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American Media Group LLC 279 Troy Road Suite9-267 Rensselear, NY 12144 518-328-6757 www.americanmediagroupllc.com 4
Protect yourself from by Dr. Lynn Hickey, MD
s it gets colder, it is time to start thinking about keeping yourself health for the winter! Influenza, or “the flue” is spread by contact with infected individuals while they may be coughing, sneezing or simply by being in close proximity of infected individuals. Once infected, symptoms can begin abruptly with headache, fever, chills, muscle aches and general malaise. Other symptoms include cough and sore through. Some folks can develop much more sever symptoms, and yet others just have symptoms similar to the common cold. The illness often resolves itself in two to five days and most people start to feel better after one week. Unfortunately, influenza can lead to pneumonia in severe cases. In the United States, 36,000 people die annually from influenza. The influenza vaccine is a major public health measure to prevent influenza. It uses a part of inactivated virus derived from the influenza virus from the previous season. Generally, 50% to 80% protection is expected. The vaccine is updated every year, so an annual injection is recommended. It will not prevent “influenza-like” illness caused by other viruses. The protective antibodies will develop within two weeks after vaccination. It is best to receive the vaccine in October or November. Peak influenza season usually takes place in February, however it can occur anytime between November and May. Those at a higher risk should receive their vaccines earlier.
Who should receive the influenza vaccine?
Inactivated influenza vaccine can be given to people 6 months of age and older. It is recommended for people who are at risk of complications from influenza and for people who can spread influenza to those at high risk (including all household members): • People 65 years of age and older • Residents of long-term care facilities housing persons with chronic medical conditions. • People who have long-term health problems with: heart disease; lung disease; asthma; kidney disease; metabolic disease, such as diabetes, anemia and other blood disorders. • People with certain muscle or nerve disorders (such as seizure disorders or sever cerebral palsy) that can lead to breathing or swallowing problems •People with a weakened immune system due to: HIV/AIDS or other diseases affecting the immune system; long-term treatment with drugs such as steroids; cancer treatment with x-rays or drugs •People 6 months to 18 years of age on long term aspirin treatment (these people could develop Reye Syndrome if they got influenza) •Women who will be pregnant during influenza season 6
• All children 6-59 months of age and children 9 years of age receiving their first shot will get two doses, a month apart
People who can spread influenza to those at high risk:
• Household contacts and out-of-home caretakers of infants from 0-59 months of age. • Physicians, nurses, family members or anyone else in close contact with people at risk of serious influenza • Influenza vaccine is also recommended for adults 50-64 years of age and anyone else who wants to reduce their chance of getting influenza
A yearling influenza vaccination should be considered for:
• People who provide essential community services • People living in dormitories or under other crowded conditions, to prevent outbreaks • People at high risk of influenza complications who travel to the Southern hemisphere between April and September, or to the tropics or in organized tourist groups at any time.
This information is proved for you courtesy of Family Medical Care. Family Medical Care is located at 7 Culligan Drive in Scotia, NY. They can provide primary care for your entire family and are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Dr. Lynn Hickey is currently accepting new patients. Call today at 518-377-9444 and schedule appointments for your family’s influenza vaccine and annual physicals.
Accent on Skin
by Victor A. Schingo, Jr., M.D.
Our skin may not be the fabric of our life, but it is the fabric we live in. Our skin protects us from the dangers outside (e.g. Airborne toxins, UV rays) and with a little help can look and feel good into our senior years.
Protect it - we should!
