Unveiling the Ancient Origins of Passover: A Journey through Time and Tradition
Passover, one of the most significant festivals in Judaism, marks the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. Its origins are deeply rooted in history, tradition, and faith, tracing back thousands of years. This article embarks on a journey through time to unravel the origins of Passover, exploring its historical context, religious significance, and enduring legacy.
Ancient Egypt: The Crucible of Slavery and Exodus To comprehend the origins of Passover, one must delve into the annals of ancient Egypt, where the Israelites endured centuries of bondage under Pharaoh’s tyranny. According to biblical accounts, the Book of Exodus narrates the oppression faced by the Israelites and their eventual deliverance orchestrated by Moses, a pivotal figure in Jewish history.
The Exodus, believed to have occurred around the 13th century BCE, serves as the cornerstone of Passover. It symbolizes the liberation of a people from oppression, the triumph of justice over tyranny, and the dawn of a new era of freedom. The biblical narrative recounts the ten plagues inflicted upon Egypt, culminating in the climactic event of the Israelites’ exodus from bondage.
Passover: A Commemoration of Liberation Passover, known as Pesach in Hebrew, derives its name from the pivotal event of the Exodus. It commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery and their journey towards freedom. The festival begins with the Seder, a ceremonial meal replete with symbolic foods, prayers, and rituals that encapsulate the essence of the Passover narrative.
Central to the Passover observance is the consumption of matzah, unleavened bread symbolizing the haste with which the Israelites fled Egypt, leaving no time for their bread to rise. The bitter herbs represent the bitterness of slavery, while the sweet charoset symbolizes the mortar used by the Israelite slaves in constructing Pharaoh’s monuments.
The Paschal lamb, sacrificed and eaten during ancient times, signifies the divine intervention that spared the Israelites from the final plague, the death of the firstborn. Though the Temple in Jerusalem, where sacrifices were performed, no longer stands, the symbolic significance of the Paschal lamb endures in the Passover tradition.
Evolution of Passover: From Temple Rituals to Home Celebrations Over the centuries, Passover has undergone a transformative evolution, adapting to changing circumstances while retaining its core significance. Following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, the practice

of sacrificing the Paschal lamb ceased, prompting a shift towards home-based observances.
The Haggadah, a text recounting the Exodus narrative and guiding the Seder proceedings, emerged as a central component of Passover observance. Its diverse versions reflect the rich tapestry of Jewish traditions spanning different regions and historical epochs.
Passover in the Modern Era: Renewal and Relevance In contemporary times, Passover continues to resonate deeply within the Jewish community, serving as a symbol of resilience, faith, and collective memory. Its themes of liberation and redemption reverberate across generations, inspiring Jews worldwide to reflect on the enduring struggle for freedom and justice.
Moreover, Passover’s universal message of empathy and solidarity transcends religious boundaries, offering profound insights into the human experience of oppression and liberation. As individuals gather around the Seder table, they engage in dialogue, reflection, and remembrance, forging connections across cultures and generations.
The origins of Passover are deeply intertwined with the ancient history, religious beliefs, and cultural heritage of the Jewish people. Rooted in the biblical narrative of the Exodus, Passover symbolizes the triumph of freedom over oppression and the enduring quest for justice and redemption.
Through centuries of evolution and adaptation, Passover has retained its relevance and resonance, serving as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Jewish faith. As Jews worldwide gather to celebrate Passover, they not only commemorate their ancestral journey from slavery to freedom but also reaffirm their commitment to the continued on page 4

Denville Township School District Prepares for Possible Enrollment Increase
By Jonathan GarrettRadds land and
extends lease to enhance flexibility for projected population growth
eadying itself for a possible expansion, The Denville Township School District has added 3 acres of land adjacent to its existing 25 acres, and has also enhanced the current lease agreement between the Denville Township Board of Education and the St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church with a five-year extension.
The Denville Township School District is a pre-kindergarten to grade 8 district. Comprised of Riverview and Lakeview elementary schools and Valleyview middle school, the district currently serves 1,705 students and employs 200 faculty members among 350 employees overall.
The lease addendum will enable the Board of Education to make use of additional rooms in St, Mary’s, which has already been utilized as an annex hosting 4th and 5th grade students of Riverview Elementary since 2019, according to Dr. Steve Forte, District Superintendent. The utilization of St. Mary’s – located across the street from Riverview Elementary’s main building – has alleviated potential overcrowding at the school. For the additional land, the Board of Education utilized $603,639 from its capital reserves to cover the cost.
Dr. Forte attributes the two-pronged expansion to
housing turnover and new housing in the vicinity of the schools. A January 2022 Demographic Survey of Denville reports that four new approved and proposed housing developments in Lakeview will bring nearly 300 new units to the area. Adjusting for this housing growth, the report projects a growth in pre-K to grade 8 from the current 1,705 to 1,877 by the 2026-2027 school year. Dr. Forte notes that “we may see even higher numbers.” While the projected increase in students can be accommodated by the existing physical infrastructure, the possible higher numbers may mean that additional staff will be required by the district.
He adds that while there are no plans for a new school at this point, the existing land that the district now owns could be used for a school in the future. The demography report specifies that the projected population increase and corresponding increase in student numbers will likely impact all of the existing schools but not necessitate any immediate new construction.
When asked when it became apparent that an expansion might be a possibility, Dr Forte responded that “The main driver was the township’s Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) settlement, which we knew would bring on new developments in town.” The August 2020 settle-

ment clarified Denville Township’s affordable housing obligation for the period of 2015-2025.
About the lease addendum, Dr Forte states that “Acquiring this space has allowed us to increase the enrollment at Riverview while moving some students who would have traditionally attended Lakeview to attend Riverview. We will need to do more of this to accommodate the new student population once the new homes come are occupied and children reach school age.” On the potential for expansion, he notes that “The Board of Education and central office administration have been keeping this – managing growing enrolment – as a consistent item of focus for several years.”
The district adopted a “flex zone” policy in 2011 (officially known as Policy 5120: Assignment of Students) which allows it to place incoming students in either Lakeview or Riverview in order to optimize the balance of class sizes between the two schools and best accommodate students learning needs.
For readers interested in more information on the possible expansion, please access this link: https://www. denville.org/board_of_education/facilities_presentation_and_notices/presentations_and_notices

