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Power Partnership.
The Hunter Joint Organisation has partnered with the Cities Power Partnership to enable collaboration and support in relation to clean energy initiatives in an effort to set the region up for a prosperous future.
Singleton Council Mayor Sue Moore, chairwoman of the joint organisation, said the agreement strengthened the Hunter’s reputation
as a region that supported meaningful action on climate change.
“In order to make an impact on climate initiatives, our councils need to be able to support one another and coordinate our efforts to benefit our communities across the region. By partnering with Cities Power Partnership, our councils and the Hunter JO are ensuring that we take joint action for our region and our communities,” said Mayor Moore.
MidCoast Council has also signed on.
“Working collaboratively, we aim to attract more funding, expertise and resources to support regionwide and council-specific projects such as electrifying council fleets where possible and boosting energy efficiency,” said Councillor Moore.
“In 2021, the Hunter became the first region in Australia to have all councils become members of the
Cities Power Partnership, so it makes sense that we are also the first region that has committed to a Regional Partnership Agreement.”
Sustainable transport and ramped-up renewable energy production will be among five actions the councils will pledge to, they include: Supporting regional collaboration on electric vehicles by identifying opportunities and working together in delivering solutions; supporting evolution to a clean energy
future by facilitating regional collaboration, planning and project delivery and/ or information sharing; advocating for improved energy efficiency and reducing emissions in the Hunter region and; sharing knowledge and learning to boost impact.
Cities Power Partnership director Dr Portia Odell said councils should take the lead now.
“Local governments have an opportunity to get on the front foot of the global shift to
clean energy and accelerate projects that will deliver local jobs quickly, drive new investment and tackle long term challenges like climate change,” she said.
The Hunter Joint Organisation member councils are: Cessnock City Council; Dungog Shire Council; Lake Macquarie City Council; Maitland City Council; MidCoast Council; Muswellbrook Shire Council; City of Newcastle; Port Stephens Council; Singleton Council and; Upper Hunter Shire Council.
THE first Raymond Terrace Festival is on Saturday.
This new familyfriendly event will celebrate everything that makes Raymond Terrace great.
Mayor Ryan Palmer said the Raymond Terrace Festival had lots on offer, with a key focus being the rich heritage and sense of community the Terrace is known for.
“We’re excited to bring this community event to
Raymond Terrace, where locals, families and businesses can come together with a celebration of food, live music and performances, including a car and boat ‘show n shine’,” Mayor Palmer said.
“We’ll be closing William Street to traffic, giving the community the opportunity to take over and explore the activities, and wander down King Street to experience a bit of country and heritage, with
demonstrations and activities for everyone to enjoy.
“The library is also getting in on the action, with free face painting and balloon twisting for the kids, on the library lawn,” he said.
Many local businesses are getting involved in the festival, showcasing their products and services.
Centre manager at Marketplace Raymond Terrace Luke Darcy said local
businesses were thrilled the upcoming Raymond Terrace Festival would be right on their doorstep.
“It’s great to have local events that drive community connection and economic activity in our area, and we’re proud to be involved,” said Mr Darcy.
“This exciting community event is an amazing opportunity for William Street businesses and our
Marketplace retailers to showcase their goods and services, and I can't wait to see the range of sales and offers that are available for our shoppers,” he said.
Other business representatives, such as managing director at Destiny Health, Evan Armstrong, said they were excitedly anticipating the community event.
“We’re cheering for this
local event,” he said.
“We’ll be at the front of our clinic ready to meet with the community and chat about any health and fitness questions they might have. We look forward to saying hi,” said Mr Armstrong.
The Raymond Terrace Festival is a free community event, taking place from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 29 July.
Swimming pool
146 Salamander Way 16-2022-841-2
S4.55(1A) Modification to approved dwellings /subdivision – design changes, amendment to conditions
SEAHAM 994 Clarence Town Road 16-2023-338-1 Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and associated shed structures
90 Tomaree Road 16-2023-378-1 2 storey dwelling, retaining wall and shed
2A Bagnall Avenue 16-2023-310-1 Home business –beauty salon
6 Sailors Way 16-2023-387-1 3 retaining walls
24 Admiralty Avenue 16-2023-337-1 Secondary dwelling
This is our commitment to making Port Stephens a place where wellbeing is prioritised, and people can lead happy, healthy and connected lives. Complete the survey online at pscouncil.info/community-wellbeing-actions or complete a hard copy of the survey at any Port Stephens Library.
Go to pscouncil.info/projectsandworks to find out what majoy projects are happening in your area.
Council was recently successful in an application for Special Rate Variation (SRV) to help improve Council’s long-term financial sustainability. This application was not made lightly – it was a tough decision made after careful consideration by our Council based on an understanding of our current and future finances.
The new rates will start this month. For most, it will only be a slight increase however, we know that with the cost of living increasing, some residents will still find this change difficult.
As part of our Rates Assistance Program, we’ve partnered with local financial counselling services to provide ratepayers experiencing financial hardship access to additional services. For those who have been impacted by land revaluations, you can also apply for financial assistance.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, we may be able to help with:
• Allowing extra time to pay or arranging smaller regular payments, like fortnightly direct debit
• Deferring rates payments for aged pensioners against property estate
• Financial assistance of up to $500 for individuals and families or $250 to those who already receive a Council pensioner rate concession
• Accrued interest on rates where the person was unable to pay for reasons beyond their control For more information visit portstephens.nsw.gov.au/financial-hardship or contact Council on 4988 0255.
Sat 29 July 10am to 2pm pscouncil.info/raymond-terrace-festival
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Kearney’s sporting genes that helped him qualify for the upcoming NSW State Snowsport Inter School Championships on August 22-23 at Perisher.
Billy progressed to the NSW finals after finishing 12th in Giant Slalom and 14th in Snowboard Cross at the recent Northern NSWQueensland Inter School titles.
His mother Nicole told News Of The Area that “Billy has proved a natural since taking up surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding in recent years.
“He shows a lot of ability in all three disciplines and spends many hours honing those skills,” said Nicole.
A keen surfer, Billy and ten-year-old sister Coral plus good mates Noah Bartlett and brothers Nate and Beau
Goodwin of Anna Bay are all members of the local Bay Area Boardriders – a stand up surfboard-riding club located in Port Stephens.
Established in 1983, Bay Area Boardriders runs friendly, local surfing competitions on a monthly basis across some of the most picturesque locations in NSW.
Contests are convened at either One Mile, Samurai or Birubi Beaches depending on the conditions, and officials always aim to pick the best location to suit all competitors.
Divisions include Grommets, Junior Boys and Girls, Over 28s, Over 40s, Open Men and Women and Masters Over 50s.
Billy demonstrated his surfing skills when he reached the semi finals in the Under 14 age category at the NSW Ocean and Earth Regional Surf titles at
Merewether Beach back in May.
He also was runner up in the Point Plomer Malibu Club Under 12s longboarding Christmas competition and placed third in the Under 12s final at the Easter Carnival.
Both Billy and Coral have been members of the Bay Area Boardriders for more than three years.
This was both their first years competing in the Inter Schools Snowboard/Skiing titles, with Coral placing 35th in the Alpine Skiing event from 68 girl competitors.
Coral enjoys surfing, skiing, playing soccer, touch football, gymnastics, acrobatics and indoor soccer (Futsal) and took great delight in finishing third in the Girls Under 12s final of the Point Plomer Malibu Club Christmas longboarding competition last December.
A MAN has been charged after an investigation into two break-and-enter offences targeting Port Stephens businesses.
About 5am on Saturday 8 July 2023, a safe was allegedly stolen from a bowling club on Maitland Road, Hexham.
Police said the safe was empty.
About 3am on Monday 17 July 2023, a restaurant on Ferodale Road, Medowie, was allegedly broken into, with an attempt to access a safe.
Following inquiries, a 37-year-old man was arrested at a motel on Gowrie Avenue, Nelson Bay, about 10.40am on 19 July.
The man was taken to Raymond Terrace Police Station where he was charged with break and enter house, steal value less than $60,000, break and enter intend to commit serious indictable offence, enter prescribed premises of any person without lawful excuse, goods in personal custody suspected
being stolen, two counts of possess prohibited drug, and drive while licence cancelled.
He first appeared before Raymond Terrace Local Court on 20 July 2023, where he was formally refused bail to appear before the same court on Wednesday 20 September 2023.
Investigations into business-related break, enter and steal offences continue under the current police operation Strike Force Macgillivray.
RAAF Base Williamtown fighter jet squadron programmed training on Salt Ash Air Weapons Range for July to December 2023 includes:
• 31 July to 18 August – Multiple Hawk aircraft
PC-21 aircraft operate intermittently on the range in support of Number Four Squadron combat control and joint terminal attack training programs. Every effort is made to minimise inconvenience to residents during SAAWR training. Residents are advised the range schedule can change at short notice due to weather or operational considerations.
For further information please call 1800 033 200, or refer to https://www.airforce.gov.au/operations/flying-operations or https://aircraftnoisemap.airforce.gov.au/assets/site.html?806#base/1
Coral Kearney works on her downhill skills.
Did you know: 80% of pets over the age of 3 years have dental disease?
Dental disease causes bad breath, pain, and negatively affects the heart, liver and kidneys.
Dental disease is caused by bacteria forming a film of plaque on the surface of teeth and gums, with minerals in saliva binding to it form tartar. This causes inflammation of the gum and bone loss surrounding the teeth. There are many options to help minimise dental disease in our pets including toothbrushing with pet-safe products, dental chews, and food or water additives.
Regular dental checks with your veterinarian and dental cleaning under general anaesthesia is the best way of maintaining pets’ oral health. Delaying until disease progresses puts their health at risk and often necessitates extraction of diseased and painful teeth.
August is dental month, with many veterinary practices offering specials on dental care, so if your pet is due for a check, now is the perfect time!
