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2.5.14 - 2.12.14

Issue No. 2211 www.syracusenewtimes.com


“Three shirts, jeans with leggings underneath, a scarf, a knit headband, gloves, fluffy socks (two pair), boots, plus a coat to top it off.” —See page 4

“How is it that as a community we can’t operate a simple store in the heart of the black community?” —See page 8

News & Opinion Kramer Straight Dope Entertainment Feature Events Sudoku Classified Astrology

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An NCAA on-campus record crowd of 35,446 fans packed the Carrier Dome Saturday, Feb. 1, to see SU defeat Duke 91-89 in what immediately became a classic. It was almost certainly the best sporting event of the weekend … which is saying something, since the Super Bowl was played Sunday. The football game didn’t come close to the matchup in the Dome. Both coaches, SU’s Jim Boeheim (right) and Mike Krzyzewski, raved afterward about how well both teams played. In the inset, SU’s Jerami Grant shoots over Duke forward Amile Jefferson.


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2.5.14 - 2.12.14


What’s News


he coldest winter ever. Well, maybe not ever. For residents of Central New York, the January cold snap is close to the norm, and maybe not all that bad. But plunging into two feet of snow can be a bit of a shock for those used to cool, but never cold, temperatures. Syracuse University students hailing from states such as Florida, Texas or California, and even from as far as India and Australia, couldn’t have done much to prepare for the extreme weather that comes with living in Upstate New York. Clearing off cars, the embarrassing falls on the ice and the layers upon layers of clothing are all new experiences for these warm bodies. O, spring where art thou? Many SU students come to town with thoughts of freezing temperatures, but negative temperatures like those of the Polar Vortex … and after … are something these students cannot even fathom. They’re used to sunshine and beaches, not snow and ice. Although the weather outside is frightful, students still manage to make it through the winter. I am from Fairfield, Texas, a small town that has never seen more than a thin layer of ice, with the coldest tem-

Deep Freeze OE JOHN D 34 50 NYPD 14 11 12 13

Warm-weather SU students try to cope By Xhevrije West peratures being in the 30s. I arrived to Syracuse in late June, and the weather was quite nice (most days). I expected the temperature to be significantly lower as the months progressed, however nothing could have prepared me for what arrived late December. The temperatures were reading into the negatives. My most embarrassing moment occurred when I had to shovel out my car for the first time. I had no idea what I was doing, and my small frame clearly lacks the manpower needed to get the job done. My green Volkswagen Beetle was buried, with very small traces peeking through the snow. Not knowing where to begin and running late, I figured I could move fast and get the job done quicker. Not the best idea. I slipped and ended up on the ground covered in snow. A man passing by, and perhaps relishing in the idea of this out-

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of-towner waddling in the snow, came to my rescue. He dug out my car for me with a list of instructions to follow for safety. Timi Komonibo, a native of Houston and graduate student at Syracuse University, is the queen of layering. She has on three shirts, jeans with leggings underneath, a scarf, a knit headband, gloves, fluffy socks (two pair), boots, plus a coat to top it off. She says that she prepared for the Polar Vortex the entire winter break. However, she did not prepare mentally for the ambush of snow and wind that would soon hit her. “I had no idea the cold weather would make a mockery of my attempts to stay warm and dry. No one told me my forehead would turn into an ice block. Talk about brain freeze,” said Komonibo. Komonibo experienced a small amount of cold during her stay in London as a child, but nothing like the

ruthless weather here. Texas winters are hardly that of Syracuse and are very short. “Last week, in my hometown, they cancelled school and work because it was 30 degrees and the roads were icy. I laughed,” she said. Suvesha Vengatesh landed in Syracuse from Coimbatore, India. There, winter is like summertime in Syracuse, she says. She has a love-hate relationship with the snow, enjoying all her snowfirsts, such as snowball fights, snow angels and building snowmen. However, at the same time, she is struggling to adjust to the cold. “The novelty wears off. I don’t really mind the snow, but it is the wind that I cannot stand. It’s brutal,” said Vengatesh. To keep warm, Vengatesh says that she stays indoors as much as possible and layers her clothing to beat the on-foot commute to campus. However, her attempts to trump the cold are not always successful. Her tears have frozen on her eyelashes while walking against the merciless wind. “I would say that I am not coping as well as I expected. Summer, where are you?” she said. o

At least he’s not screaming about being the best humor columnist in the league … By Jeff Kramer


o, you didn’t send me to the Super Bowl to watch my hometown Seattle Seahawks launch a football dynasty that will last a thousand years. Most New Times readers ignored my dog Larry’s plea on my behalf for cash so I could buy a ticket. But guess what? I went anyway. By myself. Using my own money. So there. I want to personally thank the non-skinflints who donated $10 or more toward my goal of $1,500. They are, in alphabetical order: Andrew, Jeffrey (no relation), Margie, Sam, Ted and Tom. Their $80 has been donated to the CNY SPCA as promised. Feel free to check if you don’t believe me. But there’s another hero in this story: My dad, Kurt, who lives in a nursing home back in Seattle, which, in case you’re not clear on this, is home of the World Champion Seattle Seahawks. Dad can be a little scrambled these days, but when I told him I wasn’t plan-

ning to go to the Super Bowl because I had no one to go with and it was expensive, he surprised me. “I think you should go,” he said. “Really?” I replied. “Sure,” he persisted. “When are you going to get another opportunity? I’d do it.” That’s unlike him, in my experience. Let’s call it the upside of dementia. Five minutes after our chat, I was logged onto parasiticticketscalperswho havenosoul.com and buying a ticket. Despite the best efforts of New Jersey Transit and the Department of Homeland Security to ruin the event through brute incompetence, I’m so glad I went. It truly was once-in-a-lifetime, bucket list stuff. So, thanks, Dad. And once again, thank you Andrew, Jeffrey, Margie, Sam, Ted and Tom. Oh, and most of all, Larry. At least you tried really hard, which is more than can be said of the Denver Broncos. o

Syracuse New Times


2.5.14 - 2.12.14



Polar Eclipse A primer for Atlantans on surviving a dusting of snow


s the unofficial Ambassador of Goodwill for Syracuse, I’d like to be among those offering my sympathies for the hardship Atlantans endured during last week’s monstrous blizzard. Almost three inches of snow fell on their wonderful airport-city, and what a nightmare it was. Probably the last thing they needed was our Syracuse University football coach, Scott Shafer, who was in the area at the time, tweeting exactly what many of us up here were thinking. “2 inches of snow,” he tweeted. “City and airport shut down. ATL#softnosed” Coach Shafer has apologized for the insensitive tweet, and I can say with some confidence that he will from now on be sticking to the topic he knows best: Keeping a marginal football program afloat through a series of not-completely-horrible seasons that end in bowl games with names like the West Virginia/ Oral-B Don’t Forget to Floss Bowl. OK, now that we have that cleared up, I’d like to reach out to the people of Atlanta in a more practical way. In light of the North’s long history of meddling in the South’s business, here’s an A-to-Z winter weather glossary to help Atlantans bear up better the next time they feel Mother Nature’s fury:


UTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. Snow is white and slippery. It often sticks to roadways and other surfaces. If you drive too fast in snow and try to stop suddenly, there is a serious possibility that your vehicle will collide with a vehicle driven by another NRA member or even a stationary object such as CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. Go slow.


LACK ICE. Nope, it’s not a rap star. It’s a thin layer of nearly transparent ice. If you are on private property and lucky enough to be on foot, black ice represents your best bet to get rich the old-fashioned way: a lawsuit. Here in Syracuse we are blessed with many excellent personal injury attorneys who advertise on TV. They can help you get started.


ALCIUM CHLORIDE. Sprinkle some of this on an icy road, walkway or porch and watch the ice magically melt away. But it’s not magic. The effectiveness of the substance is rooted in proven scientific principles that hold up regardless of your religious beliefs. Do you believe that humanity is only 5,000


2.5.14 - 2.12.14

years old and that we did not evolve from primates? Not a problem. Calcium chloride will work just as well for you as it does for the most godless Yankee liberal atheists. Not for use as a dietary supplement.


EFROSTER. There should be a small button or switch in your car with a diagram of a windshield. That’s important. Turn it on and also turn on the fan—and presto!—your windshield will warm up, making it easier see. Some vehicles even have a rear windshield defroster, so you can see yourself getting rear-ended by some moron who did not defrost his windshield.


on the business end and a long, easy-grip handle. The sight of it caused quite a stir at Leigh’s apartment complex. Her neighbors were initially so suspicious of the mysterious appendage that they feared she was an alien from another planet, which, in a sense, she was. Others speculated that she was a voodoo priestess. But soon they were all marveling at the ice scraper’s efficiency and asking where they could get one. Your best bet is to check your local auto parts store or go to justicescrapers. com, which is an actual Web site for those of you who doubt that America is back. If you really want to blow away your friends and neighbors, buy an ice scraper with a built-in snow brush. It’s crazy awesome.

ARFLAPS. Many of us here in Syracuse, including myself, wear special USTIN BIEBER. The international crimhats with extensions that cover our inal defendant and widely despised ears to protect them from the cold. teen pop loser has no connection to (Cold means the opposite of warm.) It’s not this column. I just wanted to get his an elegant look, but earflaps can be effec- name in here to maximize Web hits. tive, particularly against piercing winds. They really don’t look that bad. The ones EYSTONE LIGHT. Maybe it’s not the I wore on my wedding day, which was on best-tasting beer, but we’re talking a September afternoon sometime in the survival. Throw a case or two in your 1990s (I think), were barely noticeable in basement just in case you run out of the pictures. real beer in a snow emergency.



ROSTBITE. If any part of your body is exposed to cold temperatures for too long, the skin and underlying tissue can become damaged. Frostbite is easily cured by removing the affected body part. The procedure should be performed by a licensed medical person who does not have a hyphenated first name such as “Ray-Bob.”


OP. An American political party that believes that if you want snow cleared from your streets and highways, you should grab a shovel and do it yourself without government involvement or expense. IBERNATE. Even in Syracuse, there are times when it snows so hard and so long that the plows (see accompanying definition) can’t keep up with it. What’s our special secret for surviving these events? Unless there’s an emergency—like an important basketball game in the Carrier Dome—we stay in our homes and eat foods whose primary function is to deliver melted cheese to our arteries. Hey, it’s safer than sliding into a school bus.


CE SCRAPER. My wife, Leigh, likes to tell a story from when she lived in New Orleans and windshields iced up overnight. Her neighbors were using spatulas and other makeshift implements to clear their windshields. Not Leigh. A native Syracusan, she removed from her car’s trunk a remarkable little device called—and you’ll want to jot down this term for future reference—an “ice scraper.” The inexpensive tool features plastic teeth

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AYERS. Don’t let our strange accent confuse you. When we say “layers,” we’re not talking about the hidden dens of wild animals. We’re talking about dressing in multiple levels of clothing that can be shed as conditions moderate. Your outermost layer should be wing sauce repellant.


OLAR VORTEX. Look it up. I don’t even want to talk about it.


UEASY. A bad feeling when driving in whiteout conditions and realizing that you just ran out of windshield washer fluid.

ADIOACTIVITY. Found under such brand names as HotHands and UltraWarmers, these heat-producing packets fit inside your gloves and boots and radiate extra heat for cold weather comfort. No one knows how they work, and no one cares. When your feet are so cold that your toes feel like they’re about to shatter into thousands of ice crystals, affixing pouches of possibly fissionable material to your socks seems like a pretty good idea.


KIDS. A skid is bad news because it suggests your insurance premiums are about to go up. To stop a skid, pick out an object in the distance that you want to drive toward, such as a meteor or a Chuck E. Cheese, and scream out a profanity. The number for AAA in Atlanta is (404) 843-4500.


ELEVISION. Many excellent TV shows such as Toddlers and Tiaras and The Bachelor appear on television. As an alternative to spinning out on the Interstate, why not snuggle up in a comforter and destroy your brain instead.





ARKERS. These are poles, sometimes reflectorized, that are pounded into the ground to designate the boundary of an area to be plowed. Typically in the Syracuse area, driveway markers are about four feet tall. No need to go overboard with this, Atlanta. Barring more serious climate change, you can probably get by using Popsicle sticks. Tip: Install the markers before the ground freezes. UMBNESS. You should be able to feel your fingers, toes and face at all times. If not, it might be time to swap out the kidskin debutante gloves for a pair of Windstopper mittens. Consider a face-covering ski mask or balaclava, as well. Personally, I prefer a knit mask given to me years ago by my sister in-law Amy. It has creepy rectangular eyebrows, a faux beard and a red pompom on top. My face feels warm and cozy even in extreme conditions, such as when the SWAT team commander orders me to lie face down in the snow.


UTDOOR AMPHITHEATER. What vindictive governors propose to improve the economic fortunes of cities that have nine months of bad weather.

NHEATED GARAGE. The kind of garage you don’t want to have, but much better than no garage.

ISIBILITY. Blowing and falling snow can make it hard to see the road. If you find yourself driving in these conditions, immediately start texting your friends so they know what you’re up against. Suggested text sequence: 1. “Dude, I can barely see.” 2. “Dude, I’m in a ditch.” INTRY MIX. Pint of Guinness. Shot of Jameson.

YLOPHONE. An uplifting, easyto-play musical instrument that helps fend off wintertime blues. Everyone in Syracuse has at least one. (I have three.) ABBA. Large Jamaican earthenware or wooden vessel. Get off my back. I’m pretty much done here.

AMBONI. Your vehicle of choice next time it snows in Atlanta. o

If a cancerous tumor were cut out of someone, and said tumor was placed in someone else’s body for some reason, would the transplanted tumor thrive? —Pink Teet Yes. We know this because cancer is transplanted by accident all the time. Organ and tissue transplants have saved countless lives. But they pose risks, one of which is transplanting a disease from the donor to the host. In the case of cancer, there are two primary scenarios for transmission: cancer that forms in the transplanted cells, and cancer cells that are directly transplanted. There are loads of case reports telling us this happens, but how frequently is hard to say. Although studies for the most part suggest the risk is low, results have been all over the place: —Looking at 30 years of transplants, the Israel Penn International Transplant Tumor Registry found when a donor had cancer it was transplanted to the recipient an astonishing 43 percent of the time. Kidney, uterine and skin cancer were the most commonly transplanted types. —In contrast, a study by the United Network of Organ Sharing found zero cancers transmitted via 1,276 organs transplanted from donors with cancer. However, a review showed most of the cancers in question were either lowgrade or non-melanoma skin cancers. —Another UNOS study of 108,000 U.S. transplants from 1994 to 2001 found just 21 transplanted cancers. —A study of organ transplants from deceased donors in the United States from 2005 to 2007 found cancer and disease transmission in general occurred less than 1 percent of the time. Other studies have put the risk of cancer transmission at about two in 10,000 transplants. When a recipient does develop cancer from a transplant, the prognosis is generally grim. Usually these are weakened people placed on immunosuppressant drugs to prevent organ rejection. Treating transplanted cancerous organs typically involves stopping the immunosuppressant drugs and removing the organ, subjecting the patient to another major surgery, and a return to their prior bad situation. A study of 104 cases of cancer transplanted to kidney recipients from 1948 to 2012 found 72 percent of those given melanomas were dead within 30 months of transplantation, and two-thirds of lung cancer recipients were gone within 20 months. Twenty patients had kidney cancers transplanted into them, and three died. A study of 2009 data found 14 percent of the time when the donor had cancer it was transmitted, and death resulted in half of those transmission cases. When the donor was infected with a communicable disease, fungus or parasite, 53 per cent of the time it was passed on to the recipient—and more than a quarter of those recipients died as a result.


traight Dope

Japanese steakhouse hibachi & sushi

By Cecil Adams

Cancer isn’t the only thing that can be transplanted. Herpes viruses can easily be transmitted from donor to recipient—Kaposi’s sarcoma due to transmitted herpes occurs in as many as 5 percent of kidney recipients. HIV can be both hidden and virulent. In one instance, doctors transplanted four organs and numerous bits of tissue from a 22-year-old gunshot victim with no known HIV risk factors into more than 50 recipients. Then they discovered he was HIV-positive. At least seven people, including all four organ recipients, contracted the virus. Rabies has been transmitted via cornea transplant, the most common type of transplant and normally a pretty safe one. In one case, a person who died of undetected rabies donated two corneas, killing both recipients within 50 days. In another case, rabies was transmitted from an infected donor to the four recipients of his liver, kidneys and an artery, quickly killing them all. Toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus—infections that are generally no big deal for people with healthy immune systems, but scary for transplant recipients— have been transmitted via heart transplant. Kidney transplants appear to be especially problematic, with several types of fungi, parasites and bacterial infections reportedly transferable from donor to recipient. Notwithstanding the risks, even when doctors know a prospective donor has cancer, they don’t necessarily rule out donation. The waiting list for organ transplants is so long— 77,000 Americans—that under the right circumstances the risk is sometimes deemed worth taking. If the cancer in the transplanted organ can be isolated and cleanly removed, for example, the medical team may advise a recipient it’s worth a shot. One study of 43 kidney transplants involving tumors less than three centimeters in diameter found only one recurrence of cancer in nine years. There’s no guarantee, though. Again, corneal transplants are thought to be fairly safe, but at least one case of cancer was transmitted that way. Once in a while, a transplanted-cancer story has a happy ending. In a case reported in 2006, a kidney donated by a father to his daughter turned out to contain unsuspected cancer. Surgeons were able to remove the diseased part of the donated kidney and keep the rest going. Upshot: The father had a potentially fatal cancer removed, the daughter got a lifesaving transplant, and a year later both were alive and cancer free. Never mind winning the lottery—you don’t get much luckier than that. o

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2.5.14 - 2.12.14


Editor’s note: Voices is a weekly column that provides a platform for Central New Yorkers to comment about the issues of the day. If you’d like to submit a column, email Larry Dietrich at ldietrich@syracusenew times.com.


t’s Black History Month, and among the proclamations and public displays of African-American awareness there’s a crisis in the black community of Syracuse. We have more African-Americans in elective office than ever, and yet our most precious institutions have died or are on life support. Dunbar Center, the original “settlement house,” was host to generations of inner-city residents providing community-based programming, advocacy for minority adoption and safe recreation for a neighborhood full of children. As African-American families migrated

Black History Month? African-Americans remain invisible in Central New York By Ken Jackson to Syracuse, the first stop was Dunbar Center. As a settlement house, Dunbar should have been on the front lines welcoming African immigrants to Syracuse, just as the organization opened its doors welcoming the influx of blacks coming to Syracuse drawn here by plentiful factory jobs. There are very few African-Americans over 40 who don’t have a Dunbar experience. Now its doors have been abruptly shut, perhaps closed forever. Leaders of

February Specials



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other organizations have talked about “taking over” Dunbar’s facility, but no one has talked about our local community and support for Dunbar’s core mission and how to keep the organization viable. There are those who wax nostalgically about the former president, Merriette Pollard, and how she was able to bring in money and support unmatched since her departure. Now, there’s whining about needing someone from “another place” to come in and run the nowclosed facility. For those living within the South Side’s “food desert,” it came as a shock when the much ballyhooed Southside Food Cooperative shut its doors without notice. The board of directors apparently failed in their stewardship of the needed store, offering inner-city residents fresh fruit and vegetables, among other products. We’ve heard their cries for help. How is it that as a community we can’t operate a simple store in the heart of the black community? How is it that a family can come here from another country, open a store with a Coca-Cola cooler, a lottery machine and a steady supply of blunts and individually sold cigarettes called “loosies”? Somebody’s making money in the most challenged real estate in Syracuse. I’ve heard muttered excuses such as, “They give foreigners free money, and they don’t have to pay taxes.” What the what? There’s no excuse for the fact that our most respected institutions are “black history” because they don’t exist any

longer. The Syracuse/Onondaga County Urban League created an urban network connecting opportunities to the jobless by meeting with local manufacturers, large multinational corporations—anyone who could provide employment opportunities for African-Americans and urbanized citizens. Businesses sent their employment listings directly to the Urban League. You could go there and get connected to those who were looking for diversity in their workforces. The NAACP is the only civil rights organization left to speak up if anything happens that impacts those without voice or recognized stature. (Crickets chirping.) As a cost-cutting measure, Onondaga County killed the county Human Rights Commission that was empowered to investigate cases of bias. There is no governmental agency to look out for bias that occurs today. It’s not just African-Americans; it’s human rights for the Onondaga Nation and their dismissed land claim; it’s the growing Hispanic community; and the new Americans who haven’t mastered the English language. There was a place to go to file a complaint; you were guaranteed at least a hearing. In our local media, as African-Americans become a larger percentage of the Syracuse population, you wouldn’t know it if you saw who brings you the news. We, the African-Americans, are invisible in Syracuse, written about, viewed, seen but not touched, represented by more elected black leaders than ever. Beyond a group photo of the Common Council and the Syracuse University basketball team, you’d think this were a small town in Maine. Happy Black History Month: You’re black, and you’re history. o Ken Jackson is an award-winning columnist based in Syracuse. You can read his blog at www.urbancny.com/hall_monitor.

