
FROM Page 1 year project on behalf of the Tomaree Headland Heritage Group on a pro-bono basis and continues to give all of the proceeds to Tomaree Headland Heritage Group.
“These people don’t do what they do for the creditthey do it because they love our community and they love what they do.
"It's a privilege to recognise them formally for their contribution to Port Stephens," she added.
Two esteemed community members were also honoured with the prestigious Freeman of the Year award.
The Freeman's Award is the highest honour bestowed upon a citizen by Port Stephens Council, recognising their outstanding contributions and dedicated service to the community.
The 2025 Port Stephens Annual Award recipients are:
Freeman of the Year and Citizen of the Year – Judy Washington
Judy is the recent author of "Paradise InterruptedTomaree Headland in WWII", which had its official book launch on 14 October 2024.
The military history book is an accurate and comprehensive history of the Tomaree Headland and Tomaree Peninsula during WWII.
Judy undertook this four
Judy is also an active volunteer for her community being a member of multiple volunteer organisations including The Tomaree Residents and Rate Payer Association, The Nelson Bay Civic Pride team and is a key driver and participant in the Port Stephens Graffiti Action Team.
Freeman of the Year –Steve Tucker
Steve Tucker is a retired Central Ward Councillor who served Central Ward and the Port Stephens community for 20 years.
First elected in 2004, he became known for his commitment for infrastructure development, particularly focusing on roads and drainage, which he identified as top priorities for local residents. Throughout his tenure, Steve held the position of Deputy Mayor on two occasions.
Steve’s dedication to the Port Stephens community is evident in his longstanding service and focus on improvements, reflecting
his responsiveness to the needs and concerns of the community.
Young Citizen of the Year – Maddie Lilley
Through a variety of engaging projects and events, Maddie not only showcases the richness of her heritage but also fosters a deep sense of connection among community members. Maddie’s efforts to celebrate cultural diversity are truly commendable, as they create opportunities for learning, understanding, and appreciation across different backgrounds.
One of the most impactful ways she contributes to the community spirit is by using her voice as a powerful tool for reconciliation.
At local events, Maddie sings the National Anthem in both Gathang and English, beautifully bridging cultural divides, and uniting people.
Maddie embodies the spirit of community by building relationships and promoting understanding among individuals from various walks of life.
Through her work, Maddie inspires everyone around her to embrace diversity and engage in meaningful dialogue,
Information is correct at time of printing. For up-to-date information visit Council’s DA Tracker at datracker.portstephens.nsw.gov.au or contact us on 4988 0255.
41 Gibbers Dr 16-2024-681-1 Two storey dwelling MEDOWIE
25 Pastures Dr 16-2025-16-1 Storage shed/workshop SALT ASH
2886 Nelson Bay Rd 16-2025-18-1 Home business (beauty services) and shed extension
We’re currently working through the approval process for stage 5 and 6 of road reconstruction works on a section of East Seaham Road. This approval process includes the development of a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) as part of the design and planning of this project.
You’re invited to a drop-in information session to ask questions and learn more about this important local project on Wednesday 5 February 2025 anytime between 4pm and 6pm at Seaham School of Arts, 10 Warren Street, Seaham.
To learn more about the project, visit pscouncil.info/east-seaham-road
Nelson Bay Community Hall: Wednesday 19 February, 1pm at Nelson Bay Community Hall, 6 Norburn Avenue, Nelson Bay
ADDRESS DA NO. PROPOSAL NELSON BAY 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87 Achilles St; 74, 78, 88, 96, 92, 94, 90, 80, 82, 84, 86 Shoal Bay Rd; 16-2025-11-1 Alterations and additions to registered club TAYLORS BEACH 27 Albert St 16-2025-17-1 Alterations and additions to existing two storey dwelling and new carport
Lemon Tree Passage: Monday 17 February, 4 pm at The Old School, Room 4, 14 Kenneth Parade, Lemon Tree Passage
Tanilba Foreshore Hall: Saturday 8 February, 9:30am at Tanilba Foreshore Hall, 39 Tanilba Ave
Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens: Monday 3 March, 2pm at Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens Hall, 17E Irrawang St, Raymond Terrace
Karuah Hall: Thursday 13 February, 6pm at Karuah Community Hall, 2 Engel Ave, Karuah
Salt Ash Sports Ground: Wednesday 19 February, 6:30pm at Greenhouse, Pacific Dunes Golf Club, Medowie
Salt Ash Community Hall: Friday 21 February, 5pm at Salt Ash Hall, 1 Michael Drive, Salt Ash
Hinton Hall: Wednesday 19 February, 6pm at Hinton School of Arts, 279 Hinton Rd, Hinton
To learn more about our 355c Committees, visit pscouncil.info/committees
cultivating an atmosphere where every voice is heard and valued.
Port Stephens Medal –Fran Corner
Fran Corner has lived, worked, and volunteered on the Tilligerry Peninsula since she moved to Tanilba Bay 48 years ago.
She began her volunteer work in Clean Up Australia Day and National Tree Day events and joined the Tilligerry Tidy Towns committee.
Fran was an active
member and past president of the Tilligerry Community Association and led the organisation of annual community events with the Tilligerry Open Gardens and TilliFest.
Through her volunteer work Fran has applied for and secured multiple grants to fund small projects, pathways and assets in her community.
She has also been the driver to ensure these projects come to life.
Sportsperson of the Year – Pearl Manton
Pearl is not only an outstanding athlete but also a passionate advocate for the importance of local sports in fostering a sense of community and belonging.
Through her tireless efforts, she ensures that children in our area have access to engaging and enriching sports experiences. Pearl goes above and beyond by not only promoting athletic development but also emphasising the significance of cultural aspects in sport. At the Karuah Pearls
Need to get rid of paint, batteries, gas bottles or other chemical waste taking up space in your garage?
Saturday 1 February 2025, 9am to 3:30pm Port Stephens Council Admin Building car park, Ramond Terrace (entry via Adelaide Street, no entry to car park via Sturgeon Street on the day)
Drop off household quantities of:
• Paint, strippers and varnishes
• Pesticides, herbicides and poisons
• Solvents and household cleaners
• Motor oils, fuels and fluids
• Batteries
• Gas bottles
• Pool and hobby chemicals
• Fluorescent globes and tubes
For more information or to find more locations visit cleanout.com.au
Netball Club, where Pearl is the club President, she has been instrumental in developing programs that empower young athletes, instilling in them the values of teamwork, discipline, and resilience.
She takes the time to mentor and encourage each player, helping them build skills and confidence.
Cultural Endeavour –
Nigel Dique
Port Stephens and Kushiro in Japan have become Sister Cities following the initial Wetlands Agreement signing and have pursued cultural exchanges for the last 30 years.
Nigel Dique has been the Chair of the Sisters Cities Committee since 2013 and has helped to enhance the rich diversity and culture in
Port Stephens by promoting peace, understanding and cooperation through international partnerships.
THE Commonwealth-New South Wales Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority (Joint Authority) has refused both PEP11 gas exploration applications, drawing applause from environmental advocates.
Petroleum Exploration Permit 11 (PEP 11) is a controversial gas exploration project located primarily in Commonwealth waters off the coast between Newcastle and Wollongong, covering over 8,200 km2.
The Joint Authority refused the applications on 16 January for “reasons of public interest, concerns about the applicants’ estimate of the cost of works and their ability to raise the necessary capital to fund the proposed works”.
“In making this decision, I have carefully considered all relevant materials, including those submitted by Asset Energy Pty Ltd, and the requirements set out under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006,” said Commonwealth Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic.
“As part of the decision-making process, Asset Energy Pty Ltd was given an opportunity to respond to the concerns that I raised in forming my preliminary view that the Joint Authority should refuse the applications.
“Asset Energy’s response was considered before reaching this decision.”
The NSW Government has welcomed the decision, claiming it “provides clarity to the proponent, coastal communities, and the general public on the outcome of the applications, ending years of uncertainty”.
"The NSW Government’s position on drilling and mining in NSW coastal waters is clear,” Minister for Natural Resources Courtney Houssos said.
“I will continue to consider applications as part of the Joint Authority in Commonwealth waters on a case-by-case basis.
“Although I did not contribute to the decision, I support Minister Husic's decision to refuse the two applications for variation and suspension of the conditions of the permit and extension of the permit term for PEP-11.
“I would like to acknowledge the clear sentiment on PEP-11 expressed by coastal communities and their representatives over many years.”
The Newcastle and Port Stephens Game Fish Club has also supported the move, describing it as a “win for the recreational fishing community, commercial fisheries, tourism operators, and local residents who have long championed the importance of our unspoiled marine environment”.
The Club however maintains that the Federal Government’s push for offshore wind farms in the same waters exposes a “glaring hypocrisy”.
“Offshore wind energy may be renewable, but its industrial footprint is far from benign,” the group said in a media statement last week.
“The construction on and operation of offshore wind farms comes with significant environmental and economic trade-offs, many of which mirror the concerns raised about PEP-11.”
He has also formed a strong partnership with the Seaside Signers community choir and delivered the Tomaree Arts Festival in 2019.
Nigel has successfully helped the Sisters Cities Committee to facilitate opportunities including a student exchange program, the PACRIM sailing exchange, cultural exchange visits and the Sister Wetlands Relationship program formed in 1994.
Through the committee Nigel has created
opportunities for trade and investment in Port Stephens with new ideas and initiatives.
He recently hosted the Sister City Japanese delegation as they visited Newcastle and Port Stephens to celebrate the 30th anniversary and renewal of the signing of the Wetland Sister City Affiliation.
Environmental Award –
Betsy Hussin Betsy has been a pillar of environmental knowledge and has emerged as a local legend in the environmental space.
Not only has she taken on leadership with the Nelson Bay West Landcare Volunteers Group, working diligently to deliver meaningful and thoughtfully planned regeneration projects, she has donated many hours of her time and organisational skills to the Ngioka Nursery to help see it recognised as an operational asset in the community. Betsy prioritises honesty and fairness to foster a space of connectedness to service the environment.
News Of The Area would love to hear your OPINION and VIEWS on issues and topics affecting our area. Keep Letters to the Editor under 250 words for its best chance of publication. Please be aware that there is no guarantee or of publication from your submission to us. Publication will be determined by the editor around available space, relevance and appropriateness. media@newsofthearea.com.
Simon EKINS 0434 890 157 simon@newsofthearea.com.au
Lindsay HALL 0430 048 398 lindsay@newsofthearea.com.au
Chris KARAS 0400 819 153 chris@newsofthearea.com.au
Jacie WHITFIELD 0411 556 079 jacie@newsofthearea.com.au
Doug CONNOR 0431 487 679 doug@newsofthearea.com.au
FROM Page 1
where koalas are located in the region.
Mayor Leah Anderson, who is Chair of Council’s Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Committee, said the critical vegetation and habitat mapping will help protect local koalas into the future.
“The updated koala habitat mapping will help inform decisions, guide policy changes and assist in streamlining development assessment requirements in Port Stephens – all with the aim of keeping our koala population protected,” she said.
Kimberly Baker, Council's Environmental Strategy Team Leader and Project Manager, said the mapping update is essential for providing a tool to make informed decisions regarding the protection of Port Stephens koalas.
“The current Port Stephens Koala habitat map was prepared over 20 years ago as part of Council’s Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management,” Ms Baker said.
“With advancements in mapping technology and survey methods, alongside on-ground changes in habitat and Koala population extents, it’s time we reviewed this map to ensure we’ve got the most up to date
“The updated mapping information will indicate the key areas our koalas call home and help inform future land management actions,” she added.
Council has partnered with the NSW Koala Strategy, with funding provided by the state and federal governments, to prepare the detailed vegetation mapping alongside the updated Koala habitat mapping.
"We are collaborating closely with the state’s leading koala scientists to conduct on-ground surveys and detailed vegetation mapping in order to assess koala occupancy,” Ms Baker said.
“This detailed vegetation map is the first of its kind for the Port Stephens region.
“It provides crucial information that will guide effective land management actions and help identify
important vegetation and habitats for various species that inhabit our region,” she added.
