2-12-14 Syracuse New Times

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M any P eople G iving

Focused on giving back, the Syracuse Auto Expo hopes to net $250,000 for local charities By David Spiro

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2.12.14 - 2.19.14 Issue No. 2212 www.syracusenewtimes.com

INSIDE “Some apologists dismiss this trend as harmless—or worse, claim it simply shows women’s growing influence as thought leaders.” —See page 6

“I want to feel full just to the point of feeling sick” —See page 7

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On the cover: Illustration by Meaghan Arbital


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Classy Chassis

This week’s Syracuse Auto Expo commences with an entertaining benefit for 13 not-for-profits at the Pirro Convention Center on Wednesday, Feb. 12, then continues all weekend with plenty of new showroom models at the OnCenter as well as the Onondaga County War Memorial. See pages 18 and 19 for details.

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Valentine’s Day Edition —See page 8


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2.12.14 - 2.19.14


What’s News

Hotel Keys

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Labor agreements are in the unions’ plans for the proposed Destiny inn


estiny USA announced plans for a hotel in the parking lot just south of its expanded shopping center, and County Executive Joannie Mahoney and Mayor Stephanie Miner caucused to consider what, if any, taxpayer support they might offer to the venture. Meanwhile, rival hotel owners and the head of the labor union representing hotel workers had their own thoughts on the matter. Tony Mangano, whose family runs three hotels just north of the city (Super 8, Hampton Inn and Ramada Inn) says he is watching the development carefully. “As long as everyone is on a level playing field,” says Mangano, he isn’t opposed to the projected 252-room hotel. “If they just get the typical sales tax break on building materials, I’m not opposed to that.” Mangano’s hotels sit on farmland bought by his grandfather. They were

built in the years before tax concessions like PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) agreements became common. “We got a sales tax break when we built a hotel in Watertown,” he says, “but property tax breaks, we haven’t gotten that, not in 30 years.” Mangano says that his hotels benefit some from overnight guests who come to shop at Destiny and spend the night. This is the market the Destiny hotel seeks to capture. “They bring more guests to Syracuse. I’m not living on it,” he says of the mall traffic, “but it’s been a bit of a help.” He won’t reveal his occupancy rate. “I wish it were higher. Every hotel will say the same thing. “We welcome competition,” he says. “It depends on what’s in the PILOT. I pay real estate taxes. I don’t get a break on it. It goes to pay for police, fire protection, the infrastructure and

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By Ed Griffin-Nolan

Rooms with a view: The proposed hotel will be built across from the Destiny USA megamall.

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the Area Labor Federation, the local affiliate of the AFL-CIO. That hotel project, a colossus with more than 1,300 rooms proposed in 2007, never got off the drawing board. An earlier hotel plan, in 2002, resulted in an elaborate groundbreaking ceremony that brought then-Gov. George Pataki to town, but no hotel. LPAs, Taliercio says, “set the rules as to how the playing field will be leveled. The employer agrees not to overtly fight the union, and the union agrees not to do anything that will hurt the business. It gives an opportunity to calmly, civilly talk to the people that get hired about joining a union.” Both Taliercio and Mangano are founding members, along with Destiny USA, of Save81.org, the coalition formed last year to oppose a boulevard to replace the north-south interstate highway running through the city. o

services that we use. I want to get the same from them.” Ann Marie Taliercio heads Unite Here Local 150, the labor union representing local hotel workers. She says that her union plans to pursue a labor peace agreement with the hotel developer (LPA, which is not the same as another agreement labeled with an acronym: a PLA, or project labor agreement). “A {project labor agreement} levels the playing field so we can pursue quality jobs for our community,” she says. Construction projects supported with tax dollars frequently include a labor peace agreement between the builder and the construction trades unions. Securing an LPA, says Taliercio, would create a relationship between one union and the employer once the hotel is built. “We had a labor peace agreement the last time they were talking about a Destiny hotel,” says Taliercio, who also heads



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his week, some good-hearted local folks will go through an annual and eye-opening exercise of trying to live for seven days on food stamps. Among the lessons that participants in what is called the “SNAP challenge” reliably learn is this: You can’t live on food stamps. (Food stamps are no longer officially known as food stamps; they are no longer even stamps. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides recipients with debit cards to make their purchases.) This year, a Democratic president signed a farm bill that cut spending for those benefits by about $8 billion. The farm bill received the support of our Rep. Dan Maffei (D-Syracuse). How far we have come since food stamps began as a bipartisan initiative five decades ago. The food stamp program was never intended solely to feed the poor. It was always that, but also a subsidy to farmers and food-producing companies. As such, it was a tribute to democracy and to the messy genius of compromise. The food stamp program was a compromise that served two large constituencies: farmers and low-income families. Farmers benefited from an expanding market for their products; poor families inched toward a better diet; and each political band could claim its own measure of credit and reap the accompanying electoral benefits.

Hunger Games

It’s hard to stomach a farm bill that also trims food stamp benefits By Ed Griffin-Nolan Let’s look at how far the political landscape has shifted since those days. I wouldn’t call this a shift to the right, certainly not to the left. It is only fair to call it a shift in the direction of cruelty, a shift that has made it acceptable to blame the poor themselves for the existence of poverty. Among the early Senate supporters of food stamps were two boys from farm states who each grew up to become war heroes and failed presidential candidates. Robert Dole was a Kansas Republican, and George McGovern a South Dakota Democrat. Their collaboration was based on the notion that malnutrition among the poor, rural and urban, could be alleviated by means of a program that simultaneously boosted demand for farm products. The creation of food stamps was a “win-win” situation back before the term “win-win” was invented. McGovern and Dole later took their bipartisan show on the road as global ambassa-

dors for the United Nations’ World Food Program. In 1969, a Republican president, Richard Nixon, increased the amount of food stamps available to hungry families. On May 6, 1969, Nixon sent a special message to Congress that read in part: “That hunger and malnutrition should persist in a land such as ours is embarrassing and intolerable . . . Millions of Americans are simply too poor to feed their families properly.” In 1977, the food stamp program was enhanced, thanks to bipartisan support in Congress, a coalition that included Democratic Hubert Humphrey and the liberal Republican (when’s the last time you saw those two words coupled?) Jacob Javits. That change was endorsed by the outgoing Republican president, Gerald Ford, and signed by the incoming Democratic president, Jimmy Carter. Another bipartisan effort in 1979 led to a modification that made the program available to an additional 1.5 million needy people.

Syracuse New Times

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor fashionable and turned food stamps into a badge of shame with his anecdotes of welfare queens driving Cadillacs. Bill Clinton was all too willing to coddle the “Reagan Democrats” who found it easier to blame fictional welfare queens than modern-day robber barons for their declining buying power. Clinton’s 1996 welfare reforms were just the beginning of a new bipartisan consensus of giving lip service to aiding the poor while failing to address the roots of poverty. In today’s polarized political environment, the only way a farm bill can get bipartisan support is by making a serious cut to food stamp spending. Maffei, like Obama, says he opposes the cuts to food stamps. But they vote for and sign the bill. The pair rail against the expiration of long-term unemployment benefits for 1.6 million workers at the end of 2013, but when push comes to shove, they shrug, hold their noses and join the parade. Which leaves us to contemplate, for the moment, the prospect of a Democratic president signing a bill that Richard Nixon would have found too conservative to stomach, while our working poor strain struggling pantries and soup kitchens. I wouldn’t want to live on food stamps. Neither would you. o


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Anonymous Internet attacks are on the rise By Renée K. Gadoua

net trolls attacking women are public and aggressive, and the people involved have a sense of disinhibition, she said. Online attacks “only compound the real fear, discomfort and stress” many women experience daily, Hess wrote. he magazine Pacific Standard After public outrage followed the launched an important conversaJane Austen bank note case, Twitter tion last month with its publicaadded a “Report Tweet” button to make tion of “The Next Civil Rights Issue: Why it easier to report abuse. In January, two Women Aren’t Welcome on the Internet.” people were jailed for sending vulgar The author outlined, in frighteningly messages to the blogger who supported lurid detail, the dirty little secret of the the Austen bank note. online abuse many women face. Women writing about feminism, equalMessages include criticism of the writity and sexuality seem like natural targets er’s looks or body, as well as threats of for these mostly anonymous haters. Jourrape and murder. Most feature language nalists of all stripes get plenty of nasty too vile and graphic for me to repeat. phone calls and emails, and I’ve gotten my Sure, everyone is vulnerable online to share. After writing about potentially conscams and hacking and identity theft. troversial issues—religion, women’s health and inequality—I Accounts with feminine usernames received an average brace myself for of 100 sexually explicit or threatening messages a day. the onslaught of name-calling. And we must look only to the nearest I try to ignore these attacks, and I avoid online forum to see racist, sexist, classist reading online comments about stories I garbage. But Pacific Standard writer know will touch a nerve with online bullies. Amanda Hess describes a particularly But one incident sticks with me even years gender-based form of cyber-bullying. later. In the mid-2000s (pre-Twitter days), Think she’s exaggerating? Hess points I was reporting on local cases of alleged to a 2006 study in which University of clergy sexual abuse of minors. These were Maryland researchers set up fake online painful stories to read and to write, and accounts and sent them to online chat many people were upset about the issue rooms. Accounts with feminine userand my coverage. But one reader (a Chrisnames received an average of 100 sextian?) sent me a hateful email, telling me to ually explicit or threatening messages a stop wasting my time attacking priests and day. Masculine names received 3.7. spend more time losing weight and taking Some apologists dismiss this trend as care of myself. His response had nothing harmless—or worse, claim it simply shows to do with the issue and everything with women’s growing influence as thought trying to demean me as a woman. leaders. They miss the point, Hess says. More recently, I tweeted links to stories “Threats of rape, death and stalking can I wrote about the ongoing challenges to overpower our emotional bandwidth, take United Methodist Church policies over up our time and cost us money through ministering to gays and lesbians. I was legal fees, online protection services and startled—although I should not have missed wages,” she wrote. been—at some of the crude, angry and One high-profile, public case hate-filled responses I received on Twitter. occurred during the summer as women Twitter’s Report Abuse button is a advocated online for Jane Austen good step, but it does nothing to preand other historical female figures to vent the escalation of harassment to appear on British bank notes. After cyber-stalking and worse. What to do? the announcement that Austen would Strengthen stalking laws? Pursue these appear on the 10-pound note, a female cases as violations of civil rights? Or is blogger received dozens of Twitter rape it just the price women pay for sharing threats—50 threats an hour for 12 hours, their views? o by one account—in response to her support for the move. Renée K. Gadoua is a freelance writer Online harassment of women parallels and editor who lives in Manlius. Follow her the “very public demonization of women on Twitter @ReneeKGadoua. as witches,” anthropologist Gabriella Coleman told The Wire in August. InterEditor’s note: Voices is a weekly column that provides a platform for Central New Yorkers to comment about the issues of the day. If you’d like to submit a column, email Larry Dietrich at ldietrich@syracusenewtimes.com.



Let Them Eat Cheesecake Life just got weigh better now that a Cheesecake Factory is in our midst By Jeff Kramer


ere’s a heaping portion of reality: Feb. 11, 2014, was the biggest day in Syracuse history. Period. Bigger than the 2003 men’s basketball championship. Bigger than that glorious spring morning in 1927 when a young inventor, Charles Brannock, tried out his new foot-measuring device for the first time and proclaimed, “Eureka! I’m a size 17 extra narrow! No wait. That doesn’t sound right.” It was even bigger than that magical day in 1905 when composer Thomas Allen reworked his new folk song about the Erie Canal, scrapping the original lyrics: I’m in love with a mule, and his name is Hal Deal with it folks, I don’t want no gal None of those events rival the significance of the grand opening of our very own Cheesecake Factory at Destiny USA. Finally! Would it shock you to learn I was first in line, arriving shortly before 6 a.m., for the 11 a.m. opening? As a matter of full disclosure, I was the only person in line

for the first three hours. That was a little weird. “Would you mind if we interview you?” Time Warner Cable News (Channel 10) reporter Brad Vivacqua asked me. Mind? Of course not. When you’re a maker of history, you belong to the public domain. “I want to feel full just to the point of feeling sick,” I told the region’s leading cable news provider. I came prepared for my date with Destiny. I brought a lawn chair, nutrition bars and a special enzyme beverage to keep from passing out. As the morning wore on I could see the pace inside the restaurant quickening. Senior general manager Rod Fortuna came out to say hi sometime around 8:30 a.m. “Thank you so much for being first,” he said. “It’s an honor,” I replied. Accompanying Fortuna was Lewis Schwartz, area director of operations for Cheesecake Factory. As a reward for me being No. 1 in line, he graciously offered me a free pasta dish to take home to my family or, given the size of the restaurant’s portions, the 10th Mountain Divi-

sion at Fort Drum. Lewis took my picture to send to corporate. Later, Destiny USA officials also took my photo—the first time they’ve captured my likeness with a camera that was not part of their security operation. Unless it was. Oh, yeah, this was big. It was more than a decade ago that rumors began to swirl that Syracuse might have a shot at one of these domiciles of diabetes. Indeed, a Cheesecake Factory seemed a perfect fit with Earth Firster Robert C. Congel’s vision of a green supermall choked with road-raging motorists driving around in search of parking. Or to put it another way, what could be more environmentally friendly than 2,000-calorie entrees finished off with cul-de-sacs of cheesecake containing five times the recommended daily allowance of fat for a juvenile sperm whale? Finally, about 9 a.m., another customer joined me in line. Gary Philips, of Liverpool, has been a Cheesecake Factory devotee since the 1990s. He credits the restaurant for giving him something to look forward to when he was tending to his ailing mother in Boston. During that time he ate twice per weekend at the Cheesecake Factory, never ordering the same thing twice. He is so loyal to the chain that he even gave up his treasured morning basketball game to come to the grand opening, despite having already attended a mock opening last week. He carried with him a Cheesecake Factory menu that is almost 20 years old. “I don’t bring it with me everywhere,” he told me, as if I might find that odd.

But I get it. This is how we roll in The ’Cuse. Where other cities issue a collective yawn when a new chain opens, we go bananas because. . . actually, I don’t know why. But let’s eat. The feeling I had as I strode into the Cheesecake Factory, greeted by handshakes and cameras flashing, was unlike any I have known. Yes, there was my wedding day, and the birth of my kids and blah, blah, blah, but this was freakin’ intense. Gary and I split a Heart Healthy order of tater tots infused with cream, three cheeses and rendered bacon—an appetizer served only at this store. In honor of Shirley Temple, the former child star who went to that great bowl of Warm Crab and Artichoke Dip in the Sky the night before, I ordered her namesake beverage. For my main entree I had the Chicken Madeira, CF’s most popular dish, which features a sautéed poultry farm slathered in mozzarella and a Madeira mushroom sauce whose rich sweetness was challenged only by my double triangle of banana cheesecake. Gary ordered a salad, presumably so he would not have to share with me. We left happy and full and edified by the knowledge that in the grim pecking order of struggling Rust Belt cities, Syracuse just clicked up a few notches. “Thank you, Cheesecake Factory!” I shouted to the throng of workers who bid me goodbye with great fanfare. “Welcome to Syracuse!” The crew made me feel like a movie star. I just hope it isn’t James Gandolfini. o

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2.12.14 - 2.19.14


Valentine’s Day Edition

OE JOHN D 34 50

NYPD 14 13 11 12

Curses, Foiled Again To support her claims that Waffle House chairman Joe Rogers Jr. forced her to have sex to keep her job, former housekeeper Mye Brindle produced video and audio recordings that she secretly made of the pair having sex. Cobb County, Ga., Judge Robert Leonard declared that the recordings violated Rogers’ privacy and Georgia law. As a result, the recordings are inadmissible, and Rogers’ attorneys want criminal charges brought against Brindle and her attorneys. (Atlanta’s WXIA-TV) Eager to divorce his wife but not to pay her alimony, Edward Nelson, 65, hatched a scheme that began with his driving from their home in Bridge, Ore., and booking a hotel room in Idaho for a week. After staying only one night, however, Nelson snuck back into Bridge, taking back roads and paying cash so his movements couldn’t be traced. He shot his wife in the head, killing her, and then killed his next-door neighbors and set both houses on fire, trying to make the murders look like the work of a psycho killer who attacked randomly while he was out of town. The fires attracted the attention of a neighbor, who recognized Nelson’s truck driving away and alerted police. Nelson pleaded guilty, vowing to “die in prison and spend eternity in hell.” (Eugene’s KCBY-TV)

When Guns Are Outlawed

husband hit her in the head with the vacuum at their North Las Vegas, Nev., home. (Las Vegas Sun) Authorities accused Kenneth Stuart, 41, of attacking his girlfriend during an argument in Davie, Fla., by throwing her cat in her face. (South Florida Sun Sentinel) While arguing with her fiancé in Sebastian, Fla., Kimberly Francisco, 42, threw hot mashed potatoes and gravy at him, according to the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office. Francisco denied tossing the spuds, but the arresting officer reported that when he arrived on the scene, he “noticed food, to include mashed potatoes, appeared to be thrown around the kitchen area.” (Vero Beach’s Veronews.com)

Seattle police arrested Lydell Coleman, 36, for having sex with a sandwich shop window. According to charging papers, which reported the accounts of two women witnesses, after dropping his pants and mashing himself against the cold glass at Sub Shop, “Coleman was observed making sexual motions on the glass window that were described as ‘humping’ and rubbing his genitals against the window.” (seattlepi. com)

Prosecutors told a court in Deschutes County, Ore., that Lawrence Loeffler, 86, shot his wife to death for putting the lid on the ketchup bottle too tightly and


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Wearable Food or Edible Footwear Police who arrested Rachel Gossett and Frank Lucas for having sex in a Waffle House parking lot in Loganville, Ga., said the woman was so drunk that when she “finally got dressed she attempted to put a cheeseburger on her foot as if it were a sandal.” (The Huffington Post)





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Love and Marriage Anthony Hill and Christina Salinas Hill started arguing when he wanted to leave California’s Penn Valley Rodeo early, but she wanted to stay. The argument escalated after the husband and wife got home, owing, he said, to a series of stressful events in their lives, including the fact that her ex-husband lives with them. The ex-husband tried to separate them, but while struggling, she reportedly bit Hill’s penis. After receiving treatment, Hill said his only regret was calling 911. “I’ve assaulted her before in arguments,” he said. “We work it out, and I went beyond that.” (Sacramento’s KOVR-TV)

Date of the Week

Transparent Relationship

Slightest Provocation

Anthony Tyron Mayo, 38, was accused of killing his wife with a vacuum cleaner. Before she died of a brain injury, Beverly McFarlane, 40, told authorities that her

because his stepdaughter failed to wish him a happy birthday. (Associated Press) Sheriff’s deputies who arrested Edward Aronson, 76, after they said he broke his wife’s hip during a scuffle at their home in Lake Worth, Fla., explained that the two argued because she objected to his using a dating website. “She accused me of cheating and was yelling at me, so I pushed her,” Aronson admitted. (South Florida Sun Sentinel)

A grand jury in Butler County, Ohio, indicted Edwin Charles Tobergta, 34, after police reported he “stepped out of his back door, naked, and was having sexual relations with a rubber pool float. . . in front of several children who saw his genitals and his actions with the float.” It was not Tobergta’s first pool-toy encounter. In 2011, he was accused of having sex with a neighbor’s pool float, and in 2002, a woman told police he had sex with an inflatable pumpkin in her yard. (Cincinnati’s WLWT-TV)

Second-Amendment Follies Police reported that a man’s ex-girlfriend dropped by his home in San Antonio, Texas, while he was with his current girlfriend. During the ensuing argument, the man aimed a gun at the ex-girlfriend but accidentally shot the current girlfriend in the chest. She was hospitalized in critical condition; the ex-girlfriend wasn’t injured. (San Antonio’s KSAT-TV)

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Police investigating the shooting death of Amanda Mosley, 24, concluded that she died while embracing her 18-year-old boyfriend in Phoenix, Ariz. “We understand that she wanted to hug the 18-year-old,” Sgt. Steve Martos said. “He had a gun in his waistband. It caused some discomfort while they were hugging. They started to remove the handgun, and that’s when it accidentally went off.” (Phoenix’s KTVK-TV) After arguing with her boyfriend earlier in the day, Adele Bing, 52, said she heard “banging” and “kicking” at the door of her home in Winter Haven, Fla. Fearing the boyfriend had returned to carry out his threat to kill her, she armed herself with a .22-caliber pistol, opened the door and fired, shooting the visitor: her 25-year-old daughter. Explaining the incident was a “fucked up accident,” she told police, “How could I look my grandkids in their face and say I killed their mother? Y’all can lock me away for good.” (Tampa Bay’s WTSP-TV)

Carried Away Police detained Kenneth Frank after an employee at a Hampton Inn in Evansville, Ind., reported seeing a man trying to remove a woman’s body on a luggage cart. The woman, Frank’s 47-year-old wife, was pronounced dead at the scene. “That’s not something you’re going to see very often,” police Sgt. Jason Cullum said. Steve Lockyear, chief deputy of the Vanderburgh County Coroner’s Office, said there was no evidence of foul play, but he labeled the death as suspicious anyway because “the circumstances are so unusual.” (The Evansville Courier & Press)

News and Blues is compiled from the nation’s press. To contribute, submit original clippings, citing date and source, to Roland Sweet in care of the Syracuse New Times.