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2.5.14 - 2.12.14

Syracuse New Times



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2.5.14 - 2.12.14


letter formation or messy handwriting, it also vibrates. The company intends testing the digital pen with a whole school class before selling it, for 130 to 150 euros ($170-$200). The device will work with Curses, Foiled Again smart phones and tablets eventually, but James Patrick Andrews, 43, tried to with- its “basic functionality is all in the pen,” Kaesmacher said, pointing out “there’s no draw money from a Bank of America ATM in St. Petersburg, Fla., but after the machine app needed” or special paper. (ABC News) informed him that his account had a negative balance, he robbed the bank. Police Criminal Cuisine reported that Andrews made off with Sheriff’s deputies who arrested Rick $1,000, but they had his photo from the ATM and the getaway car’s license number Frederick, 22, for resisting arrest for drunken driving and 11 other violations and arrested him. (Tampa Bay Times) in LaSalle County, Ill., reported that while sitting in the patrol car, Frederick started Cursive’s Last Gasp eating the molding around the door. The deputies added criminal damage to govTwo German entrepreneurs invented ernment property to the other charges. an ink pen that recognizes misspelled (Associated Press) words and bad handwriting. Its name is Lernstift, German for “learning pen,” according to Daniel Kaesmacher, The Eyes Have It co-founder of the company that spent Unfavorable reaction to a Facebook 18 months developing the digital pen. photo of students at Thailand’s Kasetsart It’s a regular pen with real ink, but also University wearing special “anti-cheating contains a tiny motion sensor and a battery-powered Linux computer with a WiFi helmets” caused embarrassment and stress to the faculty, according to dean chip. “The pen will have two functions,” Kaesmacher said, “calligraphy and orthog- Tanaboon Sajjaanantakul, prompting the school to discontinue their use. The raphy mode.” In the spelling mode, the picture, posted on the university’s alumni computer compares words it writes to its Facebook page, showed the cumbersome language database; when it doesn’t rechats consisting of a headband with two ognize a word, it vibrates. If it senses bad sheets of blank paper draped on both sides of the head to keep students from looking at their neighbors’ answers. Only about 90 students in one course wore the headgear, which they designed themWe carry chocolate-covered strawberries, selves following a class discussion of how raspberries, truffles, chocolate heart to prevent cheating. (NPR) OE JOHN D 34 1450

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Wanna-Be of the Week Firefighters arriving at a library fire in Brooksville, Fla., noticed a man on the

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scene wearing firefighting gear. When asked for an explanation, the man, identified as Joseph Michael Brannen, 18, said he bought the gear on eBay, heard the call about the fire on his scanner and showed up hoping to help fight the blaze. After further questioning, Brannen admitted setting the fire, which caused more than $500,000 in damage. (South Florida Sun-Sentinel)

Mum’s the Word After an audit by a Virginia homeowners association found at least $73,183.48 in unauthorized transactions, Albemarle police charged the association’s treasurer, Patricia Anne Cuthbert, 43, with embezzlement. The Hollymead Citizens Association advised residents to keep quiet about the incident. “They asked us not to make the audit public and to not even talk about it at cocktail parties,” Hollymead homeowner Paul Moruza said, “because it could lower our property values.” (Charlottesville’s The Daily Progress)

Sons of Beaches After a bridge collapsed in Uganda’s Nebbi District, cutting off access to a health center, a school and businesses, authorities took five years to rebuild it. Three days after the new bridge opened, it collapsed. Chief Administrative Officer Seraphine Ali blamed sand mining, which cleared all the supporting grass to the bridge while it was being rebuilt. (Uganda’s Daily Monitor) News and Blues is compiled from the nation’s press. To contribute, submit original clippings, citing date and source, to Roland Sweet in care of the Syracuse New Times.

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They provide acute, PROFESSIONAL & PERSONAL REPRESENTATION YOU CAN TRUST* chronic, preventive & primary care medicine for your entire family, from childhood FALGE, LACLAIR, HVOZDA & CASSIDY, PC’s, clients trust their expertise in through geriatrics, and they specialize in the anti-aging process. multiple areas of practice such as Workers’ Compensation, Real Estate, Criminal, At Living Proof MD, they offer a unique proactive approach to the aging process. Veterans Disability Benefits, and Social Security Disability. The firm’s attorneys have The doctors & caring staff offer you the benefits of a wellness focused medical 4100 Medical Center extensive experience in litigating Workers’ Compensation claims for individuals practice as well as cosmetic dermatology procedures to help keep you looking Drive, #117 & commercial clients, which gives them a unique perspective into the Workers’ and feeling your best as you live a healthy, active lifestyle. 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They follow a guideline of regular health maintenance visits: scheduled PROVIDING PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY FOR YOUR FAMILY well/immunization visits in the first 18 months; yearly check-ups until age five; Today, we know that more can be done at an early age to prevent children’s and physicals/sports exams at least ever other year throughout adolescence. With dental problems and maintain healthy teeth. That’s why the recommend time to 19 years of experience, Dr. Guzman provides pre-college assessments and will take your child for their first visit is no later than the age of 12 months, or within 5100 West Taft Rd continue to provide health care through a patient’s college career. 6 months of the eruption of their first tooth. DR. MARGARET MADONIAN is #3-I, Liverpool Bright Futures Pediatrics strives to promote wellness by focusing on growth & specialty trained as a pediatric dentist and will suggest a schedule of check-ups and (315)452-2100 development for each child, and to provide up-to-date medical care in times of cleanings suited to your child’s needs. sickness. They look forward to serving you & your family for years to come. Their practice is complete With years of experience, Dr. Madonian covers the full spectrum of pediatric with electronic medical records. Visit: www.brightfutureskids.com dentistry - from advice about proper flossing and brushing to nutrition and good eating habits, dental sealants and interceptive orthodontics (for early growth 600 Oswego St and development). She sees children at every age and in all stages of their Liverpool CRAFTING INDEPENDENCE THRU SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY development. 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They make nursing home, hospital and rehab 117 Highbridge St professionals with work stress, and career advancement & changes. facility calls on an as-needed basis. Their services are covered by most insurance companies, HMOs, #U2B, Fayetteville Lillian offers individual, couples & family counseling for personal growth, Medicare and Medicaid. Visit: www.syracuseprostheticcenter.com family & marriage conflicts, grief & loss, anxiety & depression, life crisis, change (315)637-7600 in health status and much more. Her cognitive-behavioral therapy practice is CICERO’S BEST KEPT SECRET insight-oriented, empathic & non-judgmental. She assists you in self-discovery and the identification of unhealthy patterns that keep repeating in your life. Lillian helps reclaim the aspects of your life & career Owner Jeff Ballard of BALLARD’S GOURMET JERKY & MORE invites you that you are seeking, as well as raising awareness and creating new possibilities. Her goal is to help you to experience a gourmet store like no other. Ballard’s carries exotic meats, rubs, move forward with the support and guidance you need to successfully heal. Most insurance plans are spices, sauces, pasta and more. Jeff uses only quality meats and spices to make his accepted. Email: lilsteinmann@gmail.com jerky! Some of his exotic meats include Alligator, Antelope, Bison, Camel, Duck, Elk, EXPERIENCE THE TRUE DIFFERENCE Frog Legs, Kangaroo, Ostrich, Turtle, Wild Boar and more. Jeff can make jerky out of most meats. Ballard’s also serves exotic burgers all day long on Thursdays & Fridays. Owned & operated by the Ross family for more than 56 years and famous for their Jeff also makes his own sausage. pizza, THE ORIGINAL TWIN TREES RESTAURANT is an Italian restaurant Ballard’s offers many flavors from which to choose, although not all flavors are 8120 Brewerton Rd ready offering a wide variety of specialty dishes at great prices. They can accommodate for shipping and may need to be made as Jeff prefers to keep his jerky as larger parties in their dining area, with advanced notice, or can package up your Cicero fresh as possible. Flavors include: EXTREME HEAT: Ghost Pepper - USE CAUTION meal to go. Twin Trees is able to provide a variety of food for any number of people. (315)699-1958 WHEN ENJOYING! HOT: Habanero or Thai Pepper - excellent taste with moderate Whether you need a space, or have a space for your next holiday party, celebration heat, MEDIUM: Spicy, Cajun, or Jalepeno - great flavor without a lot of heat, MILD: Traditional, Cracked or special event, Twin Trees can help you plan it and provide great food your guests Pepper, Hickory, Garlic, or A1. SMOKEY: Mesquite and SWEET: Teriyaki & Original. Sorry not all flavors are sure to love! Their take-out orders come with all the fixings, and they can supply are available at all times. Cut & paste this link into your browser to see all of Ballard’s products: you with drinks & desserts! Syracuse & https://squareup.com/market/ballards-gourmet-jerky and visit www.ballardsjerky.com, and For a meal at home or a group get-together, Twin Trees Restaurant has the Baldwinsville http://ballardsjerky.moonfruit.com. Don’t forget to find and “Like” them on Facebook. service and quality you deserve. They also have a banquet room for private parties (315)468-0622 and events, and can even provide catering at your choice of location! Whether it’s an office lunch, a conference, a birthday party or any special occasion, with two convenient locations in COMPLETE PET CARE SERVICES Syracuse & Baldwinsville, they offer food, service and prices that keep their customers returning again CNY pet owners have turned to CANINE CLUBHOUSE for all their pet care and again! Two locations: Twin Trees Restaurant, 1100 Avery Ave, Syracuse, (315)468-0622; and Twin Trees needs. Their caring, experienced & professional staff provides comprehensive pet West, 111 Syracuse St, Baldwinsville, (315)635-0330. Visit: www.originaltwintrees.com care services, including boarding, daycare, grooming & spa treatements, training PREMIER DOG GROOMING SALON & retail products. When you consider the fact that a pet is considered to be an integral part of the family, they offer indispensable services to the community. The THE PINK PUG DOG GROOMING may arguably be the most outstanding owner has grown their family owned & operated business to a full-service, stategrooming shop in CNY. The comfort and well being of dogs is the number of-the-art pet care center. one priority of owner Jackie Foster & certified groomer Crystal Marco. They are Canine Clubhouse’s boarding services include pet daycare with three large play 519 Horan Rd thoroughly-trained and care is taken to accommodate owners’ concerns about their rooms, a large fenced-in yard, pet supervision 24-hours-a-day, and the facility is Syracuse pets. The Pink Pug has early drop-off & late pickup hours at their 2000 sq. ft. facility. veterinarian recommended. Overnight & luxury boarding includes no kennels or (315)468-BARK (2275) cages (unless requested) with all the amenities of home. Dog training is offered by The Pink Pug grooms all breeds of dogs using high quality, all natural shampoos their experienced trainer (SitMeansSit.com) in small group or individual sessions (your house or their 305 Nottingham Rd and conditioners. Limited crate time is used for drying purposes. Dogs are encouraged to relax in the stress free and friendly atmosphere. Grooming includes facility). Obedience training is available for all ages of dogs. They also work with all breeds of dogs for Syracuse bathing, haircut, nail clipping, ear cleaning and anal expression. Extra services professional grooming, styling, ear cleaning, nail trimming, baths & medicated shampoos, and coat (315)214-5166 include flea treatments, de-skunking, teeth brushing and specialty shampoos for conditioning. Visit: www.TheCanineClubhouse.com all types of skin conditions. Email: jcfosterjl@aol.com

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2.5.14 - 2.12.14



he Edgewood Gallery’s new show Crystal Glow fits in nicely with the venue’s general approach to group exhibitions. On one hand, it displays pieces by three artists, all of whom work in different media and have distinct styles. On the other, the exhibit has a unifying element, one that arises from the works themselves instead of some artificial linkage. Photographer Karen Kozicki’s infrared images often have a ghost-like quality, a whiter-than-white appearance for objects ranging from industrial pipes to branches, from a tree on Syracuse’s Plum Street to a single tulip transformed into a ghostly item. Kozicki uses this technique in unique ways. In the factory scene, for example, some pipes have an ethereal appearance, and others don’t. For the Plum Street image, however, the entire tree is seen as a ghostly vision. While this process plays a key role in many of Kozicki’s photos, it’s certainly not the only measure of her photographic skills. She has a knack for viewing an everyday scene and then creating an incisive image. That’s true of photos presenting a long view of a tree

Triple Feature Unique perspectives are offered in the three-artist show at Edgewood Gallery By Carl Mellor in Camillus or portraying a single tree on an inlet near Chittenango. Kozicki demonstrates similar skills in her images of urban settings. Her photo of Clinton Square doesn’t offer a panoramic view. Instead, the image captures trees with an otherworldly look in the foreground, as well as one of the monuments, glimpsed in the background. In “Stripes,” midday sun creates its own visual imprint. And Kozicki has taken fine images of the Flatiron building, in New York City, and Syracuse’s St. John the Baptist, in which she doesn’t focus on the entire church, just a small section of an upper wall and the roof. Mary Giehl has pieces from two bodies of work on display. She makes two-dimensional artworks by starting with a small crochet form and then combining layers of plywood, batting, muslin and loads of Elmer’s glue. These works were

inspired by observing algae and bacteria, and considering the microorganisms’ impact on water supply, particularly in developing countries. Giehl looks at bacteria and algae from various perspectives, including the loops combining in “Coming Together” and the shapes seen in the “Functioning Systems” series. In addition, she has grown crystal pieces, beginning with a bath of super-concentrated alum in deionized distilled water. Some of her crystal works in the current exhibit are clearly figurative, depicting items such as a sundress, shorts, and children’s shoes, while others don’t have a figurative element. The artworks at Edgewood document Giehl’s longtime interest in various media. Over the years, she has also created fiber pieces, installations small and large, and several public art projects. Her art is centered by her intense interest in

children, in how they are perceived and treated in our society. Prior to launching her artist career, Giehl worked for almost two decades as a pediatric nurse at Upstate Medical Center. Jeweler Max Block has focused on fine art glass, with its properties a major influence on her work. She is fascinated by contradictions in glass; it can be either opaque or transparent, to name just two qualities. In the Edgewood exhibition, she has more than 40 pendants on display, providing an opportunity to view the ways in which Block plays with colors and patterns. She makes the pendants from dichroic glass, meaning that colors change even as one looks at one of the pieces. Crystal Glow does a nice job of showcasing three artists and their pieces. Even in Edgewood’s relatively small gallery space, there’s enough room to hang an array of artworks, making it easier to get a sense of each artist’s work. The show runs through Feb. 21 at the Edgewood Gallery, 216 Tecumseh Road. The venue is open Tuesdays through Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, call 445-8111. o


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2.5.14 - 2.12.14

Syracuse New Times


Hot times in icy Ithaca: Brandon Morris and Maddie Jo Landers in Kitchen Theatre’s Venus in Fur.

Who’s on Top? The eternal battle of the sexes rages in Kitchen Theatre’s Venus in Fur


avid Ives’ Venus in Fur is a play about two people at an audition for a different play with the same title. The play to be produced is an adaptation of Leopold Sacher-Masoch’s 1870 erotic novel, Venus in Fur, which gave us the word “masochism.” Leading the audition is the playwright and first-time director Thomas Novachek (Brandon Morris). The actress trying out is named Vanda (Maddie Jo Landers), which just happens to be the name of a character in the novel and the adaptation Thomas is producing. Given that David Ives (All in the Timing, Mark Twain’s Is He Dead?) is America’s most playful dramatist, these are but hints at the reversals of expectation and intellectual pranks that are about to unfold. The action of Ives’ play—running through Sunday, Feb. 9, at Ithaca’s Kitchen Theatre Company—begins with an assertive show-biz cliché. In a shabby office, authentically designed by Tyler M. Perry, somewhere in New York City, dejected Thomas is complaining to his unseen girlfriend about how miserable the auditions have gone, how stupid and untalented the applicants were, and that he is ending the day empty-handed. Just as he is ready to quit, in stumbles the breathless, confused Vanda, who’s been stuck en route and missed the appointment. The idea that she might play a Viennese aristocrat appears hobbled by a volley of profanity and her offstage speech patterns, a mix of Valley girl and trailer park. She’s also a drop-dead gorgeous peach-and-cream blonde, but with her klutziness we don’t notice until quite a while later. In the first of a series of conflicting messages, Vanda tells Thomas she has glanced at a copy of his play while in the subway, but she also has a paperback copy of the Sacher-Masoch novel. Thomas calmly argues that the novel is an erotic landmark that just happens to deal with thrill of male submission to a dominatrix. “It’s porn,” Vanda howls back, without disapproval. She contemplates that a nude scene would allow her character to dominate the stage. After claiming just to have glanced at the script, Vanda pulls a battered copy from her bag as the audition begins. She suggests that the lines call for a transatlantic accent, and she proceeds to deliver a plummy one that could well fit

in an episode of Downton Abbey. Breaking out of character, she comments on her performance: “Hey, that’s acting, ain’t it?” She then cajoles Thomas to read his own dialogue, but he protests that he’s a writer and not an actor. At first his words are lifeless, but with Vanda’s demands, he gets into it, eventually assuming a voice that sounds like an American Ronald Colman. We now recognize that to the world of Sacher-Masoch we are adding Luigi Pirandello, in that the decadent Austrians of the novel have come alive on stage and are changing places with and bumping into Ives’ contemporary American characters. And they are all talking about the same things: gender and power. Instead, make that sex and dominance. Delineating the sharp lines between characterizations is where director Rachel Lampert demonstrates her mastery. It’s not just a cast of the head or the roundness of a vowel; we always know which Vanda and Thomas are which. Lampert’s sure hand is also evident in the successive manifestations of Ives’ characters Thomas and Vanda, who end up strikingly different from the people we begin with. Thomas’ claim not to have put himself into Sacher-Masoch’s character is proved to be bogus. Vanda, meanwhile, discards personae the way Salome shed those veils. She’s never nude before us, and we’re not sure until the end what all is underneath the different gowns and black leather bustier. A knowledge of Sacher-Masoch is hardly necessary to getting into Ives’ play and may well be an encumbrance, except that his evocative title really hits the mark. In interviews, Ives confesses to a low opinion of the German novel, whose prose he describes as “Teutonically leaden as velvet sandbags.” He had earlier thought of Pauline Reage’s erotic Story of O, in which the female half of the dialogue is thrilled by complete domination. Sticking with the Sacher-Masoch title, however, allows for ambiguity and ambivalence. The distinction between these two concepts introduces much wordplay between the two characters when we’re not sure which is headed up. Maddie Jo Landers, whose television credits include HBO’s Boardwalk Empire and the CBS procedural Person of Interest, makes a smashing Kitchen debut.

Dave Burbank PHOTO

By James MacKillop

Her world-class beauty is not simply an ornament but a weapon in Vanda’s allure and dominance. But even if we were listening to the show on the radio, her ravishing vocal variety would still knock us over. Brandon Morris, who has been Kitchen’s favorite hunk twice, in Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune and The Motherfucker with the Hat, restrains his macho sexiness but we know it’s there when he needs it. Ives’ Venus in Furs can securely be classed as a racy dark comedy. There are dozens of hilarious lines not soiled by

Syracuse New Times

quotation here, and moments of ecstasy to quicken the pulse of the flaccid. It’s also thematically more ambitious and deeper than it may sound. We already knew that discussion of the battle of the sexes is inexhaustible, and Ives’ portrayals invite comparison not only with 19th-century masochism but also such lasting items as the complete plays of August Strindberg, especially Miss Julie or even the Epic of Gilgamesh, where the Goddess of Love first shows the male who’s boss. Local couples who brave the wintry roads to Ithaca are guaranteed an exciting conversation for the drive home. o


2.5.14 - 2.12.14



Directed by Dan Rowlands




Purchase tickets online at cnyplayhouse.com or by phone 885-8960 to make reservations.

Chain Reactions

Two slaves confront their master as the Civil War ends in the Syracuse Stage drama The Whipping Man By James MacKillop


early 150 years after it was banished, slavery—the mass involuntary servitude of millions—has become a fresh theme for dramatic exploration. It’s not that we forgot, but rather that we had been glossing over some details. At the movies, Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln reminded us that passage of the 13th Amendment, ending slavery, was by no means a popular slam dunk, while 12 Years a Slave spelled out unrelenting daily humiliation from barbarous to petty. Matthew Lopez’s 2006 drama The Whipping Man, at Syracuse Stage through Feb. 16, tightens the focus to three men in a single household, bound by multiple deep ties. It dramatizes what could have been said on the first day two of them were freed. Severely wounded at the Battle of Richmond a few days earlier, gray-clad soldier Caleb DeLeon (Gregory Perri) staggers back to his ruined mansion on a dark and stormy night where he is greeted by the dignified, paternal retainer Simon (Jonathan Peck). Seeing that Caleb’s wounds are gangrenous, Simon recommends swift and painful action. Arriving a bit later is the younger somewhat rascally John (Biko Eisen-Martin), who takes a more irreverent tone toward the white man: “The war is over. You lost. We won!”

