring
the area, unwind at Hawks Nest Golf Club’s new restaurant, Sando’s.
This modern coastal eatery serves fresh, locally inspired dishes that capture the essence of the seaside lifestyle.
“During the holidays, we host a variety of exciting events - from Kids’ Golf Clinics for aspiring little golfers to free family fun nights featuring Music Bingo and Kids’ Discos,” said the Hawks Nest Golf Club team.
“Enjoy live music every Sunday afternoon and take part in our Monster Raffles held every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.”
Want to stay up to date with everything happening at Hawks Nest Golf Club?
Follow them on Facebook or visit the website for the latest news, event updates, and specials.
“Whether you’re here to play a round of golf, indulge in delicious coastal cuisine, or enjoy quality time with family and friends, Hawks Nest Golf Club is your ultimate destination.
“Plan your visit today and experience the magic for yourself!”
The Royal Hotel Dungog is home to high quality live music, to go with great food, drinks and accommodation.
THURS 9TH JAN THURS 16TH JAN 5.30pm for 6pm heads down
your living experience.
year-round comfort.
7 Holbert Close, Tea Gardens
784 sqm/4 bedrooms/2 bathrooms/7 garage
NESTLED in the serene riverside locale of Tea Gardens, this property presents an unparalleled blend of comfort, style, and versatility.
Perfectly suited for families and enthusiasts of space-demanding hobbies, this home is a sanctuary of spacious living and thoughtful design.
Step inside to discover four generously proportioned bedrooms, each designed to provide a haven of rest and relaxation.
The master suite, a true retreat, overlooks the landscaped gardens and features a walk-through closet leading to a private ensuite.
This tranquil space is perfect for unwinding after a long day.
The three additional guest bedrooms come complete with built-in wardrobes and ceiling fans, ensuring every member
of the household enjoys comfort and practicality.
The home boasts multiple living areas, each thoughtfully designed to cater to various lifestyles and activities.
The formal lounge and dining space exude elegance, ideal for hosting dinners and gatherings.
Adjacent to the kitchen is a sizeable eat-in area, perfect for casual family meals.
The spacious family room provides a comfortable space for relaxation and entertainment, making it a versatile hub for daily living.
At the heart of the home lies the kitchen.
Featuring stone benchtops and ample storage cabinets, this kitchen is as functional whether you're preparing a simple meal or a gourmet dinner.
This well-appointed kitchen provides everything you need to cook with ease and precision.
For those who love
to entertain, the outdoor north-facing undercover alfresco area is an absolute delight.
This inviting space is perfect for gatherings with family and friends, offering a seamless blend of indoor and outdoor living.
Surrounded by mature, low-maintenance gardens, it provides a picturesque backdrop for BBQ's and socialising.
One of the standout features of this property is the abundant parking and storage options.
The double garage provides secure parking for vehicles, while the massive steel-framed shed with an awning offers ample room to safely store boats, caravans, motorhomes, or even car collections.
Additionally, the gated side driveway provides extra parking security & convenience, ensuring that all your storage and parking needs are met with ease.
Beyond the main living areas, this home is equipped with a range of extras designed to enhance
The internal laundry is both practical and convenient, while the air conditioning and ceiling fans throughout ensure
The security system offers peace of mind, and the solar hot water system contributes to energy efficiency.
DISCOVER the tranquillity of coastal living at 90 Koree Street, nestled in the serene village of Pindimar.
This architecturally designed, contemporary cottage offers a perfect blend of modern convenience and relaxed country charm.
Ideal for those seeking a holiday haven, a delightful first home, or a wise investment opportunity, this property ticks all the boxes.
Boasting two spacious bedrooms with built-in wardrobes and a sleek bathroom, the home caters effortlessly to the owneroccupier or discerning
The spear point for the gardens is an added bonus, making garden maintenance a breeze. Contact Century 21 Coastal Properties.
Set on a sprawling 1220 square metre plot, this residence promises ample space for outdoor activities or future expansion.
The north-facing deck invites you to unwind and entertain while basking in the peaceful surroundings.
The modern kitchen is a culinary delight, complemented by an open-plan living area that ensures comfort and style, coupled with reverse cycle air-conditioning.
With a dedicated
parking space, the practicalities of vehicle storage are also covered.
As a retreat for the retiring downsizer, a lowmaintenance weekender escape, or a sought-after rental property, 90 Koree Street stands out with its undeniable appeal.
Don't let this gem slip through your fingers.
For more information and to arrange your personal inspection, contact John Rumble (0425 289 200).
READING by Lynne Miles: Luke 2: 6 & 7 "And while they were in Bethlehem the time came for the baby to be born, and Mary gave birth to her firstborn, a Son. She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger as there was no room for them in the Inn." (JESUS is the Reason for the Season) Have a joyful and peaceful Christmas.
Luke 2: 8 - 18 (abridged) "An angel appeared to the shepherds saying, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good tidings of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you, He is Christ the Lord." So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the Baby, Who was lying in a manger."
DEAR News Of The Area,
IT is my honour to have very recently been duly elected President of the Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association (HNTGPA) , at the AGM held on Monday 16 December.
I follow in the very large footsteps of my predecessor, Bruce Murray, being acutely aware of the amount of time, effort and energy that he, Sandra, and the entire PA Committee, including OfficeHolders and regular members, have put into this organisation.
2024 has been a massive year, and it was, indeed, overshadowed by the need to get a local representative back into
our Local Government, and all the good people of the HNTGPA came forth to help make that happen.
For their efforts and their passion, I will be eternally grateful.
I have ample evidence that I am taking the reins of an effective organisation, and that I will not be alone going into the future.
This town is populated by some very generous and passionate people, who know how amazing their area is, and want to keep it that way.
