
By Thomas O'KEEFE


Max, Jack, Wayne and Phillip were part of the heroic rescue effort.

Douglas CONNOR 0431 487 679 doug@newsofthearea.com.au
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Behind the rescue on Bennetts Beach
FROM Page 1
enough to close the beach,” Club Captain Wayne Bower told News Of The Area.
A prevalent north-to-south sweep was clearly detected along the shoreline by the lifeguards, and they did their best to keep people aware of the dynamic situation.
“As the tide came in, a flash rip occurred and swept thirteen people, all at once, up to 100m out.
“It is amazing how instant these things are."
Flash rips happen as the flowing water builds up at the shoreline and seeks a way back out to sea.
They are usually sudden, unpredictable, swift, and only last a few minutes, and anyone unlucky enough to be caught in one will also be taken out.
“It was a textbook rescue, and all those involved were properly trained in everything they did," Wayne said.
“The team deployed the right resources, at the right time.
“Our UAV was overhead at the time, and our young members were excellent out there.
“Max Fortunaso-Klocker and Jack Alterator on the boards, and Anna Fortunaso-Klocker and Gingerlily Shelton with the rescue tubes, got to the stricken swimmers and helped them out there.
“The Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB), driven by Phillip Daniel and Luke Rochester, made three return trips to bring all thirteen back in.

“I could not be prouder of how it turned out.”
Several team members back onshore took on roles in psychological first aid, tending to the stricken family members
on the beach, assuring them all would be okay.
Some of the volunteer team members on the beach were brought to happy tears as they witnessed the pay-off of training and hard work by their well-trained team.
“It was one of the biggest rescues I've
seen in 20 odd years,” said IRB driver Phillip Daniel.
Wayne and Jackie Bower have submitted the patrol report to SLS-NSW for “Rescue of the Month” for December, with the team likely to receive other formal recognition.
Aunty Liz receives prestigious award

Your local voice in NSW Parliament

DR ELIZABETH McEntyre was recently awarded the Indigenous Allied Health Australia 2024 Excellence in Research Award at a gala dinner in Adelaide.
Aunty Liz, a Worimi Gurungai and Wonnarua Elder, received the prestigious award as an established researcher who demonstrated inclusive research partnerships and ethical practice in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and organisations.

The award recognised Dr McEntyre's significant contribution to allied health and/ or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing, and for demonstrating the principles of knowledge translation, data sovereignty and Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing in her works.
Dr McEntyre's most recent research for the Australian Institute of Criminology focused on reducing hyper-incarceration of First Nations people by removing barriers to mental health diversion, and she is presently working with the Australian Government on the National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older 2024-2034.

q Dr Elizabeth McEntyre.
FROM Page 1
Illegal camping includes sleeping in a car, tent or van in any place where camping is not permitted.
"Illegal camping can have very negative impacts for locals, local businesses and the environment,” said Council’s Director of Liveable Communities, Paul De Szell.
“Residents in coastal hotspots have made it clear they want a strong response from Council on this issue.
“That’s why we’ve significantly increased patrols.
“Rangers have the right to issue fines and move illegal campers on.”
Council rangers can also issue fines for illegal parking, rubbish dumping, and driving on a beach without a permit.
All fines are set by Revenue NSW and vary from $110 - $600.
According to MidCoast
Council, rangers are working closely with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and NSW Police.
They’ll be present across the MidCoast with a special focus on popular coastal towns including Tea Gardens/Hawks Nest, Seal Rocks, Crowdy Head and Harrington.
“Failure to find accommodation is not an acceptable reason to camp illegally,” Council said in a statement.
“During peak season, visitors are advised to book well ahead.
“Accommodation can often be found by looking further inland at towns like Taree, Wingham, and Gloucester.
“Council will continue to work with the affected communities on further potential measures to prevent illegal camping and rubbish dumping.”
Beach access concerns
Aside from illegal camping, local residents have also expressed concern over four-wheel-drive vehicles not following signposted directions.
David Tregoning, who divides his time between Sydney and Hawks Nest, shared with News Of The Area a photo of “upwards of 25” 4WD vehicles “enjoying the culturally significant site (strictly no vehicle access) at the eastern end of Jimmys Beach at 3pm on 30 December”.
“Pre-holiday period the area was delightfully vehicle free, and a wonderful place to walk and quietly relax,” David said.
“Now there are processions of massive dual cab trucks and other 4WDs tearing up the beach, endangering wildlife and pedestrians alike.
“[It is] hard to police but it needs to be done to prevent further degradation of this treasured environment.”
Increased fire danger
THE Rural Fire Service (RFS) is warning residents of an increased risk of bush and grass fires across the Mid Coast and Port Macquarie local government areas (LGAs).
RFS Superintendent Ugo Tolone said hot and dry weather and increased fuel loads across the region are causing concern.
"Current weather, considering light falls of rain, is generating hot and unsettled conditions into the weekend, with moderate to high fire danger ratings

across the Hunter and Mid Coast,” Tolone said last week.
As a result, fire permits were suspended in the Mid Coast and Port Macquarie local government areas from midnight 4 January 2025.
The suspension is set to end at midnight 10 January 2025.
"Every landholder should be prepared for fire and have firefighting equipment on hand, such as a full knapsack, spray pumper or a handheld chemical fire extinguisher, each in good working order,” Tolone said.
Superintendent Tolone said grass fires travel much faster than bush fires because grass ignites so quickly.
"Mid Coast and Port Macquarie Hastings residents need to ensure they have an up-to-date bush fire survival plan and know what they and their family will do if a fire threatens their property."
The RFS provides the following advice about protecting properties from grass fires:
- Put fire breaks in place around assets and standing crops as well as boundary
Death of a Party & Parenting Orders
by Xander Gee
What happens if there are parenting Orders and the parent with whom the child lives with dies?
The parenting Orders remain in force, however, unless the orders explicitly set out what should occur in these circumstances, it may be necessary to make an Application to the Court and seek a change to those Orders. Pursuant to section 65K of the Family Law Act, the surviving parent cannot require the child to live with them.
An application for new parenting Orders may be brought by the