Keeping the faith: Gregory Perri and Jonathan Peck in Syracuse Stage’s The Whipping Man. As for the larger picture of the end of Civil War, we are so well-informed that playwright Lopez, with the help of scenic designer William Bloodgood, has an easy time with the exposition. The Palladian fan light with broken panes, the staircase with shattered balustrade, the ruined furniture, the dirt—yes, we know we are in what was once a mansion now brought to ruin. Lighting designer Darren McCroom enhances the gothic tone, assuring us some shocking material will be coming. It’s Friday, April 14, 1865, not only five days after the surrender of the Confederacy, but also the day Abraham Lincoln was shot, which we can expect to be announced shortly. We will also learn that it is Passover. We also hear plenty about absent persons, such as Caleb’s dreaded father, a feared slave master, who had fled the scene before advancing Federal troops. Caleb yearns for a woman named Sarah, a common enough biblical given name. It is also the name of Simon’s missing daughter. It’s a half-hour into the action before we hear any reference to the characters’ Jewishness, which comes with citation of the word “Torah.” In the conception of playwright Lopez, a Puerto Rican gentile, the DeLeons are a Jewish slave-owning family and they have instructed the

3649 Erie Blvd. E Suite# B201, Shoppingtown Mall


2.5.14 - 2.12.14

Syracuse New Times


entire household in their faith. In a useful program note, Rabbi Ralph Dalin of San Diego observes that many Jewish audiences may find that Lopez’s invention causes them “not a little discomfort.” But there were at least 25,000 Jews in the Confederacy, those in Charleston did indeed hold slaves, and a man named Judah Benjamin was in Jefferson Davis’ cabinet. Lopez has said in interviews that he is not writing history, despite his fondness for Civil War re-enactments, and makes no attempt to use 1860s language. Instead he is writing a contemporary play projected into the past. Thus his expropriation of tradition not his own is neither historical (even if there was such a household in Richmond) nor sociological but rather literary. This means that master and slaves are members of the same minority in a monolithic intolerant state. Both owner and property are linked with the Children of Israel held in bondage in Egypt, yearning to be free in the spirituals, “Go Down, Moses” and “Let My People Go.” Together they recite the Haggadah, the Passover narrative about delivery from slavery. Consciously or unconsciously, Lopez silently alludes to earlier dramatic and cinematic treatments of slavery. As an example, when Caleb refuses the sug-

gestion that he attend to his infected leg at a still-functioning hospital, Simon and John are stuck with the task. An amputated leg without anesthesia calls up a memorable scene in Gone with the Wind. Simon’s authority and competence in taking charge is meant to be a refutation of Butterfly McQueen’s much-repeated flustering at the birthing of babies. How the unlettered Simon knew just where to saw and which arteries had to be stanched with rags is not explained. The always agile John assists with plenty of whisky, for external disinfection and internal comfort. After the Passover Seder on the night of the Lincoln assassination, in which black and white Jewish men participate, we enter a period of truth-telling in which the play’s various tensions, not all addressed here, become the substance of powerful speeches. Simon tells Caleb he could not love Sarah if he owned her. Master and slaves already have unwanted blood ties, as on the Jefferson plantation. Ownership sanctions the master’s even deeper misuse of his property, as with the whip of the title. In the play’s most startling moment, Simon displays the record of his punishment. Director Timothy Bond selected Jonathan Peck for the role of Simon without bothering to audition others. The result is a wholly original creation. His Simon is a slave who learned refinement and discipline (the word seder means “order”) by working in the house, but whose chains never shackled his mind. By adopting the faith of his master’s family, he knows deliverance is possible even when it looks unlikely. Lopez’s script allows him passionate speeches to refute the fiction of benign bondage still touted by contemporary shills for the Confederacy. The other slave John, first called “Nigger John,” is written as Simon’s opposite number, but that’s not how Bond directs him. A teasing playful figure, who taunts Caleb and Simon at his entrance, John is a boozing mischief-maker given to witty wordplay. On paper John is an iteration of the trickster figure, found universally in oral tradition, like the Yoruba character Elegba in T.A. McCraney’s The Brothers Size. Bond and Biko Eisen-Martin turn John into an earnest, sensible figure, which also drains much of the fun from the first act. Gregory Perri’s affecting empathetic Caleb commands our attention, but he’s not supposed to make us laugh. Audiences should not be misled by the seeming contrivance of having Jewish slave holders. The Whipping Man, one of the most widely produced plays in regional theater, is a hard-hitting drama on issues whose legacy is still with us. o

Syracuse Opera goes exotic with the tango treat Maria de Buenos Aires By James MacKillop


he panel for projected titles in the Mulroy Civic Center’s Carrier Theater for Maria de Buenos Aires begins with a disarming piece of consumer advice. It’s a quick message, something like, “Don‘t expect to discern every nuance by what you read here.” For this Syracuse Opera production, running through Sunday, Feb. 9, it could mean two things, both useful. One is not to be distracted up here from what’s happening on stage. Or, secondly, it could mean that the words found in the lyrics and the surreal plot do not give us what Maria is really “about.” Instead we are invited to let the lush fullness of the visual and rhythmic expression lap over us. The Argentine tango, perhaps even more than other forms of music, is directed to the right brain. Treat it like an algebra problem where X has to have a definition, and the allure vanishes. The name of Astor Piazzolla (19211992) might still be too obscure for a Jeopardy! question, but he remains big time in Argentina and enjoys worldwide prestige. While never neglecting the tango’s roots in African and native cultures, he wanted it to be seen as more profound than mere dance music. In this he resembled George Gershwin with jazz. An admirer of Bach, he studied composition with Nadia Boulanger in Paris and was pals with Gerry Mulligan in New York City. He was also a champion on the bandonéon, a kind of accordion, here heard as a featured instrument. In creating Maria de Buenos Aires, the “tango opera,” he was aiming well above a nightclub act, a song cycle or even a cantata. Accessible as Piazzolla’s score might be, this demanding music calls for richly trained voices with emphatic dramatic presence, which Syracuse Opera has delivered. Although there are 13 performers on stage at various times, we mostly hear three voices, one of them speaking instead of singing. Bearded baritone Milton Loayza reads from Horacio Ferrer’s florid libretto about how Maria was born in a poor suburb of the metropolis and made her way to the low life of danger and prostitution. Later, still speaking, Loayza takes on the goblin-like character of El Duende, who controls some of the action. As the text is poetic and allusive, Loayza’s voice emphasizes the fantastic and emotive. Translation into English, with so many short words

and abrupt syllables, would inevitably bleach out the color. Tall, clean-shaven and leading-man handsome is baritone Luis Alejandro Orozco, who becomes a recurrent character named Payador, a singer of the payada, an improvised gaucho folksong. He’s not a lover but rather a cautionary figure. Orozco, a singer with wide experience, brings precision and power to his music. His imposing presence and graceful dance steps complement and enhance the title character without making him only a supporting player. He is the figure Maria must listen to. In the role Maria is both victim and agent. She is first a virgin, then a whore, then virgin, whore and mother. Vibrant, Colombian-born soprano Catalina Cuervo owns Piazzolla’s Maria and has sung the role more often than any living person, including for opera companies in Florida, Cincinnati and Milwaukee. Often the music calls for delivery in lower register and may have been written for a mezzo; her rich, velvety timbre is triumphantly compelling and moving. The demands of Ferrer’s libretto in many ways exceed what Piazzolla’s music asks. We do not hear any singing voice for the first 13 minutes of the action. Director-choreographer Anthony Salatino begins with silence as dancers move noiselessly in darkness. Eventually we hear the click of heels and then the narrator’s voice and then, finally, Maria’s wordless evocation of the tango. Along with being a mythic, possibly religious figure, Maria is also an embodiment of the tango itself. It’s possible to read the libretto as an extended metaphor, and what happens to Maria is what happened to the tango until Piazzolla got a hold of it. Maria, we learn, is a “mystery given to us by a drunken god.” Some of her words and the words spoken of her are meant to be gnomic and ambiguous. She sings, “If the bandonéon provokes me . . . tiara, Tata!/ I bite hard its mouth . . . tiara, Tata!/ With 10 flower spasms that I have in my being.” We hear of biting “blond mandrakes” and “white ravens.” References are made to the “seal of lunfardo,” a working-class dialect of Buenos Aires, without explanation, and a perhaps a dozen more are even more obscure. No matter. Other allusions fall into a pattern. Many words from the last book of the New Testament, Revelation or Apoca-


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lypse, together with allusions to Greek and other mythologies, point to a discernible narrative arc. This Maria is not the Blessed Virgin of stained-glass windows and holy cards but rather the Mary of Marina Warner’s Alone of Her Sex, an eternal feminine. Director-choreographer Salatino, the local legend, is really in his element with Maria. Piazzolla could not have asked for a more empathetic hand in expanding all the ways in which the tango rhythms can be expressed. If we ignored the projected titles, the graceful legs and arms would explain much of what we need to know. His placement of conductor Brian Demaris and his eight players at stage left retains the tango’s informal history while delivering symphonic accompaniment. Jody Luce’s costumes, especially for the psychoanalysts, and Barry Steele’s evocative lighting, meet high standards of professionalism. Steele’s upstage projections underscore the surrealism of the conception. Syracuse Opera’s Maria de Buenos Aires takes us to places and sensations we have not visited Aroused in Argentina: Catalina Cuervo in before. o Syracuse Opera’s Maria de Buenos Aires.


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2.5.14 - 2.12.14


Going to Extremes


Thrill-seeking hiker and climber David Guilfoyle lives on the edge By Jessica Novak



On the trail: A hiking colleague of David Gouilfoyle’s ascends a slope.


The Syracuse Karate and Martial Arts Championship

e make hundreds of mundane decisions every day: what to wear, what to eat, what TV shows to watch, what stuff to buy. But one of the greatest appeals of extreme hiking and climbing for David Guilfoyle, 35, is the fact that his every move actually matters. “Your decisions have real-world and immediate consequences,” he explains. “Climbing mountains tunes out the mundane and makes you feel alive. It wakes you up from the monotony of work, sleep and television. Plus, the views are incredible. You’ve never seen stars until you’ve seen them from Camp Muir {on Mount Rainier} at 2 a.m. as you’re staring off across the Cowlitz Glacier.” When Guilfoyle was growing up, weekends with the guys meant trips to explore the outdoors, whether hiking, climbing or skiing. “Being 8 or 9 years old and going with the boys was the greatest thing in the world,” he says. “Every time I go out there, it’s the excitement of going out with the boys on a trip.” Guilfoyle’s weekend adventures now include ice climbing in the winter, sum-

mertime rock climbing, hikes and camping, all in regular rotation. During the in-between times he stays in condition to tackle the terrain he seeks out. “It’s a lot of cardio,” he warns. “I’m not fast. It’s a long cardio where it takes endurance. The Pemi Loop {a hiking circuit in the Pemigewasset Wilderness of New Hampshire’s White Mountains} took 22 hours, really, without a break, maybe only a half-hour or 45 minutes. I also get into a lot of running and lots of cross training.” Guilfoyle also enjoys boxing. He participates in boxing classes at the downtown YMCA with trainer Tom Coulter, a world-famous athlete and Olympic coach who has worked with well-known boxers including George Foreman, Mike Tyson, Riddick Bowe and Roy Jones Jr. He also emphasizes the importance of running, not only for the physical benefits, but for the mental aspect. “Running has a rhythm,” Guilfoyle says. “Long hikes are about rhythm. Then your mind stops buggin’ you.” There’s plenty of time for hiking minds to settle when trips are as long as those

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2.5.14 - 2.12.14

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Guilfoyle seeks out. In February 2012, his group went hiking to Mount Katahdin in Maine, the highest mountain in the state. They drove in on Friday, then hiked 14 miles to set up a base camp, which they had to dig four feet into the snow to secure. The next morning, they hiked eight miles around Knife’s Edge, then 14 miles back to the campsite, followed by an additional hike on Sunday. Then they drove 10 hours home. In addition to hikes, Guilfoyle’s gang is also into ice climbing. “The first time I went climbing on ice, it was baffling,” Guilfoyle recalls. “You can’t grab a hold of it. You have to completely rely on the tools. But the first time I fell, I only fell about 10 or 15 feet, bounced off the ice, spun around and kept going. But you’ve got to think about what you’re doing. There’s always danger

there. Living on the edge has real-world consequences.” Guilfoyle has seen those consequences firsthand: His friend, Calum Stewart, fell while climbing the 4,610-foot Nippletop Mountain on Dec. 15, 2012. “It was sobering, that accident,” Guilfoyle says. The group thought Stewart had died until they saw some movement. Part of the group climbed to the top of the mountain to call for help, while Guilfoyle waited for hours with Stewart at the base. Stewart lost his toes to frostbite, yet is on his way to a full recovery. Guilfoyle found many of his hiking companions through Meetup.com/ newyorkmountaineering, run by Jim Wallace. Guilfoyle and Wallace have done numerous trips together

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ting pounded with snow and 70 mph winds along with a negative wind-chill factor. At times we were almost blasted off the ridge. In the end the whole trek took us 22 hours to complete. This was definitely the ‘Hike of all Hikes,’ topping out any Great Range, Presidential Traverse or Devil’s Path by a long shot.” Dangerous as it is, it is the calm within the storm that still grabs Guilfoyle. “You have to be there. You have this complete consciousness of the moment,” he says. “When you get there, you don’t think about your mortgage, your job. You’re just there. Space around you is the only thing that matters.” o


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since connecting through the site. “The Internet is a great place to find hiking groups,” Guilfoyle says. Many of these hikes are not for the timid, however. A trip report of the Pemi Loop from Wallace details what it’s like to keep up with these hikers: “Dave and I would complete an epic hike that I think can’t be topped at least by any Meetup group in New York. We traveled over 37 miles climbing over 14 summits through boulder fields, snow, ice and exposed ridges. Most of the summits were outstanding with a few exceptions as Zealand and Galehead. The highlight was perhaps our traverse over Franconia Ridge during the night as we were get-

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2.5.14 - 2.12.14




2.5.14 - 2.12.14


Devils’ Advocate

The epic SU-Duke game ushers a new college basketball rivalry By Matt Michael


hen 10-year-old Billy Pabst, of Scranton, Pa., received a ticket to the Duke-Syracuse University basketball game as a Christmas present, he “almost fainted,” he said. Join the club, Billy. There were 35,445 other fans were who were feeling a little dizzy, too, after the first Atlantic Coast Conference game between the Orange and Blue Devils at the Carrier Dome. In what can be described as nothing less than an instant classic, No. 2 SU outlasted the 17th-ranked Blue Devils 91-89 in overtime Saturday, Feb. 1, before an NCAA on-campus record crowd of 35,446 fans at the Dome. The game had it all: the frenzied crowd; the two most successful coaches in Division I history (Duke’s Mike Krzyzewski and SU’s Jim Boeheim); two of the nation’s top freshmen (Duke’s Jabari Parker and SU’s Tyler Ennis); a buzzer-beating 3-pointer by Duke’s Rasheed Sulaimon to send the game into overtime; an Orange rally from a three-point deficit in OT; and SU’s school-record 21st consecutive victory to start the season. Whew. “If you paid $3,400 on the market for a courtside seat, it was money well spent. You should be happy that you did,” Boeheim said. “And if you sold your tickets for this game, you should be ashamed, because you made some money and missed an epic.” “How many people are in games like this?” Krzyzewski asked. “Hardly anybody.” Perhaps 30 years from now, when local sportswriters and broadcasters are analyzing the history of Duke-SU, they’ll point to Saturday’s game as the one that started a rivalry that—dare we say it—surpassed the Georgetown-Syracuse rivalry for drama and intensity. “You know, a rivalry doesn’t have to be hatred,” Krzyzewski said. “A great rivalry is built on respect. And a great rivalry is built on the respect for the excellence of your opponent. That’s why we’ve had a great rivalry with North Carolina.” Move over, Tar Heels: The ’Cuse is in the house. SU’s game at Duke on Feb. 22 has become the must-watch game of the year in college basketball. “It’s an unbelievable feeling,” SU’s C.J. Fair said after scoring a career-high 28 points against the Blue Devils. “This rivalry seems like it’s been going on for 30 years, but this is just the beginning.” “It was incredible, a great game between two of the best teams and programs in the country,” added SU’s Jerami Grant, who scored eight points in the overtime session. “And to have all the fans come out and support us, it really provided for an amazing environment. You can’t go anywhere else and have this kind of atmosphere.”

Fanatics: An NCAA on-campus record crowd of 35,446 watched the game. He’s got that right. SU season-ticket holder John Groat, of Syracuse, said for SU fans the Duke game was “the Super Bowl.” That Super Bowl-like atmosphere kicked off in the morning, when about 5,000 fans came to the Dome for ESPN’s College GameDay show. Chris Michaenzie, 20, of Foxboro, Mass., was one of the SU students who entered the Dome at about 6:45 a.m. Saturday for GameDay and didn’t leave until the game ended about 14 hours later. To get the best student seats for the game, Michaenzie and three of his friends—fellow SU students Sam Hauser, Ethan Schafer and Brett Lampman— took turns camping out for two weeks in freezing temperatures at the “Boeheimburg” tent city outside the Dome. Their strategy worked, as they ended up in the second row of the student section behind the basket. “It’s worth the experience,” Michaenzie said. “Who knows when this is going to happen again?” Groat and his friend Denis Hickey, of Camillus, own season tickets in the bleachers opposite the benches, and you’ve probably seen them on TV: They’re the guys who’ve been wearing the Boeheim masks with sunglasses for the past three seasons. Wearing their masks and “I Bleed Orange” T-shirts, Groat and Hickey arrived at the Dome early Saturday and hung out on the other side of the curtain, getting their pictures taken and clowning around with fans. “I love it,” Groat said. “It’s an orange circus today.”

Syracuse New Times


The big top was quiet for only a few minutes, when Grammy and Tony award winner and SU alum Vanessa Williams sang the national anthem. And then the main event: Neither team led or trailed by more than seven points, the lead changed eight times and the score was tied 11 times. “I don’t think I’ve been involved in a better game here that I can think of where both teams played at such a high level,” said Boeheim, who has coached 1,255 games in his 38 years at SU. “You can have close games, tough exciting games. But I don’t think I’ve seen a game with two really good defensive teams, and it’s 91-89. Both teams just went after it. I can’t say enough about the quality of this game. It was the highest quality possible.” Any fainting occurred when Duke’s Sulaimon sprinted upcourt and launched a 3-pointer that swished through the net as time expired in regulation. When Andre Dawkins sank the Blue Devils’ 15th and final 3-pointer of the game with one minute, 21 seconds remaining in overtime, the Orange found itself trailing 87-84. But once again, the Orange found a way. SU outscored Duke 7-2 in the final 71 seconds as Grant, Ennis and Fair sank 7 of 8 free throws. “We knew we would be fine,” Grant said. “They hit a couple of tough shots throughout regulation and in overtime, so it wasn’t all that shocking that {Sulaimon} was able to hit just one more. We just needed to regroup and compose ourselves for overtime, and I think we did a good job of that.”