The anti-aging revolution is upon us. As such, non-invasive techniques and skin care pharmacology to repair, preserve and enhance aging skin have grown explosively in recent years. These include topical agents such as Retin A, bleaching creams, vitamins C and E, exfoliates, and, of course, sunscreen. Chemical peels and lasers are the cornerstones for lessening facial veins, brown spots and unwanted lines. Skin fillers and Botox are also very important minimally invasive techniques to smooth the lines of facial aging. we were the first Plastic Surgery practice in the area to recognize the value of sophisticated skin care and provide a full time medical esthetician in our office. For over 15 years, our patients have had available aesthetic services to guide them through the maze of skin care options and tailor a customized plan for their skin rejuvenation. Non-invasive techniques ad described above serve to enhance the multitude of surgical procedures available for facial rejuvenation. The goal of surgical facial rejuvenation should always be to create a balanced, harmonious, natural look for our patients. 12
When planning cosmetic surgery for patients, we are guided by our understanding of artistic concepts of facial beauty as well as what the industry standard dictates. In analyzing patients for surgical facial rejuvenation, we divide the face into upper, middle and lower thirds. Patients with upper facial aging often have a tired, concerned or angry appearance. This occurs due to descent of brown skin and redundancy of the eyelids. Typically a minimally invasive endoscopic Browlift in combination with upper eyelid surgery will create a relaxed, youthful appearance with imperceptible scars. Botox used at 3-6 month intervals will help maintain the benefits achieved by surgery. The middle third of the face usually includes the lower lids and cheeks. Often lower eyelid surgery (to remove skin and fat) with a volume enhancing midface lift can yield dramatic, natural results. For many years, plastic surgeons have overlooked the importance of midface (cheek) rejuvenation in establishing a truly balanced, harmonious restoration of facial youth. When 13
you smile your cheek elevates and this essentially mimics the effect of surgical midface lift. In our practice, we use a minimally invasive technique with hidden incisions to achieve midface rejuvenation and the result can be very dramatic! Finally, when patients come to our office asking for a “face lift”, what they are really asking for is a correction of the neck and jawline (jowls), which represents the lower third of the face. This region of the face is often the most troublesome for patients and is the primary motivation to seek cosmetic surgical consultation. The typical facelift tightens underlying muscles, re-suspends descended facial fat and removes unwanted lax skin, especially in the neck and jawline. Incisions are carefully hidden in the hair-
line and around the ears and are virtually invisible. a clean, well-defined jawline is the foundation for facial youthfulness. A word of caution- new products and techniques are becoming available on the market (e.g. “thread lifts”). They claim to yield similar results to traditional facial surgery, but with no scars, bruising, pain or downtime. If it sounds to good to be true... these products are new no one has any long term data to support their safety and effectiveness. Most plastic surgery literature suggests that results are short-lived (less than on year) and that unusual facial contours can result which are difficult to correct. Don’t fall victim to the marketing hype that surrounds new proceeders until they have adequately been tested. Buyer Beware! As a final work, we would invite you to join the anti-aging revolution either through non-invasive skin care or through artfully done time-honored traditional cosmetic facial surgery. If you do nothing else to improve your appearance, keep your skin clean and moisturized, avoid excessive sun exposure, stop smoking (better yet, never start) and then early on add exfoliates, antioxidants and sun-block to your basic regimen and you will keep the fabric of your life healthy for years.
Call Accent on Skin and Fox an Schingo Plastic Surgery and let us guide you out of skin care confusion and into the glow of youthfulness.
Fun, tasty ways to get fit in 2010 If you resolved to get healthier this year, you’ve probably started evaluating exercise programs and healthy foods to eat. But don’t forget to include fun and enjoyment in your resolution, because that is the best way to keep it going all year long.
•Try a new physical game or activity. Sign up with a team to play basketball or volleyball. Challenge a friend to a racquetball tournament. Or prepare yourself for a marathon. Whatever the event, make sure it is an activity you enjoy, and set a realistic goal to ensure you stay with the activity throughout the entire year. But most of all, see if you can’t have a friend or family member join you in your resolution so you can hold each other accountable. Courtesy of ARAcontent
Here are some suggestions to start your wellness resolution off on the right foot: •Incorporate your exercise program into activities you’re already doing. For example, if you drive to work every day, instead of parking as close to the door as you can, try parking a long distance away, or better yet, bike to work. Once at work, instead of e-mailing or calling a coworker to discuss something, get up and walk over to her desk and have an in-person conversation. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Dance to the radio while brushing your teeth at home - anything to increase the amount you are moving without changing your entire routine.
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Is your body ready for summer? We can help - FAST! • We have the areas only Suddenly Slender mineral body wrap that leaves you looking 6-20 inches slimmer in just one hour! As featured on the Rachael Ray show. • We have the only 8-minute total body workout machine - The R.O.M.! • We have a nutritional cleansing program that can help you drop 7-10 pounds (and inches) in as little as 2 weeks.
•If you already cook, go online, purchase a new cookbook or sign up for a cooking class and find some new healthy recipes. If you don’t cook, consider learning how. You can challenge yourself to learn one new recipe every week, or turn your learning into a social event by inviting friends over for one of your meals. •Relax with a cup of tea. Natural tea can help you reduce body fat and increase your metabolism rate. Studies have shown that Oolong tea leaves contain rich amino acids and cellulose, which lowers cholesterol and boosts metabolism. Green tea leaves contain vitamins C and E, as well as high fiber. And black tea leaves help with digestion. Having a cup of hot tea - without sugar or cream - after each meal will help you to slowly dissolve fat in your body. Look for premium tea leaves through Teawan, (www.Teawan.com) quality tea and teaware products from Taiwan.
