KNOWAtlanta Spring 2022

Page 34




hat constitutes a luxury home?

for the lock-and-leave lifestyle of condo

According to Lori Lane, Senior

and townhome living that is walkable to

Vice President of the New

restaurants and entertainment and are

Homes Division for Berkshire Hathaway

then purchasing a second home in the

HomeServices Georgia Properties, “There

mountains, on a lake or at the beach. The

are several factors that help distinguish a

demand is incredible as more and more

luxury community. Location, amenities

buyers are looking for homes that align

and school system are usually the main

with their active lifestyles.

ones we consider when defining a luxury neighborhood.” A location near hot spots

What are some of the features some-

in the metro area, access to both designer

one can expect from a luxury home

features within the home and unpar-


alleled amenities in the neighborhood

We are seeing a large emphasis on ele-

itself and proximity to a highly rated

vated amenities like outdoor living areas

school district makes quite a difference

How has the current state of the real es-

with private pools and spas. In addition,

when it comes to a community’s standing

tate market affected luxury communities?

many builders are opting to include ded-

and price points. Here, Lane shares her

With the high demand for new homes and

icated spaces for home offices, gyms and

insights about this segment of the local

inventory levels still historically low, we are

game rooms to provide the ultimate oasis

residential market and how to approach

seeing many luxury buyers turning to new

for work and play. Natural amenities

the home buying process in this high-end

construction as an option. Our builders,

such as mountain and lake views also are


while still dealing with ongoing supply

becoming increasingly popular.

chain issues, are starting homes as quickly How do you describe the luxury home

as they can just to see them go under

What are your top tips for home buyers

market in the metro Atlanta area?

contract as soon as they are started. A trend

who are interested in a luxury home

The luxury market throughout Atlanta

we are noticing is that to get into a new


was incredibly strong in 2021, and that

home as quickly as possible, many luxury

I think it is extremely important to be

was reflected in the sales at some of the

buyers are satisfied with the builder’s design

sure of the location and type of home

extraordinary communities that we rep-

selections to close as quickly as possible.

that best suits your needs. You may even

resent. From Milton, where we sold out

want to have backup locations in mind.

Milton Run in 2021 and represent several

What are the top locations currently in

With low inventory and the high demand

high-end neighborhoods including the

the metro area for luxury living?

continuing, luxury homes are not staying

Manor Golf and Country Club, to Trilith,

It seems as though every market is hot

on the market for long. Wherever you de-

located south of the city in Fayetteville,

right now. Second home properties like

cide to purchase, it is important to have

we experienced astounding sales num-

mountain and lake view properties are

an experienced agent to help navigate the

bers. We have several additional luxury

in high demand. In addition, with the

ever-evolving real estate market.

communities coming soon this spring in

shift to working from home, many of our

both Fayette and Coweta County, includ-

high-end clients are leaving their homes

For more information, visit Berkshire

ing the Gin Property in Senoia, which

in the city and seeking destination and

Hathaway HomeServices Georgia

was the location for the filming of the TV

lake properties as their first home. We

Properties’ New Homes Division at

show “The Walking Dead.”

also noticed that some buyers are opting

32  KNOWAtlanta   SPRING 2022


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