- Check your farm equipment is in good order and is ready to deal with a fire.
- Be aware that slasher and mower blades can spark if they strike rocks or metal, causing dry grass to ignite.
- Register Static Water Supply sources on your property, such as dams, swimming pools and water tanks with the RFS, which will assist firefighters in a fire emergency.
"Every landholder has a legal responsibility to

prevent fire spreading from their property and there can be serious consequences if people light fires and leave them unattended."
For more information and resources, visit www.rfs.nsw. gov.au/plan-and-prepare.
surviving parent, but may also be brought by others, including grandparents or “any other person concerned with the care, welfare or development of the child”. This may allow other relatives or even step-parents to make such an application.
The Court must then determine what arrangements are in the best interest of the child in the circumstances and may make new parenting Orders accordingly.
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q David Tregoning’s photo of 4WD vehicles at the eastern end of Jimmys Beach.
Country Club’s explosive NYE
By Thomas O’KEEFE
HUNDREDS rang in the New Year with family fireworks at Tea Gardens Country Club.
Kids enjoyed face painting, a roving clown, a close-up magician and more party tricks and favours, while adults settled in after waiting in the queues at The Garden Eatery and the bar.
The main show of pyrotechnics was set up over the swampland to the immediate south of the bowling greens.
It was a good location
given its openness, proximity to water, and the ease of being watched by the two teams of Pindimar/Tea Gardens RFS firefighters.
The RFS crews brought two trucks, the Cat1 and Cat7, fully equipped, crewed, and water-filled, just in case anything went awry.
The Tea Gardens Country Club was packed with many out-of-town visitors, and even the Directors were conscripted into the challenge of helping keep tables clear.
The fireworks show itself was spectacular, shooting

up from across the bay in a grand display of explosions and starbursts and blooming flowers of fire and light.
Conducted by Pyromania and sponsored by Lion Brewery and the Nebauer and Brodie families, the event kicked off before sundown with live music by Brightside.
The display had no chance of getting out of control with the RFS spending a good amount of time and attention hosing down the bits of foil and paper in the pyrotechnical aftermath.

q Huge crowds filled the viewing area in front of the Country Club’s lawn.
q Plenty of glow sticks found owners amongst the crowd.
q RFS crews kept careful watch during the pyrotechnical show.
q Local, close-up fireworks
Pindimar Carols 2024
By Thomas O’KEEFE
CAROLLERS celebrated Christmas early on South Pindimar beach on Saturday 21 December, with a special visitor dropping in.
Despite a strong, persistent, south-easterly wind, residents and their families from all over Pindimar and Bundabah congregated on the northern shore of Port Stephens Bay to sing.
The crowd enjoyed the musings of local virtuosos Doug, Bert and James, all under the watchful gaze of
a growing family of ospreys in the big pine; their nest noticeably larger than at the same time twelve months prior.
Some local pelicans took advantage of the persistent wind to spread higher inspiration.
Santa Claus’ muchanticipated arrival came not a minute too late on his locally-supplied ground sleigh, decked out in tinsel and bells.
“Mrs Claus, the Elves, and I have been very busy,” he announced.
Lesley Lane stepped in
as Santa's special helper, assisting as he toured the beachfront and gave out early Christmas presents to the kids - and some adults.
Santa then held court on his specially red foldingthrone, as parents and grandparents lined up with their kiddies to meet the Master Elf.
“Some have expensive tastes these days. One even asked specifically for a gift card,” Santa said while noting how times have changed over his countless years.

q Locals and families from Pindimar/ Bundabah gathered under the ospreys’ tree.
q Kids delivered their curated wishlists to Santa.
q Santa arrived, in style, with all his bells and whistles.
q Big kids got to have a go, too.
q Santa with his hardworking assistant Lesley Lane, in front of a windy South Pindimar beach.
q Local musos Doug, Bert and James kept the carols rolling.
Firetruck run a long-held tradition
By Thomas O’KEEFE
SANTA Claus made his annual firetruck tour of the towns of Pindimar, Bundabah, Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest on Christmas Eve, upholding a long-held tradition loved by all.
His visit was facilitated by the volunteers of the Pindimar/Tea Gardens Rural Fire Service, giving the elves and reindeer the day off before their big night.
This year, only the second such outing since COVID, the local volunteer brigade utilised two vehicles and mapped a pre-planned set
of ‘Santa Stops’ to help keep kids safe.
“It was great to see people mostly sticking to those Stops, as these trucks are big machines to manoeuvre around the streets,” Brigade Captain David Bright told News Of The Area.
Santa's traditional attire was, perhaps, not entirely appropriate for the 30 degree-plus heat but a prevailing wind from the south helped.
Residents and visitors on the day could follow Santa's progress in real time via a Glympse tracker link, which was posted on the PTG RFS
Facebook page.
By special request, Santa detoured to include a visit to residents and their visiting family members within the Grange, Palm Lake Resort, Estia and Peter Sinclair Gardens complexes, many of whom were visibly happy to see Santa again.
Positive comments streamed into the Brigade’s Facebook page, thanking it for bringing Santa around, and many declaring this to be their favourite Christmas Eve tradition.
Some brigade members have been involved in the run for decades, while some

of the younger members can vividly remember being tossed lollies from Santa back when they were kids. While Santa may make
the big visit, the lollies and the run are funded entirely by the PTG RFS Brigade.
The volunteers put in the time to decorate the trucks
and make the all-day run around the four towns out of their own generosity.

q Kids and families waited patiently at the Santa Stop on Captains Cove.
q The Grinch and other characters were rewarded for their wait at the Santa Stop on Penn Drive.
q Santa stopped at Bennetts Beach for some photo ops with visitors.
q Some kids knew how to get the lollies from the ‘high ground’ at Swan Bay.
q One of the busiest Santa Stops was along Moira Parade, toward the end of the day.
Waterfront opportunity
48 Point Cct, North Arm Cove Land size: 1233 sqm
Price: $1,099,000
ESCAPE to the tranquil lifestyle of North Arm Cove with this waterfront residential lot perfectly positioned in a quiet cul-desac.
Nestled amongst quality homes, with bushland
surrounds, this location offers amazing water views taking in Soldiers Point, Corlette, Lemon Tree Passage and more.
A DA approval is currently in place for a stunning split-level home offering four bedrooms including a master suite, a study and a media room.
The plan features open plan living, formal dining,

and raked ceilings in keeping with the stunning outlook.
There is lock up garaging as well as a carport in the overall design.
The property is set on a generous block of approximately 1233sqm with endless possibilities for gardening enthusiasts.
With the rear boundary of the land being the waters of Port Stephens, it’s the

Pindimar perfection
Lot 17 Chauvel Street, Pindimar
Price: $350,000
NESTLED privately in the heart of Pindimar, Lot 17 Chauvel Street presents a unique opportunity for holiday investors and those seeking a lifestyle investment.
This expansive 836sqm parcel of RU2 zoned land is an idyllic setting for your dream escape, offering the
promise of relaxation and recreation.
Already established on this splendid plot are two welcoming caravans; one boasts the luxury of air-conditioning, ensuring comfort during the warm summer months.
The metal annex, complete with a protective carport and robust concrete flooring, provides additional space for leisure or storage. Water needs are taken

care of with the inclusion of a spear point pump, a valuable asset for maintaining the vibrant established gardens that grace the property.
The grounds, very well maintained, beckon for family activities and outdoor living, while the property's partial fencing enhances privacy and security.


