The News Record MONDAY | APRIL 1 | 2013
Incoming students could pay more
Congress’ decision could result in increased interest rates on Stafford loans LANCE LAMBERT STAFF REPORTER NEWSRECORDNEWS@GMAIL.COM
MAN IN CHARGE Jack Johnson, program director for Veterans Programs and Services, filled the new position in late February.
SERVING STUDENTS Director of Veterans Programs aims to help former service members RYAN HOFFMAN NEWS EDITOR NEWSRECORDNEWS@GMAIL.COM When Jack Johnson retired from the US Army for medical reasons in 2003, his inability to serve left a void in his life. He filled that void by helping fellow veterans. In his new role as the Program Director for Veteran Programs and Services at the University of Cincinnati, Johnson is eager to continue his work with veterans. “I want to spread the word around campus, student veterans have someone that is here for them,” Johnson said. Since being hired for the newly created position in late February, Johnson has taken steps to alleviate the problems plaguing the office that helps process student veterans’ paperwork. In the past, the office that certifies veterans — veterans must be certified every semester in order to receive education benefits from the VA — has had problems keeping up with the growing number of
student veterans and the paperwork they of the necessary paperwork online. come with. He is also in the process of hiring an Veteran enrollment at UC has risen additional certifying official and a program coordinator to assist with some of the significantly over the last several years, managerial responsibilities. The office from 600 in 2008 to 1,300 in 2012. currently does not have a program Johnson created a threecoordinator and has two phase plan to better certifying officials. serve student veterans. I want to spread Phase two of Phase one involves the word around Johnson’s plan streamlining the involves turning the process of certifying campus, student Veteran Programs veterans. In the veterans have and Services office past, the office has into a one-stop center struggled certifying someone that is offering counseling veterans in a timely there for them. and further education matter. regarding veterans’ “Was it broken? benefits. I think yes,” Johnson - Maggie Daly, The office, which SSB vice president said. officially opened Nov. Making sure veterans 9 2012, currently serves get certified and paid is exclusively as an office for Johnson’s primary goal. To do this, certifying veterans. his office is working on simplifying the “There is a disconnect in the relationship,” registration process and putting a majority said Clay Buck, a third-year communications student and president of UC’s chapter of the Omega Delta Sigma veterans fraternity. “They only certify, nothing else.” Buck said the added services would greatly benefit student veterans at UC. “It’s huge … it would take a lot of the burden off veterans to have someone to talk to face to face,” Buck said. Johnson could not comment on the third phase of his plan because he said it has not been approved yet. However, Johnson said he wants to emphasize education in his work with student veterans. “A majority of the problems stem from not enough knowledge,” Johnson said. There are strict requirements veterans must meet in order to receive their benefits. Many times, problems stem from confusion regarding those requirements, Buck said. Johnson admits administrators can only do so much. “UC deserves props. They’ve done everything they can, now it’s on me.” One Stop opened after Memorial Day.
Incoming University of Cincinnati students will pay a higher college-loan interest rate, unless Congress makes a deal to prevent mandatory cuts. If Congress does not act before the July 1 deadline, future interest rates on subsidized Stafford loans will increase from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent. Students receiving unsubsidized loans will not see their rates increase. Congress and the president signed a one-year extension of the current interest rates during the election year in 2012. Keeping the rate at 3.4 percent cost the US $6 billion a year, a cost some House Republicans would like to cut. Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan proposed Congress should reverse the interest rate back to pre-2008 levels. Due to the weakening economy in 2007, Congress lowered the interest rate from 6.8 percent to 3.4 percent over a four period. Senate Democrats proposed to permanently extend the current studentloan interest rate. Increasing the studentloan interest rate would add to the already large amount of college loan debt, something some experts believe can harm the economy. Julia Heath, director of the University of Cincinnati Economics Center, believes student loan debt, like the 2007 housing crisis, could be a major factor in our economy’s future. “Student-loan debt is just crippling kids when they come out of school,” Heath said. “For the individual student with significant amounts of debt, they will be unable to do a lot of transitional things, such as go to graduate school, get married, buy a home or have kids.” With national student-loan debt at $1 trillion, it is impacting consumption spending, which makes up the largest percentage of the economy, Heath said. According to a study released in January by the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, 48 percent of degree holders are working jobs that require less than a four-year college degree. “If you find out your degree is really not worth as much as you thought it might be ... it’s not like you can give that degree back, like you can a house in a foreclosure, you can’t give your degree back and student-loan debt is not dischargeable,” Heath said. Vivian Poe, a post-secondary enrollment student at UC Clermont College, like other UC students is working to avoid taking on too much student-loan debt. After hearing stories of some graduates taking on more debt than they could handle, Poe decided it would be best to enroll in post-secondary. Poe will graduate in the summer with an associate degree in liberal arts, something that was almost entirely paid for by her high school.
