THE INdependent student newspaper at the university of cincinnati
Vol. CXXX Issue 79
thursday , may 13, 2010 cyclones win game 7 Cincinnati advances to the Kelly Cup finals with miraculous series comeback. page 6
new details in the alleged campus sexual assault A representative from the University of Cincinnati Women’s Center has met with the victim of an alleged sexual assault that occurred at a parking garage near the Richard E. Lindner center last weekend. Amy Howton, the sexual assault response coordinator at UC, has discussed options concerning the incident with the victim, said Gene Ferrara, UC Police Division chief. The victim has the option of bringing criminal, student code of conduct charges or can opt to not pursue any type of action against the assailant, Ferrara said. UCPD has spoken with friends of the victim regarding details of her activities on the night of Friday, May 7. The friends provided UCPD with a description of the male that the victim left with from a Corryville bar. UCPD is trying to contact the individual regarding the incident. The man is not considered a suspect at this time, said Ferrara.
legally blonde
presidential adieu SG President Tim Lolli reflects on his time at the university. page 2
Legally Blonde proves to be a crowdpleasing musical revisioning. page 4
Streetcar gets plugged at UC david schuler the news record
sam greene | the news record
MAKING THE CASE UC alumnus John Schneider attempts to rally support for the streetcar.
John Schneider, UC alumnus and the chairman of the Alliance for Regional Transit pitched his favorable position on the Cincinnati streetcar plan to the UC Faculty Club Wednesday, May 12. Laying out the current plan and dispelling some assumptions about the streetcar proposal were the focus of Schneider’s presentation. He began by listing off facts about some potential demographic shifts and hints that our traditional methods of transportation might need changing. “Vehicle miles traveled peaked in 2004, and car ownership per capita will fall in 2010,” Schneider said, citing census reports. Schneider also worked to frame the streetcar as a development project that could reenergize downtown.
“Our goal is to repopulate the city of Cincinnati.” —john schneider
Alliance for regional transit chairman
“This returns vitality to the streets. You give people new opportunities to make money and start businesses,” Schneider said. The Downtown Loop section of the streetcar is projected to cost $102 million, and many people skeptical of that high price tag think the city would be better served by addressing road conditions and instead simply redecorating a few buses and painting lines on the pavement to designate the same route, but see streetcar | page 3
do you have fish tacos?
UC student charged with felony assault against CPD officers A University of Cincinnati student literally fought the law and is now facing felony assault charges. Sarah Knigga, 23, a student at UC’s College-Conservatory of Music, is accused of assaulting two Cincinnati police officers that responded to her apartment at 451 Ludlow Ave. Monday, May 10. The officers were responding to the apartment concerning another alleged assault by Knigga on a male, Charles Reid, 24. Knigga is accused of punching and scratching Reid, according to police reports. CPD officers were attempting to apprehend Knigga when she allegedly kicked one officer in the right knee, SARAH KNIGGA knocking him to the ground. Knigga then allegedly threw a table at the other officer and kicked him in the head. Knigga now faces three counts of fifth-degree felony assault and a second-degree misdemeanor charge of resisting arrest. There has been no judge assigned yet to the case involving the CPD officers. The incident is not Knigga’s first brush with authorities. Capias warrants — warrants issued by a civil court — were issued by the city for her arrest in April 2008 for failing to pay three traffic citations, according to records from the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts. Knigga was arraigned in Hamilton County Court Tuesday, May 11, and released on her own recognizance. Hamilton County Judge Fanon Rucker has been assigned to oversee the case regarding Knigga’s alleged assault against Reid. index
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Campus crime rates plummet 50% james sprague the news record
Despite budget cuts and less personnel, the University of Cincinnati Police Division has steadily lowered crime rates on campus. Recent statistics gathered by UCPD have shown criminal activity at the university, which hovered at approximately 800 reported incidents in 1997 and 1998, has been cut almost in half with 432 reported crimes in 2009. The decline occurred in spite of various budget cuts and smaller staff at UCPD in the past 12 years, said Gene Ferrara, chief of UCPD. “[UCPD] has actually shrunk,” Ferrara said. Ferrara recounted how the division, which he
gin a. ando the news record
MOBILE MEXICAN MEALS UC students frequent Señor Roy’s Taco Patrol truck in the pouring rain on McMicken Commons Wednesday, May 12. Señor Roy’s first appeared in the Cincinnati area in 2009, making appearances at places like Molly Malone’s and downtown.
“We are quite proud with what we’ve been able to accomplish.” —GENE FERRARA UCPD chief
joined in 1978, had two police chiefs — one for West Campus and one for the Academic Health Center – two lieutenants for each campus and one public safety director. Through consolidation and personnel cuts two of the lieutenant positions and one of the police chief positions were eliminated, in addition to uniformed officer positions, Ferrara said.
“The University protected us when they could,” Ferrara said in regards to the budget cuts. Statistics compiled by the FBI illustrate how UCPD has been able to do more with less. In a comparison with 13 other urban universities comparable in size, it was found that there is an average of 465 students to one public safety officer at UC. The other 13 universities, which included institutions such as the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, the University of Kentucky and The Ohio State University, averaged 341 students per one public safety officer. Further research by the FBI showed that in see crime | page 3
Lolli says goodbye, SG pushes new ideas
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coulter loeb | the news record
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The University of Cincinnati’s Undergraduate Student Government welcomed some new faces, Wednesday, May 12, and said goodbye to a familiar one. Wednesday night’s meeting marked outgoing student body President Tim Lolli’s final report to senate. Lolli mentioned many things he said he hopes come to fruition with the new SG administration. Among them, SG obtained thousands of rubber bracelets to help promote the Proudly Pennies campaign, Lolli said. Lolli and SG also started the Shiny Penny Car Wash campaign, in which local dealerships are teaming up with UC to help raise money.
SG’s executives were also working on another step in how students acquire and use textbooks. The Rent-a-Text program aims to allow students to utilize the official UC bookstore’s catalog instead of relying on students renting or swapping with other students. The projected cost will be approximately 50 percent of the listed price of the textbook to rent it out for one quarter. Students will be able to “order” the book online and pick it up at the bookstore. Putting the program into action might also increase student jobs on campus, Lolli said. More information about
see sg | page 3 sam greene | the news record
take a bow Outgoing student body President Tim Lolli delivered his final report to Student Government Wednesday, May 12, but has big plans for SG’s future commitments.
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the Rent-a-Text pilot will be discussed June 17 at the Kingsgate Marriott during the Campus Service Showcase. The program will feature approximately 20 percent of the bookstore’s full index of texts, but within one or two years of the launch, Rent-a-Text will afford students the ability to rent any book within the store, Lolli said. SG also took steps toward replacing the outdated and nonexistent Special Interest Collaborative with the Student Diversity Collaborative, a group
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