Morris Educational Foundation Receives $4,000 From The Knights Of Columbus
The Morristown Knights of Columbus Council 359 presented a check for $4,000 to the Morris Educational Foundation (MEF) from the proceeds of their annual Mass and Dinner, this year celebrating Educators. The Knights made the donation to the MEF in honor of Mr. Mark Manning, Principal of Morristown High School, whose career in education was recognized at the annual Mass and Dinner.
The Morris Educational Foundation is a nonprofit organization that enhances educational opportunities for more than 5,700 students in all 10 schools of the Morris School District.

Origins of Passover...
continued from front page
timeless values of compassion, justice, and solidarity.
Passover stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith and tradition, transcending time and space to impart its timeless message of hope and renewal. As we reflect on the origins of Passover, we are reminded of the indomitable spirit of the human soul, capable of overcoming the most formidable of challenges in pursuit of freedom and dignity.
In an ever-changing world, Passover serves as a beacon of light, guiding us through the darkness of oppression and injustice towards the promise of a brighter future. Its rituals and symbols resonate not only with the Jewish community but also with all those who yearn for liberation and justice.
As we partake in the Passover Seder, we not only honor our ancestors’ journey from slavery to freedom but also reaffirm our commitment to tikkun olam, the Jewish concept of repairing the world. Through acts of compassion, justice, and solidarity, we strive to fulfill the timeless vision of a world where all are free to live with dignity and equality.
In conclusion, the origins of Passover are deeply rooted in the ancient history and traditions of the Jewish people. As we celebrate this festival year after year, we pay homage to the resilience and faith of our ancestors, while also renewing our commitment to the timeless values of freedom, justice, and compassion. Passover continues to inspire and uplift us, reminding us of the enduring power of hope and redemption in the face of adversity.

SCCC To Offer FREE Community Journalist Certificate
Sussex County Community College (SCCC) will be offering a free journalist certificate, “Becoming a Community Journalist,” with participants learning skills to cover community-centered news happening in their respective hometowns and county.
The program will offer a hands-on exploration of how journalism works. Participants will learn the tools needed to understand local issues that are affecting their communities and how to report important stories.
The certificate will be offered in person and online beginning in March 2024. The in-person workshops will meet eight consecutive Tuesdays from March 26 to May 14, 2024, from 12:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at the college’s Media Center. The online version of the certificate is offered asynchronously. Sussex County College is located at One College Hill Road, Newton, NJ, 07860.
The certificate’s instructor, Professor Cheryl Conway, teaches Journalism I and II at SCCC and has decades
of experience as a reporter and editor for community newspapers and magazines.
Conway said, “I want the participants to begin thinking like journalists and be prepared to effectively engage with their neighbors and local government. Our aim is to prepare them to become more civically active and get involved in the community media ecosystem.”
The Becoming a Community Journalist program is offered with support from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities and Journalism + Design at The New School. The program is made possible by a grant from the New Jersey Civic Information Consortium, an independent, publiclyfunded nonprofit organization that supports quality local journalism, promising media startups and other efforts meant to better inform people.
Dr. Nancy Gallo wrote the grant application on behalf of SCCC and its Center for Lifelong Learning and is the grant’s administrator. Gallo, who is also the Center’s director, said,
“We are so appreciative to the New Jersey Council for the Humanities for choosing SCCC as a worthy recipient of this grant.”
SCCC was one of only three community colleges statewide chosen to participate.
Gallo added, “This grant promises to have far-reaching and long-term benefits for our county and its citizens. The certificate is designed to teach journalism skills and design practices for anyone in greater Sussex County who wants to share stories and information that their communities need to thrive.”
Space is limited for the free certificate. Those interested in registering for the “Becoming a Community Journalist” certificate can check the Center for Lifelong Learning’s webpage on the SCCC website at https://www.sussex.edu/ community/center-for-lifelong-learning/, by calling 973579-0555 ext. 1277 or emailing ngallo@sussex.edu.

passionate and caring environment. All patients are treated with the respect they deserve with individualized treatment plans.
with Saint Clare’s
The Key Factors for a Successful Detox Program
By Dr. Sarabjit Singh, Corporate Medical Director of Psychiatric Services and Programs at Saint Clare’s Behavioral Health“It is your fault...why don’t you just stop using….” Sadly, this is heard by many community members who are struggling with substance use issues.
For over a decade now, we have been amidst a pandemic of opiate use, and it is continuing to grow. Unfortunately, many teens and adults in our community struggle with issues related to alcohol and other substances, such as Benzodiazepines as well. We recognize that substance use disorders are illnesses akin
to any other medical issue and do not suggest a sign of moral weakness. Further, many are unable to recover and maintain a period of sobriety despite their best efforts. The illness affects not only the individual but their loved ones as well, as they try to grapple with how to access treatment.
The first step towards recovery is for patients to seek the proper detoxification process. Most importantly, choosing a high-quality program is key to long-term success. Saint