Citizens petition for stricter gun regulations Progress Ohio members gather signatures at Fountain Square, lobby for gun control TYLER BELL SENIOR REPORTER NEWSRECORDNEWS@GMAIL.COM Members of Progress Ohio gathered at Fountain Square Thursday to collect signatures for a petition requesting stricter gun regulations. “The goal [of the petition] is to put political pressure on our elected leadership,” said David Little, a Progress Ohio employee who organized the event. The petition called on congress to require a criminal background check for all gun purchases, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and make gun trafficking a federal crime with tough penalties. “I want to take a stand against the [National Rifle Association],” said Susanne Skubick, 62, who volunteered at the event. “How do they get to exercise control over the whole country?” Skubick believes the NRA is too influential, and high-capacity magazines and assault weapons should be illegal. She
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said the Sandy Hook killings in Newtown, Conn. inspired her to volunteer. “Kids shouldn’t have to worry about someone walking [into their school] with a military-style weapon,” Skubick said. Marcia Daniels, 49, of Cincinnati, also signed the petition. “I lost my son [to gun violence],” Daniels said. “He was murdered sitting in his car in front of my mom’s house.” The crime hasn’t been solved yet, she said. She believes illegal guns are directly related to the high level of gun violence in Cincinnati, and stricter gun control and background checks will could lead to a positive outcome. Not everyone at Fountain Square favored stricter firearm regulations. “If our citizens were unarmed, we’d be worse off,” said Brandon Wiles, a thirdyear finance student at the University of Cincinnati. Wiles said he believes secondamendment rights are crucial to protecting American freedoms from foreign interests.
Wiles initially attended the event to collect signatures, before he realized what the petition entailed. He said that he believed one of his friends had played a trick on him. Wiles turned in his clipboard and petitions to Little and left amicably. Jim Fitch, 60, of Cincinnati, handed out flyers on Fountain Square to oppose the petitioners. “In England, not only have they taken the guns from the people, they’ve taken them from the police,” Fitch said. “The police can’t defend themselves, much less the people. Just revealing the truth can set us free. They are taking away our rights, [and] who doesn’t have rights? Slaves.” Little, the event organizer, disputed Fitch’s claims. “He’s talking about gun deaths in Britain,” Little said. “The gun deaths per 1,000 people [in Britain] are microscopic. I haven’t ever heard someone complain about gun deaths in Britain.” The petition will be presented to Ohio Senator Rob Portman, Little said.
The News Record
COLLECTING SIGNATURES Citizens calling for stricter gun laws rallied and collected petition signatures on Fountain Square Thursday.
Local News
Town hall meeting focuses on solar energy Acitivists, city officials promote alternative energy in Cincinnati joe hill contributor
JOE HILL | staff photographer
GOING SOLAR Xavier University hosted a town hall meeting focused on increasing solar energy in Cincinnati Tuesday. Matt Kolbinsky, program manager for SECO Electric, explains the benefits increased solar power can have for small businesses in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.
One environmental advocacy organization hopes the four-acre, solarpaneled parking lot at the Cincinnati Zoo is only the beginning of the city’s solar vision. Environment Ohio presented “Cincinnati Going Solar” at a town hall meeting Tuesday, where approximately 100 Cincinnatians gathered at Xavier University to hear plans for a solarpaneled Cincinnati. Cincinnati Vice Mayor Roxanne Qualls shared a vision for Cincinnati where one in five rooftops will be solar paneled. The meeting allowed speakers to share details on how to create a solar city and what options are out there for businesses in Cincinnati. “Every single day enough energy hits the earth to power it for 27 years,” said Matt Kolbinsky, program manager of SECO Electric. Kolbinsky currently runs a company with 35 employees that install solar panels. “If Cincinnati follows this plan to become a solar city, I will have to hire 450 employees and have them work full time for 17 years,” Kolbinsky said.