I want to personally thank Bruce, Sandra, and the rest of the outgoing committee, many of whom are also incoming again, for their tireless efforts on
DEAR News Of The Area,
I HAVE been one of those who reluctantly accepted “visitors” at this time of year.
I do appreciate their presence but do prefer life without their “intrusion”.
The families and their little dogs/ children have been a joy to watch as they
working bees at the Lions Park, Swimming Pool and Skate Park, PA initiatives, and assisting other groups to beautify, clean and maintain our amazing twin towns.
Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens are one and the same place, the river running through it is its heart, not a divider at all.
There is no need for anyone to ‘go it alone’, not with the myriad talents and capabilities that I already know to reside here, and after my first successful election, I should know the value of others’ heartfelt assistance.
We will continue to seek better transport, better amenity, and better facilities within our towns of TG/HN, and will do so with a clear, laser-focus on each
walk past I must admit, but they do clutter up the place!
So when I got a little muddled with my watering hose, a lad walking passed with his family was prepared to step in and offer help to a little old lady he had never met.
I personally seek to evolve the PA into its natural role as an umbrella for all organisations and clubs within our towns, co-ordinating and liaising constructively, openly, and realistically with all other groups in town, as a central point of reference, and as a chief connector, and always to the betterment of our home.
Sincerely, Thomas O’KEEFE, President, Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association.
It makes you have hope for the future.
Thank you, Leigh ALLEN, Hawks Nest.
By Thora-Lou SMITH
THE golfing calendar has come to an end for 2024 – apart from The Chook Run and Social golf. The Vets played a Stableford on a very hot and humid Thursday 12th
Ray Mansell was the winner with 36pts on a c/b from Wayne Pollard and Al Jobson was next with 35pts. NTPs were Rod
HN VETS 4 person Ambrose
Final game for 2024
Front Nine Nett Scores
1st Keith Harrap, Barry Collins Rod Brown, Len Gough. 31.25
Norberry, Ray Mansell and Mick Welsh. Terry Crowther won the Jackpot. Saturday 14th was the December Monthly Mug and the Annual Mug of Mugs sponsored by the Styles family. 37 players enjoyed a slightly more pleasant day on a magnificent course. The Men's A grade winner was Don Schoonhoven with 70nett from Matt Host with 71nett. B grade winner was Josh Slack with 71nett on a c/b from Heta Pierson. Ladies' winner was Lou Smith with 77nett from Terry Stellema with 79nett. NTPs were Darrell Harvey, Alan Benson, Peter Billinghurst (x2) and
2nd Ross Clissold, Richard Kemp, Tony Smith, Paul McLean 31.75 Balls to place Getters to 34.75
Back Nine Nett Scores
1st Chris Barrett, Peter Nealon, Denis Casey, Colin Amos. 28.875
2nd Arthur King, Glenn Byrnes,
Lou Smith (x2). Long drivers were Matt Host, A.Bellimy, Don Schoonhoven and Lou Smith. Mick Gardiner grabbed the Jackpot. Lou and Matt were the Mugs of all Mugs! Thursday 19th was the last Vet's event for the year, and the Ambrose was won by Al Benson, Geoff Harvey & Steve South with 61nett. John Stellema & Peter Billinghurst were next with 65.75nett followed by Chris Thomas & Wayne Green with 68.25nett. Steve South won the Jackpot and the NTPs were Colleen Richards, Al Benson, Mick Gardiner and Rod Norberry. The next major event is the King of the Mountain on January 6th, hosted by Bulahdelah GC and organised by HNGC.
The last golfing event for the year was
Philip Catlin, Errol Chivers. 30.00 Balls to place Getters to 31.5
Happy Christmas to all Hawks Nest
19/12/2024. 4 PERSON Ambrose.
the 3 person Ambrose Christmas party on Saturday 21st, sponsored by Barbie Gordon and Al Jobson. It was a full field with 99 players hitting the course on a very hot day and the 19th hole again proved to be the biggest winner! The golfing winners were Brad, Pete & Rod with 51.9nett from Justin, Alan & Ben with 52.7nett. Dave,Troy and Josh were next with 53.7nett from Glen, Max & Sebastian and Geoff, Mick & Clint –both on 56.2. The Bradman prize went to Mick, Mark & Zane (score withheld). Geoff Harvey won the 8th/17th NTP. A great day was had by all – thanks to the sponsors, organisers and other helpers. Happy Christmas and New Year!
Vets. Golf Resumes on 7th January 2025
19th DECEMBER. Winner after a two way playoff: Darren Rapley.
Runner up: Darby Neville. Ladies highest score: Christine Mckenzie-133.
Men highest score: Michael Russom-140.
There won’t be any darts on next Thursday night 26th December.
To all the dart players, have a wonderful Christmas and we will see you next year.
By Dianne BOWES
THE Lady Veterans colourful Christmas event was a 4 person drop out Ambrose, played with 2 clubs and a putter to add to the fun. None of the 60 players seemed to miss all the other clubs they cart around with them every other game though, so it was a close finish with the leaders just over half a point ahead of the rest of the field. Some individual highlights included Sharon Barwick’s great putt for birdie on the 10th; Deb Dummett’s amazing chip in on the 12th; Donna Clemens chip in for par on the 13th; Marlene Stokes getting her team in for birdie 2 on the 16th; and team Elsa, Rosarie and Carol scoring 5 pars in their round. Well played, ladies.
Results: 9 Hole 4 Person Ambrose 12/12/2024
1st: Pauline Barham, Dawn Nealon, Colleen Inskip, and Maxine Mitchell on 31 points
2nd: Ann Morris, Jeanette Kemp, Viv Ballinger and Dawn Gough on 31.62
3rd: Debbie Andrews, Marlene Stokes, June London and Mim Murdoch
Lucky Card Draw: Darelle Rowe, Janet Moore and Janet Merryweather
NTP Hole 3: Trish Sattler, Helena Wilton, Trish Collins and Marcia Smith
NTP: Marlene Stokes, Mim Murdoch, Debbie Andrews and June London
Presentation Day followed the golf on Thursday, with 65 ladies enjoying lunch and dancing the afternoon away to Mungo Jacks in the clubhouse. It was a fantastic celebration of everything Lady Veterans golf is about: fun, pleasure and enjoying your day at golf.
