10-1-14 Syracuse New Times Best of Syracuse

Page 1


CNYers may be eligible for help to go solar Page 14


As war talk grows, hawks babble about baloney Page 9


w w w. s y r a c u s e n e w t i m e s . c o m



Syracuse Stage kicks off season with epic comedy 31


Mary Fahl, Mark Doyle perform this weekend 32

O c t o b e r 1 st - 7 th

Raising literacy might help reduce poverty 12

issue number 4480


read! share! recycle!

He’s at his best when he writes about his ‘bests’ 11

Best of Syracuse

2014 Winners See Pg. 15

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starting point It’s apple season. Just go to the supermarket. An apple a day? You could have a different variety of apple a day and not repeat until the snow falls.

There are 41 varieties grown in New York. And apparently there are people who … well … care. Margaret McCormick recently wrote about an orchard out of Honeycrisps. So, the orchard put out the word about this? To avoid the spectre of frustrated masses with a craving for Honeycrisps leaving disappointed, cursing the farm that had only Northern Spy, Liberty, Spartan, Dayton, Priscilla and Scarlett O’Hara. Are there such people? A few years back, I grew frustrated because I couldn’t buy an apple pie that tasted like my grandmother’s. I decided I’d make one of my own and experiment until I got it right. But what kind of apple? The answer was obvious: My grandmother was Pearl Smith. Granny Smith. The pie was perfect, first try. And Granny Smith apples aren’t grown in New York. Lately, I’ve been trying to arrange access to her house, which has been out of the Cover illustration by family since the 1970s. This Cayetano Valenzuela of Black Rabbit Studio month, families of three of her four daughters will bury remains of two of her daughters and two of her sons-inlaw. Three of them died in July. Bad month. I called the guy who bought the house to flip it, and it looks like he’ll let us in … to see the dining room What’s buzzing where I remember many Thanksgiving the most. meals — if usually from the kids’ table — and the parlor where, after dinner, my grandmother played the piano during a singalong of hymns, patriotic songs and Christmas carols. I suspect one of my cousins will Follow us sneak off to the basement, near the @syracusenew root cellar where my grandmother times.com kept her apples, to look for treasure. Seems my grandfather kept a speedboat on the Niagara River in the 1920s and 1930s — a speedboat across from Canada during Prohibition. Supplemental income? We’ll see, even as we recall the Write to us at aroma of her wonderful pies. editorial@


Go fly a kite. Really. The New York Kite Enthusiasts will be doing that 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct., 12, at Stone Quarry take Hill Art Park, just east of Cazenovia. It’s the 27th annual “One Sky, One World” day to fly a kite for peace. Bring a kite or decorate one there. Parking is $5.


This Week at

Congratulations to Roseanne DePietro (@ro20 on Instagram), who received the most votes in our “Best Selfie” contest! She will receive a week out on the town, which includes $200 dollars worth of dining and entertainment vouchers!

Nice job SU students!! — Lauren Johnson Albaroni

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10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

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Syracuse Students Demand Safe Space

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— Jason Galvez


— Beth Ferri

Way to go, SU students. These people are the future! Join Michael John Heagerty and Christi Smith from NOexcuses Tours every Friday on syracusenewtimes.com for a weekly video tour providing segments with behind-the-scenes insights on Syracuse area culture, history, people and places. This week: #takeatour of Oakwood Cemetery.

— Robbin Nicolosi

Immigration on Film Kudos to the Syracuse New Times for covering real news the way it should be covered. — Barbara Humphrey

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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Larry Dietrich (ext. 121) @LarryDietrich VICE PRESIDENT OF SALES Michelle Bowers (ext. 114) MANAGING EDITOR Bill DeLapp (Entertainment) (ext. 126) PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Michael Davis (ext. 127) SENIOR WRITER Ed Griffin-Nolan

Fort Ontario State Historic Site


Third Rail Projects: “Anthem” October 10 - 11, Oswego Cazenovia Public Library

Cazenovia Art Trail October 11, Cazenovia

FREQUENT CONTRIBUTORS Mark Bialczak, Marnie Blount-Gowan, Marti EbertWoods, Renee Gadoua, Jeff Kramer, Ken Jackson, Scott Launt, Irving T. Lyons Jr., James MacKillop, Margaret McCormick, Carl Mellor, Matt Michael, Jessica Novak, M.F. Piraino, Walt Shepperd, Lorraine Smorol DIGITAL MEDIA MANAGER Ty Marshal (ext. 144) SALES MANAGER Jessica Luisi (ext. 139) DISPLAY ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Lesli Mitchell (ext. 140), Joseph Taranto (ext. 115) CLASSIFIED SALES/INSIDE SALES COORDINATOR Lija Spoor (ext. 111) COMPTROLLER Deana Vigliotti (ext. 118)

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10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com



10.01 BUZZ 10.07

Participants in the Sept. 27 Finger Lakes Mud Run at Everest Park in Owasco braved obstacles including deep slogs like this one. The 160-acre park is a former farm donated to the nonprofit sports and recreational organization Champions for Life in Auburn.

Michael Davis Photo News & Blues 7 Sanity Fair 9 Kramer 11 Interview 12 Solarize Syracuse 14 Best of Syracuse 15 Stage 31 music 32 events 33 Classified 37 syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



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news blues

Role Model of the Week: Sheriff’s officials charged high school football coach Rodney Barnes, 43, with stealing $950 from TAKe the wallets of nine of his players in Volusia County, Fla. Barnes confessed to these and other thefts. (Associated Press)


Compiled by Roland Sweet

Jen Sorensen

Curses, Foiled Again

Stop the Music

Music publishers have started denying use of their music to the world famous Ohio State University Marching Band after the school fired band director Jonathan Waters. The firing resulted from an investigation that alleged he failed to eliminate the band’s “sexualized culture.” Mark Greenburg of Tresona Multimedia said publishers are distancing themselves from the university because they don’t want their music associated with the investigation’s unflattering assessment. Greenburg said the report could affect football halftime shows this season and potentially tarnish the reputation of the Best Damn Band in The Land inside the music industry. (Columbus’ WCMH-TV)

“The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.” — Robert Frost

Silver Lining

Oil spills aren’t all bad, according to a proposal by Kinder Morgan to triple the capacity of its pipeline from Alberta to Burnaby, British Columbia. “Spill response and cleanup creates business and employment opportunities for affected communities, regions and cleanup-service providers,” the energy company pointed out in its 15,000-page submission to Canada’s National Energy Board. Kennedy Stewart, who represents Burnaby in Parliament, said proposing that a spill would actually benefit the local economy “takes the cake.” (Vancouver Sun)

When a man pulled a gun on a bank teller in Pompano Beach, Fla., she rejected his demand for money and simply walked away from her bulletproof window. The robber fled empty-handed but left behind his holdup note, written on the back of an online job application with a user name and password belonging to Felipe Cruz, 39. “The robber has given us a clue,” FBI agent Michael Leverock said after investigators matched fingerprints on the note with Cruz’s. “He probably should have continued looking for honest work.” (South Florida Sun Sentinel)

Picky Eaters

Burger King announced it’s dropping its lower-calorie fries, dubbed “Satisfries,” due to consumer indifference and confusion. The move comes less than a year after Satisfries were introduced. The fries, which use a different type of batter to prevent absorbing oil during preparation, cost more than Burger King’s regular fries. What’s more, a small order contains 270 calories, whereas small fries at McDonald’s have 230 calories because the order is smaller, although Burger King didn’t make that distinction clear to customers. (Associated Press)

Problem Solved

Chinese authorities set up two giant water cannons to fight air pollution in Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu province. The long-range sprayers shoot a fine mist of tap water 2,000 feet into the air, where it will “stick to the dust and form larger particles and fall back down to the surface under gravity,” according to Martyn Chipperfield, professor of atmospheric chemistry at the University of Leeds. He explained that although the falling mixture would reduce pollution, it could also cover people with mud. (Britain’s Daily Mail)

IN OTHER CRAZINESS: “Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that he is resigning after five years

with the administration. Obama said, ‘Wait, you can do that?’” — Jimmy Fallon “Today is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year and the year 5775. Jewish scholars keep track of the number by counting the candles on Larry King’s birthday cake.” — Conan O’Brien “The NFL has filmed a PSA warning women about breast cancer. That’s a good thing. Then they filmed a PSA warning women about the NFL.” — Conan O’Brien “They’ve had security problems at the White House. Last weekend a couple of guys hopped the fence and ran in. One guy got all the way in and made himself a sandwich.” — David Letterman

Missing the mark

Sheriff’s deputies reported that a group of friends at a home in Anderson County, S.C., decided to try on a bulletproof vest and have someone shoot them. Blake Wardell, 26, went first, but the bullet from the small-caliber handgun fired by Taylor Ann Kelly, 18, missed the Kevlar and struck Wardell in the chest, killing him. (Greenville’s WHNS-TV)

Your comments on Syracuse’s new brand identity: ‘Dull and forgettable’ (poll results) (syracuse. com) It sounds a lot like the identity Syracuse has been trying to escape from — Guinness World Record holder: ‘I hope everyone out there is measuring their tongues’ (syracuse.com) Makes you want to run right out and buy a yardstick — Search for Clinton Square Christmas tree is underway (cnycentral. com) Keep looking, guys … it must be around here somewhere — Man charged with lewdness at Upstate truck stop (cnycentral.com) The headline would have caught more attention if it had mentioned the man’s name was Calvin Wank — After primary, focus shifts to general election (wrvo.org); Back to school means return of school buses on the road (wrvo.org) Both stories are just as gripping and suspenseful as their headlines — Counterfeit Cash: How do you know if it’s real or fake? (cnycentral.com) Well, if it’s counterfeit, chances are it’s fake.

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14






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Sanity fair

“Of course, nobody knows what’s going to happen,” said Anthony H. Cordesman, a military expert at the Center for Strategic TAKe and International Studies in Washington. “Nobody knows what’s going to work.” — The New York Times, Sept. 29, 2014


By Ed Griffin-Nolan

Talking heads from Fox News, Gretchen Carlson and Oliver North.



f you are growing weary of my taking up this space to once again write about Syria and the War on Beheadings, you can blame the check-engine light on my wife’s Subaru.

I’ve never been a big fan of the Subaru Impreza. The mileage stinks. There’s a little whine that comes from the general direction of the right rear tire that no one can seem to diagnose. The dashboard is confusing; the GPS competes for your attention with the Bluetooth and so many other devices that you need a copilot just to turn on the radio to hear the Yankees game. And the driver’s side visor slips down at random moments and blocks your view when you least expect it. For my money, that’s too many little things going wrong on a 3-year-old car. But my wife loves it. The hatchback is ideal for letting the dog in and out, and if you tilt the sunroof, it keeps the car cool for the puppy while my wife runs into the store. It really is all about the dog. I don’t even get a vote. But when all the lights start blinking, I’m the one who gets to take the car in to have it checked out. It’s a very pleasant experience, for the most part, with friendly mechanics, free coffee and Snickers bars and even Wi-Fi access in the waiting room. But the television is set, as in too many retail places, to the talking heads of Fox News. I happened

to catch this midday gaggle on the day that the President arrived at the United Nations to address the General Assembly. It was just three days after the People’s Climate March, the world’s largest single public outcry for action on climate change, yet the president chose, unfortunately, to ignore the pleas of a melting planet and instead spend his precious hour inciting the world to join him in an ill-advised campaign to mimic his predecessor’s best-known disaster: war in Iraq (and Syria). Even though the president who promised to end these wars had been lobbing bombs into Syria and Iraq for more than a week, that was not enough to quell the appetites of the hungry foxes. Gretchen Carlson and company could not even focus on the president’s war, since they were intent on drawing our attention to Obama’s latest atrocity: saluting with a cup of coffee (Or was it chai tea? Details at 11) in his right hand. The Fox panel spent nearly a full hour excoriating the president, ridiculing the person who might reasonably be called their commander-in-chief in time of war. Each panelist began his or her rant by

telling us about how uncles or cousins or brothers served in uniform and how hurtful and disrespectful this Instagrammed version of the “latte salute” was to them. They were just warming up. As I opened a pack of complimentary Lorna Doone cookies, I heard Carlson ask Admiral Mike Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, if there were a danger that, in pursuit of ISIS, we might “run out of targets.” Is that a danger? Running out of targets? She sounded alarmed, like a hostess watching the buffet table getting picked over, worried that she might have to order some more cocktail franks. “Is there a danger that we might run out of targets?” Heaven help us. But that was just the prologue. Next appeared the ever reliable Oliver North of Iran-Contra fame, calling for the president to send in the Marines. How skewed can a debate get? The president, after unleashing hundreds of air strikes on Syria and Iraq, is being goaded for being too peaceable because he’s not looking to send in ground troops. The debate should be about whether we have to go in at all, given the shifting alliances in the region and our poor record at picking the good guys from the bad guys. (Remember that ISIS advanced into Iraq when the army we spent 10 years training essentially deserted when the firing started.) Unlike North, I contend that we could safely leave matters alone, let the bad guys slug it out on their own turf, while we focus our efforts, it is worth repeating, on keeping them from getting hold of nuclear weapons or other WMDs. That quiet, behind-the-scenes work doesn’t involve those dazzling images of missiles launching from battleships, but it does make us safer. As it turned out, it was a faulty gas cap housing; $160 later, the dashboard lights were out, I waved goodbye to the talking heads and was back on the road. Some problems are easier to fix than others. SNT

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



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For event descriptions & tickets visit filminsyracuse.com or call 315-671-2188 SUN. OCTOBER 5


Sidewalk Stories with Charles Lane 1:30pm Grewin Auditorium, LeMoyne College

Film From india Fashion 1pm, Landmark Theatre


Nick Cassavetes 4:30 and 7pm, Landmark Theatre

Filmtalks: A Conversation with Nick Cassavetes 7pm , Life Sciences Bldg 001 Auditorium College Place, Syracuse University

WED. OCTOBER 8 Opening Night, Live Music & Silent Film 7pm, Palace Theater

THUR. OCTOBER 9 Is That You A Made in Syracuse Film 7pm, Palace Theater

FRI. OCTOBER 10 Sally Kirkland 7pm, Palace Theater Film From India Heroine 9:30pm, Palace Theater 10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

Sam LLoyd and Paul Perry 9:15pm, Landmark Theater

SUN. OCT 12 Imagining Disability in Film 1pm, Watson Auditorium, Syracuse University New Filmmakers Showcase 3:30pm, Watson Auditorium, Syracuse University Film From India Ship of Theseus 4pm, Landmark Theatre Closing Ceremonies 7:30pm, Landmark Theatre

jeff kramer

Best DMV Ever: Western Lights. Not sure why, but there was no charge to replace my defective “E” license plates last week, TAKe despite official statements earlier that motorists would have to pick up the tab. Was it something I wrote?


By Jeff Kramer

Winners of overlooked ‘best of’ categories

Before we get to my personal Best of Syracuse list, a heartfelt congratulations to Sean Kirst of The Post-Standard. Sean was named “Best Columnist,” as voted on by Syracuse New Times readers. I’ve known Sean for years, and I consider him a friend. I’ve long admired his work. Far from being bitter about my second-place finish, I was thrilled just to be nominated in the same contest. But seriously: Another fucking award for Sean Kirst? How cutting edge of New Times readers. It’s like voting a pumpkin the “Most Festive Autumnal Gourd.” We get it! He’s good. Awards are stupid anyway. Here are mine:



Best Bite of the Big Apple

Syracuse rarely bests New York City in anything. When it happens, we should shout it from the rooftops — and maybe air out our bedding while we’re there. On Orkin’s prestigious listing of Top Bedbug Cities in the U.S., Syracuse leapfrogged the Big Apple in 2013, advancing from 21st place to 14th while NYC dropped from 10th place to 17th. If you can scratch it here, you’ll scratch it anywhere.


2Best Use of Short-Term Planning

Just two years ago, SU unveiled its emerald bikeway on University Avenue, the most visible feature of banished Chancellor Nancy Cantor’s $48 million Connective Corridor obsession. Try riding it now. Due to construction of the new campus bookstore, cyclists are routed off the path and onto the road — toward oncoming traffic if they’re pedaling uphill. One long block later, the path resumes, requiring the busy street to be re-crossed. Hats off to the school and city for seamlessly leading us toward a greener tomorrow — and a collision with a bus.


Best Gift Idea for Wife from an Egomaniac Zillionaire

Reading the boastful, name-dropping Facebook posts of Skaneateles scrap metal mogul Adam Weitsman can make even the most virile and successful of men feel like shrinkydinked specs of pig iron. Yet here’s a surprisingly practical gift idea from Adam we can all borrow: “Really wanted to do something special for the wife’s birthday today and really didn’t want to give her a material object this year and wanted instead to think of something more romantic (with work lately, I’m sucking out in the romance department), so I called in a hugeeeee favor and had my friend who is the director of the Whitney Museum and the leading authority on Kim’s favorite artist, Jeff Koons, open the museum early in NYC to give her a private tour for her of the artist’s major show that just opened there. “I actually for once pulled something cool off, and it might have been happiest day of our 15 year relationship.” OK, guys — you’re up. The number for the Whitney is (212) 570-3600.

He pleads the fifth. Or is it twelfth? Photo by Michael Davis.


Best Creative Use of Statistics

In hyping this past weekend’s football game between SU and Notre Dame, SU boasted that the two schools have combined for 12 national championships. Of the dozen, SU has one.

5Best Free Feel-Up

Most middle-aged heterosexual men would cringe at the thought of being touched all over by hairy underpaid guys in uniform. Not me. I embrace it. Since my knee replacement last year, I’m automatically patted down at the Syracuse airport, which has yet to install Equal Humiliation Naked Machines. The logic of extra scrutiny for passengers with joint implants eludes me. Why would a terrorist flag himself to security as having a metal knee? Wouldn’t it make more sense for the TSA guys to just wave a metal detector over my person and pat down only the parts that beep? Oh, well. Truth is, I’ve come to cherish these special latex glove moments. Sometimes agents assigned to grope me are familiar with my column, so we chat about that or about SU sports and how hot Julie Boeheim is. Guy stuff. So far it has stayed casual, but it would be nice if one of them would buy me drinks and dinner at the Gateway Cafe sometime. OK, I’m easy. I’ll settle for a breakfast burrito. SNT

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



Pets of the Week Meet Cami!