Power connection is already in place, simplifying the transition to your holiday haven.

The Write Direction
Here we go again
JUST when we were getting into the Christmas festivities, I was shocked to read a reliable report that our superannuation system could well be under attack again.
With our economy only managing to keep its head above the waters of recession - due to the fact that government spending projects had taken over from private enterprise initiatives - our government sensed that its debt dollars were approaching unmanageable levels, so they needed to do something about it.
Political thinking then looks for the easiest method of getting more money from its citizens in order to pay for poor management decisions and, of course, not offend voters in the process.
You guessed it! Retirees’ superannuation funds, where there is excess capital, can be exploited to pay for government sins.
It sounds like they are again looking at the failed Bill Shorten-led scheme that lost the election and saw the unlikely rise to power of Scott Morrison.
That plan was devised by the current Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, and fed to the then treasurer Wayne Swan.
Talk about putting lipstick on a pig.
Well, at least that is how the voting public saw it only a few years ago.

From the Mayor’s desk
By Claire PONTIN, MidCoast Mayor
Welcome to 2025!
I HOPE you all had a joyful, safe and restful holiday season, surrounded by loved ones.
As we step into this new year, many families are still enjoying the holiday spirit, with schools set to return later this month.
For those looking for fun activities to
Dorin’s Draws By Paul DORIN

by Lynne Miles: Psalm 67:1
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine upon us; may His ways be known on earth, His salvation among all nations."
We all got involved with superannuation for a multiplicity of reasons.
We needed to protect our ability to look after our lifestyle in retirement.
The Government changed taxation law in relation to superannuation savings and investments in order to encourage us to look after ourselves and not become a cost factor in the government’s pocket.
We ceased going out as much, and we instituted more moderate behaviour in order to save for the future and add to our retirement nest egg.
Now because we have been
do with the kids, be sure to check out the fantastic events and programs happening at our local libraries.
You can find all the details on our library page at https://library.midcoast. nsw.gov.au/Home.
Also, don’t forget about our beautiful hinterland towns and countryside if you are looking to spend the day away from the tourist hotspots.
They have much to offer.
Council staff are back and ready for action in 2025 delivering outcomes to the community across our whole gamut of services.
At the last Council meeting, I introduced a motion that was supported by my fellow Councillors to help set us up for some early wins this year in fixing our roads.
This builds on the work we began back in 2022 when I called for the development of a strategic plan for our road network.
That vision became reality in the form of the MidCoast Road Strategy, which was presented in 2024.
so successful, have behaved more moderately and have done the right thing with superannuation as our government required, it now sounds like we poor old retirees are again to be attacked.
I think I can feel the rapid approach of another federal election.
I sourced my information from a report by ABC news online dated Monday 23 December 2024 titled “Do Australia’s super tax concessions take from the poor and give to the rich?” .
We now must start delivering actions to address the problems we know we have.
I’ve asked Council staff to prepare a draft four-to-ten-year plan for our road maintenance and repairs budget and to investigate options to enable another one-off contribution toward road improvements in the 2025-26 budget.
We’ll also be reviewing sources of income allocated to roads over the past three years so we can track our future progress.
Fixing our roads will take time, planning, and careful management.
We’re dealing with years of neglect, and it’s going to require a sustained effort and careful consideration of our spending priorities to bring about the improvements our community deserves.
We will be recommencing our program of community consultations with our new Councillors in the next few months.
Together, we can make 2025 a year of progress.
The necessity of prescribed burns
EVEN though the Mid Coast Bush Fire Risk Management Plan lists the Pindimar/ Bundabah area as ‘Catastrophic’, there have been no prescribed burns (PBs) carried out over at least the last five years to reduce the bushfire hazard in the villages.
RFS produced Community Protection Plans for Pindimar/Bundabah and Tea Gardens/Hawks Nest in around 2015, none of which have been actioned.
The Sanderling Ave, Hawks Nest PB
was eventually carried out around 2017 due to continued political pressure.
It is for the local community to prevail upon the RFS District Office and politicians to act.
This is how residents in Shearwater prompted three PBs in the last 15 months.
The March 2024 bushfire closed off Warri St, Pindimar for a few days and threatened to jump containment lines and wreak havoc on Pindimar.
Many RFS brigades from as far as Newcastle were called to assist the local
Brigade to control the blaze and all did an exemplary job, avoiding what would otherwise have been, at least, significant loss of property and livestock.
Current planning to conduct PBs occurs weeks in advance and therefore cannot consider changing weather conditions.
Shorter time frame planning is needed so that PBs can occur when weather conditions are optimal, and other brigades can be called upon at short notice to assist with PBs.
This is what happens in an emergency

On theCouch
Email Jasminda: media@newsofthearea.com.au
We have a family of magpies that visit each day and my daughter has started feeding them. They are becoming very familiar and have even started coming into the house.
Should we encourage this friendship?
Helene G
MAGPIES are incredibly smart and social creatures and they can be an absolute delight to have in your garden.
Their warbling chorus is as characteristically Australian as the raucous laughter of kookaburras.
On the other hand, magpies can be territorial assailants, swooping and attacking screaming children and cyclists who dare to venture in their path.
It sounds as though you've made friends with your magpies and they have made your home theirs.
As an interesting aside, magpies have exceptional memories and recognise faces, so they know your daughter and they now associate her with their meal ticket.
The problem is, when wildlife becomes dependent on humans, it can cause all sorts of issues.
Many people feed birds thinking they are doing something positive, but there are many foods that they shouldn't eat.
Magpies, for example, should not be fed many of the common foods people feed them such as mince, cheese or bread.
Feeding them also impacts their behaviour, as you have found, with this well-fed family of magpies coming into your home and expecting a free meal when they should be outside honing their survival skills.
The best option is to have plenty of water for the birds and other wildlife in your garden and let them do their own hunting and gathering.
That way you can enjoy their antics and sounds while knowing you aren't harming them in any way.
when conditions for fires are at their worst. It's time this precarious situation is rectified by the relevant authorities and the Pindimar Bundabah Community Association (PBCA) is calling for a meeting with relevant agencies to put a workable plan in place and the long overdue PBs to be actioned as soon as possible.
Regards, Vivien PANHUBER, President, PBCA.
Carpe diem, Jasminda.
DEAR News Of The Area,

