The Lure of Chocolate
By Henry M. Holden
What is rich, creamy, and sweet: Even the adjectives used to describe the substance are enough to make the strong-willed drool. You crave it. It melts in your mouth. It comes in different forms, cocoa powder, milk chocolate, bittersweet chocolate, and white chocolate. Chocolate gifts have strong symbolic meanings such as love, passion, care, and a happy life. It is a simple gift that surprises us. Forest Gump even said, “Momma always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
Every February 14, St. Valentine’s Day, chocolate lovers are drawn to the object of their desire. A box of chocolates is a customary gift on Valentine’s Day, and only the most puritanical among us could spurn this devilish offering.
The confectionery industry is indeed a significant player in the U.S. economy, providing jobs and supporting various related industries. It’s fascinating how something as delightful as candy can have such a substantial impact on employment and economic activity.
Here is the delicious sweet truth! According to the National Confectioners Association, Manufacturers of chocolate, candy, gum and mints directly employ nearly 58,000 people across the United States with almost 700,000 jobs supported in related industries, including agriculture, retail, transportation and more. Altogether, the confectionery industry contributes more than $37 billion in retail sales to the U.S. economy each year and has at least one manufacturing facility in each of the fifty United States.
Almost $1.8 billion in sales, mostly chocolate kisses and hearts are made each February 14. It is third in sales with only Easter and Christmas beating it out. If you were to merge all the candy companies into one devoted to the sale of Valentine’s Day candy alone, it would carry a Fortune 500 ranking.
More than 70 million Hershey kisses chocolates are produced each day at the companies three factories.
For the Valentine’s Day demand, the Hershey company

produces more than 8,000,000 pounds of kisses which at about 95 kisses per pound comes out to more than 750, million individual candies.
How did the love affair with chocolate begin? Chocolate is a food made from roasted and ground cocoa beans that can be a liquid, solid, or paste, or on its own as a flavoring in other foods. The cacao tree has been used as a source of food for at least 5,300 years, starting with the Mayo-Chinchipe culture (present-day Ecuador.) Later, Mesoamerican civilizations consumed cacao beverages and introduced it to Europe in the 16th century.
In the 1540s, an Aztec document containing a list of price equivalents designated the value of a tomato as one cacao bean, and an avocado was worth three. A “good turkey hen” was worth 100 “full” or 120 “shrunken” cacao beans. Since there are only about 60 cocoa beans in one cocoa pod, this was a great sum of money.
In 1569, the new chocolate drink got its seal of approval from Pope Pius V, who proposed that people can drink chocolate on Fridays (and during Lent) and it would not break the fast, which was a normal thing to do at the time. This possibly happened because the Pope didn’t like chocolate and didn’t care if people consumed it or not.
Back in the 16th century- gold, silver, and precious stones were not the only loot that traveled back across the Atlantic as the Americas opened to European exploitation. One unforgettable treasure was a little brown bean that some natives of the warmer regions of the New World swore by: From the bean they made a bitter but palatable drink known in the Nahuatl tongue of the Aztec of Mexico as cacahuatl.
On Good Friday, in 1528, things were about to change in Mexico. A fleet of Spanish ships appeared off the coast of Mexico. Hernando Cortés disembarked his entire army of 500 helmeted, armor-clad men, with weapons that belched fire and thunder and hurled invisible and deadly missiles.
Emperor Montezuma II, was both amazed and almost paralyzed with fear. He believed the Aztec legend that the white conquistador had embodied the god of air, Quetzah-

The Lure... cont. from front page
coatl and was returning to earth to claim his throne. Montezuma’s hesitation to neutralize this handful of Spanish adventurers was to lead to his downfall and the incredible conquest of his powerful empire. As Montezuma dawdled indecisively, Cortéz began his march toward the capital, today’s Mexico City. Instead of leading his vast army into a precise campaign to overwhelm the few hundred invaders, Montezuma dispatched messengers to Cortés with gold, silver, and other treasures.
Satisfying the gods with such gifts and sometimes even human sacrifices was common in the Aztec culture. Montezuma hoped that the celestial invaders could be bought off and would go away. Cortés, however, fooled the Aztecs and simply accepted the emperor’s bribes, demanded more, and then continued his march.
The emperor’s ransom also included cacao beans. Montezuma considered cacahuatl an nectar from the gods; and too good for the common people. Indeed, the Aztecs, Mayans, and Toltecs before him valued chocolate so highly that they used the cacao beans as currency: caches of the beans were among the artifacts recovered from the grave sites of these civilizations.
Serving cacahuatl to the Spanish con-
querors in great golden goblets, Montezuma also revealed to Cortés that it had a secret ingredient; he confided that he drank chocolate by the potful because it enhanced his sexual powers. For all its regal importance, however, Montezuma’s cacahuatl was not sweet, and the Spaniards did not find it to their taste. To make the concoction more agreeable, Cortés and his countrymen later sweetened it with sugar .
Cortés sent his newfound treasure back to King Carlos V of Spain, explaining its benefits more delicately than Montezuma had: “It is the divine drink that builds up resistance and fights fatigue.”
This delightful plunder entranced the nobility: They became so possessive of it that they kept its existence a secret from outsiders for nearly 100 years. Spanish monks eventually spilled the beans-so-to-speak and the secret was out. It was not long before chocolate gained acclaim throughout Europe as a delicious, health-giving food. Even when the rest of Europe discovered chocolate, it remained for many years the prerogative of the wealthy and influential.
Around 1657, chocolate spread across the English Channel to Britain. And by 1765, chocolate completed the circle from New World to Old and back again, Today we

credit Thomas Jefferson with opening the first chocolate factory, in Massachusetts Bay. In 1828, a Dutchman named Van Houton discovered how to press the fat cocoa butter-out of chocolate. This was a breakthrough in chocolate’s development, and it yielded some important byproducts as well: Cocoa butter is now used in soaps, cosmetics, and suntan oils. Van Houton also discovered hot cocoa when he mixed the powder
that remained after he had pressed out the fat with water. In 1850, he added sugar and cocoa butter paste to ground beans, creating a sweet form of the substance. Twenty-five years later, the Swiss developed the first version of milk chocolate, and Henry Nestle improved on it by using condensed milk.
But the man who really made America fall in love with chocolate was Milton Hershey, who developed the old Valentine standby, cont. on page 4

By Richard Mabey Jr.
TOn Eagle’s Wings, Chapter 2: The Goddess
his is the second condensed chapter of the book that I am presently writing, about my journey to earn scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. This is a true story.
Each and every one of us hold a destiny, a purpose, a certain knowingness of our purpose in life. It may be buried deep within the fiber and sinew of the chambers of the heart, but from time to time, God reveals glimpses of the purpose of which He gave the precious gift of life to us. And, in line with that perspective, there are people who come into our lives, beyond coincidence, who become a wonderful friend and guide to help us in our pursuit of our Divine purpose in life.
In early September of 1969, I had just turned 16 and was beginning my junior year at Boonton High School. That Saturday morning, when I walked into the foyer of the Paterson YMCA, all alone, I had no idea I was about to meet a person who would dramatically change my life for the better. Mom had driven me to the big city YMCA, for the purpose of my beginning to take swimming lessons at their indoor pool. A fire burnt in my heart, to earn the Swimming Merit Badge, to become an Eagle Scout.
I remember I was all so nervous. I walked the long hallways to the room where the indoor pool was located. I remember it like it was yesterday. I opened the door to the pool room, and there sat this very beautiful young woman, on a chair beside the pool. When I entered the room, this beautiful goddess came over to greet me and introduce herself.
Lisa smiled as she shook my hand and introduced herself. Lisa was to be my swimming teacher. Amazingly, the other two boys, who were scheduled for her swimming class never showed up. Lisa had just begun her junior year at Paterson
State College (now known as William Paterson University). She had long brown hair. Simply put, I fell in love with her, the moment I first saw her.
I remember that Lisa was incredibly patient with me. She taught me the proper arm and leg movements needed to become a good swimmer. She had a most gentle voice, but at the same time, held a certain degree of authority when she spoke. Every Saturday morning, for three months, we would meet at the indoor swimming pool at the Paterson YMCA.
Lisa was so unlike the girls I knew at school. She had a certain inner confidence, compassion flowed through her veins and an abounding kindness abided in her heart. I think that Lisa saw something in me. She was fully aware of the flame that burnt in my heart, to become a good swimmer. I remember Lisa once told me that I was the best swimming student that she had ever taught. Not that I was a great swimmer, that was far from the case, but rather that I was so very sincere and earnest in my quest to become a good swimmer.
About a month into our swimming lessons, my heart broke when Lisa’s boyfriend came into the pool room, to pick up Lisa. Lisa scolded him for interrupting her class with me. He sulked as he departed the pool room. I confess, I actually felt sorry for her puppy dog boyfriend. For as kind as Lisa could be, she could also be all so very stern.
In early December of 1969, I convinced Lisa to sign up to become an official Swimming Merit Badge Counselor. Lisa proudly signed the paperwork for my Swimming Merit Badge. It was a moment that was all so near and dear to my heart.
From time to time, I think of Lisa. I pray she is alive and well. One of my deepest regrets is that I did not invite Lisa to my Eagle Scout Dinner. It was just one of those things. I don’t

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think I would have earned scouting’s highest rank, without Lisa’s helping hand. I am convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God brought Lisa in my life to help me along my rocky road to become an Eagle Scout.
But now, after earning the Swimming Merit Badge, a new challenge awaited me. And that big challenge was to earn the difficult Lifesaving Merit Badge.
Lisa, if you’re reading this story, thank you for all your help.
To be continued.
Richard Mabey Jr. is a freelance writer. He has had two books published. He hosts a YouTube Channel titled, “Richard Mabey Presents.” He can be reached at richardmabeyjr@gmail.com.
The Lure... cont. from page 2
Hershey’s Kisses.
Today, a city has been virtually built on one Kiss at a time. Hershey, Pennsylvania is home: to the world’s largest chocolate factory. It covers more than 18 acres. Hershey started out in 1900 with a caramel factory in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He sold it in 1903 for $1 million and built a chocolate factory in the middle of a cornfield.
In his laboratory, Hershey developed his own process for making chocolate using fresh whole milk. As his product caught on and he proceeded to build a city of homes and schools around his factory.
Milton Hershey did what Henry Ford did for the automobile: Hershey developed the machinery that made mass-produced chocolate, and suddenly the sweet confection was affordable to everyone.
One manufacturer of dark chocolate, Ghirardelli, has added sixty percent cacao to its chocolate to two-inch squares. Other variations of the small square snacks include white chocolate sugar cookies, and milk chocolate caramel.
Dark chocolate contains several compounds that possess antioxidant properties such as flavonoids and polyphenols. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidation stress. This stress contributes to the natural aging process. Some scientists, over time, believe the effects of oxidation stress may also contribute to the development of variety of diseases such as, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. Regularly eating dark chocolate may help reduce a person’s likelihood of developing heart disease. Some of the compounds in dark chocolate, specifically flavonoids affect two major risk factors heart disease, and high blood pressure.
Flavonoids in dark chocolate stimulate nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to dilate for wider use, which improves blood flow and may lower blood pressure.
While the taste alone is reason enough to give chocolate on Valentine’s Day, there is another attribute you might want to consider: The candy may make the recipient more romantic. Montezuma wasn’t too far off the mark. An analysis of chocolate shows it contains small amounts of phenylethylamine, a chemical produced naturally in the brain, that some scientists believe increases when people fall in love. Chocolate as an aphrodisiac? Try some and you be the judge.

loomingdale is happy to welcome Sharr’s Thrift Land! Mayor D’Amato, Council
ident Graziano and Casey Morgan from the EDC were
welcome owner Sharon Mobley along side her husband Troy Wright. Check them out in Ward’s Plaza, 142 Main St., Bloomingdale.

