A media partner of
Sanctity Of Truth
Vol. 1 No. 296
Thursday, December 12, 2014
@newtelegraph1 www.newtelegraphonline.com
2015 poll: PPA set to sweep Abia, endorses Kalu as sole senatorial candidate }9
Nigeria's oil demand to hit 12-year low, says OPEC Ayodele Aminu and Adeola Yusuf
he demand for Nigeria's oil will touch its 12-year lowest in 2015, according to forecast
by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The anticipated weak
demand came on a day Nigeria registered its intention to lower its economic CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
11, 2014
Shittu: Why transform early elevation to Benc justice syst h will em
Law Moham
Nwankw o: Boko Hara FG behind m
med: My agenda for the
He becam on Novem e the 14th Chief Justice of Nigeria female ber 20. He too k ove Chi (CJN) Aloma Mu ef Justice of Nig r from the firs t eria, Jus statutory khtar, who reti tice Ma red afte riam age of 70. r attainin in, Justice Shortly g the OYESIN Mahmud Moham after his swearin A his age g med told nda for the judicia TUNDE ry.
judiciar y
port of tional good minds in the Judi Naas he was cial Cou ncil (NJC left behi build on the structur ) predeces nd by his imm e awyers objective sor in achievin ediate s. g his set as a gentdescribed him The that cellence; leman par workingCJN recalled ex- ‘effe his vision his past man with an intellige rela was ctive form to standing nt ciary leav ’ and er cour tionship with a clear ‘efficien e an t of App unde . dent, Just applies of the law t’ judi eal’s pres a ice Uma often time which rSpecifica who iemotion he ru he s without lly, he assu Abdullah stakehol s. tor, whodescribed as any i, Justice deviate ders that he red major guided se tutelage his menwould med, the Mahmud from Just no his not judi doubt career ice Muk cial erudite of Nige 14th Chie Mohampath htar’s disciplinreforms espe f unquestjurist remains as the Novembria (CJN),wa Justice cers and e among judicially the s was all ionable inte a man of Jalingo er 10, 1946 in born on grity, who the judic the independcial officonscienthrough guid Taraba Local Gov Jalingo, iary ence of ed by his ce. ernment, State, Mohamm. man Mai He said to Mal ed who that am Mam : “Th years Jalingo tako Bakin adm - imm his experien together roughout our ce had itted ense during , part of Gar and Aishatu Kasuwa been dom and ly enriched rkin Mamman inspiratithe military, icularly by Local Gov Dogo Villa he all time astuteness exhithe wisge, Lau ernment. from himon to me. I lear was an s by the bited at He read CJN . nt He imm a lot , vow is a pers integrity edia Bello Univ Law at the on who pendence ed to pursue te past During cannot be ques se 1967 and ersity, Zari Ahmadu the at the stateof the judic the indea the cour military era, tioned. LL.B degr1970. Shortly between including and the fedeiary both after his ee, Moh of pres ts were subjectedwhen all ceeded sure; som amm officers. the dignity ral levels to Umaru of judic called to the law scho ed proetimes, to a lot ol and was ial the He said an offic Abdullahi wou Justice He bega Bar in 1971 : “The tional n his care . ‘look youial in the face ld look at Judicial refore: the lic serv Naunder er in pubour judi cannot inter and say: my chai Council (NJC of Just ice with the Ministri com rma ice That is cial works, fere with State and of the old es pres mitted to an nship will be) the keep Nort entr kind Gon erve off.’ heast ench gola state of pers ry. In 1991 “Tha ry; a Judi d independent ed and be upri t is how I lear on he is. was appo , Justice Moh’s judiciaght in nt to the ruleciary that is Judicia- Justice Moha my resp the disc to also com mmed Acting inted the Tara ammed autonom of Law; a finanmitted Chief Judg ba officer. onsibilities as harge of ter the ous Judi e and State tive cially I have stay a judic state’s ciary and in the syste substant thereafJudge. ed a long ial has Judi vibrant Judi ; a pro-acHe is ive Chie time structur m. I will build ciary that cial f Unlike a life benc A mem Officers. to ensu e left by my pred on the were train his predeces her. ber re tants are proven Nigerian smooth runn ecessor integrity of Staff with Justice ed outside thesors who reduce. naturally anxi characte Judiciary ing of the Moh and impe first Chie ammed rem country, ”. ccable may be On the other hand ous to a Justice Moh manned r; a dynamic f ains Just ammed man for be train Judiciary by offic ice of Nige the back