TODAY Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are being welcomed at Nelson Plaza Clinic for an annual health check, an opportunity to talk and be referred to specialist services.
Since Nelson Plaza Clinic opened in 2010, it has been doing annual health check days for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders from Tomaree High School.
The continued success of these health check days towards closing the gap in health outcomes has Nelson Plaza Clinic being asked to extend their services and complete health checks for students from Dungog and Hunter River High Schools as well as Tomaree beginning Thursday 27
Students get to be triaged by a nurse, have a chat with a general practitioner, get their hearing checked by an audiologist from Australian Hearing and have time with a psychologist.
Family planning is available also.
The success of these days and the dedication of Indigenous Dr Joel Wenitong has spawned a Youth Clinic – Guurumul.
Guurumul (Indigenous for Youth) is for any youth between the ages of 14 and 18 years to have a safe and private space for their health needs.
For kids to have a drop-in, GP-led clinic on the Tomaree Peninsula is very much needed.
If they have witnessed or experienced domestic violence, sexual assaults or been involved with drug use or alcohol, trouble at school or any mental health issues they are struggling with –they can come and see Dr Joel –with their parents or without.
The clinic is open every Thursday in Nelson Plaza Clinic arcade between 3pm and 5pm and is bulk billed.
Currently there is no dedicated space that a teenager can get GP-led health and help.
The clinic has vowed to fill that void and hopes the youth of the community will use this.
Dr Joel Wenitong and the team from Nelson Plaza Clinic have been dedicated in achieving
this space for teenagers in our community who have not been comfortable with getting help or maybe don’t know where to start or feel they have no one to help them.
Dr Joel was recently recognised by the Hunter New England Primary Health Network in being awarded a Hall of Fame –Dedication to Service Award. He is humble.
“As an Elder of mine once said – we become healers not for the money, not for the fame, not for the recognition, but because we made a promise to ourselves that we will try and help and heal as many people as possible,” said Dr Joel.
A NEW support group ‘Depression and Hope’ has begun operating in Port Stephens region to support individuals suffering from depression.
The welcoming group meets fortnightly on Thursdays from July 13 in the Tanilba Bay Baptist Church hall at 41 Beatty Boulevard Tanilba Bay starting at 6pm.
Depression and Hope forms a new outreach of already successful groups running in Newcastle with the aim of creating support for meaningful connection, education and recovery to people with depression throughout the Hunter region.
Group facilitator Rob Hoile told News Of
The Area that “depression can be a hard and lonely journey.
“Many of these people find themselves isolated with minimal social support, limited funds to access help and an absence of hope,” said Mr Hoile.
“Speakers regularly present on topics relevant to recovery such as exercise, thinking skills and self-compassion,” he added.
The group will provide a safe, caring and confidential space for people to find support, companionship and, over time, friendship and be genuinely and primarily focused on depression recovery while taking opportunities to show the way to mental, physical and spiritual health.
According to statistics recently released by the Black Dog Foundation, about one in 16 Australians suffer from depression yearly, and one in seven during their lifetime.
The statistics show that depression is firmly associated with poorer outcomes for other diseases and is the leading cause of nonfatal disability and that suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians aged 25-44 and the second leading cause for young people aged 15-24.
For more information phone Rob Hoile 0414 515 231 or email robhoile@bigpond.com
activities and craft.
“I think it's such a wonderful initiative for the region as we have nothing like it.”
WHEN Jennifer and Samuel Williams relocated to Medowie, like most families with young children, it became a priority to find a suitable play group for their young daughter.
Providing essential social connections not just for children but also for their parents, play groups form a vital part of community life.
It can be a challenge, however, to find one that suits all the needs that a family may have, such as appropriate location, time and costs.
For the Williams family an additional concern was whether an established group would offer their child the kind of creative environment that they valued.
When their search for such a group proved unsuccessful Jennifer made the bold decision to establish one of her own.
“We believe it’s crucial for children to get back outside in nature, nurturing the garden, and creating with sustainable art-and-craft activities and socialising in a calm environment that is not overstimulating,” says Jennifer.
“Unstructured free play in nature fosters connection with children and their appreciation of the earth,” she said.
This has long been central to Jennifer and Samuel’s parenting, as they have strived to live and raise their child ‘in the great outdoors’ as much as possible.
Beyond the common concerns about the effects of ‘screen time’ on young developing minds, Jennifer suggests that an added benefit is reduced stress upon parents and caregivers to provide stimulation.
“Outside children’s imaginations are stimulated by the objects and natural environment around them promoting creative and critical thinking.”
Medowie Natural Play
launched on Wednesday 19
June with an impressively large gathering of children and caregivers.
One mother of a two year old in attendance praised the initiative, and lauded the creative approach to
“She made a fairy wand from donated linen ribbons and bamboo, spiralised apples from a local grower, made mud pies, and brought home plenty of dirt!
Medowie Nature Play meets every Wednesday from 9am-11am at 142 Kindlebark Rd in Medowie.
It is a not-for-profit and the cost is $5.
Ms Williams said initial plans were for free sessions, but that proved uneconomical when large numbers turned out for the first event.
For more information phone Ms Williams on 0432 636 222.
q Natural Play founder Jennifer Williams with her husband, Samuel, and their daughter.
THE death of a 24-yearold, unvaccinated horse of hendra virus near Newcastle has sparked health advice from the NSW chief vet.
Department of Primary Industries chief veterinary officer Dr Jo Coombe said the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute confirmed the case last Tuesday.
“Vaccination of horses is the most effective way to help manage hendra
virus,” Dr Coombe said.
“Owners should also keep their horses away from flowering and fruiting trees that are attractive to bats.
“Do not place feed and water under trees and cover feed and water containers with a shelter so they cannot be contaminated from above,” she said.
“If your horse is unwell, keep people and animals away from the horse and call your private veterinarian immediately.”
Owners or private vets with concerns about a horse that may have hendra virus, should phone the emergency animal disease hotline on 1800 675 888.
This is the first confirmed detection of hendra virus in NSW since October 2021.
Since hendra was first detected in 2006, 25 horses have died on 24 properties across NSW.
A MEDOWIE public high school is a step closer to reality with the state government opening expressions of interest about where best to locate it.
Local landholders can put forward possible locations for the high school, in addition to the land on Ferodale Road currently owned by the
Education Department.
The Medowie community has been waiting decades for a high school.
Port Stephens MP Kate Washington on Friday visited Medowie Public School to outline the next steps to establish the new high school.
Site selection is now underway.
After the exact site is determined, the project will progress to master planning, concept design, and community and stakeholder engagement planning stages.
The new high school at Medowie will provide modern flexible classrooms, a library, school hall, outdoor play and sports areas and administration space to support the growing community.
It is one of multiple major school projects currently in progress in the Hunter region to accommodate expected population growth in the area.
Lindsay HALL 0430 048 398 lindsay@newsofthearea.com.au
Marian SAMPSON 0414 521 180 marian@newsofthearea.com.au
Mitch LEES 0425 289 593 mitchell@newsofthearea.com.au
Zayne PHILLIPS 0432 644560 zayne@newsofthearea.com.au
Chris KARAS 0400 819 153 chris@newsofthearea.com.au
Doug CONNOR 0431 487 679 doug@newsofthearea.com.au
NEWS: media@newsofthearea.com.au
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FLIPBOOK ONLINE: www.newsofthearea.com.au
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POST: PO Box 1000, Raymond Terrace NSW 2324
Tracey BENNETT 0484 263 558 tracey@newsofthearea.com.au
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AN ARMY of volunteers turned out to beautify the median strip along Tarean Road (Old Highway) in the middle of Karuah on Tuesday 18 July, thanks to a $6000 ‘Vibrant Spaces’ grant from Port Stephens Council.
With traffic redirected for most of the morning, a dozen locals began digging, mulching and planting to bring a barrenlooking median strip at the centre of town back to life with a variety of flora in all shapes and colours.
“The previous parklets project changed the whole aspect of Karuah, which led into this media strip project,” Lisa Floyd, from the Riverside Motel, and leader of the beautification project, told News Of The Area.
“We’ve sourced plants, bought and CONTINUED Page 7
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donated, from up and down the coast, and even today people are bringing out plants from their yards to contribute.”
Metal rings, to be fitted with solar feature lights, were donated by Luke and Robyn Roberts from Ironbark Estate, while Albert Johnson Mill donated several battens from the parklets project, and Karuah Gardens Motel added big planter bowls to the mix.
Several trucks, trailers and locals’ cars brought in a forest of foliage, after Port Stephens Council fixed up the concrete edges of the median strip’s kerbs.
Birds of paradise, prehistoric cycads, dianellas, mother-in-law’s tongues, agaves, agapanthas, xanadus, and lemandras now line the planter, with epiphytic bromeliads strapped to the FROM Page 6 existing
spotted gums.
“Lisa’s idea was to bring a punch of tropical colour to the town,” said Deb Sexton, a volunteer with 2IC.
Sweeping north from the southern end, colour washed over the median strip in the wake of the industrious volunteers.
Among the new life is ‘Ruby’, a special plant gifted from Lisa’s mother.
The local birds noticed immediately, with a few magpies and noisy miners dropping in to check out the changes.
“I love when the community comes together, it’s a feel-good thing,” Ms Sexton said, enjoying getting her hands dirty for the sake of the town, “and several people here met for the first time”.