Say ‘I Love You’ with Valentine’s Day Gifts
February 14th, better known as Valentine’s Day, provides a beacon of light in the middle of winter. Each February, stores and homes are decked out in red and pink hearts, and florists wait in the wings to prepare sweet-smelling bouquets for the bevy of buyers eager to bring bountiful blooms into their living spaces.
Gift-giving is an integral component of Valentine’s Day. That means the search may be on to find items that will give voice to feelings of love and affection in tangible ways. These gifts are perfect for anyone on your list.
• Fragrance: Although purchasing fragrances can be tricky, if your special someone provides hints of a scent or brand they prefer, it can make buying perfume or cologne easier. However, there’s also the option of going with trends. Market experts believe vanilla is set to be a stand-out aroma in 2024, and aromatherapy and feel-good fragrances are trending this year.

• Cozy clothes: Snuggling together in front of the fire may be an appealing prospect for lovebirds. Cozy gifts can include matching loungewear or pajama sets, or ultra-soft sweatpants and hoodies for chasing away the chill.
• Personalized prints: Companies offer

custom song lyric posters or framed artwork so that a special song, whether it was heard during a first date or danced to during a couple’s wedding, can be memorialized. Other personalized prints can include images of the sky on a key date to commemorate a special moment in time.
• Jewelry offerings: Jewelry is a go-to Valentine’s Day gift. Vogue says that there’s a strong likelihood that boho jewelry trends are making a comeback this year. Pendants, beads and multi-strand necklaces are sure to be a must-have look.
• Travel treats: Couples who love to travel can gift travel-related items to their special someone. A high-end brand of luggage, tickets to a cruise or another destination, or an excursion upgrade on a planned getaway may fit the bill.
• Gourmet eats: Foodies often find enjoyment sampling the fare at top-notch restaurants. While Valentine’s Day tends to be quite busy at most restaurants, a gift of a night out for dinner at another time may be the way to tug on the heartstrings while nurturing the palate.
Valentine’s Day is here before people know it, so it is key to have gift ideas at the ready.

Valentine’s Day: From Ancient Origins to Modern Celebrations
Valentine’s Day, celebrated annually on February 14, is a day dedicated to love, affection, and the exchange of heartfelt gestures. Its origins, however, are rooted in ancient traditions and historical events that have evolved significantly over centuries. Today, the holiday is marked by a blend of romantic, cultural, and commercial customs that vary across the globe.
The Origins of Valentine’s Day
The story of Valentine’s Day begins in ancient Rome, where a festival called Lupercalia was celebrated from February 13 to 15. This pagan festival was dedicated to fertility and purification, featuring rituals that included the pairing of couples through a lottery system. While Lupercalia was far from the romanticized version of Valentine’s Day we know today, its timing and focus on relationships laid the groundwork for the holiday’s eventual transformation.
The connection to Saint Valentine comes from a more Christianized interpretation of the day. Historical records suggest that there were multiple martyrs named Valentine in early Christianity, but one figure stands out. Saint Valentine of Rome, believed to have lived during the third century, was martyred for performing marriages for Christian couples in secret, defying Emperor Claudius II’s ban on such unions. Claudius had prohibited marriages to ensure young men would join his army without attachments. Valentine’s acts of defiance made him a symbol of love and devotion, and he was later canonized by the Church.
In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius I established February 14 as Saint Valentine’s Day, effectively replacing the pagan Lupercalia festival with a Christian feast. Over the centuries, the day’s association with romantic love grew, particularly during the Middle Ages. The poet Geoffrey Chaucer is often credited with linking Valentine’s Day to courtly love in his 14th-century poem, “Parliament of Fowls.” Modern-Day Celebrations
Today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in diverse ways across the world, with each culture adding its unique twist. The common thread is the expression of love and affection, though the methods and scale of celebration vary.
In many Western countries, Valentine’s Day is a significant cultural event. Couples exchange cards, flowers, chocolates, and gifts as tokens of their love. Red roses, a symbol of passion, are particularly popular. Romantic dinners and weekend getaways are common ways for partners to celebrate the day together. Single individuals often embrace the holiday as well, celebrating self-love or organizing gatherings with friends.

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Handmade gifts from over 40 Vendors Quilts, Crocheted items, Jewelry, Wreaths, Chocolates and much more Fri. 2pm-8pm | Sat. & Sun. 10am-6pm

In Japan, Valentine’s Day has taken on a unique commercial and cultural angle. Women traditionally give chocolates to men, categorized as “giri-choco” (obligation chocolate) for colleagues or acquaintances and “honmei-choco” (true feeling chocolate) for romantic interests. A reciprocal celebration, White Day, occurs on March 14, when men return the favor with gifts for women.
In Finland and Estonia, February 14 is known as “Friend’s Day” (Ystävänpäivä), emphasizing platonic relationships rather than romantic ones. Friends exchange cards and small gifts, highlighting the broader scope of love and appreciation.
In some countries, Valentine’s Day is observed with grand public displays of affection. For example, in the Philippines, mass weddings are a popular tradition, with hundreds of couples tying the knot in government-sponsored ceremonies. This creates a festive atmosphere and provides an opportunity for couples to celebrate their love in a communal setting.

However, Valentine’s Day is not universally embraced. Some cultures and communities regard it as overly commercialized or incompatible with local traditions and values. In certain countries, the holiday is banned or discouraged due to religious or cultural reasons, with alternative celebrations taking its place.
The Evolution of a Global Phenomenon
The modern celebration of Valentine’s Day is deeply intertwined with commercialization. Retailers capitalize on the holiday by promoting themed products, from greeting cards to luxury goods. The tradition of gift-giving has expanded to include personalized items, experiential gifts, and even digital expressions of affection through social media and messaging apps. Despite its commercialization, Valentine’s Day remains a meaningful occasion for many people. It serves as a reminder to express love and appreciation, whether through grand gestures or simple acts of kindness. While the ways of celebrating may differ, the essence of the holiday—a celebration of love in its many forms—remains timeless.
Valentine’s Day has a rich and complex history that spans centuries and cultures. From its origins in ancient Rome to its transformation into a global celebration of love, the holiday continues to evolve. Whether celebrated with a romantic partner, friends, or family, Valentine’s Day offers an opportunity to cherish the connections that bring joy and meaning to our lives.
Bloomingdale Welcomes New Business
On January 11th, Bloomingdale welcomed Elle and Bee Clothing to the Borough. Elle and Bee Clothing is an in-store and online boutique for women's fashion and accessories. It offers a little bit of everything, from boho chic, to edgy and fierce to a little more dressy, and every day wear. Elle and Bee Clothing is located at 10 Riverside Square, on Main St. in Bloomingdale.

Local Writer Recalls Special Connection to Jimmy Carter

By Megan Roche
Before he was a writer for My Life Publications, a young Steve Sears had taken an interest in writing poetry.
“In the early to mid 1990s, I had developed an interest in poetry. In fact, one of my first professional published works were poems and reviews of poetry chapbooks.
An editor of a poetry magazine that I was fond of suggested supporting poets by buying their works, and Jimmy Carter had recently published a hardcover book of poems. I bought the book in read it, and loved his writings. After that, I thought I would write him a letter and did so, applauding his efforts while also sharing some of my poems,” Sears said.
After sending that letter to the former President, Sears didn’t think much of it. One day, a letter from the Carter Center in Atlanta showed up on his doorstep. Assuming it would be just a typed formal reply, Sears was surprised when he found a personal, hand written thank you note from Carter himself.
“The response I received was in an official Carter Center envelope, so when I removed the contents I figured it would be an official letter type written. What President Carter had done instead was taken the first page of my handwritten letter to him and written a return note on top. Needless to say, I loved the return note, and the first thing I did was call my mom to let her know,” Sears recalls.
The note reads: cc Steven, Thanks for your very nice letter. I’m glad you liked the poems. Jimmy C. PS: I also like yours. His mother, who was not a very political woman, had always liked Carter. Sears re-

members her often telling him that she always thought Carter was down to earth and a kind man.
That letter served as a great source of inspiration for the then young writer.
“First of all, it is a unique correspondent with a United States President. Not many people can say they have something so special. Second, that note encouraged me to continue my young writing career at that time, which had included op-eds to a local newspaper and the previously mentioned publications in the poetry magazines. It is a very special thing to me,” Sears said.
For the Sears family, the love of books helped lead them to establishing a family library. The Dewey Decimal-coded library still houses Carter’s poetry book. Right near the library, in a frame sits Carter’s letter back to Steve.
“For years the letter sat next to my writing desk in a frame, but now it is behind my desk in that same frame. I often look at it when I turn to get something out of my inbox or reach for a writer’s book for information and inspiration,” Sears says.
When news of Carter’s passing made its way to front pages around the world, Sears was struck with sadness. However, he knows how truly special it was that even just for a brief moment, Jimmy Carter knew who he was. As Sears reflected on his passing, he’s grateful for that little letter.
“I will always have this wonderful reminder near my writing desk of what a wonderful human being he was, and how we both shared a love of writing.”

Steve Sears still has the book of Jimmy Carter’s poetry and a very special letter from Carter about his own poetry writings
Former Radio City Rockette from Randolph Set to Release Memoir
By Megan Roche
Jennifer Jones has shattered glass ceilings throughout her career, becoming the very first African American Radio City Rockette in the 1980s. She’s also beaten colorectal cancer. Now, she’ll add another accolade to her list: two-time published author.
Jones, who grew up in Randolph, was the very first African American Radio City Rockette. In her memoir, titled Becoming Spectacular, Jones dives in to her time on the line. From performances at the Super Bowl to what life was really like on the Radio City stage, Jones invites readers in to hear her story.
“I really tried to take the reader through my whole life. The initial chapter talks about the Super Bowl halftime show, but after that I go back into my childhood and the start of my life,” Jones says.
No stranger to being a trailblazer in her own right, Jones touches on her parents being trailblazers as the two were in an interracial marriage, which for the 1960s was not the norm. However, it was her parents love of Broadway that led to exposing a young Jennifer to the arts.
“That love taught me at such a young age that I needed to be on a stage and to be able to walk out of a stage door,” Jones recalls.

