7 minute read
President’s Letter
Looking Ahead Following an Unprecedented Pandemic
It has been almost a year since we restarted league play after the spring season in 2020 was shut down during the pandemic. We are happy to be able to offer league play during this time, as it is a much-needed outlet for so many of our members.
When we introduced our temporary COVID guidelines, we had no idea that we would still be following them a year later. Understandably, we often receive questions about some of these temporary measures. Allow me to clarify:
It probably comes as no surprise that the questions we are asked most often concern the mandatory third-set tiebreaker that is played in lieu of a full third set. While we have received a lot of positive feedback from those who prefer the tiebreaker, the majority of our members want to see the option of a full third set back in the mix.
Currently, our decision to keep the mandatory tiebreaker in place has more to do with restrictions and limitations at many of the participating facilities than anything else. Many of the larger public facilities and private clubs still are limiting spectators and the time individuals can spend at their facilities both prior to and after matches. Some are only allowing players to arrive a few minutes before their matches begin. The third-set tiebreaker makes start times more predictable for those players not in the first time slot. We reassess this each season, and when we start to see some of these restrictions lifted, we expect to return to our previous match format of best two out of three sets. We’ve also heard there is a fair amount of confusion regarding the ball exchange. ALTA made no changes to our ball exchange rules during the pandemic. We simply advised if anyone was uncomfortable accepting the offered balls at the end of the match, they were free to decline. They should be offered if the home team opened the can and subsequently won the match.
Another change necessitated by COVID involved the location of our City Finals. Over the past year, all City Finals matches have been held at the courts of the home team. We are working on a plan to safely move back to centralized locations. As of this writing, plans have not been finalized, but many of you may see a different City Finals format as early as this spring.
We are very thankful for the positive changes we have seen since last year, and look forward to the eventual return of our pre-COVID practices. It is definitely a slower and more measured process than the abrupt shutdown last year. Thank you for your patience and commitment to our leagues as we navigate through it all.

Debbie Gaster, 2021 ALTA President
For the latest news, information and events. altatennis.org facebook.com/Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association instagram.com/ALTA_tennis netnewsmag.com

by Stephen Huss, 2005 Wimbledon Champion,
Former USTA National Coach,@CrookedCreek, Alpharetta, GA For details: stephenhuss7576@gmail.com

“Stephen Huss was the hardest working coach I had the great privilege of working with during my time at the USTA. He helped me improve not only my game, but also my work ethic. He brings great passion and dedication to every practice session”

- Limited number of players to maintain quality sessions - 1:00 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. Monday through Friday - Dartfish analysis and tagging of matches - M Menentatallylly Tough Tennis training - Athletic training to maintain health & prevent injury
Degree in Exercise Science
College coach at Virginia Tech (Mens)
USTA National Coach (Womens)
All-American at Auburn University
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Worked with Sofia Kenin (WTA #4), Jennifer Brady (WTA #24), Caroline Dolehide (WTA #102 S/ #30 D), Joao Monteiro (ATP #237) 2021 ALTA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 140, Roswell, GA 30076 Phone: 770.399.5788 Website: altatennis.org
President Debbie Gaster
First Vice President Lamar Scott Secretary Camille Puckett Treasurer John Lowell VP Men’s League Mitch Falkin VP Thursday Keri Beck Women’s League VP Sunday Linda Shepherd Women’s League VP Senior Day Leagues Cathy Gonzales
VP Senior Leagues Roger Dennington VP Mixed Cameron Turner Doubles League
VP Junior Leagues Tammi Copelli VP Junior Brenda Maddaleni Challenge Ladder
VP Special Programs Eric Behning VP Media Barbara Ingram
Appointed Member Mimi McFall 2020 President Sandy Depa 2019 President Bill Price
ALTA Foundation Rep Rita Maloof
Chairman Joyce Vance 2019 ALTA President Bill Price 2020 ALTA President Sandy Depa 2021 ALTA President Debbie Gaster The ALTA Foundation Diana Burger President 2020 Elected Member Larry Waters 2021 Elected Member Chequetta Allen Treasurer John Lowell Secretary/ Lamar Scott
First Vice President
President Diana Burger Treasurer John Lowell Secretary Rita Maloof
NEW SOUTH PUBLISHING, INC. 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350 Phone: 770.650.1102
President Larry Lebovitz Vice President/Publisher John Hanna Net News Editor Emmy Powell Features Editor Cory Sekine-Pettite Art Director Tracy Stalling Advertising & Megan Willis
Production Manager
Account Executives Jennifer Gonzalez Sherry Gasaway
Circulation Manager Amy Fine Accounting Marilyn Walker
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Direct all advertising, circulation and editorial inquiries to 770.650.1102. All information herein has been checked for accuracy to the best of the publisher’s ability. No responsibility is accepted for deletions, omissions, errors and/or inaccuracies. Printed in U.S.A. The ALTA logo is a protected trademark™.