Council will commence targeted koala surveys at over 250 strategically selected locations across Port Stephens during mid to late 2025, including some important locations identified on private land.
Participation in this important work is voluntary, however Council is encouraging identified
landholders to allow access to their properties.
“By permitting an ecologist and botanist to conduct a koala survey on a small part of your property, you’re contributing to the protection of our important koala population – and you might also meet our talented scat dog teams,” Ms
SEVEN homes at the former Stockton Centre have been upgraded to transitional housing which will provide short-term accommodation for around 25 people each night.
The site was previously used as a
residential centre for people with disability.
The $2.45 million upgrade to the properties will see a six-bedroom house, two fourbedroom houses and four five-bedroom houses being made available for families facing a housing crisis or emergency.
Homes NSW is working with social and affordable housing provider, Home In Place, to ensure the people staying temporarily at the Stockton Centre receive the right support to address their housing needs and assist them to find longer-term solutions.
The NSW Government says the project delivers on a promise to investigate the temporary use of government owned building assets for short-term accommodation, while longer-term planning and redevelopment options are being explored.
It is believed the model can be replicated across the
Minister for Disability Inclusion and Port Stephens MP Kate Washington said the site’s transformation is a “massive win for our community”.
“The housing crisis is the greatest challenge facing families across the state and the Minns Labor Government is doing everything possible to get more roofs over people’s heads sooner.
“The former government said it wasn’t possible, we’ve proved that it is.
“I’m so pleased that these properties are no longer sitting empty and will now provide safe and secure shortterm accommodation for the people in our community who need it most.”
Member for Newcastle
Tim Crakanthorp said the project is a “big step” towards alleviating the housing crisis in Newcastle.
“The community and I have been lobbying for more
short-term accommodation for years, so this is a massive win for Newcastle.
“I am proud to be part of a government that has finally delivered this much-needed emergency housing to our community.”
Home in Place CEO
Australia Lyndall Robertshaw said, “It is good to see the NSW Government looking at every opportunity to address the housing crisis.
“Every additional community housing home the Government can bring online means another person or a family will have a safe roof over their head.
“Safe, appropriate housing is a fundamental human right. If you are worrying and organising where you or your family will sleep that night, it is very hard to work, study, raise children, take care of your physical or mental health or contribute to your community.”
By Douglas CONNOR
THE North Arm Cove Community Association (NACCAi) continues to push MidCoast Council for action on an infamous hoon hotspot, with Council recently deciding against the installation of CCTV surveillance at the site.
The intersection of Gooreengi Road and Somerset Avenue, North Arm Cove has been the site of ongoing antisocial behaviour, illegal burnout gatherings and high-speed car racing since mid2023.
NACCAi say the burnouts have severely damaged the road pavement, obliterated
the road markings, and left pieces of burnt rubber and wire all over the intersection, resulting in a safety hazard for motorists.
The activities have also proven dangerous for those present at burnout meets, with a teenage girl and a young woman taken to hospital after being seriously injured when a driver lost control and ran into bystanders in March 2024.
Potential fire risks are also a major concern for local residents.
The intersection is the only access to the North Arm Cove and Carrington villages, and the Tahlee Christian retreat and education centre.
Since August 2023 NACCAi, on behalf of the local community, has been pushing Council to take steps to prevent the burnouts, such as modifying the intersection or installing surveillance cameras.
In November 2024, a Council representative told the community association that the feasibility of installing surveillance cameras was being investigated, among a raft of other potential mitigation measures.
On 8 January 2025, Council informed NACCAi that the installation of CCTV would not proceed “unless the costs are fully funded from sources external to Council”.
Director Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Robert Scott, said in correspondence to the association that Council’s “clear preference for use of CCTV for crime prevention is only where Council is responsible for criminal law enforcement (for example illegal rubbish dumping)”.
In his email, Mr Scott also indicated that elected councillors did not have a “strong appetite” for the redirection of funding for road resealing or erecting concrete barriers at the intersection.
Mr Scott said Council would now look at lower cost actions to deter offenders, including a temporary road closure to reduce the potential access/escape routes for offenders, disconnection of the streetlighting at the intersection to reduce the benefit for spectators to observe the behaviour, and the application of raised pavement markers on the
centrelines so the surface isn’t as smooth.
NACCAi President Bob Reid told NOTA he is frustrated by the lack of immediate action.
“This problem has been going on now for 18 months, and even after the serious injuries to two young women from the March 2024 burnout tragedy, and numerous requests from our community, MidCoast Council still hasn’t done anything to prevent them, or repair the damaged road.
“Council isn’t willing to spend $8,000 (on CCTV cameras) to help protect its residents, and is trying to pass the funding buck to the State Government.”
In a statement to NOTA, MidCoast Council said it will continue to work with NSW Police and the community on “opportunities to mitigate the ongoing hoon hotspot”.
While this will not include the installation of CCTV, General Manager Adrian Panuccio indicated Council would be supportive of NSW Police if they opted to erect cameras at the site.
“While we understand
the community’s concern, illegal driving behaviour is not something the Council regulates or has the resources to manage,” Mr Panuccio said.
“We have a greater than 10,000 square kilometre local government area and our community cannot afford to fund CCTV infrastructure across the region.
“Monitoring of this type of behaviour is something that is the responsibility of the NSW Police and not a core function of Council.
“It would simply not be financially viable for ratepayers to fund them at every known hotspot which inevitably would include future hotspots as the hoons moved on to other areas.”
A spokesperson for the Port Stephens Hunter Police District urged residents to report hooning incidents.
“Officers across the district continue to work with partner agencies and the community to target road users who drive in a dangerous manner, particularly in known hotspot areas.
“Police urge the Port Stephens and Mid Coast
community to continue reporting illegal activity to Crime Stoppers and local police, which in turn helps police focus resources into key areas.
“NSW Police will not tolerate dangerous driving and behaviour that puts others at risk.
“Drivers doing the wrong thing are in our sights and can expect to face significant penalties.”
On Christmas Eve, MidCoast Mayor Claire Pontin wrote to NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley seeking assistance to address the “significant traffic issue” at the intersection.
Minister Catley’s office encouraged concerned local residents to keep an eye out for an upcoming community forum at which she will appear alongside Port Stephens MP Kate Washington and representatives from the Port Stephens Hunter Police District.
The forum, which will cover issues surrounding crime, was scheduled to take place in Hawks Nest earlier this month, but was postponed due to storms.
A GROUP of tall eucalypts have been "significantly vandalised” on the Nelson Bay Bridle Path, a coastal walkway between the Marina and Dutchies Beach.
The path, which traces the foreshore offering views across the bay, has been the site of community unrest over tree removal and vandalism in the past.
In October 2021, yellow crosses appeared on seven trees on council land, before a permit was eventually refused for their removal.
In 2023, environmentalists and developers clashed over the potential removal of a century-old blackbutt from the area.
The permit was eventually granted and the tree removed in May 2024.
On the weekend of 18-19 January 2025, EcoNetwork Port Stephens says someone significantly vandalised at least seven tall eucalypts including Blackbutts (Eucalyptus pillars) and Forest Red Gums (Eucalyptus tereticornis), which are prime koala feed trees.
Each vandalised tree has a significant chainsaw cut and are on council land adjacent to homes on Thurlow Avenue. The environment group says an additional nearby tree, also with chainsaw cuts, is already showing browning leaves indicating likely death.
An additional Forest Red Gum adjacent to the Bridle Path reportedly crashed over the path, destroying another three maturing trees in its wake.
This tree also has a chainsaw cut on its upper side.
“This is more than vandalism, it is environmental sabotage,” an EcoNetwork spokesperson said.
“One of the most devastating examples of tree vandalism in recent years in our LGA.”
Over the weekend,
around 50 concerned locals gathered at the site to discuss possible protection strategies.
Port Stephens Councillor Rosalyn Armstrong was in attendance, outlining council tree management policies and guidelines.
Council staff responded to the incident quickly, erecting signs outlining possible $11,000 fines for intentional harm or damage to trees.
Council’s updated its Tree Vandalism Policy in 2023.
This will be revisited once more in light of recent events, in discussion with Council’s Environmental Advisory Group.
q Concerned community members gathered at the site of the vandalism over the weekend.
A MAN tragically died in a house fire in Medowie over the Australia Day long weekend.
About 2:30pm on Sunday 26 January, emergency services were called to Coolabah Road, Medowie, following reports of a house fire.
Officers attached to Port Stephens/Hunter Police District attended, alongside
Fire and Rescue NSW crews and Rural Fire Service (RFS), who extinguished the blaze.
A man, age 62, was found deceased at the scene and he is yet to be formally identified.
A crime scene was established and an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident commenced.
Police will prepare a report for the coroner.
q The Raymond Terrace Rural Fire Brigade attended the structure fire alongside other RFS and Fire and Rescue NSW crews. Photo: Raymond Terrace RFS.
PORT Stephens will be an even greater hive of sporting activity after $2,946,743 was awarded to the Tomaree Regional Community Hub.
Its application for funds to provide a new community infrastructure project was successful under the Growing Regions Program.
The Hub will expand the existing playing surfaces so that they are fullsized rectangular fields to accommodate multiple codes.
They will also improve lighting, fencing, drainage and irrigation, and construct a new carpark and pedestrian pathway connecting all playing surfaces.
Mayor of Port Stephens Leah Anderson said, “This funding will transform the complex by addressing current capacity issues, making it a more welcoming and accessible space for
everyone to participate in and enjoy sport and physical activity.”
Thousands of people attend sporting events at the complex every year and it is anticipated that this number will grow.
The visitors and events the new facilities attract will also boost the regional economy, community engagement, social cohesion and health of the Tomaree
According to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and The Arts, the program was designed for regional, rural and remote areas.
It provides funding of between $500,000 and $15 million to local government entities and not-for-profit organisations for “capital
VOLUNTEERS from Marine Rescue Lemon Tree Passage came to the rescue of five people on the Karuah River after their five-to-six metre vessel grounded in shallow waters.
Marine Rescue NSW Inspector Steve Raymond said the request for assistance came in around 11.20am on Saturday 25 January.
“A volunteer crew on board Lemon Tree 30 was deployed under the direction of NSW Police Marine Area Command to assist.
“The crew searched the shallow river for the grounded vessel, which was located just after 11.45am.
“The five people on board had safely made it to a nearby beach.
“After inspecting the
vessel in consultation with Water Police, it was unable to be uprighted safely.
“The five people were transferred by the Marine
Rescue NSW crew to a safe location at Karuah,” Inspector Raymond said.
works projects that enhance liveability, bolster social cohesion and support local amenity.”
“We’re focused on making our regions even better places to live by delivering the infrastructure that forms the social fabric of our communities,” said Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King.
NSW Maritime were advised of the location of the grounded vessel.
q Volunteers aboard LT 30 rescued five stranded boaters on the Karuah River.
Marine Rescue NSW is a volunteer based notfor-profit professional organisation dedicated to keeping boaters safe on the water and supporting local communities.
DESTINY Haven is a women’s refuge in Brookfield, between Clarence Town and Dungog.
The shelter helps women recover from life-controlling issues through counselling and skills training.
“Domestic Violence is something that most women who reach out to Destiny Haven have experienced in some form or another,” said Tiffany Graham, a volunteer staff member who runs the program.
Ms Graham was
commenting on recent figures from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics (BOSCAR), which show that the Hunter Valley region recorded 2025 domestic violence incidents between September 2023 and September 2024.
“While initially the number seems high, I would say it is minor in comparison to those incidents that go unreported,” she said.
According to BOSCAR, the majority of NSW regional areas had a domestic violence rate that was 50 percent to 300 percent higher than the
NSW average. And it could be even higher in isolated communities where incidents often go unreported or unresolved.
“The number of women who access our services has no direct correlation to the climbing number of women experiencing violence,” Ms Graham said, “however almost all are, in fact, trauma survivors.”
In April last year, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese declared that violence against women is a “national crisis”.
By Jack GRAMENZ and Stephanie GARDINER, AAP
AUSTRALIA needs to prevent the introduction of more "forever chemicals" amid warnings it is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with the contaminants already in the environment.
