By Simon EKINS

By Simon EKINS
FROM Page 1 2030.
have purchased a $35,000 Augmented Reality (AR) welding machine.
This cutting-edge technology provides public school students in Years 10-12 with safe, engaging, gamified learning experiences that build real-world welding skills without the hazards of traditional welding, the State Government says.
In partnership with Weld Australia, teachers have received training to use the AR welding simulators, allowing them to integrate their use into their Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses.
Australia is expected to have an estimated national shortfall of 70,000 welders by
The Government says these future welders will be needed to deliver critical skills in areas such as manufacturing, power generation (coal and renewables), rail rolling stock, defence, mining, shipbuilding and road and rail infrastructure.
NSW Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education, Steve Whan said, “These AR welding simulators provide a hands-on, industrystandard experience that is safe and engaging, helping students build the skills they need for a rewarding career in manufacturing and engineering.
“It’s especially encouraging to see how AR welding simulators
are creating inclusive opportunities, inviting more young women into fields where they’ve historically been underrepresented.
“It’s a win-win: students gain valuable experience, and our key industries benefit from a new generation of trained professionals.”
Weld Australia Chief Executive Officer Geoff Crittenden said industries are calling out for students with a “practical bent” to go into the trades.
“We need parents and carers to understand that a career as a tradesperson is full of potential and offers a whole raft of exciting employment opportunities,” he said.
“This program is helping to do exactly this.
“It is helping to reverse the mindset that the only path for students' post-high school is university.”
Member for Port Stephens
Kate Washington said, “I’m delighted that local high
school students are involved in this innovative program.
“It’s a fantastic opportunity for our young people to gain practical, jobready skills in a high-tech, safe environment.
“By equipping students with cutting-edge technology and real-world skills, we’re preparing the next generation to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s workforce.”
THE M1 Pacific Motorway Extension to Raymond Terrace project has welcomed its first group of pre-employment program participants into long-term roles.
A group of 12 Indigenous jobseekers, selected from more than 60 applicants, participated in a joint government-funded preemployment program designed to build essential skills in the Hunter region’s civil construction sector.
The group has now surpassed its six-month employment milestone and the apprentices are now working on site on some of the largest infrastructure projects in the Hunter.
“Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is proud to be supporting these Indigenous participants in finding meaningful employment on our projects,” a TfNSW spokesperson said.
“The program resulted in
seven Indigenous participants successfully completing the training, and all are now on their way to completing an apprenticeship Certificate III in Civil Construction, supported by Hunter local training provider, Signature Learning and Development.
“Once they complete the apprenticeship, these participants will have developed the skills and experience for employment after these major projects are open to traffic”
The NSW Government supported the initiative through NSW Smart and Skilled funding and the Regional Aboriginal Partnerships Program.
“We would also like to thank Training Services as well as Workforce Australia’s Local Jobs Program which provided funding to cover the costs of the pre-employment checks and medicals for the participants,” the spokesperson said.
“We also received incredibly positive feedback from the participants about the Barranggirra Mentoring program which supported the cohort as they undertook their training.”
The pre-employment program was a collaborative effort led by John Holland Gamuda Australia Joint Venture, Seymour Whyte Constructions, and an alliance of Georgiou, Daracon, SMEC, Training Services, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and Transport for NSW.
It provided three weeks of on-site experience, equipping participants with key construction skills.
A spokesperson for the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development congratulated the participants on their new careers and said the NSW Government’s Regional Aboriginal Partnerships
Program aimed to empower them to secure key entrylevel positions in the local construction industry.
“This pre-employment program forms part of the NSW Government’s commitment to supporting regional Aboriginal communities.
“By equipping participants with valuable, practical skills, we’re helping them enter the workforce with confidence and make positive contributions to their local communities.”
John Holland Gamuda Australia Joint Venture apprentice Shalienne Sky said she’d learned more than she thought she would over the past months.
“Just as important as the practical stuff, I’ve learned that my opinion is valid on site, and it matters,” Ms Sky said.
Seymour Whyte Constructions apprentice Joshua Radford said it was
a rewarding teamwork experience.
“Working with such a supportive team has made a huge difference for me,” Mr Radford said.
“I’m learning so much from my mentors, who are always willing to share their knowledge and skills.
“I feel incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work on such a significant infrastructure project on Country. It’s a proud moment to be part of something that will make a real impact in our community.”
John Holland Gamuda Australia Joint Venture apprentice Ben Feeney said the journey has been life changing.
“This experience got me ready for what work would be like, and I feel comfortable taking on the next job,” Mr Feeney said.
“We learned practical construction skills, safe working practices,
communication on-site, and how to operate small equipment - all with a big focus on safety.
“The fact I can potentially go anywhere in the industry is inspiring. I really believe now that the sky is the limit for my career.”
Darren Wright of the Barrangirra Mentoring Program, an initiative of Ungooroo Aboriginal Corporation, said it was the most successful program he had been involved with.
“The dedication of the participants and the support from the employers truly made it exceptional,” Mr Wright said.
The M1 Pacific Motorway extension and Hexham Straight widening projects are being funded jointly with a total investment of $2.24 billion - $1.792 billion provided by the Federal Government and $448 million from the NSW Government.
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He has created a montage of personalities and characters vying for attention - the art of the front row - all coming together like a VIP “Guess Who”.
Otto has gifted the use of his artwork for postal envelopes to support “Avenue: A workplace for all” and its charity model “DISKOFLIKS”.
This is a communitydriven video store, which works with Lifeline Op Shops to resell movie, music and gaming discs, creating meaningful work for people
q ‘Calming Ocean Movies’.
q ‘Chaos Ocean Movies’..
q ‘Film Legends’.
with disabilities.
It also generates income to support Lifeline’s work in suicide prevention.
Otto’s mum, Bernadette, is clearly proud of his contribution: “the murals… look spectacular”.
“Otto also has a collection of prints in the Mitch Revs Gallery as part of the 'Makers and Creators' team, and he has a studio space at The VIBE Carrington, where Grant
Walmsley (Screaming Jets founding member/guitarist) is his mentor in the Arts.” For more information on
Otto’s work visit sites.google. com/view/ottodraws/meetthe-artist.
Simon EKINS 0434 890 157 simon@newsofthearea.com.au
Lindsay HALL 0430 048 398 lindsay@newsofthearea.com.au
Chris KARAS 0400 819 153 chris@newsofthearea.com.au
Jacie WHITFIELD 0411 556 079 jacie@newsofthearea.com.au
Doug CONNOR 0431 487 679 doug@newsofthearea.com.au
Tracey BENNETT 0484 263 558 tracey@newsofthearea.com.au
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THE Port Stephens Community Woodworkers have presented a cheque for $1200 to Jill Pretty of the Yacaaba Centre, having raised the funds through a Bunnings barbeque.
“The members all willingly offered their help to assist at the barbeque despite the hot weather,” said the group’s Dave Lingard.
Club President Len Lollback said the club is always keen to assist charity organisations in the Bay, particularly those working with people vulnerable to the current economic climate.
By Lindsay HALL
IT is estimated that nearly 3000 Australians seek help or assistance from a charitable group every hour.
That statistic is put into sharp contrast during the Christmas season - a time when families tend toward extravagance in their celebrations.
But for the dedicated volunteers of the Foodcare program at The Rock church in
Salamander Bay, it is a time to double their efforts to provide something for those in need.
Edwina Dodd, who spearheads the program and is one of the pastors of the church, says that the program has been a core part of their faith community for some time.
“Foodcare has been running for over 18 years and was birthed out of a desire to offer people in need in our community a hand up not a handout.”
“Each week volunteers collect food (fresh fruit and vegetables, bread, frozen meat and dairy products as well as dry goods) from Coles, Woolworths, Aldi and Bakers Delight each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
“We also provide morning tea and a hot lunch to those who attend.”
families on 18 December.”
Although the generous donations from local supermarkets are always gratefully received, expectations for an end-of-year Christmas banquet were high, and the Foodcare team were not certain it would happen.
Fortunately Councillor Mark Watson was informed of the situation and was able to allocate some Port Stephens Council Ward funding.
“This is the kind of thing we love to see happening in our community, and we want to support and encourage,” said Cr Watson.
