Renowned diversity expert visits UC in wake of racist cartoon Georgetown professor discusses breaking silence surrounding racism ALEXIS O’BRIEN CHIEF REPORTER
To combat issues of racism that recently surfaced at the University of Cincinnati, Georgetown University sociology professor Michael Eric Dyson spoke to the UC community Wednesday night about breaking the silence surrounding racism. After a derogatory cartoon depicting two university leaders circulated around the university’s campus in mid-September, UC President Santa Ono, Provost Beverly Davenport and Interim Chief Diversity Officer Bluzette Marshall reached out to Dyson, who is a renowned diversity expert. “It’s been a hard couple weeks for this
community, let’s be honest,” Ono said during the event. “Institutions of higher education are places where everyone should feel equal, where everyone should feel safe to say what they feel, and tonight is a small step, but a very important step for us to heal as a community.” More than 500 people listened to Dyson speak in the Great Hall at Tangeman University Center about the positive outcomes that come from constructive dialogue that challenges narrow conceptions of the status quo. He said the silence surrounding racism must be broken for shared humanity to be acknowledged, judgment to be suspended and truth to be applied. “Silence fills the gaps because of shifts in power that change the rules,” Dyson said. “The way stuff used to be is brought
into question, and the way things are challenge a static belief in a fixed past.” During the open forum portion of the event, one student asked how he was supposed to believe the university is sincere in its efforts, “considering the [university’s] dwindling number of minority students, and graduation gaps.” According to the most recent UC undergraduate enrollment statistics, 24,033 students are white, 2,736 are black, 845 are Asian and 725 are Hispanic out of a total population of 31,719 undergraduate students during the 2012 autumn semester. Ono responded by promising to do everything he can to increase diversity at UC. “I’m not happy with where we are, and SEE DIVERSITY PG 2
MADISON SCHMIDT CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Michael Eric Dyson at Wednesday’s event in TUC.
investments in faculty, students BEN GOLDSCHMIDT NEWS EDITOR
While previous University of Cincinnati presidents’ legacies were investments in “brick and mortar,” President Santa Ono said he wants his to be in faculty and students. Ono met with the UC faculty Tuesday and talked about the future he sees for UC, and how he plans to invest in that future. To back up his promise to faculty and students, Ono announced UC is close to reaching a “fair contract” between faculty represented by the American Association of University Professors and UC. “[To] invest in people, it’s going to cost a lot of money,” Ono said. He and UC Provost Beverly Davenport stressed that it will be necessary to go through the budget and cut where redundancy or inefficiency exists. “We are very good at coming up with new ideas,” Davenport said. “We aren’t very good at letting go of old ones. So we just keep adding and adding.” Richard Miller, chairman of the faculty senate, said it’s easy to have doubts when it comes to talking about the budget. “I’ve been here for 25 years,” Miller said. “We’ve had budget cuts for 24 of them, so I understand it’s easy to get cynical.” PHIL DIDION PHOTO EDITOR Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, left, returned to her hometown of Cincinnati to discuss the potential benefits Obamacare could bring the city.
Informing public next big hurdle for Affordable Care Act, many uninsured BEN GOLDSCHMIDT NEWS EDITOR
As more and more people look for health care on the open exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act, officials are finding it hard to convince young people to sign up for coverage. Cincinnati health experts and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius shared some troubles and triumphs of the ACC at a panel discussion at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College Wednesday. As the Dec. 15 deadline approaches for those looking to receive coverage starting Jan. 1, local experts are looking for ways to educate, expand outreach and inform people about the law commonly called Obamacare. “That’s the challenge for us right now,” said Noble Maseru, Cincinnati Health Commissioner. Maseru is working to get the estimated 43,000 uninsured Cincinnatians signed up for insurance through the exchange. That challenge expands when it comes to 18 to 26 year olds. “For 18 to 26, 36 year olds, it’s about the same. About 15 percent of them are without insurance,” Maseru said. “Most of these folks feel that they’re invincible, they don’t need insurance. But what is more important there that I’d like to touch on … are the economic effects.”
The number one reason for foreclosures is due to mounting health bills given to the uninsured, and millions of public dollars are spent giving care to the uninsured, he said. “Most [young people] are so pragmatic, they think, ‘What’s it going to cost me?’” Sebelius said. “The fact is, six to 10 folks who find a plan [through the exchange] will find one for about $100 or less a month. Put that into perspective with a cell phone bill or cable bill.” Sebelius, a Cincinnati native, said young people should care about the bill because no one knows when they’re “going to trip on the basketball court or get hit by a car.” She mentioned a young person she met when the health-care exchange opened in early October who “wasn’t a fan of the president” and the law. “He said, and this is a direct quote, that he could solve any problem with a BandAid and a six pack,” Sebelius said. “Later on, he got lead poisoning, and had to pay thousands in health-care bills.” He later found a plan that worked for him through the exchange, though he never quite warmed up to the law or the president, Sebelius said. Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory, on the other hand, is a fan of the law and stressed the impact it will have on the city. “There are going to be tens of thousands of people in this area who will sign up for health care — some of them for the first time in their lives,” Mallory said. “This is a big deal for Cincinnati.” The percent of Ohio’s uninsured
population is about even with the national average of 15 percent. Maseru pointed out that eight of 10 individuals who come to the Cincinnati Health Department for help are working citizens, despite the assumption that the uninsured don’t work. Maseru said he had issues getting people signed up for coverage after enrollment opened Oct. 1 because the website (www.healthcare.gov) was crashing and some people reported having issues. Sebelius came under fire for the site’s malfunctions, but she assured those at the panel that things are up and running and more improvements are coming.