To brew Kung-Fu Tea, follow these steps: 1. Use purified water. Heat it to between 180 and 200 degrees. 2. Swish some of the heated water through the teapot and discard. 3. Place 1 to 2 teaspoons of tea leaves in the tea pot. 4. Pour heated water into the tea pot and swirl two to three times in a horizontal circular motion to rinse the leaves of shreds. Pour the water out into a pitcher immediately. 5. Rinse all the tea cups with the remaining heated rinsing water. 6. Brew the first pot of tea by filling the pot entirely to the lid. Steep the leaves between 40 seconds to a minute. Strain the leaves using a filter and pitcher. Enjoy your health tea.
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Compiled by the American Meditation Institute, Averill Park, New York • www.americanmeditation.org
Building a Bigger Brain
Meditation can build a bigger brain. That’s the finding from a group of researchers at UCLA who used high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to scan the brains of people who meditate. According to a new study in the NeuroImage journal claims that certain regions in the brains of long-term meditators were larger than in a similar control group. Specifically, people who meditated regularly showed significantly more brain activity in those regions of the brain known for maintaining positive emotions.
Karan’s Gift of Yoga
Fashion designer Donna Karan recently donated $850, 000 to Beth Israel Medical Center for a yearlong experiment that combines traditional Eastern healing methods with modern cancer treatments. The New York Times reported that “The Karan-Beth Israel medical project will offer both meditation and hatha yoga as part of a comprehensive program to enhance regimens of chemotherapy and radiation.”
Ending Physician Burnout
New research led by Michael S. Krasner, M.D., associate professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center, indicates that meditation reduces physician burnout and facilitates enhanced patient care. Dr. Krasner notes that, “From the patient’s perspective, we hear all too often of dissatisfaction in the quality of presence from their physician. From the practitioner’s perspective, the opportunity for deeper connection is all too often missed in the stressful, complex, and chaotic reality of medical practice.” Dr. Krasner suggests that by meditating regularly physicians can communicate better with colleagues and patients “without judgment and with a sense of curiosity and adventure––all of which greatly reduces stress and burnout.”
Judy Collins on Meditation
In her latest book, The Seven T’s, singer Judy Collins writes about finding hope and healing through meditation after the devastating loss of her son to suicide. “A daily meditation practice comfortably fit into my life,” writes Ms. Collins. “It immediately allowed my whole body and my mind to be balanced, focused and calm. I’ve been meditating now for about 30 years, so it’s really become part of my life. For me, it provides an emotional stability that I really need.
Improving Longevity
According to a new seventeen year study conducted by the Transcendental Meditation organization, people who practice mantra-based meditation experienced a lower incidence of free radicals and longer lifespan than did those in the control group. Researchers concluded that a daily meditation practice not only keeps people alive longer but also makes them less susceptible to stress related conditions like high blood pressure, weight gain and memory loss.