Syracuse New Times


2.12.14 - 2.19.14


Love and Your Health By Marnie Blount-Gowan


ove can make us feel stressed out and stress free. Time seems to be the key factor. The first moments of falling love can be delightful and stressful in the same moment. It can even keep us up at night and make it difficult to concentrate. A recent study shows that those who were newly in love had higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, than those who were in long-term relationships. But good news follows. After 12 to 24 months, the couples’ stress hormone level returned to normal and the physical, emotional and mental benefits of being in love can remain, including the release of positive stress-protective hormones. Research shows that when you love someone, there is more activity in the “reward” system of your brain. A rise in “feel good” hormones, like dopamine, can give us focus, energy and optimism. And while sex with the right person can have multiple health benefits, simple touching, kissing, holding hands or even looking at your loved one can improve your health and relationship. Whether you’re a touchy-feely person or not, there are multiple reasons to be

more physically affectionate in close relationships. Recent studies show physical signs of affection can have these effects: 1. Physical affection releases feelgood hormones and lowers stress hormones. One of the reasons hugging, holding hands and touching feel good to us is that these behaviors elevate our level of oxytocin, a hormone that reduces pain and causes a calming sensation and lower cortisol. A simple embrace seems to increase levels of this “love hormone,” which has been linked to social bonding, and increased trust and empathy.

3. Physical affection is associated with higher relationship satisfaction. Partners are more satisfied with their

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2.12.14 - 2.19.14

Syracuse New Times

5. Cuddling counts too. Call it an extended hug. Cuddling also releases stress-easing oxytocin that can reduce blood pressure and bond you with your mate. A little cuddle time has also been shown to help partners communicate better. Non-verbal communication can be a very powerful way to say to your partner, “I understand you. I know how you feel.” A simple cuddle can allow us to feel known by our partner in a way words can’t convey. While the physical stress relief from contact with a romantic partner may be stronger, some studies indicate that

Marnie Blount-Gowan is a member of the Crouse Hospital Integrative Health Alliance.

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tion with a loved one predicts an increase in positive mood the following day.

touch among friends is also helpful. Reports also show that signs of love and affection aren’t just for the young. The older you are, the more important physical affection becomes to maintaining good health. Physical signs of affection are valuable in parenting, as well. Giving hugs in good times and difficult ones shows your love doesn’t depend on behavior. It’s easy to be affectionate when everything is going well and kids do what you want them to, but giving them hugs after an argument can be even more powerful. Of course, it works the same for romantic partners. Every day isn’t going to be perfect, but every day couples can demonstrate love and affection. With loved ones, physical affection increases relationship quality, physical health and mental well-being. This Valentine’s Day, we might want to adopt a fresh, French approach to affection. Compared to romantic partners in other cultures, U.S. couples apparently aren’t very “touchy-feely” in public. Studies in U.S. and Parisian cafes show that French couples spend about three times as much time touching as Americans. This Valentine’s Day, you and your partner may not stroll down the Champs-Elysees and hold hands in a café, but you can take a few moments to show each other sincere love and affection through the power of touch. Cuddle up, hold a hand, give a hug. Express your feelings in touch and enjoy your relationship. For your special bond and your health, it’s good to make time for affection! o

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4. Physical affection today puts you in a better mood today and tomorrow. The benefits of physical affection aren’t confined to the moment. A brief hug and 10 minutes of hand holding with a romantic partner greatly reduces the harmful effects of stress and can carry over and protect you throughout the day. For women, engaging in physical affec-

2. Physical affection is related to lower blood pressure. Among women, those who receive more hugs from their romantic partners have lower resting blood pressure. Giving a hug can boost your heart health and that of your partner.

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relationships the more physically affectionate they are with each other.


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High and Inside


Two Eastwood residents construct their own personal climbing wall By Jessica Novak


alking into a house, you’ll always find the typical quirks that define the resident, such as posters, photos, furniture and wall decorations. Walk into the Eastwood apartment of Bryce Moore and Rob Leffler, however, and you’ll easily recognize what these guys are into. In fact, they’ll probably ask you to take part in their very obvious hobby. Instead of ellipticals in their living room or a guitar sitting in the corner, they’ve got a climbing wall. Moore, 26, says he’s seen a few household climbing walls in his lifetime, but this is the first he’s had in his own living space. The wall went up before beds or couches. “It’s the first thing we assembled when we moved in,” he says. “It’s something fun to do in the winter, or anytime. It also keeps your muscles active and useful so the first day of climbing you don’t go out and completely suck. It’s also great for parties and screwing around in the house. Instead of sitting on the couch and watching TV, you can climb and watch.” The wall is 100 percent free-standing, something that surprises most people. You don’t have to drill into walls or do damage to your living space. The wall is built on two-by-four frames and sheets of plywood, held together by T-nuts. This angled wall is about 8 feet in height, goes up to the ceiling, then around the corner of the room, where you cross over to another wall. The frame, like an arch, holds its own weight. Once the frame and walls are constructed, climbing holds can be purchased at online venues such as REI and BackCountry. Moore also recommends a crash pad for the floor beneath the wall in case climbers take a tumble. Chalk and shoes are optional, depending on the climber, although for more serious climbers, shoes are helpful, making it easier to dig toes into tiny footholds. “But that’s one of the good things about your own wall,” Moore says. “If you don’t have expensive shoes, you can put easier holds by the feet.” Other Syracusans have indoor climbing walls, some of which are in garages and spare rooms that allow for almost two-story climbs, which require belaying equipment. For those looking to translate indoor skills to the outdoors, learn-

ing belaying techniques is essential before outside explorations. “You definitely need to take a class or learn from friends who climb regularly how to tie knots and belay properly,” Moore says. “It’s a social sport and people are always willing to show you the ropes {pun intended}. I got lucky with Rob. He met people on meetup.com and Craigslist. Local outdoors stores are usually putting on classes, too. There’s lots of ways to tap into the community: SUOC {Syracuse University Outing Club}, climbing forums, MountainProject, Reddit, Facebook. It’s fun and anyone can do it.” o



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o other local performer enjoys greater authenticity on stage than does Gerard Moses. He’s a teacher of actors, an actor’s actor. As a Syracuse University Drama Department faculty member he took on more roles at Syracuse Stage than any colleague. Unlike other department members, Moses has also given generously of himself to community projects. His presence in the Syracuse Shakespeare Festival production of King Lear, through Feb. 23 at the New York State Fairgrounds’ Empire Theater, draws in some welcome, rarely seen talent and raises some experienced players to new heights. In his own role Moses brings a world-standard professionalism: a misguided king of reckless power, folly and plangent pathos. Moses brings a lifetime of concentration to this role, which he first played in his late 20s. Together with director Dan Stevens, he gives us Shakespeare in conversational American English. This is


2.12.14 - 2.19.14

Crowning Touches

Theater veteran Gerard Moses leads a spirited cast in Shakespeare’s King Lear By James MacKillop not a classroom production of a timeless classic but rather a community theater version emphasizing accessibility and clarity. Moses’ default speaking voice tends to be soft, the rustling of dozens of feathers against silk. He employs it compellingly in the lengthy speeches later in the play, containing some of Shakespeare’s most admired poetry on regret, recognition and reconciliation. Along with wanting us to love these lines, Moses’ delivery underscores what the words mean to Lear’s evolving sense of himself.

Syracuse New Times


This Lear comes in many colors. In the early scenes where Lear displays such reckless judgment and vanity, being cowed by his flattering older daughters, Goneril (Anne Fitzgerald) and Regan (Roxy Spano), and rejecting the honest young one, Cordelia (Sharon Sorkin), Moses spurts angry vituperation. Because everyone in the theater knows this is Lear’s signal folly, there’s a temptation for actors to make this Lear a blowhard. Moses, perhaps conscious that he is shorter than your average Lear, stays away from inflated histrionics. Instead, the anger in Lear’s voice—that voice so refined, even dulcet later on—wields the lash against the innocent Cordelia. Responding to Moses’ professionalism, actor Mark Cole delivers a wholly reimagined Fool, one of the few who can wrest unfeigned laughter from an audience with those 300-year-old lines. A one-time head of the drama department at SUNY Oswego, Cole was once a frequent figure on local stages, especially Contemporary Theatre of Syracuse. As with Moses’ Lear, Cole’s Fool reflects decades of calculation, but that does not signal ponderousness. Cole’s Fool is taller, louder and more kinetic that the King. With his roseate robe, lace scarf and straw hat (thanks to costume designer Barbara Toman), the Fool might have been headed for a maypole dance, eagerly grinning at the phallic imagery. He never lets an innuendo fly by unchimed and appears to have plumbed some we did not hear before. Yet Cole never neglects the Fool in the text: He speaks truths that Lear wishes to avoid. The King’s three daughters are sharply delineated. Anne Fitzgerald, better known locally for comedy, is nearly unrecognizable as the dark-browed eldest, Goneril, a nasty girl with no need of showing her claws. Her threatened prowl is like watching movie actress Judith Anderson come back from the dead. Roxy Spano’s middle daughter Regan assumes a kind of girlish ingra-

tiation to cover her villainy. Sloe-eyed Sharon Sorkin’s Cordelia is in no way impudent when she refuses to flatter her father, then goes smiling when she’s consigned to an arranged marriage with the King of France (Rahshon Glover). Director Stevens cast familiar faces as the four disputing noblemen, some of whom break away from familiar personae. Mellifluous baritone Tony Bersani, a company regular but now beardless, energizes the baddie Cornwall. After marrying Regan he has license for vindictive sadism. Leading among his victims is the lean-limbed stalwart, the Duke of Kent (Tony Brown), who suffers shackles and a lost identity on Lear’s behalf. Suffering deeper wounds is Gloucester (Bob Brophy), whose eyes are plucked out. Gloucester’s speeches have some superior poetry, and the character must negotiate the affecting scene where the blinded man encounters the half-mad king. Brophy, a frequent supporting player for many companies, has never had a better outing. Impressive also is longtime comic Lanny Freshman, reversing his usual type, as the clear-headed, take-charge Albany. Stevens has cast two handsome hunks as Gloucester’s sons, the dour bastard Edmund (Nikolai Anatoli) and the sometimes spritely legitimate Edgar (Terrance Hartnett), whom we readily pair as siblings. Often seen as another iteration of Iago from Othello, Edmund is a malevolent schemer with big plans. Anatoli underplays him but could have used a bit more edge and cunning in his voice. Hartnett’s Edgar enters with all the insouciance of a hopped-up frat boy, badgering Edmund, but when threatened himself feigns madness as Tom O’Bedlam out on the heath. Hartnett is a charming performer throughout, but that’s not a quality we ascribe to Tom O’Bedlam. Opening night suffered continuing problems with sound, beginning with the selection of well-known pieces of music, such as Verdi’s “Requiem,” which tag along emotional associations from other contexts. During the scene of reconciliation between Lear and Cordelia, the piped-in choral music drowned out the soft-spoken dialogue, exacerbated by blocking that interrupted sightlines. In all, though, Gerard Moses’ King Lear is one of the strongest performances the Syracuse Shakespeare Festival has ever given us. o


hen ironist Paul (James Uva) and more reflective Dave (Sean Pratt) begin the action by licking the shaft of a bong to see if you can taste the plastic, it feels as though we’re starting a slacker comedy in Jump/Cut, which runs through Saturday, Feb. 15, at Central New York Playhouse. Playwright Neena Beber, a former television writer, who premiered Jump/Cut in 2003, is just being coy with us, however. The boys are really exploring the nature and the taste of experience as raw material for art. Both hunger to create: Dave as a novelist and Paul as a filmmaker. The film (actually video) that Paul makes of Dave unfolds before our eyes and then is projected above the players at the rear of the stage. Reconciling what the live characters say before us and what their projected images say is much of what Jump/Cut is about. Almost immediately, we fast-forward to the boys’ college years. “Fast-forward” is, of course, a film term, and the play is suffused with them, beginning with its title, the name for the editing process of startling discontinuity. Director Dan Rowlands underscores the links to cinema language by having his characters appear in a sequence of witty T-shirts. Paul wears one with a mug shot of a trim, 25-yearold Orson Welles, whose caption reads, “Know-it-all.” Dave’s T-shirts signal a mordant strain, such as, “Don’t trust atoms: They make up everything.” At the beginning when both Paul and Dave looked like stoners, we could shrug off certain procrastination, but increasingly we see that Dave’s problems are not going to be shed with casual effort. His inaction is not fecklessness or garden variety writer’s block, as he reaches out to Paul: “You gotta keep me off the ratty couch and make sure I don’t become a bum.”

Candid Camera

A manic depressive novelist gets his close-up in the movie-themed Jump/Cut By James MacKillop Away from the slovenly apartment, Paul runs into Karen (Crystal Rowlands), a former scriptwriter now devoted to an obscure academic specialty: hagiography. “Study of hags?” Paul asks. She’s crazy about Dostoevsky and badgers Paul into reading one of his heavy tomes, significantly, The Idiot. Even more usefully, she provides a list of well-known artists who suffered from manic depression. Soon Karen moves in with Paul, which also means she moves in with Dave. The physical contrast alone is enough to define her. Paul and Dave are round-faced guys with capacious bellies, while Karen is a light-footed sylph who could easily wend toward either fellow with just a breathy gust of emotion. When Paul comes upon Karen and Dave embracing, he asks, “You two are not having an affair?” Dave, who usually gets the better lines, responds, “You must be asking, ‘Not having enough air?’” We know by this time that Dave has severe problems; he’s not just depressive but manic as well. In one of actor Pratt’s bravura scenes, Dave goes off on a wild paranoid rant about CIA spying, phantom threats and hidden dangers—and then snaps out of it to rejoin the sane world. Despite Paul’s immersions in the cinema and his goal to achieve mastery, the idea of filming Dave comes out of a dialogue with Karen. Further, when one considers how central that film is to the

entire play, it’s odd that the making of the film does not begin until an hour into the action. There’s nothing revolutionary about having characters from the stage production appear in films or videos projected during the action we are watching. Rather than the artistically composed frames of a master director that Paul says he wants to be (Orson Welles? Terrence Malick?), most of the footage is made up of front-on head shots as one would find on Skype, only sharper. When these projections are running, the players must freeze in place, inviting us to ignore their presence in favor of the screen. A device that slows the action, this begins to feel like the neglected innovation of Eugene O’Neill’s Strange Interlude (1928), where the cast holds their positions while one character articulates private feelings he or she would not say aloud. Paul and Karen struggle to grasp Dave through friendship and love, and labor

to portray his deterioration by filming every minute of his life. Through them we learn the depth of Dave’s descent. For all that wit (“Where’s your bourgeois de vivre?”), Dave is not going to heal himself and the other two cannot initiate therapy. Playwright Beber is helping us to see Dave not as a victim but rather as a tragic figure. Director Rowlands, who reportedly has been planning Jump/Cut for several years, has wanted Sean Pratt for the role of Dave from the beginning. In the second act it’s easy to see why, given Pratt’s compelling portrayal of raw emotion. James Uva makes Paul the guy you can trust. His amiability shines on stage, but his concern, and eventually his deep empathy, are more articulated on screen. Crystal Rowlands has the right intensity for the focused and cerebral Karen, but her muted projection robs us of too many words, especially in the second act. Central New York Playhouse continues to bring us shows nobody else does, like Spamalot or a live-action version of Reservoir Dogs. Beber’s Jump/Cut is the type of provocative, idea-packed drama that the adventuresome seek out off-Broadway but that we don’t expect to get to see in the Salt City. o

Sponsor: Barry Chester and Elissa Cogan Media Sponsor: Syracuse New Times RACHEL LAMPERT, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR



FEB 19 - MAR 9

A love triangle for the 21st century


*Member, AEA, **Member, SDC







2.12.14 - 2.19.14




January - August 2013

SALT Academy Members for 2013 - 2014 (Left to right) Marcia Mele, Jimmy Curtin, Pat Marzola, Hope Mancini, Justin Polly, Stefan Berg, Barbara Bova, Tamaralee Shutt, Mark Re, John LaCasse, Deborah Pearson, Nancy Pasquale, Sally O’Herin. Not Pictured: Rita Worlock, Lorraine Grande, Patrick Pedro, Korrie Taylor, Liz Russell, Pat Russell, Glen Barnes, Anne Fitzgerald

lifetime achievement (currently active)

Karen Procopio

Musical of the year SUDS, the rocking 60’s musical soap opera

The talent company Musical of the year suds: the rocking 60’s musical soap opera, the talent company

Producer, Christine lightcap Play of the year Cooking with the calamari sister, the talent company

Producer, Christine lightcap


2.12.14 - 2.19.14

Syracuse New Times


Photographs by Michael Davis


Supporting actor in a play

Leading actress in a musical

suds, the talent company

lost in yonkers, appleseed productions

suds, the talent company

Jeanette Reyner

Ethan Zoeckler

Amanda Funiciello

non-performing person of the year the talent company

Supporting actress in a play

leading actor in a musical

Jennifer Reilly

lost in yonkers, appleseed productions

falsettos , rarely done productions

Marcia Mele

Peter Irwin

with daughter julia Peterson

continued on next page

Syracuse New Times


2.12.14 - 2.19.14


SALT Awards continued from previous page

NOT PICTURED PROFESSIONAL THEATRE Actress of the Year: Laura Austin, Redhouse, W;t Actor of the Year: Adam Perabo, Redhouse, W;t COMMUNITY THEATER Supporting Actor in a Musical: Dana Sovocool, Falsettos, Rarely Done Productions Play of the Year: Cooking with the Calamari Sisters, The Talent Company

Leading actress in a play proof, covey theatre company

choreographer debbie does dallas:the musical, rarely done productions

Jodi Bova-Mele

Supporting actress in a musical rent, covey theatre company

Jodie Baum

play of the year


Director of the year (Musical)

Musical Director of the Year

suds, the talent company

suds, the talent company

Shawn Forster

Josh Smith

2.12.14 - 2.19.14

Syracuse New Times


director of the year Patrick Finlon, accepting for syracuse stage’s a midsummer night’s dream and its director, bill fennelly

Actress of the season kristin bridges, accepting the award for taylor dayne in cats production of the season Cats, merry go round playhouse

best original new production Neurosis, Finger lakes musical theatre festival

producing artistic director ed sayles

Leading Actor in a Play: Ty Marshal, Lost in Yonkers, Appleseed Productions Director of the Year (Play): Garrett Heater, Proof, Covey Theatre Company SUMMER SEASON Actor of the Season: John Bixler, Macbeth, Redhouse AWARDS OPEN TO ALL Hall of Fame (No Longer Active): Lucille Markson