Not only will the plan enable Cincinnati to use clean energy rather than coal or oil, it will also create many local jobs, he said. The meeting was met with great response from citizens in attendance. Bill Spratley, executive director of the Green Energy Ohio News Magazine, concluded the meeting with a passionate speech strongly urging citizens to support the goal of a solar Cincinnati. “No war has ever been fought over solar power,” Spratley said. “Imagine having cars run on solar panels, that would be the solution to the oil crisis.” Christian Adams, representative of Clean Energy Association of Environment Ohio, said the “Cincinnati Going Solar” campaign could impact lives throughout Ohio and eventually the country. After the Cincinnati Zoo put in its solarpaneled parking lot, Environment Ohio believes other large organizations and corporations will participate in its green initiative. Adams said it is time for the administration and the student leaders of the University of Cincinnati to do their part to help make Cincinnati a solar city. Check out for updated coverage of events on campus
GENDER F**K TAKES STAGE UC students participate in drag show to raise money for transgender groups
Pictured: (Top Left) A pair under the stage name of America and Brave dance on stage at the Gender F**k Drag Show in the Tangeman University Center’s Great Hall Friday night. (Top Right) A student performer dances and grabs tips under the stage name Victoria Valentine. (Bottom) Performers collect tips, which will be given to TransOhio and Oak Hills High School’s Gay Straight Alliance.
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Life & Arts 3
Drag show reduces emphasis on gender Performances raise money for cause, kicks off week of events for LGBTQ Madison Schmidt Staff Reporter
Madison Schmidt | Staff Photographer
QUEER CAT PRIDE Genevieve Van Hore, a performer for the Diamond Palace, dances to show support of the drag show Friday night in the Great Hall.
Members of the University of Cincinnati’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Center worked the runway Friday night challenging gender stereotyping. Hosted at Tangeman University Center, the “Gender F**k Drag Show” encouraged students to take the stage and perform as the gender of their choice. “Fashion is genderless,” said Amechi Omameh, a fourth-year biomedical engineer. “I love being on the edge of what is masculine or feminine.” Members of GenderBloc, a student group that supports gender inclusiveness, dressed as fairies and passed out condoms, donated by the Great American Condom Campaign, to promote safe sex. During the show, audience members live tweeted to #hottestdragshowinamerica and gave tips to dancers during each performance. “The show means that people do care here at UC,” said Andrew Naab, an at-large senator for UC’s Undergraduate Student Government. “It [provides] an inclusive environment for everyone.” The event raised money through tips, raffles and sales. Proceeds from the show
will be donated to TransOhio and Oak Hills High School’s Gay Straight Alliance group. Local drag queens performed to show their support for the event. “When I was asked to perform for the show, I didn’t care about pay,” said Jayda Brooks, a performer from the Diamond Palace. “I jumped at the chance because I wanted to give back to the community.” The show was the second event of its kind for the year, but wasn’t hosted in Catskellar — its typical location. “The turnout was so great, we had to turn people away [at Catskellar],” said T.N. Vaught, LGBTQ’s program coordinator. “We had 400 seats at the [Great Hall] and close to 300 people filled them.” The show acted as a kick-off event for Queer Cat Pride Week. Hosted by GenderBloc, the week of events will promote gender awareness and equality. “LGBTQ is a place I can go and be myself and not have someone telling me that my sexual orientation is a choice,” said Kalilah Montgomery, a second-year political science student. Queer Cat Pride Week will continue with events each day through Friday, ending with Relay for Life. For more information on events this week, visit the LGBTQ website at http://
Phil Didion | Chief Photographer
FLYING COLORS Students celebrate Holi Festival at Sigma Sigma Commons on March 30, 2013.
COLORFUL CELEBRATION Hindi Holi festival welcomes all, promotes diversity Brooke Beery Senior Reporter The University of Cincinnati celebrated its third-annual Holi festival Saturday with food, cultural performances, traditional Indian games and a barrage of brightcolored powder. Hosted by the Asian American Association (AAA), a national organization that works to better the lives of Asians in the United States, the festival is normally celebrated as a part of World Fest. Due to bad weather this year, the event was pushed forward, said Shivam Kedia, a fourth-year
neuroscience student and president of UC’s AAA chapter. Holi is a seasonal festival celebrated by Hindus to welcome the coming of spring, promote diversity and break down social, racial and gender barriers. “When everyone is painted with color, you can’t tell each other’s race or gender,” said Puja Kedia, a second-year neuroscience student and member of UC’s AAA. “By eliminating discrimination, we all become one. We’re equal.” Guests were entertained with traditional Bollywood dance performances and offered a variety of Indian foods such as rice, Cholay, Naan and Gulab Jamun.
