A media partner of
Sanctity of Truth
SATURDAY Saturday, January 24, 2015
Vol. 1 No. 339
@newtelegraph1 www.newtelegraphonline.com
Waje: Me, my daughter and what I can’t stand in men } 19
lLife at provincial secondary school l53 suitcases l$2.8bn oil money lShagari and IBB coups
Eric Osagie t his Kaduna office, a modest twin-bungalow, the gangling frame sauntered in from one of the inner rooms, spotting a complete white kaftan, the slit in his upper dentition unmistakable. The appointment was for 12 noon, and he was there not a minute later
21 days to go... Nigeria votes
ria Nige
s vote
than the time. A warm, almost shy smile, creasing his face, he stretched his hand for a handshake, even as he beckoned on the reporter and photographer to a seat. He himself settled for a seat at the head of the conference table. “I am ready. You can fire your salvos,” he said. This is Muhammadu Buhari, a retired Army General and Nigeria’s former
In South-East, Widowhood is a long , nasty road }24
military head of state. It was not the first time I would be interviewing him. I first had an exclusive chat with him in 2004, after the 2003 presidential election; then in 2010, shortly before the 2011 polls. But, this interview was going to be slightly different from the two previous ones: A probing, no-holds-barred encounter on his life, school days, military
abimbola azeh i started making shoes when i couldn’t get my size }13
career; then, on controversial issues like the famous or infamous 53 suitcases, the alleged missing N2.8bn oil money when he was Obasanjo’s petroleum minister, the IBB coup that swept him out of power, among other issues. A trained marksman, and well, politician, Buhari, deflected all the questions and engaged the reporter in a repartee, you would find interesting. When the inter-
xchange our parents can’t tell us apart }21
view was conducted, Buhari had just clocked 70, and it was meant to be the reflections or memoirs of a man who had newly joined the septuagenarian club. But the issues we talked about are as relevant today more than ever before, as February 14 presidential election draws closer with all its heat and tension. This is perhaps, Buhari’s frankest interview... SEE INTERVIEW ON PAGES 45-51