Saturday’s game was the first matchup between Krzyzewski and Boeheim since they became the two winningest coaches in Division I history. Krzyzewski ranks first with 974 wins, while Boeheim is second with 941. Boeheim holds the record for most wins at one school (all 941), while Krzyzewski recently earned his 900th win at Duke. Both coaches are enshrined in the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame, and they’re also best friends; Boeheim was an assistant under Team USA coach Krzyzewski when the United States won gold medals at the 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympics. “I try not to think about {the friendship},” Boeheim said. “I’m focused on Duke’s players. My two best friends are P.J. {Carlesimo} and Mike, and I coached against P.J. 22 or 23 times. {P.J. and I are} probably good friends because I beat him every time. This was just a great game. It was great to be a part of this game.” “We’re coaching for our teams and schools,” Krzyzewski said. “There’s not like a twinge, you know. He wasn’t twinging, and I wasn’t twinging. We did both what we were supposed to do. We coached our butts off and our teams played hard, and we’re obviously still very, very good friends.” Krzyzewski said his players “loved being here,” and he praised the SU fans for their dedication and enthusiasm. The crowd of 35,446—with fans stretched as far the corner at the opposite end of the Dome—smashed the on-campus record of 35,012 set last season when Georgetown visited the Dome for the last time as a Big East Conference opponent. Former Georgetown coach John Thompson ignited the Georgetown-Syracuse rivalry by saying “Manley Field House is officially closed.” After Saturday, the Duke-Syracuse rivalry is officially opened. “When it went into overtime, it was fitting,” SU’s Ennis said. “We just started a new rivalry, and it was a storybook ending for us.” Orange Slices: SU, which was ranked No. 1 in the country in Monday’s poll, ran its winning streak to 22 Monday night with a 61-55 victory over Notre Dame before “only” 25,850 at the Dome. Trevor Cooney tied a school record with nine 3-pointers on 9-for-12 shooting and scored a career-high 33 points as the Orange overcame its Duke hangover to upend the Irish. SU needed every one of Cooney’s points as Grant and Fair, who combined for 52 points against the Blue Devils, scored a combined 15 points on 5-for-21 shooting against Notre Dame. SU’s next game is at 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9, against Clemson at the Dome. o

First tracks

Whistler Stopped A heart attack on a B.C. mountain and a speedy response By Scott Launt


n the first renderings of this series, I suggested that the planning of at least one long “road trip” should start very early preseason. In my case, it started in the summer with the good guidance of the Onondaga Ski Club’s trip committee. Destination: Whistler/Backhoe, in British Columbia. This place has long been on my list to get to. I signed up, along with two friends and neighbors and accompanied 29 others from New York. As I write this article at Whistler, I can report that this destination is the mecca

for riders of all abilities. It’s by far the largest ski resort in North America, having more than 2 million skier visits a year. (A skier visit is defined as one skier times the number of days skiing; a five-day pass for me would be five skier visits.) The two mountains and village area are delightful and full of amenities for all. Like many places this season, it could use more snow. I experienced an unusual event in the middle of my first day of skiing: I had a minor heart attack at the top of Whistler Mountain. I told my friends to go ahead, as I felt I knew what was going on. After protesting, my roommate gave me some aspirin he had “just in case,” and he pushed off. So now what? My National Ski Patrol training and my wife’s voice in my head prevailed. I sought assistance from a patroller at the top of the mountain. At the aid room, I was quickly assessed: Oxygen was administered, and the Whistler patrol’s staff doctor (who just happened to be a cardiac doc) administered nitroglycerin. That brought immediate

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relief from the chest pain and pressure I was experiencing. The next quick discussion concerned transport. A helicopter flight was mentioned briefly and ruled out as unnecessary. So I was transported on the same type of rescue toboggan that we use on the hill at Labrador. The difference was distance. My ride was at least eight times longer than the longest trail at Lab, Song or Toggenburg! At the bottom, we were met by the provincial paramedic ambulance squad, who, along with the patroller, discussed my options of further evaluation at the Whistler Medical Center clinic or walking away. Again, with my training and my wife’s voice in my head, transport to the medical center took only a few minutes. This clinic is like those found at the larger resorts in the United States, but larger yet. Basically, it’s an emergency room, where I was further evaluated. After the prescribed tests for a heart event, it was determined by the doctor

on staff, in consultation with the head cardiologist at Vancouver’s premier heart hospital, that I needed to go for another ambulance ride to his facility. There, I underwent an angiogram in their heart catherization lab late Monday afternoon. I received very good news early that evening: I had had a minor heart attack, with no major damage. My heart is functioning normally, and no stent was needed. I was and am blessed with having immediate care at the highest level, great training myself as a patroller and wonderful friends here with me, one of whom took a day off of skiing to rent a car and fetch my butt from Vancouver. The doc in Vancouver recommended I take it easy and rest a few days. No strenuous skiing; the greens are on tap for Friday. o Scott Launt grew up in Cortland. Much of his misspent youth was at Greek Peak. He is a member of the National Ski Patrol at Labrador and a member of the Onondaga Ski Club.

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2.5.14 - 2.12.14




Entrepreneur: Ryan Novak bought the Chocolate Pizza Company, of Marcellus, when he was still a student at Syracuse University. Novak has grown the company into a national brand with five stores in four states and more than 20 employees.

Ryan Novak achieved his childhood dream, then took it to another level


or Ryan Novak, life is not like a box of chocolate. It is more like a chocolate pizza. There are bumps in the road or obstacles sometimes he’s had to get around, similar to the pecan, almond and white chocolate drizzled-on topping. But overall, it is sweet and satisfying, like the milk chocolate and toffee crust. Novak, 25, the owner of the Chocolate Pizza Company, in Marcellus, began to visit the store, across the street from his childhood home, as a toddler. His mother stopped and talked with then-owner Bonnie Hanyak, and Novak would find the chocolate samples, even from the confines of a stroller. Hanyak opened the store in 1988 as a small gift shop. In 1992, she stumbled upon the formula used to create chocolate pizza when she mixed an almost century-old, Central New York chocolate recipe with a blend of English toffee. 20

2.5.14 - 2.12.14

Syracuse New Times

In 1998, Ryan’s mother, who was seven months’ pregnant, died in a car crash driving home from work. “The tragedy devastated Ryan, but it also ignited a real purpose to his life,” says Chris Novak, Ryan’s father. “Ryan made a promise the day she died that he would make his mom proud, and keeping that promise in everything he does has been at the core of who he is.” While the Marcellus community supported the Novak family after the tragedy, the Chocolate Pizza Company, one of Ryan’s favorite places to be, was always right across the street. When Novak was 15, Hanyak hired him to help out around the shop. “I gave him the job as soon as he could work,” Hanyak

recalls, “because I saw a very hard-working young man with such a pleasing personality that I knew already had an excitement about my business.” One day after he finished stocking the shelves and cleaning the display cases, Novak told Hanyak he was going to buy the company from her when she was ready to retire. He came home from work and announced to his father his new career plan in the chocolate confections industry. His father responded, “You have to make sure you know how to mop the floors and stock the shelves before you can own the place.” Novak put his Willy Wonka-esque dream on hold for a couple of years while he attended Syracuse University, where he studied entrepreneurship and emerging enterprises (more commonly known as triple-E) and served as the placekicker for the SU football team. As the spring semester ended in Novak’s junior year, Hanyak decided it was time to retire. Ken Walsleben, who taught Novak’s introduction

Pie chart: Push pins mark where chocolate pizzas have been shipped. www.syracusenewtimes.com

to entrepreneurship class, remembers the day Novak told him about the possibility of purchasing the business. “He came up to me after class and told me he had been working at this store part time for a while and had the opportunity to purchase the company,” Walsleben says. “He was always a really energized and determined young man, but buying an existing business is not a normal occurrence. He had the vision to take this sleepy little candy shop into a national brand.” Between Novak’s junior and senior years, Hanyak took a chance and sold her 20-yearold business to Novak, then 21. While balancing going to class, playing Division I football and running a business, Novak graduated from SU in 2011. Since then, Novak has expanded the business from a small-town chocolate shop with three employees to a national brand with five stores in four states and more than 20 employees. The Chocolate Pizza Company’s products are available in more than 1,500 stores, including at many Hallmark locations. The company offers products including Novak’s favorite, peanut butter wings, plus chocolate roses and, of course, a variety of chocolate pizzas. The business has been featured on the ABC Nightly News and the Food Network’s show Unwrapped, hosted by former Double Dare legend Mark Summers. Some of the Chocolate Pizza Company’s clients include the Clintons (Bill and Hillary) and Carol Martineau Baldwin, longtime Central New York resident and mother to television and film’s Baldwin brothers. Novak frequently talks with Hanyak, even though she moved to New Jersey to be closer to her family. “My relationship with Ryan has always been like family. I have five grandsons and always considered him my sixth,” Hanyak says. Even though the business has grown exponentially, Novak says Marcellus will

always be home. He gets up at 5:30 a.m. for a workout and is at the store from about 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., six or seven days a week. Novak does not plan any major expansions of the Chocolate Pizza Company in the near future, but everyone at the company is preparing for the Valentine’s Day rush. And if you stop by the Marcellus location, you probably won’t see Novak, because he’ll be busy working in the back. o


2.5.14 - 2.12.14

Syracuse New Times

Chocolate Pizza Company, 60 E. Main St., Marcellus, is open Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, call 673-4098 or (800) 280-9381. Also check out the store at 8188 Cazenovia Road (Route 92 and Pompey Center Road) in Manlius. Store hours are Tuesdays through Thursdays, 11 a.m. to Home sweet home: Ryan Novak started going to the store in 5:30 p.m.; Fridays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturdays, Marcellus, across the street from his family’s home, when he 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call 682-0212 for details. was a toddler.


Syracuse New Times


2.5.14 - 2.12.14



Dio Tops Sammys He was selected for lifetime achievement award


onnie James Dio will be honored with the lifetime achievement award at the Syracuse Area Music Awards (Sammys) ceremony Thursday, March 6, and Friday, March 7. During a long career, Dio succeeded Ozzy Osborne as lead singer of Black Sabbath in 1979. He left the band in 1982. Dio died of stomach cancer at age 67 on May 16, 2010. He and his bands sold more than 47 million records. The award is sponsored by the Syracuse New Times. John Spillett will be honored as music educator. He was band director at Solvay High School, where he taught instrumental music for more than 30 years. He also mentored more than 30 student teachers from Syracuse University, Ithaca College and the SUNY Potsdam and helped develop the instrumental music program at Le Moyne College. The Madisons will receive the Founder’s Award. The vocal group performed together from 1963 to 1966. The Hall of Fame inductees are the Homel-Alaniz Band, The Flashcubes, Art Robins, Gerber Music and the Tiffault family. The Sammy Hall of Fame induction ceremony is Thursday, March 6, at Upstairs at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246

This years Hall Of Fame inductees Jim Forn of the Madisons (left) and Art Robins (center) harmonize with Ronnie Leigh in an impromptu rendition of “What’s Goin’ On”. W. Willow St. The Sammy awards show will be 7 p.m., Friday, March 7, at the Palace Theatre, 2384 James St. Performing at the Sammy awards show will be the Mike McKay Band, the Brownskin Band, the Pale Green Stars, the Goonies and a reunion by the Flashcubes. Tickets for the Hall of Fame induction are $20 and can be purchased in advance by calling Debbie Foley at 2471718 or by email to dfoley442@aol.com. Tickets for the Sammy awards show are $20 and on sale at www.SyracuseAreaMusic.com.

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2.5.14 - 2.12.14

Syracuse New Times


Nominees in 11 recorded music categories include: Alternative: Hobo Graffiti; Trent Park; 4 point 0; and Our Friends Band. Americana: The Ruddy Well Band; Pale Green Stars; Greg Hoover; Loren Barrigar and Mark Mazengarb; and Kayleigh Goldsworthy. Blues: Funky Blu Roots; Double Barrel Blues Band; Tim Herron; Mark Doyle and the Maniacs – Pushin’; and Mark Doyle and the Maniacs – Live and Burnin’. Country: The Easy Ramblers; Mick Fury & Midnight Moonshine; Nick Piccininni; Just Joe; and The Fulton Chain Gang.

Hip Hop/Rap: Oxburg; Mafiosa; Jefell; Tall Bucks; and Powder Jay & Blaze-A-Lot. Jazz: Jesse Collins Quartet. Metal/Hardcore: Era; and One Last Shot. Other Style: Duo L’Adour; The Fat Peace; Markita Collins; Mike Powell; and Joanne Shenandoah. Pop: Jess Novak; Kill the Lites; April Sun; Sir Magnus; and Joe Lorenz. R&B: Erika Lovette; and The Blacklites. Rock: The Gunrunners; Elephant Mountain; Safe; and Gregg Yeti & The Best Lights. o

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Country Comes to the Fair Jason Aldean is booked for the grandstand By Jessica Novak


hough Central New Yorkers still have plenty of winter ahead, it doesn’t mean they can’t dream of summer and pleasant-weather concerts, like those at the New York State Fair. Announcements of fair acts are starting to roll in, with Jason Aldean’s “Burn It Down Tour” topping the list. Aldean last played a sold-out grandstand in 2012, and this year he’ll return to play Saturday, Aug. 30, the closing concert of the grandstand series. He’ll be joined by Florida George Line and Tyler Farr. Tickets to the 7:30 p.m. show cost $57, $67 or $77 and will go on sale at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8, at the State Fair Box Office and via the fair’s online ticket

seller, etix.com. There will also be two standing-only areas between the stage and the T-shaped thrust for this concert only. Tickets will be $99 and available to members of the Jason Aldean fan club. With more than 8.5 million albums sold and 12 No. 1 hits, this reigning ACM “Male Vocalist of the Year” and Grammy nominee is one of the hottest country artists on the market. He’s played venues spanning Madison Square Garden, the University of Georgia’s Sanford Stadium, Wrigley Field, Fenway Park and more. “This is an amazing lineup,” says Richard A. Ball, acting state commissioner of agriculture. “It’s no wonder experts call this one of the top tours of 2014.” o

Black History Month Cabaret

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2.5.14 - 2.12.14




school’s music department at the First Universalist Church, Routes 11 and 49, Central Square. $3/students, $8/adults, $3/students, $15/family. 668-6821.


Diamond Someday. Sat. 7:30 p.m. The


Nelly’s Echo. Wed. Feb. 5, 6 p.m. Lead singer

Nelson Emolpae and his outfit will entertain at Onondaga Community College’s Gordon Student Center Cafe, 4585 W. Seneca Turnpike. Free. 498-2054.

THURSDAY 2/6 Emancipator Ensemble. Thurs. 8 p.m.

popular quintet takes the stage at the United Church of Fayetteville’s Steeple Coffeehouse, 310 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville. $10/includes dessert and coffee. 663-7415.

concerts U P C O M I N G

2/13: Railroad Earth, Have Gun Will Travel. Palace Theatre.

Loren Barrigar. Sat. 8 p.m. Local guitar guru


visits the Westcott Community Center, 826 Euclid Ave. $15. 478-8634.

2/13: Paper Diamond, Loudpvck, Gent and Jawns. Westcott Theater.

Beaucoup Blue. Sat. 8 p.m. The father-son


bluegrass pair, plus opener Carolann Solebello, continues their Central New York visit with a stop at the Oswego Music Hall, McCrobie Civic Center, 41 Lake St., Oswego. $14/advance, $16/door; half-price/children under 12, free/under age 5. 342-1733.

2/14: Night Fever. Turning Stone Resort

in action, plus Up Until Now and Vaporeyes at the Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. $10-$12. 446-1934.

Aaron Lewis. Sat. 8 p.m. See Fri. listing. Turn-

2/16: Reggie and the Full Effect, Dads. Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road.

Red Hot Chilli Pipers. Fri. 7 p.m. The

Jacob Moon. Sat. 8 p.m. Acclaimed sing-

Electronica quartet in their first nationwide tour, plus Odesza and Real Magic at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $15. Thewestcotttheater.com.

FRIDAY 2/7 Cosby Sweater. Fri. 7 p.m. Electronica trio

popular bagpipe outfit performs at the Palace Theatre, 2384 James St. $30/advance, $40/door. Upstateshows.com.

Beaucoup Ensemble. Fri. 8 p.m. Philadelphia-based father-son duo of David and Adrian Mowry performs blues, bluegrass and more, plus opener Carolann Solebello at the Nelson Odeon, 4035 Nelson Road, Nelson. $20. 655-9193.

Aaron Lewis. Fri. 8 p.m. Tickets will be tough

to find for the Staind singer’s annual acoustic shows at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino Showroom, Thruway Exit 33, Verona. $55, $60, $65. 361-SHOW.

Peter Mulvey. Fri. 8 p.m. Charismatic trou-

ing Stone Resort and Casino Showroom, Thruway Exit 33, Verona. $55, $60, $65. 361-SHOW.

er-songwriter brings his folk and pop stylings to the Nelson Odeon, 4035 Nelson Road, Nelson. $20. 655-9193.

Symphoria. Sat. 9 p.m. The orchestra in an unusual night of electronica music with DJ Maestro at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $44/ adults, $5/students. Thewestcotttheater.com.

The Mantras. Sat. 11 p.m. Funk-rockin’ fivesome plus openers Liquid Lounge Band add up to another late shift at the Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. $8-$10. 446-1934.


badour performs during this Folkus Project-spon- Old-Time Music Jam. Every Sun. 1 p.m. sored show at May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Jam session for all sorts of ramblers and pickers Society, 3800 E. Genesee St. $15. folkus.org. is open to both spectators and players, followed by a potluck dinner at 5 p.m. Kellish Hill Farm, Tim Reynolds and TR3. Fri. 8 p.m. North 3192 Pompey Center Road, Manlius. $5/suggested Carolina’s funk-rock power trio in action, preceded donation. 682-1578. by The Boatmen and Spring Street Family Band at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $15. ThewDusty Pas’cal. Sun. 4 p.m. The Sunday Music estcotttheater.com. Series continues with music from the popular local singer and songwriter at the Auburn Public TheAlfredo Rodriguez. Fri. 8 p.m. Cuban-born ater, 8 Exchange St., Auburn. $10. 253-6669. jazz pianist performs at Cornell University’s Barnes Hall, Ithaca. $25/adults, $12/students. (607) 255Lettuce. Sun. 8 p.m. Old-school funkmeisters 5144, cornellconcertseries.com. celebrate 20 years of crunch grooves, plus Kraz and The Monk at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $20. Thewestcotttheater.com.


50 Years of The Beatles. Sat. 7 p.m. The

Fab Five, Joey Molland of Badfinger, Phil Solem of The Rembrandts and 30 more musicians celebrate moptop mania in this multimedia fundraiser for the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund of Central New York at the Landmark Theatre, 362 S. Salina St. $25, $35. 382-7285, 50YearsOfTheBeatles.com.

A Night at the Cabaret. Sat. 7-9 p.m.

Music by the Paul V. Moore High School Vocal Jazz Ensemble and the Oswego Community Youth Orchestra highlight this fundraiser for the high


2.5.14 - 2.12.14

WEDNESDAY 2/12 Civic Morning Musicals. Wed. Feb. 12, 12:30-1:30 p.m. The Wednesday Recital Series featuring youthful classical musicians features pianist Steven Heyman performing Mozart, Debussy and more at the Everson Museum of Art’s Hosmer Auditorium, 401 Harrison St. Free. 254-7136.

Eoto. Wed. Feb. 12, 8 p.m. Electronica dubsteppers return, preceded by Emalkay at the Westcott Theater, 524 Westcott St. $20. Thewestcotttheater.com.

Syracuse New Times


and Casino Showroom, Verona. 361-SHOW.

2/15: Darius Rucker. Turning Stone Resort and Casino Event Center, Verona. 361-SHOW.


2/18: 3 Doors Down. Turning Stone Resort and Casino Event Center, Verona. 361-SHOW.

2/19: The Sing-Off Live Tour.

Turning Stone Resort and Casino Showroom, Verona. 361-SHOW.

2/19: Hopsin, DJ Hoppa. Westcott Theater. thewestcotttheater.com.


Jeremy Essig. Wed. Feb. 5, Thurs. & Sun. 7:30 p.m. The comedian (and former bassist for several underground rock bands) begins a staggered three-night stand at the Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $10. 423-8669.

Steve Lemme and Kevin Hefferman. Fri. 7:30 & 9:45 p.m., Sat. 7 & 9:45 p.m. The

Broken Lizard tandem visits the Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $20. 423-8669.

Wise Guys Comedy Club. Fri. & Sat. 8

p.m. The club makes its debut at a new location with funny guys Marvin Bell and Eric Tartaglione at Stein’s (formerly McNamara’s Pub), 5600 Newport Road, Camillus. $15. 672-3663.

Pink Collar Comedy Tour. Sat. 8 p.m.

Up-and-coming comediennes Erin Judge, Carrie Gravenson, Abbi Crutchfield and Kaytlin Bailey entertain at Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St., Auburn. $15. 253-6669.

Pink Collar Comedy Tour. Sun. 8 p.m.

The ladies’ next stop is the Central New York Playhouse, Shoppingtown Mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E. $10. 885-8960.

Comedy Showcase. Wed. Feb. 12, 7:30 p.m. Local and regional stand-ups compete

2/19: Richie Ramone. Lost Horizon, 5863 Thompson Road. 446-1934.

2/20: Future Shock. Westcott Theater. thewestcotttheater.com.

2/21: Ralphie May. Turning Stone

Resort and Casino Showroom, Verona. 361SHOW.

2/21: Mike Powell, Scott Danger Bravo. May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society, 3800 E. Genesee St. folkus.org.

2/22: Jeff Haynes. Oswego Music Hall, 41 Lake St., Oswego. 342-1733.

at Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $10. 423-8669.