Clare’s Health has served the community for many decades and is proud to offer the largest behavioral health program in northern New Jersey, including an array of in-patient and out-patient services.
The Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Unit (ACDU), which is an inpatient detoxification unit located in Boonton, New Jersey, offers medical detoxification services to individuals addicted to Opioids, Alcohol and Benzodiazepines in a very com-
Patients will have a multidisciplinary team of experts working collaboratively to assure that patients detox safely and experience long-term sobriety. Staffed with a psychiatry team, medical doctors, licensed substance abuse counselors and highly experienced nursing staff, the unit exemplifies a multidisciplinary intervention for all the patients. What stands out is the availability of all doctors, including medical doctors as we recognize that active medical management is often needed with careful monitoring patients undergoing withdrawal.
Perhaps, one of the most significant hurdles to seeking services is navigat-

ing the complex healthcare system, which often leads to angst and frustration. To help ease the process, Saint Clare’s offers a “WalkIn Program.” As the name suggests, the program does not require any appointment on weekdays. (Appointments are needed on weekends). People seeking treatment can walk-in and within minutes will be assessed. This enables a convenient, discreet, and comfortable access to treatment. Within minutes, the patient can get onto the detoxification unit!
Treatment consists of, but is not limited to, a medical detox with medications individualized the need of the patient, regular treatment team meetings, 12-Step program. WRAP: Wellness, Recovery and Action plan, Group Therapy and free of charge HIV and Hepatitis C testing. In addi-

tion, laundry facilities, cable TV and phone services are available to all patients.
Finally, upon successful completion of detoxification services, appropriate referrals are made for continued care with staff assisting in linkage of services and co-ordination of care.
Saint Clare’s Behavioral Health accepts, in addition to most commercial insurance, Medicaid and

Key Factors...
continued from page 6
Medicare. A Morris County grant is also available for uninsured Morris County residents. Charity care is available for screening for those uninsured in other counties.
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If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please contact us. We are here to help.
Call us ANYTIME. 973316-1846 (Detox Walk-In Department) or 973-3161889 (Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Detoxification unit). Visit saintclares. com/detox.
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“ Review: The Seven Year Disappear
The Seven Year Disappear” is a non linear, performance art play that deals with a mother, Miriam (Cynthia Nixon) and her son, business partner (Taylor Trensch). Nixon is a famous artist who has left her son Naphtali for seven years only to return leaving him confused. The illusion of Bi-Polar disorder surfaces as both mother and son struggle with mental disorders and substance abuse. Writer Jordan Seavey has created a body of work in which the audience decides what the play is really about... the journey here is the thing; and quite a journey it is!
“Seven Year Disappear” is a modern play; it is not for the faint of heart as it deals with AIDS, Alcoholism, drug addiction and mental disorder. Serving the more progressive theater goer this performance play will resonate for the entire 90 minutes. The more traditional theater person may find this play difficult to keep up with. Scenes move in and out with no particular order, we see past relationships of both characters and the intimacy’s that they experience. Director Scott Ellis let’s us see the vulnerabilities in their lives and the rocky relationships
that they share. Trying to make sense of it all, Ellis has the actors in peak form; we believe these people and the world that they live in.
What is most notable about this play is the deft acting in Nixon, changing roles, accents and body language, Nixon plays one of her best roles that I have seen in her stellar career. Trensch too is very good throughout the show; both blend superbly together. The scenic design by Derek Mclane and the lighting by Jeff Croiter is some of the best I have witnessed in a long time! On a black and white set, the purples that Croiter hits the stage with are breathtaking as it adds to the very cool setting. The feeling of a retro atmosphere permeates the stage. The last thing that is most noteworthy is the projection by John Narun. Much of the action is off stage if you will, we only see the faces of the actors and often in the back of the stage away from us. Narun keeps it suspenseful, somewhat erotic and perfectly captures the pulse of this play.
The New Group has had two great plays so far this year; Sabbath’s Theatre and now this one. Although not all the scenes ar

The IAANWJ: Keeping Irish Culture Alive
by Elsie WalkerThis year, the Irish American Association of North West Jersey (IAANWJ) marks its 50th anniversary. “To celebrate our heritage, enjoy it, and share with the rest of the world, “said Jack Regan of West Milford when asked about the mission of the association. Located in Rockaway, the association offers classes for young and old and events for those who want to learn more about the Irish culture and have fun. A person doesn’t have to be Irish to join and members come from all over the state. Recently, Regan and Maureen Murphy Quinn, of Succasunna talked about the organization and gave a peek at its 50th anniversary celebration later in the year.
As noted on its website ( https://www.iaanwj.com), the association came about as a result of so many Irish coming into the northwest New Jersey area as well as people of that decent already living here. They wanted to preserve the culture while also bringing awareness of the Irish contribution to America. The association was founded in 1974 and first met at St. Mary’s School in Wharton. In 1977, the association bought the Mt Pleasant School on Richard Mine Road in Rockaway Township to be its clubhouse.
Regan, who is the Seargent at Arms of the association and a 25- year member, shared some of the various educational offerings of the association aimed at sharing Irish culture and traditions. There is a book club which reads books that are connected to Ireland by subject or author. There are Irish dancing classes for both adults and children. In Celtic Art classes, people can learn to make traditional Irish things. For example, in February, they made

straw St. Bridget’s Crosses. The crosses are a symbol of Ireland and found in many Irish homes. Regan said that the art class’ next project is working on something in copper. Other classes include Celtic knitting and Gaelic language classes. Regan shared that Gaelic is still spoken in parts of Ireland. There are music classes in tin whistle and flute for children and in fiddle, Celtic Harp and Uillean (elbow) harp for adults. The Celtic Harp is another symbol of Ireland. For information, call the cultural committee at 201-321-6706 or email ajhack1@aol.com
The association is involved in different events during the year. With the Friendly Sons, it co-sponsors the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Morristown. After the parade, there is a party at the association clubhouse. Every fall, it has a feis (festival), an Irish dance competition at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. There’s a Christmas Hooly (gathering of people getting together for fun) at the clubhouse in the beginning of December. There they tell stories, have music, and celebrate the holiday. Also, every month, there is Irish Set dancing (like square dancing) at the clubhouse. Those who want to join the association must be at least 18 years old. Annual mem-

