Mt olive news june 2016

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No. 2 Vol. 6


June 2016

Residents Invited To Drop Off Worn Or Torn Flags In New Mailboxes




By Cheryl Conway here are two new eye-catching mailboxes in town but they are not the typical mailbox for dropping in letters or bills. Residents now have a place to drop off torn or old flags to be properly deposited and disposed. One mailbox is located at Town Hall in Budd Lake and the other was just installed right before Memorial Day just adjacent to the All Veterans Memorial at Turkey Brook Park, also in Budd Lake. “The purpose of the boxes is to give the residents a place to bring old worn out flags,� explains Council President Joe Nicastro who came up with the idea a year ago. “There is a place at the All Veterans Memorial for properly burning the flag that will be done by the VFW or other organizations.� Nicastro proposed the idea last year to the township business administrator before the budget hearing and the council approved the project as part of the 2016 budget, he says. “My wife Mary and I were driving one day and we were out of town,� explains Nicastro. “We saw a mailbox decorated like the flag for a place to deposit old worn flags. I thought why don’t we have these in Mt. Olive? “As a resident of Mt Olive I have had three old flags that are worn out,� he continues. “I have them folded in my garage for at least eight years. I had no idea where to bring them. Now I do. I can drop them off in the Flag Depositories in town. I have heard similar stories from other residents when told of the boxes.�

The mailboxes were purchased online through a company. continued on page 6 '+*3'/5

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