A federal senate inquiry is examining the extent of contaminations from the PFAS family of chemicals, which do not naturally break down and have been linked to health problems like cancer.
Water Services Association of Australia
executive director Adam Lovell recommended severe restrictions and labelling
on PFAS in non-essential consumer products so consumers have a choice to limit their exposure.
The presence of the chemicals is becoming increasingly difficult to manage, he told a hearing last Wednesday.
"We're finding (PFAS) literally everywhere," he said.
Sydney Water executive general manager Paul Plowman agreed the chemicals were "absolutely ubiquitous".
"So we do need to manage it within the urban water cycle," he said.
The agency is designing a thermal treatment facility to treat wastewater at high temperatures to destroy the chemical, leaving behind a reusable biochar.
"It's extremely energy intensive and very, very expensive," he said.
Utility costs are passed on to customers, and it would be cheaper and easier to avoid the presence of the chemicals than to treat them, he added.
NSW Environment Protection Authority chief executive Tony Chappel said
more than 1100 sites in the state had been triaged, with significant contamination detected at 51 since legacy firefighting chemicals were found at Williamtown air force base and Newcastle Airport.
Rivers, lakes, a park and a school are among the NSW sites likely to have had significant exposure.
But the state agency has only so much power over sites that include Defence bases and federally-owned airports.
"Without legal powers to regulate or compel the commonwealth government this has created significant issues," Mr Chappel said.
For many of the listed sites, the environmental watchdog says the discovery of PFAS in the environment does not mean there is a human health risk.
While drinking water in Sydney and the Hunter region is regularly monitored, NSW Health is supporting an expanded screening test for water utilities managed by regional councils.
PFAS chemicals are known for their heat, water
and stain resistance and have been commercially produced for decades for use in firefighting foam, aviation, carpets, fabric and cosmetics.
The federal inquiry is examining sources of contamination and the effectiveness of current regulations, along with the social, economic, health and environmental effects.
Stop PFAS Blue Mountains convenor Jon Dee criticised health authorities for not offering blood tests in communities where chemicals have been detected and said drinking water guidelines were inadequate.
The United States' Environmental Protection Agency agency has set an enforceable target of four nanograms per litre, but it also has a health-based goal of zero.
University of Sydney professor Stuart Khan said it was a purely aspirational statement by an agency that had "effectively plucked a number out of the air" and Australia's less-strict guidelines were aligned with the rest of the world.
THE Australian Federal Police (AFP) are appealing for assistance to locate Hussein Chamas, 35, who is charged with alleged drugrelated offences.
A warrant was issued for his arrest after he failed to appear in court in Sydney last week.
Mr Chamas left a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Swan Bay on 8 January, 2025.
All residents in NSW are urged to be alert and report any sightings of Mr Chamas.
If you have any information about the whereabouts of Mr Chamas,
q Hussein Chamas. Photo: AFP. contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make a report on their website at https://crimestoppers. com.au/ . Information can be provided anonymously.
NSW Police are appealing for public assistance to locate a woman missing from the Port Stephens area.
Philippa Breslin, 29, was last seen at Nelson Bay, Port Stephens, about 12pm on Wednesday 15 January 2025.
When she could not be located or contacted, officers attached to Port Stephens Hunter Police District were notified on Wednesday 22 January 2025 and commenced inquiries into her whereabouts.
Police and family
hold concerns for Philippa’s welfare as her disappearance is out of character.
She is described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 170cm tall, of medium build, with dyed blonde and red hair. Philippa is known to frequent the Nelson Bay, Shoal Bay and Mudgee areas.
Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or https://nsw. crimestoppers.com.au.
LOOKING for the perfect destination to elevate your social golfing calendar?
Hawks Nest Golf Club has you covered!
With a variety of group golfing options available on weekdays, weekends, and public holidays year-round, it’s never been easier to organise a memorable day on the greens.
“Turn your golf day into a getaway with our convenient Stay and Play options,” the Hawks Nest Golf Club team said.
“Explore our local accommodation partners on our website for the perfect place to rest after your game.”
Staying in Nelson Bay?
Take the scenic ferry across to Hawks Nest, and let the team handle group pickups and drop-offs, so you can focus on your game and good times with friends.
Adding to the experience is Sando’s Café & Restaurant, the golf course’s new dining destination redefining club cuisine.
Savour a unique blend
By Lindsay HALL
THIS week’s slate of releases seem decidedly “18+”, with adult thrillers, a Chinese epic and an inscrutable comic-book adaptation from Japan.
Babygirl is a grown-up drama/thriller from Dutch actor and filmmaker Halina Reijn, starring Nicole Kidman, Antonio Banderas and Harris Dickinson with a supporting turn from Australian Sophie Wilde.
Romy (Kidman) is a high-achieving CEO who is
dissatisfied with her humdrum husband (Banderas).
When a confident, bold and ambitious intern (Dickinson) makes advances towards her, Romy begins an affair that may cost her more than she is prepared to lose.
These steamy, adulterybased thrillers have made a real comeback in the past year, after having long been thought a dead genre at the box office.
Everyone puts in a committed performance and it’s another film that makes New York City look pretty appealing, but what’s surprising is that such a familiar kind of premise still
of modern coastal dishes, bursting with fresh and vibrant flavors, all crafted with locally sourced ingredients.
“Whether you're a member or visiting, Sando’s welcomes you to relax, unwind, and indulge in an exceptional dining experience after your round.”
Make your next social golf outing unforgettable at Hawks Nest Golf Club.
Visit the club website or call today to learn more and book your group!
has room for… well, surprises.
Companion follows a string of small scale, limited cast, horror-thrillers revolving around the “awakening” of an AI robot to the dismay of the people around them.
Starring a cast of young and pretty faces as friends enjoying a weekend getaway at a remote cabin, the fun begins when it is revealed that one of their “new girlfriends” is actually a “Companion Robot”.
Many of the elements are predictable - the robot malfunctions in such a way that makes it smarter and selfaware and questions why it must remain subservient.
What is pleasing to report is that the film has a lot of
fun with the premise, and the potential for cliche is offset by some over-the-top sequences and performances.
Maria is a biopic of renowned Greek-American opera singer, Maria Callas.
Angelina Jolie stars in the title role as the film chronicles the final week of Callas’ life and examines her conflicted relationships with family, lovers and friends, along with the circumstances that led to her death.
Jolie shows that she still has what it takes to take over and light up a screen, though the script itself doesn’t give her enough real drama to work with.
Did you happen to see Creation of the Gods last
year? If not, then you may find yourself a bit lost if you check out Creation of the Gods 2: Demon Force.
The second entry in what will eventually be a Chinese epic-fantasy trilogy, this film carries on the story involving immortal warriors, vengeful gods, animal spirits and kingdoms at war during the Shang dynasty of 2000 B.C.
Drawing upon the rich, but somewhat impenetrable Chinese mythology (at least to Western audiences), the film is appropriately large-scale and looks like it sits comfortably next to Lord of the Rings.
Finally an adaptation of Japanese manga (comic-book) Oshi no Ko: The Final Act comes to screens.
One of the interesting features of many Japanese anime or manga series is that while there may be a significant supernatural “hook” to the premise, the stories often veer towards surprising genres.
In this case, a doctor is murdered at the moment he is delivering the babies of a famous pop-star, only to be immediately reincarnated as one of the children, retaining all his past life’s memories.
Growing to adolescence, the young man and his twin sister now attempt to build careers in the entertainment industry in order to investigate and solve his murder, and others connected to it.
By Simon EKINS
SHOAL Bay’s formerly named Harbourside Haven hosted an array of Port Stephens VIPs at a rebranding event on Monday, 20 January.
It followed a weekend during which care home staff worked overtime to ensure residents were safe in the aftermath of the storm that left thousands without power.
Port Stephens Veterans and Citizens Aged Care Ltd (PSVCAC) CEO Paul Fitzpatrick, expressed pride at the achievements of the local not-for-profit community organisation.
“We have renamed ourselves ‘Harbourside Port Stephens’ as part of a major upgrade to our facilities across the region," he said.
“For over 40 years, we have provided accommodation, care, and support to our seniors here in Shoal Bay as well as our facilities in Fingal Bay and Salamander.” Proceedings began with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, performed by the talented Kaiyu from the Murrook Cultural Centre at Williamtown.
Mr Fitzpatrick welcomed Member for Paterson Meryl Swanson, Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington, Port Stephens Mayor Leah Anderson, and councillors, veterans and volunteers.
“[All] have given tremendous support to our organisation over the years.”
Ms Swanson spoke about the significance of the care home’s logo, which features three dolphins.
“It got me thinking how
“I would say that Harbourside is doing an excellent job of modelling that same level of intelligence, in caring not only for our young, but also for those in our community with more experience."
Ms Washington noted how rare it was for both MPs and the Mayor to be at the same event.
“But it’s a reflection of the regard we hold for this facility and how much we appreciate,
at every level of Government, the service that Harbourside offers to the community."
Cr Anderson has a personal connection to the facility, as her mother is a resident.
“My Auntie used to live in one of the villas and then the nursing home here, so I have a lived experience at Harbourside.
“[I] see the work that the staff do here to care for our residents.
THE Marine Rescue NSW Port Stephens unit is a Category One Marine Search and Rescue Co-ordination Centre (SARCC) and is accredited by the State Rescue Board.
“Our Radio Base and Communications Centre at Nelson Head (VMR217) is operated by trained and qualified volunteers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, monitoring 27MHz, VHF, emergency, and calling channels,” a unit spokesperson said.
“Members of the public are welcome to visit the Communication Centre to learn more about Marine Rescue.
“It is staffed 24 hours per day by volunteers.”
Apart from radio coverage generally to the local boating community, the base offers:
• Emergency support to vessels in trouble;
• A Marine Radio Safety (MRS) Service – Boat Register;
• A checkpoint and radio coverage for recreational vessels transiting up and down the coastline, in our area using a log on and off service for their marine search, safety and security.
• Weather readings and local conditions observations;
• Local weather reports
are compiled for local radio programs and marine businesses;
• Current Bureau of Meteorology weather forecasts, sea observations and tidal information. (These can be obtained by contacting the base by phone or radio and are also offered in regular radio skeds).
The unit is located on Lighthouse Road, Nelson Bay, NSW.
Contact (02) 4052 2300 or base.portstephens@ marinerescuensw.com.au.
Tune into CH88 on 27MHZ.
q The unit offers emergency support to vessels in trouble.
“From the support staff to the nurses, assistants, the kitchen and activities team - it’s just such a wonderful place."
In addition to the VIP speeches, Kelly Hope from Lake Macquarie provided musical entertainment while a sausage sizzle was served up by Harry Parker and John Fulham from the Salamander Bay Rotary Club.
THERE is an unmistakable sanctity about Kangaroo Island, with its raw and rugged coastline, impeccably clear waters, natural wonders and wildlife.
Sitting southwest off the coast of Adelaide in South Australia, Kangaroo Island is thought to have separated from the mainland around 10,000 years ago, due to rising sea levels after the last glacial period.
Kangaroo Island is one of South Australia's most popular tourist attractions, attracting over 140,000 visitors each year.
Now through local tour operator Travelwise, locals have the opportunity to visit the island in a five-star coach.
The guided tour to Kangaroo Island takes travellers via the iconic Great Ocean Road, Coonawarra, and the Limestone Coast.
The ten-day tour includes three nights and two full days touring Kangaroo Island.
Guests have the choice of flying back or returning on the coach via Lameroo (SA), Ouyen (VIC) and Hay (NSW).
“Travel in airconditioned comfort with onboard WC, filtered water station, Starlink
internet, large Samsung 4K screens and reclining leather seats,” said Travelwise director Steve Gatland.
Trip highlights include: The Great Ocean Road, Twelve Apostles, Mary MacKillop Penola Centre, Kangaroo Island Clifford’s Honey Farm, Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Distillery, Raptor Domain ‘Birds of Prey’ show, Seal Bay tour, Remarkable Rocks and Flinders Chase National Park, Admirals Arch, Kangaroo Island Spirits, and free time in Adelaide city.