ber dues for individuals (at least 18 years old) are individual $25, married couple $30, individual senior (65 and over) $15, and married seniors $25.
Murphy Quinn, a charter member, shared her background and gave a glimpse at how the association may celebrate its golden anniversary. Not only does Murphy Quinn have her own Irish roots (through her parents) but her husband is Irish, too. She lectures in Irish history and is working on a book about Irish women. She noted that the IAANWJ had its first meeting in September 1974. Being in the fall, though nothing is set yet, she sees the anniversary celebration as being connected with Halloween. Halloween is a holiday that was exported from Ireland. It is based on Samhain, Celtic New Year Year’s Eve. “[when] …the veil between overworld and underworld is the thinnest” explained Murphy Quinn. In Ireland, carved out turnips with candles in them were set out to guide souls; when they came to America, the Irish started using the pumpkins native to this land. Many other Halloween traditions are also rooted in Irish lore.
While they say St. Patrick’s Day is a great day for the Irish, Halloween might just be a grand day this year for the IAANWJ.

Winners of 2024 Morris County Manual Cover Contest Announced
Morris County Clerk
Ann F. Grossi announced the winners of the 2024 Morris County Manual Cover Contest, presenting awards to the top three finalists yesterday at the Clerk’s Office conference room on Court Street in Morristown.
“It is my honor to continue this tradition of presenting each finalist a scholarship award and Certification of Recognition each year,” said Clerk Grossi.
Each year, the County Clerk conducts an art contest to select a cover for the Morris County Manual, a highly useful guide listing the names and contact information for county, federal, state and municipal officials, as well as various county boards and commissioners. The cover contest is opened annually to all high school art students within the county.
The creators of the top three covers, selected from among 99 submissions by a select group of judges, were presented certificates of recognition and monetary scholarship awards during a reception at the Morris County Clerk’s Office that included public officials and the winners’ parents and family.
The winners of the 2024 Morris County Clerk Manual Cover Contest are:
First Place: Charles Sagerer, a senior at Boonton

(l-r) Charles Sagerer, Clerk Ann Grossi, Kaden Montoya and Lily Walsh. High School. He was awarded a $500 scholarship, and his design will be the cover of the 2024 Morris County Clerk Manual.
Second Place: Kaden Montoya, a freshman at Morris Knolls High School, who received a $200 scholarship.
Third Place: Lily Walsh, a senior at Randolph High School, who received a $100 scholarship.
All three students’ cover designs will appear on the back cover of the manual in addition to being framed and displayed at the County Clerk’s Office for the entire year.
Submissions for the annual cover contest are open to high school students throughout Morris County. Judges for this year’s contest were Lisa Brett, Assistant to the Mayor of Mount Olive Township; Phyllis Florek, Mendham Township Mayor Emeritus; Fred Snowflack, writer for Insider NJ; Diana Natal, Election Clerk and Leanna Hernandez, Parale-
gal Specialist. Each finalist, their parents and teachers were invited to the awards reception. Boonton Mayor James Lynch and Randolph Councilmember Marie Potter also joined the ceremony to congratulate their local winners.
The Morris County Manual is a comprehensive resource containing the names and contact information of elected and appointed officials at all levels of government. The annual publication is designed to help simplify doing business with the various departments, boards and commissions and with all 39 municipalities throughout Morris County. Congressional and legislative districts are also denoted, and the 2024 election timetable is listed. The tradition of publishing the manual started in 1906.
The 2024 Morris County Manual will be available online soon. To download a manual, visit the Morris County Clerk’s website.

Pas PRF – is a material that helps the healing process in many dental and medical procedures. It speeds up healing, decreases pain, decreases swelling, and fights infection. It is completely autologous, meaning it comes from your own body. Many uses for this amazing material are being developed on a regular basis. What is PRF, and how do we make it? Blood is drawn from the patient and spun in a centrifuge. Specific speeds and

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lengths of time are required based upon the procedure being performed. Certain layers are retrieved and handled in various ways, again based upon the goals desired. There are typically three layers seen after spinning: a bottom layer of red blood cells which is discarded, an upper layer of plasma which has no cells but oftentimes used in PRF processes, and a middle “buffy coat” layer which is the layer we focus our attention to.
Dr. Goldberg treats entire families, from toddlers to seniors. Services dentures, cosmetics, and more! He and his staff enjoy the long-term
also speeds up the healing process, which decreases the risk of graft exposure.
In our office, PRF has always been an adjunct technique we perform. It is not necessary for every procedure, but when benefits are obvious, its nice to be able to provide it. Although we’ve had the capability for years to create PRF, the recent developments and improvements have been amazing, and we see the results on a regular basis.
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Platelets and leukocytes (white blood cells) are the main components of this “buffy coat” layer. This is the PRF. Contrary to popular belief, stem cells are present in very few numbers, and are not a major type of cell in PRF. PRF also does not have an effect on bone, but rather on soft tissues, hence the ability to affect swelling, pain, infection, and the rate of healing.
Another major use in dentistry is when we fabricate “sticky bone.” Sticky bone is a bone graft material. Think of bone graft material as sand. It doesn’t really hold its shape very well. When the “sand” is mixed with PRF, the sand “sticks” to itself, and can then be shaped. So in essence, the PRF improves the handling characteristics of the bone graft. As mentioned above, PRF does not affect the healing process of bone: sticky bone is an improvement in the handling characteristics.
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So what are the major uses of this material in dentistry? One major use is during grafting procedures. When we perform surgery, we are manipulating gum tissues. We don’t want the gum tissue to pull away during the healing process (known as “incision line opening”). This can be caused by stretching, created either by the pulling of muscles or the tissue itself. The PRF helps to control swelling which decreases the risk of stretching, and
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A third common use within the field of dentistry is 3rd molar (wisdom teeth) extraction. Studies have shown that the placement of PRF into a 3rd molar socket after extraction significantly decreases the risk of a “dry socket,” which is when the natural clotting process is interrupted and a painful infection develops.
There are other uses of PRF:
Facial esthetics: injection of PRF is used for rejuvenation procedures, similar to Botox & Rejuvaderm. Unlike those materials PRF is all natural, a product of your own body, and a lot less expensive.
Wound healing: amazing healing is oftentimes seen in burns and diabetic ulcerations.
About the author: Dr. Ira Goldberg is a distinguished dentist in both the fields of general dentistry & implant dentistry. He has been a dentist for 29 years. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology, a Diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. He performs all phases of implant dentistry at his office in Succasunna, NJ. He lectures to dentists in the field of implantology. He is also a Scholar of the Dawson Academy for Comprehensive Dentistry and a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry. For a free consultation, including a free 3-D scan (if necessary), please call his office at (973) 328-1225 or visit his website at www. MorrisCountyDentist.com Dr. Goldberg is a general dentist.
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Dr. Goldberg is a leading expert on dental implants. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry, which is a degree held by only 1% of dentists worldwide. Whether you require a single implant or complex full-mouth rehabilitation, a free consultation with Dr. Goldberg should be considered.
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Dr. Goldberg treats entire families, from toddlers to seniors. Services include cleanings, check-ups, fillings, Invisalign, dentures, cosmetics, and more! He and his staff enjoy the long-term relationships they build with their patients.