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2.12.14 - 2.19.14


M any P eople G iving By David Spiro


he night before the Syracuse Auto Expo 2014 opens, about 2,000 people will gather in the Pirro Convention Center ballroom to raise money for charity. The take in the 14 years the event has been held: $2.285 million. The charity event in 2013 raised about $250,000, and members of the Syracuse Auto Dealers Association, which organizes the expo, are hoping for more this year. “They create this perfect opportunity for charities to raise lots and lots of money,” says Diane Kuppermann, president and CEO of the local chapter of the

Make-a-Wish Foundation, which is one of the charities that has benefited from the event. This year, 13 charities will share in the giving. Gino Barbuto, dealer principal at East Syracuse Chevrolet and co-chair of this year’s charity event, says the donors decide where they want their money to go. “They can choose one organization, some or have it spread out amongst all charities that are being being supported,” he says. Charities that apply to receive money go through a vetting process. All must be IRS-registered not-for-profit organi-



2.12.14 - 2.19.14

Syracuse New Times



Focused on giving back, the Syracuse Auto Expo hopes to net $250,000 for local charities

Jim Barr, co-chair of the charity event: “It’s the greatest party in town!”

zations. The other major requirement is that all the monies donated must stay within the local community, even if an organization is a local chapter of a larger national entity. The association assumes all of the liability for the event, and through underwriting by local car dealerships, national automakers, banks and other organizations, there is no expense to the charities. The charities’ role? Sell tickets. It’s their contribution to the viability of each year’s event to help get the word out. Both Barbuto and Jim Barr—who is president of the association, co-chair of the charity

event and general manager of Crest Cadillac and Acura—noted that social media has helped greatly in this area. Kuppermann said the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Central New York has received about $250,000 over the past 14 years from the event “to help grant the wishes of terminally ill children.” The event is not the agency’s sole source of money, but it has helped it defray the cost of some wishes, which can run upward of $10,000 in some cases. The chapter operates with minimal staffing, and depends on more than 200 volunteers to help where needed. “There are always referrals for wishes in the pipeline. In 2013, we granted 100 percent of the wishes that came our way,” Kupperman says. “There were 77 in all, and for this year, we’re expecting to do perhaps close to 90 wishes. We’re so grateful and honored to be invited back over these years to participate in this great event, especially since there are so many great charities in the community.” Charities helped this year include the Crouse Health Foundation, Enable and Transitional Living Services, Hospice of Central New York, Huntington Family Centers Inc., Learning Disabilities Association of Central New York, Maureen’s Hope Foundation Inc., Meals on Wheels of Syracuse NY Inc., National Kidney Foundation of Central New York, Ophelia’s Place, Syracuse Behavioral Healthcare Inc., Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility Inc. and the Centers at St. Camillus. “This town is very giving, and everyone who comes knows that 100 percent of the proceeds go to the charities,” says Barbuto. “It’s amazing that in the dead of winter, people will come out and support the community in this way. It’s a great way for dealerships who are normally competitors to come together to support a good cause: to help others in the community.” The event was the brainchild of Roger Burdick, of Driver’s Village, who while attending the Detroit Auto Show in the 1990s witnessed a similar event and thought that this would be something good for the Syracuse show. “The first Syracuse event was a small one, maybe a couple hundred people, max,” Barr says. “It was more like a cocktail party, and we raised a nice amount for charity, and everyone in attendance got to preview the show cars on display, a practice that continues to this day.” The amount raised for charity that first year? About $16,000. And now? “It’s the greatest party in town!” Barr says. o

Charity Preview Event When: Wednesday, Feb. 12, 6:30 p.m. Where: Pirro Convention Center Ballroom Cost: $125 per person (black tie optional). This event is open to the public. Tickets may be purchased at tinyurl.com/nknvdka or at the door.

Syracuse Auto Expo When: Thursday, Feb. 13, and Friday, Feb. 14, 4 to 9 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 15, noon to 9 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 16, noon to 5 p.m. Where: Onondaga County War Memorial Arena and Pirro Convention Center Cost: $9 for adults; $7 for seniors; $3 for under age 12; free for under age 5.

Going Mobile The annual Detroit and New York City car shows might have more name recognition, but as for longevity, the Syracuse Auto Expo resides atop the list. Going into its 106th year, it is the oldest auto show in the United States. This year the expo presents the latest in motorcycles, ATVs, personal watercraft, pop-up campers, an electric motorcycle and, of course, autos. As one of the largest events in the region—its average attendance is 50,000 people—planning for it is a huge undertaking. “Most all line makers are represented.” says Pam Whitmore, finance and insurance director for the Syracuse Auto Dealers Association, which organizes the expo. “We will also have a lifestyle theme in the ballroom for this show.” —David Spiro Syracuse New Times


2.12.14 - 2.19.14


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oe Louis Walker has been called fierce, gritty and ferocious on guitar. The San Francisco-born trailblazer, known for his dynamic style and impressively versatile chops, will bring those traits to Upstairs at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que on Sunday, Feb. 16, during a benefit for this year’s New York State Blues Festival. “I incorporate a lot of influences in my music,” he says in a phone interview from his Hudson Valley home. “It helped to formulate me as a musician. But Willie Dixon told me, ‘Your style is all over the place. There’s nothing wrong with that: It shows you’ve done your homework. But rein it in. You don’t want to be a jack of trades, master of none.’ It served me well. I can play on stage with Herbie Hancock or Ronnie Wood or Ronnie Brooks. I can move in those circles and feel comfortable. You’ll hear a lot of different things {in my music}.” Much of that flexibility is a product of Walker’s upbringing in the burgeoning San Francisco music scene, where he played with or opened shows for everyone from Lightnin’ Hopkins to Jimi Hendrix to Thelonious Monk. He took full advantage of being in the middle of a melting pot of sounds. “I was in the right place at the right time,” he says. “I was more lucky than good at the time. I was fortunate to cut

Just the Facts

Run to See Walker

Guitarist Joe Louis Walker performs in support of the Blues Festival By Jessica Novak

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2.12.14 - 2.19.14

Syracuse New Times


When: Sunday, Feb. 16, 7:15 p.m. Where: Upstairs at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St. Tickets: $20, available at the venue or nysbluesfest.com

Joe Louis Walker: “I want to travel around the world as an ambassador of music.” my teeth around great older musicians. I was always the youngest guy.” Walker started playing clubs when he was 14, and was on his own by the time

Who: Joe Louis Walker, with openers Colin Aberdeen and Austin John Doody

he was 16. In a fortuitous turn of events, in 1968 he became quick friends with Michael Bloomfield, who was in the Paul Butterfield Band. Walker saw the band on a Thursday and met Bloomfield later when the pair both headed for a bookstore. As they spoke, they discovered their mutual friends and soon enough were housemates. “Mike became like a brother to me,” Walker says. “I’d get home at two or three in the morning and someone from Muddy Waters’ band was in one room and Mick Taylor from John Mayall’s band was in another. Every day was like that.” In 1975 Walker detoured from bluesrock to gospel for a decade-long run, but went back to the blues after performing at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival in 1985. “I’m a restless soul, musically,” he notes. That switch led to his signing with HighTone Records, followed by his first album on the label in 1986, Cold is the Night.

Before joining with Alligator Records in 2012, Walker released 23 albums (his next record, Hornet’s Nest, drops on Feb. 25), performed about 250 tour dates annually and has been the recipient of several Blues Music Awards, among others. For the last six years he has also been part of the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz, which brings professional musicians to students around the world in an effort to connect people and cultures. “We put on shows to show the importance of music as a conduit for understanding around the world,” he says. “India, the South, Turkey, United Nations . . . we do so much and it’s all people who are somewhat well-known. They donate their time and do workshops when we come into town. It raises awareness of music and its power in context. It brings people and cultures together.” Walker, who turned 64 on Christmas Day, also contributes through other organizations that help the homeless, the hungry and others in need. He does it all without thought of return, but purely in the spirit of paying it forward. “When you’re young, your goal is to be known,” he says. “When you’re older, you want to have a legacy. I take a page out of Louis Armstrong or Buddy Guy. I want to travel around the world as an ambassador of music. That’s what I like. That’s what I want to do. I try to keep my feet and heart in something I can contribute with my music and hopefully it can help alleviate some of the tribulations we’ve all got to deal with every day. I come from a time where it was a given that you would give back.” o

Advice from the Artist

“For me, I really enjoy seeing a young person make their mistakes in music and ask, ‘Why isn’t this working?’ And you say, ‘Well, you learn more from your failures than your success. It might not be that it’s not working, it’s just not working right now.’ Looking in the history of music, they’ve always been on the outskirts, crazy, this and that. Bob Dylan’s ‘Like a Rolling Stone’: Why was it six minutes long? It was the first ever on the radio to be six minutes because he wouldn’t let them cut it apart. It wouldn’t have been the same song. If you fall down, you’ve got to be able to get back up. We all fall down.”

Have Song, Will Travel

Life is Her Cabaret

Manhattan-based singer Marissa Mulder comes home to perform Valentine’s weekend shows at the Redhouse By Xhevrije West


ood music will always be good music and Marissa Mulder’s is good music. This sultry songbird and actor from Syracuse is making her mark in the New York City cabaret music industry, one enchanting song at a time. Mulder will bring her hit cabaret Illusions to the Redhouse Arts Center for 8 p.m. concerts on Friday, Feb. 14, and Saturday, Feb. 15. Audiences should expect a mix of great American standards from Joni Mitchell to Cole Porter, as her shows explore the relatable ideas of growing up and facing reality—all while still holding on to a sense of wonder, dreams and hope. Accolades have accompanied her career. Mulder’s act was voted one of the top 10 cabaret shows of 2011 by the Times Square Chronicles, and TimeOut NYC magazine listed hers as one of the best cabaret shows of 2013. Recently, she was selected to be “Performer of the Year” by Joe’s Pub Broadway World Awards. Mulder says that in cabaret you’re in charge and you pick the shows you want. It’s intimate and more like a direct conversation with the audience. There is usually a theme or idea that the show is centered on. Her rich, full voice can best be described as rare and opulent, easily pulling you into her world of music. One song from Illusions, “My Kind of Guy,” is a quirky number with a comedic take on dating men. The words are such a true depiction of something all women have experienced. Growing up in the Salt City she lived just around the corner from her grand-

parents, who she says were her biggest supporters and instructors. Her grandmother directed many plays and concerts and always placed Mulder in the spotlight. Her grandfather was a lover of all things jazz including Frank Sinatra and Billy Easton, which can clearly be heard in Mulder’s voice. “They were a huge influence on me going into performing,” she says. “I am so grateful for everything they have taught me. I would not be the same had it not been for them.” Mulder says she gets inspiration from many genres of music, ranging from actress and singer Christine Ebersole to pop diva Beyoncé. Her musical influences also include Barbara Cook, a former Broadway star and current cabaret performer. “She makes me cry every time I watch her,” Mulder notes. “It’s pure amazement. I love her.” Mulder’s own music is timeless and effortless, and comes straight from the heart. Her focus is to connect with people and stir their emotions as her heroes are able to capture her. “I feel happy and free when singing,” she says. “It’s almost like an out-of-body experience. I love what I do because I can take the positive and negative scenarios in my life and turn them into something beautiful.” In November, she performed An Evening with Marissa Mulder at Manhattan’s Café Carlyle, a venue known for bringing in major talents. “I definitely knew this was my dream since age 3,” Mulder reflects. “I knew I had to sing and the fact that it’s happening for me is surreal.” o

There are plenty of ordinary ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day (think chocolates, flowers and dinner), IDLE but local singer, songCHATTER writer and guitarist Mike McKay has figured out a new V-Day plan. Last year he started Love-O-Grams, a personal song-delivery service, in which the traveling troubadour entertains girlfriends, wives and significant others via song. On Valentine’s Day he’ll average about 30 love-o-grams from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. “Every reaction {last year} was incredible,” he says. “It’s a very human thing. There was one person, a professional soccer player, who lives far away from here, but his girlfriend is here. I sang a song about being far away from the person you love and she lost her mind.” The idea didn’t take long to take off. McKay received an overwhelming response just after posting it to his Facebook page last year. This year’s demand is so great, McKay has enlisted singer, songwriter and pianist Just Joe in the operation as well. McKay hopes the idea will eventually grow into a year-round business. “I trademarked the name and hope to do this for birthdays, Mother’s Day, anniversaries, anything,” he says. “It’s something different. Anyone can buy flowers or candy. This is a very real, in-your-face thing that’s very personal. It’s an extreme expression of one’s love in an embarrassing and outward way. A lot of these are in public places. Crowds gather, people go crazy, the guys meet us there. It’s a cool thing.” Jeremy Johnston of SubCat Studios drives with McKay throughout the day and records the song deliveries, so participants also get a video of the event as well as a flower and card. For McKay, it’s also grown into a great way to gain fans. “I’ve made some really good friends from last year,” he says. “After doing these, I see these people at all my shows. It’s a win-win.” To contact McKay or Just Joe for Valentine’s Day or other holidays and events, email mikemckaybooking@ gmail.com or through Facebook and other social media. —Jessica Novak

On the Comeback Trail

In the late 1990s, U.A.D., featuring four-part rhythm’n’blues harmonies with a focus on the Motown sound, established a tradition of Valentine’s Day concerts, eventually expanding to include Mother’s Day. Five years ago, however, with Larry Mathis, the group’s leader, spending time developing a second performance group, the tradition faded. “We grew up on romance,” Mathis recalls now. “Back in the 1970s, me and Ike Wynn {a U.A.D. original, now Mathis’ partner in the group’s production} used to go to a club called The Place on Tallman and South Avenue. We were mesmerized by these groups that came through and just personified romance. We want to bring that back. We especially want to bring it to the younger generation.” To launch the comeback, U.A.D.—the initials signifying Uplites, Avatar and Destiny, bands Mathis and Wynn sang with back in the day—will host a concert at the City Hall Atrium, 223 E. Washington St., on Friday, Feb. 14, 7 to 11 p.m. As an opening act, Mathis has signed Soul Mine, a band led by former U.A.D. singer Rick Linzy. Returning to their tradition, roses will be handed out to the first 35 female attendees. Also by tradition, U.A.D. will be outfitted in matching attire from Bergan’s Urban Fashions. Capacity at the Atrium is 140, so tickets are advance-sale only, and are available for $20 at Bergan’s, 323 S. Salina St., or by calling 882-4888. “For us, Motown is endless music that tells stories,” Mathis reflects. “The stories have meaning as far as how to treat someone, how to be as a person. It reminds us of the doo-wop days, when there was community, when everybody was on the corner singing.” With memories of opening for such headliners as Brass Construction and Crown Heights Affair, Mathis wants the Valentine performance to put the local music scene on notice that U.A.D. is back, ready and deserving of inclusion on the annual civic playbills from Juneteenth to Taste of Syracuse. And to show that the comeback is more than a one-shot deal, Mathis has booked Eastwood’s Palace Theatre for a May 17 gig, and signed the equally soulful Billionaires as opening act. —Walt Shepperd

Tell us where YOU want to find the New Times and WIN! See page 11 for details Syracuse New Times


2.12.14 - 2.19.14



Darius Rucker. Sat. 8 p.m. The Hootie and

the Blowfish veteran brings his rockin’ guitar to the Turning Stone Resort and Casino Event Center, Thruway Exit 33, Verona. $30, $50. 361-SHOW.


Terravita. Sat. 8 p.m. Electronica wizards in




Eoto. Wed. Feb. 12, 8 p.m. Electronica dubstep-

pers return, preceded by Emalkay at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $20. Thewestcotttheater. com.

THURSDAY 2/13 Railroad Earth. Thurs. 8 p.m. New Jersey

purveyors of newgrass come calling, preceded by Have Gun Will Travel at the Palace Theatre, 2384 James St. $25. Upstateshows.com.

Paper Diamond. Thurs. 9 p.m. Denver

action, plus Backpack, Stone Sound Kreature and Robot Pirate Monkey at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $15. Thewestcotttheater.com.

Old-Time Music Jam. Every Sun. 1 p.m.

Jam session for all sorts of ramblers and pickers is open to both spectators and players, followed by a potluck dinner at 5 p.m. Kellish Hill Farm, 3192 Pompey Center Road, Manlius. $5/suggested donation. 682-1578.

Colleen Kattau and Some Guys. Sun. 2 p.m. The “Folk Music Series” continues at Liverpool Public Library’s Carman Community Room, 310 Tulip St., Liverpool. Free. 457-0310.

Choral Evensong and Organ Recital.

concerts U P C O M I N G

2/20: Future Rock, Thibalt, Roots Collider. Westcott Theater. thewestcotttheater.com.

2/21: Ralphie May. Turning Stone Resort and Casino Showroom, Verona. 361-SHOW.

2/21: Big Leg Emma, 2 Hour Delay, Tumbleweed Highway. Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. 446-1934.

2/21: Mike Powell, Scott Danger Bravo. May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society, 3800 E. Genesee St. folkus.org.

2/28: Don Byron New Gospel Quintet with Carla Cook. Onondaga Community College, Storer Auditorium. 498-2772.

dubsteppers hit town, plus Loudpvck, Trill Bill and Gents and Jawns at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $20. Thewestcotttheater.com.

Sun. 4 p.m. Enjoy heavenly harmonies and more at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 310 Montgomery St. Free. 474-6053.

2/22: RAQ, Vapor Eyes.


Sherma Andrews. Sun. 5 p.m. The singer

2/22: Jeff Haynes. Oswego Music Hall,

A Cappella for the Fellas. Fri. 7 p.m. Five to Life, NoXcuse, Main Squeeze and more perform during the eighth annual harmonious accord at Onondaga Community College’s Storer Auditorium, 4585 W. Seneca Turnpike. $15/advance and seniors, $20/door, $10/students. 478-9710.

Francesca Battistelli and Sanctus Real. Fri. 7 p.m. Top-selling Christian music art-

ists in concert for the “Hands of God” tour, plus All Things New and Jon Bauer at Inspiration Hall, 709 James St. $20/general, $30/VIP. 214-7333.

Symphoria. Fri. 7:30 p.m. The orchestra fea-

tures an evening of pops music featuring ring-ading-ding melodies from the Rat Pack at the Mulroy Civic Center’s Crouse-Hinds Concert Theater, 411 Montgomery St. $49, $64, $79. 299-5598.

Beatlemania in Concert. Fri. 8 p.m. Yeah yeah yeah at the Kallet Theater and Conference Center, 4842 N. Jefferson St., Pulaski. $42-$65. 298-0007.

Moe. Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m. The popular jam band in

a two-night stand, preceded both nights by Max Creek, at the Regional Market’s F Shed, 2100 Park St. $30/general, $75/VIP. Upstateshows.com.

Night Fever. Fri. 8 p.m. Tickets will be tough

to find for this BeeGees tribute band at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino Showroom, Thruway Exit 33, Verona. $15. 361-SHOW.

Fikus and Universal Transit. Fri. 11

p.m. Late-shift loudness at the Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. $5-$10. 446-1934.

Shining Star. Fri. 11:30 p.m. The Jerry Garcia tribute band performs a late-night jam at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $10. Thewestcotttheater.com.

SATURDAY 2/15 Houghton College Choir. Sat. 7 p.m.

The acclaimed outfit raises their voices at Trinity Episcopal Church, 106 Chapel St., Fayetteville. Free. 637-9872.

Mickey Vendetti’s Goodtime Band. Sat. 7-11 p.m. The boys perform a Valentine’s weekend bash at the Goodtime Banquet Hall at Klub Polski, 526 Teall Ave. $10/advance, $15/door, includes buffet and coffee. 345-1002.


2.12.14 - 2.19.14

Westcott Theater. thewestcotttheater.com.

2/28: Mike Gordon. Westcott Theater. thewestcotttheater.com.

and songwriter performs at the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel, 801 University Ave. $25/advance, $30/door, $10/students. 479-5299.

41 Lake St., Oswego. 342-1733.

Reggie and the Full Effect. Sun. 6 p.m.

2/27: Zach Deputy, Big Something, Fox Richardson.

3/1: Garnet Rogers. Nelson Odeon,

Westcott Theater. thewestcotttheater.com.

4035 Nelson Road, Nelson. 655-9193.

Synth rockers check in with New Jersey duo Dads at the Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. $13.50$16. 446-1934.