PHIL DIDION PHOTO EDITOR Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory at Wednesday’s event.
Request would remove UC from Emery ownership ALEXIS O’BRIEN CHIEF REPORTER
The Emery Theatre revival organization that is suing the University of Cincinnati for rights to building restoration filed an amended complaint requesting UC’s removal from the theatre’s ownership. In the complaint filed in the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas Tuesday, the Requiem Project said UC should no longer have control of the building because, “UC has proved to be an unfit custodian.” The complaint also claims UC didn’t uphold the wishes of the theatre’s funder, Mary Emery. When funding the theatre’s construction in 1908, “Emery stipulated that the building was to contain a fine assembly and concert hall, which would be available to the community as well as to the school,” according to the complaint. UC has owned the Emery since the 1970s but has offered to give it to the city of Cincinnati, as long as the university’s interests are preserved. The city has not yet accepted UC’s proposal.
Kenyan mall attack prompts talks at UC, experts talk possible policy solutions Panel discussion from UC, Xavier raises questions over American military involvement throughout Africa CASSIE MERINO STAFF REPORTER
John Kalubi (left) and fellow panelists from UC and Xavier University discuss terrorism in Africa at TUC on Monday.
Terror attacks at a Kenyan shopping mall in mid-September sent waves of horror throughout the world, spreading as far as the University of Cincinnati, where a panel convened to discuss possible solutions to Africa’s terrorism problem Monday. “I was a little reluctant because whenever you hear about Africa it’s always something negative, and terrorism is in that fold. But it is a topic we should talk about especially in light of the incident in Kenya a few weeks ago,” said Joseph Takougang, a Africana Studies history professor and associate dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs at UC. While the event was spurred by the
deadly attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya that claimed 67 lives, terrorism has become a common theme in most Africans’ lives, said panelist John Kalubi, a field service associate professor of African diaspora literatures at UC. The religious-based terrorism that we know today in the U.S. began in Africa in the late 1900s, but it is not the only form of terrorism, Kalubi said. Africa is also dealing with state terrorism, which has claimed the most lives. From 1997 to today, 18 million people have died. Three major “wicked” factors are responsible for African terrorism: the United State’s “imperialist” reach, foreign influences and “wait-hood,” which is the time period between childhood and adulthood when Africans are susceptible to turn to terrorism, said Kathleen Smythe, history professor at Xavier University. The U.S. has bases all across Africa SEE AFRICA PG 2
2 / NEWS
Senate deal clears way to reopen government, avoid debt crisis After long, contentious debate, bill ending government shutdonwn passes MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS
WASHINGTON — The nation stepped back from the brink of default Wednesday as Senate leaders of both parties reached a deal and voted to reopen the federal government and raise the debt ceiling, and House leaders said they would not stand in its way. The Senate approved the proposal crafted by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on an 81-18 vote Wednesday night. Twenty-seven Republicans joined Democrats in backing the bill. The measure immediately moved to the House of Representatives, where Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he would allow a vote later in the evening. It was expected to pass with support from a mix of Democrats and Republicans. “We fought the good fight. We just didn’t win,” said Boehner. President Barack Obama, who spoke after the Senate vote, thanked Democrats and Republicans for their work and said he would sign the measure “immediately,” to reopen the government and “begin to lift this cloud of uncertainty and unease from our businesses and from the American people.” Obama’s remarks came before the House vote. He said he would have more to say Thursday, declaring, “There’s a lot of work ahead of us, including our need to earn back the trust of the American people that’s been lost over the last few weeks.” Obama suggested his focus will return to a stalled immigration overhaul, passing a farm bill and the federal budget. “We could get all these things done even this year, if everybody comes together in a spirit of, how are we going to move this country forward and put the last three weeks behind us?” he said.
Obama thanked congressional leaders for reaching a resolution, but he added, “Hopefully next time it won’t be in the eleventh hour. One of the things that I said throughout this process is, we’ve got to get out of the habit of governing by crisis.” He took no questions but turned and said “No” when a reporter asked whether the deal meant he and Congress would be back in the same place in three months. The expected approval by Congress would reopen the shuttered parts of the government after 16 days and end for now the stalemate that started when House Republicans refused to approve funding for the government past Oct. 1 unless the Senate and Obama agreed to defund the new Affordable Care Act, dubbed Obamacare. It also would temporarily extend the government debt ceiling. The government was expected to run out of borrowing authority Thursday evening, raising the specter of default. “The eyes of the world have been in Washington all week,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “And while they witnessed a great deal of political discord, today they’ll see Congress reaching historic bipartisan agreement to reopen government and avoid default on the nation’s bills.” The compromise appeared to be a victory for Democrats, as the health care law was left relatively unscathed. Under the deal, the government would be funded through Jan. 15 and the $16.7 trillion debt ceiling would be increased until Feb. 7. A bipartisan House-Senate conference committee — co-chaired by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray, D-Wash., and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis. — would work on larger budget issues. The committee will have until Dec. 13 to complete its work and report to Congress. McConnell said Republicans managed to preserve tenants of the 2011 Budget Control Act, which includes the mandatory
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Charles Shumer speak after passing bill ending the federal shutdown.