www.guitarstudio.net.au Salamander Bay 4984 4731
BED, king single GC, no stains, $60 0433 210 187
BOXING gloves, size small, Sting brand, $10 49828628
EXPRESS Milk Frother used once, $10. 4982 2335 f241024
NEW 31 dinner plates & 11 bowls. Buy all together or separate. $60. 0493 777 707 F171024
Top prices paid by local collector. Call Jim 0400 060 215
Gold and Silver
Top prices for scrap and coins paid by local dealer. Call Les 0455 660 884
clean fill, pool excavation in thornton, must be within 5km radius for delivery. Ph 0476 789 721 F230824
SINGLE timber bed with mattress and drawers beneath. Excellent condition,
ANTIQUE Rocking cradle. Wooden attractive, and safe to use. Mattress included 90x70x66cm. $95 Ph: 4938 5923
BABY love car seat up to 4yrs
Excellent cond $100 ph 0493 777 707 f141124
BURIAL plot Nelson Bay Cemetry. Nondenominational CR3 Plot 1 $1428 (includes transfer fees) 0497 835 209 FAN 12v oscillating for caravan with clamp cig lighter socket, $15 located at Nelson Bay Ph 0439 252 028
CABBAGE patch dolls x 2, GC, $15 each. 49828628
CEILING Fan, Lucci
Future Eco 48 inch, T5 with 22 watt lite, bedroom size, have two, $60. 0433 210 187
CHILDREN’S & baby’s clothes, new, winter & summer, make an offer 0493 777 707
CLOTHES iron $10 0493 777 707
COFFEE table and wall unit, walnut stain $40 each or both for $50. 0423 545 331 F050924
COFFEE Table / TV table, black with glass top, 1200 × 600 x 440 high, $60. 0433 210 187
COFFEE Table. Worth $2000. Selling for $100. Excellent cond. 0493 777 707
COLONIAL TIMBER BEDROOM SUITE. Queen bed base & bed head. New Queen mattress. 6 drawer dressing table w/ attached mirror. 2 bedside chests. $350 ono 4982 3567
CUSHIONS, assorted colours, $4 each. 4982 8787
DINING table with 1500 x 900 x 10 thick black tinted glass top and crome metal frame $100. 0433 210 187
FAN, for table, black exc cond. $20. 0493777707 F120924
FILING Cabinet, 3 drawers, beige $40 4982 2335 f241024
QUEEN bed mattress White & clean. 9inches thick. $80. 0466 880 639 f051224
QUEEN quit cover new $15 0493 777 707 f191224
WORK boots, new, size 10, Blacksmith. $20 0493 777 707
WOMENS winter clothing size 10-12 quality, near new, nothing over $20. Ph 49385923 for address

GENUINE leather boots made in Canada Excellent cond. Non-slip soles. $60. 4982 8787
HAIRDYE, ash blonde $5 each. 0493 777 707
HAIR curling wand $5 0493 777 707
HEATERS, electric, from $10, free local delivery 49829225
HOMEMAKER mini blender with 4 cups and lids, new. $12. Ph 4982 8628
KAYAK fishing $200 minimal use 0417 402 190
LAMP shades x2 new $15 for both 0493 777 707
4981 8882 ads@ newsofthearea .com.au
FISH fern for ponds or aquariums, from $5 0466 880 639 2 seat leather sofa
$100. Nelson Bay 0410 492 885

DINNER Set Noritake Vintage Issabella, 40 piece in GC $120. Ph 0458 257 676 Re191224
ELEGANT wrought iron table with glass top and 5 chairs Please call for photos pickup Thornton $100. 0412783707
MEN’S joggers, new size 10, worth $40 will sell for $10. 0493 777 707 F180724
MENS size S: 2 LS shirts (H-M): (Eddie Wood). 1 H-M Trousers Suitable for end of year Functions as new. $30 0412 783 707 f211124
MUSIC CD’s, 50s to 90s hard to finds & rarities Large quantity. $100 4966 5000 F250724
SLIM single mattress and base. 760 x 1900mm. $50. 4997 2017 f141124
SOFA three seat with chase & two cushions, brown fabric easily cleaned, covers removable. $100 0433 210 187 F200624
THROW rug, homemade, woollen crochet $30. 4982 8787 f211124
THROW rugs, assorted colours, $8 each. 4982 8787
ALLY craft 4.75m Yamaha 60hp 4 stroke 70 hrs, drive on trailer heaps of gear, great unit $12,000 ono. NY932N TK17JZ. 49841202
DINGHY 2.4m fibreglass oars and rowlocks 2HP Yamaha OB with stand. $500 the lot. Will separate and deliver locally. PH 0423 810 689
TOTAL flow sump pump, brand new in box $60 ono pick up TG 0409 526 684 F171024 WOK, new with glass lid, $20. 0493 777 707
TRAILER (TD16HE) ideal for golf cart, offroad bikes or ride-on mower. Long rego Nov ‘25 $750 4997 0435
TV hardly used, TCL Smart TV. Unwanted gift. $350. 4982 3521
TWO outdoor chairs near new. $20 for both 0493 777 707 F171024
TWO timber Mimosa (Bunnings) folding indoor/outdoor chairs As new cond. $99.00 Call 0493 078 190
VEHICLE dent repair outfit with body filler $50 (never used) 0402 087 401
WALKER, new, unused med wt, adjust. Cost $200, sell for $99 Call Peter 4919 1121
WASHING machine Simpson 7kg Good condition $100 0433 210 187
MOTORHOME specialist. Repair and paint, cut and polish all paint work. Renew all mouldings. Ready for sale or travel. 0484 137 580
Ford Falcon LPG
0431 607 774
7310mm (24 Foot) length, Rock and roll suspension off road with electric brakes and shock absorbers to all wheels, 2 x single beds with 3 x doonas for each bed, covers and sheets, Large Ensuite with shower/Ceramic toilet and vanity/washing machine/Hoover vacuum –shower doubles as a bath, 4 burner gas cooktop/oven/grill, 3 way fridge/freezer, Gas/240V hot water system, Microwave, Slide out food pantry – two basket drawers for food storage + wine glass storage + plate storage, Portable table located in wardrobe for eating inside the van on overnight trips, Lounge converts to another single bed, 2 x wine storage lockers + fresh water pump under the lounge, 40″ flat screen TV with DVD/radio, Slide out computer desk with 12/240v connections, Explorer plug to computer desk for aerial connections + printer drawer under desk, Dometic B3000 air conditioner, 20 KVA diesel heater under lounge with electronic controls, All windows have fly screens and block out blinds, 4.5KVA remote start generator which will run the air conditioning and other services where 240v power is not available, ¾ Tunnel containing: full annex together with plastic windows and 3meter BBQ annex extending out to the tow ball, Sunshade awning and awning struts, Front Boot Locker containing 2 new 160 AH long life Gel batteries with 5-year warranty, bag of steel stakes, bag of tension ropes, tools and hose fittings and Caravan Jack, A Frame mesh containing fresh water hoses, Under Chassis tool box containing wood blocks, caravan ramps and chocks, 8-meter sullage hose in pipe container under the caravan access from the rear, 3 x fresh water tanks, with independent valve system to enable pumping from specific water tanks, 2 x 100L and 1 x 60L tanks, 2 x external LED lights and BBQ light and LED handle at entrance, Lifestyle picnic table - folds out from side of the van, External speakers and TV connections for running a portable TV outside in the annex area, Gas bayonet at the front of the van for the BBQ, Reversing camera, New caravan cover, New awning Note: Landcruiser also available as a package deal. POA. Phone 0412 081 950