Joe Lewis Walker. Sun. 7:15 p.m. Master

guitarist in a New York State Blues Festival benefit, plus opener Colin Aberdeen and Austin John at the Upstairs at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St. $20. 476-4937.

Swear and Shake. Sun. 9 p.m. Appealing

indie quartet visits, preceded by Wild Adriatic and The Danbees at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $10. Thewestcotttheater.com.

TUESDAY 2/18 3 Doors Down. Tues. 8 p.m. The rock band

goes acoustic at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino Event Center, Thruway Exit 33, Verona. $20, $25, $30. 361-SHOW.

WEDNESDAY 2/19 Richie Ramone. Wed. Feb. 19, 7 p.m. Punk-

rock drummer with a cherished legacy, plus One Last Shot and Home Court Advantage at the Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. $12-$15. 446-1934.

Hopsin. Wed. Feb. 19, 8 p.m. Dynamic hip-hopper hits town, plus DJ Hoppa, Mickey and The Campaign at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $20. Thewestcotttheater.com.

The Sing-Off Live Tour. Wed. Feb. 19,

8 p.m. Enjoy a night of a cappella at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino Showroom, Thruway Exit 33, Verona. $35, $40. 361-SHOW.


Comedy Showcase. Wed. Feb. 12, 7:30 p.m. Local and regional stand-ups compete at Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $10. 423-8669.

Mike Merryfield. Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Aptly

named comedian performs at the Funny Bone

Syracuse New Times


2/23: Jeff and Eric. Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St., Auburn. 253-6669.

Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $10. 423-8669.

Bert Kreischer. Fri. 7:30 & 9:45 p.m., Sat. 7

& 9:45 p.m. The Travel Channel reality-TV veteran cracks up the Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $12. 423-8669.

Wise Guys Comedy Club. Fri. & Sat.

8 p.m. The club continues at a new location with funny guy Marc Unger at Stein’s (formerly McNamara’s Pub), 5600 Newport Road, Camillus. $15. 672-3663.

Kerri Pomarolli. Sat. 7 p.m. An evening of

clean comedy plus a Valentine’s dinner, dancing and dessert at Sophistications Jazz Café, 411 S. Salina St. $75/couple (pre-register). 372-0970.

Live Improv Comedy. Sat. 8 p.m. Improv

3/1: Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds. Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. 446-1934.

Baltimore Woods Nature Center’s Weeks Art Gallery. 4007 Bishop Hill Road,

Marcellus. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 673-1350. Through Feb. 28: Nature Stands Still, photographs by Stacia Landsburg.

Beauchamp Branch Library. 2111 S.

Salina St. Mon., Wed., Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tues. & Thurs. 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. 435-3395. Through February: Precious Cargo, Art Brangman’s artistic exploration of African American heritage. Thurs. Feb. 13, 5 p.m.: a free screening of Gifted Hands.

Betts Branch Library. 4862 S. Salina St.

Mon. & Wed. 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m., Tues. & Thurs.-Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 1-5 p.m. 435-1940. Through February: Cabin Fever, the 32nd annual local quilt show. Sat. Feb. 15, 2 p.m.: a screening of the Disney cartoon The Princess and the Frog.

games played by the Pork Pie Hat troupe in the style of the TV series Whose Line Is It Anyway? Salt City Improv Theatre, Shoppingtown Mall. 3649 Erie Blvd. E., DeWitt. $7. 410-5471, saltcityimprov. com.

Central Library. The Galleries of Syracuse,

Matt Bergman. Wed. Feb. 19, 7:30 p.m.; clos-

Community Folk Art Center. 805 E.

es Feb. 20. Veteran of the Nobodies of Comedy tour begins a two-night stint at the Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $10. 423-8669.


LISTED ALPHABETICALLY: Ann Felton Multicultural Center and Gallery. Onondaga Community College,

4585 W. Seneca Turnpike. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 498-2787. Through Feb. 25: Model American, paintings by Meredith Cantor Fuller.

447 S. Salina St. Mon., Thurs.-Sat. 9 a.m-5 p.m., Tues.-Wed. 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. 435-1900. Through February: pastels, collages and acrylics by retired nurse Kathy O’Brien.

Genesee St. Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.5 p.m. 442-2230. Through Feb. 28: The Idea of Modernity in Contemporary Haitian Art, works by Philippe Dodard.

Edgewood Gallery. 216 Tecumseh Road.

Tues.-Fri. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 4458111. Through Feb. 21: Crystal Glow, featuring Mary Giehl’s crystal sculpture, Karen Kozicki’s infrared photography and Max Block’s dichroic-fused glass jewelry.

Everson Museum of Art. 401 Harrison

St. Sun., Wed. noon-5 p.m., Thurs. noon-8 p.m., Fri. noon-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. noon-5 p.m. $5/suggested donation/general admission; special exhibits vary in admission price. 474-6064. Through December: Enduring Gift, Chinese ceramics culled from the Cloud Wampler collection.

Through Feb. 22 and projected outside on the museum’s North facade: Cat Brushing Teeth, Sunset Donut, Cronica de Una Muerte Anunciada, stop-motion animated video pieces created by Brooklyn-based artist Yui Kugimiya; Thurs.-Sun. 7-11 p.m.

Gallery 54. 54 E. Genesee St., Skaneateles.

Mon.-Fri. 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. noon-5 p.m. 685-5470. Through February: botanical ceramics by Leslie Green Guilbault.

Gandee Gallery. 7846 Main St., Fabius.

Thurs.-Sat. 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 416-6339. Through April 6: Ice, photos of Iceland by Jamie Young and ceramics by Bryan Hopkins. Reception Sat. Feb. 15, 6-8 p.m.

Hazard Branch Library. 1620 W. Genesee

St. Mon., Wed., Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Tues. & Thurs. 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. 484-1528. Through February: Syracuse artist Matthew Davis’ acrylic and mixed media paintings, including portraits of Rosa Parks and Tiger Woods.

La Casita Cultural Center. Lincoln Building, 109 Otisco St. Mon.-Fri. noon-6 p.m. 443-8743. Through March 14: Portals, 46 urban photographs from Havana to Syracuse by Danisley Perez Bravo. Feb. 21, 7 p.m.: Musica del Corazon, a string recital concert.

Light Work Gallery/Community Darkrooms. Robert Menschel Media Center,

316 Waverly Ave., Syracuse University campus. Light Work: Sun.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. or by appointment. Community Darkrooms: Sun. & Mon. 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 443-1300. Through March 7: Dawn Light, Willson Cummer’s morning photography. Through March 7: Newspaper Rock, pieces by Aspen Mays. Through May 30: 2014 Transmedia Photography annual show. Through Aug. 8: Legendary, Gerard H. Gaskin’s photographs of underground balls, where gays and transgenders fashionably flaunt themselves. Lecture Wed. Feb. 12, 7-10 p.m.

Manlius Public Library. 1 Arkie Albanese

Drive, Manlius. Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 1-5 p.m. 682-6400, 6995076. Through Feb. 22: 2 Generations of Artists, mother-daughter show featuring acrylics by Audrey Brooks Decker and photography by Jessica Taylor.

Maxwell Memorial Library. 14 Genesee

St., Camillus. Mon.-Wed. 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m. 672-3661. Through February: Remembering Apulia, acrylics by Domenico Gigante.

Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute. 310 Genesee St., Utica. Tues.-Sat. 10

a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 1-5 p.m. 797-0000. Through Feb. 23: A Hole in the Sky, an installation by Sam Van Aken.

Onondaga Historical Association.

321 Montgomery St. Wed.-Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Donation requested. 4281864. Through March 30: Snowy Splendor, scenes of winter in Onondaga County. Through June 15: Fashion After Five, cocktail dresses from the 1920s to 1990s; Culture of the Cocktail Hour, a look at Onondaga County’s speakeasies and cocktail lounges during the Prohibition era. Sun. Feb. 16, 2 p.m.: “Salt City Abolitionists,” actors retell the stories of local abolitionists Jermaine and Caroline Loguen during this interactive historical presentation; $8.

Oswego State Downtown. 186 W. First

St., Oswego. Wed. noon-5 p.m., Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 216-4985. Through March 22: The Nature of Things, color photos by Jeanne Lagergren. Reception Sat. Feb. 15, 2-4 p.m.

Paine Branch Library. 113 Nichols Ave.

p.m. 435-5442. Through February: a display on Moby Dick author Herman Melville’s connections to Syracuse.

Petit Branch Library. 105 Victoria Place.

Mon. & Thurs. 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m.; Tues., Wed., Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 435-3636. Through February: The Syracuse Poster Project, which brings together community poets and Syracuse University artists to create an annual series of 16 posters for the city’s poster panels. Reception Feb. 20, 5-8 p.m. Sat. Feb. 15, 2:30 p.m.: a lecture on Syracuse’s photography pioneer George Barnard.

Solvay Public Library. 615 Woods Road,

Solvay. Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Thurs.-Fri. 9 a.m.5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 1-5 p.m. 468-2441. Through March: pastels and watercolors by Sue Hoyt-O’Neill.

SUArt Galleries. Shaffer Art Building, Syr-

acuse University. Tues. & Wed. 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Thurs. 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri.-Sun. 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 443-4097. Through March 30: Mithila Painting, works with an Indian aesthetic tradition; Arts on Main, contemporary prints from South African emerging artists; William Kentridge: Nose and Other Subjects, more than 25 prints plus a video installation. Through May 11: America’s Calling, 16 works of art by 15 foreign-born artists including Ben Shahn, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, and Josef Albers; Visions for Sale: Photographs of 19th Century Japan, 22 hand-colored albumen prints from the 19th century exploring the country’s people, land and environment that was quickly changing due to modernization; Ukiyo-e to Shin Hanga, more than 300 examples of Japanese woodcuts.

Warehouse Gallery/Point of Contact Gallery. 350 W. Fayette St. Mon.-Fri.

1-5 p.m. 443-4098. Through Feb. 21: Domestic Vicissitudes, Analia Segalis’ large-scale video projection and site-specific installation. Through Fri. Feb. 14 in the Genet Gallery: Chairs: A Designer’s Choice, includes 16 chairs in a range of styles and materials by designers Mario Bellini, Marcel Breuer, Charles and Ray Eames, Gerrit Rietveld and Gustav Stickley.

Whitney Applied Technology Center. Onondaga Community College, 4941 Onon-

daga Road. Free. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Sat. & Sun. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 498-2787. Through Feb. 28: 2014 Central New York Scholastic Art Awards.

Wilson Art Gallery. Noreen Reale Falcone

Library, Le Moyne College, 1419 Salt Springs Road. Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m.-2 a.m.; Fri. 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sun. noon-2 a.m. 445-4153. Through Feb. 21: The Nature of Our Soul, paintings by Penny Santy.

LEARNING Improv Comedy Classes. Every Wed.

6-7:45 p.m. Drop-in classes at Salt City Improv Theater, Shoppingtown Mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E., DeWitt. $20/adults, $15/students with ID. 410-5471.

Introduction to Improv. Sat. 10 a.m.-

noon. Syracuse Improv Collective instructor Mike Borden offers tips for budding improvisational comic talents at the Central New York Playhouse, Shoppingtown mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E. $75. 8858960.

Great Synagogues of the World. Sun. 10:30 a.m.-noon. Architecture historian Dr. Samuel Gruber tackles the subject at Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas, 18 Patsy Lane, Jamesville. Free. 446-9570.

Candle Workshop. Tues. 4:30-7 p.m. Learn how to make soy candles at Beauchamp Branch Library, 2111 S. Salina St. Free. 435-3395.


Syracuse University Women’s Basketball. Thurs. 7 p.m. The women’s hoops team

Come for the food, Stay for the fun Daily Happy Hour specials

plays Florida State. Carrier Dome, 900 Irving Ave. $8-$25. (888) DOME-TIX.

Live music Wed & Fri

Syracuse University Men’s Basketball. Sat. 3 p.m., Wed. Feb. 19, 7 p.m. The men’s

17 Columbus St., Auburn

basketball team plays North Carolina State (Sat.) and Boston College (Wed.) at the Carrier Dome, 900 Irving Ave. $24-$145. (888) DOME-TIX.


ARISE Fundraiser. Sun. 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Acupuncture sessions, healing workshops and more in a benefit for the nonprofit committed to enhancing the lives of disabled Central New York residents. Synergy Center, 4500 Pewter Lane, Manlius. $10. 692-2037.

Syracuse Winterfest. Wed. Feb. 12-23. A

Livingston Family Benefit. Sun. 2-6 p.m. A fundraiser for friends and family of the late Uncle Ronaldo features live music, raffles, food and more at Timber Tavern Bar and Grill, 7153 State Fair Blvd. $20. 303-4476.

Central New York Boat Show. Wed.

Alton Brown Live: The Edible Inevitable Tour. Sun. 7 p.m. The wacky Food Net-

huge array of winter-themed activities take place during this annual celebration of what Syracuse is best known for (besides basketball): winter. syracusewinterfest.com.

Feb. 12-Fri. 1-9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The 2014 edition features hundreds of watercraft vendors at the Center of Progress, Horticulture Building and Exhibit Center Building, New York State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd. $10/adults, free/ages 13 and under. (585) 5265460.

Onondaga Audubon Meeting. Wed.

Feb. 12, 7-9 p.m. Chris Lajewski of Montezuma Audubon Center speaks during the gathering at Baldwinsville Public Library, 33 E. Genesee St. Free. 635-5631.

Bonsai Club Meeting. Wed. Feb. 12, 7:309 p.m. Members meet at Pitcher Hill Community Church, 605 Bailey Road, North Syracuse. Free. 457-5484.

Monthly Library Social. Thurs. 1-2 p.m.

This month’s program is titled “Memory Enhancement and Brain Fitness: How to Keep Our Brains Working their Best as We Age” at Solvay Public Library, 615 Woods Road, Solvay. Free. 468-2441.

Syracuse Auto Show. Thurs. & Fri. 4-9

p.m., Sat. noon-9 p.m., Sun. noon-5 p.m. The 106th annual motorama takes place at the Pirro Convention Center and Onondaga County War Memorial, 800 S. State St. $9/adults, $7/seniors, $3/children 5-12, free/under age 5. 435-8000.

Far West Tipp Neighborhood Watch Meeting. Thurs. 6 p.m. Members

gather at Hazard Branch Library, 1620 W. Genesee St. Free. 435-5326.

Senior Bingo Social. Fri. 2-5 p.m. Bring

those daubers to Betts Branch Library, 4862 S. Salina St. Free. 435-1940.

Valentine’s Dance. Fri. 6-10 p.m. Enjoy a

dinner buffet and live musical entertainment at Bella Domani Catering & Banquet Facility, 5988 E. Taft Road, North Syracuse. $50/couple; reservations required. 458-2514.

Winter Hibernation Festival. Sat.

11 a.m.-4 p.m. This daylong event consists of environmental exhibits, informational sessions, various outdoor activities, and a guided trail hike with biologists Michael and Julie Fishman. Great Swamp Conservancy, 8375 N. Main St., Canastota. $3/adults, $1/ages 12 and under. 697-2950.

Pancake Breakfast. Sun. 8 a.m.-noon. Get flapjack fever at the West Monroe Volunteer Fire Department, 54 County Route 11, West Monroe. $7.50/adults, $7/seniors, $5/ages 5 to 12; free/ under age 5. 676-4600.

work guy does his family-friendly show at the Mulroy Civic Center’s Crouse-Hinds Concert Theater, 411 Montgomery St. $30, $40, $45. 435-8000.

IAAP Meeting. Tues. 6-9 p.m. Members of the International Association of Administrative Professionals gather at the Ramada Inn, 1305 Buckley Road, Liverpool. Free. 457-8633. Mike Fantasia. Tues. 7:30 p.m. The “Film-

Talks” series continues with the movie location manager, who discusses his far-flung work on many features, followed by a discussion at the Coyne Center for the Performing Arts, Le Moyne College, 1419 Salt Springs Road. $10. 671-2188, syrfilmfest.com.

North Syracuse Art Guild Meeting.

Wed. Feb. 19, 1-3 p.m. Members convene to discuss “The Medium of Glass” at the VFW Post 7290, 105 Maxwell Ave., North Syracuse. Free. 458-7290.



About Last Night. Kevin Hart and Michael

Ealy in a reboot of the raunchy 1986 comedy. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/ RPX/Stadium). Daily: 7:05 & 9:55 p.m. Destiny USA/ Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 11:25 a.m., 2:05, 4:45, 7:35 & 10:25 p.m. Screen 2: 12:35 & 3:25 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 11:55 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45 & 10:15 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:50 a.m., 2:25, 4:55, 7:40 & 10:15 p.m.

American Hustle. Christian Bale, Jennifer

Lawrence, Amy Adams and Bradley Cooper in a wild 1970s-era crime drama. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:10, 3:25, 6:30 & 9:35 p.m.

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues. More Will Ferrell nuttiness about a clueless news anchor during the 1980s. Hollywood (Digital presentation/stereo). Daily: 9:25 p.m.

August: Osage County. Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts head the Oscar-bait cast in this tale of a dysfunctional Oklahoma clan. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 4:15, 7:05 & 9:55 p.m.

Mon. & Tues. 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m., Wed.-Sat. 9 a.m.-5

continued on next page

Syracuse New Times


2.12.14 - 2.19.14


Events continued from previous page

Endless Love. Gabriella Wilde and Alex Pet-

tyfer in the reboot of the 1981 romantic drama. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Daily: 11:05 a.m., 1:45, 4:30, 7:20 & 10:15 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12 a.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:35, 3:55, 6:40 & 9:30 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:40, 4:35, 7:15 & 9:45 p.m.

Frozen. Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow

Queen provides the source material for Disney’s cartoon musical. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:35 a.m., 2:20, 5:05 & 7:55 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Daily: 11:50 a.m., 5 & 7:35 p.m. Daily (sing-along version): 2:25 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:05, 2:40 & 5:10 p.m.

The Great Beauty. The Golden Globe win-

ner for best foreign film. Manlius (Digital presentation/stereo). Daily: 7:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. matinee: 1:30 & 4:30 p.m.

Grudge Match. Sylvester Stallone and

The Legend of Hercules. Kellan Lutz

Gunday. This week’s Bollywood blowout. Des-

The LEGO Movie. Will Arnett and Elizabeth

Robert De Niro square off as aging boxers in this comedy. Hollywood (Digital presentation/stereo). Sat.-Thurs. (2-20): 4:35 p.m.

tiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:45 a.m., 3:10, 6:35 & 10:05 p.m.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Jennifer Lawrence continues to fight the power in this second installment in the futuristic sci-fi series. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:10 a.m. & 6:15 p.m.

I, Frankenstein. New monster mash, with

vampires added to the undead mix. Destiny USA/ Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 10:45 p.m.

Labor Day. Soapy yarn with Josh Brolin as

a wounded convict on the lam who connects with Kate Winslet as a single mom. Destiny USA/ Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 3:40 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Daily: 10:05 p.m.


Marissa Mulder: Illusions.

Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m. Manhattan mezzo soprano (and former Syracusan) brings her acclaimed cabaret show to the Redhouse Arts Center, 201 S. West St. $25. 362-2785.


2 Across. Fri. & Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 3:30 p.m.;

closes Sun. Feb. 16. Fulton Community Theatre mounts this romantic comedy as a dinner theater attraction at Tavern on the Lock, 24 S. First St., Fulton. Dinner and show: $25/adults (6 p.m. dinner Sat., 2 p.m. dinner Sun.), $23/students and seniors. Show only: $12/adults, $10/students and seniors. 592-2661.

The Prisoner of Second Avenue.

Cock. Wed. Feb. 19, 7:30 p.m.; closes March 9.

Sleeping Beauty. Sat. & Wed. Feb. 19,

Mike Bartlett’s love triangle comedy continues the season at the Kitchen Theatre Company, 417 W. State St., Ithaca. $15-$37. (607) 273-4497.

Death Takes a Cruise. Every Thurs.

6:45 p.m.; closes March 6. Suspicious characters abound aboard a riverboat in this interactive dinner-theater comedy whodunit; performed by Acme Mystery Company. Spaghetti Warehouse, 689 N. Clinton St. $27.95/plus tax and gratuity. 475-1807.