The food was sponsored by UC’s Ethnic programs and donated by New Krishna in Sharonville. “I remember starting this event as a freshman and thinking nobody would show up, and then 200 people showed up and we ran out of color in five minutes,” Kedia said. “So this year, we’ve purchased 200 pounds of color.” Before the color-throwing ceremony began, guests were divided into two groups on both sides of McMicken Commons. Each participant was given one bag of Indianmade, colored powder to use. When the signal was called, each team ran at each other in a plume of multicolored dust.
“It’s a lot of fun, besides having a chalky taste in my mouth,” said Ari Asheis, a secondyear industrial design student. “I think wearing glasses worked to my advantage.” After the color throwing, guests were divided into three groups to play traditional Holi festival games, similar to tag, including Kho-Kho, Thappa and Kabadi. The commons was then cleared and a disc jockey facilitated open-floor dancing. “We will definitely be back next year,” Shivam Kedia said. “We hope even more people will show up to help celebrate our campus’s diversity.”
Rapper continues with same old sound Lil Wayne loses creativity, lost under sucess of newer artists Christian Warner Senior Reporter Artists such as Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky and Tyler, The Creator came into the rap game recently and used their disparate styles to break into the mainstream. Then there is Lil Wayne, who has been there and done that. Once upon a time, Wayne was arguably one of the best rap artists of his generation. Now he is nothing more than a party rapper, who used up all his creativity a long time ago. The evidence is his 10th studio album “I Am Not A Human Being II.” Sometimes change is good, but not for Lil Wayne. It all started with the 2010 disaster of a rock ‘n’ roll album, “Rebirth” and sadly continues on “I Am Not A Human Being II.”
The worst songs on the album are “Hot pattern of superficial and inconsequential Revolver,” which was featured on “Rebirth,” rhymes Wayne is known for now. Wayne samples soul artist Jamie Lidell’s and“Hello,”which sounds like a leftover song song “Compass” in the chorus of “Back to from the 2010 album. The guitar riffs are You.”While Lidell’s song is a heartfelt ballad simple and mundane, the lyrics are difficult about finding a way back to loved ones, to comprehend and Wayne’s attempt at Lil Wayne devalued the song by using his singing like a rock star couldn’t be classified typical sexually explicit lyrics. as anything less than unmitigated disaster. Traveling through the rest of album The album provides some clever and with lackluster and mediocre songs such as Twitter-worthy punch lines, but when it “Trigger Finger” featuring Soulja Boy, “Beat comes to a storyline or theme, there is the Sh**” featuring Gunplay and “Wowzers,” nothing to be heard. Lil Wayne’s signature sound — someone Wayne’s rhymes get noticably worse. His flicking a lighter — introduces the first track, words are repetitive, not creative, fail to find deeper meaning and, worst of all, they are “IANAHB.” Seconds later, piano notes waver downright sophomoric. over the track and Wayne reverts away from If Wayne’s skills continue to diminish at his party-rapper style he’s now adopted — this album’s pace, he will soon be a long and but only for one song. distant memory in hip-hop. For the remaining 17 tracks there is a MANAGER.NEWSRECORD@GMAIL.COM | 513.556.5908
Photo Courtesy of MCT Campus
Life & Arts
Over the top, ‘Olympus’ has failed Movie’s overbearing plot poorly represents intended message Phil Didion Contributor
Phil Caruso | MFilm District
FALLEN FILM Rick Yune, left, and Aaron Eckhar star in “Olympus Has Fallen.”