“Especially at Christmas we should see the people and groups in our community caring for each other.
“We were able to help out a bit so that Foodcare could get some hams and bags of potatoes.
Edwina says the team have built relationships with the individuals and families they encounter each week, and those people know there is a safe place for them where they will be welcomed without judgement.
“This year we have provided just over 2550 hot meals and have distributed approximately 21.97 tons of food.
“We average supporting 55 families per week with our largest Wednesday being 81
“Enough to put on a proper Christmas lunch.”
The allocation of funds from Cr Watson was not just for “hams and potatoes”, but covered the full cost of all food for the banquet, at which the Foodcare team ended up hosting a record number.
Edwina says the event went even better than they had expected, with more people showing up than they have had so far this year.
“Due to the generosity of the Port Stephens Council, we were able to provide a Christmas Lunch with all the trimmings on our last Wednesday for 2024,” she said.
“We provided 118 plates of food filled with fresh ham, roast pork, potato salad, green and pasta salad, with pavlova, trifle and Christmas cake with custard as well as a cheese and fruit platter for dessert. “
“We were also able to provide close to 50 take-away containers filled with leftovers.”
THE Draft Hunter Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan (SRITP) has been released for public consultation.
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is inviting feedback from the community to help shape the final plan, due for release in 2025.
“The Draft Hunter SRITP outlines a vision for transport in the region where all communities are well connected by high quality transport infrastructure
and services, allowing people to walk, ride, catch public transport or use their private vehicle safely,” the NSW Government said in a statement on Monday.
“The Hunter region is changing, with significant population growth and increased freight movements within and through the region.
“Early engagement activities have been carried out in recent months with local councils, Members of
Parliament and key regional representative groups, together with community insights from more than 2000 visits to Transport’s Have Your Say platform.”
Through this engagement, TfNSW has identified more than 55 short and mediumterm initiatives, which are now on public exhibition for broader community input.
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Jenny Aitchison said, “We’re
listening to the community, stakeholders, and experts to create a transport network that meets the diverse and dynamic needs of the Hunter region, including its major cities and small villages, across all modes of transport.
“I urge all residents, businesses, community and industry groups to visit the website, take a look at the draft plan and share your feedback.
“A lot of work has gone into developing the draft and we
By Simon EKINS
VANESSA Sewell is a Worimi woman from the Mid-North Coast of NSW, who is one of three inspiring First Nations scientists named official “Superstars of STEM”.
Superstars of STEM is an initiative of Science and Technology Australia, which is funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Science and Resources.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are essential areas of study that foster students' skills and prepare them to participate in a rapidly changing world.
After completing a Bachelor of Animal Science
with Honours at the University of New England in 2019, Vanessa began a PhD in molecular biology and parasitology.
Her research is all about tackling livestock parasites by developing a biotechnological solution that can massproduce parasite antigens for vaccines, ultimately improving livestock welfare.
In 2022, Vanessa was honoured with the Australian Academy of Science Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scientist Award, which allowed her to spend time in a lab in Scotland, expanding her skills.
Vanessa also teaches in the UNE TRACKS program, helping First Nations students get ready for
university, and also teaches in an undergraduate unit called OORA200 Working with Aboriginal People.
Recently, she stepped into the role of Associate Lecturer in Indigenous Knowledges within UNE's Science, Agriculture, Law, and Business (SABL) faculty.
“My focus is on helping Indigenous students succeed in STEM, both by promoting STEM to high school students and supporting current university students in their studies”, Vanessa said.
“I am passionate about inspiring young Indigenous students to pursue STEM.”
Science and Technology Australia Deputy CEO and Superstars of STEM Program Manager Dr Sandra Gardam,
said the program was powerfully changing public perceptions of scientists in the media.
“We know it’s really hard to be what you can’t see,” she said.
“This world-leading program is smashing stereotypes of what a scientist, technologist, engineer or mathematician looks like.
“By becoming highly visible role models in the media, these Superstars of STEM are showing our diverse next generations of young people, especially our girls and non-binary kids - regardless of where they live and whatever their background - that STEM is for them.
want to make sure Transport for NSW gets it right when it comes to developing the final plan.
“Once all feedback is considered, the final plan will be prepared and released next year.
“The final plan will be accompanied by an implementation strategy to ensure we deliver better transport and road networks across the region and I am excited to see what the
q Vanessa Sewell
community feedback is and what the final plan looks like.”
The Draft Hunter SRITP and related documents are available at https://www. haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/ sritp/hunter with submissions invited until Friday 28 February 2025 via that page or by emailing engage.sritps@ transport.nsw.gov.au.
Pop-up events will also be scheduled in early 2025 for TfNSW representatives to talk with local communities.
“The need to inspire diverse young minds into the science, technology, engineering and mathematics sector is urgent.”
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NEWS Of The Area (NOTA) contributors recently met to reflect on some of their stories and experiences in 2024.
First up is Fingal Bay’s fishing legend John “Stinker” Clarke, who wished his “enthusiastic” readers a cracker New Year.
“We are so fortunate to live in an amazing water wonderland that never ceases to provide ongoing stories week after week,” he said.
“The well of information never runs dry and my local history segment continues to gather interest throughout the Port with contributions landing on my desk from far and wide.
“Port Stephens has a fascinating history from the earliest Australians through to the bustling community that we are all part of today.
“2025 will bring more challenges for me as I make every effort to establish a Regional Museum, which will reflect upon our past and acknowledge all those who have contributed.
“To really appreciate Port Stephens, I’m of the belief that we need to understand where we have been.
“It pleases me that the NOTA is truly a local newspaper written by locals for locals.
“Keep sending me your old photos and stories, as they are greatly appreciated.”
Sports expert Chris Karas, another Fingal Bay local, listed his picks of the year (with an obvious sporting flavour).
“It was really difficult to
choose favourite highlights with many outstanding achievements from Port Stephens' sporting folk over the past twelve months,” he said.
1. Bobs Farm Public School pupils Pippi and Fern Cullimore, Ruby Mercer and Emilia Symons winning the State Championship Schools 4 x 100m relay title against the best sprinters in the State. The school has only 36 enrolments.
2. Boat Harbour's Eden Hasson, seventeen, helping the Australian Irukandji's team win the World Junior Surfing Teams Championship gold medal in El Salvador.
3. Medowie sprinter Jack Deguara, eighteen, winning a gold medal with the Australian 4 x 400m Mixed Relay Under 20 team
at the World Junior Athletics Championships in Peru.
4. Anna Bay's John Clark being named the world's number one senior touch football referee after top performances at this year's Touch Football World Cup tournament in Nottingham, England.
Soldier’s Point is home to Lindsay Hall, who recently established the Nelson Bay Film Society.
“As a 'movie guy', the early part of the year was a bit of a wild ride with the closure and then re-opening of Nelson Bay Cinema,” he said.
“It has been a thrill to see the community respond so positively to the efforts of the cinema to engage them.
“At its best, cinema should bring people together through a shared experience and that seems to be happening in our
avoid a lawsuit from the estate of Bram Stoker.
Nelson Bay’s Simon Ekins had the following reflections: “When I emigrated with my family from the UK in 2008, I was immediately struck by the army of volunteers that are the backbone of this amazing society.
“In 2024, I tried to publicise the effect that volunteering has on Port Stephens and the wider Australian community.
“Whether it’s the ‘giving back’ attitude of your local parkrun ‘vollies’, through the abundance of eager sports clubs, charities, fundraising and organising committees, all the way to the incredible work done by the likes of the State Emergency Service, Rural Fire Service, Marine Rescue and Surf Life Saving Clubs, seeing and speaking to these wonderful people who give up their time and expertise
with nothing expected in return, makes me proud to be a part of this community”.
Anna Bay based Reporter Jacie Whitfield said, “becoming a freelance reporter with News Of The Area has been quite an adventure this year”.
“I have met so many compelling, inspirational people working diligently to make an impactful difference in our community.
“I feel lucky to have been the one who got to pen their story and share it so extensively.
“My favourite stories have been those where a person essentially rose like a phoenix from the fire, having transformed a difficult situation or experience into one that overflows with their genuine passion, purpose and vision.
“I felt proud to narrate those journeys through eyes that were able to uncover the stories veiled through the interview questions.