The book slowly opens up to life inside Jen’s early dance classes and growing up as a bi-racial child in a white school system. She also sheds light on her reign as Miss Morris County, her experience owning her own aerobics studio. There’s also a chapter on her experience studying dance in New York and of course, the coveted audition to becoming a Radio City Rockette.
“I talk about the good and the bad, the resistance that was coming towards me of people within Radio City and the women on the line who were not ready for a change. But I also touch on the ladies who were ready for a change and those who really embraced me. I talk about all the terrible things I went through but what ultimately kept me there was my love of dance and my dream of performing on a stage and walking out of a
backstage door no matter what,” Jones said.
After finishing her time as a Rockette, Jones went on to star in the revival of 42nd Street. Her work on the show earned her a TONY Award for Best Revival of a Musical.
However, there are also chapters on the lows of her life.
“After 42nd Street, a lot of people thought I had disappeared. I share a lot in the book about being a single mom, my marriage, my divorce, not having a college degree. I talk about all the jobs I held in toxic work environments,” Jones shares.
Jones also opens up about her journey of getting diagnosed with and ultimately beating colorectal cancer.
Overall, Jones couldn’t be prouder of sharing her story. She hopes each person who reads her story remembers that their stories are important too.
“Ultimately, each and every one of us has a mark to leave on this world and we all have a greater contribution to give something to others. We’re all just diamonds in the rough just trying to be the shiniest, most precious cut that we can and that is our gift and that is when we shine the most,” Jones said.
The book will be available for preorders beginning Feb. 18. The book’s official release date is one month later on March 18. Jones will also be speaking and hosting various book signings in the area. For the most up to date event schedule, visit www.rockettejenn.com

RECIPE FOR SUCCESS: Arca, Lincoln Park Raptors U10 Boys Soccer Partner for Winning Combination
by Christopher Lawlor
There is a recipe for success on the local grassroots soccer level and it’s quite appetizing.
Take a group of budding, talented soccer players from Lincoln Park and knowledgeable coaches, mix in local eateries, known for passion for the beautiful game and creating world-class cuisine and it’s known as perfection. Or perfezione in Italian.
When the Lincoln Park Raptors, an Under-10 boys soccer team that operates under the Lincoln Park Police Athletic League (PAL) umbrella completed a perfect 8-0 season in November and Arca, a recently opened Northern Italian restaurant (located at 211 Main Street, Lincoln Park) serving seafood dishes with an American twist, partnered the results benefited the community.
Seeking a sponsor for
the front of their jersey and help offset the costs of purchasing quality team gear and uniforms from Italian manufacturing outfit Givova, head coach and trainer Greg Bajek reached out to Arca owners and brother Fatos and Genc Selimi for a community sponsorship deal. Fatos’s son previously played for the PAL program and he was a coach. Ultimately, he had the urge to “give back.”
This is a common practice in communities nationwide, seeking uniforms sponsors, especially for Little League baseball teams, and now for youth soccer.
“I’ve known the ownership of Arca for years. Previously, the restaurant was called 202 Bistro but they moved down the street into a new and better location in Lincoln Park,” he says. “Fatos loves soccer. He plays soccer and follows the sport closely. When I approached
him about sponsoring our teams, he agreed without hesitation.
“The boys were thrilled when the uniforms arrived from Italy and they are proud to wear the Arca name on their shirt. They feel like professionals because in soccer circles, uniforms with a sponsor brings cache. We cannot thank Fatos for his generosity and commitment to Lincoln Park. He’s a great person and businessman from our town.”
The Raptors claimed the Morris County Youth Soccer Association (MCYSA) U10, Flight 8 championship with an uninterrupted run of wins starting in September. They outscored opponents from the area, 41-6 or averaging a league-best five per match and conceding less than one goal.
The Raptors championship roster includes Daniel Bajek, Devin Rosella, Chris-

tian Soto, Rohan Pusapati, Jean Gomez, Maverick Kerik, Robert Muoio Trudell, Alec Lora, Luca Digiore, Joaquin Aguirre Valverde, Silas Quiros, Nicholas Sabogal Rojas, Kurt Stierle and Jack Tripetsky. Bajek, who played professionally in Poland and domestically for nearly 20 years, was a three-time NCAA Division III All-America at Kean University. He is assisted on the touchline by Damiano Rosella and Alejandro Soto. All three have sons who are members of the squad.
Becoming Spectacular is Randolph native Jennifer Jones’ second book, set to debut in March

6 Tips for Adding More Seafood to Your Family’s Menu
Seafood can make for a healthy addition to diets, particularly for children. It improves body and brain function, and studies conducted by “Pediatrics” and the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” have linked seafood to reduced risks of heart disease and allergic conditions like asthma.
In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture suggests making seafood part of healthy diets and its 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend putting it on menus at least twice a week.
While there are common complaints, such as “my kids won’t like it” or “I don’t know how to prepare it,” these tips can help make it quick, easy and affordable to add nutritious seafood to your family’s menu.
Start with shrimp. Shrimp is one of the most popular types of seafood in the United States. Try shrimp warm or cold as a snack, appetizer or main course. It’s versatile and can be sauteed, broiled, boiled, grilled or baked. Make it fun. Consider putting healthy fish like wild cod, salmon or pollock into fun foods like tacos or burgers.
Buy frozen. Fish is now flash frozen at sea to lock in freshness. Frozen seafood meals add convenience and help cut down on waste because what you don’t use can go back in the freezer.
Cook with your kids. If your kids don’t think they like seafood, have them help with dinner. Cooking with kids can help develop healthier long-term habits and a more

adventurous palate. It also helps improve motor functions and confidence. In fact, a study published in “Pediatrics” shows getting children involved in meal preparation may increase their enjoyment of healthy foods.
Pick the right products. To create a family-friendly menu, consider an option like Aqua Star’s Cutting Board meal kits, a selection of 10 recipes that include everything a family needs to prepare a tasty, healthy meal. Selections include tacos, flatbreads and comfort favorites. With pre-portioned ingredients for quick preparation and cleanup, they make it easy for parents and kids to create their own restaurant-quality meals.
Eat at home. Eating out often can drive unhealthy eat-
ing habits and strain family budgets. Seafood is easy and convenient to make, whether you use a simple recipe like these Chipotle Shrimp Street Tacos or choose a convenient meal kit, and can help you spend more time together at the dinner table.
Find more tips and recipes to add seafood to your family’s table at aquastar.com.
Chipotle Shrimp Street Tacos
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2
1 Aqua Star Chipotle Shrimp Street Tacos Meal Kit, including: creamy ancho chili sauce, Aqua Star shrimp, chipotle seasoning, spinach, corn , roasted tomato white corn tortillas
2 teaspoons cooking oil, divided
Submerge unopened sauce packet in bowl of water to thaw.
In large skillet, heat 1 teaspoon oil; add shrimp and cook 6-8 minutes. Drain excess fluid and add chipotle seasoning.
In medium skillet, heat remaining oil; add spinach, corn and roasted tomato. Cook 4-5 minutes until water is evaporated; set aside.
In microwave, warm tortillas in moist paper towel 30 seconds.
To build tacos, fill two tortillas with shrimp and vegetables then top with sauce. (Family Features)

Staying healthy is important yearround, but especially in the cooler months when temperatures drop, people spend more time inside and germs can spread easily. What you eat and the lifestyle you embrace are critical components of staying healthy.
Nourishing meals full of fruits, vegetables, protein-rich foods and whole grains help provide the body’s immune system with the nutrients it needs. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by getting enough sleep, being physically active every day, having enough fluids and reducing stress also help keep the immune system in shape.
As a nutritious food to include on your grocery list, grapes of all colors – red, green and black – contain more than 1,600 natural plant compounds such as antioxidants and other polyphenols that help protect the health of cells throughout the body. They also contain about 82% water, so they provide important fluids for hydration, which is also critical to a healthy immune system.
Easy Dishes to Boost Immunity
Grapes can be enjoyed as a healthy snack or an immune-boosting ingredient in recipes like Chicken, Spinach and Grape Pita sandwiches and Grape and Salmon Power Salad. Each provides a mix of immune-supporting nutrients, including zinc in chicken, vitamins A and C in kale, polyphenols in grapes and other important nutrients in the salmon, walnuts and barley.
Find these recipes and more in “ Eating for Immune Health” along with additional ways to eat healthy and stay well at grapesfromcalifornia.com
Chicken, Spinach and Grape Pita Servings: 4
2 tablespoons pine nuts
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons minced shallot
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1pinch red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon ground sumac salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 package (5-6 ounces) fresh baby spinach, washed and dried


1 1/2 cups shredded, cooked chicken (about 8 ounces)
1 cup red California grapes, sliced 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
4 whole-wheat pita breads (6 1/2 inches each), warmed and halved
In small skillet over medium-high heat, toast pine nuts, stirring constantly until toasted, about 5 minutes. Transfer to bowl and let cool. In large bowl, whisk lemon juice, shallot, olive oil, red pepper flakes,
continued on next page

Valentine’s Menu
Appetizer - Tuna Tartar
Parmigiano Balls
Salads - Pear Salad
Watermelon Carpaccio
First Course - Seafood Risotto
Fettuccine White Truffle
Main Course - Filet Mignon
Scallops Al Pistacchio
Dessert - NY Cheesecake with Raspberry Coulisse
Strawberry Panna Cotta
$95 per person, beverage, gratuities and sales tax not included
Easy Dishes...
from previous page
sumac, salt and pepper. Add spinach, chicken, grapes, feta and pine nuts; toss to mix. Stuff into pita breads and serve.
Nutritional information per serving: 445 calories; 24 g protein; 46 g carbohydrates; 20 g fat (39% calories from fat); 5 g saturated fat (10% calories from saturated fat); 57 mg cholesterol; 658 mg sodium; 6 g fiber.
Grape and Salmon Power Salad
Servings: 6
3/4 cup pearled barley
3 cups firmly packed kale leaves, torn and sliced into ribbons
1 cup halved red or black seedless California grapes
8 ounces cold, cooked salmon, skin and bones removed 1/2 cup walnuts, lightly toasted and coarsely chopped
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 clove garlic, mashed 1/2teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 pinch cayenne pepper
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Cook barley according to package directions. Drain and cool.
Tenderize kale by blanching in boiling water 2-3 seconds or microwaving 1 minute. Rinse pieces in cold water to stop cooking; squeeze dry. Fluff and uncrimp dry kale pieces with fingers. In medium bowl, mix barley, kale, grapes, salmon and walnuts.
To make dressing: In small bowl, whisk lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper and cayenne. Gradually mix in olive oil. Pour onto salad and fold gently to combine.
Nutritional information per serving: 413 calories; 15 g protein; 30 g carbohydrates; 16 g fat (47% calories from fat); 3 g saturated fat (8% calories from saturated fat); 22 mg cholesterol; 232 mg sodium; 500 mg potassium; 4 g fiber. (Family Features)

Show Your Heart Some Love

While heart disease is a leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, many of the risk factors associated with the condition can be controlled with dietary and lifestyle changes. By centering your meals around better-for-you ingredients and recipes, you can show your heart some extra love.
Consider walnuts, which are a hearthealthy food certified by the American Heart Association. More than 25 years of research shows walnuts may play a key role in heart health. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved one of the first qualified health claims for a whole food, finding that eating 1 1/2 ounces of walnuts per day as part of a low-saturated fat and low-cholesterol diet while not increasing caloric intake may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Additionally, walnuts are the only nut significantly high in omega-3s, with 2 1/2 grams of alpha-linolenic acid per ounce. Walnuts can add this essential nutrient to dishes like these American Heart Association Heart-Check Mark certified recipes for Greek Cucumber Walnut Bites and Banana Bread Overnight Oats.
Find more information and heart-healthy recipes at walnuts.org/heart-health.
Greek Cucumber Walnut Bites
Recipe courtesy of Beth Stark, RDN, LDN on behalf of the California Walnut Board
Prep time: 25 minutes
Servings: 6
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
1 English cucumber, ends trimmed (about 14 ounces)
1/2 cup roasted red pepper hummus
1/2 cup reduced-fat crumbled feta cheese
5 cherry tomatoes, quartered Heat oven to 350 F.
On small baking sheet, arrange walnuts evenly. Bake 8 minutes, checking frequently, until toasted.
Slice cucumber crosswise into 3/4-inch thick slices. Using small spoon, gently scoop out and discard center of each cucumber slice, leaving bottom and sides intact. In small bowl, stir 6 tablespoons chopped walnuts and hummus. Spoon walnut-hummus mixture into each cucumber slice and top with reserved chopped walnuts, feta cheese and quartered tomatoes.
Banana Bread Overnight Oats
Recipe courtesy of Crowded Kitchen on behalf of the California Walnut Board
Prep time: 15 minutes • Servings: 4
3 ripe bananas, sliced
2 cups old-fashioned oats
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup chopped California walnuts, divided
1 tablespoon maple syrup
3 cups skim milk
In large container with lid, add sliced bananas. Use potato masher or fork to mash bananas until smooth.
Add oats, cinnamon, salt, vanilla, half the chopped walnuts, maple syrup and milk. Combine thoroughly and refrigerate overnight.
To serve, divide among four canning jars or glass containers with lids. Top each with remaining walnuts before serving. (Family Features)
Amaze Guests with Great Grape Appetizers
Along with the delicious food, gift giving and cheer of the holiday season, getting together with friends and family is also cherished. Whether it’s a cozy weekend dinner with friends or time for festive merrymaking, you can enhance any gathering with unique small plates and appetizers.
Make the season special with California grapes, which are abundant into January, as an ingredient in your favorite dishes or by decorating with them for colorful pops of red, green and black. If time is of the essence, they also offer an easy, fresh, healthy snack or side dish that adds color and flavor to your table.
As a versatile ingredient that adds taste and visual appeal, grapes can help you create memorable appetizers that will surprise and delight friends and family. For easy and delightful hors d’oeuvres, turn to Tricolor Grape Pizza with Goat Cheese and Thyme or Smoked Chicken and Grape Bruschetta, each offering simple yet flavorful ways to please a crowd.
Send guests home with Easy Grape Compote, or give it as a fun host or hostess gift for friends and family, so they can enjoy a little taste of the holidays even after all the excitement winds down.
Find more tasty appetizers, meals, desserts and more at grapesfromcalifornia.com
Tricolor Grape Pizza with Goat Cheese and Thyme
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Servings: 6
1 pound prepared pizza dough flour
2 1/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 cups halved green, red and black California grapes
2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves
1/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
2 ounces fresh goat cheese, crumbled
2 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese freshly ground pepper, to taste
Position rack in bottom of oven and place inverted baking sheet on top of rack; heat oven to 500 F.
On lightly floured surface, press pizza dough into 10-inch round circle and cover with towel while preparing toppings. Sprinkle large baking sheet lightly with flour. Stretch pizza dough into oval, about 14-by-10 inches, and place on sheet. Drizzle with oil. Sprinkle with grapes, thyme and walnuts. Place baking sheet on top of sheet already in oven and bake until crust is bubbling and golden, 8-10 minutes.
Remove pizza from oven. Sprinkle with goat cheese and Parmesan. Season with pepper, to taste. Transfer pizza to board, cut into pieces and serve warm.
Nutritional analysis per serving: 350 calories; 10 g protein; 47 g carbohydrates; 14 g fat (36% calories from fat); 2.5 g saturated fat (6% calories from saturated fat); 5 mg cholesterol; 580 mg sodium; 1 g fiber.
Smoked Chicken and Grape Bruschetta
Yield: 24 pieces
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 French bread baguette
8 ounces smoked chicken breast (1 3/4 cups), shredded or cut into bite-size strips