sums, claims involvin , there and is inde the ed ers which classmatejob if his colle ed, Howeverin the country ria to ence grounds, disci with various may not g small the cost ague . pline , the CJN and thin ’s to cont have led of litigation be worth the g to go by. view was anyis ry that competence; , experiinue . All thes His forms initi with som expected is alternati to the developm ogy driv Information a Judiciae e Fabi apex court, colleague at predeces ated by his of the reTechnolJustice yi expr ent of ing disp ve methods Room en with immedia esse John his of with a sor, Justice te ings s fitted withModern Cou use in utes. The met resolv- to leadership d confidence view to Mukhtar court proc rt many part reco in and the diciary deliver reshapin hod in is calle eedCase Man rding equipme on his ability s of the The Nat ing d, lenge of especially for g the juagement nt Resolutio ‘Alternative World espehe would not promises, sayional Jud the the “Permit System. and At a foru 2015 elections chal- ter icial me Council encourag n’, which I Dispute elect cially as the be abandone that has to speak on m, the . intend d (NJC e in the nati ioneerin CJN decl a matbeen States mind – Federal to g year on enters Judi my Chairm ) under ared the need agitating Justice and my Dispute This, ciaries”. Fabiyi . for Alte known said: “I rnative will be com anship again reiteJustice Moh the proc Resolution. have Ahmaduhim since 1967 ess of litig Overtime in his honorated at a dinnammed a come mor Bello Univ at the , ation to an ent mitted very hum er held ur by a ersit dent suming, e and more has bey. He is ble pers renc retir of goin Justice the Court of ed Presi- firm g. He is very on and easy cumberscomplex, expe time conand pres hed erved he said Umar AbdullahAppeal, supp in his deci articulate and ber of ome. Rise in nsive and indepen sions. He he cases in the independ would ensu i, when the ort of all dent Jud led to our cour numcong the Just has the FOLUSO iciary diciary ent and efficre that an appeSupreme Cou their reso estion and ts have ices at OGUNMO rt. Nex leaves was in place ient Ju- by ars a little DEDE JUDICIARY are sens lution. Som delay in offic before frightenint year e EDITOR he overthe grace of nature itive and conf disputes foluso.ogun Accordi e in 2016. idential and disp God, we g, but come.” newtelegrap modede@ been part ng to him fer settl in shall honline.com ements utants may preAlso Just © Daily cial syste of the nati , having “Tho in publ Telegraph ice Abd on’s judi ic glare in private to Publishing m for a se ullah of ders one us, of - well decade, i Company “The tand cour Limited , know who know him said: he unchalleng s its workings gation complexity of t. very also goin that he is capa tend and its ing to es, and wou increase s often time court litible and CJN, becag to be a very ensu ld be wills towards in cost successfu judiciary re that a use he s whic the func h dispuneeds wasthat meet the tional thanNigerian Judihas been part l of people’s ciary a deca Justice in place. ous stag de. He know for more Mohamm had no es of judic s the We ed fear ial func varicould alwa to step on said he a have no fear tions. that he success ys bank toes as he on the same timeof his office, will make supbut , he at prayers still the from us”. needs a lot of
Page 21
five pages of Law
Convention fireworks
lAPC: Buhari, Atiku in hot contest lPDP: It's Jonathan's show lAPC game changers: Governors, Kano and Lagos delegates }2
Major General Muhammadu Buhari
Travel Advisory
Your guide to local and international flights 4
Former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar
President Goodluck Jonathan
Court orders seizure of Obasanjo's autobiography
Quick Read
Nations Cup without Super }19 Eagles
lEx-president found guilty of contempt over book launch New Telegraph
Tunde Oyesina ABUJA
n Abuja High Court yesterday found former President
Olusegun Obasanjo guilty of contempt and ordered the Inspector General of Police (IG), the Director General of the Department of State Services
(DSS) and the Comptroller of Customs to recover 'My Watch', a trilogy published by him, from all book stands, sales agents, vendors, the sea and airports.
Justice Valentine Ashi ordered them to deposit the book, which was launched in Lagos on Tuesday despite a subsisting order CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
editor wins Soyinka Prize for Investigative Reporting }9