Jump/Cut. Thurs.-Sat. 8 p.m.; closes Sat. Feb.

15. Secrets are revealed when a trio embark on a documentary project in this production at the Central New York Playhouse, Shoppingtown Mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E. $15/show only Fri. & Sat.; $10/ show only Thurs. 885-8960.

King Lear. Fri. & Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m.;

closes Feb. 23. Gerard Moses wears the crown in the Bard’s classic, mounted by the Syracuse Shakespeare Festival at the New York State Fairgrounds’ Empire Theater, 581 State Fair Blvd. $15/ adults, $12/seniors and students. 476-1835.

Out of Order. Thurs.-Sat. 8:15 p.m., Sun. 3

p.m.; closes Feb. 23. Ray Cooney’s wild bedroom farce about sex and British politicians is performed at the Cider Mill Playhouse, 2 S. Nanticoke Ave., Endicott. $26-$32. (607) 748-7363.


2.12.14 - 2.19.14

Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m.; closes March 1. Neil Simon’s comedy about middle-age marrieds in Manhattan continues the Appleseed Productions season at the Atonement Lutheran Church, 116 W. Glen Ave. $18/adults; $15/students and seniors. 492-9766.

12:30 p.m.; through March 29. Interactive version of the children’s classic; performed by Magic Circle Children’s Theatre. Spaghetti Warehouse, 689 N. Clinton St. $5. 449-3823.

The Tempest. Fri.-Sun. 7:30 p.m.; closes

Feb. 23. Ithaca Shakespeare Company mounts the Bard’s classic at the Hangar Theatre, 810 Taughannock Blvd. (Route 89), Cass Park, Ithaca. $17-$27. (607) 273-8588.

The Whipping Man. Wed. Feb. 12 &

Thurs. 7:30 p.m., Fri. 8 p.m., Sat. 3 & 8 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m.; closes Sun. Feb. 16. Two slaves and a wounded Confederate soldier come to terms in post-Civil War Virginia in this drama, which continues the season at Syracuse Stage’s Archbold Theatre, 820 E. Genesee St. $30-$52/adults, $30-$35/age 40 and under, $18/under 12. 443-3275.

AUDITIONS AND REHEARSALS Women Who Rock: Women in Music. Mon. Feb. 17-21. Auditions for the

March edition of the “Journey Through the Music of the African Diaspora” series take place at the Community Folk Art Center, 805 E. Genesee St. Call 442-2230 for audition times.

Syracuse New Times

Brought to you by the


plays the beefcake warrior in this action opus; presented in 3-D in some theaters. Hollywood (Digital presentation/3-D/stereo). Sat.-Thurs. (2-20): 12 p.m.

Thor: The Dark World. It’s hammer time

again for Chris Hemsworth as the hunky Asgardian in the Marvel Comics sequel. Hollywood (Digital presentation/stereo). Daily: 7 p.m. Sat.-Thurs. (2-20): 2:10 p.m.

Vampire Academy. Title tells all in this

Banks lend their voices to this cartoon; presented in 3-D in some theaters. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/RPX/3-D/Stadium). Daily: 10:50 a.m., 1:30 & 4:20 p.m. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/3-D/Stadium). Daily: 3:50, 6:20 & 9:20 p.m. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 11:20 a.m., 2, 4:50, 7:30 & 10:20 p.m. Screen 2: 1 & 6:50 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/3-D/Stadium). Daily: 11:45 a.m. & 4:55 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1 (Fri.-Mon.): 12:30 & 3:45 p.m. Screen 2: 2:20, 7:30 & 10 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/3-D/Stadium). Daily: 12:40, 3:20, 6:50 & 9:30 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 12, 2:30, 5, 7:30 & 10 p.m. Screen 2: 1:20 & 4 p.m.

nation-themed romantic fantasy. Destiny USA/ Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 & 9:45 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12:20 a.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Daily: 12:10, 3:50, 6:50 & 9:50 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:50, 4:10, 7 & 9:50 p.m.

Lone Survivor. Mark Wahlberg in the fact-

The Wolf of Wall Street. Leonardo Di

based tale of a Navy SEAL mission to bring down the Taliban. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:15, 4:15, 7:15 & 10:15 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:30, 3:45, 6:45 & 9:35 p.m. No 12:30 & 3:45 p.m. shows Fri.-Mon. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:20, 3:40, 6:30 & 9:35 p.m.

The Monuments Men. George Clooney,

Matt Damon and Bill Murray in an unusual World War II adventure yarn. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 12:50, 3:30, 6:30 & 9:30 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12:15 a.m. Screen 2: 4, 7 & 10 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:20, 4, 6:55 & 9:45 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1, 4:20, 7:10 & 10:10 p.m.

The Nut Job. Will Arnett and Brendan Fraser lend their voices to this squirrely cartoon. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 10:55 a.m. & 1:20 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:05 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:55 a.m. & 2:05 p.m.

Philomena. Judi Dench as an aging woman in search of her son in director Stephen Frears’ sentimental drama. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:25 & 6:55 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:55 a.m., 2:30 & 7:40 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:10 & 6:45 p.m.

Ride Along. Buddy comedy with Ice Cube

and Kevin Hart. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:30 a.m., 2:15, 5, 7:50 & 10:35 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12:30 a.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 2:15, 4:35, 7:20 & 9:40 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 1:50, 4:25, 6:55 & 9:20 p.m.

Robocop. Reboot of the 1987 sci-fi classic,

albeit this one gets a PG-13. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/IMAX/Stadium). Daily: 11 a.m., 1:50, 4:40, 7:40 & 10:40 p.m. Destiny USA/ Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 1:10, 4:10, 7:10 & 10:10 p.m. Screen 2: 6:40 & 9:40 p.m. Late show Fri. & Sat.: 12:25 a.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 12:40, 4:10, 7:10 & 9:55 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Screen 1: 1:30, 4:30, 7:20 & 10:20 p.m. Screen 2: 6:40 & 9:40 p.m.

That Awkward Moment. Romcom antics with Zac Efron, Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan providing the horndogs’ perspective. Destiny USA/ Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 11:40 a.m., 2:10, 4:55, 7:45 & 10:30 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 7:45 & 10:05 p.m.

teen-geared sawtooth fantasy. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 3:55 & 9:25 p.m. Great Northern 10. (Digital presentation/ Stadium). Daily: 5:05 & 10:10 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 4:05 & 9:10 p.m.

Winter’s Tale. Colin Farrell in a reincar-

Caprio takes the lead in director Martin Scorsese’s raunchy three-hour biographical blowout on stockbroker Jordan Belfort. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (Digital presentation/Stadium). Daily: 2:25 & 9:35 p.m.

FILM, OTHERS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY: Academy Award Nominated Live Action Short Films. Wed. Feb. 12-Sun. 5:30 p.m. The “Indie Films” series continues with this year’s Oscar contenders. Hamilton Theater, 7 Lebanon St., Hamilton. $7.75. 824-2724, 824-8210.

Bugs Bunny Cartoon Madness. Mon.Wed. Feb. 19, 3 p.m.; closes Feb. 22. Warner Brothers’ wascally wabbit takes center stage for several shorts in this daffy dozen, with guest stars Woody Woodpecker, Mr. Magoo and more, presented in 35mm prints. Capitol Theatre, 220 W. Dominick St., Rome. $3.50/adults, $2.50/children under 12. 337-6453. Dolphins. Sat. 11 a.m. & 5 p.m., Sun.-Wed. Feb. 19, 11 a.m. Large-format glub story at the Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $9.50/ adults, $7.50/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $12/adults, $10/children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068.

Girl on a Bicycle. Fri. 1 & 8 p.m., Sat. 8 p.m. French romantic comedy with a tour bus driver juggling several amours. Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St., Auburn. $5/advance, $6/door. 253-6669.

Hubble. Sat. 12, 2, 4 & 8 p.m., Sun.-Wed. Feb. 19, 12, 2 & 4 p.m. Large-format space odyssey. Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $9.50/ adults, $7.50/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $12/adults, $10/children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068. Jumpsuit Shackle. Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 2 & 7

p.m. Former forensic child psychologist Dr. Susan Feneck’s movie about corruption in the juvenile justice system receives its world premiere at the Theater Mack, within the Cayuga Museum of History and Art. 203 Genesee St., Auburn. $5. 253-8051.

To the Arctic. Wed. Feb. 12-Fri. 12, 2 & 4 p.m., Sat.-Wed. Feb. 19, 1 p.m. Meryl Streep narrates the large-format documentary about a polar bear family. Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $9.50/adults, $7.50/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $12/adults, $10/children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068.

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BILLY J. & DION 437-Bull • 6402 Collamer Rd. East Syracuse.

Frenay and Lenin. (Sheraton University Hotel, 801 University Ave.), 5-8 p.m.

Just Joe. (Jake’s Grub & Grog, 7 E. River Road, Brewerton), 6-9 p.m.

Max McKee. (Dolce Vita, 907 E. Genesee St.), 7-9 p.m.

Miss E Duo. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 8 p.m.

(Full service or pickup)

125 E. Water St. Hanover Sq. 701-3064 BullandBearPub.com

Lunch, Dinner, Cool Cocktails & Catering Coustic Pie. (Castaways, 916 County Route 37,

Ill Funk Ensemble. (Mac’s Bad Art Bar, 1799

Dan Elliott and the Monterays. (Ver-

J&B Duo. (Phoenix VFW Post 5540, 70 Culvert

Dave Ball. (Creekside Books, 35 Fennell St.,

Just Joe. (Limp Lizard, 201 First St., Liverpool),

Frenay and Lenin. (Gathering’s Restaurant,

Lisa Lee Trio. (Brae Loch Inn, 5 Albany St.,

Gallows Road. (118 W. Main St., Waterville),

Los Blancos. (World of Beer, Destiny USA),

Grit N Grace. (Main Street Tavern, 2298

Mike Sims. (Carnegie’s Pier 57, 7376 Oswego




non Downs, 4229 Stuhlman Road, Vernon), 9 p.m.

Skaneateles), 7:30 p.m.

2175 Route 392, Cortland), 6-9 p.m.

8 p.m.

Dewing Ave., Clayville), 9:30 p.m.

Brewerton Road, Mattydale), 10 p.m.

Modern Mudd: Nuttin Butt the Blues. (Jake’s Grub & Grog, 7 E. River Road, Brewerton), 8 p.m.

St., Phoenix), 6-10 p.m.

Morris and the HepCats. (Western

Ranch Motor Inn, 1255 State Fair Blvd.), 7 p.m.

9 p.m.

Rewired. (Bridge Street Tavern, 109 Bridge St., Solvay), 8 p.m.

Cazenovia), 7-10 p.m.

Right Turn. (Gorman’s Tavern, 826 Hannibal St., Fulton), 9:30 p.m.

8-11 p.m.

Ronnie Leigh. (Carnegie’s Pier 57, 7376 Oswego Road, Liverpool), 7-11 p.m.

Road, Liverpool), 7-11 p.m.

continued on next page

Ron Spencer Band. (CC’s (formerly Big Kahunas), 17 Columbus St., Auburn), 7-10 p.m.

Pirate Jam. (Timber Tavern Bar and Grill, 7153 State Fair Blvd.), 8 p.m.

THURSDAY 2/13 Arty Lenin. (Old City Hall, 159 Water St., Oswego), 6-10 p.m.

Chad Bradshaw. (Cafe at 407, 407 Tulip St., Liverpool), 7:30-9 p.m.

Dave Robertson. (Bohemian Moon, 103 E. Main St., Norwich), 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Jimmy Cox. (bc Restaurant, 247 W. Fayette St.), 7 p.m.

Joe Henson. (Sherwood Inn, 26 W. Genesee St., Skaneateles), 7-10 p.m.

Just Joe. (King of Clubs, 420 S. Clinton St.), 9 p.m.

Mark Zane. (Eskapes Lounge, 6257 Route 31, Cicero), 7-9 p.m.

Noisy Boys. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub, 100 S. Lowell Ave.), 9 p.m.

Pale Green Stars. (Al’s Wine & Whiskey Lounge, 319 S. Clinton St.), 9 p.m.

Spring Street. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 8 p.m.

The Intention w/Mark Nanni and Joe Davoli. (Phoebe’s, 900 E. Genesee St.), 8-10 p.m.

The Sugardaddys. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 8-11 p.m.

FRIDAY 2/14 Chris Taylor and the Custom Taylor Band. (Tin Rooster, Turning Stone Resort and Casino, 5218 Patrick Road, Verona), 10 p.m.

Chuck Dorgan and Jess Novak.

(Trapper’s Pizza, 5950 Butternut Drive, East Syracuse), 6-9 p.m.



2.12.14 - 2.19.14









The Horn Dogs. (Mitchell’s Pub, 3251 Milton Ave.), 8 p.m.

Ave.), 9 p.m.

The Cadleys. (Sparky Town, 324 Burnet Ave.),

GRUB & GROG 7 e. river road brewerton • 668-3905



Chris Taylor and the Custom Taylor Band. (Lake Como Inn, 1297 E. Lake Road, Cortland), 9:30 p.m.

continued from previous page

Ron Spencer Band. (Shifty’s, 1401 Burnet


The Shakedown. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 10 p.m.

F5. (Buffalo’s, 2119 Downer St. Road, Baldwinsville), 9 p.m.

TJ Sacco and the Urban Cowboys.

7-9 p.m.

(Timber Tavern Bar and Grill, 7153 State Fair Blvd.), 9 p.m.

Flipside. (Candy’s Hillside, 6207 Rock Cut Road,

The Camillians. (Wildcat Pizza Pub, 3680

Tiger. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub, 100 S.

Frenay and Lenin. (Limp Lizard, 201 First


Gallows Road. (Stinkers Tavern, 118 W. Main

Milton Ave., Camillus), 6 p.m.

Lowell Ave.), 10 p.m.

The Coachmen. (UNC, 125 Washington St., Auburn), 8 p.m.

The Guise. (Sheraton University Hotel, 801 University Ave.), 5-8 p.m.

3’s A Crowd. (American Legion, 8529 Smokey Hollow Road, Baldwinsville), 7-11 p.m.

Agrestic. (Old Boat House, Route 49, Constantia), 9:30 p.m.

Genesee St., Skaneateles), 9:30 p.m.

Brian McArdell and Mark Westers.


St., Liverpool), 8-11 p.m.

St., Waterville).

Grit N Grace. (The Columbia, 500 Columbia St., Utica), 9 p.m.

Gunrunners. (Georgetown Inn, 907 New York Route 26, Georgetown), 8 p.m.

Annie in the Water. (LakeHouse Pub, 6 W.


Jamesville), 9 p.m.

(Old City Hall, 159 Water St., Oswego), 6-10 p.m.

Carolyn Kelly Blues Band. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 10 p.m.

SIGN UPS @ 8:30

Isreal Hagan and Stroke. (Shifty’s, 1401

Letizia. (TS Steakhouse, Turning Stone Resort & Casino, 5218 Patrick Road, Verona), 6-10 p.m.

Los Blancos. (Green Gate Inn, 2 County Road 98 (Main Street), Camillus), 9 p.m.

Mark Zane and Friends. (Pizza Man Pub, 50 Oswego St., Baldwinsville), 9:30 p.m.

Mike Sims. (Carnegie’s Pier 57, 7376 Oswego Road, Liverpool), 7-11 p.m.

Miss E and Off the Cuff. (Carnegie Café,

Maplewood Inn, 400 Seventh North St., Liverpool), 8 p.m.

Modern Mudd: Nuttin Butt the Blues. (Jake’s Grub & Grog, 7 E. River Road, Brewerton), 8 p.m.

Morris and the HepCats. (Knoxies Pub, 7088 Route 20, Pompey), 9 p.m.

Burnet Ave.), 9 p.m.

Rewired. (Bridge Street Tavern, 109 Bridge St.),

Jess Novak, Brian Golden and The Shining Star Bond. (World of Beer,

Rick Pallatto and Matt Kerwin.

Destiny USA.), 8 p.m.

Just Joe. (Pascale Wine Bar & Restaurant, 104 Limestone Plaza, Fayetteville), 8:30 p.m.


8 p.m.

(Broadway Tavern, 210 W. Seneca Turnpike), 6-8 p.m.

Rock Bottom All-Stars. (Mac’s Bad Art Bar, 1799 Brewerton Road, Mattydale), 10 p.m.

Buy Tickets online.



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2.12.14 - 2.19.14

Syracuse New Times

MATT BERGMAN For our full schedule, visit us online! Funnybonecentral.com At Destiny USA on 3rd Floor 21+ Phone: (315) 423-8669 www.syracusenewtimes.com




$10 PP Includes complete Hot Buffet. Adv Tickets at Gilligans Pub, 3601 James St. 8am-2am. $15 Door Tickets. Live entertainment by the Mickey Vendetti Band. Music from the 50s - 60s - 70s. 345-1002 for Info Shazbot. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub, 100 S.

In Dying Arms. (Mac’s Bad Art Bar, 1799

Just Joe. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow

Smokin’. (Paddock Club, 9 Arsenal St., Watertown), 9:30 p.m.

Jess Novak, Brian Golden, Mark Nanni. (Spa at 500, 500 W. Onondaga St.), 6-8 p.m.


Stone River Band. (American Legion, 9


Stone River Band. (VFW, 77 Main St., Cam-

John Spillett Jazz Duo. (Blue Water Grill,


Karaoke w/Mr Automatic. (Singers Kara-

Altared. (Dolce Vita, 907 E. Genesee St.), 7:30


Brian McArdell and Mark Westers.

Karaoke w/DJ Chill. (Singers Karaoke Club,

Auburn), 6-9 p.m.


Open Mike Night. (Kellish Hill Farm, 3191

Los Blancos. (Empire Brewing Company, 120

Frenay and Lenin. (Sheraton University

Open Mike w/Hobo Graffiti. (Mac’s

Lowell Ave.), 10 p.m.

den), 8 p.m.

The Horn Dogs. (Mitchell’s Pub, 3251 Milton Ave.), 8 p.m.

TJ Sacco and the Urban Cowboys. (Kegs Canalside, 7 Hamilton St., Jordan), 9 p.m.

SUNDAY 2/16 Chief Bigway. (LakeHouse Pub, 6 W. Genesee St., Skaneateles), 6-9 p.m.

Flipside. (O’Toole’s, 113 Osborne St., Auburn), 6-9 p.m.

Flyin’ Column. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub, 100 S. Lowell Ave.), 4-7 p.m.

George Leija and the Live Bait Band. (Monirae’s, 688 County Route 10 Pennellville), 1-5 p.m.

Brewerton Road, Mattydale), 6-10 p.m.

11 W. Genesee St.)

Lisa Lee Trio. (Hafner’s Restaurant, 5224 W. Taft Road, North Syracuse), 12:30 p.m. Acoustic brunch.

Lisa Lee Trio. (UNC, 125 Washington St.,

Walton St.), 12:30 p.m. Blues brunch.

Michael Crissan. (Shifty’s, 1401 Burnet Ave.), 7:30 p.m.

Todd Hobin, Greg Hoover, Loren Barrigar w/Dove Creek. (Tully Historical Train Station, Tully).

Oswego River Road, Phoenix), 6-9 p.m.

oke Club, 1345 Milton Ave., Solvay), 9 p.m.


(Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 8 p.m.

Hotel, 801 University Ave.), 5-8 p.m.

Honky Tonk Hindooz. (Oak and Vine, Springside Inn, 6141 West Lake Road, Auburn), 8-11 p.m.

MONDAY 2/17 Seneca St., Manlius), 7-10 p.m.

Sarah Horner. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W.

Karaoke w/DJ Voltage and DJ Mars.

Wake Up With

GARY DUNES 5:00am - 10:00am

Dinner & Comedy w / d -low dan brown & special guests!



$25/Person 668-1248 for reservations

Enjoy Your Ride Home With

Sunday, feb.16


feb.22 Springer Feb. 28 The Dreamers 688 COUNTY ROUTE 10 PENNELLVILLE

7384 Thompson Road, North Syracuse).

(Singers Karaoke Club, 1345 Milton Ave., Solvay), 9 p.m.