28 April to 07 May 2025
Join us on this allinclusive, fully guided adventure of Kangaroo Island via Coonawarra & The Great Ocean Road. Get up close and personal with Australian Sea Lions at Seal Bay Contact Travelwise for the full itinerary or go to our website for tour inclusions and options.
COACH DEPARTS: Door to Door Pick-up & Drop-off
Coach Tour - 28 to 31 March 2025
Join us on this all inclusive, fully guided tour of the Blue Mountains. Staying 3 nights at the palatial Carrington Hotel highlights of our Heritage Area.
Join us on this most ambitious, fully guided adventure of our last frontier.
Burnie, Wynyard, Cradle
The Three Sisters - Newly Reopened Zig Zag Railway - Hydro Majestic High Tea & Tour - Scenic World - Everglades House & Gardens Tour - Bygone Beauty’s Treasured Teapot Museum Devonshire Tea & Tour - Leura Free Time - Blue Mountains Heritage Centre - Govetts Leap Lookout - Norman Lindsay Gallery Museum & More
COACH DEPARTS: Door to Door Pick-up & Drop-off INCLUDES: Coach Transport, Accommodation, Meals, Tours
unit is in the most peaceful location within the ever-popular Landmark building.
Sited on the top floor with easterly bushland views, enjoy all the benefits of holidaying in this thriving holiday resort whilst feeling a million miles away from the many varied activities that this building possesses.
With two bedrooms, spacious bathroom, and very functional lounge, dining and kitchen, the unit also benefits from a balcony to enjoy the local tranquillity.
Nelson Bay Real Estate also has a variety of one and two bedroom apartments available for sale in the Landmark Resort, with prices ranging from $299,000 to $529,000.
Unit 215: 1 Bed, 1 Bath, 1 Car - $299,000
Unit 522: 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 1 Car - $340,000
Unit 422A&B (Dual Key): 2 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Car$529,000
Lifestyle at the Landmark Escape to paradise and indulge in the ultimate coastal experience!
Discover the exquisite charm of our landmark units, some recently renovated and offering a combination of modern elegance, breathtaking views and an array of resort amenities –perfect for a weekend getaway or a steady investment opportunity.
Representing a holiday haven investment opportunity, with its prime location in the heart of Nelson Bay, sparkling pool, impeccable amenities, and stunning features, the Landmark units offer a potential for steady returns, making it a wise choice for those seeking both pleasure and financial growth.
Utilise the excellent onsite management team who look after everything for you, or you can choose to selfmanage.
Don't miss the chance to own your very own slice of paradise!
Whether you're searching for a weekend retreat or a savvy investment, these units at the Landmark Resort are your gateway to an elevated coastal experience.
Contact Nelson Bay Real Estate on 02 49812655 now to book your private viewing or to arrange an appraisal on your unit.
• You will find yourself relaxed here enjoying the beach side atmosphere
• Open-plan 3-bedroom duplex with water glimpses, minutes from Nelson Bay CBD
• Spacious north-facing living area flowing to entertainer’s balcony
• Modern kitchen featuring new cabinetry and stone benchtops
• Fully furnished so you will not need to spend any
• The open-plan living area is ideal for gatherings and entertaining friends.
• An impressive kitchen with a butler’s pantry makes meal prep enjoyable and easy.
• A separate media room enhances versatility, perfect for movie nights or quiet time.
• Fully air-conditioned spaces ensure year-round comfort in any season.
• Nearby schools, like Medowie Public School, simplify daily commutes for families.
• The double garage provides secure parking and ample storage space for your needs.
DEAR News Of The Area,
I READ on the front page of News Of The Area that Council has been fined $30,000 for polluting the Fly Point Marine Sanctuary Zone.
Email Jasminda: media@newsofthearea.com.au
DEAR Jasminda,
Why can't the other members in my family replace the toilet roll with a new one?
Invariably there is an empty roll sitting on the windowsill or the floor. How hard can it be?
Betina M.
Dear Betina,
too much about toilet paper until people started panic buying it during the pandemic.
It seems confounding now that some members of the community were racing past supplies of pantry staples like rice and flour to stock up on an item that has feasible alternatives including newspaper, gum leaves and the garden hose.
resilient family members don't recall the desperation of a toilet paper shortage.
Maybe they lack an appreciation of the convenience of a plentiful supply of four-ply toilet paper.
They may need to experience a shortage to reinvigorate the value they place on this household item.
May I suggest you put your toilet roll supplies under lock and key?
Soon you will hear the plaintive mid-ablution cries of, 'Mum, can you chuck me a roll of toilet paper?' to which you will be able to reply: 'Last time I looked, we'd run out."
I agree Council should have known better at Fly Point, however I also cannot understand how the photographed jetski usage is allowable at the similar ‘Marine Sanctuary Zone’ at Halifax?
visit the 40 year anniversary of these first two ‘Aquatic Reserves’ recently held at Fly Point Neil Carroll Park last year, celebrating their introduction at the same time some 41 years ago (1984).
I also just happened to
I know, because we were young keen spear-fishermen at the time, and this was our local haunt, our backyard.
We were devastated at the introduction but now acknowledge a good thing.
Literally thousands of families and kids now enjoy the underwater experience of tame fish up-close without the fear of being caught.
Something you cannot enjoy similarly at Halifax.
Regards, Mark MCELHONE
DEAR News of the Area,
I’VE read many opinions over nuclear energy in recent editions.
As a 45-year career retired engineer in power generation I thought I’d provide some facts.
There are around 440 nuclear reactor steam powered electrical generation
plants in operation around the world today.
Thirty countries will soon be introducing them for the first time and 24 of the major economic countries at COP 28 signed an agreement to triple their current domestic nuclear reactor steam energy output to bring down greenhouse gasses.
Some might ask why?
Well, a nuclear reactor isn’t scary.
It’s not a weapon of war. We use nuclear isotopes in medicine every day.
And it’s not actually nuclear electrical energy at all.
The reactor simply boils water using a different fuel material to coal or gas.
Uranium is used by the reactor which boils plain old water to generate steam to turn the same traditional
It was a relief to receive your message because I'd been reading about the effect of arctic glaciers on sea levels and female hostages being freed from armed forces and the confounding situation of Trump's return to office, when I was brought back to the pressing impact of toilet paper etiquette.
Thank you.
I'd never really thought
I was quite glad during this experience that I'd been involved in many extreme camping adventures as a child.
Nothing creates life skills better than a week stuck in the bush with some twominute noodles, an axe, a litre of water and a flimsy tent.
Toilet paper was the last thing on our family's mind.
Now, to your issue.
Perhaps your less
Soon toilet paper will be reinstated as an essential item in your home and you will never again have to worry about being the sole toilet paper replacement officer. It is a duty best shared.
Carpe diem, JASMINDA.
turbo generator that we use today to create electricity.
It’s clean, emissions free energy and once built will do this 24/7 for around 80 years independent of the weather outside.
This is needed for a modern economy, an industrial base, for jobs, your children’s jobs, future new high skilled careers, and our quality of life.
You cannot do this on part time electricity generation such as renewables.
No country is doing it.
Rooftop solar can provide the national energy market up to 30 percent of the supply needed when the weather supports it and if you have rooftop solar you get paid around 5c/KWhr as a tariff infeed, however every night large scale solar disappears until the morning provided it’s sunny that next day.
Hospitals for example don’t shut overnight.
So, you cannot over saturate your energy system
with just weather dependent part time electricity generation without firming it.
Batteries will do this for a short period of time before they go flat and need to be recharged if there is energy available to do that.
Battery energy is currently the most expensive market input at about $245MW/h.
Way more than coal, gas, or nuclear which around half this amount or less.
The other problem is that the world’s nuclear energy regulation is over 70 years old, so nuclear plants are way more expensive than they need to be to build.
Modern day nuclear plants are incredibly safe to operate.
Regulation in Australia will need to be changed anyway with AUKUS submarines soon arriving.
Politicians also need to get out of the way and let the free market set the price and stop subsidising everything
with taxpayers’ money. In the National Electricity Market (NEM), when the most expensive energy like batteries is being regularly called upon, it sets the price, and every generator is paid that amount.
That is why despite all our renewables your power bill is through the roof.
As for radioactive waste, the amount of waste after 80 years of nuclear reactor steam boiler operation is miniscule.
It fits safely in drum containers within about half the size of a standard swimming pool.
Geotechnical storage also safely places this waste very deep into the crust of the earth forever and is no different to your day-today waste going into a local landfill site.
Regards, Derek MUSGROVE, Tea Gardens.
By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE
THE following story tells of the women who bravely endured the challenges and loneliness of living as the wife of a light housekeeper.
The extracts are from a book I wrote back in 2018 titled “The Outer Light”.
While men were the only ones ever paid as lightkeepers, the permanent jobs went predominantly to family men.
The family unit was understood to be cohesive and independent, capable of weathering the isolation of light house posts.
Wives were expected to nurture that unit and thus sustain their lighthouse keeping husbands.
I’m sure every couple would have a differing opinion of that relationship.
The nature of the job however was all encompassing and everyone was expected to play a part.
They worked as a team.
Gendered roles were largely divided between the home and the lighthouse precinct, but there were always overlaps and everyone in the family knew that the Light was the priority.
I am of the opinion,
after studying light keeping families, that women were never given the accolades that they rightfully deserved.
Maybe they didn’t expect them.
Between 1862 and 1973
Fingal’s Outer Lighthouse had many Principal Lightkeepers and numerous assistants.
The majority of light keepers were accompanied by their wives – all would have had a story to tell.
The women were often seen as the glue that would sustain life on the Outer Light.
Aside from their domestic duties they were often called on to help in a variety of unpaid roles.
In later years they took phone calls, did weather reports, operated the radios for the small vessels and assisted in emergencies.
While the importance of the role women played was recognised by the Department, whose desire was for married men to take up work as a lightkeeper, their contribution was not well acknowledged.
The lives of women and children were entirely dependent on the men retaining their job.
No woman was ever employed to care for the light
and when a lightkeeper died there was no option for the family but to leave the light station.
For many women their role on the light station was all they needed and for others it could be a wearisome and lonely existence.
Some loved the lonely lifestyle, others couldn't wait to get back to civilization.
As you would expect, life in a lighthouse can be lonely, dangerous and tragic.
Accidents, misery and loss of life appear to be part of the job description.
Considering the misery of most stories it is pleasing to learn the story of a young lady, Cis Berryman, the daughter of J.D.G. Berryman, who was the Head Lightkeeper at the Fingal Outerlight from 192627 and again through the 1930s.
Cis' story shines a bright, refreshing light on a sometimes miserable scene.
Cissie Berryman first came to the attention of the media on Tuesday 23 June 1931 when an article appeared in the Sydney Sun under the heading "No Rouge - Lighthouse Girl - Lonely Life".
“Born in a lighthouse and marooned in lighthouses on
little-frequented parts of the rugged New South Wales coast until she was 21 years of age Cis Berryman, the dark, good looking daughter of John Berryman Lighthouse keeper, did not know how to dance until three months ago,” the article read.
“As an only child her friends have been restricted to sea birds, cats and dogs and for the greater part of her life her only companions have been her mother and father.
“Miss Berryman does not know how to use rouge and lipstick.
“She uses a little powder on occasions but her slightly tanned complexion needs no other embellishment.”
The story described Cis as being a “good fisherwoman” and having an “intimate knowledge of lighthouse signals”.
Very rarely does any lighthouse activity make the social column of the local newspaper.
The wedding of a young lady changed all that.
In what became a hot
By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE
AS part of my local history research, I occasionally come across fantastic old photographs, the background of which can sometimes be a bit of a mystery.
It is pleasing for me that my historical articles in News Of The Area have created great interest in local history.
As has been the case before, some old local photos have landed on my desk that I am unable to identify.
I am hoping you can help.
The photo featuring Donald Matheson was taken at Raymond Terrace in the late 1920s or early 1930s.
Donald was a member of the Elmbank Club which held social activities and picnics around the Newcastle area.
Can anyone tell me what the Elmbank Club was all
q Can you help identify these pictures?