LISTED ALPHABETICALLY ArtRage Gallery. 505 Hawley Ave. Wed.-Fri. 2-7 p.m., Sat. noon-4 p.m. 218-5711. Through Sat. Feb. 8: Vein 8, the eighth annual exhibition presented by the Stone Canoe journal. Everson Museum of Art. 401 Harrison

St. Sun., Wed. noon-5 p.m., Thurs. noon-8 p.m., Fri. noon-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. noon-5 p.m. $5/suggested donation/general admission; special exhibits vary in admission price. 474-6064. Through December: Enduring Gift, Chinese ceramics culled from the Cloud Wampler collection. Through Feb. 22 and projected outside on the museum’s North facade: Cat Brushing Teeth, Sunset Donut, Cronica de Una Muerte Anunciada, stop-motion animated video pieces created by Brooklyn-based artist Yui Kugimiya; Thurs.-Sun. 7-11 p.m.

Fayetteville Free Library. 300 Orchard St., Fayetteville. Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 1-5 p.m. 637-6374. Through February: Collection of the Unexpected, works by fine art photographer Heidi Vantassel. Reception Thurs. Feb. 6, 5:30-7:30 p.m.Hospice of CNY. 990 Seventh North St., Liverpool. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 634-1100.

La Casita Cultural Center. Lincoln

Building, 109 Otisco St. Mon.-Fri. noon-6 p.m. 4438743. Through March 14: Portals, 46 urban photographs from Havana to Syracuse by Danisley Perez Bravo. Reception Thurs. Feb. 6, 6 p.m.

Light Work Gallery/Community Darkrooms. Robert Menschel Media Center,

316 Waverly Ave., Syracuse University campus. Light Work: Sun.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. or by appointment. Community Darkrooms: Sun. & Mon. 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 443-1300. Through March 7: Dawn Light, Willson Cummer’s morning photography. Through March 7: Newspaper Rock, pieces by Aspen Mays. Through May 30: 2014 Transmedia Photography annual show. Through Aug. 8: Legendary, Gerard H. Gaskin’s photographs of underground balls, where gays and transgenders fashionably flaunt themselves. Lecture Wed. Feb. 12, 7-10 p.m.

Maxwell Memorial Library. 14 Genesee St., Camillus. Mon.-Wed. 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m. 672-3661. Through February: Remembering Apulia, acrylics by Domenico Gigante. Reception Tues. Feb. 11, 6-7:30 p.m.

Onondaga Historical Association.

321 Montgomery St. Wed.-Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Donation requested. 4281864. Through March 30: Snowy Splendor, scenes of winter in Onondaga County. Through June 15: Fashion After Five, cocktail dresses from the 1920s to 1990s; Culture of the Cocktail Hour, a look at Onondaga County’s speakeasies and cocktail lounges during the Prohibition era. Fri. Feb. 8, 7 p.m.: Jerry’s Story, a two-person drama concerning escaped slave William “Jerry” Henry of Syracuse’s famous 1851 “Jerry Rescue” on his journey to freedom; $8/adults, $6/students.Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center. 205 Genesee St., Auburn. Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 1-5 p.m. Suggested admission: $6/adults, free/under 12. 255-1553.

SUArt Galleries. Shaffer Art Building, Syr-

acuse University. Tues. & Wed. 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Thurs. 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri.-Sun. 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 443-4097. Through May 11: America’s Calling, 16 works of art by 15 foreign-born artists including Ben Shahn, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, and Josef Albers; Visions for Sale: Photographs of Nineteenth Century Japan, 22 hand-colored albumen prints from the 19th century exploring the country’s people, land and environment that was quickly changing due to modernization; Ukiyo-e to Shin Hanga, more than 300 examples of Japanese woodcuts.




Improv Comedy Classes. Every Wed. 6-7:45 p.m. Drop-in classes at Salt City Improv Theater, Shoppingtown Mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E., DeWitt. $20/adults, $15/students with ID. 4105471.

Introduction to Improv. Every Sat. 10

a.m.-noon; through Feb. 15. Syracuse Improv Collective instructor Mike Borden offers tips for budding improvisational comic talents at the Central New York Playhouse, Shoppingtown mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E. $75. 885-8960.

Stand-Up Comedy Workshop. Sat.

11 a.m. Veteran comic Tim Joyce leads the class of would-be chucklers at Funny Bone Comedy Club, Destiny USA, off Hiawatha Boulevard. $50. 423-8669.

Oneida Railway Presentation. Sun.

2-4 p.m. Railroad historian John Taibi discusses the Oneida Railroad Company and its early electrified rail system at Onondaga Historical Association, 321 Montgomery St. Free. 428-1864. continued on next page

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2.5.14 - 2.12.14





Daily Happy Hour specials Live music Wed & Fri 17 Columbus St., Auburn COME FOR THE FOOD, STAY FOR THE FUN


Refills from 5-11, $1 + $1.50 Sports Bar - Live Entertainment - Dart & Pitch Leagues 24 Draft Lines - 8, 91” Big Screen - Open Mic 6 EAST MAIN STREET, MARCELLUS, NY 673-2260

GRE Quantitative Cram Course. Sat.

9 a.m.-1 p.m.; through Feb. 15. Take the test for the Graduation Record Examination at SUNY Oswego Metro Center, 2 Clinton Square. $175-$325. 399-4100.

continued from previous page

Classical Music Lecture. Tues. 6-8 p.m.

Central New York Boat Show. Wed.

Feb. 12, 1-9 p.m.; closes Feb. 16. The 2014 edition features hundreds of watercraft vendors. New York State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd. $10/ adults, free/ages 13 and under. (585) 526-5460.

Onondaga Audubon Meeting. Wed.

Gravity. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (IMAX/3-D).

9 p.m. Members meet at Pitcher Hill Community Church, 605 Bailey Road, North Syracuse. Free.

Films, theaters and times subject to change.

plays Virginia Tech. Carrier Dome, 900 Irving Ave. $8-$25. (888) DOME-TIX.

Chili Bowl Festival. Sat. noon-3 p.m. The

Harlem Globetrotters. Fri. 7 p.m. The bas- Thornden Park Association’s annual fundraiser


American Hustle. Destiny USA/Carousel 19.

Daily: 12:20, 3:35, 6:50 & 10:20 p.m. No 12:20 & 3:35 p.m. shows Sat. & Sun. Great Northern 10. Fri.-Sun.: 9:35 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. (2-13): 4:10 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 12:40, 3:50, 7 & 10 p.m.

ketball court jesters take over Jim Boeheim Court at Syracuse University’s Carrier Dome, 900 Irving Ave. $19, $23, $32, $54, $72, $108. (888) DOME-TIX.

takes place at Thornden Park’s Field House, Ostrom Avenue entrance. $3/bowl, $6/platter. 474-3813.

Anchorman 2: Hollywood. Daily: 7 p.m.

Syracuse Silver Knights Soccer. Fri.

Central New York Brewfest. Sat. 1-9

August: Osage County. Shoppingtown 14.

7:30 p.m. The local goal kings play the Milwaukee Wave at the Onondaga County War Memorial Arena, 800 S. State St. $10-$17. 303-7261, 435-2121.

Syracuse Crunch Hockey. Sat. 7 p.m.

The slap-shotters face off against the Springfield Falcons. Onondaga County War Memorial Arena, 515 Montgomery St. $16-$20. 473-4444.

Syracuse University Men’s Basketball. Sun. 6 p.m. The men’s basketball team

plays Clemson University at the Carrier Dome, 900 Irving Ave. $24-$145. (888) DOME-TIX.


Home Show. Fri. 1-7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The 2014 edition features home service vendors and celebrity guests. Turning Stone Resort and Casino, 5218 Patrick Road, Verona. $7/adults, free/ages 16 and under. (800) 771-7711.

Wine-Tasting Fundraiser. Fri. 4:30-

6:30 p.m. Enjoy some adult beverages and raise money for the Center for Community Alternatives. Vinomania, 313 E. Willow St. (enter at Pearl Street). Donation. 422-5638, Ext. 223.

Country Folk Art Show. Fri. 5-9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Artisans gather for this event featuring thousands of handmade gifts. Horticulture Building, New York State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd. $6/adults, free/ages 12 and under. (284) 634-4151.

Scrabble Mania Tournament. Fri. 5:30-

10 p.m. Teams of eight to 10 players compete for prizes at the fourth annual event, which also features live music and refreshments, with proceeds benefiting Literacy Volunteers of Greater Syracuse. Traditions at the Links, 5900 Burdick St., East Syracuse. $50. 471-1300, Ext. 172.

Disc Golf Ice Bowl. Sat. 8:30-9:30 a.m.

registration; 10 a.m. game. Fundraiser for the Salvation Army Food Pantry takes place at the Thornden Park Field House, Ostrom Avenue entrance. $20 plus three non-perishable food items. 399-0441.


2.5.14 - 2.12.14

p.m. Sample local beers at the Exhibit Center, New York State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd. $40. 471-6588.



2 Across. Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 3:30 p.m.; closes

Frozen. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Daily: 2, 4:50

Bonsai Club Meeting. Wed. Feb. 12, 7:30-


Syracuse University Women’s Basketball. Thurs. 7 p.m. The women’s hoops team

10:30 p.m.

& 7:35 p.m. Daily (sing-along version): 11:15 a.m. Great Northern 10. Daily: 4:10 & 7 p.m. Daily (singalong version): 1:10 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 1:40 & 7:05 p.m. Daily (sing-along version): 4:25 p.m.


a.m.-6 p.m., Sun. noon-5 p.m. Motorcycle enthusiasts convene for one of the largest motorcycle shows in the Northeast. Center of Progress Building, New York State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd. Free. 472-7931.

Devil’s Due. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Daily:

Feb. 12, 7-9 p.m. Chris Lajewski of Montezuma Audubon Center speaks during the gathering at Baldwinsville Public Library, 33 E. Genesee St. Free. 635-5631.

Book and Bake Sale. Sat . 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Historian Samuel Zerin gives a lecture on Jewish Tomes and treats at the Northern Onondaga Pubcomposers at Temple Concord Reform Synagogue, lic Library at Cicero, 8686 Knowledge Lane, Cicero. 910 Madison St. Free. 475-9952. Free. 699-2534. Syracuse Super Swap 2014. Sat. 11

p.m. Sat. & Sun. matinee: 2 & 4:30 p.m.

Sat. & Sun. matinee: 2 p.m.

Daily: 12:30, 3:45, 6:40 & 9:35 p.m.

Dallas Buyers Club. Manlius. Daily: 7:30

Next to Normal.

Fri. 8 p.m., Sat. 2 p.m.; closes Sat. Feb. 8. Unusual musical about a bipolar mom, followed by a talkback with the cast; presented in repertory at the Redhouse Arts Center, 201 S. West St. $30/adults, $15/student rush. 362-2785.

Daily: 11:50 a.m., 2:15, 4:40 & 7:15 p.m. Destiny USA/ Carousel 19 (3-D). Daily: 10:25 p.m.

Grudge Match. Hollywood. Daily: 9:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. matinee: 4:30 p.m.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Daily: 8 p.m. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Daily: 11:45 a.m., 3:10, 6:35 & 10 p.m.

I, Frankenstein. Destiny USA/Carousel 19

(IMAX/3-D). Daily: 9:40 p.m. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Daily: 11:35 a.m., 2:05, 4:45, 7:45 & 10:10 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (3-D). Daily: 9:45 p.m.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Destiny

USA/Carousel 19. Daily: 3:55 & 9:50 p.m. Great Northern 10. Daily: 1:40, 4:40 & 7:25 p.m. Late show Fri.-Sun.: 9:55 p.m. No 1:40 & 4:40 shows Sat. & Sun. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 1:35, 4:15, 7:15 & 9:55 p.m. No 1:35 & 4:15 p.m. shows Sat.

Brought to you by the

about a talking cannibalistic plant at JamesVenus in Furs. Wed. Feb. 5 & Thurs. 7:30 ville-DeWitt High School Auditorium, 6845 Edinger p.m., Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 4 p.m.; closes Sun. Drive, DeWitt. $12/adults, $10/students. 498-9304. Feb. 9. David Ives’ bawdy comedy, about a surreal theatrical audition for the stage adaptation of a Maria de Buenos Aires. Wed. Feb. 5, naughty 1870 novella, continues the season at the 7:30 p.m., Fri. 8 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m.; closes Sun. Feb. 9. Kitchen Theatre Company, 417 W. State St., Ithaca. Syracuse Opera stages Astor Piazzola’s merging of $15-$37. (607) 273-4497. tango and classical music (preceded an hour earDeath Takes a Cruise. Every Thurs. 6:45 lier with a pre-performance opera talk hosted by The Whipping Man. Wed. Feb. 5, 2 & 7:30 p.m.; closes March 6. Suspicious characters abound artistic director Douglas Kinney Frost) at the Mul- p.m., Thurs. 7:30 p.m., Fri. 8 p.m., Sat. 3 & 8 p.m., roy Civic Center’s Carrier Theater, 411 Montgomery aboard a riverboat in this interactive dinner-theSun. 2 & 7 p.m., Tues. & Wed. Feb. 12, 7:30 p.m.; St. $18, $41, $66, $81. 476-7372. ater comedy whodunit; performed by Acme closes Feb. 16. Two slaves and a wounded ConfedMystery Company. Spaghetti Warehouse, 689 N. erate soldier come to terms in post-Civil War VirClinton St. $27.95/plus tax and gratuity. 475-1807. Menopause: The Musical. Wed. Feb. ginia in this drama, which continues the season at 5, 7:30 p.m. Famous Artists presents the popular Syracuse Stage’s Archbold Theatre, 820 E. Genesee Jump Cut. Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m.; closes touring musical about the change of life experiSt. $30-$52/adults, $30-$35/age 40 and under, $18/ enced by a sassy sisterhood at the Mulroy Civic Feb. 15. Secrets are revealed when a trio embark under 12. 443-3275. on a documentary project in this production at the Center’s Crouse-Hinds Concert Theater, 411 Montgomery St. $35, $45, $55. 424-8210, 435-2121, (800) Central New York Playhouse, Shoppingtown Mall, World Tales. Sat. 11 a.m. The “World of 745-3000. 3649 Erie Blvd. E. $15/show only Fri. & Sat.; $10/ Puppets” children’s series continues with an anishow only Sun. 885-8960. mal-themed visit from Hobey Ford’s Golden Rod Out of Order. Thurs.-Sat. 8:15 p.m., Sun. 3 Puppets at Open Hand Theater, 518 Prospect Ave. p.m.; closes Feb. 23. Ray Cooney’s wild bedroom King Lear. Fri. & Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m.; farce about sex and British politicians is performed $8. 476-0466. closes Feb. 23. Gerard Moses wears the crown in the Bard’s classic, mounted by the Syracuse Shake- at the Cider Mill Playhouse, 2 S. Nanticoke Ave., speare Festival at the New York State Fairgrounds’ Endicott. $26-$32. (607) 748-7363. AUDITIONS AND REHEARSALS Empire Theater, 581 State Fair Blvd. $15/adults, $12/ seniors and students. 476-1835. Pterodactyls. Thurs. & Sat. 8 p.m.; closes Sat. Auburn Players Community TheFeb. 8. Nicky Silver’s comedy about a dysfunctional atre. Sun. Feb. 9, 2 & 4 p.m., Mon. Feb. 10, 6 p.m. Les Miserables. Thurs.-Sat. 7:30 p.m.; closes family, followed by a talkback with the cast, pre- The company needs children and adults for the April production of To Kill a Mockingbird. First PresSat. Feb. 8. Musical blockbuster about a bread thief sented in repertory at the Redhouse Arts Center, byterian Church, 112 South St., Auburn. 702-7832, 201 S. West St. $30/adults, $15/student rush. 362and his dogged pursuer, mounted by the Baldwww.auburnplayers.org. 2785. winsville Theatre Guild at the First Presbyterian Church Education Center, 64 Oswego St., Baldwinsville. $22/adults (advance), $20/students (advance), Sleeping Beauty. Every Sat. 12:30 p.m.; Central New York Playhouse. Mon. & $25/door. 877-8465. Tues. 7 p.m. Tryouts for the June production of the through March 29. Interactive version of the children’s classic; performed by Magic Circle Children’s mystery And Then There Were None take place at Little Shop of Horrors. Thurs.-Sat. 7 p.m. Theatre. Spaghetti Warehouse, 689 N. Clinton St. the Central New York Playhouse, Shoppingtown Students tackle the wild Roger Corman musical $5. 449-3823. Mall, 3649 Erie Blvd. E. 885-8960. Feb. 16. Fulton Community Theatre mounts this romantic comedy as a dinner theater attraction at Tavern on the Lock, 24 S. First St., Fulton. Dinner and show: $25/adults (6 p.m. dinner Sat., 2 p.m. dinner Sun.), $23/students and seniors. Show only: $12/adults, $10/students and seniors. 592-2661.

Syracuse New Times








Labor Day. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Daily:

That Awkward Moment. Destiny USA/

12:50, 3:40, 6:40 & 9:30 p.m. Great Northern 10. Daily: 1:20, 4:20 & 7:10 p.m. Late show Fri.-Sun.: 10 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 1:15, 4, 6:45 & 9:40 p.m.

Carousel 19. Daily: 11:55 a.m., 2:30, 5:05, 7:50 & 10:40 p.m. Great Northern 10.. Daily: 1:45, 4:45 & 7:30 p.m. Late show Fri.-Sun.: 10:15 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 2, 4:55, 7:40 & 10:20 p.m.

The LEGO Movie. Destiny USA/Carousel 19

Vampire Academy. Destiny USA/Carousel

(RPX/3-D). Daily: 11:40 a.m., 2:20 & 5 p.m. Destiny USA/Carousel 19 (3-D). Daily: 1:10, 4, 7 & 9:45 p.m. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Screen 1: 11:10 a.m., 1:50, 4:30, 7:30 & 10:15 p.m. Screen 2: 12:40, 3:30, 6:30 & 9:15 p.m. Great Northern 10. (3-D). Daily: 4 p.m. Great Northern 10. Daily: 1 & 6:50 p.m. Late show Fri.-Sun.: 9:40 p.m. Shoppingtown 14 (3-D). Daily: 1:30, 4:10, 6:50 & 9:30 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Screen 1: 12:50, 3:30 & 6:10 p.m. Screen 2: 2:10, 4:50, 7:30 & 10:10 p.m.

19. Daily: 1:15, 4:15, 7:05 & 9:55 p.m. Great Northern 10. Daily: 1:55, 4:55 & 7:50 p.m. Late show Fri.-Sun.: 10:25 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 1:20, 4:20, 7:10 & 9:50 p.m.

Lone Survivor. Destiny USA/Carousel 19.


Daily: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 & 9:35 p.m. Great Northern 10. Daily: 1:35, 4:35 & 7:20 p.m. Late show Fri.-Sun.: 10:10 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 12:45, 3:40, 6:30 & 9:25 p.m.

The Monuments Men. Destiny USA/

Carousel 19 (RPX). Daily: 7:40 & 10:35 p.m. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Screen 1: 11:20 a.m., 2:10 & 5:10 p.m. Screen 2: 1:20, 4:10, 7:10 & 10:05 p.m. Great Northern 10. Daily: 1:25, 4:25 & 7:15 p.m. Late show Fri.-Sun.: 10:05 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 1:10, 4:30, 7:20 & 10:15 p.m.

Nebraska. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Daily: 1 & 6:55 p.m.

The Wolf of Wall Street. Destiny USA/

Carousel 19. Daily: 12:05, 4:05 & 8:05 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 8:50 p.m.

7 e. river road brewerton • 668-3905


The Birds. Fri. 7 p.m., Sat. 2:30 & 7 p.m. Tippi

Hedren, Rod Taylor and Suzanne Pleshette in director Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 classic shocker about what might happen when our feathered friends run amuck, plus the 1944 Hitchcock-directed war bond short The Fighting Generation, presented in 35mm prints. Capitol Theatre, 220 W. Dominick St., Rome. $6/adults, $2/children under 12. 337-6453.

Dirty Wars. Mon. 7 p.m. Oscar-nominated

documentary about the U.S. war on terror in Afghanistan. ArtRage Gallery, 505 Hawley Ave. Free; donations welcome. 218-5711, 472-5478.

Driving Miss Daisy. Sat. 7 p.m. Jessica

Tandy, Morgan Freeman and Dan Aykroyd in the 1989 Oscar winner about race relations in the Deep South. Temple Concord Reform Synagogue, 910 Madison St. Free. 475-9952.

Island of the Sharks. Wed. Feb. 5-Fri. 1

p.m., Sat. 1 & 7 p.m., Sun. & Wed. Feb. 12, 1 p.m. Toothy fun in this large-format undersea flick. Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $9.50/adults, $7.50/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $12/adults, $10/children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068.

The Secret of Kells. Tues. 7 p.m. The Cen-

tral New York Irish Cultural Society’s annual film festival concludes with this 2009 cartoon featuring the voices of Brendan Gleeson and Mick Lally. Syracuse New Times theater critic James MacKillop will host the program. Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church’s Forum Room, 5299 Jamesville Road, DeWitt. Free; donations welcome. 487-0953.

