Mt olive news august 2016

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No. 2 Vol. 8

August 2016

Keturah Jumps To Fourth Place In The World At 2016 Olympics

By Cheryl Conway ugust was an exciting month for Mt. Olive as they got to support, cheer and witness greatness from one of their own. Keturah Orji, a 2014 graduate of Mt. Olive High School, came in fourth place in the triple jump for track and field during the finals of the 2016 Olympic Games held Sun. evening, Aug. 14, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She had qualified for the final round the day before, on Sat., Aug. 13. Although she was just short of earning a bronze

medal, Keturah broke the American National record for women in triple jump when she reached 14.71 meters during her first jump in the final round. Quite an accomplishment for the 20 year old, first time Olympian contestant. “So many people in town are proud of her,” says her mom Nicole Orji who got to accompany her daughter to Rio along with her husband Anthony, and their three other children, Linda, 29, Anthony Jr., 23, and Rachel, 15. Thanks to the community, an online go fund-me page

had been set up and raised $13,644 by 134 people in three months to help offset the travel costs for Keturah’s family to cheer her on in person during the Olympic games. They left on Tues., Aug. 9 and returned on Wed., Aug. 17. The top three 2016 Olympic finalists in the triple jump are World Champion Caterine Ibarguen of Colombia (15.17m), Yulimar Rojas of Venezuela (14.98m) and Olga Rypakova of Kazakhstan (14.74m). Keturah Orji of the United States registered a 14.71 mark finishing in fourth place. “She did really well,”


says her mom. “She had a really good jump,” surpassing her performance by well

over a meter from 13.30 last year to 14.71 at the Olympics. “She accom-

plished a great deal in her sport. We’re very happy for continued on page 4

Attention Mt. Olive ResidentsDon’t Miss Important Sept. 27 Vote

By John Jeffries n Tues., Sept. 27, the residents of Mt. Olive will be asked to go the polls and vote on two propositions related to full day kindergarten. The propositions are divided into two propositions on the ballot. Proposition one authorizes the district to build a 13 classroom addition at Sandshore Elementary School in Budd

Lake. Proposition two authorizes the school district to include in its annual budget the money, $808,000, to pay the extra teaching staff that will be needed. The question is a very important one. If passed, it will change kindergarten from half days to full days as well as incontinued on page 6

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