domestic and defense cuts known as sequestration. “That’s been a top priority for me and for my colleagues on the Republican side of the aisle throughout this debate,” he said. “And it’s been worth the effort.” Still, McConnell acknowledged that Republicans came up short. “This is far less than many of us had hoped for, frankly,” McConnell said. “But it’s far better than what some had sought. Now it’s time for Republicans to unite behind other crucial goals.” Boehner also talked about preserving the Budget Control Act in announcing that he would not stand in the way of a House vote on the Senate plan. “Blocking the bipartisan agreement reached today by members of the Senate will not be a tactic for us,” Boehner said. “In addition to the risk of default, doing so would open the door for the Democratic majority in Washington to raise taxes again on the American people and undo the spending caps in the 2011 Budget
Control Act without replacing them with better spending cuts.” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who was at the forefront of the plan to tie government funding to a demand to defund Obamacare, signaled that he would not block a vote on the Reid-McConnell compromise. “I have no objections of the timing of this vote, and the reason is simple,” Cruz said when asked whether he would filibuster the plan. “There’s nothing to be gained from delaying this vote one day or two days, the outcome will be the same.” That said, Cruz blasted the deal, calling it a victory for the Washington establishment. “The deal that has been cut provides no relief to the millions of Americans who are hurting because of Obamacare,” he said. “This is unfortunate, but nobody should be surprised that the Washington establishment is pushing back. Nobody should be surprised at the resistance to change.”
There is cautious optimism as US, Iran set date for more nuclear talks
Talks intensive, important; officials hopeful long term solution possible MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS
GENEVA — After the most “intense, detailed, straightforward and candid” talks with Iran in many years, U.S. officials voiced cautious hope Wednesday that a peaceful resolution will be found to the long-running dispute over its nuclear program. U.S. negotiators declined to use the word “breakthrough” to describe the two days of meetings here in Geneva between top officials of the newly elected Iranian
we’re working to bring in grants and programs to try to increase the number of students of all colors and of all definitions of diversity,” he said. “I will work hard going forward.” Eric Muechen, a student member of
government and representatives of the United States and its negotiating partners, Russia, China and three European powers. But Western officials appeared buoyed by the meetings, and the six world powers announced in a joint statement with Iran that talks will resume here Nov. 7. In the intervening weeks, technical experts will meet to explore the details of a new proposal from Iran, which is seeking relief from tough economic sanctions in exchange for a verifiable commitment not to build a nuclear weapon. Catherine Ashton, the European Union’s chief diplomat, said the talks here were “very intensive” and “very important.” She said both sides had had the opportunity to talk in “much greater detail than ever before, to answer each other’s questions.” The head of the U.S. delegation, Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman, didn’t comment for the record, but a senior official summed up the U.S. reaction in unusually hopeful terms. “We are beginning that kind of negotiation to get to a place where, in fact, one can imagine that you could possibly have an agreement,” the official said, speaking only on the condition of anonymity under the rules of the briefing. In Washington, the White House said the Iranian proposal contained a “level of seriousness and substance that we have not seen before.” Iranian officials delivered a slightly more ambiguous message. Javad Zarif, the country’s foreign minister, speaking in English, said the talks showed that “both sides are serious about finding” a peaceful resolution, and that he hoped Western officials would take back to their governments the message that Iran “is interested in resolving this the UC Racial Awareness Program, and other students echoed Dyson’s message and agreed that issues of racism deserved increased conversation. “It’s our responsibility to stand up for social injustice and to defy the social norms and status quos we’re all restricted by,” Muechen said.
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issue.” Switching to Farsi, he said Iran “was insisting on our rights in the context of the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty,” wording that’s usually taken to mean that Iran would insist on continuing to enrich uranium. Iran’s unrestricted enrichment of uranium has helped fuel the impasse with the United States and the other world powers. Iran has a stockpile of 6.7 metric tons — 7.3 short tons — of so-called lowenriched 5 percent uranium and some 185 kilograms — 407 pounds — of uranium enriched to 20 percent, a level from which it would be far easier to produce weaponsgrade uranium, which is 95 percent enriched. Asked to explain Zarif’s remarks, his deputy, Abbas Araqchi, said, “Iraq has the right to continue nuclear enrichment, but it does not mean we cannot find a solution for any concern which is attached to those rights.” Araqchi went on to say the talks might produce a rapid result. “If there is enough good will on both sides,” he said, “we can conclude negotiations in a matter of three to six months.” Briefing reporters, the senior U.S. official had a more tempered view. “We are far apart,” the official said. “There is no question, as much detail as we got (from Iran), we need a considerable amount more detail.” The official added, “The devil is truly in the details” on this issue. “How will (any agreement) be verified? What’s the scope? What’s the nature of it? Who will get it done? There’s just tons and tons of detail for every step you want to take.” Ashton said this was the first time that
Iran and the six major powers had issued a joint statement, but it was in fact the second occasion in 18 months, after talks in Istanbul in April 2012. That meeting led to a round of talks in Baghdad, Moscow and Almaty, Kazakhstan, that then sputtered to a halt, leading to the current impasse. What’s different this time is that Iran has a new government led by reformist cleric Hasan Rouhani, and the delegation arrived after publicly declaring that solutions could be found to all aspects of the dispute. The atmosphere seemed more relaxed than during the Istanbul talks, where Iranian diplomats represented the hard-line regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Zarif, who attended college and graduate school in the United States and then served as Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations, conducted the entire two-day discussion in English. “The pace of the discussions is much better, and it creates the ability to have a back and forth one must have if you want to have a negotiation,” the senior U.S. official said. Zarif, who arrived in Geneva complaining of acute back pain, was seated in a wheelchair and had to be helped to the podium to speak. His affliction gave Sherman and other officials the opportunity to advise him on how to treat it. “There isn’t one among us who doesn’t have a back problem” as a result of extensive travel in cramped airline seats, the senior U.S. official said. “Everybody had a back story for him, books he should read, things he might try.” Zarif’s solution Wednesday was treatment by an acupuncturist. But there was no sign that it was working.
and although it has helped some African states defend themselves against enemies, there has been far more violence and terrorism than before, Smythe said. “The U.S. military is gearing up to be involved in not just a few Sahelian countries, but the latest reports coming out of the last nine months are that as many as 35 African countries in 2014 will be supported by the U.S. military,” Smythe said. The U.S. military is planning to move drones in, which is one reason why Somalians are not happy with the U.S., Smythe said. “We need to keep things in perspective because this type of terrorism really is not the greatest threat to civilians in Africa at the current time,” said Rebecca Sanders, assistant professor of political science at UC.. “And therefore we need to keep a broader perspective on human security and violence and the type of factors which undermine human rights.”