To the Arctic. Wed. Feb. 5-Fri. 12, 2 & 4 p.m.,

Academy Award Nominated Animated Short Films. Wed. Feb. 5-Sun. 5:30

Forward Ever. Thurs. 6:30 p.m. The film will

be followed by a discussion with author Carole Boyce Davies during the Caribbean Cinematic Festival at Community Folk Art Center, 805 E. Genesee St. Free; donations welcome. 442-2230.

Akwantu: The Journey, Fyah, El Medico, Toussaint L’ouverture. Sat.

Fruitvale Station. Fri. 1 & 8 p.m., Sat. 8 p.m.

Toussaint L’ouverture. Wed. Feb. 5, 6:30

p.m. The “Indie Films” series continues with this year’s Oscar contenders. Hamilton Theater, 7 Lebanon St., Hamilton. $7.75. 824-2724, 824-8210.

noon-6:30 p.m. Daylong blowout of flicks wraps the Caribbean Cinematic Festival at Community Folk Art Center, 805 E. Genesee St. Free; donations welcome. 442-2230.

Fact-based indie about the last day of Bay Area resident Oscar Grant.. Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St., Auburn. $5/advance, $6/door. 253-6669.

p.m. The film will be followed by a discussion with actor Jimmy Jean-Louis during the Caribbean Cinematic Festival at Community Folk Art Center, 805 E. Genesee St. Free; donations welcome. 442-2230.

Amazon. Wed. Feb. 5-Fri. 3 p.m., Sat. 3 & 6

12, 2:25, 4:55 & 7:25 p.m. Great Northern 10. (3-D). Daily: 4:30 p.m. Great Northern 10. Daily: 1:30 & 6:45 p.m. Late show Fri.-Sun.: 9:30 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 12:25, 2:35, 4:45 & 6:55 p.m.

Ride Along. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Daily:

Better Mus Come. Fri. 7 p.m. The film will

11:25 a.m., 1:55, 4:35, 7:20 & 10 p.m. Great Northern 10. Daily: 1:50, 4:50 & 7:40 p.m. Late show Fri.-Sun.: 10:20 p.m. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 1:50, 4:40, 7:25 & 10:05 p.m.



Sat. 12, 2, 4 & 8 p.m., Sun. & Wed. Feb. 12, 12, 2 & 4 p.m. Meryl Streep narrates the large-format documentary about a polar bear family. Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $9.50/adults, $7.50/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $12/adults, $10/children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068.

p.m., Sun. & Wed. Feb. 12, 3 p.m. Cruise along the big river in this large-format nature flick. Bristol IMAX at the MOST, 500 S. Franklin St. Film: $9.50/ adults, $7.50/children under 11 and seniors. Film and exhibit hall: $12/adults, $10/children under 11 and seniors. 425-9068.

The Nut Job. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Daily:


be followed by a discussion during the Caribbean Cinematic Festival at Community Folk Art Center, 805 E. Genesee St. Free; donations welcome. 442-2230.

Saving Mr. Banks. Shoppingtown 14. Daily: 9:15 p.m.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Hollywood. Sat. & Sun.: 11:35 a.m.

Sleepless in Seattle. Destiny USA/Carousel 19. Sun.: 2 p.m. Wed. (2-12): 2 & 7 p.m.


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Syracuse New Times


2.5.14 - 2.12.14


Dave Robertson. (Eskapes Lounge, 6257

Bob Holz Band. (Bombadil’s, 575 Main St.,

Mark Doyle and the Maniacs. (Dino-

Frankie Diamond. (Cafe at 407, 407 Tulip St., Liverpool), 7:30-9 p.m.

Chris Taylor and the Custom Taylor Band. (Lakeview Lanes, Fulton), 9 p.m.

Mike Sims. (The Wildcat, 3680 Milton Ave.,

Jimmy and Ashley Cox. (bc Restaurant,

Dan Elliott. (Black Olive, 250 S. Clinton St.),

247 W. Fayette St.), 7 p.m.

5:30-8:30 p.m.

Route 66. (Ridge Tavern, 1281 Salt Springs

Joe Henson. (Sherwood Inn, 26 W. Genesee

Dave Robertson (Old City Hall, 159 Water St.

St., Skaneateles), 7-10 p.m.

Oswego), 6-10 p.m.

Just Joe. (King of Clubs, 420 S. Clinton St.), 9 p.m.

Gina Rose Band. (UNC, 125 Washington St.,

Route 31, Cicero), 7-9 p.m.

WEDNESDAY 2/5 Chad Bradshaw. (Eskapes Lounge, 6257 Route 31, Cicero), 7 p.m.

Jessica Novak and the Beards. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 8 p.m.

John Spillett Duo. (Dolce Vita, 907 E. Gene- Mike Place. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub, see St.), 7:30 p.m.

100 S. Lowell Ave.), 9 p.m.

Just Joe. (Jake’s Grub & Grog, 7 E. River Road, Brewerton), 6-9 p.m.

Morris and the Hepcats. (Limp Lizard 4628 Onondaga Blvd.), 7 p.m.

Our Friends Band. (Al’s Wine and Whiskey Lounge, 319 S. Clinton St.), 9 p.m.

Pirate Jam. (Timber Tavern Bar and Grill, 7153 State Fair Blvd.), 8 p.m.

Tiger. (Shifty’s, 1401 Burnet Ave.), 8 p.m. TJ Sacco. (Western Ranch Motor Inn, 1255 State Fair Blvd.), 6:30 p.m.



Agrestic. (56 Main St. Pub, 56 Main St. Cam-

Arty Lenin. (Old City Hall, 159 Water St., Oswe- den), 9:30 p.m.

Black Water Blues Band. (Higie’s Iron

Count Blastula. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Horse Saloon, 2721 Brewerton Road), 9 p.m. Willow St.), 9 p.m.

SUN 2/16


SAT 2/19







Syracuse New Times

J&B Duo. (Phoenix VFW Post 5540, 70 Culvert St., Phoenix), 6-10 p.m.

John Lerner. (Arena’s Eis House, 144 Academy St., Mexico), 7-10 p.m.

Joshua Breakstone Trio w/Dino Losito. (Sitrus Lounge, Sheraton University Inn, Just Joe. (Stinger’s Pizza Pub, 4500 Pewter Lane, Manlius), 6-10 p.m.

Ruddy Well Band. (World of Beer, Destiny USA), 8 p.m.

Screen Test. (Shifty’s, 1401 Burnet Ave.), 9 p.m. Soul Risin’. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub, 100 S. Lowell Ave.), 10 p.m.

The Barndogs. (Revolutions, Destiny USA), 8 p.m.

The Dreamers. (Bridge Street Tavern, 109 Bridge St., Solvay), 8 p.m. The Mere Mortals. (Rosie’s Sports Pub, 1443 W. Genesee St.), 9:30 p.m.

TJ Sacco and the Urban Cowboys. (Knoxies Pub, 7088 Route 20, Pompey), 9 p.m.

Triple Threat. (JP’s Tavern, 109 Syracuse St., Baldwinsville), 7 p.m.

SATURDAY 2/8 3 Inch Fury. (Mac’s Bad Art Bar, 1799 Brewerton Road, Mattydale), 10 p.m.

Attractive Nuisance. (Rain Lounge, 103 N. Geddes St.), 6-9 p.m.

Brian McArdell and Mark Westers. (Bull and Bear, 6402 Collamer Road), 10 p.m.

Chad Bradshaw Blues. (Limp Lizard, 201

Wake Up With

ESP. (Bistro Elephant, Jefferson Street), 7 p.m.

GARY DUNES 5:00am - 10:00am Spend Your Workday With





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2.5.14 - 2.12.14

Camillus), 6-9 p.m.

First St., Liverpool), 8:30 p.m.

3:00pm - 7:00pm


Osborne St. Auburn), 9 p.m.

of the 70’s & 80’s!



Honky Tonk Hindooz. (O’Toole’s, 113




and Casino, 5218 Patrick Road, Verona), 10 p.m.

FEB 6 • 7PM



Grit N Grace. (Tin Rooster, Turning Stone Resort



Auburn), 8 p.m.


The Legendary

saur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 10 p.m.

Road, Chittenango), 7:30 p.m.

801 University Ave.), 6-9 p.m.

go), 6-10 p.m.

FRI 2/7

Phoenix), 8 p.m.



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F5. (Dominick’s Sports Tavern, Route 51A, Scriba), 10 p.m.

Finn, Bristol and Kearns. (Coleman’s

Authentic Irish Pub, 100 S. Lowell Ave.), 10 p.m.

St., Skaneateles), 9:30 p.m.

West End Rockers. (George O’Dea’s, 1333 W. Fayette St.), 8 p.m.

Gallows Road. (Richie’s Bar and Grill, 20


Grit N Grace. (Lake Como Inn, 1297 E. Lake

Donal O’Shaughnessy and Brian Hyland. (Coleman’s Authentic Irish Pub, 100 S.

Road, Cortland), 9 p.m.

Lowell Ave.), 4-7 p.m.

Gunrunners. (Big Papa’s Riverside Tavern,

Jesse Collins Trio. (Al’s Wine and Whiskey

501 County Route 12, Phoenix), 8 p.m.

Lounge, 319 S. Clinton St.), 9 p.m.

Hendry. (Rosie’s Sports Pub and Grille, 1443 W.

Just Joe. (Shifty’s, 1401 Burnet Ave.), 8-11 p.m.

Classic St., Sherburne), 8 p.m.

Genesee St.), 9:30 p.m.

Kyote. (Buffalo’s, 2119 Downer St. Road, Baldwinsville), 9 p.m.

Last Call. (Timber Tavern Bar and Grill, 7153 State Fair Blvd.), 9 p.m.

Modern Mudd: Nuttin Butt the Blues. (Sharkey’s Eclectic Sports Lounge, 7240 Oswego Road, Liverpool), 7-10 p.m.

Off the Reservation. (LakeHouse Pub, 6 W. Genesee St., Skaneateles), 6-9 p.m.

Wayback Machine. (O’Toole’s, 113 Osborne St., Auburn), 6-9 p.m.

MONDAY 2/10 Chuck Dorgan and Jessica Novak.

Plastic Soul. (Shifty’s, 1401 Burnet Ave.), 9 p.m.

(Ironwood Restaurant, 145 E. Seneca St., Manlius), 5:30-8:30 p.m.

The Camillians. (Green Gate Inn, 2 County

Michael Crissan. (Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246

Road 98 (Main Street), Camillus), 8 p.m.

W. Willow St.), 8 p.m.

The Fabulous Ripcords. (Dinosaur Bar-

Stone River Band. (American Legion, 9

B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 10 p.m.

Oswego River Road, Phoenix), 6-10 p.m.

Thunder Canyon. (American Legion, 139


W. Manlius St., East Syracuse), 7-11 p.m. Valentine dance.

TJ Sacco and the Urban Cowboys.

Bob & Dave (805’s Dave Porter).

(Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St.), 8 p.m.

(Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar, Destiny USA), 9:30 p.m.

Virgil Cain. (LakeHouse Pub, 6 W. Genesee


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To place your ad call (315) 422-7011 or fax (315) 422-1721 or e-mail classified@syracusenewtimes.com LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 311 WAVEL STREET, LLC. On December 27, 2013, Articles of Organization of 311 Wavel Street, LLC were filed with the Secretary of State of New York. The office of the limited liability company is located in Onondaga County. The Secretary of State of the State of New York is designated as the agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served and the address within New York State to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him or her is 555 Ludwig Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14240. Notice of Formation of BAYSTEIN, LLC (the “Company”) Baystein, LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Department of State on December 18, 2013. The office of the Company is located in Onondaga County, NY. The Secretary of State is designated as the agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served. The post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the Company served upon him is: the LLC, Attn: Bruce S. Holstein, 8138 Old Sunridge Drive, Manlius, NY 13104. The purpose for which the Company is formed is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which limited liability companies may be organized under the Limited Liability Company Law.

Notice of Formation of Chelsea Bridge LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 10/16/13. Office location: Onondaga County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 106 Charing Rd., DeWitt, NY 13214, principal business address. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Howard’s Red Barn, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/24/13. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 1744 State Route 49, Constantia, NY 13044. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Keith R Pickering, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with

the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 1-13-14. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 4790 Kasson Rd Syracuse NY 13215. Purpose: any lawful purpose. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LAKEDESIGN LLC (Under Section 206 of the Limited Liability Company Law) 1. The name of the limited liability company is LAKEDESIGN LLC. 2. The date of filing of the articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State was January 17, 2014.  The articles of organization became effective on that date. 3. The office of the limited liability company is located in Onondaga County. 4. The New York Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served.  The Secretary shall mail a copy of any process served to the limited liability company at the following address:   2424 West Lake Road, Skaneateles, New York 13152. 5. The purpose of the limited liability company shall be to transact any and all business which may be transacted legally by a limited liability company pursuant to the New York Limited Liability Company Law. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is :Photos by Tiffany, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 2/11/13. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 103 Thomas Road, Dewitt, NY 13214. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is 103 Thomas Road, Dewitt, NY 13214. The purpose of the business of the Company includes any and all lawful purposes.

Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is HONEYWEALTH LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 10/02/2013. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 124 Berwyn Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210.

The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 124 Berwyn Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: B.R.S Medical Transportation LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 12/2013. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 302 Burt ST. Syracuse, NY 13202. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 808 N. Townsend ST., Syracuse, NY 13208. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Frontline Technical Solutions, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 10/25/2013. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 212 Caroline Ave., Solvay, NY 13209. The SSNY has been des-

ignated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 212 Caroline Ave., Solvay, NY 13209. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: HGD SYSTEMS LLC . The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 3/3/2011. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 4788 Four Seasons Dr., Liverpool, NY 13088. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 4788 Four Seasons Dr., Liverpool,NY 13088. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes.

Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: JGM Sales LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 11/4/13. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 8128 Rizzo Dr., Clay, NY 13041. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the

SSNY shall mail process is: 8128 Rizzo Dr ., Clay, NY 13041. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Salt City Miners. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 12/12/2013. The office of the company is located in: Onondaga County. The principal business location is: c/o The Tech Garden, 235 Harrison Street, Syracuse, NY, 13202. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: United States Corporation Agents, Inc. at 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes. Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Sprint Health Solutions, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 11/12/13 . The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 169 east 91 st, 8b, New York , NY 10128. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the

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SSNY shall mail process is: 169 east 91 st, 8b New York, NY 10128. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes.

Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is: Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 7/1/13. The office of the company is located in: Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 2013 East Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: 2013 East Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes.

Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is:Piper Perfect Pet Sitting, LLC. The Articles of Organization of the company were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on: 11/19/2013. The office of the company is located in Onondaga County. The principal business location is: 1 Athena Drive, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail process is: United States Corporation Agents, INC. 7014 13th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11228. The purpose of the business of the Company includes: any and all lawful purposes.

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY.  NAME: HEATWAY, LLC.  Articles of organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on December 23, 2013.  Office location: County of Onondaga at 6544 Marra Lane, Cicero, New York 13039. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.  SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, PO BOX 3456, Syracuse, New York 13220  Purpose:  For any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of SKINNYLAKE, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/30/13. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY




designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, P.O. Box 369, Skaneateles, NY 13152. Purpose: any lawful activity.

Notice of Formation of WIRE ME HAPPY LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/5/13. Office location: Cortland County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 2019 Artemis Drive, Cortland, NY 13045. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Qualification of Merit Service Solutions, LLC. Authority filed with NY Dept. of State on 1/13/14. Office location: Onondaga County. LLC formed in DE on 7/28/11. NY Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o CT Corporation System, 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd. agent upon whom process may be served. DE address of LLC: 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Sec. of State, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: all lawful purposes. SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS. Index No. 2013-3255. STATE OF NEW YORK. SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF ONONDAGA. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, -vs-THE HEIRS AT LARGE OF FRANCES A. SQUADRITO, deceased, and all persons who are wives, widows, grantees, mortgagees, lienors, heirs, devisees, distributees, successors in interest of such of them as may be dead, and their husbands and wives, heirs, devisees, distributees, and successors in interest all of whom and whose names and places are unknown to Plaintiff; JOSEPH SQUADRITO, JAMES GACEK, JOSEPHINE VA L D E S - A LVA R E Z AND TANYA NAPIER ALL AS POSSIBLE HEIRS OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCES A. SQUADRITO, deceased; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; CROUSE HEALTH HOSPITAL DBA CROUSE HOSPITAL; ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL HEALTH CENTER; STATE OF NEW YORK BY AND THROUGH THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY; STATE



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OF NEW YORK; PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK O/B/O SYRACUSE CITY COURT; COMMUNITY GENERAL HOSPITAL OF GREATER SYRACUSE, INC.; THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK O/B/O SALINA TOWN COURT; “JOHN DOE” AND “JANE DOE” said names being fictitious, it being the intention of Plaintiff to designate any and all occupants of premises being foreclosed herein, Defendants. Mortgaged Premises: 516 DELMAR PLACE, SYRACUSE, NY 13208. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S): YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action and to serve a copy of your Answer on the plaintiff’s attorney within twenty (20) days of the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service of the same is complete where service is made in any manner other than by personal delivery within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service. Your failure to appear or answer will result in a judgment against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. In the event that a deficiency balance remains from the sale proceeds, a judgment may be entered against you, unless the Defendant obtained a bankruptcy discharge and such other or further relief as may be just and equitable. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. That this action is being amended to add the Heirs at Large of Frances A. Squadrito, deceased, Joseph Squadrito,

Syracuse New Times

James Gacek, Josephine Valdes-Alvarez, and Tanya Napier, as Possible Heirs of Frances A. Squadrito, deceased. That this action is also being amended to add New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, United States of America, Crouse Health Hospital dba Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph Hospital Health Center, State of New York by and through the State University of New York Upstate Medical Center, State of New York, People of the State of New York o/b/o Syracuse City Court, Community General Hospital of Greater Syracuse, Inc., and The People of the State of New York o/b/o Salina Town Court as necessary parties. ONONDAGA County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the mortgaged premises. Dated: December 23, 2013./s/____Mark K. Broyles, Esq. FEIN, SUCH & CRANE, LLP. Attorneys for Plaintiff Office and P.O. Address 28 East Main Street, Suite 1800, Rochester, New York 14614. Telephone No. (585) 232-7400. (SECTION: 070, BLOCK: 13, LOT: 04.0). NATURE AND OBJECT OF ACTION. The object of the above action is to foreclose a mortgage held by the Plaintiff recorded in the County of ONONDAGA, State of New York as more particularly described in the Complaint herein. TO THE DEFENDANT, the plaintiff makes no personal claim against you in this action. To the above named defendants: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. Deborah H. Karalunas, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of N.Y., dated January 9, 2014 and filed along with the supporting papers in

the Onondaga County Clerk’s Office. This is an action to foreclose a mortgage. The premises is described as follows: All that certain, lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of Salina, County of Onondaga, State of New York, designated as Lot No. 13, Block “M” Lyncourt Knolls according to a map filed in Onondaga County Clerk’s Office June 10, 1926. Premises known as 516 Delmar Place, Syracuse, N.Y. 13208.

SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK – COUNTY OF ONONDAGA INDEX # 4769/2012 FILED: 8/30/2012 SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS AND NOTICE. Plaintiff designates Onondaga County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgage premise is situated. WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff against CORY MORTON A/K/A CORY A. MORTON if he be living and if he be dead, the respective heirs-at-law, next-of-kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignees, lienors, creditors and successors in interest and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or inheritance, any right, title or interest in or to the real property described in the Complaint, and UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, NYS TAX COMISSION, CITY COURT CLERK O/B/O PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, and “JOHN DOE” and “JANE DOE” the last two names being fictitious, said parties intended being tenants or occupants, if any, having or claiming an interest in, or lien upon the premises described in the complaint, NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT

OF TAXATION AND FINANCE, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Defendant(s) TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEYS FOR THE MORTGAGE COMPANY WHO FILED THIS FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT, A DEFAULT JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AND YOU CAN LOSE YOUR HOME. SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY OR GO TO THE COURT WHERE YOU CASE IS PENDING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON HOW TO ANSWER THE SUMMONS AND PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. SENDING A PAYMENT TO YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY WILL NOT STOP THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not serviced with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintiff’s attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); The United States of America, if designated as a Defendant in this action, may appear within (60) days of service thereof and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken

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against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT: THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose on a mortgage which was recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Onondaga where the property is located on August 19, 2005 in Mortgage Liber 14502, Page 260. The subject mortgage was assigned by written agreement therefore to WELLS FARGO BANK, NA by assignment of mortgage dated August 3, 2011, covering premises known as 106 Candee Ave., Syracuse, NY 13224 (Section 38 Block 1 Lot 14). The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt described above. To the above named Defendants: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. Deborah H. Karalunas, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, filed along with the supporting papers in the office of the Clerk of the County of Onondaga on 4/18/2013. This is an action to foreclose on a mortgage. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the City of Syracuse, County of Onondaga and State of New York. SECTION 38 BLOCK 1 LOT 14 said premises known as 106 Candee Ave., Syracuse, NY 13224. YOU ARE HEREBY PUT ON NOTICE THAT WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. By reason of the default in the payment of the monthly installment of principal and interest, among other things, as hereinafter set forth, Plaintiff, the holder and owner of the aforementioned note and mortgage, or their agents have elected and hereby accelerate the mortgage and declare the entire mortgage indebtedness immediately due and payable. The following amounts are now due and owing on said mortgage, no part of any of which has been paid although duly demanded: Entire principal Balance in the amount of $61,364.14 with accrued interest at 5.5% per annum from April 1, 2011 due and payable, plus interest as stated above, together with any advances made or to be

made to protect plaintiff’s mortgage. UNLESS YOU DISPUTE THE VALIDITY OF THE DEBT, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER YOUR RECEIPT HEREOF THAT THE DEBT, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, IS DISPUTED, THE DEBTOR JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU AND A COPY OF SUCH VERIFICATION OR JUDGMENT WILL BE MAILED TO YOU BY THE HEREIN DEBT COLLECTOR. IF APPLICABLE, UPON YOUR PERIOD WRITTEN REQUEST, WITHIN SAID THIRTY (30) DAY , THE HEREIN DEBT COLLECTOR WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED A DISCHARGE FROM THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT, YOU ARE NOT PERSONALLY LIABLE FOR THE UNDERLYING INDEBTEDNESS OWED TO PLAINTIFF/CREDITOR AND THIS NOTICE/DISCLOSURE IS FOR COMPLIANCE AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE New York State requires that we send you this notice about the foreclosure process. Please read it carefully. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT You are in danger of losing your home. If you fail to respond to the summons and complaint in this foreclosure action, you may lose your home. Please read the summons and complaint carefully. You should immediately contact an attorney or your local legal aid office to obtain advice on how to protect yourself. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid, there are government agencies, and non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about possible options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by New York state Banking Department at 1-877-Bank-NYS or visit the Department’s website at www.banking.state.ny.us FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions

in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. Section 1303 NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving the copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you may lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING AN ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Kozeny, McCubbin & Katz, LLP f/k/a Law Offices of Jordan S. Katz, P.C., 395 North Service Rd., Ste 401, Melville, NY 11747 Our File 19251.

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2013 R/T 2010 Dodge Ford Challenger Fusion ìSELî package. the toys. Chromes, package. AllAll wheel drive, stripes, only 10,000 leather,6spd, hot seats, sunroof,miles. only Bright Just phat! 29,000 White miles.finish. Sterling Gray $27,988. F.X.nice! CAPARA Chevyfinish. So SO $17,988. F.X. Buick CAPRARAWWW.FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick WWW. 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 F150 OTS superLuxury crew. 2008 Ford Cadillac XLT Package.Leather, 4x4 Loaded with package. chrome power wheels,equipment. carriage Only top,11,000 only miles. finish. 34,000Stone miles.gray Glossy pearlWinter white is here!Ride $28,988. F.X. $20,988. CAPARA finish. in luxury! Chevy-Buick F.X. CAPRARAWWW.FXCHEVY. Chevy-Buick COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 333-0530. 2013 Dodge Ram 2500 crew cab SLT Package. Loaded 20134x4Dodge Avenger SXT with power equipment, trailer Package. Loaded with power tow, only 13,000 equipment, alloys,miles. remoteBright start, white for work or not a finish. rentalReady car, only 27,000 pleasure! $31,988. F.X. CAPARA miles. Laser blue finish. Wonít Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. last the weekend! $14,988. F.X. COM 1-800-333-0530. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Chevy Avalanche ìZ71î package. 4x4. Loaded with toys, 2007Ford F150 Super crew leather 45,000 4x4 XLT seating Package. only Loaded with miles. Liquid silver finish. Sharp toys, only 40,000 miles. Glossy as a tack! $27,988. F.X.as CAPARA silver Ice finish. Sharp a tack! Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. $20,988 F.X. CAPRARA ChevyCOM Buick1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 GMC Acadia SLT Package. All wheel drive. 2006 Jaguar XJ8 ìLî All the toys, Leather, hot seats, Quads, 3rd leather, hot seats, sunroof, only seat, only 16,000 miles. Bright 36,000 miles. Glossy sky blue white finish. Sharp as a tack! finish. Make your neighbors $33,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevyjealous! $16,988. F.X. CAPRARA Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 1-800-333-0530. COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Chevy Impala ìLTî 2012 Honda ìRTî Loaded with Ridgeline toys, power package. alloys, 4x4 loaded with sunroof, spoiler, only power equipment. Only 5000 21,000 miles. Glossy summit miles. YES 5000Wonít miles. last Jet black white finish. the finish. Hospital$15,988. clean! $25,988. weekend! F.X. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 333-0530. 2011 Dodge Ram 3500 crew 20124x4Jeep Liberty Duelly, Sport cab SLT package. package. diesel, 4x4, loaded, full power Cummins only equipment, alloys, only 26,000 46,000 miles. Cyber gray finish. miles. Bright whiteorfinish. Snow Ready 4 work pleasure! Buster! $17,988. F.X. CAPRARA $36,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyChevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2011 GMC Kia Sierra Sorrento ìLXî 2012 2500hd. Package 4x44x4. Loaded toys, Crew Cab SLT with Package, alloys, 3rd row seat, only 34,000 leather, hot seats, navigation, miles. Glossy gin12,000 metalmiles. gray 20î wheels, only finish. Priced to sell! Oh $16,988. Bright white finish. Baby! F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick $38,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyWWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2014 GMC Yukon SLT Package. 2012 Dodge Avenger. SE 4x4 leather seating, hotpower seats, package. Loaded with 3rd row onlyautomatic, 6000 miles. only YES equipment, 6000 miles. blackAtomic finish. 33,000 miles. Jet Glossy Everyone rides!Picture $39,988. F.X. orange finish. perfect! CAPRARA F.X. Chevy-Buick WWW. $12,988. CAPARA ChevyFXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Cadillac CTS Sedan all wheel Nissan drive, leather, 2013 Frontier.loaded, Crew sunroof, 14,000 1Loaded owner cab 4x4 only SU package. with miles.power Tuxedoequipment black finish. only Ride 11,000 glossy jet black in style! miles $29,988. F.X. CAPRARA finish. Sharp as aWWW.FXCHEVY. tack! $24,988. Chevy-Buick F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick COM 1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800333-0530.

2009 Cadillac Luxury 2013 BMW X5Escalade Sport. All the packageLeather, stuffed with toys. 22î toys. panoramic wheels, duo, only 39,000 sunroof, only navi, 18,000 1 owner miles. Pearl finish.black Oh miles. Glossywhite tuxedo Baby! $36,988. F.X. neighbors CAPRARA finish. Make your Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. jealous! $41,988. F.X. CAPARA COM 1-800-333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 20121-800-333-0530. Dodge Ram. 15000 Quad Cab 4x4 Loaded. Yea, its got a 2013 Chevy Tahoe LT Package. hemi, 20î chrome wheels, only 4x4 All the toys. Leather, hot 19,000 miles. Silver ice finish. seats, only 19,000 A realsunroof, looker!duo, $24,988. F.X. miles. RubyChevy-Buick red finish. Family CAPRARA WWW. Fun! $38,988.1-800-333-0530. F.X. CAPARA FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 20131-800-333-0530. Buick Verano Conv prg, leather, loaded, alloys, 2013 1500 Quad only Dodge 15,000 Ram 1 owner miles. Cab its finish. got a Picture Hemi. Gun 4x4. metalYea gray 20î wheels, trailerF.X. tow, loaded. perfect! $20,988. CAPRARA Only 5000 miles. Cyber gray Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM So 1-800-333-0530. finish. SO nice! $27,988.2012 F.X. Volvo XC.Chevy-Buick 60 All wheelWWW. drive. CAPARA Leather, heated power FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. moonroof, absolutely full of 2011 A6 Sedan powerAudi options, onlyQuattro. 12,000 miles. 1 with owner, jet leather, black finish, Loaded toys, hot and sharp as navigation, a tack! $29,888. seats, sunroof, only F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick 31,000 miles. Jet black finish. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800Make your neighbors jealous!! 333-0530. F.X. CAPARA Chevy$35,988. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2011 Audi A6 Quattro. All 1-800-333-0530. wheel drive, leather, moon,

navigation, only 32,000 2013 Ford Taurus SEL. All1 owner,drive. nonLeather, smoker, wheel hot bright seats, silver metallic finish, black sunroof, navigation. Only leather, so pretty! $32,888. F.X. 18,000 miles. Sterling Gray CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. finish. The ultimate road car! FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. $23,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2013 Audi All road Premium 1-800-333-0530. wagon Quattro. All wheel drive with every option but running 2011 Gr14,000 Cherokee Laredo water!Jeep Only miles. Jet 4x4. equipment, black Full and power silver tutone finish. chrome wheels, 27,000 The perfect north only country ride! pampered miles. GlossyChevyarmy $38,888. F.X. CAPRARA green Hospital clean! Buick finish. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. $24,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2013 BMW 528xi. All wheel 1-800-333-0530. drive, leather, hot seats, power moon,Lexus only RX 13,000 2012 350 miles. SUV All1 owner.drive. Dark Leather, charcoalhot finish. A wheel seats, true head turner! $42,888. F.X. sunroof, 41,000 miles. Glossy CAPRARA gold mist Chevy-Buick finish. So SoWWW. nice! FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. $33,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2011 Cadillac CTS Coupe 2dr. 1-800-333-0530. All wheel drive. Only 33,000 miles. 1 owner. Jet black finish. 2012 This carChevy is a 10!Avalanche Donít miss LT it. Package Loaded Pretty as a 4x4. picture! $26,888.with F.X. power equipment. Only 21,000 CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. miles. Glossy Victory red finish. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Picture Perfect! $29,988. F.X. 2013 Buick Enclave CXL. All CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. wheel drive. 1-800-333-0530. Leather, pano FXCHEVY.COM roof, navigation, only 16,000 200 F2506m Super Crew miles.Ford Former company ìXLTî Package.burgundy 4x4 Loaded car. Sparkling finish. Chrome wheels, Fx4 Pkg rare V10 super enginesharp! only $39,988. F.X. Glossy CAPRARA Chevy16,000 miles. graystone Buick find WWW.FXCHEVY.COM finish another one! 1-800-333-0530. $26,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyBuick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2014 Chevrolet Silverado. 1-800-333-0530. Crew cab, 4x4 ìLTZî package, leather, Dodge heated, Avenger sunroof, 2013 wheels,package. absolutelyFull loaded. Only SXT power 2,000 miles. Was over $48,000, equipment, alloys. Only just 2 months ago. Their loss, 10,000 1 owner miles, glossy your savings. $39,888. F.X. imperial blue finish. Wonít last CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. the weekend! 1-800-333-0530. $15,988. F.X. FXCHEVY.COM CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Dodge Journey All wheel drive, 3rd seat and full of power 2013 Dodge ìCrewî options. Only Durango 8,000 miles. Yes Prg. wheelJetdrive, 8,000Allmiles. blackleather, finish. hot seats, 3rd row only 18,000 Wonít last at $20,888. F.X. miles. Jet black finish. Everyone CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. rides! $27,988.1-800-333-0530. F.X. CAPARA FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530.

Toyota LE. 2013 Ford F150 Corolla Ext cab 4x4 4dr package. Automatic with engine, power XLT Eco boot windows,black and wheel, locks only factory 16,000 blackbalance finish, 25,000 mile. miles, Jet receive just phat! $30,988. CAPARA of factory warranty.F.X. Gun metal Chevy-Buick gray metallic WWW.FXCHEVY. finish. Super COM clean!1-800-333-0530. $14,888. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 2009 Chevy 2500 HD Reg Cab COM 1-800-333-0530. 4x4 Full power equip, alloys, 8í box, Plow, only 68,000 20148í Fisher Ford Expedition miles. Jet black finish. Ready for ìLimitedî 4x4 Leather, heated work or pleasure! $21,988. F.X. and full of factory options. CAPARA Chevy-Buick Only 10,000 miles. Just WWW. traded FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. gun metal. Gray metallic. An absolute stealRam at $39,988. F.X. 2013 Dodge 2500 Crew CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Cab 4x4 Big Horn Package FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. loaded with toys, trailer tow, only 22,000 miles. Bright white 2014 Ford Escape SE All wheel finish. Sharp as a tack! $30,988. drive and loaded with goodies. F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick Only 10,000 miles. Yes, 10,000 WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800miles. Jet black finish with jet 333-0530. black interior. Buy nearly new and save thousands! $25,888. 2013 Toyota Avalon ìXLEî F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick package. New body design, leather, hot seats, only 16,000 WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800miles. Tuxedo black finish. 333-0530. Ride in Luxury! $26,988. F.X. 2013 Subaru Forester Limited CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. all wheel drive,1-800-333-0530. leather, heated, FXCHEVY.COM power moonroof, navigation, 2013 Toyotamiles, Tacona Ext only 11,000 diamond cab Loaded power white4x4. finish. A truewith eye pleaser! equipment, only Chevy6,000 $27,888. F.X.auto CAPRARA miles 6,000 miles, Bright Buick YESWWW.FXCHEVY.COM white finish. Wonít last the 1-800-333-0530. weekend! $25,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick 2013 Infiniti Q56 all WWW. wheel FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. drive. 7 passenger. Every, YES, every option. Leather, 2013 Chevy 2500HD crew moon, navigation, DVD cab 4x4 Lt package loaded entertainment, boards, factory with toys, Duramax Diesel, 20in wheels, bright burgundy Rare 8í bed, only 17,000 miles. finish. 9,000 miles. Absolutely Silver Ice finish. Ready for any none nicer! $42,988. $58,888. F.X. F.X. application! CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Chevy-Buick WWW. WWW. CAPARA FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 2013 Dodge Ram 2500. æ ton 2013 Ford TranSit connect crew cab. ìDieselî full OH cargo van4dr. XLT4x4 package yes, another hard todual find doors, diesel. power equipment, AWD Loaded with goodies, only 2,000 miles. Bright white only 10,000 miles. 1 owner, finish. The possibilities are bright $21,488. red finish. Chrome endless! F.X. CAPARA wheels, Oh Yeah! $39,988. F.X. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. COM 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Mercedes Benz GLK350 A-matic, seating, 2013 Fordleather, F250 crew cab. loaded, pampered 4dr 4x4only XLT39,000 Package. AWD miles. finish. loaded Tuxedo with black equipment, Hospital F.X. including clean! power$27,988. stroke diesel CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW.1 engine, only 20,000 miles. FXCHEVY.COM owner bright1-800-333-0530. white finish, real handsome! $42,888. F.X. 2007 Mercury Gr. Marquis OS CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Package Loaded with power FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. equipment, only 58,000 miles. Glossy silver finish. 2013 stone Dodge Dart SXTWonít 4dr. last the weekend! $8,988.with F.X. Automatic and loaded CAPARA options. Chevy-Buick Only 12000 WWW. miles. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Yes, 1200 miles. Bright red finish Nissan buy nearly and 2011 Titan new Ring Cab saveSE thousands! F.X. 4x4 Package. $17,888. Loaded with CAPRARA Chevy-Buick equipment, auto, alloys,WWW. tow, FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. only 35,000 miles. Silver Ice Finish priced to sell! $21,488. 2013 Toyota 4dr 4x4 F.X. CAPARATacoma Chevy-Buick Automatic AWD loaded1-800with WWW.FXCHEVY.COM equipment. 2in lift oversize 333-0530. tires. Looks so pretty! Only 144 miles. Chevy Never 1500 sold by Toyota 2012 Crew Cab 4x4 ìLTZî Package. Leather, hot store. Their loss, your saving! seats, 20î wheels, only 29,000 $33,888. F.X. CAPRARA Chevymiles. white finish. Oh Buick Peach WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Baby! $31,988. F.X. CAPARA 1-800-333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530.