MIND-BODY 101 What is Mind-Body Medicine? Mind-body medicine is an approach to healing that uses the power of thoughts and emotions to positively influence physical health. As Hippocrates wrote, “The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” Mind-body medicine focuses on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behavior, and on the powerful ways in which mental, emotional, social, and spiritual experience can directly affect health. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta acknowledge that 53% of illness is attributable to lifestyle choices. This suggests that the practice of mind-body medicine can be an immediately effective way to boost the immune system and reduce health care costs. Is Yoga Science a Mind-Body Medicine? Yes. In fact all modern mind-body medicine is based on the same holistic principles as Yoga Science. Yogic techniques include meditation, gentle yoga stretches, diaphragmatic breathing, mind function optimization and Ayurvedic nutrition. Yoga Science respects and enhances a person's capacity for self-knowledge and self-care. Yoga Science views illness as an opportunity for personal transformation, and health-care teachers as catalysts in this process. How Does Yoga Science Work? The key to any mindbody medicine is training the mind to focus without distraction. As individuals practice Yoga Science and skillfully apply the tools they learn, they will experience a state of focused, one-pointed concentration that enables them to choose positive changes for their health. Researchers have found that stress hormones are associated with particular unhealthy emotions. For instance, stress related to hostility and anxiety can result in disruptions in heart and immune function. Similarly, depression and distress may diminish the body's natural capacity to heal. In contrast, emotional expression that encourages detachment, discrimination and skillful action helps stabilize and enhance the immune system. Certain emotions have been linked to disease. Hostile attitudes, for example, may increase your risk for coronary heart disease, obesity (particularly having excess fat around the waist), insulin resistance (which can lead to diabetes), and abnormal cholesterol (specifically, high triglycerides and low levels of high density lipoprotein or HDL––the good kind of cholesterol). Generally, research shows that
By Leonard Perlmutter
being stressed and not being able to handle negative emotions can result in serious medical consequences such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. How a person processes thoughts, desires and emotions also affects how long they may survive a chronic illness. The goal of mind-body techniques such as meditation, hatha yoga and diaphragmatic breathing is to reduce the stress response while activating the relaxation/healing response. When you feel relaxed, the levels of hormones related to stress are reduced and your immune system is more efficient. What Problems Can Mind-Body Medicine Help? Mind-body techniques are helpful for many conditions because they promote relaxation, improve coping skills, reduce tension and pain, and lessen the need for medication. Many mind-body techniques are used (along with medication when appropriate) to successfully treat anxiety, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, coronary heart disease, obesity, cancer (easing the pain and nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy), insomnia, diabetes, stomach and intestinal disorders [including indigestion (dyspepsia), irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, heartburn, and Crohn's disease], fibromyalgia, and menopausal symptoms. Leonard is a philosopher, educator and founder of the American Meditation Institute (americanmeditation.org).
A Comprehensive Manual for
Holistic Mind-Body Medicine By Leonard Perlmutter
Winner of 6 Major Book Awards Eric Hoffer Award, ForeWord Magazine Award, 2 Benjamin Franklins Awards, Nautilus Book Award, Independent Publisher Award
AMERICAN MEDITATION INSTITUTE Classes: DEC 2009 –– MAR 2010 • www.americanmeditation.org
A MI MEDITATION: THE HEART & SCIENCE OF YOGA Accredited by the American Medical Association (AMA) for Physicians Leonard Perlmutter –– AMI Founder
LEVEL I: Our entry-level, six-week course presents a comprehensive training in the world’s most effective holistic mind-body medicine. You’ll learn how to boost your immune system, put an end to stress and enhance your ability to express your life’s true purpose. Excellent for firsttime or experienced meditators, physicians, nurses and therapists. Course components include:
An educational body of knowledge for health and healing How to use the super-conscious mind for the best choices How to change and create new, healthier habits Understanding pain as an agent for healing The transformative power of sacrifice Increasing energy, will power & creativity The power of desire and attention Creative actions rather than reactionary responses Antidotes for worry, stress and depression
Systematic procedure for meditation How to diminish distractions Training one-pointed attention for creativity and nutrition Learning to use the mantra and the 1-minute meditation Using meditation skills throughout the day Building focus, fearlessness, and strength
TUESDAY NIGHTS, 6:30 - 9:00 PM, $400. DECEMBER 8 - JANUARY 12 (6 WEEKS) JANUARY 19 - MARCH 2 (6 WEEKS, NO CLASS JAN 26) MARCH 9 - APRIL 13 (6 WEEKS) PHYSICIAN ACCREDITATION (12 CMEs) The Albany Medical College designates this educational activity for a maximum of 12 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Albany Medical College is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. NURSING ACCREDITATION (12 Contact Hours) This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the New York State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
The meaning of prana (life force) How breathing irregularities foster dis-ease Diaphragmatic breathing for pulmonary health Complete (three-part) yogic breath
How the mind functions for optimal health The power of the present moment Building and healing relationships
Mary Holloway and Doreen Howe
Yoga stretches and exercises for: muscles, joints, glands and internal organs
Registration Includes: a Guided Meditation CD, a subscription to Transformation AMI’s bi-monthly journal of practical Yoga Science and lifetime support for your practice. Two required texts: The Heart and Science of Yoga, Art of Joyful Living,
Creating a therapeutic care plan for home and work Integrating spiritual beliefs Ayurveda and alkaline therapy
• Comprehensive Training in Mind-Body Medicine ADVANCED MIND-BODY HEALING Tantra’s Healing Energy With Breath & Guided Imagery Leonard Perlmutter LEVEL II: Learn how to employ the subtle energy healing of the mind and body. Each week you will be taught new skills that reduce the effects of stress, illness and physical exhaustion by purifying the mind and body. These advanced Tantric practices minimize tension, facilitate energy flow, calm and train the mind, awaken creativity, enhance memory and retard the disease process by boosting the body’s innate healing wisdom. SATURDAY MORNINGS, DEC 5 AND 12 10:00AM-12:00PM. Registration: $95. (2 weeks)
KITCHEN YOGA: FOOD AS MEDICINE Leonard and Jenness Perlmutter LEVEL I: Would you like to learn how to prepare healthy and delicious foods? At this allday workshop you will prepare and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, and you’ll benefit from the Perlmutters’ 33 years of research, experimentation and practice with nutrition, vegetarianism, Ayurveda, and alkaline and vitamin therapies. Menu preparation will respect your Ayurvedic body-type and dietary restrictions. SATURDAY, FEB 20 7:30AM - 5:30PM. Registration: $125.
