Oil theft: N3.72trn loss equal to 80% of 2014 budget –Petroleum ministry } 45
Zik’s ouster in 1959 was Nigeria’s first coup - Festus Okotie-Eboh’s son
} 24
Sunday Edition
Sanctity of Truth Sunday, February 24, 2014
Vol. 1 No. 5
Nigeria’s most authoritative newspaper in politics and business
North’ll burn if Jonathan wins –Tunde Bakare INSIDE Body & Soul } 23
on Sunda
23, 2014
70s-inspi re flared pa d nts
Enjoy lif finer thine’s gs
I mak heads e turn
Biyi Adegoroye, Tai Anyanwu, Steve Uzoechi and Uwakwe Abugu
iery cleric and president of Save Nigeria Group,
Pastor Tunde Bakare, has painted a grim picture of the 2015 presidential election, warning that the North will burn if President Goodluck Jonathan wins the poll.
Speaking in London in an interview with http:// w w w. s p r e a ke r. c o m / user/6991015/voice-005-1, Bakare, who said political elements in the North who have not held the Presiden-
cy for some time now would revolt, also stated that there would be crisis if Gen. Muhammadu Buhari fails to clinch the presidential ticket of the All Progressives Congress (APC).
Bakare said the fortunes of the nation would not be better either should Jonathan lose, because his South-South kinsmen, who have tasted CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
–Nonye Ra jis-O
} 16
Nigerian Am
lOnly PDP believes in Rule of Law, says President
bassad Pageor 16, New toTelegr Sinaph gap
Amaech oil moneiyis drunk with –Umeh W on Sunda y, Februa ry 23, 2014
hat do you make of the rent spate curof defectio ns at the Nationa l Assemb ly and in the It is a twin states? issue to gage in people who politics without enbelief or any consist ideology ent . The types tions we are witness of defecing remain very shamef in Nigeria today situatio ul to everybo n where dy. A people as govern ors, legislat win election s Nationa ors either l Assemb at the ly or the the platform of one party state level on another and is irrespo nsible. What defect to on in the Nationa is going l Assemb den. The ly APC is celebrating is forbidtutional actions in the countryunconstiare claimin yet they g government that they will offer a better to the people. If our constitu tion forbids how can somebo defectio dy now n, majority in the Nationa say he is in the out receivi l ng the votes Assembly withLike what of the people? is today when happening in Rivers the govern State role of or is playing modern the day Saddam That is what Hussein. is happen unfortu ing there, nate that and it is nobody the facts. is ready The to face never voted people of Rivers State ANPP, the for the CPC, ACN have three parties or the APC. Sudden that fused into their govern ly they woke up or had defecte to see that they did d to a party not suppor vote for during the t, one they did not election they are s. That is fighting why there. You know, deception won an is evil. election If you have to remain through a there until party, you tion when the next you can elecmandat do otherw e receive ise. The to the politica d in election s is given l parties viduals; , not to there is the to that effect. a Supreme Court indiruling sistent partakeAnd because I am a conr in the look at the election s, if you result sheets for election INEC produc s, e any candida you don’t see the name of te; rather the politica it is the Umeh name of l on the ballot party. You see party logos sheets votes papers and on the received ties. The by the politicaresult another parties are like Rochas l parlisted and give their Okorocha our manda the people votes to who took te from the parties reasons both leaders . Now the for various the latter is current APGA to APC to challen and a tested election beneficiaries ly celebra How would similar who conting thing happen ge America. It they feel parties cannot s on the platform is should election if APC wins him. money ing here. s in 2015 and huge s of remember arrogat some The oil themselves resourc e the mandat the people defect? and all of a sudden Rivers State the instanc cited es accruin and e to tion es I have You cannot are making the chi g to them in both Iraq and wrong thing; move away. somewh act It is a very lose an Rotimi AmaeLibya; did not end hence I elec- fightingirresponsibly, opportu means and ere and take it want to well. If anybod both of that the nity to by another use this the Federal and he has started you start people of this country advise APC not State celebrating. Rivers State y thinks ing the Government, for APC is not an to destroy Preside . and Amaech Rivers APC state; will vote fightnt, and State an The current ing the and PDP i against the people neither APC brunt are , such a Nationa bearbers got the ferent politica state. They belong is Imo has too person shouldJonathan psychia their mandat l Assembly memmuch money Rivers people. tric examin to difl parties