In a continuation of The Campbell Conversations’ series on poverty, this interview focuses on adult literacy. Peter Waite is the executive vice president of ProLiteracy, an international literacy organization in Syracuse. Marsha Tait is executive director of Literacy CNY, a local literacy organization offering services and expertise. Both have headed the National Coalition for Literacy.

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Grant Reeher (GR): How prevalent is the literacy problem? Peter Waite (PW): We’re just coming off a major international study on adult literacy worldwide, the PIAAC (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies) study, sponsored by the (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), and it reiterated previous studies which indicated that we have a very major problem here in the United States. We have a particularly bad problem relative to other developed countries in the world. What that translates into is that around 35 million individuals have serious sub-standard basic skills. We’re not talking about someone who can’t read enough to go to a men’s room or women’s room. What we are talking about are people who can’t figure out basic job applications, who can’t understand basic medical information and who are seriously sub-standard relative in terms of their interaction with jobs, with family, with others. Marsha Tait (MT): If we take the findings from the PIAAC study and apply them to the adult population in Onondaga County, we come up with about 60,000 adults who have extremely limited literacy skills or extremely limited English language skills. GR: How much of this is an immigration-related issue? What are the literacy problems for people who are born in this country and who are native English speakers? MT: For the population that Literacy CNY serves, about half are English-language learners — immigrants and refugees who have come to live in this community — and the other half are basic speakers of English — people who are born here, went to school here, may or may not have graduated from high school, but did not acquire the literacy skills that they need. GR: Marsha, how do people get to you? Do you have to go out in the community and convince people to receive your services?

 


MT: We don’t have to do any student recruitment at all. We have a waiting list that averages at least 100 people. We are located in the SUNY Syracuse Educational Opportunity Center, on Solano Street. Many of our students come into the EOC and don’t meet the entrance requirements, and are referred to our offices. Aside from that, we receive referrals from other adult education agencies in the community, from human service organizations and through word of mouth.

10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

GR: If those are the mechanisms for getting people in, it would seem that there might be people who are even worse off who are not going to have the information to come to you. What happens to them? MT: We serve students who are reading at a zero to sixthgrade level, the lowest level of students in our community. Certainly there are people who are not aware of the resources that are available in our community. All combined, all the adult-ed programs, we are serving less than 10 percent of that 60,000 number I gave you. There certainly are people out there who are not coming in or who are afraid. It can be terribly intimidating as an adult to come back into an educational setting if you were unsuccessful as a child in school. PW: We need to have individuals recognize that it is OK to come out and seek help. Unfortunately, for many individuals, particularly born here in the U.S., there is a sense that they read and they write OK for where they are. And that is often a function of a cycle of poverty and a cycle of community that says, if I’m reading at an eighth-grade level, that’s really going to be OK. But it’s not OK. And if they want to get out of that particular cycle of poverty, they want to improve themselves, they are going to have to increase that significantly. GR: So you’ve got problems on both ends. You’ve got people who think that they are doing better than they are doing, and then the ones who are experiencing the shame that must exist for this. What have you learned about dealing with that? MT: The students who actually come to us are highly motivated. They have figured out that in their lives they need better skills. And so we don’t really see very often someone who walks through our door who thinks he or she is OK. They already have realized that there is a problem and they need to take steps to address it. But in terms of that sense of shame, absolutely. We see it all the time. People come through our door at Literacy CNY and you can tell just by manner and by tone that they have been abused, that people have taken advantage of them, that they are made to feel stupid and undesirable. So part of what we do in our agency is work very hard to treat everybody who comes through our door with human dignity and respect, whether they stay with the program and meet their goals or not. And that I think is one of the most important things we do for this population. GR: What are the biggest myths in this country about literacy and low literacy?

PETER WAITE AND MARSHA TAIT MT: I think the biggest myth, first of all, is that the problem doesn’t exist here because we spend so much money on K-12 or P-16, or however you want to refer to it. We’re a very wealthy country, and we do spend lots of money on education. The second biggest myth is that people don’t acquire these skills because they are lazy or they are not interested. There are lots of reasons why people don’t acquire literacy or English-language skills growing up. GR: What is the role that literacy and low literacy play in people’s struggles with poverty? PW: It’s critical to make those kinds of connections. The problem of adults reading at a low level is not a problem unto itself. This issue is not about reading and writing, this issue is specifically about poverty, about health care, about employment Grant Reeher hosts and about social justice. It’s individuWRVO Public als who are poor who have the lowest Media’s program educational levels, who have the lowThe Campbell est literacy rates, who have the worst Conversations at 6 p.m. Sundays at health care, who have the poorest jobs 89.9 and 90.3 FM. and have the worst unemployment rates. To hear this week’s full MT: In today’s economy, getting a interview, go to job with a living wage is very difficult syracusenewtimes.com to do if you have extremely limited litor follow the New Times on Facebook. eracy skills. Most minimum wage jobs Follow The Campbell today require a high school equivalenConversations cy or a high school diploma. That’s a on Twitter big motivator for people who come to @campbellconvos. us, that they want a job or a better job. But there are lots of other motivations, You can also access earlier interviews as well, everything from helping my by going to children to succeed in school to creattinyurl.com/mplxaex. ing and managing a household budget. As Peter mentioned, health issues Reeher is director of are huge in this population, because the Campbell Public Affairs Institute and a the health care system is extremely professor of political complicated in the United States, and science at Syracuse if I have a health issue, I may not be University’s Maxwell getting the care I need. I may not be School of Citizenship following health care instructions or and Public Affairs. He is the creator protocols correctly.

the show

and producer of The Campbell Conversations. You can reach him at gdreeher@maxwell. syr.edu.

GR: ProLiteracy’s website says that low literacy adds $230 billion to the country’s health care costs. Could you explain that?

PW: That may even be low. When you have individuals who are not able to access and utilize existing medical facilities, they are going to utilize emergency rooms. They are going to utilize high, expensive medical services more than individuals who are engaged in their own medical care and medical work. Just taking advantage of pre-natal work, of pre-natal opportunities. If we can get in front of that, if we can get people the kind of education that will allow them to be able to take advantage of preventive care, we will save probably well beyond $230 billion. GR: What have each of you learned from your work in the literacy field that has most surprised you about problems of literacy? MT: I have worked both locally and nationally, and I also did some work at the state level. The thing that is the most surprising is that as a policy matter, literacy hasn’t caught on. The research is ample that low literacy is correlated with a number of challenges in our society. We can’t somehow get the political will behind it to invest more, to do more and to help more people. If we start with the adults at the lowest level of skill and gave them more opportunities to improve their skill, we could address all kinds of issues in this community. PW: I think in the 35 years that I’ve been engaged in (literacy), I continue to be astonished that we have a situation where this problem is America’s most solvable problem. In a time when we have problems that seem insolvable, this is one that we can solve. We have the resources, we have the technique, we have the knowledge, and we can solve it. I just remain astonished that we haven’t been able to galvanize enough resources, enough commitment, to really solve this problem. SNT

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topic: news

By Michelle van Dalen


More than 80 people filled the foldout chairs in Natur-Tyme’s Community Room on a Saturday in September for Solarize Syracuse’s standing-room-only Last Chance Workshop. The 90-minute meeting wrapped up the campaign’s nine-presentation run, which taught attendees about renewable energy’s benefits, the process of installing panels and the environmental and economic impacts of going solar. Volunteers fuel the campaign, which works to help individuals interested in installing solar panels on their homes with perks like free site assessments and bulk discount prices. Jessica Azulay, program director for Alliance for a Green Economy, decided to start a Solarize campaign in Syracuse after attending a Solarize Madison meeting. She stresses the campaign’s community effort and its importance at a time when environmental concerns seem so big and so daunting. “It often feels like as individuals, we don’t really have the power to change the system or to make a difference. By doing something in the community, our personal impact is much greater,” Azulay says. These efforts in Syracuse reflect a national interest in solar energy. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, a national trade organization, 53 percent of new electric generating capacity in the United States came from solar during the first half of 2014. Since the first quarter of the year, New York rose one spot, to eighth from ninth, on a list of the states with the most competitive solar power. “This program shows a lot of pent-up demand for solar in our area,” Azulay says. “The people here haven’t had the path lit for them before, and we’re doing that.” The community-centric efforts of Solarize also are reflected in the campaign’s infrastructure. All campaign volunteers are considered members of the Solarize


More than 80 people attended a September workshop on solar panels at Natur-Tyme. Photo by Michelle van Dalen

Syracuse steering committee. Mary Menapace, a member of Concerned Health Professionals of New York, became a member of the committee in June because she wanted the campaign’s efforts to extend to her home in Skaneateles. Menapace worked with the Skaneateles Town Board to prohibit fracking-related operations in the area. “I got sick of going around the county and slamming my hand on the table saying, ‘No fracking, no drilling!’” Menapace says. “This is the ‘yes’ side of that. Renewable energy is the antidote.” Back at Natur-Tyme, the audience at the Last Chance Workshop included mostly middle-aged people with a few younger couples sprinkled throughout. Many posed questions about wind’s effect on the panels (only about four or five inches sit between the roof and the panels, and presenters emphasized that gap afforded too little space for the wind to lift them off) and whether the panels violate roof warranties (presenters advised attendees to check with their providers to make sure). Christina Klaus, 50, of Syracuse jotted down information about payback time (estimated to be around 10 years) and the contract-signing deadline (Oct. 30). She considers the economic benefits of going solar just as important as the environmental benefits — “Oh, you’re gonna make me sound bad!” she joked — but doesn’t want the panels covering her brand-new roof. If one looks solely at economic benefits, solar panels provide a great option for young couples who can generate energy from the panels for decades to come. Upfront costs and the complexity behind selecting the right installer often keep people from going

10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

solar. Pete Wirth, a member of the steering committee who held an open house for those considering signing a contract through Solarize Syracuse, researched solar companies for close to six months before signing a contract with CNY Solar two years ago. He paid $6,200 for his installation. Solarize Syracuse has combined its purchasing power to provide a bulk discount to everyone who signs a contract with CNY Solar. The committee members hired the installer based on its equipment, price and reputation after reviewing five companies’ proposals, says Chris Carrick, the energy program manager of the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board. Although it’s difficult to put a definitive price tag on solar power and its subsequent monthly costs, Wirth’s electric bills often reflect the minimum monthly payment of $17.35. “I don’t mind paying a minimum payment because we need to continually maintain and upgrade the electrical grid. As a consumer of electricity, I feel that that’s my responsibility,” Wirth says. Any surplus energy that the panels generate goes into an energy credits bank, which you can use during winter, when the sun is scarcer. As of Monday, 504 properties were enrolled for a free site assessment, and 29 people had signed contracts with CNY Solar. “Solarize projects are designed to permanently have an impact on the market,” Azulay says. “The response we’ve gotten to this program shows that there’s really a hunger here to make this shift to renewable energy.” SNT

What You Need To Know Eligible areas: Syracuse, East Syracuse, Minoa, DeWitt, Jamesville, Fayetteville, Manlius and Town of Onondaga. Free site assessment enrollment deadline: Oct. 5 Contract-signing deadline: Oct. 30 How to enroll: Fill out the enrollment form and submit your electric bill at solarizesyracuse. org/enrollment

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



WELCOME TO THE BEST OF SYRACUSE® Best of Syracuse® is a reader-generated poll trademarked by the Syracuse New Times. Each year, we ask our readers to nominate in seven categories: Metro Living, Sports & Leisure, Love & Sex, Going Shopping, Food & Drink, Arts & Entertainment and Family (formerly the Besties Awards from our sister publication, Family Times). Your nominations are tallied, and the results bring out the top five in each category. We then turn it all over to you again for the final voting, and the Best of Syracuse emerge. We are proud of the fact that Best of Syracuse is 100 percent reader-generated. This year, we have begun making some updates to the annual process. For example, we’ve redesigned the Best of Syracuse issue to include a handy, pull-out guide for you to use throughout the year. This way, you can judge four yourself in each category or bring your out-of-town visitors to the official best spots in the region. Next year, we plan to add categories, including awards for visual art, haunted attractions and more. If you have an award suggestion, email us at snt@syracusenew times.com. We want to hear from you. Finally, we’d like to thank all of the readers who took the time to nominate and vote for your favorite picks. This year was a record-breaking year for nominating and voting for Best of Syracuse, and we couldn’t be more excited about the responses. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners this year. Even if you’re not the Best, we still think you’re awesome! Best of Syracuse® Listings compiled by Casey Fabris and Michelle Van Dalen

Thank you to the Syracuse Chiefs for hosting this year’s Best of Syracuse® party at NBT Bank Stadium. 10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com


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Formerly Besties Awards Michael Davis Photo


CNY Gym Centre

Shoppingtown Mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E., DeWitt. 437-4535. cnygymcentre.com


Jowonio School


Winner: Rosamond Gifford Zoo

The world-class zoo, at Burnet Park in Syracuse’s Tipperary Hill neighborhood, attracts more than 370,000 visitors a year to view 700 animals, including Asian elephants, Humboldt penguins, Amur tigers, African lions and the monkeys in the primate park. It’s open 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. 1 Conservation Place, Syracuse. 435-8511. rosamondgiffordzoo.org

NOMINEES • The Wild Animal Park, 7621 Lakeport Road, Chittenango. 727-5587. thewildpark.com • WonderWorks, 9090 Destiny USA Drive, 466-7700. wonderworksonline.com/destiny • Billy Beez, 9090 Destiny USA Drive, Syracuse. 741-5099. us.billybeez.com • Thunder Island, 21 Wilcox Road, Fulton. 598-8016. thunder-island.com


10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com


Wegmans 6789 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville. 446-1180. wegmans.com


WonderWorks 9090 Destiny USA Drive, Syracuse. 466-7700. wonderworksonline.com/destiny


Doug “The Bubble Man” Rougeux


Wegmans Playground at Onondaga Lake Park onondagacoun typarks.com/ wegmans-playground/

3049 E. Genesee St., Syracuse. 445-4010. jowonio.org


YMCA of Greater Syracuse

391-6744. bubblemania.com/doug


Enchanted Forest Water Safari 3183 Route 28, Old Forge. 369-6145. watersafari.com


Funny Bone Comedy Club 9090 Destiny USA Drive, Syracuse. 423-8669. Funnybone.com


Babies “R” Us 2027 Park St., Syracuse. 424-3998. babiesrus.com

340 Montgomery St., Syracuse. 474-6851. ymca.org

BEST OF SPORTS & LEISURE Michael Davis Photo


Flamingo Bowl




Winner: Green Lakes State Park

Aspen Health Club

The park, in Fayetteville, is known for two glacial lakes, formed more than 15,000 years ago. In addition to their vibrant green/ blue water, you’ll find an 18-hole golf course, campsites and cabins, more than 10 miles of running/walking/biking trails and a public beach. It is home to the region’s largest stand of old growth forest.


7900 Green Lakes Road, Fayetteville. 637-6111. nysparks.com/parks/172

NOMINEES • Long Branch, 3813 Long Branch Road, Geddes. 453-6712. onondagacountyparks.com/long-branchpark

125 E. Jefferson St., Syracuse. 424-4900. aspenfit.com

CNY Healing Arts 195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse. 671-5755. cnyhealingarts.com


Dancing Kats 2803 Brewerton Road, Syracuse. 491-5325. dancingkats.com


Green Lakes State Park Golf Course 7900 Green Lakes Road, Fayetteville. 637-6111.


• Beaver Lake, 8477 E. Mud Lake Road, Baldwinsville. 638-2519. onondagacountyparks.com/ beaver-lake-nature-center

Clinton Square Ice Rink

• Onondaga Lake Park, 6790 Onondaga Lake Parkway, Liverpool. 451-7275. onondagacounty parks.com/onondaga-lake-park


• Marcellus, 2443 Platt Road, Marcellus, 673-3227. marcellus.com/parks/marcellus-park

Downtown Syracuse. 423-0129. syracuse.ny.us/parks/clintonsquarerink

Labrador Mountain

Wegmans Good Dog Park 49 Cold Springs Trail, Liverpool. 453-6712. onondaga countyparks. com/wegmansgood-dog-park

WALKING/ RUNNING TRAILS Green Lakes State Park 7900 Green Lakes Road, Fayetteville. 637-6111.

7239 Oswego Road, Liverpool. 457-7470. flamingobowlcny.com


Watkins Glen

2790 Route 16, Watkins Glen. (866) 461-RACE. theglen.com


Carrier Dome


Mountain Goat Run Next: Sunday, May 3, 2015, mountain goatrun.com

900 Irving Ave., Syracuse. 443-4634. carrierdome.com

6935 Route 91, Truxton. (607) 842-6204. labradormtn.com

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



Thanks to our many Central New York fans for voting Green Lakes State Park: • • • •

Best Outdoor View Best Park Best Walking/Running Trail Best Golf Course

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Everson Museum 401 Harrison St., Syracuse. 474-6064. everson.org

Onondaga Free Library

Winner: Westcott Theater The Westcott Theater is a live music venue in the Westcott Nation. Some might remember it as The Studio in the 1970s; others might remember it as Westcott Cinema. It brings an impressive lineup of national, regional and local acts to the stage each week, and it’s available to rent, too. 524 Westcott St., Syracuse. 299-8886. thewestcotttheater.com


Tuesday Night at Coleman’s (Syracuse Trivia) 100 S. Lowell Ave., Syracuse. 476-1933. colemansirishpub.com


Lava Nightclub


Los Blancos, casablancos.com


4840 W. Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse. 492-1727. oflibrary.org

Custom Taylor Band customtaylorband.com


The Black Lites, theblacklitesband.net

Bruce Coville




Sophistafunk, sophistafunk.com



MOST 500 S. Franklin St., Syracuse. 425-9068. most.org

Elephant Mountain facebook.com/elephantmountain


Julia Goodwin, juliagoodwinmusic.com



Singers Karaoke Club

• St. Clare Theater, 1119 N. Townsend St., Syracuse. 473-0952.


