KNOWAtlanta Spring 2022

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Life University: A Home Base for Students from All Over the World By Kelsey Asher, Integrated Content Creator at Life University


ife University (Life U) in Marietta,

The Department of International

of Chiropractic in the world. Under-

Georgia, northwest of Atlanta, is

Programs provides comprehensive sup-

graduates can pursue 14 undergraduate

home to more than 2,800 undergrad-

port for international students to ensure

degrees; a pre-chiropractic, degree-seek-

uate, graduate and professional students

immigration compliance, academic

ing pathway; and three graduate

who come from across the country and

success and social connectedness within

degrees within the College of Graduate

the globe. But out of numerous options

the campus and surrounding communi-

and Undergraduate Studies (CGUS).

students have to choose from in pursuit

ties. Given that 10 percent of the current

Some degree programs are offered online

of higher education, what leads them to

student body is classified as international,

through the College of Online Education.

Life U? To get a better understanding

making sure these students feel included

as to what leads students to travel great

and supported is a top priority.

distances to attend this institution, it’s

Every Life U student’s journey is a

According to records kept in the Department of International Programs, about 35 percent of current international

helpful to ask those who journeyed the

unique, personalized experience, but after

students are enrolled in the Doctor of

farthest and those who work with them.

speaking to several international students

Chiropractic program, 25 percent in the

about what drew them to Life U, three

B.S Exercise Science, 25 percent in B.B.A

international students from more than 66

“Life University has been home to

major themes emerged: academic oppor-

Business Administration and 15 percent

countries of the world since 1997,” says

tunities, athletic pursuits and a strong

in various other degree programs.

Dr. Sairgul Matikeeva-Kinney, Director of

sense of community and support.

International Programs at Life U. “Most

Tendai Rioga, a B.B.A Business Administration and B.S Computer Informa-

of our international students come from

Academic Opportunities

Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany,

Life U is a health sciences institution

by way of South Africa as a student-ath-

Spain, Iceland, Hong Kong, South Africa,

most known for its College of Chiroprac-

lete for Life U’s championship Men’s

the Netherlands and other countries.”

tic, the largest single-campus College

Rugby team, but he has experienced pro-

58  KNOWAtlanta   SPRING 2022

tion Management student, came to Life U

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