2013 Audi Chevy 2500 Crew 2014 Jeep Cherokee 2013 Cadillac ATS Luxury 2013 ChryslerGr Town & Hamptons. Jet black super 2011 A6 Quattro 4 dr cab 4x4 heated LT package. Sedan. $43,888. All wheel drive, leather, ìOverland Editionî leather, Country Touring.4x4Package sharp! F.X. CAPARA leather, seats,Loaded pano Duamaxroof, Diesel, 20î chrome polished wheels, only 8000 1 Leather, Quads, Down heated pano roof,Drop navigation, Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. moon navigations, only wheels,miles. only 16,000 miles. Jet owner1-800-333-0530. miles. Silver Ice finish. Duo, only 15,000 absolutely stuffed,miles. onlyGlossy 5,000 COM 35,000 1 owner, garage black finish. Sharp as a tack! Ride in luxury! $30,988. F.X. Stone Silver finish. Family Fun! miles. Jet black finish on black kept cream puff. Jet black $43,988. F.X. CAPRARA ChevyCAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2013 Chevrolet Suburban LT $23,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevyleather. Wonít last at $42,988. with black leather interior. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 4x4 with all the goodies. Heated Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Absolutely sharp as a tack! 1-800-333-0530. leather, power moon roof, dual 1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800$34,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy2013end GMC Yukon ìDenaliî rear DVD Entertainment 333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2011 Porsche Panamera. All Every available option. Leather, 2011 Kia Rio Sedan LX systems, navigation, only 1-800-333-0530. wheel drive, stuffed with toys. sunroof, miles. duo, Bright navi, Bronze quads, Package. FullF250. powerLariat Equipment 22,000 2012 Ford Super Only 10,000 miles, Yes, 10,000 chromes, only 8000 miles. Automatic, only 45,000 miles. metallic finish, real sharp! Cab P/u. æ ton V8 AWD loaded 2013 XC90 miles. Volvo Imperial bluePlatinum finish. Liquid silver finish. Just phat! New car trade atomic orange $39,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevywith options. Only 6,000. Miles. edition, leather, power pano Make your neighbors jealous! $51,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevyfinish. Wonít last the weekend! Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Yes, 6,000 1 Chevyowner, moon roof, navigation,Chevyrear $55,988. F.X. CAPRARA Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM $9,988. F.X. miles. CAPARA 1-800-333-0530. bright white/silver tutone DVD rear end Buick entertainment, WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM finish. Cashmere leather, a true 1-800-333-0530. DVD Entertainment for the 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Chevrolet Equinox 2010 Ford F250 Super Cab Texas Cadillac! $37,988. F.X. children, 3rd seat, bright white LT loaded with power 2014 Chevy 2500 Cargoa Van. 4x4 and XLT Package. 4x4 Loaded 2012 VW Routan ìSEî package CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. finish, cashmere leather, true options, onlyequipment. 11,000 miles. Jet 135î V8 engine. Double barn with power Power all the toys, 1-800-333-0530. leather, quad FXCHEVY.COM one of a kind! $34,988. F.X. black with matching doors, only 12,000 miles. Glossy stroke exterior diesel. Only 33,000 miles. seats, duo, only 9,000 miles. CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW.4 black interior, balance of all summit white finish. Ready Victory Red finish. So Sharp! 2014 Jeep Former VWCompass companySport car. 4x4 Jet FXCHEVY.COM new car warranties, absolutely work! $23,988.1-800-333-0530. F.X. CAPRARA $32,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevyblack finish. miles. Save thousands! only 14,000 Automatic gorgeous! $22,988. F.X. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM $21,988. CAPARAgoodies. Chevyand full F.X. of power 2013 Subaru Legacy Premium CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Bright blue finish. All new all wheel drive AND full of FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. body style, buy nearly new and power options.Explorer. Only 7,000 2013 Ford XLT 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad save thousands! $19,888. F.X. miles. Yes, miles. Gun package 4x47,000 New Style leather, Cab 4x4 SLT SRX Package. Full 2013 Cadillac All wheel 2012 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad CAPRARA Chevy-Buick metal gray metallic finish.miles. Was 3rd row seat, only 19,000 power with 6í lift. luxury Custompackage. Wheels/ drive cab 4x4 loaded yea, its WWW. got a Black Raven Everyone FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Tires.17,000 Onlymiles. 46,000 Subaru dealerfinish. demo, their Only 1 ownermiles. and HEMI! 20îchrome wheels, only Bright white finish.options, Just phat! rides!is $30,988. CAPRARA loss your gain!F.X. $21,888. F.X. loaded with power 3rd 14,000 miles. Terrain Atomic SLE Orange 2013 GMC All Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. $18,988. F.X. CAPRARA ChevyCAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. seat, navigation system, etc, finish. Its got eyes! $28,488. F.X. wheel drive and full of power COM 1-800-333-0530. Buick FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. etc. Bright WWW.FXCHEVY.COM gray metallic paint, a CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. goodies. Only 18,000 miles. 1-800-333-0530. true prize winner! $37,488. F.X. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2014 Nissan Jeep Armada Gr Cherokee Sparkling burgundy finish. 2011 SE 7 CAPARA Chevy-Buick ìLimitedî 4x4. toys. 2011 Jeep WranglerWWW. 2pc Gray cloth interior. Absolutely passenger V8 All 4x4theleather, 2013 GMC Yukon ìSLTî FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Leather, panel roof, navigation, Sport 4x4 Loaded with power clean as a whistle! $22,888.with F.X. moonroof, trailer tow, and full package 4x4 loaded only 19,000 miles. Graystone equipment. Auto, 2 tops, only 2013 Buick Lacrosse, power CAPRARAequipment. Chevy-BuickLeather, WWW. of goodies, only 32,000 miles. 1 22,000 miles. Burnt orange finish. Its got eyes! $36,988. F.X. heated, only 18,000 miles. Jet absolutely loaded, loaded, FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. owner. GunChevy-Buick gray metallicWWW. finish. CAPRARA finish. A real looker! $23,988. black finish. A black Beauty! all wheel drive Company Car, Wonít last at1-800-333-0530. $29,988. F.X. FXCHEVY.COM F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick 2013 Jeep PatriotChevy4x4 $36,988. F.X. CAPARA leather, chrome wheels, just too CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800AutomaticWWW.FXCHEVY.COM with lots of power Buick much to mention, only 8,000 2012 Lincoln 1-800-333-0530. MKZ Sedan. All FXCHEVY.COM 333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. options. Only 17,000 miles. miles. Yes, 8,000 miles. Bright wheel drive. Auto Leather, hot seats, FX Caprara Gallery 3151 owner, glossy silver finish. white gray leather, sunroof, chromes, only 17,000 2014 BMW X1 SUV6cylengine. All wheel 298-0015 FXChevy.com 2008 GMCkept, Sierra 1500 Cab Garage real Ext clean! The deal!hot$30,988. F.X. miles. Glossy cyber gray finish. drive,real leather, seats, panel 4x4 full power equip, 7 ΩChevyCurtis $18,988. F.X. CAPRARA CAPARA Chevy-Buick 2013 4dr roof, only 10,000 1 ownerWWW. miles. A handToyota pickedTundra cherry! $4x4 21,988. plow. Only 6,000 miles, yes crew p/u V8, Chevy-Buick with plenty Bright white finish. Make your F.X. cab CAPRARA FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 6,000 miles! Graystone finish. of power options. Only 14,000 WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800neighbors jealous! $33,988. 1-800-333-0530. Find another one! $21,988. F.X. 2014 Jeep Patriot 4x4 miles. YES, 14,000 miles bright 333-0530. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW.8 Automatic with lots of power fire engine red finish. Save 2013 GMC Yukon SLT WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800FXCHEVY.COM 2013 Audi from A4 Sedan. Premium thousands new! $29,988. options. passenger 4x41-800-333-0530. leather, heated 333-0530.Only 4,000 miles, yes package. All wheel drive, F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick 4,000 miles. Bright blue metallic seats, Mercedes 3rd row, wheels, 2013 C300 boards, 4matic leather, heated, sunroof,1-800only 2013 Buy Fordnearly Fusion. ìSEî WWW.FXCHEVY.COM finish. new and only 26,000 miles. Jet black AWD Leather, moonroof, hot 10,000 miles. Imperial blue package. New body style. 333-0530. save thousands! $19,988. F.X. finish. A true17,000 favorite! $35,988. seats, only miles. Just Loaded Chevy-Buick with toys, WWW. power finish. Hospital clean! $31,488. CAPARA F.X.Mercedes CAPRARA off lease. Chevy-Buick An absolute sunroof, only 1-800-333-0530. 14,000 miles. 2013 Toyota Highlander 4x4 F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick FXCHEVY.COM WWW.FXCHEVY.COM dream car. In gun metal 1-800finish. Sterling gray finish. Sharp as a WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800loaded with power options, Go ahead and spoil yourself! 333-0530. 333-0530. tack! $19,988. F.X. CAPRARA AWD, just traded on a new 2013 Jeep Gr Cherokee. $32,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyChevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. one. Only 19,000 miles 1 owner, Limited 4x4 and absolutely 2010 Mercedes C300 4dr, Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 2014 Chrysler 300c Sedan. All COM 1-800-333-0530. balance of all warranties, gun stuffed with power options. leather, heated power , 1-800-333-0530. wheel drive. Leather, hot seats, Only 2,000 miles 1 owner, metal metallic Real moonroof, factory navigation, navigation, only finish! 4000 miles. 2013 Cadillac XTS, premium leather, pano moonroof, Pretty! 2013 Ford F150 Cab 4 dr only 31,000 miles.Crew Local owner, Glossy $27,888. imperial F.X. blueCAPARA finish. Package. Leather, hot seats, navigation, absolutely Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 4x4 Package and loaded tradeXLT bright white finish. A true Find another one! $31,988. F.X. sunroof, over $49,000 new. gorgeous in gun metal gray with 5.0 COM 1-800-333-0530. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Only 5000 miles. Tuxedo crowdpower pleaser!equipment. $19,988. F.X. finish! $36,988. CAPARA V8 only 15,000 miles. JetWWW. Black FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. black finish. SaveF.X. Thousands! CAPRARA Chevy-Buick 2013 VW Touareg Loaded finish and pretty as a picture! Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. $34,988. F.X. CAPRARA ChevyFXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. with the right stuff2500 including $28,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy2013allDodge Ram Crew COM Buick1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM all leather, moon, Cabwheel 4x4 drive, Big horn package. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2010 Chevrolet Equinox. 2013 Dodge Durango Crew Loaded, Cummins Diesel, 1-800-333-0530. hot seats, only 17,000 miles. 1 Automatic and full of power 4x4 heated and only 16000 Bright 2014Leather, Lincoln MRZ.front All new owner in brightmiles. blue metallic equipment. 31,000All wheel miles. 2014 Kia Sorrento rear 3rd seat,hot power lift White Wonít finish. last Ready for work style.seats, Leather, seats, finish! at $30,988. Local AND owner trade.with Ruby Red drive loaded power gate, wheels,only XM radio, navigation, 4000 18,000 miles. or pleasure! F.X. F.X. CAPARA $38,988. Chevy-Buick metallic AWD as a whistle. options. Onlyclean 10,000 miles. miles. Glossy Jet jet black/black black finish.leather. A real CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800$15,988. CAPRARA Yes 10,000F.X. miles. GlossyChevysilver FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. head turner! $31,988. F.X. So Pretty! $29,988. F.X. CAPARA 333-0530. Buick Save WWW.FXCHEVY.COM finish. thousands from CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 2014 Chevy Impala ìLTZî 1-800-333-0530. new! $22,988. F.X. CAPARA FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. COM 1-800-333-0530.2013 2013 VW Beetle Coupe Package. Every Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. Ford Transit Connect Van Auto, Automatic andoption. full ofLeather, power 20121-800-333-0530. VW Passat SE 4 dr. hot seats, sunroof, only 8000 2009 GMC Sierra 1500 Ext Cab. COM air, stereo, only 2,000 miles. Yes, goodies. Only 9,000 miles.1 Leather, heated, automatic, owner miles. Jet 1black finish. 4x4 ìSLî package. V* engine, Yes, 9,000 miles. owner all 2,000 miles. Bright white finish. 2013 Wonít last the weekend! 23,000 Range miles 1 Rover owner, Sport local trailer tow, only 49,000 miles. new body style bright white Was sitting in another dealers package 4x4. Oh what a ride, Glossy ruby red finish. Wonít $21,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevytrade, German engineering finish and clean as a whistle. inventory awd never sold. His leather, moon,$15,988. navigation, Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM last the weekend! $20,988. F.X. at its best! F.X. $17,888. F.X. CAPARA Chevyloss is yourChevy-Buick gain! $20,888. F.X. DVD entertainment. Absolutely 1-800-333-0530. CAPRARA WWW. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. stuffed with toys. Only 11,000 FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2013 Mercedes Benz. C 300 miles. finish. A1500 true 2012 Glossy Chevysilver Silverado Automatic, loaded with toys. 2012 Chevy Equinox 2lt sight for sore 2012 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Reg Cab 4x4 eyes! W/T $59,988. Package. 2012 Cadillac Escalade ext Leather, sunroof, navigation, package. Loaded with toys, F.X. CAPARA Chevy-Buick automatic, conditioner, 8í Box, V8 engine. New 7 Ω AWD EVERY only 12,000air miles. White leather, hot option seats, but onlyrunning 26,000 WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800stereo bed 6 liner, only water. Yes, Base Plow. Only 23,000 miles. diamondcd,finish. to choose miles. Only Glossy12,000 whitemiles. diamond 333-0530. 12,000 miles. Yes, 12,000 miles. 12,000 1 owner,new! jet Bright white finish. Ready 4 finish. miles. Showroom from. Pick your color! $32,988. 1 owner, jet black finish. New black leather, power Chevymoon, work or pleasure!E350 $22,988. F.X. 2011 Mercedes Cabrio F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick $19,988. F.X. CAPRARA truck trade! Super Sharp! navigations, 22in wheels, a CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Convertible. Yes, yes,WWW. yes, WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM $20,988. true head turner! $49,988. F.X. 333-0530. F.X. CAPARA Chevyleather, hot seats, navigation, 1-800-333-0530. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. wheels, only 19,000 miles. 1 owner, fresh out of the New 1-800-333-0530. 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2012 Audi Cadillac CTS Wagon Coupe. 2013 All road Luxury All Package. All leather, wheel Quattro wheel drive drive. Leather,and loaded, just off moonroof, absolutely lease, only 31,000 miles. Laser loaded with options. Only blue finish. phat! jet $26,988. 14,000 milesJust 1 owner, black/ F.X. tutone CAPRARA silver finish.Chevy-Buick Go ahead WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800F.X. make her happy! $38,988. 333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW. CAPARA FXCHEVY.COM 2011 Chevy1-800-333-0530. Malibu. LT package. Loaded with power 2013 Chevrolet Traverse All equipment. Alloys, 1 owner, wheel driveOnly ìLTZî package. just off lease. 12,000 miles. Leather, Glossy blackmoonroof, raven finish. DVD Find entertainment, NAV, another one withwheels, these miles! every option but running $13,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevywater. 17,000 miles. Was Buick Only WWW.FXCHEVY.COM a1-800-333-0530. ìGM Company Carî over $46,000 MSRP a great buy at 1500ChevyQuad 2003 Dodge $33,988. F.X. Ram CAPARA Cab 4x4. ST Package. Full power Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM equipment. 7í Fisher home 1-800-333-0530. steader plow. Only 16,000 miles. Dodge Inferno red finish. Wont 2010 Challenger R/T last thecoupe, weekend! $21,988. F.X. Hemi leather, moon, CAPRARA Chevy-Buick automatic, only 10,000 WWW. miles. FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. YES 10,000 miles. 1 owner, garage movie star. 2011 kept, Buicka true Lacrosse CXL In hugger orange finish!loaded, Donít Package. Leather, F.X. CAPARA wait! $26,988. factory chrome wheels, only Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. 17,000 miles. Silver Ice finish. COM Ride 1-800-333-0530. in luxury! $20,988. F.X. CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. 2010 Lexus RX350 All wheel FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. drive, leather, moonroof, ìLimitedî 2013 Ford Edge navigation, only 31,000 miles.All 1 wheel drive. Leather, hot Lexus seats, owner, garage kept, new chrome wheels, only 15,000 trade! Looks new! $30,888. F.X. miles. Jet Chevy-Buick black finish. Picture CAPARA WWW. perfect! $26,988. F.X. CAPRARA FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Chevy-Buick WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Mazda CX9 Touring all wheel drive, loaded with all 2012 GMC Acadia ìDenaliî All the goodies, only 16,000 miles. wheel drive. Every available YES 16,000 option. Only miles. 20,000 11 owner owner gun metallic Get miles.metal Glossy whitefinish. diamond F.X. ready winter! $24,888. finish. for Make your neighbors CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. jealous! $38,988. F.X. CAPRARA FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick 1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY. COM 1-800-333-0530. 2008 GMC Sierra 1500 Ext Cab W/t Package, trailer 20114x4Jeep Gr Cherokee tow, 4.8Lengine. New tires, Lareado 4x4 Loaded with power 48,000 equipment, alloys, only only miles. Glossy 35,000 1 owner miles. Glossy blue granite finish. Won’t last inferno red finish. Sharp asF.X.a the weekend! $18,988. tack! $23,988. F.X. CAPRARA CAPARA Chevy-Buick WWW. Chevy-Buick 1-800-333-0530. WWW.FXCHEVY. FXCHEVY.COM COM 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Dodge Durango “Heat” 2013 Nissan Xterradrive, SE Package Package. All wheel power 4x4 loaded toys. Alloys, sunroof, 20”withwheels, only roof rack, only 20,000 miles. 25,000 miles. Inferno red finish. Glossy gun metal gray finish. Picture perfect! $25,988. F.X. Hospital clean. $23,988. F.X. CAPARA CAPRARA Chevy-Buick Chevy-Buick WWW. WWW. FXCHEVY.COM FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530.

2011 CrewSedan Cab 2011 Ford ChevyF350 Cruze “King Ranch” 4x4 Diesel LS Package. Full stuffed power leather, sunroof, navigation, equipment, automatic, just only 28,000 off lease, only miles. 35,000 Glossy miles. Burnt orange finish. finish. Wonít Just Phat! Blue Granite last $42,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevythe weekend! $12,988. F.X. CAPRARA WWW.FXCHEVY.COM Chevy-Buick WWW. Buick FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 1-800-333-0530. 2011 Nissan Cadillac Armada CTS Sedan. 2012 “SJ” Luxury Prg.4x4All loaded wheel drive, package. with leather, loaded only3rd39,000 power equipment. row miles.only Tuxedo finish. seat, 30,000 black miles. Glossy Dare to compare! $20,988. F.X. jet black finish. Everyone rides! CAPRARA Chevy-Buick WWW. $26,988. F.X. CAPARA ChevyFXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2014 Chevy Silverado 1500. Double cab 4x4. New body 2013 Chevy everything, Traverse. “LTZ” style, power only Package all wheel drive leather, 5000 miles. Glossy Granite dual sunroofs, drop down Blue finish. Find Another one! duo onlyF.X.15,000 miles. Jet $31,988. CAPRARA Chevyblack Save thousands! Buick finish. WWW.FXCHEVY.COM $34,988. F.X. CAPARA Chevy1-800-333-0530. Buick WWW.FXCHEVY.COM 1-800-333-0530. 2.5.14-2.12.14


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 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Back in 2002, three young men launched Youtube, in part motivated by a banal desire. They were frustrated because they couldn’t find online videos of the notorious incident that occurred during the Super Bowl halftime show, when Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction exposed her breast. In response, they created the now-famous website that allows people to share videos. I foresee the possibility of a comparable sequence for you, Aquarius. A seemingly superficial wish or trivial interest could inspire you to come up with a fine new addition to your world. Pay attention to your whimsical notions.

 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) In 1984, Don

 ARIES (March 21-April 19) “You know it’s Saturday when you are wiping off vodka stains from your face with a marshmallow,” testifies the woman who writes the Tumblr blog “French Fries Absinthe Milkshakes.” I really hope you don’t even come close to having an experience like that this week, Aries. But I’m worried that you will. I sense that you’re becoming allergic to caution. You may be subconsciously wishing to shed all decorum and renounce self-control. To be clear, there’s nothing inherently wrong with relaxing your guard. I hope you will indeed give up some of your high-stress vigilance and surrender a bit to life’s sweet chaos. Just please try to find a playful and safe and not-too-insane way to do so.

 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) What is the single best thing you could do to fulfill your No. 1 desire? Is there a skill you should attain? A subject you should study? A special kind of experience you should seek or a shift in perspective you should initiate? This is a big opportunity, Taurus. You have an excellent chance to identify the specific action you could take that will lead you to the next stage of your evolution. And if you do manage to figure out exactly what needs to be done, start doing it!

 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) When songwriters make a “slant rhyme,” the words they use don’t really rhyme, but they sound close enough alike to mimic a rhyme. An example occurs in “The Bad Touch,” a tune by the Bloodhound Gang: “You and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals/ So let’s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.” Technically, “mammals” doesn’t rhyme with “channel.” I suspect that in the coming week you will have experiences with metaphorical resemblances to slant rhymes. But as long you don’t fuss and fret about the inexactness you encounter, as long as you don’t demand that everything be precise and cleaned-up, you will be entertained and educated. Vow to see the so-called imperfections as soulful.

 CANCER (June 21-July 22) “Almost,” writes novelist Joan Bauer. “It’s a big word for me. I feel it everywhere. Almost home. Almost happy. Almost changed. Almost, but not quite. Not yet. Soon, maybe.” I’m sure you know about that feeing yourself, Cancerian. Sometimes it has seemed like your entire life is composed of thousands of small almosts that add up to one gigantic almost. But I have good news: There is an excellent chance that in the next 14 to 16 weeks you will graduate from the endless and omnipresent almost; you will rise up and snatch a bold measure of completeness from out of the ever-shifting flow. And it all kicks into high gear now.

 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) One of the chapter titles in my most recent book is this: “Ever since I learned to see three sides to every story, I’m finding much better stories.” I’m recommending that you find a way to use this perspective as your own in the coming weeks, Leo. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, it’s crucial that you not get stuck in an oppositional mode. It would be both wrong and debilitating to believe that you must choose between one of two conflicting options. With that in mind, I will introduce you to a word you may not know: “trilemma.” It transcends a mere dilemma because it contains a third alternative.



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the pencil.” That’s what 20th-century author Truman Capote said about his own writing process. Back in that primitive pre-computer era, he scrawled his words on paper with a pencil and later edited out the extraneous stuff by applying scissors to the manuscript. Judging from your current astrological omens, Pisces, I surmise you’re in a phase that needs the power of the scissors more than the power of the pencil. What you cut away will markedly enhance the long-term beauty and value of the creation you’re working on.


 PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) “I believe more in the scissors than I do in

1. 2 0 - 2.18

Henley’s song “The Boys of Summer” reached the top of the Billboard charts. “Out on the road today/ I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac,” Henley sings wistfully near the end of the tune. He’s dismayed by the sight of the Grateful Dead’s logo, an ultimate hippie symbol, displayed on a luxury car driven by snooty rich kids. Almost 20 years later, the band The Ataris covered “The Boys of Summer,” but changed the lyric to “Out on the road today/ I saw a Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac.” It conveyed the same mournful contempt, but this time invoking the iconic punk band Black Flag. I offer this tale to you, Virgo, as an encouragement to update the way you think about your life’s mythic quest, to modernize your old storylines, to refresh and refurbish the references you invoke to tell people about who you are.

 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Food aficionado Michael Pollan says that Americans “worry more about food and derive less pleasure from eating” than people in other countries. If you ask them what their association is with “chocolate cake,” they typically say “guilt.” By contrast, the French are likely to respond to the same question with “celebration.” From an astrological perspective, I think it’s appropriate for you to be more like the French than the Americans in the coming weeks--not just in your attitude toward delicious desserts, but in regards to every opportunity for pleasure. This is one of those times when you have a license to guiltlessly explore the heights and depths of bliss.  SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) In the Inuktitut language spoken among the Eastern Canadian Inuit, the word for “simplicity” is katujjiqatigiittiarnirlu. This amusing fact reminds me of a certain situation in your life. Your quest to get back to basics and reconnect with your core sources is turning out to be rather complicated. If you hope to invoke all of the pure, humble clarity you need, you will have to call on some sophisticated and ingenious magic.

 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) “What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree?” asked environmentalist Edward Abbey. His answer: “The purpose of the giant sequoia tree is to provide shade for the tiny titmouse.” I suggest you meditate on all the ways you can apply that wisdom as a metaphor to your own issues. For example: What monumental part of your own life might be of service to a small, fragile part? What major accomplishment of yours can provide strength and protection to a ripening potential that’s underappreciated by others?

 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) “To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves,” wrote the poet Federico García Lorca. I urge you to make sure you are not inflicting that abuse on yourself in the coming weeks, Capricorn. It’s always dangerous to be out of touch with or secretive about your holy passions, but it’s especially risky these days. I’m not necessarily saying you should rent a megaphone and shout news of your yearnings in the crowded streets. In fact, it’s better if you are discriminating about whom you tell. The most important thing is to not be hiding anything from yourself about what moves you the most.

r Homework: I’ve gathered together all of your long-range, big-picture horoscopes place. Go here to read your forecasts for 2014: http://bit.ly/BigLife2014.

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