“I thrive in being able to uplift others, especially when they are humbly fulfilling their innately good agendas or optimal potential.
“I also enjoyed learning about the quiet, unsung heroes who work tirelessly to innovate, improve, protect, maintain and beautify our peninsula.
“We truly have some outstanding individuals, groups, charities, sportspeople, advocates, businesses, entrepreneurs and leaders in Port Stephens and I’m excited to see who crosses my journalistic path in 2025.”
News Of The Area is always on the lookout for news stories and contributions from the community.
If you think you have a penchant for writing and would like to contribute, contact Editor Doug Connor at doug@newsofthearea.com. au.
By Lindsay HALL
BOTH releases this week are throwbacks to fondly remembered properties of an older time.
Nosferatu comes courtesy of director Robert Eggers (The Witch, The Lighthouse, The Northman) and is a remake/homage to the legendary German film from 1922.
The story is ostensibly the equally legendary and endlessly retold Dracula, with character names and locations changed so as to
The film stars Bill Skarsgård as Count Orlock (the Dracula stand-in), with Lily-Rose Depp and Nicholas Hoult as the young couple who are forced to contend with the evil and obsessed vampire.
Eggers works are all incredibly distinct in style
and tone - he is a filmmaker who creates moods and atmosphere more than he tells stories.
It’s not quite arthouse cinema, but it has been through that part of town.
In a completely different vein of film is Paddington in Peru: Lost in the Jungle, the third installment in that
impossibly heartwarming and family friendly series.
Starring half of the UK's roster of well-known actors, with a fun turn from Antonio Banderas as a hunter named Hunter, the soft-spoken Ben Whishaw returns as the voice of the titular, marmalade loving bear.
When Paddington receives word from the Home for
RUSSELL Julian from Anna Bay and Tiana Gibbons from Soldiers Point have each been awarded a Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarship.
This $15,000 scholarship, spread over three years, was awarded to 150 apprentices who have shown exceptional
skill and commitment to vocational education and training, despite overcoming significant challenges.
Russell is currently completing an apprenticeship in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, and Tiana in Aeroskills (mechanical).
This scholarship will provide crucial financial
Retired Bears in Peru that his beloved Aunt Lucy is behaving strangely, he and the Brown family decide to travel across the world to visit.
Once they arrive Paddington experiences a series of adventures and misadventures that he must face with his usual disarming charm, generosity and grace
support to help them succeed in their training.
“It’s inspiring to see local apprentices like Russell and Tiana being recognised for their dedication to their trades,” Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington said.
“I had the pleasure of meeting Tiana and Russell recently and can see why they were selected for recognition.
“They’re both impressively travelling important vocational pathways and I wish them every success.”
The Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships are open to all registered apprentices across NSW.
By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE
EVERY time it happens.
I have now written a series of five local history books which tell of the earliest people and the pioneering families who dared to challenge the local elements in an effort to survive and hopefully, prosper.
At the completion of each book, which takes anywhere from two to four years to write, I receive an email or letter in the mail with magnificent old photographs or stained documents which would have been perfect for the book.
Too late!
The pages are rolling through the printer.
Two photos recently arrived, one a priceless image of the Salt Ash wharf and the other of one of the port ferries, loaded with
passengers leaving the Salt Ash wharf.
Ideal for “Marsh Road” which was launched a month ago.
It is difficult to picture the hive of activity that once was Salt Ash. The arrival
of Matthewson’s horse drawn coach from Stockton connecting with the ferries.
Excited passengers clambering onboard on their way to destinations around the port or disembarking,
returning to Newcastle or small towns in the Hunter Valley.
Mostly overnight visitors to the port looking forward to a night or two in the Sea Breeze Hotel.
q Salt Ash wharf. A vital link to the growth and development of Port Stephens in the early 1900s.
q A difficult-to-identify vessel, possibly the Yoothapoona.
By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE
For bait, you can’t go past a few worms available at all tackle stores.
Here is a plan: Set up with rods for the kids and a tackle box (forget yourself).
THIS time of the year is all about families. You are in the perfect place to take them all fishing.
Head for the beachesStockton or Fingal are the best. Once on the beach search for deep water with wave activity.
q The Doolan kids love fishing on Stockton Beach. .
Drive a couple of conduit pipes into the sand, toss out and place the rods in the pipes and wait for the action to begin.
Take a beach umbrella, buckets and spades, hats, sun cream and an esky with ice for the fish that you catch and to keep your drinks cool.
Stockton Beach requires a permit, available online.
If you choose Fingal, which does not permit vehicular access, the trick is to park at the surf club and wander onto the beach.
Do not be tempted to cross the Fingal Spit as it can be incredibly dangerous.
The number one consideration is safety, nothing else matters.
With that in mind stay clear of rock fishing with the family – it simply isn’t worth it.
If you must go rock fishing leave the kids at home and wear a life jacket.
By Chris KARAS
PORT Stephens women's rugby league prodigy
Lilly-Ann White craves an opportunity to don the Newcastle Knights number one jumper in the NRLW competition in 2025.
The shock departure of superstar Jillaroos fullback Tamika Upton to the Brisbane Broncos has opened the door for the promising rookie to push her claims for a shot at the custodian role.
Upton was recently granted an immediate release by Newcastle
officials to join the Broncos on compassionate grounds, paving the way for 19-yearold White to make the fullback position her own.
A dynamic back with vision and speed, Lilly-Ann has zoomed into calculations after experiencing a memorable 2024 season in Knights colours.
The skilful teenager is regarded one of the most gifted prospects in the women's rugby league ranks and is in the second year of a development contract with the Knights.
She grew up in Tea Gardens and caught the
eye of Newcastle selectors with skilful performances at five eighth for the Raymond Terrace Roosters in the Hunter Junior League system.
A former Australian Schoolgirls representative, Lilly Ann captained the Knights Under 19s to a Grand Final showdown with Illawarra Steelers this season before making her NRLW debut on the left wing in Newcastle’s 26-20 victory over Canberra and figured in the club’s push for a premiership three-peat.
White also starred for the NSW Junior Sky Blues that trounced Queensland in an Under 19s interstate challenge at Leichhardt Oval
– demonstrating her skill and flair in the number one jumper.
She has lived in the shadow of the mercurial Upton but showed glimpses of her attacking skills during the Knights’ Grand Final charge where she produced mature performances against the elite players in the NRLW.
Knights coach Ben Jeffries praised White’s performances in the top grade and believes she is in the reckoning for a crack at the fullback position.
ADDITIONAL funding to improve mobile phone connectivity across the Hunter region during disasters is now available.
The Albanese Government has announced $55 million worth of grants through Round 8 of the Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP).
MBSP is a cofunding arrangement with the telco industry for new and upgraded telecommunications infrastructure to enhance mobile coverage and competition.
Round 8 funding is targeted at natural disaster prone locations in regional and rural Australia, to bolster community safety and enable better assistance for locals during and after emergencies.
An online Project
Noticeboard has been set up to allow local councillors and state and federal parliamentarians to work with their local communities to identify potential projects. This can be found by searching “mobile black spot program” on the infrastructure.gov.au website.
Telco industry applicants are being encouraged to review these community submissions when preparing their own applications.
Round 8 also provides higher levels of funding for colocation and active sharing technologies delivered by all three national mobile carriersOptus, Telstra and TPG. Applications from the telco industry close on 30 April, 2025.
By Chris KARAS
THEY started the season with eleven rugby league converts and two comprehensive losses and ended on a high with a top three finish in the Hunter Junior Rugby competition.
Meet the Nelson Bay Gropers Under 13s rugby squad that transformed into a competitive unit with some major scalps throughout the 2024 campaign.
Under the coaching of former Eastwood rugby identity James Kelman and Duncan Lawson, the Gropers developed into a real force to be reckoned with and posted victories against every team in the competition.
Team mainstays were the talented Kelman brothers – 13-yearold lock Axel Kelman and 12-yearold dual NSW Primary Schools representative prop Mason Kelman along with skilful forward Ollie Hoffman and sharp utility Kade Lawson.
A highlight for the young Gropers was lowering the colours of the mighty Merewether Greens side who were previously undefeated for two successive seasons – posting a spirited 26-17 victory over the premiers at Tomaree Sports Complex in the lead into the finals.