Lady Vets Presentation Day Awards Champions
Division 1 Gross Denise Sainty; R/U June Biddle; Div 1 Nett Robyn Keegan; R/U Sue Kovacs
Division 2 Gross Di Smith; R/U Donna Clemens; Div 2 Nett Dawn Gough; R/U Janet Moore
Division 3 Gross Pam Keegan; R/U Pat
after 20yrs.
q Helena Wilton, Di Lindstrom, Pam Kelly, Jeanette Kemp and Fran Henderson, Lady Vets joining the 80’s and 90’s Club this year.
q Outgoing Captain Fran Henderson, President Pat Dodd and Committee Member Di Smith.
Dodd; Div 3 Nett Robyn Henshaw; R/U Gene Prigg
There were many other awards (a full list will be available on the club website shortly) including:
Lady Vets Trophy: 1st Marcia Smith; R/U Annie Benton
President-Captain’s Trophy (best gross over the year): Deb Matheson
Grandmother’s Trophy: Jo Buttrey
Encouragement Award: Di Russell
Broken Handicap: Jo Scott
This year sees the retirement of 3 key members of the Lady Vets Committee, after 9 years in the role: Captain Fran Henderson, President Pat Dodd, and Committee Member
skilful performances at five eighth for the Raymond Terrace Roosters in the Hunter Junior League system.
A former Australian Schoolgirls representative, Lilly Ann captained the Knights Under 19s to a Grand Final showdown with Illawarra Steelers this season before making her NRLW debut on the left wing in Newcastle’s 26-20 victory over Canberra and figured in the club’s push for a premiership three-peat.
White also starred for the NSW Junior Sky Blues that trounced Queensland in an Under 19s interstate challenge at Leichhardt Oval – demonstrating her
skill and flair in the number one jumper.
She has lived in the shadow of the mercurial Upton but showed glimpses of her attacking skills during the Knights’ Grand Final charge where she produced mature performances against the elite players in the NRLW.
Knights coach Ben Jeffries praised White’s performances in the top grade and believes she is in the reckoning for a crack at the fullback position.
Di Smith. In her farewell speech, Fran paid tribute to the founding members of vets golf in 1986, and to all those who encouraged her through the years as the group grew to what it is today. She is rightly proud of the points system, which rewards participation and is a great equalizer. Fran, Pat and Di all said they wouldn’t miss the 6am phone calls on Thursdays, but look forward to being able to enjoy the pleasure of playing with all the ladies in the friendly game of Lady Vets golf.
Our Golden Girls, lady vets who have reached their 80’s and 90’s throughout the year, were also celebrated with beautiful flowers from Sharon Barwick and Sue Forde. Pam Kelly, who at 91 is one of the original lady vets golfers, had the honour of cutting the Christmas cake made by Di Smith. We also farewelled Sandra Hargraves, who is leaving us for Brisbane after spending 20 happy years of golfing and friendship in Hawks Nest. She hoped we would all enjoy the same experience here, quipping that “You only realise how good it’s been when you’re gone, and that’s not under!” That’s the spirit!
Hawks Nest Lady Vets Golfers wish you all a safe and happy Christmas, and look forward to 2025 when competition will resume on January 16th.
q Former Raymond Terrace Roosters
junior Lilly-Ann White is in the mix to play fullback for the Newcastle Knights NRLW team following Tamika Upton’s shock switch to the Brisbane Broncos.
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Hawks Nest Golf Club
Hawks Nest Caravan Park
Benchmark on Booner
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Jimmy's Beach Caravan Pk
Hawks Nest Motel
BYO Cellars
So Lo Hawks Nest
Alanas Gifts
Hawks Nest Realty
IGA Hawks Nest
Hawks Nest Newsagency
Hawks Nest First National
Hawks Nest Pharmacy
Tea Gardens Council Office
Arts & Crafts Centre
Tea Gardens Library
Tea Gardens Fish Co op
Boathouse Tea Gardens
Tea Gardens Bakery
Estia Health Tea Gardens
SoLo Tea Gardens
Dental Surgery Tea Gardens
Silk Haidressing
Ray White Real Estate
Vitamin Bead
Tea Gardens Real Estate
Tea Gardens Hotel
Tea Gardens Ice Cream Shack
Tea Gardens Boatshed
Tillermans Tea Gardens
Hook n Cook
Century 21 Tea Gardens
Myall River Bakery Cafe
Tea Gardens Country Club
The Grange
Palm Lakes Resort
Autocare Tea Gardens
Woodwards Nursery
Puma Fuel
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Hawks Nest Doctors Surgery
Myall Pharmacy
Tea Gardens Post Office
Myall Meats
Coles Tea Gardens
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during this time. Merry Christmas
War Medals
Top prices paid by local collector. Call Jim 0400 060 215 e100425
Gold and Silver
Top prices for scrap and coins paid by local dealer. Call Les 0455 660 884
BOXING gloves, size small, Sting brand, $10 49828628
BURIAL plot Nelson Bay Cemetry. Nondenominational CR3 Plot 1 $1428 (includes transfer fees) 0497 835 209
CABBAGE patch dolls x 2, GC, $15 each. 49828628
CEILING Fan, Lucci Future Eco 48 inch, T5 with 22 watt lite, bedroom size, have two, $60. 0433 210 187
FAN, for table, black exc cond. $20. 0493777707 F120924
FILING Cabinet, 3 drawers, beige $40 4982 2335 f241024 EXPRESS Milk Frother
ANTIQUE Rocking cradle. Wooden attractive, and safe to use. Mattress included 90x70x66cm. $95 Ph: 4938 5923
FREE clean fill, pool excavation in thornton, must be within 5km radius for delivery. Ph 0476 789 721
CHILDREN’S & baby’s clothes, new, winter & summer, make an offer 0493 777 707
FISH fern for ponds or aquariums, from $5 0466 880 639