DEAR News Of The Area,
FURTHER to the letter by John Clarke of Fingal Bay I would like to offer a possible solution to the jetski problem in Port Stephens, in particular over the Christmas/New Year holiday period.
However I must admit that in the 1958/59 period I had one of the first speed boats in Port Stephens.
I built a speed boat with a Holen motor in it. It made plenty of noise.
Outboard motors were not readily available at that time.
To help solve the problem
I have two suggestions:
(1) All waters of Port Stephens west of the Nelson Marina, including the Myall River to the Bridge at Tea Gardens, to Soldiers Point and if necessary beyond, be limited to a speed of 10 knots.
This includes all boats and or other water craft, other than Police or rescue boats.
(2) A proposed jet ski area and extended swim zone at Little Beach. The proposed jet ski zone is limited to the northern end of Little Beach.
A strip of beach say 30 metres wide for an exclusive jet ski take off and landing area.
The existing boat launch ramp will be continued to be used as is.
Better and new beach signage needs to be installed to clearly identify beach zones and the area usage.
A point of interest is that in 1970 when I built my house in Nelson Bay there was no sand north of the existing jetty on Little Beach.
What Little beach gained Shoal Bay lost.
Regards, Geoff MCCLELLAND, Nelson Bay.
I also need help to answer the following questions:
1: Who lived in the house next door to the Sea Breeze Hotel?
2: Who was the owner of this magnificent vehicle?
3: Can anyone recognise these kids?
Please contact me if you have any information that may untangle the mystery. Email stinkerfishing@yahoo. com.
"After having lived all her life in lighthouses on the coast above the rollers of the Pacific Ocean Miss Cecelia Amelia Berryman 23 is to take the plunge into the seas of matrimony,” the article stated.
By Thomas O’KEEFE
RESIDENTS are being urged to keep an eye out for signs of tree disease such as the large, dark fungus that often grows upon diseased eucalypts and gums.
“By the time you can actually see that fungus, it's already done the damage on the tree inside,” explained Jake from Jake’s Tree Lopping Services.
“We all love trees, but sometimes they can become an incredible hazard.
“I have seen inside fungusbearing trees before, they are all rotted and decayed.
“Trees with visible fungi are likely to fail, fall over, snapping near the fungus.”
Recent weather caused several trees around properties and arterial roads on the Myall Coast to fall over, more often than not being eucalypts or other sclerophyll trees.
The fallen tree that blocked Myall Way in both directions during recent storms was uprooted,
q This pair of fungi are each the size of a human head, indicating rot and other problems within the eucalypt trunk.
proving the shallowness of the roadside soil in which it was growing.
Inspections along the Myall Way yielded some concerning results.
One gum tree in particular currently houses two large fungus pods, both larger than a human head, and both potentially symptomatic of internal structural damage.
The Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney identifies several common tree diseases, a fungus called Ganoderma
among them, which is often known by its more common name ‘brackets disease’.
“Ganoderma is an important decomposer of logs and stumps but it also colonises wounds, and can cause decay of sapwood and heartwood in roots, butts and trunks of trees,” explains the Gardens’ website.
“It affects native tree species such as acacias, eucalypts, figs and beech, as well as many introduced species such as oaks, elms,
ash and some conifers, and produces distinctive, shelflike fruiting structures or brackets.”
They are most commonly found on stumps or near the base of living trees, often at the site of an old wound.
Residents are cautioned by experts to inspect trees in and around their properties, especially those that sit near or overhang driveways, emergency evacuation paths or power lines.
q The fungus-addled tree sits alongside the Myall Way, mere metres from where another gum fell last week.
By Simon EKINS
THE Port Stephens Parkinson’s Support Group has reflected on its “very full” 2024 program.
It hosted a wide variety of guest speakers covering various topics such as brain strength, kinetic medicine, Parkinson’s related pharmaceutical products, a presentation about a global clinical trial, and a most informative talk by Evelyn Collins, a neurological nurse from the John Hunter Hospital.
The members were also introduced to a speech pathology program that some found very helpful.
The guest speakers alternate with support group lunches and other activities.
The Monthly Carers Morning Tea event at The
Nelson Way is a chance for carers to have some respite time and share stories and build friendships. The twice weekly exercise
program at Active Fitness in Medowie is aimed at helping people living with Parkinson’s Disease improve their fitness. Exercise slows the
progress of Parkinson’s symptoms and aids fall prevention.
The program for people with mobility issues is also
available to carers and family members.
The highlight of the year was an invitation for members to attend a function at East Maitland Bowling Club to meet NSW Governor Margaret Beazley AC KC, who is the patron of Parkinson’s NSW.
PORT Stephens Council has announced the opening of its annual International Women's Day Scholarship program, with four $1,000 scholarships available to support local women in achieving their personal and professional goals.
For the past seven years, this program has empowered women within the Port Stephens community, recognising their contributions across diverse fields such as arts, culture, environment, business, community service, health, and sport.
Mayor Leah Anderson says this is an important program for Port Stephens
"We’re proud to support International Women's Day and empower the incredible women of our community,” Mayor Anderson said.
“These scholarships provide a valuable opportunity for women in our community to invest in their growth and chase their goals,” she added.
Mayor Anderson also emphasised the significance of this year's International Women's Day theme, "Accelerate Action," which highlights the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality.
“It’s really important to
me that as a community, we create an environment that allows us to seriously address the obstacles women face.
It’s time to get moving and take action on this," Mayor Anderson said.
"These scholarships are a way of removing some of these obstacles, empowering the amazing women in our community to follow their dreams and showing that we're behind them 100%,” she added.
In addition to the three scholarships offered by Port Stephens Council, the Rotary Club of Salamander Bay is contributing a fourth $1,000 scholarship.
“Whether you're going
back to study, learning something new, or starting a project for the community, these scholarships can help you make it happen,” Mayor Anderson said.
“I encourage all eligible
women to apply! It's a fantastic chance to invest in yourselves and your goals,” she concluded.
Members of both the Port Stephens and Maitland support groups were able to chat to Her Excellency during this function.
Committee members also received a Vice Regal invitation to attend a community leaders’ function at Maitland Town Hall.
People living with Parkinson’s, and their carers, are welcome to join the Port Stephens support group.
For more details, contact Laurelle on 0412 889 701. The Parkinson’s NSW hotline - 1800 644 189 - can provide more information about specialist Parkinson’s nurses and counsellors. Further information can be found at parkinsonsnsw. org.au.
Applications for the 2025 International Women's Day Scholarships are now open and will close on Thursday 13 February 2025.
For more information and to apply, visit pscouncil.info/ iwd-scholarship
The recipients of these scholarships will be honoured at the Rotary Club of Salamander Bay's International Women's Day dinner on Saturday 8 March at the Soldiers Point Bowling Club.
q Mayor Leah Anderson and the 2024 Port Stephens International Women's Day scholarship winners.
By Deidre HALL
LAST weekend, 15 Raymond Terrace Athletics Centre athletes, ranging in age from 9 years to the Masters 50-59 year category, contested the NSW Country Championships in what were, at times, horrendous conditions.
Competing in hot steamy conditions with torrential downpours at times, they still managed to bring home a commendable 12 Gold, 6 Silver and 3 Bronze medals.
With this Championship being held anywhere in Country NSW each year, it was a novelty for the Centre’s athletes to compete so close to home in the 3-day event this year, at Maitland Regional
By Chris KARAS
Athletics Centre. Their athletes’ commendable efforts resulted in numerous personal best results and several narrowly missed medals. The medal winners were: 12 yr Asher Macdonald – Gold - Long Jump, BronzeTriple Jump, 13yr Audrey Russell –Silver - Open Women’s 3000m Road Walk, Bronze - 3000m, 16 yr Ashlyn Wall – Gold400m & 800m, Silver - 100m, - Zane Edwards –Gold - 100m, 110m Hurdles, 200m & 400m, Silver – 400m Hurdles, - Brooklyn Darcy –Gold – 800m, Silver - High Jump, Under 20 - Connor
Matthews - Gold - Long Jump and Triple Jump, Under 20 T36 – Lachlan Woodfull - Silver – 800m, Bronze – 200m, Open – Ebony Newton –Gold – 100m, Masters 50-59 yrs –Matthew Newton – Gold –100m, Silver - 200m.
The Centre’s athletes will again compete at Maitland on 7-9 February, this time for the Region Athletics Championships.
Unfortunately, they may be unable to properly prepare for this event due to the excessive water that remains on their field.
The Centre had planned to resume their Saturday morning post-Christmas
competition last weekend but with the recent flooding rains, their return date will be another waiting game.
Their wait is not just for the field to dry but waiting to find out if their most recent grant application to address their long-term drainage issues is approved.
Since the 2022 floods which severely damaged their field, they have been unsuccessful sourcing funds to restore their field and better weather-proof it.
They are hopeful this application will soon be approved and enable the Centre to do some major work on their field and be able to again offer their athletes a quality facility.
OUTRIGHT winner.
Ed Martin. 40
Bonus points winner.
Kel Dorney. 39 Ball winners.
Peter Couvaras. 35
Bill McMaster. 35
Ron McKay. 34 Grahame Glover. 34 Bradman Award. Hugh Potts D&C7th.
A. Matt Baldwin D&C18th.
A. Hugh Potts. B. Ed Martin
Money hole
A. Kel Dorney There were 9 starters. Congratulations to all the winners. Next game Friday 31/1/25 2 person Ambrose. NEW PLAYERS ALWAYS WELCOME. REGISTRATION IS FROM 7A.M. PLAY COMMENCES 7.30A.M.
NEWLY appointed Nelson Bay
Gropers Rugby men's coach Zion Takarua was at his innovative best for a recent pre-season training session at Bill Strong Oval.
The club legend opted to diversify his training by
injecting a bit of fun into the usual hard slog of shedding the extra festive season kilos – swapping footballs and tackling bags for some physical labouring work on maintaining the field.
Players arrived at the New Year training session to witness three large piles of topsoil waiting to be spread over some low-lying areas on the northern end of the ground.
In addition, the oval had just been freshly mown and there were lines of grass that needed tidying up.
With a storm pending, the personality coach joined
prop Nathan McLeay in rallying the troops by asking them to bring along shovels, rakes and wheelbarrows “for a training session with a difference.”
A big roll-up of men's and women's players relished the task of getting the “Groperdome” set up in top shape for pre-season training and trial matches –demonstrating typical club spirit to complete the work in record time.
So impressed with his charges was the goodnatured Takarua, that he tacked on an official training run straight after the
maintenance task.
Nelson Bay Rugby Club’s pre-season buildup has featured several new men's and women's player recruits for the 2025 Hunter Suburban Rugby competition.
Club training sessions have reverted back to Tuesday and Thursday nights at Bill Strong Oval commencing from 6.30pm.
The Gropers first official trial match will be at Bill Strong Oval on Saturday 1 March, against Manly Savers who are a quality Sydney subdistricts team.
By Chris KARAS
SALAMANDER Bay’s Ed Williams is a stout-hearted cricketer in a big hurry.
The emerging nineteenyear-old paceman continues to impress in his rookie season in the Newcastle District first grade cricket competition.
Williams has grabbed his opportunities with the Stockton & Northern Districts club this summer – grabbing 23 wickets at an economical average of 8.35 to keep the Seagulls in finals contention.
It has been a sharp learning curve for the talented young quick who was rewarded with selection in this year’s Newcastle representative squad for the NSW Country Cricket Championships, held in the Hunter.
While inclement weather has hampered the Seagulls’ push for a finals berth in the New Year, the teenage tearaway remains a bowling spearhead in the top grade.
His recent haul of 4-18 off eleven overs in the Seagulls’ victory over Belmont at Cahill
Oval was testimony of his fast bowling skills.
Since joining Stockton & Northern Districts the emerging quick has bagged an impressive 61 wickets on the Newcastle grade cricket scene at an average of 15.26. Williams – another product of the Nelson Bay Junior Cricket Club - has taken huge strides under the leadership and mentoring of Newcastle representative skipper Nick Foster. He has shared the new ball with experienced campaigner Adrian Chad and Newcastle representative paceman Josh McTaggart and has quickly struck-up a lethal combination.