• Mac’s Bad Art Bar, 1799 Brewerton Road, Mattydale. 455-7223. macsbadartbar


Turning Stone Resort Casino, Thruway Exit 33. turningstone.com

NOMINEES • Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road, DeWitt, 446-1934. thelosthorizon.com

• The Ridge, 1281 Salt Springs Road, Chittenango. 687-6900. golfattheridge.com

DJ Slammin’ Sam (Sam Vecchio) 952-8322. soundcloud.com/ dj-slammin-sam

Driftwood, driftwoodtheband.com




1345 Milton Ave., Syracuse. 484-7464. singerskaraokeclub.com

Syracuse Stage 820 E Genesee St., Syracuse. 443-4008. syracusestage.com

Joe Altier, justjoe.com


Perfect Pussy prrfectpussy.bandcamp.com


Under the Gun , utgrocks.com

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14


BEST OF FOOD & DRINK Michael Davis Photo


Pastabilities 311 S. Franklin St., Syracuse. 474-1153. pastabilities.com


Taj Mahal 3138 Erie Blvd. E., DeWitt. 446-2229. tajindianpalace.com


Lemon Grass 238 W. Jefferson St., Syracuse. 475-1111. lemongrasscny.com



Mother’s Cupboard

Winner: Bacon Bandits The food truck craze is hitting its stride in CNY, and there’s nothing like the smell of fresh bacon … except maybe the taste. Every item on the Bacon Bandits’ menu includes this crispy meat of the heavens. It is set up in front of the MOST practically every Friday and Saturday night. 436-8654. nybaconbandits.com

3709 James St., Syracuse. 432-0942


Strong Hearts Cafe

NOMINEES • Lady Bug Lunch Box, 391-4489. directdesignstudio.com/ladybuglunchbox

719 E. Genesee St., Syracuse. 478-0000. strongheartscafe.com

• Street Eats, 989 James St., Syracuse. 476-3287. facebook.com/steviesstreeteats • Stir, 481-7124. stirmobilefood.com, serves in front of the MOST • PB&J’s Lunchbox, 884-9071. pbandjslunchbox. com, serves in front of the MOST



King David’s (Fayetteville) CATERER

317 Towne Drive, Fayetteville. 637-0485. kingdavids.com

Dinosaur BBQ 246 W. Willow Street, Syracuse. 476-4937. dinosaurbarb que.com

Alto Cinco



Dunkin Donuts dunkindonuts. com

MEXICAN RESTAURANT 526 Westcott St., Syracuse. 422-6399. altocinco.net

Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse 2950 Erie Blvd. E., Syracuse. 445-1111. demonicositaliansteakhouse.com


Columbus Bakery 502 Pearl St., Syracuse. 422-2913. columbusbakingco.com


Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse 302 Old Liverpool Road, Liverpool. 457-0000. ichibanjapanesesteakhouse.com

10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

BEST OF FOOD & DRINK Michael Davis Photo


Sharkey’s Bar & Grill

7240 Oswego Road, Liverpool. 214-4116. sharkeysbarandgrill.com


World of Beer


Winner: Empire Brewing Company Established in 1994, Empire Brewing Company is not just a contemporary downtown bar but a brewery and restaurant focused on sustainability. Using local ingredients from more than 60 CNY farmers, Empire serves award-winning beers.


Alicia Maurer (J. Ryan’s and Cobblestone) 253 E. Water St., Syracuse. 399-5533. jryanspub.com. 400 First St., Liverpool. 461-8806.


Syracuse Pale Ale (Middle Ages)

120 Walton St., Syracuse. 475-2337. empirebrew.com

NOMINEES • Kitty Hoynes, 301 W. Fayette St., Syracuse. 424-1974. kittyhoynes.com

120 Wilkinson St., Syracuse. 476-4250. middleagesbrewing.com

• Blue Tusk, 165 Walton St., Syracuse. 472-1934. bluetusk.com • Blarney Stone, 314 Avery Ave., Syracuse. 487-9675. blarneystonesyr.com • Al’s Wine and Whiskey Lounge, 321 S. Clinton St., Syracuse. 703-4773. alswineandwhiskey.com


Red Cat Hazlitt

1852 Vineyard. 5712 Route 414, Hector. (607) 546-9463. hazlitt1852.com

10347 Destiny USA Drive, Syracuse. 422-2330. worldofbeer.com/locations/ syracuse

LGBT FRIENDLY LATE NIGHT MUNCHIES SPOT BAR Mama Nancy’s and LGBT FRIENDLY EATERY Laci’s Tapas Bar 304 Hawley Ave. Syracuse. 218-5903. lacis tapasbar.com

512 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse. 701-4994. mamanancys.com

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14




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You’re hungry now, aren’t you? Good thing you have a great list of options in your hands.

BEST OF FOOD & DRINK Michael Davis Photo


Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse

302 Old Liverpool Road, Liverpool. 457-0000. ichibanjapanesesteakhouse.com


Doug’s Fish Fry (Skaneateles)


Winner: Blarney Stone


Twin Trees Too

The star of this neighborhood pub is not the beer, but the “Blarney Burger.” A multiple “Best of Syracuse” winner, the Blarney Stone is a favorite spot, with outside dining in the warmer months.

1029 Milton Ave., Syracuse. 488-6066. twintrees2.com

314 Avery Ave., Syracuse. 487-9675. blarneystonesyr.com

489 James St., Syracuse. 448-3280. myoip.com


Dinosaur BBQ

• Zebb’s, 2803 Brewerton Road, Mattydale. 455-5131. zebbs.com • Empire Brewing Company,120 Walton St., Syracuse. 475-2337. empirebrew.com • Ale n’ Angus, 238 Harrison St., Syracuse. 426-9672. alenanguspub.com • Village Burger, 920 Old Liverpool Road, Liverpool. 565-5324. villageburgerliverpool.com


OIP (Original Italian Pizza) BARBECUE 246 W. Willow St., Syracuse. 476-4937. dinosaurbarbque.com


Brooklyn Pickle 1600 W. Genesee St., Syracuse. 487-8000. brooklynpickle.com


Dinosaur BBQ 246 W. Willow St., Syracuse. 476-4937. dinosaurbarbque.com


Fried Dough


Nice N Easy Grocery Shoppes niceneasy.com

8 Jordan St., Skaneateles. 685-3288. dougsfishfry.com


Gannon’s Isle


Coppertop Tavern 3380 Milton Avenue Syracuse or 7777 Brewerton Road, N. Syracuse. 458-1999. 448-1222. coppertoptavern. com

1525 Valley Drive, Syracuse. 469-8647. gannonsicecream.com

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14


BEST OF METRO LIVING Michael Davis Photo


Sherwood Inn

26 W. Genesee St., Skaneateles. 685-3405. thesherwood inn.com


Genesee Grande Hotel

1060 E. Genesee Street, Syracuse. 476-4212. geneseegrande. com



Winner: Tipperary Hill Tipperary Hill was settled by people of English descent who named the streets after famous English poets. Eventually, Irish immigrants gravitated to the hill. It’s known for the only green-over-red traffic light, the city’s largest park (Burnet Park), the James Pass Arboretum, Tipperary Hill Memorial Park and a plethora of Irish pubs and restaurants. tipphill.us

NOMINEES • Westcott Nation, wenanation.org • Eastwood, eastwoodneighbor.com • Strathmore, strathmoreneighborhood.com • The Valley, syracuse.ny.us/Home_Valley



Syracuse Irish Festival Clinton Square, Syracuse. syracuseirishfestival.com


Taste of Syracuse In and around Clinton Square. 471-9597. tasteofsyracuse.com


Green Lakes State Park 7900 Green Lakes Road, Fayetteville. 637-6111. nysparks.com/parks/172


Dinosaur BBQ 246 W. Willow St., Syracuse. 476-4937. dinosaurbarbque.com 10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com



Syracuse Guru syracuseguru.com


Wayne Mahar @waynestormwatch


Ted & Amy (93Q) @tedandamy


Sean Kirst syracuse.com/kirst


Lisa Spitz @lisaspitznews


Sarah Heppell sarahheppell.com


Chris Fowler syracusefirst.org


Jim Boeheim jimboeheim.com


David Muir @davidmuir

BEST OF SHOPPING Michael Davis Photo


Delta Sonic (Erie Boulevard) 3439 Erie Blvd. E., Syracuse. 251-0605. deltasoniccarwash.com


Nichols Supermarket 27 First St., Liverpool. 457-2151. nicholsliverpool.com


CNY Regional Market 2100 Park St., Syracuse. 422-8647. cnyrma.com


Dog Daze


Winner: Boom Babies

Boom Babies, the “largest prom dress resource in CNY,” is a mainstay on Westcott Street. It specializes in formal and semi-formal dress and carries a large variety of vintage clothing, jewelry and unique accessories. 489 Westcott St., Syracuse. 472-1949. boombabies.biz

NOMINEES • Modern Pop Culture, 306 W. Jefferson St., Syracuse. 472-4672. modernpopculture.com • Mr. Shop, 259 W. Fayette St., Syracuse. 478-3938. mrshopsyracuse.com • Designer Warehouse, 222 Walton St., Syracuse. 428-0668 • Skaneateles 300, 2 W. Genesee St., Skaneateles. 685-1133. skaneateles300.com

309 S Main St., Syracuse. 410-1278. dogdazepetshop.com


Innovations Salon & Day Spa


3627 Route 31, Liverpool. 622-3005. innovationsdayspa.com


Egon Ehrlinspiel 5914 Bridge St., East Syracuse. 449-3466. egons.com


Mirbeau Inn & Spa 851 W. Genesee St., Skaneateles. (877) 647-2328. mirbeau.com


Plato’s Closet 3455 Erie Blvd. E., Syracuse. 446-6400. platosclosetsyracuse.com


Halo Tattoo 171 Marshall St., Syracuse. 472-0854. halo-tattoo.com

Soundgarden AUTO DEALER

Driver’s Village 5885 E. Circle Drive, Cicero. 452-1556 driversvillage. com


Northside Collision 8025 Brewerton Road, 699-3148. northside collision.com

310 W. Jefferson St., Syracuse. 473-4343. cdjoint.com


Books End 2443 James St., Syracuse. 437-2312. thebooksend.com


Liquor City 6793 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville. 449-1818. liquorcitywineandspirits.com


Onondaga Nation Smoke Shop 326 Route 11, Nedrow. 469-6932.

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



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10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

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CALL: 315.435.2121 ONLINE: Ticketmaster.com VISIT: Solvay Bank Box Office at The Oncenter (760 S. State St) DavidSedarisOnTour.com


Bob Brown plays the milkman Tevye in Salt City Center’s Fiddler on the Roof, with performances on Friday, Oct. 3, and SaturTAKE day, Oct. 4, 8 p.m., and Sunday. Oct. 5, 2 p.m., at the State Fairgrounds’ Empire Theater. Call 727-5494 for details.


By Bill DeLapp

Nance Williamson, Larry Paulsen and Dori Legg in Syracuse Stage’s Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. Michael Davis photo



here’s nothing like a recent Tony Award winner to get the Syracuse Stage season off to a rousing start, and there’s nothing quite like Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike.

REVIEW Vanya and Sonya and Masha and Spike has performances on Wednesday, Oct. 1, and Thursday. Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m.; Friday, Oct. 3, 8 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 4, 3 and 8 p.m.; Sunday, Oct. 5, 2 and 7 p.m.; Tuesday, Oct. 7, and Wednesday, Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., at Syracuse Stage, 820 E. Genesee St. Call 443-3275 for details.

Christopher Durang’s epic dysfunctional-family comedy wears its heart on its sleeve, even as its droll humor tickles the brain waves. And don’t worry about any daunting aspects implied by all those Russian names: They’re just tip-offs to the author’s frequent tips of his hat to the works of Anton Chekhov. Playwright Durang explains it all for you early on during dialogue exchanges between owlish 57-yearold brother Vanya (Larry Paulsen) and his adopted 52-year-old sister Sonia (flame-tressed Dori Legg) as they sip morning tea outside the family farmhouse located in Pennsylvania’s affluent Bucks County. Their now-dead professorial parents shared passions for community theater as well as Chekhov, hence the kids being named after characters from Uncle Vanya and The Three Sisters, not to mention that the farmhouse also has a cherry orchard on the premises. Vanya, a closeted gay, bickers with near-spinster Sonia about their lonely lots in life, especially after years of being constant caregivers for their infirm parents. The morose morning suddenly gets lively with the arrival of sister Masha (Nance Williamson), a successful movie actress who barges into the homestead Hollywood-style, wearing sunglasses indoors

and accompanied by much-younger boy toy Spike (Ben Chase). Masha’s repartee is not always elegant (“You look the same,” she says to Vanya. “Older and fatter, but still the same.”), and she brings some news regarding the house, for which she has been subsidizing for years, that inevitably upsets her siblings. Two initially peripheral characters figure more prominently as the play progresses. Nina (Midori Iwama), young niece of the next-door neighbor, is impressed by Masha’s celebrityhood. And sassy housekeeper Cassandra (Lisa Renee Pitts) doles out premonitions that nobody believes, much like the character from Greek mythology whose warning about the Trojan Horse fell on deaf ears. Durang’s Cassandra cautions about the interloper Spike, “Someone is with your sister. And he carries Trojans in his back pocket.” Chunks of Chekhov punctuate the proceedings, yet Durang doesn’t get all Cliff’s Notes-ey on the playgoer. And Durang’s work goes off on wickedly inspired tangents, such as the family members taking part at a nearby costume party, which dovetails into an unexpected Neil Simon riff that ultimately redefines the Sonia character. Durang’s character flourishes can also be fleetingly precise. The quick

mentions that young Nina is a fan of The Beatles songbook and art-house director Ingmar Bergman mark her as a kindred old soul worth having around. Director Marcela Lorca maintains a breezy pace yet manages to impart a sense of realism even as some characters get bent into surreal situations. As Spike, for instance, actor Ben Chase ably satirizes modern-day Hollywood beefcakes with their washboard abs and empty cerebellums. Chase has two successive LOL sequences, with Spike’s bawdy reverse strip tease followed by his wanna-be actor’s monologue that easily explains why he wasn’t cast in HBO’s Entourage 2. Nance Williamson delights as Masha, who long ago dreamed of incarnating Chekhov roles but ended up as a Joan Crawford-esque diva making her millions as the star of a slasher-movie franchise. Williamson’s Masha can switch from Tinseltown terror (watch the way she flutters her arms about her head “to change my aura”) to jealously suspicious lover in a heartbeat. Durang’s play skillfully builds to the second act’s pivotal pair of monologues, which turn out to be generous doses of catnip for two actors at the top of their game. Dori Legg makes the utmost of Sonia’s telephone chat with a gentleman caller, a sweet scene that ends with emotional triumph to demonstrate that Sonia has finally come out of her shell. And Larry Paulsen’s Vanya delivers a poignant ramble that begins with “We licked postage stamps back then,” a deeply felt discourse on the good old days before multitasking and Twitter. The flawless performances for Vanya and Sonya and Masha and Spike take place within the lush outdoor-like trappings of the farmhouse property created by scenic designer John Arnone, which even features landscaped live foliage. The show’s attention to detail even extends to a Wawa gas-station shopping bag that someone must have slipped across the Pennsylvania border to retrieve. SNT

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



Mary Fahl performs Saturday, Oct. 4, 8 p.m., at the Redhouse Arts Center, 201 S. West St. Accompanying Fahl will be Mark TAKE Doyle and Grupo Pagan members Joshua Dekaney, Edgar Pagan and Bill DiCosimo. Tickets are $25. For more information, call 362-2785 or visit theredhouse.org.


By Jessica Novak


Mary Fahl doesn’t believe in following the rules. A singer since childhood, Fahl had her first big break with the October Project in the early 1990s. But after leaving the pop group in 1996, Fahl had to figure out how to keep competing against the odds. “I would say to my own management, ‘How come so-and-so has a deal?’” recalls Fahl. “And they’d say, ‘She’s 19. There’s your answer.’ (After the October Project) they said I’d never get a deal; I was too old. But I didn’t get one deal: I got two. I was 40. I was no kid.” Fahl signed with Odyssey/Sony Classical and in 2003 released the daringly cinematic, orchestral record The Other Side of Time. Her songwriting talents, which hadn’t been put to full use in the October Project, were suddenly on full display. And her robust vocals, which have been called “a voice for the gods” (Boston Globe) and “soul-permeating” (Portland Press), gained even greater attention, although it had actually worked against her in the past. “Initially I thought I wanted to be in musical theater,” Fahl, 56, explains. “But I didn’t look the way I sounded. I was impossible to cast. I was a small girl who looked like a soprano, but instead I had this very deep, big voice. “I sing from my gut,” Fahl declares. “Not even my gut: I sing from my feet.” Her signature sound led her to covers-driven work and a signing with V2 Records. The label found her when she was working on a reinterpretation of Pink Floyd’s 1973 LP Dark Side of the Moon in 2005 and 2006. It was during those sessions that she also started working with Mark Doyle, the noted Syracuse multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer. Fahl and Doyle recorded the project in Doyle’s home studio. “I can’t believe we pulled it off in that space,” Fahl says of the “walk-in-closet”-size studio. “We got to know each other over those months

Local Hop

Mary Fahl. Lisa Hancock Photo

of From the Dark Side of the Moon and Mark played almost every instrument on the record. We became good friends and wanted to do larger shows.” Unfortunately, the V2 label went under just before the CD’s planned 2007 release. Fahl self-released From the Dark Side of the Moon in 2011 and hopes to issue the record on vinyl next year. Fahl and Doyle still work together regularly and will do so again at the Redhouse Arts Center on Saturday, Oct. 4, 8 p.m. They’ll be joined by members of Syracuse-based band Grupo Pagan, including Joshua Dekaney, Edgar Pagan and Bill DiCosimo. Fahl will likely perform tracks from her new double-CD release Live at the Mauch Chunk Opera House (Rimar Records), recorded in September 2013 at the Jim Thorpe, Pa., venue. “I like to give the boys moments where they can stand out and do their thing,” Fahl says about the Syracuse crew. “I like to give Mark moments to be the rock’n’roll guitarist he is. The whole show we do as a band takes you to a lot

of different places. Emotionally, there are a lot of highs and lows.” Those highs and lows come with the material. Aside from Pink Floyd and the October Project, Fahl covers songs from the 11th century, a testament to her college studies at McGill University in Montreal, where she took classes in medieval history and literature. “If I hear something and it speaks to me, I fall in love instantly with songs,” she says. “From the moment I hear them, I know if I love them or don’t. You have to sing these songs over and over, so you have to adore them to the point that they happen all over again for you every time you sing them. There’s one song, ‘Ben Aindi Habibi,’ that reached across centuries for me. I sing it in an archaic language and I must have sung it 1,000 times by now. But it happens to me all over again every time.” Fahl plans on singing that song, and others, many more times throughout her career. “I see myself doing this when I’m 90 years old,” she says. “I’m in this for life.” SNT

ADVICE FROM THE ARTIST: “Be yourself. I sound like who I sound like. I don’t think I sound like anybody else. I never have. You

can like what I do, or hate it, but you know it’s me when it starts. It’s very hard for artists to be singular nowadays. Find your own signature. Judy Garland said something like, ‘Be the best you, not a good somebody else.’ And don’t give up. They say shake the apple tree and get a pear. You gotta shake the apple tree a lot.”