MUSIC CD’s, 50s to 90s hard to finds & rarities
Large quantity. $100 4966 5000
PET Door up to 18kg New $50. 0447 146 781
BOOKS, suit H/School or Uni. student to read and accept messages therein for a better future. 4982 9942 F171024 MOBILITY Scooters A range of pre-loved, all in very good condition From $500-$1600. Can deliver! 0418 430 643
SINGLE timber bed with mattress and drawers beneath. Excellent condition, as new 0427 945 195 BAR table, great for pool or outdoor area. Tempered glass top, aluminium frame with white canvas, storage shelf below. $350 ono 0417 216 598
2 seat leather sofa $100. Nelson Bay 0410 492 885 F050924
Bed KS with Air Mattress 6 months old, cost $15k
BED, king single GC, no stains, $60 0433 210 187
$2.5k, ph 0494 069 492 BABY love car seat up to 4yrs old. Excellent cond $100 ph 0493 777 707
COFFEE table and wall unit, walnut stain $40 each or both for $50. 0423 545 331
COFFEE Table / TV table, black with glass top, 1200 × 600 x 440 high, $60. 0433 210 187 F040724
707 COLONIAL TIMBER BEDROOM SUITE. Queen bed base & bed head. New Queen mattress. 6 drawer dressing table w/ attached mirror. 2 bedside chests. $350 ono 4982 3567
HEATERS, electric, from $10, free local delivery 49829225
HOMEMAKER mini blender with 4 cups and lids, new. $12. Ph 4982 8628 F031024
single mattress and base. 760 x 1900mm. $50.
SOFA three seat with chase & two cushions, brown fabric easily cleaned, covers removable. $100 0433 210 187
WOK, new with glass lid, $20. 0493 777 707 F171024
WORK boots, new, size 10, Blacksmith. $20 0493 777 707
WOMENS winter clothing size 10-12 quality, near new, nothing over $20. Ph 49385923 for address
DINING table with 1500 x 900 x 10 thick black tinted glass top and crome metal frame $100. 0433 210 187 F200624
DINNER Set Noritake Vintage Issabella, 40 piece in GC $120. Ph 0458 257 676
ELEGANT wrought iron table with glass top and 5 chairs
Please call for photos pickup Thornton $100. 0412783707
TOTAL flow sump pump, brand new in box $60 ono pick up TG 0409 526 684
MEN’S joggers, new size 10, worth $40 will sell for $10. 0493 777 707 F180724
TV hardly used, TCL Smart TV. Unwanted gift. $350. 4982 3521 F220824
TWO outdoor chairs near new. $20 for both 0493 777 707
ABC TV, 8.40pm
Fans of classic Aussie dramasLove My Way and The Secret Life of Us are sure to fall head over heels for this captivating homegrown series, if they haven’t been wooed by it already. In tonight’s penultimate episode of season one, grieving husband Glen (a brilliant Hugo Weaving) and his children Clara (Bojana Novakovic, pictured) and Aaron (William Lodder) head to the banks of Melbourne’s Yarra River (which has never looked better) to belatedly scatter the ashes of their late wife and mother Christine (Sarah Peirse). With that heartbreaking task completed, they go on to meet Glen’s intriguing new love interest Anita (Heather Mitchell).
ABC TV, 8.30pm Party animals assemble! Zan Rowe, Charlie Pickering and Concetta Caristo (pictured) are here to see us through the colourful celebrations as we bid adieu to 2024. Earlybirds need not worry: those with an alarm set for tomorrow morning can still join in the fun with the 9pm Calling Country fireworks. From 9.10pm, the nightowls of the nation can kick on with an impressive three-hour live music event, featuring Fanning Dempsey National Park, Casey Donovan, Aussie hitmaker Cyril, K-Rap crew 1300, G Flip and more. Arguably the world’s most picturesque place to ring in the New Year, Sydney Harbour again plays host to the festivities, with a dazzling fireworks display lighting up the Opera House and Harbour Bridge at midnight.
SBS, 7.30pm
Each year, question master Jimmy Carr (pictured) quizzes an assembled group of comedians to see how much attention they’ve paid to the news over the past 12 months. Spoiler alert: it’s not much! On air since 2004, this staple of the holiday season always delivers on laughs, fun facts and chaotic guest appearances. Find out what Richard Ayoade, Katherine Ryan, Rob Beckett, Judi Love, Chris McCausland and Maisie Adam recall from the year gone by as Carr quizzes them on British PM Rishi Sunak’s childhood, what tennis ace Andy Murray posted online upon his retirement, which music trend dominated the conversation this summer and why one might be “looking for a man in finance”. The perfect way to celebrate the year that was.
6.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice.
6.30 Hard Quiz Kids. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 MOVIE: The Fabelmans. (2022, Malv, R) A young man discovers a family secret. Michelle Williams.
9.55 Shaun Micallef’s Eve Of Destruction Christmas Special. (Final, PG, R) 10.35 Mad As Hell Does Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
11.10 MOVIE: The King’s Speech. (2010, Ml, R)
1.05 Would I Lie To You? At Christmas. (R)
1.35 Rage In Memoriam. (MA15+adhlnsv)
5.00 Rage. (PG)
Your Problem!”. 8.50 Robot Wars. 9.50 Doctor Who. 10.40 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Every Family Has A Secret. (PG, R)
8.35 Leonard Cohen: If It Be Your Will. (Ms)
10.00 MOVIE: Amazing Grace. (2018, G, R)
11.35 De Gaulle. (Ma)
12.30 Kin. (Madlv, R)
2.30 Miniseries: Too Close. (Malns, R)
3.25 Legacy List With Matt Paxton. (PG, R)
4.25 Peer To Peer. (R)
4.55 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 13. Adelaide Strikers v Hobart Hurricanes. 10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game between the Adelaide Strikers and Hobart Hurricanes.