Lost Horizon

Spend Your Workday With

George Leija & Live Bait

Karaoke Club, 1345 Milton Ave., Solvay), 6-9 p.m.

The Legendary

of the 70’s & 80’s!

Fri. feb. 14

FRIDAY 2/14 Karaoke w/DJs R US. (Spinning Wheel,

Brewerton), 6-9 p.m.



Bad Art Bar, 1799 Brewerton Road, Mattydale), 8:30 p.m.

Just Joe. (Jake’s Grub & Grog, 7 E. River Road,

MONIRAE’S thursday, feb.13

Pompey Center Road, Manlius), 7 p.m.

Happy Hour Karaoke w/Holly. (Singers

Willow St.), 8 p.m.

W. Genesee St., Skaneateles), 4-7 p.m.

1345 Milton Ave., Solvay), 9 p.m.

Hooker and Cosmic Wail. (Al’s Wine and Whiskey Lounge, 319 S. Clinton St.), 9 p.m.

Greg Hoover. (Ironwood Restaurant, 145 E.

Honky Tonk Hindooz. (Sherwood Inn, 26

St.), 8 p.m.

3:00pm - 7:00pm

A DOMINANT FORCE IN RADIO For upcoming promotions Visit us on the web at




Friday Jan. 14 Doors open 7pm

ALL 2 BLAme, INCLUsIve Or, ZAdOC’s eTerNAL CIrCUs, sTONeLOrd BrOTHers, TrACTOr BeAm & deLTAPANZer Saturday Feb. 15 Doors open 8pm

FRI 2/14 11:00

SUN 2/16 7:00

SAT 2/19 7:00

CrOws CAGe POP rOx 2/22 emerALd CITy 2/21

500 old liverpool rd. Liverpool | 451.bull Syracuse New Times








2.12.14 - 2.19.14




continued from previous page

Karaoke w/DJ Streets. (Singers Karaoke

Karaoke w/Harf and Friends. (Village Lanes, 201 E. Manlius St., East Syracuse), 9 p.m.


Karaoke w/Tokken Tom. (Mac’s Bad Art Bar, 1799 Brewerton Road, Mattydale), 10 p.m.

Karaoke w/Harf and Friends. (Village

Open Mike w/Chuck Dorgan and Jess Novak. (Elbow Room Tavern, 122 E. Gen-

Karaoke w/Magikmen Entertainment. (Cerio’s Tavern, 1711 Grant Blvd.), 9:30

Inn, 2 Main St., Camillus), 8 p.m.

Lanes, 201 E. Manlius St., East Syracuse), 9 p.m.


The challenge is to fill every row across, every column down, and every 3x3 box with the digits 1 through 9. Each 1 through 9 digit must appear only once in each row across, each column down, and each 3x3 box.

Club, 1345 Milton Ave., Solvay), 9 p.m.

Oldies Dance w/Joey Nigro and John Nilsen. (Castaways, 916 County Route 37, Brewerton), 7:30-11:30 p.m.

esee St.), 7:30 p.m.

Open Mike w/Joe Henson. (Green Gate

WEDNESDAY 2/19 Karaoke w/Mr Automatic. (Singers Karaoke Club, 1345 Milton Ave., Solvay), 9 p.m.

Party on Ice w/DJ Ron. (Onondaga

Nation Arena, 326 Route 11, Nedrow), 7-10 p.m.

SUNDAY 2/16 Karaoke w/DJ Havok. (Singers Karaoke Club, 1345 Milton Ave., Solvay), 8 p.m.

Karaoke w/Magikmen Entertainment. (The Wolf’s Den, 617 Wolf St.), 5 p.m. Open Mike w/Johnny Rage. (Bridge

Street Tavern, 109 Bridge St., Solvay), 7:30-11:30 p.m.

MONDAY 2/17 Karaoke w/DJ Smegie. (Singers Karaoke Club, 1345 Milton Ave., Solvay), 9 p.m.

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Making a living making music? Get listed in our upcoming SOUNDS CENTRAL NEW YORK ‘13

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This year’s SOUNDS will include the Syracuse Area Music Awards program and will be first available at the SAMMYS on Friday, March 7th, 2014


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2.12.14 - 2.19.14

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LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 311 WAVEL STREET, LLC. On December 27, 2013, Articles of Organization of 311 Wavel Street, LLC were filed with the Secretary of State of New York. The office of the limited liability company is located in Onondaga County. The Secretary of State of the State of New York is designated as the agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served and the address within New York State to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him or her is 555 Ludwig Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14240. Notice of Formation of BAYSTEIN, LLC (the “Company”) Baystein, LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Department of State on December 18, 2013. The office of the Company is located in Onondaga County, NY. The Secretary of State is designated as the agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served. The post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the Company served upon him is: the LLC, Attn: Bruce S. Holstein, 8138 Old Sunridge Drive, Manlius, NY 13104. The purpose for which the Company is formed is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which limited liability companies may be organized under the Limited Liability Company Law.

Notice of Formation of Chelsea Bridge LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 10/16/13. Office location: Onondaga County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 106 Charing Rd., DeWitt, NY 13214, principal business address. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Howard’s Red Barn, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/24/13. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 1744 State Route 49, Constantia, NY 13044. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Keith R Pickering, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 1-13-14. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 4790 Kasson Rd Syracuse NY 13215. Purpose: any lawful purpose. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LAKEDESIGN LLC (Under Section 206 of the Limited Liability Company Law) 1. The name of the limited liability company is LAKEDESIGN LLC. 2. The date of filing of the articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State was January 17, 2014.  The articles of

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organization became effective on that date. 3. The office of the limited liability company is located in Onondaga County. 4. The New York Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served.  The Secretary shall mail a copy of any process served to the limited liability company at the following address:   2424 West Lake Road, Skaneateles, New York 13152. 5. The purpose of the limited liability company shall be to transact any and all business which may be transacted legally by a limited liability company pursuant to the New York Limited Liability Company Law. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is :Photos by Tiffany, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 2/11/13. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 103 Thomas Road, Dewitt, NY 13214. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is 103 Thomas Road, Dewitt, NY 13214. The purpose of the business of the Company includes any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is HONEYWEALTH LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 10/02/2013. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 124 Berwyn Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 124 Berwyn Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: A2Z Janitorial Services LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 1/13/14. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business

location is: 223 Village Dr., Apt 1, Syracuse, NY 13206. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: c/o Trisha Wells, P.O. Box 11752, Syracuse, NY 13218. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: B.R.S Medical Transportation LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 12/2013. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 302 Burt ST. Syracuse, NY 13202. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 808 N. Townsend ST., Syracuse, NY 13208. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes.

Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Barefoot Transportation, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 1/31/2014. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 141 St Louis Ave, Syracuse, NY 13207. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: St Louis Ave, Syracuse, NY 13207. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: CirqOvation, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 10/04/2013 . The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 2470 State Route 11a, LaFayette, NY 13084. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 2470 State Route 11A, LaFayette, NY 13084. The purpose of the business

Syracuse New Times

of the Company includes: Entertainment and Education. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Double C Ag Trucking LLC . The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: October 28, 2013. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 2194 Apulia Rd, LaFayette, NY 13084. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: P.O. Box 4, Lafayette, NY 13084. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Frontline Technical Solutions, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 10/25/2013. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 212 Caroline Ave., Solvay, NY 13209. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 212 Caroline Ave., Solvay, NY 13209. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: HGD SYSTEMS LLC . The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 3/3/2011. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 4788 Four Seasons Dr., Liverpool, NY 13088. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 4788 Four Seasons Dr., Liverpool,NY 13088. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Salt City Miners. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of


New York (SSNY) on: 12/12/2013. The office of the company is located in: Onondaga County. The principal business location is: c/o The Tech Garden, 235 Harrison Street, Syracuse, NY, 13202. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: United States Corporation Agents, Inc. at 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Sprint Health Solutions, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 11/12/13 . The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 169 east 91 st, 8b, New York , NY 10128. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 169 east 91 st, 8b New York, NY 10128. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 7/1/13. The office of the company is located in: Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 2013 East Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 2013 East Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is:Piper Perfect Pet Sitting, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 11/19/2013. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is:

2.12.14 - 2.19.14



1 Athena Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: United States Corporation Agents, INC. 7014 13th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11228. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes.

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY.  NAME: HEATWAY, LLC.  Articles of organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on December 23, 2013.  Office location: County of Onondaga at 6544 Marra Lane, Cicero, New York 13039. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.  SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, PO BOX 3456, Syracuse, New York 13220  Purpose:  For any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of MANFREDI SYSTEMS LLC.  Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/22/2013. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: MANFREDI SYSTEMS LLC, 131 West Seneca Street, Manlius, NY 13104. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of SKINNYLAKE, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/30/13. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, P.O. Box 369, Skaneateles, NY 13152. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of WIRE ME HAPPY LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/5/13. Office location: Cortland County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 2019 Artemis Drive, Cortland, NY 13045. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Qualification of Merit Service Solutions, LLC. Authority filed with NY Dept. of State on 1/13/14. Office location: Onondaga County. LLC formed in DE on 7/28/11. NY Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to:


2.12.14 - 2.19.14

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c/o CT Corporation System, 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd. agent upon whom process may be served. DE address of LLC: 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Sec. of State, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: all lawful purposes. S U P P L E M E N TA L SUMMONS. Index No. 2013-3255. STATE OF NEW YORK. SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF ONONDAGA. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, -vs-THE HEIRS AT LARGE OF FRANCES A. SQUADRITO, deceased, and all persons who are wives, widows, grantees, mortgagees, lienors, heirs, devisees, distributees, successors in interest of such of them as may be dead, and their husbands and wives, heirs, devisees, distributees, and successors in interest all of whom and whose names and places are unknown to Plaintiff; JOSEPH SQUADRITO, JAMES GACEK, JOSEPHINE VALDES-ALVAREZ AND TANYA NAPIER ALL AS POSSIBLE HEIRS OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCES A. SQUADRITO, deceased; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; CROUSE HEALTH HOSPITAL DBA CROUSE HOSPITAL; ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL HEALTH CENTER; STATE OF NEW YORK BY AND THROUGH THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY; STATE OF NEW YORK; PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK O/B/O SYRACUSE CITY COURT; COMMUNITY GENERAL HOSPITAL OF GREATER SYRACUSE, INC.; THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK O/B/O SALINA TOWN COURT; “JOHN DOE” AND “JANE DOE” said names being fictitious, it being the intention of Plaintiff to designate any and all occupants of premises being foreclosed herein, Defendants. Mortgaged Premises: 516 DELMAR PLACE, SYRACUSE, NY 13208. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S): YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action and to serve a copy of your Answer on the plaintiff’s attorney within twenty (20) days of the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service of the same is complete where service is made in any manner other than by personal delivery within the State.

Syracuse New Times

The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service. Your failure to appear or answer will result in a judgment against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. In the event that a deficiency balance remains from the sale proceeds, a judgment may be entered against you, unless the Defendant obtained a bankruptcy discharge and such other or further relief as may be just and equitable. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. That this action is being amended to add the Heirs at Large of Frances A. Squadrito, deceased, Joseph Squadrito, James Gacek, Josephine Valdes-Alvarez, and Tanya Napier, as Possible Heirs of Frances A. Squadrito, deceased. That this action is also being amended to add New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, United States of America, Crouse Health Hospital dba Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph Hospital Health Center, State of New York by and through the State University of New York Upstate Medical Center, State of New York, People of the State of New York o/b/o Syracuse City Court, Community General Hospital of Greater Syracuse, Inc., and The People of the State of New York o/b/o Salina Town Court as necessary parties. ONONDAGA County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the mortgaged premises. Dated: December 23, 2013./s/____Mark K. Broyles, Esq. FEIN, SUCH & CRANE, LLP. Attorneys for Plaintiff Office and P.O. Address 28 East Main Street, Suite 1800, Rochester, New York 14614. Telephone No. (585) 232-

7400. (SECTION: 070, BLOCK: 13, LOT: 04.0). NATURE AND OBJECT OF ACTION. The object of the above action is to foreclose a mortgage held by the Plaintiff recorded in the County of ONONDAGA, State of New York as more particularly described in the Complaint herein. TO THE DEFENDANT, the plaintiff makes no personal claim against you in this action. To the above named defendants: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. Deborah H. Karalunas, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of N.Y., dated January 9, 2014 and filed along with the supporting papers in the Onondaga County Clerk’s Office. This is an action to foreclose a mortgage. The premises is described as follows: All that certain, lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of Salina, County of Onondaga, State of New York, designated as Lot No. 13, Block “M” Lyncourt Knolls according to a map filed in Onondaga County Clerk’s Office June 10, 1926. Premises known as 516 Delmar Place, Syracuse, N.Y. 13208. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK – COUNTY OF ONONDAGA INDEX # 4769/2012 FILED: 8/30/2012 SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS AND NOTICE. Plaintiff designates Onondaga County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgage premise is situated. WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff against CORY MORTON A/K/A CORY A. MORTON if he be living and if he be dead, the respective heirs-at-law, next-ofkin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignees, lienors, creditors and successors in interest and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or inheritance, any right, title or interest in or to the real property described in the Complaint, and UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, NYS TAX COMISSION, CITY COURT CLERK O/B/O PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, and “JOHN DOE” and “JANE DOE” the last two names being fictitious, said parties intended being tenants or occupants, if any, having or claiming an interest in, or lien upon the premises described in the complaint, NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE, UNITED


STATES OF AMERICA, Defendant(s) TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEYS FOR THE MORTGAGE COMPANY WHO FILED THIS FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT, A DEFAULT JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AND YOU CAN LOSE YOUR HOME. SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY OR GO TO THE COURT WHERE YOU CASE IS PENDING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON HOW TO ANSWER THE SUMMONS AND PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. SENDING A PAYMENT TO YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY WILL NOT STOP THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not serviced with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintiff’s attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); The United States of America, if designated as a Defendant in this action, may appear within (60) days of service thereof and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT: THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose on a mortgage which was recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Onondaga where the property is located on August 19, 2005 in Mortgage Liber 14502, Page 260. The subject mortgage was assigned by written agreement therefore to WELLS FARGO BANK, NA by assignment of mortgage dated August 3, 2011, covering premises known as 106 Candee Ave., Syracuse, NY 13224 (Section 38 Block 1 Lot 14). The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises

described above to satisfy the debt described above. To the above named Defendants: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. Deborah H. Karalunas, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, filed along with the supporting papers in the office of the Clerk of the County of Onondaga on 4/18/2013. This is an action to foreclose on a mortgage. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the City of Syracuse, County of Onondaga and State of New York. SECTION 38 BLOCK 1 LOT 14 said premises known as 106 Candee Ave., Syracuse, NY 13224. YOU ARE HEREBY PUT ON NOTICE THAT WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. By reason of the default in the payment of the monthly installment of principal and interest, among other things, as hereinafter set forth, Plaintiff, the holder and owner of the aforementioned note and mortgage, or their agents have elected and hereby accelerate the mortgage and declare the entire mortgage indebtedness immediately due and payable. The following amounts are now due and owing on said mortgage, no part of any of which has been paid although duly demanded: Entire principal Balance in the amount of $61,364.14 with accrued interest at 5.5% per annum from April 1, 2011 due and payable, plus interest as stated above, together with any advances made or to be made to protect plaintiff’s mortgage. UNLESS YOU DISPUTE THE VALIDITY OF THE DEBT, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER YOUR RECEIPT HEREOF THAT THE DEBT, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, IS DISPUTED, THE DEBTOR JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU AND A COPY OF SUCH VERIFICATION OR JUDGMENT WILL BE MAILED TO YOU BY THE HEREIN DEBT COLLECTOR. IF APPLICABLE, UPON YOUR PERIOD WRITTEN REQUEST, WITHIN SAID THIRTY (30) DAY , THE HEREIN DEBT COLLECTOR WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED A DISCHARGE FROM THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT, YOU ARE NOT PERSONALLY LIABLE

FOR THE UNDERLYING INDEBTEDNESS OWED TO PLAINTIFF/ CREDITOR AND THIS NOTICE/DISCLOSURE IS FOR COMPLIANCE AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE New York State requires that we send you this notice about the foreclosure process. Please read it carefully. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT You are in danger of losing your home. If you fail to respond to the summons and complaint in this foreclosure action, you may lose your home. Please read the summons and complaint carefully. You should immediately contact an attorney or your local legal aid office to obtain advice on how to protect yourself. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid, there are government agencies, and non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about possible options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by New York state Banking Department at 1-877-Bank-NYS or visit the Department’s website at www.banking.state.ny.us FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. Section 1303 NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving the copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you may lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case

is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING AN ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Kozeny, McCubbin & Katz, LLP f/k/a Law Offices of Jordan S. Katz, P.C., 395 North Service Rd., Ste 401, Melville, NY 11747 Our File 19251. The following vehicle: 1998 Ford Taurus vin# 1FAFP57UOWA156351 of: Daniiel Liberatore will be sold at 509 Mitchell Ave, Syracuse, NY 13208 at 10a on 2/28/14. The following vehicle: 1998 Pontiac Suburban vin# 1GMDU06E1WD306176 of: Rocky Massey & Michell J. Wade will be sold at 509 Mitchell Ave, Syracuse, NY 13208 at 10a on 2/28/14. The following vehicle: 2001, Chrysler Voyager Van vin# 1C4GJ25311B137724 of Samantha L. Neider will be sold at 509 Mitchell Ave, Syracuse, NY 13208 at 10a on 2/28/14. The following vehicle: 2003, Cadillac, vin# 1G6KD54Y93U265588 of Michael Peterson will be sold at: 509 Mitchell Ave, Syracuse, NY 13208 at 10a on 2/28/14.

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2009 Ford F250 Super Crew. 2013 Dodge Journey SXT 4x4 XLT All package. Kit, Package. wheelLiftdrive, customwith wheels Tires. V8 loaded power&equipment, engine onlyonly53,000 miles. 3rd row seat, 14,000 miles. Victory Blue Red Finish. finish.Everyone A real Imperial Texas $20,988. Cadillac! $24,988. F.X. Rides! F.X. CAPARA CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. COM 1-800-333-0530.

2014 Ford Escape SE Package. 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T Eco boost. sunroof, package. All4x4 the power toys. Chromes, loaded,6spd, onlyonly19,000 miles. stripes, 10,000 miles. Glossy White stonefinish. silver Bright Just finish. phat! Picture perfect! $25,988. F.X. $27,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyCAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530.