Anna Bay Tavern
Anna Bay Bakery
BYO Cellars Anna Bay
Anna Bay Surf & Skate
Ingenia Holiday Park
Middle Rock Retirement Village
Anna Bay Village
Seawinds Village
Nelson Bay Bowling Club
Nelson Bay Golf Club
Woolworths Nelson Bay
Nelson Bay Newsagent
Nelson Bay Real Estate
Coles Express Servo Nelson Bay
Tackleword Port Stephens
Essence Cafe
Dolphin Watch Cafe
West Diggers
Harbourside Haven
Bernie Thompson Village
Shoal Bay Pharmacy
IGA Shoal Bay
John Patterson
Bill King Aged Care
Friendly Grocer Fingal Bay
Regis Aged Care
Corlette Store
Uniting Care
Homestead Village
Sandy Shores
Big4 Soldiers Point
Soldiers Point Bowling Club
Foodworks Salamander Bay
Wanda Beach Pharmacy
Mobil Salamander Bay
Caltex Salamander Bay
Coles Salamander Bay
Natural Tucker
Woolworths Salamander Bay
Horizons Golf Club
Taylors Beach Industrial Cafe
Seaham General Store
Opal Aged Care
Red Eye Café Raymond Terrace
Angeez Takeaway Raymond Terrace
Pet Parlour Raymond Terrace
Terrace Central Plaza Post Office
Newsagent Terrace Central Plaza
Woolworths Terrace Central Plaza
MarketPlace Woolworths
Raymond Terrace Shell
Twin Rivers Workwear & Uniforms
Raymond Terrace Library
Lakeside Newsagent
R&R Property
Foodworks Lakeside
Lakeside Leisure Centre
Muree Golf Club
Saxby's Bakery Salt Ash
Tanilba Bay Nursing Home
Tanilba Bay Retirement Units
Coles Tanilba Bay
Endevour Servo Tanilba Ba
Tanilba Newsagent
Post Office Tanilba Bay
Blue Marine Services
Chemist Lemon Tree
Club Lemon Tree
Tilligerry RSL
Tilligerry Real Estate
Coles Medowie
7-Eleven Medowie
Medowie Newsagent
Medowie Pharmacy
Woolworths Medowie
Medowie Social
Medowie Football Club
BP Servo Medowie
Pacific Dunes Golf Club
Metro Servo (Airport Side)
Metro Servo (Lavis Lane)
I NTERNATIONALLY- celebrated artists Andrew Blanch and Emily Granger are currently touring North-West NSW and Upper Hunter Region.
They will play concerts at Singleton, Gloucester and Dungog in August.
Returning for their second tour with Music in the Regions, Andrew Blanch and Emily Granger combine their solo expertise on guitar and harp to create a unique duo that displays the energy, versatility, and beauty of these much-loved instruments.
In an instrument pairing rarely seen together, this is at once both fresh and familiar.
Side by side on stage, the instruments face each other like an
enchanted reflection – with striking visual and aural similarities.
In this way, the sound world created by these two plucked string instruments is not dissimilar to that of a guitar duo – the harp, with its 47 resonant strings and a collection of extended techniques, providing an expanded range of expressive possibilities to the more common two-guitar pairing.
Award-winning guitarist Andrew Blanch is internationally renowned, having claimed third place in the 3rd International Guitar Competition Maurizio Biasini in 2016.
In 2020, Andrew released his debut album on the ABC Classic label with long-time collaborator, guitarist Ariel Nurhadi. The album
was selected as Limelight Recording of the Month, Featured Album on ABC Classic, and was one of just a handful of albums nominated for the AIR Best Classical Album Award that year.
Australian-American harpist Emily Granger has firmly established herself in the Australian concert scene, recently being appointed principal harp of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. In 2022 Emily released her solo debut album, In Transit.
In Transit was selected as ‘featured album’ on ABC Classic and 2MBS Fine Music Sydney. Enthusiastically received by reviewers, Emily’s album received more than 2.3 million streams within 12 months of release.
Having performed widely as a duo at venues such as Sydney Opera House, UKARIA, Canberra International Music Festival, and Australian Digital Concert Hall, Andrew Blanch and Emily Granger will tour Suite mágica to Nundle, Emerald Hill, Barraba, Singleton, Gloucester and Dungog this August.
Music in the Regions general manager and producer, Ian Whitney, said: “I’m very excited for our audiences in the North-West and Upper Hunter to experience the magic of these two brilliant and charismatic performers. Andrew and Emily were a hit on their 2022 tour with their dynamic stage presence and gorgeous repertoire.”
Emily Granger said: “Andrew and I are delighted to join forces
EACH Saturday morning from 8am a free 5-kilometre run starts from Marine Avenue, Fingal Bay and all are welcome.
Parkruns are free, weekly, community events occurring all around the world. Parkrun is a positive, welcoming
and inclusive experience where there is no time limit and no one finishes last.
Everyone is welcome to come
along, whether you walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate.
For more information phone Tammy Dyson on 0419 668 540.
offers onsite camping as the optimum choice for those with caravans and motorhomes.
A stellar lineup of festival favourites features for 2023.
Performing under the big top are Tex Perkins and The Fat Rubber Band, Adam Eckersley and Brooke McClymont, Ray Beadle Stax of Blues, Frank Sultana, Little Quirks, Wendy Matthews & Grace Knight performing the songs from Paul Simons’ Graceland, Felicity Urquhardt and Josh Cunningham, Hussy Hicks, Round Mountain Girls, Roshani, Mitch King, Burger Joint, Grace and Hugh, Minor Gold (Tracey McNeill + Dan Parsons) The Weeping Willows, Lady Lyon, and many more.
Festival Coordinator, Donna Ballard, says this year will be the biggest yet.
WINGHAM once again welcomes music lovers for three days of performances from October 13 to 15.
Organisers have this year been forced to cap audience numbers at 2,500 a day. The Wingham Showground location
“We are very excited to secure such incredible artists for the 2023 Wingham Music Festival,” she said.
“Visitors from across Australia now return to Wingham every year to hear great music and 2023 will be one of the biggest years yet.
“Motels and showground sites are booking up, so we are now encouraging people to book in Taree and further afield where we can arrange shuttle buses for transport.”
Three-day tickets are the most popular and with the overwhelming response this year sales are capped at 2500 per day to ensure the event nurtures a boutique style.
Artistic director Jill Watkins said the main performances would be complemented by ‘pop-up’ acts.
“This year Circartus students of various ages will delight audiences with a variety of ‘pop up’ and roving acts scattered throughout the festival.
“In ‘pop-up’ moments in between the main bands on the centre stage, stilters, magicians, and theatre artists will perform and delight across the festival site for the entire weekend,” she said.
Tickets and playing times are available here at https://akoostik.com.au/
with Music in the Regions again to bring the unique sounds of the classical harp and guitar to regional NSW! We are both passionate about getting out of the urban centres to bring Sydney Opera House standards to regional community halls.
“Andrew and I have been collaborating for over three years since meeting at The Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity in Canada in late 2019,” she said.
“Since then, we've commissioned four new Australian
works for our duo, arranged classics like Ravel and Granados, and have recently finished preparing our upcoming album. Our program is full of joy and virtuosity, and we just cannot wait to hit the road and share this music with audiences in August!”
The harp isn’t the easiest instrument to transport around the nation.
“It is like a giant game of Tetris to fit all our gear into the back of my station wagon.
“Lugging around a 39-kilogram
harp requires a lot of planning, and we’re so lucky that Music in The Regions has thought of everything.
Emily is thankful that the harp has not been an item of lost baggage as yet.
“My brand new harp is in the process of being shipped to Sydney all the way from Philadelphia, so let’s hope it makes the journey safely and arrives as planned.”
Emily is a huge fan of impressionism, “Debussy and Ravel are two of my favorite composers, which isn’t anything new coming from a harpist!
“These guys knew how to write for our instrument.
“If I ever need a big dose of inspiration all I have to do is turn on Ravel’s Daphnes and Chloe or Debussy’s La Mer to remind myself why I love being a musician,” she said.
• Discover the epitome of coastal living in this duplex at sunny Nelson Bay!
• Offering a blend of style, comfort, and picturesque WATER VIEWS, this property is a true gem.
• Nestled in a highly desirable street, and boasting a flexible and versatile floor plan with living areas on 2 floors, giving options for entertaining, living, work and study.
• High, raked ceilings add a touch of sophistication and create a spacious and inviting atmosphere.
• 3 Bedrooms, Second Toilet/WC on the ground floor, Fenced yard and all recently freshened up with a full internal paint, new carpet and floating floors.
• Double garage with internal access to the home.
• With its unbeatable features, water views, NORTHERLY aspect, and a premiere location, this property is a rare offering.
ADDRESS: 2/12 Bayview Street Nelson Bay
CATEGORY: 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, double garage.
PRICE: $780,000
DISCOVER the epitome of coastal living in this duplex at sunny Nelson Bay.
Offering a blend of style, comfort, and picturesque water views, this property is a true gem. Nestled in a highly desirable street, and boasting a flexible and versatile floor plan with living areas on 2 floors, giving options for entertaining, living, work and study.
High, raked ceilings add a touch of sophistication and create a spacious and inviting atmosphere in both the formal living area and main bedroom. The double garage gives both
convenience and privacy, with internal access to the home.
Unwind and relax on the covered balcony and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds you, or barbecue in the downstairs alfresco area while the kids play in the fenced yard.
With its unbeatable features, water views, northerly aspect, and a premiere location, this property is a rare offering. Phone Nelson Bay Real Estate to arrange a viewing, inspections are by appointment only.
At a glance, this property offers:
• 3 bedrooms, all with built-in robes. The main bedroom has both water views and a cathedral ceiling;
• Full bathroom on the
1st floor, plus a second separate toilet on the lower floor.
• Family room, dining, kitchen and laundry on the lower floor, open out onto the fenced yard.
• Upstairs the formal lounge has plenty of room to also accommodate a home office, or formal dining area. This area leads out to the covered balcony and enjoys a terrific view. This area also has plumbing available that would enable the installation of a kitchenette or wet bar.
• Recently freshened up with full internal paint, LED downlights, new carpet and floating flooring.
Email Jasminda: media@newsofthearea.com.au
DEAR Jasminda
My best friend is celebrating her 49th with a cruise. Being stuck on a cruise ship with hundreds of people is my idea of a nightmare. I get seasick and suffer from claustrophobia. I can’t say no though as she’d be devastated. Help!
