NWS August 2011

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The New Woodend Star Circulation of 3190 throughout Woodend postal district, Newham, Hesket, Ashbourne, North Woodend, Hanging Rock, Carlsruhe, Cobaw.

An initiative of the Rotary Club of Woodend August 2011

A Monthly Community Periodical

Piano recital to benefit St Mary’s Hall fund

On Sunday 7th August, St. Mary’s Woodend is hosting a Piano Recital featuring renowned pianist Douglas Guarneri who is based in London and Paris. The concert is in aid of St. Mary’s Woodend Church Hall Replacement Fund and will be held at Braemar College in the Jackson Room from 2.30pm to 3.30pm followed by afternoon tea. The programme will include works selected from: Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Debussy, Rachmaninov, Scriabine, Prokoffiev, Villa-Lobos, Grieg, Shostakovich, and Guarneri. Douglas will also present the Australian debut his latest composition: “The Tyranny of Distance” Tickets are $75 per person and are available from Collier Office & Business Assist, Shop 5, 130 High Street Woodend, payable by Cash or Cheque made out to Anglican Parish of Woodend or by Bank Transfer: Bank: Commonwealth; Branch: Woodend; A/C Name: Anglican Parish of Woodend; BSB: 063 806; A/C No: 1002 4322. Please include your name as reference. Tickets can be picked up at the venue on the day. For sale will be Jewellery by Leonie McLaren, Handcrafts, homemade jams and chutneys with all proceeds going to St. Mary’s Church, Woodend. Order Forms for Hanging Rock Wines, of which 30% of sales go to St. Mary’s Church, will be available. The parish hall was destroyed by fire in 2006, leaving the Church without a hall, and also leaving the parish and community without a favourite meeting place. Planning and permits for rebuilding are well underway so we urge you all to enjoy this truly world class event, and support the rebuilding fund at the same time. For more information phone Sylvia Mathews on 5410 8943 between 10am & 6pm.

Submitted by St Mary’s Church Guild

The New Woodend Star • August 2011

First Publication 1997

Volume Fifteen No 8

Back by popular demand The Victorian Welsh Choir

‘Singing in the Ranges’ The Cantorion Cymreig Victoria Welsh Choir has performed at the Royal Albert Hall in London, they have toured overseas several times, performed on both BBC and ABC radio … and now they are bringing their unique sound to perform in the Macedon Ranges.

This special performance of their Côr Bach, to support the Woodend CFA, will include a choir of wonderful voices singing in the beautiful environment of St Ambrose Church, which also features superb acoustics. The entertaining two hour show will include Welsh hymns, folk and traditional songs from around the world, spirituals, classical songs and opera choruses, and songs from ‘the Shows’, with informative introductions to each item. There will also be superb local support acts featuring Macedon Ranges’ choirs “Beata Lumina’ and ‘Women of Note’. For bookings or more information call Woodend CFA member Keith Beaman 5427 1463, and requests will be considered. St Ambrose Church, Templeton Street, Woodend Sunday 28th August at 2pm $30 per person (including light refreshments) $25 for pensioners and CFA members, Credit Cards Accepted (Visa or Mastercard) or cash at the door. A world class choir Formed in 1980, the Cantorion Cymreig Victoria Welsh Choir is a traditional Welsh male voice choir singing in fourpart harmony, with some of the repertoire sung in Welsh … ‘the language of heaven’. The members come from Melbourne and surrounding areas, as well as from Bendigo. They toured Wales in 1995, and again in 1999 when they became the first Australian Welsh male choir to compete in the Welsh National Eisteddfod. In 2004, they again made history by winning 3rd prize at Newport. You can find out more information about this wonderful group by visiting the website: www.vicwelsh.asn.au – the site also includes several songs performed by the choir. The show is proudly supported by Firebird Motors with proceeds to support the Woodend CFA. Submitted by Mike Dornau

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