11.00 The Home Straight. (M)
12.30 Taken. (Mav, R) Kilroy becomes a victim of blackmail.
1.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Takes a look at Greek culture in Melbourne.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer. 5.00 NBC Today.
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Find My Beach House Australia. Presented by Shelley Craft.
8.30 MOVIE: Volcano. (1997, Mv, R) A volcano threatens Los Angeles. Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche.
10.35 MOVIE: Into The Blue 2: The Reef. (2009, MA15+sv, R)
12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.05 Helloworld. (R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R)
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.30 Postcards Summer. (PG, R)
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer.
6.30 Dog House Australia: All Shapes And Sizes. (PGa, R) A woman decides she needs a dog. 7.30 MOVIE: Good Will Hunting. (1997, Mlv, R) After assaulting a police officer, a self-destructive maths genius is ordered to attend therapy. Matt Damon, Robin Williams. 10.05 MOVIE: Dreamgirls. (2006, Mdl, R) Charts the careers of a singing group. Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson. 12.40 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R)
6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Rage Best Of The Vault Guest Programmers 2024. (PG) 12.00 News. 12.45 All Creatures Great And Small. (PG, R) 1.30 Miniseries: Douglas Is Cancelled. (Final, Ml, R) 2.15 Shaun Micallef’s Eve Of Destruction. (PG, R) 2.50 Last Night Of The Proms. 4.30 Solar System. (Final, R) 5.30 Landline. (R)
6.00 Take 5 With Zan Rowe. (Final, PG, R)
6.30 Muster Dogs: Where Are They Now. (Final, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 All Creatures Great And Small. (PG)
8.20 All Creatures Great And Small Christmas Special. (Final, PG) James wants to get home for Christmas.
9.10 Miniseries: Douglas Is Cancelled. (Ml, R) Madeline and Douglas’ first encounter is recalled.
10.35 Shetland. (Madl, R)
11.35 Rage Best Of The Vault Guest Programmers 2024. (MA15+adhlnsv)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Destination Flavour. (R) 9.10 The Eco Show. (R) 10.05 Love Your Garden. (R) 11.00 Along Ireland’s Shores. (PGa, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Fading Sands. (PGa, R) 2.35 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys. (PGas, R) 4.25 The Maestro & The European Pop Orchestra. (PG) 5.35 Weeks Of War. (PGavw, R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Magical Train Journeys In Switzerland.
8.30 Cotswolds And Beyond With Pam Ayres. (R)
9.20 Great Australian Walks With Julia Zemiro. (PGa, R)
10.20 Great Australian Railway Journeys. (PGa, R)
11.30 The Pact. (Ma, R) 2.25 Love Your Garden. (PGa, R) 3.20 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.10 Bamay. (R) 4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
World News Tonight. 4.55 PBS News. 5.55 The Mega-Brands That Built The World. 7.35 Impossible Engineering. 8.30 Icons Unearthed: Harry Potter. 10.20 Hudson & Rex. Midnight The X-Files. 2.45 NHK World English News.
Summerland. Continued. (2020, PG) 6.55 Where The Wild Things Are. (2009, PG) 8.50 Kung Fu Yoga. (2017, PG) 10.50 The Daughter. (2015, M) 12.40pm Delicious. (2021, M, French) 2.45 Mia And The White Lion. (2018, PG) 4.35 Whina. (2022, PG, Maori) 6.40 Clue. (1985, PG) 8.30 Late Night. (2019, M) 10.25 Nymphomaniac: Vol II. (2013, MA15+) 12.40am Late Programs.
6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Wknd Breaky. 10.00 Secret Science. (Ml, R) 10.30 Blak Ball. (PG, R) 11.00 Compass. (R) 11.30 Songs Of Praise. 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Call The Midwife: 2023 Christmas Special. (PG, R) 2.00 The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2023. (R) 3.40 MOVIE: A Christmas Carol. (1938, G, R) 5.00 Fake Or Fortune? (R)
6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Death In Paradise. (PG) A wealthy businessman falls to his death.
8.40 Love Me. (MA15+s) Clara and Aaron meet Glen’s new love interest, Anita, as their own relationships take yet another turn.
9.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R) Hosted by Adam Hills.
11.05 Take 5 With Zan Rowe. (PG, R) 11.40 You Can’t Ask That. (MA15+l, R)
12.45 New Leash On Life. (Final, PG, R)
1.15 Rage Vault. (MA15+adhlnsv)
3.10 Australia Remastered. (R)
4.05 Gardening Australia. (R)
5.05 The Great Acceleration. (PG, R)
Peter Rabbit. 5.50 Kiri And Lou. 5.55 Octonauts. 6.05 Interstellar Ella. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Kiri And Lou. 6.30 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 MOVIE:
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 The Eco Show. (PGa, R) 10.00 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches. 12.00 APAC Weekly. (R) 12.30 PBS Washington Week. 12.55 Blind Sailing. (R) 1.00 Speedweek. 3.00 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.10 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys. (R) 5.05 Toby Price Dakar 2025 Preview. 5.35 Weeks Of War. (Final, PGavw, R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Fortress Britain With Alice Roberts. (PG, R)
8.25 Mystery Of The Puzzling Pyramids Egypt. (PGa, R) 9.15 Jonathan Ross’ Myths And Legends. (PG, R)
10.10 Putin And The West. (Mav, R)
11.20 Uri Geller’s Secret Treasures. (PG, R)
12.40 Rise Of The Nazis: Dictators At War. (Mav, R) 1.50 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys. (PG, R) 2.45 Love Your Garden. (R) 3.40 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.30 Peer To Peer. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera.