Ave, Tanilba Bay


NBN, 8.30pm
Smith netted a well-deserved statue for his role as the driven and visionary Richard Williams, father of tennis legends Serena and Venus. Set in the 1990s, Richard completely sacrifices his own goals and ambitions to ensure that his two daughters would become two of the best players to ever set foot on court. While the film reportedly embellishes real-life events for dramatic purposes, this is a compelling portrait of parental love in the form of obsession, with the only critique being that by focusing so much on Richard we don’t really learn anything about the sisters and their own hardships. But even so, King Richard is an ace.
FRIDAY, January 10
6.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (PG, R)
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 The Secret History Of The British Garden: The 17th Century. (R) Presented by Monty Don.
8.30 Murder In Provence. (Mav, R) Marine helps Antoine and Hélène investigate the death of an aristocrat, found dead at his chateau.
10.00 Joanna Lumley’s Great Cities Of The World: Rome. (PG, R)
10.50 Grand Designs. (R)
11.35 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)
12.25 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 Rage. (PG)
7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Teen Titans Go! 8.00 Scooby-Doo And Guess Who? 8.25 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 8.50 Robot Wars. 9.50 Doctor Who. 10.40
TEN, 9.30pm
You’d think the Scream formula would be getting tired by the sixth outing, but this subversive slasher franchise keeps finding new ways to innovate and entertain, with this latest entry moving the bloody mayhem to New York City. Set a year after the last movie, we find sisters Sam (Melissa Barrera) and Tara (Jenna Ortega) in the Big Apple to attend college, and once again being menaced by someone (or is that multiple someones?) in the Ghostface costume. The list of suspects stretches to more than a dozen in this sequel, which features more brutal kills than ever before, and has a setpiece involving a ladder escape between two buildings that ranks as one of the series’ best ever moments. Horror fans will lap up the gruesome thrills on offer here.
ABC TV, 8.30pm