Joseph Takougang at Monday’s panel discussion.
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Debut dash raises more than 28K for scholarships
More than 200 people took their marks for the UC Blue Ash Dash 5K Run/Walk for Scholarships Saturday, which took participants across the 135-acre campus and part of Plainfield Road. The event exceeded expectations in terms of both participants and money raised, bringing in more than $28,000 for UCBA’s scholarship fund.
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash hosts 5K Run/Walk for Scholarships to help students reach academic goals EMILY BEGLEY COLLEGE LIFE EDITOR
Runners and walkers looped the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash (UCBA) campus Saturday during an inaugural Bearcat bash that raised money for scholarships. Through a combination of entry fees and additional donations, the UC Blue Ash Dash 5K Run/Walk for Scholarships raised $28,595 for UCBA’s scholarship fund, said race director and UCBA director of development Meredith Delaney. The college currently offers 40 different scholarships for its students. In addition to serving as a primary fundraiser, the event fostered a sense of community that the campus strives to extend throughout the year. “We created the event as a way to build loyalty amongst students, faculty, staff, alumni and the general community,” Delaney said. More than 200 participants weaved through a course that toured the 135-acre campus and part of Plainfield Road. The chilling morning gave way to crisp fall weather that provided prime conditions for the event. “It was a lot of fun,” said third-year psychology student and UCBA student ambassador Suzanne White. “It was great interacting with the other students and feeling like I accomplished something.” The course comprised only part of the
UC Smiles: preventing childhood tooth decay
event; participants teamed up to compete for the fastest time, measured by chips attached to their shoes. Teams contained at least four people and divisions were divided by age. Izak Velasquez of Fort Thomas, Ky. took home first place overall with a net running time of 16 minutes and 35 seconds, according to official results. Leslie Kraus
“We created the event as a way to build loyalty amongst students, faculty, staff, alumni and the general community.”
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Meredith Delaney, UCBA director of development
was the overall female winner in the running division with a time of 18 minutes and 59 seconds. In the walking division, Brett Rankey clocked the fastest male time at 40 minutes and 40 seconds and Pat Darling took the top female spot at 36 minutes and 15 seconds. “A lot of people are interested in being healthy and being fit,” said Priscilla Turner, a second-year nursing student and UCBA student ambassador. “[The race] is a great way to be involved with campus, faculty and students.” The turnout more than satisfied UCBA’s goals for the event, Delany said, exceeding expectations in both participation and funds.
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Education students are combatting the most common chronic illness among children with a distinct University of Cincinnati Blue Ash (UCBA) program introduced in 2010. Students, staff and faculty join forces to educate elementary students about dental and physical health during UC Smiles, which will bring third and fifth graders from Middletown’s Creekview Elementary School to UCBA Oct. 18. Tooth decay is four times more common than early childhood obesity, five times more common than asthma and 20 times more common than diabetes, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. UC Smiles strives to inspire children to obtain a college education while also receiving necessary access to dental care. Students will be given a campus tour and visit UCBA’s dental hygiene clinic, where they will have the opportunity to receive a free check-up.The third and fifth graders will additionally attend a short presentation about the importance of physical activity, which will be led by UC education students. “I personally get to become one of four students who come up with a lesson plan about physical activity to teach to about 60 kids ranging from grades three to five,” said Christine Szabo, a second-year education student at UC.“I literally get to become a teacher, and for the first time I get to understand what it means to be in that position.” Students have been working to create lesson plans for the event and will hand out pedometers in an effort to encourage physical activity. “I hope to get a little more confidence about talking with children and teaching them,” said Shannon Knutson, a second-year early childhood education student at UC. By providing free check-ups to students in need of dental care as well as an opportunity for education students to gain experience in teaching, UC Smiles provides a wide array of benefits. “As a second-year all I have been able to do thus far is observe a classroom and student behavior,” Szabo said.“This time I get handson experience and that, to me, is an amazing opportunity. To carry out our own lesson plan and facilitate it the way we want to is incredible.”
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Article carries various grooming items not found anywhere else in Cincinnati.