6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show. 10.30 Cricket. Fourth Test. Australia v India. Day 3. Morning session. 12.30 Test Cricket: The Lunch Break. 1.10 Cricket. Fourth Test. Australia v India. Day 3. Afternoon session. 3.10 Test Cricket: Tea Break. 3.30 Cricket. Fourth Test. Australia v India. Day 3. Late afternoon session.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Border Security: International. (PGadl) Travellers are questioned about their plans.
7.30 MOVIE: Back To The Future. (1985, PGal, R) A teenager goes back in time. Michael J. Fox.
10.00 MOVIE: The Blues Brothers. (1980, Mlv, R) Two brothers try to reform their blues band to save the orphanage where they were raised. John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd.
12.45 Taken. (Mav, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 It’s Academic. (R)
5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)
6.00 The Garden Gurus. (R) 6.30 A Current Affair. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Find
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 Tennis. United Cup. Day 2. Group stage. Greece v Spain. From RAC Arena, Perth. Australia v Argentina. From Ken Rosewall Arena, Sydney.
2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PGa) Religious program.
2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R) Home shopping.
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.30 Helping Hands Summer Series. (PG, R) A celebration of people and organisations across Australia which make the world a better place.
6.00 MOVIE: The Adventures Of Tintin. (2011, PGv, R) A young reporter embarks on a treasure hunt. Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis. 8.05 MOVIE: Transformers: The Last Knight. (2017, Mlv, R) It is up to an unlikely alliance to save the world when the humans go to war with the Transformers. Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Josh Duhamel. 11.10 Ambulance Australia. (Ma, R) A woman falls off a balcony while retrieving a cat. 12.15 Ambulance UK. (Mad, R) Crews attend to patients with mental health issues. 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.
6am Children’s Programs. 1pm MOVIE: Barbie And Stacie To The Rescue. (2024) 2.10 MOVIE: Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters –Predacons Rising. (2013, PG) 3.30 MOVIE: 100% Wolf. (2020, PG) 5.25 MOVIE: Mirror Mirror. (2012, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2. (2011, M) 10.00 MOVIE: The Girl In The Spider’s Web. (2018, MA15+) 12.20am Late Programs.
6.00 Morning Programs. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 9.30 Test: Pre-Game. 10.30 Cricket. Fourth Test. Australia v India. Day 4. Morning session. 12.30 Test Cricket: The Lunch Break. 1.10 Cricket. Fourth Test. Australia v India. Day 4. Afternoon session. 3.10 Test Cricket: Tea Break. 3.30 Cricket. Fourth Test. Australia v India. Day 4. Late afternoon session.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 15. Brisbane Heat v Sydney Sixers.
10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game.
11.00 7NEWS Spotlight. (R) Anne Hegarty reveals her private battle.
12.00 The Real Manhunter: The Dream City Cinema Fire. (Mav, R) Revisits the Dream City Cinema fire.
1.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
Peril. 5.50 The Engineering That Built The World. 6.40 Abandoned Engineering. 8.30 Plastic People: Crisis Of Microplastics. 10.00 WWE Legends. 11.35 Hoarders. 1.15am The X-Files. 4.00 NHK World English News. 5.00 Al Jazeera. 6am Home Shopping. 8.30 Travel Oz. 10.00 Escape To The Country. Noon Horse Racing. Royal Randwick Raceday, Saturday at The Valley and Magic Millions Prelude Raceday. 6.00 Dog Patrol. 6.30 Bondi Vet.
6am Whina. Continued. (2022, PG, Maori) 7.05 Clue. (1985, PG) 8.55 Sissi. (1955, German) 10.55 Tokyo Shaking. (2021, M, French) 12.50pm Bad Eggs. (2003) 2.40 Where The Wild Things Are. (2009, PG) 4.35 Summerland. (2020, PG) 6.30 To Catch A Thief. (1955, PG) 8.30 Drive. (2011, MA15+) 10.25 Metronom. (2022, M, Romanian) 12.20am Late Programs.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 60 Minutes. Inside America’s military machine.
8.00 MOVIE: Raiders Of The Lost Ark. (1981, Mv, R) An archaeologist sets out to recover a relic. Harrison Ford, Karen Allen.
10.25 The Brokenwood Mysteries. (Mav) A dentist’s wife is murdered.
12.20 Maritime Masters: Expedition Antarctica. (PGl, R)
1.20 Innovation Nation.
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa)
4.30 GolfBarons. (PG, R)
5.00 Today Early News.
5.30 Today.
6.00 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Two dogs could be too many for a family when they meet a bonded pair. 7.00 2024’s Biggest Stories. The team at TheProject takes a look back on the world’s biggest stories of the year. 8.00 MOVIE: Sahara. (2005, Mv, R) An explorer’s quest to find a lost US Civil War ship, said to contain a fortune in treasure, leads him to Africa. Matthew McConaughey, Penélope Cruz, Steve Zahn. 10.30 MOVIE: Smile. (2022, MA15+ahv, R) A psychiatrist feels threatened by an entity. Sosie Bacon, Caitlin Stasey. 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
6am Children’s Programs. 11.00 LEGO City Adventures. Noon Tennis. Brisbane International. Day 1. Qualifying and first round. 6.00 Tennis. Brisbane International. Night 1. Qualifying and first round. 11.00 MOVIE: Limitless. (2011, M) 1am Gotham. 2.00 Love During Lockup.
6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 The Soundtrack Of Australia. (R) 10.30 The Art Of... (Ml, R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (PG, R) 12.00 News. 1.00 Death In Paradise. (PG, R) 2.25 Wallace And Gromit: A Matter Of Loaf And Death. (R) 3.00 A Bite To Eat. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.05 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
3.40 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R)
4.30 Gardening Australia. (R)
5.30 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 Hard Quiz Kids. 9.05 The Wonderful World Of Kittens. 9.50 Doctor Who. 10.40 Late Programs.