This delightful nostalgic throwback opens a door to 1987, when comedian Alan Carr was struggling with school bullies and the highs and lows of fourth division football in Northampton. Season two draws to a close tonight, with the stress of the Cobblers’ spot at the top of the ladder – and their potential promotion – weighing heavily on dad Graham (Shaun Dooley). Eager to get some peace, mum Christine (Nancy Sullivan) ignores the protests of the football manager and takes the family on a caravan minibreak in Great Yarmouth, where a chance meeting with a like-minded soul livens up the trip for young Alan (Oliver Savell). This coming-of-age comedy is in a league of its own.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 MOVIE: The Prestige. (2006, Mav, R) 9.55 Rock Legends: Elton John. (PGd)
10.25 SBS World News Late.
10.55 Every Family Has A Secret. (Final, PG, R)
11.55 De Gaulle. (Mv)
12.50 Kin. (MA15+lv, R)
2.45 Grayson’s Art Club. (PG, R)
3.35 Make Me A Dealer. (R)
4.25 Bamay. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
WorldWatch. 10.00 Front
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 29. Hobart Hurricanes v Sydney Thunder. 10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game between the Hobart Hurricanes and Sydney Thunder. 11.00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer. (R) Adam Dovile tours Singapore’s culture.
12.30 The Real Manhunter: The Bus Stop Killer Levi Bellfield. (Madv, R) Takes a look at Levi Bellfield.
2.30 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer. 5.00 NBC Today.
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Find My Beach House Australia.
8.30 MOVIE: King Richard. (2021, Malv) Charts how Venus and Serena Williams became who they are thanks to the coaching of their father Richard. Will Smith, Saniyya Sidney.
11.30 Casualty 24/7. (Mm, R)
12.20 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.10 Delish. (R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R)
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.30 Drive TV. (R)
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer.
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 MOVIE: The First Wives Club. (1996, PGal, R) Three spurned women plot revenge. Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler. 9.35 MOVIE: Starsky & Hutch. (2004, Mdlv, R) Two bumbling yet streetwise cops investigate a drug-running cartel with the help of their trusty informant. Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson. 11.40 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.40 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert. 1.30 Home Shopping. (R)
Bulahdelah Golf Club
By Thora-Lou SMITH
SATURDAY 28th December was the last competition for 2024, and just 23 players enjoyed the stableford event.
The men's winner was Jeff Graham with 37pts from Wayne Coleman with 36pts on a c/b from Mick Styles and Heta Pierson. Ladies' winner was Alison Benson with 34pts from Lou Smith with 30pts on a c/b from Bernie Newton.
NTPs were Glenn Grainger, Alan Crick, Peter Billinghurst and Lou Smith (x2).
Long drivers were Jeff Graham, Mick Styles, Brad Gleeson and Lou Smith. Al Jobson got the birdie
Jackpot with a great shot on the 17th.
The first event for 2025 was a stableford and some great scores were posted by the 39 golfers who played.
The men's A grade winner was Geoff Harvey with 40pts from Jeff Graham with 37pts.
B grade winner was Emmet Doyle with 40pts from Steve sharp with 32pts. Ladies' winner was Alison Benson with 40pts from Terry Stellema with 30pts.
NTPs were Don Schoonhoven, Murray Sharp, Bernie Newton
and Terry Stellema. Long drivers were Josh Small, Sam Moss, Steve South and Bernie Newton while Craig Wheatley grabbed the jackpot.
Unfortunately the annual King of the Mountain had to be postponed - date yet to be fixed.
SATURDAY, January 11
6.00 Rage Charts. (PG) 7.00 Wknd Breaky. 9.00 Rage. (PG) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Beyond Paradise. (Ma, R) 1.30 MOVIE: Casablanca. (1942, PG, R) 3.15 Lucy Worsley: Agatha Christie Mystery Queen. (PG, R) 4.15 Joanna Lumley’s Great Cities Of The World. (PG, R) 5.00 Eat The Invaders. (PG, R) 5.30 Dr Karl’s How Things Work. (R)
6.00 Brian Cox: Life Of A Universe: Creation. (R) English physicist Professor Brian Cox sets out in search of a greater understanding of the cosmos.
6.30 Back Roads: Andamooka And Roxby Downs, South Australia. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Beyond Paradise. (PGa) Humphrey investigates a strange case.
8.30 Vera. (Mv, R) Vera investigates when a family man is murdered the day before he was due to testify in court.
10.00 Shetland. (Final, Mal, R)
11.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) Music video clips.
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Good Game Spawn Point. 7.55 MOVIE: Billionaire Boy. (2016) 8.55 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.40 Speechless. 10.00 Officially Amazing. 10.30 Teen Titans Go! 10.40 Late Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 The World From Above. (PGa, R) 10.05 Love Your Garden. (R) 11.00 Britain’s Great Outdoors. (R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 Surf Life Saving. Shaw and Partners Iron Series. Round 2. Day 1. 3.00 WorldWatch. 4.00 Plat Du Tour. (R) 4.05 Forgotten Frontlines. (PGav, R) 5.00 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. H’lights.
6.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Rivers. (PG) 6.30 News.
7.30 Magical Train Journeys In Switzerland. 8.30 Cotswolds And Beyond With Pam Ayres. (R) 9.20 Great Australian Walks With Julia Zemiro. (PG, R) 10.20 Great Australian Railway Journeys. (PGa, R) 11.25 Mister8. (MA15+a, R) 1.35 Love Your Garden. (PG, R) 2.30 Make Me
A Dealer. (R) 4.15 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.45 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6am The
Bookshop. Continued. (2017, PG) 7.15 The Majestic. (2001, PG) 10.00 The Zookeeper’s Wife. (2017, M) 12.20pm Wild Target. (2010, M) 2.10 3 Days In Quiberon. (2018, PG, French) 4.20 Lucky You. (2007, PG) 6.35 Queen Bees. (2021, PG) 8.30 The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry. (2023, M) 10.30 The Girlfriend Experience. (2009, M) Midnight Cousins. (2021, M) 1.50 Late Programs.
SUNDAY, January 12
6.00 Morning Programs. 10.25 Boyer Lecture. (R) 11.00 Compass. (PGa, R) 11.30 Praise. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. (R) 12.55 New Leash On Life. (R) 1.55 Dream Gardens. (R) 2.25 The Secret History Of The British Garden. (R) 3.25 Long Lost Family. (R) 4.10 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 5.00 Magda’s Big National Health Check. (PG, R)
6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Miriam Margolyes In New Zealand. (Ml)
8.30 Miniseries: Until I Kill You. (Mal) Charts the story of Delia Balmer, who survived a series of violent attacks to pursue a traumatic journey to justice.
10.05 You Can’t Ask That: Porn Stars. (MA15+s, R) Porn stars share their insights. 11.10 MOVIE: A Star Is Born. (1976, Madls, R)
1.25 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
3.10 Australia Remastered. (R)
4.05 Gardening Australia. (R)
5.05 The Great Acceleration. (R)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Moominvalley. (Premiere) 8.00 The Secret Life Of Our Pets. 8.50 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.35 Speechless. 9.55 Doctor Who. 10.45 Late Programs.
6.00 DW English News. 6.30 Al Jazeera. 7.00 APAC Weekly. (R) 7.30 France 24 English News. 8.00 DD India News Hour. 9.00 PBS Washington Week. 9.25 Judo. (R) 9.30 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches. 11.30 Speedweek. 1.30 Cycling. National Road C’ships. Elite and U23 Women’s Road Race. 5.30 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. Stage 6. H’lights.
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Fortress Britain With Alice Roberts. (PGa, R)
8.25 Asia’s Ancient Civilisations. (PG, R)
10.15 Putin And The West. (Ma, R)
11.25 Michael Mosley’s 21 Day Body Challenge. (PG, R)
2.10 Love Your Garden. (R)
3.05 Make Me A Dealer. (R)
4.45 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (PGa, R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera News.
6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show Summer Series. (PG) 12.00 Border Security: America’s Front Line. (PG, R) 12.30 Surf Patrol. (R) 1.00 Horse Racing. Gold Coast Magic Millions Raceday. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R)
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Border Security: International. (PGadl) A case of mistaken identity causes alarm.
7.30 MOVIE: Back To The Future Part III. (1990, PGlv, R) Marty McFly travels to the Old West. Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd.
10.00 MOVIE: Mercury Rising. (1998, Mlv, R) An autistic boy cracks a government code. Bruce Willis. 12.25 MOVIE: Deadly Seduction. (2021, MA15+av)
2.30 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 It’s Academic. (R)
5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)
7TWO (62)
6.00 Garden Gurus. (R) 6.30 ACA. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Today Extra Summer. (PG) 12.00 Destination WA. (PG, R) 12.30 Find
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 MOVIE: Rams. (2020, PGalv) A feud between brothers comes to a head. Sam Neill.
9.50 MOVIE: Just A Farmer. (2024, Maln)
11.50 MOVIE: Avarice. (2022, Malv, R)
1.30 Country House Hunters Australia. (PG, R)
2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PGa)
2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R)
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.30 Helping Hands Summer Series. (PG, R)
6.30 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Dr Chris Brown. 8.30 The Dog House. (PGa, R) Dogs are matched with companions. A basset hound is on the prowl for a new owner. Second chances are in store for a Jack Russell puppy. A couple have to see past a pooch’s size to find a place for it. 9.30 Ambulance Australia. (Mms, R) Paramedics respond to a child’s call about a five-year-old stuck in mud, but all is not as it seems. 10.45 Ambulance UK. (Madl, R) Someone threatens to use a nerve agent. 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.
7MATE (64)
Queer Sports. 5.30 The Engineering That Built The World. 6.30 Toby Price Dakar Preview. 7.00 Cycling. National Road C’ships. U23 Women’s and Men’s Elite Road 10.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.00
6am The Thief Lord. Continued. (2006, PG) 6.50 Lucky You. (2007, PG) 9.05 Funny Face. (1957) 11.00 Radioactive. (2019, M) 1.05pm Cousins. (2021, M) 2.55 Love And Friendship. (2016, PG) 4.35 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. (1988, PG) 6.40 After Yang. (2021, PG) 8.30 Knight Of Cups. (2015, M) 10.40 Let Me Go. (2023, French) 12.30am The Zookeeper’s Wife. (2017, M) 2.50 Late Programs.
6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Women’s Ashes Pre-Game Show. 10.30 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. One Day International. Australia v England. Game 1. 3.00 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. One Day International. Australia v England. Game 1. 5.30 Sydney Weekender.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 32. Melbourne Renegades v Melbourne Stars.
10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game.
11.00 7NEWS Spotlight. (R) A look at the death of Amy Wensley.
12.00 The Duke And I. (PG, R) A look at Prince Philip’s influence.
1.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Presented by Greg Grainger.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
7MATE (64)