Article joins bustling Over-the-Rhine shopping community, boosts confidence with clothing SARAH MULLINS STAFF REPORTER
A new men’s clothing and accessory store in the heart of Over-the-Rhine empowers its customers by making them confident about what they wear. “Guys have to go into a store that essentially caters primarily to women
and go to the back of the shop,” store owner Anthony Graziani said. “I’m from [Cincinnati] and I know that the men of this city deserve a better store than what’s offered at the malls right now.” Article is located on the corner of Vine and E. 12th Streets across from the ever-popular Taste of Belgium. The storefront blends in with the building, but a vintage motorcycle in the window and the building’s wall of stacked wood is hard to miss. Article has an urban sense that makes it seem as if customers are shopping in Brooklyn, NY. Employees clad in stylish attire assist customers and offer steaming cups of coffee to guests. An earthy scent of men’s grooming products is soothing and calming. In the center of the store, distressed leather chairs beg shoppers to kick back and flip through a hefty stack of magazines. Graziani decided to take on Article — a three-year project — to provide a greater selection of men’s clothing than is typically available at retail chains. Graziani is dedicated to empowering men and making them feel inspired in the place they shop. “If men feel confident and inspired and creative, they are ultimately going to be
leaving these doors and improving the neighborhood in which we operate,” said Graziani. “They’re going to be better students, they’re going to be better entrepreneurs, they’re going to be better teachers, they’re going to be better fathers.” Article gives off a creative vibe with artistic vignettes that display clothes in a not-so-typical manner. Stacks of shirts are displayed in a suitcase, bowties are wrapped around old thread spools and a vintage motorcycle grabs attention as it sits in the store’s front window. Attention to detail is evident throughout the whole store, and the lines that Article carries follow suit. Article is committed to stocking local designers and American-made goods that are built to last. “We’re building into the local community,” Graziani said. “We partner with Noble Denim … which is handcrafted and designed in Cincinnati from 100 percent American-made components. Seventy-five percent of our inventory is made in the United States.” Article carries a wide range of brands not found anywhere else in the city including Tanner Goods, Billy Reid, Wolverine 1000 Mile boots and grooming items from various vendors.
Article transports its customers as soon as they walk through its doors, giving off the feel of a shop in Brooklyn, NY. The store is filled with creative items and displays like bowties wrapped around old spools of thread. A motorcyle in Article’s front window is particularly eye-catching to passersby.
4 / ARTS
Avett Brothers, same songs still gold ‘Magpie and the Dandelion’ features Brothers following same road, deeply instills hope in listeners like previous albums ROBERT BREEN CONTRIBUTOR
A year after the release of “The Carpenter,” The Avett Brothers brings listeners “Magpie and the Dandelion.” “Bring your love to me/I will hold it like a dandelion,” brothers Scott and Seth Avett sing in unison on the track “Bring Your Love to Me.” This work brings listeners more of the same from the folk rock band, but in this case, it is a positive thing. The album stays true to the Brother’s signature sound incorporating ear-pleasing harmonies and beautiful acoustic instrumentals. This collection, which was produced by the famous Rick Rubin, builds on the success of “I and Love and You” and “The Carpenter,” each of which produced hit singles for the band and each of which were produced by Rubin. The group has come a long way since their debut more than 10 years ago. In that time they have found a sound that works and have stuck with it.
While not offering anything different for the audience with this album, the band acknowledges their success by opting to play it safe, sticking to the tried and true. “Open Ended Life” leads the album to a foot stomping start presenting a passionate piano background with an engaging banjo rhythm. It features a deeper blue grass sound than the rest of the album through its prominent use of a harmonica. “Another is Waiting” features thoughtful, catchy lyrics and moving melodies reminiscent of “Live and Die” and “I and Love and You.” However, it is more upbeat and has a more mainstream sound to it then the other two do. A song about uncertainty,“Vanity” takes an interesting turn by starting out as a light soulful tune, then switching to a rock and roll power sound to emphasize the singer’s frustration before reverting back and ending with its soulful roots. The change occurs gradually, enabling the transition to work well. As on their previous records, the band examines consistent themes of traveling, love and loss on “Magpie and the Dandelion.” “Hurts so bad, you don’t come around here anymore/Worse than that, nothing’s really helping,” they sing on “Morning Song.” The songs have a somber overtone, such as in the quiet piano-heavy ballad “Good to You,” but
a closer listen reveals feelings of hope and longing. It is obvious the brothers continue to exemplify remarkable songwriting talent. As a whole, the album puts listeners in a happy, laid-back frame of mind, evoking images of endless sunny days. It informs listeners that while sometimes life can be
lonesome and there is loss at times, there is another side to the coin. Love and intimacy do exist and eventually after enough searching, they will be found. As they sing on the album’s opener,“I was taught to keep an open-ended life/And never trap myself in nothing.”