Passover Celebrations Today: Traditions, Significance, and Modern Practices
Passover, or Pesach, stands as one of the most significant festivals in Judaism, commemorating the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. Across the globe, Jews observe this holiday with deep reverence, blending ancient traditions with modern customs. In this article, we delve into the contemporary celebration of Passover, exploring its rituals, significance, and how it is observed in today’s diverse world.
Historical Context: The roots of Passover trace back thousands of years to the biblical account of the Exodus, where Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt after enduring years of slavery. The ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and the receiving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai are central elements of this narrative.
Significance of Passover: Passover holds immense significance within Judaism, symbolizing themes of liberation, renewal, and redemption. It serves as a reminder of the Israelites’ journey from bondage to freedom, conveying timeless messages of hope, faith, and resilience.
Preparation for Passover: The weeks leading up to Passover are marked by meticulous preparation. Jewish households engage in thorough cleaning, removing all traces of leavened products (chametz) from their homes. This practice, known as “biur chametz,” symbolizes the removal of spiritual impurity and the embracing of purity in both the physical and spiritual realms.
The Seder: The focal point of Passover observance is the Seder, a ceremonial meal held on the first two nights of the holiday (outside of Israel, where it is observed for seven or eight days). Families and friends gather around the Seder

table, recounting the Exodus story through readings from the Haggadah, a text that guides participants through the rituals and prayers of the evening.
Modern Seder Customs: While the core elements of the Seder remain unchanged, modern Jewish communities often incorporate innovative customs and interpretations into their celebrations. This might include incorporating social justice themes, engaging in discussions about contemporary issues, or incorporating new foods and rituals to reflect cultural diversity.
Dietary Restrictions: Passover dietary laws prohibit the consumption of leavened products, such as bread, pasta, and most grains. Instead, matzo, an unleavened bread, takes center stage, symbolizing the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt. Traditional Passover foods like matzo ball soup, gefilte fish, and brisket are enjoyed during the holiday.
Community Involvement: Passover is a time for community and fellowship, with many Jewish organizations hosting communal Seders for those who may not have a place to celebrate. Synagogues, community centers, and even virtual gatherings provide opportunities for Jews to come together and share in the Passover experience.
Global Diversity in Passover Celebrations: Passover is celebrated in diverse ways around the world, reflecting the unique customs and traditions of different Jewish communities. From the Sephardic traditions of the Mediterranean to the Ashkenazi customs of Eastern Europe, each community brings its own flavor to the holiday, enriching the tapestry of Jewish cultural heritage.
Passover and Interfaith Dialogue: In an increasingly interconnected world, Passover serves as a bridge for interfaith dialogue and understanding. Many non-Jewish individuals participate in Passover Seders, fostering mutual respect and appreciation for different religious traditions.
Passover continues to hold deep meaning and relevance in the lives of Jews worldwide. Its ancient rituals and timeless themes of liberation and redemption resonate across generations, reminding us of the enduring power of faith, community, and hope. As Jews gather around the Seder table each year, they reaffirm their connection to their rich heritage and the eternal message of freedom.

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Iwas recently diagnosed with a severe case of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. It’s two big words for a heart condition in which the walls of the heart ventricles become very thick. So much so, that they actually decrease the size of the sacs of the heart ventricles. There is really no cure for this heart disease.
A few days after my heart catheterization, that was the final heart procedure to verify my Cardiologist’s diagnosis, I went to a big comic book show.
I confess that I love comic books. One of my regrets in life is that I never got to meet the late, great Stan Lee. But, that’s life.
At any rate, a moment in time at the big comic book show, deeply touched my heart. It was as if the odds were a million to one, that I was at the right place, at the right time, for God to teach me a most valuable and endearing life lesson. I was looking through the boxes of old Spider-Man comic books, when this cherished moment unfolded.
A few feet away from me, were what appeared to be, a father and son. The dad seemed to be late middle age. The son appeared to be somewhere in his early twenties. Like me,