1 1/2 cups red, green or black seedless California grapes, halved
12 ounces fontina, port salute or Monterey Jack cheese, grated
1 tablespoon chives, snipped
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Preheat broiler to 550 F.
In small bowl, combine garlic, olive oil and salt. Set aside. Slice baguette on bias into 1/2-inch thick slices. Brush baguette slices with garlic-oil and place on cookie sheet. Toast in broiler about 1-2 minutes on each side until golden brown. Remove from broiler.
On each bread slice, place about 1 tablespoon chicken breast and three grape halves then top with 2 tablespoons grated cheese.
Place cookie sheet about 8 inches away from broiler and broil 2-3 minutes until cheese is melted and bubbly. Place on serving platter and sprinkle with snipped chives and pepper.
Nutritional analysis per serving: 125 calories; 7 g protein; 9 g fat (68% calories from fat); 3 g carbohydrates; 24 mg cholesterol; less than 1 g fiber; 154 mg sodium.
Easy Grape Compote
Prep time: 5 minutes, plus cooling
Cook time: 20 minutes
Servings: 6
4 cups black or red California grapes
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 strips fresh lemon peel
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2/3 cup water
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon unsalted butter
1 teaspoon high-quality balsamic vinegar (optional)
In bowl of food processor, finely chop grapes and sugar using one-second pulses. Transfer to deep, medium skillet or wide saucepan; stir in lemon peel, salt and water. Bring to boil over medium-high heat. Cover pan with lid, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer 18 minutes until fruit is tender.
In small bowl, stir lemon juice and cornstarch then stir into grape mixture with butter; simmer 6 minutes, or until desired consistency. Stir in vinegar, if desired. Serve warm or cool.
Cooled jam can be stored in covered glass jar in refrigerator up to 2 weeks.
Nutritional analysis per serving: 160 calories; 0 g protein;
41 g carbohydrates; 0 g fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 170 mg sodium; 1 g fiber.
Festive, Fruitful Decor
Naturally beautiful, fresh grapes make for an easy, classic way to decorate for the holidays. Consider these ways to enhance your home and table:
Drape bunches of red, green and black grapes in decorative bowls and alternate with candles for dazzling centerpieces.
Fill a flower vase with grapes and water for color and texture to complement and support the flowers in the arrangement.
Bedazzle your ham or turkey platter with small bunches of grapes and fresh herbs.
Accent a perfectly cooked steak with grape rosemary skewers for a colorful, fragrant sidekick.
Adorn dessert plates and trays with sugar-frosted grapes to add a special sparkle.
(Family Features)
A Fresh, Flavorful Take on Family Dinner
If your family ever gets stuck in a dinner routine rut, it can feel like you’re eating the same recipes over and over again.
However, this fresh and unique recipe for Cuban Chicken with Salsa Fresca might inspire you to think outside the culinary box and give your family members the satisfactory flavor they desire at dinnertime. With fresh ingredients and a wholesome flavor, this meal is perfect to add to your dinner menu rotation.
The chicken is full of flavor and baked using multiple seasonings to create a Cuban-like taste. The salsa fresca, which is added on top of the chicken, is a tad sweet with grapefruit segments and juice, but also satisfying with jicama, onion, cilantro and jalapeno. It adds so much color to your plate, and all these flavors mash together for something unique and special.
To start, create the marinade for your chicken and let it rest to allow all those wonderful spices to do their jobs. Set it in the fridge for 30 minutes or more.
Next, it’s time to make the salsa fresca. Start by chopping red onion and jicama then add grapefruit and jalapeno to the mix. Add grapefruit juice, olive oil and, finally, cilantro. Stir well with a large spoon until everything is combined. Once the chicken is baked, cut it and assemble. The final result is a juicy chicken breast with a sweet yet crisp salsa topping. The flavors in this dish harmonize together to bring you a bite you have likely never experienced before. This meal is also nutritious with fresh fruit and lean chicken, so it’s a meal almost anyone can enjoy, even if you’re on a healthy eating kick.
Find more recipes and family dinner ideas at Culinary. net.
continued on page 17

1/2 red onion, chopped
3/4 cup grapefruit juice
Servings: 5
1 cup grapefruit juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons cumin
2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1 1/4 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Salsa Fresca:
1 cup grapefruit segments
1/2 jicama, cubed
4 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
1 jalapeno pepper, chopped
Heat oven to 400 F.
In large bowl, mix grapefruit juice, oil, garlic powder, cumin, paprika and red pepper until combined. Add chicken to bowl and turn to coat. Refrigerate 30 minutes or longer.
To make salsa fresca: In medium bowl, mix grape

fruit segments, jicama, red onion, grapefruit juice, olive oil, cilantro and jalapeno pepper until combined. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Remove chicken from marinade. Place chicken in baking dish. Bake 25-30 minutes until chicken is cooked through.
Serve chicken with salsa fresca.

Cuban Chicken with Salsa Fresca

French Fries 5.99
Onion Rings 7.99
Garlic Bread 5.99
Chicken Fingers and Fries 12.99
Mac & Cheese Bites 9.99
Disco Fries 9.99
french fries with mozzarella cheese and gravy
Vodka Fries 11.99
french fries with vodka sauce and mozzarella cheese
Garlic Knots 4.99
Mozzarella Sticks 9.99
Philly Fries $13.99
Cheesy Bread 13.99
Fried Calamari 14.99
Loaded Fries 12.99 with cheddar jack cheese, bacon, mozzarella, and ranch
Black Mussels 14.99
Fried Burrata 11.99 breaded Burrata over a bed of arugula with cherry tomatoes and balsamic glaze drizzle
Sautéed Spinach 8.99
Sauteed Broccoli 8.99
fries topped with cheesesteak, peppers,onions & homemade cheese sauce
Buffalo Chicken Fries $13.99
fries topped with hot sauce, grilled chicken, cheddar jack, and ranch
Chicken Bacon Ranch Fries $13.99
Wings On the Bone
6 - 8.99 | 12 - 17.99
7 - 8.99 | 14 - 17.99
Sauces: BBQ, Hot, Mild, Teriyaki, Mango Habanero, Honey Mustard, Creamy Garlic Ranch, Plain.