The Seagulls are perched in fourth spot on the Newcastle first grade competition ladder on 42 points – just four points behind pacesetters Wallsend (46), second placed Newcastle City (45) and Cardiff-Boolaroo (45).
With rampaging rookie Williams at the top of his game the Stockton side remain strong contenders for the premiership title.
By Chris KARAS
prospects Charli Vogtmann and Annika Driscoll are two local juniors headed for big things in the world of football.
The Nelson Bay duo broadened their football education with skilful performances at Football Australia’s recent National Futsal Indoor Soccer Championships in Melbourne.
Charli and Annika made a huge impression when they demonstrated their class and versatility for the Northern NSW Under 15 Girls squad that reached the quarter finals of their competition.
The dynamic fifteen-yearold wingers helped their team advance to the last eight after clearing a strong group, eventually going down 6-2 to finalists Football Queensland.
Both are junior products
of Nelson Bay Futsal.
Northern NSW entered five teams in the prestigious tournament with Under 16 Boys coach and local Nelson Bay FC official Steve Punshon describing the event as “a wonderful experience.”
An elated Punshon told News Of The Area that “enjoyment and development were the key takeaways from the week.”
“The best players in the country didn’t disappoint as they delivered a thrilling week of action with all Northern NSW teams proving competitive.
“All our players gave it their all, with two of our teams progressing into finals after finishing in the top four of their groups.”
Almost 6000 fans, players and family members packed into the Parkville International Indoor Facility
for Netball and Hockey to watch over 100 State teams play across twelve age groups and formats.
The tournament featured 50 qualifying games each day prior to knock-out finals, run across seven international size pitches.
Northern NSW U13 Girls missed out on the finals but played Football NSW Country in the play-off where they won 5-4 on penalties.
The U14 Boys placed fifth in their pool while the U16 Boys exited at the group stage, crashing out after a 3-1 loss to Football South Australia in the semi-final group decider.
Highlights included a 4-2 victory over Football Tasmania on Centre Court 1 as well as a spirited fightback against Football NSW Thunder, narrowly losing 3-2 to the perennial finalists.
Coach Punshon was
pleased with his new group’s overall tournament performance.
“After a 20 year absence at Football Australia’s National level in this format of the game, it was a great experience and privilege to lead a squad for Championship week in Melbourne,” Steve exclaimed.
“A newly selected group came together well and impressed with their ability to learn and galvanise under pressure. “We have achieved the goals we set prior to the tournament and can build for the future.”
Punshon praised the efforts of Vogtmann and Driscoll.
“Both Charli and Annika were able to showcase their talents against the best players in the country and have bright futures in the game.”
By Gary WATT
RESULTS from a 2Ball
Aggregate Stableford competition played at Tanilba Bay GC on Monday 20th January with 40 players playing for the Founders Trophy.
Overall Winners : Alan Stark &
Danny Clark with 72pts. Overall Runners Up : Bryan Porter & Ron McKay with 69pts.
Nearest the Pin, 4th Hole, Rnd 1, Div. 1 : Gary Chapman. Div 2 : Bob Sellick. Nearest the Pin, 4th Hole, Rnd 2, Div 1 : Shayne Mullarvey.
FROM Page 28
Rising talent Mia McDonald reaped the benefits of an intensive training program under leading coach Bob Walkley by clinching gold in the Under 15 Girls 300m hurdles final.
The fourteen year old Tomaree High School student stepped up in the atrocious conditions to post a winning time of 51.77 sec in a tough field of runners.
Experienced campaigner Simone Masters was the Port Stephens club’s fourth gold medallist at the carnival, taking out the 800m sprint in the Women's Masters 30-39yrs category.
Simone also claimed a bronze medal in the 200m sprint final.
Other Port Stephens Club athletes to bag medals were Masters stalwart Steve Denning, who claimed silver in the Men's 70-79yrs javelin and bronze in the discus; Brayden Weine,
who collected silver in the Under 11 Boys 100m final; promising all rounder Malia Foster, who earned bronze in the Under 9 Girls long jump final and fifteen-yearold Naomi Reungkitchaya, who picked up bronze in the Under 16 Girls discus event.
There were more celebrations when the talented quartet of Landen Weine, Brayden Weine, Rhylin Green and Hunter Travers snared a bronze medal in the Under 12 Boys 4 x 100m Relay final –clocking a time of 59.48 sec.
Port Stephens Athletics Club president Michelle Chan was full of praise for her versatile squad of 21 athletes.
“Everyone gave it their all in tough conditions and did a great job against some highly talented rivals,” she told News Of The Area.
“Overall our club ranked 27th out of 85 clubs which is an amazing feat.”
Div 2 : Bob Sellick.
Drive & Chip, 7th Hole, Rnd 1, Div 1 : Kevin Stewart.
Div 2 : Dave Hurley.
Drive & Chip, 7th Hole, Rnd 2, Div 1 : Les Moran. Div 2 : John Howlett.
Ball Winners : Bill McMaster & Greg Hinton 67pts, Dave Hurley &
Bob Sellick 66pts, John Howlett & Ian Dean 65pts, Kel Dorney & John Clayton 64pts, Graham Woolley & Warren Deuis 64pts, Col Kerrison & Ross Dobson 61pts, Tony Care & Barry Leo 60pts, Lester Lake & Peter Toth 60pts.
Lucky Prize Draw Winner : Danny Clark.
Next weeks game is BBQ Day at Tanilba Bay GC with a 7:30am Shotgun start, visitors are welcome any Monday, please ring Gary Watt on 49814536 for starting times.
WEDNESDAY 22nd Jan. Medley
A Grade 1. David Johnson 39 2. John P Sullivan 38
B Grade 1. Allan Norford 37C/B 2. Mike Donohoe 37
2BBB Mike Donohoe/David Blackmore 46
Pro Pin John P Sullivan
By Chris KARAS
AN unbeaten 61 from club stalwart Dean Gibson provided a shining light in Nelson Bay Cricket Club’s loss to Toronto Mudcrabs in the Newcastle Senior Division Eight competition.
Gibson top scored with a dashing half-century but it was to no avail, with the Makos slumping to sixth spot on 25 points after their sixth loss of the season.
Gibson faced 53 deliveries and clouted nine boundaries to help Nelson Bay register 8-158 off their 35 overs in the one day fixture at Croudace
Bay Sports Complex.
The experienced campaigner was supported by Paul Craven (26) and vice captain Patrick Tully (24) with Steven Edwards (3-45) and Jarrad Wilkinson (2-16 off seven overs) the pick of the Mudcrabs bowlers.
In reply, Toronto (6-161) reached their target in the 27th over after top knocks from John McLeod (45 off 31 balls), Darren Gladman (42) and opener Matthew Pedersen (20).
Young gun Hunter Chappell spearheaded the Nelson Bay attack with 2-29 off five overs, and
handy contributions from Mackenzie Symons (1-20), Shannon Jackson (1-21), skipper Mick Loxley (1-25 off seven) and Asher Telfer (1-25 off six).
The win lifts Toronto into fourth spot on the ladder on 25 points after thirteen rounds, behind competition leaders Kotara (34 points), Hunter Taverners (34) and Charlestown Bin Chickens (31).
Meanwhile, talented Nelson Bay all rounder Tom McCoy slammed a whirlwind 62 off only 29 balls during a one day loss to the Teralba Billy Goats in Division Six at
Tredinnick Oval.
Top scorer McCoy thumped three sixes and eight boundaries as an opener in the Makos tally of 156 – well short of Teralba’s total of 9-234. Riley Gibson proved the pick of the Nelson Bay bowlers, snaring the creditable figures of 5-59. Despite the loss, the Makos remain in the finals mix in third spot on the competition table on 27 points, behind leaders Waratah-Mayfield (30) and second placed Adamstown (29).
By Chris KARAS
IT was a case of so close but yet too far for Salamander Bay’s rising cricketer Lucas Vincent at the recent National Under 17 Cricket Championships in Hobart.
Competing in his maiden national age carnival, the gifted batsman helped NSW Country finish fourth at the coveted event, which features the best junior cricketers in Australia.
“It was a fun learning experience playing against the best young cricketers in the nation,” a proud Lucas told News Of The Area.
“Hopefully I can take that knowledge into my grade career and reap the benefits.”
The Country Blues were rolled by Western Australia in the play-off for third at Invermay Park, with NSW Metro crowned national champions after a three wicket victory over Queensland in the trophy decider at UTAS Stadium.
Queensland had earlier
eliminated NSW Country from the title race after a resounding triumph in the semi finals.
Seventeen-year-old Lucas was third top scorer with 26 against the Maroons after the Country Blues posted 9-220 from their 50 overs with solid contributions from Blake Cattle (69) and Cooper Pullen (27 not out).
Emerging Queensland batsman Blake Armstrong smashed an unbeaten 102 to steer the Maroons (4-221) to victory in the forty-fifth over.
Armstrong faced 95
deliveries and thumped six sixes and seven boundaries. He was supported by Australian Under 19s representative Steven Hogan, who cracked 64 off 88 balls with five boundaries and a six.
NSW Country finished the preliminary rounds with three victories and a second place ranking behind Western Australia with NSW Metro third and Queensland fourth. Batting at number three, Vincent also scored 29 in the Country Blues’ emphatic victory over South Australia.
MidCoast Council will be carrying out a range of herbicide spraying activities in various waterways, open drains, and retention ponds; on roadsides and reserves; and on sporting fields, parks, pools surrounds, cemeteries and Council building surrounds within the entire MidCoast region during February, March and April 2025.
These activities will be targeting general vegetation, grasses, reeds, bindii, broadleaf and annual and perennial environmental weeds and each program is subject to weather conditions. Only qualified operators will be undertaking works.
On the roadsides and reserves, subject to availability and need, registered herbicides Weedmaster Duo, Sixgun 360, Biochoice 360, Glymac 360 (360g/L glyphosate), and/or Metsun 600, Lynx WG, metmac 600, Kenzon and/or Grazon extra will be used as per the requirements of the label and APVMA off label permit 9907 where applicable.
In various waterways and retention ponds Herbicides Weedmaster Duo, Sixgun 360, Biochoice 360 and/or Glymac 360 (360g/L glyphosate) will be used as per the requirements of the label and APVMA off label permit 9907 where applicable and as a precaution residents are advised to refrain from using, drinking or swimming in the water for two weeks following treatments.
Registered herbicides, chemicals Spearhead, Kamba M and Broadside will be used as per label directions on sporting fields, parks, pools surrounds, cemeteries, reserves and Council building surrounds.
Scheduled areas will be assessed individually and treated as required. Individual areas will be sign-posted at the times of treatment in commonly accessed areas. A list of areas to be treated is available by calling MidCoast Council on 7955 7777.