10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad. Steady (Easy Star Records). This reggae-jam band outfit out of Rochester has a knack for making any song they sing infectiously happy, even when the lyrics are broadcasting serious messages. “Solution” talks about finding an answer and keeping optimistic while “Hurt Up Your Brother” reminds us all not to throw stones and to go ahead and call our mothers (and “tell her that you miss her”). The whole disc bumps with positivity, but the second track, “Steady,” steals the show. Wildly catchy and sweet, the tune is a summertime jam that can last all year as the fellas sing, “Life’s been so good since I got to meet ya/ Oh, my heart beats every time I see ya.” The group — composed of singer and bassist James Searl, singer and guitarist Dylan Savage, singer, guitarist and banjo player Dan Keller, keyboardist Aaron Lipp and drummer Chris O’Brien — shows that reggae’s got many facets and as the band grows and polishes with each disc, the good vibes stay strong. Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad will perform an album release party at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St., on Friday, Oct. 3, 8 p.m., with Root Shock and Subsoil opening. Tickets are $15. For more information, visit upstate shows.com.





MUSIC W E D N E S DAY 10/1 Brillz. Wed. Oct. 1, 8 p.m. The Twonkaholics

Tour comes to town, plus Snails, Quazarr, Stone Sound and Sawface at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $17. Thewestcotttheater.com.

T H U R S DAY 10/ 2 Songwriters Live. Thurs. 6:30-9 p.m. Len

Widdekind, Ed Gorham and Christian Perra join co-hosts Dan Cleveland and Mark Zane at the Gordon Student Center’s Bistro (G-210), Onondaga Community College, 4585 W. Seneca Turnpike. Free. 498-7254.

Scare Don’t Fear. Thurs. 7 p.m. Metal-flaked

hip-hop from the frenzied five, preceded by Turn the Tide and Redfield at the Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. $8-$10. 446-1934.

F R I DAY 10/3 Big Shot. Fri. 8 p.m. Mike Delguidice’s Billy

Joel tribute band performs at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino Showroom, Thruway Exit 33, Verona. $10, $15, $25. 361-SHOW.

Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad. Fri. 8 p.m. The Rochester reggae outfit returns, plus Root Shock and Subsoil at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $15. Thewestcotttheater.com.

Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. Fri. 8 p.m. The veteran smooth groovesters in action, preceded by Salt City favorites Soft Spoken and Stroke at the Landmark Theatre, 362 S. Salina St. $25/general, $55.50. 475-7979. Lost Bayou Ramblers. Fri. 8 p.m. Louisiana-bred Cajun quartet rocks the Nelson Odeon, 4035 Nelson Road, Nelson. $20. 6559193. MC Chris, MC Lars, Spose, DJ Stay Gold.

Fri. 8 p.m. Rappers’ delight at the Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. $15-$17. 446-1934.

William Gruff. Fri. 8 p.m. The quintet

returns with another dose of bluegrass, gypsy swing and more, plus singer and songwriter MaryLeigh Roohan at the Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St., Auburn. $10. 253-6669.

The Swon Brothers. Fri. 9 p.m. The finalists

from the NBC series The Voice in concert at Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill, Destiny USA. $15/advance, $20/door. Countrybarsyracuse. com.

Zak Smith. Fri. 10 p.m. The traveling sing-

er-songwriter pushes his new CD Signs of Life, plus Merritt Harris and Wolf Sanctuary at Bull and Bear Pub, 126 E. Water St. $5/over 21, $10/ under 21. 701-3064.

S AT U R DAY 10/4 Periphery. Sat. 6 p.m. Beltway band special-

izes in progressive metal, plus Intervals, Toothgrinder and The Contortionist at the Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. $15-$17. 446-1934.

Cayuga Vocal Ensemble. Sat. 7 p.m. Enjoy

an evening of music by the Gershwins, Cole Porter and Noel Coward during the annual fall fundraiser, which also includes desserts, wine tastings and a silent auction at the First Unitarian Church, corner of East Buffalo and North

Aurora streets, Ithaca. $40. (607) 257-6765, cayuga-vocal.org.

Easton Corbin. Sat. 7 p.m. The rising country singer performs an outdoor show at the Le Moyne College Athletic Center, 1419 Salt Springs Road. $25. 445-4200.

Rik Emmett. Sat. 7 p.m. The guitarist head-

lines an acoustic evening of Triumph music with Dave Dunlop and Steve Skingley, preceded by Simplelife at the Palace Theatre, 2384 James St. $38/general, $55/VIP. 395-2515, 4639240.

Dave Gunning and James Keelaghan.

Sat. 8 p.m. The Canadian singer-songwriters take the stage at the Earlville Opera House, 18 E. Main St., Earlville. $19/adults, $14/students. 691-3550.

Mary Fahl. Sat. 8 p.m. Sensational sing-

er-songwriter from the October Project joins forces with Mark Doyle and Grupo Pagan members for a memorable musical evening at the Redhouse Arts Center, 201 S. West St. $25. 362-2785.

Jason Teska. Sat. 8 p.m. The Central New

7 p.m. Rising stars in the annual “Nine More Operas in 90 Minutes” showcase at the Temple Society of Concord, 910 Madison St. Free. 4759952.

Soulfly. Tues. 8 p.m. Metal maniacs on the

prowl, preceded by After Earth, Killaton and 40 Dead Men at the Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. $18-$20. 446-1934.

Civic Morning Musicals. Wed. Oct. 8, 12:301:30 p.m. The Wednesday Recital Series featuring youthful classical musicians continues with a performance of Carl Nielsen’s clarinet music at the Everson Museum of Art’s Hosmer Auditorium, 401 Harrison St. Free. 254-7136. Red Elvises. Wed. Oct. 8, 8 p.m. Russkie-orig-

inated surf rockers slam into the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $12. Thewestcotttheater. com.

C LU B D AT E S W E D N E S DAY 10/1

Project XX 20th Anniversary Celebration.

246 W. Willow St.), 9 p.m.

Old-Time Music Jam. Every Sun. 1 p.m. Jam

session for all sorts of ramblers and pickers is open to both spectators and players, followed by a potluck dinner at 5 p.m. Kellish Hill Farm, 3192 Pompey Center Road, Manlius. $5/suggested donation. 682-1578.

Amberations Fall Festival. Sun. 1-6 p.m.

Music by the Bob Lyna Trio, Easy Ramblers, Casual Plaid and more during the event at the Otisco Lake Community Center, 2223 Amber Road, Marietta. Free. 636-7166.

The Cadleys. Sun. 1 p.m. The duo performs

during the Fall Harvest Celebration weekend at Critz Farms, 3232 Rippleton Road, Cazenovia. $7.50. 662-3355.

Civic Morning Musicals. Sun. 2 p.m. An afternoon of compositions by Mozart, Schubert and more at the Everson Museum of Art’s Hosmer Auditorium, 401 Harrison St. $20/adults, free/ students. 469-3379.

M O N DAY 10/6 Chris Eldridge and Julian Lage. Mon. 7:30

p.m. The acclaimed acoustic guitar duo performs at SUNY Oswego’s Sheldon Hall Ballroom, 7060 Route 104, Oswego. Free. 312-4581.

T U E S DAY 10/ 7 Stardust Memories. Tues. 7-9 p.m. Musician Gerry C performs songs from the 1920s to 1960s in this Local Music Project presentation at Colgate Inn’s Green Room, 1 Payne St., Hamilton. $5/donation. 824-2300, 824-1094. Syracuse Opera’s Resident Artists. Tues.

Under the Gun

Sat, Oct. 18 Kat Tale Sat Oct. 25 Redline Halloween Weekend

Fri, Oct. 31 Granny 4 Barrel Sat Nov. 1 UTG

Frenay and Lenin. (Sheraton University Hotel,

S U N DAY 10/5

Saturday Oct. 4

W E D N E S DAY 10/8

York-bred singer-songwriter, now based in Nashville, head north for a show at the Theater Mack, Cayuga Museum of History and Art, 203 Genesee St., Auburn. $10/advance, $12/door. 253-8051. Sat. 10 p.m. Music by Grupo Vena, 2Voz, DJ C-Lo and DJ Babyface highlight the occasion at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $12. Thewestcotttheater.com.

Monirae’s Monirae’s

801 University Ave.), 5-8 p.m.

Kay and the Kavemen. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que,

T H U R S DAY 10/ 2

Cash Prizes!

Arty Lenin. (Old City Hall, 159 Water St., Oswe-

go), 6-10 p.m.

Bob Holz Band. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W.

Willow St.), 9 p.m.

College Night w/Frita Lay. (Trexx, 323 N. Clinton St.), 10 p.m.

Frank Rhodes. (Eskapes Lounge, 6257 Route 31, Cicero), 7-9 p.m.

Kim Monroe and Chris Ives. (Shifty’s, 1401 Burnet Ave.), 8 p.m.

668-1248 668 County Rte 10, Pennellville


Bringing you the best in American Roots Music

Mike Place. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub,


The Intention w/Mark Nanni. (Phoebe’s


100 S. Lowell Ave.), 9 p.m.

Restaurant, 900 E. Genesee St.), 8-10 p.m.

for oUr weekly events

F R I DAY 10/3 2 Hour Delay. (World of Beer, Destiny USA), 8 p.m.

Brian McArdell and Mark Westers. (Pizza Man Pub, 50 Oswego St., Baldwinsville), 10 p.m.

live Music Mon-sat this week’s FeAtURed ARtist

sAtURdAy, oct. 4th 10pM no coVeR

Butternut Creek Revival. (Sparky Town, 324 Burnet Ave.), 7-9 p.m.

Chris Taylor. (Bull and Bear Roadhouse, 6402 Collamer Road, East Syracuse), 10 p.m.

Country Rose. (Bombadil’s, 575 Main St., Phoenix), 8 p.m.

Frank and Burns. (Barking Gull, 116 S. Willow

St., Liverpool), 9:30 p.m.

Frenay and Lenin. (bc Restaurant, 247 W. Fayette St.), 8-11 p.m.

scotty MAc & the Rockin’ BonneVilles 246 w.willow st. downtown

Fulton Chain Gang. (Toby Keith’s I Love This

Bar, Destiny USA), 9:30 p.m.

Lisa Lee Trio. (Brae Loch Inn, 5 Albany St., Cazenovia), 7-10 p.m.

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



Los Blancos. (Ridge Tavern, 1281 Salt Springs Road, Chittenango), 7-11 p.m.

Pompey), 8 p.m.

The Dropouts. (Knoxies Pub, 7088 Route 20,

Modern Mudd. (Limp Lizard, Western Lights,


Tommy Connors. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish


Ron Spencer Band. (CC’s (formerly Big Kahu-

Tumbleweed Jones. (Joe’s Pasta Garage, 28

L IS TED A L P H A B E TI C A L LY: 914 Works. 914 E. Genesee St. Tues.-Sat. 10

4628 Onondaga Blvd.), 8-11 p.m.

10/4 8pm

nas), 17 Columbus St., Auburn), 8 p.m.

Stroke. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow

St.), 10 p.m.

$7/adv. $10/door


RJ McCarthy, Steven Rogers, Maryanne Donnelly, Lauren Turczak, Nick Galoni & Bryan Van Campen WWW.CNYPLAYHOUSE.COM

The Boatmen. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub, 100 S. Lowell Ave.), 10 p.m.

Tim Herron Corporation. (Shifty’s, 1401 Bur-

net Ave.), 9 p.m.

S AT U R DAY 10/4 3’s a Crowd. (Pasta’s on the Green, Foxfire Golf Course, 1 Village Blvd. N., Baldwinsville), 7-10 p.m. Black Water. (Sharkey’s Eclectic Sports

Lounge, 7240 Oswego Road, Liverpool), 7-10 p.m.

Blister 78. (Lew’s Sports Bar, 7356 Church St., North Syracuse), 9 p.m. Bog Brothers. (LakeHouse Pub, 6 W. Genesee St., Skaneateles), 9:30 p.m.

Boots N Shorts. (World of Beer, Destiny USA),

THu 10/2


doors aLL agES 6:30 PM

fRI 10/3


MC CHRIS, doors MC LaRS & SpOSE 7:00 PM dj STay gOLd aLL agES

SaT 10/4



TuE 10/7

doors 7:00 PM

THu 10/9

doors 7:00 PM

8 p.m.

Brian McArdell and Mark Westers. (Old City Hall, 159 Water St., Oswego), 6-10 p.m.

Chris Taylor and the Custom Taylor Band. (Shots, 700 Varick St., Utica), 10 p.m.

Country Rose. (Mitchell’s Pub, 3251 Milton Ave.), 9 p.m.

Dave Hanlon’s Cookbook. (Shifty’s, 1401

Burnet Ave.), 9:30 p.m.

Dunes and the Del-Tunes. (Vernon Downs, 4229 Stuhlman Road, Vernon), 9 p.m.

Hendry. (Pizza Man Pub, 50 Oswego St., Bald-

winsville), 9:30 p.m.

Isreal Hagan. (TS Steakhouse, Turning Stone Tower, Verona), 6-10 p.m. Jam Factor. (Bridge Street Tavern, 109 Bridge St., Solvay), 8 p.m.

Just Joe. (Cavallario’s, 26 Church St., Alexan-

dria Bay), 6-10 p.m.

Lisa Lee Band. (Great Pumpkin Festival, 41 E. Oneida St., Oswego), 1:30 p.m.

SOuLfLy wITH 40 dEad MEN

Michael Judge. (Sparky Town, 324 Burnet


Rhythm Method. (The Office (formerly Dirty


Scotty Mac and the Rockin’ Bonnevilles.

TyvEk aLL agES


Ave.), 7-9 p.m.

PEP. (JP’s Bar and Grill, 1706 Route 11, Hastings), 9 p.m.

Redline. (Crossroads Tavern, 7119

Minoa-Bridgeport Road, East Syracuse), 9 p.m. Nelly’s), 1965 W. Fayette St.), 8 p.m.

(Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 10 p.m.

Shakedown Blues Band. (Green Gate Inn, 2

Main St., Camillus), 9:30 p.m.

Southern Comfort. (American Legion, 9

Oswego St., Liverpool), 7-10 p.m.

Tangled Grace. (Mac’s Bad Art Bar, 1799 Brewerton Road, Mattydale), 10 p.m. The Degenerators. (Papa Gallo Mexican Restau-

rant, 205 W. Genesee St., Fayetteville), 8 p.m.


Pub, 100 S. Lowell Ave.), 10 p.m.

Jordan St., Skaneateles), 4-9 p.m.

S U N DAY 10/5 Donal O’Shaughnessy. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub, 100 S. Lowell Ave.), 4-7 p.m. Frenay and Lenin. (Shifty’s, 1401 Burnet Ave.), 7-10 p.m.

Jimmy Rogers and Over the Top. (O’Toole’s, 111 Osbourne St., Auburn), 6:30-9:30 p.m. Los Blancos. (Empire Brewing Company, 120

Walton St.), 12:30 p.m. Blues brunch.

Tumbleweed Jones. (Lakehouse Pub, 6 W. Genesee St., Skaneateles), 6-9 p.m.

M O N DAY 10/6 Dave Robertson. (Ironwood Restaurant, 145 E. Seneca St., Manlius), 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Stone River Band. (Volney Firehouse, 3002 State Route 3, Fulton), 6-9 p.m.

T U E S DAY 10/ 7 Frenay and Lenin. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 9 p.m.

W E D N E S DAY 10/8 Denn Bunger. (Ridge Tavern, 1281 Salt Springs Road, Chittenango), 7-9 p.m.

Frenay and Lenin. (Sheraton University Hotel, 801 University Ave.), 5-8 p.m.

Just Joe. (Jake’s Grub & Grog, 7 E. River Road,

Brewerton), 6-9 p.m.


Matt Bergman. Wed. Oct. 1 & Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Touring comic handles a midweek stint at the Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $10. 423-8669.

Nick Vatterott. Fri. 7:30 & 9:45 p.m., Sat. 7 & 9:45 p.m., Sun. 7:30 p.m. Another bald-pated Second City veteran checks in at Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $12/Fri., $15/Sat., $10/Sun. 423-8669. Syracuse Improv Collective. Fri. 8 p.m. A

“bank show” featuring budding stand-ups and long-form improv troupes, with proceeds benefiting the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention at the Central New York Playhouse, Shoppingtown Mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E. $5-$10/ suggested donation. 885-8960.

Cuse Comedy Showcase. Sat. 8 p.m. Nick Marra headlines the evening featuring budding stand-ups at the Central New York Playhouse, Shoppingtown Mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E. $7/ advance, $10/door. 885-8960. Comedy Showcase. Wed. Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m. Local and regional talent take the stage at Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $7. 423-8669.

10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

a.m.-4 p.m. 443-8072. Through Oct. 14: Character and Collaboration, a retrospective of costume designs by Maria Marrero. Reception Oct. 14, 6-8 p.m.

Ann Felton Multicultural Center and Gallery. Onondaga Community College, 4585

W. Seneca Turnpike. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 498-2787. Through Nov. 4: A Day in the Garden, works by former football star and college professor James Ridlon.