2011 Lexus LS250 sedan.EXT All 2007 Cadillac Escalade wheel drive, leather, hot/cold Luxury Package. Leather, seats, sunroof, onlychromes, 37,000 sunroof, navigation, miles.42,000 White diamond finish. So only miles. Pearl white finish. Find another one! So nice! $23,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. $30,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyCOM 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2012 Honda Ridgeline ìRTî Package. 4x4Sienna Full ìlimitedî power 2011 Toyota equipment. 10,000 all wheel drive,Only leather, sunroof,1 ownerduo, miles. black miles. finish. navi, onlyJet23,000 White diamond Sharp Showroom new! finish. $25,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. as a tack! $31,988. F.X. CAPARA FXCHEVY.COM WWW.FXCHEVY. 1-800-333-0530. Chevy-Buick COM 1-800-333-0530. 2014 Kia Sedona LX Package. LoadedJeep with power equipment. 2014 Patriot. Sport Quad seating, Package 4x4. Fullonly power7000 equip,1 owner miles. Glossy liquid silver automatic, alloys, only 8,000 1 owner miles. fun! Glossy sky blue finish. Family $21,988. F.X. finish. A real snow buster! CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. $20,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyFXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2013 Hyundai Elantra ìGLSî 1-800-333-0530. package. Full power equip, automatic, alloys, Impala only 15,000 2012 Chevy LS package. LoadedImperial with power miles. Glossy Blue equipment, newMPGís?! Chevy finish. Can alloys, you say trade, 29,000 Chevymiles. $14,988.only F.X. CAPRARA Jet finish. Wonít last Buickblack WWW.FXCHEVY.COM the weekend! $13,988. F.X. 1-800-333-0530. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2005 Jaguar XK8 convertible. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Leather, navigation, 19î wheels, 2013 Nissanmiles. XterraCyber package. only 52,000 gray 4x4 powerpicked equipment. finish.full A hand cherry! Roof racks,F.X. alloys. Only Chevy11,000 $20,988. CAPRARA 1Buick owner miles. Midnight black WWW.FXCHEVY.COM finish. Hospital clean! $23,988. 1-800-333-0530. F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick 2014 Toyota Camry1-800ìSEî WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Package. All the toys. Power 333-0530. sunroof, new body style, only 2006 XJ8 ìLî the 1700 Jaguar miles. Ruby RedAllfinish. toys. Leather, hot seats, sunroof, A real looker! $22,988. F.X. only 36,000 garage WWW. kept CAPRARA Chevy-Buick miles. Glossy sky blue finish. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Make your neighbors jealous! 2013 Cadillac Escalade. $16,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyLuxury package. Every option Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM leather, sunroof, duo, navi, 22ís, 1-800-333-0530. only 22,000 miles. Pearl white 2013Subaru Sedan finish. Make Imprezza your neighbors ìLimitedî leather F.X. seating, roof jealous! $56,988. CAPRARA racks, all wheel drive, only 8000 Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. miles. Glossy ruby red finish. COM 1-800-333-0530. Picture perfect! $22,988. F.X. 2013 Volvo C70 WWW. CPE CAPARA Chevy-Buick Convertible, leather, hardtop. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Over $47,000 new, only 1000 2012 25000 Crew miles, Chevy YES 1000 miles.HD Imperial Cab ìLTZîJust Z71Phat! prg. $35,988. Leather, blue4x4 finish. 20î duramax, diesel, F.X. wheels, CAPRARA Chevy-Buick only 12,000 miles. Jet 1-800black WWW.FXCHEVY.COM finish. Its got eyes! $48,988. F.X. 333-0530. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2014 VW Passat SE Sedan. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Loaded with power equipment. 2014 Ford F250 Super crew Leather, automatic, only 14,000 XL package. 4x4 power miles. Jet black finish. pack Ride trailer tow, only $19,488. 200 miles, yes, in comfort! F.X. 200 miles. Victory Red finish. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Find another one! $33,988. F.X. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530.

2012 Ford Ford F150 F250 super Supercrew. cab. 2013 4x4 XL Package. Full power XLT Package. 4x4 Loaded with equipment. 7 Ω Western Plow. power equipment. Only 11,000 Only 38,000 miles. Vistory Red miles. Stone gray finish. Winter finish. Ready 4 work! $29,488. is $28,988. F.X. CAPARA F.X.here!CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800COM 1-800-333-0530. 333-0530.

2013 2012 Dodge Dodge Ram Ram2500 1500crew SLT cab SLT4dr Package. Loaded Quad4x4 cab 4x4 AWD. YES with power equipment, trailer itís a Hemi! Loaded with the tow, only 13,000 Bright full power group.miles. Only 26,000 white Ready for work or miles. finish. 1 owner, dark blue pleasure! F.X. absolute CAPARA metallic $31,988. finish. An Chevy-Buick dream truck! WWW.FXCHEVY. $25,988. F.X. COM 1-800-333-0530. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Chevy Avalanche ìZ71î package. 4x4. A6 Loaded with toys, 2011 Audi Quattro 4dr. leather Loaded seating with theonly full 45,000 power miles. silver finish. Sharp groupLiquid including Navigation. A1 as a tack! $27,988. CAPARA owner garage keptF.X. smoke free Chevy-Buick car. Fresh out ofWWW.FXCHEVY. the Hamptons, COM only 1-800-333-0530. 32,000 miles. Gun metal gray metallic! $32,988. F.X. 2013 GMC Acadia WWW. SLT CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Package. All 1-800-333-0530. wheel drive. FXCHEVY.COM Leather, hot seats, Quads, 3rd 2013only Buick Enclave All seat, 16,000 miles.CXL. Bright wheel finish. drive.Sharp Absolutely full white as a tack! of powerF.X.options, $33,988. CAPARA leather, Chevymoon, navigation, hot seats, Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM only 16,000 miles. Former GM 1-800-333-0530. company car, crimson red tint 2013 Chevy coat. A real fatty! Impala $39,888. ìLTî F.X. CAPRARA with Chevy-Buick WWW. Loaded toys, power FXCHEVY.COM sunroof, alloys,1-800-333-0530. spoiler, only 21,000 miles. Glossy summit 2012 Cadillac CTS 2drlast coupe. white finish. Wonít the All wheel drive. Just off GM weekend! $15,988. F.X. lease. Only 16,000 miles. Garage CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. kept black beauty, this is one FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. outstanding looking vehicle. Donít miss it! Absolutely 2011 Dodge Ram 3500stuffed crew with 4x4 options! $32,888. F.X. cab SLT package. Duelly, CAPRARA diesel, Chevy-Buick Cummins loaded,WWW. only FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 46,000 miles. Cyber gray finish. Ready 4 work or pleasure! 2014 Chevrolet Camaro $36,988. F.X. Automatic CAPARA ChevyConvertible. with Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM lots of power options. Only 1-800-333-0530. 1,600 miles YES 1,600 miles. Black on buy2500hd. nearly 2012 GMCBlack, Sierra new and Why Crew Cabsave 4x4.thousands! SLT Package, pay sticker?! $31,888. F.X. leather, hot seats, navigation, CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 20î wheels, only 12,000 miles. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Bright white finish. Oh Baby!

$38,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy2010 Dodge Challenger. R/T Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM AND YES itís a Hemi. So sit back 1-800-333-0530. and enjoy the acceleration. Only 10,000 miles. 1 owner, 2012 Avenger. SE garage Dodge kept, bright orange package. Loaded finish. Look like itwith justpower came equipment, automatic, out of a museum! $28,988.only F.X. 33,000 miles. Glossy Atomic CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. orange finish. 1-800-333-0530. Picture perfect! FXCHEVY.COM $12,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2013 Dodge Durango Crew. 4x4 7 passenger, leather, hot 1-800-333-0530. seats and full of power options. 2013 Frontier. Crew 13,000Nissan miles. Yes 13,000 miles. cab 4x4 SU package. Jet black finish and itsLoaded pretty with as a power picture!equipment Donít missonly it!! 11,000 miles glossy jetChevyblack $29,988. F.X. CAPRARA finish. Sharp as a tack! $24,988. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick 1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800333-0530.

2002 BMW FordX5 Sport. Thunderbird. 2013 All the A true Leather, movie star,panoramic museum toys. quality, 20,000 miles. 1 sunroof, only 18,000 owner, owner two tops, brighttuxedo canary yellow miles. Glossy black finish. Make Youíll your travelneighbors all over finish. the country and F.X. never find jealous! $41,988. CAPARA a nicer one. WWW.FXCHEVY. Go ahead and Chevy-Buick spoil yourself! $22,888. F.X. COM 1-800-333-0530. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2013 Chevy Tahoe LT Package. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 4x4 All the toys. Leather, hot 2013 sunroof, GMC duo, Yukon Denali seats, only 19,000 AWD Ruby absolutely the Family cream miles. red finish. of the$38,988. crop, quads, leather, Fun! F.X. CAPARA moon, navigation, DVD Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Entertainment, 20in wheels, COM 1-800-333-0530. just a true handsome ride. Only 2013 1500 glossy Quad 8,000 Dodge miles. Ram 1 owner, Cab Yea its$51,888. got a Hemi. silver4x4.finish! F.X. 20î wheels,Chevy-Buick trailer tow, loaded. CAPRARA WWW. Only 5000 miles. Cyber gray FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. finish. So SO nice! $27,988. F.X. 2006 Jaguar XJ8. Long WWW. wheel CAPARA Chevy-Buick base. An impeccable ride. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Garage kept with every bell 2011 Audi A6 Sedan Quattro. and whistle, only 36,000 miles Loaded leather, hot in brightwith bluetoys, finish, go ahead seats, navigation, only and sunroof, make your neighbors 31,000 Jet F.X. black finish. jealous!miles. $17,888. CAPRARA Make your neighbors jealous!! Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. $35,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyCOM 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2009 Mercedes E350 4matic. 1-800-333-0530. Leather, moon, all wheel drive, 2013 Ford Only Taurus SEL.miles. All just traded. 28,000 wheel drive. trade, Leather, hot seats, Local owner bright white sunroof, navigation. flawless! Only finish. Absolutely 18,000 SterlingChevyGray $24,988.miles. F.X. CAPRARA finish. ultimate road car! Buick TheWWW.FXCHEVY.COM $23,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2013 Mercedes C300 4matic, 1-800-333-0530. all wheel drive, leather, moon, 2011 Jeep Gr Cherokee navigation, only 14,000Laredo miles. 4x4. Was Full usedpower as a equipment, Mercedes chrome wheels,Was only 27,000 loaner vehicle. 7 down to pampered miles. army 3. Donít miss the Glossy opportunity. green finish. Hospital clean! Absolutely a fabulous buy! $24,988. CAPARA Chevy$32,888. F.X. CAPRARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530.

2012 Lexus RX 350 SUV All 2014 GMC Acadia SLT Package. wheel drive. Leather, hot seats, All wheel drive. Leather, 3rd row sunroof, 41,000 quad seats, only miles. 14,000Glossy miles. gold mistBlue finish. So Sharp So nice! Imperial finish. as $33,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevya tack! $37,988. F.X. CAPRARA Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 1-800-333-0530. COM 1-800-333-0530. 2012 Chevy GrAvalanche LT 2014 Dodge Caravan ìSRTî Package 4x4. Loaded with package. Loaded with power power equipment. Only 21,000 equipment. Sto & Go quads miles. Glossy miles. VictoryCrystal red finish. only 14,000 Red Picture Perfect! finish. Family Fun!$29,988. $22,988. F.X. F.X. CAPARA CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Chevy-Buick WWW. WWW. FXCHEVY.COM FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 200 F250 Super Crew 2013Ford Ford Fusion ìSEî package. ìXLTî Package. 4x4 sunroof, Loaded New body style. Power Fx4 rare V10 engineGlossy only onlyPkg15,000 miles. 16,000 miles.finish. GlossyShowroom graystone graystone finish find another one! new! $19,988. F.X. CAPRARA $26,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyChevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2012 Chevy Explorer. Limited 2013 Avenger conversionDodge van. All wheel drive, SXT package. power over $79,000 new.Full Stuffed with equipment, alloys. Only toys, fade paint. Only 7,000 10,000 1 owner miles, glossy miles. A must see! $47,988. F.X. imperial finish. Wonít last CAPRARAblue Chevy-Buick WWW. the weekend! 1-800-333-0530. $15,988. F.X. FXCHEVY.COM CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2012 Toyota 1-800-333-0530. Tundra Double FXCHEVY.COM cab ìTRDî package. 5.7L engine, 2013 Dodge Durango ìCrewî matching cap, only 22,000 Prg. wheel miles.All Victory Reddrive, finish.leather, Its got hot 3rd row 18,000 eyes!seats, $29,988. F.X.only CAPRARA miles. Jet black finish. Everyone Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. rides! $27,988. F.X. CAPARA COM 1-800-333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530.

2014 Ford Chrysler All 2013 F150 Ext300c cab 4x4 wheel drive leather, hot seats, XLT package. Eco boot engine, navigation, only 5000 miles. factory black wheel, only Glossy mile. imperial blue finish, finish. 16,000 Jet black Ridephat! in luxury! $30,988. F.X. just $30,988. F.X. CAPARA CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. COM 1-800-333-0530. 2007 Chevy Dodge2500 RamHD 1500 2009 RegQuad Cab cab Full 4x4power Big equip, horn package. 4x4 alloys, 8í Hemi, 20î wheels, only 52,000 box, 8í Fisher Plow, only 68,000 miles. Sterling gray finish. A real miles. Jet black finish. Ready for looker! $17,988. F.X. CAPRARA work or pleasure! $21,988. F.X. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. COM 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2014 Chevy Tahoe LT Package. 2013 Dodgehot Ram 2500 Crew 4x4 leather, seats, sunroof, Cab 4x4 Big Package duo player, onlyHorn 17,000 miles. loaded with toys,Find trailer tow, Jet black finish. another only miles. Bright white one! 22,000 $42,988. F.X. CAPRARA finish. Sharp as aWWW.FXCHEVY. tack! $30,988. Chevy-Buick F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick COM 1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-8002010 Mercedes C300 333-0530. Automatic, loaded with toys, leather, hot seats, sunroof, only 2013 Toyota Avalon ìXLEî 32,000 miles. package. New Glossy body sterling design, gray finish. A hand picked leather, hot seats, only 16,000 cherry! $20,988. CAPRARA miles. Tuxedo F.X. black finish. Chevy-Buick Ride in Luxury!WWW.FXCHEVY. $26,988. F.X. COM 1-800-333-0530. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Cadillac Escalade. Premium package. Every 2013 Toyota Tacona Ext available option. Over $76,000 cab 4x4. Loaded with power new. Former GM company equipment, auto only 6,000 car. Only 26,000 miles. Silver miles YES 6,000 Bright ice finish. Save miles, Thousands! white finish. Wonít last the $56,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevyweekend! $25,988. F.X. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Dodge Ram 1500 2013 Chevy crew Crew Cab 4x42500HD ìSportî Hemi, cab Lt package 20î 4x4 chromes, consoleloaded shift, with toys, only Duramax navigation, 3000 Diesel, miles. Rare bed, only 17,000 Bright8í white finish. Just miles. phat! $33,988. CAPRARA ChevySilver Ice F.X. finish. Ready for any Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM application! $42,988. F.X. 1-800-333-0530. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2012 Chevy Silverado 1500 Reg Cab W/T package, 2013 Ford4x4. TranSit connect 8í box van V8 engine, new 71/2 cargo XLT package full Westernequipment, Plow only power dual 23,000 doors, miles.2,000 Bright only miles.White Bright Finish. white Ready 4The work! $22,988. are F.X. finish. possibilities CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. endless! $21,488. F.X. CAPARA FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 20101-800-333-0530. Ford Fusion ìSELî package. All wheel drive, 2011 Mercedes GLK350 leather, hot seats,Benz sunroof, only A-matic, leather, seating, 29,000 miles. Sterling Gray loaded, 39,000 pampered finish. Soonly SO nice! $17,988. F.X. miles. Tuxedo black WWW. finish. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Hospital clean!1-800-333-0530. $27,988. F.X. FXCHEVY.COM CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2008 Cadillac1-800-333-0530. OTS Luxury FXCHEVY.COM package. Leather, chrome 2007 Mercury Gr. Marquis OS wheels, carriage top, only 34,000 miles. Glossywith pearlpower white Package Loaded finish. Ride in luxury! $20,988. equipment, only 58,000 miles. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Glossy stone silver finish. Wonít WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800last the weekend! $8,988. F.X. 333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW. CAPARA FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Dodge Avenger SXT Package. Loaded 2011 Nissan Titanwith Ringpower Cab equipment, alloys,Loaded remote start, 4x4 SE Package. with not a rental car, only 27,000 equipment, auto, alloys, tow, miles.35,000 Laser blue finish. Wonít only miles. Silver Ice last the weekend! $14,988. F.X. Finish priced to sell! $21,488. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800333-0530. 2007Ford F150 Super crew 4x4 XLT Package. Loaded with 2012 Chevy 1500 CrewGlossy Cab toys, only 40,000 miles. 4x4 Package. Leather, hot silverìLTZî Ice finish. Sharp as a tack! seats, 20îF.X. wheels, only Chevy29,000 $20,988 CAPRARA miles. Peach white finish. Oh Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Baby! $31,988. F.X. CAPARA 1-800-333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530.

2006 Jaguar XJ8 ìLî All the toys, 2013 Chrysler Town & leather, hotTouring. seats, sunroof, only Country Package 36,000 miles. Glossy blue Leather, Quads, DropskyDown Duo, 15,000 miles. Glossy finish.only Make your neighbors Stone finish.F.X. Family Fun! jealous!Silver $16,988. CAPRARA $23,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyChevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2012 Honda Ridgeline ìRTî 2011 Kia 4x4 Rio loaded Sedan with LX package. Package. Full power Equipment power equipment. Only 5000 Automatic, onlymiles. 45,000 miles. YES 5000 Jetmiles. black New trade clean! atomic$25,988. orange finish.car Hospital finish. Wonít last the weekend! F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick $9,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyWWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800Buick 333-0530.WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2012 Jeep Liberty Sport 2012 VW Routan ìSEî package package. 4x4, full power all the toys, leather, quad equipment, alloys, only 26,000 seats, duo, only 9,000 miles. miles. Bright white finish. Snow Former VW company car. Jet Buster!finish. $17,988. CAPRARA black SaveF.X.thousands! Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. $21,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyCOM 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Kia Sorrento ìLXî Package 4x4 Loaded withQuad toys, 2012 Dodge Ram 1500 alloys, 3rdloaded row seat, only cab 4x4 yea, its 34,000 got a miles. 20îchrome Glossy ginwheels, metal only gray HEMI! finish. Priced sell! $16,988. 14,000 miles. to Atomic Orange F.X. Its CAPRARA Chevy-Buick finish. got eyes! $28,488. F.X. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2014 GMC Yukon SLT Package. 2013 GMC Yukon ìSLTî package loaded with 4x4 leather4x4 seating, hot seats, power Leather, 3rd row equipment. only 6000 miles. YES heated, only 18,000 miles. Jet 6000 miles. Jet black finish. black finish. A black Beauty! Everyone rides! $39,988. F.X. $36,988. CAPARA ChevyCAPRARA F.X. Chevy-Buick WWW. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Cadillac CTS Sedan all 2008 Sierra 1500 Ext Cab wheelGMC drive, leather, loaded, 4x4 full power Curtis sunroof, only equip, 14,00071Ωowner plow. Only 6,000 miles, yes miles. Tuxedo black finish. Ride 6,000 Graystone finish. in style!miles! $29,988. F.X. CAPRARA Find another one! $21,988. F.X. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. COM 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2009 Cadillac Escalade Luxury 2013 Mercedes C300 4matic package stuffed with toys. 22î AWD Leather, moonroof, hot wheels,only duo,17,000 navi, only 39,000 seats, miles. Just miles. Pearl lease. whiteAnfinish. Oh off Mercedes absolute Baby! $36,988. F.X. CAPRARA dream car. In gun metal finish. Chevy-Buick Go ahead andWWW.FXCHEVY. spoil yourself! COM 1-800-333-0530. $32,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2012 Dodge Ram. 15000 Quad 1-800-333-0530. Cab 4x4 Loaded. Yea, its got a hemi,Ford 20î chrome wheels, 2013 F150 Crew Cab only 4 dr 19,000 Silver iceloaded finish. 4x4 XLTmiles. Package and A realpower looker!equipment. $24,988. F.X. with 5.0 CAPRARA Chevy-Buick V8 only 15,000 miles. JetWWW. Black FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. finish and pretty as a picture! $28,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy2013 Buick Verano Conv Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM prg, leather, loaded, alloys, 1-800-333-0530. only 15,000 1 owner miles. 2014 Kia Sorrento All Picture wheel Gun metal gray finish. drive AND loadedF.X. with power perfect! $20,988. CAPRARA options. Only WWW.FXCHEVY. 10,000 miles. Chevy-Buick Yes miles. Glossy silver COM10,000 1-800-333-0530. 2012 finish. Save60 thousands from Volvo XC. All wheel drive. new! $22,988. F.X. CAPARA Leather, heated power Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. moonroof, absolutely full of COM power1-800-333-0530. options, only 12,000 miles. 1Range owner, jet black finish, 2013 Rover Sport and sharp as Oh a tack! package 4x4. what$29,888. a ride, F.X. CAPRARA leather, moon, Chevy-Buick navigation, WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800DVD entertainment. Absolutely 333-0530. stuffed with toys. Only 11,000 miles. Glossy silver finish. A true 2011 Audi A6 Quattro. All sight for sore eyes! $59,988. wheel CAPARA drive, leather, moon, F.X. Chevy-Buick navigation, only 32,000 WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-1 owner, non smoker, bright 333-0530. silver metallic finish, black leather,Mercedes so pretty! E350 $32,888. F.X. 2011 Cabrio CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Convertible. Yes, yes,WWW. yes, leather, hot seats, navigation, FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. wheels, only 19,000 miles. 1 owner, fresh out of the

2013 Audi All Premium Hamptons. Jet road black super wagon $43,888. Quattro. AllF.X. wheel drive sharp! CAPARA with every option but running Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. water!1-800-333-0530. Only 14,000 miles. Jet COM black and silver tutone finish. 2013 Chevrolet LT The perfect northSuburban country ride! 4x4 with allF.X. theCAPRARA goodies. Heated $38,888. Chevyleather, moon roof, dual Buick power WWW.FXCHEVY.COM rear end DVD Entertainment 1-800-333-0530. systems, navigation, only 2013 BMW wheel 22,000 miles.528xi. BrightAll Bronze drive, leather, hot seats, metallic finish, real power sharp! moon, only $39,988. F.X. 13,000 CAPARAmiles. Chevy-1 owner. Dark charcoal finish. A Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM true head turner! $42,888. F.X. 1-800-333-0530. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2013 Chevrolet Equinox FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. LT and loaded with power 2011 Cadillac CTS Coupe options, only 11,000 miles. 2dr. Jet black exterior with matching All wheel drive. Only 33,000 black balance all miles. 1interior, owner. Jet black of finish. new warranties, absolutely This car is a 10! Donít miss it. gorgeous! $22,988. Pretty as a picture! $26,888. F.X. CAPARA CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530.