It was the Green’s only loss of the season and they went on to capture this year’s Under 13s title with a 32-10 Grand Final triumph over the Merewether Whites.
Eleven of the Gropers’ line up were converts from the Nelson Bay Marlins Junior Rugby League
The Marlins finished runners up to the undefeated Valentine Devils in the Hunter Junior League Under 12 Division One competition after a 24-10 Grand Final loss and finished the 2022 season undefeated in the ungraded Under 11s series.
They were also the top placed team in the Under 10 ungraded Hunter Junior League competition in 2021.
Gropers’ coach James Kelman told News Of The Area that the squad had made a smooth transition to the rugby ranks this season and had “improved with each match”.
“The group are a delight to coach and were quick to grasp the fundamentals of the rugby code and turn in some dominant performances,” revealed James.
Most of the squad took up rugby league at the age of nine after moving across from the soccer ranks.
Nelson Bay won twelve and drew one of their sixteen fixtures to finish second on the ladder before bowing out in the preliminary final after a 24-17 loss to Merewether White.
Lawson, Hoffman and Axel Kelman starred for the Hunter Wildfires Under 13s that were crowned NSW Rugby State Sevens champions with the gifted Axel also helping the Under 13 Wildfires fifteen per side team claim the NSW Country title.
Another honour for Kade, Axel and Mason was their selection in the Newcastle Knights Under 13s rugby league Development squad.
By Chris KARAS
A DIP in form has sharpened the focus of top Port Stephens cricketer Lucas Vincent on the eve of his biggest ever tournament.
The runs may have dried up for the 17-year-old batting sensation in recent weeks but the promising colt is working hard in the nets in preparation for the National Under 17 Cricket Championships to be staged in Tasmania in the New Year.
Young gun Lucas will pad up for the NSW Country squad during the eight day carnival in Hobart from January 1623 and test himself against the nation’s elite at the highest level of pathways cricket.
It is a huge honour for the Salamander Bay native, who is entrenched in the Stockton & Northern Districts first grade line up in the Newcastle District Cricket competition.
Vincent hopes to rediscover his batting
touch and lead the run charge for NSW Country with some power hitting at the top of the order.
Keen judges regard the Nelson Bay junior product as one of the state’s most promising young cricketers with the ability to perform in pressure situations.
The stylish batsman has already donned a baggy blue cap with
Playing up an age group, the dynamic Mason held his own in a tough division and grabbed a slice of history when he became the first Port Stephens pupil to represent NSW Primary Schools in both rugby league and rugby union in the same season.
Other squad members to impress were Stefan Grant, Costa Lazarou, Leon Calder, Darcy Lestone, Billy Kearney, Jack Costello. Baelin Scully, Harlem Stone, Jaylan Nettle, Isaac Seehusen, Kobi Sargeant, Max Leismann, Clancy Buckley, Sean Pietraszek, Croyde Gregory and Xavier Davis.
The Nelson Bay Gropers Under 13s
Sargeant, Max Leismann, Clancy
Gregory, Xavier Davis. Absent were Ollie Hoffman and Sally Buckley
the NSW Combined High Schools representative team but will make his first appearance at a Cricket Australia National Underage carnival.
Leading into the summer, a confident Lucas was in tip top form for the Newcastle rep side at the Under 19 Country Colts Carnival staged on the Central Coast.
The Tomaree High schoolboy posted 254 runs which included his highest-ever score of 172 in a decisive win over Southern Districts at Tuggerah Regional Sporting Complex.
He carved out an impressive 42 for the NSW Country Academy in a recent challenge fixture but is eager for more centuries on the big stage.
A proud Vincent told News Of The Area that putting on another baggy blue cap at the national championships is a “huge thrill”.
“I am eager to score some big runs and take a few wickets in such a prestigious competition against the finest under 17 cricketers in the nation,” quipped the local batting prodigy with a bright future.
By Garry WATT
RESULTS from a Stableford competition played at Tanilba Bay GC on Monday 23rd December with 34 players.
Nett Winner : Ian Langdon, 38pts. Nett Runner Up : Michael Moussa, 37pts.
Bonus Point Winner : Robert Paul, 40pts.
Bonus Pt. Runner Up : Peter Hawkins, 39pts. Nearest the Pin, 4th Hole, Div. 1 : Les Moran.
Div 2 : Peter Hawkins. Nearest the Pin, 11th Hole, Div 1 : Shayne Mullarvey.
Div 2 : No Winner.
Drive & Chip, 7th Hole,
Div 1 : Shayne Mullarvey.
Div 2 : Steve Robards.
Drive & Chip, 18th Hole, Div 1 : Shayne Mullarvey.
Div 2 : Jim Gill.
Ball Winners : Ralph Brown 37pts, Bill McMaster 37pts, Jamie Carr 37pts, John Clayton 36pts, Lester Lake 36pts, Bruce Arndell 36pts, Shayne Mullarvey 36pts, Peter Martyn 35pts, Steve Robards 34pts, Frank Vandruten 34pts, Bob Sellick 34pts, and Graham Woolley 34pts. Lucky Prize Draw Winner : Robert Paul.
Next weeks game is at Tanilba Bay GC with a 7:30am start, visitors are welcome any Monday, please ring Gary Watt on 49814536 for starting times.
Our office will be closed from 5pm Friday 20th December 2024 and reopen at 9am on Monday 6th January 2025. ads@newsofthearea.com.au emails will be monitored during this time. Merry Christmas
GUITAR & Bass tuition Theory muscianship Graduate of Aust Institute of Music Course details www.guitarstudio.net.au Salamander Bay 4984 4731
Garage Sale
SAT 11/01/25 8am-2pm
Moving sale. Furniture craft goods, dvds, cds tools, household goods Everything must go. 90 Tanilba Ave, Tanilba Bay
BOXING gloves, size small, Sting brand, $10 49828628
BURIAL plot Nelson Bay Cemetry. Nondenominational CR3 Plot 1 $1428 (includes transfer fees) 0497 835 209
CABBAGE patch dolls x 2, GC, $15 each. 49828628 F191224
CEILING Fan, Lucci
Future Eco 48 inch, T5 with 22 watt lite, bedroom size, have two, $60. 0433 210 187
EXPRESS Milk Frother used once, $10. 4982 2335 f241024
FAN 12v oscillating for caravan with clamp cig lighter socket, $15 located at Nelson Bay Ph 0439 252 028
FAN, for table, black exc cond. $20. 0493777707
FILING Cabinet, 3 drawers, beige $40 4982 2335
MOBILITY Scooters A range of pre-loved, all in very good condition From $500-$1600. Can deliver! 0418 430 643
MUSIC CD’s, 50s to 90s hard to finds & rarities Large quantity. $100 4966 5000
NEW 31 dinner plates & 11 bowls. Buy all together or separate. $60. 0493 777 707
TWO timber Mimosa (Bunnings) folding indoor/outdoor chairs As new cond. $99.00 Call 0493 078 190
VEHICLE dent repair outfit with body filler $50 (never used) 0402 087 401
WALKER, new, unused med wt, adjust. Cost $200, sell for $99 Call Peter 4919 1121
Free FREE clean fill, pool excavation in thornton, must be within 5km radius for delivery. Ph 0476 789 721
CHILDREN’S & baby’s clothes, new, winter & summer, make an offer 0493 777 707
BOOKS, suit H/School or Uni. student to read and accept messages therein for a better future. 4982 9942
SINGLE timber bed with mattress and drawers beneath. Excellent condition, as new 0427 945 195
War Medals
Top prices paid by local collector. Call Jim 0400 060 215
Gold and Silver
Top prices for scrap and coins paid by local dealer. Call Les 0455 660 884
2 seat leather sofa
$100. Nelson Bay 0410 492 885 F050924
BABY love car seat up to 4yrs old. Excellent cond $100 ph 0493 777 707
CLOTHES iron $10 0493 777 707
COFFEE table and wall unit, walnut stain $40 each or both for $50. 0423 545 331
COFFEE Table / TV table, black with glass top, 1200 × 600 x 440 high, $60. 0433 210 187
COFFEE Table. Worth $2000. Selling for $100. Excellent cond. 0493 777 707
COLONIAL TIMBER BEDROOM SUITE. Queen bed base & bed head. New Queen mattress. 6 drawer dressing table w/ attached mirror. 2 bedside chests. $350 ono 4982 3567
CUSHIONS, assorted colours, $4 each. 4982 8787 f211124
DINING table with 1500 x 900 x 10 thick black tinted glass top and crome metal frame $100. 0433 210 187 F200624
ADJUSTABLE Patient Bed KS with Air Mattress 6 months old, cost $15k selling $2.5k, ph 0494 069 492 Re010525
BAR table, great for pool or outdoor area. Tempered glass top, aluminium frame with white canvas, storage shelf below. $350 ono 0417 216 598
ANTIQUE Rocking cradle. Wooden attractive, and safe to use. Mattress included 90x70x66cm. $95 Ph: 4938 5923