Marie V.
to ‘break ground’ on our $110-million Newcastle Airport Terminal Expansion Project. It was a really exciting milestone for the future of Port Stephens, NSW and Australia.
industries will have a greater ability to attract skilled workers to the region.
Dear Marie,
THE idea of a best friend is someone who you feel comfortable and confident enough with to share your hopes, dreams and fears.
Surely your friend knows about your claustrophobia and seasickness? If you are as close as you say, she should have factored that in.
If you’re going to be miserable and unwell, I’d be truthful with her and say you will ruin the celebrations
and that instead you will organise a surprise event for just the two of you when she returns.
Then book a cattle mustering weekend followed by karaoke and an insect dégustation menu served by a chef who yells abuse at his guests.
Let her know, as she’s falling off the horse or running to the bathroom because she has a grasshopper leg stuck in her throat, that what you love most about your friendship is how well you know each other.
By RYAN PALMER Mayor, Port Stephens CouncilThere is absolutely no doubt the new terminal building and upgrade to the Newcastle Airport runway is a genuine game changer for our region - the ability to accommodate long-range
domestic and international flights will open Port Stephens and the Greater Hunter to the world.
The benefits of this project are far reaching; business will be boosted by year-round visitor markets and producers will have access to new freight routes and opportunities for trade and our growing manufacturing, renewable energy and aerospace
With the improvements at Newcastle Airport, we should expect an influx of new business and investment – hotels and accommodation, transport options and retail stores will follow.
Freight facilities will be required and of course, new jobs will be created providing exciting career opportunities for young people across Port Stephens.
Over the next two decades, the upgrade and
expansion of the runway and new terminal is expected to generate approximately $12.7 billion in economic activity - it will create more than 500 jobs during construction and an extra 4,410 full-time jobs once complete.
As a council, we are committed to ensuring Port Stephens is ready for this transformation.
We are working on upgrading our road networks, improving the vibrancy of our town centres, and advocating to all levels
10,000 copies collected each week
of government for ongoing support.
We are also working closely with business to foster connections, supporting new training and educational opportunities and most importantly, finding solutions to enable new housing across our communities.
By late 2024, this project will be complete. As a community, this is a project we should all be very proud of and one that will drive economic and social benefits for our place and our people for many decades to come
LOCAL artist turned majorleague entertainer, Jomeca, has just returned from DJ duties at the Women’s FIFA World Cup events in Sydney on Thursday 20 July.
As DJ and music director, Jomeca rocked Stadium Australia at Homebush for the opening Sydney match, entertaining 75,784 people –a record crowd for women’s soccer in Australia, and close to the 83,500 capacity.
“This is what dreams are made of!” Jomeca told NOTA.
“You can play Sweet Caroline and hear 75,000 people sing back to you, then the lights go out and the torches look like stars.”
Jomeca grew up in Tea Gardens, with music always present at home, and she would often DJ alongside her dad from an early age.
“I think I’ve been doing it for so many years that I’ve been fortunate to network with the right people who can put me on the pathway I am on now,” Jomeca said, contemplating how she started with small volunteer gigs for school, family and friends.
She developed a love for DJing, singing, and performing throughout school, saying, “when I was younger, I always had a goal that I didn’t want to do something that I did not enjoy, and am very lucky to have stumbled into the amazing stuff that I get to do.”
While genuinely enjoying what she does may be a perk, Jomeca remembers grinding away for many years to realise her successes thus far.
Her biggest gig so far, Jomeca previously raised the crowd’s roar at the ATP and United Cups at Roswell Arena in Sydney, including the 2022 New Years Eve Nadal v Norrie match.
Back in Karuah, Jomeca still volunteers at the TGPS Year 6 Farewells and discos, and recently at the Myall River VIEW Club’s ‘Christmas in July’ anniversary, alongside boxing with the local PCYC group.
Jomeca returns to Sydney throughout the FIFA tournament, entertaining at the Sydney Football Stadium on 28 July, then the big final at Stadium Australia on 20 August.
MATILDAS coach Tony
Gustavsson breathed a huge sigh of relief after Australia triumphed 1-0 against Ireland in an enthralling Women's World Cup opener, sending the 75,784-strong crowd at Stadium Australia into a frenzy.
To the surprise and confusion of the home crowd, the absence of captain Sam Kerr's name from the starting lineup sent a Mexican wave of speculation rippling through the stadium.
Stepping into the spotlight, Steph Catley was given the captain's armband and emulated Kerr's goal-scoring prowess by confidently converting a second-half penalty that proved to be the decisive moment of the match.
Gustavsson was the happiest man in the stadium when the referee's whistle finally sounded, marking the end of a tense final 15 minutes during which Ireland relentlessly pressed
and almost snatched an equaliser.
The truth behind Kerr's absence finally surfaced in the post-match press conference after sustaining a calf injury just 24 hours earlier in Brisbane.
However Gustavsson had deliberately kept the news under wraps until the official team sheet was announced an hour before kick-off.
The poker-faced coach was bombarded with questions post-match, stating
that they wanted to keep Ireland guessing.
“I want to say I hope you respect and understand the reason when I sat here yesterday that I couldn’t speak openly about it, so I hope there’s an understanding
of that,” Gustavsson said on Thursday night.
“At that point of time, we didn’t know 100 per cent what it was and we were waiting for a result of a scan.
“Last night (Wednesday) we had a meeting and that’s
where I got the exact news of what it was.
“Sam is a massive part of Ireland’s game plan as you can understand, and we didn’t want to give that away in advance.”
Despite the uncertainty
The Ladies’ Bay Buddies program is designed to foster the growth of new members through a supportive and welcoming environment. Our primary objective is to educate individuals interested in joining our club about golf etiquette and the intricacies of competitive play. Additionally, we place great emphasis on creating social connections, both during and after mentored games.
In a nutshell, this initiative offers new players the opportunity to enjoy nine holes of golf in the company of experienced golfers, or “buddies,” every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. In collaboration with Warren Moses’ golfing clinics, the Bay Buddies program provides a relaxed setting for aspiring golfers to immerse themselves in the game and potentially elevate their involvement to new heights.
The success of the Bay Buddies program can be attributed to the generous contributions of our club members who act as mentors, dedicating their time to guide and support newcomers. Within a short span of time, the program has garnered significant popularity. Several participants have already reached competition standards, actively working towards obtaining handicaps and engaging in competitive golf.
Golf is not just a wonderful sport; it is a passion that we can share together. Let’s spread our love for the game and welcome new players into our golfing community!
If you would like to find out more about The Bay Buddies Program please contact reception (02) 4981 1132 or reception@nelsonbaygolf.com.au
Medowie Football Club is a proud promoter of women in sport. Along with many teams of mixed sexes, this year the club has two female only MiniRoos teams, an U12 girls team, an AAW team, and an O30’s female team. “It is great to see our female membership increasing each year” said Brendon Boatswain, Medowie FC Registrar.
Amy Hogan, U12 girls team coach is very proud of her team “This was our first time in 5 years of having an under 12s girls team. The girls have come from all over the region to be a part of this team and have gelled together incredibly well. Majority of our girls didn’t know each other before joining the team and have all become great friends. Many of our girls joined having no prior experience to soccer and have shown amazing commitment and dedication to the team and game. We started off the season losing by significant numbers, to now scoring goals and showing great dedication in keeping the ball out of our half. Our girls have shown incredible strength and resilience to play for fun and show everyone that the score doesn’t determine how much fun you have. They have shown each week that they can go out there, work together and have an absolute ball with their friends. It is awesome that Medowie, as a club, has so many Women’s teams for the girls to look up to and see what they can be a part of one day. I cannot wait to see these girls continue playing soccer and improving each year as a team and individually.”
“If you or someone you know are interested in registering to play for the 2024 season, follow us on Facebook for opening registration dates for all age groups.”
surrounding Kerr's availability for the upcoming group matches against Nigeria and Canada, the Matildas proved that they were not solely reliant on their star striker.
With a valuable three points in the bag against a resolute Irish team, the Australian squad showcased its strength and depth against a welldrilled defence that will test Group B
rivals Nigeria and Canada. Ireland’s 5-4-1 formation denied the Matildas space to create opportunities, which is an obstacle their Group B opponents will face.
Group B promises to be a fiercely-contested battleground, aptly earning the nickname "the group of death".
However, with a crucial three
points on the board, the Matildas have set a strong foundation for the rest of their group stage campaign, even without their talismanic striker.
SOPHIA Smith of the United States took an early lead in the Women’s World Cup Golden Boot tally after hitting two goals in USA's victory over Vietnam on Saturday. Lindsey Horan was also on target in that game, wrapping up the Americans' 3-0 success.
Smith is joined on two goals by Japan's Hinata Miyazawa, who bagged a brace in their 5-0 romp against Zambia to open their Group C campaign in style.
The Golden Boot will be awarded to the player who scores the most goals in the final competition.
If two or more players score the same number of goals, the number of assists (as determined by the members of FIFA’s technical study group) shall be decisive.
If two or more players are still equal after taking into account the number of assists, the total minutes played in the tournament will be taken into account, with the player playing fewer minutes ranked first.
A Silver Boot and a Bronze Boot will also be awarded for the second and third-highest goalscorers,
Current leaders Smith Hinata with two goals are followed by the rest of the tournament’s goal scorers, including Australia’s own captain Steph Catley and: Mina Tanaka - Japan, Jun Endo - Japan, Amalie Vangsgaard - Denmark, Riko Ueki - Japan, Esther Gonzalez - Spain, Ramona Bachmann - Switzerland, Hannah Wilkinson - New Zealand, Seraina PiubelSwitzerland, Aitana Bonmati - Spain, Georgia Stanway -
England and Lindsey Horan - USA.
