Binder1 december 30, 2014

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A media partner of


Sanctity Of Truth


Vol. 1 No. 314

Tuesday, December 30, 2014



Investment in fibre optic cables grows by 44.2% }6

Cameroon kills 41 Boko Haram militants in air strikes

Chukwu David


ameroon's army yesterday announced the

killing of no fewer than 41 Boko Haram insurgents during several air strikes carried out against the militants who attacked five

towns and villages within the Nigeria's neighbour's territory. A report by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN)

quoted the country's Minister of Information, Mr. Issa Tchiroma, as saying in Yaoundé that the coorCONTINUED ON PAGE 7




A centenary without History


BER 30, 2014


We’ve repos in Africa, itioned UI as best says VC varsity




2014: Swe et, sour y ear for

A cross-

section of




educatio n

ASUP strike

at primary level, while and secondary under trees some pupils stillschool learn and sit on ed floors dust infes . revitalise tFollowing the progressi the university Federal system; Governmefailure of the ary alloc ve increase of the num Polytechn budg erous crisent to address ics (ASU sector by ations to the educ et- leges the secto P) and s stagn of educ Federal 26 per cent; trans ation unde ation coun its colability r, and especially ating hough, r to 2014 has to unive Government propfer of Educ the aegis of Colleterpart, ment reachimplement the its inand gone ation Acad rsitie come agreeges of ed with search and s; setting up erty (COE the unive ers in the, but stakehold- teachers, unde ASU), was emic Staff Unio of devel rsity the r educ n union their not. companies opment units reThe ation tor have , the umb by whic nationwide ; and reneg express of the signe continuedsec- of Univ Academic Staff rella mixed feelin ersities d agreement otiation and h started in ASUP strike turn-out (ASUU) Union Other dema October gs over to the union lasted for of event . in 2009, emba the 4, 2013 tor in year, nds are; 10 s within victimisa the sec- nite strike on rked on an indef a non- that of COEASU,months, as well which by vario July 1, 2013, and depo tion clause, prov iDecember which bega as The Ebola us crise was bedeviled was called off sit ision whic of 18, n on N200 scare, structure h on Dece the same Apart from s. seven mont and dragg billion infra mber 12, ed on for for several year. hs, funds confr the pauc an accou revitalisation How months, funds in on July 12, on were all suspended nt with the education onting the ity of longe ever, faced with of the disru the Nige Centr newly appo intervention natio d ria pted acad al the proalso bedev system, the secto n’s to closu strike, whic disbursem (CBN) with detaiBank Mini of emic h resul ster, Malla inted Education re of the calendar, ted of facili iled by acute short r is sity syste payment ent of the fund ls of arau, public unive especially ties, to enable m Ibrahim Shek ture, poor dearth of infra age Federal m for five mont rhas accruof salary arrea s, and strik in primary ing teach him look into rs which struced to the Governme hs, the ment, over-curriculum the ing the strik ers’ dema and teachers develop- reached a comp nt and ASUU nds. crowded dur- theThe action not secondar a nego romi The Fede e. classroom only disru y level academic ral Gove s Presi tiation brok se during pted through ered by where scho , dent the Speci rnment has polytechnics andcalendar in the the the Presi bour Cong of the Nigerian al Assis ol cation, colleges resumption Dr. Doyi dent on Public tant to of the it also frustrated of eduAbdulwah ress (NLC), Com LaAffairs, had students, many rade proof of n Okupe prese Memoran eed Omar, in High espec to be altered er whic billion intopayment of thented a stude National Diplo ially the (MoU) wasdum of Understan h a for nts, ma N200 an accou Central months December signed on Wedn ding this year’ from participat (HND) nt with Bank s comp ing in the Natio the suspe 11, 2013, which esday, Although, of Nigeria. nal Yout ulsory one-year signa py as it lame ASUU is not re-openingnsion of the strik led yet hap- (NYSC) schem h Service Corp KAYODE e and Governme nted that the s February of the institution OLANREW Following e. Federal , this year. AJU s in EDITOR, the its agree nt was yet to ASUU EDUC ment with honour academic activ disruption of the kayode olanrewATION union that ities, highe gerheads has since been the students aju@ newtelegraph clearly stateAcademic r billion woul ernment with the Fede at National under the aegis school s that ral of the Asso © Daily Telegra beginning d be released N50 rian union’s for failure to meetGovStudents ciation of Nige demands, ph Publis identified of each quarter at the insta (NANS) the upwa hing Compa which incluthe nces to meet at sever needs in ny Limited de ties. al ment age rd review of the Lagos and took to the stree the unive retire for rsiAbuj ts in to 70 years professors a, While closure from 65 of their protesting ; adequate suspendedthe ASUU strik Like ASUU institution the funding e was . to last year, towards the twilig , ASUP ing, amon is dema ht of the unive with the re-op what theyg others, the remo ndening of rsities in of the Acad Febru tion again regard as discr val of emic Staff ary, that iminast polyt echnic Union of gradu-

KAYODE OLAN reviews the REWAJU major critic issues in al the educ ation sector in 2014.

Page 23


PDP: The secret agenda for S'West T


Travel Advisory Your guide to local and international flights 4

Family members of passengers of missing Malaysian air carrier AirAsia flight at Juanda International Airport in Surabaya in East Java, Indonesia... Sunday. PHOTO: AFP

FG to clamp down on politicians over inflammatory statements Emmanuel Onani and Wale Elegbede


he Federal Government is set to begin

a crackdown on opposition leaders over alleged inflammatory statements ahead of the 2015 general election.

Minister of Police Affairs, Alhaji Jelili Adesiyan, yesterday ordered the Inspector of General of Police, Mr. Suleiman Abba,

to arrest and prosecute any politician who makes any inciting statements aimed at undermining the exisCONTINUED ON PAGE 7



Quick Read


Let TETFund be for public universities }19 Presidency works out unity list for Ogun PDP }8

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Binder1 december 30, 2014 by Newtelegraphonline - Issuu