Binder1234567890 wednesday, november19, 2014

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Sanctity Of Truth


Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Vol. 1 No. 274

PDP grants special waiver to Kalu




The Me ga City GRAPH

MBER 19,

...for the

Naira hits an all-time low

Ayodele Aminu


he naira slid to a new low yesterday, as investors worried about the impact of falling oil prices on Nigeria’s

fragile finances despite the interventionist efforts by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to prop up the currency. Further weakening of the naira came on a day

international economists said that the Federal Government’s pledge to trim spending in the face of plunging oil prices may fall short of what’s required as Nigeria, Africa’s biggest

crude producer, heads into an election year. Yesterday, the naira hit a year low at N173.35 against the dollar, taking its declines for the year CONTINUED ON PAGE 5




love of



Fashola rewards munity best Com at Day cele 2014 Communitybration

MY CITY, MY WORLD (Ajose-Ha We nee rrison) d to peace of bring back the Lagos

Lagos se eks tour ists hav en

Slave port



when comp




CITY In Badagr not as usuy, business is al

in Badag ry


Badagr INSET: oNgo y, the hist INg SlavE markET oric tow tourist buIldINg, ped n is vlEkETE complem estal as the Lag set to be lifte d unto an enting fea os State capture enthralling Govern s the ong tures within the anc ment harnesses oing dev ient all the elopme way from nt strides town. ELIJAH past cent the inglorio SAMUEL . us era Badagry uries of of


“The the ing is agai the slave of in prep fected slave port proj centre new dawn n on the thretrade, an enth some peop aration ect of a supe shol all the for le nega has even afthe morin the world. people r tour d the Boe ralling tourist the prospect tivel that at the adequate koh Qua ing come being rein The prospect ist velo atmosph of ongoing were doin y because rter g busi good tasteattention so cons governmprehensive forced by the is all mar pment of the s, the ongo ere. At all relocate that they ing rede d. We kno truction sitenesses of the Badagry ent to rege effort of the ongo- conf ina into a granold slave port “Let can have meg - its bene ers state at the how soonfits later on w we all shal were good all the divisionacity. ven. Bad town into nerate and deve world-cl the prospectd viewing pavi l reap taste but the a viable beca projects of the meg s in Lagos have state of agry division tourist lop Nigeria ass tourist of a delights lion level for a longuse it has been problem is acity. But already centre, haa but also ome at the sam economi aquatic sple , as one the The gove time,” he not The Akr in in the c and poli ndour, e Fashprayer is thatembarked upo for the said. rnment, many reas an of entire Africa.only in ening to occu got whoever n here ola shou tica , structur ons. Yet, com l importancepies chu a facelift, the Badagry’s pala porating the reality of it seems, is awa ld cont comes “Wh inue after en effec ce just her hist k- of componeal developm mensurate for Met rch in Nige completion a state we talk abou with the work megacit oric Badagrytively incorof the ria – Free ents in infrahodist , we talk s. t the gove Badagry nt towns scar first entry y proj most of with Chu man tow from n rch ect. poin Mem a abou cely into town is the mind of – t an indi rnor proj graduall exist. But the atm the Akran’s which is a few orial through t at the roun Right from osphere. Jose palace its waitect is to be his own to deci vidual dabout, y tran brightenyards within the ph Dosu Roa done and sforma drive de wha or There be s the one compon discarde t d and which is com the business is now prol stre ent one d. ifera of stre knowledge of quarters, affoets asking ing, we wish But whoever to for the es, banks etc. tion of hote etlights, him well is that that recent rd all time whe ls, ages in in prep he tarred ; all we prov complet the roads and ision thetimes, Badagrythinks of Bad are ed and n the project aration Interest town. tion? Oke gove agry has rem draincomes finally ingl ained loya. At in pow rnment in pow attenda -Tojinu, one in to full oper is ignited by the y, the tran er l to nts said of governm sforming a- and laun skyline see how they er. So, let ways ther that the the museum fire of Bad can chan those s landscap ch the state ent to illuminat pros agry.” A a sea port e because ge the into e seem e of senior offic there is pect is al- men ial Culture ting supp s to be rece an enviable tor is the in Badagry , but onegoing to be town and Tou in the state Min iving com fact that ort. anon Acr peop , the ymity, maj rism, who oss OLUWAT Lagos is istry plele are reco however resi already congesteor fac- of a few stru nstructing the pacesette OSIN that the disclose preferred com and r proj dents are bein d. CO-ORDIN OMONIYI sides, its next place to ing out, hop So, mark of a ctures that trul renovating ect. g carried d that the tosin.omon ATOR be is Bad ing both hom megacity y is proximit along in iyi@newtel “We have is the hope agry. y to e and fore which willthe hall- ings the egraphonlin organize © daily Chief Lagos-Ba that by the the border, Beattract ign visit whe Telegraph d town Seh ther ers wer re the resident Publishing -hal easy acce dagry Express time the 10-la e selor to His ubo Ajose-Ha ors abound. e sens Company s and stakl meetlimited and itize factors ss will be poss way is completene Menu-Toyi Majesty De rrison coun Wheno - com how the proj d on all the eholdects tend Badagryaffecting the ible. Those are d, Kingdom, I, the Akran projects munity Aho transfor remarke . Apa the Fashola of Bad lu ment to now, and as a town and mation agry has equa rt from this benefit the d as a divi not sole of but posi has tried in that Govern , proj the lly governorganize sion righ ly the slav ted that his or tour ect to trai t that all it is only own strid e port proj ist prac n the you d a training morally es, capa ths and ect. tre of consisting divi titio ners city Excellen righ othe sion ce be give s in the Cen t ing on so that they to enhance thei r what to can star n quality r do whe t thinkand n the proj ect is CON

Pages 27 -30

FOUR pages of MEGA City inside

Northern senators kick against emergency rule TINU ED

lJonathan writes Tambuwal on extension

Protesters at the palace of the Emir of Gwandu, Alhaji Muhammadu Bashar, over the two-week power outage in Birnin Kebbi…yesterday

Boko Haram is world number 2 terror group, says report


oko Haram, Nigeria’s terror group that has killed about 15,000 people since 2009, has been ranked as the number two terror

group in the world. Reuters, in a report yesterday, quoted the Australia and the United States-based Institute for Economics and Peace

(IEP) in its Global Terrorism Index as ranking Boko Haram behind the Islamic State (IS). The report also said the number of people

killed in militant attacks worldwide jumped more than 60 per cent last year to a record high of nearly 18,000 and the figure could rise further in 2014 due to

an escalation of conflict in the Middle East and Nigeria. According to the report, the four most active CONTINUED ON PAGE 2




Quick Read


Tackling the rot in sport }19

Tambuwal bows out of presidential race }5

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Binder1234567890 wednesday, november19, 2014 by Newtelegraphonline - Issuu