Previous winners are:
1991: Michelle AkersUSA (10 goals);
1995: Ann-Kristin Aarones - Norway (6 goals);
1999: Sissi - Brazil (7 goals), Sun Wen - China (7 goals);
2003: Birgit PrinzGermany (7 goals);
2007: Marta - Brazil (7 goals);
2011: Homare SawaJapan (5 goals);
2015: Celia Sasic -
Germany (6 goals), Carli Lloyd - USA (6 goals) and;
2019: Megan RapinoeUSA (6 goals).
American Michelle Akers holds the record for the most goals: 10 in 1991 and Homare Sawa's tally of five is the lowest needed to claim the honour. There has twice been joint winners of the award (1999, 2015)
The leading scorer has not come from the World Cup winners on two occasions (1999, 2007).
KARUAH Roos will honour their rugby league legends of the past decade at a special presentation dinner next month.
The evening function on Saturday August 12 at Karuah RSL Club will follow the Roos’ Old Players Day festivities against Raymond Terrace Magpies at Lionel Morten Oval.
Having re-formed in 2013 after a short sabbatical from the Newcastle-Hunter Mens Northern Conference competition, the historic Roos will announce their ‘team of the decade’ on a night that should trigger plenty of discussion from diehard supporters.
In a congested top four in the Mens Northern Conference, one point separates the Clarence Town Cobras (14), Tea Gardens
Hawks (14), Paterson Rivers (13) and Karuah (13) after ten rounds.
All eyes are on Dylan Foley’s mighty Karuah women’s team that are proving a force to be reckoned with in the 2023 Newcastle Maitland Regional Community competition.
The all-conquering Rooettes have entertained crowds this season with enterprising displays and continue to firm as premiership favourites.
Karuah has lost only one match this series and leads the womens competition on 20 points after eleven rounds.
Experienced prop forward Kellie Johnson reached a personal milestone recently when she chalked up 50 games in the Rooettes’ 60-0 drubbing of Aberglasslyn Ants at McKeachie’s Sports Ground.
THE Gropers took the field on Saturday at Boyd Oval for the local derby against Medowie.
Clear skies and cool temperature made for perfect conditions for rugby.
The Groper defence withstood song early Medowie raids. An elusive ran by flyhalf Ilisoni Vonomatiratu saw him cross the line and a conversion of his own try set the tone for the rest of the game.
Medowie’s strong scrummaging was a feature of their play.
Tries by prop Ross Buchan, 2nd row Hamish Bartlett and veteran centre Rhys Cutbush had the Gropers going to half time with a 24 to nil lead.
Inclusion of Zion Takarua into the
front row put the pack back on the front foot and the team never looked back. Tries to Willy Dunn, Tom Hickey and Ryan Marshall had the Bay winning 50 to nil.
Scorers were: Tries Willy Dunn
2, Ilisoni Vonomatiratu, Ross Buchan, Hamish Bartlett, Rhys Cutbush, Ryan Marshall and Tom Hickey 1 each.
Illisoni Vonomatiratu kicked 5 conversions from 8 attempts.
Player points went to: 1 to Michael Hotene, 2 to Willy Dunn and 3 to Isaac Laracy.
The NBG Women took to the field against Maitland Blacks on Saturday. With depleted numbers due to injuries the team Captain Sophie Lembcke called out some comrades so they could get 15 on the field for
TUESDAY Vets 11/7/23
25 Players
Who can believe the fabulous weather just right for Golf
Winner: John Marks 42pts R/U: Brian Whittaker 41pts
Highest Score: Brian Whittaker 38pts NTP: 2/11 Peter Stevens 4/11 Gavan
Dashing fullback Ebony Oakley has developed into a points-scoring machine.
The classy custodian posted 26 points from three tries and seven goals in the huge win over the Ants and backed up that performance last
kick off. With no subs for the game the 15 players were a powerhouse of strength and commitment.
With a tight 12 -10 half time score, Coach Josh Gamgee gave the girls words of wisdom to “Keep moving up in defence and meet them, don't let them come to you”.
Evidence showed that the team took this onboard in the beginning of the second half with some bone crushing tackles. Pilfering the ball and amazing defence put the women in more of a lead. The cheers on the field erupted when kicker Ebony Oakley slotted a 20m sideline kick straight over the black dot, giving the team the boosted they needed to finish the game strong. The scrums came together and NBG pushed Maitland over their scrum feed on three occasion in the game. A push
Gartung 6th Dennis Morgan Saturday 15/7/23 28players Todays event was 4 Ball Multiplier Sponsored by Russ's Fresh Bake and Blue Water Gill
This is a new event to create a little bit of fun on the course.
Winner: G Masters- R Holwells 72pts
By Gary WATT
RESULTS from a Stableford competition played at Tanilba Bay GC. on Monday, 17th July, with 30 players.
Nett Winner : Mary Kay, 40pts.
Nett R/U : Gary Chapman, 39pts.
Bonus Pt Winner :
Peter Martyn, 40pts.
Bonus Pt R/U : Barry Leo, 38pts, c/b
Nearest the Pin, 4th Hole, Div 1 : No Winner Div 2 : Peter Toth.
Nearest the Pin, 11th Hole, Div 1 : Gary Gazzard.
Div 2 : Kel Dorney. Drive & Chip, 7th Hole, Div 1 : Fred Rimoni.
Div 2 : John Howlett. Drive & Chip, 18th Hole, Div 1 : Fed Rimoni.
Div 2 : Steve Robards.
Ball Winners : Fred Rimoni 38pts, Graham Woolley 38pts, Kel Dorney 37pts, Lester Lake 37pts, Bob McKeand 36pts, Ross Dobson 35pts,
Outright winner.
Adam Cowie. 72
Running up.
John Clayton. 74
Bonus Points winner. Bill McMaster. 74
Runner up.
Greg Hinton. 75
Ball winners. Ron McKay. 76 John McDonald. 76 Ron Dews. 79
Grahame Glover. 79
Putting contest. Greg Hinton 26 putts
Bradman Award. Peter Couvaras.
A. Grahame Glover.
B. Ed Martin D&C7th.
A. Bryan Porter. B. Ed.Martin NTP18th.
A. John McDonald. B. Greg Hinton.
Money hole. John Clayton There were 15 starters today. Congratulations to all the winners. Seeded draw next week 28 July 4th round Club Championships.
Friday night at Walters Park Speers Point with a whopping five tries and twelve goals for a personal tally of 44 points in a 72-0 thrashing of Awabakal Morriset Eagles Bulls.
Talented hooker Sophie Lembcke showed her attacking prowess with
over scrum in the last 10 minutes of the game that saw scrum half Leah Nowlan pluck the ball from the back of the scrum, run to the short side, palm several of the Black's to get over the line, all while having the support of Taleah Dodd, with the try that sealed a win of 24 -10.
This was the hardest game to choose the players player according to the women, that is a true indication of just how well they played.
The last three game losses and player injury has hit the team hard, but after such an amazing win yesterday on the field, the NBG Women are bound for a strong finish to their first season in the Newcastle Hunter Women's 15 a side comp.
Scorers were:
Tries, Kyana Patten, Haley Dews, Sophie Anderson, Leah Nowlan
NTP: 2/11 D Russell, 4/13 G Masters, 6th J Marlow Longest Putt: R Trowbridge
Pennants Teams
B Grade and the newly formed C Grade Pennants teams Played Sunday 16/7/23
Shayne Mullarvey 35pts, John Clayton 35pts, Gary Gazzard 35pts, and Bruce Stimpson 34pts.
Lucky Prize Draw Winner : Phil Rogan.
Results from a Stableford competition played at Tanilba Bay GC. on Monday, 24th July, with 20 players. (Wet Day)
Nett Winner : Barry Leo, 39pts.
Nett R/U : No Runner Up.
three tries against the Ants and a try double against the Eagles Bulls while promising lock Dallas Gray has impressed with strong performances for the premiership pacesetters.
SEE ‘Women in Sport’, pages 13-15
Conversions to Ebony Oakley 2
Players Player Points went to:
3 points … Captain, Sophie Lembcke
2 points … Kyana Patten
1 point … Leah Nowlan
1 point … Taleah Dodd
The under 18s took on Maitland Black at Tomaree and run out winners by 71 to nil.
Scoresrs were:
Tries, Xavier Stewart 4 Aiden Tyacke 2, Aajay Watts, Jake Button, Thomas Akbal, Charlie Mullins 1 each Aiden Tyacke kicked 8 conversions.
Next week has all teams at home.
Under 18s at Tomaree at 10:40
First XV at Bill Strong Oval at 3:00 followed bye the Women’s XV at 4:30.
The club is celebrating Sponsors Day at Bill Strong Oval.
B Grade: Jason Greentree, Dean Hodges, Sam Croese, John Marlow, Adam Knott and Geoff Masters went down to Hawks Nest at Horizons 3 ½ to 2 ½
C Grade: Aiden Bills, Andrew Prior, Mark Bills, Dylan Russell, Bob Black
Bonus Pt Winner : Jim Gill, 38pts.
Bonus Pt R/U : No
Runner Up.
Nearest the Pin, 4th Hole, Div 1 : Phil Rogan.
Div 2 : Col Kerrison.
Nearest the Pin, 11th Hole, Div 1 : Gary Chapman.
Div 2 : John Howlett.
Drive & Chip, 7th Hole, Div 1
: Barry Leo.
Div 2 : Ross Dobson.
Drive & Chip, 18th Hole, Div
1 : Fred Rimoni.
and Rod Berry. Congrats to the C grade on a win agains Newcastle at Newcastle 3 ½ to 2 ½
Congratulations to all players and to the C and B Grade Pennants Karuah is ready to play
Div 2 : Lester Lake. Ball Winners : Gary Gazzard 36pts, John Howlett 34pts, Lester Lake 34pts, Gary Chapman 33pts, Graham Woolley 33pts, Alan Foster 32pts, and Kevin Stewart 32pts.