‘The Fifth Estate’ script should remain classified
Even with high controversial backbone Condon fails at making interesting film MONROE TROMBLY STAFF REPORTER
Bill Condon’s “The Fifth Estate” is a film based on the beginnings and recent high points of the information-leaking organization and website known to the world as WikiLeaks, and the man behind it, Julian Assange. That being said, the film is less of a biopic on WikiLeaks and more of a film that focuses on the relationship and connection between Assange and his former colleague and spokesperson for the organization, Daniel Domscheit-Berg. “The Fifth Estate” is based on two books — David Leigh’s “WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange’s War on Secrecy,” and “Inside WikiLeaks: My Time With Julian Assange and The World’s Most Dangerous Website,” written by Daniel Domscheit-Berg himself. Berg and Assange first met at a conference in 2007, and subsequently Berg joined Assange and WikiLeaks as a volunteer, later on becoming a full-time volunteer. It’s difficult to discern the truth of what actually led to Assange and Berg’s falling out near the end of 2010, but Condon and
screenwriter Josh Singer paint a picture that is wholly based on Berg’s account of what happened. What elapses over the course of two hours is a startlingly subjective take on the dawn of WikiLeaks, Assange’s past and the most recent happenings in WikiLeaks’ history. The film even goes so far as to mention Pvt. Chelsea Manning (formerly known as Bradley Manning) in the narrative storyline. Benedict Cumberbatch of “Stark Trek Into Darkness” and Daniel Bruhl of “Rush” and “Inglorious Bastards” star as Julian Assange and Daniel Domscheit-Berg respectively. Produced by DreamWorks Pictures and distributed for the majority of audiences by Disney, the film is a prototypical Hollywood picture that tries to appeal to a broad bulk of viewers. The film will appeal to those who have only heard a whisper or mention of Julian Assange or WikiLeaks. “The Fifth Estate” is chock-full with detail, visual imagery and fizz and fastpaced dialogue-driven drama that mostly amounts to nothing in particular by the end of the movie. The film tries to address and encompass too many topics at once, ultimately not giving one the emphasis or depth needed to elicit emotion. This creates
a narrative drama that feels almost empty and devoid by the conclusion. The whole film is spent centering on and around Daniel Berg’s life and point of view. Assange only enters the shot and arc of storyline whenever he seems to need work from Berg, or is depicted to be intruding in on Berg’s normal life. While the ethics of disseminating potentially incriminating documents receives partial emphasis of the film’s scrutiny, the film suffers from including insignificant sub-plots. An example is Berg’s pointless side story of a suffering relationship because of his work with WikiLeaks. Furthermore, Condon and Singer seem perfectly content with only sticking to two outwardly negative source materials for the basis of a movie about the start of WikiLeaks. The film even goes as far as to portray Assange as a narcissistic, antisocial egomaniac that will do whatever he pleases as an end to his means. There is a scene and subsequent quote in the film where Assange is dancing on the floor of a club, with no one around him. He yells and gestates to Berg, saying, “C’mon Daniel, there’s so much space, let your ego flow,” with the flow obviously drawn out
for maximum effect. The presumptuous dialogue clearly shows how heavily the film’s inspiration leans on Berg’s perspective and personal feelings toward his time with WikiLeaks. A little research into WikiLeaks itself reveals that nobody involved in the making of the film ever contacted Assange or WikiLeaks for consulatation and material. That’s what makes the film so unsatisfying; it feels as if nobody is giving you a straight answer or the whole picture to what actually transpired. While Mr. Cumberbatch and Mr. Bruhl turn in stellar performances for “The Fifth Estate,” most audience members will leave the theater scratching their heads as to whose “side” of the story they should believe, because “The Fifth Estate” leaves no middle ground to be considered at all. Condon clearly sides with Domscheit’s memoir, creating a distorted, high-buzz but low satisfaction thriller that never seems to break wind. Bizarre footnotes of sexual accusations against Assange appear only at the end of the film and are never mentioned once beforehand. The results are a stumbling, sputtering, unnecessarily over-complicated film that resultantly feels unfocused and tarnished with partiality.
‘Lousy with Sylvianbriar’ not in right generation Of Montreal brings nothing new to music world, live recorded album creates monotonous song selection AMONA REFAEI STAFF REPORTER
Of Montreal’s new album “Lousy with Sylvianbriar” is reminiscent of music from the ’60s, for better or worse. The band, formed in 1996, wanted to create music without the assistance of modern technology. They created the album on a 24-track tape machine without pitch correction or high quality editing capabilities. Many of the songs featured on “Lousy with Sylvianbriar” were recorded live with
band members in the same room. They wanted the album to be similar to how music created in the ’60s and ’70s with the emphasis on lyrics rather than instruments. These are definitely admirable qualities to attain; however, there is a reason that most artists today steer-clear of them. There is no single song that stands out. All the songs are similar to one another and feature the same type of instruments and foundation. One song that features more heavy instrumentals is “Hegira Émigré.”This song is one of few on the album with lyrics that have an obvious meaning behind them: “I used to be a palace/now I’m just a dive/I’m made widow out of you even though I’m still alive.” Unfortunately for the band, this song is
the only one with any positive qualities. However, even “Hegira Émigré” can quickly become annoying because of its simplicity. “Imbecile Rages” is similar to The Rolling Stones, more lyrically than instrumentally: “But I’m finished/I’m set free/And basically you’re dead to me,” the song chants at the end. “I have no hope for you anymore.” The album is made up of a variety of songs that combine indie and psychedelic characteristics make “Lousy with Sylvianbriar” feel like it’s out of place in 2013. It’s shocking that a band like Of Montreal, who have been producing music for almost 17 years would be so far off target. Listeners should save their time and skip this album entirely, unless they want to time-travel back to a simpler era of music.
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Music Appreciation
History of Rock and Roll II
MWF 12:20–1:15 pm
R 6:30–9:10 pm Online
UC Women’s Chorus
Jammin’ with Laptops
MWF 12:20–1:15 pm
TR 11:00 am–12:20 pm Online
UC Symphony Orchestra T 8:00–10:00 pm
Progressive Rock
Theatre in Your Life
TR 1:25–3:00 pm TR 4:00–5:50 pm
TR 9:30–10:50 am
Ballet Conditioning for Athletes and Dance Team TR 9:05–10:00 am
Women in Music for Non-Majors MWF 11:15 am–12:10 pm MWF 12:20–1:15 pm
Acting for Non-Majors I MW 7:30–8:50 pm
Japanese Pop, Anime, and Video Game Music
Acting for Non-Majors II MW 6:00–7:20 pm
MWF 1:25–2:20 pm
Live at CCM Varies: Attendance at evening performances
Jazz Appreciation T 6:00–8:30 pm
Country Music: The Elegant Art of the American Working Class
Music in Film
T 6:30–9:10 pm
MWF 11:15 am–12:10 pm
Dance Appreciation
Music of the Beatles T 6:30–9:10 pm
College-Conservatory of Music
For more information, visit webapps2.uc.edu/scheduleofclasses and filter by discipline FAM.