BED, king single GC, no stains, $60 0433 210 187 F040724
DINNER Set Noritake
Vintage Issabella, 40 piece in GC $120. Ph 0458 257 676
ELEGANT wrought iron table with glass top and 5 chairs
Please call for photos pickup Thornton $100. 0412783707 F080824
in excellent cond & working order comes complete with transit cover $560 0414 694 522
FISH fern for ponds or aquariums, from $5 0466 880 639
GENUINE leather boots made in Canada Excellent cond. Non-slip soles. $60. 4982 8787
HAIRDYE, ash blonde $5 each. 0493 777 707
HAIR curling wand $5 0493 777 707
HEATERS, electric, from $10, free local delivery 49829225
HOMEMAKER mini blender with 4 cups and lids, new. $12. Ph 4982 8628
KAYAK fishing $200 minimal use 0417 402 190 E090125
LAMP shades x2 new $15 for both 0493 777 707
4981 8882 ads@ newsofthearea
MEN’S joggers, new size 10, worth $40 will sell for $10. 0493 777 707
mountain ebike As new condition. Cost $1450, Sell $895 0450 531 894 e020125
MENS size S: 2 LS shirts (H-M): (Eddie Wood). 1 H-M Trousers Suitable for end of year Functions as new. $30 0412 783 707 f211124
PET Door up to 18kg New $50. 0447 146 781 F120924
PRIDE Go-Go Scooter Brand new never been used, $1600. 0402 652 621
QUEEN quit cover new $15 0493 777 707
CLASSIFIEDS 02 4981 8882
SLIM single mattress and base. 760 x 1900mm. $50. 4997 2017
SOFA three seat with chase & two cushions, brown fabric easily cleaned, covers removable. $100 0433 210 187
THROW rug, homemade, woollen crochet $30. 4982 8787
THROW rugs, assorted colours, $8 each. 4982 8787
TOTAL flow sump pump, brand new in box $60 ono pick up TG 0409 526 684
TRAILER (TD16HE) ideal for golf cart, offroad bikes or ride-on mower. Long rego Nov ‘25 $750 4997 0435
TV hardly used, TCL Smart TV. Unwanted gift. $350. 4982 3521
TWO outdoor chairs near new. $20 for both 0493 777 707
WASHING machine Simpson 7kg Good condition $100 0433 210 187
WHEELCHAIR like new $250. 0402 652 621
WOK, new with glass lid, $20. 0493 777 707 F171024
WORK boots, new, size 10, Blacksmith. $20 0493 777 707 F180724
WOMENS winter clothing size 10-12 quality, near new, nothing over $20. Ph 49385923 for address F200624
Classifieds 4981 8882 ads@ newsofthearea .com.au
ALLY craft 4.75m Yamaha 60hp 4 stroke 70 hrs, drive on trailer heaps of gear, great unit $12,000 ono. NY932N TK17JZ. 49841202 Re270325
DINGHY 2.4m fibreglass oars and rowlocks 2HP Yamaha OB with stand. $500 the lot. Will separate and deliver locally. PH 0423 810 689 e090125
MOTORHOME specialist. Repair and paint, cut and polish all paint work. Renew all mouldings. Ready for sale or travel. 0484 137 580
7310mm (24 Foot) length, Rock and roll suspension off road with electric brakes and shock absorbers to all wheels, 2 x single beds with 3 x doonas for each bed, covers and sheets, Large Ensuite with shower/Ceramic toilet and vanity/washing machine/Hoover vacuum –shower doubles as a bath, 4 burner gas cooktop/oven/grill, 3 way fridge/freezer, Gas/240V hot water system, Microwave, Slide out food pantry – two basket drawers for food storage + wine glass storage + plate storage, Portable table located in wardrobe for eating inside the van on overnight trips, Lounge converts to another single bed, 2 x wine storage lockers + fresh water pump under the lounge, 40″ flat screen TV with DVD/radio, Slide out computer desk with 12/240v connections, Explorer plug to computer desk for aerial connections + printer drawer under desk, Dometic B3000 air conditioner, 20 KVA diesel heater under lounge with electronic controls, All windows have fly screens and block out blinds, 4.5KVA remote start generator which will run the air conditioning and other services where 240v power is not available, ¾ Tunnel containing: full annex together with plastic windows and 3meter BBQ annex extending out to the tow ball, Sunshade awning and awning struts, Front Boot Locker containing 2 new 160 AH long life Gel batteries with 5-year warranty, bag of steel stakes, bag of tension ropes, tools and hose fittings and Caravan Jack, A Frame mesh containing fresh water hoses, Under Chassis tool box containing wood blocks, caravan ramps and chocks, 8-meter sullage hose in pipe container under the caravan access from the rear, 3 x fresh water tanks, with independent valve system to enable pumping from specific water tanks, 2 x 100L and 1 x 60L tanks, 2 x external LED lights and BBQ light and LED handle at entrance, Lifestyle picnic table - folds out from side of the van, External speakers and TV connections for running a portable TV outside in the annex area, Gas bayonet at the front of the van for the BBQ, Reversing camera, New caravan cover, New awning Note: Landcruiser also available as a package deal. POA. Phone 0412 081 950
ABC TV, 6pm
This nightly cooking show hosted by the bubbly Alice Zaslavsky focuses on recipes that are simple, fresh and easy for viewers to recreate at home. Tonight, Zaslavsky is in a sporty mood, preparing a nutritious, protein-packed avocado dish fit for elite athletes, before being joined by Olympic gold medallist, BMX star Saya Sakakibara (pictured left with Zaslavsky). Inspired by a gift from Saya, whose mother is Japanese, Alice decides to showcase their dumpling-making skills by preparing sour cherry pierogi. Then, Alice tries to convince Saya to embrace the beauty of Brussels sprouts.
6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 The Princes And The Press. (PG, R) 10.30 The Art Of... (PG, R) 11.00 The Human Revolution. (Final, PG, R) 12.00 News. 1.00 The Newsreader. (Ml, R) 1.55 The Split Special. (R) 3.00 A Bite To Eat. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 Great Australian Stuff. (PG, R)
6.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice.
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 A Grand Royal Design. (R) A look at the restoration of Dumfries House.
8.25 Murder In Provence. (Mav, R) An investigating judge and his romantic partner, a criminal psychologist, investigate murders.
9.55 Joanna Lumley’s Great Cities Of The World: Paris. (PG, R) Dame Joanna Lumley explores Paris.
10.45 Grand Designs. (PG, R)
11.30 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)
12.20 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv)
5.00 Rage. (PG)
ABC TV, 7.30pm
While life goes on for the residents of Saint Marie in Death in Paradise, some viewers find themselves wondering what happens to the show’s rotating roster of lead detectives after they depart the isle’s sunny shores. Look no further: this long-awaited spin-off series finds out what DI Humphrey Goodman (Kris Marshall) has been up to since following his heart back to London in 2017. Starting a new life with his now-fiancée Martha (Sally Bretton, pictured) in her not-so-sleepy hometown of Shipton Abbott, Devonshire, Goodman has just joined the local police force, with his first case involving a rather unusual prime suspect: a 17th-century witch. It’s a strong start for this whodunnit with plenty of heart.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.15 For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 10.10 Paddington Station 24/7. (PGal, R) 11.05 Great Canal Journeys. (PG, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Celebrity Mastermind. (PG, R) 3.00 Ireland In Music: Caithnin. 3.30 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (R) 4.10 Icelandic Adventure. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Every Family Has A Secret. (PG, R)
8.35 Mystery Of The Loch Ness Monster. (PG, R)
9.25 Big Ben Restored: The Grand Unveiling. (R)
10.20 SBS World News Late.
10.50 De Gaulle. (Mav)
11.50 Kin. (MA15+d, R)
1.45 Miniseries: Too Close. (Mal, R) 2.40 Grayson’s Art Club. (PG, R) 3.30 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.20 Her Majesty’s Cavalry. (PGl, R)
4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (PG, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.30 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show. 10.30 Cricket. Fifth Test. Australia v India. Day 1. Morning session. 12.30 Test Cricket: The Lunch Break. 1.10 Cricket. Fifth Test. Australia v India. Day 1. Afternoon session. 3.10 Test Cricket: Tea Break. 3.30 Cricket. Fifth Test. Australia v India. Day 1. Late afternoon session.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 21. Sydney Sixers v Brisbane Heat. From C.ex Coffs International Stadium, NSW. 9.10 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 22. Perth Scorchers v Sydney Thunder. From Optus Stadium, Perth.