go for a politica He New e from the and he . The issue ation. availab l parties I want Telegr also does not certain is that oil , and the not necessa listen. Thosele to him inciden toaph Rotimi Amaech comme on Sunda beating money is mandat nt on rily given that drum e was driving t where y, Februa who are i crazy. He recent it is very APC legislat the to individ read about for him him out ry the directiv should go wrong to uals. So are of Libya ors ignored 23, 2014, Page the driving and e of their where oil system. win an the platform Moamm 11 to have Executive So for the party to money drove ar Gadhaf peace, he of one party election on block all Bills and state i crazy. He has to and read people of service and defect the screeni should go about Iraq, chiefs. Rivers State re-engage. The to drove ng of where oil be under comes first. They said no, do Saddam not any intend to money the nation Hussein That type where they other platform dream, crazy, making of action other than like are is my ter the amoun currently. And says though our old Nation al Anthem no matt of politics fer, in brothertribe and tongue he plays, may hood we he stand. That difwas C
Chief Victo r Umeh, emba (APGA) in ttled chair this man of All polity, crise interview with BIYI Progressi ves Grand ADEGOROY s in APGA Allian among sund E, speaks on the defec ce ry issues. tions in the
LIFE } 13
Hill, Abuja
Yekeen Nurude en,
Strabag h the heart ill: Here lies of Nigeria
trabag hill also known Katamp as e hill has always been listed among attracti tourist ons in the Federa Capital l Territo Though ry Abuja. , it shares ties with little or no the likes of Aso Rock similariAso Rock and Caves, Park and popular Zuma rock, Zoo, and even the Strabag years has He also hill, over continued lamente the and foreign to attract d that the both local received deserve site has tourists not sand d attentio to its summit packaging The hill n in terms and concret provides to of top a panoram . Abuja metrop tional tourismthe United Nations just behind e blocks littering ic view of internaolis at dusk standard. the hill Aso Radio Yet, it has sion studio “The problem and that we dawn. not are broadca and an adjacen live transmiswith Nigeria ed or properl been properly aging. It hut, the sting from of Nigeria docume t thatche is the packhas not place referred y develop the heart and d roof been fully in Abuja. ed as a landmant- line with Nigeria to as the it to Nigeria that’s why we developed is a mere keep selling centre of rk standar the UN Interna ns,” he said. in Besides tional Tourism Quite a numberstony floor. Primus d. being the Khanov location and Televisi of personn a, a staff tion attested “We need and Vice-Ch on, the broadca of Aso Radio el at the of the station to develop to the claim airman, the FCT site. That’s heart of and package sting outfit Nigeria that the hill sta- Journalists, administration Nigeria. why we of potentia this not is the Abuja chapter n Union of ally believed They all, say it has , the hill of thought back however, l and that is genera to be the toed this . could we are sitting tourism evidenc their claim with centre of line ism gold An unconfi An elated any scientif Nigeria. mine,” he e to that on a toureffect. same distanc rmed claim says said. ic on Sunday Khanova told When the A popular it takes the New Telegra e from Duty that the fact present the top of the four Editor at Suleima tion, who er on the ing station that the broadcaph cardina the hill n Akko, Aso Radio, radio stapleaded is situated was taken The alleged l points of the country to said, “Nobod for anonym st“That’s to be the in a place up on this, centrality centre of ity, said, believed he where the impression to Nigeria of this claim y can confirm the Nigeria of Katamp . corpora they gave is what we gives veracity te are but e hill this outlook us it a more is what we the Aso prides itself were told place is While noting the heart of Nigeria that He was asked and endorsement. on as a station Radio station the centre is that .” that facts heart of about how of Nigeria vided to New to be known located in Nigeria. have to prove .” the challen Telegraph on Sunday as the heart the place came And this New Telegra or dispel the claim, be pro- he said, ge by taking took up of Nigeria is also a “There is he told ph on Sunday the tion, held on a journey belief tenacio and mit of the a landma that. When to, not nonethe to the sumthat the rk to indicate hill. A journey usly was the first set less, keeps sta- to of Aso Radio only by membe to Nigeria not only of develop selling the the district rs of staff and Televisi ns. challenging to the hill top ers came claim , they identifi other FCT takes a car on but hill but “That’s revealin by several residents as the centre with a very ed Katamp the impress g. It who