In a poorly devised attempt to make a patriotic, American movie about fighting a Korean threat, director Antoine Fuqua (“Training Day,”“Shooter”) did nothing more than insult moviegoers, Americans, Koreans and the entire film industry. “Olympus has Fallen” stars Gerard Butler as Mike Banning, a former Presidential bodyguard who is the only man standing between Korean threat and America. The movie follows Banning as he slowly takes back the White House and attempts to rescue the President, played by Aaron Eckhart (“The Dark Knight,”“Thank You for Smoking”). “Olympus” is an overly patriotic film with American flags shoe-horned into as many scenes as possible and over-the-top
speeches about never giving up and staying united as a nation. There is nothing wrong with trying to make a film with inspirational undertones, but when the film makes Americans look so stupid the audience is laughing when it should be gripping its chairs, the movie has failed. The sheer incompetence of the characters is baffling, not to mention the unrealistic portrayal of government forces. The audience quickly becomes unattached to the plot because Butler’s Scottish accent pokes through every other line and absurd notion that the president’s life is more important than an entire nation. While the movie was supposed to be about the strength of America, all it showed was poor decision making — a weak and useless defense force — and a lot of bullet ridden, terribly computer-animated
American flags waving in slow motion. If the viewer’s ideal movie is one about Butler kicking the tar out of some terrorists, then “Olympus” might be enjoyable. The writers were able to make the audience hate the bad guys a little bit more than the good guys, but only when Butler delivers cheesy one-liners and brutally kills the enemy. That’s when it finally starts to feel like an action movie as opposed to a contrived propaganda film. Many critics have compared “Olympus” to “Die Hard,” but those critics have either never seen “Die Hard,” or they have never seen “Die Hard.” “Die Hard’s” strong dialogue, heartstopping action, special effects and interesting characters are all absent in “Olympus has Fallen,” which at best makes it a foggy reflection of the famous 1988 action film.
Talented stars fail to save newest film Tina Fey, Paul Rudd perform in unconvincing romantic comedy movie Woodrow Goldsmith Staff Reporter A talented cast including Tina Fey and Paul Rudd has trouble saving a sporadically capable director and a hackneyed script from utter mediocrity in “Admission,” the latest in a recent string
of poorly advertised, contrived comedic dramas. The trailers lead one to believe the film is a romantic comedy with Fey and Rudd at the center, and in some regards it is, but the story is really about Fey’s character Portia Nathan. Portia is a Princeton admissions officer with a dull relationship and a strict
sense of what’s right and what’s wrong. When Rudd’s character John Pressman introduces her to a boy who might be her son, Portia must reassess her personal and professional lives while the Princeton admission deadline looms. As frustrating as it is foolishly marketed, “Admission” struggles to find a consistent tone, trying to find a balance between the comedy and drama. Fey is obviously trying to expand her range, as she had nothing to do with the writing or production of the film. To be fair, her character’s arc is the center of the film and easily the most interesting part. If the movie strayed away from her romance with Rudd’s character and focused more on her career and relationship with her distant mother (the under used Lily Tomlin) and possible son (Nat Wolff), the film would have been more successful. Instead, Fey and Rudd (who are both extremely likable) have just enough scenes together to write their relationship into the synopsis, but not enough
David Lee | Focus Features
BEATING CANCER Tina Fey, left, and Paul Rudd star in “Admission”
Donor Diaries Phlebotomist comes recommended Madeline Adams Senior Reporter Some people go to a barber every other week. I go to a phlebotomist — a trained individual who draws blood — every other week. I go so often, sometimes I feel like I am on a weird spin-off version of “Cheers.” After I take the tests to see if I am healthy enough to donate, I walk back to the beds where the phlebotomists working greet me by name. The phlebotomist who draws my blood most frequently is Joan Schumacher. I distinctly remember the first time I met Schumacher because she made it a point to learn if I had a preferred nickname besides what was listed on the official paperwork. Schumacher is a third-year phlebotomist at Hoxworth Blood Center, where she works Wednesday through Friday and every other Saturday. Schumacher spent 21 years as an emergency medical technician, giving her the medical background required to work at Hoxworth. She still works part time as an EMT/firefighter. Schumacher has drawn my blood so many times, she knows which arm and which vein has the highest success rate. Schumacher and the other phlebotomists remember little details about my life we talk about from donation to donation — my love for Sherlock Holmes and statistics. I can go without donating for two weeks, but can pick up our conversations without missing a beat. Schumacher told me it feels good to get up in the morning knowing she goes to work to help people on a daily basis. One of her favorite parts of the day is getting ready before the donors arrive. One task is setting up the sophisticated equipment, which is used to centrifuge — separate — the blood into various cell types. She also mentally prepares for the day. She has to be ready for whatever comes her way. People might have a poor reaction after donating or she and the other phlebotomists might not be able to find a suitable vein to complete the donation. One of Schumacher’s favorite memories at