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Condoleezza Rice deserves committee seat, respect
UC set for another winless foe
Early Wednesday, The College Football Playoff officially unveiled the 13 members of its first ever selection committee, the majority of which had already been confirmed in the days prior. Among them: former Ole Miss quarterback, and ESPN-appointed super-father, Archie Manning, long-time USA Today sports reporter Steve Wieberg and Wisconsin athletic director Barry Alvarez. A slew of administrators and former coaches, including Tyrone Willingham — the only African American male on the committee — round out the group. Why there is only one black man on a committee deciding the fate of a sport comprised of 45.8 percent black men will certainly be a column for another day, but the real issue at hand is the negative reaction to the only female committee member — former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Because football is apparently the final losing battle of men clutching to the ways of old, Rice’s inclusion and credentials have already drawn fire from a gamete of the over-defensive. “All she knows about football is what somebody told her, or what she read in a book, or what she saw on television,” former Auburn coach Pat Dye told Birmingham, Ala. radio station WJOX. “To understand football, you’ve got to play with your hand in the dirt.” Oh right, because women can’t develop any sort of actual insight into something they’ve never participated in. Thank you so much for that, Dye, because white men associated with football needed another reason for people to think we’re all racist, sexist meatheads. The argument ends right where it begins, with the fact that Rice isn’t the only person on the committee never to have played football. Former Big East commissioner Mike Tranghese, who has accepted blame for the demise of the Big East Conference at the hands of football itself, has never played football. Unlike Rice, no one has batted an eye at his inclusion on the committee, with the only difference between the two being that Rice has a more impressive resume and he has a Y-chromosome. While Tranghese was busy making decisions that would ultimately set the stage for the demise of what was once the greatest college basketball conference in the NCAA, Rice was a little busy with slightly more pressing matters, like logging more traveled miles than any Secretary of State in history during one of the most heightened times of terror in our world’s history. This is a decision-making committee, not a football committee. They will sit down, with a list of criteria, equations and bullet points and try to hash out the four best football teams in the country. And, as one of only two members of the committee never to be a player, coach or athletic administrator, she’ll be the least biased of the group. As for the decision-making aspect, I’d say that a former Secretary of State has probably made a few decisions in their time more life altering than picking Alabama and the three teams that will go on not to beat Alabama. She doesn’t need to know coverage shifts and blocking schemes to make a calculated, thoughtful decision. She was a provost at Stanford University, for God’s sake. I’d dare to say that there are few people — anywhere — more qualified to be on this committee, or any committee, than she is. In the world of college football, dominated by men and conferences below the Mason-Dixon Line, the inclusion of a woman, especially one named Condoleezza Rice, will always be questioned. Perhaps they’re upset because it might just take a woman to fix college football after all.
UC senior receiver Anthony McClung hauls in a reception around mid-field before being brought down by Connecticut’s Tyler Bennett during the third quarter in the final game of the 2011 season at Nippert Stadium
Bearcats look to continue offensive improvement, secure homecoming victory against yet another winless opponent, the Connecticut Huskies CHARLES GROVE STAFF REPORTER
Coming off what UC head coach Tommy Tuberville called their “best game of the year,” the Bearcats will look for their second win in a row as they match up against the University of Connecticut Huskies Saturday. UConn will be the third winless opponent in a row (South Florida and Temple) UC will face while still looking for their first victory of the season. For UConn, it’s been a rough year to say the least. The Huskies started off the season with a blowout loss to FCS foe Towson 33-18 and suffered an even bigger loss at Buffalo a few weeks later, falling to the Bulls 41-12. UConn has managed some close games including a 13-10 home-game loss to South Florida and a 24-21 loss to Michigan, but the Huskies have yet to get over the hump in 2013. Tuberville said UConn is trying new
things on offense and that may be the main reason for the Huskies’ struggles this season. “They do a lot of different things on offense and defense from what we’ve seen in the past,”Tuberville said. “They’ve got a freshman quarterback in his second start. He’s tall and has a very good arm. He can throw the ball deep down the field.” However, UConn’s rushing is beginning to take shape behind the strong play of running back Lyle McCombs, who rushed for 164 yards on 20 carries with a touchdown against South Florida. “They looked a lot more organized (last week) in terms of their running game,”Tuberville said. “They had a guy (McCombs) who rushed for over 150 yards. We’ve got to play a much more balanced defense than what we played last week.” In terms of his own team, Tuberville said the Bearcats are making progress on offense and called running back Tion Green a “pleasant surprise” after his performance against Temple. Green gained a career high 91 yards on 18 carries, including two trips to the end zone in the 38-20 win. “We’re making progress offensively,”
Tuberville said. “I think last week with the emergence of a bigger running back in Tion Green and a guy who showed he can pass protect, he can run the ball inside and outside. I think he’s really going to help our offense.” UC will also look to continue running an up-tempo offense, which gave Temple’s defense fits last weekend. “A lot of people think, you go fast you lose your focus, I actually think you keep your focus,”Tuberville said. “You have to go from one play to the next very quickly. You can’t dwell on a great play, a great throw, a great catch or a good run or a bad play. I think you just have to refocus so quickly and go back get the play and run it you’re just kind of oblivious to what happened the last play.” Last week in terms of the UC air attack two receivers had big performances, as Shaq Washington caught 11 passes for 72 yards and Anthony McClung hauled in seven for 86 yards and a pair of touchdowns. Tuberville said he likes his combination of receivers because of the pressure they both put on opposing defenses. “When you put both of them out there at the same time you can’t focus on just one guy,”Tuberville said. “You’ve got to
“We’re making progress offensively. I think last week, with the emergence of a bigger running back in Tion Green, a guy who showed he can pass protect, he can run the ball inside and out. I think he’s really going to help our offense.” TOMMY TUBERVILLE, UC HEAD FOOTBALL COACH
single cover them. You can’t bracket one or the other. Those guys have been our most productive guys. We have some things we haven’t run with those two guys that will help us.” UC leads the all-time series between the two schools 7-2 including an unblemished 5-0 record against the Huskies at Nippert Stadium. UC also won the past two matchups and three of the last four. Kickoff for this homecoming matchup is slated for noon Saturday. The game can be seen on ESPNU and heard on the radio on 700 WLW.