Lucky Prize Draw Winner : Phil Rogan. (Again)
Visitors are welcome any Monday, please ring Gary Watt on 49814536 for starting times.
Sudoku is an 81 square number grid with nine blocks each containing nine cells. To solve the puzzle, all the blank cells must be filled in using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and in the nine 3x3 blocks.
JULY 16 2023 to 22 July 2023
Sunday 16 July 2023
Men’s Stableford:
Gymea Lily Course
A1 Jake Venckus (11) 36
B1 Gary Walker (23) 39c/b
C1 Ian Pfennigwerth (32) 38
Ladies Stableford:
Gymea Lily Course
A1 Robyn Butler (19) 33
B1 Bev Suska (42) 33
Monday 17 June 2023
Vets Stableford
1 Martyn Jeggo 18
2 Peter Graf 17
Tuesday 18 July 2023
Ladies StablefordOver-all Winners
1 Lorraine Parker (54) 16 c/b
2 Michelle Brown (45) 16
Ladies Stableford: Gymea Lily Course
A1 Diana Johnson (22) 39
A2 Arja Levonpera (23) 36
A3 Karen Flatt (24) 34
B1 Marg Reimer (30) 34
B2 Jeannie Punshon (27) 33 c/b
B3 Linda Bergmann (32) 33
C1 Tina Wasilewicz (33) 38
C2 Meg Flack (41) 34 c/b
C3 Marie Shephard (42) 35
Wednesday 19 July 2023
Men’s Ungraded Stableford:
Gymea Lily Course
1 Damien Johnstone (23) 42
2 John Fitzgerald (23) 38c/b
3 Yuri Suska (30) 38c/b
4 Paul Kelly (30) 38
5 Craig Burnett (27) 37c/b
Men’s Ungraded Stableford: Brushbox Course
1 Dick Lewis (28) 39
2 Vito Massaioli (10) 37c/b
3 Laurence Van Niekerk (16) 37c/b
4 Peter Murray (12) 37
5 Will Strong (30) 36c/b
Thursday 20 July 2023
Men’s Stableford: Xmas Bush Course Overall, Winner
1 Bill Shepard (18) 34 Vets
1 Michael Gardener 23
2 Grant Kennett 22
Ladies Stableford Xmas Bush Course
A1 Tina Wasilewicz (32) 40
A2 Chris Ledingham (32) 36
A3 Dianne Moon (23) 353
B1 Zoe Stewart ( 52) 35
B2 Ruth Buchanan (37) 34 c/b
B3 Judy Fisher (40) 34
Friday 21 July 2023
Men’s Stableford: Brushbox Course
A1 Lochlan Stewart (15) 36c/b
A2 David Hogan (4)
B1Alan Gadsby (20) 39
B2 Warren Andrews (23) 34c/b
C1 Keith Woodley (26) 37c/b
C2 Peter Dee (37) 37
Ladies Stableford: Brushbox Course
A1 Shirley Anicich (48) 37
A2 Fran Giudes (16) 34
Saturday 22 July 2023
Men’s 4th Rnd Handiskins: Gymea Lily Course
A1 Peter Power (15) 37c/b
A2 Steve Barnett (15) 37
B1 Darren Hancock (19) 39
B2 Geoff Cousins (19) 38
C1 Roger Gander (44) 35c/b
C2 Craig Burnett (27) 35
Men’s 4th Rnd Handiskins:
Xmas Bush Course
A1 Craig Windon (14) 39
A2 David Warder (11) 37
B1 Alan Fisher (23) 37c/b
B2 Steve Fogwill (20) 37
C1 Rex Harris (24) 36
C2 Will Strong (30) 33c/b
Ladies Stableford:
Xmas Bush Course
Over-all Winners
1 Barbara Frost (18) 28c/b
2 Sharon Dunn (21) 28
3 Rita Fitzgerald (19) 26
General Labourer at The Island Action Sports Complex.
Wage negotiable based on experience. Must be willing to travel to Bulahdelah/Tea Gardens.
Please contact us on 0417 036 265 or assistant@fenwickdemolition.com.au
War Medals
Top prices paid by local collector. Call Jim 0400 060 215
Antique China & Figurines, English Silver, Fountain Pens, Old Jewellery & Watches. Please phone: Annie 0419 219 634 or Ron 0408 967 747
Position Vacant
KARUAH MOTOR YACHT CLUB is currently looking for a self-employed Cook and Kitchen Hand to cook and serve meals on Friday nights from 5.30pm to 9.00pm and at other special events. This would suit a couple or retired cook and partner. For further information please phone Denise on 0415 419 741 by Friday 4th August 2023.
Public Notices
Karuah Motor Yacht Club is a sports club that is family orientated located on the Karuah River Waterfront. We are a licensed premises open every Friday night from 5:00pm. BBQ available. 0415 419 741 mail@kmyc.net.au Finduson Facebook
Tea Gardens Car Rentals
Public Notices
GUITAR & Bass tuition theory muscianship graduate of Aust Institute of Music. Course details www.guitarstudio.net.au
Salamander Bay 4984 4731
Garage Sale
DOWNSIZING/Moving sale. Huge range of items. Sat 29th, 9-1pm 13 Hart Ave Malabula. e270723
Tzu puppies. 3 boys available. White! BIN# B000616552 Call or text 0474 378 452
Wanted to Rent
FARM Shed/workshop area in Bulladelah/Tea Gardens area. Phone Mark on 0412 310 650
For Sale
2 x Single (can be double) adjust slatted bedframes & 2 latex mattresses
VGC $300 both
PH: 4997 9797 or 0490 971 996
2 cream leather two seater lounges. $500 each or both for $900 exc cond. 0400 955 778 Re280923
2 LENLITE LED high bay lights 130W. $100 each. 0448 382 828
32” TV with remote, all working, no damage $99. Ph: 0493 078 190
3 OROTON evening purses, collectables from the 1970s, converts from should strap to clutch beautiful cond. Like new Best offers. 49817523 F160223
For Sale
4 x 17”x 6” Steel rims, fitted with 255/65x17 Dunlop AT23 tyres. Suit current Nissan Navara $130ea ono. Ph 0404 094 028 Re250822
AIR Fryer Mistral White 6.5 Litre Instructions incl Good Condition $40 Ph 0412 083 543
BBQ, 2 burner, VGC hardly used inc gas bottle, on wheels $110 0427 980 079 F260123
BBQ 4 Burner/side burner bottle with safety valve plus cover & accessories Little body rust Medowie 4982 9942 F300323
BEAM hanging racks pair, powder coated steel grey and rubber Suits use with bicycles or ladders. Never used $50. 0408 431 488 F250523
BICYCLES Girls and boys, VGC $20 each Ph: 4982 8628
BLACK pepper quilted Microfibre short coat Winter White Size 20 $45 Ph 0412 083 543
COCA Cola sign in wooden and glass frame 40cmx30cm $25 Coca Cola mens red shirt with signage size XL $10 3 tow balls, 2 large heavy metal shackles. Best offer. Ph 4981 7523.
COSMOPOLITAN Travelling port, half price, $85 used once 4982 6443
DOLPHINS ornamental from 60cm to 4cm. Ph 0466 880 639
DRESS, New, Short Sleeve, Golden Blue Marble print Size M / Maxi Length Light weight & lined $ 50. 0427 818 294
DVD movies incl. drama and westerns, mainly last 5-20 years. Incl 1 TV series 10x10 disks
$60 Ph: 02 4966 5000
ELECTRIC Saw Black & Decker $50 Ph: 4997 0611
1 Electric 700mm x 360mm 2000 watts
1 Oil filled 2400 watts $40 for both. Please ring 0404 724 347
GET Fit While Seated Compact Elliptical Pedal Exercisor, Gubai model JR2 activity tracking LCD display, variable resistance, low joint impact. $80 ono. Pick up Tea Gardens. Phone 0412 347 546
GARDEN tools Rake, Hoe, Mattock & Fork $15 each Ph: 4997 0611
GOLF cart and trailer exc cond, many extras trailer has 12 months rego. $6,500 ono. Will deliver. 0411 894 327 e270723
GOLF or Shopping Scooter, 4 wheel drive 2sp Lotus Blake Tycoon AZ36. Can be fully disassembled $2,750 ono. 4997 0435
GOLF set leather bag, Slazenger cart woods steels extras. $250. Ph 0476 789 721
GOLFING accessories Golf balls - around 100? 20 cents each Golf buggy $25 Clubs and drives $2 each. Ph: 4982 2335
KAYAK (Sit on Top)
Brand Midway. Size L440 x W65cm, weight 23kg with Rudder inc Exc cond. Seat, Paddle Life Jacket. $800. Pick up from Tea Gardens area. 0423 014 783
KING Single Bed Frame Wrought iron/wooden frame Slatted base Great condition $95 Phone 02 4987 2250
KING single tubular bed Free. 0419 985 601
$50. Other items too 0425 254 612
MASSAGE Table $100. 0407 267 152
MIRROR Large oval with chain $15. Small oval with frame $20 Ph: 0487 015 730 f010623
MOBILE shower chair 2 years old. Never been used. $250. 0416089902
MOBILE phone ZTE excellent cond. $100 0493 777 707
MOBILITY Scooter 4 wheel. Good cond. with front basket, rear bag and charger. $1200 Free delivery
Ph: 0418 430 643
NEW Car rim and tire tubeless steel belted radial. Size 205/55R16 $100ono. 4981 7523
NEW Mobility Scooter 50AH batteries delivered and installed Newcastle and surrounding areas. $490 a pair 0418 430 643
For Sale For Sale
PIANOLA with piano stool, old and modern rolls, good cond. $2000 0450 463 638
PORTABLE clothesline GC, $25. 0413 023 296
PRYDE Windsufing mast suits 7 metre sail. Little used. $99 Tea Gardens. Peter 0419 932 992 F260123
PUFFER Jacket with hood Pale blue grey trim
Size 20 Near new $60 Ph 0412 083 543 F130723
TWO Large standard English desk dictionaries Hard covers. 2 x vols Beautiful cond. $15 for both ono. 4981 7523 f290623
TV Corner cabinet Shelving underneath 2 door unit, on wheels 100cm W x 60cm H 65cm L. $50. 4981 7523
WHEELCHAIR, small self propelled, older version. $65. 0414 408 803 F250523
WELLINGTON boots as new size 10 $25 4997 0611
WINDSURFER and fin 85 litres, Freerace 2.6m long. In a bag. No dings Some accessories available. $80. Peter 0419 932 992. Tea Gardens.