Auburn Unitarian Universalist Society.

607 N. Seward Ave., Auburn. Sun. noon-2 p.m. 253-9029. Through October: works by natural photographer Robert Spoor. Reception Sun. Oct. 5, noon-2 p.m.

Beauchamp Branch Library. 2111 S. Salina

St. Mon., Wed., Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tues. & Thurs. 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. 435-3395. Through October: Planusphere, cartoons and portraits drawn from life by Syracuse resident Dan Shanahan. Reception Thurs. Oct. 2, 6 p.m.

Betts Branch Library. 4862 S. Salina St. Mon. & Wed. 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m., Tues. & Thurs.-Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 1-5 p.m. 435-1940. Through October: oil paintings by Nedrow artist Sylvia Steen. Sat. Oct. 4, 2 p.m.: a free preview of Appleseed Productions’ upcoming The Diary of Anne Frank. Everson Museum of Art. 401 Harrison St.

Wed. noon-5 p.m., Thurs. noon-8 p.m., Fri. noon-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. noon-5 p.m. $5/suggested donation/general admission; special exhibits vary in admission price. 4746064. Through December: Enduring Gift, Chinese ceramics culled from the Cloud Wampler collection. Through Jan. 11: Salt City Clay, juried exhibition of works by the Syracuse Ceramic Guild; Performing Media: Works by Signal Culture Artists in Residence. Through Oct. 25 and projected outside on the museum’s North facade: artist and filmmaker Isaac Julien’s video Western Union: Small Boats (The Leopard), co-presented by Urban Video Project and Light Work Gallery; Thurs.-Sun. 8-11 p.m. Reception and artist talk, Fri. Oct. 3, 6:30 p.m.

Gallery 54. 54 E. Genesee St., Skaneateles.

Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 685-5470. Through October: Against the Grain, new works in wood by Fred Weisskopf. Reception Fri. Oct. 3, 5-8 p.m.

Manlius Public Library. 1 Arkie Albanese Drive, Manlius. Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 1-5 p.m. 682-6400, 6995076. Through Oct. 11: Juried Members Show, the 88th annual show presented by the Associated Artists of Central New York. Maxwell Memorial Library. 14 Genesee St.,

Camillus. Mon.-Wed. 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m. 672-3661. Through Oct. 29: The BCA Project, portraits of breast cancer survivors by A.E. Andre. Reception Wed. Oct. 1, 6-7:30 p.m.

Onondaga Historical Association. 321 Montgomery St. Wed.-Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Donation requested. 428-


Chris taylor Band


Outta the red

437-Bull • 6402 Collamer Rd. East Syracuse. Lunch, Dinner, Cocktails, Catering

1864. Through Jan. 25: Culture of the Cocktail Hour, a look at Onondaga County’s speakeasies and cocktail lounges during the Prohibition era; Watercolor Memories: The Artistic Legacy of Betty Munro. Through March 16: It’s in Our Very Name: The Italian Heritage of Syracuse, artifacts and images tell the story.

Warehouse Gallery/Point of Contact Gallery. 350 W. Fayette St. Mon.-Fri. 1-5 p.m. 443-

4098. Through Oct. 8: Last, works by Dorene Quinn. Thurs. Oct. 2, 6-8 p.m.: free panel discussion with Quinn.


Rochelle Bilow. Wed. Oct. 1, 7 p.m. The

author of The Call of the Farm: An Unexpected Year of Getting Dirty, Home Cooking and Finding Myself will read from her memoir at Le Moyne College’s Grewen Auditorium, 1419 Salt Springs Road. Free. 445-5470.

Palace Poetry Group. Thurs. 7-8:30 p.m. Writer Claudia M. Stanek reads selections from her published work at DeWitt Community Library, 3649 Erie Blvd. E., DeWitt. Free. 479-8157. DATE NIGHT  Fayetteville Phantoms Ghostwalks. Fri. & Sat. 6-8 p.m. The nighttime historical tours start at Fayetteville Village Hall, 425 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville. $15. 428-1864, Ext. 312.

Syracuse University Football. Fri. 7 p.m. The Orange squad plays the Louisville Cardinals. Carrier Dome, 900 Irving Ave. $35-$160. (888) DOME-TIX.

Fright Nights at the Fair. Fri. & Sat. 7

p.m.-midnight, Sun. 7-11 p.m. Explore the Dungeon of Doom, the Clown Prison, the Chainsaw Massacre and more at the New York State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd. $10/single attraction, $20/multiple attractions. 863-1531.

Fall Family Festival. Sat. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Enjoy

raffles, games, food, music and a Halloween costume contest for kids. Mottville Fire Station, 4149 Frost St., Mottville. Suggested donations to the Ken Johnson Benefit Fund: $5/person, $10/family.729-1210.

Oktobeerfest. Sat. 3-7 p.m. Taste local brews, chow down on wiener schnitzel and enjoy German music at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino Event Center, Thruway Exit 33, Verona. $30/advance, $35/door, $10/designated driver. 361-SHOW. Collectorsfest Sports Memorabilia Show. Sun. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Peruse sports stuff from more than vendors at the Horticulture Building, New York State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd. $4/adults, free/ages 10 and under. (607) 753-8580.

Autumn Gala. Sun. 1-4 p.m. The Visiting Nurse Association of Central New York’s fundraiser includes live music, a silent auction, seasonal hors d’oeuvres, and wine samples at the Mandana Barn, 1274 Route 356, Skaneateles. $50. 477-9301. Salt Springs Neighborhood Watch Meeting. Tues. 6 p.m. Members meet at Soule Branch Library, 101 Springfield Road. Free. 435-5320.

Sip and Paint. Tues. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Enjoy a

craft beer and unleash your inner artist at Cortland Beer Company, 16 Court St., Cortland. $35. (607) 345-7628.

125 E. Water St. Hanover Sq 701-3064 BullandBearPub.com


Little Shop of Horrors. Fri. 8 p.m. The musical hit about a carnivorous plant mixes mixes a movie screening, live actors, audia movie screening, live actors, audience parence participation and libations in this ticipation and libations in this Moonshine Moonshine Musical Mania edition at theArts Musical Mania edition at the Redhouse Redhouse Center, 201 includes S. West St. $15; Center, 201Arts S. West St. $15; first includes beverage. 362-2785. beverage.first 362-2785. L I S T ED A L PHA BE T I C AL LY: Armory Square Playhouse. Sun. 1 p.m. A

staged reading of the new Janice Scully play The New Women is presented at Jazz Central, 441 E. Washington St. $7/adults, $5/students and seniors. 479-7164.

Church Basement Ladies: The Last Potluck Supper. Wed. Oct. 1 & Thurs. 7:30

p.m., Fri. & Sat. 2 & 8 p.m., Mon. 2 p.m., Tues. & Wed. Oct. 8, 2 & 7:30 p.m.; closes Oct. 18. The popular comedy series spins off another sequel to close the summer season at Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, Emerson Park, 6877 East Lake Road (Route 38A), Auburn. $42-$50/adults; $39-$47/seniors; $22-$33/ students and under age 22. 255-1785, (800) 457-8897.

Die Mommie Die. Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m.; closes Oct. 18. Charles Busch’s campy shocker kicks off the 10th season of Rarely Done Productions at Jazz Central, 441 E. Washington St. $25. 546-3224. Fiddler on the Roof. Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m.; through Oct. 11. Bob Brown plays the milkman Tevye in this Salt City Center musical at the New York State Fairgrounds’ Empire Theater, 581 State Fair Blvd. $30. 727-5494.

Into the Woods. Thurs.-Sat. 7:30 p.m.; closes Oct. 12. The Sondheim fairy tale musical kicks off the season at the Cider Mill Playhouse, 2 S. Naticoke Ave., Endicott. $26-$32. (607) 748-7363.

Julius Caesar. Sun. 2 p.m. A staged reading of the Bard’s classic also doubles as a fundraiser for the Syracuse Shakespeare Festival at the Warehouse Theater, 350 W. Fayette St. $20. 476-1835. Little Red Riding Hood. Every Sat. 12:30

p.m.; through Sat. Sept. 27. Interactive version of the children’s classic; performed by Magic Circle Children’s Theatre. Spaghetti Warehouse, 689 N. Clinton St. $5. 449-3823.

Paint Nite. Tues. 7-9:30 p.m. Sip some cocktails and create an original work of art. Carnegie’s Pier 57, 7376 Oswego Road, Liverpool. $25-$45; materials will be provided. 457-8109. Salvatore Basile. Tues. 7 p.m. The historian discusses his book Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything at Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd. E., DeWitt. Free. 449-2948. Nick Cassavetes. Tues. 7 p.m. The director

screens his 1996 movie Unhook the Stars during this Syracuse International Film Festival event at Syracuse University’s Life Sciences Building 001 Auditorium, College Place, SU campus. Free. Filminsyracuse.com.

Wednesday - Callow thursday - dunks & Funks Friday - Zak smith saturday - Gowanus


Presented By

Lizzie Borden Took an Axe. Thurs. 7:30 p.m., Sat. 4 & 7:30 p.m., Sun. 7:30 p.m. Covey Theatre Company stages Garrett Heater’s psychological thriller throughout various rooms of the Barnes Hiscock Mansion, 930 James St. $20/general, $5/suggested donation for the George and Rebecca Barnes Foundation. 420-3729. Murder Most Faire. Every Thurs. 6:45 p.m.;

through Nov. 13. A Renaissance festival is the backdrop for sinister doings in this interactive dinner-theater comedy whodunit; performed by Acme Mystery Company. Spaghetti Warehouse, 689 N. Clinton St. $27.95/ plus tax and gratuity. 475-1807. FREE  Our Turn to Decide. Thurs.-Sat. 8 p.m. A cabaret of songs from Broadway composer Jason Robert Brown will be presented at Le Moyne College’s Coyne Center for the Performing Arts, 1419 Salt Springs Road. Free. 445-4200. FAMIILY FRIENDLY  The Pirate, The Princess and The Pea. Sat. 11 a.m. The

“World of Puppets” series begins its season with this fun adventure from Crabgrass Puppet Theater at Open Hand Theater, 518 Prospect Ave. $10/adults, $6/children. 476-0466. WOW Possessing Harriet. Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Director Robert Moss guides a staged reading of Kyle Bass’ new play about Mississippi slave Harriet Powell’s bid for freedom in 1839 Syracuse, followed by a reception at the Redhouse Arts Center, 201 S. West St. $40. 362-2785.

7 E. River Road, Brewerton • 668-3905

WEDNESDAY Burgers, Beer & Wings with Just Joe FRIDAY Amanda Ashley

SATURDAY Sons of the Queen

JASON’S EVENTS AND CATERING On or off premise Catering Banquet Room

jake s gr ub and gr og.c om

This is Magic. Sat. 7 p.m. Salt City Magic Club presents an evening of hocus pocus at the Capitol Theatre, 220 W. Dominick St., Rome. $8/adults, $3/ages 12 and under. 337-6453. Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. Wed. Oct. 1 & Thurs. 7:30 p.m., Fri. 8 p.m., Sat. 3 & 8 p.m., Sun. 2 & 7 p.m., Tues. & Wed. Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m.; closes Oct. 12. Playwright Christopher Durang’s Tony Award-winning mash-up of Chekhov and comedy begins the season at Syracuse Stage’s Archbold Theatre, 820 E. Genesee St. $30, $50, $54/ adults, $38/age 40 and under, $18/under 18. 443-3275.

FRIDAY, OCT. 3rd - 8PM


FILM S TAR TS F RIDAY F IL M S, T H E AT E RS AN D T IM E S S U B JE C T TO C H AN G E. C H E C K S YR AC U S E N E W T IM E S.CO M F O R U P DAT E S. Annabelle. A murderous doll headlines this

spinoff of The Conjuring. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/RPX/Stadium). Daily: 11:30 a.m., 2:05, 4:40, 7:20 & 10 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12:30 a.m. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 12, 2:35, 5:10, 7:50 & 10:30 p.m. Screen 2 (Fri.-Sun.): 12:30 &



syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14


The Amazing Kreskin Oct. 18 • Doors 7pm

6:20 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12 a.m. Screen 3 (Fri.-Sun.): 6:50 & 9:30 p.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 1, 4:05 & 7 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 10:20 p.m. Screen 2 (Fri.-Sun.): 1:30 & 7:30 p.m. Screen 3 (Fri. & Sat.): 6:30 & 9:20 p.m. (Sun.): 6:30 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 12:50, 2:50, 4:50, 7:30 & 10:40 p.m. Screen 2: 1:20, 4:20, 6:30 & 10:10 p.m.

Bang Bang. Bollywood spy comedy. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:35 a.m., 3:10, 6:40 & 10:10 p.m. The Boxtrolls. Charming children’s fantasy;

presented in 3-D in some theaters. Destiny USA/ Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/3-D/Stadium). Daily: 11:45 a.m. & 7:25 p.m. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 2:15, 4:45 & 9:55 p.m. Finger Lakes Drive-In (Auburn; 252-3969). Fri. & Sat.: 7 p.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/3-D/Stadium). Daily: 12:20 & 5:10 p.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Daily: 2:45 & 7:35 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 10 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/3-D/Stadium). Daily: 3:50 & 9:50 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:35 & 6:35 p.m.

Dolphin Tale 2. Morgan Freeman and Ashley

Judd in a seaworthy sequel. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:50, 3:50, 6:50 & 9:30 p.m. No 6:50 & 9:30 p.m. shows Fri.-Sun. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Fri.-Sun.: 1:05 & 4 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. (10-9): 1:05, 4 & 6:30 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Fri.-Sun.: 1:15, 4:25, 7:05 & 9:55 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. (10-9): 1:15 & 4:25 p.m.

The Drop. Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace and the late James Gandolfini in a crime drama. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Fri.Sun.: 4:05 & 9:35 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. (10-9): 1:30, 4:05, 7:20 & 9:35 p.m.

Earth to Echo. A lost alien enlists kids to

phone home in this familiar family flick. Midway Drive-In (Fulton; 343-0211; digital presentation/ stereo). Fri.: 7:30 p.m. Sun.: 9:45 p.m.

The Equalizer. Denzel Washington plays

rough in this action item. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/IMAX/Stadium). Daily: 12:45, 3:55, 7:05 & 10:15 p.m. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:15, 3:25, 6:35 & 9:45 p.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:30, 3:45 & 6:50 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 9:50 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 12:40, 3:40, 6:40 & 9:45 p.m. Screen 2: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 & 10:15 p.m.

Gone Girl. Director David Fincher’s tricky thriller about a husband (Ben Affleck) suspected of his wife’s disappearance. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 11:40 a.m., 3:05, 6:30 & 9:50 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 11:30 a.m. Screen 2: 12:10, 3:35, 7 & 10:20 p.m. Screen 3 (Fri.-Sun.): 2:25 & 9:20 p.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 12:45, 3:25 & 6:45 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 9:30 p.m. Screen 2 (Fri.-Sun.): 12:15 & 6:15 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 12:30, 3:05, 6:20 & 9:10 p.m. Screen 2: 1, 3:35, 6:50 & 9:40 p.m.


It has been rumored that a ghostly presence of spirits have made themselves known in Pulaski, The Amazing Kreskin will reawaken that awareness and cause “sightings” of these spirits by audience members within the historic Kallet Theater.

Order tickets at kallettheater.com or call (315) 298-0007 Mention this ad for a free gift!

Guardians of the Galaxy. Strange interga-

lactic critters inhabit the latest Marvel Comics screen adaptation. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:15 & 7:15 p.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Fri. & Sat.: 3:35 & 9:40 p.m. Sun.: 3:35 p.m. Mon.Thurs. (10-9): 12:15, 3:35 & 6:15 p.m. Midway Drive-In (Fulton; 343-0211; digital presentation/ stereo). Fri.: 9:15 p.m. Sun.: 7:30 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Fri.-Sun.: 12:55 & 6:45 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. (10-9): 12:55, 4:20, 6:45 & 10 p.m.

Hercules. Dwayne Johnson rocks on in this

swords-and-sandals spectacle. Hollywood (Digital presentation/stereo). Sat. & Sun.: 3:25 p.m. Finger Lakes Drive-In (Auburn; 252-3969). Fri. & Sat.: 10:30 p.m.

If I Stay. Talented actress Chloe Grace Moretz

headlines this teen drama. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Fri.-Sun.: 3:20 & 9 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. (10-9): 12:40, 3:40, 6:40 & 9:20 p.m.

Into the Storm. Special-effects thriller involving townspeople battling a series of pesky tornadoes. Hollywood (Digital presentation/stereo). Daily: 7:30 p.m. Jimi: All Is By My Side. Outkast’s Andre Benjamin as Jimi Hendrix in this rock biopic. estiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:25, 4:25, 7:30 & 10:40 p.m. Left Behind. Nicolas Cage in a faith-based thriller. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:20, 4:20, 7:10 & 10:05 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12:25 a.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:15, 4:20 & 7:05 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 10:10 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 12:40, 3:40, 6:40 & 9:40 p.m. Screen 2: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 & 10:10 p.m. Let’s Be Cops. Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake

Johnson as phony policemen in this buddy comedy. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 4:30 & 10:35 p.m.

Lucy. Scarlet Johansson plays rough in director Luc Besson’s brainy sci-fi action thriller. Hollywood (Digital presentation/stereo). Daily: 9:30 p.m. M*A*S*H. Regal Cinema’s Classic Film Series rolls on with the 1970 antiwar comedy with Elliott Gould and Donald Sutherland. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Sun.: 2 p.m. Wed. (10-8): 2 & 7 p.m. The Maze Runner. Intriguing adaptation

of the teen-geared sci-fi best seller. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 1, 4, 6:55 & 9:40 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12:20 a.m. Screen 2: 1:30 & 4:30 p.m. Finger Lakes Drive-In (Auburn; 252-3969). Fri. & Sat.: 8:45 p.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Daily: 12:50, 4:25 & 7:10 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 10:05 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:40, 4:40, 7 & 10:20 p.m.

Mr. Peabody and Sherman. Stephen Colbert lends his voice to this big-screen cartoon version of the wry Jay Ward 1960s-era TV cartoon about time travel. Midway Drive-In (Fulton; 343-0211; digital presentation/stereo). Fri., Sun.: 11:30 p.m.