6am Children’s Programs. 8.00 Wild Manes. 8.30 Children’s Programs. 1.55pm MOVIE: The Black Stallion Returns. (1983) 3.55 MOVIE: Combat Wombat. (2020, PG) 5.40 MOVIE: Monster Family. (2017, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them. (2016, M) 10.10 MOVIE: The Campaign. (2012, MA15+) Midnight The Originals. 2.00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders. 3.00 Late Programs.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 1. From Melbourne Park. Hosted by James Bracey.
11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late Night 1. 12.00 New Amsterdam. (Mam, R) Bloom, Iggy and Reynolds rally around Max.
1.00 First On Scene. (Mav, R) Documents stories behind the headlines.
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) Religious program.
4.30 GolfBarons. (PG, R) The team roadtests the Mizuno ST220 drivers.
5.00 Today Early News. A look at the latest news, sport and weather.
5.30 Today.
6am Children’s Programs. 12.30pm Basketball. WNBL. Geelong United v Perth Lynx. 2.30 MOVIE: You, Me, And That Mountain Retreat. (2023, PG) 4.15 MOVIE: You, Me And The Penguins. (2023) 6.00 Tennis. Austn Open. Afternoon 1. 7.00 MOVIE: Doctor Dolittle. (1998, PG) 8.45 MOVIE: Lethal Weapon. (1987, M) 11.00 Gotham. Midnight Arrow. 2.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 1pm Blokesworld. 1.30 The Weekend Prospector. 2.00 Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars. 3.00
6.00 The Sunday Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.00 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Dr Chris Brown. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (Mlv) Graham Norton is joined on the couch by celebrities including Cher, Michael Fassbender, Keira Knightley and Josh Brolin. 9.30 MOVIE: Scream VI. (2023, MA15+lv) Four survivors from the most recent Woodsboro killings move to New York City for a fresh start. Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega. 11.55 The Sunday Project. (R) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.

BOLD (51)
BOLD (51)
9GO! (83)
9GO! (83)
MONDAY, January 13
Family. (PG, R) 1.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.10 Parkinson In Australia. (PGa, R) 4.30 Gardening Aust. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Dr Karl’s How Things Work. 8.35
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (PGl, R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 Mystery Of Blackbeard’s Lost Treasure. (PGav, R)
8.25 Jimmy Carr’s I Literally Just Told You.
9.20 Inside Sydney Airport. (PGal, R)
10.15 SBS World News Late.
10.45 Clean Sweep. (Madlsv)
11.40 Wisting. (MA15+a, R)
12.35 Faking Hitler. (Mns, R)
2.25 Grayson’s Art Club. (PG, R)
3.20 Make Me A Dealer. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show Summer Series. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Lost And Found In Rome. (2021, PGa) 2.00 Jabba’s Movies School Holiday Special. (PGahlv, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (Return, PGav)
7.30 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 33. Sydney Thunder v Perth Scorchers. From ENGIE Stadium, Sydney.
11.00 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game between the Sydney Thunder and Perth Scorchers. 11.30 Motorway Patrol. (PG)
A driver gets sleepy and goes bush. 12.00 Satisfaction. (MA15+ads, R) Simon is faced with a family mystery.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
7TWO (62)
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 2. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late Night 2. 12.00 New Amsterdam. (Mam, R) Iggy tries online dating.
1.00 First On Scene. (Mad, R) Documents stories behind the headlines.
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop. (R) Home shopping.
3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) Religious program.
4.30 GolfBarons. (PG, R) A panel of experts discusses golf.
5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 MOVIE: Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves. (2023, Mav) A charming thief and a band of unlikely adventurers undertake an epic heist to retrieve a lost relic. Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez. 10.20 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather.
10.45 The Project. (R) 11.50 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
TUESDAY, January 14
6.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R)
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 7.30. 8.00 Dr Karl’s How Things Work. 8.30 Eat The Invaders. (PG)
9.05 The Penguin King With David Attenborough. (R)
10.00 Miriam Margolyes In New Zealand. (Ml, R)
11.05 ABC Late News.
11.20 Murder In Provence. (Mav, R)
12.50 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 1.40 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 2.25 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
3.40 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Aust. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG, R)
8.40 Came From Nowhere. (Ml, R)
10.25 SBS World News Late.
10.55 Beyond Signs. (MA15+a)
11.55 Christian. (Malv, R)
3.00 Grayson Perry’s Rites Of Passage. (Mas, R)
3.55 Make Me A Dealer. (R)
4.45 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (R)
4.50 Destination Flavour. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show Summer Series. (PG) 10.00 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. One Day International. Australia v England. Game 2. 2.00 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. One Day International. Australia v England. Game 2. 5.00 The Chase Australia.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGa)
7.30 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 34. Hobart Hurricanes v Melbourne Renegades. 11.00 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game. 11.30 Lockerbie. (PGav, R) The CIA hand over a Libyan double agent.
12.35 Underarm: The Ball That Changed Cricket. (PGl, R) A look at the 1981 underarm bowling controversy.
1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
7TWO (62)
8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 The UnXplained Mysteries Of The Universe. 9.20 Leguizamo Does America. (Premiere) 11.10 Adam Looking For Eve. 12.05am Late Programs.
6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Love And Friendship. (2016, PG) 9.15 Queen Bees. (2021, PG) 11.10 The Girlfriend Experience. (2009, M) 12.35pm The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry. (2023, M) 2.35 Alone In Space. (2018, PG, Swedish) 4.10 Belle. (2013, PG) 6.00 Another Mother’s Son. (2017, PG) 7.55 Ten Canoes. (2006, M, Ganalbingu) 9.30 The Silver Brumby. (1993, PG) 11.20 Late Programs. 6am Alone In Space. Continued. (2018, PG, Swedish) 6.45 Another Mother’s Son. (2017, PG) 8.40 After Yang. (2021, PG) 10.30 Let Me Go. (2023, French) 12.20pm Knight Of Cups. (2015, M) 2.30 The Silver Brumby. (1993, PG) 4.20 Red Obsession. (2013, PG) 5.50 Meditation Park. (2017, PG) 7.40 Joyride. (2022, M) 9.30 The Sum Of Us. (1994) 11.25 Late Programs.
Fundraising boost
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 3. 11.00 Tennis.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer.
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 MOVIE: Jack Reacher. (2012, Mlv, R) A former US Army military police officer investigates the shooting of five innocent civilians by a sniper. Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike. 10.05 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 10.30 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R)
The Hawks Juniors are preparing to field up to seven teams in 2025, up from five in 2024.
The next season is set to kick off in April, but preseason fitness and training sessions will begin during February.
helps the kids get their jerseys, helmets and other gear. As well as medals at the end of the season, and free bbqs at training sessions.”
“We have pretty much all the kids from last year sticking around and moving up an age-group, and two more new teams, so we will potentially have
a new Under 7s, returning Under 10s, Under 12s, boys Under 14, a new girls tackle Under-14s, a girls Under 16s, and an Under 17s boys.”
Another Expressions of Interest session for those wanting to join the Hawks Juniors will be held at Myall q