have the place good gear e ion they heard about excellent brake “When you of Nigeria. being the box and gave us, pads to climb are on top and also But is Strabag centre of Nigeria have the the monolit descend of the hill . whole of hill truly without h Nigeria? you venture FCT in When you the centre turning into a disaster your palm. the adgo there, of Nobody . Except for you show that seems to it is the centre find a plaque to know how claim is. time visitor the metal plate which We need to Not even According of Nigeria true this cannot identify a first the develop and to Lawal Develop .” istrative easily without ment Corpor Nigerian Tourism being guided, Bello, an package this employ the site adminignated ation that top. is just another was christen ee at the station, the place has desas a tourist why we say site. That’s hill the hill ed after An employ With tipper tion firm, German attraction. it Strabag constru loads of to be named ee of NTDC who Nigeria cpotential andhas a tourism he said gravel, Limited declined said he made the plaster , which cal and foreign led a number that we are discovery back. sitting on a some years of lotourists year. to the hill tourism gold “It is not late last that Aso mine discove He also Radio came attested red that here and to the claim four cardina this is the ria. This that the heart of l place is South, East points in the country Nigeknown as They were the , North, and West, first constru Strabag Hill. from the are equi-dis here. They metal plate ction compan tant constructed on top of He said, y to the top the “It of hill and the road that leads ria geograp is called the centre hill. built the “But during hically, meanin of Nigeent people the regime hut there. g that if Head of are driving of a former differState, Gen. and West North, South, Ibrahim the place from that Babang East was metal speed, they ida, plate at the Pagoda which given to a group will same Page 52, known as built World New Telegr “I led some arrive at the same sioned by Peace commis time. tourists aph on Sunda Babang year, some to the place Asked about ida.” from the y, Februa late last United and student ry 23, 2014 the scientif claim, Bello s from Kings States, Canada said though ic proof of the But he was College, yet Strabag there was Lagos.” planted none, was a mere quick to add that a metal of the hill, the claim assumption plate on which accordi verified. top that has cates the ng to him, not been actual spot indiNigeria where the lies. heart of Metal plate “We are planted by claiming Strabag, of the nation that it is assumed the centre to be the but there centre of dence to is no scientif Nigeria prove that. ic eviBut Strabag metal plate planted a up there to show that CONTI the place NUED
FAith } 53
Celibacy coping –Mis tough, but I’m onsignor Osu Y
O N PA GE 12
ou look much the secret? younger. What is Don’t flatter me. I know I am as that old as Methus quotes. I thank elah in God; I will tember be 60 on 5. I have Sepcome a God whom, long way duties entail I would . It is working say, Modera round the tion in whatev is keeping one. I relax like clock? drinkin er one is being. After any other normal g or eating, human the day’s Many people doing; that is the listen to secret. describe good music. work, I like reverend you as an to a lot. I like I like jazz gentlem amiable an. Who some afro music gnor Gabriel really is we grew music rhythm Osu? Monsiup with; Gabriel s and some ditional Osu, Catholi of our tramusic. signor by Then I c Priest, good gospel title, was listen to Mon1954. I am born Septem that - good songs. I am emphas some a simple ber 5, gospel songs; Catholic ising is who lyrics of I am. I becaus was ordainepriest; that some of ago. So our gospel e the today or my anniver d 32 years music tracks Decemb sary is general sense, if coming er 5. ly are we are on How has to be truthfujust nonselves. it been living Look at l to ourreverend a celibate the old you play father? life as a musici IK ans. If Dairo’s Well; there music today, makes meanin is no life it still ficult. But g. People that is not re-recor request again, I d his songs. diffor and give glory Father. God, all over Fela Kuti to God to the world, the is mal human me, is behind even though known in Pidgin. it all. beings The beat he sang you face face tempta Noris unique to him. problem tions; Osibisa , origina s and you and that. of Ghana, l origina face this With God his l to him. with commit on your Victor Olaiyamusic is a living side and ment, the legend is still God is the in his 80s. see him one guiding sky is the limit. You could collabo don’t think us. If not man, TuFace rating with anybod God, I this young y has that do whatev Kosi oooo.’ . See the music power to er ‘Ilu le oo, All the How relevant he or she is doing. social Olaiya sang about them ills of today, now, conside is the doctrine of Fela sang celibacy in the 50s, ring that about them been implicat some priests 60s. And these in have were people the 70s and 80s. tion of childrened in the sexual What do molesta thinkin Osu ? you get g ahead. In the Catholi from our sicians gospel today? ‘Ye c priesth is so relevan paripa Jesu,’ muood, celibac mi o,’ all kinds of y ‘Egba You need t. There are reasons rubbish to wonder to truly . You need why. what kind and find Google It is all out celibac commercialisaof music is this. y; bacy. These about the history really made tion, which of celiare courses for many people study are doing. nonsense of anythin has years. Not People talk. You g we just five should work for can’t get minutes work hard, posterity it. Why How did . I’m not the gospel did it come? it come? saying that songs are How has the church are very not good. it been ? good. in gay non-Catholics,But if you ask programmes, Tune to South Some movement? yoursel African f, ing even Muslim Anglicans, Protest you don’t lesbianism? Why are they promot they are know what saying. Why are ry four wives,s who are allowed ants, ing the But you watchin Is it differen they promot sales of will to marhave g be happy them, you condom t from the their congreg been more don’t think. ing them will be happy s? Our people- that is, child normal than the ation sing like molesta case, gation? seeCatholi government, But thank God moleste angels and tion that But here, Have c congrers face anywhe that our normal it is like dancing more celebra they had more demonstratedat least for the . an all-com People re in the first time, Are there no laws people, should world? moral soundn hotter than tions than us? saw how work hard; ers affair. laid down anywhe for posteri Are they the re? The us? People ess. We for that sing well ty and legacy ferent problem church say, kudos, nation reacted clear about have their it should has been . That is . That is this time s. Unfortu dif- So be. So, I that. What very to about what are not you got unwind nately, priests it is for ways like even the is so special that? it right. in differen the media I have told. people lay people between How have t to always talking try to keep But above the who even . It is you been read job, my spirit of priesth all, I carry the is the right lines and make coping with music, I being high. With sure that ood more burden the thing that get it people? a reverend father themse good than the and written is being How about into it. lves. Take over many priests thought . your love any newspa day; you The UN has life? It is a difficul I hope it see cases per togiven a directiv is not monkey of incest, rape and t job. You can concern so many you are e to the Vatican imagin all kinds cases of banana people, ing sexual talking said they of evil. love so e; of; Catholic abuse many any where and a Have they society, by Roman problem priests. should you see you find What is wipe out s. In Therewoman. This is a man world? and the What is the good, your commen These the ugly. With are all kinds Valentine period. the UN the bad t? of the media. are the manipu entire should saying the the grace wisdom ‘I love you of implem lations of of God Vatican The church like sugar,’ noise outside. ent? That the only that guides God, the go sack all seems to voice they should makes you do die’ and ‘Withou priests you, that be off what you ‘My mama t you I or they moral problemnow that can do. You all priests Everyb should are suppose oppose food no give glory ody has s of the pluck on the road sweet.’ d to love. Americ to the Father. an innate world. And the of them easy ruling an kind or derobe or what? But how this one It is not people, of thing all modelli much as do you controlfeeling of Tell me, guiding in trying How do asking me you are possible, ng the people people and you take to as yoursel questio the and attack the kill the I just want care of f? ns. because you ever church, ugly are church, your commen good, bad seen a human yourself ? Have fight the you finish ing to pull there. While some Comme church; say he has being who that, then nt on what. t on that. when you down; are tryno love? whole world. will you conque I want you for you. some are Then you complete I believe to commen Why are r praying are not human that God t on the UN they promot the tive concern a their prayers being. But have to is answer direcing child have ing Catholic you now positive molesta but like ly. It is not ing over your control over your tion by priests. I said with passion desires, easy; God, one ahead. ; so that end up will forge you do messing not yoursel How do you the people f or messin unwind conside of God. g No. got that, ring that but it goes Everybody has your banana love. It goes beyond monke y beyond sex.