10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

4842 N. Jefferson St. Pulaski

No Good Deed. Idris Elba as an escaped convict causing problems for a suburban family. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Daily: 12:20, 2:40, 5, 8 & 10:45 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:45, 5:20, 7:40 & 10 p.m.

Planes: Fire and Rescue. Ed Harris and Dane Cook lend their voices to this second cartoon stanza. Hollywood (Digital presentation/stereo). Daily: 5:35 p.m. Sat. & Sun. matinee: 1:30 p.m.

The Skeleton Twins. Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig as siblings in crisis mode in this new dramedy. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:55 a.m., 2:30, 5:05, 7:45 & 10:25 p.m. Manlius (Digital presentation/stereo). Daily: 7:30 p.m. Thurs. (10-9): 9 p.m. Sat. & Sun. matinee: 2:30 & 4:30 p.m.

This Is Where I Leave You. Jason Bateman, Tina Fey and Jane Fonda in a comedy about adult siblings coming home for a shiva. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:35, 4:35, 7:35 & 10:25 p.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:20, 4:30 & 7:20 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 9:45 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:05, 4, 6:55 & 9:30 p.m.

A Walk Among the Tombstones. Liam Neeson in an R-rated action yarn. Destiny USA/ Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:40, 3:40, 6:45 & 9:35 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12:15 a.m. Great Northern 10 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Fri. & Sat.: 4:15 & 9:55 p.m. Sun.: 4:15 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. (10-9): 1:30, 4:15 & 7:30 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Daily: 1, 3:45, 6:25 & 9:20 p.m.

F IL M, OT H E RS L IS T E D AL P H AB E T IC AL LY: Blueberry Soup. Thurs. 7 p.m. Eileen Jerrett’s documentary about Iceland’s constitutional change initiated by a grass-roots coalition following the 2008 financial crisis, followed by a question-answer session with the moviemaker at Le Moyne College’s Grewen Auditorium, 1419 Salt Springs Road. Free. 445-5470, 445-4200.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari/Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Thurs. 6 & 7:30 p.m. The 1920s silent shockers at the Kallet Theater, 4842 N. Jefferson St., Pulaski. $5/single film, $6/double bill. 2980007. DATE NIGHT  Every Night at Eight. Mon. 7:30 p.m. Alice Faye and George Raft in a rarely screened 1935 musical, which continues the Syracuse Cinephile Society’s autumn season at the Spaghetti Warehouse, 680 N. Clinton St. $3.50. 475-1807.

Full Metal Jacket. Mon. 7:30 p.m. The “Flashback Movie Mondays” series continues with director Stanley Kubrick’s violent 1987 drama about soldiers being dehumanized by the Vietnam War at the Palace Theatre, 2384 James St. $5. 436-4723. Halloween/Friday the 13th. Fri. 6 & 7:45 p.m. Slasher flicks rip up the Kallet Theater, 4842 N. Jefferson St., Pulaski. $5/single film, $6/double bill. 298-0007.

Hurricane on the Bayou. Sat. 5 p.m. Large-format study of nature’s wrath at the Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $10/adults, $8/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $14/adults, $12/ children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068. I Learn America. Tues. 6:30 p.m. Documentary about immigrant teens coming together at a New York City high school, followed by a discussion. Part of the “What If” film series, a showcase of national community efforts to improve quality of life. Southwest Community Center, 401 South Ave. Free. 474-6823. Island of Lemurs: Madagascar. Wed. Oct.

1-Fri. 1 p.m., Sat. 1 & 7 p.m., Sun. & Wed. Oct. 8, 1 p.m. Large-format yarn with the cute critters. Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $10/adults, $8/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $14/adults, $12/ children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068.

Million Dollar Mayor. Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Docu-

mentary about the tarnished legacy of Syracuse Mayor Lee Alexander receives a premiere at the Palace Theatre, 2384 James St. $10. 436-4723.

Psycho/Nightmare on Elm Street/Scream.

Sat. 4, 6 & 7:45 p.m. Homicides galore at the Kallet Theater, 4842 N. Jefferson St., Pulaski. $5/ single film, $6/double bill. 298-0007. FAMIILY FRIENDLY  Safety Last. Wed. Oct. 8, 7 p.m. Harold Lloyd’s silent comedy classic with a new score conducted by Rob Deemer, plus Charlie Chaplin’s 1914 short Mabel’s Strange Predicament with a piano score by Nathalie Khoriaty, presented by the Syracuse International Film Festival at the Palace Theatre, 2384 James St. $12. 436-4723. WOW Sidewalk Stories. Sun. 1:30 p.m. Unseen for more than 20 years, star-director Charles Lane’s 1989 black-and-white seriocomic riff on Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid concerns a Greenwich Village artist who must care for a suddenly orphaned young girl; followed by a discussion with the filmmaker during this kickoff to the Syracuse International Film Festival at Le Moyne College’s Grewen Auditorium, 1419 Salt Springs Road. $12. filminsyracuse.com.

T-Rex: Back to the Cretaceous. Wed. Oct.

1-Fri. 12, 2 & 4 p.m., Sat. 12, 2, 4 & 8 p.m., Sun. & Wed. Oct. 8, 12, 2 & 4 p.m. Large-format yarn with takes viewers back to the Stone Age. Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $10/adults, $8/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $14/adults, $12/children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068.

Under the Sea. Wed. Oct. 1-Fri. 3 p.m., Sat. 3 & 6 p.m., Sun. & Wed. Oct. 8, 3 p.m. Jim Carrey narrates this large-format yarn about the perils of global warming. Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $10/adults, $8/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $14/adults, $12/children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068. WOW Unspoken Film Festival. Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m., noon, 2, 4, 6 & 8 p.m. The fourth annual human rights forum, featuring two-hour separate programs with short subjects and feature-length films exposing rights violations from around the globe, will be presented at the Capitol Theatre, 220 W. Dominick St., Rome. One film: $6/adults, $4/students. Full day: $20/ adults, $12/students. Both days: $30/adults, $20/ students. 337-6453, Iamunspoken.com.


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10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

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SERVICES ATTENTION READERS: Always use caution and good common sense when purchasing goods or services by phone, on-line or by mail. Don’t send money, give out credit card info, social security numbers or any other personal financial information until you know for sure what you’re purchasing from. Most advertisers are perfectly legitimate but a few can give all a bad name. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! DIRECTV STARTING AT $24.95/MO. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. FREE RECEIVER Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some exclusions apply - Call for details. 1-800931-4807. DISH TV RETAILER. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting

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Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, CO. 80201.

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syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



Seeing Peril: Saving Teachers If ever there was a common goal, the cord now is broken and we teachers may take for ourselves Paine’s words in defense of the colonists, as he pointed the finger at George the Third. “We have an ass for a Lion.”

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Legal Notice Articles of Organization of Encompass Home Inspection Services, LLC(“LLC”) were filed with the Sec. of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on 07/11/2014. Office Location: Onondaga County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to and the LLC’s principal place of business is: 2568 Gardner Road, Fabius, New York 13063. Purpose: Any lawful business purpose. Name of LLC: RE-EVALUWASTE, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 6/19/14. Office location: Onondaga County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Ave., Ste. 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228, regd. agent upon whom process may be served. Purpose: any lawful act. Notice of Formation of Apollo Biomedical, LLC. Articles of Organization were Filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 6/13/14. Office location is in Onondaga County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 733 Livingston Ave., Apt. 2, Syracuse, NY 13210. Purpose is any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of By Design Consultants, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 7/18/14. Office location is in the County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to P.O. Box 2484 Liverpool, NY 13089. Purpose is any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Caring Transportation, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 5/27/14. Office location is in County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 116 Vincent Ave, Liverpool, NY 13088. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Catwalk Works Productions, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/19/14. Office lo-

10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

cation: is in County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Elizabeth L. Nowak, 4561 East Lake Rd., Cazenovia, Ny 13035. Purpose is any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of CNY Boom Truck, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/9/14. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, PO Box 1003, Brewerton, NY 13029. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of CNY Technology Consultants , LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on July 21, 2014. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 5778 East Seneca Turnpike, Jamesville, NY 13078. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Copper Kettle II, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/8/14. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 116 East Genesee Street, Skaneateles, NY 13152. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Cornflower Property LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/27/2014. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: LLC, One Chevy Drive, East Syracuse, NY 13057. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Dennis Way Building LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/20/14. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 5105 Bob White Lane, Tully, NY 13159. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Doyle Hardware Building LLC Articles of Organization filed with

the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 9/24/2014. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: LLC, 5100 West Taft Road, Suite 5C, Liverpool, NY 13088. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of HSOA LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 6/12/14. Office location is in County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Samantha Gersten, 2606 Erie Blvd E., Liverpool, New York 13224. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of John A. Fatcheric Services, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/19/14. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 6205 Devoe Road, Camillus, NY 13031. Purpose: any lawful activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PURSUANT TO §206 OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LAW. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a limited liability company, pursuant to §206 of the Limited Liability Company Law, the particulars of which are as follows: 1. The name of the limited liability company is “ANTHONY STREET APARTMENTS, LLC”. 2. The date of filing is August 27, 2014. 3. Onondaga County is the county within the State of New York where the office of the limited liability company is located. 4. The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the limited liability company for service of process and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail copy of any process against the limited liability company is 8820 Lombardi Drive, Cicero, NY 13039. 5. There is no registered agent for service. 6. The limited liability company is formed for any lawful business purpose. Dated: August 27, 2014 /Ronald Reid. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PURSUANT TO §206 OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LAW. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have

formed a limited liability company, pursuant to §206 of the Limited Liability Company Law, the particulars of which are as follows: 1. The name of the limited liability company is “501 S. Main Street, LLC”. 2. The date of filing is September 5, 2014. 3. Onondaga County is the county within the State of New York where the office of the limited liability company is located. 4. The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the limited liability company for service of process and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail copy of any process against the limited liability company is 501 S. Main Street, North Syracuse, NY 13212. 5. There is no registered agent for service. 6. The limited liability company is formed for any lawful business purpose. Dated: September 8, 2014. s/Inderpreet Singh Atwal. Notice of Formation of Lounge 81, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 6/30/2014. Office location is in County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 917 North Salina St, Syracuse, New York 13208. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of LTP Contracting Group, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/9/14. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Leonard T. Printup, 3620 Kennedy Road, LaFayette, NY 13084. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Queri Management, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/22/2014. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 92 North County Club Drive, Rochester, NY 14618. Term: until 1/1/2065. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Renovation Creations, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/19/14. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY

shall mail copy of process to 2769 Cardiff Rd., Lafayette , NY 13084 . Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of RF Solutions, LLC. The name of the limited liability company is RF Solutions, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the New York Department of State on 9/25/14. The office location is Onondaga County, NY. The Secretary of State of the State of New York is designated as the agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State of New York shall mail a copy of process to 55 Canterbury Road, Rochester, NY 14607. The Company is formed for any and all lawful purposes. The Company is to be managed by one or more members, and no member shall be held liable in their capacity as members of the Company for any debts, obligations and liabilities of the Company. Notice of Formation of River Custom Canvas, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on August 4, 2014. Office location is County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1709 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13206. Purpose is any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Schmitt, Brown, & Stone Properties LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 00/00/00. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 211 Orchard Dr West, North Syracuse, NY 13212 . Purpose is any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Syracuse Prime Properties, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/29/14. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 6733 Kinne Road, Dewitt, NY 13214. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of TruBliss LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/21/14. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated

as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 6423 Electric Railway, Cicero, NY 13039. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of: EURO TILE CO., LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 9/18/2014. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Nikolay Stelmakh, 317 Scott Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13219. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of: Greenovas Building Consulting, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: Aug 14, 2014. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Xifan Chen, 111 Lafayette Rd, Apt 601, Syracuse, New York 13205. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of: Maverick Events and Enterprises LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 12-Aug2014. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: United States Corporation Agents, Inc; 7014 13th Avenue; Suite 202; Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of: MJK Global Enterprises, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 6/24/14. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Matthew J. Kowalewski, 985 Dutch Hill Rd, Tully, New York 13159. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of: WFD Property, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 9/23/14. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Sheena Christ, 6095 Poolsbrook Rd, Kirkville, New York

13082. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Qualification of ACC OP (Park Point SU) LLC. App. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) 8/13/14. Office location: Onondaga County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 8/12/14. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o CT Corporation System, 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011, the registered agent upon whom process may be served. DE address of LLC: 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Arts. of Org. filed with DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: all lawful purposes. Notice of Qualification of LG Cicero BOA, LLC. App. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) 8/25/14. Office location: Onondaga County. LLC formed in Texas (TX) on 6/11/14. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the TX address of LLC: 2311 Cedar Springs Road, Ste. 100, Dallas, TX 75201. Arts. of Org. filed with TX Secy. of State, P.O. Box 13697, Austin, TX 78711. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Qualification of Virginia Company of New York 1606, LLC. Application for Authority filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on August 25, 2014. Office location: County of Onondaga. LLC formed in Virginia on August 21, 2014. SSNY has been designated as an agent upon whom process may be served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is: Patricia A. Woodward, 31 S. 2nd Street, Warrenton, VA 21086. The principal business address of the LLC is: 400 Holiday Court, Suite 205, Warrenton, VA, 20186. Articles of Organization filed the State Corporation Commission located at P.O. Box 1197, Richmond, VA 23218. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Qualification of Virginia Company of Syracuse 1606, LLC. Application for Authority filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on August 25, 2014. Office location: County of Onondaga. LLC formed in Virginia on August 21, 2014. SSNY has been designated as an agent upon whom process may be

served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is: Patricia A. Woodward, 31 S. 2nd Street, Warrenton, VA 21086. The principal business address of the LLC is: 400 Holiday Court, Suite 205, Warrenton, VA, 20186. Articles of Organization filed the State Corporation Commission located at P.O. Box 1197, Richmond, VA 23218. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SUMMONS Index No. 2014-986 D/O/F: May 27, 2014 Premises Address: 108 SWANSEA AVENUE, SYRACUSE, NY 13206-1924. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONONDAGA WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff, -against-CHRISTINE A. DANO AS HEIR AT LAW AND NEXT OF KIN OF JAMES P. DANO; JOHN DOE 1 THROUGH 50; JANE DOE 1 THROUGH 50, INTENDING TO BE THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DISTRIBUTES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, TRUSTEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, AND ASSIGNEES OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES P. DANO WHO WAS BORN ON FEBRUARY 10, 1969 AND DIED ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2011, A RESIDENT OF THE COUNTY OF ONONDAGA, THEIR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST IF ANY OF THE AFORESAID DEFENDANTS BE DECEASED, THEIR RESPECTIVE HEIRS AT LAW, NEXT OF KIN, AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST OF THE AFORESAID CLASSES OF PERSON, IF THEY OR ANY OF THEM BE DEAD, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE HUSBANDS, WIVES OR WIDOWS, IF ANY, ALL OF WHOM AND WHOSE NAMES AND PLACES OF RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN TO THE PLAINTIFF; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; AMERICU CREDIT UNION; STATE OF NEW YORK; ‘’JOHN DOES’’ and ‘’JANE DOES’’, said names being fictitious, parties intended being possible tenants or occupants of premises and corporations, other entities or persons who have, claim, or may claim, a lien against, or other interest in, the premises, Defendant(s), TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your Answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance on the Plaintiff’s Attorneys within twenty (20) days after the ser-

vice of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, where service is made by delivery upon you personally within the State, or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner, and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. The following notice is intended only for those defendants who are owners of the premises sought to be foreclosed or who are liable upon the debt for which the mortgage stands as security. YOU ARE HEREBY PUT ON NOTICE THAT WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. The amount of the debt as of the date of this summons: $72,188.39 consisting of principal balance of $52,953.59 plus interest of $9,575.24; escrow/impound shortages or credits of $7,739.36; late charges of $260.78; Broker’s Price Opinion, inspection and miscellaneous charges of $100.00; Surrogate’s search fee of $21.73; attorney fee $1,000.00 and title search $537.69. Because of interest and other charges that may vary from day to day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. Hence, if you pay the amount shown above, an adjustment may be necessary after we receive the check, in which event we will inform you. The name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed: WELLS FARGO BANK, NA. Unless you dispute the validity of the debt, or any portion thereof, within thirty

(30) days after receipt hereof, the debt will be assumed to be valid by Rosicki, Rosicki & Associates P.C. If you notify Rosicki, Rosicki & Associates P.C. in writing within thirty (30) days after your receipt hereof that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, we will obtain verification of the debt or a copy of any judgment against you representing the debt and a copy of such verification or judgment will be mailed to you by Rosicki, Rosicki & Associates P.C.. Upon your written request within 30 days after receipt of this notice, Rosicki, Rosicki & Associates P.C. will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor if different from the current creditor. Note: Your time to respond to the summons and complaint differs from your time to dispute the validity of the debt or to request the name and address of the original creditor. Although you have as few as 20 days to respond to the summons and complaint, depending on the manner of service, you still have 30 days from receipt of this summons to dispute the validity of the debt and to request the name and address of the original creditor. TO THE DEFENDANTS: The Plaintiff makes no personal claim against you in this action. TO THE DEFENDANTS: If you have obtained an order of discharge from the Bankruptcy court, which includes this debt, and you have not reaffirmed your liability for this debt, this law suit is not alleging that you have any personal liability for this debt and does not seek a money judgment against you. Even if a discharge has been obtained, this lawsuit to foreclose the mortgage will continue and we will seek a judgment authorizing the sale of the mortgaged premises. Dated: May 6, 2014. Patricia Boland, Esq. ROSICKI, ROSICKI & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff Main Office 51 E Bethpage Road, Plainview, NY 11803. 516-7412585. Help For Homeowners In Foreclosure New York State Law requires that we send you this notice about the foreclosure process. Please read it carefully. Mortgage foreclosure is a complex process. Some people may approach you about “saving” your home. You should be extremely careful about any such promises. The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. There are

government agencies, legal aid entities and other non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about foreclosure while you are working with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-BANKNYS (1877-226-5697) or visit the Department’s website at www.banking. state.ny.us. The State does not guarantee the advice of these agencies. SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS INDEX NO. 6611/2013 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONONDAGA Date Filed: 9/16/2014 Plaintiff designates Onondaga County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgaged premises is situated. Bank of New York Mellon, f/k/a Bank of New York, as Trustee, on behalf of the registered holders of Alternative Loan Trust 2006-OCS, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2006-OC5, Plaintiff, -against- Jeanette Dyer, if living and if any be dead, any and all persons who are spouses, widows, grantees, mortgagees, lienor, heirs, devisees, distributees, or successors in interest of such of the above as may be dead, and their spouses, heirs, devisees, distributees and successors in interest, all of whom and whose names and places of residences are unknown to Plaintiff, United States of America-Internal Revenue Service, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S): YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your Answer or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance on the attorneys for the plaintiff within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within thirty (30) days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclosure a Mortgage to secure $54,750.00 and

interest, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Onondaga on March 6, 2006, in Book 14727, Page 353, covering premises known as 152 Lilac Street, Syracuse, NY 13208. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. DATED: Williamsville, New York, August 7, 2014 BY: Stephen J. Wallace, Esq. FRENKEL, LAMBERT, WEISS, WEISMAN & GORDON, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, New York 11706 (631) 969-3100 Our File No.: 01-043367-F01. The name of the limited liability company is JGM Real Estate Enterprises, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the New York Department of State on 9/19/14. The office location is Onondaga County, NY. The Secretary of State of the State of New York is designated as the agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State of New York shall mail a copy of process to 55 Canterbury Road, Rochester, NY 14607. The Company is formed for any and all lawful purposes. The Company is to be managed by one or more members, and no member shall be held liable in their capacity as members of the Company for any debts, obligations and liabilities of the Company.