fries topped with grilled chicken, bacon, ranch, mozzarella & cheddar jack cheese
Made fresh daily, served with a side of homemade bread
House Salad 10.99 Family
Pasta Fagioli
Cheese Tortellini
Spinach Egg Drop
Add chicken 4.00 | Add avocado 3.00
Burrata Caprese 12.99
Caesar Salad 10.99
Apple Salad 12.99
Mixed Berry Salad 12.99
Desa’s Salad 12.99
Salad 12.99
Chicken Salad 15.99 Antipasto 12.99
PANINI 11.99
Comes on our home-made ciabatta bread • Add avocado 3.00
#14 Grilled Chicken
Homemade Ciabatta bread, grilled chicken, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, arugula, and balsamic vinaigrette
#15 Eggplant
Homemade Ciabatta bread, eggplant, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, arugula, and balsamic vinaigrette
#16 Grilled Chicken Pesto
Homemade Ciabatta bread, grilled chicken, fresh mozzarella, pesto, red onion, and tomato
#17 Cheesesteak
Homemade Ciabatta bread, cheesesteak, mushrooms, peppers, onions, and homemade cheese sauce
#18 Turkey
Homemade Ciabatta bread, turkey, tomato, honey mustard, cheddar jack cheese and bacon
#19 Veggie
Homemade Ciabatta bread, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, tomato, basil leaves, olive oil, and balsamic vinaigrette
#20 Chicken Caesar
Homemade Ciabatta bread, grilled or breaded chicken, shaved parmesan, grated cheese, croutons, and Caesar dressing #21 Hot Honey
Chicken Homemade Ciabatta bread, breaded chicken, vodka sauce, mozzarella, and hot honey
Add fries 4.00 | Add bacon 3.00
BBQ Burger
BBQ sauce, grilled onions, jalapeño, bacon and Swiss cheese
American cheese, lettuce, tomato and red onion
Smokehouse Burger
Cheddar jack, grilled onions, jalapeño and bacon
Mushroom and Swiss Burger
Comes with cheddar jack cheese salsa and sour cream
Cheese Quesadilla 11.99
Cheesesteak Quesadilla 13.99
Cheddar jack, cheesesteak, peppers, onions, and mushrooms
Chicken Quesadilla 13.99
BBQ Chicken Quesadilla 14.99
BBQ chicken, bacon, and cheddar jack
All subs on 10” Bread | Please order by number
#1 Italian 11.99
ham, salami, provolone, lettuce, tomato, onion, oil & vinegar
#2 Grilled Chicken 12.99
grilled chicken, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, arugula, and balsamic vinaigrette
#3 Eggplant 12.99
eggplant, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, arugula, and balsamic vinaigrette
Chessesteak Sub 12.99
#4 Veggie 11.99
fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, tomatoes, arugula and balsamic vinaigrette
#5 Turkey and Cheese 12.99
turkey, your choice of cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo
#6 Chicken Cutlet 12.99
breaded or grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo
All subs on 10” bread
mushrooms, peppers, onions & homemade cheese sauce
Hot Turkey 11.99
Turkey, mozzarella cheese, brown gravy and on garlic bread
Fat Boy 13.99
Chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, french fries, onion rings, mayo, and American cheese
#7 Chicken Caesar
Disco Cheesesteak 13.99
Cheesesteak with onions, mozzarella cheese, gravy, french fries on garlic bread
Pesto Chicken 12.99
Pesto sauce, grilled chicken, roasted peppers and mozzarella cheese
WRAPS 10.99
White or Wheat | Order by number
grilled or breaded chicken, shaved parmesan, grated cheese, croutons & Caesar dressing
#8 Grilled Chicken
grilled chicken, arugula, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, and a side of balsamic vinaigrette
#9 Eggplant
eggplant, arugula, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, and a side of balsamic vinaigrette
#10 Buffalo Chicken
breaded buffalo chicken, lettuce, tomato,
cheddar jack, and blue cheese or ranch
#11 Chicken Vodka
vodka sauce, breaded chicken, shredded mozzarella, pressed on the grill
#12 Chicken Bacon Ranch
breaded chicken, lettuce, tomato, provolone, bacon, red onion & ranch dressing
#13 Veggie arugula, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, tomatoes, and balsamic vinaigrette
Cheese Pizza 12.99 17.99
Small 12” Large 16”
Sicilian Pizza N/A 20.99 Gluten Free 14.99 N/A TOPPINGS
WHOLE PIE 3.50 | HALF PIE 1.75
Bacon, Ham, Pepperoni, Salami, Meatballs, Sausage, White Onions, Fresh Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Black Olives, Pineapple, Jalapeños, Spinach, Broccoli, Basil, Sliced Tomatoes, Garlic, Red Onions, Cherry Peppers
Eggplant Whole Pie 6.00 | Half Pie 3.00
Roasted Peppers Whole Pie 5.00 | Half Pie 2.50
Breaded Chicken Whole Pie 7.00 | Half Pie 3.50
Grilled Chicken Whole Pie 7.00 | Half Pie 3.50
Veggie 17.99 22.99
Spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, olives, onions, & green peppers
Small 12” Large 16”
Meatlovers 17.99 22.99
Sausage, pepperoni, meatball, ham, and bacon
Hot Honey Pepperoni 17.99 22.99
Vodka sauce, pepperoni, mozzarella, and hot honey
Chicken Parm 19.99 24.99
Breaded chicken, mozzarella, and pizza sauce
Buffalo Chicken 20.99 25.99
Hot sauce, mozzarella, cheddar jack, breaded buffalo chicken, bleu cheese or ranch, and celery
Chicken Pesto 20.99 25.99
Pesto, grilled chicken, red onion, mozzarella, & chopped tomato
Burrata Salad Pizza 18.99 23.99
Grande burrata cheese over a bed of arugula, basil, grape tomatoes, balsamic glaze, olive oil, salt, & pepper
BBQ Chicken 20.99 25.99
BBQ chicken, red onion, mozzarella, cheddar jack, and ranch
Drunken Grandma N/A 26.99
Thin crust - Sicilian with crushed tomatoes, vodka sauce, olive oil, fresh garlic, basil, and fresh mozzarella
Grandma N/A 25.99
Thin crust Sicilian with crushed tomatoes, olive oil, fresh garlic, basil, and fresh mozzarella
Penne Vodka 21.99 26.99
Penne vodka & mozzarella cheese
White 15.99 20.99
Mozzarella and ricotta cheese
Margherita 15.99 20.99
Pizza sauce, fresh mozzarella, and basil
Mango Habanero 20.99 25.99
Mango habanero, pineapple, breaded chicken, mozzarella, cheddar jack, and ranch
Burrata & Crushed Tomato N/A 26.99
Served over pasta or a side salad
Chicken Francese 19.99
Chicken Marsala 19.99
Eggplaht Rollantini 19.99
Shrimp Scampi 24.99
Chicken Scampi 19.99
Add Chicken 5.00 | Add Meatballs 2.50 each Pasta Types: Penne, Spaghetti, Angel Hair, Rigatoni, SAUCES
Vodka Sauce 17.99
Spicy Vodka Sauce 18.99
Ziti (oven-baked pasta) 16.99
ricotta 3.00 Cavatelli & Broccoli 17.99 Spaghetti & Meatballs 19.99
Served with marinara sauce
VEGGIE 15.00
HAM 10.00
Anchovies, Bacon, Ham, Pepperoni, Salami, Meatballs, Sausage, White Onions, Fresh Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Pineapple, Jalapeños, Spinach, Broccoli, Basil, Sun-dried Tomatoes, Garlic
Grilled or Breaded Chicken 5.00
Eggplant 4.00
Thin crust Sicilian, Sicilian cheese base, crushed tomato, burrata, olive oil, basil, & Pecorino Romano

By Evan Wechman
NJ Starz: Tracy Wolfson Bergen County
s early as eight years old, Tracy Wolfson, the CBS reporter who received the Sports Emmy for Outstanding Sideline Reporter in 2024 knew she wanted to cover sports for a living. Despite the jokes from her elementary school friends at the time Wolfson has defied the odds.
In a male-dominated industry, this Bergen County mother of three has achieved what many thought was impossible. She can be seen almost every football Sunday, working with Jim Nantz and Tony Romo as the lead team on the CBS featured game of the week.
According to Wolfson, the road however has not been easy. Before she even set foot at the University of Michigan to study communications, she noticed how few female sports journalists were on the big networks. Undeterred, she quickly learned everything she could. She remembers watching female sports reporters on her television set in her parent’s house and feeling inspired.
“The first person I watched when I decided that that’s what I wanted to do, was on” NBA Inside Stuff.” I watched Willow Bay, and I loved her presence, and I loved the fact she was talking about sports, and that’s what I wanted to do. I want to talk sports for the rest of my life, “Wolfson said. “I watched a lot of her, and I watched a lot of Michelle Tafoya who was there when I was in college and even when I was a researcher at CBS, my first year, I was doing research for her. She was someone I looked up to. Bonnie Bernstein came before me a little bit but I was able to watch her my last semester (at the University of Michigan) and she has always been a mentor of mine. I was fortunate enough to work for the same company as her and she’s always been a role model for me. So, I just watched everyone to gain as much knowledge as possible.”
Wolfson loved sports but was unsure where she could practice being a reporter. It seemed like there were more oportunities for men, and she knew she would have to work every bit as hard as them, to obtain a big-time job in the field.
“It was kind of a long path for me to be honest. There weren’t many women in the field at that time. I didn’t know nyone in the business. I didn’t really have anyone to look up to and I didn’t have mentors. I just was able to watch those reporters back before me on TV. And so, I really got a lot of practice in my bedroom, watching a lot of sports, and trying to broadcast into a tape recorder at the time and just trying to get the feel of doing reports or play-by-play, whatever it might be following sports,” she said.
Her love of sports and dedication to the craft led to her big break at the University of Michigan. Wolfson loved the environment of Ann Arbor with its great combination of bigtime athletics and intense academics. However, working in the media was a highly sought-after career, and she wanted to get a leg up.
Though she didn’t have many contacts at college, she quickly formed solid relationships with the network professionals looking for interns. When she landed an internship, Wolfson showed her versatility by being willing to work on
any event that needed coverage, even if she wasn’t familiar with the sport. According to Wolfson, this separated her from the competition.
After college, she landed many jobs at various stations in the greater New York area. Network executives knew they could count on her to put in the time and research to learn the essentials of any event. In the late 1990s, she could even be seen on television broadcasting at lesser-known sporting events like auto racing and the rodeo.
“I didn’t know anything about the rodeo. I didn’t know much about car racing You’re thrown into the fire and have to be versatile and be willing to do anything. The same principles that go for preparing for the rodeo, an auto race, track and field, or tennis, you name it, it doesn’t matter. It’s just about preparation, research, asking questions, and preparing for that event. And so that’s kind of how I started and its allowed me to have longevity in the business. Especially with CBS where I presently work, they know they can throw me into any role and I can do it because I’m going to give as much effort into any event as I would a basketball or football game.”
This drive and willingness to pitch in helped Wolfson become a CBS Sports Reporter for SEC College football on Saturdays during the first half of her career. She was a key member of the CBS broadcasting crew with Verne Lundquist and Todd Blackledge. She received critical praise and was seen as an asset in the industry. However, as much as she loved the excitement of college football, Wolfson wanted to climb to even greater heights.
At the time, CBS wasn’t using as many sideline reporters during their football coverage and wasn’t carrying Thursday Night Football. Wolfson heard they might be interested in getting the rights to that game, and wanted to be on the sideline.
“I got the courage to ask my boss at the time and say, if we get Thursday night football, and you guys decide you want to use reporters again, I want the opportunity to do it. And that took a lot. I was feeling comfortable and doing well but I wanted to try this new opportunity and put myself out there. But I felt I was ready. I already had my third kid. I was starting to feel like I was growing out from the college environment, and I wanted another challenge, and I knew if I didn’t get the opportunity, they might go to someone else and I would never get that chance. And so that was for me, a defining moment in my career.”
Wolfson’s boss said yes, and her career has since taken off. She is not only working prime-time football and basketball games but also serves as a panelist on CBS Sports “WE Need to Talk,”, the first nationally televised all-female sports show. Through it all, Wolfson has been active in many philanthropies and has also mentored young journalists.
She has volunteered her time and money to help the March of Dimes, her local Jewish Community Center, and advocate for greater diabetes research. According to Wolfson, she wants to show her children that there is an opportunity to help those who are less fortunate. This has become an

CBS active theme in her household as her son Dylan, a University of Michigan undergraduate has helped students in underserved areas get lacrosse equipment. He has also donated his time by giving free lessons to them as well.
Wolfson also finds time during the summer to speak with aspiring broadcasters from her alma mater to give them advice and direction.
For Wolfson, giving back seems as natural as reporting on the sidelines. However, during her career, she has seen a shift in the perception of female journalists.
She recalls an ex-boss who told her she couldn’t know as much about sports as her male co-workers. This occurred early in her career, and Wolfson thinks such an outdated mentality is rare today. Still, she claims the incident motivated her to prove the naysayers wrong.
Wolfson has lasted in this business due to her knowledge, persistence, and willingness to tackle new roles. She hopes she serves as an example to the next generation of female journalists and has helped erase any misconceptions about females in sports. She believes it comes down to doing the job.
“If you know your stuff, go out there with confidence, and present yourself well then you won’t draw attention to the fact that hey, I’m a woman. Just do your job, and you’ll be fine. And I think I’ve seen over the years, more and more women in this business do such a good job because they do hold themselves that way. They hold themselves accountable. They know their stuff. They’re very strong,” Wolfson said.
Wolfson can laugh now when she looks back at all her friends from elementary school who teased her about her hopes of working in a male-dominated industry. She said that when she runs into her old friends today, they tell her how proud they are that she stuck to her dreams.
She also is not scared of losing her job to the next group of female journalists. Rather, she wants to help pass the torch.
“There’s competition out there but I’m not worried about that. I want to pave the way for the next generation of incredible reporters out there.”
Phot credit: Wajmah Strange,
By Jeff Garrett
Not far from Princeton University in the town itself, there’s a house with tremendous history and mystique with luxurious gardens just waiting to be explored if you haven’t visited yet. Located at 55 Stockton Street, Morven is an operational showcase of New Jersey through means such as special events, educational offerings and wellthemed and well-timed exhibitions to enlight en a visitor’s arrival. Built by well-known historical figure Rich ard Stockton, who signed the Declaration

How to determine how much house you need
Potential home buyers typically have lists of requirements they would like to find in a new home. Although there are many features that are universally appreciated, certain elements may appeal to particular buyers more than others. For example, a swimming pool may be coveted by active families, but may not be as desirable to retirees looking for less upkeep.
Size is consideration that merits significant attention. The mantra “bigger is better” is well known, but homes with significant square footage may not be ideal for all buyers. “How much home do I really need?” is an important question for buyers to ask themselves before they embark on their home-buying journeys. Here’s how buyers can identify how much house they need.
How many occupants will be living in the home?