WorldWatch. 9.00
Europe. 9.35 For The Love Of Dogs Xmas. 10.30 Wonderful World Of Baby Animals. 11.20 Kew Gardens: Season By Season. 12.10 WorldWatch. 2.00 Celebrity Mastermind. 3.00 Tradfest: Dublin Castle Sessions. 3.30 Cook
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 The Deadly Bermuda Triangle. (PGa, R)
8.25 Jimmy Carr’s I Literally
Just Told You. (Return, Mlns)
9.20 Inside Sydney Airport. (PGa, R)
10.20 The Carnival. (MA15+l, R) 11.30 Clean Sweep. (Premiere, MA15+s)
12.30 Wisting. (Malv, R)
2.15 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys. (PG, R)
4.05 Make Me A Dealer. (R)
4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (PGa, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 16. Sydney Thunder v Melbourne Renegades. From ENGIE Stadium, Sydney.
10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game.
11.00 Murder In A Small Town. (Mav) Alberg examines the deaths of two women.
12.00 Satisfaction. (MA15+ads, R)
1.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Hosted by Greg Grainger.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News. The latest news, sport and weather. 5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 RBT. (Ml, R)
8.30 MOVIE: Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom. (1984, Mv, R)
10.55 Miniseries: Love Rat. (Mv)
11.45 Chicago Med. (MA15+amv)
12.40 World’s Greatest Engineering Icons. (PG, R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop. (R)
3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa)
4.30 A Current Affair. (R)
Today Early News.
6am The Movie
Show. 6.35 Percy Vs Goliath. (2020, PG) 8.30 Whina. (2022, PG, Maori) 10.35 An Act Of Defiance. (2017, M, Zulu) 12.50pm Late Night. (2019, M) 2.45 Clue. (1985, PG) 4.35 Sissi. (1955, German) 6.35 Little Nicholas’ Treasure. (2021, PG, French) 8.30 Blow Dry. (2001, M) 10.10 L.A. Story. (1991, M) Midnight The Road Dance. (2021, M) 2.10 Late Programs.
6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Secret Science. (PGan, R) 10.30 The Art Of... (Ml, R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 1.00 Death In Paradise. (PG, R) 2.25 Wallace And Gromit: The Wrong Trousers. (R) 2.55 A Bite To Eat. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (R) 4.10 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
6.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice.
6.30 Hard Quiz Kids. (R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 The Yearly With Charlie Pickering. (PGa, R)
8.30 New Year’s Eve: Welcome To NYE.
8.55 New Year’s Eve: Calling Country Fireworks.
9.05 New Year’s Eve: Live Concert From The Sydney Opera House. (PG)
11.45 NYE: Countdown To Midnight. (PG)
12.00 NYE: Midnight Fireworks. (PG) 12.10 NYE: Auld Lang Syne. 12.15 Rage New Year’s Eve Party Special. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 Rage NYE Special. (PG)
6am Children’s Programs. 6.05pm Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 6.55 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. 8.35 Meet The Hedgehogs. 9.20 Deadly Predators. 9.50 Doctor Who. 10.40 Late Programs.
6.10 Dinner For One. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Andrea Bocelli 30: The Celebration.
9.15 George Michael: Portrait Of An Artist. (Mdls, R)
11.05 Bohème On The Beach. (R)
1.10 The Best Of The HAVASI Symphonic. (R)
2.50 Legacy List With Matt Paxton. (PG, R)
3.50 Her Majesty’s Cavalry. (Ml, R)
4.15 Bamay. (R)
4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (PGa, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 17. Adelaide Strikers v Perth Scorchers. From Adelaide Oval. 10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game.
11.00 Lockerbie. (PGav, R) Documents the Lockerbie bombing.
12.05 135th Rose Parade. The annual New Year’s Day Rose Parade from Pasadena, California, featuring the theme “ Best Day Ever!”.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Travel Guides. (PGl, R) 9.00 MOVIE: Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade. (1989, PGv, R)
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R)
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Wheel Of Fortune Australia. (Final, s) 8.30 Just For Laughs. (Mls) Hosted by Tommy Little. 9.30 MOVIE: Wog Boys Forever. (2022, Madls, R) Two siblings plan to get their revenge on Steve for destroying their mother’s political career. Nick Giannopoulos, Vince Colosimo. 11.45 The Project. (R) 12.40 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
6am The Movie Show. 6.35 Little Nicholas’ Treasure. (2021, PG, French) 8.30 To Catch A Thief. (1955, PG) 10.30 Metronom. (2022, M, Romanian) 12.25pm Tralala. (2021, M, French) 2.40 Percy Vs Goliath. (2020, PG) 4.35 Shaolin Soccer. (2001, PG, Cantonese) 6.40 The Glassworker. (2024, PG, Urdu) 8.30 This Is Spinal Tap. (1984, M) 10.00 Barbarella. (1968, M) 11.50 Late Programs.
18 DEC: Today’s bowls were sponsored by Rod Morrison Gyprock Services. Unfortunately, the planned bowling competition for the day was called off due to rain, however, over 50 Club Members attended our End of Year Christmas Party. Most bowlers turned out in Christmas “dress” and there was a competition for the best
dressed attending the luncheon. Winners of our Christmas Shirt draw were Bruce Murray, Vic Garlick and John Bates. It was terrific to see Vick back after some recent challenges.
A big thankyou to our head caterers Graham Reynolds and Mark Nightingale who looked after us with prawns, ham, and chicken.
In other news: The 2025 Pennant season
will be commencing next February, and the Club will be nominating teams in Grade 5 and Grade 6. There will be plenty of opportunity for our players to step up and gain some valuable experience at this level and to carry on the success that our Pennant sides have enjoyed in the past.