FREE clean fill, pool excavation in thornton, must be within 5km radius for delivery. Ph 0476 789 721 F230824
2 seat leather sofa $100. Nelson Bay 0410 492 885
Bed KS with Air Mattress 6 months old, cost $15k selling $2.5k, ph 0494 069 492 Re010525
COFFEE table and wall unit, walnut stain $40 each or both for $50. 0423 545 331 F050924
FAN, for table, black exc cond. $20. 0493777707
FILING Cabinet, 3 drawers, beige $40 4982 2335
FISH fern for ponds or aquariums, from $5 0466 880 639
to 6 strings $60 ono 0421 286 861
MEN’S joggers, new size 10, worth $40 will sell for $10. 0493 777 707
ANTIQUE Rocking cradle. Wooden attractive, and safe to use. Mattress included 90x70x66cm. $95 Ph: 4938 5923 f241024 VEHICLE dent repair outfit with body filler $50 (never used) 0402 087 401 f311024
HEATERS, electric, from $10, free local delivery 49829225 F180724
HOMEMAKER mini blender with 4 cups and lids, new. $12. Ph 4982 8628
TOTAL flow sump pump, brand new in box $60 ono pick up TG 0409 526 684 WOK, new with glass lid, $20. 0493 777 707 TWO outdoor chairs near new. $20 for both 0493 777 707 HAIRDYE, ash blonde $5 each. 0493 777 707 F171024
MOSAIC stepping stones for garden 22.5cm2 $22 ea or 3 for $60. 0417 292 785
MUSIC CD’s, 50s to 90s hard to finds & rarities Large quantity. $100 4966 5000
TV hardly used, TCL Smart TV. Unwanted gift. $350. 4982 3521
CHILDREN’S & baby’s clothes, new, winter & summer, make an offer 0493 777 707
ELEGANT wrought iron table with glass top and 5 chairs
Please call for photos pickup Thornton $100. 0412783707
PARKER, mohagany, extendable dinning table plus 6 chairs. $350 ono 0428 072 396 SOLD
7310mm (24 Foot) length, Rock and roll suspension off road with electric brakes and shock absorbers to all wheels, 2 x single beds with 3 x doonas for each bed, covers and sheets, Large Ensuite with shower/Ceramic toilet and vanity/washing machine/Hoover vacuum –shower doubles as a bath, 4 burner gas cooktop/oven/grill, 3 way fridge/freezer, Gas/240V hot water system, Microwave, Slide out food pantry – two basket drawers for food storage + wine glass storage + plate storage, Portable table located in wardrobe for eating inside the van on overnight trips, Lounge converts to another single bed, 2 x wine storage lockers + fresh water pump under the lounge, 40″ flat screen TV with DVD/radio, Slide out computer desk with 12/240v connections, Explorer plug to computer desk for aerial connections + printer drawer under desk, Dometic B3000 air conditioner, 20 KVA diesel heater under lounge with electronic controls, All windows have fly screens and block out blinds, 4.5KVA remote start generator which will run the air conditioning and other services where 240v power is not available, ¾ Tunnel containing: full annex together with plastic windows and 3meter BBQ annex extending out to the tow ball, Sunshade awning and awning struts, Front Boot Locker containing 2 new 160 AH long life Gel batteries with 5-year warranty, bag of steel stakes, bag of tension ropes, tools and hose fittings and Caravan Jack, A Frame mesh containing fresh water hoses, Under Chassis tool box containing wood blocks, caravan ramps and chocks, 8-meter sullage hose in pipe container under the caravan access from the rear, 3 x fresh water tanks, with independent valve system to enable pumping from specific water tanks, 2 x 100L and 1 x 60L tanks, 2 x external LED lights and BBQ light and LED handle at entrance, Lifestyle picnic table - folds out from side of the van, External speakers and TV connections for running a portable TV outside in the annex area, Gas bayonet at the front of the van for the BBQ, Reversing camera, New caravan cover, New awning Note: Landcruiser also available as a package deal. POA. Phone 0412 081 950
NEW 31 dinner plates & 11 bowls. Buy all together or separate. $60. 0493 777 707
BABY love car seat up to 4yrs old. Excellent cond $100 ph 0493 777 707 SLIM single mattress and base. 760 x 1900mm. $50. 4997 2017
WORK boots, new, size 10, Blacksmith. $20 0493 777 707
NBN, 7.30pm
Baz Luhrmann’s kaleidoscopic biopic about the king of rock’n’roll, played brilliantly by Austin Butler (pictured), is seen through the eyes of Elvis Presley’s duplicitous manager, Colonel Tom Parker (Tom Hanks). Parker narrates the story of Presley’s life, from early days growing up obsessed with gospel music to his meteoric rise as a singing and acting megastar, right through to his tumultuous marriage to Priscilla (Olivia DeJonge) and his troubled later years. Luhrmann’s trademark frenetic directing style is on full display here, but the most memorable sequence is a less showy one which depicts the filming of Presley’s 1968 comeback special.
3.25 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.20 Confucius
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day. 7.30 Monty Don’s History Of The British Garden: The 20th Century. (Final, R) Monty Don concludes his journey.
8.30 Silent Witness. (Masv) The team works on a suspected suicide. 10.15 Optics. (Ml, R)
10.45 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 11.20 ABC Late News. 11.35 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (PG, R)
12.20 Grand Designs. (R) 1.10 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 Rage. (PG)
Teen Titans Go! 8.00 Scooby-Doo And Guess Who? 8.25 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 8.50 Robot Wars. 9.50 Doctor Who. 10.40 Late Programs.
SEVEN, 7pm
Singing sensations from around the country take notice: this season, it’s not just a standout voice that superstar judges Marcia Hines, Kyle Sandilands and Amy Shark (pictured) are in the market for. In the third edition of this reality reboot, only a singer with a distinct sound, style and star quality will do. Long gone are the days when karaoke heroes or delusional hopefuls who can’t carry a tune merited airtime – nowadays, Idol is all killer, no filler. A new round of auditions begins tonight, with just 30 “golden tickets” – the only route to the next stage – up for grabs. Mild-mannered student and checkout chick Iilysh from Culcairn, NSW, kicks things off with a powerhouse performance of “You Oughta Know”. Definitely one to watch.
Du Tour. (R) 3.35 The Cook Up. (R) 4.05 Scotland: In Search Of Sir Walter Scott. (PG, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 MOVIE: Argo. (2012, Mlv, R) 9.55 Rock Legends: David Bowie. (PG, R) 10.25 SBS World News Late.
10.55 Bonn. (Premiere, Mav)
11.50 Kin. (MA15+lv, R)
1.45 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R)
2.35 22 Kids And Counting. (PGa, R)
3.30 Death On The Common: My Mother’s Murder. (Ma, R)
4.25 Bamay. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
ABC TV, 8.30pm
From wardrobe to set design, this awardwinning Aussie drama set in a 1980s TV newsroom has always done an exceptional job of recreating the glitzy period. But the production team really ups the ante for this season three premiere that takes viewers back to the 1989 Logies, with stretch limousines and shoulder pads for days. News at star Dale Jennings (Sam Reid) has well and truly cemented his position as a media personality and is up for the coveted Gold Logie. Meanwhile, his former lover and colleague Helen (Anna Torv, pictured) has secured her very own current affairs program and finds herself in direct competition with her ex and old crew.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 News At Noon. 1.00 Air Crash Inv: Accident Files. (PGa, R) 2.00 The Women’s Ashes Pre-Game Show. 2.30 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. Test Match. Australia v England. Day 2. Afternoon
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 3. Afternoon session. 8.10 Sri Lanka Vs Australia: Tea Break. Takes a look at the day of play so far in the First Test between Sri Lanka and Australia.
8.30 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 3. Late afternoon session. From Galle International Stadium, Sri Lanka.
11.00 Ambulance: Code Red. (Ma, R)
12.00 Dr Harry’s Animal Encounters. (PG, R)
1.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)
5.00 NBC Today.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo. (PG)
8.30 MOVIE: The Intern. (2015, Mal, R) Robert De Niro.
11.00 My Life As A Rolling Stone. (Mad, R)
12.10 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.00 Explore TV: Trade Routes Of The Middle Ages. (R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R)
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.30 The Garden Gurus. (R)
FAMILY (22) 6am Children’s
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Contestants compete in a high-stakes game where they must beat The Banker to win a cash prize.
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news.
7.30 MOVIE: Bumblebee. (2018, Mlv, R) After the fall of Cybertron, the Autobot Bumblebee befriends a teenage girl in California in the ’80s. Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena. 9.50 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 10.15 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 11.20 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 12.30 Home Shopping. (R)
6.00 Dr Karl’s How Things Work: Cricket Balls. (R) Dr Karl learns how cricket balls are made.
6.30 Back Roads: Kandos, NSW. (PG, R) Presented by Heather Ewart.
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.
7.30 Beyond Paradise. (PGa) An arsonist targets three businesses.
8.30 Vera. (Ma, R) After a local teacher is found dead at the bottom of a cliff-side coastal walkway in what appears to be a terrible accident, Vera uncovers evidence that the body may have been tampered with. 11.35 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Good Game Spawn Point. 7.50 MOVIE: Gangsta Granny Strikes Again! (2022) 8.50 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.30 Speechless. 9.55 Officially Amazing. 10.20 Dragon Ball Super. 10.45 Late Programs.
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Magical Train Journeys In Switzerland. (Mn)
8.30 Cotswolds And Beyond With Pam Ayres. (PGa, R)
9.20 Great Australian Walks With Julia Zemiro. (PG, R)
10.15 Ruby Wax: Castaway. (Final, Mal, R)
11.10 Everything You Love. (Mals, R)
2.35 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R)
3.25 Love Your Garden. (PGa, R)
4.20 Peer To Peer. (PG, R)
4.50 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 4. Afternoon session.
8.10 Sri Lanka Vs Australia: Tea Break. Takes a look at the day of play so far in the First Test between Sri Lanka and Australia.
8.30 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 4. Late afternoon session. From Galle International Stadium, Sri Lanka. 11.00 MOVIE: Morbius. (2022, Malv, R) Jared Leto.
1.00 Dr Harry’s Animal Encounters. (PG, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 It’s Academic. (R)
5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)
7TWO (62)
6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Escape To The Country. Noon Horse Racing. Southern Cross Stakes Day, Caulfield Members Day and Doomben Raceday. 5.30 The Lunch Break. 6.10 Cricket. First Test. Sri Lanka v Australia. Day 4. Afternoon session. 7.00 Dog Patrol. 7.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 I Escaped To The Country. 10.30 Australia’s Amazing Homes. 11.30 Late Programs.
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 MOVIE: Elvis. (2022, Mal) The life of Elvis Presley. Austin Butler, Tom Hanks.
10.35 Becoming Madonna. (MA15+als, R) A retelling of Madonna’s journey.
12.25 Australia’s Top Ten Of Everything. (PGa, R)
1.20 Destination WA. (R)
1.45 My Way. (R)
2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG)
2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Helping Hands. (PG)
6.30 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Dr Chris Brown. 8.30 The Dog House. (PGa, R) Follows a team of matchmakers as they pair homeless dogs with hopeful companions. A frisky French bulldog gets attached to a couple. Wood Green’s unluckiest dog, Peaches, has not just one, but two dates. 9.30 Ambulance Australia. (Mad, R) NSW Ambulance crews race to a call for a slashed throat and perform life-saving CPR on teens. 10.30 Ambulance UK. (M, R) First responders attend to elderly patients. 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.
6am The Man
Who Invented Christmas. Continued. (2017, PG) 7.50 Flash Of Genius. (2008, PG) 10.00 I’m Not There. (2007, M) 12.30pm The Space Between The Lines. (2019, M, German) 2.45 Kung Fu Yoga. (2017, PG) 4.45 An Ideal Husband. (1999, PG) 6.35 Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael. (1990, PG) 8.30 The Royal Hotel. (2023, MA15+) 10.10 Lonesome. (2022, MA15+) Midnight Late Programs.
6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Muster Dogs: Collies And Kelpies. (Return, PG)
8.30 The Newsreader. (Return, Ml) In 1989, Helen and Dale are forced into direct competition as they fight to become number one.
9.25 Love Me. (Return, MA15+s)
10.10 MOVIE: Sirens. (1994, MA15+ans, R) Hugh Grant.
11.45 You Can’t Ask That. (Mal, R)
12.15 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
3.05 Australia Remastered. (R)
4.00 Gardening Australia. (R)
5.00 The Great Acceleration. (PG, R)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.35pm Peter Rabbit. 5.45 Hey Duggee. 5.55 Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Moominvalley. 8.00 Horrible Histories. 8.30 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.10 Speechless. 9.55 Doctor Who. 11.25 Late Programs.
