22nd dec

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A media partner of


Sanctity Of Truth


Vol. 1 No. 308

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

@newtelegraph1 www.newtelegraphonline.com

Corruption: Why we are slow, by EFCC

World Bank boosts power sector with $1.75bn N

igeria's power sector got a lift yesterday with a pledge by the World Bank to com-

Abdulwahab Isa Abuja

mit $1.75 billion, over the next four years, to support reform in the industry. The bank’s Country

Energy Task Team Leader for Nigeria, Mr. Eric Fernstrom, said at a capacity CONTINUED ON PAGE 5






UK don advo shift from cates paradigm oil to agric


BER 23, 2014


NUC, minis try endorse research MoU on regulation




Stakehold ers vote fo r REVIEW

Key stak ehol tertiary insti ders in the tutions, last week gath ered at a oneday forum to review the activities of the Terti ary Education Trust Fund (TETFund ) and how to improve managem ent and distr ibuti to revitalise on of funds the tertiary educ nation’s ation syst em.

Page 23 TETFund

Mojeed Alab i


or one-d ay stakehold , last week, key tion, highers in the naer educ sub-s ation governmen ector, inclu ding top t officials, ers and polic capta by the Exec ins of indu y makstry Tertiary utive Secretary , led (TETFundEducation Trus of the Island to ), converged ont Fund review the Lagos funding profile of activities and tions in the coun tertiary institutry. The annu L-R: Mrs. Lulabuka, al TETF ers’ Foru Prof Bogor m, amon und Tax Payo and Mr. an aven g others, Kalu at the ue TETFund between for formal intercreated tiary Taxpayers’ education TETFund action forum. ised priva system, and the turned strengthente sector with a organ- ment out to be an open however, of TETF the Educ ing partnershi view to stake und, descrendorseholde ps country ation Tax-Payers with has ever rs as the best ibed by PHOTO: SULEIM opinion . of thing in the happened AN HUSSIA is critical the Board of Trus education The one-d NI to the natiothat ay secto parle n’s place at provementand essential for tees, terve This year’ r. the Exter y, which took ntion in s event, Federal nance of of quality and the im- stitut nal Ball public tertia which was Palace ions in the mainteRoom, the second in ry inIsland, Lago Hotel, Victo educationstandards in the the serie huge impr s, was a higher funding and effectcountry through al instit s, offered ovem ria for whic utions. While settin agement, ive a platform edition, with ent over the h Bogoro, project mang the tone ened on tax-payers were large turn 2013 parley, TETF stakehold enlig the trend of the the plan to cons who spoke on und Tax (ET) retary, of Educ ht- sentatives ers including out of Prof. SuleiExecutive Sec- agency’s achie olidate on repreof vario pact on collections and ation mana the recounted veme man Fund us nts, comp the tertia gers ’s five-year Bogoro, its imsaid the anies, of highe developme the agen the achieveme ry instit visio at impr r instit ution’s governmental cy over nt. nts of oving acad n was aimed the that the and non-g utions, mental This emic conte allocation years, noting and quality to agen originallyyear’s Forum, institutio achieve nt tives from cies and repreovernto bene Towa excellence senta If there other coun mitted andwas to reward which as Tanz siderably ns has increasedfiting the Depards this end, he 100 tries such. noted that. ania. rtments con- Deve panies in loyal registered comanything is Bogoro, of Resea Estab lopm rch and we per cent the country, whos com- agency lished as an inter rum woul who hinted that cellence ent and Cent of getting righ are been commassessable profi e two Terti under the TETF vention ent the d avail the Fund the fo- Fund had been creat res of Exary Educ utilisation ts have as part und Act ed in TETto presitted to ation tion Tax the educati t in (Esta revitalise of the “The main of the vision. on ter- Terti blishment, etc) Trust Fund on and prog intervention Educa- tutio objective Act of 2011, ary Educ nalis projects sector, it is to instie resea ation Trus institutiorammes across was charg is tertiary ment in tertia rch and devel t ed with establish the optold stake ns in the coun ry insti ity for mana supportin the respo Fund try tutio holde , men nsibi also g estab ns by rs that of highe t monitorin ging, disbursing llishm r institution the number operations of g the educ TETFund of bene and research ent and public tertia these s of learn fittin ation tax outpu ing boss institutions,” ry instit terventiong from the TETF country utions in to the TETFts in added. . the und dously in had increased und inThe mand Bogoro, trem the ate of the cifically According past few years en- cess of the who credited Fund KAYODE is . the sucto the Secretary maintenan for the provision speOLANREW tract-awar agency to its Exec AJU EDITOR, institution, over 180 public utive that part ding status, non-concal infra ce of essential and EDUC tertiary explained physikayode olanre ATION ting from s are currently and learnstructure for teach sure prudof its mandates newtelegraph waju@ bene is to enence and ing tion, as the TETFund inter fit- of the terials anding; instructio online.com accou again bene nal ntabi venst 157 bene fittin © Daily Telegra in 2010. and publi equipment; reseamaTETFund, g institution lity ficiaries ph Publis cation. rch s. he stres hing Compa In his analy not dicta Others sed woul ny Limited te are sis, what out that d academic training proje allocationBogoro pointed ciaries of its and interventict benefiuniversit as any otherdevelopment; staff to each should need whic as well from N303y in the countrypublic noted do with their on funds funds, but h, in the N912 milli million in 2010 grew sists that the Fund that alwa to about on With the in 2014. the utilis projects prop ys inosed for ation of mission focused the inter and trans to provide should relate vention directly formative to the core in-


Ex-Army chief sues B'Haram negotiator CONT INUED


lGen. Ihejirika demands N100bn from Davis for libel


Quick Read


Cheerless dance from DISCOs }19 NITEL liabilities hit N300bn, says BPE }7 'APC not threatened by PDP's N21bn war chest' }6

Travel Advisory Your guide to local and international flights 4

Travellers at Jibowu bus station in Lagos…yesterday.


Police beef up security for Xmas lBoko Haram kills 20 in Gombe Emmanuel Onani and Ben Ngwakwe


he police have beefed up security nationwide to ensure Nigerians celebrate

Christmas and New Year devoid of violence. The Inspector General of Police, Mr. Suleiman

Abba, assured the people that adequate security will be provided for citizens during and after the

Christmas celebrations. Abba gave the assurances on a day suspected Boko CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

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