A Most Endearing Lesson
they were looking for old Spider-Man comic books.
Within a few moments, it became apparent that the young man, the son, was autistic. I write of this observation, with utmost earnest respect.
I could not help but to overhear that the young man was looking for Spider-Man comic books that featured Spidey’s villain, the Green Goblin. As I was looking through my box of comic books, I came across a rather rare Green Goblin tale that seemed to be priced, very reasonably.
I most respectfully, with the Spider-Man comic book with Green Goblin on the cover, asked the father and son team if they had this particular comic book. I explained that I could not but help overhear their enthusiastic search for Green Goblin comics. The young man smiled, from ear to ear. He exclaimed that he did not have that issue. The father smiled at me and thanked me for finding that particular Green Goblin comic book.
We introduced ourselves to each other. Then got lost in small talk about Spider-Man and all his villains. We talked for a good 10 minutes or so. Then the father simply said that it was time for his son and him to get back to the task of finding more good Spi-

der-Man back issues. We all shook hands and returned to searching through boxes of comic books.
Upon leaving the big comic book show, the memory of that meeting with my two fellow Spider-Man fans, haunted the marrow of my bones. The incredible joy and happiness that the son displayed, when I handed him the old Green Goblin comic book, had touched a chord in my heart.
I confess that I was feeling just a bit sad, when I first entered the doorway to the big comic book show. As I drove home, it dawned on me that God had brought the father and son team into my life, if even for just a few minutes, to bring a certain joy to my heart. There are really no words to convey the immense happiness that the old Green Goblin comic book brought to the heart of that fine young man. He actually jumped up and down a bit, when he first held the comic book in his hand.
The young man’s joy and exuberance over a seemingly simple thing, awoken me to realize that I needed to rise above my sadness. After pulling into my garage, I took a walk around my yard. Birds were basking in my two front yard birdbaths. The yellow flow-
ers in my flowering bush were abounding. Birds sang and flew about my old Live Oak. A neighbor walked by, walking his dog, and we exchanged friendly waves and greetings.
The joyful young man at the comic book show, gave me the gift of a most valuable lesson. To find the joy, the happiness, the splendor in the seemingly simple things in life. More than likely, I will never see that wonderful father and son team ever again. Still, their memory abides in the chambers of my heart.
Richard Mabey Jr. is a freelance writer. He hosts a YouTube Channel titled, “Richard Mabey Presents.”
Richard most recently published a book of poetry and short stories. He can be reached at richardmabeyjr@hotmail.com.

Morris County Chamber to Honor
Kathryn DeFillippo
Former Commissioner Receiving Alex DeCroce Public Service Leadership Award
The Morris County Chamber of Commerce will honor former Morris County Commissioner Kathryn DeFillippo with the 2024 Alex DeCroce Public Leadership Award at its annual Legislative Luncheon on March 20.
The Alex DeCroce Public Leadership Award is presented to a Morris County official who exemplifies the values of public service by the late Assemblyman Alex DeCroce: an unwavering commitment to making the community a great place to live, grow a business and raise a family.
Morris County Commissioner Director
Christine Myers, along with fellow County Commissioners, will present the award at the event, which is being held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Park Avenue Club in Florham Park.
DeFillippo, who is retired, served three terms on the Board of County Commissioners from 2014 to 2022, including two years as board director. During her tenure, she served as the chief liaison to the Morris County Department of Human Services and area nonprofits. She was also Mayor of Roxbury Township in 2009 and served on the Township Council from 2006 to 2013.
DeFillippo had served as
the Morris County member on the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority from 2014 until her retirement, and chaired the board from 2020 to 2021. Additionally, she was a trustee to the board of the New Jersey Metro Chapter of the National MS Society, leaving in 2016 after a decade of service.
DeFillippo had a private career as a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, assisting society’s most vulnerable citizens. She served as director of a sheltered workshop for adults with physical and mental handicaps in New York and worked in the insurance industry in the Washington, D.C., area, providing medical management and vocational rehabilitation services to injured workers.
The annual Legislative Luncheon, part of the chamber’s Public Policy Series, will feature members of the New Jersey Legislature, prominent public officials, and political analysts discussing matters that affect the business community. The panel this year will include Micah Rasmussen, director of the Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics, and state Senators Anthony Bucco (R-25) (scheduled) and Nicholas Scutari (D-22) (invited).
The Legislative Luncheon is open to both

chamber members and non-members. To register or learn more, visit the Morris County Chamber of Commerce website
About the Morris County Chamber of Commerce
The Morris County Chamber of Commerce has more than 750 member organizations, ranging from entrepreneurs and small businesses to large corporations and Fortune 500 companies. Its mission is to collaboratively advance the interests of its members to champion a thriving business and community environment. Through numerous events, meetings and seminars, the chamber provides a platform for its members to connect, collaborate, learn and succeed. Dedicated to the advancement of Morris County’s businesses and community, the chamber offers services, information and advocacy to support the success of its member organizations.
Headquartered in Florham Park.
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Have a human interest story or something you would like to share?
Email us at production@mylifepublications.com

The May Day holiday originated as a pagan celebration to welcome the summer. But why do we celebrate it with dancing, singing, drinking, lighting bonfires, and collecting flowers?
In the distant past, the summer season was used to safeguard a successful harvest. It is believed to have been associated with local gods, such as Ukko, the Finnish god of thunder who controlled the rain and thus the fertility of the land.
Many of these rituals arose from the belief that Midsummer was a magical time of good fortune and healing. Bonfires were lit and loud behavior was encouraged to drive away evil spirits.
Perhaps due to the time of year’s connection with fertility, love spells were cast at Midsummer, such as placing seven flowers beneath one’s pillow to conjure dreams of a future partner. One could also see the face of his or her future spouse by looking into a well at midnight. Bathing in natural springs and decorating houses with flowers and plants it was thought to bring good health.
The modern May Day, also known as Labor Day or International Workers’ Day, is a public holiday celebrated on May 1st
The Origins of May Day
every year. It is a holiday that is recognized in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, and countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
May Day developed its roots in the American labor movement of the late 19th century. In the United States, the holiday was first celebrated in 1886, as part of the struggle for the eight-hour workday. On May 1st of that year, thousands of workers across the country went on strike, demanding better working conditions and shorter working hours. The strike was peaceful at first, but on May 4th, a bomb exploded at a labor demonstration in Chicago’s Haymarket Square, killing several people and injuring many others. The incident sparked a restraint on labor activism, but it also invigorated the labor movement and led to the establishment of May Day as a day of labor solidarity and protest.
May Day is founded in astronomy. Traditionally, it was the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice! In ancient times, this was one of the Celtic cross-quarter days, which marked the midway points between the (four) solstices and equinoxes of the year.

