Hanover news september 2016

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No. 2 Vol. 9


September 2016

Free Hanover Wind Symphony Concert Explores City Moods

he renowned Hanover Wind Symphony (HWS) plans to offer a musical medley celebrating "A Night in the Big City," on Wed., Oct. 26, at 7 p.m., at Memorial Junior School in Whippany. This concert will explore through music the many moods of city life. Says Matthew Paterno of Parsippany, HWS musical director and conductor, "Join the Hanover Wind Symphony as we 'paint the town red' with our concert 'A Night in the Big City.' Hear the music of the streets and visit the famous sites on a whirlwind tour of the city that never sleeps! "The energy and excitement of the big city come through in the musical repertoire that we have chosen. We want to take the audience on a fast-paced, exciting visit to some of the famous sites and sounds the city has to offer. The only question is this: How much fun can we pack into a single night?" The Hanover Wind Symphony (HWS) has played to enthusiastic audiences at regional venues throughout the Northeast, including the Boston Festival of Bands at Fa-


Matthew Paterno, musical director and conductor of the Hanover Wind Symphony. Photo by Stella Hart Public Relations/Jen Costa.

neuil Hall in Boston; the New York Brass Conference in New York City; the Nicholas Music Center at Rutgers University in New Brunswick; the Weis Performing Arts Center at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pa.; The Abbey at Delbarton in Morristown; the Natirar Estate in Peapack; the Community Theatre in Morristown; and the Tribeca Performing Arts Center in New York City. HWS members are volunteers who share a love for music as well as a passion for enriching the cultural fabric of the community with the thrill of live wind band performances. By day, HWS members are accountants, engineers, teachers and executives. They come together to connect musically with others, share the enjoyment of music with live audiences, and help mentor the next generation of wind musicians. HWS is a recipient of a Morris Arts grant. For further information about the Hanover Wind Symphony or the Oct. 26 concert "A Night in the Big City," visit www.hanoverwinds.org.

Longtime District Administrator Assumes Leading Role In Hanover Schools

By Anastasia Marchese ichael Wasko is not a stranger to the field of school administration in Hanover Township. This is, however, his first September as the superintendent of schools. Prior to July of this year, Wasko served as the principal of the Memorial Junior School from January 2002 until he took on the superintendent position starting July 1. Prior to that, he served as the assistant principal of the Memorial Junior School, from the spring of 1998 until he became the school’s principal.

“This is a great district, with an extremely supportive board of education,” commented Wasko, when asked about working as an administrator in the Hanover district for the past 18 years. "A Community That Inspires Excellence," is our district’s vision statement, and what we continue to build on,” he says. Wasko is working with the Board of education to achieve this year’s district goals. One of the four main goals is to, “Continue to enrich the learning experiences of Hanover Township students through the expanded use of

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digital learning.” In light of this the district has purchased 55 new teacher laptop computers, 65 new Epson digital projectors, and new 200 Chromebooks for student use in addition to 40 new I-pads. Providing more access to the internet enables the teachers to take advantage of the web based components that are part of many new textbooks and curriculums. The district is also using Google Apps for Education, which help the teachers, students, and administration work better together. Teachers implement the use of Google Classroom to help “teachers save time, keep classes organized, and improve communication with students,” according to the Google Classroom website. Another of the district goals is to “implement the “Next Generation” Science Standards (NGSS) in grades six to eight and plan for the implementation of the NGSS at the elementary level during the 2017-2018 school year.” In order to work towards this goal the district has purchased new curriculum in the areas of math, science, character education and world languages. This will help the teachers “achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and Common Core State Standards’ as laid out continued on next page

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