Hoxworth came when an autologous donor — a donor donating blood for their own use — requested to visit a platelet donor. The autologous donor received a blood transfusion a few years earlier — which saved her life — and mentioned how grateful she was for the donors. Schumacher offered to introduce her to one of the platelet donors who was in that day. The autologous donor walked over to the platelet donor with some difficulty because she was in need of surgery a few days later. There, the autologous donor met a quiet platelet donor enjoying a book as he was hooked up to the machine. The autologous donor explained her history to the platelet donor and thanked him for donating. The interaction left the platelet donor in awe, Schumacher said. All of the hours of formalities — redundant paperwork, bothersome mini-physicals, waiting for a bed to become vacant and the occasional pain of a bad needle stick — were no longer an annoyance. He was honored to receive the thank-you on behalf of the platelet community. Everyone knows when they donate, they help someone … somewhere. It is easy, however, to forget that person is real, walking around and continuing their life. This connection to the donors and the recipients is one of the main reasons Schumacher enjoys her job so much. Donors must have taken notice — and enjoyed their experience just as much — because new donors specifically request Schumacher. I would recommend Schumacher as a phlebotomist. After all, if someone is going to insert a large needle into my elbow, they might as well come highly recommended. This week is the University of Cincinnati’s second blood drive of the semester. It will be held in the Campus Recreation Center Monday through Friday between the hours of 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Donors will be given a free UC T-shirt for their generosity. For those of who still need Cincinnatus hours, an hour will be awarded to those who donate whole blood and two hours to those who donate double red or platelets. MANAGER.NEWSRECORD@GMAIL.COM | 513.556.5908
to develop a believable romance. The film’s script, written by Karen Croner, is so all over the place and scattershot none of the characters have enough scenes to develop connections with other characters, let alone break out of the two-dimensional shells they must inhabit for the duration of the movie. Perhaps its the fault of the source material — a novel of the same name by Jean Hanff Korelitz. It could also be the messy direction by Weitz, who can’t seem to decide what to do with the people involved. Or maybe it’s the fault of the studio, who seemed eager to promote the parts of the movie people would flock to. Unfortunately, those elements happen to be the least effective portions of the film. Regardless, it’s safe to say “Admission” is an exercise in what not to do with an otherwise brilliant cast. Let the actors act, but have a good enough story to back them up — otherwise, it’s just a mess.
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How will Reds fare in 2013?
Women’s track wins at home Bearcats honor Schnier in final home meet
TNR staffers weigh in on Cincinnati’s World Series chances in ’13 JOSHUA A. MILLER SPORTS EDITOR SPORTS.NEWSRECORD@GMAIL.COM
The Cincinnati Reds enter the 2013 season with by far the most talented roster of any Cincinnati pro sports team in my lifetime. After making all of the necessary moves in the offseason to improve what was already an extremely talented roster, nothing short of a pennant run should be acceptable for this team — if the Reds don’t win at least one playoff series this season, it will be Dusty Baker’s last. The Reds’ biggest issue last season was a lack of production at the leadoff spot (Read: Drew Stubbs isn’t very good at baseball). While his defense may be a concern, Shin-Soo Choo’s production at the plate will finally fill the Reds’ longterm leadoff void. There will be only two changes to this roster, Todd Frazier taking over full-time at third base and Choo in center field. Overall, both changes are upgrades. With the entire pitching staff returning and Johnny Cueto returning from a Cy Young caliber year, Cincinnati should have one of the better rotations and bullpens in the league. Aroldis Chapman’s refusal to become a starter leaves Mike Leake with a great deal of responsibility as the fifth starter. His performance this year will dictate weather Cincinnati wins 90 or 100 games this year — if only the Astros hadn’t left for the American league, it surely would have been 100. Prediction: 95 wins, N.L Central Champs. I can only assume that the Reds will lose at some point in the playoffs, and that it will be agonizingly painful to watch. ANNIE MOORE SPORTS EDITOR
A disappointing end to last season has left a sense of anticipation around Great American Ball Park. Cincinnati has won its division two of the last three years, but has failed to seal the deal in October. The Reds had one of the best starting rotations in the league last year, and looked to add to it this off-season with the addition of the Cuban Missile Crisis, but Chapman was put back in his place at closer. Johnny Cueto, Mat Latos and Homer Bailey should once again anchor the Redlegs rotation, and Bronson Arroyo and Mike Leake will have solid seasons as well. No doubt the addition of Chapman could’ve stacked the rotation even more, but his presence in the ninth inning is unmatched. The LHP recorded 38 saves last season and looks to improve on that number this season. Solid offensive performances from Brandon Phillips and Jay Bruce will be as excellent as we’ve come to expect and the MLB’s golden boy, Votto will once again lead the team’s offense. Prediction: Win the NL Central and fall short, again. Anyone else miss the Big Red Machine? JASON M. HOFFMAN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF SPORTS.NEWSRECORD@GMAIL.COM
It’s time for the Cincinnati Reds to produce and get past the divisional round of the playoffs or else look at new leadership in the clubhouse. Dusty Baker is the oft-persecuted manager who has led teams to the brink of titles in San Francisco and Chicago, but never won. Now in his sixth season with baseball’s first professional club, it’s do-or-die time for Baker. The need to win now is probably one of the main motivating factors in the Cuban Missile Crisis going back to the bullpen instead of starting is because Baker knows there are a lot of saves in that left arm, but innings as a starting pitcher are a big question mark. This year’s Reds have the talent and depth at all positions and one of baseball’s best bullpens, but will only go as far as the offense can take it. The National League Central isn’t going to be a difficult division, but it seems as though the road to the World Series is going to go through the Washington Nationals. If the Reds stay healthy and improve on offense, it should win more than 90 games. Prediction: Reds go 92-70 and lose World Series to Oakland Athletics.
