KNOWAtlanta Relocation Magazine Fall 2021

Page 50


Tips for Finding a Short-Term Rental During a Home Renovation By TP Corporate Lodging


f your home requires major renovations, it may become temporarily unlivable. This presents a unique

predicament because you and your family may be displaced for up to several months while renovations or repairs are completed. On the one hand, staying in a hotel for that length of time would be costly and unfeasible. On the other, most rental apartments come unfurnished and require a lease for a fixed amount of time. How do you find a short-term rental solution that is flexible enough for your needs but won’t break the bank while your home is being renovated? The good

in several parts of the home, there’s an

news is there are several options available

increased chance that the home itself

that you might not have previously

may be unlivable while renovations are in

Options for Short-Term or Temporary Housing

considered. Let’s explore some of these

progress. Utilities like electricity, water and

If major renovations have temporarily

short-term rental options and look at

sewer lines may need to be shut off for ex-

displaced you and your family, you have

some additional tips to help you find the

tended lengths of time, or the excess dust

several short-term housing options. Let’s

solution that’s best for you.

might be unsafe to breathe. There might

look at the most common solutions.

Reasons for Needing Temporary Housing During Renovations

also be structural work in progress that makes the home temporarily unstable.

Extended Stay Hotels Extended stay hotels typically provide

Granted, many home renovations aren’t

Repairs and Restoration Due to a

suite-like accommodations at discounted

intrusive enough to require you to vacate

Natural Disaster

weekly or even monthly rates. They are

the home—for example, if you’re remodel-

Fires, floods or major weather events can

generally more affordable than con-

ing a bedroom or adding a room. Howev-

do extensive damage to a home. In many

ventional hotels, but they can still be

er, when you’re facing major renovations

of these cases, it may be unsafe to stay in

pricey over the course of a few months.

or repairs, moving out temporarily makes

the home until repairs and restoration

Additionally, even if the suite provides

more sense—and in some cases, it may be

efforts are completed; for example, receding

a kitchen or kitchenette, it will still feel

mandatory. Let’s look at two of the most

floodwaters can breed dangerous bacteria

much like a hotel, which can have a nega-

common instances in which you might

and mold, or high winds might have torn

tive effect on family moods after a time.

need alternative temporary housing.

off part of the roof. In such cases, it’s usually necessary to relocate temporarily—and in


Major Elective Renovations

many cases, your short-term housing may

One temporary housing option to

If you choose to perform major updates

actually be covered by insurance.

consider is finding someone willing to

48  KNOWAtlanta   FALL 2021

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