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Sanctity Of Truth
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Vol. 1 No. 321
@newtelegraph1 www.newtelegraphonline.com
How we'll spend N21bn campaign fund, by PDP }5
Tension in SEC as Oteh's tenure expires Abdulwahab Isa Abuja
s the five-year tenure of Director-General of Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), Ms. Arunma Oteh, ends today there is anxiety in the organisation over her successor. It was gathered yesterday that Oteh had been lobbying the presidency for an
extension of her tenure despite stiff opposition from workers' union. The workers have threatened to go on strike should President Goodluck Jonathan extend her tenure.
However, the presidency is yet to make any pronouncement and no letter has been forwarded to her in that direction, a source told New Telegraph yesterday in Abuja.
RY 6, 2015
We’ve traine in 10 years d over 40,000 adult , says Direc learners tor
Parents threa ten legal insurance policy for action over pupils
Row ove r Coopera plan to scrap On tive Colle do ge
Page 23
Controver sy has cont to trail the inued Ondo State Governme nt’s plan to scrap the state Cooperati ve College Babatope Okeowo
hese are for the not better days stude Ondo State nts of the Cooperativ Colle e The state ge, Akure. cluded plansgovernment has contion, found to scrap the manpower ed to train middinstitule-level cooperativefor the developme nt of societies try. in the coun The decis by the New ion, investigati Telegraph ons has since revea led, trooped pitted the stude nts, to the closu the streets prote who re of their sting their paren colleg Protesting students governmen ts, against the e and of the college Mimiko. t, led by Dr. Olusestate gun the While state capit the instit the governmen al, has since under relevant ution was no t said is planlock and key, while been by the there and the to the need of longer trans gover nmen the curricula fer t to modern unnecessa state Public the students to day econo the Service ry the stude Training state’s mic realit in in Ilara nts Institute -Mok Towards are of different ies, Governme in in Ifedo re Loca nt Area prehension this end, palpa view. comp of the state l lete their ble aphas gripp students ed both Meanwhile course of study to the has . over the and staff of the ordered , the governmen the trans the instit planned scrap college teach ers and ping of fer of thet ution and sion of other state the conve the prem r- that ministries and workers to of Natio ises to the departmen require nal (PENCOM Pension Comm office ts Besides, their services. ission ) by the the gover ment. directed state gover nment also the schoo n- to admi Already l authority t not the instit , the gates leadi college. fresh students into the ernment ution in Alagbaka ng to The Ondo Reserve State Area in Gov- vice, Mr. Mimiko Akure, Toyin AkinHead of Seraddressing kuotu, while the stude gust 13, nts on Aulast year, the state declared ing down government was that because the college appar closof gover to alloca nment’s ently te the colleg desir to the Natio e’s prem e ises nal Pens mission, ion ComKAYODE which is OLANREW office accom reque AJU EDITOR, modation sting an condition EDUCA as a prekayode olanrew TION service to situate its office aju@ newtelegraph in the state. and online.com The © Daily Telegra claimed government, that ph Publish generating the school which ing Compa was not ny Limited reven coffers, alleged ue to the state that offered in the colleg the courses e have no di-
made up operativeof Federal and State Colabi, acadeColleges with joint examinatiomic calendar and syln. final The instit ution, which first in the ranked tive colleg comity of coope the Feder es, was patterned raafter Ibadan al Cooperative (FCCI), College, lished by and was the estab Awolowo-l then Chief Obafemi defunct ed governmen Western t in the has train Region, are today ed many stude and it nts in the stateoccupying top positiwho ons in the privacivil service, as well as te sector. Other of coope training comp rative educa onents the Colle tion regular ge offers apart which from the cours clude educa es to stude and educa tion of the nts intrain the Coop tion of the office ers educationerative Movementrs of and lic in the of members of the pubcoope However, rative ideologies the gover . decision nment’s because to scrap the instit of what evance” it called ution of the schoo “irre rect beari to the need l curriculumlof the state governmenng to the busin student and of the was never t and that the ess of contr has continued oversy in to a convention college tion. the state. generate The al instit u- Presi college’s Stude Part of dent nts’ the Unio and state gover argument General n nment’s Paul Kolade and Secretary was that should have fitted the college spectively, who Uche Okereke , retechnic, led prote system, into the poly- against the decis st nic, has as a Mono gover nmen ion of themarch become techstate t, argu day’s know irrele though ed that the Pensi ledge-base vant to toaland its It also on Comm d econo this, the argued that based my. the state,services are desir ission college able in however on its could only of very regre existe few ment since students in its boast not be nce and locati tted that on shoul a reason enrolno paren aged to d lege. to t was scrap send their encourthe colwards to They argue enroll in children and obtain coope d that in and age the colleg this day of unive e to rative educa tificate any tion cer- cooperative collegrsity education, try were However, longer. establishedes in the counto allay fear over nics in the stude as Mono techping of the controversial nts’ Nurs the mode of the ing, Midw their colleg Schoo scraptary to ifery, Healt ls of the State e, the Secre- nology, the Schoo h (SSG), Dr. the Colle Governme l of Surve TechRotimi Adelo ge of y and nt one The State la has. professionStatistics; to offer Coop was estab erative Colle al other in Higher course or the ge 1978 as lished on Nove an mber 13, Diploma levels and the Natio nal stitute to in-service train Studies in ing train midd and Mana Cooperative sonnel gement. le level inAcco for Cooperativ the Governme per- strate rding to the stude gic nt e nts, the place of candidates movement spons and nifica . ored organ nce placed pride and sigIts admi on coope isations ssion polic rative panded y was ex- cooperative and the training to pract candidate accommodate of task of national itioners in the the instit s in 1985 and private build and econo ing, and in 1991; ute joine mic Cooperativ the endu d the cies of coope ring legae Colleges comity of rative organ in Niger isations ia
Obasanjo: Oil savings gone CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
lEx-president says Jonathan squandered foreign reserves }2
Travel Advisory Your guide to local and international flights 4
Quick Read A cross-section of pupils of Olomu Primary School, Ajah, Lagos, during their resumption from Christmas and New Year holidays… yesterday. PHOTO: SULEIMAN HUSAINI
CJN, judges, others locked out
A voice for other sports }19 Jonathan,
lUnion blames Accountant General for court shutdown Buhari turn }13 Tunde Oyesina,Akeem Nafiu, Cajetan Mmuta, Sola Adeyemo and Caleb Onwe
he Chief Justice of the Nigeria (CJN), Justice Mahmoud Mohammed, justices of
the Supreme Court and other judges of lower courts were denied access to their offices yester-
day as judiciary workers began an indefinite strike nationwide.
North-West to battleground