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Mysteries Of Stonehenge. (Mav)
9.20 Legends Of The Pharaohs: Birth Of The Tutankhamun Dynasty. (Mav, R)
10.20 Great British Landmark Fixers. (PGa, R)
11.15 Signed, Theo Schoon.
1.10 MOVIE: Radioactive. (2019, Mavw, R)
3.05 Love Your Garden. (PGa, R)
4.00 Peer To Peer. (R)
4.30 Bamay. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera News.
6am Morning Programs. 1pm Bathurst 12 Hour. Qualification and support races. 3.00 Bathurst 12 Hour. Qualification and support races. 3.30 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. Test Match. Aust v England. Afternoon. (Alt schedule may be shown). 4.30 Tea Break. 5.00 The Women’s Ashes. Test Match. Aust v England. Late arvo. 7.00 Dinner Break.
may be shown due to changes to cricket coverage). 5.30 Border Security. 6.00 Morning Programs. 2.00 The Women’s Ashes Pre-Game Show. 2.30 Cricket. The Women’s Ashes. Test Match. Australia v England. Day 4. Afternoon session. (Please note: alternative schedule may be shown due to changes to cricket coverage). 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer. (R) 5.00 News. 5.30 Weekender. 6.00 Drive Safer. (PG, R) 6.30 ACA. (R) 7.00
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Australian Idol. (Return, PGl)
8.50 Billy Joel Live At Madison Square Garden. (PGl) A concert celebrating Billy Joel’s 100th consecutive performance at New York’s Madison Square Garden.
10.50 April Jones: The Interrogation Tapes. (MA15+a, R)
12.20 Friday Night Lights. (Madsv, R)
1.20 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 4.00 NBC Today.
Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6am Morning Programs. 1pm Harry’s Practice. 1.30
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 Married At First Sight. (PGls) 8.40 60 Minutes. Current affairs program, investigating, analysing and uncovering the issues affecting all Australians. 9.40 9News Late.
The Brokenwood Mysteries. (Mav)
Destination WA. (PG, R)
TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
6.00 The Sunday Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.00 I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! (PGals) The celebrities continue to compete in a test of survival
10.10 See No Evil: Nowhere Girl. (Mav) A look at the murder of Dioneth Lopez.
Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa)
Fishing Australia. (R)
ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Children’s Programs. 1.30pm Young Sheldon. 2.30 Surfing Aust. 3.00 Surf Boat Tsunami. 4.00 Rugby Sevens Highlights. 5.10 MOVIE: The Flintstones. (1994) 7.00 MOVIE: Trolls World Tour. (2020) 8.45 MOVIE: Zookeeper. (2011, PG) 10.50 MOVIE: Locked Down. (2021, M) 1.10am The Originals. 3.00 Teen Titans Go! 3.30 Beyblade X. 4.00 Transformers:
Masters. 6.40 Abandoned Engineering. 8.30 The UnXplained With William Shatner. 10.10 Deadly Funny 2023. 11.15 Hoarders. 12.55am The X-Files. 3.40 NHK World English News. 5.00 Al Jazeera.
(32) SBS MOVIES (32)
6am Morning Programs. 7.10 Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael. (1990, PG) 9.05 Shaolin Soccer. (2001, PG, Cantonese) 11.10 Miss Marx. (2020, M) 1.10pm Grand Piano. (2013, M) 2.50 Riding Alone For Thousands Of Miles. (2005, PG, Japanese) 4.50 Courted. (2015, PG, French) 6.40 Toast. (2010, PG) 8.30 Close. (2022, M, Dutch) 10.30 Miracle. (2021, M, Romanian) 12.40am Late Programs.
6am Children’s Programs. 6.05pm Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Dr Karl’s
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 Madrid With Michael Portillo. (Premiere, PG)
8.25 Wilderness With Simon Reeve. (Premiere, PGa)
9.35 Inside Sydney Airport. (PGad, R)
10.35 SBS World News Late.
11.05 Clean Sweep. (Malsv)
12.05 Wisting. (MA15+v, R) 1.00 You Shall Not Lie. (MA15+als, R) 2.45 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 3.35 22 Kids And Counting. (PGal, R) 4.25 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (PG, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGa) Eden wants answers from Cash.
7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) It is day two of the auditions.
9.15 St. Denis Medical. (Premiere, PGals) Matt’s first day as a nurse is not going as planned.
10.15 First Dates UK. (M) Singles experience the thrills of dating. 11.15 Lopez Vs. Lopez. (Return, PG)
12.15 Friday Night Lights. (Madsv, R) 2.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls) 9.00 Australian Crime Stories. (Return, Mlv)
10.00 9News Late.
10.30 Forensics: Murder Scene. (Premiere, MA15+av)
11.30 First On Scene. (Maln, R) 12.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
12.50 Hello SA. (PG)
Talking Honey. (PGa)
TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
6am Toast.
Continued. (2010, PG) 7.15 An Ideal Husband. (1999, PG) 9.05 Courted. (2015, PG, French) 10.55 Miracle. (2021, M, Romanian) 1.05pm From The Vine. (2019, M) 2.50 The Movie Show. 3.25 Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael. (1990, PG) 5.20 Goal! (2005, PG) 7.30 One Night In Miami… (2020, M) 9.35 Saint Omer. (2022, M, Wolof) 11.50 Late Programs. 5.50am Goal! (2005, PG)
7.30. (R)
R) 4.30 Gardening Aust. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PGa, R)
8.35 Irresistible: Why We Can’t Stop Eating. (PG)
10.05 The Artist’s View. (Mls, R)
10.35 SBS World News Late.
11.05 Beyond Signs. (MA15+a)
12.05 Fargo. (Mlv, R)
2.00 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 2.50 Inside The Modelling Agency. (R) 3.45 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.15 Bamay. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
Goal! Continued. (2005, PG) 8.00 Riding Alone For Thousands Of Miles. (2005, PG, Japanese) 10.00 Close. (2022, M, Dutch) 11.55 One Night In Miami… (2020, M) 2pm Toast. (2010, PG) 3.50 Binti. (2019, PG, Dutch) 5.30 Goal! 2: Living The Dream. (2007, PG) 7.40 The Tracker. (2002, M) 9.30 Full Time. (2021, M, French) 11.05 Annie’s Fire. (2022, M, French) 1.20am Late Programs.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Leah is a fully fledged activist. 7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee and Scott Tweedie.
9.15 The Hunting Party. (Premiere, Mav) When a serial killer escapes custody, a disgraced FBI agent is called back into action to hunt him down.
10.15 The Irrational. (Return, Mav) 12.15 Friday Night Lights. (Madsv, R) 1.15 Travel Oz. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
WEDNESDAY, February 5
6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Four Corners. (R) 10.55 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.35 Media Watch. (PG, R) 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Forever Summer With Nigella. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
6am Children’s Programs. 5.45pm Hey Duggee. 5.55 Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 Doctor Who. 10.55 Late Programs.
Railway Journeys UK. (PG, R) 3.30 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.10 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum. (PG, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.35 The Real Crown: Inside The House Of Windsor. (PG, R)
8.30 Wonders Of The Moon With Dara Ó Briain.
9.25 Miniseries: Playing Nice. (Mal)
10.20 SBS World News Late. 10.50 Pagan Peak. (MA15+av) 11.40 Rogue Heroes. (MA15+lsv, R) 12.50 Agent Hamilton. (MA15+v, R) 2.30 Home Is Where The Art Is. (R) 3.20 Inside The Modelling Agency. (Ml, R) 4.15 Peer To Peer. (R) 4.45 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
Challenge. 6.10 Loot: Blood
7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does
8.30 MOVIE: Ninja Assassin. (2009) 10.20 MOVIE: Jiu Jitsu. (2020, MA15+) 12.10am Late Programs.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG)
7.30 The 1% Club UK. (Return, PG)
8.30 Ludwig. (Premiere, Ma) The life of puzzle setter John “Ludwig” Taylor is upended when his identical twin disappears.
11.00 The Suspects: True Australian Thrillers. (Mlv, R)
12.00 Black-ish. (PGa, R)
1.00 Harry’s Practice. (R)
1.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
6am Shopping. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Surf Patrol. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 Weekender. 2.30 Air Crash Inv. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Surf Patrol. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30
6.00 NBN News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls)
9.00 Big Miracles. (Return, Mam)
10.00 9News Late.
10.30 Casualty 24/7. (Mm, R)
11.30 The Equalizer. (Mv, R)
12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.05 Cybershack. (PG, R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
6am The Movie
Show. 6.10 Goal! 2: Living The Dream. (2007, PG) 8.20 Binti. (2019, PG, Dutch) 10.00 Under The Stars Of Paris. (2020, M, French) 11.35 Saint Omer. (2022, M, Wolof) 1.50pm Goal! (2005, PG) 4.00 Spitfire. (2018, PG) 5.50 Skating To New York. (2013, PG) 7.35 Rob The Mob. (2014, M) 9.30 The Sitting Duck. (2022, M, Hungarian) 11.45 Late Programs.
THURSDAY, February 6
6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Back Roads. (PG, R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 1.00 The Newsreader. (Ml, R) 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Forever Summer With Nigella. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat. (R) 5.30 Antiques
6am Children’s Programs. 5.55pm Paddington. 6.05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes. 6.20 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Kiri And Lou. 6.45 Ben And Holly. 7.00 The Deep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Inbestigators. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 Secrets Of The Zoo. 9.25 72 Cutest Animals. 9.55 Merlin. 10.40 Late Programs.
6.00 Morning Programs. 11.05 Great Canal Journeys. (PGa, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 2.05 History Of Britain. (PGav,
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Finding Your Roots.
8.30 Scotland’s Poshest Train: Alan Cumming. (Premiere, PG)
9.30 The Darkness. (Malsv)
10.20 SBS World News Late.
10.50 Divided We Stand. (Ml) 12.40 Blanca. (Malv, R)
2.40 Barkley Manor. (PG, R)
3.05 Inside The Modelling Agency. (Ml, R) 4.05 Peer To Peer. (a, R)
4.35 Bamay. (R)
5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
WorldWatch. 10.00 Front Up. Noon WorldWatch. 12.30 Patriot Brains. 2.20 Cowboy Kings Of Crypto. 2.50 Insight. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.45 Alone: The Skills Challenge. 6.10 Stan Walker: Impossible Live. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 The Flight Attendant Murders. 10.20 Homicide: Life On The Street. 1.05am Criminal Planet. 2.55 NHK World English News. 5.00 Al Jazeera.
(32) SBS MOVIES (32)
6am Binti. Continued. (2019, PG, Dutch) 6.40 Spitfire. (2018, PG) 8.30 Whisky Galore. (2016, PG) 10.25 The Tracker. (2002, M) 12.15pm Full Time. (2021, M, French) 1.50 Goal! 2: Living The Dream. (2007, PG) 4.00 Hacker. (2019, PG, Danish) 5.50 Whina. (2022, PG, Maori) 7.50 We Are Still Here. (2022, M) 9.30 Kompromat. (2022, M, French) 11.50 Late Programs.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGav) Harper puts on a brave face. Eden comes clean. Levi challenges Cash to step up.
8.30 MOVIE: Bridget Jones’s Diary. (2001, Mlv, R) A British woman, struggling with various romantic entanglements, documents a year of her life through her diary. Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant.
10.45 To Be Advised. 12.45 Damnation. (Premiere, MA15+asv)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
Children’s Programs. Noon Hart Of Dixie. 1.00 Bewitched. 1.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 2.00 The Golden
6.00 NBN News. 7.00
Children’s Programs. Noon Hart Of Dixie. 1.00
Girls. 6.30 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: Magic Mike. (2012, MA15+) 10.45 Seinfeld. 11.45 The O.C. 12.40am The Nanny. 1.40 Love During Lockup. 2.30
By Chris KARAS
PORT Stephens’ elite athletes have produced encouraging performances at the recent NSW Country Athletics Championships in Maitland.
Corlette express Summah Harrison led the gold medal rush for the 21-strong contingent, winning the 100m sprint final in the Women's Under 20s category.
Some of the finest junior and Masters athletes from across the state braved the challenging
conditions as swirling winds and rain lashed the Maitland Regional Athletics Centre during the prestigious three day carnival.
Nineteen-year-old Harrison, a former NSW Combined High Schools sprint champion, brought home gold in her pet event to remind keen judges of her athletic prowess.
Just as impressive was talented thirteen-year-old prospect Elara Barnes who claimed two gold and two silver medals to cap an outstanding meet.
The emerging sprinter won both the 200m and 200m hurdles finals in the Girls Under 14yrs division and finished runner up in the 80m hurdles and 100m events.