Mt Olive Life November 2023

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M t . O l i v e’s H o m e t o w n N e w s p a p e r

MOUNT OLIVE LIFE Vo l . 1 8 • I s s u e 1 1

Novemb er 2023

Member of Mid-Atlantic Community Papers • Association of Community Publishers • Mt. Olive Chamber of Commerce AUDITED BY CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL (CVC), ST. LOUIS, MO.

Local Community Gathers To Pray For Peace In Israel


MOUNT OLIVE - There is no question for the despair felt globally and locally to the most recent attacks in Israel but rechanneling that distress into action may be the best approach. More than 50 people gathered at the Chabad Jewish Center of Mt. Olive on Thursday, October 12, for an Evening of Unity and Solidarity: Torah, Prayer and Charity. Adults and children from Mt. Olive, Roxbury, Long Valley, Chester, Hackettstown and other surrounding areas gathered at the Flanders synagogue for the 6:30 p.m. program. “Our hearts are broken by the horrific events that took place in our holy land,” says Rabbi Yaacov Shusterman of the Chabad Jewish Center of

Mt. Olive. In Israel in particular, “Our hearts wonder what will be, where do we go from here, how will this end?” Shusterman shares how this happened 50 years ago with the Yom Kippur War, also known as the October War or the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. “We suffered heavy losses there,” he says. A chief rabbi in Brooklyn asks, “What’s gonna be? One shouldn’t ask what’s gonna be,” but rather say “What’s going to be done?” As Shusterman puts it: “Despair vs. action. When we ask what will be, it’s an expression of weakness.” Whether a person is feeling despair or is afraid, “this shouldn’t stop us from taking

action and having positivity,” says Shusterman. Doing “mitzvas” or good deeds and “davening” or praying “makes a big difference. Every extra bit —this is the time to think of mitzvas.” Shusterman lists ways people can give back: Give charity to Israel, put on tefillin, hang a mezuzah outside a person’s dwelling and light Shabbat candles. “This is our weaponry,” says Shusterman. “Let us hope we will rise to the throne of Hashem [G-d], bring safety and security to our brothers and sisters, all of our soldiers, that Hashem shows us miracles.” Mt. Olive Twp. Mayor Rob Greenbaum also attended the program and shares his con-

cern. “There really isn’t much to say that is comforting from my perspective,” admits Greenbaum. “I live in the secular world not the religious world, although I appreciate and value my Jewish background.” In 1938, Greenbaum’s father came to the United States from Germany with a few of his relatives, “so I can harken back to Nazi, Germany.” Adds Greenbaum, in Mt. Olive “we have division and it’s unfortunate. We all can’t just get along. For 25 years I’ve served this township.” There is “nothing greater than bringing our community together. Seeing the horrific terrorism, I didn’t know what to say. I know in 15 years, we will

Memorial Fishing Derby Reels In Fun & Funds To Restore Pond


an organization donated to killing Jews. It’s unfortunate that Palestinians have to live with Hamas. They now have to stop Hamas. They want nothing PLEASE SEE PRAY FOR PEACE, PAGE 2

Voters To Return To Polls For School Bond Referendum Project


MOUNT OLIVE - Fond memories of fishing and donations to restore Maier’s Pond at Turkey Brook Park in Budd Lake were the biggest catches of the day on Sunday, October 15, at the first annual George Ottavinia Memorial Fishing Derby. About 38 children, along with their parents, participated to practice their fishing skills and try to catch the largest fish. Sponsored by the Mt. Olive Municipal Alliance Committee (MOMAC) with registration through Mt. Olive Recreation, the derby intends to be an annual event to help raise funds to restore the pond and to honor the life of George Ottavinia of Flanders, a beloved teacher, longtime Mt. Olive High School softball coach and umpire who died this past April at the age of 80. “My father enjoyed fishing very much” says his son Lt. Paul Ottavinia of the Mt. Olive Police Department who organized the event. “When we moved into Mt. Olive in 1978, and Maier’s Pond was on private property, we had permission to fish there. We did quite often, and I have great memories of fishing there as a child with my father.” Ottavinia established the derby as a way to honor his dad and help restore the pond. Two sessions were held for boys and girls ages 5-9 from 11