SET FOR TAKEOFF University of Cincinnati pole vaulter Alyssa McBride takes off down the runway during UC’s meet at Gettler Stadium Saturday. JOSHUA A. MILLER SPORTS EDITOR SPORTS.NEWSRECORD@GMAIL.COM
Saturday marked the end of an era for the University of Cincinnati track and field program, as long-time men’s head coach Bill Schnier coached his final home meet for UC at the Oliver Nikoloff Invitational. Paced by record-breaking performances from pole vaulters Mackenzie Fields and Josh Dangel, the UC women’s and men’s teams took home first and third place, respectively. “Mackenzie Fields in the pole vault was spectacular, that’s one of the top heights
in the country right now,” Schnier said. “Josh Dangel got a new stadium record with an amazing jump. I’m really proud of the two pole vaulters and coach Chris Mack for coaching them so well.” Dangel’s jump of 17 feet, 6.25 inches — currently the sixth best mark in the nation — set the Gettler Stadium record, which was previously set by Notre Dame’s Kevin Schipper in 2010. Fields tied for the second-best vault in the nation so far this season, with a school and stadium record jump of 14 feet, 1.25 inches. “I was really excited just to break the 14foot barrier,” Fields said. “Once I was up to
the next height I was just enjoying it.” Schnier, who will retire at the end of the season after 33 years at the helm of UC’s track program, was honored by UC director of athletics Whit Babcock during the meet. UC’s women dominated the meet with 216.50 points, 70 points clear of secondplace Miami’s 146.50 points. Dayton took third with 112 points. Other individual winners for the women were Frida Akerstrom in the hammer throw (172 feet, 6 inches), Mary Bridges in the discuss throw (160 feet), Shanay Portis in the long jump (19 feet, 1.25 inches), Erika Hurd in the high jump (5 feet, 8 inches), Kenya Woodall in the 400-meter dash (55.41 seconds), Javette Lee in the 400-meter hurdles (1 minute and 2.38 seconds) and Morgan Gordon in the 200-meter dash (24.66 seconds). The Women’s 4X100-meter relay team of Gordon, Portis, Woodall and Shanice Smith also took first place in a time of 45.79 seconds. Despite winning seven of the meet’s 21 total events, UC’s mens team (184.50 points) was barely edged out by Southeast Missouri (196 points) and Miami (189 points). Taking home individual victories for the men’s team were Colin Cotton in the 10,000-meter run (29 minutes and 50 seconds), Kyle Kubera in the decathlon (6,538 points), Michael Nwankwo in the triple jump (49 feet, 7.75 inches), Dailyn Moore in the 110-meter hurdles (14.29 seconds), Darnell Gilbert in the 400-meter dash (47.55 seconds) and the 200-meter dash (22.17 seconds) and Bryan Cain in 400-meter hurdles ( 54.41 seconds.) “We had an awesome day today,” said UC women’s head coach Susan Seaton. “We really preformed well, had great marks, great weather and great spirit. We beat Miami by almost 100 points, so that is a great track meet for us. We’re ready to go to south Florida and try to beat up on them a little next week.” UC will compete again Friday in Tampa, Fla. for the South Florida Collegiate Invitational.