2013 Cadillac SRX AllCXL. wheel Buick Enclave All drive package. wheel with drive.luxury Leather, pano Only miles. 1only owner and roof, 17,000 navigation, 16,000 loaded power 3rd miles. with Former 6moptions, company seat, navigation system,finish. etc, car. Sparkling burgundy etc. Brightwheels, gray metallic a Chrome superpaint, sharp! true prize F.X. winner! $37,488. F.X. $39,988. CAPRARA ChevyCAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Buick Lacrosse, 2014 Chevrolet Silverado. absolutely loaded, loaded, Crew cab, 4x4 ìLTZî package, all wheel drive Company Car, leather, heated, sunroof, leather, wheels, justOnly too wheels,chrome absolutely loaded. much to mention, only 8,000 2,000 miles. Was over $48,000, miles. 8,000 miles. just 2 Yes, months ago. TheirBright loss, white leather, 6cylengine. your gray savings. $39,888. F.X. The real deal! $30,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Dodge Journey All wheel 2014 Patriot 4x4 drive, 3rdJeep seat and full of power Automatic with8,000 lots miles. of power options. Only Yes options. Only Jet 4,000 miles, yes 8,000 miles. black finish. 4,000 blue metallic Wonítmiles. last Bright at $20,888. F.X. finish. BuyChevy-Buick nearly newWWW. and CAPRARA save thousands! $19,988. F.X. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2013 Toyota1-800-333-0530. Corolla LE. FXCHEVY.COM 4dr Automatic with power 2013 JeepandGr locks Cherokee. windows, only Limited 4x4 and absolutely 25,000 miles, receive balance stuffed with powerGun options. of factory warranty. metal Only 1 owner, gray 2,000 metallicmiles finish. Super leather, pano F.X. moonroof, clean! $14,888. CAPRARA navigation, absolutely Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. gorgeous in gun metal gray COM 1-800-333-0530. finish! $36,988. F.X. CAPARA 2014 Ford Expedition Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. ìLimitedî 4x4 Leather, heated COM 1-800-333-0530. and full of factory options. 2013 Dodgemiles. Durango Crew Only 10,000 Just traded 4x4 heated front and gun Leather, metal. Gray metallic. An rear seats,steal 3rd at seat, power F.X. lift absolute $39,988. gate, wheels, XM radio, 18,000 CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. miles. Jet black/black leather. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. So Pretty! $29,988. F.X. CAPARA 2014 Ford Escape SE All wheel Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. drive and 1-800-333-0530.2013 loaded with goodies. COM Only Transit 10,000Connect miles. Yes, Ford Van10,000 Auto, miles. Jet only black2,000 finishmiles. withYes, jet air, stereo, black miles. interior. Buy white nearlyfinish. new 2,000 Bright Was sittingthousands! in another$25,888. dealers and save inventory awd never sold. His F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick loss is your gain! $20,888. F.X. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800CAPARA 333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Subaru Forester Limited 2012 Cadillac Escalade ext all wheel drive, leather, heated, AWD EVERY option but running power moonroof, navigation, water. Only 12,000 Yes, only 11,000 miles, miles. diamond 12,000 miles. 1 eye owner, jet white finish. A true pleaser! black leather, power Chevymoon, $27,888. F.X. CAPRARA navigations, 22in wheels, a Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM true head turner! $49,988. F.X. 1-800-333-0530. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530.

Syracuse New Times

2013 Audi InfinitiA6Q56 all wheel 2011 Quattro 4 dr drive. 7heated passenger. leather, seats, Every, pano YES, every option. Leather, moon roof, navigations, only moon, miles. navigation, DVD 35,000 1 owner, garage entertainment, boards, kept cream puff. Jet factory black 20in wheels, bright burgundy with black leather interior. finish. 9,000 miles. Absolutely Absolutely sharp as a tack! none nicer! $58,888. F.X. $34,988. CAPARA ChevyCAPRARA F.X. Chevy-Buick WWW. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Dodge Ram 2500. æ ton 2013 Volvo Platinum crew cab. 4dr. XC90 4x4 ìDieselî OH edition, leather, power pano yes, another hard to find diesel. AWD Loaded with goodies, moon roof, navigation, rear only entertainment, 10,000 miles. 1rear owner, DVD end bright Entertainment red finish. for Chrome DVD the wheels, Oh F.X. children, 3rdYeah! seat, $39,988. bright white CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. finish, cashmere leather, a true FXCHEVY.COM one of a kind!1-800-333-0530. $34,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick 2013 Ford F250 crewWWW. cab. FXCHEVY.COM 4dr 4x4 XLT 1-800-333-0530. Package. AWD loaded with equipment, 2013 Subaru Legacy Premium including power stroke diesel all wheelonly drive ANDmiles. full of1 engine, 20,000 power Only finish, 7,000 owner options. bright white miles. Yes, 7,000$42,888. miles. Gun real handsome! F.X. metal gray Chevy-Buick metallic finish. Was CAPRARA WWW. FXCHEVY.COM Subaru dealer1-800-333-0530. demo, their loss is your gain! $21,888. F.X. 2013 Dodge Dart SXT 4dr. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Automatic and loaded with FXCHEVY.COM options. Only1-800-333-0530. 12000 miles. Yes, 1200 miles. BrightSEred 2011 Nissan Armada 7 finish buy nearly new and passenger V8 4x4 leather, save thousands! $17,888. F.X. moonroof, trailer tow, and full CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. of goodies, only1-800-333-0530. 32,000 miles. 1 FXCHEVY.COM owner. Gun gray metallic finish. 2013 Toyota 4dr 4x4 Wonít last atTacoma $29,988. F.X. AutomaticChevy-Buick AWD loadedWWW. with CAPARA equipment. 2in lift oversize FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. tires.Caprara Looks so pretty! Only315144 FX Auto Gallery miles. Never sold by Toyota 298-0015 FXChevy.com store. Their loss, your saving! $33,888. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy2013 Toyota Tundra 4x4 4dr Buick cab WWW.FXCHEVY.COM crew p/u V8, with plenty 1-800-333-0530. of power options. Only 14,000 miles. YES, 14,000 miles bright 2014engine Jeep redGrfinish. Cherokee fire Save ìOverland Editionî 4x4$29,988. leather, thousands from new! heated pano roof, navigation, F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick absolutely stuffed, only 1-8005,000 WWW.FXCHEVY.COM miles. Jet black finish on black 333-0530. leather. Wonít last at $42,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick 2013 Toyota Highlander 4x4 WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800loaded with power options, 333-0530. AWD, just traded on a new 2012Only Ford F250.miles Lariat Super one. 19,000 1 owner, Cab P/u. of æ ton V8 AWD loaded balance all warranties, gun with options. Only 6,000. metal metallic finish! Miles. Real Yes, 6,000 miles.F.X.1 CAPARA owner, Pretty! $27,888. bright white/silver tutone Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. finish. Cashmere leather, a true COM 1-800-333-0530. Texas Cadillac! $37,988. F.X. CAPRARA WWW. 2013 VW Chevy-Buick Touareg Loaded FXCHEVY.COM with all the right1-800-333-0530. stuff including all wheel leather, moon, 2014 Jeepdrive, Compass Sport 4x4 hot only 17,000 miles. 1 onlyseats, 14,000 miles. Automatic owner in bright blue goodies. metallic and full of power finish! at $30,988. Bright Wonít blue last finish. All new body style, buy nearly new and F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick save thousands! $19,888. F.X. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 VW Beetle Coupe 2013 GMCand Terrain All Automatic full ofSLE power wheel drive and 9,000 full of power goodies. Only miles. goodies. Only 18,000 miles. Yes, 9,000 miles. 1 owner all Sparkling burgundy new body style bright finish. white Gray cloth interior. finish and clean as Absolutely a whistle. clean as a whistle! $22,888. F.X. $17,888. F.X. CAPARA ChevyCAPRARA WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick WWW. Buick FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Toyota Jeep Tacoma Patriot 4x4 4x4 2012 Automatic with of power automatic, air lots conditioner, options. Only 17,000 miles. stereo cd, bed liner, only 1 owner, glossy silver finish. 12,000 Yes, 12,000 miles. Garagemiles. kept, real clean! 1$18,988. owner, jet finish. New F.X. black CAPRARA Chevytruck trade! Super Sharp! Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM $20,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530.


SLT 8 GMC AllYukon road Wagon 2013 Audi passenger leather, heated Quattro All 4x4 wheel drive leather, seats, 3rd row, wheels, boards, moonroof, and absolutely only 26,000 Jet black loaded with miles. options. Only finish. Amiles true 1favorite! $35,988. 14,000 owner, jet black/ F.X. tutone CAPRARA silver finish.Chevy-Buick Go ahead WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800F.X. make her happy! $38,988. 333-0530. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2010 Mercedes C300 4dr, leather, heated power , 2013 Chevrolet All moonroof, factoryTraverse navigation, wheel drivemiles. ìLTZî package. only 31,000 Local owner, Leather, moonroof, DVD trade bright white finish. A true entertainment, crowd pleaser! wheels, $19,988.NAV, F.X. every option but running CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. water. Only 17,000 miles. Was FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. a ìGM Company Carî over 2010 Chevrolet Equinox. $46,000 MSRP a great buy at AutomaticF.X.and full of Chevypower $33,988. CAPARA equipment. 31,000 miles. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Local owner trade. Ruby Red 1-800-333-0530. metallic AWD clean as a whistle.

$15,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Buick coupe, WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Hemi leather, moon, 1-800-333-0530. automatic, only 10,000 miles. YES miles. SE 1 owner, 201210,000 VW Passat 4 dr. garage a true movie star. Leather,kept, heated, automatic, In hugger orange finish! Donít 23,000 miles 1 owner, local F.X. CAPARA wait! trade, $26,988. German engineering at its best! $15,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530. COM 1-800-333-0530 2010 Lexus RX350 All wheel 2012 Chevy Silverado 1500 drive, leather, moonroof, Reg Cab 4x4 W/T Package. navigation, only 31,000 miles. 1 8í Box,garage V8 engine. NewLexus 7 Ω owner, kept, new Base Plow. miles. trade! LooksOnly new! 23,000 $30,888. F.X. Bright white finish. Ready 4 CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. work or pleasure! $22,988. F.X. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Mazda CX9 Touring all 2013 drive, Cadillac ATS with Luxury wheel loaded all Sedan. All wheel the goodies, only drive, 16,000leather, miles. polished wheels, only YES 16,000 miles. 1 8000 owner1 owner miles. Silver finish. Ice finish. gun metal metallic Get F.X. Ride in ready forluxury! winter! $30,988. $24,888. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM

2013 GMC Yukon ìDenaliî 2008 GMC Sierra 1500 Ext Every available option. Leather, Cab 4x4 W/t trailer sunroof, duo, Package, navi, quads, tow, 4.8Lengine. New miles. tires, chromes, only 8000 only miles.JustGlossy Liquid 48,000 silver finish. phat! blue granite Won’t last F.X. finish. CAPRARA Chevy$51,988. the $18,988. F.X. Buickweekend! WWW.FXCHEVY.COM CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2010 Ford F250 Super Cab 4x4 XLT Package. 4x4 Loaded 2011 Dodge Durango “Heat” with power equipment. Power Package. All wheel drive, power stroke diesel. 33,000 miles. sunroof, 20”Only wheels, only Victorymiles. Red Inferno finish. So 25,000 red Sharp! finish. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy$32,988. Picture perfect! $25,988. F.X. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad 2011 Ford F350 Crew Cab Cab 4x4 SLT Package. Full “King DieselWheels/ stuffed powerRanch” 6í lift.4x4 Custom leather, sunroof, navigation, Tires. Only 46,000 miles. only miles.JustGlossy Bright 28,000 white finish. phat! Burnt orange finish. Just Phat! $18,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy$42,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Jeep Wrangler 2pc Sport 4x4 Loaded with power 2012 Nissan Armada “SJ” equipment.4x4 Auto,loaded 2 tops, with only package. 22,000 equipment. miles. Burnt3rd orange power row finish.only A real looker! $23,988. seat, 30,000 miles. Glossy F.X.black CAPRARA Chevy-Buick jet finish. Everyone rides! WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800$26,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Buick 1-800-333-0530. 2014 BMW X1 SUV All wheel drive, leather, hot seats, panel 2013 Chevy Traverse. “LTZ” roof, only 10,000 1 owner miles. Package all wheel drive leather, Bright white finish. Make your dual sunroofs, drop down neighbors jealous! $33,988. duo 15,000Chevy-Buick miles. Jet F.X. only CAPRARA black finish. Save thousands! WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800$34,988. 333-0530. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530.

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and intimacy. In practicing the art of love, it’s one of the most potent moves you can make. This Valentine season would be an excellent time for you Leos to explore the frontiers of what’s possible through prolonged eye contact. Start here: Cultivate a sincere desire to know what’s simmering inside the souls of your dearest allies. With that as your driving force, your gaze won’t be clouded by shyness or self-consciousness.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Do you feel oppressed by Valentine’s Day? Maybe you’re single and reject the cultural bias that says being in an intimate relationship is the healthy norm. Or maybe you’re part of a couple but are allergic to the cartoonish caricatures of romance that bombard you during the Valentine marketing assault. If you’d rather consecrate love and intimacy in your own unique way, untainted by the stereotypes flying around, I invite you to rebel. Make this the year you overthrow the old ways and start a new tradition: Valentine’s Day 2.0. Mock sappy, sentimental expressions of romance even as you carry out futuristic experiments in radically slaphappy love.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) “I prefer an ecstatic orgasm to a lot of angst,” says Filipino artist David Medalla. I hope you consider making that your battle cry during this Valentine season. It would be in rapt harmony with the current cosmic omens. There really is no need for you to get sidelined by anxiety or distracted by stress when the natural remedy is so easily available. In every way you can imagine, Virgo, fight off sourness and dourness by engaging in acts of joy and pleasure.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

AQ 1.



“I have come to be fascinated with the messiness of desire,” writes novelist Ashley Warlick, “with the ways people fit themselves together, take themselves apart for each other, for want of each other, for want of some parts of each other.” Your assignment, Pisces, is to celebrate the messiness of desire; to not just grudgingly accept it as an inconvenience you’ve got to tolerate, but rather to marvel at it, be amused by it, and appreciate it for all the lessons it provides. Your motto this Valentine season could be, “I bless the messy largesse of my longing.”

20 - 2.18

ARIES (March 21-April 19) In her TED talk, science writer Mary Roach

made it clear that human beings don’t need genital stimulation to experience orgasms. She spoke of a woman who routinely reaches ecstatic climax by having her eyebrows caressed, and another woman who reaches the big O simply by brushing her teeth. Then there’s the woman who can simply think herself into coming, no physical touch necessary. I can’t guarantee that a similar aptitude will suddenly turn on in you, Aries, but the coming days could bring you as close as you have ever been. Right now you’re a connoisseur of deep pleasure -- a blessed bliss master.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) “The fact that someone else loves you doesn’t rescue you from the

project of loving yourself,” writes blogger Sahaj Kohli. Nothing else rescues you from that quest, either, I would add. Sooner or later, whether it’s now or 20 years in the future, you will have to master this fine art. It’s not enough to merely feel affection for yourself; not enough to seek pleasure and avoid pain. You’ve got to make extensive investigations to discover what it means to love yourself; you have to develop rigorous plans for how to accomplish it; and you must fire up a deep commitment as you actually carry out those plans. By the way, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to work on mastering this fine art.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) “Drunk with my madness, I shouted at him furiously, ‘Make life beautiful! Make life beautiful!’” So says a character in a prose poem by Charles Baudelaire. And now, even though I am neither drunk nor furious nor consumed with madness, I am whispering the same command to you. I hope you will respond by embarking on a heroic effort to make life beautiful everywhere you go. The astrological omens suggest that if you do, you will be inundated with practical blessings that are as valuable as money. This will also be an excellent way to drum up the kind of love you crave.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) In her poem “Implications of One Plus One,” Marge Piercy marvels at the way she and her long-term partner keep finding new nuances in their lovemaking. “Ten years of fitting our bodies together/ and still they sing wild songs in new keys,” she writes. What’s their secret? It’s “timing, chemistry, magic and will and luck.” What I wish for you this Valentine season, Libra, is that you will have access to all five of those ingredients as you reinvigorate your relationship to love. More importantly — based on the current cosmic omens -- I predict you will have access to them.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Jesuit priest Pedro Arrupe touted the practical value of being totally in love. “What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything,” he said. “It will decide what will get you out of bed in the mornings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.” Are you in love, Scorpio? With either a person, a beloved animal, a certain patch of land, your creative work or life itself? If not, there’s no excuse! Astrologically speaking, it’s an excellent time for you to be stupendously in love with someone or something -- anything! If you are already in this state, trust your intuition to make it even smarter and finer.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Borrowing the words of Rumi (translated by Coleman Barks), I’ve prepared a love note for you to use as your own. Give it to a person whose destiny needs to be woven more closely together with yours: “You are the sky my spirit circles in, the love inside love, the resurrection place.” Would you like even more inspirational words to deliver to your chosen one? I hope so. Be greedy for lyrical bonding. Lust for springy intimacy. Feed your churning yearning. Try saying this, lifted from the book The Last Unicorn: “We are two sides of the same magic.” And be sure to say this, paraphrased from Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh: “I love you in a way that will always make you feel free.”

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) “People think a soul mate is your perfect fit,” says author Elizabeth

in love with an intimate partner who loves you back. If that’s not feasible, here’s what I hope: that you are learning provocative lessons about yourself through your growth-inducing relationship with a close ally. And if you’re not blessed with either of those experiences, here’s a third alternative: that you cherish your fathomless longing for its own sake, feeling wonder and reverence for its wild power even if it’s unfulfilled.

Gilbert. “But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back. They tear down your walls and smack you awake, shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you transform your life.” Does that sound like the kind of person you want in your life, Capricorn? Or do you prefer someone who likes what you like, appreciates you just as you are, and makes your life more secure and comfortable? This Valentine season is a good time to make or renew your commitment to one choice or the other. Whatever you decide, you’re likely to experience it on a richer, deeper level during the next 12 months.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

r Homework:

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Here’s what I wish for you during the Valentine season: to be happily

Making eye contact is essential for building potent links with people you care about. It bypasses rational thought, stimulating chemical reactions in your bodies that enhance empathy

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Write yourself a nice long love letter. Send a copy to me if you like: FreeWillAstrology.com.

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