syracusenewtimes.com | 10.01.14 - 10.07.14



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2010 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 2013 Ext cab 4x4 Quad Ford Cab F150 4X4 Hemi Motor XLT Eco Options, boot engine, and package. Full of Power Only factory black wheel, only 48,000 Miles 1 Owner Trailer 16,000 mile. Jet black finish, Tow, Tonneau Cover, Running just phat! $30,988. F.X. CAPARA Boards, Bright Red Finish, Real Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Sharp! $21,888 FX Caprara COM 1-800-333-0530. Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 2009 Chevy 2500 HD Reg Cab 4x4 Full power equip, alloys, 8í 20138í Ford Crew Cab box, Fisher F150 Plow, only 68,000 4X4 “XTR” package, Loaded miles. Jet black finish. Ready for with orPower Options, work pleasure! $21,988.Only F.X. 26,000 Miles, Owner, GunWWW. Metal CAPARA Chevy-Buick Gray Metallic 1-800-333-0530. Finish, Chrome FXCHEVY.COM Wheels, Super Sharp! $28,888 2013 Dodge Ram 2500 Crew FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick Cab 4x4 Big1-800-333-0530 Horn Package FXChevy.com loaded with toys, trailer tow, only miles. 201422,000 Dodge RamBright 2500 white Crew finish. asSLT a tack! $30,988. Cab 4 Sharp Dr, 4X4 Package and F.X. Chevy-Buick LoadedCAPARA with Power Options, WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800Only 12,000 miles, Yes 12,000 333-0530. Miles, 1 Owner, Black Beauty, Haul Anything! $33,888 2013 Toyota Avalon ìXLEî FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick package. New body design, FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 leather, hot seats, only 16,000

2007 Dodge Lincoln Town R/T Car 2013 Challenger “Signature Series” 4Dr, A package. All the toys. Chromes, True Show Piece in Bright stripes, 6spd, only 10,000 miles. White White Finish finish. with Just Cashmere Bright phat! Leather, Only 40,000 Miles, $27,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy-1 Owner, This Car is A Garage Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Kept 1 Owner In Impeccable Condition! $15,988 F.X. 2013 FordChevy-Buick F150 super WWW. crew. CAPRARA XLT Package. 4x4 Loaded with FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. power equipment. Only 11,000 miles. finish. Winter 2014 Stone Dodgegray Ram 1500 4X4 is $28,988. F.X. of CAPARA SLThere! Package and Full Power Chevy-Buick Options and WWW.FXCHEVY. Yes a Hemi COM 1-800-333-0530. Motor! Only 2,000 Miles, Yes 2,000 Dodge Miles, 1Ram Owner, 2013 2500 Quad crew Cab 4 Dr, Glossy SilverLoaded Finish, cab 4x4 SLT Package. Save power Thousands! $30,988 F.X. with equipment, trailer CAPRARA Chevy-Buick tow, only 13,000 miles. WWW. Bright FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. white finish. Ready for work or pleasure! $31,988. F.X. CAPARA 2011 Chevrolet Traverse “LTZ” Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. All Wheel Drive Leather, Heated COM 1-800-333-0530. Seats, Power Moonroof, DVD 2011 Chevy Avalanche ìZ71î Entertainment, Only 32,000 package. Loaded Miles, 1 4x4. Owner, PA with Car, toys, Gun leather seating only Metal Gray Metallic, SO 45,000 Sharp! miles. Liquid finish.ChevySharp $23,888 F.X. silver CAPRARA as a tack! $27,988. F.X. CAPARA Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 1-800-333-0530. COM 1-800-333-0530. 2014 GMC Yukon 4X4, 8 2013 GMC Acadia SLT Passenger Seating, Leather, Package. All wheel drive. Heated hot Seats, Loaded Leather, seats, Quads,With 3rd Poweronly Goodies, Only 18,000 seat, 16,000 miles. Bright Miles, 1 Owner, Quick white finish. Sharp as a Silver tack! Metallic Finish, Full Size ChevyLuxury $33,988. F.X. CAPARA At It’s WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Best! $36,888 F.X. Buick CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Chevy Impala ìLTî 2014 Buick Dr Oh Loaded withVerano toys, 4 power sunroof, alloys, spoiler, only What A Car! Leather, Moonroof, 21,000 miles. Glossy GM Company Car, summit Heated white Wonít last the Seats, finish. Navigation System, weekend! $15,988. F.X. Sticker Almost $33,000, Your CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Price $22,988 F.X. CAPRARA FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Dodge Ram 3500 crew

2014 Toyota 4 Runner SR5 2013 X5 Sport. the 4X4 BMW Loaded With All Power toys. Leather, panoramic Equipment, Only 18,000 Miles, sunroof, only 18,000 1 owner 1 Owner jet Black Finish and miles. Glossy tuxedo black Pretty As A Picture! Buy Nearly finish. MakeSave your Thousands! neighbors New and jealous! $41,988. F.X. CAPARA $31,988 F.X. CAPRARA ChevyChevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Chevy Tahoe LT Package. 2014 Ford E250 Cargo Van, ¾ 4x4 All the toys. Leather, hot Ton, V8 and Ready for Heavy seats, sunroof, duo, only 19,000 Duty Hauling! Bright White miles. Ruby red finish. Family Finish, Would Make A Great Fun! $38,988. F.X. CAPARA Billboard For Your Business, Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Don’t1-800-333-0530. Miss It! $21,988 F.X. COM CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4x4. Yea its got a Hemi. 2014 Ford Explorer Limited 20î wheels, trailer tow, loaded. 4X4, 5000 Absolutely with Only miles. Stuffed Cyber gray Power Options, 16,000 Miles finish. So SO nice! $27,988. F.X. In Jet Black Finish, A True Hard CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. To Find SUV,1-800-333-0530. Better Hurry! FXCHEVY.COM $33,888 F.X. CAPRARA ChevyBuick AudiWWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2011 A6 Sedan Quattro. 1-800-333-0530. Loaded with toys, leather, hot seats, sunroof, navigation, only 2014 Nissan Pathfinder SUV 31,000 miles. Jet black finish. 4X4 7your Passenger and jealous!! Loaded Make neighbors with Power Goodies, Only $35,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy14,000 Miles, 1 Owner, Dark Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Charcoal Metallic Finish, Fall 1-800-333-0530. is here Get Ready for Winter! 2013 Ford Taurus SEL. All $26,988 F.X. CAPRARA Chevywheel Leather, hot seats, Buick drive. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM sunroof, navigation. Only 1-800-333-0530. 18,000 miles. Sterling Gray 2014 The Chrysler & finish. ultimate Town road car! Country F.X. VanCAPARA 7 Passenger $23,988. ChevyLeather, Heated Seats, Dual Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM DV, Entertainment System, 1-800-333-0530. Dark Charcoal Finish, Only 2011 Gr Cherokee Laredo 19,000Jeep Miles, 1 Owner, #1 4x4. power equipment, RatedFull Minivan, A Super Buy at chrome only Chevy27,000 $22,988 wheels, F.X. CAPRARA pampered miles. Glossy army Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM green finish. Hospital clean! 1-800-333-0530. $24,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick 2015 AudiWWW.FXCHEVY.COM TT Roadster Edition 1-800-333-0530. Convertible, Absolutely Full Of Power Options, Only 2500 2012 RXMiles, 350 SUV All Miles, Lexus Yes 2500 Leather, wheel Leather, hot seats, Moon,drive. Navigation, Wheels, sunroof, 41,000 Over miles.$54,000, Glossy Original Sticker gold mist on finish. So SoBeauty nice! Your Price This Black $33,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyOnly! $45,888 F.X. CAPRARA Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 1-800-333-0530. COM 1-800-333-0530.

miles. Tuxedo black 2012 Chevrolet Malibufinish. 4dr Ride in Luxury! F.X. Automatic and $26,988. Loaded with CAPARA Chevy-Buick Goodies, Only 7,000 WWW. Miles, FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Yes 7,000 Miles, 1 Owner, Non Smoker Bright Gray 2013 Toyota in Tacona Ext Metallic cab 4x4. Finish, LoadedAn withAbsolute power Hand Pickedauto Cherry! $15,988 equipment, only 6,000 FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick miles YES 6,000 miles, Bright FXChevy.com white finish. 1-800-333-0530 Wonít last the weekend! $25,988. F.X. 2012 Nisan Titan “PRO4X” CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Edition Crew 1-800-333-0530. Cab, Absolutely FXCHEVY.COM Full of Power Options, 4X4, 2013 crew Styled Chevy Wheels2500HD Only 13,000 cab Lt 13,000 packageMiles, loaded1 Miles,4x4Yes, with Duramax Diesel, Owner,toys, Bright Red Finish and Rare 8í bed, only 17,000 miles. So Pretty! $27,988 FX Caprara Silver Ice finish. Ready for any Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com application! 1-800-333-0530$42,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2012 Mercedes C300 4Matic, 4 Dr, Leather, Power Moonroof, 2013 Ford TranSit connect Heated Seats, Just off Mercedes cargo van XLT package full Lease, Only 23,000 Miles 1 power equipment, dual doors, Owner, Garage Kept in Jet only 2,000 miles. Bright white Black Finish, A True Head finish. The possibilities are Turner $25,988 FX CAPARA Caprara endless! $21,488. F.X. Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 1-800-333-0530 COM 1-800-333-0530.

2014 Nissan Murano All Wheel 2013 & Drive, AnChrysler AbsolutelyTown Gorgeous Country Touring. Package Vehicle, and it’s Full Of Power Leather, Quads, Drop Down Options, Only 11,000 Miles, Duo, only 15,000 miles. Glossy Yes 11,000 Miles, 1 Owner, Gun Stone Silver finish. Family Fun! Metal Gray Metallic Finish, Oh $23,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyYeah Baby!WWW.FXCHEVY.COM $24,988 FX Caprara Buick Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530 2011 Kia Rio Sedan LX 2014 Dodge ProMaster Van Package. Full power Equipment HiTop Longonly Wheel Basemiles. and Automatic, 45,000 Absolutely Flawless, 800 New car trade atomicOnly orange Miles, Wonít Yes 800 Original finish. lastMiles, the weekend! MSRP over $37,000 ChevyYour $9,988. F.X. CAPARA Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Price! $29,988 FX Caprara 1-800-333-0530. Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 2012 VW Routan ìSEî package all the toys, leather, quad 2013 Chevrolet 1500 seats, duo,Extonly Silverado Cab 9,000 P/U V8miles. 5.3L Former VW company car. Jet and Loaded with Options, black finish. Save Only 32,000 Miles,thousands! 1 Owner $21,988. F.X. CAPARA in Dark Gray Metallic ChevyFinish, Buick Including WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Matching Fiberglass 1-800-333-0530. Tonneau Cover, PA Truck, Flawless! $24,888 FX Caprara 2012 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Chevrolet Buick yea, FXChevy.com cab 4x4 loaded its got a 1-800-333-0530 HEMI! 20îchrome wheels, only 14,000 miles. Atomic Orange 2014 Corvette Z51$28,488. Convertible finish. Its got eyes! F.X. An Unbelievable Showpiece, CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Full of Power 1-800-333-0530. Goodies, Heads FXCHEVY.COM Up, Navigation, Chromes, Only 2013 GMC ìSLTî 500 Miles, Yes 500Yukon Miles, Crystal package 4x4 A loaded Red Tint Coat, True Sightwith For power equipment. Sore Eyes! $69,888 FX Leather, Caprara heated, only 18,000 miles. Jet Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com black finish. A black Beauty! 1-800-333-0530 $36,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2014 Chevrolet Impala 4Dr, 1-800-333-0530. All New Body Style, Full Of All the Goodies with only 3,000 2008 GMC Sierra 1500 Ext Cab Miles, 3,000 Miles, 4x4 fullYes power equip, 7 Ω Bright Curtis Blue Finish, Save Thousands! plow. Only 6,000 miles, yes $23,888 FX 6,000 miles! GraystoneCaprara finish. Chevrolet Buick Find another one!FXChevy.com $21,988. F.X. 1-800-333-0530 CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2012 Cadillac Escalade “Platinum Edition” ESV 2013 Mercedes C300 4matic Oh Yeah! 22,000 1 Owner, AWD Leather, moonroof, hot Garageonly Kept, Nonmiles. Smoker, seats, 17,000 Just off Mercedes lease. An absolute Every Option But Running dream gun95,000 metal finish. Water, car. WasInover when Go and spoil yourself! New,ahead Diamond White, None $32,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyNicer! $52,988 FX Caprara Buick Chevrolet WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Buick FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530

$12,988. F.X. CAPARA 2014 Chevrolet CruzeChevy4 Dr Buick AutomaticWWW.FXCHEVY.COM and Loaded with 1-800-333-0530. Power Options, Only 16,000 Miles, Nissan Yes 16,000 Miles, 2013 Frontier. Crew1 Owner, White Loaded Finish, cab 4x4 Bright SU package. Save power Thousands From New! with equipment only $15,988miles F.X. CAPRARA 11,000 glossy jetChevyblack finish. as a tack! $24,988. Buick Sharp WWW.FXCHEVY.COM F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick 1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800333-0530.

2012 ChevyEncore Avalanche LT 2014 Buick All Wheel Package 4x4.Leather LoadedInterior with Drive SUV, power equipment. Only 21,000 and Loaded With Power miles. Glossy Victory red finish. Goodies, Only 19,000 Miles, Picture Perfect! $29,988. F.X. Dark Cranberry Metallic Finish, CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Absolutely Sharp As A Tack! FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. $24,888 F.X. CAPRARA ChevyBuickFordWWW.FXCHEVY.COM 200 F250 Super Crew 1-800-333-0530. ìXLTî Package. 4x4 Loaded Fx4 Pkg rare V10 engine only 2013 miles. Cadillac Escalade 16,000 Glossy graystone “Luxury find Edition” And Loaded finish another one! with EveryF.X. Option But Running $26,988. CAPARA ChevyWater, Heated Leather, Power Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Moon, Navigation, DVD 1-800-333-0530. Entertainment, Only 22,000 Miles, 1 Owner, Kept, 2013 Dodge Garage Avenger Pearl package. White! $54,988 F.X. SXT Full power CAPRARA Chevy-Buick equipment, alloys. WWW. Only FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 10,000 1 owner miles, glossy imperial blue finish. Wonít last 2011weekend! Chevrolet the $15,988.1500 F.X. Silverado Chevy-Buick Extended Cab 4X4 CAPARA WWW. “LTZ” Edition, Leather Interior, FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Heated Seats, Power Moonroof, 2013 ìCrewî Only Dodge 37,000 Durango miles 1 Owner, Prg. wheel drive, leather, BrightAllBlue Metallic Finish and hot seats, 3rd row only 18,000 Pretty As A Picture! $27,988 miles. Jet blackChevrolet finish. Everyone FX Caprara Buick rides! $27,988. F.X. CAPARA FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530.

2013 Mercedes Mercedes Benz C300GLK350 4Matic 2011 4dr Just Off Lease, seating, Loaded, A-matic, leather, Loaded,only All39,000 Wheel Drive loaded, pampered Including Leather,black and Power miles. Tuxedo finish. Moonroof, Only 30,000 Miles, Hospital clean! $27,988. F.X. 1 Owner In Polar White WWW. Finish, CAPARA Chevy-Buick FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Real Nice! $29,988 FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com 2007 Mercury Gr. Marquis OS 1-800-333-0530 Package Loaded with power equipment, only 58,000 miles. 2012 Mercedes E350 4Matic Glossy silver finish. Wonít 4 Dr,stone Leather Moonroof, last the weekend! $8,988.True F.X. Navigation, An Absolute CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW.1 Showpiece, 42,000 Miles, FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Owner, Just off Mercedes Lease, Bright Nissan White Finish, 2011 Titan Black Ring Roof, Cab Absolutely Striking! $30,988 4x4 SE Package. Loaded with Chevrolet FX Caprara auto, equipment, alloys, Buick tow, FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 only 35,000 miles. Silver Ice Finish priced to sell! $21,488. 2012 Mercedes GLK350 F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick 4Matic, All Wheel Drive SUV, WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800Former Mercedes Certified, 333-0530. Only 17,000 Miles, Just off Mercedes Lease, 2012 Chevy 1500Gun CrewMetal Cab GrayìLTZî Metallic andLeather, Sharp hot As 4x4 Package. seats, 20î$30,988 wheels, only 29,000 A Tack! FX Caprara miles. Peach white finish. Oh Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com Baby! $31,988. F.X. CAPARA 1-800-333-0530 Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530.