UC lacrosse defeats Detroit Bearcats win first game at Sheakley Athletics Center JAELYNNE JOHNSON CONTRIBUTOR SPORTS.NEWSRECORD@GMAIL.COM
The University of Cincinnati lacrosse team, playing without senior defender Katelyn Wettig, defeated the Detroit Titans in its inaugural home game at the Sheakley Athletics Center Friday night to improve its home record to 4-0. “Today was a really sad, but emotional day for our team,” said UC head coach Gina Oliver. “One of our seniors, Katelynn Wettig and her family are going through a really tough time right now and she’s not here with us. We made this game about her and her family and you could tell that’s who we were playing for out there.”
Katie Kiriazoglou gave UC an early 1-0 lead from an assist from Ashley Helmrath before Detroit’s Erin Campbell scored her first goal of the day just minutes later. 1-1 would be the game’s only tie. UC finished the second half on a 6-0 run to take a 7-1 lead into halftime. The Bearcats wasted no time increasing its lead in the second half. Just 30 seconds after halftime, junior Taylor Young netted a goal to give the Bearcats an 8-1 lead. The Titans responded with a 3-2 scoring run over the next 10 minutes to cut UC’s lead to 10-4. Kiriazoglou, who paced the Bearcat offense with four goals and two assists, propelled UC to a 6-2 run to finish the game.
“Kelsey Conway definitely stepped up, her and Ally Van Sloun on defense [and] you could tell that Marrisa Pierson and Katie Kiriazoglou stepped up and played well for Wettig, those are her two closest teammates on the team,” Oliver said. Cincinnati reached double-digits for the fifth time this season, scoring on 16-of-31 shots in Friday night’s game. The Bearcats will play Marquette at 7 p.m. Friday, April 5 at the Sheakley Athletics Center. “We’re coming off a good confidence booster here, playing the way we played,” Oliver said. “We’re looking forward to getting back in the Big East and proving we have a lot to be done.”
UC drops series to St. John’s Misfortunes continue for Bearcats in close games ANNIE MOORE SPORTS EDITOR
The University of Cincinnati baseball team dropped a three-game series to the St. Johns Red Storm this weekend, winning one game 6-5 and losing the other two 6-5 and 7-4. The Bearcats opened the series with a 6-5 loss in the first game of Thursday’s double-header. Freshman RHP Conner Walsh started the game and allowed five runs on three hits, all in the second inning. UC made a comeback from a four-run deficit to tie the score at 5-5 in the top of the eighth, but the St. John’s responded with a run of its own in the bottom of the eighth to go ahead 6-5. Sophomore RHP Art Warren pitched two innings for the Bearcats and allowed just one run on two hits with threes strikeouts. The Bearcat pitchers walked five and hit one batter. UC came back and won the second game of the day, 6-5, to even the series at 1-1. Junior infielder Ryan Quinn led the Bearcats with a season-high two RBI’s and scored the go-ahead run in the eighth. The Bearcats once again came back from a deficit, scoring three runs in the fifth and eighth innings after the RedStorm took an early five-run lead. Freshmen Forrest Perron, Ian Happ, Woody Wallace and junior Matt Williams all drove in one run each for UC, to add to the team total of eight hits and five walks. Freshman RHP Mitch Patishall took the mound to start the second game and allowed five runs, all un-earned, in four and one-thirds innings. Senior LHP Thomas Gentile relieved and threw two and twothirds innings, striking out three and allowing two hits to get the win. UC lost the final game of the series Saturday afternoon. The Bearcats saw yet another close opportunity slip away, as Williams and freshman Devin Wenzel both hit into a fielders choices with the bases loaded and the go ahead run at the plate to end the game. The Bearcats fell behind after a St. Johns three-run fifth, which was given up by freshman RHP Austin Pritchard in his first collegiate start. Pritchard allowed four runs on five hits with one strikeout in four
and one thirds innings. Warren came in to relieve him in the fifth and allowed three consecutive hits before being replaced by redshirt freshman RHP Bryan Chenoweth. UC cut the deficit to 7-3 after two runs
in the eighth, but it wouldn’t be enough to comeback as the Bearcats fell 7-4. Bearcat baseball will be back in action at Wright State Tuesday, then returns home to face the Toledo Wednesday.
WORK IN PROGRESS University of Cincinnati senior pitcher Thomas Gentile throws against New York Tech earlier this season.