12.30 Taken. (Mav, R) The team must find a way to stop Ramsey before his plan to assassinate a senator starts a war.
1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R) Information about pet care.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer.
5.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.
ABC TV, 8pm
In a series that’s not afraid to ask – and answer–some very unusual
questions, everyone’s favourite science guru, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki (pictured), travels across Australia, stepping behind factory doors to see how some of the nation’s best loved products are made: from ginger beer to cheese and cricket balls. Kruszelnicki meets the people who keep the whole process flowing, from the factory floor to the packing lines. Tonight’s premiere sees the endlessly curious Dr Karl lift the lid to discover how recycled toilet paper is made at the Encore toilet paper factory in Melbourne. If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us nothing else, it proved just how much we Aussies value a bog roll.
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra Summer. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: The Nature Of Romance. (2021, G, R) 2.00
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Tennis. United Cup. Day 8. Quarterfinal. From Ken Rosewall Arena, Sydney. 11.30 MOVIE: No Reservations. (2007, PGal, R) A chef’s life changes after she becomes the guardian of her late sister’s daughter. Catherine Zeta-Jones, Aaron Eckhart, Abigail Breslin.
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) Robbers hide their loot in the park.
4.30 Global Shop. (R) Home shopping.
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.30 Drive TV. (R) A look at the Mazda MX-5.
Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Gardening Australia Junior. (Return) 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Teen Titans Go! 8.00 Scooby-Doo And Guess Who? 8.25 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 8.50 Robot Wars. 9.50 Doctor Who. 10.40 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Hop. 6.30 Children’s Programs. Noon Tennis. Brisbane International. Quarter-finals. 6.00 Tennis. Brisbane International. Night 6. Quarter-finals. 11.00 MOVIE: Fletch Lives. (1989, PG) 1am Life After Lockup. 2.30 La Brea. 3.30 Beyblade Burst: Quad Drive. 4.00 Transformers: Prime. 4.30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu. 4.50 Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens. 5.10 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter. 5.30 Pokémon: XYZ.
7MATE (64) SBS MOVIES (32)
6am Morning Programs. 9.05 Monty Python And The Holy Grail. (1975, PG) 10.45 Monty Python’s Life Of Brian. (1979, M) 12.25pm The Legend Of Ben Hall. (2017, M) 3.00 Whisky Galore. (2016, PG) 4.50 Four Souls Of Coyote. (2023, PG) 6.50 Horrible Histories: The Movie. (2019, PG) 8.30 A Fish Called Wanda. (1988, M) 10.35 Blue Is The Warmest Colour. (2013, MA15+, French) 1.40am Late Programs.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 MOVIE: 80 For Brady. (2023, Ml, R) Four friends set out on a journey. Lily Tomlin. 9.40 MOVIE: Galaxy Quest. (1999, PGv, R) The cast of a sci-fi TV series, cancelled more than 20 years earlier, is called upon by real aliens to save their race. Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver. 11.45 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.40 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R)
Sydney Sixers v Brisbane Heat. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Surveillance Oz. 8.30 MOVIE: Salt. (2010, M) 10.35 MOVIE: Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City. (2021, MA15+) 1.05am Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 1.50pm Carpool Koorioke. 2.00 Taste Of The Territory. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Waabiny Time. 3.25 Little J And Big Cuz. 3.35 Spartakus. 4.05 Cities Of Gold.
6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 News. 12.30 All Creatures Great And Small. (PG, R) 1.15 All Creatures Great And Small Christmas Special. (Final, PG, R) 2.10 Wallace And Gromit: A Close Shave. (R) 2.45 Last Night Of The Proms. (R) 4.10 Joanna Lumley’s Great Cities Of The World. (PG, R) 5.00 Great Australian Stuff. (PG, R)
6.00 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery: Costa Georgiadis. (PG, R) Julia spends time with Costa Georgiadis.
6.30 Tiddler. (R) Animated short film.
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.
7.30 Beyond Paradise. (Premiere, Ma)
A DI joins the police force in Shipton Abbott.
8.20 MOVIE: The Fabelmans. (2022, Malv, R) A young man discovers a shattering family secret and explores how the power of film helps people see the truth. Michelle Williams, Gabriel La Belle, Paul Dano.
10.45 Shetland. (Mal, R) 11.45 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.10pm Tiddler. 5.35 Children’s Programs. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Good Game Spawn Point. 7.55 MOVIE: The Midnight Gang. (2018, PG) 9.00 Fresh
Aliquam Dive Stories. (PG, R) 4.00 Forgotten Frontlines. (PGa, R) 5.00 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. Prologue. H’lights.
6.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Rivers. (Return, PG) 6.30 News.
7.30 Magical Train Journeys In Switzerland.
8.30 Cotswolds And Beyond With Pam Ayres. (R)
9.20 Great Australian Walks With Julia Zemiro. (PG, R)
10.20 Great Australian Railway Journeys. (PGa, R) 11.30 Mister8. (Mls, R) 1.45 Love Your Garden. (PGa, R) 2.35 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.15 Her Majesty’s Cavalry. (PGal, R) 4.45 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show. 10.30 Cricket. Fifth Test. Australia v India. Day 2. Morning session. 12.30 Test Cricket: The Lunch Break. 1.10 Cricket. Fifth Test. Australia v India. Day 2. Afternoon session. 3.10 Test Cricket: Tea Break. 3.30 Cricket. Fifth Test. Australia v India. Day 2. Late afternoon session.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Horse Racing. Magic Millions Night. 9.00 MOVIE: Life. (2017, MA15+v, R) A mission of discovery turns to primal fear for a team of scientists aboard the International Space Station. Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal. 11.15 Border Security: International. (PGadl) 11.45 The Real Manhunter: The Murder Of Krystal Hart. (Madv, R) 12.45 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 It’s Academic. (R)
5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Tennis. United Cup. Day 9. Semi-final. From Ken Rosewall Arena, Sydney. 11.30 To Be Advised.
2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PGa) Religious program.
2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R) Home shopping.
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.30 Helping Hands Summer Series. (PG, R) A celebration of people and organisations across Australia which make the world a better place.
6.00 MOVIE: Sonic The Hedgehog. (2020, PGv, R) A super-fast hedgehog joins forces with a small-town police officer to stop an evil genius. Jim Carrey, James Marsden.
8.10 MOVIE: The Heartbreak Kid. (2007, Mdls, R) After rushing into marriage, a man falls in love with another woman while on his honeymoon. Ben Stiller, Malin Akerman. 10.30 Ambulance Australia. (Mal, R) A crash involving a motorcyclist occurs. 11.45 Ambulance UK. (Madl, R) Crewmates help an elderly patient. 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.
6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 Compass. (PG, R) 11.30 Praise. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. (R) 1.00 A Symphonic Odyssey With Professor Brian Cox. (R) 2.30 A Grand Royal Design. (R) 3.25 Long Lost Family: The Unknown Soldiers. (PG, R) 4.30 Dream Gardens. (PG, R) 5.00 Fake Or Fortune? (Final, PG, R)
6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.
7.30 The Split: Barcelona. (Ml) Hannah and her family are reunited. 9.30 Love Me. (Final, Mdl) Glen and Anita prepare for the wedding. Clara tries to work things out with Peter.