The first consideration in home size is the number of residents. Rocket Mortgage says a good rule of thumb is to give each person 600 square feet of space. So that means a family of four would ideally live in a home that is 2,400 square feet, while a couple may be fine in a 1,200 square foot home.
Number of rooms
Generally speaking, the more rooms in a home, the larger the house. Potential buyers should identify rooms they feel are essential. While formal dining rooms once were de rigueur, they largely fell out of favor in recent years in lieu of open floor plans. The more rooms you need, the larger a home should be.
PPotential life changes
It’s important to consider life changes on the horizon, and buyers should decide if they want to move as a result of those changes or if they want to set down strong roots and stay in one home. For example, a starter home may be perfect for newlyweds, but the space may be too tight when kids come along. Also, those who anticipate caring for a parent in the future may want a home that will accommodate an extra resident in the years ahead.
Tiny house movement
The trend to live in very small houses has gained popularity in recent years. Many people have chosen to live with less and downsize to diminutive homes. Most “tiny” homes are less than 400 square feet and are not much bigger than some owner’s suites in larger homes. There are merits to small homes, and that includes a small environmental impact, less clutter, financial advantages, and other perks like spending more time outdoors.
Housing budget
Sometimes how much house a person needs comes down to how much he or she can afford. Small homes tend to be less expensive than large ones. However, even small homes in urban areas or those close to the water or other attractive amenities could still cost quite a bit.
Housing size is a personal preference that potential buyers must consider when they are shopping around.
What to know about buying a home in a
eople who have shopped for homes at any point over the last few years are undoubtedly aware that inventory is low. While low inventory has affected home prices and priced some buyers out of certain markets, the good news is the tide may have started to change as 2023 drew to a close. In fact, a December 2023 report from the National Association of Realtors® indicated home sales rose by nearly 1 percent in November, a month during which single-family home construction also rose by 18 percent compared to October.
Each of those figures could prove a harbinger of good things to come for buyers in 2024. But it can still pay dividends for such buyers to prepare themselves to buy in a low inventory real estate market.
• Prepare to offer more than asking price. Data from the NAR indicates nearly one-third of all homes (28 percent) purchased in October 2023 sold for above asking price. When buyers have fewer homes to choose from, the competition for homes on the market increases, and that typically means buyers will offer more than asking price for homes they truly want. It might not be necessary to offer more than asking price on a given home, but it’s something buyers in a low inventory market must be ready to do.
• Prepare to find additional money, if necessary. Offering more than asking price can be tricky, particularly if a buyer’s offer exceeds the appraised value of the home. The real estate listing service Trulia notes that most lenders will not approve a mortgage for more than the appraised value of a home. Conventional wisdom may indicate it’s never a good idea to offer more for a home than it’s appraised val-
low inventory market

ue, but that scenario has played out with greater frequency in the current low inventory market. Buyers who feel they need to offer more than the appraised value to get a home will have to come up with the extra funds to make up the difference that their mortgage won’t cover.
• Flexibility can be your friend. A low inventory market is a seller’s market. Buyers who can be flexible in regard to seller’s demands and requests might be getting the keys to a new home faster than those who are not as accommodating. Some sellers may request a quick closing, while others may need extra time in the home until they can move into their own new property. Entering the process with the intention of being flexible can be an advantage for buyers in a low inventory market.
• Patience can prevail. It might seem as though there will never again be ample inventory on the real estate market. However, the increase in single-family home construction and forecasts predicting mortgage rates will drop suggest the real estate market could feature more inventory in the months to come. Buyers concerned about going over-budget or making a hasty decision are urged to remain patient if they cannot find a home that works for them personally and financially.
A low inventory real estate market may not be normal. But savvy buyers can still navigate such a market and find a home they love.
Danielle Fiorina Awarded the Platinum Level of the 2024 NJ Realtors® Circle of Excellence Sales Award
Century 21 Crest Real Estate, Inc. is pleased to announce that Danielle Fiorina has been awarded the NJ REALTORS® Circle of Excellence Sales Award Platinum Level for 2024. This is Danielle’s 3rd year obtaining this award level by having an annual minimum of $20 million in sales. In prior years she had obtained 9 years of the Gold Level Award, having an annual minimum of $12 million in sales.
Danielle is also the recipient of the Century 21 President’s Producer Award, Centurion® Award, Quality Service Pinnacle Producer Award, and Top Office Producer for 2024.
Danielle is a member of the NJ REALTORS® Distinguished Sales Club for achieving the Circle of Excellence Sales Award for a minimum of 10 years and is also a member of the CENTURION® Honor Society.
“We are thrilled to acknowledge Danielle’s accomplishments. Her hard work and dedication to her real estate business is evidenced by the many awards Danielle has received throughout the years,” said Patricia Wojtyszyn, Broker/Owner Century 21 Crest Real Estate, Inc.
“My clients always come first. Understanding their personal goals and needs is at the heart of my real estate business, and I believe it is the foundation for an effective client/realtor relationship. I am very grateful to my clients for putting their trust in me and thrilled to be acknowledged by NJ REALTORS® for this distinguished award.” says Fiorina.

Danielle Fiorina has built her reputation on professionalism and honesty. As a former business owner and accountant/controller, she is very innovative and promotes
her client’s needs to successfully reach their goal. Fiorina has been a professional realtor and top producer in the industry since 2006 and provides one-on-one personal expertise to each and every client from start to finish.
When you choose Danielle, you work directly, and only with Danielle. Call Danielle to put her experience to work for you and for all your real estate needs. Danielle can be reached at 973-460-4352.
Century 21 Crest Real Estate, Inc. has serviced the Northern New Jersey area since 1981, CENTURY 21 Crest Real Estate, Inc. has enjoyed a fine reputation specializing in residential, commercial and rental properties. CENTURY 21 Crest Real Estate, Inc. is an award-winning, full service real estate agency. They are an independently owned and operated franchise affiliate of Century 21 Real Estate LLC, the iconic brand and franchisor of the world’s largest residential real estate sales organization, comprised of 10,000 franchised broker offices in 83 countries and territories worldwide with more than 125,000 independent sales professionals. The Century 21® System provides brand marks, marketing, communications and innovative technology solutions that help enable its franchisees and their independent agents to attract and engage prospects, nurture customers, and deliver a positive real estate transaction experience.

How to upgrade your home to accommodate modern living
Remodeling projects allow homeowners to put their personal stamps on a property. In addition to choosing a color and design scheme that fits a particular aesthetic, homeowners may want to outfit their homes with various features that can make them more accommodating to modern living. Homeowners can use these ideas as a springboard for remodeling projects designed to modernize their homes.
• Open floor plans: Open floor plans remain coveted characteristics of modern home architecture. An open layout enables occupants to feel like they are enjoying spaces together without having to be on top of one another. Since sightlines are not obstructed in open floor plans, homeowners can enjoy a cohesive design style across each level of the home.
• Eco-friendly features: Eco-friendly features modernize homes and may even earn homeowners rebates from the government. From positioning rooms to take advantage of natural sunlight to using environmentally responsible materials throughout a home, modern homes can function with a much smaller carbon footprint than older structures.
• Smart home technology: A smart home is equipped with appliances and other devices that can be controlled remotely, typically from a phone or computer connected to the internet. Investopedia notes that smart home technology offers homeowners convenience and cost savings. Smart home technology is available across a wide range of budgets, ranging from thousands of dollars for a complete home automation to roughly $100 for a small change like a smart thermostat.
• Accessibility features: A home that can grow with its residents is advantageous. When choosing renovations, features like slip-resistant flooring, stylish grab bars and low-threshold or barrier-free showers can enable homeowners to age in place more comfortably.
• Dual owner’s suites: Dual owner’s suites can be an asset for couples who choose to sleep separately. The Sleep Foundation says individuals choose to sleep in different rooms for a variety of reasons, notably reduced sleep interruptions and improved sleep quality. Plus, an extra bedroom can come in handy when one person is ill or in the event a partner snores. Rather than one person in the relationship getting the “lesser” space, certain homebuilders now offer plans for dual owner’s suites so both people get the features they

desire in a bedroom.
• Three-season room: Many homeowners aspire to bridge the gap between the indoors and outside. Three-season rooms help transition from the yard to the interior of a home, and offer a touch of nature without the bugs or unpleasant elements.
A number of home improvements can bring homes up to the standards of modern living.

Renovations that help sell homes
The adage “there’s a lid for every pot” suggests that, even in relation to the real estate market, there’s bound to be a buyer for every home on the market. Price is a significant variable in the minds of potential buyers, but there are additional factors that can affect the impression people get of a given home.
Certain home features can tip the scales in favor of sellers. In fact, various renovations can help sell homes more readily. And these renovations need not cost a fortune. Putting a home on the market can be stressful, but these renovations may help it sell fast.
• A fresh coat of paint: Although painting is relatively inexpensive and a job that some do-it-yourselfers can tackle, it’s not a task relished by many. Painting is messy, it takes time, and requires moving furniture. In fact, prepping a room for painting often is the toughest component of any painting job. But fresh coats of paint can create a strong first impression. Choose a neutral color and get painting. Jennie Norris, chairwoman for the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, says gray is a “safe” color that has been trending in recent years.
• Minor bathroom remodel: Remove dated wall coverings, replace fixtures, consider re-glazing or replacing an old tub, and swap old shower doors for fast fixes in a bathroom. If there’s more room in the budget, replacing a tub, tile surround, floor, toilet, sink, vanity, and fixtures can cost roughly $10,500, says HGTV. You’ll recoup an average of $10,700 at resale, making a minor bathroom remodel a potentially worthy investment.

• Redone kitchen: The kitchen tends to be the hub of a home. This room gets the most usage and attention of any space, and it’s a great place to focus your remodeling attention. The National Association of the Remodeling Industry estimates that homeowners can recover up to 52 percent of the cost of a kitchen upgrade upon selling a home. Buyers want a functional and updated kitchen. Trending features include drawer-style microwaves and dishwashers, commercial ranges, hidden outlets, and even wine refrigerators.
• Updated heating and cooling system: Better Homes and Gardens reports that homeowners may be able to recoup 85 percent of the cost of new HVAC systems when they sell their homes. Heating, cooling and ventilation components are vital to maintain. You don’t want buyers to be taken aback by an older system, and many millennial buyers are not willing to overlook old mechanical systems.
• Fresh landscaping: A home’s exterior is the first thing buyers will see. If they pull up to a home with eye-catching landscaping and outdoor areas that are attractive yet functional, they’re more likely to be intrigued. Often buyers will equate a home that features an impressive exterior with upkeep inside as well. The American Nursery Landscape Association says the average homeowner may spend $3,500 for landscaping.
Improving a home’s chances to sell quickly and at a higher price often comes down to making smart improvements that catch the eyes of buyers.