WORK bench 136cm L $100 Ph: 4938 5923
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SEVEN, 7.30pm
Your run-of-the-mill Sunday evening is set to get glamorous with the Logie Awards beaming into lounge rooms nationwide.
TEN, 8pm
After 14 seasons and 323 episodes, this crime stalwart wraps up with a triple-episode goodbye. Pack the popcorn and the fluffy slippers: you’ll kill three hours and see the crew of characters get their uplifting conclusion. That’s unless we see the likes of special agents Sam Hanna (LL Cool J) and Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) turn up on one of the franchise’s many spin-offs. But for now, enjoy the spectacle as some old faces return. This veteran series bows out in a playful, if not slightly anticlimactic, fashion.
6.00 The Drum.
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 First Weapons: Kodj. (PG)
8.00 Death In Paradise. (PG, R) Jack faces a life-changing decision while investigating the murder of a man found in a boat.
9.00 Utopia. (Final, PG, R) Tony’s important presentation is derailed.
9.30 Gold Diggers. (Mls, R) Rejected by “respectable society”, Gert goes on a bender and unwittingly hooks up with a man of god.
10.00 ABC Late News.
10.15 The Split. (Final, Ma, R)
11.15 Miniseries: Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? (Malv, R)
12.15 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
From The Star in Sydney, it’s the annual event that celebrates our homegrown TV talent, kicking off –of course – with the not-to-be-missed red carpet spectacle at 7pm. Hosted by Dr Chris Brown and Sonia Kruger, expect a swarm of satin, sparkles and bow ties. After the nominees have waxed lyrical about their fancy outfits, playful comedian Sam Pang will take to the stage as host.
If there’s anything to be learnt from the world of TV, it’s that great shows never really die. Almost 15 years after it last had audiences in stitches, this wacky showcase of comedic talent is revived.
From the clever Working Dog Productions, whose hits include Utopia, Have You Been Paying Attention? and All Aussie Adventures, this fresh season, premiering tonight, has an extra feather in its cap: new host Celia Pacquola. The actor, writer and stand-up star promises to up the good-natured ante as a throng of guest comedians waltz through the blue door, ready to bluff their way through the silly and outrageous scenarios.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 World’s Most Scenic River Journeys. (PGa, R)
8.30 Legends Of The Pharaohs.
9.30 Iceland With Alexander Armstrong. (Ma, R)
10.25 SBS World News Late.
11.00 Cycling. Tour de France Femmes. Stage 6.
1.50 Nine Perfect Strangers. (Malv, R)
3.40 Destination Flavour Down Under. (R)
4.40 Bamay. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. Johanna Griggs catches up with Simmone Logue.
8.30 MOVIE: This Means War. (2012, Mlsv, R) Two CIA operatives and close friends find themselves vying for the affections of the same woman. They decide to hide the fact they know each other, giving her the chance to choose between them. Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Tom Hardy.
10.30 The Rookie. (Mav, R) The team searches for a missing boy.
11.30 Autopsy USA: Mindy McCready. (MA15+av, R)
12.30 Home Shopping.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 22. Melbourne Storm v Parramatta Eels. From Marvel Stadium, Melbourne.
9.55 Golden Point. A wrap-up of the Melbourne Storm versus Parramatta Eels match, with news and analysis.
10.40 Cricket. The Ashes. Fifth Test. England v Australia. Day 2. Afternoon session.
3.30 It’s All Greek To Me. (PG, R)
4.00 Postcards. (PG, R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R)
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)
6.30 The Project.
7.30 Location, Location, Location Australia. Property experts search for homes.
8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (Malns, R) Amanda Keller, Aaron Chen and Kitty Flanagan compete to see who can remember the most about the week.
9.30 The Graham Norton Show. (PGa, R) Graham Norton is joined by Paul Mescal.
11.30 The Project. (R)
12.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)
1.30 Home Shopping. (R)
6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 Tour De France Femmes: Bonjour Le Tour. (R) 12.00
Cycling. Tour de France Femmes. Stage 6. H’lights. 1.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Lochs. (R) 2.35 Race To Build The Bomb. (R) 4.10 Trail Towns. (R) 4.40 Tour De France Femmes: Bonjour Le Tour. 5.40 Tuskegee Airmen: Legacy Of Courage. (PG, R)
6.30 SBS World News.
6.30 New Leash On Life. (R) Hosted by Joel Creasey.
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.
7.30 Sister Boniface Mysteries. (Final, PG) A beauty contestant is murdered.
8.15 Vera. (Mav, R) Vera investigates after a physiotherapist is shot through the window of the house where she was staying.
9.45 Bay Of Fires. (Mal, R) Stella and her kids become more acquainted with Mystery Bay and its inhabitants.
10.40 Miniseries: Marriage. (Ml, R) Part 4 of 4.
11.40 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) Music video clips.
7.30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. (PG)
8.30 Amazing Railway Adventures With Nick Knowles. (PG)
9.30 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys. (PGa, R)
10.20 Tony Robinson’s History Of Britain. (Ma, R)
11.15 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Rivers. (R)
11.50 Hold Up. (Mv, R) 12.00 Dirty Bird. (R) 12.05 Cycling. Tour de France Femmes. Stage
Shopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise.
Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 FIFA Women’s World Cup Highlights. 12.30 Better Homes. (R) 1.30 Football. AFL. Round 20. Western Bulldogs v GWS Giants. 4.30 Border Security: Int. (PG, R) 5.00 News. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R)
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Better Homes And Gardens: Gardening. (Premiere) Graham Ross, Charlie Albone and Melissa King go through the journeys and layers of gardening.
8.30 MOVIE: Under The Tuscan Sun. (2003, Ml, R) A recently divorced woman holidaying in Tuscany buys a villa on a whim and encounters unexpected romance.
Diane Lane, Sandra Oh, Lindsay Duncan.
10.50 The Rookie: Feds. (Mav, R) Garza’s team is assigned as a protective detail.
11.50 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 7. Sydney SuperNight. Day 1. Highlights.
1.00 Home Shopping.
Landline. 1.25 First Weapons. (PG, R) 2.00 Movin’ To The Country. (R) 2.30 Sister Boniface Mysteries. (Final, PG, R) 3.15 A Life In Ten Pictures. (PGa, R) 4.05 Grand Designs NZ. (PG, R) 5.00 Art Works. 5.30 Fake Or Fortune? (R)
6.30 Compass: Chloe And The Happily Ever After.
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.
7.30 Restoration Australia: West End. (PG) Hosted by Anthony Burke.
8.30 Bay Of Fires. (Malv) A public servant is sent to investigate suspicious government payouts to people in town.
9.30 Miniseries: The Beast Must Die. (MA15+l) Part 3 of 5.
10.15 The Newsreader. (Mal, R)
11.15 Talking Heads. (Mal, R)
11.45 Rage Vault. (MA15+adhlnsv)
2.05 Escape From The City. (R)
5.00 Insiders. (R)
6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 WorldWatch. 10.00 Barkley Manor. (PG) 11.00 Tour De France Femmes: Bonjour Le Tour. (R) 12.00
Cycling. Tour
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Great Wall Of China: The Making Of China. (PGa, R)
5.30 Al Jazeera.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Rugby Union. Rugby Championship. Round 3. Bledisloe Cup. Australia v New Zealand. Game 1.
9.50 Bledisloe Cup Post-Match.
10.15 Cricket. The Ashes. Fifth Test. England v Australia. Day 3. Morning session.
10.40 Cricket. The Ashes. Fifth Test. England v Australia. Day 3. Afternoon session.
3.30 Bondi Lifeguard World Adventures. (PGl, R)
4.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop. (R) 5.30
Helping Hands. (PG, R)
6am Morning Programs.
12.30pm Timbersports. 1.00 Blokesworld. 1.30 The Car Club. 2.00 Boating. Australian V8 Superboats Championship. Round 7. Final. Replay. 3.00 Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars. 4.00 Counting Cars.
4.30 Hustle & Tow. 5.30 Storage Wars.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Motorbike Cops. (PGl, R) 12.30 Border Security. (PG, R)
1.00 FIFA Women’s World Cup Highlights.
1.30 MOVIE: Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Logies Red Carpet. (PG) From The Star Sydney.
7.30 The 63rd TV Week Logie Awards. (PGal) The Australian TV industry comes together to honour excellence in various categories.
11.00 The 1% Club. (M, R) Jim Jefferies hosts a game show where contestants must answer increasingly obscure questions.
12.00 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 7. Sydney SuperNight. Day 2. Highlights.
1.00 Home Shopping.
5.00 Seven Early News.
5.30 Sunrise.
6am Children’s Programs. 1.30pm Motor Racing. IndyCar Series. Hy-Vee Homefront 250. H’lights. 2.35 Motor Racing. IndyCar Series. Hy-Vee One Step 250. H’lights. 3.40 Resto My Ride Australia. 4.40 Go On. 5.10
MOVIE: The Croods: A New Age. (2020, PG) 7.00
MOVIE: 17 Again. (2009, PG) 9.00 World Aquatics Championships. Fukuoka 2023. Day 7. Finals. 11.15 Late Programs.