10.20 You Can’t Ask That: Postnatal Depression. (Mal, R)
12.30 Take 5 With Zan Rowe. (Final, Ml, R)
12.55 Rage Vault. (MA15+adhlnsv)
3.10 Australia Remastered. (R)
4.05 Gardening Australia. (R)
5.05 The Great Acceleration. (R)
The Boat. 9.45 Speechless. 10.05 Officially Amazing. 10.35 Late Programs. 6am Children’s Programs. 3.30pm MOVIE: Thomas And Friends: The Mystery Of Lookout Mountain. (2022) 4.30 Children’s Programs. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.50 The Secret Life Of Our Pets.
6am Four Souls
Of Coyote. Continued. (2023, PG) 7.00 Horrible Histories: The Movie. (2019, PG) 8.40 Swallows And Amazons. (2016, PG) 10.30 I Love My Dad. (2022, M) 12.20pm Baby Done. (2020, M) 2.00 The 400 Blows. (1959, PG, French) 3.55 Soft Skin. (1964, PG, French) 6.05 Fried Green Tomatoes. (1991, PG) 8.30 A Good Person. (2023, MA15+) 10.50 Late Programs.
6.00 Morning Programs. 10.00 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches. 11.30 Along Ireland’s Shores. (R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 12.30 PBS Washington Week. 12.55 Wheelchair Sports. (R) 1.00 Speedweek. 3.00 Plat Du Tour. (PG, R) 3.10 Wonders Of Scotland. (PGa, R) 4.05 Forgotten Frontlines. (PGav, R) 5.00 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. Stage 1. H’lights.
6.00 Toby Price Dakar Preview.
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Fortress Britain With Alice Roberts. (PGa, R)
8.25 Asia’s Ancient Civilisations. (PG, R) 10.15 Putin And The West. (Mav, R) 11.25 Lies, Politics And Democracy. (Malvw, R) 1.30 Rise Of The Nazis: Dictators At War. (Ma, R) 2.40 Love Your Garden. (PG, R) 3.35 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.25 Her Majesty’s Cavalry. (MA15+l, R) 4.55 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera.
6am The 400 Blows. Continued. (1959, PG, French) 6.55 Fried Green Tomatoes. (1991, PG) 9.20 Binti. (2019, PG, Dutch) 11.00 A Fish Called Wanda. (1988, M) 1pm Coming Through The Rye. (2015, M) 2.50 Horrible Histories: The Movie. (2019, PG) 4.30 The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir. (2018, PG) 6.20 Roman Holiday. (1953, PG) 8.30 Both Sides Of The Blade. (2022, MA15+, French) 10.40 Late Programs.
6am Morning Programs. 1pm Blokesworld. 1.30 The Weekend Prospector. 2.00 Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars. 3.00 Boating. Circuit Drivers C’ship. 2024 Windsor Spectacular. Replay. 4.00 Desert Collectors. 5.00 Counting Cars. 6.00 Pawn Stars. 7.00 Storage Wars. 7.30 MOVIE: Back To The Future Part II. (1989, PG)
6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show. 10.30 Cricket. Fifth Test. Australia v India. Day 3. Morning session. 12.30 Test Cricket: The Lunch Break. 1.10 Cricket. Fifth Test. Australia v India.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 24. Hobart Hurricanes v Adelaide Strikers. 10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game. 11.00 7NEWS Spotlight. (R) A look at screen addiction.
12.00 MOVIE: House Of Chains. (2022, MA15+av) A couple imprison their six children. Mena Suvari, Greyston Holt.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News. The latest news, sport and weather.
5.30 Sunrise.
Programs. 8.00
(Premiere) 8.30
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 Tennis. United Cup. Day 10. Final. From Ken Rosewall Arena, Sydney. 11.30 The Brokenwood Mysteries. (MA15+ahv) The local scare attraction of the House of Screams becomes the venue for an actual murder.
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) Religious program.
4.30 GolfBarons. (R) A panel of experts discusses golf.
5.00 Today Early News. A look at the latest news, sport and weather.
5.30 Today. The latest in news and current affairs.
Programs. 10.30 Ninjago: Dragons Rising. 11.00 Children’s Programs. Noon Tennis. Brisbane International. Semi-finals. 6.00 Young Sheldon. 7.30 Tennis. Brisbane International. Night 7. Semi-finals. 11.30 MOVIE: 17 Again. (2009, PG) 1.30am The Originals. 3.30 Surfing Aust. 4.00 Transformers: Prime. 4.30 Late Programs. 6am Children’s Programs. 12.30pm Basketball. WNBL. UC Capitals v Geelong United. 2.30 Young Sheldon. 3.30 Tennis. Brisbane International. Finals. 6.00 Tennis. Brisbane International. Finals. 10.00 MOVIE: Get Shorty. (1995, MA15+) 12.10am Gotham. 1.10 Love After Lockup. 3.00 Young Sheldon. 3.30 Beyblade X. 4.00 Bakugan: Legends. 4.30 Transformers: Cyberverse. 4.50 Late Programs.
6.00 MOVIE: Sonic The Hedgehog 2. (2022, PGalv, R) Dr Robotnik enlists Knuckles the echidna to help search for an emerald with the power to destroy civilisations. Jim Carrey, James Marsden. 8.25 The Graham Norton Show. Graham Norton is joined on the couch by Robbie Williams, Rami Malek, Motsi Mabuse and John Bishop. 9.55 MOVIE: Scream. (2022, MA15+l) Decades after a streak of brutal murders shocked Woodsboro, a new killer begins targeting a group of teenagers. Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 The Holy Grail Mystery. (Ma, R)
8.25 Jimmy Carr’s I Literally Just Told You.
9.20 Inside Sydney Airport. (PGal, R)
10.15 SBS World News Late.
10.45 Clean Sweep. (MA15+l)
11.45 Wisting. (Malv, R)
12.40 Faking Hitler. (Man, R)
2.30 Grayson’s Art Club. (PG, R) 3.25 Make Me A Dealer. (PG, R) 4.15 Her Majesty’s Cavalry. (PGav, R) 4.45 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 25. Brisbane Heat v Sydney Thunder.
10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game between the Brisbane Heat and Sydney Thunder. 11.00 Murder In A Small Town. (Mav) Alberg and his team piece together clues. 12.00 Satisfaction. (MA15+ads, R) Adriana interferes in a family matter.
1.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Presented by Greg Grainger.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 RBT. (PGdl, R)
8.30 MOVIE: Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. (2008, Mv, R)
10.55 Miniseries: Love Rat. (Mv, R)
11.45 Chicago Med. (MA15+amv)
12.35 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Contestants compete in a high-stakes game where they must beat The Banker to win a cash prize. 6.30 The Project. The hosts and guest panellists take a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics. 7.30 The 82nd Annual Golden Globes. (R) Hosted by Nikki Glaser. 10.30 MOVIE: Downsizing. (2017, Mdlns, R) A couple decide to shrink themselves. Matt Damon, Christoph Waltz. 1.10 The Project. (R)
6am Morning
Programs. 7.25 An Ideal Husband. (1999, PG) 9.15 A River Runs Through It. (1992, PG) 11.30 Wheel Of Fortune And Fantasy. (2021, M, Japanese) 1.45pm Fried Green Tomatoes. (1991, PG) 4.10 Binti. (2019, PG, Dutch) 5.50 The Producers. (1967, PG) 7.30 The Man Who Knew Too Little. (1997, PG) 9.15 An Almost Perfect Town. (2016, M, Italian) 11.05 Late Programs.
6.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30.
8.00 Dr Karl’s How Things Work. (Premiere)
8.30 Eat The Invaders. (Premiere, PG)
9.00 David Attenborough’s Tasmania. (R)
9.55 Flyways: The Story Of Migratory Shorebirds. (R)
10.55 Murder In Provence. (Mav, R) 12.25 Grand Designs. (R) 1.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 2.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.45 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Aust. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG, R)
8.35 MOVIE: James Blunt: One Brit Wonder. (2023, MA15+l, R)
10.25 SBS World News Late.
10.55 Beyond Signs. (Premiere, MA15+a)
11.55 Christian. (MA15+d, R)
2.40 Grayson’s Art Club. (PGl, R)
3.35 Make Me A Dealer. (R)
4.25 Peer To Peer. (PG, R)
4.55 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 26. Perth Scorchers v Melbourne Renegades. From Optus Stadium, Perth. 10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game. 11.00 Lockerbie. (PGav, R) A key piece of evidence is uncovered.