There will be no organised bowls over the festive season and the next Wednesday Gala will commence on 15 January 2025. Sunday bowls will start the following Sunday.
(MA15+adhlnsv) 3.40 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R)
Gardening Australia. (R)
A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.10pm Tiddler. 5.35 Children’s Programs. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. 8.35 Doctor Who. 10.05 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 10.30 Late Programs.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Big Fat Quiz Of The Year 2024.
9.05 The Artist’s View: Queen. (PG, R)
9.35 The Night Manager. (M, R)
10.45 Clive Davis: The Soundtrack Of Our Lives. (Mdl, R)
1.00 Pagan Peak. (Ma)
2.55 Legacy List With Matt Paxton. (PGaln, R)
4.00 Her Majesty’s Cavalry. (R)
4.30 Peer To Peer. (PG, R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 19. Brisbane Heat v Melbourne Stars.
10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game. 11.00 Unbelievable Moments Caught On Camera. (PGa, R) Footage of headline-grabbing moments.
12.00 The Real Manhunter: The Disappearance Of Maureen Hale. (Mav, R) Revisits criminal cases.
1.00 Stan Lee’s Lucky Man. (MA15+av)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 Tennis. United Cup. Day 5. Quarter-final. From RAC Arena, Perth. Group stage. Great Britain v Australia. From Ken Rosewall Arena, Sydney.
2.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop. (R) Home shopping.
3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) Religious program.
4.30 Good Chef Hunting. (R) Chef Alejandro Saravia travels Victoria.
5.00 Today Early News. A look at the latest news, sport and weather.
5.30 Today. The latest in news and current affairs.
Gump. (1994, Malv, R) A kind-hearted and simple man recalls the story of his extraordinary life to anyone who will listen to him. Tom Hanks, Robin Wright. 10.15 MOVIE: Babylon. (2022, MA15+dlsv) A group of people struggles in 1920s Hollywood. Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie. 1.45 The Project. (R) 2.40 The Late Show With
6am Morning
Programs. 8.55 Jean De Florette. (1986, PG, French) 11.10 Blow Dry. (2001, M) 12.50pm L.A. Story. (1991, M) 2.40 Little Nicholas’ Treasure. (2021, PG, French) 4.35 Sissi: The Young Empress. (1956, PG, German) 6.35 Mary And The Witch’s Flower. (2017, PG) 8.30 Monty Python And The Holy Grail. (1975, PG) 10.10 Ava. (2020, MA15+) Midnight Late Programs.
6.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. 6.30 Hard Quiz Kids. (PG, R) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Long Lost Family: The Unknown Soldiers. (PG) 8.35 Fake Or Fortune? Arshile Gorky. (Final, PG) Hosted by Fiona Bruce and Philip Mould. 9.35 MOVIE: Queen Of The Desert. (2015, Mls, R) Nicole Kidman.
11.40 Grand Designs. (R)
12.25 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)
1.10 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
3.45 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R)
4.30 Gardening Australia. (R)
5.30 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 Secrets Of The Zoo. 9.20 72 Cutest Animals. 9.50 Doctor Who. 10.40 Late Programs.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. (PGa)
8.30 The Emerald Isles With Ardal O’Hanlon. (PGa, R)
9.30 Daddy Issues. (Mals)
10.35 SBS World News Late.
11.05 DNA. (Ma)
11.55 Blackout: Tomorrow Is Too Late. (Malv, R)
12.50 Blanca. (MA15+av, R)
2.50 Legacy List With Matt Paxton. (PG, R)
4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
(32) SBS MOVIES (32)
6am Whisky Galore. Continued. (2016, PG) 6.50 Sissi: The Young Empress. (1956, PG, German) 8.50 Four Souls Of Coyote. (2023, PG) 10.50 Barbarella. (1968, M) 12.40pm Mahana. (2016, M) 2.35 The Glassworker. (2024, PG, Urdu) 4.25 Jean De Florette. (1986, PG, French) 6.40 Swallows And Amazons. (2016, PG) 8.30 Monty Python’s Life Of Brian. (1979, M) 10.15 Rush. (2013, MA15+) 12.30am Late Programs.
Nominations are being called for the first Club Championship competition of the new year which will be the Club Championship Minor Singles. Play in this competition will commence on 18 January.
May I take this opportunity on behalf of all our Bowlers to thank the Management Committee on an outstanding year of bowls and to express the thanks of our Club to the management and staff of the NOTA.
We appreciate your support.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 20. Melbourne Renegades v Adelaide Strikers.
10.30 Seven’s Cricket: The Spin. An expert panel tackles all the big news and issues with a deep dive into the wild world of cricket.
11.15 Pam & Tommy. (MA15+alns) Pam and Tommy resort to desperate measures.
12.15 The Real Manhunter: The Murder Of Christopher Donovan. (Madv, R) Hosted by Colin Sutton.
2.30 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Taronga:
By Chris KARAS
PORT Stephens women's rugby league prodigy Lilly-Ann White craves an opportunity to don the Newcastle Knights number one jumper in the NRLW competition in 2025.
the Brisbane Broncos has opened the door for the promising rookie to push her claims for a shot at the custodian role.
Upton was recently granted an immediate release by Newcastle officials to join the Broncos on compassionate grounds, paving the way for 19-yearold White to make the fullback position her own.
into calculations after experiencing a memorable 2024 season in Knights colours.
The skilful teenager is regarded one of the most gifted prospects in the women's rugby league ranks and is in the second year of a development contract with the Knights.
She grew up in Tea Gardens and caught the eye of Newcastle selectors with
The shock departure of superstar Jillaroos fullback Tamika Upton to CONTINUED Page 12
A dynamic back with vision and speed, Lilly-Ann has zoomed