As with many early holidays, May Day was also rooted in agriculture. Springtime festivities filled with song and dance celebrated the planted fields starting to sprout. Cattle were driven to pasture, special bonfires were lit, and doors of houses as well as livestock were decorated with yellow May flowers. In the Middle Ages, the Gaelic (Irish) people celebrated the festival of Beltane. Beltane means “Day of Fire.” People created large bonfires and danced at night to celebrate.
Today many Americans see Labor Day as time off from work, an opportunity to enjoy a barbecue with friends and family and a final moment of summertime relaxation before the busy fall season begins.
But the background of the Labor Day holiday is far more complex, dramatic and lethal than most might realize. It start with a heated campaign by workers in the late 19th century to win support and recognition for their contributions.
In July 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed into law legislation creating a national Labor Day holiday in early September—even as federal troops in Chicago brutally crushed a strike by railroad and Pullman sleeping car company workers, leaving some 30 people dead.
In other parts of the world, the holiday has a less lethal history. In Europe, for example, it finds its roots in ancient traditions
In Germany, the day is known as Maifeiertag and is celebrated with dancing, singing and the raising of maypoles. In Finland and Sweden, May Day is celebrated
with picnics and outdoor activities, while in the United Kingdom, the celebration includes dancing and other traditional folk customs.
Today, May Day is an official holiday in 66 countries and unofficially celebrated in many more, but ironically it is rarely recognized in the country where it began, the United States of America.
According to Peter Linebaugh, author of The Incomplete, True, Authentic and Wonderful History of May Day, after the 1894 Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland officially moved the U.S. celebration of Labor Day to the first Monday in September, deliberately cutting ties with the international worker’s celebration for fear that it would build support for communism and other radical causes.
In 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower tried to reinvent May Day by, further separating the memories of the Haymarket Riot, by declaring May 1 to be “Law Day,” celebrating the place of law in the creation of the United States.
Law Day celebrates the rule of law in a free society. From May 1 and throughout the month of May. Its observance was later codified by Public Law on April 7, 1961. The day aims to help people appreciate their liberties and to affirm their loyalty to the United States, especially with regard to equality and justice. It also aims to cultivate respect for the law, which is vital to the democratic way of life.
Law Day 2024 is on May 1, 2024.
“The Notebook” is based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. The 2004 movie was directed by Nick Cassavetes, from a screenplay by Jeremy Leven and Jan Sardi. In its current Broadway production, the book is by Bekah Brunstetter and the music and lyrics is by Ingrid Michaelson.
TReview of “The Notebook - The Musical”

he musical has two directors: four time Tony nominee Michael Greif and Schele Williams who is making a Broadway debut. Williams is also going to be directing the highly anticipated “The Wiz” which is opening in April.
In the current musical we get three Noah’s and three Allie’s... younger, middle and older. For the most part the six are good; I thought that the younger Allie (Jordan Tyson) was woefully miscast. Where Allie came from money, was a proper girl, this younger Allie ex-hued none of that. More like an inner city persona, Tyson was just not believable.
In Brett J. Banakis gorgeous set design we get a wonderful slide movement throughout the two hours fifteen minutes. Equally as effective is the sound by Nevin Steinberg and the costumes by Paloma Young. The effective orange and blue lighting by Ben Stanton too made the mood
well in tune with the plot.
The musical for the most part was very similar to the movie, two young people fall deeply in love with one another and even though ten years has gone by, they never stop thinking of each other. The key to the musicals success is that the three different sets of Noah and Allie need to all be effective. Whereas Maryann Plunkett as the elder and Dorian Harewood as the husband are excellent, we get the best interaction between Joy Woods and Ryan Vasquez, the middle aged actors; their singing and body language is captivating. The two are silky smooth on stage! Even though John Cardoza holds up his end as the younger Noah, it is Tyson who is an anchor around his neck. Even though Tyson has a very good singing voice, her Broadway debut falls flat.
The two opening scenes, both first act and second act fire on all cylinders. It is the second act, however, where this show ex-
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cels. The songs, the pace and the story all come together nicely. Songs like “We Have To Try”, “Forever”, “It’s Not Easy”, “I Know” and “Coda” were all well sung songs; the lyrics too were catchy and fit the moment of the plot. The first act too had some nice songs: “Time”, “Leave The Light On”, “If This Is Love” were most memorable. Having some great moments in the first act, it still didn’t compare the the afternoons second act.
For the romantics out there, “The Notebook” is for the most part an entertaining show. The choreography (Katie Spelman) is underwhelming, as is some of the ensemble cast. Allie’s parents: Andrea Burns and Charles E. Wallace are not moving in their parts. Burns was much more effective in her role as nurse Lori.Neither actor brought depth as parents to Allie, they were mostly robotic and aloof.