The Perennial Psychology
This class is the ideal way to get acquainted with the AMI’s holistic mind-body medicine program. If you desire good health and freedom from everyday stress, you will learn the basics of how to unify the inherent power of body, mind and spirit.
LEVEL II: The Gita is a practical spiritual handbook for daily life. It enhances the understanding of all mind-body medicine.
THURSDAY NIGHT, 6:30 - 7:30PM, each class $15. DEC 17; JAN 14; FEB 18 OR MAR 18
MONDAY NIGHTS, 6:30 - 8:30 PM NOV 30-JAN 4; JAN 11-MAR 1; MAR 8-APR 19 $150
BALANCING THE CHAKRAS Leonard and Jenness Perlmutter LEVEL I: This course provides a detailed understanding of the anatomy and function of the seven major chakras. By learning to “balance” the chakras, you will increase your vitality, enhance your powers of concentration and rediscover your inner source of physical, emotional and spiritual well being. WEDNESDAY NIGHTS, 6:30 - 8:30PM MARCH 17 - 31 (3 weeks, $150)
Kathleen Fisk––Certified Yoga Instructor LEVEL I: For beginners and experienced students. Without difficulty or pain, you’ll learn the simple, therapeutic pleasures of relieving stiffness and stress, detoxifying the lymph system, toning the joints, stretching muscles and invigorating internal organs. MONDAY NIGHTS, 6:30 - 8:00PM NOV 9 - DEC 14; DEC 21 - JAN 25; FEB 1 - MAR 8 6 week course, $90. Drop ins welcome, $20.
YOGA SELF-THERAPY Leonard Perlmutter –– AMI Founder Int’l. Association of Yoga Therapists Based on Yoga psychology, Self-Therapy Counseling is a powerful tool in mind-body medicine. With over 32 years of practice, Leonard will teach you how to experience personal contentment, creativity and health. AMI HOME CENTER, By appointment. $125 /hr.
Leonard and Jenness Perlmutter
Directions to A MI 60 Garner Road, Averill Park • 674-8714 I-90 Exit #8 (Rt. 43 E). Take Rt. 43 for 4 1/2 miles. In W. Sand Lake, go right at light onto Rt. 150. Go 1 mile. Left on Cnty Rd #52/Sheer Rd (at stone wall). Go 1 mile on Sheer Rd and bear
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A Reel Seafood Diet How many of us genuinely follow through on our New Year’s resolutions? I have struggled with my weight and size for as long as I can remember. Last New Year’s I was a 290lb Chef and definitely not happy about it. It was on January 4, 2008 when the resolution to change my entire life started. I joined Gold’s gym again and firmly decided to change my lifestyle. I felt I needed a push to really lose the weight that had been plaguing me on and off my entire life. I changed my food consumption to include fish and seafood, worked out on a regular basis, and held steadfast on the idea of a thinner, healthier me. While working as a Chef for the past 16 years, my food decisions were usually in the form of fried, fatty and too much. I was in a food rut; I ate what was expedient, easy and gave me a sense of instant gratification. When I started the Gold’s Gym Transformation, it was a complete shock to my system. I began to eat a lean 2000 calorie-a-day diet, based heavily on fish and seafood, started an intensive cardio regimen and relentless weight training. I was determined and disciplined to do this everyday. I did this to my body and it was time to fix it! As a Chef I have the advantage of knowing the right things to eat and in what amount. Eating more seafood was a convenient and natural decision as I am the Executive Chef of The Reel Seafood Company. It is a known fact that heart health, weight control, illness prevention and overall body functioning are all affected by what we eat. Eating seafood is one way we can aid in improving our diet and overall health. 28
One Chef’s Story
Many studies about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids lay focus on fish as the primary source. Salmon, sardines, tuna and shellfish are rich in omega-3 fatty acid content, and I have begun to incorporate these into my diet. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that you eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids twice a week to reap specific health benefits. “We recommend eating fish (particularly fatty fish) at least two times a week. Fish is a good source of protein and doesn‘t have the high saturated fat that fatty meat products do. Fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)” (The American Heart Association). Within the polyunsaturated fat category, or essential fatty acids (EFAs), there are two important subclasses of fatty acids: omega-3s and omega-6s. Both are essential to an overall human health, but are not readily made by the human body and must be obtained from food. If one was to become deficient in EFAs, it could lead to dermatitis, the inability to fight simple infections and even infertility. Vegetable Oils are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, and most Americans unknowingly get plenty of them in their diet. Unfortunatly, the over consumption of omega-6 fatty acids can contribute to heart disease, depression and cancer, which is why the AHA recommends a diet that consists of a 3:1 diet of omega-6 to omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are primarily found in fish, shellfish, tofu, flax, nuts, canola