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a.m. to noon; and ages 10-14 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Participants were asked to bring their own fishing gear, bait and lures, as well as their parents to help guide them with fishing. “We will not be teaching anyone to fish, as we are requiring all kids to be accompanied by parents/adults,” says Ottavinia. “However, many of the people assisting are experienced fishermen and women, so we will do what we can to make it the best experience for all the children.” All were practicing “catch and release” during the derby and will also be encouraging “catch and release” in the future, stresses Ottavinia. In the pond are bass, perch and sunfish and prizes were given out. Benjamin Krouse, 13 of Blairstown, caught the largest fish of the day and won a fishing kayak gifted by the Pelican Shops in Morris Plains. He caught a 1.38-pound rainbow trout. Participants were asked to pre-register and pay $15, with all registration fees to be used to help fund projects to improve the pond for the future, says Ottavinia. “The derby is partly a way to raise awareness that we need to help restore the pond to what it once was,” he explains. “Wa-

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be back” whether that will be a shooting at a synagogue or at “gay and lesbian music halls.” Unfortunately, “people have hatred, politicians aren’t helping us at all. I’m looking for some silver lining. Hamas is

Paul Ottavinia with dad George Ottavinia.

ter chestnut plants, which are an invasive species of aquatic vegetation and are very bad for the ecosystem, have somehow gotten into the pond. We would like to try to get rid of them, but it can be costly. We also feel confident that the number of fish in the pond is not what it used to be, so the funds will also be used to stock fish as needed.” Pleased with the turnout, Ottavinia hopes it will increase in the future, like the number of fish in the pond. “It was good, we weren’t overwhelmed,” he says. “There were plenty of fish caught.” He had stocked the pond the week before with trout to make sure there was enough fish for the derby. Elizabeth Meninger, marketing director of Mt. Olive Recreation, reports that about $13K has been collected through donations and businesses to support the Maier Pond improvement project. The fishing derby raised $570 in registration fees, she adds. Funds will be used to restock fish, “To bring it to the level it used to be,” says Meninger. Donations will also be used to purchase an aerator to stir up the water to improve

oxygen for the fish. “These funds will go a long way to create an outstanding fishing spot that will enhance the park and improve the derby going forward,” as stated on the Mt. Olive Recreation Facebook page. This is a three-to-five-year project, explains Ottavinia, “to get Maier’s Pond to the place we want to get it to, which is really a fantastic fishing spot.” “It really brought great memories, nostalgia,” says Ottavinia of times he spent there with his dad. “You can’t hear a car, can’t see a house.” The colorful leaves on the trees —“it’s so serene, peaceful down there. To see the kids come down there with their parents and other police officers, it was really a nice scene to see and wholesome community feel.” He also enjoyed seeing the older kids really taking an interest in the sport of fishing and seeing their enjoyment. They were serious about it, he says. They are getting the best gear, got out their rods and reels, “not just a bobber and a worm.” They’re probably watching shows and learning techniques. “Kids are already going

MOUNT OLIVE - Residents will be invited to the polls on Tuesday, December 12, not the North Pole, sillies, but the voting polls to say yes or no to infrastructure projects within the Mt. Olive School District. MOSD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Sumit Bangia made the announcement at the October 9 BOE meeting that the state approved aid for a $61.8 million bond referendum, with the state funding $11.5 million or 19% of project costs. Voters will be asked to consider two separate questions: One which includes updates and upgrades to spaces in the school district. And a second question which will bring expansion and modernization to athletic facilities. If both questions in the bond referendum are approved, the owner of a home assessed at the average value of $322,121 would see a tax impact of $328


Please come and Be Our Guest on Thanksgiving Day! We will be hosting a Traditional Thanksgiving Family Dinner for anyone who will be alone or any individual or family facing financial hardship on Thanksgiving Day at the Mt. Olive Senior Center starting at 1:00 p.m. Meal deliveries will also be available for drop off on November 22. MUST CALL TO RESERVE! Please call or text Mary Lalama at 973-768-1815 or email at to reserve your seat now. If anyone is interested in volunteering please contact Mary Lalama as well.


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per year, or under $28 per month. If only question one is approved, the average homeowner would see an increase in their taxes by about $273 per year, or $23 per month, Bangia explains. “Question one has to pass in order for number two to pass,” she specifies. Question two, meanwhile, on the ballot would bring the district $9 million in improvements offset by $438,000 in state aid, which is about 5% of the project costs. This equates to a tax increase for residents at $54 per year or about $5 per month for the average homeowner. “Question one on the ballot would bring the district $52.8 million in improvements offset by $11.1 million in state

Dr. Michael Lalama, DC

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