No Tax Rate Increase in Morris County Budget for 5th Consecutive Year Budget Structurally Balanced; 8.8% Ratable Growth Offsets Costs
The Morris County Board of County Commissioners tonight introduced their 2024 Budget with no increase in the tax rate for a fifth consecutive year, due to another year of growing ratables and prudent fiscal management to overcome rising costs.
“Despite state mandates driving up costs and hikes in expenses that are out of our control, such as health care costs, Morris County is again introducing a thoughtful, fiscally responsible budget. It addresses our obligation as County Commissioners to provide the services our residents require and deserve. It makes the investments necessary to keep Morris County the premier county in New Jersey, and yet it still enables us to keep the tax rate flat,” said Commissioner Deborah Smith, Chair of the Commissioners’ Budget Committee.
The proposed $365.3 million spending plan was presented to the full board by the Budget Committee, including Commissioners Doug Cabana and John Krickus. The plan continues to prioritize investments in public safety, infrastructure, education and economic development, and expands services to veterans.
Highlights in the budget include:
A combined $77.8 million towards public safety.
More than $24 million to support education, including career training at the County College of Morris and the Morris County Vocational School District.
A record $900,000 invested in Economic Development and Tourism, with $100,000 for planning Morris County’s celebration of the American Revolution.
$9 million to support the Morris County Park Commission, stewards of the largest county park system in New Jersey (20,455 acres of parkland)
Adding $300,000 to homeless services provided by the Office of Temporary Assistance, with a total of $38.1 million for Human Services and Health Services.
View the Budget Presentation
“Public safety remains a paramount interest. The 2024 Budget provides strong funding to our Sheriff’s Department, his Patrol Division, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office and our Department of Law & Public Safety,” said Commissioner Krickus, noting public safety spending is being increased by more than $3 million.
Prudent fiscal management and an 8.8 percent increase in ratables also helped

Morris County to address growing expenses forced by mounting state mandates on operations at the Morris County Clerk’s Office and the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office.
“Our 2024 Budget also continues the Preservation Trust Fund investments that bolster the quality of life here and attract the people and businesses making Morris County the premier place to live, work and raise a family,” said Commissioner Krickus. “To date, we have invested $169 million in farmland preservation, $295 million in open space preservation, $50 million into historic preservation, $100 million into flood mitigation and $5 million in trail design and construction.”
The budget also focuses on the needs of veterans and families facing homelessness.
“We continue to expand our commitment to our veterans by funding a fourth Veterans Service Officer and a seasonal intern. We also are expanding our services to the growing homeless population,” said Commissioner Doug Cabana.
“We certainly are grateful to have nonprofit partners helping us to address the
needs of our neighbors who find themselves seeking shelter. But it should be understood by everyone that the Morris County’s Human Services Department and its Office of Temporary Assistance serve the majority of our homeless population -- and the most troubled individuals found in that population,” added Commissioner Cabana.
The 2024 Budget doubles to $300,000 a line item in emergency assistance funding to shelter and support people experiencing homelessness. The budget also allocates another $150,000 toward funding allocated to prevent people from becoming homeless.
The introduced 2024 Budget also includes the 2024 Capital Spending Plan initially presented in December, putting nearly $35 million toward many projects, among them road resurfacing, improving intersections replacing bridges in the county and maintaining county facilities.
The Morris County Commissioners will consider adoption of the 2024 Budget at their Wednesday, April 10, 2024 public meeting.

I Remember Dad: The Red Barn
By Richard Mabey Jr.In early June of 1983, I was just 29 years old. I was working as a proofreader for Oral-B Toothbrushes, for their marketing services pamphlets and booklets. At that time they were located in Fairfield. I had earned a week’s vacation time. Little did I know, when that week began, that I was about to embark on an adventure that would leave a profoundly positive mark upon the deepest chambers of my heart center.
Dad also took a week’s vacation time from his job as a long-distance truck driver. We had big plans to build a small barn, along Mabey Lane, in the backyard of the old Mabey Homestead. Uncle Ed, one of Dad’s older brothers, lived next door to us. Uncle Ed was now retired and agreed to help us build the barn.
Dad and Uncle Ed were both World War II veterans. Uncle Ed served in the U. S. Navy. Dad served in the Seventh Army Air Corps, stationed at Hickam Airfield in Hawaii. Both men talked very little about their time in service. Uncle Ed’s ship was sunk, by a German war ship, off the coast of England. He was rescued by a British Navy ship.
Well, Monday morning Dad drove Uncle Ed and I, in his Ford Ranger pickup truck, to the old Channel Lumber on Route 23. We bought a good amount of two by fours, plywood boards, black roofing shingles, and four large hinges. The three of us loaded the back of Dad’s pickup truck with this extravagant haul of wood, shingles and hinges. The adventure had begun.
Why do we remember certain things? As if they are implanted with indelible ink into the cavernous vaults of
our subconscious minds. But for some reason, I remember we stopped for lunch at the Burger King on Route 23. I’m not sure if it was in Wayne or Pequannock.
One thing I do remember was that, as we ate our hamburgers and chomped on our French fries, Dad took out a folded piece of notebook paper from his shirt pocket. On this blue-lined paper, were the very plans Dad had drawn in pencil, for the structure of his dream barn.
I remember that there was an electrical enthusiasm in Dad’s voice. There was almost a song in Dad’s voice as he showed his brother and I his plans on how he wanted his small barn built. I know how odd this may sound, but it almost seemed that the people in nearby tables, actually stopped talking to one another to hear what Dad was saying. There was no doubt about it, Dad’s enthusiasm at that Burger King was definitely contagious.
I remember we drove halfway down Mabey Lane. Since it was not a busy road, Dad parked over to the side, along the pine trees on our property and we all unloaded the lumber and roofing shingles onto the green grass of our old backyard.
I remember this moment like it was yesterday. After we completely unloaded the back of Dad’s Ford Ranger, Dad took a moment and looked at the very spot that he had staked out to be the location where his dream barn would proudly stand. Dad stood there, bigger than life, with his hands on his hips, with a great big smile on his face.
“Men, this is where we’re gonna build the barn!” Dad declared with a most glorious enthusiasm in his voice.
Something touched me deep inside, the very moment

This is a photo of the red barn that Dad, Uncle Ed and I built in June of 1983. Our beloved Shetland Sheepdog, Gidget, can be seen walking along, beside the barn.
Dad gleefully spoke those words. It was the first time in my life that my father had called me a man. It’s hard to put into words. But at that moment in time, I truly became a man.
To be continued next issue.
Richard Mabey Jr. is a freelance writer. He hosts a YouTube Channel titled, “Richard Mabey Presents.” Richard most recently published a book of poetry and short stories. He can be reached at richardmabeyjr@hotmail.com.

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