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and soybean oils, are generally lacking in our diets, given how abundant omega-6 is. Omega-3s appear to have a positive effect on heart rhythm and according to one recent study, may even reduce the incidence of the most common type of stroke. They also have the remarkable ability to reduce the negative impact of overly consumed omega-6 fatty acids. In fact, on the basis of the current research, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a qualified health claim for the use of dietary supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids, stating that they reduce the risk of heart disease. Another intriguing area of research on omega-3 fatty acids pertains to their role in brain and visual function, as some research suggests they may have a role in preventing macular degeneration which is a common form of blindness. Continuing research involves the role of omega-3 fatty acids and the immune system, and suggests a positive influence on rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, lupus, kidney disease and cancer as well as promising research at the National Institutes of Health on depression.
also loaded with minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium. I have taken all that I have learned, from my Gold’s Gym Challenge and extensive studies of healthy eating and incorporated them into the restaurant I currently run. For example, at Reel Seafood Co, I am certain to have at least thirteen varieties of fish, seven varieties of oysters and a plethora of shellfish. My menu changes every two weeks to add variety and stay current in culinary and dietary trends.
As a Chef, I am well aware that fish and shellfish are excellent sources of protein that are low in fat. A 3-ounce cooked serving of most fish and shellfish provides about 20 grams of protein, or about a third of the average daily recommended protein intake. The protein in fish is of high quality, containing an abundance of essential amino acids, and is very digestible for people of all ages. Seafood is also generally lower in fat and calories than beef, poultry or pork. Seafood is
Chef Luca Brunelle CEC Executive Chef Reel Seafood Company
My health journey is far from over. I want to lose another 25 pounds and reach my goal of 185 pounds. Having lost and gained so many times, this is the closest I’ve ever come to that goal. This experience has tested my life mentally, physically and emotionally and yet I wouldn’t change a thing. This was the hardest thing I have ever done. With the addition of seafood, proper diet and exercise I have a feeling of accomplishment, pride and determination that I’m becoming the man I feel like I should be and I know that nothing can stop me.
Smell your way to an energetic or calming ambiance. With household chores, family gatherings, school events and work activities, life can get a little hectic this time of year. So, when you actually have time at home, you either want to unwind and relax or use the free moments to bolster more energy and finish the day’s to-dos. “Scented candles, diffusers and sprays work very well to bring a calming, positive essence to a house, or to add a bit of energy to the air,” says Dr. Rachel Herz, a scent expert from Brown University and the author of “The Scent of Desire: Discovering Our Enigmatic Sense of Smell.” Here are some of her tips to keep your household energy levels on an even keel during the winter months: • Research has shown that orange scents reduce anxiety and increase calmness in stressful situations and increase positive mood overall. For a lift that can help you cope with holiday stress, try spritzing Febreze Air Effects in the Citrus & Light scent. • One way to help you resist extra sweets is by infusing the room with a lovely vanilla scent. Try lighting a Febreze Vanilla and Refresh candle after dinner or in the hours between festivities. (ARA) 32
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