UC picked to finish fourth in AAC UC men’s basketball tabbed to finish behind Louisville, UConn, Memphis in inaugural AAC campaign JOSHUA MILLER SPORTS EDITOR
Coming off of a disappointing 10th place finish in its final year as a member of the Big East Conference, the University of Cincinnati men’s basketball team was picked to finish fourth in the American Athletic Conference preseason coaches’ poll, the league announced Wednesday at its inaugural basketball media day. The Bearcats received 58 points to finish behind predicted league champion Louisville (81 points), UConn (69) and Memphis (68). Temple was picked fifth with 40 points, followed by SMU (39), Houston (28), USF (27), UCF (24) and Rutgers (16) in the 10-team conference. As would be expected, the defending national champion Louisville Cardinals were a unanimous pick to win the inaugural AAC title, receiving nine first place votes in the coaches poll. UConn was the only other school to receive a vote, Rick Pitino’s, because coaches cannot vote for their own team. UC senior guard Sean Kilpatrick was
the only Bearcat named to the pre-season all-conference team. Kilpatrick, who earned second-team all-Big East Conference honors each of the past two years, was selected as a pre-season first team member, along with UConn’s Shabazz Napier, Louisville’s Chane Behanan and Russ Smith and Memphis’ Joe Jackson. The preseason second team included UCF’s Isaiah Sykes, UConn’s Ryan Boatwright, Houston’s TaShawn Thomas, Louisville’s Montrezl Harrell and USF’s Anthony Collins. Kilpatrick, a fifth-year senior, returns for his final season after averaging 17 points, 5.2 rebounds and 2.4 threepointers per game last season. He finished fourth in thr Big East in both pointes per game and three-pointers per game. Along with Kilpatrick, the Bearcats return two starters and eight lettermen from the 2012-13 squad that finished 22-12 overall and advanced to the NCAA tournament for the third consecutive year. UC takes the floor at Fifth Third Arena for the first time in a preseason exhibition contest with Carleton on Oct. 26 at 2 p.m. The regular season begins Nov. 8 at home against North Carolina Central, starting at 8 p.m.
Kay, Elsbrock earn weekly conference honors
UC quarterback Brendon Kay runs with the ball Friday night, during the Bearcats 38-20 victory against the Temple Owls.
UC student-athetes Brendon Kay, Emily Elsbrock bring home American Athletic Conference Offensive Player of the Week Awards THE NEWS RECORD
Two University of Cincinnati athletic teams saw players bring home American Athletic Conference Player of the Week Awards for their performances from Oct. 7-14. UC senior Quarterback Brendon Kay brought home the weekly football honor, while senior forward Emily
Elsbrock claimed the honor for women’s soccer. Elsbrock, a Cincinnati native, led the UC women’s soccer team to four vital conference points over the weekend, finding the back of the net twice, which pushed her season total to a team-leading four goals. Elsbrock’s first goal came in Friday’s 1-1 draw with No. 19 UCF as she drilled home a go-ahead goal in the 54th minute. The Knights knotted the match back up 10 minutes later, but the Bearcats (7-8-1, 3-2-1 AAC) held on for a draw in double overtime. It was the first time since 2009 that UC had tied or beaten a nationally ranked opponent. The Sycamore High School alum notched her second goal in the 50th minute of UC’s comeback win over the University of South Florida, one-timing a blistering shot past the Bulls goalkeeper. USF rallied to take a 2-1 lead but behind the play of Elsbrock and teammate Jae Atkinson, the Bearcats rallied for a 3-2 victory — a vital victory as they look to stay in the hunt in the American Athletic Conference. Elsbrock is the first UC player to be named the league Offensive Player of the Week since Sept. 14, 2009 when Julie Morrissey received the honor. Elsbrock and the Bearcats take the field again Thursday against the UConn Huskies in Storrs, Conn. With his best performance of the season, Kay became the first UC football player to be named an AAC player of the week. Kay completed 31 of 37 passes (a conference-record 83.7 percent) for 270 yards and two touchdowns to go with a 4-yard rushing touchdown. Kay has thrown for 1,088 yards and nine touchdowns this season and has completed 71.4 percent of his passes.
University of Cincinnati midfielder Emily Elsbrock fights for the ball during the 1-1 tie in the UC vs. Temple game Friday at Gettler Stadium.
The 31 pass completions and 37 attempts were both career highs for Kay. He completed his final 15 passes of the game Saturday, throwing for 136 yards and a TD in the second half. Kay’s influence on the game wasn’t contained to offense, however, as he executed two perfect poochpunts, averaging 53.5 yards per punt and placing both kicks inside the 10-yard line. One of his punts pinned Temple at their own 1-yard line and set up a Zach Edwards interception that swung momentum in UC’s favor for good. Kay and the Bearcats take on the UConn Huskies Saturday at noon for UC’s homecoming.