2013 F150 Crew2500 Cab 44X4 dr 2014 Ford Dodge Ram 4x4 XLT Cab Package and “Diesel” loaded Regular ¾ Ton, with power equipment. 5.0 with A Hard To Find 6 speed V8 only 15,000 miles. Jet Black Transmission, Only 900 finish and pretty as a picture! Miles, Yes 900 Miles in Dark $28,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBlue Finish and Loaded with Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Options Including Chrome 1-800-333-0530. Wheels, Won’t Last at $39,988 2014 Kia Sorrento All wheel FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick drive AND loaded with power FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 options. Only 10,000 miles. 2014 Cadillac CTSGlossy 4Dr Leather, Yes 10,000 miles. silver Moon, Navigation, Only 14,000 finish. Save thousands from Miles, All Wheel Drive, Black new! $22,988. F.X. Jet CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Finish with Black Leather, New COM 1-800-333-0530. Car Trade, Was over $59,000 MSRP, Your Price! $38,988, 2013 Sport Won’t Range Last! Rover FX Caprara package 4x4. Oh what a ride, Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com leather, moon, navigation, 1-800-333-0530 DVD entertainment. Absolutely stuffed with toys. Only 11,000 2005 Corvette Convertible A miles. silver A true Fresh Glossy Trade on ourfinish. Showroom sight for sore eyes! $59,988. Floor With Only 35,000 Miles, F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick Yes 35,000 Miles, Glossy WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800Silver, Chromes, Just Traded 333-0530. on a ’14 Corvette Pampered Car! Mercedes $28,988 E350 FX Caprara 2011 Cabrio Chevrolet Buick Convertible. Yes,FXChevy.com yes, yes, leather, hot seats, navigation, 1-800-333-0530 wheels, only 19,000 miles. 1 owner, fresh out of the

2014 Jeep Cherokee “Limited” 2014 Chevy ìLTî 4X4 Leather AndCamaro Full of Power package. Convertible all the Options, Only 7,000 Miles, yes toys. Only 1600 miles, yes, 7,000 Miles. Charcoal Gray 16000 miles. Jet black finish. Metallic Finish, Absolutely Put under the Christmas Tree!! Gorgeous!F.X. CAPARA $28,988 ChevyF.X. $30,988. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530.

cab SLT package. Duelly, 20144x4 Chevrolet Traverse LT, Cummins diesel, loaded, only All Wheel Drive, GM Company 46,000 miles. Cyber gray finish. Car, White Diamond Metallic Ready 4 work or pleasure! Finish, Rear Up Camera, $36,988. F.X.Back CAPARA ChevyOnly 11,000 Miles. Stickers Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Over $39,000, 1-800-333-0530. Your Price $28,988 F.X. CAPRARA Chevy2012 Sierra 2500hd. Buick GMC WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Crew Cab 4x4. SLT Package, 1-800-333-0530. leather, hot seats, navigation, 2011 Cadillac EXT, 20î wheels, onlyEscalade 12,000 miles. All Wheel Every Bright whiteDrive finish.With Oh Baby! Option But Water, $38,988. F.X. Running CAPARA ChevyBuick Leather, WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Moon, Navigation, 1-800-333-0530. DVD Entertainment, Only 35,000 Miles, 1 Owner, Just off 2012 DodgeDiamond Avenger. SE Lease, White Finish, package. Loaded with power Showroom New! $42,988 F.X. equipment, automatic, only CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 33,000 miles. Glossy Atomic FXCHEVY.COM orange finish. 1-800-333-0530. Picture perfect!

10.01.14 - 10.07.14 | syracusenewtimes.com

2014 Ford Explorer Limited Hamptons. Jet black super 4X4 Leather, Navigation sharp! F.X. CAPARA System,$43,888. Heated Seats, Wheels Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Only 4,00 Miles, Yes 4,000 Miles, COM 1-800-333-0530. Jet Black Finish, And Show RoomChevrolet New $34,888 FX Caprara 2013 Suburban LT Chevrolet FXChevy.com 4x4 with all Buick the goodies. Heated 1-800-333-0530 leather, power moon roof, dual rear end DVD Entertainment 2012 Chevynavigation, 2500 HD Ext.only Cab systems, 4X4 W/Tmiles. Pkg, Like NewBronze 71/2 ‘ 22,000 Bright Fisher Plow, Auto,real Only sharp! 3,000 metallic finish, Miles, Jet F.X. Black Finish ChevyReady $39,988. CAPARA 4 Work! $29,988 FX Caprara Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530 2013 Chevrolet Equinox 2013 CXL LT andBuick loadedLacrosse with power All Wheel Drive, Leather, options, only 11,000 miles. Hot Jet Seats, exterior Pano Roof, Only 30,000 black with matching black interior, of all Miles, Jet Black balance Finish, Ride In new car warranties, Luxury! $23,988 FXabsolutely Caprara gorgeous! $22,988. F.X. Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 1-800-333-0530 FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Nissan Frontier Crew 2013 SRX AllStuffed, wheel Cab Cadillac 4X4 “Pro4X” drive luxuryNavigation, package. Leather,with Sunroof, Only 17,000 miles. 1 owner and Only 6,000 Miles Laser Blue loaded with power options, 3rd Finish, Sharp As A Tack $28,988 seat, navigation system,Buick etc, FX Caprara Chevrolet etc. Bright gray metallic paint, a FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 true prize winner! $37,488. F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2012 Chevy 3500 Crew Cab FXCHEVY.COM 4X4 LT Pkg, 1-800-333-0530. Dually, Loaded, DuraMax Diesle, Only 19,000 2013 Buick Lacrosse,1 Owner Miles,loaded, Jet Blackloaded, Finish, absolutely Ready To Haul! $43,988 FX all wheel drive Company Car, Caprarachrome Chevrolet Buick leather, wheels, just too FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 much to mention, only 8,000 miles. Yes, 8,000 miles. Bright 2011 Honda CRV SE Package, white gray leather, 6cylengine. All Wheel Drive,$30,988. Full Power The real deal! F.X. Equipment, Only 35,000WWW. Miles, CAPARA Chevy-Buick Glossy Sage Green Finish, Won’t FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Last The Weekend! $16,988 2014 Jeep Chevrolet Patriot Buick 4x4 FX Caprara Automatic with lots of power FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 options. Only 4,000 miles, yes 2005 miles. Chevy 2500 HD Crew 4,000 Bright blue metallic Cab 4X4 “LTZ” new package, finish. Buy nearly and Leather, Navigation, Duramax save thousands! $19,988. F.X. Diesel, Only 38,000 WWW. Miles, CAPARA Chevy-Buick Bright White Finish, Showroom FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. New! $39,988 FX Caprara 2013 Jeep Cherokee. Chevrolet BuickGrFXChevy.com Limited 4x4 and absolutely 1-800-333-0530 stuffed with power options. Only 1 owner, 2012 2,000 Dodgemiles Ram 1500 Reg leather, pano moonroof, Cab 4X4 Loaded, Hemi, 20” navigation, absolutely wheels, Short box, Pipes, Only gorgeous in gun metal gray 12,000 Miles, Victory Red Finish, finish! F.X. $23,988 CAPARA Sharp $36,988. As A Tack! Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick COM 1-800-333-0530. FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530

2013 Dodge Durango Crew 2012 Ford F150 SuperCab 4X4 4x4 Leather, heated front and XLT pkg, EcoBoost, Chrome rear seats, 3rd seat, power lift pkg, 2 Tone Paint, Only 22,000 gate, wheels, XM radio, 18,000 Miles, Jet Het black/black Black overleather. Silver, miles. Just Phat! $28,488F.X. FX CAPARA Caprara So Pretty! $29,988. Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 1-800-333-0530 COM 1-800-333-0530.2013 Ford Transit Connect Van Auto, 2012 Chrysler Town & Country air, stereo, only 2,000 miles. Yes, Touring, Leather, Quad Seats, 2,000 miles. Bright white finish. DVD,sitting Power Doors, dealers Only Was in another 44,000 Miles, Black Finish. inventory awdJet never sold. His Family FX Caprara loss is Fun your$16,988 gain! $20,888. F.X. Chevrolet Chevy-Buick Buick FXChevy.com CAPARA WWW. 1-800-333-05301-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 2011 Toyota All Wheel 2012 CadillacVenza Escalade ext Drive,EVERY Loaded Power AWD optionwith but running Equipment, 27,000 water. Only Alloys, 12,000Only miles. Yes, Miles, Glossy Red Finish. 12,000 miles.Ruby 1 owner, jet black leather, power$20,988 moon, Hospital Clean! navigations, wheels, a FX Caprara 22in Chevrolet Buick true head turner! $49,988. F.X. FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530.

2011 Cadillac SRX Luxury 2011 Audi A6 Quattro dr Package, Leather, Loaded 4Only leather, heatedJustseats, pano 29,000 Miles, off Lease, moon roof, navigations, only Glossy Gold Mist Finish. Ride 35,000 miles. 1 owner, garage In Luxury! $21,988 FX Caprara kept cream puff. Jet black Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com with black leather interior. 1-800-333-0530 Absolutely sharp as a tack! $34,988. F.X. Impala CAPARA“LT” Chevy2014 Chevy New Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Body Style, Loaded with Toys, 1-800-333-0530. Former GM Company Car, Only 8,000 Miles, Ice Blue Finish. So, 2013 Volvo XC90 Platinum So Nice $25,988 FX Caprara edition, leather, power pano Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com moon roof, navigation, rear 1-800-333-0530 DVD entertainment, rear end DVD for “GT” the 2006 Entertainment Ford Mustang children, 3rd seat, Cpe, Leather, 5spd,bright Stripewhite pkg, finish, cashmere leather, a true Spoiler, Only 18,000 Garage one a kind! F.X. Kept of Miles, Bright$34,988. White Finish. CAPARA Chevy-Buick$16,488 WWW. Just Handsome! FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 2013 Subaru Legacy Premium

all wheel drive AND full of 2011 Chevy Silverado 2500 power options. Only HD Crew Cab 4X4 Z717,000 Pkg, miles. Gun LoadedYes, with7,000 Toys,miles. 6.0L, Only metal metallic finish.Stone Was 41,000gray Miles, Glossy Subaru dealer demo, their Silver Finsih, Ready 4 Work or loss is your gain! $21,888. F.X. Pleasure! $25,988 FX Caprara CAPARA WWW. Chevrolet Chevy-Buick Buick FXChevy.com FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-05301-800-333-0530. 2011 Armada SE 7 2011 Nissan Mercedes Benz passenger V8 4x4 leather, ML350 4 Matic Leather, Hot moonroof, trailer tow, and full Seats, Sunroof, Navi, Only of goodies, only 32,000 1 36,000 Miles, Bright miles. White owner. gray metallic finish. Finish. Gun Make Your Neighbors Wonít last at $29,988. F.X. Jealous! $29,988 FX Caprara CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530 FX Caprara Auto Gallery 315298-0015 FXChevy.com 2014 Ford F250Crew Cab 4X4 XLT package, Loaded 2013 Toyota Tundra 4x4 4dr with Power Options, Only crew cab p/u V8, with plenty 14,000 An Only Absolutely of powerMiles, options. 14,000 Gorgeous White miles. YES, Truck, 14,000Bright miles bright Finish. A True red Take finish. Me to Town fire engine Save Truck! $38,988 FX $29,988. Caprara thousands from new! F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-8001-800-333-0530 333-0530. 2013 Ford Flex All Wheel Drive 2013 Toyota Highlander 4x4 “SEL” Package and Absolutely loaded with power Full Of Power Optionsoptions, 29,900 AWD, traded onCharcoal a new Miles, 1just Owner, Dark one. OnlySuper 19,000Clean miles 1 nowner, Finish. this balance all warranties, gun Hard to ofFind Piece! $23,888 metal metallic finish! Buick Real FX Caprara Chevrolet Pretty! $27,888. F.X. CAPARA FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 20141-800-333-0530. Nissan Altima “S” 4Dr, A COM Black Beauty, Absolutely Full 2013 VW Options Touaregwith Loaded of Power Only with all Miles, the right including 11,000 YESstuff 11,000 Miles. all wheel drive, leather, moon, A True Head Turner! $16,988 hot onlyChevrolet 17,000 miles. 1 FX seats, Caprara Buick owner in bright blue metallic FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 finish! Wonít last at $30,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick 2010 Lexus LS460 All Wheel WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800Drive with Every Option But 333-0530. the Kitchen Sink, A 1 Owner Garage Kept Cherry With Onlyu 2013 VW YES Beetle 11,000 Miles 11,000Coupe Miles Automatic and full of power Sparkling Burgundy Finish. A goodies. Only 9,000 miles. True 9,000 Show miles. Stopper! $38,988 Yes, 1 owner all FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick new body style bright white FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 finish and clean as a whistle. $17,888. F.X. CAPARA Chevy2014 GMCWWW.FXCHEVY.COM Acadia 7 Passenger Buick AND Absolutely Loaded with 1-800-333-0530. Goodies Including Quad 2012 Toyota Start, Tacoma Seats, Remote Back 4x4 Up automatic, air conditioner, Camera, Only 15,000 Miles, stereo cd, Company bed liner, only Former GM Car, Dark 12,000 miles. Yes, 12,000 Gray Metallic Finish. OH miles. YEAH 1Baby! owner,$30,888 jet blackFX finish. New Caprara truck trade! Sharp! Chevrolet BuickSuper FXChevy.com $20,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy1-800-333-0530 Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530.

2013 Volvo X690 All Wheel Wagon 2013 All road Edition, Drive Audi Premium Quattro All wheel drive leather, V6, Leather, Wheels, Power moonroof, and absolutely Moonroof, 7 Passenger, Heated loaded with 34,000 options. Only1 Seats, Only Miles, 14,000 1 owner, jet black/ Onwer,miles Glossy Silver AND Clean tutone As A Whistle! silver finish. Go$33,988 ahead FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick F.X. make her happy! $38,988. FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2012 Cadillac Escalade All Wheel Drive Premium 2013 Chevrolet Traverse All Edition, drive Leather, Moon, DVD, wheel ìLTZî package. Navigation, Power Leather, moonroof, Running DVD Boards, Every Option But entertainment, wheels, NAV, Running Water! Jet Black every but Cleanest running AND option So Nice! water. OnlyNorthEast! 17,000 miles.Better Was in the aHurry! ìGM $51,988 CompanyFXCarî over Caprara $46,000 great buy at ChevroletMSRP Buicka FXChevy.com $33,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy1-800-333-0530 Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2012 Chevrolet Cruz 4Dr 1-800-333-0530. Rallye Edition, 5spd, Power Moonroof, with 26,000 Miles, 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T ! Owner, New Car moon, Trade, Hemi coupe, leather, Bright Victory Finish. So automatic, onlyRed 10,000 miles. Nice! 10,000 $ 13,888 YES miles.FX1 Caprara owner, Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com garage kept, a true movie star. 1-800-333-0530 In hugger orange finish! Donít wait! 2012 $26,988. Dodge F.X. RamCAPARA 3500 Chevy-Buick 4Dr Crew CabWWW.FXCHEVY. 4X4 AND Yes COM 1-800-333-0530. “Cummins Diesel” Long Bed Pick up, A True Hard to Find P/U, 2010 LexusYES RX350 AllMiles, wheel1 Only 10,000 10,000 drive, leather, Silver moonroof, Owner, Glossy Finish. navigation, only 31,000$38,988 miles. 1 Absolutely Gorgeous! owner, garageChevrolet kept, new Lexus FX Caprara Buick trade! Looks new! $30,888. F.X. FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2006 Pontiac Solstice FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Convertible, A Garage Kept 1 OwnerMazda Non Smoker Showpiece 2011 CX9 Touring all with Only wheel drive,22,000 loadedMiles, with Yes all 22,000 Miles,only in British the goodies, 16,000Racing miles. Green16,000 with miles. Black 1 Leather YES owner and metal Chrome Wheels! gun metallic finish.Won’t Get Last At! $12,988 FX Caprara F.X. ready for winter! $24,888. Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 1-800-333-0530 FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2014 Chevrolet Equinox LT All 2008 GMC Loaded Sierra with 1500 Ext Wheel Drive Power Cab 4x4 Only W/t 12,000 Package, trailer Options, Miles on tow, 4.8Lengine. New tires, this Black Beaurty, Don’t Miss only 48,000 Buy miles. it, Remember NearlyGlossy New blue granite finish. Won’t last and Save Thousands! $24,988 the weekend!Chevrolet $18,988.Buick F.X. FX Caprara CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2014 Jeep Cherokee Latitude EditionDodge 4X4, Durango All New “Heat” Body 2011 Style andAll Sharp As drive, A Tack, Only Package. wheel power 3,000 Miles, 3,000 Miles sunroof, 20”YESwheels, only and Full Of Options Including 25,000 miles. Inferno red finish. 6cyl Motor, Charcoal F.X. Picture perfect!Dark $25,988. Metallic and So Pretty! $25,988 CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FX Caprara Chevrolet Buick FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530 2011 Ford F350 Crew Cab 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee “King Ranch” DieselAND stuffed Limited 4X4 4x4 Leather, All leather, sunroof, the Power Optionsnavigation, Including only 28,000 miles. Glossy Navigation Jet Black Finish with Burnt orange finish. Just Phat! Black Leather. Go Ahead Spoil $42,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyYourself! $34,988 FX Caprara Buick Chevrolet WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Buick FXChevy.com 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530 Ton 2011 Chevrolet 2500 ¾ “SJ” 2012 Nissan Armada Extended Cab V8, Longwith Bed package. 4x4P/Uloaded with Only 31,000 Miles, Bright power equipment. 3rd row Whiteonly Finish, PA miles. Truck, Glossy Super seat, 30,000 Clean! FX Caprara jet black$22,988 finish. Everyone rides! Chevrolet Buick FXChevy.com $26,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy1-800-333-0530 Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2014 Buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, Back Up Camera, 2013 Chevy Traverse. “LTZ” Absolutely Loaded, Only 12,000 Package all wheel drive leather, Miles, Former GM Company dual sunroofs,Sticker drop $37,600 down Car, Original duo only ! $27,888 15,000 FX miles. Jet Your Price Caprara black finish. SaveFXChevy.com thousands! Chevrolet Buick $34,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy1-800-333-0530 Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530.

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