By Richard Mabey Jr.
This Be Thy Kindness, Never To Be Forgotten
y uncle, Peter Knothe, was one of the kindest individuals whom I have ever known. He and my father had a very close friendship. They loved and greatly respected each other. Uncle Pete was more of a brother to Dad, than he was a brother-in-law. They both married daughters of Edmund and Lydia Kemmerer. They both had this very unique sense of humor.
When Dad was in the hospital, in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, Uncle Pete came out to visit Dad a lot. Dad was fighting pancreatic cancer. I remember, as we all would gather around Dad’s hospital bed, Uncle Pete would say a most thoughtful and reverent prayer. Uncle Pete had a meter, a style, a certain voice tone in his prayers that rang with earnest sincerity.
They were both World War II veterans. They understood the horrors of war that they had seen, first hand. They both knew, deep in their hearts, that there is no glory to war. They were both fiercely patriotic men. Interestingly enough, both of these good men returned home from the war, married and raised their family in their respective family homesteads.
My father went Home to be with the Lord in May of 2006. Uncle Pete did not miss a beat, in becoming the adopted father to my sister and I. A debt that I can only recognize and never repay.
Uncle Pete’s daughter, Linda (Knothe) Intili is a very artistic soul. Linda creates beautiful grave covers, which are sold at the family Christmas Tree stand every year. Every year, since the Christmas of 2006, Linda has created and
designed a most wonderful grave cover for Dad. And, never charged my sister and I for them. During the Christmas season, Uncle Pete and Aunt Alice would put that masterpiece grave cover onto Dad’s grave site.
On Veterans’ Day, Uncle Pete would place a flag next to Dad’s grave. One Easter season, Uncle Pete placed a plastic bunny rabbit and a lily flower in front of Dad’s headstone. Dad loved to chomp on the ears of a candy Easter Bunny. The humorous outlook between Dad and Uncle Pete had lived on, even after Dad went Home to be with the Lord.
Uncle Pete went Home to be with the Lord in April of 2018. He lived to be 96 years old. I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t think of dear old Uncle Pete. He was a very kind, giving man. Uncle Pete worked as a Finishing Carpenter, specializing in building bowling allies. He worked nights and weekends of the family farm. He served as a Volunteer Fire Fighter in Randolph for many years. For many years, he served as the Treasurer of the Jeptha Masonic Lodge in Rockaway. He was a long-term Deacon in his church. For many years, he served as a volunteer for the Deborah Heart and Lung Center in Browns Mills. He was a long-term member of the Randolph VFW and the Randolph Historical Society.
In light of all his many worthwhile accomplishments, I dearly remember Uncle Pete as the kind gentleman who honored my father, even after Dad passed away. There are no words. I so dearly miss my beloved uncle.
Love your family. Forgive, forgive, forgive and then forgive again. Burn all grudges. Tell your loved ones that you love them. For none of us have a guarantee that we will see

tomorrow’s rising sun.
Richard Mabey Jr. is a freelance writer. He has had two books published. He hosts a YouTube Channel titled, “Richard Mabey Presents.” He can be reached at richardmabeyjr@gmail.com.

Dear old Uncle Pete standing beside my Dad’s grave site.
Local Masters Swimmers Celebrate 21st Annual Awards Breakfast
Agroup of Masters Swimmers from Madison and the surrounding area have now had the privilege of swimming together for more than two decades at the Madison YMCA, the Madison Community Pool, the Summit YMCA and other close by locations. Traditionally, we track monthly swim yardage for the entire year on a user friendly web site (with support from our web site coordinator Barry Lass). Each of our 70 swimmers has a chance to see how they rank throughout the year in total yards within the group in a monthly newsletter.
As we do every year in January, the Masters Yardstick Swimmers gathered recently at our 21st Annual Awards Breakfast on January 4th- a combined live (at the Kemmerer Library in Harding Township) and online (via Zoom) event- with strong participation (30 in person and 10 on Zoom)! Planned by longtime swimmers Bob Nissen, Joe Donohue, and Richard Clew, with support from Bill Sullivan and Barbara Wattenbach, the multi-media slide show and event highlighted activities of 2024 (aided by our group historian, Barbara Rushman) and brought us together in such a way that all active members could enjoy.
It began with a summary from a questionnaire on how various participants have progressed and achieved swimming goals throughout the year. We were also entertained with a Surprise Video Tape and Congratulations Message from Rowdy Gaines, 3 time Olympic Gold Medal Winner in Swimming. Rowdy had recently visited the Madison YMCA in the summer of 2024 to address the Madison Mariners Swim Team.
We then assessed our group swimming achievement

this year. Collectively, we swam 27.3 million yards in 2024, or 15,525 miles! Since 2004, our cumulative swimming efforts are amazing- logging 398 million yards- or more than 226,000 miles! That is equivalent to swimming “around the

world” more than 9 times! Our goal in 2025- to REACH THE MOON- which will now require only 12,500 more miles of swimming yards- well within our reach.

Local Masters Swimmers... cont. from page 28
Many of our swimmers enjoy participating in group workouts at the Walker D. Kirby Aquatics Center in its modern eight lane pool at the Madison YMCA! For further information on the pool and swim program, please contact the main desk at the Madison YMCA at 973-822-9622.
We moved on to the highlight of the event- our Annual Awards. Albie Ashbrook of Chatham, Lauren Webster-Garcia of Morris Township, and Susan Kirk of Califon were each named “Bold Performer of the Year”, for demonstrating improved performance, exceptional effort and a special commitment to the swimming program. The Team Competition was outstanding, with each of our two squads averaging more than 1 million yards every month. Ultimately, the Moonbound Masters (led by Captain Cindy Viola) bested the Moonstrokers (led by Captain Bill Sjovall).
Finally, our top two swimmers for 2024 were runner up Jennifer Bauman of Parsippany, and Yardstick Winner Jane Ikeda of Mendham, swimming 1,323,895 yards, or 752 miles! Jane was awarded the Doug Clark Championship Yardstick, named in memory of our former “Yardstick Swimmer”.
We all had a great time, and were so happy to connect with our swimming friends for the 21st annual celebration. And we will continue our monthly yard tracking in 2025, and are convinced that our program will grow in numbers! Adult swimmers of all levels from beginners to experts are welcome to the Masters programs. To learn more about our Yardstick Challenge, please contact Bob Nissen at bobnissen@gmail.com.

Main Street Antique Center

What Ever Happened to the Lenni Lenape?
By Henry M. Holden
Before there were paved highways in America, Native Americans created footpaths to connect villages and create hunting and trade avenues. One ancient trail stretched 200 miles from Port Jervis, New York, along the course of the Delaware River through the lower inlet and the Atlantic Ocean. The path united the clans and villages of the Lenni Lenape Native American nation that once governed the entire river watershed in today’s New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Early European colonists referred to this prehistoric pathway as the “Minsi Trail.”
The Indigenous populations of New Jersey were exposed to a foreign culture following the European settlement along the Hudson River by the Dutch, and the Delaware River by the Swedes. These people knew themselves as the Lenni Lenape which meant “original men” although this author has seen other translations in the eastern Algonquin language. They were cousins through the Delaware group, and had a strong alliance with the Iroquois Confederation in the western part of New Jersey.
The population of the Lenni Lenape when the first Europeans arrived in New Jersey was estimated to be about 2,000. But later, when the Tribe relinquished all claims in 1758 at the treaty of Easton, it was estimated that their numbers had been reduced to half the original number.
The Lenni Lenape was made subject to the Confederation whose warriors, degraded the Lenni Lenape warriors by calling them “women.”
Christopher Columbus mistakenly discovered the western hemisphere during his voyage to locate a Western Trade, route to India. He incorrectly called the Aboriginal people; Indians and the word became. a Pejorative for all native peoples. Like most tribes, Lenape communities were weakened by newly introduced diseases originating in Europe, such as smallpox but also cholera, influenza, dysentery, and recurrent violent racial conflict with Europeans.
Minsi Trail is prehistoric. Native American artifacts have been found along the rivers and streams. The local Lenni Lenape probably used the sheltered valleys to provide trail corridors for food resources.
In the northwest area of the preserve, just above where India and the Burnett Brooks join to become the North Branch of the Raritan River. According to Native American tradition, the Lenni Lenape (“Men among Men”) tribe traveled the trail from Delaware River headwaters in upstate New York to the saltwater river mouth for more than 10,000 years. The trail passes through the Delaware Water Gap where a 1,460-foot-high Mount Minsi is named for the Munsee (“people of the stony country”), the northerly group of the Lenape’s Wolf clan. The Munsee, perhaps because they lived so close to hostile Iroquois warriors in New York, were more war-like than the peaceful Turtle and Turkey clans to the south known as pacifists. The trail and its branches connected the clans and their villages with an estimated several thousand by 1600.
Lenape women and children performed more domestic-type jobs, while the Lenape men were responsible for hunting and fishing, tool making, and building shelters.
The Lenni Lenape people lived completely from what their environment provided. Women made rugs and mats on which to sit and made baskets for storing and carrying food. Clay pots were used for cooking while clamshells and gourds were used as serving bowls. Gathering and processing the area’s nuts, berries, and underground edible roots also fell to the Lenape women.
Lenape men were required to hunt deer, bear, and small game for meat. They also fished the local streams for trout, bass and, other fish. Men crafted the tools needed for hunting; bow and arrow were the most common tools for hunting land animals while fishhooks were made from animal bone. The fur from mammals served as clothing and bedding, and the feathers from large birds such as duck and geese provided down for insulation.
Both male and female tended to the agricultural needs of the village. Following the end of the frost, the Lenape would plant seeds that had been saved since the previous autumn’s harvest. Corn, beans, and squash were the typical cultivated foods.
Because there is no written record left by
What Ever Happened...
the Lenni Lenape, archaeologists and historians are needed to decipher the lifestyle of the native people. The only written descriptions of the Lenape come from European settlers.
Historian Charles Philhower identified and described the Lenape as three regional groups known as the Unami (south) nonelection (central) and the Minsi (north) which were distinguish by their respective turkey, turtle, and wolf tribal totems. Each clan was further divided into individual units living in villages.
Three Minsi villages were situated in Randolph Township near the intersection of Granny’s Brook (Dover) and the Morris Canal at Dover, near Shongum and near Mt. Freedom at Calais.
Three clans made up the Lenni Lenape nation: Wolf; Turtle, and Turkey. Often, the Lenape have been referred to as the “Delaware” because they lived along the Delaware River. The Wolf Clan occupied the land in what is now Monroe County (Pa). This Clan was referred to as the Munsee or Minsi, the name of their spoken dialect of the Algonquin language. Their area stretched northward along the Delaware River from the point where the Lehigh River meets the Delaware in what is now Easton, New Jersey. The members of the Wolf Clan were known as “People of the Stony Country”
The Turtle Clan occupied land south of the Lehigh-Delaware union, reaching into Philadelphia and were referred to as “People Down the River.” The Turkey Clan lived the furthest south, occupying current-day Wilmington, Delaware. They were called the “People Who Live Near the Ocean.” The three clans were all sects of the Algonquin Tribe and generally lived peacefully with each other. The Lenape, however, did conflict with other warring nations, including the Iroquois and the Cherokee.
They were considered savages, because they had no written language to record for posterity, the living moment. They also had little regard for sanitation.
They practiced a religion, unlike Christianity or Judaism that the settlers had never seen. Their religion promised a material existence after life more rewarding than the present and they sustained their lives through symbols, mysticism and superstition.
They survived by hunting deer and other flesh borne animals and fished, gathered berries, and cultivating vegetables.
The fact that Lenni Lenape lived in small clans influenced their culture and economic development. This close to nature, the group reinforced its customs, and living conditions and were intimidated by the Europeans.
A remarkable effort was required by everyone to gather food sources necessary for tribal survival from the natural abundance that surround them.
The Lenape kinship system had matrilineal clans. That is, children belong to their mother’s clan, from which they gain social status and identity.
The mother’s eldest brother was more significant as a mentor to the male children than was their father, who was generally of another clan. Hereditary leadership passed through the maternal line, and women elders could remove leaders of whom they disapproved.
Agricultural land was managed by women and allotted according to the subsistence needs of their extended families. Families were matrilocal; newlywed couples would live with the bride’s parents.
During the decades of the 18th century, most Lenape was pushed out of their homeland by expanding European colonies. Their disastrous situation was exacerbated by losses from intertribal conflicts.
The English “rewarded” the Lenni Lenape for their friendship and loyalty by requiring a treaty from the tribes, signed at Easton, in 1758. The treaty was another example of the white man taking advantage of the native population.
The treaty released all remaining land in New Jersey near the “drowned” lands along the Sussex County to the Board of Proprietors. Then most of the three tribes officially joined the Mohicans and moved into western Pennsylvania and then west to Indian territory and Wisconsin.
Those who remained in New Jersey were remanded to the first Indian reservation, at Brotherton, now known as Indian Hills. The reservation was established by friendly Quakers concerned with the welfare of the Minsi. In 1832, New Jersey State Legislature appropriated $2,000 as a final payment to the remaining Lenape for all rights to land in

