7 minute read
President’s Letter
Let’s Keep Our Matches Fun
With ALTA’s winter league season winding down, we are all looking forward to the spring ALTA season and better tennis weather. ALTA has such a great team
of knowledgeable volunteers who help captains and players
resolve issues and are available to answer questions. ALTA’s
coordinators, overall coordinators, and league vice presidents
want to make your season enjoyable and fun. Please let your
coordinator know if you have questions or need any guidance
with a rule or an issue, as they are there to help you.
We all want a fun, competitive season, where we meet
new acquaintances and leave the courts with a positive
attitude and the ability to tackle the rest of the day. There
is nothing worse than a bad day at the courts because of a
player’s display of bad sportsmanship. It seems to ruin our
day and maybe the next day, too! Bad line calls, whether
intentional or not, are frustrating and somewhat unavoidable
as ALTA matches are not officiated. However, we must pay
attention to our own responses to these situations so as not
to elevate the problems. With issues such as rain delays, lets,
rule interpretations, bad line calls, and traffic, we all need to
remember that these issues also could happen to any of us.
One of my own personal “rules” I try to always remember is:
How would I want to be treated? I know that several of us have
experienced unpleasantness on the court, and it’s always interesting to me how the saying of “what goes around,
comes around” is applied so often before, during, and after
tennis matches. Tennis is a fun game. There is nothing better
than a great tennis match, laughing, having fun, and great
points. A fun match makes it a lot easier to lose as well!
ALTA volunteers love to hear the stories of good
sportsmanship; a match where a player(s) was lost or caught
in traffic and arrived past the 20-minute default time, and
the opponents play the match regardless of the late start.
Who wants to “win” (not really) a match by taking a default?
ALTA, with 70,000+ members, must follow the rules in place,
or there would be chaos. There have been many times the
enforcement of the rule(s) has been a frustration to many
a volunteer. If a player’s intentions revolve around good
sportsmanship, matches will not become contentious, and
points will be won on the court (not on paper).
Ask your new neighbors to join your team. What a great
way to meet new friends, to socialize while exercising and
having fun! So, here’s to a fun spring tennis season with great
competition, great friends, new friends, refreshments, and
most of all — great ALTA tennis!

Sandy Depa, 2020 ALTA President

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Chocolate Chip Cookie Taylor Aycock, Buford City Parks Juniors 12U [pls ck] 1 cup butter, softened 3/4 cup white sugar 3/4 cup brown sugar, packed 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 eggs 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking soda 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips In a large bowl, beat butter, sugars and vanilla extract until ight and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well. Gradually add flour, salt and baking soda until well blended. Stir in chocolate chips. Spread in 14-inch pizza pan. Bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Cool in pan or on cooling rack. Decorate as desired. California Quinoa Salad Jenni Steines, Parkbrooke Sunday Women AA2 2 cups mixed quinoa 4 cups water 1 pkg. frozen mango or 2-3 diced fresh mangoes 1/2 large red onion, diced 1 medium to large red pepper, diced 1 small bunch cilantro, chopped 1-2 cups shredded, unsweeted coconut 3/4-1 cup unsalted, dry-toasted slivered almonds 1/2 cup raisins 2-3 cups frozen edamame, thawed 4-5 limes, juiced 1-4 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar Rinse quinoa well, cook as directed. When done, fluff and spread out to cool. Add all other ingredients and toss. Enjoy cold. Sausage Muffins Linda Smith West Smyrna S&T Thursday Women C4 1 lb. ground sausage 1 can cheddar cheese soup 3 cups Bisquick 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, finely grated Brown and drain sausage. Mix with soup and Bisquick. Add 3/4 can water, mixing well. Drop in greased muffin tins, regular or mini. Top with grated cheese and bake at 375 15-20 minutes, or until brown. Peanut Butter Balls Lisa Gravlee, Woods of Parkview Sunday Women B1 1 cup large flake rolled oats 1/2 cup all natural peanut butter 1/4 cup honey 2 Tbsp. ground coffee 2 oz. semi-sweet chocolate, chopped 2 oz. white chocolate, chopped Mix ingredients together well. Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Roll into 1-inch balls (makes approximately 20). SHARE YOUR RECIPES! Send your recipes for Court Cuisine via email to Lindsay Penticuff at lindsay@knowatlanta.com or by mail to New South Publishing, Court Cuisine, 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350.
Visit netnewsmag.com for our published Court Cuisine recipes.

2020 ALTA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 140, Roswell, GA 30076 Phone: 770.399.5788 Website: altatennis.org
President Sandy Depa First Vice President Debbie Gaster Secretary Camille Puckett Treasurer John Lowell VP Men’s League Lamar Scott VP Thursday Keri Beck Women’s League VP Sunday Chequetta Allen Women’s League VP Senior Day Leagues Kim Dlugolenski VP Senior Leagues Roger Dennington VP Mixed Cameron Turner Doubles League VP Junior Leagues Rita Maloof VP Junior Brenda Maddaleni Challenge Ladder VP Special Programs Bob Kohmescher VP Media Michelle Ruiz Appointed Member Barbara Ingram 2019 President Bill Price 2018 President Joyce Vance ALTA Foundation Rep Candace Cole
2020 ALTA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Bob Fitzgerald 2018 ALTA President Joyce Vance 2019 ALTA President Bill Price 2020 ALTA President Sandy Depa The ALTA Foundation Diana Burger President 2018 Elected Member Didi Chapdelaine 2019 Elected Member Larry Waters Treasurer John Lowell Secretary/ Debbie Gaster First Vice President
2019 THE ALTA FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Diana Burger Treasurer John Lowell Secretary Candace Cole
NEW SOUTH PUBLISHING, INC. 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350 Phone: 770.650.1102
President Larry Lebovitz Vice President/Publisher John Hanna Net News Editor Emmy Powell Features Editor Cory Sekine-Pettite Art Director Tracy Stalling Advertising & Megan Willis Production Manager Account Executives Jennifer Gonzalez Sherry Gasaway Ginger Roberts Circulation Manager Amy Fine Accounting Marilyn Walker
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Direct all advertising, circulation and editorial inquiries to 770.650.1102. All information herein has been checked for accuracy to the best of the publisher’s ability. No responsibility is accepted for deletions, omissions, errors and/or inaccuracies. Printed in U.S.A. The ALTA logo is a protected trademark™.

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