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Sanctity Of Truth


Monday, November 10, 2014


Vol. 1 No. 265

@newtelegraph1 NEW TELE


Money Lin




10, 2014

New York Times Editorial on Boko Haram }24 B usiness Delayed payments threaten s GESS of N126m

Issue of


More snag s


the Week

for bank s with huge


Stock Wa

tch CAP Plc: Resilient environm to ental chal lenges



Nigeria’s top 100 companies W

hich companies are most admired amongst their peers and why are they so? A survey by New Telegraph, shows that suc-

cessful companies share common traits such as remarkable corporate culture, innovative customer service, positive attitude, proactive business strate-

gy, discipline, risk management, financial roadmap, business processes, information technology, marketing, sales, training and a forward-looking team of

advisors. Come December 1, 2014, New Telegraph, Nigeria’s authoritative newspaper in business and politics,

What's neWs

Nigeria ble through eds aviation lopsided –Operatopact rs

Nigerian of Airlin airlines under the aegis e Operators (AON) have of Nigeria governme again cried out halting nt for assistanc to the gran foreign ting of route in airlines. es to


Govt los import es N222bn to waivers

Drop in oil dampene prices has furth er d investor s’ appetite –Ajayi

Nigerian banks, lose N4.8 bn to e-others frauds


Lenders recorded 916 cases of attempt ed e-fraud Kunle Aze ez




volume of 30 case N72.5 s valu mill ed at resulted ion, which, that are million in a total losshe said, global espe stan to “As it the institut of N32 Indu cially the Pay dards, mos stry ment Car t security a need stands now ions. dard (PCI Data Secu . for oper , there rity Stand dustry The mat DSS),” to com ators in the is erials essary ply in- andThe PCI-DSS Ojior said. - framewo include payment with all necoffe com tools, meark of spec a certifica and sup prehensive rs robust suremen ifications, tions port standard ts and enhanc porting mat s tion resources to e paymen eria help orga sups ensu re the t card ls to safe han nisadata dling CON TINU

espite tions the innova and ben the cash efits less Nigerian has brought policy ED ON into the PAGE 22 economy is faci , the ng arising series of chalscheme as Nige from electron lenges rian com ic frau other ds, financia mercial ban (OFIs) ks, l inst p.22 incl ment oper uding mobitutions ators (MP ile paylost a who Os), have this year pping N4.8 billion has excl alone, New Tele usively gatheredgraph The . within losses were of the the first ninerecorded year months Chief . Inter-Ba Risk Officer, (NIBSS),nk Settlement Nigeria System closed Mr Osioke Ojio this to dent in our corr r, dis- L-R: Corporate Lagos. espo n- Governor, Mrs Services Manager, Ojior, Alaba Fada Fidson Oyeleye, The Busines sideline who spok Healthcare iro and durin e s Desk Plc, Mr electron of this year on the Plc in Lagos. g the presentati Executive Direc Oladimeji ayodele on of CERF tor/F Oduyebo; ganised ic fraud conf ’s annual award for ounder, Child Deputy Editor aminu Represen erence by the ren Emer Best Child tative of ment orgenc Health Bayo akom(Business) Provide Electronic Pay Care supp y Relief Foundatio Lagos State of Nig rs Ass Deputy Asst. Editor olafe orting Orga eria n (CERF), (Maritime) electron (E-PPAN ociation nisation Mrs Abos ), said sunday to Fidso that new dimic fraud is assu n Healt ede Asst. Editor Ojeme hcare (Insurance) requirinension in the ming a Godson coun g urgent Ikoro curb. Asst. Editor actions try, (Money to Citing Dele alao Market) an electron report Industry by & Agric icles caseNIBSS, whi ic fraud Dayo ayey Editor ch chro s of onli perpetra emi nne Property Editor tween ted in the indu frauds January adeola Yusu stry Wol 2014 beand Sept e Shadar , Ojio Energy Editor f emb e recorded r said that Wole shad the ban er port is espite volume an attempt ks are the ed Aviation state. in a sorry, unfi lion spen over N40 Editor to N4.7 of 916 cases amoe-fraud billion, Chris Ugwu nished t to rem bilN4.8 billi but fina unting airp most of Alth odel Captain Capital Marke on. the lly lost orts ure has ough no offic Also his pap Noggie Meg abdulwah t Editor swipe , airlines havenation’s been give ial figspen at the corded , OFIs and ab take n nar at er presented gison, in Finance EditorIsa attempt MPOs re- cay at mos infrastructu n a pert t on the rem as amount the at a sem t of the s odel re ed e-fr that the weekend, saying Kunle azee aerodrom de- projectare of the view ling, exlamente iaud most of and baggpassenger proc Senior Corres z ly the could have es, d that them Lagos N40 billi age essi grossed the have internat, especialChuks Onuapondent on. been modcollection win ng over ional airExecuti nyin gretted gs ernised, Energy INFLATIO Operato ve chairma but are falli that the fing Septemb N n, Airl nnamdi rs of Nig er brid reamadi er 2014........ RATE ng apar eria (AO ine t and deca ges August Repor .............8. Rates N), 2014........ LENDING ying 3% Johnson ter Dashb ................ July 2014 InterBank RATE adebayo CON TINU oard ....8.5% ................ Asst Produ Rate........ ED ON ction Editor ................ PAGE 22 Prime Lend ............11. .8.3% EXCHANGE 57% ing Rate Maximum ...........16. RATE (Parellel 93% Lending As at Nov. USD . . Rate...25 .. EXCHANGE .83% Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7) . . RATE Euro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N173 (Official l Forei ....... As at Nov. gn Reser USD . . . . . . . . . . . . N278 .. ves – $38.0 . . . . . N216 Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7) 7bn as . . at 6/11/ 2014 Euro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N156.80 ....... Source: . . . . . . . .N249.43 CBN . . . N196 .04 The Fede N222.33 ral Government in the lastbillion to impo has lost three year rt waivers s.


Airport over N40remodelling gu lp bn –Exp rs decry erts s Lagos ai rp


Pages 21 - 46

13 pages of Business inside

Plot thickens over Tambuwal CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

lPDP, APC redraw battle plan


ort deca



Quick Read L-R: Managing Director, Shell Petroleum Development Company, Mr. Mutiu Sunmonu; Manager, NGOs and Stakeholders Relations, Dr. Alice Ajeh and General Manager, Shell Nigeria Content Development, Mr. Igo Weli, at the 2014 Social Enterprise Report and Awards where Shell won awards in two categories in the weekend.

New Telegraph staff win media awards Muritala Ayinla


ess than nine months after it hit the newsstands, New Telegraph newspa-

pers at the weekend shone at this year’s edition of the Nigeria Media Merit Awards (NMMA) where two of its staff members won awards.

Besides, of about 1,800 entries submitted for the prestigious awards that seek to reward excellence in the media industry, New Telegraph members

of staff had 10 nominations and won in two different categories. Multiple awards winning journalist and Editor, Investigations, Mr.

Isioma Madike, emerged the Telecommunications Reporter of the Year while Mr. Cornelius Emeka Emenike won the CONTINUED ON PAGE 6


Expressways as death traps


‘Politicians have visited impunity on Nigerians’ }14

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