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FROM FRONT PAGE garden. I have selected the Northern Red Oak for several symbolic reasons. The NRO happens to be the State tree, it is one of the strongest, most resilient, fast-growing trees. It is a deep-rooted tree to which it can endure all types of weather. It will provide privacy and comfort (shade) to those who are seeking a quiet moment. And simply, it will provide splendor to the overall landscape at the AVM. The tree I have selected stands at 12’ high.”

The rise of remote working has been a game changer within the workforce. This has also led to the realization from the workers’ standpoints that an improvement to their work-


Ira Goldberg, DDS, FAGD, DICOI

life,” says Nancy Paffendorf, recording secretary and Alumni Trustee of the Centenary University Alumni Association Executive Board. “She was an exceptional person.”

The Centenary alumni group sponsored, unveiled the tree and read the plaque in Murphy’s memory during her Honorable Service Ceremony.

“The Centenary University Alumni Association is honored to be part of this tribute to Colonel Jeanne Murphy’s always made a great wage or salary. Now those figures are even higher. It’s the quality of life that workers seek and demand.

NJ.com just published an article on May 21, 2023 entitled, “Can’t get a dental appointment? NJ dentists grow desperate as works quit in droves.”

Dr. Goldberg treats entire families, from toddlers to seniors. Services include dentures, cosmetics, and more! He and his staff enjoy the long-term relationships

Its an interesting read.

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