12.05 Satisfaction. (MA15+ads, R)
Anika takes a mind-altering drug.
1.05 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Presented by Greg Grainger.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Travel Guides. (PGl, R) The travel guides head to Marrakech. 8.30 The Grand Tour. (MA15+l) The team takes a road trip across Namibia. 10.35
6am Binti. Continued. (2019, PG, Dutch) 6.40 The Producers. (1967, PG) 8.20 Roman Holiday. (1953, PG) 10.30 Police. (2020, M, French) 12.20pm Twist. (2021, M) 2.00 The Man Who Knew Too Little. (1997, PG) 3.40 An Ideal Husband. (1999, PG) 5.30 Basmati Blues. (2017, PG) 7.30 Official Competition. (2021, M, Spanish) 9.35 Blindspotting. (2018, MA15+) 11.25 Late Programs. 5.50am The Movie Show.
FROM Page 16
her potential. Competing in the Girls 12yrs division, the promising all rounder registered a personal best performance in the triple jump and collected a silver medal in the shot put plus a bronze medal in long jump to cap a memorable meet.
silver medallist Jamie TaylorAnderson.
Just as impressive were her Port Stephens club colleagues in twelve-year-old triple jump ace Shanique Robertson and triple jump and discus
The gifted Robertson picked up a bronze medal in the Girls 13yrs high jump and was part of the Senior Girls 4 x 100m Relay team that brought home a silver medal along with Naomi Rengkatchaya, Mia McDonald and Anna Taylor-
All three have produced encouraging displays in both track and field under the guidance of Head Coach Bob Walkley and Field coach Steve Denning.
They will spearhead a 34-strong Port Stephens club contingent that have qualified
for a total of 92 events at the Hunter Regional Athletic Championships to be staged in Maitland on 6-7 February.
“The Port Stephens club has a crop of exciting young athletes stepping up and producing top performances across many disciplines on a consistent basis,” quipped the
experienced Walkley.
“We have a good training system at the Tomaree Sports Complex with many of the athletes reaping the rewards of their hard work and achieving success through self belief and natural athleticism,” Bob added.
WEDNESDAY, January 8
Life. (R) 2.10 Heritage Rescue. (R) 3.00 Ireland In Music: Caithnin. 3.30 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.35 The Cook Up. (R) 4.05 Jeopardy! (R) 4.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.00 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally. Stage 3. H’lights.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 The Real Crown: Inside The House Of Windsor. (PG, R)
8.30 Michael Palin: Into Iraq. (PG, R)
9.25 The Night Manager. (MA15+sv)
10.30 SBS World News Late.
11.00 Pagan Peak. (Return, MA15+asv)
11.55 Soldiers. (MA15+av, R)
2.30 Grayson’s Art Club. (PGl, R)
3.20 Make Me A Dealer. (R)
4.15 Peer To Peer. (PG, R)
4.45 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 Doctor Who. 10.05 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 10.30 Operation Ouch! 11.00 Late Programs.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 27. Sydney Thunder v Hobart Hurricanes. 10.30 Big Bash League Post-Game. Post-match coverage of the game. 11.00 Unbelievable Moments Caught On Camera. (PGa, R) Footage of headline-grabbing moments.
12.00 Stan Lee’s Lucky Man. (MA15+av) Suri follows a trail of breadcrumbs.
1.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Presented by Greg Grainger.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo. (PGm)
8.30 Space Invaders. (PGa, R)
9.30 Millionaire Holiday Home Swap. (PG)
11.30 Social Media Murders: The Murder Of Alex Rodda. (Malv, R)
12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.05 Hello SA. (PG) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R)
3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer.
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Deal Or No Deal: Celebrity Jackpot. (PGal, R) Hosted by Grant Denyer.
8.30 MOVIE: Meet The Fockers. (2004, Ms, R) A young man takes his fiancée and her parents to Miami to meet his family, who live an alternative lifestyle. Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Barbra Streisand. 10.55 The Project. (R) 11.55 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
Karl’s How Things Work. (R)
Britain By The Book. (PG, R)
Grand Designs. (R)
Long Lost Family. (PG, R)
Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R)
4.30 Gardening Australia. (R)
5.30 7.30. (R)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 Secrets Of The Zoo. 9.20 72 Cutest Animals. 9.45 Doctor Who.
5.55 Freddie Flintoff’s Field Of Dreams Tour. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 1982: The Greatest Geek Year Ever. 9.15 MOVIE: Deathtrap. (1982, M) 11.20 MOVIE: Animal Kingdom. (2010, MA15+) 1.20am Late Programs.
6am The Movie
Show. 6.25 Basmati Blues. (2017, PG) 8.20 The Man Who Knew Too Little. (1997, PG) 10.05 Breaking Up In Rome. (2022, M, Italian) 12.15pm An Almost Perfect Town. (2016, M, Italian) 2.05 The Producers. (1967, PG) 3.45 Diana. (2013, PG) 5.50 Earth To Echo. (2014, PG) 7.30 Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery. (1997, M) 9.10 Violet & Daisy. (2011, MA15+) 10.45 Late Programs.
THURSDAY, January 9
6.00 Morning Programs. 11.05 Great Canal Journeys. (PG, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Such Was Life. (R) 2.10 Heritage Rescue.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. (PG)
8.30 The Emerald Isles With Ardal O’Hanlon. (Final, PGa, R)
9.30 The Darkness. (Premiere, M)
10.25 SBS World News Late.
10.55 DNA. (Malv)
11.45 Blackout: Tomorrow Is Too Late. (Mlv, R)
12.40 Blanca. (MA15+a, R) 2.35 Grayson’s Art Club. (PG, R) 3.25 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 4.15 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.45 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6am WorldWatch. 10.00 Front Up. 12.05pm WorldWatch. 12.35 MOVIE: Subject. (2022, M) 2.25 Overlooked. 2.55 Insight. 3.55 WorldWatch. 5.55 Freddie Flintoff’s Field Of Dreams Tour. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 The Curse Of Oak Island. 10.10 Cars That Built The World. 11.00 Question Team. 12.50am MOVIE: Subjects Of Desire. (2021, MA15+) 2.40 Late Programs.
6am Diana. Continued. (2013, PG) 7.05 The Lake House. (2006, PG) 8.55 The Bookshop. (2017, PG) 11.00 Official Competition. (2021, M, Spanish) 1.05pm Stage Mother. (2020, M) 2.50 Basmati Blues. (2017, PG) 4.45 The Majestic. (2001, PG) 7.30 Wild Target. (2010, M) 9.20 Charlie And Boots. (2009, M) 11.15 Six Minutes To Midnight. (2020, M) 1.10am Hive. (2021, M, Albanian) 2.45 Late Programs.
6am Shopping. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Animal Rescue. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 TBA. 2.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Animal Rescue. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30
7MATE (64)
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Match 28. Melbourne Stars v Sydney Sixers. 10.30 Seven’s Cricket: The Spin. An expert panel tackles all the big news and issues with a deep dive into the wild world of cricket.
11.15 Pam & Tommy. (MA15+alns) The tape falls into Bob Guccione’s hands.
12.15 The Real Manhunter: The Night Stalker Delroy Grant. (Mav, R) Takes a look at Delroy Grant.
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.
5.00 Sunrise 5am News.
5.30 Sunrise.
7MATE (64)
(R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today. 6.00 NBN News.
A Current Affair.
A Night With Novak. From Road Laver Arena, Melbourne.
Forza Jannik. Explores Italy’s
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 The Truth About The Skinny Jab. (Ma) Presented by Anna Richardson. 8.30 MOVIE: Little Fockers. (2010, Msv, R) A man visits his son-in-law to discover if he has what it takes to become the family patriarch. Ben Stiller, Teri Polo, Robert De Niro. 10.30 MOVIE: Shutter Island. (2010, MA15+, R) Leonardo DiCaprio. 1.15 The Project. (R) 2.10 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 3.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.