Director of Comm unica of Lagos, Monsignor tions Catholic Archd music and Gabriel Osu, iocese same sex speaks on TAI ANYA marriage NWU in this interv celibacy, iew with
Sport } 57
No athlet ics gold for Nigeria unt - Adegbehi il 2020 ngbe
Stop brib of refereeery Baribote s, begs clubs
Page } 61
Sunday Sport Page } 61
page 57, new teleg
Onigbin to NFF: Lde Keshi wo et rk raph on SunD aY,
FeBr uarY
Dapo Sotum inu
ormer Nigeria World Cup Chief coach, Adegboye has sent Onigbinde, a the Nigeria passionate plea (NFF) to to Football allow Federation coach, Stephe the Super Eagles n Keshi, chief the team’s function handler well as the 2014 before FIFA and during The legenda World Cup finals in Brazil. ry Nigeria reacted n football swiftly soccer house to believe foiled tactician plan to employ of assistan the a foreign t for technical dial in Brazil:the Eagles ahead of the Mun“Did Keshi ask for an in the first assistan place t? “They are now because changing to technic menclature I have been criticizal assistant technical ing the no- Onigbind who the adviser. e Technical I don’t know Adviser team is, to the Germa the him in the Brazilians French team, the n Argentines, that managteam is there at don’t know and even the English the pleasur er, why we e of teams. I him. Except you can’t impose sion, if they are people on the Nigeria want to create ready to confu- sibilities for (NFF) is Football take responKeshi’s no results, should get longer confident Federation as that.” it is as simple in Keshi, the job from The former they somebody NFF Techni else. I don’t him and give creating it to stated that: “Keshi know cal Directo confusion.” why they went to the r are Nations Cup in Januar Onigbin 2013 African de noted the trophy to come that: “I want , he qualifiey and came back out with somebody Cup, and d for the and if he and tell me that he took 2014 Keshi has has Nigeria failed onship for the to CHAN World confusion. not, why do they first time Champihave to create a lot of I am as eager in history that the things went as every country wrong and . At CHAN Nigerian the day I does well but we can was at the end at the reading confusion. achieve that withouWorld Cup, Sepp Blatter, declari the FIFA Preside of team in t creatin that compet ng Nigeria as the nt, “It would g best ition. “You see cussed with have been better this is my problem if he thinks Keshi and find if they dis- ans, when you with Nigeriare out from he needs him lieve in, they see trying to say what cause we you as an are doing an assistant. It you besituatio is enemy this country things upside n, the NFF be. In an ideal . In other should get down in work with Keshi is some people the Eagles the manage countries of the technical to world, analysis. istrative r of that crew to make and team, admin- serious In places where those countri technical. And football ly, when a change is that the change es they is made in taken coach, but do not call is why in a match, manage by the coachmight not have him chief r. “What was on the bench, been initiate people commu the nomen Ferguson but by technic d clature of nicatin before he al ed, of course left Manch Sir Alex two-way radio gadgets g with him through ester observa manage . Highlig Wenger, tions and r, what about Unithting their so what Arsene But, now trying then the coach are we talking is the manag can react. to impose about. big man er, anybod somebody to head y who works If he the coachin as a with it may lead to g crew, I confusion in the Eagles.think ” CONTIN UES ON PAGE 62
EDiTOR : Dapo
23, 2014
Sotum inu dapo.sot uminu@newteleg raphonlin
0809-940-0190, 0803-815-4192
L-R: Governors of Abia, Theodore Orji; Cross River, Liyel Imoke; Kogi, Idris Wada; Vice President Namadi Sambo; Deputy President of the Senate, Ike Ekweremadu; and President Goodluck Jonathan, on arrival at Sam Mbakwe Cargo Airport, Owerri, Imo State for a Peoples Democratic Party rally... yesterday.
FG places Sanusi under security watch Simeon Ogoegbulam and Emmanuel Onani
ndications emerged on Saturday that suspended Governor of
the Central Bank of Nigeria, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, had been placed under security watch. New Telegraph on Sunday observed an increased
presence of security operatives around the official residence of the CBN Governor in Wuse 2, Abuja on Saturday. Although the residence
is one of the most guarded places in the Federal Capital Territory, our correspondent noted a heightened presence of security agents around the area.
Sanusi is believed to have relocated to an undisclosed location in Lagos since he returned to CO N T I N U E D O N PAG E 8