Illustration courtesy of Herbert C. and John T. Kraft
This illustration shows a Lenape family inside their barkhouse. A fire for cooking and to provide warmth is burning in a pit in the center of the floor. Decorative mats on the walls offered some insulation. Smoke escaped through openings in the roof which could be covered in time of rain. Braided ears of corn and herbs were hung from the ceiling, and dried.
New Jersey.
In the 21st century, most Lenape now reside in Oklahoma, with some communities living also in Wisconsin, Ontario, and in their traditional homelands

Valentine's Day
By Richard Mabey Jr.
MWhat Is Mavacamten? And What Makes It So Controversial?
avacamten is a relatively new pharmaceutical prescription drug that is used to treat Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Its brand name is known as Camzyos. What makes this prescription drug so controversial, is basically its price. One month’s supply of 30 oral tablets, is priced at a little over $8,600.00. I can imagine Andy and Opie trying to figure out how much that comes to for a year’s supply. And, Barney shouts from the backroom of the Courthouse, “that comes to $93,200!” And then Andy’s eyes open widely, while Opie says, “wow, Pa! That’s a lot of money, ain’t it?” And then Andy shakes his head, up and down, and says to his little son, “yes, son, it sure is!”
To get a basic understanding of just how Mavacamten works, in helping to relieve the symptoms of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), we need to take a quick look at what causes HCM. HCM is caused by a genetic mutation, mostly of the MY-H7 Gene. Basically, one in 500 people have HCM.
I have HCM and I can tell you that it’s no Sunday picnic. I was first diagnosed about a year and a half ago. Sadly, in this past year, I have felt myself going downhill quite a bit. Even to walk around the block, which is about a quarter of a mile in length, I now get winded and sometimes experience severe chest pains. I have
done extensive research on this pharmaceutical prescription drug. I have talked to quite a few Cardiologists and Pharmacists about Mavacamten. Their common bond of seeing the drawback of Mavacamten, is that it is very expensive.
In this little article, it’s not my purpose to debate whether or not the high cost of Mavacamten is justified. I know that a lot of research money went into developing this prescription drug. My purpose, in writing this article, is to get the word out about Mavacamten. Presently, my Cardiologist is working on a way for me to be able to take this prescription tablet, at a more reasonable price.
The scientific explanation of what happens to the Left Ventricle of the heart in HCM, sounds like a conversation between Dr. Spock and Captain Kirk. Or better yet, like the four lads of “The Big Bang Theory” talking in their living room. So, here’s a basic outlook. HCM is a condition in which the heart muscle fibers become thickened. This results in the heart not being able to pump blood effectively. Essentially, the heart muscles harden and are not able to pump out blood effectively. HCM can also have a damaging effect upon the heart’s electrical system. Sudden death, from exertion, is not uncommon for people with HCM. Now, back to Mavacamten. This prescription drug targets the heart muscles, anatomically known at
Sarcomeres. Mavacamten inhibits the excessive production of Myosin. This is a protein that contracts muscles. So, in inhibiting Myosin production in the heart, the heart slows down, during its contraction stage.
I know this is a most basic outlook of how Mavacamten works. But, from everything that I have read and in talking to Cardiologists and Pharmacists, Mavacamten is generally preferred over Beta-Blockers. Again, it’s not my purpose to get into a debate over which prescription drug is more effective for HCM, but rather just to get the word out about Mavacamten.
I share this, with great respect. I was very surprised that my General Practitioner knew very little about Mavacamten, when I first started asking her about it. In defense of my Primary Doctor, she does see a lot of patients in a day’s time. And, I know that she really doesn’t have the time to read the dozen or so medical journals that she gets every month, from cover to cover.
Odds are that someone you know has HCM. They may be an acquaintance from work, a fellow member of your religious group, a neighbor, a relative, or an old friend. The bottom line about HCM is that there really is no complete cure. Yes, various pharmaceutical prescriptions can treat the symptoms. And yes, Pacemakers and Defibrillators can treat HCM symptoms. But the harsh, cold truth,

is that HCM is a progressive disease of the heart, that eventually hardens that heart’s muscles to the point where the patient gets a stroke or suddenly dies. Mavacamten may be the missing piece of puzzle, to provide outstanding help to someone with HCM.
Based upon all the heart tests and procedures that I have had endured, in the past year and a half, I’ve had four Cardiologists tell me that I will probably pass away in my sleep, relatively soon. One of my Cardiologists, told me that, based upon all the data from my heart procedures, that I have about two years to live. My present Cardiologist told me that my symptoms will worsen, relatively soon. He told me that if I
avoid strenuous activity, avoid caffeine, get eight hours of sleep each night, and eat very healthy, it could be another four or five years before my symptoms become overwhelmingly debilitating.
I know I am saved by Christ and that I am going to Heaven, so I don’t worry about it. But, I do want to get the word out about lesser known treatments for HCM. And, since Mavacamten is relatively new (it was approved by the FDA in April of 2022) I do want to get the word out about it. Life is not always fair. But no matter what is happening in your life, be it losing your job, or the loss of a dear loved one, or getting a bad medical report, please know this. God loves you,
more than you will ever know. And, a miracle may soon be knocking on your door.
Richard Mabey Jr. is a freelance writer. He has had two books published. He hosts a YouTube Channel titled, “Richard Mabey Presents.” He can be reached at richardmabeyjr@gmail.com.
The complex chemical formula for Mavacamten.
Programs at Butler Library
Please call the Butler Library at: 973-838-3262 to register for all programs. Google Forms may also be used to register for some programs. If you are no longer able to attend after you sign up for this program, please call the library and let us know.
Butler Public Library
1 Ace Road Butler, NJ 07405 973-838-3262
More information on our website: www.butlerlibrary.org
Follow us on Facebook: Butler Public Library
Follow us on Instagram: butlerlibrarynj
Friday Night Movies
One Friday each month at 7:00 pm
Join us once a month for a Friday Night Movie, showing Family-Friendly Films on our 70" Flat Screen TV.
In the Program Room at the Butler Library
Please call the Butler Library at: 973-838-3262 to sign up.
Friday, February 21, 2025 Despicable Me 4 (2024) PG 1 hour 34 minutes
Read a Story to Cory
For Beginner Readers
Every Monday from 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm
Ms. Kim Boon and her Shih Tzu Dog, Cory will help your child in learning how to read or to practice reading aloud. Cory is the best listener. Sign up for a 15 minute session by calling the Butler Library at: 973-838-3262. This program is free. Come join us at the Butler Library with Cory and Ms. Kim and practice reading aloud when you can read a story to Cory.
Story Time
Tuesdays at 10:30am
Now – March 25
For ages 3 – 5 yrs.
Register on Google Forms or visit the Library to sign up.
Story time offers 30-minute sessions with a story and other fun activities. Parents must remain in the Library. This free program is limited to 12 children. Registration is required on Google Forms. If you are no longer able to attend after you sign up for this program, please call the library and let us know. If you need help registering, please call the library at 973-838-3262.
Toddler Time
Thursdays at 10:30am
Now – March 27
For ages 2 – 3 yrs.
Register on Google Forms or visit the Library to sign up.
Toddler time offers a 30-minute session with a story and a small craft for children and caretakers. This free program is limited to 8 children and 8 caretakers. Butler residents only. Registration is required on Google Forms. If you are no longer able to attend after you sign up for this program, please call the library and let us know. If you need help registering, please call the library at 973-838-3262.

Home Town Life is 100% mailed to local residents and businesses
We offer local news, informative articles, community happenings and online advertising
No long term commitments, free artwork and personal marketing guidance
Servicing Morris, Passaic, Essex and Warren Counties
Lisa Buniewski
Marketing Sales Associate 973-851-2346 cell lisa@mylifepublications.com
Call, email or text Lisa for more information

S.T.E.A.M Diamond Dot Shamrock Project
Work together with a Caregiver
When: Saturday, March 15 time: 11:00 – 12:00pm
Ages: 7 – 14 yrs.
Register on Google Forms on our website
Adults Welcome, too
Learn how to use Diamond Dots to create your very own sparkly project. Caregivers and children can work together on one of the projects. This class is limited to 10 children and 10 caregivers. All supplies are provided by the library, so register on google forms and join in on the fun. If you are no longer able to attend after you sign up for this program, please call the library and let us know. If you need help registering, please call the library at 973838-3262.
Young Adult Program
Are you interested in volunteering at the Library? Do you need Community Service Hours? We are here to help. All you will need to do is call Ms. Arlene for more information.
High School Volunteers: Looking for volunteers to help with library activities. Call or visit Ms. Arlene or Ms. Lisa in the Library. Ask for a student volunteer worksheet and fill it out in order to keep track of your time and hours. Give it to Ms. Arlene or Ms. Lisa.

Adult Programs
Friday Night Movies
One Friday each month at 7:00 pm
Join us once a month for a Friday Night Movie, showing Family-Friendly Films on our 70" Flat Screen TV.
In the Program Room at the Butler Library
Friday, February 21, 2025 Despicable Me 4 (2024) PG 1 hour 34 minutes
Movie Afternoon the last Tuesday each month at 2:00 pm.Tuesday Afternoon Movies
On the last Tuesday of every month at 2:00 pm
In the Program Room at the Butler Library
Are you looking for something to do on a Tuesday afternoon? If so, join us once a month for a Tuesday matinee movie at 2:00 pm shown on our 70" Flat Screen TV at the Butler Public Library. All movies are appropriate for adult viewing. Please call the Butler Library at: 973-838-3262, to sign up.
Movies Dates:
February 25, 2025: Coup! (2024) Not Rated Run time: 1 hr 38 min
March 25, 2025: Let them Talk (2020) R Run Time: 1 hr 53 min
Crocheting Class with Janice For Beginners
The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of Every Month
Starting on: Tuesday, February 4, 2025
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Presented by Janice Poizzi, Volunteer
Join us at the Butler Library to make a crocheted scarf! Students will need at least two skeins of worsted weight yarn any color, and a size G crochet hook. This program is free of charge. Registration in advance is required by calling 973-838-3262, or stop by our Circulation Desk to sign up.
ESL Classes
When: Mondays beginning January 6, 2025 Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm No registration necessary The classes are designed for beginning and intermediate level speakers.
Love Songs Image for Program
The History of Love Songs on Zoom Wednesday, February 12, 2025
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Presented by Dan Lupo, Pianist and Presenter from Five Minute Mozart
The love song is ubiquitous in pop culture. From Frank Sinatra to Justin Bieber, Bette Midler to Taylor Swift, nearly everyone has contributed to the love song in one way or another. Take a look into the origin of some of your favorite love songs while we enjoy a performance of some of history’s best.
Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvde2gpj0qH9yB9AwiI84Rj3suni-KUPuw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


NJ REALTOR® Circle of Excellence 2006-2024
NJ REALTOR® Circle of Excellence Award 2006-2022
DOUBLE CENTURION® Award 2020, 2021
NJ REALTOR® Circle of Excellence Award 2006-2023
Masters Diamond Award 2023
President’s Producer and CENTURION® Award 2012-2022, 2024
Masters Diamond Award 2023
President’s Producer and CENTURION® Award 2012-2022
President’s Producer and CENTURION® Award 2012-2022
Quality Service Pinnacle Producer 2011-2023
Quality Service Pinnacle Producer 2011-2024
Quality Service Pinnacle Producer 2011-2022