9GO! (83) 9GO! (83)
Maddi and Mariah
WEDNESDAY, January 15
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 Doctor Who.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 The Real Crown: Inside The House Of Windsor. (PG, R)
8.30 Michael Palin: Into Iraq. (PGa, R)
9.25 The Night Manager. (MA15+v)
10.30 SBS World News Late.
11.00 Pagan Peak. (MA15+av)
11.50 Rogue Heroes. (Malv, R)
12.50 Soldiers. (Malsv, R)
2.35 Grayson Perry’s Rites Of Passage. (Mal, R)
3.30 Make Me A Dealer. (PGl, R) 4.20 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.50 Destination Flavour. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGa)
7.30 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 35. Adelaide Strikers v Sydney Sixers. From Adelaide Oval. 11.00 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game. 11.30 Unbelievable Moments
Caught On Camera. (PGa, R) A climber’s fall is captured on bodycam. 12.30 Black-ish. (PGd, R) Bow and Dre meet Michelle Obama.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6am Belle.
Continued. (2013, PG) 6.55 Meditation Park. (2017, PG) 8.45 The Silver Brumby. (1993, PG) 10.35 Ten Canoes. (2006, M, Ganalbingu) 12.10pm The Quiet Girl. (2022, M, Gaelic) 1.55 Another Mother’s Son. (2017, PG) 3.55 Lola. (1961, PG, French) 5.30 The Last Wave. (1977, PG) 7.30 A Bronx Tale. (1993, M) 9.45 Romper Stomper. (1992, MA15+) 11.25 Late Programs.
January 16
Park in Hawks Nest on Monday, 27 January from 4:30-6pm.
The impromptu Bunnings BBQ raised well over $1000 for the kids last weekend, with the club’s volunteers running more throughout the year.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. (PG)
8.30 Silk Road From Above. (PGa, R)
9.30 The Darkness. (M)
10.25 SBS World News Late.
10.55 DNA. (Malv)
11.50 Blackout: Tomorrow Is Too Late. (Mlnsv, R)
12.45 Blanca. (Malnv, R)
2.45 Grayson Perry’s Rites Of Passage. (Ms, R) 3.40 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.30 Peer To Peer. (PGv, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGa) 7.30 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 36. Brisbane Heat v Hobart Hurricanes. From the Gabba, Brisbane. 11.00 Seven’s Cricket: The Spin. A deep dive into the world of cricket. 11.45 Pam & Tommy. (MA15+als) Pam is pushed to the emotional brink. 12.45 Black-ish. (PGa, R) Jack gets a job as a locker room attendant.
1.40 Harry’s Practice. (R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
6am Lola. Continued. (1961, PG, French) 6.40 Murder Party. (2022, PG, French) 8.35 Red Obsession. (2013, PG) 10.05 Joyride. (2022, M) 11.55 The Sum Of Us. (1994) 1.50pm Meditation Park. (2017, PG) 3.35 The Crossing. (2020, PG, Norwegian) 5.30 December Boys. (2007, PG) 7.30 The Bridges Of Madison County. (1995, M) 10.00 A Beautiful Mind. (2001, M) 12.30am Late Programs.

q Ryan Saunders gives the thumbs up on his own snags.
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 4. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late Night 4. 12.00 New Amsterdam. (Mams, R) Max mandates a personal health day.
1.00 First On Scene. (Ma) Documents stories behind the headlines.
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop. (R) Home shopping.
3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) Religious program.
4.30 GolfBarons. (PG, R) A panel of experts banter about golf. 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer.
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 MOVIE: Jack Reacher: Never Go Back. (2016, Mlv, R) Jack Reacher helps an army officer. Tom Cruise. 9.55 10’s Late News. Comprehensive coverage of local, national and international news, as well as the latest sport and weather.
10.20 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news.
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Night 5. 11.00 Tennis. Australian Open. Late Night 5. 12.00 New Amsterdam.

q Sharlene and Amanda took time out for a snap.
q Telika and Mikayla enjoyed their supervisory roles.
News Of The Area
9 January
Fundraising boost

By Thomas O'KEEFE
PRE-SEASON fundraising for the Myall River Junior Football Club has already begun, with Bunnings at Heatherbrae offering it a coveted weekend barbecue spot.
The store provides all food and materials for free, allowing the club to turn a full profit.

Volunteers, players and parents with the MR Hawks RLFC pitched in to make the most of their first one, under a hot and sunny weekend sky.
“We are fundraising for the Juniors to help keep registration fees and other costs low for families wanting to join up,” Club
Secretary Leah Saunders told News Of The Area.
“Fundraising like this CONTINUED Page 14-15

q Kate and Amanda kept on top of the bread supply.