6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show. (PG) 12.00 Rugby League. NRL Women’s Premiership. Round 2. Newcastle Knights v North Queensland Cowboys. 1.45
Rugby League. NRL Women’s Premiership. Round 2. Wests Tigers v Cronulla Sharks. 3.30
Rugby League. NRL. Round 22. Gold Coast Titans v North Queensland Cowboys.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 60 Minutes. Current affairs program, investigating, analysing and uncovering the issues affecting all Australians.
8.00 Cricket. The Ashes. Fifth Test. England v Australia. Day 4. Morning session. (Please note: alternative schedule may be shown due to changes to cricket coverage).
10.40 Cricket. The Ashes. Fifth Test. England v Australia. Day 4. Afternoon session.
3.30 Drive TV. (R)
4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 Take Two. (R)
6.00 To Be Advised.
7.00 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Follow the staff at the Animal Welfare League as it tries to find the right fit for a plucky Pomeranian.
8.00 NCIS: Los Angeles. (Mv) When a CIA officer and three others are shot and killed in broad daylight, the NCIS team suspects the attacks have something to do with DRONA. Pembrook gives Callen more insight into his past.
11.00 The Cheap Seats. (Mal, R) Presenters Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald take a look at the week that was.
12.00 Home Shopping. (R)
5.00 Hour Of Power. Religious program.
6am Children’s Programs. 1.30pm Galavant. 2.00 100,000 Tenants And Counting. 3.00 Mega Zoo. 4.00 Top Chef Amateurs. 5.00 Children’s Programs. 5.10
MOVIE: Wedding Daze. (2006, PG) 7.00 MOVIE:
Monster-In-Law. (2005, PG) 9.00 World Aquatics Championships. Fukuoka 2023. Day 8. Finals. 11.30
Killjoys. 12.30am Top Chef Amateurs. 1.30 100,000 Tenants And Counting. 2.30 Late Programs.
6.30 The Sunday Project. A look at the day’s news.
7.30 Hunted. (PGa) A breakthrough after three days of dead ends leads to a stateof-the-art drone and sniffer dog search.
9.00 FBI. (Madv) OA worries Maggie is rushing back into the job too quickly as she helps investigate two homicides.
10.00 NCIS: Hawai’i. (Mv, R) The team investigates a shipwreck carrying exotic animals that could threaten Oahu’s native wildlife.
11.00 The Sunday Project. (R) A look at the day’s news.
12.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 CBS Mornings.
6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Landline. (R)
11.00 Fake Or Fortune? (R) 12.00 News. 1.00
Queen Of Oz. (Final, Mdls, R) 1.25 Walking Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Parliament.
3.00 Gardening Australia. (R)
3.55 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
4.55 Australian Story. (R)
5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
6.00 Morning Programs. (PGa, R) 11.00 Tour
De France Femmes: Bonjour Le Tour. (R) 12.00
Cycling. Tour de France Femmes. Final stage. H’lights. 1.00 WorldWatch. 2.10 Singfest: The Literacy Of Music. (R) 3.05 Mastermind Aust. (R)
3.35 The Cook Up. (R) 4.05 Jeopardy! (R) 4.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.00 Tour De France Femmes: Bonjour Le Tour.
6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R) 10.30 Outback Ringer. (PG, R) 11.10 Secrets Of The Museum. (R)
12.00 News. 1.00 Miniseries: The Cry. (Mal, R)
2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Gardening Aust. (R)
3.55 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
4.55 Australian Story. (R)
5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.20 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 10.10 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 11.10 Susan Calman’s Grand Week By The Sea. 12.00 WorldWatch.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 MOVIE: A Criminal Affair. (2021, Mav)
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGa)
7.30 FIFA Women’s World Cup Pre-Game. Pre-game coverage of the match.
8.00 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Group B. Australia v Canada.
10.00 FIFA Women’s World Cup Post-Game. Post-game discussion and interviews.
10.30 The Latest: Seven News.
11.00 The Blacklist. (Mav)
12.00 The Village. (Mas, R)
1.00 Home Shopping.
5.00 Seven Early News.
5.30 Sunrise.
7.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Fifth Test. England v Australia. Day 5. Morning session. From The Oval, London, England. (Please note: alternative schedule may be shown due to changes to cricket coverage).
10.40 Cricket. The Ashes. Fifth Test. England v Australia. Day 5. Afternoon session.
3.30 Hello SA. (PG) The team visits a safari experience. 4.00
Voice Of Victory.
6.30 The Project.
7.30 Hunted. (PGal) The hunt enters its final week.
8.40 Have You Been Paying Attention? (Malns) Celebrity panellists compete to see who can remember the most about events of the week.
9.40 Celia Pacquola: Let Me Know How It All Works Out. (Mls, R) Stand-up performance by Celia Pacquola.
11.10 FBI: Most Wanted. (MA15+v, R)
12.00 The Project. (R)
1.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 CBS Mornings.
PG) 5.55 Lola. (1961, PG, French) 7.30 Jules Et Jim. (1962, M, French) 9.30 Petrol. (2022, MA15+) 11.20 Ellie And Abbie. (2020, M) 12.50am Border. (2018, MA15+, Swedish) 2.55 Late Programs.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGav)
7.30 Highway Patrol. (PGl, R) Police get involved in a high speed chase.
8.30 The Rookie. (Mv) Nolan and Celina must stand guard at a hospital after a dangerous prisoner needs surgery.
9.30 The Rookie: Feds. (Mav) After a body is found drained of blood, the case catches the attention of a true crime show.
10.30 The Latest: Seven News.
11.00 Chicago Fire. (Return, Mav)
(Mv, R)
8.35 MOVIE: Mission: Impossible
– Fallout. (2018, Mlv, R) A secret agent’s mission goes wrong. Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill.
11.20 See No Evil. (Mlv) 12.10 Court Cam. (Mv) 12.40 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news and events.
7.30 Hunted. Only five days remain until extraction.
8.40 The Cheap Seats. (Mal) Presenters Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald take a look at the week that was.
9.40 NCIS. (MA15+av, R) A gruesome mishap leads the team to the case of a missing teacher which was popularised on a true crime podcast.
11.30 The Project. (R)
12.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)
1.30 Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 CBS Mornings.
7MATE (64)
FROM Page 24
The power-packed Gropers chalked up a twelfth-successive victory last weekend when they crushed the Medowie Marauders 50-0 at Boyd Oval to maintain their undefeated
It was another clinical performance by the skilful Nelson Bay XV, which moves to 58 competition points – seventeen points clear of the second-placed Singleton Reds.
Medowie’s inspirational forward leader Daniel Carmody told News Of
The Area that “the Gropers will take some stopping for this year’s title.
“They have tremendous depth and strike across the park and combine effectively in both attack and defence” said Carmody, considered by fans the Marauders’ ultimate warrior.
Nelson Bay’s rugged forward pack
paved the way for the huge victory with solid performances – enabling the club’s slick back division to create havoc.
The Gropers ran in eight tries with dashing fullback Will Dunn nabbing a double and five eighth Ilisoni Vonomatairatu, centre Rhys
Cutbush, hooker Tom Hickey, prop Ross Buchan, second rower Hamish Bartlett and breakaway Ryan Marshall also crossing for five pointers. Mercurial playmaker Vonomatairatu booted five goals to finish with a personal tally of 15 points.
9.00 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 9.50 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 11.10 Susan Calman’s Grand Week By The Sea. 12.00 WorldWatch.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 9.10 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 10.10 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PG, R) 11.10 Susan Calman’s Grand Week By The Sea. 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 This Is Our School. (R)
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGa)
7.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (Return, PG)
8.30 MOVIE: John Farnham: Finding The Voice. (2023, Mal, R) A celebration of one of Australia’s greatest singers, John Farnham, and his journey to success. John Farnham, Jimmy Barnes, Daryl Braithwaite.
10.30 The Latest: Seven News.
11.00 Death Row: Countdown To Execution. (MA15+av, R)
12.00 The Enemy Within. (Mav, R)
1.00 Home Shopping.
5.00 Seven Early News.
5.30 Sunrise.
Eye Open. (Mal)
11.40 Outlander. (MA15+sv, R)
3.55 Mastermind Australia. (R)
4.25 Bamay. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGa) Mali needs to make up ground with his mum.
8.30 What The Killer Did Next: Nadine Aburas. (Mav) Examines the behaviour of killers after a murder, including the case of 28-year-old Nadine Aburas.
9.30 The Front Bar. (Ml) Hosts Mick Molloy, Sam Pang and Andy Maher take a lighter look at all things AFL.
The Marauders were best served by classy half back Sam Stokes – who was judged Players’ Player on the day – five eighth Sam Ellul and second rower Eric Tolhurst.
In the Hunter women’s competition, Waratah skittled the Medowie Marauders/ Southern Beaches 31-0 at Waratah Oval.
Workhorse Charmaine Wells, tough-
tackling Jaymie Louise and Players’ Player Tee Boyd turned in strong performances for the visitors.
Broderick Dawson was Medowie’s best in a 33-0 loss to Maitland in the Friday Night Fours series.
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news and events.
7.30 Thank God You’re Here.
(Return) Hosted by Celia Pacquola.
8.30 Five Bedrooms. (Return, Mls) With the entire house depending on him, Ben launches himself as a BnB accommodation provider.
9.30 So Help Me Todd. (PGa) A wrongful termination case is investigated.
10.30 FBI. (Madv, R) 11.30 The Project. (R)
12.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)
1.30 Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 CBS Mornings.
6.30 The Project.
7.30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Australia. Follows dog trainer Graeme Hall.
8.30 Law & Order: SVU. (Mav, R) The detectives are called in to help investigate a wave of hate crimes on Christmas Eve.
9.30 The Cheap Seats. (Mal, R) Presented by Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald.
10.30 To Be Advised.
11.30 The Project. (R)
12.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)
1.30 Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 CBS Mornings.